November 2012 - Hyde Park Civic Association
November 2012 - Hyde Park Civic Association
President’s Letter I n the poem “Autumn Movement,” Carl Sandburg wrote: ““I cried over beautiful things knowing no beautiful thing lasts.” Take a moment to cherish your “beautiful things” this month. Hug your partner, pet your pets, and cherish family and friends. No beautiful thing lasts. Fortunately, no ugly thing lasts, either. I am sooooo looking forward to the end of election season. I had a grand time at National Night Out on Oct. 2 in Lamar Park and I hope you did, too. A few of Houston’s finest, including Officer Wayne Pate, visited with us, reminding us that the police-citizen partnership helps to keep Hyde Park safe. Kudos to Vice President Macy Bodenhamer for organizing our celebration, and thanks to Jim and Camille Bogel, Bill Curry, susan ellis, Janet nichols and Kathy schipper. Bill Curry helped hang the Christmas lights in the trees – and weren’t they pretty -- and Bill ellis took them down. I got a double bill of helping hands with those lights, which will serve double duty on our Christmas tree by the fountain. These organizations and people contributed food, drink, tables and more to make National Night Out a success: 1308 Cantina, the Acadian Bakery, Aladdin Mediterranean Cuisine, Capitol Beverage, Christy’s donuts, Grace Lutheran Church, the Hay Merchant, Kroger on Montrose, La Mexicana, Legacy Community Health services, nidda thai, niko niko’s, real estate Agent Mike spear, rivas, and rudyard’s British Pub. And an extra special thank you to Capitol Beverage because we left them off the “thank you” list printed in the last newsletter. I hope to see you next October for fun, food and fellowship in the park. The election is right around the corner (no, not that one). Hyde Park United will elect officers for 2013 at our general meeting Monday, Nov. 5, at Grace Lutheran Church. Our current board is running for re-election, so that should be pretty easy. We will also vote on moving our general meetings next year to the secluded upstairs meeting room at Rudyard’s on Waugh, which offered us the space at no charge. Some opposition to the move surfaced at our last meeting during general discussion. Come to the meeting and express your opinion by voting. We won’t be voting on proposed revisions to our Bylaws until January. The final review revealed a need to revise them even more thoroughly to eliminate inconsistencies and simplify the wording. Copies of the revised Bylaws will be available at our Annual Holiday Party Dec. 3 at Riva’s, plus online at our web site. We’ll vote on the revised Bylaws Jan. 7, 2013. If you buy your meal tickets for our Holiday Party at the November meeting, you’ll save $5. Meal tickets cost $10 in advance or $15 at the door, payable by cash, check or credit card. The day of our party, Dec. 3, is also my birthday, so you’re all invited to celebrate it and another successful year for Hyde Park United. Next Meetings Monday, nov. 5 – 7:15 p.m. Annual election of 2013 Officers, Vote on Meeting Location “Make Mary’s Matter” presentation ••• Annual Holiday Party Monday, dec. 3 – 6:00 p.m. rivas restaurant $10 in advance/$15 at the door Purchase tix at november meeting Or using PayPal at BOArd COntACts President George Sroka ViCe President Macy Bodenhamer seCretAry Janet Nichols treAsUrer Bill Curry OtHer COntACts deed restriCtiOns Shane Wilson deed MeMBersHiP Susan Ellis neWsLetter George Sroka, President, Hyde Park United Civic Beth Cunningham HPU Civic Association, PO Box 66422, Houston, tX 77266-6422 deadline for the december 2012 HPU newsletter is november 18. submit all materials and advertising inquiries to: neiGHBOrHOOd BLOCK CAPtAins Bomar Greg Jeu & Jim Hurst 281-541-6756 California / Westheimer Cecilia Kammer 281-777-9861 Commonwealth Liz Hudson 713-527-9852 Fairview (Montrose–Waugh) Beth Cunningham 713-557-2567 Fairview (Waugh–yupon) Peter Johnson 832-208-2918 Hyde Park / Hyde Park Apts. Linda Carter 713-524-2952 & Alex Aranda 713-533-9474 Hyde Park Crescent Susan Ellis 713-528-8289 Hyde Park townhomes Daniel Posada 713-454-7834 indiana / yupon Alice McCarthy 713-521-5807 Jackson Brandon Bartee 832-866-1426 Maryland Cathy Hanchett 713.542.4921 Michigan Tom Whitworth 713-523-8035 Missouri Jeanne Wallace 713-528-0834 Montrose Bill Pesota 713-527-8026 Peden Mike Lutomski 713-443-4380 Vermont Sharon Lord 713-522-9427 Waugh Sue Chin 713-522-3231 Welch Scott and Lina Rigrod 713-528-2791 Cliff Jones, 713-524-3055 West drew Mike McKann 713-526-6777 West Gray / Hazel Sherry Waddell 713-524-7655 Willard Camille Bogel 713-526-7625 yoakum/Van Buren Macy Bodenhamer 713-201-5810 Block captains: notify of any changes in contact information. 2 Holiday Party! Monday, Dec. 3 6:00 p.m. Rivas Restaurant Missouri @ Yoakum $10.00 in advance $15.00 at the door Purchase tix at the November meeting by cash, check or credit card or through PayPal at Holiday Party is for members of Hyde Park United Civic Association. New members may attend by paying 2013 membership dues at the party. HPU Board of Directors Candidates for 2013 elections to be held at General Meeting on november 5th E lections for officers to next year’s board of directors will be held on Monday, November 5 at our regularly scheduled 7:15pm association meeting at Grace Lutheran Church. Please plan to attend to cast your vote. Candidates are: President – GeOrGe srOKA George has served as president since May 2011 and is running for reelection in 2013. He also served as our newsletter editor during 2006–2008 and as president of the now-defunct Montrose Business Guild in 1994. George has lived and worked in Hyde Park for 29 years. In that time, he watched Hyde Park evolve into one of the most dynamic neighborhoods in Houston. He is the co-owner of Laser Ink, a toner supply and laser printer repair company now celebrating its 25th anniversary. In his spare time—of which he has little—he practices and teaches yoga. He is grateful to share his life with his partner, David, and their color-coordinated gray cats, Jenny the “love puss” and Joey the “stoner dude.” ViCe President – MACy BOdenHAMer Macy has served as vice president since Important Trash News Changes to heavy trash/ tree waste pickup schedule H yde Park’s heavy trash collection day will change, but the month will not. Pickup will now take place the FIRST WEDNESDAy of the month. Tree waste will still be collected in odd-numbered months, and junk waste will still be collected in even-numbered months. Also, the collection schedules for other Solid Waste services, such as garbage and recycling, will not change. next tree waste pickup will be november 7; junk waste will be picked up december 3. For more information, visit http://www. solidwaste/. ■ May 2011 and is running for reelection. She served as secretary in 2009-2011, and as newsletter and co-editor in 20092010, and as yoakum Blvd. block captain since 2009. An 18-year Montrose resident, Macy has resided in Hyde Park for the past four years. She is a principal of Four22 Creative Marketing and Public Relations, serves on the board of the Museum of Cultural Arts Houston, and is a Class XXVII Leadership Houston graduate and former board member. Beyond her appreciation for our awesomely livable community, Macy is grateful for her wonderful neighbors. treAsUrer – BiLL CUrry Bill has served as treasurer since January 2012 and is running for reelection. He has lived in Houston since 2008 and lived in Hyde Park since 2010. He works for an oil company and enjoys cooking in his spare time. seCretAry – JAnet niCHOLs Janet has been a Hyde Park area resident since 1993, and is glad to be be getting more actively involved with HPU since her recent retirement from her massage therapy business. She is looking forward to serving as HPU Secretary. MeMBersHiP CHAir – sUsAn eLLis Susan has accepted reappointment to her position, which is not an elected position. Susan moved to Hyde Park in 2001. She was the Public Relations Chairperson for the Houston Poetry Fest for a number of years before a five year overseas assignment took her to Paris, France and Aberdeen, Scotland. Since her return, she has been volunteering at the Houston Area Women’s Center on the Rape Crisis and Domestic Violence Hotlines. She is also on their Volunteer Resource and Volunteer Redesign Committees. The election is open, so any other willing candidates may run by write-in vote. All members whose dues are current are eligible to vote. Descriptions of board positions can be found in the Hyde Park United Civic Association bylaws, posted here: http://hydeparkunited. org/?page_id=55 Hope to see many of you there! Submitted by Macy Bodenhamer, Vice President HPU Calendar & Announcements Hyde PArK United MeetinG And eVents sCHedULe: Nov. 5, General Meeting (1st Monday) Dec. 3, Holiday Party / General Meeting (1st Monday) Jan. 7, General Meeting (1st Monday) HPU Citizen PAtrOL rePOrt August 2012: No. of incidents reported to police: 0 No. of arrests: 0 No. of hours patrolled by car: 48.75 No. of hours on foot: 137.75 No. of trained citizen patrollers: 30 september 2012: No. of incidents reported to police: 0 No. of arrests: 0 No. of hours patrolled by car: 38 No. of hours on foot: 104.25 No. of trained citizen patrollers: 30 trAsH/reCyCLinG The City of Houston collects recyclables every other week on Monday, our regular garbage collection day. When our collection day falls on a Monday holiday like Veterans Day, garbage and recyclables are picked up the following day. Here are recycling pickup dates for the remainder of 2012 (Schedule A, dual-stream): nov. 13, 26 dec. 10, 24 For the next three months, the Heavy Trash schedule is: november 7 – tree Waste december 5 – Junk Waste neWsLetter deAdLine Deadline for the November 2012 newsletter is October 21. Submit materials and advertising inquiries to: 3 Hyde Park United’s National Night Out • Oct. 3 in Lamar Park • Photos by Sara Fernandez See more images on the Hyde Park United Facebook page. 4 Grace Lutheran Church Annual Blessing of the Animals Saturday, October 20, 2012 Lamar Park A t Grace Lutheran, all people are welcome, and blessed by God. Once a year, we welcome animals of all kinds! In jest and in seriousness, Pastor Lura Groen agreed to bless dogs, cats, elephants, geckoes, imaginary puppies, sour dough starter, and chia pets. On October 20th, Grace members, friends, and neighbors gathered in Lamar Park with our animal companions. People brought dogs, one brave cat, a hamster, and pictures of animals unable to be present with us. We celebrated a brief worship service, praising God with all creation, renewing our promises to care for the Earth and all creatures on it, and then prayed for the pets with us and in our hearts. Each animal received a blessing from Pastor Lura, thanking God for them, their love for their human, and asking God’s protections upon them. Pastor Lura and Grace members enjoyed the beautiful weather in the park for another hour, offering blessings to animals and humans who passed by. Pastor Lura returned home covered in doggy kisses, and wondering who had truly blessed whom. Submitted by Pastor Lura Groen Photos by Sara Fernandez 5 Put Your Old Cell Phone to Good Use T he Houston Area Women’s Center helps individuals affected by domestic and sexual violence in their efforts to move their lives forward. We provide shelter, counseling and advocacy to support them in building lives free from the effects of violence. We seek social change to end domestic and sexual violence through community awareness and education. Our services are confidential and available to everyone. PArtnersHiP A n opportunity exists to recognize and remember a neighborhood icon that served as a cornerstone within the foundation of Houston’s GLBT community. Established during the freedom movements of the Sixties and Seventies, Mary’s Lounge quickly became the heartbeat within Montrose and greater Houston and recognized worldwide for a segment of society that was often shunned and disrespected. Mary’s represented exuberant celebration, dogged determination and heartbreaking humiliation for a community and a history that was unfolding before our eyes. An idea is being developed to respectfully acknowledge the existence of this iconic establishment through Public Art and Green Space. Garnering community and neighborhood support is at the core of the success for this proposal. The goal is to encourage new development within the area to consider our idea as a way to maintain a unique part of Montrose’s character, by preserving the past and informing the future. An informal presentation is scheduled for Monday, November 5 at 8:00 pm at Grace Lutheran Church, in conjunction with the Hyde Park United Civic Association meeting. ■ The Houston Area Women’s Center is one of Verizon Wireless partners in an effort to increase awareness of domestic violence and further prevention efforts. Together with the Houston Area Women’s Center, Verizon Wireless works to use technology to empower domestic violence victims and help change lives. HOW tO dOnAte Verizon encourages everyone who plans to give a phone to HopeLine to erase any personal data on the phone before donating it by erasing contacts from the address book, deleting call logs, erasing messages, removing stored photos, videos and other media. Donated phones are not tax-deductible. dOnAte in PersOn • Drop off phones at any Verizon Wireless Communications Store. To find a store, visit the online Store Locator at www. • Bring your phone directly to the Women’s Center. HAWC staff will package and send them directly to Verizon. dOnAte By MAiL • Print a postage-paid label at, adhere it to the box/envelope with the phone and mail. • Review all shipping instructions carefully and include a return address on the label. Houston Area Women’s Center 1010 Waugh Dr., Houston, TX 77019 713-528-6798 713-535-6363 FAX DOMESTIC VIOLENCE HOTLINE: 713-528-2121 SEXUAL VIOLENCE HOTLINE: 713-528-7273 6 Yard of the Month T he lovely garden at 1504 Hyde Park Blvd is the result of a need for a relaxing space for owner Neal Gordy. After a day in the downtown glass and concrete office environment where Neal works as the Director of Commercial Development at ExxonMobil Pipeline, he felt he needed some stress and optical relief. The yard is especially refreshing at night from 8:00 until 10:30 when the landscape lights are on. Originally from SE Iowa, Neal moved to Texas in 1975 and specifically Hyde Park in 1996. He relates to the bumper stickers that proclaim “Not a native, but got here as fast as I could.” He was less than pleased to see the destruction of the three story Victorian home in Hyde Park Crescent, but that’s a story for another time. Neal’s hobbies include golf, travel, and regional dining. Like many Montrosians, he and his friend Cathy consider Barnaby’s as their default location for comfort food. The experimental addition of goldfish to the pond may prove to be another hobby. The yard is carefully maintained by Vicente and Joe Valverde (Neal had to give credit where credit is due) Stop by, the first thing you’ll notice is the grotto-like feel of the front of the wall. Peek in the gate and you’ll see the water feature, roses and pathways that give the yard its Zen appeal. ■ Submitted by Susan Ellis 7 Positive Interaction Program (PIP) Monthly forum facilitates info exchange between HPd and neighborhoods T he Houston Police Department has had a Community Service Division since the seventies. When a group of citizens requested a presentation on a crime prevention topic, they would send one of their officers to the group and advise them what they could do to keep from becoming crime victims again. This is proactive policing. In 1982, the patrol division put forward the idea that citizens also need to know more about their police department before a crime occurs in their neighborhood. From this came the concept of the Positive Interaction Program, “PIP.” The Positive Interaction Program holds monthly meetings featuring speakers from different divisions (Burglary and Theft, Homicide, K-9, Helicopters, etc.), units, law enforcement agencies, or public assistance agencies. you may hear what a judge, district attorney, state prison warden, a county boot camp director, or a representative from a local, county or other nonprofit operation has to say about what they are doing to fight crime, help crime victims, or assist those who are at risk for entering a life of crime. The department was not sure how citizens would react to coming to a police station once a month for a presentation on a different division, so the PIP was started as a pilot project in one police station. It has proven to be an overwhelming success. PIP offers a chance to meet the officers that patrol your neighborhood and get to know them on a first name basis. you normally also hear from the Captain of your sub-station. Each month a different person is chosen to ride with a police officer on an actual tour of duty. At some meetings, you’ll get to hear from the “citizen-rookie” about his or her experience. I made this ride one night several months ago and found it informative, to say the least. Perhaps eyeopening would be a more apt adjective. Crime statistics are given out at the end 8 of each monthly meeting. There are seven categories of crimes listed, each including the date, time, block address, and type of location where the crime occurred. The PIP Crime Statistics are also available on the Internet at http://www.houstontx. gov/police/cs/stats2.htm. Before each formal meeting, an informal meeting is held (refreshments provided). you’ll have an opportunity to talk to other citizens who are attending, as well as officers from many beats around the district. The free flow of information and ideas helps build a better understanding of each other’s needs and expectations. This fosters trust and friendship between citizens and the police department that serves them. Cooperation between the Houston Police Department and the citizens is imperative in the reduction of crime and enhancing the overall quality of life in their neighborhoods. Find out more about PIP online at ■ Submitted by Rick Wannall Neighborhood Crime Report – September 2012 Activity Burglary Street/Block 1000 Welch Premises Date/Time Residence / House 9/19/2012 12 Rape 1000 Missouri Apartment 9/11/2012 22 Robbery 900 Westheimer Road / Street / Sidewalk 9/9/2012 15 1600 Van Buren Road / Street / Sidewalk 9/20/2012 22 900 Westheimer Bus Station 9/6/2012 05 1000 Fairview Residence / House 9/8/2012 10 1000 Peden Residence / House 9/17/2012 15 900 Westheimer Bar / Night Club Parking Lot 9/20/2012 21 900 Westheimer Bar / Night Club Parking Lot 9/24/2012 22 1000 Welch Driveway 8/19/2012 00 900 Westheimer Specialty Store (Non-Specific) 9/17/2012 21 1000 California Other / Unknown 9/28/2012 11 1000 Gray Clothing Store 9/18/2012 09 1000 Gray Clothing Store 9/23/2012 16 1000 Gray Commercial Building 9/18/2012 20 1000 Gray Grocery / Supermarket 9/27/2012 17 1000 Gray Strip Business Center Parking 9/12/2012 17 Lot 1000 Jackson --- 9/2/2012 20 1000 Nevada Road / Street / Sidewalk 9/28/2012 23 1600 Waugh Residence / House 9/15/2012 02 1600 Commonwealth Apartment 9/23/2012 04 1600 yupon Residence / House 9/8/2012 00 900 Westheimer Restaurant / Cafeteria Parking Lot 9/3/2012 13 Theft iMPOrtAnt nUMBers: 9-1-1 for emergencies Only HPd dispatch line 713-884-3131 to report suspected criminal activity 3-1-1 City Help & info Or We are proud to be a part of Hyde Park! Serving the food of Houston and delicious craft beer to our friends and neighbors! 1100 Westheimer Road • Houston, TX 77006 Underbelly: 713.528.9800 • Hay Merchant: 713.528.9005 • 9 Support Our Advertisers 10 MIKESPEAR.COM YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SPECIALIST Call Me if You are Planning to Buy or Sell Property in Our Neighborhood. Top Listing Agent & Most Transactions Closed 2010 & 2011 Call me for all of your real estate needs. Mike Spear 713.204.7653 Join the Hyde Park United Civic Association or renew your membership Fill out this Membership Form, check “New Member” or “Renewal,” then mail the application with your $30 check to: HYDE PARK UNITED CIVIC ASSN, PO BOX 66422, HOUSTON TX 77266-6422. Date: Lamar Park Check one: ❏ New Member ❏ Renewal $ ☞ for these local projects ☞ Enforcement Fund $30 $ Name: Address: Primary Telephone: Secondary Phone: Email Address: Interests/Concerns (check all that apply): ❏ Membership ❏ Lamar Park ❏ Social ❏ Newsletter ❏ Citizens on Patrol ❏ Block Captains ❏ National Night Out ❏ Other ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for joining, and helping us all build a “Sense of Community.” You can also join online using PayPal at 11 12
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