president`s message - Hyde Park Civic Association
APRIL 2010 A P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E H Y D E PA R K C I V I C A S S O C I AT I O N PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Allyson Wilkinson, President Arbor Day is April 30th. As I appreciate it, this day celebrates the simple idea of setting aside a special day for tree planting. In honor of this holiday and its increasing importance (after 135 years of observance), Hyde Park salutes the trees in our neighborhood. • Hyde Park enforces its deed restriction that “no healthy living tree greater than 7 inches in diameter may be destroyed by whatever means” and this enforcement has resulted in a retention of trees in the neighborhood. If you hear chain saws this spring, please contact • Lamar Park offers shade, a place to gather, and resource for your charitable donation. The Lamar Park committee maintains two ways to give. One is through your civic association (which is not tax deductible) and one is through the City of Houston Parks Board (which is tax deductible). If you would like more information on being a benefactor for a trees in Hyde Park, please contact treasurer@ • Plant a tree! The City of Houston has gifted Hyde Park with 42 hardwood trees in the following species: (6) Shumard red oak, (6) Texas Green Ash, (2) Retama (Jerusaleum Thorn), (8) Evergreen elm, (6) Mountain Laurel, (4) Redbud, (4) Red Maple, and (6) Mexican plum. The trees must be planted on the City right-of-way (e.g. that strip of green between the sidewalk and the street) and owners must agree in writing to water and feed the tree(s) for a minimum of two years. Past president, Kathy Schipper, has them at her home and can give you more information and make arrangements for viewing. Contact Kathy at kathleencanty@ Also, Kathy has graciously agreed to an evening pick up option — one night only — after the April general meeting on April 5th. Come join your neighbors to discuss neighborhood issues with an emphasis on trees and go home with a tree! Kathy says that these trees are HUGE! A truck is required for transport - and she does not have a truck. If you would like a tree but do not have transportation, please contact and we will do what we can to assist in getting these beauties to you! See you on April 5th! BOARD CONTACTS PRESIDENT Allyson Wilkinson VICE PRESIDENT Cynthia Greenwood SECRETARY Macy Bodenhamer TREASURER Carlos Fernandez OTHER CONTACTS DEED RESTRICTIONS Stephen Marchione MEMBERSHIP Alice McCarthy NEWSLETTER EDITOR Jill Ledgerwood NEWSLETTER CO-EDITOR Macy Bodenhamer W W W. H Y D E PA R K U N I T E D . O R G P. O . B O X 6 6 4 2 2 • H O U S T O N , T X 7 7 2 6 6 - 6 6 4 2 MARK YOUR CALENDAR H PU m eet s t he f ir st M o nd ay o f e ve ry m o nt h! ! ! ! Friday, April 2 Good Friday Sunday, April 4 Easter Sunday Monday, April 5 HPU Civic Association Meeting, 7:15pm at Grace Lutheran Church Monday, April 5 Recycling pick up Tuesday, April 13 Junk Waste pick up HPU MEMBERSHIP TRENDS Sunday, April 14 Deadline for May newsletter content. Email content to Monday, April 19 Recycling pick up Monday, April 22 Earth Day Monday, April 30 Arbor Day Monday, May 3 HPU Civic Association Meeting, 7:15pm at Grace Lutheran Church - Submitted by Carlos Fernández, Treasurer In last newsletter we presented you with some informational data about the composition of our new and renewing membership. In this month’s article, the second in this series, we briefly cover the membership by street. In the table above you can see how each street is represented in the membership roaster. This is ranked from the highest to the lowest. The top six ranked streets account for 60% of membership in the last 12 months. What street do you live in? Are you a member? If you are not currently a member yet, this is the time to become one: help us reach our goal! From the graph you can see that our year-to-date membership is at 49% of our 2010 goal. Just fill and mail with your payment along with one of the membership forms in this newsletter or log on to our web page and use Pay Pal to accomplish the same thing more conveniently. Next month we will cover an analysis of how long members have maintained their membership current. • MEETING MINUTES APRIL 2010 March 2010 • Submitted by Macy Bodenhamer, Secretary INTRODUCTION AND OFFICER REPORTS The March 2010 meeting of the Hyde Park United (HPU) Civic Association was held at Grace Lutheran Church on Monday, March 1. Hyde Park United Vice President Cynthia Greenwood began the meeting by introducing the board officers and positions. She asked for a motion to accept the February minutes that were published in the March 2010 newsletter. A motion was made, followed by a second, and the February minutes were approved as submitted by Macy Bodenhamer, secretary. NEW BUSINESS Hyde Park United Civic Association was honored to present residents with a moderated panel discussion with representatives of the Harris County Democratic, Republican, and Libertarian parties. Hyde Park includes not one, but two political precincts. Cynthia acted as moderator and introduced: • Rose Day, Harris County Democratic Party Precinct Chair, Precinct 38 • Jeff Daiell, Harris County Libertarian Party Executive Committee (and gubernatorial candidate) • Bill Galbraith, Harris County Democratic Party Precinct Chair, Precinct 37 • Kandace Heimer, Harris County Republican Party Precinct Chair, Precinct 38 Cynthia asked each chair to answer a panel of predetermined questions. The precinct chairs, all serving as volunteers in the positions, outlined the positions and races currently on the ballot. They explained their backgrounds and how they work together, and offered details on how and why residents should get involved at the precinct level. The chairs also explained the value to neighborhoods when residents take the time to get to know political candidates and understand their positions on key issues. After the moderation, residents had an opportunity to pose questions to specific chairs. A handout of the Court Structure of Texas was provided, explaining the alignment of the Supreme Court and Court of Criminal Appeals, the District Courts, County-Level Courts, and the Justice and Municipal Courts. Also in attendance was HPU resident Tammi Wallace, chief of staff for the office of State Representative Ellen Cohen, District 134. Tammi provided resource materials for voting and information from Cohen’s office. There was a motion to adjourn the March meeting, followed by a second. The motion carried and the meeting adjourned. PIP REPORT Neighborhood Crime Report • January 2010 March 2010 • Reported by Kathy Schipper The topic of the March meeting was Red Light Camera Enforcement Safety. This program uses state-of-the-art digital cameras and detection systems to reduce the number of red light runners and collisions at some of Houston’s most dangerous intersections. The goal is to change behavior that causes collisions, severe injury and death. Each intersection is equipped with a high resolution, high-speed digital camera. The camera is activated when a vehicle enters the intersection AFTER the traffic signal has turned red. The camera takes a series of two images to document the violation. The program operates 24-hours per day, seven days a week and operates in all weather conditions. The Houston Police Department reviews every violation before a Notice of Violation is issued to the registered owner of the vehicle. The Notice of Violation contains images of the violating vehicle before it enters the intersection, while it is in the intersection and of the license plate. Revenue generated by the program is split 50-50 between HPD Traffic Safety and the State of Texas Trauma Care Fund. Harris County’s Ben Taub Trauma Center received 4.75m last year. The violations are of a civil nature and are not reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety or to any insurance companies, but the fines must be paid to avoid collections proceedings and the entry of a civil judgment against the driver. Please report concerns or questions online to the 802 Westheimer Store Front using a email address: The Storefront will also use this address to send out e-mail messages and alerts regarding recent criminal activity. HPD again asked that people who want to report suspected criminal activity to contact the HPD Dispatch Line (713/884-3131). As a reminder, please report or fax to the Storefront, non-emergency complaints or problems utilizing the Central District One PIP “Citizen Complaint Form”, a copy of which is available on our website. Fax the form to HPD Storefront: (713) 284-8616 The purpose of PIP (Positive Interaction Program) is to facilitate an exchange of information between the Houston Police Department (HPD) and neighborhood residents, using monthly community meetings as a forum. Hyde Park United falls within the boundary of the Central Patrol/District One PIP Group and usually meets the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited (and encouraged) to attend the meetings, which are held at the Police Officers Union Bldg, 1602 State St. Go to for the next meeting date. (There is no April meeting). • IMPORTANT PHONE #s HPD Non-Emergency Dispatch 713-884-3131 Use to report suspicious criminal activity, noise violations, etc. HPD Westheimer Storefront 713-284-8618, email: centralpatrol1 District D City Council Representative Wanda Adams 832.393.3001 email: City Services Helpline 3-1-1 or (713) 837-0311 website: Call to report potholes, traffic light outages, illegal dumping, alarm permit questions, parking citations info, and much more. United Way 2-1-1 Helpline Social services like rent and shelter assistance, low-income tax preparation, food stamps, childcare, senior services, etc. Texas Wildlife Rehabilitation Coalition, Inc. HOTLINE: 713-468-8972 FAX: 713-468-8282 Wildlife Rehab & Education 713-861-WILD 7 days a week Except New Years Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. State Representative Ellen Cohen 713.627.0134 email: NOW SEEKING BEAUTIFUL YARDS: The HPU Beautification Committee requests nominated yards to feature each month. With Spring upon us, let us know you are proud of your lawn or your neighbors’ lawn. Send nominations to APRIL 2010 HPU WELCOMES TWO NEW B L O C K C A P TA I N S ! By Cynthia Greenwood Hyde Park United (HPU) Civic Association extends a warm welcome to our newest block captains! Mike McCann has volunteered to serve as block captain for West Drew, while Timothy Perez will volunteer to represent residents on Commonwealth. HPU is grateful to Alice McCarthy and Neal Boggiano, who held the position of block captain for many years. Alice served as the block captain for Indiana and West Drew for approximately 10 years. In January, Alice joined the HPU board as membership chair. Neal Boggiano, who passed away in February, served as the block captain of Commonwealth for about nine years. Block captains serve as the main point of contact between the HPU board of directors and the residents who live on their designated newsletter delivery routes. They are responsible for delivering the monthly HPU newsletter and keeping residents informed about civic association business. If you are interested in serving as a block captain the next time an opening arises, please e-mail or HPU Sponsors Block Captain Appreciation Dinner in April Since 2005 the Hyde Park United (HPU) Civic Association has sought to recognize its most loyal volunteers for their service to the Hyde Park neighborhood. On Tuesday, April 20, at 6:30 p.m. the association will sponsor a Block Captain Appreciation Dinner at El Tiempo 1308 Cantina restaurant, located at 1308 Montrose Boulevard. Please save the date!! All block captains and newsletter bundlers should have received an e-mail dinner invitation around mid-March, which included a request to respond. For further details about the menu for this year’s dinner, please look for a follow-up e-mail invitation and/or a phone call in early April. For more information, please contact Cynthia Greenwood at or call 713-527-8699. Submitted by Cynthia Greenwood CALLING ON LOCAL BUSINESSES! Place your business card sized ad in this newsletter to reach over a thousand households and support your community at the same time! · Yearly (12 issues): $150/year · Month-by-month: $20/month E-mail our Treasurer to get started! and Hyde Park United block captain (Welch). Resident of the Month Neighborhood Block Captains Bomar Dan Schnorr 832-455-7135 California / Westheimer Kathleen Schipper 713-522-2538 Commonwealth Timothy Perez 713-524-8026 Fairview / Van Buren Beth Cunningham 713-557-2567 Hyde Park / Hyde Park Apts. Linda Carter 713-524-2952 Name: Trevor Eade Street: Hyde Park Blvd. Occupation: Director, Marketing/Communications How long have you resided here? Almost four years Favorite activities: Travel, Dining out, Spending time with friends and neighbors, Active volunteer within Houston’s LGBT community (Board Director, Pride Houston, profiled member, Houston CVB’s myGayHouston, member of OutandEqual Houston, Chairman of Houston Astro’s – “Pride in the Park”) What do you like most about living in our neighborhood? I love the diversity and friendliness of our community. It is so eclectic and full of the most amazing boutique stores, bars, restaurants and local neighborhood parks, right in the heart of the city – anything goes in the part of Houston, and was recently recognized by the American Planning Association as one of the nation's great 10 neighborhoods. It is great that we can walk (and not always have to drive) to the various stores, bars, restaurants – which makes this area unique…and that reminds me somewhat of being back in the UK. If you would like to nominate yourself or a neighbor as a featured resident, please email Hyde Park Crescent Stephen Hill 281-658-6129 Hyde Park Townhomes Daniel Posada 713-454-7834 Indiana / Yupon Brigette Wignall 832-549-7669 Jackson Doug Prince 713-471-6816 Maryland Chris Lemus 713-528-1673 Michigan Tom Whitworth 713-523-8035 Missouri Jeanne Wallace 713-528-0834 Montrose Bill Pesota 713-527-8026 Peden Mike Lutomski 713-443-4380 Vermont Sharon Lord 713-522-9427 Waugh Sue Chin 713-522-3231 Welch Scott Whitley 713-545-1497 & Terri Higgs 713-524-8026 West Drew Mike McCann 713-526-6777 West Gray / Hazel Scott & Lina Rigrod 713-528-2791 Willard Camille Bogel 713-526-7625 Yoakum Macy Bodenhamer 713-521-4655 H Y D E PA R K N E I G H B O R H O O D Sanitation Schedule, April 2010 Garbage & Yard Trimming Collection: Every Monday (except holidays) Recycling: PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Our new recycling day is MONDAY. The following is the schedule for March, April, and May: April 5 April 19 May 3 May 17 May 31 June 14 Heavy Trash: Is picked up the 2nd Tuesday of every month, however months alternate between “Tree Waste” and “Junk Waste”: April 13- Junk Waste May 11- Tree Waste June 8- Junk Waste Please note- Your automated container and recycling bin should be at your curb by 7am and be removed by 10pm on your collection day. If it appears it may rain, do not put out your newspapers (they will be picked up but cannot be recycled). Glass is not accepted curbside. You may bring glass to the Westpark Consumer Recycling Center or to one of the drop off sites that accept glass- Sunbeam, Kirkpatrick or Lawndale and on Center St. @ Harvard past Washington Ave. If you do not have a recycle bin and would like to participate in the City’s recycling program, please call 3-11 to order one. If you are interested in looking at the city’s recycling schedule yourself, or need to know what materials are accepted for curbside recycling go to DON’T FORGET! HPU meets the first Monday of every month!!!! HYDE PARK CIVIC ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM Did you know that there are more than 1,100 households in our neighborhood, yet less than 20% are members of our civic association? Please help support your community by officiating your membership. The Hyde Park United Civic Association is a 501c(4) not-for-profit organization, and thus relies solely on donations, contributions and membership dues to fund its neighborhood and civic activities. Donations are not tax-deductible. Date: ______________ J New Member J Renewal Cost: $25 annually for residents and renters Additional donation(s) of _____________ for Lamar Park and ____________ for Neighborhood Protection Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________________ Bus. Phone: _____________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Community Interests/Concerns:_________________________________________________________________ One vote per membership. The bylaws of Hyde Park United define who can be a member. Your annual membership insures your voice will be heard in all matters concerning the area you have chosen to call home. Through our newsletter and monthly meeting, you can be part of this beau- tiful, historic and growing area. Thank you for joining and helping us build a “sense of community.” Mail with your check with completed form to: Hyde Park United • P.O. Box 66422 • Houston, TX 77266. You also can join online at or bring this form to the next meeting.
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