Town Planning and Urban Context Report


Town Planning and Urban Context Report
Town Planning and Urban
Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
On behalf of 2 Base Property P/L
David Lock Associates
August 2015
Proposed Residential Development at 240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville - View from Hyde Street
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
1.0 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
2.0 The Site ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
3.0 The Surrounding Area ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
4.0 The Proposal ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
5.0 Planning Policy Framework.................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.1 Zoning ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
5.2 Overlays .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
5.3 Plan Melbourne.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.4 State Planning Policy Framework .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
5.5 Local Planning Policy Framework ................................................................................................................................................................ 10
5.6 Particular Provisions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
5.7 General Provisions ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
6.0 Neighbourhood and Site Description .................................................................................................................................................................. 13
6.1 Local Characteristics .................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Neighbourhood Description ........................................................................................................................................................................ 13
6.3 Site Description ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
6.4 Opportunities and Constraints .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
7.0 Design Response .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
8.0 Planning Assessment ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
8.1 Strategic Planning Policy.............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
8.2 Land Use ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.3 Environmental Significance Overlay ........................................................................................................................................................... 18
8.4 Design and Built Form.................................................................................................................................................................................. 18
8.6 Traffic and Parking ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
9.0 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 21
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
1.0 Introduction
This report has been prepared by David Lock Associates (DLA) on
behalf of 2 Base Property P/L to accompany a town planning
permit application to the Maribyrnong City Council for
development of the land at 240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville.
The application seeks approval for the construction of nine
The report provides:
A description of the site and surrounding area.
A description of the proposal.
An outline of the relevant statutory planning framework.
A neighbourhood & site description and design response.
An assessment of the proposal against the relevant provisions
of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme.
Attachments include:
Appendix 1 – Clause 55 (ResCode) Assessment.
Appendix 2 – Good Design Standard Self Assessment
This report should be read in conjunction with the following
plans and reports:
Architectural Drawings prepared by E+MC2
Landscape Plan prepared by E+MC2
Traffic and Parking Report prepared by Zav Traffic
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
2.0 The Site
The subject site is located on the north-western corner of Hyde
and Kent Street, Yarraville. This section of Hyde Street comprises a
mix of commercial, light industrial and residential development
including larger scale commercial and recreational uses, single
storey detached dwellings and townhouses.
The site is regular in shape with a frontage to Hyde Street of 29.4m
and a frontage to Kent Street of 29.3m. The total area of the site is
859 square metres. The site is relatively flat will a slight fall from
north to south of approximately 300mm.
The site currently contains a car park. It is clear of vegetation and is
entirely bitumen sealed. Vehicular access is taken from two
existing crossovers to Kent Street.
Subject Site
Figure 1 – Site Locality
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
3.0 The Surrounding Area
The subject site is located approximately 6km west of the
Melbourne CBD.
The built form and land use character of the vicinity is varied, with
land uses comprising a mix of residential, offices, light industrial
and other commercial tenancies including a large recreational
facility and a food and drink premises.
The site is well located in terms of proximity to essential transport,
community and recreational services. The 409 bus route runs
along Hyde Street and provides a direct linkage to Yarraville train
station and Footscray Central Activities District (CAD).
The site is well serviced in terms of recreational facilities, with the
site being located within walking distance (less than 300m) of the
Keith Anderson Reserve and two large gyms. Additionally, in a
broader context, larger Parks such as Yarraville Gardens and the
Stony Creek trail are located in close proximity to the subject site
(600m north and 500m south, respectively).
To the south, the site faces Kent Street. Kent Street is a twoway local street with parallel parking along both sides. The
footpath occupies the entire width between the subject site
boundary and the road. There is one small street tree located
along Kent Street in front of the subject site.
Further south, on the opposite side of Kent Street, a large two
storey warehouse building has been renovated and converted
for use as a gym.
To the east, Hyde Street is a Category 2 Road which includes
separate bike lane in each direction and parallel parking on
both sides. There is a bus stop directly in front of the subject
site and on the opposite side of Hyde Street. An off-road
shared bike path also runs along Hyde Street.
Further east, on the opposite side of Hyde Street, land is used
for light industrial purposes and development is generally
double storey with parking and goods storage within front
setbacks. Other uses include offices and a food and drink
premises. There are also some remaining single storey
dwellings located within what is generally a
commercial/industrial precinct.
To the west, abutting the subject site, a traditional single
storey detached brick dwelling with tiled pitched roof is
located. This dwelling has a front setback of 3.96m and
secluded private open space located to the rear.
The site is well located for an increase in residential density, being:
A large underutilised site in close proximity to public
transport, shopping and recreation facilities.
Located on the Number 409 Bus Route, providing access to
both Yarraville and Footscray town centres.
Approximately 600m from Yarraville Gardens.
Approximately 1km to Yarraville Train Station.
The subject site abuts residential land uses to the north and east.
Commercial/industrial uses are located on the opposite side of
Hyde Street and a large gym is situated on the opposite side of
Kent Street to the south. In particular:
To the north, abutting the subject site, a single storey
detached weatherboard dwelling at 238 Hyde Street, with a
front setback of 3.8m. Vehicular access to the dwelling is
provided via a single concrete driveway located along the
eastern boundary of this property on to Hyde Street. Private
Open Space for the dwellings is located within the rear yard.
Further north, a double storey town house development has
been constructed.
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
Subject Site
Figure 2 – Site Locality
Subject Site
Figure 3 – Surrounding allotment pattern
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Photo 1 – 246 Hyde Street, south of the site
Photo 2 – 238 and 236 Hyde Street, north of the site
Photo 3 – 240-242 Hyde Street (Subject Site)
Photo 4 – 240-242 Hyde Street (Subject Site)
Photo 5 – 240-242 Hyde Street (Subject Site)
Photo 6 – 231 Hyde Street (nearby office building)
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Photo 7 – Opposite subject site
David Lock Associates
Photo 8 – 237-239 Hyde Street, opposite subject site
Photo 9 – Opposite subject site
Photo 10 – Shared path opposite subject site
Photo 11- 252-260 Hyde Street, south of the subject site
Photo 12 – View west up Kent Street
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
4.0 The Proposal
The proposal is illustrated in the architectural drawings prepared
by E+MC2.
residential context but used in a contemporary way that responds
to the surrounding commercial character to the east and south.
The proposal involves the construction of nine town houses at 240
– 242 Hyde Street, Yarraville.
Details of the proposed external buildings materials are provided in
the ‘Colour Scheme and Finishes’ prepared by E+MC2.
Each dwelling includes an open plan living area, kitchen, bedrooms,
bathrooms and private open space, including space accessed
directly from, and as an extension to, the internal living areas.
The layout and design of each dwelling has been carefully
considered to maximize its amenity, functionality and passive
sustainable design performance.
Vehicle access to the development will be provided via a 3m wide
crossover from Kent Street into a common accessway providing
access to each of the garages.
Bin storage and secure externally accessible storage for each
dwelling is provided within each garage.
The building wraps around the site in a ‘U’ shape formation to
maximise pedestrian access from the street and avoid the
presence of garages to the street.
The Built Form
The built form and massing have been carefully designed to
respond to the mixed character of surrounding uses and
development, whilst minimising off-site amenity impacts. The
design responds to its location on a transitional site, responding to
the industrial scale of development to the south and stepping
down to the residential development to the north. The building
uses articulation and high quality materials to create a high quality
contemporary residential development.
The building design responds to the strategic policy aspirations for
this area by contributing to an increase in residential density on
this large under-utilised site, with good access to public transport
existing local services, while responding to the off-site amenity
considerations of neighbouring development.
Further discussion of the built form and its response to the
surrounding context is provided at Section 6.0 of this report.
Materials and Finishes
A carefully selected palette of materials and finishes is proposed,
drawing reference from materials existing in the surrounding area.
The materials include vertical timber cladding in a natural finish,
natural white render, concrete, and brickwork in two different
shades. The materials are traditional and responsive to the
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
5.0 Planning Policy Framework
Subject Site
Subject Site
Figure 3: Zoning (General Residential Zone)
Figure 4: Development Contributions Plan Overlay
The subject site is located within the General Residential Zone
(GRZ). The purpose of the General Residential Zone is:
The subject site is affected by a Development Contributions
To implement the State Planning Policy Framework and the
Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal
Strategic Statement and local planning policies.
To encourage development that respects the neighbourhood
character of the area.
To implement neighbourhood character policy and adopted
neighbourhood character guidelines.
To provide a diversity of housing types and moderate housing
growth in locations offering good access to services and
To allow educational, recreational, religious, community and a
limited range of other non-residential uses to serve local
community needs in appropriate locations.
A permit is required pursuant to Clause 32.08-4 of the General
Residential Zone for the construction and extension of two or more
dwellings on a lot, dwellings on common property and residential
The purpose of the Development Contributions Plan Overlay is:
To implement the State Planning Policy Framework and the
Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal
Strategic Statement and local planning policies.
To identify areas which require the preparation of a
development contributions plan for the purpose of levying
contributions for the provision of works, services and facilities
before development can commence.
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Subject Site
Initiative 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 of Direction 2.2 4 seek to locate a
substantial proportion of new housing in or close locations that
offer good access to services and transport and employment areas.
Plan Melbourne (released in May, 2014) builds upon Melbourne @
5 Million and Melbourne 2030 and, amongst other things, sets out
revised population projections for Metropolitan Melbourne –
projecting a need for an additional 1.6 million households in the
next 40 years.
State Planning Policy Framework
A summary of the most relevant provisions of the SPPF are
provided below.
Figure 5: Environmental Significance Overlay
The subject site is affected by an Environment Significance Overlay.
Supply of Urban Land (Clause 11.02-1)
The purpose of the Environment Significance Overlay is:
This policy seeks to ensure a sufficient supply of residential land
through the consideration of urban consolidation potential in
existing areas. The policy encourages neighbourhood character
and landscape to be considered when planning for urban growth.
To implement the State Planning Policy Framework and the
Local Planning Policy Framework, including the Municipal
Strategic Statement and local planning policies.
To identify areas where the development of land may be
affected by environmental constraints. To ensure that
development is compatible with identified environmental
To ensure that development is compatible with identified
environmental values.
A permit is required to construct a building or carry out works
associated with the use of the land for accommodation.
Plan Melbourne
Plan Melbourne is the Metropolitan Strategy that planning
authorities must consider when assessing applications for planning
permits. The key directions that are of particular relevance to the
proposal are
Direction 2.1 – “Understand and plan for expected housing
Direction 2.2 – “Reduce the cost of living by increasing
housing supply near services and public transport.”
Direction 2.4 – “Facilitate the supply of affordable housing.”
Urban Design Principles (Clause 15.01-2)
The objective of this policy is to achieve architectural and urban
design outcomes that contribute positively to local urban character
and enhance the public realm while minimizing detrimental impact
on neighbouring properties.
Sustainable Development (Clause 15.02)
The objective of this policy is to encourage land use and
development that is consistent with the efficient use of energy and
the minimization of greenhouse gas emissions.
Location of Residential Development (Clause 16.01-2)
The objectives of this policy is to locate new housing in or close to
activity centres and employment corridors and at other strategic
redevelopment sites that offer good access to services and
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Transport (Clause 18)
Strategies seek, amongst other things, to ensure that an adequate
supply of car parking is appropriately designed and located to
protect the amenity of residential precincts from effects of road
congestion and on-street parking.
Local Planning Policy Framework
The MSS provides the strategic planning framework for the
Maribyrnong City Council. The most relevant Clauses to this
proposal are summarized below.
Council’s Vision (Clause 21.03)
Clause 21.03 sets out the vision for the Maribyrnong City Council:
“A diverse, vibrant, and proud city focused on people-based
places, environmentally sustainable practices, and
opportunities to enhance community health and wellbeing
through education, responsive services and participation in
community life”
Housing Growth (Clause 21.04-2)
This Clause outlines that the city’s population is growing and is
forecast to reach 104,000 by 2031, an increase of 30,800 from
2011. It is anticipated that about 14,000 - 16,000 new dwellings
will be needed to support this increase.
The key objective of this Clause is to “To accommodate between
14,000 and 16,000 additional households by 2031.”
Built Environment and Heritage (Clause 21.06)
Clause 21.06 outlines the changing pattern of land uses and
extensive development occurring in the city affords opportunities
to achieve high standards of urban design and architecture.
The key objective of this Clause in the context of this development
is “to encourage well designed residential development”. The
Clause aims to achieve this through the following strategies:
Encourage high quality design and development.
Encourage development that respects the heritage values and
identified character of neighbourhoods.
David Lock Associates
Encourage contemporary and innovative architecture to
establish a preferred neighbourhood character in new
residential areas.
Environmentally Sustainable Design (Clause 21.06-2)
Clause 21.06-2 outlines that development will need to meet new
design and development requirements, adopt new and emerging
technologies and achieve best practice. It reinforces that Council is
committed to encouraging best practice and improving the
sustainability of development. New developments will be
expected to incorporate water re-use technology and Water
Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD). Water conservation practices are
needed to manage water resources and reduce reliance on potable
water for non-drinking purposes.
The key objectives of this Clause are:
To provide sustainable building design.
To improve stormwater quality
To ensure that water resources are managed in a sustainable
David Lock Associates
Housing (Clause 21.07)
This Clause identifies that the subject site is located within an
incremental change area.
The objective of this Clause in relation to incremental change areas
To provide incremental opportunities for new residential
development in incremental change areas and incremental
change activity centres.
It aims to achieve this objective through:
Ensuring development has regard to and clearly responds to
preferred character statements and design guidelines for
specific neighbourhood character precincts.
Ensuring the siting and design of infill development respects
the scale, form and siting of surrounding development.
Encouraging residential development within incremental
change areas to predominantly comprise of low and medium
density housing in the form of separate and semi-detached
houses and in appropriate locations units, shop top dwellings
and low scale apartments.
Housing Diversity and Affordability (Clause 21.07-2)
Clause 21.07-2 describes that the increasing popularity of the area
and rising housing prices is reducing affordability and housing
opportunities for some lower and middle income households.
Increasing the supply and diversity of housing opportunities can
assist in meeting affordability objectives.
The key objectives of this Clause are:
To encourage a mix of housing
To encourage housing affordability
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
achieving the objectives of the State Planning Policy Framework,
particularly in relation to responding to neighbourhood character
and urban design principles.
The policy builds on the objectives of Clause 21.06 and 21.07 of the
Maribyrnong Municipal Strategic Statement by ensuring that new
development respects and enhances the preferred neighbourhood
character of the residential areas.
The policy implements the findings of the Maribyrnong
Neighbourhood Character Review (February 2010) which identifies
the key existing characteristics and preferred neighbourhood
character of Maribyrnong, defining residential precincts based on
the delineation of areas of similar character elements
The subject site is located within the INNER URBAN 1 PRECINCT
which outlines that the low-scale intimacy of the streetscapes and
the sense of history will be maintained and strengthened
throughout this precinct. Older dwellings, including those from the
Victorian, Edwardian and Interwar eras will be retained and
complemented by newer development that is distinguishable from
original building stock, but respectful of the key elements of these
styles. New, low-scale buildings with pitched roofs will incorporate
lightly-coloured timber and other non-masonry materials within
well-articulated facades. Where newer development exceeds the
predominant height in the street, upper levels will be recessed to
reduce their prominence. New buildings will be sited in accordance
with the predominant pattern of setbacks in the street, which may
include terraced housing or buildings abutting one side boundary.
The visual interaction between dwellings and streetscapes will be
maintained and strengthened by providing low, permeable front
fences and small front setbacks with space for shrubs and
flowering plants to soften the built form. Particularly intact areas,
including parts of Seddon and Yarraville directly south of the
Footscray Activity Centre and the area south-west of Yarraville
Station will continue to display consistency in characteristics such
as height, built form, siting and use of materials.
In addition to the MSS there are a number of local policies relevant
to the proposal as summarized below:
Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements (Clause 22.05)
This policy applies to development (including subdivision) in the
Residential 1 Zone/General Residential Zone. This policy assists in
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Particular Provisions
The particular provisions relevant to the proposal include:
Car Parking (Clause 52.06)
This Clause states that car parking is required at the following
Dwellings - 1 space for 1 and 2 bedroom dwellings. 2 spaces
for each 3 or more bedroom dwelling.
Visitor Spaces - 1 space per 5 dwellings.
A permit may be granted to reduce the number of car spaces
required by this Clause.
In this case, each dwelling is provided a single garage located at
ground floor level and accessed via a communal accessway. The
garages for Dwellings 5 and 6 each contain two car spaces within a
stacker arrangement.
The statutory requirement for the development is 12 car spaces
and 1 visitor car space.
Therefore, a permit is required for a reduction in the car parking
requirements of Clause 52.06 in relation to 1 resident space and 1
visitor space.
ResCode (Clause 55)
An assessment of the proposal against the provisions of ResCode
can be found at Appendix 1.
General Provisions
Decision Guidelines (Clause 65)
The purpose of this Clause is to establish a basis for the responsible
authority to decide whether the proposal will provide acceptable
outcomes in terms of the decision guidelines of this Clause.
David Lock Associates
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
6.0 Neighbourhood and Site Description
Local Characteristics
The key characteristic elements of the site and neighbourhood are
represented graphically in the following plans prepared by E+MC2,
Site Analysis Plan
Design Response Plan
Kent Street and a verandah across the front of the dwelling which
encroaches into the front setback. A crossover is located on Kent
Street along the common boundary with the subject site which
leads to a paved area used for vehicular parking and bin storage.
Private Open Space for the dwelling is located within the back yard
of the property adjacent the common boundary with the subject
This graphical information is supplemented by the following
description and photographs of the site and surrounds.
Neighbourhood Description
Built form in this location is highly varied including a mix of
detached dwellings from early settlement of the area, two storey
townhouses and 2 storey commercial and light industrial buildings.
Development to the north along Hyde Street and surrounding
streets is within the General Residential Zone and comprises
largely traditional Victorian and Edwardian hosing stock, however
is not protected by a heritage overlay.
On the opposite side of Hyde Street, land is zoned industrial 3 and
is developed accordingly with a variety of uses including
warehouses and showrooms, food and drink premises and
recreation facilities. A number of dwellings also remain
interspersed throughout the industrial precinct.
2A Kent Street, to the west of the site
Further west along the northern side of Kent Street the traditional
residential development continues.
To the south, a two storey warehouse has been converted for the
purpose of a gym. The building is built to the boundary along both
street frontages.
247 Hyde Street, east of the subject site
Abutting the subject site to the west is a single storey detached
dwelling at 2A Kent Street, with a varied setback of 3.965m from
246 Hyde Street, south of the site
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Site Description
Site shape, orientation and easements
The site is regular in shape with a frontage to Hyde Street of
29.41m, a depth along its northern boundary of 29.08m, a frontage
to Kent Street of 29.29m, and a width of 29.52m along the western
boundary. The total area of the site is 859 square metres. The site
is relatively flat will a slight fall from north to south of
approximately 300mm.
A drainage and sewerage easement runs east-west across the site
which will be removed at subdivision stage.
Building uses, locations and height of walls on boundaries
Surrounding land uses are varied. There are examples of
residential, commercial and industrial uses within this stretch of
Hyde Street. The location of adjoining dwellings, their wall heights
and window locations are identified on the site plan prepared by
E+MC2. Adjoining development includes a single storey dwelling at
238 Hyde Street and a single storey dwelling at 2A Kent Street.
David Lock Associates
A bus stop is located immediately in front of the subject site,
including a shelter on the boundary and associated signage.
Bluestone kerbing exists along Hyde Street.
An analysis of the site’s physical context together with the planning
policy aspirations of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme identifies
the following opportunities and constraints:
The site has excellent access to shops, services, public open
space and public transport.
The site can be considered an opportunity site to contribute
to housing growth given its size, corner location and proximity
to the public transport network and existing services.
There is opportunity to improve the safety of the area through
activation and passive surveillance.
There are a mix of land use types and building styles in the
immediate locality. There is an opportunity to develop the
site as an infill development which responds to the existing
character and therefore can accommodate a larger built form.
It is a transitional site on the corner of a residential area which
is currently under-utilised as a car park, a use which would not
be permitted in the General Residential Zone if not for the
existing use rights.
The site is located well outside of the planning advisory areas
for major hazard facilities.
Location of private open space and habitable room windows
Private Open Space (POS) and habitable room windows to
neighbouring dwellings are identified on the site plan submitted by
E+MC2. There are habitable room windows facing the site in close
proximity to the northern and western boundaries. Secluded open
space also abuts the site to the north and west.
Location of significant trees
There are no significant trees located on the site or immediately
surrounding the site on abutting allotments. There is currently one
small street tree located to the south of the site which will be
Views to and from the site
There are no views requiring protection surrounding the site.
Street frontage features and other notable characteristics
There is a power line running along both the Hyde Street and Kent
Street frontage. There is also stormwater infrastructure and
parking signage along both frontages (as detailed in the site plan).
Opportunities and Constraints
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
There are existing residential uses to the north and west of
the site. In particular, rear private open space areas of the
properties at the northern and western boundaries of the site.
Any new development on the site will need to respond to
these conditions.
Hyde Street is a relatively busy arterial road, this combined
with the industrial zoning along the opposite side has the
potential to impact the amenity of future residents.
There is existing street infrastructure directly adjoining the
site boundaries including electricity poles and bus shelter.
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
7.0 Design Response
The site’s physical context, the applicable planning policies and the
opportunities and constraints identified in Section 6.0 above have
informed the design response, which includes the following key
and high quality materials to contribute to improving the
character and amenity of Hyde Street.
Provide nine sensitively designed 3 storey townhouses which
respect the siting characteristics, scale, frontage width and
general character and materiality of development within the
surrounding area.
View of Development looking north-west up Hyde Street
Providing large balconies to soften corner elements,
particularly at the upper level.
Recess the upper level from the sensitive residential interface
to the north.
View of development looking south down Hyde Street
Confine and conceal car parking within the development to
avoid visible garages from both the street and adjoining
properties and also avoid multiple new crossovers.
Provide clearly identifiable pedestrian entrances to the
dwellings directly from both Hyde and Kent Street to improve
passive surveillance and perceived safety.
Provide dwellings to support and benefit from the many
amenities, shops and services associated with the nearby
Local Centres and Small Destination Centres and surrounds.
The design has been developed from careful analysis of its
urban context, responding to the surrounding built form
character to provide a transitional built form between the
commercial and industrial built form and residential dwellings.
Contribute to an increase in housing density, and diversity of
housing typology in an area predominantly made up of
detached dwellings.
Pursue a contemporary architectural expression that draws
reference from elements of surrounding commercial and
industrial development and adding further façade articulation
Response to Neighbourhood Character
The site is located at the eastern edge of the Inner Urban 1
Precinct and fronts a Category 2 Road. On the opposite side of the
street land is commercially or industrially zoned. The site itself is
currently a car park. The description of existing character is of lowscale, Victorian, Edwardian and interwar dwellings, which are
preferred to be retained. New development should clearly
distinguish itself from the original housing stock. There is clearly
some discretion to be applied in this instance, given the sites
corner location on the edge of the precinct.
The precinct extends across a large area, with no regard for
development along main roads or sites on the edge of the precinct.
The character along Hyde Street is distinctly different from that
found generally within the precinct. In particular, it has a less
consistent character, resulting from a wider range of uses and
forms. Nonetheless, the proposal is considered to respond to the
key elements of the surrounding neighbourhood character in a
contemporary way, which is generally consistent with the
provisions of the Inner Urban 1 Precinct.
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
8.0 Planning Assessment
An assessment of the proposal involves an analysis of the following
key matters:
The strategic support for the development, having regard to
the relevant State and Local Planning Policy Framework.
The built form and design having regard to the relevant
provisions of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme.
Amenity considerations, including the occupiers of adjoining
properties, the public realm and the future residents of the
Car parking and access arrangements.
An assessment of these matters is provided below.
Provides for an increase in density of 9 dwellings located
within proximity to transport and essential services located
along Hyde Street. (Clause 21.04)
Incorporates a high quality design that has been specifically
formulated to respond to the character of Hyde Street while
being sympathetic to surrounding residential interfaces to the
side and rear of the site. (Clause 21.06-1)
Incorporates contemporary and innovative architecture that
specifically responds to the sites location opposite the
commercial and industrial land along Hyde Street.
(Clause 21.06-1)
Proposes the use of quality materials and design elements
that create visual interest. This includes framing elements,
balconies, breaks in the built form and changes in materials.
(Clause 21.06-1)
Provides for high quality urban design that makes a positive
contribution to its setting, which respects the built form
character of the residential area and achieves excellent
internal amenity for future residents. (Clause 21.06-1)
The development is identified as being located within the
Inner Urban 1 Precinct as identified in Clause 22.05. This
precinct applies to a broad area of the municipality. This site is
located on the edge of the precinct and interfaces with
industrial and commercially zoned land, in addition to the
existing residential interfaces. As such, a different character
exists along this stretch of Hyde Street where a mix of
commercial, industrial and residential buildings are present.
The development seeks to unify the existing character by
infilling the existing gap in the street with a high quality, well
designed residential development. (Clause 21.06-1)
Increases housing choice within the City, enabling it to
accommodate a diverse range of people by providing wellproportioned two, three and four bedroom dwellings with
access to open space areas.
(Clauses 16.01-4, 21.07-1 & 21.07-2)
Strategic Planning Policy
Strategic support for the proposal is provided by the site’s location
within close proximity of existing day to day services, including the
offerings of Yarraville Village and Yarraville Gardens. Sustainable
transport modes are available including the no.409 bus which
stops directly in front of the subject site and provides direct access
to Yarraville Village, Yarraville Train Station and bus interchange
and the Footscray CAD.
There is clear policy support at State and Local levels for sensitive
residential development on larger sites, close to existing public
transport and amenities, including shops, recreation and essential
services. The strategic planning objectives of the Statutory
Planning Policy Framework encourages urban consolidation in
locations with these attributes. Further, the residential zoning of
the site clearly indicates a residential use would be preferred to
the existing car park.
Accordingly, the site is a clear candidate for an increase in
residential density. The site is an underutilised at grade car park
which provides an opportunity to complement and improve the
amenity of the area.
Municipal Strategic Statement
The proposed development responds positively to the Municipal
Strategic Statement of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme.
In particular, the proposal:
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
Maintains the distinctive character of Maribyrnong’s
residential areas and complements the character, scale,
appearance and amenity of the neighbourhood through the
respectful contemporary building form and design.
(Clauses 15, 21.06-1 & 21.07-1)
of Melbourne. Land within this overlay should not be developed
for any purpose that might compromise the long term protection
and expansion of port operations, infrastructure and associated
storage facilities. Buildings and works associated with
accommodation require a permit under this overlay.
Provides for residential development within close proximity to
essential transport services. The development is responsive
to the surrounding built form. In particular, the proposal
responds to the scale, form and siting of nearby development,
provides for landscaping within front and side setbacks and
will improve the building rhythm of the street.
(Clauses 16 & 21.07-1)
It is considered the proposal will not conflict with the operation of
the port or inflict unreasonable amenity impacts on future
occupants. The site is within an established residential area which
is consistent with the General Residential Zoning. The site is
located well outside the planning advisory areas for major hazard
A well-considered urban context analysis has been
undertaken and the proposed built form results directly from
this. (Clauses 15 & 21.07-1)
The location within an “incremental change area” provides
strategic support for the proposed development. The building
is responsive to the streetscape character in terms height,
massing, setback and building materials and provides a
sensitive and appropriate interface to the adjoining dwellings.
(Clause 21.07-1)
Provides for an alternative housing choice that is capable of
being serviced by reticulated services access to a
Neighbourhood Activity Centre and public transport networks.
(Clause 21.07-2)
Fronts a primary cycling route between the Melbourne CBD
and Williamstown, providing both a sustainable transport
option and recreational activity. (Clause 16 & 21.09)
Environmental Significance Overlay
The subject site is affected by the Environmental Significance
overlay – Schedule 1 (ESO1). The overlay manages potential
conflicts between land in the port environs and the adjoining Port
Design and Built Form
In addition to the strategic support in land use terms, the relevant
built form and design considerations relevant to the assessment
Built Environment and Heritage (Clause 15);
Built Environment and Heritage (Clause 21.06);
Housing (21.07);
Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements (Clause
A response to each of these follows.
Built Environment and Heritage (Clause 15 and 21.06)
The proposed development responds positively to the relevant
Objectives and Strategies of the Maribyrnong Planning Scheme by:
Promoting high quality urban design which makes the public
and private environment more liveable and attractive.
Improving safety through passive surveillance of the adjoining
Hyde Street and Kent Street.
Responding to its context in terms of siting, building height,
setbacks and landscaping. The proposal provides for nine
town houses that respect the surrounding residential
character within the General Residential Zone by reducing
scale towards residential interfaces and providing appropriate
spacing and perimeter landscaping.
Land Use
The use of the land for ‘dwellings’ is a Section 1 (no permit
required) use within the General Residential Zone. The residential
use of the land is consistent with the purpose of the zone.
Importantly, the site is well outside of the outer planning advisory
area for land use near a major hazard facility.
David Lock Associates
Promoting energy and resource efficiency and maximising
potential for increased residential density where it is well
located within proximity to existing services.
Maximising the northern orientation and providing a range of
Environmentally Sustainable Development techniques in the
design of the dwellings.
Preferred Neighbourhood Character Statements (Clause 22.05)
The site is located at the eastern edge of the Inner Urban 1
Precinct and fronts a Category 2 Road. On the opposite side of the
street land is commercially or industrially zoned. The site itself is
currently a car park. The description of existing character is of lowscale, Victorian, Edwardian and interwar dwellings, which are
preferred to be retained. New development should clearly
distinguish itself from the original housing stock. There is clearly
some discretion to be applied in this instance, given the sites
corner location on the edge of the precinct.
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
The location and size of the site encourages a higher density
of development than surrounding low scale residential
development. As such, the proposal provides 61.5% site
coverage and 22.2% permeability. Such a minor variation to
the Rescode standards are considered acceptable given the
site’s locality.
The internal living spaces are generously proportioned and
functional with direct access to the private open space areas.
The living spaces and private open space are orientated to
face north, ensuring these areas all have access to natural
light and reduce dependence on artificial heating and cooling.
The proposal has been designed to respect the privacy, and
maintain the daylight access to neighbouring properties
through the building setbacks from the boundary and the
careful location of windows and balconies.
The shadow analysis prepared by E+MC2 demonstrates the
proposal will result in minimal overshadowing at the equinox
for adjoining neighbours external to the development site.
Therefore, the proposal maintains solar access to
neighbouring properties’ private open space areas.
The precinct extends across a large area, with no regard for
development along main roads or sites on the edge of the precinct.
The character along Hyde Street is distinctly different from that
found generally within the precinct. In particular, it has a less
consistent character, resulting from a wider range of uses and
forms. Nonetheless, the proposal is considered to respond to the
key elements of the surrounding neighbourhood character in a
contemporary way, which is generally consistent with the
provisions of the Inner Urban 1 Precinct.
A traffic impact assessment has been undertaken by Zav
Consulting, which is submitted with the application. Their report
The development is subject to the requirements of Clause 55
(ResCode) of the Planning Scheme for the construction of two or
more dwellings on a lot.
A full assessment of the proposal against the relevant ResCode
provisions is undertaken at Appendix 1. The proposal meets all of
the Objectives of Clause 55 with regard to providing appropriate
levels of amenity to both the future residents of the site and the
occupants of the neighbouring dwellings. In summary:
The proposed design and scale of the development has been
sensitively designed to respond to the preferred built form
character of the neighbourhood.
Traffic and Parking
The applicant is seeking a reduction of 1 visitor and 1 resident
car parking space as required by the Planning Scheme. The
reduction is appropriate given:→
An adequate on-site parking provision has been made for
resident parking.
The site has access to public transport.
There is public parking available proximate to the site to
accommodate the short-term parking demands
generated by resident visitors.
Traffic generated by the site will have minimal impact on
existing proximate traffic conditions.
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
The site access, parking and circulation arrangements have
been designed appropriately for vehicular movements
throughout the development.
David Lock Associates
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
9.0 Conclusion
Having considered the above assessment, we conclude that the
proposal represents an appropriate development outcome for the
site. In particular:
The proposed development is consistent with the State
Planning Objectives for a more compact urban form and the
promotion of increased densities of residential development
in locations that provide access to a range of services,
transport, and amenities for residents.
The proposed development will sit comfortably in the existing
mixed built form context of this part of Hyde Street while
responding to the amenity considerations of existing
residential development adjoining.
The proposed design, including building setbacks, height and
massing, will ensure that the development will not
unreasonably impact upon the amenity of neighbouring
residential properties.
The proposed development provides a very high level of
amenity for future residents in terms of sunlight access,
ventilation, outlook and open space provision.
The proposal provides car and bicycle parking in accordance
with the demand analysis undertaken by Zav Traffic.
Overall, the proposal achieves a very high quality
development outcome for the site. It respects the existing
built form context while recognising and responding to the
transitional nature of the site and its context, contributing
positively to the desired future character for the area.
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
David Lock Associates
Appendix 1
Clause 55 (ResCode) Assessment
David Lock Associates
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Appendix 2
Good Design Standard Self Assessment
Town Planning and Urban Context Report
240-242 Hyde Street, Yarraville
Level 2/166 Albert Road
South Melbourne 3205
t: +61 3 9682 8568
David Lock Associates
ABN: 45 080 477 523
ACN: 080 477 523