PRESIDENT’S LETTER M y theme this month is taken from the song “Don’t Nobody Bring Me No Bad News” from “The Wiz,” the musical version of “The Wizard of Oz.” That song title mirrors my mood as I write this. The Supreme Court just struck down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and upheld a lower court decision reinstituting same sex marriage in California. The “friends of Dorothy” – and their many friends – have much to celebrate. I imagine this year’s Houston’s Annual LGBT Pride Festival on June 29 will hold a special place in the hearts of many. The party continues on July 4 with Freedom Over Texas in Eleanor Tinsley Park. Houston’s Official Fourth of July Celebration features live music, family activities and a fireworks extravaganza. For details, visit VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION On July 29, we celebrate the volunteers who make our civic association possible: the block captains who deliver our newsletters, Citizen Patrollers who help to keep us safe, and committee and board members who invest many hours working for the betterment of Hyde Park. You and your significant others are invited to “The Magic Of Hyde Park” on Monday, July 29, at Rudyard’s upstairs. If you volunteered this year, you’re welcome to share free food and drink while enjoying the magic of Shane Wilson, amateur magician and chair of our Deed Restrictions Committee. FOUNTAIN: DONATE ONLINE The Lamar Park Committee is getting ready to launch a major fund-raising campaign to renovate the dolphin fountain in Lamar Park. Committee Co-Chair Rodney Morris explained at the last meeting his plan to raise the estimated $150,000 to refurbish and preserve the 75-year-old (or more) fountain. Rodney is the kind of guy who can get ‘er done. You can email him at for details or to volunteer to help. Residents can make tax-deductible donations online to the fountain renovation project at Detailed instructions are featured on page 8 next to a photo of the fountain. CHAPTER 42 CAMPAIGN Cynthia Greenwood, former vice president of HPU, is working to raise awareness of the protections available to our neighborhood under Chapter 42. That City of Houston ordinance offers minimum lot size (MLS) and minimum setback protections on streets where 50% or more of the residents request them. MLS protection prevents subdividing single family lots. For example, MLS protection would have prevented the replatting of 1902 Waugh, a subject of recent controversy. The City Planning Commission approved replatting that property, which is not deed restricted. Not all properties in Hyde Park are covered by our deed restrictions, whereas Chapter 42 restrictions cover every property on the specified block(s). NEWSLETTER EDITOR NEEDED OK, I have to end with a little bad news. Beth Cunningham retired last month as newsletter editor after more than two years in the job. Beth did great work; our newsletter is the envy of nearby civic associations. She also endured nearly everyone missing deadlines and she still did a fabulous job. Thank you, Beth. I put together this month’s newsletter. Several years ago, I served as newsletter editor. However, I can’t serve as president and newsletter editor simultaneously. If you know how to use Adobe InDesign (or even if you don’t) and want the job, email or call 713-522-7050. George Sroka, President, Next Meetings The Magic of Hyde Park Annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception Monday, July 29 • 6:30 PM Next General Meeting Aug. 5 All meetings held at Rudyard's Pub (upstairs), 2010 Waugh Dr. near Welch BOARD CONTACTS PRESIDENT George Sroka VICE PRESIDENT Macy Bodenhamer SECRETARY Janet Nichols TREASURER Bill Curry OTHER CONTACTS DEED RESTRICTIONS Shane Wilson deed MEMBERSHIP Susan Ellis CITIZEN PATROL Cynthia Greenwood NEWSLETTER THIS COULD BE YOU NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING Carlos Fernandez LAMAR PARK Rodney Morris and Dean Emmons HPU Civic Association, PO Box 66422, Houston, TX 77266-6422 NEIGHBORHOOD BLOCK CAPTAINS Bomar Greg Jeu & Jim Hurst 281-541-6756 California / Westheimer Cecilia Kammer 832-788-1586 Commonwealth Liz Hudson & Carol Brownstein 713-527-9852 Mark McCreary 713-338-1929 Fairview Irene Dahlgren 713-299-5190 Sandie Zilker 713-906-7123 Hyde Park / Hyde Park Apts. Linda Carter 713-524-2952 Alex Aranda 713-533-9474 Hyde Park Crescent Susan Ellis 713-528-8289 Carlos Fernandez 713-520-7017 Hyde Park Townhomes Daniel Posada 713-454-7834 Indiana / Yupon Alice McCarthy 713-521-5807 Jackson Brandon Bartee 832-866-1426 Maryland Cathy Hanchett 713.542.4921 Michigan Tom Whitworth 713-523-8035 Missouri Jeanne Wallace 713-528-0834 Montrose Syndee Sharrar 281 216 0953 Peden Lori Corwin 832-582-6520 Vermont Sharon Lord 713-522-9427 Waugh Will Martin 405-361-2523 Welch Scott and Lina Rigrod 713-528-2791 Cliff Jones 713-524-3055 West Drew Mike McKann 713-526-6777 West Gray / Hazel Sherry Waddell 713-252-3968 Willard Camille Bogel 832-794-2577 Yoakum/Van Buren Macy Bodenhamer 713-201-5810 Block captains: Notify of any changes in contact information. 2 Minutes of June 2013 Meeting Hyde Park United President George Sroka called the meeting to order at 7PM June 3 at Rudyard’s. HPU members and guests were invited to introduce themselves, and mention an area problem of primary concern to them. Subjects of concern included traffic, street disrepair, heavy trash being left on curbs, dog poop, and crimes. However, the main concern of the crowd was the deteriorating quality of life caused by overdevelopment and overpopulation. These concerns are ongoing and possibly increasing. As Membership Chairwoman Susan Ellis pointed out, civic association members as a group have more influence on getting their concerns addressed. Let’s help increase membership! PROGRAM George introduced Guest Speaker Jackie Miller from the City of Houston’s Office of Homeland Security to present the topic of Hurricane Preparedness. Miller did a wonderful job, communicating through slides and examples as well as her well-organized speech. She answered questions and provided several informational items for attendees, including the “Disaster Preparedness Guide.” All the information she covered is included in this booklet, which is available from the Office of Emergency Management. You may email or, or call 832-393-0922 or 713-884-4500 for more guides, calendars, information wheels and and DVDs. Hurricane season for our region runs June 1 to Nov. 30, and the most dangerous, active time is August through September. For more on Miller’s presentation, see “Are You Ready for Hurricane Season” on page 7. The Office of Homeland Security offers a class detailing storm disaster tips and instructions that is taught in three-hour segments per week over eight weeks. Call (832) 393-0922 or (713) 884-4500 or email houstonoem. org or for more information. LAMAR PARK UPDATE Following Miller’s presentation, Lamar Park Committee Co-Chair Rodney Morris updated us on the Lamar Park Dolphin Fountain renovation. Rodney and Dean Emmons co-chair the Lamar Park Committee, and are busy communicating with the Houston Parks Board and preparing to raise funds for the work, which Rodney hopes will commence this summer. Approximately $150,000 is needed for the fountain restoration. You can make a tax-deductible donation through the Houston Parks Board at Detailed instructions available on page 8. Minutes of the May HPU meeting were approved as printed in last month’s newsletter. CHAPTER 42 CAMPAIGN Cynthia Greenwood is working to help homeowners to initiate petitions under the Chapter 42 ordinance to establish Minimum Lot Size and Minimum Setback restrictions on their streets. Minimum Lot Size would prevent the subdividing of lots and Minimum Setback would require new construction to maintain the same setback as existing houses. Chapter 42 Protections are available to homeowners if more than 50% of residents sign a petition. Please contact Cynthia if you can help and/or you want your street protected. Her email address is: The Houston Gay Pride Festival and Parade is coming June 29. Learn more at You are advised to avoid driving on or crossing Westheimer the afternoon and evening of June 29. The parade starts at 8 PM. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM. Submitted by Janet Nichols HPU Calendar & Announcements HPUCA 2013 CALENDAR TRASH/RECYCLING General meetings held upstairs at Rudyard’s at 7 pm July 29 NEW DATE! Volunteer Appreciation Reception Aug. 5 General Meeting Sept. 9 General Meeting (delayed due to Labor Day) Oct. 1 National Night Out Nov. 4 General Meeting / Election Dec. 2 Annual Holiday Party General meetings held on the first Monday of the month except when they conflict with holidays. The City of Houston collects recyclables every other week on Monday, our regular garbage collection day. When our collection day falls on a Monday holiday like MartinLuther King Day, garbage and recyclables are picked up the following day. Here are recycling pickup dates: (Schedule A, dual-stream): HPU CITIZEN PATROL REPORT: JUNE No. of known incidents reported to police: 1 No. of arrests: 0 Hours patrolled on foot: 159 Hours patrolled by car: 52.75 No. of trained citizen patrollers: 28 July 8, 22 HEAVY/JUNK WASTE AND TREE WASTE July 3 – Tree Waste August 7 – Heavy/Junk Waste NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Deadline for the August 2013 newsletter is July 20. Inquiries: Advertising: Freedom Over Texas: Thursday, July 4th 2013 – Eleanor Tinsley Park from 4pm – 10pm Houston’s Official Fourth of July Celebration Featuring Live Music, Family Activities and a Fireworks Extravaganza. Southwest Airlines Freedom Over Texas with Entertainment Presented by NRG. For details: 3 A Growing Health Hazard in Hyde Park “Poop Pollution” isn’t just a nuisance — it’s a serious health problem As our population density increases in Hyde Park we are facing a growing health hazard. Simply put, the dog poop is piling up. It is not a simple nuisance of the smell which can be substantial, or having to scrape it off your shoes, which is maddening. According to the EPA, dog waste is considered non-point source pollution, along with: herbicides, insecticides, oil, grease, toxic chemicals from urban runoff and energy production, salt from irrigation practices and acid drainage from abandoned mines. Not so benign, is it? Unlike other sources adding to water pollution, such as lawn fertilizer, rinse water from driveways and motor oil, dog waste carries parasites and bacteria that can be transmitted directly to humans. Dog feces are common carriers of: heartworms, whipworms, hookworms, roundworms, tapeworms, parvovirus, giardia, salmonella, and e.coli. The longer dog waste stays on the ground 4 the greater the contamination becomes. Roundworm is one of the most common parasites found in dog waste. It can remain infectious in contaminated soil and water for years. A recent CDC study found 14 percent of Americans tested positive for roundworms. Two or three days worth of droppings from a population of about 100 dogs can contribute enough bacteria to temporarily close a bay and all watershed areas within 20 miles to swimming and shell fishing. That may not sound important to Hyde Park but it simply illustrates the seriousness of this pollutant that we take so carelessly. The Houston Department of Health and Human Services Pooper Scooper Law -- Section 6-24 roughly states: Pet owners must remove all fecal material deposited by their pets on property they do not own, including neighbors’ yards, city parks, school property, public rights-of-way, etc. Pet owners must have materials to remove feces left by their dog or cat when they are off their own property. Violation of this section is punishable upon conviction by a fine of not less than $75 or more than $500. Each violation of this section is a separate offense. What can you do to help? If you own a dog, simply pickup after it. If you see someone not picking up after their dog offer them one of your bags. If you have a friend with a dog, educate them about the hazards of “Poop Pollution”. If you see someone picking up after their dog, thank them. – Submitted by Susan Ellis Azar Fisher Wishing you health, happines and HOME. Call Azar Fisher for the finest service and results. Cell: 713.301.4570 Direct: 713.561.6612 Fax: 713.561.6712 Established 1967 Newsletter WINTER 2013.indd 1 12/5/12 3:59 PM General Craftsman Large & Small Scale Renovation & Repair Call: Richard Paulssen (713) 520-6311 Support Our Advertisers 5 6 Are you ready for Hurricane Season 2013? Find out with these tips from the Houston’s Office of Homeland Security • Our Texas Medical Center is the largest in the world. • Our Metropolitan Service Area (MSA) is larger than the state of Massachusetts, but slightly smaller than the state of New Jersey. • We have historically had more than 32 presidential declarations of disaster. • 47% of hurricanes are predicated to enter the Gulf Coast this year. The four main tips for storm preparedness are: • Make a plan. - Have a plan for what you and your family will do in an emergency. Consider how you will communicate with each other, where you will meet, and who you can leave messages with out-of-state if you can’t reach people locally. - If you or a loved one has special needs, be sure to account for these as well. - Be sure everyone in the family knows how to get in touch with one another. - Keep a list of important phone numbers by the phone and in your emergency kit. • Prepare a kit. - The basics include enough food and water to last five to seven days. Then, start thinking about other needs. - Non-perishable food - Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and tone-alert weather radio, with extra batteries - Flashlight with extra batteries - First aid kit - Personal Papers with information such as social security numbers, important addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. - Financial Information such as wills, insurance policies, including policy numbers, coverage limits, and insurance agent contact information, bank accounts with account numbers and bank contact information, and credit card account numbers with card company contact information. Additional Tips • Buy a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) radio or download the wireless app to your phone to keep abreast of the latest weather reports. • Follow prepared steps for relocation and evacuation when necessary and know your routes in advance. • Use the 211 call line for registering disabled persons in advance so they will have assistance. Residents can download and watch videos or request a DVD about preparedness at Download a Disaster Preparedness Guide from the city here It’s available in six languages. Visit for more information and tips. Stay informed. - Be sure to keep up with information from your local government leaders and media. If the Emergency Alert System is activated, tune to 740 AM or 88.7 FM to receive emergency messages. And many jurisdictions offer text message or email notifications. But don’t just rely on one source--stay informed by using multiple sources of YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD information. SPECIALIST • Know your neighbors. Call Me if You are Planning - Disasters to Buy or Sell Property in Our shouldn’t be the only time Neighborhood. our communities come together. Make the time now Top Listing Agent & to get to know Most Transactions Closed your neighbors 2010 & 2011 so you’re ready to help each other out when Call me for all of disaster strikes. your real estate needs. And make sure your neighbors are prepared too, because there’s no better resource than a prepared community! MIKESPEAR.COM At June 3rd’s monthly association meeting, special guest Jackie Miller with the Mayor’s Office of Homeland Security shared everything we need to know to prepare for the season’s expected high level of hurricane activity. • Jackie first discussed the significance of hurricane impact upon Houston. We’re the fourth largest populated state in the nation. Mike Spear 713.204.7653 7 Contribute to renovating the Lamar Park Fountain T he Houston Parks Board has added a drop-down box identifying “Lamar Park” on their web site, allowing contibutors to make tax-deductible donations. Although major fundraising isn’t scheduled to start for another month, individuals can donate by. 1. Visiting 2. Clicking light orange “Donate” button on the top right of the page, 3. Clicking “Pay by Credit Card” link, 4. Clicking “Donation For” drop-down box and Lamar Park will appear. Tax-deductible donations are only a few clicks away! Support Our Advertisers 8 We are proud to be a part of Hyde Park! Serving the food of Houston and delicious craft beer to our friends and neighbors! 1100 Westheimer Road • Houston, TX 77006 Underbelly: 713.528.9800 • Hay Merchant: 713.528.9005 • 9 HPD works to make apartment living safer Blue Star Multihousing Program provides training, inspection and certification Presumably, everyone wants to live in housing that is safe. In a single-family dwelling, you control many factors and decide how much to spend and what to do. If you live in an apartment, you have far less control. You can control your space, but what about the parking lot, the walkways, the spaces between the buildings, the lighting around the complex? At the May PIP meeting, HPD officers presented an overview of the Blue Star Multihousing Program, offered through the Apartment Enforcement Unit. This program provides training, inspections, and officers who work with multifamily dwelling owners and managers to improve conditions at the complex, help make residents safe and achieve Blue Star Certification for the complex. The voluntary program consists of eight hours of training for property owners, managers, and, preferably, everyone else in the apartment staff, an inspection and survey of the complex, and a presentation to all staff and residents. A candidate complex must pass the CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) Survey and then hold a Safety Social at which officers explain to residents the ways in which the apartment management and residents can work with the police to keep the community safe. The program is free thanks to sponsorship by Houston Apartment Association ( Blue Star certified apartment complexes display the plaque shown above. Managers can include special Blue Star addenda to their leases. The addenda detail specific actions that managers can take if a resident or someone under the resident’s control is involved in illegal or dangerous activity on or near the rental property. IMPORTANT NUMBERS 9-1-1 for Emergencies Only HPD dispatch line 713-884-3131 to report suspected criminal activity 3-1-1 City Help & Info OR ROAR Hotline (improper dumping): 713-525-2728 10 Since 1999 the program has been available to apartment units within the city limits. Currently there are 2300 apartment communities around Houston. Of them, just 80 are Blue Star Certified. We should all hope for an increase in that number. For help in convincing an apartment manager to enroll, you may be able to contact someone in one of several partnering districts: Westchase Management District, Greenspoint Management District, Near Northwest Management District. Even if you are not in the district, there will be someone who can help you get things moving for your complex. If you are the owner, contact HPD to start the process. If you live in a complex, talk to your neighbors and together contact the apartment owner. Encourage him or her to enroll soon. Get information from HPD Blue Star Multi-Housing Program at (713) 3083900 or Although there does not seem to be a Blue Star program for them, you can get similar assistance for singlefamily dwelling by contacting Public Affairs (public. for inspection. Submitted by Rick Wannall Positive Interaction Program The purpose of PIP (Positive Interaction Program) is to facilitate an exchange of information between the Houston Police Department (HPD) and neighborhood residents, using monthly community meetings as a forum. Hyde Park United falls within the boundary of the Central Patrol/District One PIP Group and meets the 1st Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. Everyone is invited (and encouraged) to attend the meetings, which are held at the Police Officers Union Bldg., 1602 State St. The Magic of Hyde Park H Monday, July 29 6:30 PM yde Park is a magical (and sometimes funky) place to live. This year, we celebrate “The Magic of Hyde Park” at our Annual Volunteer Appreciation Reception honoring those who serve on the board, the committees, the Citizen Patrol, or as Block Captains. Please join us with your significant other at Rudyard’s on July 29 to enjoy food, drink and magic. Rudyard’s (Upstairs) 2010 Waugh Join the Hyde Park United Civic Association or renew your membership Fill out this Membership Form, check “New Member” or “Renewal,” then mail the application with your $30 check to: HYDE PARK UNITED CIVIC ASSN, PO BOX 66422, HOUSTON TX 77266-6422. Date: Lamar Park Check one: ❏ New Member ❏ Renewal $ ☞ for these local projects ☞ Enforcement Fund $30 $ Name: Address: Primary Telephone: Secondary Phone: Email Address: Interests/Concerns (check all that apply): ❏ Membership ❏ Lamar Park ❏ Social ❏ Newsletter ❏ Citizens on Patrol ❏ Block Captains ❏ National Night Out ❏ Other ________________________________________________________________ Thank you for joining, and helping us all build a “Sense of Community.” You can also join online using PayPal at 11 12 and much more.... Personal Projects Manuals, Flyers, Business Presentations, Full Color Copies for Standard Size and White Card Stock $39.00/500 Full Color Business Cards Summer Special Fax: 713.521.0124 713.526.2273 1405 Waugh Drive Houston, Texas 77019 Volunteer Appreciation Reception at Rudyard’s July 2013 Full Color Presentation Posters • Print on Gloss Paper • Mount on Foam Board Special on Poster Packages
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