HALE AREA HOME OF THE EAGLES! SCHOOLS TODAY VOLUME I ISSUE A P R I L 2 2 0 1 1 Congratulations to our Hale Choirs for receiving 1 ratings at the District Festival in Standish! All of our groups, high school choir, 8th grade choir and 6th & 7th grade choir sustained this high achievement. We are proud of such an accomplishment and wish you the best in your next level of competition! INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Letters from Administration 2 Budget Work- 3 VIP, Kdg & 1st 4 2nd, 3rd & 4th 5 5th & 6th 6 Perfect Attendance & Honor 7 MS News 8 7th & Homecoming 9 8th Grade News 10 7th & 8th 11 HS News 12-14 Counseling News 15-17 Yearbook/Science Expo 18 10th, Knowledge Bowl, Food Service 19 Summer Skill 20-21 · March 28th-31st Book Fair Week · March 30th Grandparent‟s Day · 2:30 p.m. st March 31 Parent-Teacher Conferences K-6th 4:00-7:00 p.m. 7-12th 5:00-8:00 p.m. · March 31st Informational Meetings on school budget issues o 5:00-6:00 p.m. o 6:00-7:00 p.m. o 7:00-8:00 p.m. o 8:00-9:00 p.m. *to be held in the school cafeteria-all encouraged to attend! · · Baseball/Softball & 22 Way Proogram Girl Scouts & Misc. Upcoming Events 23-24 April 1st-April 10th April 2 o nd Spring Break! Superintendent Candidate Interviews 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:30 p.m. *to be held in the former Hale High School, Room 201 · April 11th School Resumes! PAGE From the Desk of the Superintendent 2 Dear Parents, Guardians and Citizens of the Hale Community: On February 17, 2011, Governor Rick Snyder released his new State Education Funding Act (formerly known as the School Aid Fund) budget proposal to the Michigan Legislature. The news could not have been more devastating for K-12 public education and the students of the Hale Area School District! Mrs. Provoast Since 1994, local districts have been dependent upon the state for per pupil funding. At that time, with the implementation of Proposal A, K-12 funding was dramatically altered. School districts lost the right to raise revenue in exchange for a state guarantee for funding our schools. Proposal A was the covenant that guaranteed fair and equitable funding for K-12 education. The governor‟s proposal includes provisions to take precious School Aid Fund dollars to fund programs other than K12 education, such as community colleges and higher education agencies. This is a violation of the Proposal A covenant. While we applaud Governor Snyder‟s bold action in an attempt to deal with Michigan‟s $1.8 billion deficit and economic crisis, we are puzzled by his lack HALE What impact will Governor Snyder‟s budget proposal have on Hale Area Schools‟ funding if it survives the legislative process and becomes law? Our district per pupil funding and financial resources will be cut by approximately $1,147 per student. As of this writing, all indications are that this revenue loss may be the largest per pupil loss endured by any district in the state. The total revenue loss for Hale will be approximately $700,000 for the 201112 school year. we are facing an estimated $200,000 increase in costs. This, when combined with the projected $700,000 loss of revenues, means we are facing a nearly $900,000 shortfall next year when compared to the current school year. We know these are unprecedented times for Michigan, and there must be shared sacrifice and reform. The system we now have in place is unsustainable. However, Hale‟s unique loss is not equitable and is too much to bear. Please take time to contact the Governor and your legislators. Ask them to restore funding for K-12 education, honor the covenant that was established between the state government and the There are several components to citizens of Michigan guaranteeing equitathese serious cuts. These consist of ble and appropriate funding under Prothe continuation of the $170 per pupil posal A, and invest in Michigan‟s children. reduction in the 2010-11 School Aid Also, please take a few moments to comAct, an additional State Aid discretion- plete the budget worksheet on the next ary per pupil cut of $300 and declining page of this newsletter. It will also be enrollment dollars. available as a link on our school website at www.haleschools.net We value your In addition to the proposed cuts in input and it is very important to us as we revenue, we are also facing escalating move forward addressing these budgetcosts. Two of the biggest increases ary concerns. we are facing are in our employee health care premiums, as well as state Sincerely, mandated contributions to the state Rhonda A. Provoast retirement fund. Between these two, Superintendent two performances for different age levels. Their themes were social issues that affect teenagers. We had one I hope you are all well and are enjoying the school year. The time is flying by and local participant, Staci Saurer. Way to summer will be here before we know it. I go Staci! It‟s the above accomplishments that make me proud to be a would like to acknowledge some of the part of Hale Area Schools! recent achievements that have occurred I would like to congratulate Mrs. Lisa at Hale Area Schools. First off, our Anderson for receiving a grant which Knowledge Bowl team is undefeated and will allow our third graders to make a will be participating in the semi-finals! trip to Bay City to explore the tall Our fine arts department has done an ships. Thank you Mrs. Anderson for excellent job this year with the band bringing home a 2 rating from the district your hard work! The first and second grade teachers took their students to festival and the choirs bringing home 1 ratings from the district festival. I would Kirtland Community College to watch a musical about books. This goes like to point out that a 2 rating for our along with the theme of March Is band is a tremendous accomplishment because we have a band with grades 7-12 Reading Month. The kids had a great time. competing at the high school level. Our students have been active in extracurricu- AuSable Valley Community Mental Health is going to come in to our lar activities as well. I am extremely imth th pressed with a select few of our students school and talk with our 7 and 8 grade classes about bullying. Mrs. who participated in the Grease performance with the Tawas Bay Players. Meggan Aldrich also had a bullying assembly presented by Camp Timbers for our Muhle, David Stanchik, Brandon Brown th th th and Shantell Austin did a fantastic job with 4 , 5 and 6 graders. This assembly allowed student participation and highthis performance. Iosco County Pride lighted addressing bullying issues performed for our students. They had through cooperation. This was held at the former high school gymnasium. Thank you to Mrs. Letter from the Principal Mr. Reilly of support for K-12 education. After all, a highly skilled and educated workforce is the foundation of economic prosperity. AREA SCHOOLS TODAY Aldrich for putting this together for us. Please don‟t forget that our last parent-teacher conferences of the year will be Thursday, March 31st. Kindergarten through 6th grade is from 4:00-7:00 p.m. and 7th through 12th grade is from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Please take the time to speak to your children‟s teachers about academic and social successes. Please also take the time to stop in at any of the informational budgetary presentations that will be ongoing throughout the evening in the cafeteria. Other events that will be ongoing will be Boy Scout sign-ups, Book Fair and baseball/softball signups. As the year progresses, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I have enjoyed fulfilling the principal role this school year. Even though the state is putting our district in a tough economic situation, please be assured that we do have quality education and services at Hale Area Schools. ~Mr. Reilly PAGE 3 Please provide input on your thoughts regarding the budget cuts for Hale Area Schools. Please return these forms to your child‟s teacher or bring them with you to parent/ teacher conferences. Your opinions are valued! Hale Area Schools Budget Solution Worksheet 2011-12 *(Budget impact = nearly $700,000 in revenue loss + nearly $200,000 in increased costs) Provide ideas in which you believe the district could reduce costs and/or increase revenues as a means to address the projected $900,000 budget impact* for next school year. 1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 5.__________________________________________________ Provide programs or services which you believe should absolutely not be considered as a means to address the projected $900,000 2011-2012 budget impact. 1. __________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________ If you have any additional comments or suggestions in the future, please feel free to email them to rprovoast@hale.k12.mi.us Thank you for your input as we develop a budget which provides the best possible educational opportunities for our students with the substantial reduction in resources. Please return these forms with your child as soon as possible or bring them to parent/teacher conferences. Thank you! ~Mr. Chad Brandt, Board President & The Hale Area Schools Board of Education VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 4 Elementary VIP Day On February 14th, students in Kindergarten through 4th grades participated in VIP Day. Each student was able to invite two people to attend this event during the school day. National Honor Society Students were able to sit with any child whose VIP was unable to attend. Very Important People enjoyed reading or listening to their student read as well as decorate a sugar cookie. Older students enjoyed hearing a story starter and passing the story from person to person. More importantly, VIPs spent precious time talking with their students. Thank you to all VIPs for making this a special day for our students! ~Mrs. Aldrich Kindergarten News land Iseler taught us a lot about birds and feathers. Getting weary of the Hale kindergartcold January weather, we celebrated ners!!! Aloha Day! We made an alphabet coconut tree art project, decorated a The Kindergar- photo frame with seashells, played an ten classes have addition fishy game, ate some fresh been very busy coconut, and did the Limbo! We celethis Winter. brated being in school 100 days by In December, we sang at the Hale Sen- writing numbers to 100, counting 100 ior Citizens Center for parents and items by ones, fives and tens, and community members. Each student was made necklaces of 100 fruit loops. In allowed to sit on Santa's lap and reSocial Studies we are learning about ceived a gift from him. We studied community helpers. In our classroom about animals and birds in Winter. Gar- Post Office, we learned about sorting Aloha from our and sending mail. Margy Holzheur from Independent Bank talked to students about saving money and the importance of banks in our community. Future community field trips and school visitors are being planned. We continue to learn about letters, sounds and sight words, enjoy making words and retell stories with puppets and flannelboard pieces. We love to read and write both fictional (silly stories) and non-fictional (informational) stories. ~Mrs. Barclay & Mrs. Blomquist First Grade News The second semester brings a focus on reading fluency for our wonderful first graders. Boys and girls are emerged daily with reading activities to build a solid word base as well as decoding, phonics, and spelling skills. First graders love writing sentences and multiple sentences and have a fun time illustrating big books which correspond with each week's reading book story. They also have a blast reading AR with their 4th grade buddies who visit once a week. In Math, we've spent a lot of time learn- ing about geometric shapes, adding and subtracting, and telling time. It is very important that first graders practice their math facts 1-10. Making flashcards at home or playing adding games with a deck of cards can be a fun, quick way to review addition skills. Every single day is a day for learning, sharing laughter, and focusing on being the best we can be. It is truly a joy in 1st grade! ~Ms. Douglas & Mrs. Frank First graders hard at work! PAGE 5 Second Grade News The second graders at Hale Elementary have been very busy. In reading, we have finished the first unit of our second grade reading book and will be testing on those skills soon. are now learning about shapes and angles. For Valentines Day, the first and second graders all made a Valentine card for our Veterans. We recently enjoyed the V.I.P. Day where we could read to our invited Very Important Person and share some punch and a cookie. We have learned about regrouping in both addition and subtraction and Hello from our second graders! ~Mrs. Baczynski & Mrs. Barnes Third Grade News The third graders have been very busy this year! March is reading month is here! We are doing many fun activities to promote reading. One of the favorites is the Shoebox Parade. After reading a book, students will create a shoebox/diorama depicting the story elements. The parade will be held on Friday, March 25 at 2:30 in the gym. Hope to see you there. The Science Fair is going to be here before we know it. Each student in the 3rd grade will be required to participate. Our theme will be “Plants.” Mrs. Anderson will guide students and parents in preparing their presentations for this new project. It‟s going to be awesome so mark your calendars for April 15th and plan on a fun, educational evening. In math, we have learned all of the multiplication facts through 10. We have been busy playing games and practicing these facts so that each student can become an official member of the Two Minute Multiplication Club. In Social Studies, students have been learning about Native American tribes from Michigan. Students will participate in a trading post activity and play the role of either the French or Indians as they trade goods with each other. Finally, in Science students dissected owl pellets and discovered animals consumed by barn owls. Full skeletons were glued down and will be on display at the science fair! ~Mrs. Anderson & Mrs. Look Fourth Grade News Fascinating fourth graders! HALE Fourth graders have been working very hard over the first marking period. We have had our first DIBELS assessment and completed two weeks of MEAP testing. In Social Studies, we have learned about the branches of government and how they interact. In Science class, we have been exploring electricity and magnetism. It sure is a lot to learn! There are new experiences like being AREA SCHOOLS TODAY lunch room workers and buddies with younger students, helping them to learn to read. We have learned about the different regions in the United States and how life is different in each of the regions, from language to clothing to business. We have also spent time learning about the different states of matter. Did you know you can actually stack liquids on top of each other? Our special art projects are coming along nicely and parents will be excited to receive them. Division and multiplication are pretty tough, but we are leaning to use our skills for more difficult problems. Long division is hard, but we continue to work on it. We are enjoying the snow, but are looking forward to spring weather and all the new things we will be learning. ~Mrs. Shellenbarger & Mrs. Streeter VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE Fifth Grade News Our fifth grade class ended the year 2010 doing a Christmas Around the World Research project. In groups, we learned about how different countries around the world celebrate Christmas. We had lots of fun and some good treats, too. In language arts, we just finished reading the book The Fighting Ground, by Avi. This book taught us about the Revolutionary War and making important choices. In science, we just finished a unit on nutrition. We learned about the food pyramid and how many servings we need from each food group every day. We made food mobiles that show a healthy and nutritious days worth of meals. They are hanging in Mrs. Hasty's classroom and they look great! The 5th and 6th Grade Student Council held a Valentine chocolate heart sale for the entire school. We sold almost 300 chocolate hearts! Everyone who received a heart was really happy. Thank you to everyone who helped us with this fundraiser and to Sherni's Candies for making us the hearts! We had the best trip ever thanks to the local Masons. We went to the Shrine Circus! We had treats and pizza for lunch. Some of the favorite 5th ~Jamie Herstine, Brooke Kangas, Lena grade acts were: The Chicago Boys, Micklash, Trevor Smallwood, and the acrobats, and the HUMAN Mikayla Timlick CANON. He actually was shot out of a canon, and was on the TV show Glee after the Superbowl! For the 2nd marking period Celebrate Excellence, we got to go to The Skate Place. Our class had tons of fun, but came home with a lot of bruises, aches, and pains! Tanner Klein was the most excited to hear Ice, Ice, Baby! Sixth Grade News We have been very busy in sixth grade. In science, students are wrapping up the portion of Earth science and will be starting on energy. Students will be learning all about the transfer of different types of energy. It will be fun to see the projects created by students to show their understanding of energy. Students are continuing to study geometry. By now, they should be experts on different angles and finding measures. It’s hard to and geography of Canada. These two units of study reinforce each other wonderfully. The novel helps bring history to life, and their studies help students better understand what they are reading. The sixth grade students enjoyed their Celebrate Excellence trip to the Skate Place. Although many came home with bruises, they all had a great time. The sixth grade student council just finished working In language arts, students have with the fifth grade student been reading the book Jason’s council to sell chocolate hearts Gold by Will Hobbs. Set during for Valentine‟s Day. The sweet the Klondike Gold Rush, it is an treats were enjoyed by many! excellent example of the adventure genre. They have also been learning about the history believe that our school year is approaching the last marking period already! ~Mrs. Begres & Ms. Ellisor 6 PAGE 7 Elementary Perfect Attendance 3RD Grade Ian Allen Joel Bovee Brooke Pelton Austin Smallwood Kindergarten Spencer Aldrich Jeffery Guoan 1st Grade None th 2nd Grade Brenden Bernard Claudia Cadwell Makenzie Fowler Jason Guoan Amadeo Kaiser-Cerda Keaton Ludwig Andrew Ranger Excellent attendance directly relates to academic success! 4 Grade Gage Everitt Ricky Hall Amber Leonard Olivia Rasch Tyler Stockford 5th Grade Alan Bovee Kristopher Franklin Travis Zilliox 6th Grade Hannah Balbaugh Ethan Rasch Levi Stoll 5th & 6th Grade Honor Roll 5th Grade Zane Aldrich William Bleeda Alan Bovee * Megan Boyer Ethan Cagle Dylana Carroll Jaacob Duford Kassandra Fetterly Robert Goodman Lillian Gorka Jamie Herstine Dillon Hunt Brooke Kangas * Cassidy Kesler Tanner Klein Jadyn Laessle Robert Lutman Lena Micklash * Taylor Pelton Congratulations to our 5th & 6th grade Honor Roll Students! We are proud of your accomplishments! HALE AREA SCHOOLS TODAY Sayje Ragan Tyler Ranger Carmen Reilly Serina Shellenbarger Trevor Smallwood Kassandra Stoll Nathaniel Templeton Travis Zilliox 6th Grade Hannah Balbaugh * Justin Bamberger Takoda Barnum Mikayla Beach Uriah Bieszk Jourdan Brent Marion Calhoun Devin Chrivia Edward Cumby Tyanna Doty Leah Edgar * Brianna Gunderson Emily Heuss Emily Mather Gavin Peters Ethan Rasch * Skyler Ready * Kaytlynn Reyelts Oliver Rice * Synthia Shellenbarger Autumn Sidam Levi Stoll Stephen Toth * *Indicates all A‟s VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 8 Middle School 2nd Semester Honor Roll & Perfect Attendance HONOR ROLL 7th Grade Matthew Anderson Caitlin Bernard Brandon Boylen Timothy Butzin Bailey Chrivia Ariel Everitt * Paige Fleminger * Dennis Fuller Halie Haskin Nathan Keesler Sabrina Klein * Jacob Landis-Tumminello Jordan Mason * Nicholas Moffatt Catriana Nichols * Amber Ortiz * Walton Reimer Bradley Schmidt Charles Shurtz Natasha Stankovski PERFECT ATTENDANCE 2ND SEMESTER 8th Grade Dylan Augustyniak James Balbaugh Gavin Banny Kaylee Bernard * Daniel Coronado Zackerie Hjorth * Jadie Hutchings Brooke Johnson Kayla Largent Samantha Miller * Joseph Muhle * Keaton Peters Courtney Peterson * Leslie Reilly * Tony Stankovski Khatorrie Stone * Brianna Welch * 7th Grade Ariel Everitt 8th Grade Richard Brito *Denotes All A‟s 7th & 8th Grade 2011 Winter Homecoming Representatives Jadie Hutchings & Tony Stankovski with parents Halie Haskin & Cory Parent with parents PAGE 9 Seventh Grade News The 7th & 8th grade students In 7th grade math, we are currently learning how to make several new types of graphs, such as stem-and-leaf plots, frequency tables, and histograms. Some students know them very well and some are still trying to get the hang of it, but Ms. Schick is making sure that everyone understands the different graphs. She is making sure that all of her students can read and create each of the previously listed graphs. Ms. Schick is also notifying every one of her students how important neatness is. She is making sure that when the time comes, everyone will be ready and confident for the testing on the several different graphs. were honored and excited to be a year! HALE about how myths and legends are different and how they are similar. We have read many different types of short myths and legends that include Legend Of The Pike, and How The Turtle Got Its Shell. We also read a long story called Perseus and Medusa. After we read that, we made a short comic strip to go along with it. Now we are currently reading about Atlanta. In 7th grade Language Arts, we have been learning about Myths and Legends. Our classes have been learning ~Jordan Mason & In conclusion, we would like to say that we are having a blast learning all the new material! Cat Nichols Homecoming 2011! part of the Winter Homecoming this Now for your 7th grade Social Studies update: in Social Studies, we have currently been learning about China. We learned about China‟s land features and important countries. We also learned about the Great Wall of China and about Chinese writing. We currently took a test on China. For the most part, people did spectacular! We just got done doing a timeline project in small groups on different China Dynasties. Each group had their own dynasty. Soon we will be presenting our Dynasties to the class. This year, the 7th and 8th grade classes were involved in Winter Homecoming. We would like to tell you about our representatives. The 7th grade class representatives were Halie Haskin and Cory Parent. The 8th grade representatives were, Jadie Hutchings and Tony Stankovski. The 9th grade representatives were Missy Niederquell and Cody Brewington. For the 10th grade class we had Danielle Benedict and Travis Tripp. The 11th grade representatives were Marissa Andary, Trevor LaRocque, Karissa Haskin and Gavin Owen. The 12th grade representatives were Mariah Elmer, Brendon O‟ Dell, Kaitlin Scott, AREA SCHOOLS TODAY Casey Shuman, Ashleigh Tatroe and Ronald Bleeda. This year‟s King was Brendon O‟ Dell and the Queen was Kaitlin Scott! were based off of our decades that we were given. The 7th grade class decade was the 50‟s and the 8th grade class decade was the 60‟s. Since we were able to have class representatives, we also got to participate in the pep assembly! There was a crossdressing competition, fetchthe-bone race, a potato relay race, name-that-tune games, what would you do for a Klondike Bar challenges and the balloon pop. We are very glad they let us participate! For the homecoming game we played Posen. The Hale JV team won, but our varsity lost. Although we lost, everyone still had a good time cheering for our guys. Again, we would like to thank everyone for letting the 7th and 8th grade classes participate in the homecoming events. And that is what happened during We also made posters for the homecoming 2011. hallway (at the old high ~Leslie Reilly & Kayla Largent school) for the game. They PAGE 10 Eighth Grade Happenings This year has been really different, but we‟ve obviously made the best of it. Being grouped with the high schoolers has had its pros and cons. For one, our band program is more successful with the increased number of students and the amount of talent. Another plus is now we can participate in homecoming (representation-wise), we can use the High School for concerts and rehearsals, and we can get used to how classes are going to be when we are in high school. Our eighth grade Mackinac Island fundraiser for our trip is coming along really well. Our spaghetti supper was very successful and will pay for a lot of our trip. Thank you to Largent‟s Café for hosting this great event! Selling 50/50 tickets has been fun and has helped the amount we have to pay go down. We have more ideas coming up so spread the word and help us out!!!!! The bake sale was held and worked out really great!!!!! Classes are going great and our teachers are a lot of help. Social Studies is so cool because we‟re learning about American History and we just had our presidential election! Mr. Heydon is awesome and makes science so enjoyable! Speaking of science, we went to an assembly about our upcoming science fair. The crazy guy that was talking to us showed us how cool our experiments can be. Well, without exploding anything. We were all really disappointed at that. Anyhow, back to our classes. Ms. Schick is really great about teaching Pre-Algebra, at least that‟s what I‟ve been hearing and I‟m sure it‟s true. Algebra is tricky but fun and Mr. Miller is fantabulous about helping us understand the material. We are all enjoying ourselves as much as we can in math. Band is really coming along as you probably gathered from the first paragraph. Having lunch after the high schoolers is A LOT better for us because we don‟t have to rush or be late from other classes. In Language Arts, we are reading this really cool book called My Brother Sam is Dead. Hmmmm, I wonder if the brother, Sam, is going to die? Some of us aren‟t so sure. Technology is moving along and as we improve in our typing, we are also working on producing PowerPoint presentations. Lastly, but certainly not least, choir, art, music appreciation and extra math are really fun. In conclusion, eighth grade is really enjoyable and we love getting to hang out with our friends every day. Hope you all have as great of a year as we are!! ~Khatorrie Stone & Kaylee Bernard Pancake Breakfast-March 27th! When: March 27th from 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Where: The American Legion Hall, Post 422, 429 West Main Street This pancake breakfast is a fundraiser for the Hale 8th grade students to attend a Mackinac Island Field Trip. Come start your day out right and enjoy a pancake breakfast with us! HALE AREA SCHOOLS TODAY VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 11 7th & 8th Grade Celebrate Excellence Recently, the 7th and 8th graders went roller skating at the Skate Place in West Branch for Celebrate Excellence. It was a great way to talk to friends and have a great time. Some of the 7th and 8th graders said that the trip was fun and exciting. 200 dessert coupons for our next Celebrate Excellence lunch at McDonald‟s! ~Halie Haskin & Paige Fleminger Afterwards, the kids went to McDonald‟s for lunch. They had such good behavior that the supervisor of the McDonald‟s of West Branch sent a letter complimenting our good behavior and manners! The supervisor also included 7th & 8th Grade Dance On February 10th, the 7th and 8th grade had a Valentine‟s Day dance. We had a DJ with amazing music and lighting. At the dance, there were drinks, fun and, of course, dancing. A majority of the students say their favorite part was when Mrs. Unke broke it down to “Ice, Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice. Others say their favorite part was the dancing in general. I think, overall, everyone enjoyed the dance. ~Halie Haskin & Paige Fleminger All-Star Presidential Election Eighth graders will be beginning the Annual All-Star Presidential Election this month. Six of our former presidents will be campaigning to be voted the All-Star President by our 5th-8th graders. The election assembly, where the candidates, first ladies and vice -presidents will be giving final speeches, will be on Wednesday, March 16th. Parents are invited to attend the assembly. Voting day for 5-8 grade students was held on Thursday, March 17th. Our elected president is Andrew Jackson (Danny Coronado)! ~Mrs. Unke Andrew Jackson, aka Danny Coronado! VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 12 English Club & Drama The English Club celebrated the Christmas holidays with a dessert party at lunch and exchanged Secret Santa gifts. They also celebrated Valentine‟s Day with members bringing in desserts at lunch. We will be attending the teen performance of Grease being produced by the Tawas Bay Players. We will be applauding for our Hale students who are performing in the play. Pictured above are the Grease participants, from left to right: Lauren Brown, Meggan Muhle, David Stanchik and Brandon Brown. The Drama Club performed A Christmas Carol on December 11, 2010 to an enthusiastic crowd. Pictured above from left to right:: Caleb Parent, David Stanchik, Emma Herstine and Abigail Reimer. Our students at their best! Journalism The high school journalism class has begun a news broadcast that airs throughout the school on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 3:00 p.m. Monday's broadcast includes local news, weather, upcoming events, fundraisers, and students of the month. Wednesday's broadcast includes spotlight feature stories based on interviews as well as student poll results. Friday's broadcast centers around Sports Roundup--a look at this past week's games and upcoming games are announced. Corey Bates & Ben Katterman broadcast upcoming events! ~Mrs. Lixey National Honor Society National Honor Society has been helping the school and community with various activities during the school year. Members are required to perform twelve hours of community service as part of their membership in the Hale Chapter. We are in the planning stage of our annual visit to The Tawas Village. In the past we have celebrated Christmas, Valentine‟s Day, and Easter with the residents. This year we are planning a Memorial Day celebration with the residents. We will be providing dessert, an activity and fellowship with the senior citizens. We consider this our "Adopt a Grandparent" project. ~Mrs. Lixey PAGE 13 Foreign Language Department Hale Area Schools currently offers Spanish and French classes. At present, there is no world languages club. That is about to change. I would like to initiate such a club for Hale Area Schools well before the end of this school year. A world languages club is capable of offering an extra dimension of experience with other languages and cultures in a way that goes beyond taking it as a class. What this club will look like and do is still to be determined. I want any student to give his or her input on what they would like to see for the world languages club. Anyone at any grade level will be allowed to join, even if he or she has not taken a world language class. This will allow such students to see what world language is all about, regardless of his or her class schedule. The world languages club should foster creativity, exploration, and helpfulness for our school community. Our school district will represent itself in a more multilingual way, such as by creating posters in multiple languages for various events. Exploration of Spanish and French languages and cultures will be done through technology and potentially an occasional trip out into the community and the greater area. Students will also be able to give and receive help through organized tutoring in Spanish and French. There are still more fun activities that the world languages club will provide. Active student participation will be the key to our club‟s success. Details of this club will be announced at a later date! ~Mr. Rundell Band News Pictured above left, Catriana Nichols and right, Darian French, performing in the Christmas program. Spring Band Concert for grades 5-12 will be May 18th @ 7:00 p.m. HALE AREA We have several honors to announce! First of all, everyone who auditioned for the District IX All Star band received the high honor of making it into the band! David Stanchik and Samantha White will be performing with the Senior All Star Band. Brandon Brown, Kaylee Bernard (1st chair!), Samantha Sellers (1st chair!), and Zackerie Hjorth will be performing in the Junior Band. These six fine musicians will perform in Ogemaw Heights on Saturday, April 16th at SCHOOLS TODAY 2:00. Please come out and support them in this fine band! All our soloists and ensembles who performed at Solo and Ensemble Festival in Clare on December 4th received 1st division ratings (blue medals). Soloists were Kaylee Bernard on alto saxophone, Catriana Nichols on trumpet, and Ariel Everitt on flute. Zackerie Hjorth and Joseph Muhle performed a trumpet/ euphonium duet. Kaylee Bernard and Samantha Sellers performed an alto saxophone/euphonium duet. Ariel Everitt, Catriana Nichols, and Darian French performed a trio. David Stanchik and Samantha White performed a flute duet in Beaverton on Saturday, February 5th and received a 1st division (blue medal). They will now go on to compete at the state level on Saturday, March 26th at Central Michigan University. Congratulations to all these fine musicians and their high achievements in band! Thank you to all parents who have supported your son or daughter and helped them to become the talented musicians they are! ~Ms. Donze PAGE 14 Choir/Art News Pictured left to right: Sarah Daniels, Breona Mayhew, Brandon Brown, State Choral Festival is May 10th & 11th at Central Michigan University! Spring Choir Concert is May 25th @ 7:00 p.m. SEMESTER HIGH SCHOOL HONOR ROLL HALE tinue on to the State level at Big Rapids HS in April. Solo David Stanchik: 1 rating and Solo Meggan Muhle: 1 rating Hale 7th Grade Ensemble: 1 rating - Caitlyn Bernard, Ariel Everitt, Amber Ortiz, Bailey Chrivia and Shaiyan Mudry. HS Afterschooligans: 1 rating. - Meggan Muhle, Emily Montgomery, Samantha White, Gavin Owen, Brandon Brown, David Stanchik, Colleen Fowler, Shantell Austin and Darian French. Alisa Kelso and Meggan Muhle. 1ST The Hale Area Choirs participated in Solo and Ensemble Festival at Roscommon High School on Saturday, February 12th. All seven groups received medals. These groups will con9th GRADE Darby Barnes Nathan Barnes Hunter Boylen Cody Brewington * Brandon Brown Kelby Chrivia * Ricky Davis Emma Herstine Alisa Kelso Brittany Mason Breona Mayhew Rebecca Michalski Lily O‟Connor Eric Reilly Kyle Reilly Abigail Reimer * Hannah Rice Collin Schroeder * Jeffrey Shipley Melissa Solgot Taylor Tatroe AREA SCHOOLS HS Trio: 2 rating - Samantha White, Emily Montgomery and Darian French. Hale HS Quartet: 2 ratingBrandon Brown, David Stanchik, Meggan Muhle and Shantell Austin. Art News: The hallways have been filled with self portraits of all ages. Be sure to visit our everchanging hallway museum of great works of art. Students will be starting to work on a hallway mural presently and are anxious to show off their talents in a permanent way for our school! Hale 8th Grade Ensemble: 2 rating. -Kaylee Bernard, Courtney Peterson, Kel- 10th GRADE Danielle Benedict Lauren Brown * Stephen Butzin Edward Calhoun Crystal Caron Travis Fante * Elizabeth Farrand Arianna Goss Dalton Haenlein Daniel Katterman Jessica Labranche Kasey Mick * Donald Moffatt Lauren Moritz Patrick Myers Daniel Raleigh Ryan Richardson Matthew Stopyak Travis Tripp Dylan Ulman Chase Welch TODAY sey Cagle, Samantha Sellers, Brianna Welch, Torrie Stone and Joseph Muhle. 11th GRADE Marissa Andary Aaron Anderson Shantell Austin Elizabeth Bates Mandee Fleckenstein * Nicholas Fleminger* Ashlyn French Karissa Haskin * Codie Hjorth* Benjamin Katterman* Trevor LaRocque Lisa Michalski Meggan Muhle Caleb Parent Justus Reimer Shelby Rhein * Jacob Rogers Sarah Savin Cody Wilson Kaitlyn Windsor Halley Wolkens ~Mrs. Putnam 12th Grade Fritz Badenhoop Corey Bates Cody Chrivia Mariah Elmer * Stacey Eno * Vanessa Green * Zachary Keesler Zachary Kusterer Danelle Laszlo * Jillian Marcoccia Brendon O‟Dell Matthew Provoast * Kelsey Reilly Kevin Reimer-Ranke * Staci Saurer Kaitlyn Scott Kelsey Scott Christina Smith Tiffani Solgot Ashleigh Tatroe Lindsay Weaver * *Denotes All A’s VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 15 Counselor’s Corner Have you visited the Counselor‟s Corner on the school website? Go to www.haleschools.net , click on high school, then Counselor‟s Corner. During this past year, I have been working to make this a valuable resource for students and parents. You will find information regarding scholarships, dual enrollment, career and technical education, leadership programs, ACT Testing information, college information, current news and more. If you are looking for something that is not currently on this page, please let me know as I really want to make this page a valuable resource to our students and community. Financial Aid and Scholarships The Annual Scholarship/Financial Aid Night was held on Wednesday, January 26th at the “Old High School”. Local scholarship providers were available in the cafeteria from 6:00-6:30 p.m. Students were able to go from table to table and collect scholarship information and applications. A Financial Aid Seminar began at 6:30 p.m. and was presented by Audrey Larkin, Financial Aid Representative from Kirtland Community College. Mrs. Larkin, who is a former graduate of Hale High School, did a great job of presenting the financial aid process and fielded some really good questions by participants. What if my student was not able to attend the Annual Scholarship/Financial Aid Night? Since the Scholarship/Financial Aid Night, I have followed up with 12th grade students and have made copies of all the local scholarships and the financial aid workshop power point is available in Mrs. Lixey‟s classroom. Students will find all of this information easily accessible in the back of the classroom. Students may also visit the Counselor‟s Corner on the school website for scholarship and financial aid information. *It is not too late to apply to college and complete the FAFSA for financial aid. If any student has not done this, see me immediately. Senior Picnic and Awards Night This event has been rescheduled to Wednesday May 25th. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. and the awards presentation begins at 6:30 p.m. The Senior Picnic and Awards Night is a great opportunity for graduating seniors and their families to celebrate the end of the school year. We will enjoy a barbeque style dinner while viewing the senior video. This is a time to celebrate all of our students‟ accomplishments. SCHEDULING When is scheduling going to be done? This is probably one of the most asked questions during this time of the year. The scheduling process for the school year 2011-2012 began the week of March 7th. I met with all students in grade levels 8-11 to discuss curriculum requirements. Students completed a schedule request, which will need to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the counseling office. Included in this will be a Credit Audit which will help the student and parent/guardian track individual progress toward graduation requirements. This initial step of the scheduling process is called the Survey Phase as it surveys our current student needs (requirements) and wants (electives). This is a critical phase of the schedule building process as the data received from the students drive the master schedule building process by determining which classes will be offered and how many sections are needed. If parents and/or guardians have any questions regarding their student‟s schedule for the 2011-2012 school year, please contact me by telephone at 728-3551 ext. 191 or email me at hhscounselor1@hale.k12.mi.us CAREER EXPLORATION 11th Grade th The 11 grade class will attend a career day at IRESA Career Center in March. Students will visit all of the programs and will have an opportunity to meet with business partners. 10th Grade th On February 9 , our 10th grade students visited the IRESA Career and Technical Center. Students spent a period of time in each program offered at IRESA and learned about the various skills, certifications and college credits that can be earned through each program. Students were well behaved during this visit and really seemed to enjoy exploring the opportunities that IRESA offers. During the bus ride back to Hale High School, there was a lot of chatter about the various programs. Many students talked about the Automotive Technology Program, Food and Hospitality Program and the Health Occupations Program. PAGE 16 Counselor’s Corner Continued IRESA programs are available to 11th and 12th grade students who are on track for graduation. If any parent/guardian would like more information on the IRESA Career and Technical programs, please do not hesitate to contact me via telephone or email (as noted above). On March 7th, our students attended Career Day at the Bay Arenac Career Center in Bay City. This was a very informative experience and allowed students to research the programs that they offer. 8th Grade th th On Thursday April 28 , 8 grade students will visit the Bay Arenac Career Center to explore the opportunities that will be available to them when they become 11th grade students in high school. C O U N S E L O R „ S Educational Development Plans (EDP’S) – These documents are completed through an online program offered through Career Cruising and can be found on the web at www.careercruising.com Students are given a username and password that can be used throughout their high school career. The EDP process helps students set short and long term goals and develops action steps necessary to achieve these goals. Students take an interest inventory on career cruising and the results are used to provide them with a list of career options that best match their interests. The career exploration opportunities at IRESA and Bay Arenac Career Centers are an important part of this process as it gives the students an opportunity to further investigate areas of interest. Mr. Giori will be reviewing and updating EDP‟S with 9th through 12th grade students in April. Seventh grade students will be introduced to the concept of EDP‟s and will have the opportunity to visit the Career Cruising Website with me. Eighth grade students will complete the framework for an EDP as they begin to develop the plan for their high school education and future goals. C O R N E R TESTING On March 1st, 2nd and 3rd , every junior in the State of Michigan participated in the Michigan Merit Exam (MME) . The MME is a set of standardized tests designed to assess student‟s knowledge/performance in Math, Science, Social Studies and ELA/Writing. Day one is the ACT plus Writing, day two is the Work Keys and day three is the Michigan Math, Science and Social Studies. This year the MME was administered in the “Old High School” . Overall, our students did a great job! They worked hard during the testing and were well behaved during break times. Great job Juniors! March 15th, 16th and 17th were scheduled as make-up dates for the MME for any 11th grade students who missed a day of testing. In December, ninth grade students took the EXPLORE Test and tenth grade students took the PLAN. Both of these exams are pre-ACT Tests that have been developed by the ACT Corporation. These tests serve several purposes including: preparation for day one of the MME during the 11th grade year when the ACT plus Writing is administered, Career Exploration, college readiness and direction in curriculum development. This spring, I will schedule a day in each grade‟s English class to go over the results and discuss the interpretation of the exam results for all 9th and 10th grade students. Parents and guardians will be notified of this date and will be invited to attend this period with their student. HALE AREA SCHOOLS TODAY Counseling ….. PAGE 17 Leadership Development Opportunities American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are premier programs for teaching how government works while developing leadership skills and appreciation for your rights as a citizen. Students will run for office, learn public speaking, create and enforce laws and actively participate in all phases of creating and running a working government in this exciting and fun summer program. Students will meet other students from across the state and develop confidence and leadership skills that will shape their future. This is a great opportunity for personal growth and the opportunity to develop a resume for employment, college admissions and scholarships. Please contact Mr. Giori if you have any questions or concerns in the counseling area. He can be reached at (989) 7283551 ext. 191 or via email at hhscounselor1@ hale.k12.mi.us Thank you! American Legion Girls State – This year the American Legion Auxiliary is sponsoring two students to attend Girls State. This year‟s delegates are Kaitlyn Windsor and Mandee Fleckenstein who will attend Girls State at Michigan State University June 19-25. American Legion Boys State – Our local American Legion is still looking for an 11th grade young man to attend Boys State and represent Hale High School and the Hale American Legion Post. This year‟s conference is scheduled for June 19th at Northwood University in Midland. Any student who may be interested in taking advantage of this great opportunity should contact me directly. Thank you to all the members of the American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary who make this opportunity a reality for our students. Student Trooper Program This is a great opportunity for male and female high school 10th, 11th and 12th graders who think they may want to pursue a career in law enforcement. Students must be physically fit and have the ability to be a team member. This program is in cooperation with the American Legion Student Trooper Program and the Michigan State Police. The program offers hands on training including: underwater rescue and recovery, crash site techniques, first aid, work with professional canines, basic crime lab work and forensic techniques and much more. Congratulations to this year‟s attendees Dalton Hainlein, 10th grade; and Nicholas (Kade) Fleminger. This year‟s camps are held June 26 through July 1 and July - 29. MYLEAD Conference The MYLead Leadership Conference is scheduled for May 13th-15th at Michigan State University. Eligible students must be a sophomore in the 2010-2011 school year who has positive characteristics and has demonstrated leadership potential in the school or community (for example, by excelling academically, in sports, extra-curricular activities, and/or community service). Nominations were made by Hale High School Staff. Hale High School was able to send one student free of charge and had the option of sending a second student for a fee of $160.00. The Hale American Legion, VFW and Vietnam Veteran Organizations have co-sponsored our second student. Thank you for your continued generosity and support of our students. Congratulations to this year‟s delegates Lauren Brown and Danielle Benedict! ~Mr. Giori HALE AREA SCHOOLS TODAY VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 18 Hale Yearbook NEWS It is not too late to order a full-color, Hale 2011 Yearbook for you or your student. Yearbooks are $50 and need to be pre-ordered and paid for by April 1st. You can also just send in a check made out to Hale Yearbook for $50 with the student‟s name and we will place the order for you. Many seniors have not ordered their yearbook yet, don‟t let your senior be one of them! If you have a Senior this year, make sure you send in two senior pictures (one head & shoulders, one favorite pose) that you wish to have appear in the yearbook and in the class composite photo that will be displayed for years to come. We also need one favorite baby picture and up to 15 pictures from birth to current for the Senior Video. We asked that all pictures be turned in before March 15th. You can send them in with your senior or drop them off to the office or room 219. Make sure you label/number the pictures so we know your preferred order for the video, and which is the favorite baby picture and favorite senior pose. We need your help. If you wish to help us fund the yearbook this year, there are many ways you can contribute. Remember, you receive a receipt for this donation to use as a tax deduction if you contribute in any way. Feel free to select more than one way to support us if you wish. These are the options you have to support the Hale Yearbook: 1. Yearbook Scholarship Sponsor – As a yearbook scholarship sponsor, you are providing a yearbook for a student who may not have the finances to purchase a yearbook for themselves. You may request to sponsor a particular student, regardless of their need, or the yearbook you sponsor will go to a student that cannot afford to purchase their own. $50.00 per yearbook sponsored 2. Business Partnership – As our business partner, your name or business name will be printed in the list that corresponds to the size of your donation: Gold, Silver or Bronze. Gold - $100 Silver - $50 Bronze - $25 3. Full Color Ad – Many options are available. Just supply us with any business card, artwork, logo, text, letterhead or photos that you would like included in your ad. We can even arrange to take a photograph of your staff or business. Then we create a customized full-color ad for you. Full Page - $400, ½ Page - $240, ¼ Page - $140, ⅛ Page - $80, 1/10 Page - $60 which is a Business Card Ad If you‟d like more information or have any questions, just call Mrs. Plude at (989) 728-3551 x219. Thank you! Science Expo We will be holding our first Annual Science Expo on April 15 from 6-7:30 p.m.. Projects need to be dropped off between 2:30 and 4:00. All students, K-12, are eligible to participate. Everyone is welcome to attend! Students will choose a project that falls into one of four categories: an experiment, research, demonstration, or a collection. A REGISTRATION form needs to be turned in by March 31 and an entry form needs to accompany each project. On February 17th , we kicked off the beginning with Mr. Hagerman and Extreme Science. He demonstrated following procedures and the Scientific Method to Investigations. He made us aware that scientists need to take safety precautions by using things like helmets, gloves, and safety goggles. Students left ready to begin their adventures into science. Information has been sent home with each student regarding the expectations, rules, and ideas. For more details, please contact Ann Aldrich, Science Expo Coordinator at (989) 728-3551 ext. 120. VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 19 Sophomore Happenings! This year the 10th graders worked on their homecoming float in the fall and their door & banner decorating in the winter. They also were responsible for the Junior High basketball concessions. Participation in these activities were actually pretty low. It would be great if parents would encourage their students to participate in these class activities. This will be especially important next year when they are Juniors. They will be responsible for all the high school basketball concessions as they prepare to put on the Prom their Junior year. We will also need help from parents next year to help with the concessions and chaperoning dances, so if you think this sounds like something that interests you, please drop me a note or an email at beckyplude@hale.k12.mi.us. ~Mrs. Plude - 10th Grade Advisor Knowledge Bowl News Congratulations to our Hale Knowledge Bowl! They are currently undefeated and will participate in the semi-finals against Fairview on April 12th! The starting panel is David Stanchik (Captain), Meggan Muhle (Secretary), Jacob Rogers (leading points) and Codie Hjorth. Other valuable members include Kevin ReimerRanke, Stacey Eno and Caleb Parent. Everyone has contributed a great deal and they have had perfect attendance at all practices. Way to go! ~Mr. Lake Knowledge Bowl Advisor Food Service Department Update Dear Parents and/or Guardians: Our meal magic computer system has a low balance e-mail program that will send an email to you on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week if your child(ren)‟s food balance is between $2.00 and $-25.00. If you would like an e-mail sent to you, please send your name and e-mail address to hasfoodservice@hale.k12.mi.us or send it in with your student with his or her lunch money. Thank you! ~Mrs. Brindley Food Service Supervisor PAGE Summer Skill Books 20 Dear Parent/Guardian, Don’t let your child’s mind go idle over the summer months! Be proactive and order your summer skill book today! The education of our children is more important than ever before. For the approximate price of two movie tickets, you can give your child a summer of continued learning. Studies show that much of what is learned during the school year is lost over the summer months. For the past 18 years, our Summer Review Books have provided millions of students with a comprehensive review of materials taught the previous year. With educational demands continuously changing, children need not only a review that keeps current with State and National Standards, but also gives them an academic edge and self-confidence when they return to school in the fall. Our easy-to-use Math, Language Arts and Foreign Language review books serve this purpose. Taking only 15-30 minutes three times per week over the summer, our books provide a succinct review that is not overwhelming. Generally the grade level just completed is ordered; however, you and your child‟s teacher can best determine what grade level that would be most suitable. For more information visit our website at: www.summerskills.com Summer Math Skills Sharpener Books: (New Supplemental Lessons Included) 15 review books for Pre-K through 8th grade, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, Geometry, High School Math* and Math for Life**. Each lesson gives students practice in a mix of skills. Grade-appropriate auxiliary pages are included. Answer key, solutions for each problem (4th grade and up), and tutorial “Help Pages” are included. *Helps students prepare for college entrance exams, state proficiency tests and College Algebra; reviews both Geometry and Advanced Algebra. **A practical guide for everyday life, designed for the high school level and above. Summer Language Arts Review: (Introducing High School Language Arts Prep*) 10 review books for Pre-K through 7th grade and High School Prep. Lessons review mixed skills, including reading, writing, phonics, punctuation, grammar and more. Answer key and grade-appropriate reading lists are included. *Helps students prepare for high school as well as entrance exams and the PSAT. Foreign Language Review: Spanish I, Spanish II and French I review books (recommended for middle school/high school). Lessons help students prepare for their second or third year of foreign language. Answer key is included. Touch the Future Computer Keyboarding: One book designed for grades 3 through 6. A paper keyboard is included for students without access to a computer. HALE AREA SCHOOLS TODAY VOLUME I ISSUE 2 PAGE 21 Summer Skill Books Order Form Parent Order Form (for books sent to the home) 1. Phone credit card orders to (800) 411-8186 (Monday – Friday, 9 am to 5 pm EDT). 2. Fax credit card orders to (888) 262-0772. (Please call 800-411-8186 to verify). 3. Mail orders with check or credit card information to: Tri-C Publications, Inc. 6095 28th St. SE, Suite 106 Grand Rapids, MI 49546 4. Order by Internet at: www.summerskills.com (a secured site). Name (To Receive Books)_______________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________City___________________________________ State______Zip_______________Phone__________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number_____________________________________Expiration Date__________________________ (Note: We accept all major credit cards) What school does your child attend: ____________________________ City: _____________________________ Circle Summer Math Skills Sharpener book(s) desired: Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pre-Algebra Algebra I Geometry High School Review Math for Life Circle Summer Language Arts Review(s) desired: Pre-K K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H.S. Prep Other Books: Spanish I Review (for middle/high school) Spanish II Review (for high school) French I Review (for middle/high school) Touch the Future (keyboarding grades 3-6) The cost of each book is $19 (shipping & handling are included.) Note: For books sent outside the U.S. and Canada: Add $12 per book for shipping & handling. Please do not add this charge to books sent to the U.S or Canada. PAGE 22 Hale Baseball/Softball Association The Hale Baseball/Softball Association is in need of new board members to help keep the program going. After several years of service, all but one of the current board members have stepped down. This program is for children ages 4-14 and runs from March through July. Board members are responsible for team sign ups, finding coaches, maintaining fields, uniform and equipment disbursement, and/or attending league meetings. All positions are on a volunteer basis. There are six positions in need of immediate filling. If you have the time and would like to help keep a great program going for the kids, please contact Kris VanThomme at 305-0167. Helping Alternative Learners Excel (HALE) Program The HALE Program was implemented in September 2010 as a project-based learning program, part of the Widening Advancements for Youth (WAY) Program at Hale Area Schools. The HALE WAY Program is a personalized learning experience for students who struggle with traditional high school, offering an alternative approach to education-one that encourages self-esteem, independence, and the development of 21st century skills that will facilitate a college education and subsequent career paths. Mrs. Provoast and Hale Area Schools were welcomed into the Michigan Association of School Administrators Winners‟ Circle for the implementation and success of the HALE WAY Program. Congratulations to Mrs. Provoast for such a fine achievement! Pictured above, Mrs. Rhonda Provoast, Superintendent, Mr. Rich Reilly, Principal, Mr. Chad Brandt, Board President, Mr. Jordan Barclay, Way Program Project Manager/Lead Teacher, Mr. Glen Taylor, Co-Director of WAY, Mr. Mark McKulsky, Board Trustee and Mrs. Beth Baker, Co-Director of WAY. Online learning, an alternative method to student success! PAGE 23 ~WINTER HOMECOMING 2011~ High School Winter 2011 Homecoming Class Representatives Back row, left to right: Trevor LaRocque, Travis Tripp, Cody Brewington, James Priest and Casey Shuman. Middle row, left to right: Ronald Bleeda, Karissa Haskin, Marissa Andary, Melissa Niederquell, Danielle Benedict. Front row, left to right: Mariah Elmer, King Brendon O‟Dell, Queen Kaitlin Scott and Ashleigh Tatroe. “A day in the life of Hale High School!” HALE AREA SCHOOLS TODAY PAGE 24 WANTED! Adults who would like to learn how to read or improve their reading skills! Dear Citizens: Our names are Crystal, Abigail and Shantell. We are the Hale Senior Girl Scouts working for our gold award. A requirement for the gold award is to do a community service project. We have chosen to do a literacy program for the community. G O We would love to help you learn how to read or to improve your reading! This program takes place on Fridays at the early time of 3:30-4:30 p.m. at the Hale Area Schools library or at a later time of 5:00-6:00 p.m. at the Hale Baptist Church. Please contact our Girl Scout co-leader, Elaine Welch, at (989) 257-5133 to sign up for our reading program. If this day or time does not work for you, please call to see if we can work something out! H A L E SCHOOL CANCELLATIONS Occasionally schools must be closed due to inclement weather. The decision to close schools is made when it is determined that busses cannot safely navigate the roads to pick up students. Generally, the decision to close is not made until early morning after an evaluation of road conditions is completed. Announcement of closing is made immediately and periodically on the following radio and television stations: TELEVISION WNEM - TV 5 WJRT- TV 12 WBKB - TV 11 WEYI –TV 25 RADIO WKJC/WIOS Tawas WIOG 96.1 –Flint KCQ 98.1 Saginaw WHNN/ WBMI - West Branch Thank you!~Crystal, Abigail and Shantell *Please note that we plan to utilize the School Messenger system to notify students & staff of a Hale Girl Scout Troop 51067 school cancellation! E A G L E S Central Administration Office 728-7661, x 302 Superintendent: Rhonda Provoast 200 West Main Street Athletic Department 728-3551 Director: Will Robelli 311 N. Washington St. K-12 School Office 728-3551 Principal: Rich Reilly 311 N. Washington St. Web Address www.haleschools.net Special Education 728-3551, x 107 Supervisor: Angela Giori 311 N. Washington St. Transportation 728-7771 Supervisor: Brian Curley 204 W. Main St. (phys.) 200 W. Main St. (mail) Food Service 728-3551, x 175 Supervisor: Rhonda Brindley 311 N. Washington St. Rhonda A. Provoast, Superintendent Rich Reilly, K-12 Principal REGULAR BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS ARE HELD THE SECOND MONDAY OF EACH MONTH AT 7:00 P.M. IN THE FORMER HALE HIGH SCHOOL, 415 E. MAIN ST. BOARD OF EDUCATION Mr. Chad Brandt, President Mrs. Valerie Cryderman, Vice-President Mr. Ric Braun, Treasurer Mrs. Sarah Heuss, Secretary Mr. Terry Bovee, Trustee Mr. Mark McKulsky, Trustee Mrs. Karol Shellenbarger, Trustee AREA SCHOOLS Junior High/High School (grades 7-12) 8:10 a.m.-3:10 p.m. Breakfast served daily 7:45 a.m.–8:15 a.m. When an early dismissal is scheduled, student releases are as follows: Elementary (grades K-6) 12:35 p.m. Junior High/High School (grades 7-12) 12:30 p.m. HALE AREA SCHOOLS 200 WEST MAIN ST. HALE, MI 48739 HALE STUDENT SCHEDULES Elementary School Day (grades K-6) 8:15 a.m.-3:15 p.m. TODAY These times are for regularly scheduled days only. Emergency situations due to weather or unforeseen circumstances will be handled on an individual basis.