BNP Paribas Arbitrage lssuance B.V. (incorporated in The
BNP Paribas Arbitrage lssuance B.V. (incorporated in The
6(&21'6833/(0(17'$7('2&72%(5 727+(:$55$17$1'&(57,),&$7(352*5$00(%$6(35263(&786'$7('0$< %133DULEDV$UELWUDJH,VVXDQFH%9 LQFRUSRUDWHGLQ7KH1HWKHUODQGV DV,VVXHU %133DULEDV LQFRUSRUDWHGLQ)UDQFH DV,VVXHUDQG*XDUDQWRU :$55$17$1'&(57,),&$7(352*5$00( This second supplement (the "6HFRQG6XSSOHPHQW") is supplemental to, and should be read in conjunction with, the Warrant and Certificate Programme base prospectus dated 30 May 2007 (the "%DVH3URVSHFWXV") and the first supplement to the Base Prospectus dated 11 July 2007 (the ")LUVW6XSSOHPHQW") in relation to the programme for the issuance of Warrants and Certificates by BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. ("%133%9") and BNP Paribas ("%133") (the "3URJUDPPH"). Terms defined in the Base Prospectus and the First Supplement have the same meaning when used in this Second Supplement. Each of BNPP B.V. (in respect of itself) and BNPP (in respect of itself and BNPP B.V.) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this Second Supplement. To the best of the knowledge of each of BNPP B.V. and BNPP (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), the information contained herein is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. Save as disclosed in this Second Supplement and the First Supplement, no other significant new factor, material mistake or material inaccuracy relating to information included in the Base Prospectus has arisen or been noted, as the case may be, since the publication of the Base Prospectus dated 30 May 2007. This Second Supplement constitutes a Supplement within the meaning of Article 16 of Directive 2003/71/EC and has been produced for the following purposes: (a) to include a revised Summary, Risk Factors, Form of Final Terms for Certificates and to amend the Terms and Conditions of the Certificates in the Base Prospectus to provide for, LQWHU DOLD, Certificates issued under the Programme to be admitted to trading on the "electronic securitised derivatives market" (the "6H'H;"), organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. ("%RUVD ,WDOLDQD") and for Certificates to be accepted by Monte Titoli S.p.A. ("0RQWH7LWROL") for clearing and settlement; (b) to make certain amendments to the Terms and Conditions of the Warrants; (c) to amend the Italian selling restrictions in the Offering and Sale section of the Base Prospectus; (d) to amend the taxation section with respect to Italy; 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 1 (e) to incorporate by reference the document entitled “Interim Financial Report for the 6 month period ended June 30, 2007 - BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V.” (the “6HPL$QQXDO5HVXOWV”); and (f) to supplement the Base Prospectus with the following information: (i) BNP Paribas’ consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2007, as set out in Annex 1; and (ii) the Statutory auditor' s review report on BNP Paribas’ first half year financial information for 2007, as set out in Annex 2. The Issuer intends to file an application with the Italian Stock Exchange for Certificates issued under the Programme to be admitted to trading on the SeDeX, organised and managed by Borsa Italiana. Certificates (i) admitted to trading on the SeDeX, organised and managed by Borsa Italiana (",WDOLDQ/LVWHG &HUWLILFDWHV") and/or (ii) accepted by Monte Titoli for clearing and settlement ("0RQWH7LWROL&HUWLILFDWHV") have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933. Italian Listed Certificates and Monte Titoli Certificates may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States of America or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons. In accordance with Article 13 paragraph 2 of the Luxembourg act dated 10 July 2005 on prospectuses for securities (the “3URVSHFWXV$FW” ), investors who have agreed to purchase or subscribe for the Securities before the Second Supplement is published have the right, exercisable within a time period of a minimum of two working days after the publication of the Second Supplement, to withdraw their acceptances. Copies of this Second Supplement are available on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange' s website: "". 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 2 7$%/(2)&217(176 6HFWLRQ 3DJH Summary............................................................................................................................................................ 4 Risk Factors ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Amendments to the Terms and Conditions of the Certificates ........................................................................ 27 Amendments to the Terms and Conditions of the Warrants ............................................................................ 30 Form of Final Terms for Certificates ............................................................................................................... 31 Offering and Sale ............................................................................................................................................. 67 Italian Taxation ................................................................................................................................................ 68 $QQH[ 1. 2. BNP Paribas’ Consolidated Financial Statements for the First Half of 2007 ..................................... 71 Statutory Auditor' s Review Report on BNP Paribas’ First Half Year Financial Information 2007 .................................................................................................................................................. 141 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 3 6800$5< The Summary in the Base Prospectus as amended by the First Supplement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following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aribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V. ("%133%9") BNP Paribas ("%133" or the "%DQN", and together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the "*URXS") *XDUDQWRU 'HVFULSWLRQRI%133%9 'HVFULSWLRQRI%133 BNP Paribas BNPP B.V. is a limited company under Dutch law. Its objects are, among other things, to: (a) borrow, lend out and collect monies, including but not limited to the issue of the acquisition of debentures, debt instruments, financial instruments such as, LQWHU DOLD, warrants and certificates of any nature, with or without indexation based on, inter alia, shares, baskets of shares, stock exchange indices, currencies, commodities or futures on commodities and to enter into related agreements; and (b) engage in industrial, financial and commercial activities of any nature, and all other things as may be deemed incidental or conducive to the attainment of its objects. The Group (of which BNPP is the parent company) is one of the top global players in financial services, conducting retail, corporate and investment banking, private banking, asset management, insurance and specialised and other financial activities throughout the world. At 30 June 2007, the Group had consolidated assets of ¼663.6 billion and shareholders’ equity of ¼52.2 billion. On 10 July 2007 Standard & Poor’s upgraded the Group’s longterm senior debt rating from "AA" (the "2OG 63 5DWLQJ") to "AA+" (the "1HZ635DWLQJ") with a stable outlook. The Group currently has long-term senior debt ratings of "Aa1" with stable outlook from Moody’s and "AA" with stable outlook from Fitch Ratings. Moody’s has also assigned the Bank a Bank Financial Strength rating of "B" and Fitch Ratings has assigned the Bank an individual rating of "A/B". (All references in the Base Prospectus to the Old S&P Rating shall be read as references to the New S&P Rating). 'HVFULSWLRQRIWKH 3URJUDPPH 5LVN)DFWRUV,VVXHUV Warrant and Certificate Programme There are certain factors that may affect each Issuer’s ability to fulfil its obligations under Securities issued under the Programme. These include the following risk factors related to the Bank, its operations and its industry: (a) 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Eight main categories of risks are inherent in the Bank’s activities: 5 x x x x x x x x 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Credit Risk; Market and Liquidity Risk; Asset-Liability Management Risk; Liquidity and Refinancing Risk; Insurance Underwriting Risk; Operational Risk; Compliance Risk; and Reputation Risk (b) Adverse market or economic conditions may cause a decrease in net banking income or profitability. (c) The Bank may incur significant losses on its trading and investment activities due to market fluctuations and volatility. (d) The Bank may generate lower revenues from brokerage and other commission- and fee-based businesses during market downturns. (e) A long term market decline can reduce liquidity in the markets, making it harder to sell assets and possibly leading to material losses. (f) Significant interest rate variations could adversely affect the Bank’s net banking income or profitability. (g) A substantial increase in new provisions or a shortfall in the level of previously recorded provisions could adversely affect the Bank’s results of operations and financial condition. (h) The Bank’s competitive position could be harmed if its reputation is damaged. (i) An interruption in or a breach of the Bank’s information systems may result in lost business and other losses. (j) Unforeseen events can interrupt the Bank’s operations and cause substantial losses and additional costs. (k) The Bank is subject to extensive supervisory and regulatory regimes in France, elsewhere in Europe, the U.S., the Asia Pacific region and in the many countries around the world in which it operates; regulatory actions and changes in regulatory regimes could adversely affect the Bank’s business and results. (l) The Bank’s risk management policies, procedures and methods may leave it exposed to unidentified or unanticipated risks, which could lead to material losses. (m) The Bank’s hedging strategies may not prevent losses. 6 (n) The Bank may have difficulty in identifying and executing acquisitions, which could materially harm the Bank’s results of operations. (o) Intense competition, especially in the Bank’s home market of France, where it has the largest single concentration of businesses, could adversely affect the Bank’s net banking income and profitability. The following risk factors relate to BNPP B.V.: BNPP B.V. is not an operating company. BNPP B.V.’s sole business is the raising and borrowing of money by issuing Securities or other obligations. BNPP B.V. has, and will have, no assets other than fees payable to it, or other assets acquired by it, in each case in connection with the issue of Securities or entry into other obligations relating to the Programme from time to time. The net proceeds from each issue of Securities issued by the Issuer will become part of the general funds of BNPP B.V. BNPP B.V. may use such proceeds to maintain positions in certain Hedging Agreements. The ability of BNPP B.V. to meet its obligations under Securities issued by it will depend on the receipt by it of payments under the relevant Hedging Agreements. Consequently, BNPP B.V. is exposed to the ability of counterparties in respect of such Hedging Agreements to perform their obligations under such Hedging Agreements. 5LVN)DFWRUV6HFXULWLHV There are also certain factors which are material for the purpose of assessing the risks related to the Securities issued under the Programme, any of which may affect the value and/or liquidity of the relevant Securities. These include: (a) (b) (c) (d) 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 +LJKGHJUHHRIULVN: the Securities involve a high degree of risk, which may include, among others, interest rate, foreign exchange, time value and political risks. Prospective purchasers of Securities should recognise that their Securities may expire worthless. 6HFXULWLHV DUH 8QVHFXUHG 2EOLJDWLRQV: the Securities are unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the relevant Issuer and will rank SDULSDVVX with themselves. The obligations of BNPP under the Guarantees are unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of BNPP and will rank pari passu with all its other present and future unsubordinated and unsecured obligations, subject as may from time to time be mandatory under French law. 5LVNV ZLWK UHJDUG WR LQWHULP YDOXH RI 6HFXULWLHV: The interim value of the Securities varies with the price level of the relevant Underlying Reference (as defined in "5LVN )DFWRUV" below), as well as by a number of other interrelated factors. &HUWDLQ&RQVLGHUDWLRQV5HJDUGLQJ+HGJLQJ: it may not 7 be possible to purchase or liquidate securities in a portfolio at the prices used to calculate the value of any relevant Underlying Reference. (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (IIHFW RI &UHGLW 5DWLQJ 5HGXFWLRQ: a reduction in the rating, if any, accorded to outstanding debt securities of BNPP B.V. or BNPP by any rating agency could result in a reduction in the trading value of the Securities. $GGLWLRQDO 5LVN )DFWRUV $VVRFLDWHG ZLWK &XUUHQF\ 6HFXULWLHV: fluctuations in exchange rates may affect the value of Currency Securities. Purchasers of Currency Securities risk losing their entire investment if exchange rates of the relevant currency do not move in the anticipated direction. 3RVVLEOH,OOLTXLGLW\RIWKH6HFXULWLHVLQWKH6HFRQGDU\ 0DUNHW: a decrease in the liquidity of an issue of Securities may cause an increase in the volatility of the price of such issue of Securities. If an issue of Securities becomes illiquid, an investor may have to exercise (in the case of Warrants) or wait until redemption of such Securities to realise value. 3RWHQWLDO &RQIOLFWV RI ,QWHUHVW: BNPP B.V., BNPP and their affiliates may engage in activities which could present certain conflicts of interest and could influence the price of Securities. Additional potential conflicts of interest may be specified in the applicable Final Terms. 0DUNHW 'LVUXSWLRQ (YHQWV: if a Market Disruption Event or failure to open of a relevant exchange occurs or exists on a specified date, any consequential postponement of such date or any alternative provisions for valuation provided in any Securities may have an adverse effect on the value and liquidity of such Securities and may result in the postponement of the relevant Settlement Date or Redemption Date. $GMXVWPHQW (YHQWV: if a relevant Index is (i) not calculated and announced by the Index Sponsor in respect of the Index but is calculated and announced by an acceptable successor sponsor or successor entity, as the case may be, or (ii) replaced by a permitted successor index, then in each case that index will be deemed to be the Index Price. If an Index Adjustment Event occurs, except as may be limited in the case of U.S. Securities: (i) the relevant Settlement Price may be calculated on a modified basis; or (ii) in the case of Warrants unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms in the case of Certificates or unless Delayed Redemption on 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 8 Occurrence of Index Adjustment Event is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Securities may be cancelled or redeemed ("terminated") and the fair market value of the Securities shall be payable, taking into account the Index Adjustment Event, less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying hedging arrangements; or (iii) in the case of Certificates and if Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Index Adjustment Event specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Calculation Agent will calculate the Calculated Amount and on the Redemption Date, the Issuer will redeem the Certificates at the Calculated Amount plus accured interest (calculated as provided in the Index Certificate Conditions) or if greater the Notional Amount of each Certificate. (k) (l) 3RWHQWLDO $GMXVWPHQW (YHQWV: in the case of Share Securities, following the declaration by the Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, of the terms of any Potential Adjustment Event, a corresponding adjustment may be made to any one or more of the terms of the Terms and Conditions and/or the applicable Final Terms. 2WKHU (YHQWV UHODWLQJ WR 6KDUH 6HFXULWLHV: in the case of Share Securities, if a Merger Event, Tender Offer, DeListing, Nationalisation or Insolvency occurs in relation to a Share: (i) adjustments may be made to any of the Terms and Conditions and/or the applicable Final Terms to account for such occurrence; (ii) in the case of Warrants unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms or in the case of Certificates, unless Delayed Redemption or Occurrence of Extraordinary Event is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Securities may be cancelled or redeemed, as applicable in whole or in part; or (iii) in the case of Certificates and if Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Extraordinary Event is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Calculation Agent will calculate the Calculated Amount and on the Redemption Date, the Issuer will redeem the Certificates at the Calculated Amount plus accrued interest (calculated as provided in the Share Certificate Conditions) or if greater the Notional Amount of each Certificate. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 9 (m) &RPPRGLW\ 6HFXULWLHV DQG 0DUNHW 'LVUXSWLRQ (YHQW: in the case of Commodity Securities, if Disappearance of Commodity Reference Price, material Change in Formula or Material Change in Content occurs: (i) the relevant Settlement Price may be calculated on a modified basis; (ii) in the case of Warrants unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms or, in the case of Certificates, unless Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Market Disruption Event is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Securities may be cancelled or redeemed, as applicable; or (iii) in the case of Certificates and if Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Market Disruption Event is specified in the applicable Final Terms, the Calculation Agent will calculate the Calculated Amount and on the Redemption Date, the Issuer will redeem the Certificates at the Calculated Amount plus accrued interest (calculated as provided in the Commodity Certificate Conditions) or if greater the Notional Account of each Certificate. (n) (o) (p) 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 6HWWOHPHQW 'LVUXSWLRQ (YHQWV: in the case of Physical Delivery Securities, if a Settlement Disruption Event occurs or exists on the Settlement Date or the Redemption Date, as the case may be, settlement will be postponed until the next Settlement Business Day in respect of which there is no Settlement Disruption Event. The relevant Issuer in these circumstances may, except in the case of U.S. Securities, also have the right to pay the Disruption Cash Settlement Price in lieu of delivering the Entitlement. The Disruption Cash Settlement Price may be less than the fair market value of the Entitlement and may be zero. 2SWLRQWR9DU\6HWWOHPHQW: the Issuer may be entitled to vary the settlement of the Securities, by (i) delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement instead of making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount or, as applicable, (ii) making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount instead of delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement. 2SWLRQ WR 6XEVWLWXWH $VVHWV RU WR 3D\ WKH $OWHUQDWH &DVK 6HWWOHPHQW $PRXQW: the Issuer may, if any Relevant Asset comprises assets which are not freely tradable, elect either (i) to substitute a Substitute Asset for the Relevant Asset or (ii) not to deliver or procure the 10 delivery of the Entitlement or the Substitute Asset, but in lieu thereof to make payment on the Settlement Date of the Alternate Cash Settlement Amount. (q) (r) (s) &HUWLILFDWHV 6XEMHFW WR 2SWLRQDO 5HGHPSWLRQ RU &DQFHOODWLRQ: an optional or other early termination feature is likely to limit the market value of the Certificates. In the case of Certificates having an optional termination feature, prior to or during any period when the relevant Issuer may elect to terminate such Certificates, the market value of those Certificates generally will not rise substantially above the price at which they can be terminated. The Final Terms may provide that the relevant Certificates shall be terminated early in specified circumstances. Following an optional or early termination, a Holder may not be able to reinvest any termination proceeds at an effective interest rate as high as the interest rate on the relevant Certificates being terminated and may only be able to do so at a significantly lower rate. Potential investors should consider reinvestment risk in light of other investments available at that time. )RUPXOD OLQNHG ,QWHUHVW: no Interest Amount may be payable on any Interest Payment Date: if any interest amount is payable in respect of any Certificates, investors may not be entitled to receive any such interest amount on the relevant dates in certain specified circumstances so indicated in the Final Terms. ,QWHUHVWOLQNHGWRD5HOHYDQW)DFWRU: the relevant Issuer may issue Certificates with interest determined by reference to any Relevant Factor and/or payable in any currency which may be different from the currency in which the Certificates are denominated and: (i) the market price of such Certificates may be volatile; (ii) payment of interest may occur at a different time or in a different currency than expected; (iii) a Relevant Factor may be subject to significant fluctuations that may not correlate with changes in interest rates, currencies or other indices; (iv) if the exposure to a Relevant Factor is leveraged in any respect, the effect of changes in the Relevant Factor on interest payable will be magnified; (v) the timing of changes in a Relevant Factor may affect the actual yield to investors, even if the average level is consistent with their expectations; and (vi) interest may only be payable and/or calculated in 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 11 respect of certain specified days and/or periods on or during which the Relevant Factor or its value equals, exceeds and/or is less than certain specified thresholds. (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 7LPLQJ RI 2EVHUYDWLRQ 'DWHV: amounts, formulae and other provisions relating to Securities may be calculated by reference to specific Observation Dates and which may be postponed if certain events occur. The timing of such dates may affect the value of the relevant Securities such that the Holder may receive a lower Cash Settlement Amount, Interest Amount or other amount than otherwise would have been the case. /LPLWHG ([SRVXUH WR 8QGHUO\LQJ 5HIHUHQFH: if the exposure of the relevant Securities to one or more Underlying References is limited or capped to a certain level or amount, the relevant Securities will not benefit from any upside in the value of any such Underlying References beyond such limit or cap. 7KH )LQDO &DVK 6HWWOHPHQW $PRXQW RU 5HGHPSWLRQ $PRXQW 0D\ %H 6LJQLILFDQWO\ /HVV WKDQ WKH 9DOXH RI DQ ,QYHVWPHQW LQ WKH 6HFXULWLHV: each Holder may receive a Cash Settlement Amount or Redemption Amount and/or physical delivery of specified securities together with cash for roundings. The aggregate value of such specified securities and cash may be significantly less than the value of the Holder’s investment in the relevant Securities. 3RVWLVVXDQFH,QIRUPDWLRQ: applicable Final Terms may specify that the relevant Issuer will not provide postissuance information in relation to the Underlying Reference. /LPLWDWLRQV RQ ([HUFLVH RI :DUUDQWV: the Issuer may have the option to limit the number of Warrants exercisable on any date (other than the final exercise date) to the maximum number specified in the Final Terms and to limit the number of Warrants exercisable by any person or group of persons on such date. 0LQLPXP ([HUFLVH $PRXQW RI :DUUDQWV: Holders may be required to tender or hold a specified number of Warrants in order to exercise. Holders with fewer than the specified minimum number of Warrants will either have to sell their Warrants or purchase additional Warrants, incurring costs in each case, to realise their investment. Holders of such Warrants incur the risk that there may be differences between the trading price of such Warrants and the Cash Settlement Amount or the Physical Settlement Value of such Warrants. 12 (z) (aa) (bb) 6HFXULWLHV /LVWLQJDQGDGPLVVLRQWR WUDGLQJ 6HOOLQJ5HVWULFWLRQV 6WDWXVRIWKH6HFXULWLHVDQG 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 7LPH/DJDIWHU([HUFLVHRI:DUUDQWV: in the case of any exercise of Warrants, there will be a time lag between the time a holder gives instructions to exercise and the time the applicable Cash Settlement Amount relating to such exercise is determined. The applicable Cash Settlement Amount may change significantly during any such period, and such movement could decrease the Cash Settlement Amount of the relevant Warrants and may result in such Cash Settlement Amount being zero. 5LVN IDFWRUV UHODWLQJ WR PDUNHW DFFHVV SURGXFWV: the Securities are structured as a market access product such that the Issuer’s obligations may be hedged by means of one or more Index, Share, Fund Share or unit or other instrument used for the purposes of hedging obligations. Economic and other risks associated with such instruments shall be assumed by prospective purchases of the Securities. The Securities are not principal protected or guaranteed, no assurances can be given as to the liquidity of any trading market for the Securities, and purchasers should be aware that the probability of the occurrence of a Hedging Disruption event and consequently loss of principal or profit, may be higher for certain developing or emerging markets. 2WKHU $GMXVWPHQWV: the Issuer has the right to make other adjustments to the terms of the Securities as more fully described in the Conditions. Securities may be issued as index Securities (",QGH[ 6HFXULWLHV"), share Securities ("6KDUH 6HFXULWLHV"), GDR Securities ("*'5 6HFXULWLHV"), debt Securities ("'HEW 6HFXULWLHV"), currency Securities ("&XUUHQF\ 6HFXULWLHV"), commodity Securities ("&RPPRGLW\ 6HFXULWLHV"), inflation index Securities (",QIODWLRQ,QGH[6HFXULWLHV"), fund Securities (")XQG 6HFXULWLHV"), credit Securities ("&UHGLW /LQNHG 6HFXULWLHV") or any other or further type of warrants or certificates including as hybrid Securities ("+\EULG 6HFXULWLHV") whereby the Underlying Reference may be any combination of such indices, shares, debt, currency, commodities, inflation indices, fund shares or units, the credit of specified reference entities or other asset classes or types. Securities of a particular Series may be listed and admitted to trading on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, the Italian Stock Exchange or on such other or additional stock exchanges as may be specified in the applicable Final Terms and references to listing shall be construed accordingly. There are restrictions on the sale of Securities and the distribution of offering material — see "2IIHULQJDQG6DOH" below. The Securities are unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of 13 *XDUDQWHH the Issuer and rank SDULSDVVXamong themselves. Where the Issuer is BNPP B.V., the relevant Guarantee is an unsubordinated and unsecured obligation of BNPP and will rank SDUL SDVVX with all its other present and future unsubordinated and unsecured obligations subject to such exceptions as may from time to time be mandatory under French law. 93&:DUUDQWVDQG93& &HUWLILFDWHV 7D[DWLRQ Pursuant to an issuing and paying agency agreement dated 11 July 2007 between BNPP B.V. and Svensska Handelsbanken AB (publ) (as VPC Certificate Agent), the Issuer may issue VPC Warrants and VPC Certificates ("93& 6HFXULWLHV"). VPC Securities will be issued in registered, uncertificated and dematerialised book-entry form in accordance with the SFIA. VPC Warrants may only be cash settled European Style Warrants with automatic exercise. Holders of Securities must pay all specified expenses relating to the Securities. Neither the Issuer nor the Guarantor shall be liable for or otherwise obliged to pay any tax, duty, withholding or other payment which may arise as a result of the ownership, transfer, exercise or enforcement of any Security and all payments made by the relevant Issuer or the Guarantor shall be made subject to any such tax, duty, withholding or other payment which may be required to be made, paid, withheld or deducted. Investors should carefully review the Taxation section. Investors should note that, in the near future, the Italian Government may be authorised by the Italian Parliament to amend the tax treatment of financial income, which may impact upon the tax regime of the Securities. *RYHUQLQJ/DZ 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 The Securities and any related Guarantee will be governed by English or French Law as specified in the applicable Final Terms. 14 5,6.)$&7256 The Risk Factors section in the Base Prospectus shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following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erms used in this section and not otherwise defined have the meanings given to them in the relevant Conditions. 5LVNV5HODWHGWRWKH%DQNDQGLWV2SHUDWLRQV See the section entitled Risk Factors contained on pages 5 to 10 of the Information Statement which is incorporated by reference in this Base Prospectus. 5,6.)$&72565(/$7,1*72%133%9 BNPP B.V. is not an operating company. BNPP B.V.’s sole business is the raising and borrowing of money by issuing Securities or other obligations. BNPP B.V. has, and will have, no assets other than such fees (as agreed) payable to it, or other assets acquired by it, in each case in connection with the issue of Securities or entry into other obligations relating to the Programme from time to time. The net proceeds from each issue of Securities issued by the Issuer will become part of the general funds of BNPP B.V. BNPP B.V. may use such proceeds to maintain positions in options or futures contracts or other hedging instruments ("+HGJLQJ $JUHHPHQWV"). The ability of BNPP B.V. to meet its obligations under Securities issued by it will depend on the receipt by it of payments under the relevant Hedging Agreements. Consequently, BNPP B.V. is exposed to the ability of counterparties in respect of such Hedging Agreements to perform their obligations under such Hedging Agreements. 5,6.)$&72565(/$7,1*726(&85,7,(6 The Securities involve a high degree of risk, which may include, price risks associated with the Underlying Reference (as defined below), among others, interest rate, foreign exchange, inflation, time value and political risks. Prospective purchasers of Securities should recognise that their Securities may expire worthless or be redeemed for no value. Purchasers should be prepared to sustain a total loss of the purchase price of their Securities. This risk reflects the nature of a Security as an asset which, other factors held constant, tends to decline in value over time and which may become worthless when it expires or is redeemed. See "&HUWDLQ)DFWRUV$IIHFWLQJWKH9DOXHDQG7UDGLQJ3ULFHRI6HFXULWLHV" below. Prospective purchasers of Securities should be experienced with respect to options and option transactions, should understand the risks of transactions involving the relevant Securities and should reach an investment decision only after careful consideration, with their advisers, of the suitability of such Securities in light of their particular financial circumstances, the information set forth herein and the information regarding the relevant Securities and the particular underlying index (or basket of indices), share (or basket of shares), debt instrument (or basket of debt instruments), currency (or basket of currencies), commodity (or basket of commodities), inflation index (or basket of inflation indices), fund share or unit (or basket of fund shares or units), or other basis of reference to which the value of the relevant Securities may relate, as specified in the applicable Final Terms (such reference being the "8QGHUO\LQJ 5HIHUHQFH"). The Issuer may also issue Securities linked to the credit of a specified entity (or entities). 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 15 The risk of the loss of some or all of the purchase price of a Security upon expiration or redemption means that, in order to recover and realise a return upon his or her investment, a purchaser of a Security must generally be correct about the direction, timing and magnitude of an anticipated change in the value or credit risk of the Underlying Reference which may be specified in the applicable Final Terms. Assuming all other factors are held constant, the lower the value of a Security and the shorter the remaining term of a Warrant to expiration or a Certificate to redemption, the greater the risk that purchasers of such Securities will lose all or part of their investment. With respect to Certificates and European-style Warrants, the only means through which a holder can realise value from the Warrant or Certificate, as the case may be, prior to its Exercise Date or Redemption Date in relation to such Warrant or Certificate, as the case may be, is to sell it at its then market price in an available secondary market. See "3RVVLEOH,OOLTXLGLW\RIWKH6HFXULWLHVLQWKH6HFRQGDU\ 0DUNHW" below. Fluctuations in the value of the relevant index or basket of indices will affect the value of Index Securities or Inflation Index Securities. Fluctuations in the price of the relevant share or value of the basket of shares will affect the value of Share Securities. Fluctuations in the price or yield of the relevant debt instrument or value of the basket of debt instruments will affect the value of Debt Securities. Fluctuations in the rates of exchange between the relevant currencies will affect the value of Currency Securities. Fluctuations in value of the relevant inflation index or basket of inflation indices will affect the value of Inflation Securities. Fluctuations in value of the relevant fund share or units or basket of fund shares or units will affect the value of the Fund Securities. Fluctuations in the creditworthiness of the relevant reference entity or entities will affect the value of the Credit Linked Securities. Also, due to the character of the particular market on which a debt instrument is traded, the absence of last sale information and the limited availability of quotations for such debt instrument may make it difficult for many investors to obtain timely, accurate data for the price or yield of such debt instrument. Fluctuations in the value of the relevant commodity or basket of commodities will affect the value of Commodity Securities. In the case of Hybrid Securities whose Underlying Reference is any combination of such indices, shares, debt, currencies, commodities, inflation indices or any other asset class or type, fluctuations in the value of any one or more of such Underlying References will correspondingly affect the value of Hybrid Securities. Purchasers of Securities risk losing their entire investment if the value of the relevant underlying basis of reference does not move in the anticipated direction. 6HFXULWLHVDUH8QVHFXUHG2EOLJDWLRQV The Securities are unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of the relevant Issuer and will rank pari passu with themselves. Each issue of Securities issued by BNPP B.V. will be guaranteed by BNPP pursuant to the English Guarantee, in the case of English Law Securities, or the French Law Guarantee, in the case of French Law Securities. The obligations of BNPP under the Guarantees are unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of BNPP and will rank pari passu with all its other present and future unsubordinated and unsecured obligations, subject as may from time to time be mandatory under French law. Each Issuer may issue several issues of Securities relating to various Underlying References. However, no assurance can be given that the relevant Issuer will issue any Securities other than the Securities to which a particular Final Terms relates. At any given time, the number of Securities outstanding may be substantial. Securities provide opportunities for investment and pose risks to investors as a result of fluctuations in the value of the underlying investment. In general, certain of the risks associated with Warrants are similar to those generally applicable to other options or warrants of private corporate issuers. Options, warrants or certificates on shares, debt instruments or fund shares or units are priced primarily on the basis of the value of underlying securities whilst Currency and Commodity Securities are priced primarily on the basis of present and expected values of the reference currency (or basket of currencies) or commodity (or basket of commodities) specified in the applicable Final Terms. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 16 &HUWDLQ)DFWRUV$IIHFWLQJWKH9DOXHDQG7UDGLQJ3ULFHRI6HFXULWLHV Either (1) the Cash Settlement Amount (in the case of Cash Settled Securities) or (2) (i) the difference in the value of the Entitlement and the Exercise Price (in the case of Physical Delivery Warrants) or (ii) the value of the Entitlement (in the case of Physical Delivery Certificates) ((2)(i) or (2)(ii), as applicable, the "3K\VLFDO 6HWWOHPHQW9DOXH") at any time prior to expiration or redemption is typically expected to be less than the trading price of such Securities at that time. The difference between the trading price and the Cash Settlement Amount or the Physical Settlement Value, as the case may be, will reflect, among other things, the "time value" of the Securities. The "time value" of the Securities will depend partly upon the length of the period remaining to expiration or redemption and expectations concerning the value of the Underlying Reference as specified in the applicable Final Terms. Securities offer hedging and investment diversification opportunities but also pose some additional risks with regard to interim value. The interim value of the Securities varies with the price level of the Underlying Reference as specified in the applicable Final Terms, as well as by a number of other interrelated factors, including those specified herein. Before exercising (in the case of Warrants) or selling Securities, holders should carefully consider, among other things, (a) the trading price of the Securities, (b) the value and volatility of the Underlying Reference as specified in the applicable Final Terms, (c) the time remaining to expiration or redemption, as the case may be, (d) in the case of Cash Settled Securities, the probable range of Cash Settlement Amounts, (e) any change(s) in interim interest rates and dividend yields if applicable, (f) any change(s) in currency exchange rates, (g) the depth of the market or liquidity of the Underlying Reference as specified in the applicable Final Terms and (h) any related transaction costs. &HUWDLQ&RQVLGHUDWLRQV5HJDUGLQJ3XUFKDVLQJ6HFXULWLHVDV+HGJHV Prospective purchasers intending to purchase Securities to hedge against the market risk associated with investing in the Underlying Reference which may be specified in the applicable Final Terms, should recognise the complexities of utilising Securities in this manner. For example, the value of the Securities may not exactly correlate with the value of the Underlying Reference which may be specified in the applicable Final Terms. Due to fluctuating supply and demand for the Securities, there is no assurance that their value will correlate with movements of the Underlying Reference which may be specified in the applicable Final Terms. For these reasons, among others, it may not be possible to purchase or liquidate securities in a portfolio at the prices used to calculate the value of any relevant Underlying Reference. In addition, in certain cases, the ability of holders to use Securities for hedging may be restricted by the provisions of the Securities Act. (IIHFWRI&UHGLW5DWLQJ5HGXFWLRQ The value of the Securities is expected to be affected, in part, by investors’ general appraisal of the creditworthiness of the relevant Issuer and, if applicable, the Guarantor. Such perceptions are generally influenced by the ratings accorded to the outstanding securities of BNPP B.V. or BNPP by standard statistical rating services, such as Moody’s Investors Service Limited ("0RRG\ V"), Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of The McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. ("6WDQGDUG3RRU V") and Fitch Ratings Ltd. (")LWFK"). A reduction in the rating, if any, accorded to outstanding debt securities of BNPP B.V. or BNPP by one of these rating agencies could result in a reduction in the trading value of the Securities. &HUWDLQ$GGLWLRQDO5LVN)DFWRUV$VVRFLDWHGZLWK&XUUHQF\6HFXULWLHV Fluctuations in exchange rates of the relevant currency (or basket of currencies) will affect the value of Currency Securities. Furthermore, investors who intend to convert gains or losses from the exercise, redemption or sale of Currency Securities into their home currency may be affected by fluctuations in exchange rates between their home currency and the relevant currency (or basket of currencies). Currency values may be affected by complex political and economic factors, including governmental action to fix or support the value of a currency (or basket of currencies), regardless of other market forces. Purchasers of 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 17 Currency Securities risk losing their entire investment if exchange rates of the relevant currency (or basket of currencies) do not move in the anticipated direction. If additional warrants, securities or options relating to particular non-U.S. currencies or particular currency indices are subsequently issued, the supply of warrants and options relating to such non-U.S. currencies or currency indices, as applicable, in the market will increase, which could cause the price at which the Securities and such other warrants, securities and options trade in the secondary market to decline significantly. &HUWDLQ$GGLWLRQDO5LVN)DFWRUVUHODWLQJWR&UHGLW/LQNHG6HFXULWLHV The Issuers may issue Securities where the amount payable is dependent upon whether certain events ("&UHGLW(YHQWV") have occurred in respect of a specified entity (the "UHIHUHQFHHQWLW\") and, if so, on the value of certain specified assets of the reference entity or where, if such events have occurred, such Issuers’ obligation is to deliver certain specified assets. The price of such Securities may be volatile and will be affected by, amongst other things, the time remaining to the settlement date or redemption date and the creditworthiness of the reference entity which in turn may be affected by the economic, financial and political events in one or more jurisdictions. Where the Securities provide for physical delivery, the Issuer may determine that the specified assets to be delivered are assets which for any reason (including, without limitation, failure of the relevant clearance system or due to any law, regulation, court order or market conditions or the non-receipt of any requisite consents with respect to the delivery of assets which are loans) it is impossible or illegal to deliver on the specified settlement date. Any such determination may delay settlement in respect of the Securities and/or cause the obligation to deliver such specified assets to be replaced by an obligation to pay a cash amount which, in either case, may affect the value of the Securities and, in the case of payment of a cash amount, will affect the timing of the valuation of such Securities and as a result, the amount payable on exercise or redemption. Prospective purchasers should review the Terms and Conditions of the Securities and the applicable Final Terms to ascertain whether and how such provisions should apply to the Securities. The Issuer’s obligations in respect of Credit Linked Securities are irrespective of the existence or amount of the Issuer’s and/or any affiliates’ credit exposure to a reference entity and the Issuer and/or any affiliate need not suffer any loss nor provide evidence of any loss as a result of the occurrence of a Credit Event. 3RVVLEOH,OOLTXLGLW\RIWKH6HFXULWLHVLQWKH6HFRQGDU\0DUNHW It is not possible to predict the price at which Securities will trade in the secondary market or whether such market will be liquid or illiquid. The Issuer may, but is not obliged to, list Securities on a stock exchange (application has been made to list the Securities on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to admit the Securities for trading described herein on the "%RXUVHGH/X[HPERXUJ" (the "5HJXODWHG0DUNHW") and/or the EuroMTF Market, as the case may be, and the Issuer intends to file an application to list the Securities on the Italian Stock Exchange and to admit the Securities for trading described herein on the "electronic securitised derivatives market" (the "6H'H;"), organised and managed by Borsa Italiana and application may be made to list Securities on other stock exchanges). Also, to the extent Securities of a particular issue are exercised or redeemed, the number of Securities of such issue outstanding will decrease, resulting in a diminished liquidity for the remaining Securities of such issue. A decrease in the liquidity of an issue of Securities may cause, in turn, an increase in the volatility associated with the price of such issue of Securities. Each Issuer and any Manager may, but is not obliged to, at any time purchase Securities at any price in the open market or by tender or private offer/treaty. Any Securities so purchased may be held or resold or surrendered for cancellation as further described herein. A Manager may, but is not obliged to, be a marketmaker for an issue of Securities. Even if a Manager is a market-maker for an issue of Securities, the secondary market for such Securities may be limited. In addition, affiliates of each Issuer (including the 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 18 relevant Manager as referred to above) may purchase Securities at the time of their initial distribution and from time to time thereafter. To the extent that an issue of Securities becomes illiquid, an investor may have to exercise or wait until redemption of such Securities, as applicable, to realise greater value than its then trading value. 3RWHQWLDO&RQIOLFWVRI,QWHUHVW BNPP B.V., BNPP and their affiliates (including, if applicable, any Manager) may also engage in trading activities (including hedging activities) related to the Underlying Reference or Reference Entity of any Securities and other instruments or derivative products based on or related to the Underlying Reference or Reference Entity of any Securities for their proprietary accounts or for other accounts under their management. BNPP B.V., BNPP and their affiliates (including, if applicable, any Manager) may also issue other derivative instruments in respect of the Underlying Reference of Securities. BNPP B.V., BNPP and their affiliates (including, if applicable, any Manager) may also act as underwriter in connection with future offerings of shares or other securities related to an issue of Securities or may act as financial adviser to certain companies or companies whose shares or other securities are included in a basket or in a commercial banking capacity for such companies. Such activities could present certain conflicts of interest, could influence the prices of such shares or other securities and could adversely affect the value of such Securities. Because the Calculation Agent (as defined below) may be an affiliate of the Issuers, potential conflicts of interest may exist between the Calculation Agent and holders of the Securities, including with respect to certain determinations and judgments that the Calculation Agent must make, including whether a Market Disruption Event or a Settlement Disruption Event (each, as defined below) has occurred. The Calculation Agent is obligated to carry out its duties and functions as Calculation Agent in good faith and using its reasonable judgment. Specific additional potential conflicts of interest, including where the entities distributing the Securities belong to the same group as the Issuer, shall be specified in the applicable Final Terms. 0DUNHW'LVUXSWLRQ(YHQWVRUIDLOXUHWRRSHQRIDQH[FKDQJH If an issue of Securities includes provisions dealing with the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event or failure to open of an exchange on a Valuation Date (as defined below), an Averaging Date (as defined below) or an Observation Date (as defined below) and the Calculation Agent determines that a Market Disruption Event or failure to open of an exchange has occurred or exists on such Valuation Date, such Averaging Date or such Observation Date, any consequential postponement of the Valuation Date, Averaging Date or Observation Date or any alternative provisions for valuation provided in any Securities may have an adverse effect on the value and liquidity of such Securities. The occurrence of such a Market Disruption Event or failure to open of an exchange in relation to any Underlying Reference comprising a basket may also have such an adverse effect on Securities related to such basket. In addition, any such consequential postponement may result in the postponement of the relevant Settlement Date or Redemption Date. $GMXVWPHQW(YHQWVUHODWLQJWR,QGH[6HFXULWLHV In the case of Index Securities, if a relevant Index is (a) not calculated and announced by the Index Sponsor in respect of the Index but is calculated and announced by a successor sponsor or successor entity, as the case may be, acceptable to the Calculation Agent, or (b) replaced by a successor index using, in the determination of the Calculation Agent, the same or a substantially similar formula for and method of calculation as used in the calculation of that Index, then in each case that index will be deemed to be the Index. In addition, if an Index Modification, an Index Cancellation or an Index Disruption (each as defined below) occurs (each being an Index Adjustment Event), then, except as may be limited in the case of U.S. Securities, 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 19 (a) the Calculation Agent shall determine if such Index Adjustment Event has a material effect on the Securities and, if so, shall calculate the relevant Settlement Price on a modified basis as set out in the Conditions; or (b) in the case of Warrants unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms or in the case of Certificates, unless Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Index Adjustment Event is specified as applicable in the applicable Final Terms, the Issuer may cancel or redeem, as the case may be, the Securities. If the Securities are so cancelled or redeemed, the amount payable to each Holder in respect of each Security or, if Units are specified in the applicable Final Terms, each Unit, as the case may be, held by it shall be the fair market value of a Security or a Unit, as the case may be, taking into account the Index Adjustment Event, less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion; or (c) in the case of Certificates and if Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Index Adjustment Event is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms, the Calculation Agent shall calculate the fair market value of each Certificate taking into account the Index Adjustment Event less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements (the "&DOFXODWHG$GGLWLRQDO'LVUXSWLRQ$PRXQW") as soon as practicable following the occurrence of the Index Adjustment Event (the "&DOFXODWHG $GGLWLRQDO 'LVUXSWLRQ $PRXQW 'HWHUPLQDWLRQ 'DWH") and on the Redemption Date shall redeem each Certificate at an amount calculated by the Calculation Agent equal to (x) the Calculated Additional Disruption Amount plus interest accrued from and including the Calculated Additional Disruption Amount Determination Date to but excluding the Redemption Date at a rate equal to Issuer’s funding cost at such time or (y) if greater, the Notional Amount Any such adjustment may have an adverse effect on the value and liquidity of such Securities. 3RWHQWLDO$GMXVWPHQW(YHQWVUHODWLQJWR6KDUH6HFXULWLHV In the case of Share Securities, except as may be limited in the case of U.S. Securities, following the declaration by the Basket Company or Share Company, as the case may be, of the terms of any Potential Adjustment Event, the Calculation Agent will, in its sole and absolute discretion, determine whether such Potential Adjustment Event has a diluting or concentrative effect on the theoretical value of the Shares and, if so, will (i) make the corresponding adjustment, if any, to any one or more of any Relevant Asset and/or the Entitlement and/or the Exercise Price and/or the Weighting and/or any of the other terms of the Terms and Conditions and/or the applicable Final Terms as the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion determines appropriate to account for that diluting or concentrative effect (provided that no adjustments will be made to account solely for changes in volatility, expected dividends, stock loan rate or liquidity relative to the relevant Share) and (ii) determine the effective date of that adjustment. Such adjustment may have an adverse effect on the value and liquidity of the affected Share Securities. 2WKHU(YHQWVUHODWLQJWR6KDUH6HFXULWLHV In the case of Share Securities, if a Merger Event, Tender Offer, De-Listing, Nationalisation or Insolvency occurs in relation to a Share, the Issuer may take the action described in (i) or (ii) below (except as may be limited in the case of U.S. Securities): (a) require the Calculation Agent to determine in its sole and absolute discretion the appropriate adjustment, if any, to be made to any one or more of any Relevant Asset and/or the Entitlement and/or the Exercise Price and/or the Weighting and/or any of the other terms of these Terms and Conditions and/or the applicable Final Terms to account for the Merger Event, Tender Offer, DeListing, Nationalisation or Insolvency, as the case may be, and determine the effective date of that 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 20 adjustment, in which case such adjustment may have an adverse effect on the value and liquidity of the affected Share Securities; or (b) in the case of Warrants unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms or in the case of Certificates, unless Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Extraordinary Event is specified as applicable in the applicable Final Terms, cancel or redeem, as the case may be, part (in the case of Share Securities relating to a basket of Shares) or all (in any other case) of the Securities, in which case following such cancellation, an investor generally would not be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds at an effective interest rate as high as the interest rate on the relevant Securities being redeemed and may only be able to do so at a significantly lower rate and potential investors should consider reinvestment risk in light of other investments available at that time; or (c) in the case of Certificates and if Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Extraordinary Event is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms, the Calculation Agent shall calculate the fair market value of each Certificate, taking into account the Merger Event, Tender Offer, DeListing, Nationalisation or Insolvency, as the case may be, less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements (the "Calculated Additional Disruption Amount") as soon as practicable following the occurrence of the relevant event (the "&DOFXODWHG$GGLWLRQDO'LVUXSWLRQ$PRXQW'HWHUPLQDWLRQ'DWH") and on the Redemption Date shall redeem each Certificate at an amount calculated by the Calculation Agent equal to (x) the Calculated Additional Disruption Amount plus interest accrued from and including the Calculated Additional Disruption Amount Determination Date to but excluding the Redemption Date at a rate equal to Issuer’s funding cost at such time or (y) if greater, the Notional Amount. &RPPRGLW\6HFXULWLHVDQG0DUNHW'LVUXSWLRQ(YHQW If a Disappearance of Commodity Reference Price, or a Material Change in Formula, or a Material Change in Content, then: (a) The Calculation Agent will determine if such event has a material effect on the Securities and, if so, will calculate the relevant Interest Amount and/or Cash Settlement Amount and/or make another relevant calculation using, in lieu of a published price for the relevant Commodity, the price for that Commodity as at the time specified on the relevant Pricing Date as determined by the Calculation Agent taking into consideration the latest available quotation for such Commodity and any other information that in good faith it deems relevant; or (b) in the case of Warrants unless otherwise specified in the applicable Final Terms or in the case of Certificates unless Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Market Disruption Event is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms, on giving notice to Holders, the Issuer will redeem all but not some only of the Certificates, each Certificate being redeemed by payment of an amount equal to the fair market value of such Certificate, less the cost to the Issuer of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements, all as determined by the Calculation Agent in its sole and absolute discretion; or (c) in case of Certificates and if Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Market Disruption Event is specified as being applicable in the applicable Final Terms, the Calculation Agent will calculate the fair market value of each Certificate, taking into account the Market Disruption Event, less the cost to the Issuer and/or its Affiliates of unwinding any underlying related hedging arrangements (the "&DOFXODWHG0DUNHW'LVUXSWLRQ$PRXQW") as soon as practicable following the occurrence of the Market Disruption Event (the "&DOFXODWHG0DUNHW'LVUXSWLRQ$PRXQW'HWHUPLQDWLRQ'DWH") and on the Redemption Date shall redeem each Certificate at an amount calculated by the Calculation Agent equal to (x) the Calculated Market Disruption Amount plus interest accrued from and including the Calculated Additional Market Amount Determination Date to but excluding the 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 21 Redemption Date at a rate equal to Issuer’s funding cost at such time or (y) if greater, the Notional Amount. $GMXVWPHQWPHWKRGVWREHDGRSWHGZKHUH6HFXULWLHVDUHOLVWHGRQWKH,WDOLDQ6WRFN([FKDQJH Where Securities are listed on the Italian Stock Exchange, the adjustments to be performed where extraordinary events occur regarding the Underlying Reference are required to be based on generally accepted methods in order to neutralise the effects of the event as far as possible and where practicable advance notice of such adjustments shall be given to Holders. 6HWWOHPHQW'LVUXSWLRQ(YHQWV In the case of Physical Delivery Securities, if a Settlement Disruption Event occurs or exists on the Settlement Date or the Redemption Date respectively, settlement will be postponed until the next Settlement Business Day in respect of which there is no Settlement Disruption Event. The relevant Issuer in these circumstances also has the right to pay the Disruption Cash Settlement Price (as defined below) in lieu of delivering the Entitlement. As further described below, the Disruption Cash Settlement Price may be less than the fair market value of the Entitlement. 2SWLRQWR9DU\6HWWOHPHQW If so indicated in the Final Terms, the Issuers may, in their sole and absolute discretion, elect to vary the settlement of the Securities, by (i) in the case of Cash Settled Securities, delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement instead of making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount to the relevant Holders or (ii) in the case of Physical Delivery Securities, making payment of the Cash Settlement Amount to the relevant Holders instead of delivering or procuring delivery of the Entitlement. 2SWLRQWR6XEVWLWXWH$VVHWVRUWR3D\WKH$OWHUQDWH&DVK$PRXQW The Issuer may, in its sole and absolute discretion, if the Calculation Agent determines (in its sole and absolute discretion) that the Relevant Asset or Relevant Assets as the case may be, comprises assets which are not freely tradable, elect either (i) to substitute a Substitute Asset or Substitute Assets, as the case may be, for the Relevant Asset or Relevant Assets or (ii) not to deliver or procure the delivery of the Entitlement or the Substitute Asset or Substitute Assets as the case may be, to the relevant holders, but in lieu thereof to make payment to the relevant holders on the Settlement Date of the Alternate Cash Amount. &HUWLILFDWHV 6XEMHFW WR 2SWLRQDO 5HGHPSWLRQ RU &DQFHOODWLRQ E\ WKH 5HOHYDQW ,VVXHU RU 2WKHU (DUO\ 5HGHPSWLRQRU&DQFHOODWLRQ An optional or other early redemption (or cancellation) feature is likely to limit the market value of the Certificates. In the case of Certificates having an optional redemption (or cancellation) feature, during any period when the relevant Issuer may elect to redeem (or cancel) the relevant Certificates, the market value of those Certificates generally will not rise substantially above the price at which they can be redeemed (or cancelled). This also may be true prior to any redemption (or cancellation) period. In addition, the Final Terms may provide that the relevant Certificates shall be redeemed (or cancelled) early in specified circumstances. Following an optional or early redemption (or cancellation), a Holder generally would not be able to reinvest the redemption (or cancellation) proceeds (if any) at an effective interest rate as high as the interest rate on the relevant Certificates being redeemed (or cancelled) and may only be able to do so at a significantly lower rate. Potential investors should consider reinvestment risk in light of other investments available at that time. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 22 $XWRPDWLF([HUFLVHDQG5HQRXQFHPHQW1RWLFHV Exercisable Certificates will be automatically exercised on the Exercise Date. In the case of Exercisable Certificates which are Italian Listed Certificates and in the case of Italian Listed Warrants, prior to 10.00 a.m. (Milan time) on the Exercise Date Holders may serve a Renouncement Notice renouncing automatic exercise of their Certificate or Warrant, as the case may be, as more fully set out in the Terms and Conditions. The form of Renouncement Notice will be set out in the applicable Final Terms. )RUPXOD/LQNHG,QWHUHVWQR,QWHUHVW$PRXQWPD\EHSD\DEOHRQDQ\,QWHUHVW3D\PHQW'DWH If any Interest Amount is payable in respect of any Certificates, investors may not be entitled to receive any such Interest Amount on the relevant dates in certain specified circumstances so indicated in the Final Terms. ,QWHUHVWOLQNHGWRD5HOHYDQW)DFWRU The relevant Issuer may issue Certificates with interest determined by reference to an index or formula, to changes in the prices of securities or commodities, to movements in currency exchange rates or other factors (each, a "5HOHYDQW)DFWRU"). In addition, the relevant Issuer may issue Certificates with interest payable in one or more currencies which may be different from the currency in which the Certificates are denominated. Potential investors should be aware that: (a) the market price of such Securities may be volatile; (b) they may receive no interest; (c) payment of interest may occur at a different time or in a different currency than expected; (d) a Relevant Factor may be subject to significant fluctuations that may not correlate with changes in interest rates, currencies or other indices; (e) if a Relevant Factor is applied to Certificates in conjunction with a weighting greater than one or contains some other leverage factor, the effect of changes in the Relevant Factor on interest payable will be magnified; (f) the timing of changes in a Relevant Factor may affect the actual yield to investors, even if the average level is consistent with their expectations (in general, the earlier the change in the Relevant Factor, the greater the effect on yield); and (g) interest may only be payable and/or calculated in respect of certain specified days and/or periods on or during which the Relevant Factor or its value equals, exceeds and/or is less than certain specified thresholds. /LPLWHG([SRVXUHWR8QGHUO\LQJ5HIHUHQFH If the applicable Final Terms provide that the exposure of the relevant Securities to one or more Underlying References is limited or capped to a certain level or amount, the relevant Securities will not benefit from any upside in the value of any such Underlying References beyond such limit or cap. 7KH )LQDO &DVK 6HWWOHPHQW $PRXQW RU 5HGHPSWLRQ $PRXQW 0D\ %H /HVV WKDQ WKH 9DOXH RI DQ ,QYHVWPHQWLQWKH6HFXULWLHV Each Holder may receive a Cash Settlement Amount or Redemption Amount and/or physical delivery of the Entitlement the aggregate value of which may be less and in certain circumstances significantly less than the value of the Holder’s investment in the relevant Securities. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 23 &HUWDLQ$GGLWLRQDO5LVN)DFWRUV5HODWLQJWR0DUNHW$FFHVV3URGXFWV Prospective purchasers of the Securities should note that the Securities are market access products in that the Issuer’s obligations in respect thereof may be hedged by means of the Share(s), the Index, the Shares comprised in the Index, the Shares relating to the depositary receipts, the Debt Securities and/or any instrument used for the purposes of hedging obligations under the Securities being held by a Qualified Investor which is a company within the Issuer’s group. Although the prospective purchaser of the Securities will have no proprietary interest in such Share(s), the Index, the Shares comprised in the Index, the Shares relating to the depositary receipts, the Debt Securities and/or any instrument used for the purposes of hedging obligations under the Securities however the economic and other risks associated with such Shares, the Index, the Shares comprised in the Index, the Shares relating to the depositary receipts, the Debt Securities and/or instrument shall be assumed by the prospective purchasers of Securities as set out further in the Warrant Conditions or the Certificate Conditions. No assurance can be given as to the liquidity of any trading market for the Securities. Prospective purchasers of the Securities should note that the liquidity of any trading market for the Securities is directly linked to the liquidity of any trading market for the Shares, the depositary receipts, the Debt Securities or the Index or contracts or instruments which reference the Index. Prospective purchasers of the Securities should also be aware that the probability of the occurrence of a Hedging Disruption Event (or other Adjustment Event under the relevant legal terms as set out further in the Warrant Conditions or the Certificate Conditions) and consequently loss of investment or profit by an investor may be higher for certain developing or emerging markets such as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, People’s Republic of China, Korea, Taiwan and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Prospective purchasers are expected to conduct their own enquiries and be satisfied that there are additional risks associated with investments linked to the performance of underlying assets located in these markets. 3RVWLVVXDQFH,QIRUPDWLRQ Applicable Final Terms may specify that the relevant Issuer will not provide post-issuance information in relation to the Underlying Reference. In such an event, investors will not be entitled to obtain such information from the relevant Issuer. &HUWDLQ$GGLWLRQDO5LVN)DFWRUV$VVRFLDWHGZLWK:DUUDQWV /LPLWDWLRQVRQ([HUFLVHRI:DUUDQWV If so indicated in the Final Terms, the relevant Issuer will have the option to limit the number of Warrants exercisable on any date (other than the final exercise date) to the maximum number specified in the Final Terms and, in conjunction with such limitation, to limit the number of Warrants exercisable by any person or group of persons (whether or not acting in concert) on such date. In the event that the total number of Warrants being exercised on any date (other than the final exercise date) exceeds such maximum number and the Issuer elects to limit the number of Warrants exercisable on such date, a holder may not be able to exercise on such date all Warrants that such holder desires to exercise. In any such case, the number of Warrants to be exercised on such date will be reduced until the total number of Warrants exercised on such date no longer exceeds such maximum, such Warrants being selected at the discretion of the Issuer or in any other manner specified in the applicable Final Terms. Unless otherwise specified in the Final Terms, the Warrants tendered for exercise but not exercised on such date will be automatically exercised on the next date on which Warrants may be exercised, subject to the same daily maximum limitation and delayed exercise provisions. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 24 0LQLPXP([HUFLVH$PRXQWRI:DUUDQWV If so indicated in the Final Terms, Holders must tender or, in the case of automatic exercise, hold, a specified number of Warrants at any one time in order to exercise. Thus, holders with fewer than the specified minimum number of Warrants will either have to sell their Warrants or purchase additional Warrants, incurring transaction costs in each case, in order to realise their investment. Furthermore, holders of such Warrants incur the risk that there may be differences between the trading price of such Warrants and the Cash Settlement Amount (in the case of Cash Settled Warrants) or the Physical Settlement Value (in the case of Physical Delivery Warrants) of such Warrants. 7LPH/DJDIWHU([HUFLVHRI:DUUDQWV In the case of any exercise of Warrants, there will be a time lag between the time a holder gives instructions to exercise and the time the applicable Cash Settlement Amount (in the case of Cash Settled Warrants) relating to such exercise is determined. Any such delay between the time of exercise and the determination of the Cash Settlement Amount will be specified in the applicable Final Terms or the applicable Terms and Conditions. However, such delay could be significantly longer, particularly in the case of a delay in exercise of Warrants arising from any daily maximum exercise limitation, the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event or failure to open of an exchange (if applicable) or following the imposition of any exchange controls or other similar regulations affecting the ability to obtain or exchange any relevant currency (or basket of currencies) in the case of Currency Warrants. The applicable Cash Settlement Amount may change significantly during any such period, and such movement or movements could decrease the Cash Settlement Amount of the relevant Warrants and may result in such Cash Settlement Amount being zero. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 25 %133%96HPL$QQXDO5HVXOWV On 24 August 2007, BNPP B.V. published its audited interim financial statements for the six month period ended 30 June 2006, which are contained in the BNPP BV 2007 Semi-Annual Results. A copy of the BNPP BV 2007 Semi-Annual Results has been filed with the CSSF and, by virtue of this Supplement, are incorporated by reference in, and form part of, the Base Prospectus. Any information not listed in the following cross-reference list but included in the BNPP BV 2007 Semi-Annual Results is given for information purposes only: Information Incorporated by Reference Reference Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2007 Page 3 Profit & Loss Account for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 Page 4 Cash Flow Statement for the 6 months ended 30 June 2007 Page 5 Notes to the financial statements Pages 6-14 Auditors’ Report Pages 16 and 17 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 26 $0(1'0(176727+(7(506$1'&21',7,2162)7+(&(57,),&$7(6 The Terms and Conditions of the Certificates set out in the Base Prospectus as amended by the First Supplement shall be amended as follows: Introduction 1.1 The first paragraph of the Terms and Conditions shall be amended as follows: (a) by the insertion of the following after the words "Agency Agreement dated 30 May 2007": "as supplemented by the First Supplemental Agency Agreement dated 3 October 2007"; (b) by the insertion of the word "together" before the words "as amended and/or supplemented from time to time, the "$JHQF\$JUHHPHQW""; (c) by the insertion of the following after the words "(the "'HILQLWLYH&HUWLILFDWH$JHQW")": ", BNP Paribas Securities Services, Milan Branch as Italian Certificate Agent (the ",WDOLDQ &HUWLILFDWH$JHQW")"; (d) by deletion of the words "If the Certificates are not VPC Certificates (as defined below), the" in the third sentence thereof and insertion of the word "The" in its place; (e) by deletion of the words "If the Certificates are" in the fourth sentence thereof and insertion of the following in its place: "as supplemented in the case of"; and (f) 1.2 by deletion of the words "the Certificates are issued pursuant to" in the fourth sentence thereof and insertion of the word "by" in its place. The fourth paragraph of the Terms and Conditions shall be amended by the insertion of "(i)" after the words "deposited with" and insertion of the following after the words "(as defined below)": "or (ii) in the case of Certificates to be issued and cleared through Monte Titoli S.p.A. ("0RQWH 7LWROL"), Monte Titoli" Type, Title and Transfer 2.1 Condition 1(B) shall be amended by the insertion of the following after the words "Clearing System" in the second line of the first paragraph thereof: "or held by a relevant Clearing System" 2.2 Condition 1(C) shall be amended by the insertion of the following after the words "DTC and/or" in the first line of the third paragraph thereof: "Monte Titoli and/or". Definitions Condition 4 shall be amended as follows: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 27 3.1 The definition of "Clearing System" shall be amended by the insertion of the following after the words "Iberclear and/or": "Monte Titoli and/or"; and 3.2 The following new definition shall be inserted: ",WDOLDQ/LVWHG&HUWLILFDWHV" means Exercisable Certificates which are listed and admitted to trading on the Italian regulated markets of Borsa Italiana S.p.A.". 3.3 The definition of "Valuation Time" shall be amended by deletion of the word "Warrants" in the second line thereof and the insertion of the word "Certificates" in its place. Redemption of Certificates Condition 6 shall be amended as follows: 4.1 The title of Condition 6 shall be amended by the insertion of the words "and Exercise" after the word "Redemption"; 4.2 Condition 6(A) shall be amended by the deletion of the word "Subject" in the first line thereof and the insertion of the following in its place: "Unless the Certificates are Exercisable Certificates, subject"; and 4.3 The following new Condition 6(F) shall be inserted: ") ([HUFLVHRI&HUWLILFDWHV If the Certificates are Cash Settled Certificates and Exercise of Certificates is specified as applying in the applicable Final Terms, the Certificates (such Certificates "([HUFLVDEOH &HUWLILFDWHV") will be automatically exercised on the Exercise Date, subject as provided in the following paragraph. Upon automatic exercise each Certificate entitles its Holder to receive from the Issuer the Cash Settlement Amount on the Redemption Date. If the Certificates are Italian Listed Certificates, prior to 10.00 a.m. (Milan time) on the Exercise Date, the Holder of a Certificate may renounce automatic exercise of such Certificate by the delivery or sending by fax of a duly completed Renouncement Notice (a "5HQRXQFHPHQW1RWLFH") in the form set out in the applicable Final Terms to the relevant Clearing System with a copy to the Italian Certificate Agent. Once delivered a Renouncement Notice shall be irrevocable. Any determination as to whether a Renouncement Notice is duly completed and in proper form shall be made by the relevant Clearing System in consultation with the Italian Certificate Agent and shall be conclusive and binding on the Issuer, the Guarantor, if applicable, the Warrant Agents and the relevant Holder. Subject as set out below, any Renouncement Notice so determined to be incomplete or not in proper form, or which is not copied to the Italian Certificate Agent immediately after being delivered or sent to the relevant Clearing System shall be null and void. If such Renouncement Notice is subsequently corrected to the satisfaction of the relevant Clearing System, in consultation with the Italian Certificate Agent, it shall be deemed to be a new Renouncement Notice submitted at the time such correction was delivered to the relevant Clearing System and the Italian Certificate Agent." Payments and Physical Delivery 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 28 Condition 7(A) shall be amended by the deletion of the following after the words "French Law Certificates)": "or with the relevant VPC Holder (in the case of VPC Certificates)". Notices Condition 11 (Notices) shall be amended by the insertion of the following after the words "rules and regulations of the relevant stock exchange": "(in the case of Italian Listed Certificates such notices shall be published by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.)" Expenses and Taxation Condition 12(A) shall be amended by the insertion of the following after the last sentence thereof: "Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the case of Italian Listed Certificates, "Expenses" shall not include any expenses related to the automatic exercise of such Certificates." 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 29 $0(1'0(176727+(7(506$1'&21',7,2162)7+(:$55$176 The Terms and Conditions of the Warrants set out in the Base Prospectus as amended by the First Supplement shall be amended as follows: The first paragraph of the Terms and Conditions shall be amended as follows: (a) by deletion of the words "If the Warrants are not VPC Certificates (as defined below), the"in the third sentence thereof and insertion of the word "The" in its place; (b) by deletion of ".If the Warrants are" in the fourth sentence thereof and insertion of the following in its place: "as supplemented in the case of"; and (c) by deletion of the words "the Warrants are issued pursuant to" in the fifteenth line thereof and insertion of the word "by" in its place. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 30 )2502)),1$/7(506)25&(57,),&$7(6 The Form of Final Terms for Certificates set out in the Base Prospectus as amended by the First Supplement shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced by the following: )2502)),1$/7(506)25&(57,),&$7(6 ),1$/7(506'$7('>z@G %133DULEDV$UELWUDJH,VVXDQFH%9 LQFRUSRUDWHGLQ7KH1HWKHUODQGV DV,VVXHU [LQVHUWWLWOHRI&HUWLILFDWHV] %133DULEDV LQFRUSRUDWHGLQ)UDQFH DV,VVXHUDQG*XDUDQWRU (Warrant and Certificate Programme) 3$57$±&2175$&78$/7(506 Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Conditions set forth in the Base Prospectus dated [z] [and the Supplement to the Base Prospectus dated [z]] which [together] constitute[s] a base prospectus for the purposes of the Directive 2003/71/EC (the "3URVSHFWXV'LUHFWLYH"). [The Base Prospectus dated [z] and the Supplement to the Base Prospectus dated [z]] have been passported into Italy in compliance with Article 18 of the Prospectus Directive.] This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Certificates described herein for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Prospectus Directive and must be read in conjunction with such Base Prospectus [as so supplemented]. Full information on [BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V.]/[BNP Paribas] (the ",VVXHU") and the offer of the Certificates is only available on the basis of the combination of these Final Terms and the Base Prospectus. [The Base Prospectus is available for viewing at [address] [and] [website] and copies may be obtained free of charge at the specified office of the Warrant Agents and Certificate Agents.] 7KH IROORZLQJ DOWHUQDWLYH ODQJXDJH DSSOLHV LI WKH ILUVW WUDQFKH RI DQ LVVXH ZKLFK LV EHLQJ LQFUHDVHG ZDV LVVXHGXQGHUD%DVH3URVSHFWXVZLWKDQHDUOLHUGDWH Terms used herein shall be deemed to be defined as such for the purposes of the Conditions (the "&RQGLWLRQV") set forth in the Base Prospectus dated [original date] [and the Supplement to the Base Prospectus dated] [z]]. This document constitutes the Final Terms of the Certificates described herein for the purposes of Article 5.4 of the Prospectus Directive (Directive 2003/71/EC) (the "3URVSHFWXV'LUHFWLYH") and must be read in conjunction with the Base Prospectus dated [current date] [and the Supplement to the Base Prospectus dated [z]],which [together] constitute[s] a base prospectus for the purposes of the Prospectus Directive, save in respect of the Conditions which are extracted from the Base Prospectus dated [original date] [and the Supplement to the Base Prospectus dated] [z]] and are attached hereto. Full information on [BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V.]/[BNP Paribas] (the ",VVXHU") and the offer of the Certificates is only available on the basis of the combination of these Final Terms and the Base Prospectuses dated [original date] and [current date] [and the Supplement to the Base Prospectus dated] [z]]. [The Base 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 31 Prospectuses are available for viewing at [address] [and] [website] and copies may be obtained from [address].]G [,QFOXGH ZKLFKHYHU RI WKH IROORZLQJ DSSO\ RU VSHFLI\ DV 1RW $SSOLFDEOH 1$ 1RWH WKDWWKH QXPEHULQJ VKRXOG UHPDLQ DV VHW RXW EHORZ HYHQ LI 1RW $SSOLFDEOH LV LQGLFDWHG IRU LQGLYLGXDO SDUDJUDSKV RU VXE SDUDJUDSKV,WDOLFVGHQRWHGLUHFWLRQVIRUFRPSOHWLQJWKH)LQDO7HUPV.] References herein to numbered Conditions are to the terms and conditions of the relevant series of Certificates and words and expressions defined in such terms and conditions shall bear the same meaning in this Final Terms in so far as it relates to such series of Certificates, save as where otherwise expressly provided. [:KHQFRPSOHWLQJDQ\ILQDOWHUPVRUDGGLQJDQ\RWKHUILQDOWHUPVRULQIRUPDWLRQFRQVLGHUDWLRQVKRXOGEH JLYHQDVWRZKHWKHUVXFKWHUPVRULQIRUPDWLRQFRQVWLWXWHVLJQLILFDQWQHZIDFWRUVDQGFRQVHTXHQWO\WULJJHU WKHQHHGIRUDVXSSOHPHQWWRWKH%DVH3URVSHFWXVXQGHU$UWLFOHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV'LUHFWLYH] 1. Issuer: [BNP PARIBAS PARIBAS] 22 2. [Guarantor: BNP PARIBAS] ARBITRAGE ISSUANCE B.V.]/[BNP 63(&,),&3529,6,216)25($&+6(5,(6 Series Number No. of Certificate s issued [No. of Certificate s ISIN 23 Common Code Issue Price per [Certificate] Redemptio n Date [Relevant Jurisdiction] [Share Amount/ Debt Security Amount] *(1(5$/3529,6,216 The following terms apply to each series of Certificates: 3. Trade Date: The trade date of the Certificates is [z]. 4. Issue Date [and Interest Commencement Date]: The issue date [and Interest Commencement Date] of the Certificates is [z]. 5. Consolidation: 6. Type of Certificates: 22 23 The Certificates are to be consolidated and form a single series with the [LQVHUWWLWOHRIUHOHYDQWVHULHV RI&HUWLILFDWHV] issued on [LQVHUWLVVXHGDWH]. The Certificates are [Index Certificates / Share Only BNP Paribas may issue U.S. Certificates. DTC: CUSIP – include for U.S. Certificates. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 32 [The Certificates are [Reverse Convertible Certificates / Athena Certificates / Plus Certificates / Call Certificates/[Turbo] Certificates / other], such Certificates being "Specific Products" in relation to which Part C (Specific Product Contractual Terms) applies]. [Exercise of Certificates applies to the Certificates. The Exercise Date is [ ] [or if such day is not a Business Day the immediately [preceding/succeeding] Business Day].]30 . 7. Form of Certificates: 8. Business Day Centre(s): 9. Settlement: 10. Variation of Settlement: 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 [Clearing System Global Certificate] [Dematerialised bearer form (DX SRUWHXU)31] [Rule 144A Global Certificate] [Private Placement Definitive Certificate]32 [Regulation S Global Certificate]32 [VPC Certificates] The applicable Business Day Centre[s] for the purposes of the definition of "Business Day" in Condition 4 [is / are] [z]. Settlement will be by way of [cash payment (Cash Settled Certificates)] [and/or] [physical delivery (Physical Delivery Certificates)]. (N.B. 93& &HUWLILFDWHVPD\RQO\EH&DVK6HWWOHG&HUWLILFDWHV) Currency Certificates or Hybrid Securities containing a currency component cannot be U.S. Securities. Commodity Certificates or Hybrid Certificates containing a commodity component cannot be U.S. Securities. Inflation Index Certificates or Hybrid Certificates containing an inflation component cannot be U.S. Securities. Hybrid Certificates that contain a currency, commodity or inflation component cannot be U.S. Securities. Fund Certificates or Hybrid Certificates containing a fund component cannot be U.S. Securities. Credit Linked Certificates or Hybrid Certificates containing a fund component cannot be U.S Securities. Exercise of Certificates should apply where Certificates are offered to the public or listed on a regulated market in the EEA and where the Issue Price is less than EUR 1,000 (or its equivalent in the Settlement Currency). If French law-governed. If U.S. Certificates. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 33 (a) Issuer’s option to vary settlement: The Issuer [has/does not have] the option to vary settlement in respect of the Certificates.33 (N.B. WKH ,VVXHU V RSWLRQ WR YDU\ VHWWOHPHQW LV QRW DSSOLFDEOHWR93&&HUWLILFDWHV) (b) Variation of Settlement of Physical Delivery Certificates: [Notwithstanding the fact that the Certificates are Physical Delivery Certificates, the Issuer may make payment of the Cash Settlement Amount on the Redemption Date and the provisions of Condition 7(C) will apply to the Certificates./The Issuer will procure delivery of the Entitlement in respect of the Certificates and the provisions of Condition 7(C) will not apply to the Certificates. Any Physical Delivery for U.S. Certificates must be made in compliance with the Securities Act and the Exchange Act.] 11. Relevant Asset(s): 12. Entitlement: The relevant asset to which the Certificates relate [is/are] [z]. (1% 2QO\ DSSOLFDEOH LQ UHODWLRQ WR 3K\VLFDO'HOLYHU\&HUWLILFDWHV) [The Entitlement (as defined in Condition 4) in relation to each Certificate is [z].] [The Entitlement will be evidenced by [insert details of how the Entitlement will be evidenced].] [The Entitlement will be delivered [insert details of the method of delivery of the Entitlement].] (1% 2QO\ DSSOLFDEOH LQ UHODWLRQ WR 3K\VLFDO 'HOLYHU\&HUWLILFDWHV) 13. 14. 33 Instalment Certificates: The Certificates Certificates (a) Instalment Amount(s): [VSHFLI\] (b) Instalment Date(s): [VSHFLI\] Partly Paid Certificates: The Certificates Certificates [are/are [are/are Not applicable for U.S. Certificates, unless Physical Delivery can be in compliance with U.S. securities laws. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 34 not] not] Instalment Partly Paid [VSHFLI\ GHWDLOV RI WKH DPRXQW RI HDFK SD\PHQW FRPSULVLQJ WKH ,VVXH 3ULFH DQG GDWH RQ ZKLFK HDFK SD\PHQW LV WR EH PDGH DQG FRQVHTXHQFHV RI IDLOXUH WR SD\ LQFOXGLQJ DQ\ ULJKW RI WKH ,VVXHU WR IRUIHLW WKH &HUWLILFDWHV DQG LQWHUHVW GXH RQ ODWH SD\PHQW] [1% $ QHZ IRUP RI *OREDO &HUWLILFDWH PD\ EH UHTXLUHGIRU3DUWO\3DLG&HUWLILFDWHV] 15. Exchange Rate: 16. Settlement Currency: 17. Agent: 18. Calculation Agent: 19. Governing law: 20. Special conditions or other modifications to the Terms and Conditions: The applicable rate of exchange for conversion of any amount into the relevant settlement currency for the purposes of determining the Settlement Price (as defined in the Annexes to the Terms and Conditions) or the Cash Settlement Amount (as defined in Condition 4) is [LQVHUWUDWHRIH[FKDQJH DQG GHWDLOV RI KRZ DQG ZKHQ VXFK UDWH LV WR EH DVFHUWDLQHG]. The settlement currency for the payment of [the Cash Settlement Amount/Redemption Amount] (LQ WKH FDVH RI &DVK 6HWWOHG &HUWLILFDWHV)/[the Disruption Cash Settlement Price] (LQ WKH FDVH RI 3K\VLFDO'HOLYHU\&HUWLILFDWHV) is [z]. [BNP Paribas Securities Services, Luxembourg Branch]/[BNP Paribas Arbitrage SNC]/[VSHFLI\ RWKHU] [BNP Paribas]/[BNP Paribas SNC]/[VSHFLI\RWKHU][ADDRESS]. Arbitrage [English/French] law [ ] x 352'8&763(&,),&3529,6,216 21. Index Certificates: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [The provisions of Annex 1 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQVIRU,QGH[&HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] 35 (a) Index/Index Sponsor: [VSHFLI\QDPHRILQGH[LQGLFHV] [VSHFLI\QDPHRILQGH[VSRQVRUV] [The [ 34 35 ] Index is a Composite Index]34 (b) Index Currency: [VSHFLI\] (c) Exchange(s): The Exchange(s) [is/are] [z]. (d) Related Exchange(s): [The relevant Related Exchange(s) [is/are] [z] /[All Exchanges] (e) Exchange Business Day: [Single Index Basis/All Indices Basis/Per Index Basis] (f) Scheduled Trading Day: [Single Index Basis/All Indices Basis/Per Index Basis] (PXVW PDWFK HOHFWLRQ PDGH IRU ([FKDQJH %XVLQHVV'D\) (g) Weighting: [The weighting to be applied to each item comprising the Basket to ascertain the Settlement Price is [z]. Each such Weighting shall be subject to adjustment in accordance with Annex 1/[VSHFLI\ RWKHU]. (1% 2QO\ DSSOLFDEOH LQ UHODWLRQ WR &HUWLILFDWHVUHODWLQJWRD%DVNHW)] (h) Settlement Price: The Settlement Price will be calculated [insert calculation method if different from Annex 1].35 (i) Disrupted Day: If the Valuation Date, an Observation Date or an Averaging Date (each as defined in Condition 4), as the case may be, is a Disrupted Day, the Settlement Price will be calculated [LQVHUW FDOFXODWLRQPHWKRG]. (j) Relevant Time: (k) Knock-in Event: [Continuous monitoring [VSHFLI\ RWKHU] and the relevant time on the Valuation Date, Observation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, is the Scheduled Closing Time as defined in Condition 4.] [The relevant time is [z].] (1%,IQR 5HOHYDQW7LPHLVVSHFLILHGWKH9DOXDWLRQ7LPHZLOO EH WKH 6FKHGXOHG &ORVLQJ 7LPH DV GHILQHG LQ &RQGLWLRQ4). [Not Applicable/VSHFLI\/["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal Specify each Composite Index (if any). Where Index is managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. (or another entity with which Borsa Italiana S.p.A. has entered into an agreement in respect of the Index), include within definition valuation by reference to "official opening level" calculated by Index Sponsor or Related Exchange as applicable. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 36 to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK (l) (i) Knock-in Level: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-in Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-in Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Knock-in Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\/Each Scheduled Trading Day in the Knock-in Determination Period] (v) Knock-in Period Beginning Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (vi) Knock-in Period Ending Date: [VSHFLI\] (vii)Knock-in Period Ending Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (viii) [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 1] [Relevant Time] Knock-in Valuation Time: Knock-out Event: [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (i) Knock-out Level: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-out Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-out Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Knock-out Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\/Each Scheduled Trading Day in the Knock-out Determination Period] (v) Knock-out Period Beginning Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable/Applicable] 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 37 (vi) Knock-out Period Ending Date: [VSHFLI\] (vii)Knock-out Period Ending Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable/Applicable] (viii) [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 1] [Relevant Time] Knock-out Valuation Time (m) Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Adjustments Event: [Applicable/Not Applicable] (n) Automatic Early Redemption Event: [Not Applicable/VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) 22. (i) Automatic Early Redemption Amount: [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 1] (ii) Automatic Early Redemption Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (iii) Business Day Convention: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Automatic Early Redemption Level: [VSHFLI\] (v) Automatic Early Redemption Rate: [VSHFLI\] (vi) Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date(s): [VSHFLI\] Share Certificates: [The provisions of Annex 2 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQVIRU6KDUH&HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] (a) Share(s)/Share Company/Basket Company: [Insert type of Share(s) and Share Company / Basket Companies] (b) Exchange(s): The Exchange[s] [is/are] [z]. (c) Related Exchange(s): [The Related Exchanges] (d) Exchange Business Day: [Single Share Basis/All Shares Basis/Per Share 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 38 Exchange(s) [is/are] [z] /[All Basis] (e) Scheduled Trading Day: [Single Share Basis/All Shares Basis/Per Share Basis] (PXVW PDWFK HOHFWLRQ PDGH IRU ([FKDQJH %XVLQHVV'D\) (f) Weighting: [The weighting to be applied to each item comprising the Basket to ascertain the Settlement Price is [z]. Each such Weighting shall be subject to adjustment [in accordance with Annex 2/[VSHFLI\ RWKHU]. (1% 2QO\ DSSOLFDEOH LQ UHODWLRQ WR&HUWLILFDWHVUHODWLQJWRD%DVNHW)] (g) Settlement Price: The Settlement Price will be calculated [LQVHUW FDOFXODWLRQPHWKRGLIGLIIHUHQWIURP$QQH[]. [1% ,I 6HWWOHPHQW 3ULFH LQFOXGHV IRUPXOD LQFRUSRUDWLQJ LQLWLDO FORVLQJ SULFH XVH WHUP ,QLWLDO 3ULFH IRU UHOHYDQWGHILQLWLRQ.]36 (h) Disrupted Day: If the Valuation Date, an Observation Date or an Averaging Date (each as defined in Condition 4), as the case may be, is a Disrupted Day, the Settlement Price will be calculated [LQVHUW FDOFXODWLRQPHWKRG]. (i) Relevant Time: (j) Knock-in Event: [Continuous monitoring [VSHFLI\ RWKHU] and the relevant time on the Valuation Date, Observation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, is the Scheduled Closing Time as defined in Condition 4.] [The relevant time is [z]. (1%,IQR 5HOHYDQW7LPHLVVSHFLILHGWKH9DOXDWLRQ7LPHZLOO EH WKH 6FKHGXOHG &ORVLQJ 7LPH DV GHILQHG LQ &RQGLWLRQ4).] [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (If not applicable, delete the remaining subparagraphs of this paragraph) 36 (i) Knock-in Price: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-in Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-in Beginning Scheduled [Not Applicable / Applicable] Period Date Trading Where a Share is traded on an Italian regulated market managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. include within definition valuation by reference to "official reference price" calculated by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 39 Day Convention: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 40 (k) (iv) Knock-in Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (v) Knock-in Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\/Each Scheduled Trading Day in the Knock-in Determination Period] (vi) Knock-in Period Ending Date: [specify] (vii)Knock-in Period Ending Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (viii) [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 2] [Relevant Time] Knock-in Time: Valuation [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] Knock-out Event: (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (l) (i) Knock-out Price: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-out Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-out Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\/Each Scheduled Trading Day in the Knock-out Determination Period] (iv) Knock-out Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (v) Knock-out Period Beginning Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (vi) Knock-out Period Ending Date: [VSHFLI\] (vii)Knock-out Period Ending Date Scheduled Trading Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (viii) Valuation [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 2] [Relevant Time] Automatic Early Redemption Event: [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Knock-out Time: 41 to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (i) Automatic Early Redemption Amount: [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 2] (ii) Automatic Early Redemption Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (iii) Business Convention: Day [VSHFLI\] (iv) Automatic Early Redemption Price: [VSHFLI\] (v) Automatic Early Redemption Rate: [VSHFLI\] (vi) Automatic Early Redemption Valuation Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (m) Redemption on Occurrence of Extraordinary Event: [As per Conditions/Not Applicable] (n) Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Extraordinary Event: [Not Applicable/Applicable] 23. GDR Certificates: 24. Debt Certificates: 37 [The provisions of Annex 3 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQVIRU*'5&HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply]37 [The provisions of Annex 4 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQVIRU'HEW&HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] For GDR Certificates complete sections for Share Certificates (paragraph 22) (completed and amended as appropriate) and GDR Certificates (paragraph 23). 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 42 25. (a) Nominal Amount: (b) Redemption of Debt Securities: (c) Exchange Business Day: "Exchange Business Day" means [z]. (d) Relevant Time: [The relevant time is [z]]. Commodity Certificates: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 The nominal amount which is to be used to determine the Cash Settlement Amount is [z] and the relevant screen page (Relevant Screen Page) is [z]. underlying Where one or more of the relevant Debt Securities is redeemed (or otherwise ceases to exist) before the expiration of the relevant Certificates, [LQVHUW DSSURSULDWHIDOOEDFNSURYLVLRQV]. [The provisions of Annex 5 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQV IRU &RPPRGLW\ &HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] 43 (a) Commodity/ Commodities: [VSHFLI\&RPPRGLW\&RPPRGLWLHV] (b) Pricing Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (c) Commodity Reference Price: [VSHFLI\] (d) Additional Disruption Fallback(s): [VSHFLI\]/[Not Applicable] (e) Relevant Time: (f) Knock-in-Event: [Continuous monitoring [VSHFLI\ RWKHU] and the relevant time on the Valuation Date, Observation Date or Averaging Date, as the case may be, is the Scheduled Closing Time as defined in Condition 4.] [The relevant time is [z].] [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (g) (i) Knock-in Level: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-in Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-in Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Knock-in Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\] (v) Knock-in Period Beginning Date Commodity Business Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (vi) Knock-in Period Ending Date: [VSHFLI\] (vii)Knock-in Period Ending Date Commodity Business Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (viii) [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 5] [Relevant Time] Knock-in Valuation Time: Knock-out Event: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] 44 (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) x (h) (i) Knock-out Level: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-out Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-out Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Knock-out Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\] (v) Knock-out Period Beginning Date Commodity Business Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (vi) Knock-out Period Ending Date: [VSHFLI\] (vii)Knock-out Period Ending Date Commodity Business Day Convention: [Not Applicable / Applicable] (viii) [VSHFLI\ / See definition in Annex 5] [Relevant Time] Knock-out Valuation Time Automatic Early Redemption Event: [Not Applicable / specify /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (i) Automatic Early Redemption Amount: [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 5] (ii) Automatic Early Redemption Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (iii) Business Day Convention [VSHFLI\] (iv) Automatic Early Redemption [VSHFLI\] (v) Automatic Early Redemption Rate: [VSHFLI\] (vi) Automatic Early Redemption Valuation [VSHFLI\] 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 45 Date(s): (i) 26. Delayed Redemption on occurrence of Market Disruption Event: Inflation Index Certificates: (a) Inflation Index / Sponsor: [Applicable / Not Applicable] [The provisions of Annex 6 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQV IRU ,QIODWLRQ ,QGH[ &HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] [VSHFLI\QDPHRILQIODWLRQLQGH[LQGLFHV] [VSHFLI\QDPHRILQIODWLRQLQGH[VSRQVRUV] 27. (b) Related Bond: [Applicable/Not Applicable] (c) Issuer of Related Bond: [Applicable/Not Applicable] [,IDSSOLFDEOHVSHFLI\] (d) Fallback Bond: [Applicable/Not Applicable] (e) Related Bond Redemption Event: [Applicable/Not Applicable] [,IDSSOLFDEOHVSHFLI\] (f) Substitute Inflation Index Level: [As determined in accordance with Annex 6 [z]] (g) Cut-off Date: In respect of a [Valuation Date], the day that is [z] Business Days prior to such [Valuation Date] (h) [Valuation Date]: [VSHFLI\] Currency Certificates: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [The provisions of Annex 7 ($GGLWLRQDO7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQVIRU&XUUHQF\&HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] 46 (a) Relevant Screen Page: [VSHFLI\] (b) The relevant base currency (the "%DVH&XUUHQF\") is: [VSHFLI\] (c) The relevant subject [currency/currencies] (each a "6XEMHFW&XUUHQF\") [is/are]: [VSHFLI\] (d) Relevant Time: [The relevant time is [z]]. (e) Knock-in-Event: [Not Applicable / VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (f) (i) Knock-in Level: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-in Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-in Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Knock-in Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\] (v) Knock-in Period Ending Date: [VSHFLI\] (vi) Knock-in Valuation Time: [VSHFLI\ / See definition in Annex 7] [Relevant Time] Knock-out Event: [Not Applicable/VSHFLI\ /["greater than"/"greater than or equal to"/"less than"/"less than or equal to"]] (LI QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (i) Knock-out Level: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Knock-out Period Beginning Date: [VSHFLI\] (iii) Knock-out Determination Period: [VSHFLI\] (iv) Knock-out Determination Day(s): [VSHFLI\] (v) Knock-out Period Ending [VSHFLI\] 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 47 Date: (vi) Knock-out Valuation Time: 28. 29. 38 Fund Certificates: [VSHFLI\/See definition in Annex 7] [Relevant Time] [The provisions of Annex 8 (Additional Terms and Conditions for Fund Certificates) shall apply] (a) Fund: [VSHFLI\] (b) Fund Share(s): [VSHFLI\] (c) Fund Documents: [VSHFLI\] (d) Additional Extraordinary Fund Event(s): [VSHFLI\] (e) NAV Barrier: [VSHFLI\] (f) Number of NAV Publications Days: [VSHFLI\] (g) Settlement Price: [VSHFLI\] (h) Consequences of Extraordinary Fund Event: [VSHFLI\] (i) Relevant Time: [The relevant time is [z].] (j) Additional Provisions: [VSHFLI\] Market Access Certificates: [The provisions of Annex [1/2/4]38 (Additional Terms and Conditions for [Index/Share/Debt Security] Certificates) and Annex 9 ($GGLWLRQDO 7HUPV DQG &RQGLWLRQV IRU 0DUNHW $FFHVV &HUWLILFDWHV) shall apply] For Market Access Certificates include relevant Annex and complete relevant section for Index / Share / Debt Security Certificates and include Annex 9 and complete paragraph 30 as appropriate. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 48 (a) [Share Amount / Debt Securities Amount]: [VSHFLI\] (b) Market Access Certificate Condition 1 of Annex 9 (,QWHULP3D\PHQW $PRXQW,QWHULP&RXSRQ $PRXQW): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (c) The Coupon Payment Dates are [z] (d) Market Access Certificate Condition 2 (3RWHQWLDO $GMXVWPHQW(YHQW): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (e) Market Access Certificate Condition 3 (6WRFN'LYLGHQGV RU6WRFN'LVWULEXWLRQVDQG 5LJKWV,VVXHV): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (f) Market Access Certificate Condition 4 (,VVXHU VRSWLRQ IROORZLQJDQ$GGLWLRQDO 'LVUXSWLRQ(YHQW): [Applicable/Not Applicable] (g) Market Access Certificate Condition 5 (5HJXODWRU\ &KDQJH(YHQW): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (h) Market Access Certificate Condition 6 ((DUO\ 7HUPLQDWLRQ(YHQW): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (i) Market Access Certificate Condition 7 ($GGLWLRQDO &RQGLWLRQ): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (j) Market Access Certificate Condition 8 ((DUO\ 5HGHPSWLRQRI&HUWLILFDWHV OLQNHGWRXQGHUO\LQJ6KDUHV WKDWDUH\HWWREHOLVWHG): [Applicable / Not Applicable] (i) (ii) Expected Listing Date is [z] The amount payable in respect of each Certificate so redeemed shall be [VSHFLI\ DPRXQWRUPDQQHURIGHWHUPLQDWLRQ]. 30. Credit Linked Certificates: [VSHFLI\WHUPVIRU&UHGLW/LQNHG&HUWLILFDWHV] 31. Additional Disruption Events: (a) 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 49 The following Additional Disruption Events apply to the Certificates: 6SHFLI\HDFKRIWKHIROORZLQJZKLFKDSSOLHV1% $GGLWLRQDO 'LVUXSWLRQ (YHQWV DUH DSSOLFDEOH WR FHUWDLQ ,QGH[ &HUWLILFDWHV RU 6KDUH &HUWLILFDWHV &DUHIXO FRQVLGHUDWLRQ VKRXOG EH JLYHQ WR ZKHWKHU $GGLWLRQDO'LVUXSWLRQ(YHQWVZRXOGDSSO\IRU'HEW &HUWLILFDWHV &XUUHQF\ &HUWLILFDWHV &RPPRGLW\ &HUWLILFDWHV ,QGH[ &HUWLILFDWHV UHODWLQJ WR &RPPRGLW\ ,QGLFHV DQG )XQG &HUWLILFDWHV DQG LI VRWKHUHOHYDQWGHILQLWLRQVZLOOUHTXLUHDPHQGPHQW &DUHIXO FRQVLGHUDWLRQ VKRXOG EH JLYHQ WR DQ\ $GGLWLRQDO 'LVUXSWLRQ (YHQWV LQ WKH FDVH RI 86 &HUWLILFDWHV [Change in Law] [Hedging Disruption] [Increased Cost of Hedging] [Increased Cost of Stock Borrow] [Insolvency Filing (N.B. Only applicable in the case of Share Certificates)] [Loss of Stock Borrow] [Analogous Event] [Currency Event] [Force Majeure Event] [Jurisdiction Event] [Failure to Deliver due to Illiquidity] 1% 2QO\ DSSOLFDEOH LQ WKH FDVH RI 3K\VLFDO 'HOLYHU\&HUWLILFDWHVWKDWDUHQRW86&HUWLILFDWHV )DLOXUHWR'HOLYHUGXHWR,OOLTXLGLW\LVDSSOLFDEOHWR FHUWDLQ 6KDUH &HUWLILFDWHV &DUHIXO FRQVLGHUDWLRQ VKRXOGEHJLYHQWRZKHWKHU)DLOXUHWR'HOLYHUGXH WR,OOLTXLGLW\ZRXOGDSSO\WRRWKHU3K\VLFDO'HOLYHU\ &HUWLILFDWHV (b) [The Maximum Stock Loan Rate in respect of [VSHFLI\ LQ UHODWLRQ WR HDFK UHOHYDQW 6KDUH6HFXULW\] is [z]. 1% RQO\ DSSOLFDEOH LI /RVV RI 6WRFN %RUURZ LV DSSOLFDEOH@ 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 50 [The Initial Stock Loan rate in respect of [VSHFLI\ LQUHODWLRQWRHDFKUHOHYDQW6KDUH6HFXULW\] is [z]. 1% RQO\ DSSOLFDEOH LI ,QFUHDVHG &RVW RI 6WRFN %RUURZLVDSSOLFDEOH@ (c) (d) [Condition 16(B) ($GGLWLRQDO 'HILQLWLRQV) applicable.] Delayed Redemption on Occurrence of Additional Disruption Event: [Applicable/Not Applicable] x 3529,6,2165(/$7,1*72,17(5(67 32. Fixed Rate Provisions: [Applicable/Not Applicable] (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) 33. (a) Interest Rate[(s)] ([including/excluding] on overdue amounts after Redemption Date or date set for early redemption): [VSHFLI\] percent. per annum [payable [annually/semi-annually/quarterly/monthly] in arrear] (b) Interest Payment Date(s): [VSHFLI\] in each year [adjusted in accordance with [VSHFLI\ %XVLQHVV 'D\ &RQYHQWLRQ DQG DQ\ DSSOLFDEOH%XVLQHVV&HQWUHVIRUWKHGHILQLWLRQRI %XVLQHVV'D\@QRWDGMXVWHG] (c) Fixed Coupon Amount[(s)]: [VSHFLI\] (d) Day Count Fraction: [VSHFLI\] [30/360 / Actual/Actual (-ICMA /-ISDA) / Actual/365 (Fixed) / Actual/360 / 30E/360 / other (see Condition 7 for alternatives)] (e) Determination Dates: [VSHFLI\] in each year (insert regular interest payment dates, ignoring issue date or redemption date in the case of a long or short first or last coupon. N.B. only relevant where Day Count Fraction is Actual/Actual ([ICMA])) (f) Other terms relating to the method of calculating interest for Fixed Rate Certificates: [Not Applicable/give details] Floating Rate Provisions 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [Applicable/Not Applicable] 51 (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) (a) Interest Period(s): [VSHFLI\] (b) Interest Payment Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (c) Business Day Convention (Condition 5.3): [Floating Rate Business Day Convention/ Following Business Day Convention/ Modified Following Business Day Convention/ Preceding Business Day Convention/ other (give details)] (d) Manner in which the Interest Rate(s) is/are to be determined (including on overdue amounts after Redemption Date or date set for early redemption): [Screen Rate Determination/ISDA Determination/other (give details)] (e) Party responsible for calculating the Interest Rate(s) and Interest Amount(s) (if not the Calculation Agent): [VSHFLI\] (f) Screen Rate Determination: (i) Relevant Time: (ii) Interest Date: Determination [[z] [TARGET] Business Days in [VSHFLI\ FLW\] for [VSHFLI\ FXUUHQF\] prior to [the first day in each Interest Accrual Period/each Interest Payment Date]] (iii) Primary Source for Floating Rate: [VSHFLI\ UHOHYDQW VFUHHQ SDJH RU 5HIHUHQFH %DQNV] (iv) Relevant Financial Centre: [The financial centre most closely connected to the Benchmark] (v) Benchmark: [EURIBOR, LIBOR, LIBID, LIMEAN, or other benchmark] (vi) Specified Duration: (g) [VSHFLI\] [VSHFLI\ SHULRG IRU TXRWDWLRQ LI QRW GXUDWLRQ RI ,QWHUHVW$FFUXDO3HULRG] ISDA Determination (Condition 5(D)(x)): (i) Floating Rate Option: [VSHFLI\] (ii) Designated Maturity: [VSHFLI\] 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 52 (iii) Reset Date: [VSHFLI\] (iv) ISDA Definitions: [VSHFLI\GHILQLWLRQVLIGLIIHUHQWIURPWKRVHVHWRXWLQ WKH&RQGLWLRQV] (h) Margin(s): [+/-][VSHFLI\] per cent per annum (i) Minimum Interest Rate: [VSHFLI\] per cent per annum (j) Day Count Fraction: [Actual/365 Actual/365 (Fixed) Actual/360 30/360 30E/360 other] (see Condition 5.4(f) for alternatives) (k) 34. Fallback provisions, rounding provisions, denominator and any other terms relating to the method of calculating interest on Floating Rate Certificates, if different from those set out in the Conditions: Formula Linked Interest: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [VSHFLI\] [Applicable/Not Applicable] 53 (,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) [VSHFLI\] (a) Formula: (b) Party responsible calculating interest: (c) Provisions for determining Interest Rate and Interest Amount where calculation by reference to formula is impossible or impracticable: [VSHFLI\] (d) Interest Period(s): [VSHFLI\] (e) Interest Payment Date(s): [VSHFLI\] (f) Business Day Convention: [VSHFLI\] (g) Day Count Fraction: [VSHFLI\] for [Calculation Agent/RWKHU] x ,668(5&$//237,21,15(63(&72)&(57,),&$7(6 35. Issuer Call Option: [Applicable/Not Applicable] (1% ,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK.) Redemption [VSHFLI\] (a) Optional Date(s): (b) Optional Redemption Amount(s) and method, if any, of calculation of such amount(s): [VSHFLI\] (c) Notice period (if different from those set out in the Conditions): [VSHFLI\] x +2/'(5387237,21,15(63(&72)&(57,),&$7(6 36. Holder Put Option: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [Applicable/Not Applicable] 54 (1% ,I QRW DSSOLFDEOH GHOHWH WKH UHPDLQLQJ VXE SDUDJUDSKVRIWKLVSDUDJUDSK) Redemption [VSHFLI\] (a) Optional Date(s): (b) Optional Redemption Amount(s) and method, if any, of calculation of such amount(s): [VSHFLI\] (c) Notice period (if different from those set out in the Conditions): [VSHFLI\] x 3529,6,2165(/$7,1*729$/8$7,21$1'5('(037,21 37. Cash Settlement Amount: 38. Valuation Date: 39. Averaging: [,QVHUW GHWDLOV RI &DVK 6HWWOHPHQW $PRXQW5HGHPSWLRQ $PRXQW DQG KRZ LW LV WR EH FDOFXODWHGIRU&DVK6HWWOHG&HUWLILFDWHV] [6SHFLI\@1%:KHUH$XWRPDWLF([HUFLVHDSSOLHV WKH &HUWLILFDWHV DUH 6KDUH &HUWLILFDWHV DQG WKH 6KDUHVDUHWUDGHGRQWKH,WDOLDQUHJXODWHGPDUNHW RUJDQLVHG DQG PDQDJHG E\ %RUVD ,WDOLDQD LQVHUW WKH >6FKHGXOHG 7UDGLQJ 'D\@ LPPHGLDWHO\ SUHFHGLQJWKH([HUFLVH'DWH) Averaging [applies / does not apply] to the Certificates. [The Averaging Dates are [z].] (1RW DSSOLFDEOHWR,QIODWLRQ,QGH[&HUWLILFDWHV) [In the event that an Averaging Date is a Disrupted Day [Omission / Postponement / Modified Postponement] (as defined in Condition 4) will apply.] 1%1RWDSSOLFDEOHIRU&RPPRGLW\ &HUWLILFDWHV [In the event of Modified Postponement applying, the Averaging Date will be determined [specify relevant provisions] (N.B. Only applicable in relation to Debt Certificates, Currency Certificates or Fund Certificates).] 40. Observation Dates: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [The Observation Dates are [z].] (1RW DSSOLFDEOH WR,QIODWLRQ,QGH[&HUWLILFDWHV) 55 [In the event Disrupted Day Postponement] apply.] 1% &HUWLILFDWHV that an Observation Date is a [Omission/Postponement/Modified (as defined in Condition 4) will 1RW DSSOLFDEOH WR &RPPRGLW\ [In the event of Modified Postponement applying, the Observation Date will be determined] [VSHFLI\ UHOHYDQW SURYLVLRQV] (1% 2QO\ DSSOLFDEOH LQ UHODWLRQWR'HEW&HUWLILFDWHV&XUUHQF\&HUWLILFDWHV RU)XQG&HUWLILFDWHV).] 41. Observation Period: 42. Specified Maximum Disruption: 43. Settlement Business Day: 44. Notional Amount of each Certificate: [The Observation Period is [z].] (1RWDSSOLFDEOHWR ,QIODWLRQ,QGH[&HUWLILFDWHV) Days of [[z] [Scheduled Trading Days] Business Days] [Commodity Settlement Business Day for the purposes of Condition means [z]. (1%2QO\DSSOLFDEOHLQWKH FDVHRI3K\VLFDO'HOLYHU\&HUWLILFDWHV) [Currency][Amount] x ',675,%87,21$1'866$/(6(/,*,%,/,7< 45. Selling Restrictions: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 [,QVHUWDQ\DGGLWLRQDOVHOOLQJUHVWULFWLRQV] 56 (a) Eligibility for sale of The Certificates are [not] eligible for sale in the Certificates in the United United States to AIs. States to AIs (1% 2QO\ &HUWLILFDWHV LVVXHG E\ %133 FDQEHVRHOLJLEOH): [Where Certificates are eligible for sale in the United States to AIs, include the following: (i) The Certificates will be in the form of private placement definitive certificates; (ii) The Certificates may [not] be issued concurrently outside the United States to non-U.S. Persons [(such Certificates to be represented by a Regulation S Global Certificate)]; (iii) The Certificates may [not] be transferred to QIBs (N.B. Certificates may only be transferred to QIBs if eligible for sale to QIBs as provided in paragraph (ii) below); (iv) The Certificates may [not] transferred to non-U.S. Persons; be (v) The Certificates transferred to AIs; be (vi) [insert applicable U.S. selling restrictions and specify details of any transfer restrictions and any necessary Certifications, if different from those set out in the conditions (N.B. Such restrictions may be necessary, inter alia, in relation to Commodity Certificates)]; and (vii) (b) may [not] [VSHcLI\ DQ\ DPHQGPHQWV WR WKH IRUP RIexerciseQRWLFHWKHformRIZKLFKLVVHW RXW LQ D VFKHGXOH WR WKH $JHQF\ $JUHHPHQW)].] Eligibility for sale of The Certificates are [not] eligible for sale in the Certificates in the United United States under Rule 144A to QIBs. States to QIBs within the meaning of rule 144a (1% 2QO\ 86 &HUWLILFDWHV LVVXHG E\%133FDQEHVRHOLJLEOH): [Where Certificates are eligible for sale in the United States under Rule 144A to QIBs, include the following: 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 57 46. Additional U.S. Federal income tax consequences: 47. Registered broker/dealer: 48. Syndication: 39 (i) The Rule 144A Global Certificate will be deposited with [a custodian for DTC]/[a common depositary on behalf of Clearstream, Luxembourg/Euroclear/Iberclear/other clearing system]; (ii) The Certificates may [not] be issued concurrently outside the United States to non-U.S. Persons [(such securities to be represented by a Regulation S Global Certificate)]; (iii) The Certificates transferred to QIBs; [not] be (iv) The Certificates may [not] transferred to non-U.S. persons; be (v) The Certificates may [not] be transferred to AIs (N.B. Certificates may only be transferred to AIs if eligible for sale to AIs as provided for in paragraph (a) above); (vi) [insert applicable U.S. selling restrictions and specify details of any transfer restrictions and any necessary Certifications, if different from those set out in the Conditions (N.B. Such restrictions may be necessary, inter alia, in relation to Commodity Certificates)]; and (vii) [specify any amendments to the form of exercise notice (the form of which is set out in a schedule to the Agency Agreement)].] [LQVHUWGHWDLOV] [BNP Paribas Securities RWKHU]39/[not applicable]] Corp./[VSHFLI\ The Certificates will be distributed on a [non]syndicated basis. If U.S. Warrants. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 may 58 (>,IV\QGLFDWHGVSHFLI\QDPHVRIWKH0DQDJHUV@) >/LVWLQJ$SSOLFDWLRQ These Final Terms comprise the final terms required to list [and have admitted to trading] the issue of Certificates described.] 5HVSRQVLELOLW\ The Issuer accepts responsibility for the information contained in these Final Terms. The information included in [the Annex] (the [z] Information) consists of extracts from or summaries of information that is publicly available in respect of [z].The Issuer confirms that such information has been accurately reproduced and that, so far as it is aware, and is able to ascertain from information published by [z], no facts have been omitted which would render the reproduced inaccurate or misleading.]G Signed on behalf of [BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V.]/[BNP Paribas] As Issuer: By:.............................................. Duly authorised 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 59 3$57%±27+(5,1)250$7,21 /LVWLQJDQG$GPLVVLRQWRWUDGLQJ [The Certificates are unlisted]/[Application will be made to list the Certificates on the Italian Stock Exchange and to admit the Certificates for trading described herein on the "electronic securitised derivatives market" (the "6H'H;"), organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A.]/[Application has been made to list the Certificates on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and to admit the Certificates for trading described herein on the "%RXUVHGH/X[HPERXUJ" (the "5HJXODWHG0DUNHW") of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange/Luxembourg Stock Exchange’s EuroMTF Market]/[VSHFLI\ RWKHUH[FKDQJH]. >5DWLQJV Ratings: The Certificates to be issued have been rated: [S & P: [z]]G [Moody’s: [z]]G [[Other]: [z]]G [1HHG WR LQFOXGH D EULHI H[SODQDWLRQ RI WKH PHDQLQJ RI WKH UDWLQJV LI WKLV KDV SUHYLRXVO\EHHQSXEOLVKHGE\WKHUDWLQJSURYLGHUIRUH[DPSOH "As defined by Moody’s an [Aa1] rating means that the obligations of the Issuer and the Guarantor under the Programme are of high quality and are subject to very low credit risk and, as defined by Standard & Poor’s, an [AA+] rating means that the relevant Issuer and Guarantor’s capacity to meet its financial commitment under the Certificates is very strong."] (The above disclosure should reflect the rating allocated to Certificates of the type being issued under the Programme generally or, where the issue has been specifically rated, that rating.)] >5LVN)DFWRUV [,QFOXGHDQ\SURGXFWVSHFLILFULVNIDFWRUVZKLFKDUH QRWFRYHUHG XQGHU5LVN)DFWRUVLQ WKH%DVH 3URVSHFWXVRULQUHODWLRQWR86&HUWLILFDWHV,IDQ\VXFKDGGLWLRQDOULVNIDFWRUVQHHGWREHLQFOXGHG FRQVLGHUDWLRQ VKRXOG EH JLYHQ DV WR ZKHWKHU WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH VLJQLILFDQW QHZ IDFWRUV DQG FRQVHTXHQWO\WULJJHUWKHQHHGIRUHLWKHULDVXSSOHPHQWWRWKH%DVH3URVSHFWXVXQGHU$UWLFOHRI WKH 3URVSHFWXV 'LUHFWLYH WKH SXEOLFDWLRQ RI ZKLFK ZRXOG LQ WXUQ WULJJHU WKH LQYHVWRUV ULJKW WR ZLWKGUDZWKHLUDFFHSWDQFHVZLWKLQDKRXUWLPHSHULRGRULLD3URVSHFWXV]] >1RWLILFDWLRQ 7KH &RPPLVVLRQ GH 6XUYHLOODQFH GX 6HFWHXU )LQDQFLHU ZKLFK LV WKH /X[HPERXUJ FRPSHWHQW DXWKRULW\IRUWKHSXUSRVHRIWKH3URVSHFWXV'LUHFWLYH>KDVEHHQUHTXHVWHGWRSURYLGHKDVSURYLGHG LQFOXGHILUVWDOWHUQDWLYHIRUDQLVVXHZKLFKLVFRQWHPSRUDQHRXVZLWKWKHHVWDEOLVKPHQWRUXSGDWHRI WKH3URJUDPPHDQGWKHVHFRQGDOWHUQDWLYHIRUVXEVHTXHQWLVVXHV@WKH>,WDOLDQ1DWLRQDO&RPPLVVLRQ IRU WKH &RPSDQLHV DQG WKH 0DUNHW ± &2162%@ >LQFOXGH QDPHV RI FRPSHWHQW DXWKRULWLHV RI KRVW 0HPEHU6WDWHV@ZLWKDFHUWLILFDWHRIDSSURYDODWWHVWLQJWKDWWKH%DVH3URVSHFWXVKDVEHHQGUDZQXS LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKH3URVSHFWXV'LUHFWLYH.] 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 60 The Issuer [and the Guarantor] has [have] authorised the use of these Final Terms and the Base Prospectus dated 30 May 2007 by the Managers [and [LQFOXGH QDPHV >DQG DGGUHVVHV@ RI RWKHU ILQDQFLDO LQWHUPHGLDULHV LQYROYHG LQ WKH RIIHU 25 FRQVLGHU D JHQHULF GHVFULSWLRQ RI RWKHU SDUWLHV LQYROYHGLQQRQH[HPSWRIIHUVHJRWKHUSDUWLHVDXWKRULVHGE\WKH0DQDJHUVRULIUHOHYDQWQRWH WKDW RWKHU SDUWLHV PD\ PDNH QRQH[HPSW RIIHUV LQ WKH 3XEOLF 2IIHU -XULVGLFWLRQV GXULQJ WKH 2IIHU 3HULRG LI QRW NQRZQ]] (together with the Managers, the )LQDQFLDO ,QWHUPHGLDULHV)in connection with offers of the Certificates to the public in [LQVHUWMXULVGLFWLRQVZKHUHWKH3URVSHFWXVKDVEHHQ DSSURYHG DQG SXEOLVKHG DQG MXULVGLFWLRQV LQWR ZKLFK LW KDV EHHQ SDVVSRUWHG [(3XEOLF 2IIHU -XULVGLFWLRQV)]IRUWKHSHULRGVHWRXWLQSDUDJUDSK>9@EHORZ[(2IIHU3HULRG]].G >,QWHUHVWVRI1DWXUDODQG/HJDO3HUVRQV,QYROYHGLQWKH>,VVXH2IIHU@ Need to include a description of any interest, including conflicting ones, that is material to the issue/offer, detailing the persons involved and the nature of the interest. May be satisfied by the inclusion of the following statement: "Save as discussed[ in "5LVN )DFWRUV" in the Base Prospectus], so far as the Issuer is aware, no person involved in the offer of the Certificates has an interest material to the offer."] >5HDVRQVIRUWKH2IIHU(VWLPDWHG1HW3URFHHGVDQG7RWDO([SHQVHV40 Reasons for the offer [z]G (See "8VHRI3URFHHGV" wording in Base Prospectus – if reasons for offer different from making profit and/or hedging certain risks will need to include those reasons here.) Estimated net proceeds: [z]G (If proceeds are intended for more than one use will need to split out and present in order of priority. If proceeds insufficient to fund all proposed uses state amount and sources of other funding.) Estimated total expenses: [z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isclosure in respect of Estimated Net Proceeds and Total Expenses is only required if reasons for the offer are disclosed. Additional consideration should be given to disclosure in the case of US Certificates. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 61 2SHUDWLRQDO,QIRUPDWLRQ [Relevant Clearing System(s): [Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg/DTC/Euroclear France/Iberclear/VPC/Monte Titoli/RWKHU] If other than Euroclear Bank S.A./N.V., [Identification number(s)] Clearstream Banking, société anonyme, Euroclear France, include the relevant identification number(s) and in the case of VPC Certificates, the VPC Certificate Agent: [VPC Certificate Agent: [Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ)/RWKHU] Address: [ 42 >7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQVRIWKH3XEOLF2IIHU@ Conditions to which the offer is subject: [z]G Total amount of the issue/offer; if the amount is not fixed, description of the arrangements and time for announcing to the public the definitive amount of the offer: [z]G The time period, including any possible amendments, during which the offer will be open and description of the application process: [z]G A description of the possibility to reduce subscriptions and the manner for refunding excess amount paid by applicants: [z]G Details of the minimum and/or maximum amount of application:42 [z]G Method and time limits for paying up the Certificates and for delivery of the Certificates: [z]G Manner and date in which results of the offer are to be made public: [z]G Categories of potential investors to which the Certificates are offered: [z]G Whether in number of warrants or aggregate amount to invest. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 62 ]] [)RUH[DPSOH: "/HJDOHQWLWLHVZKLFKDUHDXWKRULVHGRUUHJXODWHGWR RSHUDWH LQ WKH ILQDQFLDO PDUNHWV RU LI QRW VR DXWKRULVHGRUUHJXODWHGZKRVHFRUSRUDWHSXUSRVHLV VROHO\WRLQYHVWLQVHFXULWLHV $Q\ OHJDO HQWLW\ ZKLFK KDV WZR RU PRUH RI DQ DYHUDJH RI DW OHDVW HPSOR\HHV GXULQJ WKH ODVW ILQDQFLDO\HDUDWRWDOEDODQFHVKHHWRIPRUHWKDQ ¼DQGDQDQQXDOQHWWXUQRYHURIPRUH WKDQ ¼ DV VKRZQ LQ LWV ODVW DQQXDO RU FRQVROLGDWHGDFFRXQWV."] [z]G Process for notification to applicants of the amount allotted and indication whether dealing may begin before notification is made: >3ODFLQJDQG8QGHUZULWLQJ@43 Name and address of the co-ordinator(s) of the global offer and of single parts of the offer: [z]G Name and address of any paying agents and depository agents in each country (in addition to the Principal Paying Agent): [z]G Entities agreeing to underwrite the issue on a firm commitment basis, and entities agreeing to place the issue without a firm commitment or under "best efforts" arrangements: [z]G When the underwriting agreement has been or will be reached: [z]G <LHOG [$QLQGLFDWLRQRI\LHOG'HVFULEHWKHPHWKRGZKHUHE\WKDW\LHOGLVFDOFXODWHGLQVXPPDU\IRUP.] 43 >)RUPRI5HQRXQFHPHQW1RWLFH To the extent known to the Issuer, of the placers in the various countries where the offer takes place. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 63 5(1281&(0(17127,&( (to be completed by the Holder of the Certificate) [BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance B.V./BNP Paribas] [LQVHUWWLWOHRI&HUWLILFDWHV] ISIN: [ ] (the "&HUWLILFDWHV) To: Monte Titoli S.p.A. [DGGUHVV] Fax No:[ ] Copy: [Italian Agent] [DGGUHVV] Fax No:[ ] We the undersigned Intermediary _________________________ holding in custody the Certificates on behalf of our client hereby communicate that we are renouncing the automatic exercise on the Exercise Date of the rights granted by the Certificates in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Certificates, as amended and/or supplemented by the applicable Final Terms (the "&HUWLILFDWH7HUPV"). ISIN Code of the Certificates: _________________________ Number of Certificates the subject of this notice: _________________________ The undersigned understands that if this Renouncement Notice is not completed and delivered as provided in the Certificate Terms or is determined to be incomplete or not in proper form (in the determination of the relevant Clearing System in consultation with the Italian Certificate Agent), or is not copied to the Italian Certificate Agent immediately after being delivered or sent to the relevant Clearing System it will be treated as null and void. If this Renouncement Notice is subsequently corrected to the satisfaction of the relevant Clearing System, in consultation with the Italian Certificate Agent, it will be deemed to be a new Renouncement Notice submitted at the time such correction was delivered to the relevant Clearing System and the Italian Certificate Agent. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 64 Expressions defined in the Certificate Terms shall bear the same meanings in this Renouncement Notice. Place and date: _________________________ Signature of the legal representative of the Intermediary.]44 [Declaration of receipt of this Final Terms dated [z] by the investor in the Certificates I …………………………. hereby declare that I have received and read the Final Terms dated …………... before purchasing the Securities described therein. _________________________dated _____________________ [Investor' s signature]]45 44 45 Insert in the case of Italian Listed Certificates. Only applicable where the Certificates are offered to the public in Italy but are unlisted. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 65 >3$57&63(&,),&352'8&7&2175$&78$/7(506 7KLV3DUW&WREHXVHGIRUDOODGGLWLRQDOGHILQLWLRQVSURYLVLRQVIRU6SHFLILF3URGXFWV [Other or Alternative Definitions/Provisions] [z]G 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 66 2))(5,1*$1'6$/( The following Italian selling restriction shall replace the existing Italian selling restriction in the Offering and Sale section of the Base Prospectus: 5HSXEOLFRI,WDO\ Until the offering of the Securities has been registered pursuant to Italian securities legislation, no Securities may be offered, sold or delivered, nor may copies of the Base Prospectus or of any other document relating to the Securities be distributed in the Republic of Italy, except: (a) to qualified investors (RSHUDWRUL TXDOLILFDWL) (the 4XDOLILHG ,QYHVWRUV), as defined in Article 31, second paragraph, of CONSOB (the Italian Securities Exchange Commission) Regulation No. 11522 of 1 July 1998, as amended (&2162%5HJXODWLRQ1R); or (b) in circumstances which are exempted from the rules on solicitation of investments pursuant to Article 100 of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998, as amended (the ,WDOLDQ)LQDQFLDO 6HUYLFHV$FW) and Article 33, first paragraph, of CONSOB Regulation No. 11971 of 14 May 1999, as amended (&2162%5HJXODWLRQ1R). Any offer, sale or delivery of the Securities or distribution of copies of the Base Prospectus or any other document relating to the Securities in the Republic of Italy under (a) or (b) above must be: (i) made by an investment firm, bank or financial intermediary permitted to conduct such activities in the Republic of Italy in accordance with the Italian Financial Services Act, CONSOB Regulation No. 11522 and Legislative Decree No. 385 of 1 September 1993, as amended (the ,WDOLDQ%DQNLQJ $FW); and (ii) in compliance with Article 129 of the Italian Banking Act, as amended, and the implementing guidelines of the Bank of Italy, as amended from time to time, pursuant to which the Bank of Italy may request information on the issue or the offer of securities in the Republic of Italy; and (iii) in compliance with any other applicable laws and regulations or requirement imposed by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he following Italian taxation section shall replace the existing Italian taxation section in the Base Prospectus. "The following is a summary of current Italian law and practise relating to the taxation of the Warrants and Certificates. The statements herein regarding taxation are based on the laws in force in Italy as at the date of this Base Prospectus and are subject to any changes in law occurring after such date, which changes could be made on a retroactive basis. The following summary does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all the tax considerations which may be relevant to a decision to subscribe for, purchase, own or dispose of the Securities and does not purport to deal with the tax consequences applicable to all categories of investors, some of which (such as dealers in securities or commodities) may be subject to special rules. Legislative Decree No. 344 of 12 December 2003 published in the Italian Official Gazette of 16 December 2003 No, 261 (Ordinary Supplement No. 190), effective as of 1 January 2004 introduced the reform of taxation of corporations and of certain financial income amending the Italian Income Taxes Consolidated Code. Legislative Decree No. 247 of 19 November 2005 (known as the &RUUHWWLYR,5(6) published in the Italian Official Gazette No. 280 of 1 December 2005, amended Decree No. 344 on certain provisions related to the taxation of corporations and of certain financial income. In the near future, the Italian Government could be authorised by Parliament to amend the tax treatment of financial income, introducing a fixed withholding tax on financial incomes not exceeding 20 per cent., which may impact upon the tax regime of the Securities. Prospective investors are advised to consult their own tax advisers concerning the overall tax consequences of their interest in the Securities. ,WDOLDQWD[DWLRQRI6HFXULWLHV Pursuant to Article 67 of Presidential Decree No. 917 of 22 December 1986 and Legislative Decree No. 461 of 21 November 1997, as subsequently amended, where the Italian resident Securityholder is (i) an individual not engaged in an entrepreneurial activity to which the Securities are connected, (ii) a noncommercial partnership, (iii) a non-commercial private or public institution, or (iv) an investor exempt from Italian corporate income taxation, capital gains accrued under the sale or the exercise of the Securities are subject to a 12.5% substitute tax LPSRVWD VRVWLWXWLYD). The recipient may opt for three different taxation criteria: (1) Under the tax declaration regime (UHJLPHGHOODGLFKLDUD]LRQH), which is the default regime for Italian resident individuals not engaged in an entrepreneurial activity to which the Securities are connected, the LPSRVWDVRVWLWXWLYD on capital gains will be chargeable, on a cumulative basis, on all capital gains, net of any incurred capital loss, realised by the Italian resident individual holding the Securities not in connection with an entrepreneurial activity pursuant to all sales or redemptions of the Securities carried out during any given tax year. Italian resident individuals holding the Securities not in connection with an entrepreneurial activity must indicate the overall capital gains realised in any tax year, net of any relevant incurred capital loss, in the annual tax return and pay LPSRVWDVRVWLWXWLYD on such gains together with any balance income tax due for such year. Capital losses in excess of capital gains may be carried forward against capital gains realised in any of the four succeeding tax years. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 68 (2) As an alternative to the tax declaration regime, Italian resident individuals holding the Securities not in connection with an entrepreneurial activity may elect to pay the LPSRVWDVRVWLWXWLYD separately on capital gains realised on each sale or redemption of the Securities (the “ ULVSDUPLRDPPLQLVWUDWR” regime). Such separate taxation of capital gains is allowed subject to (i) the Securities being deposited with Italian banks, SIMs or certain authorised financial intermediaries and (ii) an express election for the ULVSDUPLR DPPLQLVWUDWR regime being timely made in writing by the relevant Securityholder. The depository is responsible for accounting for LPSRVWD VRVWLWXWLYD in respect of capital gains realised on each sale or redemption of the Securities (as well as in respect of capital gains realised upon the revocation of its mandate), net of any incurred capital loss, and is required to pay the relevant amount to the Italian tax authorities on behalf of the taxpayer, deducting a corresponding amount from the proceeds to be credited to the Securityholder or using funds provided by the Securityholder for this purpose. Under the ULVSDUPLR DPPLQLVWUDWR regime, where a sale or redemption of the Securities results in a capital loss, such loss may be deducted from capital gains subsequently realised, within the same securities management, in the same tax year or in the following tax years up to the fourth. Under the ULVSDUPLR DPPLQLVWUDWR regime, the Securityholder is not required to declare the capital gains in the annual tax return. (3) Any capital gains realised by Italian resident individuals holding the Securities not in connection with an entrepreneurial activity who have entrusted the management of their financial assets, including the Securities, to an authorised intermediary and have opted for the so-called “ ULVSDUPLR JHVWLWR” regime will be included in the computation of the annual increase in value of the managed assets accrued, even if not realised, at year end, subject to a 12.5 per cent. substitute tax, to be paid by the managing authorised intermediary. Under this ULVSDUPLR JHVWLWR regime, any depreciation of the managed assets accrued at year end may be carried forward against increase in value of the managed assets accrued in any of the four succeeding tax years. Under the ULVSDUPLR JHVWLWR regime, the Securityholder is not required to declare the capital gains realised in the annual tax return. Where an Italian resident Securityholder is a company or similar commercial entity, or the Italian permanent establishment of a foreign commercial entity to which the Securities are effectively connected, capital gains arising from the Securities will not be subject to LPSRVWD VRVWLWXWLYD, but must be included in the relevant Securityholder’ s income tax return and are therefore subject to Italian corporate tax. Capital gains realised by non-Italian resident Securityholders are not subject to Italian taxation, provided that the Securities are held outside of Italy. $W\SLFDOVHFXULWLHV In accordance with a different interpretation of current tax law, it is possible that Certificates would be considered as ' atypical'securities pursuant to Article 8 of Law Decree No. 512 of 30 September 1983 as implemented by Law No. 649 of 25 November 1983. In this event, payments relating to Certificates may be subject to an Italian withholding tax, levied at the rate of 27 per cent. The 27 per cent. withholding tax mentioned above does not apply to payments made to a non-Italian resident holder of the Certificate or to an Italian resident holder of the Certificate which is (i) a company or similar commercial entity (including the Italian permanent establishment of foreign entities), (ii) a commercial partnership, or (iii) a commercial private or public institution. 3D\PHQWVPDGHE\DQRQUHVLGHQW*XDUDQWRU With respect to payments made to Italian resident Securityholders by a non Italian resident guarantor, in accordance with one interpretation of Italian tax law, any such payment made by the Italian non resident 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 69 guarantor could be treated, in certain circumstances, as a payment made by the relevant Issuer and would thus be subject to the tax regime described in the previous paragraphs of this section. (86DYLQJV'LUHFWLYH Under EC Council Directive 2003/48/EC on the taxation of savings income, Member States are required to provide to the tax authorities of another Member State, details of payments of interest (or similar income) paid by a person within its jurisdiction to an individual resident in that other Member State. However, for a transitional period, Belgium, Luxembourg and Austria are instead required (unless during that period they elect otherwise) to operate a withholding system in relation to such payments (the ending of such transitional period being dependent upon the conclusion of certain other agreements relating to information exchange with certain other countries). A number of non-EU countries and territories including Switzerland have adopted similar measures (a withholding system in the case of Switzerland). ,PSOHPHQWDWLRQLQ,WDO\RIWKH(86DYLQJV'LUHFWLYH Italy has implemented the EU Savings Directive through Legislative Decree No. 84 of 18 April 2005 ("'HFUHH1R"). Under Decree No. 84, subject to a number of important conditions being met, in the case of interest paid starting from 1 July 2005 to individuals which qualify as beneficial owners of the interest payment and are resident for tax purposes in another Member State, Italian paying agents (i.e. banks, VRFLHWj GLLQWHUPHGLD]LRQHPRELOLDUH (SIM), fiduciary companies, VRFLHWjGLJHVWLRQHGHOULVSDUPLR (SGR) resident for tax purposes in Italy, Italian permanent establishments of non-Italian resident persons and any other Italian entity paying interest for professional or commercial reasons) shall not apply the withholding tax and shall report to the Italian Tax Authorities details of the relevant payments and personal information on the individual beneficial owner. Such information is transmitted by the Italian Tax Authorities to the competent foreign tax authorities of the State of residence of the beneficial owner." 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 70 $11(; %133$5,%$6¶&2162/,'$7('),1$1&,$/67$7(0(176)257+(),567+$/)2) &2162/,'$7('),1$1&,$/67$7(0(176 )LUVWKDOIRI 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 71 &217(176 CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ......................................................................................... 73 profit and loss account for the first half of 2007................................................................................. 73 BALANCE SHEET AT 30 JUNE 2007 ............................................................................................. 74 statement of changes in shareholders’ EQUITY BETWEEN 1 JAN 2005 AND 30 june 2007......... 75 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 2007............................................. 81 NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ............................................................................................ 83 1.SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES APPLIED BY THE BNP Paribas Group Part 1 1.a .................................................................................... Applicable accounting standards Part 2 1.b.................................................................................................................. Consolidation Part 3 1.c ..........................................................................Financial assets and financial liabilities Part 4 1.d.........................................................................................................................Insurance Part 5 1.e ...................................................... Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets Part 6 1.f ............................................................................................................................. Leases Part 7 1.g........................................ Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations Part 8 1.h...........................................................................................................Employee benefits Part 9 1.i....................................................................................................... Share-based payment Part 10 1.j................................................................................Provisions recorded under liabilities Part 11 1.k..............................................................................................Current and deferred taxes Part 12 1.l................................................................................................... Statement of cash flows Part 13 1.m................................... Use of estimates in the preparation of the Financial Statements 2. NOTES TO THE profit and loss account FOR THE FIRST HALF OF 2007 Part 1 2.a............................................................................................. Net interest income Part 2 2.b .................. Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss Part 3 2.c.................................................. Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets Part 4 2.d .......................................................................... Net income from other activities Part 5 2.e........................................................................................................ Cost of risk Part 6 2.f .......................................................................................... Corporate income tax 3. SEGMENT Information 4. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Part 1 4.a...................................................... Changes in share capital and earnings per share Part 2 4.b ........................................................................................Scope of consolidation Part 3 4.c........................................................................................ Business combinations 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 72 83 83 83 85 92 93 94 94 95 96 97 97 97 98 99 99 100 101 102 103 103 104 107 107 112 132 &2162/,'$7('),1$1&,$/67$7(0(176 3UHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK,QWHUQDWLRQDO)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ 6WDQGDUGVDVDGRSWHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ SURILWDQGORVVDFFRXQWIRUWKHILUVWKDOIRI ( )*#+ ,%+ ( %+ ,+ ( )*#+ ,%+ -/.0 $'%"1 ././2 -/.0 $!" 1 ././( -/.0 $'%"1 ./.#3 !#"%$'& ' Note Interest income 2.a 27,816 21,704 13,948 Interest expense 2.a (23,341) (16,965) (10,161) Commission income 5,337 5,252 3,959 Commission expense (1,869) (2,361) (1,685) Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss 2.b 4,796 3,698 2,354 Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets 2.c 1,518 914 1,019 Income from other activities 2.d 13,004 10,101 10,755 on other activities Expenses 2.d (10,834) (8,281) (9,415) 45#687'94: 4*; 4<>=)?5 Operating expense Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets ;DC*=E!E=)F!5!C'96 Cost of risk =DF'5!C'9>6 4*; 4; 45#6 2.e 4<>=)?5 4*<=)?5 Corporate income tax 2.f 4*<=)?5 Net income attributable to minority interests 4*<=)?59>6'6*C 7K*697>L!5D6=M5%NDK @ .%A 2/2/B (8,951) (7,732) (5,997) (483) Net gain/loss on non-current assets 45#6 @ B%A ./( 1 (%A G/G%- 4*<=)?5 Share of earnings of associates F!C5H 69>I84>5#6 @ (%A B 1 2 (518) (%A B#2#3 (237) 3#A (/2/3 217 121 60 33 (341) BA B#-#( (212) BA 1/1 B 176 116 (%A 2/3 1 3#A J 1 G BA 3 @ ( (1,728) (1,643) (1,152) 3%A . 1 B 235 BA 2/J/G 6!OQP=)L!R>5!C*E (418) 3#A G @ 1 B%A @ J/( 272 -#A G @ B -%A -/(/B 188 -%A @ 2#( Basic earnings per share 4.a 5.22 4.42 3.81 Diluted earnings per share 4.a 5.18 4.37 3.77 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 73 %$/$1&(6+((7$7-81( S TUV W W V XTYX!Z#[%\'] X'Y ^/_`\'T%[a#_/_/b ^%cd[/ea#_#_/f ^%cd[/ea#_/_#g $66(76 Cash and amounts due from central banks and post office banks Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Derivatives used for hedging purposes Available-for-sale financial assets Loans and receivables due from credit institutions Loans and receivables due from customers Remeasurement adjustment on interest-rate risk hedged portfolios Held-to-maturityfinancial assets Current and deferred tax assets Accrued income and other assets Investments in associates Investment property Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets Goodwill h'ihjkjl!l*m#hl 11,154 900,137 2,721 102,572 62,283 426,795 (676) 15,119 3,028 107,028 2,749 6,074 12,591 1,628 10,400 c/n f/f#^#n f#_/^ 9,642 744,858 2,803 96,739 75,170 393,133 (295) 15,149 3,443 66,915 2,772 5,813 12,470 1,569 10,162 c/n o/o%_#n ^o%^ 7,115 700,525 3,087 92,706 45,009 301,196 (61) 15,445 2,135 65,327 1,823 5,255 9,213 1,225 8,079 cn a#g/p%n _/b/q /,$%,/,7,(6 Due to central banks and post office banks Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Derivatives used for hedging purposes Due to credit institutions Due to customers Debt securities Remeasurement adjustment on interest-rate risk hedged portfolios Current and deferred tax liabilities Accrued expenses and other liabilities Technical reserves of insurance companies Provisions for contingencies and charges Subordinated debt r'srtuu!v twv u!v rv xy 2,149 808,793 1,967 150,882 321,865 128,332 (1) 2,040 76,200 91,966 4,932 17,440 z{ |/}/|#{ ~/|/~ &2162/,'$7('(48,7< %# % % // # / D # #/# / #/ # %¡D¢ % # / / £¤ £/ # #/ # Total capital and retained earnings and net income for the period attributable to shareholders Unrealised or deferred gains and losses attributable to shareholders r'srtuu!v twv u!v rv xy)t¸>¹Qx%ºD»v r¼ 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 // ! // / / / ¥#/ # 47,755 44,487 35,247 4,828 r'ª² §%«¶/ª·/ª« ± ¬!§/² ©#¬©/¯°'± ² ³ z{ z%{ }/#| # ~%{ z} Minority interests z/{ /#~#{ ~z 742 610,681 1,015 118,893 247,494 84,629 901 2,206 48,446 76,523 3,850 16,706 ' %/ 4,455 y¦%§¨ ©%¦%ª*« ¬'©%¨ /®©#¯°!± ² ³ 939 653,328 1,335 143,650 298,652 121,559 367 2,306 53,661 87,044 4,718 17,960 5,025 ´#%{ ~z 5,312 5,471 ´#}#{ µ%z 5,275 ~/µ#{ }// ~/´%{ //´ ´#~#{ /% z{ |/|/#{ |/}/ z/{ ´/´%}#{ /´# z{ #~/#{ }/µ/ 74 VWDWHPHQWRIFKDQJHVLQVKDUHKROGHUV¶½ ¾ ¿ À Á  à ½ Á Ä ½ Å Æ Ç È Å É Ê Ë È Å Ì Í Ê Î Ï Ð Ñ É Ê Ò 0RYHPHQWVGXULQJWKH\HDU Share capital and additional paid-in capital In millions of euros Ø%å/ÛØ#Ù ß Ú/Õà ×Ú×Ý#Þ#ß à áÕ à#è'éÕå#ÞÕÖ á>êëëìÕí à ×Ö/Õä/ä#Ö Ø%ä/Ö ß Õà ß Ø%å Øíå/×à/ß å/ãØ%î× ç Ó#Ô/ÕÖ ×Ô/Ø#Ù Ú#×Ö ÛÜ ×Ý%Þ/ß à á Preferred shares and equivalent instruments è êï èëð Elimination of own equity instruments ñ ò êï óóèô èõï óèè Øà ÕÙãÕä#ß à ÕÙ â ÕåÚÖ ×à Õß å/×Ú ×ÕÖ å/ß å/æ/Û êõï ëìð Ø÷×î ×åà ÛÕÖ ß Ûß å/æ í Ö Ø%îøÖ ×Ù Õ à ß Ø%åÛùß à Ô ÛÔ/ÕÖ ×ÔØ%Ù Ú/×Ö Û ö 16 (691) Increase in share capital Reduction in share capital Issue of preferred shares Movements of own equity instruments Share-based payment plans Dividends on preferred shares Transaction carried out with minorityinterests 691 1,114 ò óõìô èï èè ú (248) 37 (42) 4 úûë ò è (90) êûô ò êêô à Ô/×Ö#î Ø÷×î ×åà Û ü å#Ö ×ÕÙ ß Û×ÚØ#Ö/Ú/×í ×Ö Ö ×Úæ/Õß å/ÛÕåÚÙ Ø/ÛÛ×Û*í Ø#Öà Ô×>ä/×Ö ß Ø#Ú ý Changes in fair value of financial instruments through shareholders’ equity Changes in fair value of financial instruments through profit and loss Effect of movements in exchange rates Share of changes in net assets of equity-accounted joint enterprises ñ ñ Ø%å/ÛØ#Ù ß Ú/Õà ×Ú×Ý#Þ#ß à áÕ àÿë*éÞ#å×*êëëì ç èèï úÿú èï èè ú 16 1,114 (290) 41 õ(90) ð/è ò êêô -ñ ñ ñ ×à/ß å/ãØ#î ×*í Ø#Ö/ó>î Ø#åà ÔÛà Øÿë Þ/å/×*êëëì þ ò êï èûèô ÿï èõó ÿï èõó êëï óÿõ ÿèï ëëú Ø÷×î ×åà ÛÕÖ ß Ûß å/æ í Ö Ø%îøÖ ×Ù Õ à ß Ø%åÛùß à Ô ÛÔ/ÕÖ ×ÔØ%Ù Ú/×Ö Û ö 270 (2,003) Increase in share capital Reduction in share capital Issue of preferred shares Movements of own equity instruments Share-based payment plans Dividends on preferred shares Transaction carried out with minorityinterests 2,003 1,310 13 - ò èï õÿÿô èï ÿèë êï ëèó à Ô/×Ö#î Ø÷×î ×åà Û ü å#Ö ×ÕÙ ß Û×ÚØ#Ö/Ú/×í ×Ö Ö ×Úæ/Õß å/ÛÕåÚÙ Ø/ÛÛ×Û*í Ø#Öà Ô×>ä/×Ö ß Ø#Ú ý Changes in fair value of financial instruments through shareholders’ equity Changes in fair value of financial instruments through profit and loss Effect of movements in exchange rates Share of changes in net assets of equity-accounted joint enterprises þ ç Retained earnings and net income for the period ñ ñ ðï õëè êï úêú ò èìô ò è ìô ñ -ñ ñ ×à/ß å/ãØ#î ×*í Ø#Ö/ó>î Ø#åà ÔÛà ØÿèÚ/×ã×î×Öêëëì Ø%å/ÛØ#Ù ß Ú/Õà ×Ú×Ý#Þ#ß à áÕ àÿè!×ã×î/×Öêëëì (21) 31 (19) ò è(2) èô ò èóìô 270 1,310 (8) 31 (19) èï ìû(2) ê êï óõó êï óõó êÿï êûõ ÿìï êúõ (1) The impacts of adopting IFRS applicable at 1 January 2005 were revised after the publication of first-half 2005 financial statements. The changes related to (i) put options awarded by the Group to certain minority shareholders of subsidiaries over which the Group exercises exclusive control; (ii) the call option granted to the shareholders of a non-consolidated jointly-controlled subsidiary; and (iii) the Group’ s acquisition of shares issued by subsidiaries under exclusive control. The combined impact of these changes was a reduction of EUR 139 million in retained earnings attributable to the Group and of EUR 96 million in minority interests at 30 June 2005. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 75 (48,7<%(7:((1-$1$1'-81( Cumulative translation adjustment !" # Available-forsale reserve -,./# Hedging reserve 01 0/2 304 8 0%-,. 25 /65 01 434 50%- 135 26 8 (1) 0.. 8 8 96 8 945 (532) 410 (34) (286) 212 3 31 7- 2 16 1,114 (290) 41 (90) 945 (532) 410 (34) 051 074 31 .73 883 (170) 135 241 270 1,310 (8) 31 (19) (2) /70# -1 67,2 -1 672 /%1 4.4 044 3%1 75. /37 51 3.- 361 .%-,7 051 046 8 -,5/ 3- - 34 2 8 7 45 8 /30:9 ; < 51 - 7/ (148) (72) 16 1,114 (290) 41 (148) (162) (6) 158 - 939 (532) 568 (34) //6# 0# 8 (111) 94 883 (170) 135 241 -1 /-- 3%1 .67 163 -1 57/ -,5# -,4%- ---,# 158 3%1 07,/ 8 & !" , (6) - 77 8 & % * " + " , //6# 0# .72 01 -,.4 - Unrealised or deferred gains and losses (148) (72) .2 //# .7,2 8 1,169 (170) Retained earnings and net income for the period 061 45/ - 8 849 (532) & % 01 520 8 410 (33) $ "% " & % " %' ( ") -,5/ -,77 2301 043 3%1 7/5 361 /-- 163 (111) 94 270 1,473 (8) 31 (130) 92 7 45 - 890 (170) 180 241 - 34 2 76 -1 ./7 4# 5/ 5/ /30 -1 - 3/%1 2- 2 20 51 /.5 351 220 (2) The portion of net income for the period attributable to minority shareholders in respect of whose shares the Group has granted a put option has been transferred to retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders, on the “ Other movements” line. The corresponding amount for the second half of 2005 was EUR 3 million. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 5.% /5# 0RYHPHQWVGXULQJWKH\HDU =>?@ A>BC DA@ EF AGHI J K In millions of euros BOEBC I D?,J ADAGHI J KS? J%T%UVAMAWXA@YZZ[\XA,] B@ A?NN@ BN@ I ? J I BOSB]%OA JI OMBW A R NN@ BN@ I ?,J I BO B%]%OA,JI OMBW A] B@YZZ[ f BOEBC I D?,J ADAGHI J KS? J%T%UVAMAWXA@YZZ[?] J A@?NN@ BN@ I ?,J I BO B]OA,JI O%MBW A R Bh%AW AOJ E?@ I EI OQ ] @ BWi@ AC ? J I BO%EkjI J > E>?@ A>%BC DA@ E g ^ %Z U _` Y Y _a a b ^ %Z U _` Y Y _a a b [ [ c _ ` U T ^e _ BOEBC I D?,J ADAGHI J KS? J%TZq%HO%AYZZc R T e YY _ TTe U d b ` b aa cY[ n A,JI OMBW A] B@c\W BOJ >%EkJ BT%UkDAMAWX%A@%YZZc BOEBC I D?,J ADAGHI J KS? J%T%UVAMAWXA@YZZc 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 n ed (1,379) 41 Changes in fair value of financial instruments through shareholders’ equity Changes in fair value of financial instruments through profit and loss Effect of movements in exchange rates Share of changes in net assets of equity-accounted joint enterprises o YT Y e _ ` Y U cTd b _ YU U Y _ a (19) (6) (18) U,[ [ e^ _ 77 n U TTed b _ a%_ aa` n U ecd b _` B%J ?CM?NI J ?C L ?O%DP@ A,J ?I OAD A?@ OI OQE T[ Y _ a` Y U,cTd b _ TT Ze _ a 5,567 1,398 (346) 38 (18) - (1,880) (1,880) U e 79d b _ aU,a[d b e79 Te a%_ U [d b T ^ U n _ a YT U ^ _ ` 625 J >A@W Bh%AW AOJ E O@ A?C I EADB@DA] A@ @ ADQ?I OE?O%DPC BEEAE] B@J >%A\NA@ I BD m Retained earnings and net income for the period 338 Increase in share capital Issue and redemption of preferred shares Movements of own equity instruments Share-based payment plans Dividends on preferred shares Additional dividends paid out of net income 2005 Interim dividends paid out of net income for the period Impact of the acquisition of a controlling interest in BNL Impact of acquisitions carried out subsequentlyto the acquisition of a controlling interest in BNL Other transactions carried out with minorityinterests l YeTd n U,[ Y ce _ Bh%AW AOJ E?@ I EI OQ ] @ BWi@ AC ? J I BO%EkjI J > E>?@ A>%BC DA@ E g U,c[d b n A,JI OMBW A] B@c\W BOJ >%EkJ BTZp HOAYZZc R U,c[d (327) 44 Changes in fair value of financial instruments through shareholders’ equity Changes in fair value of financial instruments through profit and loss Effect of movements in exchange rates Share of changes in net assets of equity-accounted joint enterprises o Elimination of own equity instruments 1,398 J >A@W Bh%AW AOJ E O@ A?C I EADB@DA] A@ @ ADQ?I OE?O%DPC BEEAE] B@J >%A\NA@ I BD m Preferred shares and equivalent instruments 5,567 Increase in share capital Issue and redemption of preferred shares Movements of own equity instruments Share-based payment plans Dividends on preferred shares Impact of the acquisition of a controlling interest in BNL Impact of acquisitions carried out subsequentlyto the acquisition of a controlling interest in BNL Transaction carried out with minorityinterests l Share capital and additional paid-in capital (51) 36 (62) - T ^ U n _ a U eYU a _ 338 625 (1,430) 77 (62) - (210) (210) T(63) [Zd b U a Y[d (63) b ` T d b T T ^ n _ a Yc YT _ ` - T T ^ n _ a e aa%_ a ` rs%tu vs%wx yvu z{ v|}~ w { y Cumulative translation adjustment Available-forsale reserve % ~ %wu ~ ~ vu vz z %w tx }u vtx ~ zvy wu%yv vu u vy t~ z x wzzvz Hedging reserve %w tx zs%tu vswx yvu z{ v|}~ % (497) 1 , (398) 35 % %, (166) (2) , (11) , , %, (155) 2,476 (155) 2,476 5,567 1,398 (346) 38 (173) 2,476 (1,880) (2,319) (2,319) (4,199) 79 221 221 % 25 (138) - (883) (372) (635) 40 % , (908) (372) (497) 40 - 25 (138) 338 625 (1,430) 77 (62) - 1,749 (280) (166) (12) % - % : 1 % , 136 (99) , - 1,613 (181) 4 - (908) (372) (497) 40 w tx wzwx ~ yt, vy v|}~ , 5,567 1,398 (346) 38 (18) - Unrealised or deferred gains and losses w% tx~ wu ~ vu vz, z %, % , - (510) (372) Retained earnings and net income for the period , , , % , (70) (12) (13) (108) (369) (70) (12) (13) (108) 338 256 (1,430) 77 (132) (12) (13) (108) (210) (41) (41) (251) (63) 169 169 106 , 1 (20) - 1,750 (280) (186) (12) (369) 1,749 (280) (166) (12) 1 (20) % % % , % (1) The portion of net income for the period attributable to minority shareholders in respect of whose shares the Group has granted a put option has been transferred to retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders, on the “ Other movements” line. The corresponding amount was EUR 4 million for the first half of 2006 and EUR 6 million for the second half. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 300 78 %, ,% 0RYHPHQWVGXULQJWKHILUVWKDOI ¡®¤¡¢ ¨ £,© £ ¦§¨ © ªS ©%±%²³ ¬ ´µ ¶··¸ ¡ ¨ ,© ¨ ¡® ¡%Â%® ,©¨ ®¬¡´  ¡¶··¸ Á ¡®¤¡¢ ¨ £,© £ ¦§¨ © ªS ©%±%²³ ¬ ´µ ¶··¸Â © ¡ ¨ ,© ¨ ¡® ¡Â® ,©¨ ®%¬¡´ ° ¡Ä% ´ ®© ¤ ¨ ¤¨ ®¯  ¡´i ¢ © ¨ ¡®%¤kŨ © ¤ %¡¢ £ ¤ à ²,¹ ¹ »¼ º ½ ½ ½¾ º ¿ ² ¾ »¸À º ²,¹ ¹ »¼ º ½ ½ ½¾ º ¿ ² ¾ »¸À º (565) (25) ²²,¹ ²¶ Changes in fair value of financial instruments through shareholders’ equity Changes in fair value of financial instruments through profit and loss Effect of movements in exchange rates Share of changes in net assets of equity-accounted joint enterprises Ë ° ¶ · ·¼ º Ê ,©¨ ®¬¡´  ¡¸\´ ¡®© %¤k© ¡±·Ì §® ¶··¾ ¡®¤¡¢ ¨ £,© £ ¦§¨ © ªS ©%±·Í%§®% ¶··¾ 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Retained earnings and net income for the period ¶¸ ¶ ±¾ º ¿ ¶ »·%²,À º ¶± ½±¸ º 2,009 © ´ ¡Ä% ´ ®© ¤ ® ¢ ¨ ¤ £¡£  £¯¨ ®¤®%£P¢ ¡¤¤ ¤Â ¡© % \ ¨ ¡£ÉÈ Ç Elimination of own equity instruments 115 Increase in share capital Issue and redemption of preferred shares Movements of own equity instruments Share-based payment plans Dividends on preferred shares Interim dividends paid out of net income for the period Additional impact of the acquisition of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro Transaction carried out with minorityinterests Æ Preferred shares and equivalent instruments Share capital and additional paid-in capital In millions of euros ° ¡¢ £ ¤¥ ¦§¨ © ª ²,¹ %¾ ²,¸ º 79 Ê ¿ ¹¼·À ¸ ½ ¹¸ º Ê ¿ ¶ ± ¾¸À º (5) (66) (134) ¿ ¶·¹-À ¿ ¸%²,À ½ ¾ »¼ Ê º ¶¾ ¼¹¼ º ¡%© ¢¬¨ © ¢ « ®%£P ,© ¨ ® £ ®¨ ®¯¤ ½½ ½ »¾ º ¿ ¶ »·²,À º ½² ¸»¸ º 115 2,009 (565) (30) (66) (134) ² ±¶¼ - º ¿ ½¼À - ½ ¾ »¼ Ê º ½¾ ¾¹¹ º ÎÏÐÑ ÒÏÓÔ ÕÒÑ Ö× ÒØÙÚ Û Ü Ý ÞÓßÛ × Õà Cumulative translation adjustment Available-forsale reserve Ý èéêà ë Ý èéêà ë áÚ ßÓÑ Ú Û Ü Ú ßÛ ÒÑ ÒÖ,Û Ö Ó Û ÐÔ ÙßÑ â ÒÐÔ Ú ÖÒÕ ÓÑÕÒã ÒÑ Ñ ÒÕ ÐÚ ßÖå ä Ô ÓÖÖÒÖ Hedging reserve ì íî%ï Ý ê à ï,ð ë è ë ìð ì íî%ï Ý ê à ï,ð ë è ë ìð ñ ñ ñ ï Ý è à í î ë (320) Ý 24à ï,óð Ý é 1à î%ï ì îð ñ ñ íí 409 (603) ë Ý è à í ó 89 (603) (123) Ý ò 23à ïí í%ì í ëë Retained earnings and net income for the period é ë è í ì ï Ýè ê à ì ð%ï ò í ì ó%ïï - íí (123) Ý è(2) ëà Ó%Û ÐÔ ÖÏ%ÐÑ âÒÏ%ÓÔ ÕÒÑ Ö× ÒØÙÚ Û Ü Ý é à î ë Ý é à î (492) (125) (5) Ý ò é3à ïòò ïì î Ý ëà 89 (603) (123) Ý ò 23à ñ è ì î%ï Ý ëëà ï ë ë ìï ó ë ê è í%ì í Ý è éëòà ì ë êòê ïì (492) (125) (5) Ý ò é3à 115 1,517 (565) (30) (191) (5) (134) 3 ï òò 16 16 (21) Ý ë-à (21) Ý ëà ñ ôõ ö èèé ïêí é ê è í%ì ó ì ï,ð Ó%Û ÐÔ ÞÓßÖâ ÓÔ Ú ÕÐ,Û ÒÕ ÒØÙÚ Û Ü and losses ë ë ìî ï Ý ëëà ï ë éò ìï 115 2,009 (565) (30) (66) (134) èé - ëí%è ì èó Ó%Û ÐÔæÚ ßÓÑ Ú Û Ü Unrealised or â ßÛ ÒÑ ÒÖ Û Ö ç deferred gains Ý èèé íí à í%ì êèê (1) The portion of net income for the period attributable to minority shareholders in respect of whose shares the Group has granted a put option has been transferred to retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders, on the “ Other movements” line. The corresponding amount was EUR 6 million for the first half of 2007. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 80 ó%ò ï,ð ï 105 (603) (144) Ý ò 23 éà ë ï ê ë ì ð%ï ê óì ðî 67$7(0(172)&$6+)/2:6)257+(),567+$/)2) ÷ øúùúû ü ü û ýþøÿ\ý ýÿ Note \øû øýþù ùPýþø S ÿ ý ø ùýþø ÿ ý ø %ýþø ùPýþø LPû %ùPÿ û ø%ü HHÉû ø3K øû øýþù4%øHúý HM ÿ ù%ø ÿ " !# $ Net depreciation/amortisation expense on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 1,311 Impairment of goodwill and other non-current assets Net addition to provisions Share of earnings of associates Net income from investing activities Net (income) loss from financing activities Other movements %0H ÿ û øÿ 3 %ü H= ý3ÿÿ ÿ4%øHÉü û Nû ü û û %ÿOø H)NL ý;K û øO3 û Jû û ÿ ùýø ÿ ý ø ! 1,187 366 (11) (10) (25) 4,922 1,489 3,167 (217) (121) (176) (57) (32) (110) (197) 74 (161) (20,036) 3,277 " $ (2,832) " $ Net increase (decrease) in cash related to transactions with credit institutions 20,057 (5,614) 5,623 Net (decrease) increase in cash related to transactions with customers (4,417) 13,375 (6,700) Net decrease in cash related to transactions involving other financial assets and liabilities (7,405) (6,262) (2,699) (967) (1,342) (347) Taxes paid (1,221) (483) (372) %'&()" *'&+,'&-./&$÷ %0+,'&-.0&ú÷ %1+0-.023-4%'*5&687÷ 9-4:&%;(;.<=&%'&,-(/&*?>@1A=&,-( ÷ %0<B-+0( ÷ 9÷ ( ÷ &. " ! $ Net decrease in cash related to transactions involving non-financial assets and liabilities Net (decrease) increase in cash related to acquisitions and disposals of consolidated entities (145) (14,170) 227 (584) " $ (429) " ! $ (397) " !$ (Decrease) increase in cash and equivalents related to transactions with shareholders (3,298) 2,946 (2,285) Other increases in cash and equivalents generated by other financing activities %'&()" *'&+,'&-./&$÷ %0+,'&-.0&ú÷ %1+0-.023-4%'*5&687÷ 9-4:&%;(;.),'&:-(/&*)(;ADC÷ %-4%0+÷ %0<E-+/( ÷ 9÷ ( ÷ &. 1,933 " ! $ 149 4,386 !! " !#$ " !$ %'&()" *'&+,'&-./&$÷ %0+,'&-.0&ú÷ %1+0-.023-4%'*5&687÷ 9-4:&%;(;. " $ " $ >0%ü %ø\ýþøÿ =%øH3I;û J%ü %øý;ø ÿ4 \ÿ ý 8K û ýH ! Net decrease related to property, plant and equipment and intangible assets %'&(1*'&+,'&-.0&ú÷ %1+0-.02-4%'*5&687÷ 9-4:&%;(;.),'&:-(/&*)(;A ÷ %9&.( ÷ %;<B-+/( ÷ 9÷ ( ÷ &. &CC&+/(3A=C3F8A9&F3&%;(;. ÷ %?&G0+2-4%;<=&3,-(/&.A=%1+0-.02-4%'*?&647÷ 9-4:&%;(;. Net balance of cash accounts and accounts with central banks and post office banks Net balance of demand loans and deposits - credit institutions >0% ü %ø\ýþøÿ =%øH3I;û J%ü %øý;ø ÿ4 øHPý 8K û ýH 4.c !! 8,712 6,642 6,634 7,362 !# 1,923 !# 712 Net balance of cash accounts and accounts with central banks and post office banks 9,006 10,036 9,682 Net balance of demand loans and deposits - credit institutions 3,368 (2,024) 244 %'&()" *'&+,'&-./&$÷ %0+,'&-.0&ú÷ %1+0-.023-4%'*5&687÷ 9-4:&%;(;. " $ " $ 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 81 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 82 127(6727+(),1$1&,$/67$7(0(176 3UHSDUHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK,QWHUQDWLRQDO)LQDQFLDO5HSRUWLQJ 6WDQGDUGVDVDGRSWHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ8QLRQ 6800 $5<2)6,*1,),&$17 $&&2817,1* 32/,&,(6$33/,('%<7+(%133$5,%$6 *5283 D $33/,&$%/($&&2817,1*67$1'$5'6 International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) were applied to the consolidated financial statements from 1 January 2005 (the date of first-time adoption) in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 1 “ First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards” and of other IFRS, based on the version and interpretations of standards adopted within the European Union. The content of these interim consolidated financial statements complies with IAS 34 “ Interim Financial Reporting” , which allows the publication of condensed financial information for interim periods. The application as of 1 January 2007 of the new standards, amendments to existing standards and new interpretations adopted within the European Union and whose application was compulsory at that date had no impact on the condensed interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2007. E &2162/,'$7,21 E 6&23( 2) &2162/,'$7,21 The consolidated financial statements of BNP Paribas include all entities under the exclusive or joint control of the Group or over which the Group exercises significant influence, with the exception of those entities whose consolidation is regarded as immaterial to the Group. The consolidation of an entity is regarded as immaterial if it fails to meet any of the following thresholds: a contribution of more than EUR 8 million to consolidated net banking income, more than EUR 1 million to consolidated gross operating income or net income before tax (versus EUR 4 million in 2005), or more than EUR 40 million to total consolidated assets. Companies that hold shares in consolidated companies are also consolidated. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains effective control. Entities under temporary control are included in the consolidated financial statements until the date of disposal. The Group also consolidates special purpose entities (SPEs) formed specifically to manage a transaction or a group of transactions with similar characteristics, even where the Group has no equity interest in the entity, provided that the substance of the relationship indicates that the Group exercises control as assessed by reference to the following criteria: the activities of the SPE are being conducted exclusively on behalf of the Group, such that the Group obtains benefits from those activities; the Group has the decision-making and management powers to obtain the majority of the benefits of the ordinary activities of the SPE (as evidenced, for example, by the power to dissolve the SPE, to amend its bylaws, or to exercise a formal veto over amendments to its bylaws); the Group has the ability to obtain the majority of the benefits of the SPE, and therefore may be exposed to risks incident to the activities of the SPE. These benefits may be in the form of rights to some or all of the SPE’ s earnings, to a share of its net assets, to benefit from one or more assets, or to receive the majority of the residual assets in the event of liquidation; the Group retains the majority of the risks taken by the SPE in order to obtain benefits from its activities. This would apply, for example, if the risk exposure of outside investors is significantly reduced as a result of a guarantee from a Group company. E &2162/,'$7,21 0(7+2'6 Enterprises under the exclusive control of the Group are fully consolidated. The Group has exclusive control over an enterprise where it is in a position to govern the financial and operating policies of the enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Exclusive control is presumed to exist when the BNP Paribas Group owns, directly or indirectly, more than half of the voting rights of an enterprise. It also exists when the Group has power to govern the financial and operating policies of the enterprise under an 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 83 agreement; to appoint or remove the majority of the members of the Board of Directors or equivalent governing body; or to cast the majority of votes at meetings of the Board of Directors or equivalent governing body. Currently exercisable or convertible potential voting rights are taken into account when determining the percentage of control held. Jointly-controlled companies are consolidated by the proportional method. The Group exercises joint control when under a contractual arrangement, strategic financial and operating decisions require the unanimous consent of the parties that share control. Enterprises over which the Group exercises significant influence (associates) are accounted for by the equity method. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decision-making of an enterprise without exercising control. Significant influence is presumed to exist when the Group holds, directly or indirectly, 20% or more of the voting power of an enterprise. Interests of less than 20% are excluded from consolidation unless they represent a strategic investment and the Group effectively exercises significant influence. This applies to companies developed in partnership with other groups, where the BNP Paribas Group participates in the strategic decision-making of the enterprise through representation on the Board of Directors or equivalent governing body, exercises influence over the enterprise’ s operational management by supplying management systems or decision-making tools, and provides technical assistance to support the enterprise’ s development. Changes in the net assets of associates (companies accounted for under the equity method) are recognised in “ Investments in associates” on the assets side of the balance sheet, and in the relevant component of shareholders’ equity. Goodwill on associates is also included in “ Investments in associates” . If the Group’ s share of losses of an associate equals or exceeds the carrying amount of its investment in the associate, the Group discontinues including its share of further losses. The investment is reported at nil value. Additional losses of the associate are provided for only to the extent that the Group has a legal or constructive obligation to do so, or has made payments on behalf of the associate. Minority interests are presented separately in the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet. The calculation of minority interests takes account of outstanding cumulative preferred shares classified as equity instruments and issued by subsidiaries, and held outside the Group. Realised gains and losses on investments in consolidated undertakings are recognised in the profit and loss account under “ Net gain on non-current assets” . E &2162/,'$7,21 352&('85(6 The consolidated financial statements are prepared using uniform accounting policies for reporting like transactions and other events in similar circumstances. P Elimination of intragroup balances and transactions Intragroup balances arising from transactions between consolidated enterprises, and the transactions themselves (including income, expenses and dividends), are eliminated. Profits and losses arising from intragroup sales of assets are eliminated, except where there is an indication that the asset sold is impaired. Unrealised gains and losses included in the value of available-for-sale assets are maintained in the consolidated financial statements. P Translation of financial statements expressed in foreign currencies The consolidated financial statements of BNP Paribas are prepared in euros. The financial statements of enterprises whose functional currency is not the euro are translated using the closing rate method. Under this method, all assets and liabilities, both monetary and non-monetary, are translated using the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date. Income and expense items are translated at the average rate for the period. The same method is applied to the financial statements of enterprises located in hyperinflationary economies, after adjusting for the effects of inflation by applying a general price index. Differences arising on the translation of balance sheet items and profit and loss items are recorded in shareholders’ equity under “ Cumulative translation adjustment” for the portion attributable to shareholders, and in “ Minority interests” for the portion attributable to outside investors. Under the optional treatment permitted by IFRS 1, the Group has reset at zero, by transfer to retained earnings, all cumulative translation differences attributable to shareholders and to minority interests in the opening balance sheet at 1 January 2004. On liquidation or disposal of some or all of the interest held in a foreign enterprise, the portion of the cumulative translation adjustment recorded in shareholders’ equity in respect of the interest liquidated or disposed of is recognised in the profit and loss account. E P %86,1(66 &20%,1$7,216 $1' 0($685(0(17 2) *22':,// Business combinations Business combinations are accounted for by the purchase method. Under this method, the acquiree’ s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities that meet the IFRS recognition criteria are measured at fair value at the acquisition date except for non-current assets classified as assets held for sale, which are accounted for at fair value less costs to sell. The Group may recognise any adjustments to the provisional accounting within 12 months of the acquisition date. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 84 The cost of a business combination is the fair value, at the date of exchange, of assets given, liabilities assumed, and equity instruments issued to obtain control of the acquiree, plus any costs directly attributable to the combination. Goodwill represents the difference between the cost of the combination and the acquirer’ s interest in the net fair value of the identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the acquiree at the acquisition date. Positive goodwill is recognised in the acquirer’ s balance sheet, and negative goodwill is recognised immediately in profit or loss, on the acquisition date. Goodwill is recognised in the functional currency of the acquiree and translated at the closing exchange rate. The BNP Paribas Group tests goodwill for impairment on a regular basis. As permitted under IFRS 1, business combinations that took place before 1 January 2004 and were recorded in accordance with the previously applicable accounting standards (French GAAP), have not been restated in accordance with the principles set out above. P Cash-generating units 46 The BNP Paribas Group has split all its activities into cash-generating units , representing major business lines. This split is consistent with the Group’ s organisational structure and management methods, and reflects the independence of each unit in terms of results and management methods; it is subject to regular review in order to take account of events likely to affect the composition of cash-generating units, such as acquisitions, disposals and major reorganisations. P Testing cash-generating units for impairment Goodwill allocated to cash-generating units is tested for impairment annually and whenever there is an indication that a unit may be impaired, by comparing the carrying amount of the unit with its recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount, an irreversible impairment loss is recognised, writing down the goodwill by the excess of the carrying amount of the unit over its recoverable amount. P Recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit The recoverable amount of a cash-generating unit is the higher of the fair value of the unit and its value in use. Fair value is the price that would be obtained from selling the unit at the market conditions prevailing at the date of measurement, as determined mainly by reference to actual prices of recent transactions involving similar entities or on the basis of stock market multiples for comparable companies. Value in use is based on an estimate of the future cash flows to be generated by the cash-generating unit, derived from the annual forecasts prepared by the unit’ s management and approved by Group Executive Management and from analyses of long-term trends of the market positioning of the unit’ s activities. These cash flows are discounted at a rate that reflects the return that investors would require from an investment in the business sector and region involved. F F ),1$1&,$/$66(76$1'),1$1&,$//,$%,/,7,(6 /2$16 $1' 5(&(,9$%/(6 Loans and receivables include credit provided by the Group, the Group’ s share in syndicated loans, and purchased loans that are not quoted in an active market, unless they are held for trading purposes. Loans that are quoted in an active market are classified as “ Available-for-sale financial assets” and measured using the methods applicable to this category. Loans and receivables are initially measured at fair value, which is usually the net amount disbursed at inception including directly attributable origination costs and certain types of fees or commission (syndication commission, commitment fees and handling charges) that are regarded as an adjustment to the effective interest rate on the loan. Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortised cost. The income from the loan, representing interest plus transaction costs and fees/commission included in the initial value of the loan, is calculated using the effective interest method and taken to profit or loss over the life of the loan. Commission earned on financing commitments prior to the inception of a loan is deferred and included in the value of the loan when the loan is made. Commission earned on financing commitments where the probability of drawdown is low, or there is uncertainty as to the timing and amount of drawdowns, is recognised on a straight-line basis over the life of the commitment. F 46 5(*8/$7(' 6$9,1*6 $1' /2$1 &2175$&76 As defined by IAS 36. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 85 Home savings accounts ( Q)R'S=T?U VW3XT5Y'Z#[4\V] ^)R[4VSDV\U_ “ CEL” ) and home savings plans (`ba Y'\/W?cBd XT1YZ#[4\V)^)R[8VSeV\U – “ PEL” ) are government-regulated retail products sold in France. They combine a savings phase and a loan phase which are inseparable, with the loan phase contingent upon the savings phase. These products contain two types of obligation for BNP Paribas: (i) an obligation to pay interest on the savings for an indefinite period, at a rate set by the government on inception of the contract (in the case of PEL products) or at a rate reset every six months using an indexation formula set by law (in the case of CEL products); and (ii) an obligation to lend to the customer (at the customer’ s option) an amount contingent upon the rights acquired during the savings phase, at a rate set on inception of the contract (in the case of PEL products) or at a rate contingent upon the savings phase (in the case of CEL products). The Group’ s future obligations in respect of each generation (in the case of PEL products, a generation comprises all products with the same interest rate at inception; in the case of CEL products, all such products constitute a single generation) are measured by discounting potential future earnings from at-risk outstandings for that generation. At-risk outstandings are estimated on the basis of a historical analysis of customer behaviour, and equate to: for the loan phase: statistically probable loan outstandings and actual loan outstandings; for the savings phase: the difference between statistically probable outstandings and minimum expected outstandings, with minimum expected outstandings being deemed equivalent to unconditional term deposits. Earnings for future periods from the savings phase are estimated as the difference between (i) the reinvestment rate and (ii) the fixed savings interest rate on at-risk savings outstandings for the period in question. Earnings for future periods from the loan phase are estimated as the difference between (i) the refinancing rate and (ii) the fixed loan interest rate on at-risk loan outstandings for the period in question. The reinvestment rate for savings and the refinancing rate for loans are derived from the swap yield curve and from the spreads expected on financial instruments of similar type and maturity. Spreads are determined on the basis of actual spreads on (i) fixed-rate home loans in the case of the loan phase and (ii) euro-denominated life assurance products in the case of the savings phase. In order to reflect the uncertainty of future interest rate trends, and the impact of such trends on customer behaviour models and on at-risk outstandings, the obligations are estimated using the Monte Carlo method. Where the sum of the Group’ s estimated future obligations in respect of the savings and loan phases of any generation of contracts indicates a potentially unfavourable situation for the Group, a provision is recognised (with no offset between generations) in the balance sheet in “ Provisions for contingencies and charges” . Movements in this provision are recognised as interest income in the profit and loss account. F P 6(&85,7,(6 Categories of securities Securities held by the Group are classified in one of three categories. - Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss comprise: financial assets held for trading purposes; - financial assets that the Group has opted, on initial recognition, to recognise and measure at fair value through profit or loss using the fair value option available under IAS 39. Securities in this category are measured at fair value at the balance sheet date. Changes in fair value (excluding accrued interest on fixed-income securities) are presented in the profit and loss account under “ Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss” , along with dividends from variable-income securities and realised gains and losses on disposal. Income earned on fixed-income securities classified in this category is shown under “ Interest income” in the profit and loss account. Fair value incorporates an assessment of the counterparty risk on these securities. - Held-to-maturity financial assets Held-to-maturity financial assets are investments with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturity that the Group has the intention and ability to hold until maturity. Hedges contracted to cover assets in this category against interest rate risk do not qualify for hedge accounting as defined in IAS 39. Assets in this category are accounted for at amortised cost using the effective interest method, which builds in amortisation of premium and discount (corresponding to the difference between the purchase price and redemption value of the asset) and incidental acquisition costs (where material). Income earned from this category of assets is included in “ Interest income” in the profit and loss account. - Available-for-sale financial assets 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 86 Available-for-sale financial assets are fixed-income and variable-income securities other than those classified as “ fair value through profit or loss” or “ held-to-maturity” . Assets included in the available-for-sale category are initially recorded at fair value plus transaction costs where material. At the balance sheet date, they are remeasured to fair value, with changes in fair value (excluding accrued interest) shown on a separate line in shareholders’ equity, “ Unrealised or deferred gains or losses” . On disposal, or on recognition of an impairment loss, these unrealised gains and losses are transferred from shareholders’ equity to the profit and loss account, where they are shown on the line “ Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets” . Gains and losses realised on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets are taken to the profit and loss account under “ Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets” . Income recognised using the effective interest method derived from fixed-income available-for-sale securities is recorded in “ Interest income” in the profit and loss account. Dividend income from variable-income securities is recognised in “ Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets” when the Group’ s right to receive payment is established. P Repurchase agreements and securities lending/borrowing Securities temporarily sold under repurchase agreements continue to be recorded in the Group’ s balance sheet in the category of securities to which they belong. The corresponding liability is recognised in the appropriate debt category in the balance sheet except in the case of repurchase agreements contracted for trading purposes, where the corresponding liability is classified in “ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” . Securities temporarily acquired under reverse repurchase agreements are not recognised in the Group’ s balance sheet. The corresponding receivable is recognised in “ Loans and receivables” except in the case of reverse repurchase agreements contracted for trading purposes, where the corresponding receivable is recognised in “ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” . Securities lending transactions do not result in derecognition of the loaned securities, and securities borrowing transactions do not result in recognition of the borrowed securities in the balance sheet, except in cases where the borrowed securities are subsequently sold by the Group. In such cases, the obligation to deliver the borrowed securities on maturity is recognised in the balance sheet under “ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” . P fbgg Date of recognition for securities transactions Rh/\U i \0[ g g a Y/WW0i ji Y U i R/\ klYU VBR jbZV - At fair value through profit or loss - Held-to-maturity financial assets - Available-for-sale financial assets - Repurchase agreements at fair value through profit or loss - Repurchase agreements in loans & receivables and debt - Sale of borrowed securities g R[4\4i U i R/\ Trade date Trade date Trade date Settlement date Settlement date Settlement date Securities transactions are carried on the balance sheet until the Group’ s rights to receive the related cash flows expire, or until the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of the securities. F )25(,*1 &855(1&< 75$16$&7,216 The methods used to account for assets and liabilities relating to foreign currency transactions entered into by the Group, and to measure the foreign exchange risk arising on such transactions, depends upon whether the asset or liability in question is classified as a monetary or a non-monetary item. - Monetary assets and liabilities(47) expressed in foreign currencies Monetary assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies are translated into the functional currency of the relevant Group entity at the closing rate. Translation differences are recognised in the profit and loss account, except for those arising on financial instruments designated as a cash flow hedge or a net foreign investment hedge, which are recognised in shareholders’ equity. - Non-monetary assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies Non-monetary assets may be measured either at historical cost or at fair value. Non-monetary assets expressed in foreign currencies are translated using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction if they are measured at historical cost, and at the closing rate if they are measured at fair value. Translation differences on non-monetary assets expressed in foreign currencies and measured at fair value (variable-income securities) are recognised in the profit and loss account if the asset is classified in “ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” , and in shareholders’ equity if the asset is classified in “ Available-for-sale financial assets” , unless the 47 Monetary assets and liabilities are assets and liabilities to be received or paid in fixed or determinable amounts of money. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 87 financial asset in question is designated as an item hedged against foreign exchange risk in a fair value hedging relationship, in which case the translation difference is recognised in the profit and loss account. F P ,03$,50(17 2) ),1$1&,$/ $66(76 Impairment of loans and receivables and held-to-maturity financial assets, provisions for financing and guarantee commitments An im p a ir m en t los s is recogn is ed a ga in s t loa n s a n d h eld -t o-m a t u r it y fin a n cia l a s s et s wh en t h er e is ob ject ive evid en ce of a m ea s u r a b le d ecr ea s e in va lu e a s a res u lt of a n even t occu rr in g a ft er in cep t ion of t h e loa n or a cqu is ition of t h e a s s et. Loa n s a re a s s es s ed for evid en ce of im p a irm en t in it ia lly on a n in d ivid u a l b a s is , a n d s u b s equ en t ly on a p or t folio b a s is . Sim ila r p r in cip les a r e a p p lied t o fin a n cin g a n d gu a r a n t ee com m itm en t s en tered in t o b y t h e Gr ou p . At in d ivid u a l level, th e a m ou n t of th e im p a irm en t is th e d ifferen ce b et ween t h e ca r ryin g a m ou n t b efor e im p a ir m en t a n d t h e p res en t va lu e, d is cou n t ed a t th e or igin a l effect ive in t er es t r a t e of t h e a s s et , of th os e com p on en t s (p r in cip a l, in t eres t , colla t era l, et c.) r ega r d ed a s r ecover a b le. Ch a n ges in th e a m ou n t of im p a ir m en t los s es a r e t a k en t o th e p r ofit a n d los s a ccou n t u n d er “ Cos t of r is k ”. An y s u b s equ en t d ecr ea s e in a n im p a ir m en t los s t h a t ca n b e rela t ed ob ject ively t o a n even t occu rr in g a ft er th e im p a ir m en t los s wa s r ecogn is ed is cred it ed t o t h e p rofit a n d los s a ccou n t , a ls o u n d er “ Cos t of ris k ”. On ce a n a s s et h a s b een im p a ir ed , t h e n ot ion a l in t er es t ea r n ed on t h e ca r ryin g a m ou n t of th e a s s et (ca lcu la t ed a t th e or igin a l effect ive in t eres t ra t e u s ed t o d is cou n t th e es t im a ted r ecover a b le ca s h flows ) is r ecogn is ed in “ In t er es t in com e” in th e p r ofit a n d los s a ccou n t . Counterparties that are not individually impaired are risk-assessed on the basis of portfolios of loans with similar characteristics. This assessment draws upon an internal rating system based on historical data, adjusted as necessary to reflect circumstances prevailing at the balance sheet date. It enables the Group to identify groups of counterparties which, as a result of events occurring since inception of the loans, have collectively acquired a probability of default at maturity that provides objective evidence of impairment of the entire portfolio, but without it being possible at that stage to allocate the impairment to individual counterparties. This assessment also estimates the amount of the loss on the portfolios in question, taking account of trends in the economic cycle during the assessment period. Changes in the amount of portfolio impairments are taken to the profit and loss account under “ Cost of risk” . P Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets (which mainly comprise securities) is recognised on an individual basis if there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events occurring since acquisition. In the case of variable-income securities quoted in an active market, a prolonged or significant decline in the quoted price below acquisition cost is regarded as objective evidence of impairment. Impairment losses taken against fixed-income securities are recognised in “ Cost of risk” , and may be reversed through the profit and loss account in the event of an increase in fair value that relates objectively to an event occurring after the last impairment was recognised. Impairment losses taken against variable-income securities are recognised as a component of net banking income on the line “ Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets” , and may not be reversed through the profit and loss account until the securities in question are sold. Any subsequent decline in fair value constitutes an additional impairment loss, recognised in the profit and loss account. F ,668(6 2) '(%7 6(&85,7,(6 Financial instruments issued by the Group qualify as debt instruments if the Group company issuing the instruments has a contractual obligation to deliver cash or another financial asset to the holder of the instrument. The same applies if the Group may be obliged to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under conditions that are potentially unfavourable to the Group, or to deliver a variable number of the Group’ s own equity instruments. Issues of debt securities are initially recognised at the issue value including transaction costs, and are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Bonds redeemable for or convertible into equity instruments of the Group are accounted for as hybrid instruments with a debt component and an equity component, determined on initial recognition. Upon first-time adoption of international financial reporting standards at 1 January 2005, the BNP Paribas Group continued classifying undated subordinated debt and other undated subordinated notes as a component of debt. The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) was subsequently asked to consider the classification of such instruments under IAS 32 "Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation". The IFRIC rejected the request for an interpretation in November 2006, but 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 88 comments received regarding this issue will be examined by the International Accounting Standard Board (IASB). Pending a formal opinion from the IASB, BNP Paribas continues to classify these instruments as debt rather than equity. The impacts of reclassifying the instruments as equity would not be material. F 2:1 (48,7< ,167580(176 $1' 2:1 (48,7< ,167580(17 '(5,9$7,9(6 The term “ own equity instruments” refers to shares issued by the parent company (BNP Paribas SA) or by its fully-consolidated subsidiaries. Own equity instruments held by the Group, also known as treasury shares, are deducted from consolidated shareholders’ equity irrespective of the purpose for which they are held. Gains and losses arising on such instruments are eliminated from the consolidated profit and loss account. When the Group acquires equity instruments issued by subsidiaries under the exclusive control of BNP Paribas, the difference between the acquisition price and the share of net assets acquired is recorded in retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders. Similarly, the liability corresponding to put options granted to minority shareholders in such subsidiaries, and changes in the value of that liability, are offset initially against minority interests, with any surplus offset against retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders. Own equity instrument derivatives are treated as follows, depending on the method of settlement: as equity instruments if they are settled by physical delivery of a fixed number of own equity instruments for a fixed amount of cash or other financial asset. Such instruments are not revalued ; as debt instruments if the contract includes an obligation, whether contingent or not, for the issuer to repurchase its own shares; as derivatives if they are settled in cash, or if the issuer can choose whether they are settled by physical delivery of the shares or in cash. Changes in value of such instruments are taken to the profit and loss account. F '(5,9$7,9( ,167580(176 $1' +('*( $&&2817,1* All derivative instruments are recognised in the balance sheet on the trade date at the transaction price, and are remeasured to fair value on the balance sheet date. P Derivatives held for trading purposes Derivatives held for trading purposes are recognised in the balance sheet in “ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” when their fair value is positive, and in “ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” when their fair value is negative. Realised and unrealised gains and losses are taken to the profit and loss account on the line “ Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss” . P Derivatives and hedge accounting Derivatives contracted as part of a hedging relationship are designated according to the purpose of the hedge. Fair value hedges are used in particular to hedge interest rate risk on fixed-rate assets and liabilities, both for identified financial instruments (securities, debt issues, loans, borrowings) and for portfolios of financial instruments (in particular, demand deposits and fixed-rate loans). Cash flow hedges are used in particular to hedge interest rate risk on floating-rate assets and liabilities, including rollovers, and foreign exchange risk on highly probable forecast foreign currency revenues. At the inception of the hedge, the Group prepares formal documentation of the hedging relationship identifying the instrument (or portion of the instrument or portion of risk) that is being hedged; the hedging strategy and the type of risk covered; the hedging instrument; and the methods used to assess the effectiveness of the hedging relationship. On inception and at least quarterly, the Group assesses, consistently with the original documentation, the actual (retrospective) and expected (prospective) effectiveness of the hedging relationship. Retrospective effectiveness tests are designed to assess whether actual changes in the fair value or cash flows of the hedging instrument and the hedged item are within a range of 80% to 125%. Prospective effectiveness tests are designed to ensure that expected changes in the fair value or cash flows of the derivative over the residual life of the hedge adequately offset those of the hedged item. For highly probable forecast transactions, effectiveness is assessed largely on the basis of historical data for similar transactions. Un d er IAS 3 9 a d op t ed b y t h e E u rop ea n Un ion , in t er es t r a t e r is k h ed gin g r ela t ion s h ip s b a s ed on p ort folios of a s s et s or lia b ilit ies qu a lify for fa ir va lu e h ed ge a ccou n t in g a s follows : - t h e r is k d es ign a t ed a s b ein g h ed ged is th e in t er es t ra t e r is k a s s ocia t ed wit h t h e in t erb a n k ra t e com p on en t of in t eres t r a t es on com m er cia l b a n k in g t ra n s a ction s (loa n s t o cu s t om ers , s a vin gs a ccou n ts a n d d em a n d d ep os it s ); - t h e in s t r u m en t s d es ign a t ed a s b ein g h ed ged cor r es p on d , for ea ch m a t u r it y b a n d , to a p ort ion of th e in t eres t ra t e ga p a s s ocia t ed wit h t h e h ed ged u n d er lyin gs ; - t h e h ed gin g in s t ru m en t s u s ed con s is t exclu s ively of “ p la in va n illa ” s wa p s ; 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 89 - p r os p ect ive h ed ge effect iven es s is es t a b lis h ed b y t h e fa ct t h a t a ll d er iva t ives m u s t, on in cep t ion , h a ve t h e effect of r ed u cin g in t er es t ra t e r is k in t h e p or t folio of h ed ged u n d er lyin gs . Ret r os p ect ively, a h ed ge will b e d is qu a lified fr om h ed ge a ccou n t in g on ce a s h ort fa ll a r is es in t h e u n d er lyin gs s p ecifica lly a s s ocia t ed wit h th a t h ed ge for ea ch m a t u r it y b a n d (d u e t o p r ep a ym en t of loa n s or wit h d r a wa ls of d ep os it s ). The accounting treatment of derivatives and hedged items depends on the hedging strategy. In a fair value hedging relationship, the derivative instrument is remeasured at fair value in the balance sheet, with changes in fair value taken to profit or loss in “ Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss” , symmetrically with the remeasurement of the hedged item to reflect the hedged risk. In the balance sheet, the fair value remeasurement of the hedged component is recognised in accordance with the classification of the hedged item in the case of a hedge of identified assets and liabilities, or under “ Remeasurement adjustment on interest rate risk hedged portfolios” in the case of a portfolio hedging relationship. If a hedging relationship ceases or no longer fulfils the effectiveness criteria, the hedging instrument is transferred to the trading book and accounted for using the treatment applied to this asset category. In the case of identified fixed-income instruments, the remeasurement adjustment recognised in the balance sheet is amortised at the effective interest rate over the remaining life of the instrument. In the case of interest rate risk hedged fixed-income portfolios, the adjustment is amortised on a straight-line basis over the remainder of the original term of the hedge. If the hedged item no longer appears in the balance sheet, in particular due to prepayments, the adjustment is taken to the profit and loss account immediately. In a cash flow hedging relationship, the derivative is stated at fair value in the balance sheet, with changes in fair value taken to shareholders’ equity on a separate line, “ Unrealised or deferred gains or losses” . The amounts taken to shareholders’ equity over the life of the hedge are transferred to the profit and loss account under “ Net interest income” as and when the cash flows from the hedged item impact profit or loss. The hedged items continue to be accounted for using the treatment specific to the asset category to which they belong. Cash flow hedges contracted to protect the Group against foreign currency risk qualified for cash flow hedge accounting up to 31 December 2005, whenever the currency hedged was a currency other than the euro. In an amendment to IAS 39 effective 1 January 2006, transactions carried out in the functional currency of the entity initiating the transaction may no longer be designated as the hedged item in a foreign currency cash flow hedge. Any such hedges existing at that date were therefore disqualified from hedge accounting. If the hedging relationship ceases or no longer fulfils the effectiveness criteria, the cumulative amounts recognised in shareholders’ equity as a result of the remeasurement of the hedging instrument remain in equity until the hedged transaction itself impacts profit or loss, or until it becomes clear that the transaction will not occur, at which point they are transferred to the profit and loss account. If the hedged item ceases to exist, the cumulative amounts recognised in shareholders’ equity are immediately taken to the profit and loss account. Whatever the hedging strategy used, any ineffective portion of the hedge is recognised in the profit and loss account under “ Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss” . Hedges of net foreign-currency investments in subsidiaries and branches are accounted for in the same way as cash flow hedges. The gains and losses initially recognised in shareholders’ equity are taken to the profit and loss account when the net investment is sold or liquidated in full or in part. P Embedded derivatives Derivatives embedded in hybrid financial instruments are extracted from the value of the host contract and accounted for separately as a derivative if the hybrid instrument is not recorded as a financial asset or liability at fair value through profit or loss and if the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to those of the host contract. F '(7(50,1$7,21 2) )$,5 9$/8( Financial assets and liabilities classified as fair value through profit or loss, and financial assets classified as available-for-sale, are measured and accounted for at fair value, defined as the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable, willing parties in an arm’ s length transaction. On initial recognition, the value of a financial instrument is generally the transaction price (i.e., the value of the consideration paid or received). Method of determining fair value Fair value is determined: – on the basis of quoted prices in an active market; or, – using valuation techniques involving : mathematical calculation methods based on accepted financial theories; and parameters derived in some cases from the prices of instruments traded in active markets, and in others from statistical estimates or other quantitative methods. The distinction between the two valuation methods is made according to whether or not the instrument is traded in an active market. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 90 A market for an instrument is regarded as active, and hence liquid, if there is regular trading in that market, bids and offers are matched, or instruments are traded that are very similar to the instrument being valued. P Instruments traded in active markets If quoted prices in an active market are available, they are used to determine fair value. This method is used for quoted securities and for derivatives traded on organised markets such as futures and options. The majority of over-the-counter derivatives, swaps, forward rate agreements, caps, floors and standard options are traded in active markets. Valuations are determined using generally accepted models (discounted cash flows, Black-Scholes model, interpolation techniques) based on quoted market prices for similar instruments or underlyings. The valuation derived from these models is adjusted for liquidity and credit risk. Starting from valuations derived from median market prices, price adjustments are used to value the net position in each financial instrument at bid price in the case of short positions, or at asking price in the case of long positions. Bid price is the price at which a counterparty would buy the instrument, and asking price is the price at which a seller would sell the same instrument. A counterparty risk adjustment is applied to the valuation derived from the model in order to reflect the credit quality of the derivative instrument. P Instruments traded in inactive markets - Products traded in inactive markets and valued using an internal valuation model based on directly observable parameters or on parameters derived from observable data Some financial instruments, although not traded in an active market, are valued using methods based on observable market data. These models use market parameters calibrated on the basis of observable data such as yield curves, implicit volatility layers of options, default rates, and loss assumptions obtained from consensus data or from active over-the-counter markets. Valuations derived from these models are adjusted for liquidity risk and credit risk. The margin generated when these financial instruments are traded is taken to the profit and loss account immediately. - Products traded in inactive markets and valued using an internal valuation model based on parameters that are not observable or only partially observable Some complex financial instruments, which are usually tailored, illiquid or have long maturities, are valued using internally-developed techniques or techniques that are based on data only partially observable on active markets. In the absence of observable data, these instruments are measured on initial recognition in a way that reflects the transaction price, regarded as the best indication of fair value. Valuations derived from these models are adjusted for liquidity risk and credit risk. The margin generated when these complex financial instruments are traded (day one profit) is deferred and taken to the profit and loss account over the period during which the valuation parameters are expected to remain non-observable. When parameters that were originally non-observable become observable, or when the valuation can be substantiated by comparison with recent similar transactions in an active market, the unrecognised portion of the day one profit is released to the profit and loss account. - Unlisted equity securities The fair value of unquoted equity securities is measured by comparison with recent transactions in the equity of the company in question carried out with an independent third party on an arm’ s length basis. If no such reference is available, the valuation is determined either on the basis of generally accepted practices (EBIT or EBITDA multiples) or of the Group’ s share of net assets as calculated using the most recently available information. F ),1$1&,$/ $66(76 $1' /,$%,/,7,(6 '(6,*1$7(' $7 )$,5 9$/8( 7+528*+ 352),7 25 /266 )$,5 9$/8( 237,21 Th e a m en d m en t t o IAS 3 9 r ela t in g t o t h e “ fa ir va lu e op t ion ” wa s a d op t ed b y t h e E u rop ea n Un ion on 1 5 Novem b er 2 0 0 5 , wit h effect fr om 1 J a n u a ry 2 0 0 5 . Th is op t ion a llows en t it ies t o d es ign a t e a n y fin a n cia l a s s et or fin a n cia l lia b ilit y on in it ia l r ecogn it ion a s m ea s u r ed a t fa ir va lu e, with ch a n ges in fa ir va lu e recogn is ed in p r ofit or los s , in th e followin g ca s es : h yb rid fin a n cia l in s tru m en t s con t a in in g on e or m or e em b ed d ed d eriva t ives wh ich ot h erwis e wou ld h a ve b een ext r a ct ed a n d a ccou n t ed for s ep a ra t ely; wh er e u s in g t h e op tion en a b les t h e en tit y t o elim in a t e or s ign ifica n t ly r ed u ce a m is m a t ch in th e m ea s u r em en t a n d a ccou n t in g t rea t m en t of a s s et s a n d lia b ilit ies t h a t wou ld a r is e if t h ey wer e t o b e cla s s ified in s ep a r a t e ca t egor ies ; 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 91 - wh er e a gr ou p of fin a n cia l a s s et s a n d / or fin a n cia l lia b ilities is m a n a ged a n d m ea s u r ed on t h e b a s is of fa ir va lu e, u n d er a p r op erly d ocu m en t ed m a n a gem en t a n d in ves t m en t s t r a t egy. BNP Pa r ib a s a p p lies th is op t ion p r im a rily t o fin a n cia l a s s ets rela t ed to u n it-lin k ed b u s in es s (in ord er t o a ch ieve con s is t en cy of tr ea t m en t wit h th e rela ted lia b ilities ), a n d t o s t r u ct u r ed is s u es con ta in in g s ign ifica n t em b ed d ed d er iva t ives . F ,1&20( $1' (;3(16(6 $5,6,1* )520 ),1$1&,$/ $66(76 $1' ),1$1&,$/ /,$%,/,7,(6 Income and expenses arising from financial instruments measured at amortised cost and from fixed-income securities classified in “ Available-for-sale financial assets” are recognised in the profit and loss account using the effective interest method. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash flows through the expected life of the financial instrument or, when appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the asset or liability in the balance sheet. The effective interest rate calculation takes account of (i) all fees received or paid that are an integral part of the effective interest rate of the contract, (ii) transaction costs, and (iii) premiums and discounts. The method used by the Group to recognise service-related commission income and expenses depends upon the nature of the service. Commission treated as an additional component of interest is included in the effective interest rate, and is recognised in the profit and loss account in “ Net interest income” . Commission payable or receivable on execution of a significant transaction is recognised in the profit and loss account in full on execution of the transaction, under “ Net commission income” . Commission payable or receivable for recurring services is recognised over the term of the service, also under “ Net commission income” . Commission received in respect of financial guarantee commitments is regarded as representing the fair value of the commitment. The resulting liability is subsequently amortised over the term of the commitment, under commission income in net banking income. External costs that are directly attributable to an issue of new shares are deducted from equity net of all related taxes. F '(5(&2*1,7,21 2) ),1$1&,$/ $66(76 $1' ),1$1&,$/ /,$%,/,7,(6 The Group derecognises all or part of a financial asset either (i) when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire or (ii) when the Group transfers the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset and substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the asset. Unless these conditions are fulfilled, the Group retains the asset in its balance sheet and recognises a liability for the obligation created as a result of the transfer of the asset. The Group derecognises all or part of a financial liability when the liability is extinguished in full or in part. F 1(77,1* 2) ),1$1&,$/ $66(76 $1' ),1$1&,$/ /,$%,/,7,(6 A financial asset and a financial liability are offset and the net amount presented in the balance sheet if, and only if, the Group has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. G ,1685$1&( The specific accounting policies relating to assets and liabilities generated by insurance contracts and financial contracts with a discretionary participation feature written by fully-consolidated insurance companies are retained for the purposes of the consolidated financial statements. These policies comply with IFRS 4. All other insurance company assets and liabilities are accounted for using the policies applied to the Group’ s assets and liabilities generally, and are included in the relevant balance sheet and profit and loss account headings in the consolidated financial statements. G $66(76 Financial assets and non-current assets are accounted for using the policies described elsewhere in this note. The only exceptions are shares in civil property companies (SCIs) held in unit-linked insurance contract portfolios, which are measured at fair value on the balance sheet date with changes in fair value taken to profit or loss. Financial assets representing technical provisions related to unit-linked business are shown in “ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” , and are stated at the realisable value of the underlying assets at the balance sheet date. G /,$%,/,7,(6 The Group’ s obligations to policyholders and beneficiaries are shown in “ Technical reserves of insurance companies” and comprise liabilities relating to insurance contracts carrying a significant insurance risk (e.g., mortality or disability) and to financial contracts with a discretionary participation feature, which are covered by IFRS 4. A discretionary participation feature is one which gives life policyholders the right to receive, as a supplement to guaranteed benefits, a share of actual profits. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 92 Liabilities relating to other financial contracts, which are covered by IAS 39, are shown in “ Due to customers” . Unit-linked contract liabilities are measured by reference to the fair value of the underlying assets at the balance sheet date. The technical reserves of life insurance subsidiaries consist primarily of mathematical reserves, which generally correspond to the surrender value of the contract. The benefits offered relate mainly to the risk of death (term life insurance, annuities, loan repayment, guaranteed minimum on unitlinked contracts) and, for borrowers insurance, to disability, incapacity and unemployment risks. These types of risks are controlled by the use of appropriate mortality tables (certified tables in the case of annuity-holders), medical screening appropriate to the level of benefit offered, statistical monitoring of insured populations, and reinsurance programmes. Non-life technical reserves include unearned premium reserves (corresponding to the portion of written premiums relating to future periods) and outstanding claims reserves, inclusive of claims handling costs. The adequacy of technical reserves is tested at the balance sheet date by comparing them with the average value of future cash flows as derived from stochastic analyses. Any adjustments to technical reserves are taken to the profit and loss account for the period. A capitalisation reserve is set up in individual statutory accounts on the sale of amortisable securities in order to defer part of the net realised gain and hence maintain the yield to maturity on the portfolio of admissible assets. In the consolidated financial statements, the bulk of this reserve is reclassified to “ Policyholders’ surplus” on the liabilities side of the consolidated balance sheet; a deferred tax liability is recognised on the portion taken to shareholders'equity. This item also includes the policyholders’ surplus reserve resulting from the application of shadow accounting. This represents the interest of policyholders, mainly within French life insurance subsidiaries, in unrealised gains and losses on assets where the benefit paid under the policy is linked to the return on those assets. This interest is an average derived from stochastic analyses of unrealised gains and losses attributable to policyholders in various scenarios. G 352),7 $1' /266 $&&2817 Income and expenses arising on insurance contracts written by the Group are recognised in the profit and loss account under “ Income from other activities” and “ Expenses on other activities” . Other insurance company income and expenses are included in the relevant profit and loss account item. Consequently, movements in the policyholders’ surplus reserve are shown on the same line as gains and losses on the assets that generated the movements. H 3523(57<3/$17$1'(48,30(17$1',17$1*,%/($66(76 Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets shown in the consolidated balance sheet comprise assets used in operations and investment property. Assets used in operations are those used in the provision of services or for administrative purposes, and include non-property assets leased by the Group as lessor under operating leases. Investment property comprises property assets held to generate rental income and capital gains. Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are initially recognised at purchase price plus directly attributable costs, together with borrowing costs where a long period of construction or adaptation is required before the asset can be brought into service. Software developed internally by the BNP Paribas Group that fulfils the criteria for capitalisation is capitalised at direct development cost, which includes external costs and the labour costs of employees directly attributable to the project. Subsequent to initial recognition, property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are measured at cost less accumulated depreciation or amortisation and any impairment losses. The only exceptions are shares in civil property companies (SCIs) held in unit-linked insurance contract portfolios, which are measured at fair value on the balance sheet date, with changes in fair value taken to profit or loss. The depreciable amount of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets is calculated after deducting the residual value of the asset. Only assets leased by the Group as lessor under operating leases are presumed to have a residual value, as the useful life of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets used in operations is generally the same as their economic life. Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are depreciated or amortised using the straight-line method over the useful life of the asset. Depreciation and amortisation expense is recognised in the profit and loss account under “ Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets” . Where an asset consists of a number of components that may require replacement at regular intervals, or that have different uses or different patterns of consumption of economic benefits, each component is recognised separately and depreciated using a method appropriate to that component. The BNP Paribas Group has adopted the component-based approach for property used in operations and for investment property. The depreciation periods used for office property are as follows: 80 years or 60 years for the shell (for prime and other property respectively); 30 years for facades; 20 years for general and technical installations; and 10 years for fixtures and fittings. Software is amortised, depending on its type, over periods of no more than 8 years in the case of infrastructure developments and 3 years or 5 years in the case of software developed primarily for the purpose of providing services to customers. Software maintenance costs are expensed as incurred. However, expenditure that is regarded as upgrading the software or extending its useful life is included in the initial acquisition or production cost. Depreciable property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are tested for impairment if there is an indication of potential impairment at the balance sheet date. Non-depreciable assets are tested for impairment at least annually, using the same method as for goodwill allocated to cash-generating units. If there is an indication of impairment, the new recoverable amount of the asset is compared with the carrying amount. If the asset is found to be impaired, an impairment loss is recognised in the profit and loss account. This loss is reversed in the event of a change in 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 93 the estimated recoverable amount or if there is no longer an indication of impairment. Impairment losses are taken to the profit and loss account in “ Depreciation, amortisation and impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets” . Gains and losses on disposals of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets used in operations are recognised in the profit and loss account in “ Net gain on non-current assets” . Gains and losses on disposals of investment property are recognised in the profit and loss account in “ Income from other activities” or “ Expenses on other activities” . I /($6(6 Group companies may be either the lessee or the lessor in a lease agreement. I /mbn4noqpsrutetbouvewex5ywqz Leases contracted by the Group as lessor are categorised as either finance leases or operating leases. P Finance leases: In a finance lease, the lessor transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset to the lessee. It is treated as a loan made to the lessee to finance the purchase of the asset. The present value of the lease payments, plus any residual value, is recognised as a receivable. The net income earned from the lease by the lessor is equal to the amount of interest on the loan, and is taken to the profit and loss account under “ Interest income” . The lease payments are spread over the lease term, and are allocated to reduction of the principal and to interest such that the net income reflects a constant rate of return on the net investment outstanding in the lease. The rate of interest used is the rate implicit in the lease. Individual and portfolio impairments of lease receivables are determined using the same principles as applied to other loans and receivables. P Operating leases: An operating lease is a lease under which substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of an asset are not transferred to the lessee. The asset is recognised under property, plant and equipment in the lessor’ s balance sheet and depreciated on a straight-line basis over the lease term. The depreciable amount excludes the residual value of the asset. The lease payments are taken to the profit and loss account in full on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Lease payments and depreciation expense are taken to the profit and loss account under “ Income from other activities” and “ Expenses on other activities” . I /mbn4nm?m{rutbteouvbwDx5ywqz Leases contracted by the Group as lessee are categorised as either finance leases or operating leases. P Finance leases: A finance lease is treated as an acquisition of an asset by the lessee, financed by a loan. The leased asset is recognised in the balance sheet of the lessee at the lower of its fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payments calculated at the interest rate implicit in the lease. A matching liability, equal to the fair value of the leased asset or the present value of the minimum lease payment, is also recognised in the balance sheet of the lessee. The asset is depreciated using the same method as that applied to owned assets, after deducting the residual value from the amount initially recognised, over the useful life of the asset. The lease obligation is accounted for at amortised cost. P Operating leases: The asset is not recognised in the balance sheet of the lessee. Lease payments made under operating leases are taken to the profit and loss account of the lessee on a straight-line basis over the lease term. J 121&855(17$66(76+(/')256$/($1'',6&217,18('23(5$7,216 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 94 Wh er e t h e Grou p d ecid es to s ell n on -cu rr en t a s s et s a n d it is h igh ly p rob a b le t h a t th e s a le will occu r wit h in twelve m on t h s , th es e a s s et s a r e s h own s ep a r a t ely in t h e b a la n ce s h eet , on t h e lin e “ Non -cu r r en t a s s et s h eld for s a le”. An y lia b ilities a s s ocia t ed wit h th es e a s s et s a r e a ls o s h own s ep a r a t ely in th e b a la n ce s h eet , on t h e lin e “ Lia b ilit ies a s s ocia t ed wit h n on -cu rr en t a s s et s h eld for s a le”. On ce cla s s ified in t h is ca t egor y, n on -cu r ren t a s s et s a n d gr ou p s of a s s et s a n d lia b ilities a r e m ea s u r ed a t t h e lower of ca rr yin g a m ou n t or fa ir va lu e les s cos ts t o s ell. S u ch a s s et s a re n o lon ger d ep r ecia t ed . If a n a s s et or grou p of a s s ets a n d lia b ilit ies b ecom es im p a ir ed , a n im p a ir m en t los s is r ecogn is ed in th e p rofit a n d los s a ccou n t. Im p a ir m en t los s es m a y b e r ever s ed . Wh er e a grou p of a s s et s a n d lia b ilities h eld for s a le r ep res en t s a m a jor b u s in es s lin e, it is ca t egor is ed a s a “ d is con t in u ed op er a t ion ”. Dis con t in u ed op er a t ion s in clu d e op er a t ion s t h a t a r e h eld for s a le, op era t ion s t h a t h a ve been s h u t d own , a n d s u b s id ia ries a cqu ir ed exclu s ively wit h a view to res a le. All ga in s a n d los s es r ela t ed t o d is con t in u ed op er a t ion s a r e s h own s ep a ra t ely in th e p r ofit a n d los s a ccou n t, on th e lin e “ Pos t -t a x ga in / los s on d is con t in u ed op er a t ion s a n d a s s et s h eld for s a le”. Th is lin e in clu d es t h e p os t -t a x p rofit s or los s es of d is con t in u ed op er a t ion s , t h e p os t-t a x ga in or los s a r is in g from r em ea s u r em en t a t fa ir va lu e les s cos ts t o s ell, a n d t h e p os t-t a x ga in or los s on d is p os a l of th e op era t ion . K (03/2<((%(1(),76 Employee benefits are classified in one of four categories: short-term benefits such as salary, annual leave, incentive plans, profit-sharing and additional payments; P - long-term benefits, including compensated absences, long-service awards, and other types of cash-based deferred compensation; - termination benefits; - post-employment benefits, including top-up banking industry pensions in France and pension plans in other countries, some of which are operated through pension funds. Short-term benefits The Group recognises an expense when it has used services rendered by employees in exchange for employee benefits. P Long-term benefits These are benefits (other than post-employment benefits and termination benefits) which do not fall wholly due within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render the associated service. This relates in particular to compensation deferred for more than twelve months, which is accrued in the financial statements for the period in which it is earned. The actuarial techniques used are similar to those used for defined-benefit post-employment benefits, except that actuarial gains and losses are recognised immediately and no “ corridor” is applied. The effect of any plan amendments regarded as relating to past service is also recognised immediately. P Termination benefits Termination benefits are employee benefits payable as a result of a decision by the Group to terminate a contract of employment before the legal retirement age or a decision by an employee to accept voluntary redundancy in exchange for a benefit. Termination benefits falling due more than twelve months after the balance sheet date are discounted. P Post-employment benefits In accordance with IFRS, the BNP Paribas Group draws a distinction between defined-contribution plans and defined-benefit plans. Defined-contribution plans do not give rise to an obligation for the Group and consequently do not require a provision. The amount of employer’ s contributions payable during the period is recognised as an expense. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 95 Only defined-benefit schemes give rise to an obligation for the Group. This obligation must be measured and recognised as a liability by means of a provision. The classification of plans into these two categories is based on the economic substance of the plan, which is reviewed to determine whether the Group has a legal or constructive obligation to pay the agreed benefits to employees. Post-employment benefit obligations under defined-benefit plans are measured using actuarial techniques that take account of demographic and financial assumptions. The amount of the obligation recognised as a liability is measured on the basis of the actuarial assumptions applied by the Group, using the projected unit credit method. This method takes account of various parameters such as demographic assumptions, the probability that employees will leave before retirement age, salary inflation, a discount rate, and the general inflation rate. The value of any plan assets is deducted from the amount of the obligation. Where the value of the plan assets exceeds the amount of the obligation, an asset is recognised if it represents a future economic benefit for the Group in the form of a reduction in future contributions or a future partial refund of amounts paid into the plan. The amount of the obligation under a plan, and the value of the plan assets, may show significant fluctuations from one period to the next due to changes in actuarial assumptions, thereby giving rise to actuarial gains and losses. The Group applies the “ corridor” method in accounting for actuarial gains and losses. Under this method, the Group is allowed to recognise, as from the following period and over the average remaining service lives of employees, only that portion of actuarial gains and losses that exceeds the greater of (i) 10% of the present value of the gross defined-benefit obligation or (ii) 10% of the fair value of plan assets at the end of the previous period. At the date of first-time adoption, BNP Paribas elected for the exemption allowed under IFRS 1, under which all unamortised actuarial gains and losses at 1 January 2004 are recognised as a deduction from equity at that date. Th e effect s of p la n a m en d m en ts on p a s t s er vice cos t a r e r ecogn is ed in p r ofit or los s over t h e fu ll ves t in g p er iod of th e a m en d ed b en efit s . Th e a n n u a l exp en s e r ecogn is ed in t h e p r ofit a n d los s a ccou n t u n d er “ S a la r ies a n d em p loyee b en efit s ” in res p ect of d efin ed -b en efit p la n s com p r is es th e cu rr en t s ervice cos t (th e r igh ts ves t ed in ea ch em p loyee d u r in g th e p er iod in ret u rn for s er vice ren d er ed ), in t er es t cos t (t h e effect of d is cou n tin g th e ob liga t ion ), th e exp ect ed r et u r n on p la n a s s et s , a m ort is a tion of a ct u a ria l ga in s a n d los s es a n d p a s t s er vice cos t a ris in g fr om p la n a m en d m en t s , a n d th e effect of a n y p la n cu r t a ilm en t s or s et t lem en t s . L 6+$5(%$6('3$<0(17 Share-based payment transactions are payments based on shares issued by the Group, whether the transaction is settled in the form of equity or cash of which the amount is based on trends in the value of BNP Paribas shares. IFRS 2 requires share-based payments granted after 7 November 2002 to be recognised as an expense. The amount recognised is the value of the share-based payment made to the employee. The Group grants stock subscription option plans and deferred share-based compensation plans to employees, and also offers them the possibility of subscribing for specially-issued BNP Paribas shares at a discount on condition that they retain the shares for a specified period. P Stock option plans Th e exp en s e r ela t ed t o s t ock op t ion p la n s is recogn is ed a t t h e d a t e of gra n t if th e gr a n t ee im m ed ia t ely a cqu ir es r igh ts t o th e s h a res , or over t h e ves t in g p eriod if t h e b en efit is con d ition a l u p on t h e gra n t ee’s con t in u ed em p loym en t . Th is exp en s e, t h e cr ed it en t r y for wh ich is p os t ed t o s h a r eh old er s ’ equ it y, is ca lcu la t ed on th e b a s is of t h e over a ll p la n va lu e, d et er m in ed a t t h e gra n t d a t e b y t h e Boa r d of Dir ect or s . In th e a b s en ce of a n y m a r k et for t h es e in s t ru m en t s , m a t h em a t ica l va lu a tion m od els a r e u s ed . Th e t ot a l exp en s e of a p la n is d et er m in ed b y m u lt ip lyin g t h e u n it va lu e p er op t ion b y t h e es t im a t ed n u m b er of op t ion s th a t will ves t a t th e en d of t h e ves t in g p eriod , t a k in g a ccou n t of con d it ion s rega r d in g t h e gr a n t ee’s con t in u ed em p loym en t . The only assumptions revised during the vesting period, and hence resulting in a remeasurement of the expense, are those relating to the probability that employees will leave the Group and those relating to performance conditions that are not linked to the value of BNP Paribas shares. A similar accounting treatment is applied to deferred share-based compensation plans. P Share subscriptions offered to employees under the company savings plan 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 96 Share subscriptions offered to employees under the company savings plan (`Ba Y\qcEd XT1Y'Z[\V1|5\U ZV T5Zi WV ) at lower-than-market rates over a specified period do not include a vesting period. However, employees are prohibited by law from selling shares acquired under this plan for a period of five years. This restriction is taken into account in measuring the benefit to the employees, which is reduced accordingly. The benefit equals the difference between the fair value of the share (after allowing for the restriction on sale) and the acquisition price paid by the employee at the subscription date, multiplied by the number of shares acquired. The cost of the mandatory five-year holding period is equivalent to the cost of a strategy involving the forward sale of shares subscribed at the time of the capital increase reserved for employees and the cash purchase of an equivalent number of BNP Paribas shares on the market, financed by a loan repaid at the end of a five-year period out of the proceeds from the forward sale transaction. The interest rate on the loan is the rate that would be applied to a five-year general purpose loan taken out by an individual with an average risk profile. The forward sale price for the shares is determined on the basis of market parameters. M 3529,6,2165(&25'('81'(5/,$%,/,7,(6 Provisions recorded under liabilities (other than those relating to financial instruments, employee benefits and insurance contracts) mainly relate to restructuring, claims and litigation, fines and penalties, and tax risks. A provision is recognised when it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle an obligation arising from a past event, and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. The amount of such obligations is discounted, where the impact of discounting is material, in order to determine the amount of the provision. N &855(17$1''()(55('7$;(6 The current income tax charge is determined on the basis of the tax laws and tax rates in force in each country in which the Group operates during the period in which the income is generated. Deferred taxes are recognised when temporary differences arise between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in the balance sheet and its tax base. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences other than: taxable temporary differences on initial recognition of goodwill; taxable temporary differences on investments in enterprises under the exclusive or joint control of the Group, where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Deferred tax assets are recognised for all deductible temporary differences and unused carryforwards of tax losses only to the extent that it is probable that the entity in question will generate future taxable profits against which these temporary differences and tax losses can be offset. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the liability method, using the tax rate which is expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates and tax laws that have been or will have been enacted by the balance sheet date of that period. They are not discounted. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when they arise within a group tax election under the jurisdiction of a single tax authority, and there is a legal right of offset. Current and deferred taxes are recognised as tax income or expense in the profit and loss account, except deferred taxes relating to unrealised gains or losses on available-for-sale assets or to changes in the fair value of instruments designated as cash flow hedges, which are taken to shareholders’ equity. When tax credits on revenues from receivables and securities are used to settle corporate income tax payable for the period, the tax credits are recognised on the same line as the income to which they relate. The corresponding tax expense continues to be carried in the profit and loss account under “ Corporate income tax” . O 67$7(0(172)&$6+)/2:6 The cash and cash equivalents balance is composed of the net balance of cash accounts and accounts with central banks and post office banks, and the net balance of interbank demand loans and deposits. Changes in cash and cash equivalents related to operating activities reflect cash flows generated by the Group’ s operations, including cash flows related to investment property, held-to-maturity financial assets and negotiable certificates of deposit. Changes in cash and cash equivalents related to investing activities reflect cash flows resulting from acquisitions and disposals of subsidiaries, associates or joint ventures included in the consolidated group, as well as acquisitions and disposals of property, plant and equipment excluding investment property and property held under operating leases. Changes in cash and cash equivalents related to financing activities reflect the cash inflows and outflows resulting from transactions with shareholders, cash flows related to bonds and subordinated debt, and debt securities (excluding negotiable certificates of deposit). 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 97 P 86(2)(67,0$7(6,17+(35(3$5$7,212)7+(),1$1&,$/67$7(0(176 Preparation of the financial statements requires managers of core businesses and corporate functions to make assumptions and estimates that are reflected in the measurement of income and expense in the profit and loss account and of assets and liabilities in the balance sheet, and in the disclosure of information in the notes to the financial statements. This requires the managers in question to exercise their judgement and to make use of information available at the date of preparation of the financial statements when making their estimates. The actual future results from operations in respect of which managers have made use of estimates may in reality differ from those estimates. This may have a material effect on the financial statements. This applies in particular to: impairment losses recognised to cover credit risks inherent in banking intermediation activities; the use of internally-developed models to measure positions in financial instruments that are not quoted in organised markets; calculations of the fair value of unquoted financial instruments classified in “ Available-for-sale financial assets” , “ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss” or “ Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” , and (more generally) calculations of the fair value of financial instruments subject to a fair value disclosure requirement; impairment tests performed on intangible assets; the appropriateness of the designation of certain derivative instruments as cash flow hedges, and the measurement of hedge effectiveness; estimates of the residual value of assets leased under finance leases or operating leases, and (more generally) of assets on which depreciation is charged net of their estimated residual value; the measurement of provisions for contingencies and charges. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 98 127(6 72 7+( 352),7 $1' /266 $&&2817 )25 7+(),567+$/)2) Net interest income The BNP Paribas Group includes in “ Interest income” and “ Interest expense” all income and expense from financial instruments measured at amortised cost (interest, fees/commissions, transaction costs), and from financial instruments measured at fair value that do not meet the definition of derivative instruments. These amounts are calculated using the effective interest method. The change in fair value on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (excluding accrued interest) is recognised in “ Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss” . Interest income and expense on derivatives accounted for as fair value hedges are included with the revenues generated by the hedged item. Interest income and expense arising from derivatives used to hedge transactions designated as at fair value through profit or loss is allocated to the same accounts as the interest income and expense relating to the underlying transactions. Applied for the first time at year ended 31 December 2006, this allocation provides a better economic representation of transactions designated as at fair value through profit or loss by adopting a symmetrical treatment for interest relating to the hedged item and interest relating to the hedge, and is consistent with the classification selected for the hedged financial instruments concerned. If this treatment had been applied it would have led to the reclassification of EUR 238 million in income for the first half of 2005 and EUR 83 million in income for the first half of 2006 from the caption "Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss" to “ Trading book – debt securities” included in net interest income. } ~= ~ 8~ ' ~ } ~= 8 8 Deposits, loans and borrowings Repurchase agreements Finance leases } ~ ~ 8 Deposits, loans and borrowings Repurchase agreements ~ 8;~ ' ~ 8~ =~ ; # } ~8 ~ ; # # 11,327 (5,093) 6,234 8,695 (3,389) 5,306 3,504 11 (72) (61) 4 (41) (37) (31) 731 (40) 691 529 (24) 505 466 # 2,216 (3,359) (1,143) 2,270 (3,238) (968) (459) 146 (232) (86) 82 (235) (153) 13 # ¡; 4 ¢ £ £ 4 ¤E ¢¥ 4 ~ 8 ~ } ~ # ¢¥ 4 ~# = ~ # # # # (8,514) (95) (1,492) 1,832 (730) (62) (1,492) 1,253 4,939 47 - (5,533) (77) (901) 1,253 (594) (30) (901) 973 (264) (29) (641) ¦; ¢; ~¥ Fixed-income securities Repurchase agreements Loans / Borrowings Debt securities 1,832 7,784 33 - §/¨ £ £ ~~ £ £ ©; ¢£ £ 8# ª4 ~~ # £ £ ¦ ~ # ~8 « # ~ Interest income on individually impaired loans amounted to EUR 157 million in the first half of 2007, and EUR 131 million in the first half of 2006, and EUR 100 million in the first half of 2005. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 99 Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss “ Net gain/loss on financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss” includes all profit and loss items relating to financial instruments managed in the trading book and financial instruments that the Group has designated as at fair value through profit or loss under the fair value option, other than interest income and expense which are recognised in “ Net interest income” (Note 2.a). Net gains/losses on the trading book also include gains and losses due to ineffectiveness of fair value hedges, cash flow hedges or net foreign investment hedges. Û/®±#¾ À²;¾ ±Ö ¬ '®¯ ° ° ¯ ±²0±³´#µ¶ ±² · Fixed-income securities Variable-income securities Â#à ÄÅ Æ Ç Å/È Æ É Æ È#Ê ËÈ Ì Derivative instruments µ´0Ù ß;á ß ß#Ý ² ²#´ ¾ ² ¹´#² ¯ º¸ ¾ ´#¹?¸ ¾#³ ¸#¯ ¶ ½ ¸° µ´;¾ À¶ ±µºÀ ¿ ¶ ±³ ¯ ¾±¶° ±² ² Á ¶ ¸#¹¯ º»±±¼ · Û0®±#¾ À²¾ ±Ö ±¾ ¸#° · µ´;Ù ß0á ßß ²#² ´ ¾ ² ¹´ ²#¯ º¸ ¾ ´ ¹?¸ ¾ ³ ¸ ¯ ¶ ½ ¸#° µ´;¾ À¶ ±µºÀ ¿ ¶ ±³ ¯ ¾#±¶° ±²#² Á ¶ ¸ ¹¯ º»±±¼ Û · ±¾ ¸#° (790) 879 89 (800) 900 100 4,608 45 4,653 2,469 148 2,617 Í ÎÏ Ð Ð ÍÑ Í Î Ï ÒÍ Í Î ÐÓ Ô ÍÕ Í Î Ð#Ñ Ô (464) - (464) 837 - 8 45 53 (11) 10 (1) 17 (139) (122) (69) 17 (52) Borrowings 44 134 178 95 (18) 77 Remeasurement of interest-rate risk hedged portfolios 18 - 18 93 - 93 Ö 391 ÖÙ Ú#Û Ü - Ü 391 ÚÛ Ù Û 27 ÜÞ - Ö Û 27 Ú Repurchase agreements Loans ±¾ ¸° Remeasurement of currency positions · â0ã'äå æ çè;æ äé#ê ëìåí0î#ê ê ï ×Ø ×Ý ðäæ ñ#ò (137) 2,215 ó ô õ öó 226 (26) 46 (65) 69 26 î#÷ é ï ø 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 100 × Þ × ß à#Ý 837 × Ø Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets “ Net gain/loss on available-for-sale financial assets” includes net gains or losses on non-derivative financial assets not classified as either loans and receivables or held-to-maturity investments. ù ú)û1ü ý ý ü þ/ú;ÿ8þ þ0ÿ ü ü úþ/û=ÿ ü ü ÿ û)þ0ú ;ÿ þ ; ú (1) Gains and losses on disposals 17 ! 0ü ü ÿ#"ú!1þ! $" ü "%0ý ü úþ/û8ÿ ü ü ÿ & û)þ0ú ;ÿ þ ; ú û)þ0ú ;ÿ þ ; ú 22 90 ' 218 Dividend income 536 358 Additions to impairment provisions (16) (40) (26) Gains and losses on disposals ( þ "ý 981 574 737 & ' *) & (1) Interest income from available-for-sale fixed-income securities is included in “ Net interest income” (Note 2.a), and impairment losses related to potential issuer default are included in “ Cost of risk” (Note 2.e). Unrealised gains and losses - previously recorded under “ Unrealised or deferred gains and losses” - and taken to the profit and loss account amounted to EUR 1 257 million in the first half of 2007, EUR 509 million in the first half of 2006 and EUR 595 million in the first half of 2005. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 101 Net income from other activities < .,F E E F -.!2#-!G76H -2 +#,-/.0 120 -3456.!78449 < .=-/,;7 AB7*0 < .!=-/,;7 >?@!7.!27 AB7*0 AB7*0 Net income from insurance activities 10,086 (8,813) 1,273 7,740 (6,590) 1,150 741 Net income from investment property 396 (114) 282 311 (88) 223 218 1,945 (1,601) 344 1,707 (1,434) 273 276 90 (16) 74 57 (9) 48 62 487 (290) 197 286 (160) 126 Net income from assets held under operating leases Net income from property development activities Other C/-0 DE.7*0!F .!=-/,;7G H -/,I-0 17HD=*0 F J!F 0 F 72 Q >?@!7.27 +#,-.0 1!20 345!6.7 +:,;-/.0 120 -345!6.!7844+ K3L 44M N K*4L O3MP 8L K*94 K4L K4K N OL 8O!K*P KL O84 43 KL 3M4 Net income from insurance activities R ST;U V V U WS!XW!YZ[\ WX ] T;WS^ _X^ W`a b[S!Zcaad Gross premiums written ] T;WS^ _X^ W`a b[S!Zcaa ] ] T;WS^ _X^ W`a b[S!Zcaae 8,415 8,225 6,414 Movement in technical reserves (4,749) (3,195) (3,934) Claims and benefits expense (3,731) (3,509) (2,706) (16) (2) (4) 1,358 (440) 951 Reinsurance ceded, net Change in value of admissible investments related to unit-linked business Other income and expense (4) fW^ gVS!Z*^!U ShWT;ZY \ WTIU SX[\ gS!hZgh*^ U iU ^ U ZX jk cd` 71 jk j*ea 20 dlj "Claims and benefits expense" includes expenses arising from surrenders, maturities and claims relating to insurance contracts. "Movement in technical reserves" reflects changes in the value of financial contracts, in particular unit-linked contracts. Interest paid on such contracts is recognised in "Interest expense" m 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 102 Cost of risk “ Cost of risk” represents the net amount of impairment losses recognised in respect of credit risks inherent in the Group’ s banking intermediation activities, plus any impairment losses relating to counterparty risks on over-the-counter derivative instruments. Q Cost of risk for the period nBoprqost u pvws otq xy#zyt u o{ u |;};u ~ ~ u o|posyt op #}:o|q xpwq o !|!y #}:o|q xpq o |y }:o|q xpq o; |y Additions to impairment provisions (1,602) (1,253) (864) Reversals of impairment provisions 1,019 1,040 676 177 106 56 Irrecoverable loans and receivables not covered byimpairment provisions (112) (130) (80) oq ~oprqost u pvws otq xy#zyt u o{ * r Recoveries on loans and receivables previouslywritten off nBoprqost u pvws otq xy#zyt u o{:ppy*qq !zy u |;};u ~ ~ u o|posyt op #}:o|q xpwq o !|!y Loans and receivables due from credit institutions Loans and receivables due from customers }:o|q xpq o; |y 10 (4) (4) (526) (245) (198) Available-for-sale financial assets 1 26 7 (3) (14) (17) * r Off balance sheet commitments and other items oq ~oprqost u pvws otq xy#zyt u o{ #}:o|q xpq o |y Corporate income tax Q Net corporate income tax expense ; !! ! ; ; !!¡¢ Current tax expense for the period Net deferred tax expense for the period ¤*¥ ¦ §r # !¥;w §*¨w*¨*¦! 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 : ! !¡ (1,509) (1,424) (219) (219) © ª« ¢¡¬ 103 © ª« *® : !w ¡£ (982) (170) © ª« ªr£¡ 6(*0(17,1)250$7,21 Q The Group is composed of five core businesses: French Retail Banking; Q Italian Retail Banking (BNL banca commerciale); Q Q International Retail Banking and Financial Services (IRBFS): financial services (consumer credit, leasing, equipment loans and home loans), plus retail banking activities in the United States (BancWest) and in emerging and overseas markets; Q Asset Management and Services (AMS): Securities Services, Private Banking, Asset Management, Online Savings and Brokerage, Insurance and Real Estate Services; Corporate and Investment Banking (CIB), comprising Advisory & Capital Markets (Equities, Fixed Income & Forex, Corporate Finance) and Financing (Structured Loans & Financing plus Commodity, Energy and Project Financing). Other activities mainly comprise the Private Equity business of BNP Paribas Capital, the Klépierre property investment company, and the Group’ s corporate functions. Inter-segment transactions are conducted at arm’ s length. The segment information presented includes agreed inter-segment transfer prices. This capital allocation is made on the basis of risk exposure, taking account of various assumptions relating primarily to the capital requirement of the business as derived from the risk-weighted asset calculations required under capital adequacy rules. Normalised equity income by business segment is determined by attributing to each segment the income of its allocated equity. The geographical split of income is based on the country/region in which the relevant activity is recognised for accounting purposes. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 104 Q Information by business segment - Income by business segment ÙÆÓ Ò Î ÏÆÚÓ Ò Û Í Ô Õ ÌÆÍ Î*Ü Ô ÎÆÝ ¶ Î/Ñ/Ô Õ Õ Ô Ð*ÎÆÖ!ÐÆ× Ò ØrÓ ÐÆÖ ²¯Ë/Ì Í ÎÆÏ Í!Ï Ð*Ñ/ÑÒ Ó Ï Ô Í Õ Ò ¶ È²Ù Þ 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 June 2007 June 2005 June 2007 June 2006 (1) June 2006 (1) June 2005 (2) ¯° ±³²r´!¯µ¶ ¯·¶ ¯¸¹!ºB° Operating expense Cost of risk ¹Çr°rÈr´±*¶ ¯·#¶ ¯¸¹!º³° » ¼½ ¾ ½ » ¼¿ ¿ ¿ » ¼À ¾ Á (1,870) (63) (1,817) (62) (1,750) (86) - - - ½ÁÀ Share of earnings of associates Other non-operating income ÇrÈ° Ä ± ´Ê¯° ±³¶ ¯¸¹!ºB° ½ÁÀ  ¼¾ ¾ ½  ¼¾ ¾ ½  ¼» À Á ÁÁ ÁÁ ý¾ Ä Å ¼ ½Æ à Š¼ à ½Æ » ¼Á Á ¿ (829) (131) (415) (54) - (2,248) (442) (2,013) (338) (1,549) (250) (1) 1 (18) - 41 9 44 38 žÁ  »Æ žÀ Ä Â¾É Â ¼» » Ã Ä Â ¼» Á à  ¼» É ¾  ¼Å » » ½Á½ 63 5  ¼¾ É Á éêBë 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 June 2007 June 2005 June 2006 (1) ß àá â ã ß àä á å ä àá æ å (1,594) (2) (1,327) 7 (1,092) (7) 18 5 7 (1) 54 ä àã â â ä àã á è çâå çåä åæá áåã (1 ): Th e cr ea t ion of a n ew r et a il b a n k in g u n it in It a ly in t h e fir s t h a lf of 2 0 0 7 led to cer t a in t r a n s fer s b etween b u s in es s s egm en t s . In or d er to fa cilit a te p er iod -on -p er iod com p a r is on s of cos t a ccou n t in g figu r es , th e d a t a for 2 0 0 6 h a ve b een r es t a t ed to r eflect th e n ew or ga n is a t ion a l s t r u ct u r e. (2 ): As a r es u lt of t h e or ga n is a tion a l ch a n ges im p lem en t ed wit h in th e CIB a n d t h e IRBFS d ivis ion s over t h e fir s t h a lf of 2 0 0 6 , a n u m b er of a ct ivit ies wer e t r a n s fer r ed b etween Ad vis or y & Ca p it a l Ma r k ets a n d Fin a n cin g b u s in es s es on on e h a n d a n d b etween IRBFS a n d Ot h er Act ivities on t h e oth er h a n d . To en h a n ce com p a r a b ility b et ween 2 0 0 5 , 2 0 0 6 a n d 2 0 0 7 cos t a ccou n tin g figu r es , t h e d a t a for 2 0 0 5 wer e r es t a ted t o r eflec t t h e n ew orga n is a t ion a l s t r u ct u r e. Followin g a r e t h e r es u lt in g a d ju s t m en t s : - n o effec t on th e t ota l ea r n in gs r ep or t ed b y th e C IB d ivis ion . Th ey a m ou n t ed to E UR 6 3 m illion in r es p ect of n et b a n k in g in com e for t h e t wo CIB s u b -gr ou p s , E UR 4 2 m illion in r es p ect of gen er a l op er a t in g exp en s es , E UR 9 m illion for oth er n on -op e r a t in g it em s a n d E UR 3 0 m illion for p r e-t a x in com e - d ecr ea s e of t h e Net b a n k in g in com e, t h e Op er a tin g a n d t h e Pr e-ta x n et in c om es of t h e IRBFS d ivis ion for E UR 1 3 m illion for th e b en efit of Ot h er Ac tivit ies for t h e s a m e a ggr ega tes . (3): including Klépierre and the former BNP Paribas Capital entities. Q Information by geographic area - Net banking income by geographic area ÷ í ó ñ 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 ìBíîðï!ñìBò/ó ìôõó ìöB÷#ø;í 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 ùú ûûü üú ü*ýþ ÿú ýþ ú û 105 þú þÿ ýú ýýü ýú *ú û *ú ùù 2354 6374 / 8 9/ . :<; . = 9 > 8 ?@9 . 8A5/ .7B - .1 C:= - > 354 DE25/ 6- 8 / F G@/ 4 B 9 8 > , - . / . 0 - .1 H 8 I 9 4 / 0 8 -= -8 -9 > T7U V W X (3) 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 June 2007 June 2007 June 2007 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 June 2006 (1) June 2005 (2) June 2006 (1) June 2005 (2) June 2006 (1) June 2005 (2) ! "# ! $ % "& ' ' ( ") # ) (2,045) - (1,872) (1,319) ( "+ ) ! '%& 9 23 2 36 ( " ! &( ( "# % ! ( "! % $ ( "% ) $ (591) 115 (552) 143 49 - & $! 1 35 ( "( % ( ( "# ! & ' $' ( "+ ( % &( * &( * ijk glmnogpk g ) %( '# * '$ + (498) 97 (257) 5 (154) 67 5 149 (25) 67 (22) ) ) ' )& + '$& # $ + $& ! J K LM N O J M LP K N J P LO O M (130) 34 (9,434) (518) (8,150) (237) (6,338) (212) 112 17 217 60 121 33 176 116 # $# '+ ' K LM O Q '& ! mqf rosnetpf s k oj K LO Q N Q LK O Q Q LR N S def gh 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 6 months to 30 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 June 2007 June 2006 June 2005 YZ5[ \YZ 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 ]Z^ ]]_ Z`` _Y\ 106 a7\b ]_c a]b ^\5_ a7^b cc5] M LN N M M LQ J K $'',7,21$/,1)250$7,21 Changes in share capital and earnings per share Q Operations affecting share capital Number of shares uvwx y7z { |}~y5 w7z { }~yx wyv{ z y @ wx|~yx w~| z ~7z y}{ }y7z@ww wx5 Date of Date of decision authorisation by by Board of Shareholders’ Directors Meeting Par value in euros 5 Increase in share capital by exercise of stock subscription options on 25 January2005 518,758 2 (1) (1) Reduction in share capital by cancellation of treasuryshares on 10 May 2005 (13,994,568) 2 28 May 04 23 March 05 @ wx|~yx w~| z ~7z y}{ }y7z }w 5 5 Increase in share capital by exercise of stock subscription options on 20 July 2005 1,397,501 2 (1) (1) Capital increase reserved for members of the Company Savings Plan on 20 July 2005 5,000,000 2 14 May 03 04 Febr 04 Reduction in share capital by cancellation of treasuryshares on 29 November 2005 (39,374,263) 2 18 May 05 13 June 05 @ wx|~yx w~| z ~7z y}{ }y7z@ww wx 5 (1) Increase in share capital by exercise of stock subscription options on 23 January2006 Increase in share capital by exercise of stock subscription options on 27 March 2006 Increase in share capital by issue of new shares on 31 March 2006 Increase in share capital by issue of new shares on 6 June 2006 @ wx|~yx w~| z ~7z y}{ }y7z }w 1,369,623 2 (1) 971,037 2 (1) (1) 84,058,853 2 28 May 04 14 Febr 06 945 2 23 May 06 27 March 06 5 Increase in share capital by exercise of stock subscription options on 26 July 2006 1,148,759 2 (1) (1) Capital increase reserved for members of the Company Savings Plan on 26 July 2006 4,670,388 2 14 May 03 14 Febr 06 (1) (1) @ wx|~yx w~| z ~7z y}{ }y7z@ww wx Increase in share capital by exercise of stock subscription options on 22 january 2007 2,411,013 @ wx|~yx w~| z ~7z y}{ }y7z }w 5 2 (1) Various resolutions voted in Shareholders’ General Meetings and decisions of the Board of Directors authorising the granting of stock subscription options exercised during the period. At 3 0 J u n e 2 0 0 7 , th e s h a r e ca p it a l of BNP Pa r ib a s S A con s is t ed of 9 3 2 ,8 7 8 ,4 9 0 fu llyp a id or d in a r y s h a res wit h a p a r va lu e of E UR 2 (com p a r ed wit h 9 3 0 ,4 6 7 ,4 7 7 or d in a r y s h a r es a t 3 1 Decem b er 2 0 0 6 ). During the first half of 2007, under BNP Paribas stock subscription plans, employees subscribed 3,236,046 new shares with a par value of EUR 2 each, carrying dividend rights from 1 January 2006, and 584,819 new shares with a par value of EUR 2 each, carrying dividend rights from 1 January 2007. The corresponding capital increase was carried out on 20 July 2007. Authorisations to carry out operations affecting share capital that were in force during the first half of 2007 resulted from the following resolutions of Shareholders’ General Meetings: The 16th and 17th resolutions of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 23 May 2006 authorised the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by up to EUR 1.32 billion, representing 500 million shares with pre-emptive rights and 160 million shares without pre-emptive rights. The aggregate nominal value of debt securities giving immediate and/or future access to BNP Paribas shares under these authorisations is limited to EUR 10 billion in the case of securities with pre-emptive rights, and EUR 7 billion in the case of securities without pre-emptive rights. These authorisations were granted for a period of 26 months. The 19th resolution of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 23 May 2006 also authorised the Board of Directors to increase the share capital by capitalising reserves up to a maximum aggregate par value of EUR 1 billion. This authorisation allows the successive or simultaneous capitalisation of some or all of BNP Paribas SA’ s retained earnings, profits or additional paid-in capital by the issuance and allotment of consideration-free ordinary shares, by raising the par value of the shares, or by a combination of these two methods. This authorisation was granted for a period of 26 months. Un d er t h e 2 0 t h r es olu tion of t h e S h a r eh old er s ’ Gen er a l Meet in g of 2 3 Ma y 2 0 0 6 , t h e a ggr ega t e p a r va lu e of s h a res is s u ed im m ed ia t ely or in t h e fu t u r e u n d er th e 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 107 a u t h or is a t ion s given in th e 1 6 t h , 1 7 t h a n d 1 9 t h r es olu t ion s is lim it ed t o E UR 1 b illion a n d t h e a ggrega t e n om in a l va lu e of d eb t s ecu r it ies is s u ed u n d er t h es e a u t h or is a t ion s is lim it ed t o E UR 1 0 b illion . Un d er t h e 2 2 n d res olu t ion of t h e S h a reh old ers ’ Gen era l Meet in g of 2 3 Ma y 2 0 0 6 , a s a m en d ed b y t h e 1 0 t h r es olu tion of t h e S h a reh old er s ’ Gen er a l Meet in g of 1 5 Ma y 2 0 0 7 , t h e Boa rd of Dir ect or s is a u t h or is ed t o in crea s e t h e s h a r e ca p it a l on on e or s evera l occa s ion s b y is s u in g s h a r es to em p loyees wh o a r e m em b ers of th e BNP Pa rib a s Gr ou p ’s S a vin gs Pla n . Th e a ggr ega t e p a r va lu e of s h a res is s u ed u n d er t h is a u t h oris a t ion is lim it ed t o E UR 3 6 m illion . Th e a u t h or is a t ion m a y a ls o b e u s ed t o s ell exis tin g s h a res t o m em b ers of th e BNP Pa rib a s Gr ou p ’s S a vin gs Pla n . Th is a u th oris a tion wa s gr a n t ed for a p er iod of 2 6 m on th s from 2 3 Ma y 2 0 0 6 . No shares or other securities were issued under these authorisations in the first half of 2007. The 11th resolution of the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 15 May 2007 authorised the Board of Directors to cancel, on one or several occasions and by means of reducing share capital, some or all of the own shares held or acquired under the authorisations granted by said Meeting, up to a maximum of 10% of the share capital in any 24-month period. The resolution also authorised the Board of Directors to cancel, by means of reducing share capital, the 2,638,403 own shares acquired at the time of the 23 May 2006 merger with Société Centrale d’ Investissments. Lastly, the Board of Directors is authorised to charge the difference between the purchase cost of the cancelled shares and their par value against additional paid-in capital and distributable reserves, including the legal reserve provided that the amount charged against this reserve does not exceed 10% of the par value of the cancelled shares. These authorisations were granted for a period of 18 months and cancelled and replaced that granted under the 23rd resolution of 23 May 2006. No shares were cancelled in the first six months of 2007. The 12th resolution of the Shareholders'General Meeting of 15 May 2007 approving the merger of BNL into BNP Paribas, authorised the Board of Directors to issue BNP Paribas shares with a par value of EUR 2 each to BNL shareholders in payment for their BNL shares. A total of between 402,735 and 1,539,740 shares will be issued, depending on the number of BNL shares held by outside shareholders on the merger completion date, which will be no later than 31 December 2007. Q - Preferred shares and equivalent instruments Preferred shares issued by Group companies In December 1997, BNP US Funding LLC, a subsidiary under the exclusive control of the Group, made a USD 500 million issue of undated non-cumulative preferred shares governed by the law of the United States, which do not dilute ordinary BNP Paribas shares. The shares pay a fixed rate dividend for a period of ten years. Thereafter, the shares are redeemable at par at the issuer’ s discretion at the end of each calendar quarter, with unredeemed shares paying a Libor-indexed dividend. The issuer has the option of not paying dividends on these preferred shares if no dividends were paid on ordinary BNP Paribas SA shares and no coupons were paid on preferred share equivalents (Undated Super Subordinated Notes) in the previous year. Unpaid dividends are not carried forward. In October 2000, a further USD 500 million undated non-cumulative preferred share issue was carried out by BNP Paribas Capital Trust, a subsidiary under the exclusive control of the Group. These shares pay a fixed rate dividend for a period of ten years. Thereafter, the shares are redeemable at par at the issuer’ s discretion at the end of each calendar quarter, with unredeemed shares paying a Libor-indexed dividend. In October 2001, a further two undated non-cumulative preferred share issues, of EUR 350 million and EUR 500 million respectively, were carried out by two subsidiaries under the exclusive control of the Group, BNP Paribas Capital Trust II and III. Shares in the first issue pay a fixed rate dividend over five years minimum, and shares in the second issue pay a fixed rate dividend over ten years. Shares in the first issue were redeemed by the issuer in October 2006 at the end of the contractual five-year period. Shares in the second issue are redeemable at the issuer’ s discretion after a ten-year period, and thereafter at each coupon date, with unredeemed shares paying a Euribor-indexed dividend. In January and June 2002, a further two undated non-cumulative preferred share issues, of EUR 660 million and USD 650 million respectively, were carried out by two subsidiaries under the exclusive control of the Group, BNP Paribas Capital Trust IV and V. Shares in the first issue pay a fixed rate dividend paid annually over ten years, and shares in the second issue pay a fixed rate dividend paid quarterly over 5 years. Shares in the first issue are redeemable at the issuer’ s discretion after a ten-year period, and thereafter at each coupon date, with unredeemed shares paying a Euribor-indexed dividend. Shares in the second issue were redeemed by the issuer in June 2007 at the end of the contractual five-year period. In January 2003, a further non-cumulative preferred share issue of EUR 700 million was carried out by BNP Paribas Capital Trust VI, a subsidiary under the exclusive control of the Group. Shares in this issue pay an annual fixed rate dividend. The shares are redeemable after a ten-year period, and thereafter at each coupon date. Shares not redeemed in 2013 will pay a Euribor-indexed dividend quarterly. In 2003 and 2004, the LaSer-Cofinoga sub-group – which is proportionately consolidated by BNP Paribas – carried out three issues of undated preferred shares through special purpose entities governed by UK law and exclusively controlled by the LaSer-Cofinoga 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 108 sub-group. These shares pay a non-cumulative priority dividend for a ten-year period, at a fixed rate for those issued in 2003 and an indexed rate for the 2004 issue. After this ten-year period, they will be redeemable at par at the issuer’s discretion at the end of each quarter on the coupon date, and the dividend payable on the 2003 issue will become Euribor-indexed. @@@ ¡ ¡¢ @@ £ < @¤@¥¦¨§©ª<¤ « @¤@®¯ ©±°@ ¯¬@¥@ ®< « @<¬@¥@ ®< BNP US Funding December 1997 USD 500 millions 7.738% 10 years Weekly Libor + 2.8% BNPP Capital Trust October 2000 USD 500 millions 9.003% 10 years 3-month Libor + 3.26% BNPP Capital Trust III October 2001 EUR 500 millions 6.625% 10 years 3-month Euribor + 2.6% BNPP Capital Trust IV January 2002 EUR 660 millions 6.342% 10 years 3-month Euribor + 2.33% BNPP Capital Trust VI January 2003 EUR 700 millions 5.868% 10 years 3-month Euribor + 2.48% Cofinoga Funding I LP March 2003 EUR 100 millions (1) 6.820% 10 years 3-month Euribor + 3.75% EUR 80 millions (1) TEC 10 (2) + 1.35% 10 years TEC 10 (2) + 1.35% Cofinoga Funding II LP January and May 2004 (1) Before application of the proportionate consolidation rate (2) TEC 10 is the daily long-term government bond index, corresponding to the yield to maturity of a ficticious 10-year Treasury note The proceeds of these issues are recorded under "Minority interests" in the balance sheet, and the dividends are reported under "Minority interests" in the profit and loss account. - Undated Super Subordinated Notes (preferred share equivalents) issued by BNP Paribas SA In June 2005, BNP Paribas SA carried out an issue of Undated Super Subordinated Notes representing USD 1,350 million. The notes pay an annual fixed-rate coupon. They are redeemable at the end of a 10-year period, and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If the notes are not redeemed in 2015, they will pay a quarterly Libor-indexed coupon. In October 2005, BNP Paribas SA carried out two issues of Undated Super Subordinated Notes representing EUR 1,000 million and USD 400 million respectively. The notes in both issues pay an annual fixed rate coupon. They are redeemable at the end of a 6-year period, and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If the notes are not redeemed in October 2011, they will continue to pay the fixedrate coupon. In April 2006, BNP Paribas SA carried out two issues of Undated Super Subordinated Notes representing EUR 750 million and GBP 450 million respectively. The notes in both issues pay an annual fixed rate coupon. They are redeemable at the end of a 10-year period, and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If the notes are not redeemed in 2016, they will pay a quarterly Euribor-indexed coupon in the case of the first issue, and a Libor-indexed coupon in the case of the second issue. In July 2006, BNP Paribas SA carried out two issues of Undated Super Subordinated Notes. The notes under the first issue – representing EUR 150 million – pay an annual fixed rate coupon. These euro-denominated notes are redeemable at the end of a 20year period and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If these notes are not redeemed in 2026 they will pay a quarterly Euriborindexed coupon . The notes under the second issue – representing GBP 325 million – pay an annual fixed rate coupon. These sterling-denominated notes are redeemable at the end of a 10-year period and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If these notes are not redeemed in 2016, they will pay a quarterly Libor-indexed coupon. In April 2007, BNP Paribas SA carried out an issue of Undated Super Subordinated Notes representing EUR 750 million. The notes pay an annual fixed rate coupon. They are redeemable at the end of a 10-year period and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If the notes are not redeemed in 2017, they will pay a quarterly Euribor-indexed coupon. In June 2007, BNP Paribas SA carried out two issues of Undated Super Subordinated Notes. The notes under the first issue – representing USD 600 million – pay an annual fixed rate coupon. The notes are redeemable at the end of a 5-year period. The notes under the second issue – representing USD 1,100 million – pay an annual fixed rate coupon. They are redeemable at the end of a 30year period and thereafter at each annual coupon date. If the notes are not redeemed in 2037, they will pay a quarterly Libor-indexed coupon. BNP Paribas has the option of not paying interest due on these Undated Super Subordinated Notes if no dividends were paid on ordinary BNP Paribas SA shares or on preferred shares in the previous year. Unpaid interest is not carried forward. The contracts relating to these Undated Super Subordinated Notes contain a loss absorption clause. Accordingly, in the event of insufficient regulatory capital – which is not fully offset by a capital increase or any other equivalent measure – the nominal value of the notes may be reduced in order to serve as a new basis for the calculation of the related coupons until the capital deficiency is made up and the nominal value of the notes is increased to its original amount. However, in the event of the liquidation of BNP Paribas, the amount due to the holders of these notes will represent their original nominal value irrespective of whether or not their nominal value has been reduced. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 109 ² ³³@´@µ@¶ BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA BNP Paribas SA ·¸¹ µº<»¡¼ ³³@´@µ June 2005 October 2005 October 2005 April 2006 April 2006 July 2006 July 2006 April 2007 June 2007 June 2007 ½´<¶ ¶ µ@¾@¿À¨Á¯º´<¾¹ USD EUR USD EUR GBP EUR GBP EUR USD USD 1 350 millions 1 000 millions 400 millions 750 millions 450 millions 150 millions 325 millions 750 millions 600 millions 1 100 millions ø¹ µ¸@¾@Ư¹ µ@¶ ÂÈÇ@µ» º¶ µ¯Ä³¹@¿¸@Å ÅÆ<¸¹ µ 5.186% 4.875% 6.250% 4.730% 5.945% 5.450% 5.945% 5.019% 6.500% 7.195% 10 years 6 years 6 years 10 years 10 years 20 years 10 years 10 years 5 years 30 years ø¹ µ¸» ¹ µ@¶<ij¹@¿¸@Å ÅÆq¸¹ µ USD 3-month Libor + 1.68% 4.875% 6.250% 3-month Euribor + 1.69% GBP 3-month Libor + 1.13% 3-month Euribor + 1.92% GBP 3-month Libor + 1.81% 3-month Euribor + 1.72% 6.50% USD 3-month Libor + 1.29% Th e p r oceed s r a is ed b y t h es e is s u es a re record ed u n d er “ Ret a in ed ea r n in gs ” a s p a rt of equ it y. In a ccor d a n ce wit h IAS 2 1 , is s u es ca r r ied ou t in for eign cu r r en cies a r e recogn is ed a t t h eir h is tor ica l va lu e b a s ed on t h eir t r a n s la t ion in t o eu r os a t t h e is s u e d a t e. In t eres t on t h e in s t r u m en t s is t r ea t ed in th e s a m e wa y a s d ivid en d s . Q Own equity instruments (shares issued by BNP Paribas shares and held by the Group) The 5th resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 15 May 2007 authorised the Board of Directors to buy back shares representing up to 10% of the Bank’s issued capital at 22 January 2007. The shares could be acquired for the following purposes: for subsequent cancellation, on a basis to be determined by the shareholders in Extraordinary Meeting, to fulfil the Bank’s obligations relative to the issue of shares or share equivalents, stock option plans, the award of consideration-free shares to employees, directors or corporate officers, and the allocation or sale of shares to employees in connection with the employee profit-sharing scheme, employee share ownership plans or corporate savings plans; to be held in treasury stock for subsequent remittance in exchange or payment for external growth, merger, demerger or share-swap transactions; within the scope of a liquidity agreement complying with a code of ethics recognised by the French securities regulator (ÉËÊ<Ì Í¡ÎÏ Ì ÐÒÑÓÔÕ×Ö<ÎØÙqÐÔÚÛÏ ÜqÖ<ÜqØ@Ï ÓÎ5Ô ); or for asset and financial management purposes. The maximum buyback price is set at EUR 105 per share. This authorisation was given for a period of 18 months and cancelled and replaced the authorisation granted under the fifth resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 23 May 2006. In addition, a BNP Paribas subsidiary involved in market index trading and arbitrage activities carries out, as part of these activities, short selling of shares issued by BNP Paribas SA. At 30 June 2007, the Group held 33,156,988 BNP Paribas shares representing an amount of EUR 2,376 million, deducted from shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 110 ÝÞ ß@àÞ á â5ã äÞ åæã Þ äçèäé5ã á ß@çè üý çâþ@íá ã åá çè5ã Þ íøâçã è ÿ è ð äÞ âè á èèíâë qÝÝäÞ á ùäèæäçë ùå ð âî ë ùåæã ð â Þ ß¡íà ï@ð äÞ âè ð âî ëä5ãñ5è5ãòäçíäÞ å óôôõ Acquisitions Reduction in share capital Other movements ï@ð äÞ âè ð âî ëä5ãöôòíçâóôôõ Acquisitions Reduction in share capital Other movements ï@ð äÞ âè ð âî ëä5ãöñæ÷¡âéâøùâÞóôôõ Acquisitions Other movements ï@ð äÞ âè ð âî ëä5ãöôòíçâóôôú 55,112,609 Carrying amount (in millions of euros) Number of shares 2,693 (599,870) Carrying amount (in millions of euros) (32) ê@ßã äî Number of shares Carrying amount (in millions of euros) 54,512,739 2,661 7,217,977 393 7,217,977 393 (13,994,568) (691) (13,994,568) (691) (3,279,300) (155) (453,012) (27) (3,732,312) (182) 45,056,718 2,240 (1,052,882) (59) 44,003,836 2,181 4,459,091 (39,374,263) (1,081,527) 283 (2,003) (59) (3,282,855) (237) 4,459,091 (39,374,263) (4,364,382) 283 (2,003) (296) 9,060,019 461 (4,335,737) (296) 4,724,282 165 6,635,173 472 6,635,173 472 (1,576,032) (73) (1,177,008) (116) (2,753,040) (189) 14,119,160 860 (5,512,745) (412) 8,606,415 448 5,877,695 473 Acquisitions 5,877,695 473 Other movements (751,347) (41) 11,479,146 906 10,727,799 865 19,245,508 1,292 5,966,401 494 25,211,909 1,786 20,275,837 1,690 20,275,837 1,690 1,342,818 75 (13,673,576) (1,175) (12,330,758) (1,100) 40,864,163 3,057 (7,707,175) (681) 33,156,988 2,376 ï@ð äÞ âè ð âî ëä5ãöñæ÷¡âéâøùâÞóôôú Acquisitions Other movements ï@ð äÞ âè ð âî ëä5ãöôòíçâóôôû Q Number of shares ê¡Þ äë@á çìäééß@íçãã Þ äçèäé5ã á ß@çè Earnings per share Diluted earnings per share corresponds to net income for the year divided by the weighted average number of shares outstanding as adjusted for the maximum effect of the conversion of dilutive equity instruments into ordinary shares. Stock subscription options are taken into account in the diluted earnings per share calculation. Conversion of these instruments would have no effect on the net income figure used in this calculation. # $% & ' &() & ) ($ *(% &(''% ) '(+ % ,-+(+ . % % ) ) % / + 01 2 3 8 % , '($9+ (, *+/ + '% (+ : (+ $ (' % ,' + % , :(+ Effect of potentiallydilutive ordinaryshares: 8 % , '($9+ (, *+/ + '% (+ : (+ ' &() & ) (< '% ) '(+ % ,-+(+ = (% &(+ % ,-+(+ . % + 0 ? % ) '(+ % , -+(+ . % + 0 4 5 ; ;; 75 5 6 8,174,299 ;<; 4 " 5 5 6 7 "> "> 7<6 ! " 56 4 <; " 6 5 56 9,743,799 4 4 "< 6 6 5 5 4 >4 4 > 57 4 " ; 4 6 5 7 5 7 6,842,851 4 < " 6 7<5 5 7 > > 67 (1) Net income used to calculate basic and diluted earnings per share is net income per the profit and loss account, adjusted for the remuneration on the Undated Super Subordinated Notes issued by BNP Paribas SA (treated as preferred share equivalents), which for accounting purposes are treated as dividends. Further to the capital increase (with pre-emptive subscription rights for existing shareholders) carried out on 31 March 2006, in accordance with IAS 33 the reported earnings per share figures for the first half of 2005 and the first half of 2006 (corresponding to EUR 3.84 and EUR 4.43 respectively for basic earnings per share and EUR 3.82 and EUR 4.39 respectively for diluted earnings per share) have been adjusted in order to facilitate period-on-period comparisons. A dividend of EUR 3.10 per share was paid in 2007 out of 2006 net income, compared with a dividend of EUR 2.60 per share paid in 2006 out of 2005 net income and a dividend of EUR 2.00 per share paid in 2005 out of 2004 net income. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 111 Scope of consolidation @ A BC DFE G H I J K (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) L C IM E N O R H J EI C G J PC T Q IVE U IWR H X S CT O J E R HG I PC JE C YT HI U WJ X M R P DFE H T E Z R N A I R H S[ E B P A H K BNP Paribas SA France Full 100.00% 100.00% \ J C H [ M] C I A R Z ^ A H _ R H S Banque de Bretagne France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Developpement SA BNP Paribas Factor France France Full Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% France Equity 33.33% 33.33% Compagnie pour le Financement des Loisirs - Cofiloisirs 2 ] C I A R Z ^ A HV_ R H S`Va I A Z KU ^ $@ b ^ A H [ A DFE B BC J [ R A Z C X Artigiancassa SPA 1 Artigiansoa - Org. Di Attestazione SPA 1 Banca Nazionale del Lavoro SPA 1 BNL Broker Assicurazioni SPA 1 BNL Direct Services SPA 1 BNL Edizioni SRL 1 Italy Full 73.86% 73.19% 7 Italy Equity 80.00% 58.56% Italy Full 99.10% 99.10% 8 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% 7 Italy Equity 100.00% 99.10% BNL Finance SPA 1 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% BNL International Investment SA 1 Luxembourg Full 100.00% 99.10% BNL Participazioni SPA 1 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% BNL Positivity SRL 1 Italy Full 51.00% 50.54% BNL Progetto SPA Creaimpresa SPA (Groupe) 1 2 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% 7 Italy Equity 76.90% 56.29% International Factors Italia SPA - Ifitalia 1 Italy Full 99.51% 98.62% Serfactoring SPA 1 Italy Equity 27.00% 26.67% c P C [ R A Z d G J P E T Ce H I R I R C T Vela ABS 1 Italy Full Vela Home SRL 1 Italy Full Vela Public Sector SRL 1 Italy Full aH I C J H A I RE H A Z ] C I A RZ A H N ] C I A R Z ^ A HV_ R H S`Vf$H R I C N BancWest Corporation \ RH A H [ RA Z c C JQ R[ C T c I A I C T E g h BC J R [ A Bank of the West U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% FHL Lease Holding Company Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% First Hawaïan Bank U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Union Safe Deposit Bank 5 U.S.A b C A T R H S` \ R H A H [ Cb C A T C T Albury Asset Rentals Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% All In One Allemagne Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% All In One Vermietung GmbH 12 8 Antin Bail Aprolis Finance Avelingen Finance BV 1 Barloword Heftruck BV 1 4 1 2 BNP Paribas Lease Group Holding SPA 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 100.00% 100.00% France Full 51.00% 51.00% Netherlands BNP Paribas Lease Group KFT (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 100.00% 100.00% France BNP Paribas Lease Group GmbH & Co KG BNP Paribas Lease Group Netherlands BV Full Full Netherlands BNP Paribas Lease Group BNP Paribas Lease Group BV Austria France 2 1 50.00% 50.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% Austria Full 100.00% 100.00% Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% Hungary Full 100.00% 100.00% Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 112 Equity l j | z p {V z p j p l l j | l | } n p q v i j kl mFn o p q r s (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) BNP Paribas Lease Group Polska SP z.o.o 12 BNP Paribas Lease Group RT 8 2 t l qu n v w z p r nq l o r xl | y qVn } q~z p { l| w r n z po q xl rn l | pq } ~r u z x Poland Full 100.00% 100.00% Hungary Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Lease Group UK PLC UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Lease Group SA Belgium Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Lease Group SPA Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Leasing Gmbh Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Bureau Services Limited UK Full 100.00% Centro Leasing SPA Italy Equity 43.54% 43.54% Claas Financial Services France Full 60.11% 60.11% Claas Financial Services Limited 2 Claas Leasing Gmbh UK Full 51.00% 51.00% Germany Full 100.00% 60.11% CNH Capital Europe France Full 50.10% 50.10% CNH Capital Europe Limited UK Full 100.00% 50.10% Cofiplan 2 Commercial Vehicle Finance Limited Cooperleasing SPA 1 13 Diamond Finance UK Limited Equipment Lease BV 1 Finance et Gestion SA Geveke Rental BV 1 France Full 99.99% 99.99% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Italy Equity 50.00% 49.55% UK Full 60.00% 60.00% Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 70.00% 70.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% 4 Netherlands 4 UK H.F.G.L Limited UK HIH Management Limited Humberclyde Commercial Investments Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Humberclyde Commercial Investments N°1 Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Humberclyde Commercial Investments N°4 Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Humberclyde Finance Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Humberclyde Industrial Finance Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Humberclyde Investments Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Humberclyde Management Services Limited 4 UK Humberclyde Spring Leasing Limited 4 UK 5 Belgium Leaseco International BV 1 Netherlands Leasing J. Van Breda & Cie 1 Locafit SPA 1 13 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% Locatrice Italiana SPA 1 13 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% Locatrice Strumentale SRL 1 Italy Equity 100.00% 99.10% UK Full 51.00% 51.00% Manitou Finance Limited 13 2 Natiobail France Full 100.00% 100.00% Natiocrédibail France Full 100.00% 100.00% Natiocrédimurs France Full 100.00% 100.00% Natioénergie France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 51.00% 51.00% France Full 99.97% 99.97% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Norbail Snc 4 Norbail Location 4 France France Paricomi SAS MFF 2 Same Deutz-Fahr Finance Same Deutz Fahr Finance Limited SCAU 4 France UFB Asset Finance Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% United Care Group Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% United Care (Cheshire) Limited United Corporate Finance Limited 4 UK United Inns Management Limited 4 UK (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 113 mFn p | o kl r m<r l v z q i j kl mFn o p q r s (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) Axa Banque Financement 4 Banco Cetelem Argentina 4 2 France 11 Argentina t l qu n v w z p r nq l o r xl | y qVn } q~z p { l| w r n z po q xl rn l | pq } ~r u z x Equity 35.00% 35.00% Full 60.00% 60.00% Banco Cetelem Portugal Portugal Full 100.00% 100.00% Banco Cetelem SA Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% Bieffe 5 SPA 2 Italy Equity 50.00% 50.00% France Equity 33.00% 33.00% Carrefour Administration Cartos de Creditos - CACC Brazil Equity 40.00% 40.00% Cetelem France Full 100.00% 100.00% Caisse d’Epargne Financement - CEFI Cetelem Algérie 12 8 Cetelem America Cetelem Asia 2 Cetelem Bank Gmbh Cetelem Bank SA 2 Algeria Full 100.00% 100.00% Brazil Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Hong-Kong Full 100.00% Germany Full 50.10% 50.10% Poland Full 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem Belgium Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem Benelux BV Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem Brésil Brazil Full 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem CR Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem IFN SA Cetelem Maroc 1 1 Cetelem Mexico SA de CV 100.00% 99.79% 92.82% Full 100.00% 100.00% 8 Mexico Poland Full 100.00% 100.00% 12 8 China Full 100.00% 100.00% Brazil Equity 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem Serviços Limitada 2 Cetelem Slovensko Full Full 12 Cetelem Polska Expansion SA Cetelem Processing Services (Shanghai) Limited Romania Morocco 2 Slovakia Cetelem Thailande Thailand Full 100.00% 100.00% Cetelem UK UK Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Cofica Bail France Full 100.00% Cofidis France France Equity 15.00% 15.00% Cofinoga France Prop. 100.00% 50.00% Cofiparc SNC France Full 100.00% 100.00% Compagnie Médicale de financement de Voitures et matériels - CMV Médiforce France Full 100.00% 100.00% Credial Italie SPA 2 Italy Credisson Holding Limited 1 Cyprus Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Crédit Moderne Antilles France Full 100.00% 100.00% Crédit Moderne Guyane France Full 100.00% 100.00% Crédit Moderne Océan Indien Effico Iberia 2 France Full 97.81% 97.81% Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% Effico Soreco France Full 99.95% 99.95% Eurocredito Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Facet France Full 100.00% Fidem France Full 51.00% 51.00% Fimestic Expansion SA Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% Findomestic Findomestic Banka a.d 12 Fortis Crédit 3 Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Equity 50.00% 49.83% Belgium KBC Pinto Systems 2 Laser (Groupe) Italy Serbia 10 Belgium Equity 39.99% 39.99% France Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Loisirs Finance France Full 51.00% 51.00% Magyar Cetelem Hungary Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Métier Regroupement de Crédits 12 Monabank 2 Norrsken Finance 8 France Full 100.00% France Equity 34.00% 34.00% France Full 51.00% 51.00% Novacrédit 2 France Equity 34.00% 34.00% Projeo 2 France Full 50.97% 50.97% France Prop. 55.00% 55.00% SA Domofinance (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 2 9 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 114 F < F (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) V Servicios Financieros Carrefour EFC Spain Equity 40.00% 40.00% Société de Paiement Pass France Equity 40.01% 40.01% Brazil Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Prop. 50.00% 0.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Submarino Finance Promotora de Credito Limitada 2 £ ¡ V ¢ V¤ FCC Findomestic 4 Italy FCC Master Dolphin Italy FCC Master Noria FCC Retail ABS Finance ¥ ¦ Abbey National France 4 1 France 2 France 5 France Banca UCB SPA Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Invest Immo France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Prêts et Services France Full 100.00% 100.00% UCB France Full 100.00% 100.00% UCB Hypotheken UCB Suisse Union de Creditos Immobiliarios - UCI (Groupe) £ ¡ V ¢ V¤ 12 8 9 Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% Switzerland Full 100.00% 100.00% Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Spain FCC Domos 2003 France Full 100.00% 100.00% FCC Master Domos France Full 100.00% 100.00% FCC Master Domos 4 France Full 100.00% 100.00% FCC Master Domos 5 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Spain Prop. 50.00% 50.00% FCC U.C.I 4-17 (ex FCC 4-16) F V§$ ¤ ¡ V Arius Finance Holding 9 5 France Arius SA France Full 100.00% 100.00% Arma Beheer BV Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% Artegy Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Artegy SAS France Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval Belgium Belgium Arval Brasil Limitada 12 Brazil Full 100.00% 100.00% Equity 100.00% 100.00% Arval Business Services Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval BV Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval Deutschland GmbH Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval ECL SAS France Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval Luxembourg Luxembourg Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval NV Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval PHH Holding SAS France Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval PHH Holdings Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval PHH Holdings UK Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval PHH Service Lease CZ 12 Arval Portugal Arval Russie 12 Arval Schweiz AG 8 Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 100.00% Portugal Full 100.00% 100.00% Russia Equity 100.00% 99.99% Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Switzerland Arval Service Lease France Full 100.00% Arval Service Lease Espagne Spain Full 99.98% 99.97% Arval Service Lease Italia Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% Poland France Full Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% Arval UK Group Limited Arval Service Lease Polska SP Arval Trading UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Arval UK Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 2 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 115 © À «© « « © © « ª« À ¬F ¯ ° ± V° Á$¹ ± ¯ µ  à V° ³ ¯ º ¯ ° ¼ ¯ ° Ä µ ¾ ¨ © ª« ¬F ® ¯ ° ± ² (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) « ³ °´ µ « «» ¶ ¹ ¯ ± ° ® ± ·¸ °V ¼ °½¹ ¯ ¾ º «» ±¶ ® ·« « ¿» ¯ ± ´ ¹ · ¹ ¯ ° ± ° ¼ ½¾ BNP Paribas Fleet Holdings Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Dialcard Fleet Information Services Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Dialcard Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Gestion et Location Holding France Full 100.00% 100.00% Harpur UK Limited 4 Overdrive Business Solutions Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Overdrive Credit Card Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% PHH Financial services Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% PHH Holdings (1999) Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% PHH Investment Services Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% PHH Leasing (N°9) Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% PHH Treasury Services Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% PHH Truck Management Services Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Pointeuro Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% ªThe « Harpur © Group« » UK « © »Limited ª© « » Å ± º ¹ ¯ º ¯ µ ¸ ± ±Æ ° Bank of Nanjing (ex Nanjing City Commercial Bank Corp Limited) 1 China Banque Internationale du Commerce et de l' Industrie Burkina Faso Burkina Faso Equity 19.20% 19.20% Full 51.00% 51.00% Banque Internationale du Commerce et de l' Industrie Cote d' Ivoire Ivory Coast Full 67.49% 67.49% Banque Internationale du Commerce et de l' Industrie Gabon Gabon Full 46.67% 46.67% Guinea Equity 30.83% 30.83% Full 85.00% 85.00% Banque Internationale du Commerce et de l' Industrie Guinée 2 Banque Internationale du Commerce et de l' Industrie Mali 12 8 Mali Banque Internationale du Commerce et de l' Industrie Senegal Senegal Full 54.11% 54.11% Banque Malgache de l' Ocean Indien Madagascar Full 75.00% 75.00% Banque Marocaine du Commerce et de l' Industrie Banque Marocaine du Commerce et de l' Industrie Crédit Conso 2 Banque Marocaine du Commerce et de l' Industrie Gestion 12 Banque Marocaine du Commerce et de l' Industrie Leasing Morocco Full 64.75% 64.75% Morocco Full 100.00% 78.50% Morocco Equity 100.00% 64.75% Morocco Full 72.03% 46.64% Banque Marocaine du Commerce et de l' Industrie Offshore Morocco Full 100.00% 64.75% Banque pour le Commerce et l' Industrie de la Mer Rouge Djibouti Full 51.00% 51.00% BNP Intercontinentale - BNPI France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas BDDI Participations France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Cyprus Limited Cyprus Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas El Djazair Algeria Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Guadeloupe France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Guyane France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Le Caire Egypt Full 95.19% 95.19% BNP Paribas Martinique France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Nouvelle Caledonie France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Réunion France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 70.00% 70.00% BNP Paribas Vostok Holdings 2 SIFIDA 4 Société Financière pour pays d' Outre Mer - SFOM 4 Turk Ekonomi Bankasi Yatirimlar Anonim Sirketi (Groupe) 1 Luxembourg Switzerland Ukranian Insurance Alliance 12 UkrSibbank 1 UkrSibbank LLC 12 8 Turkey Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Ukraine Equity 99.99% 51.00% Ukraine Full 51.00% 51.00% Russia Full 100.00% 51.00% Union Bancaire pour le Commerce et l' Industrie Tunisia Full 50.00% 50.00% Union Bancaire pour le Commerce et l' Industrie Leasing Tunisia Full 75.40% 37.70% Italy Full «À © »« «» Ç · ¹ Ã È ® ± · Å ¯ ° ¹° ¹ Vela Lease SRL (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 1 13 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 116 ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) á<Ü Ü Ì ÑFÔ Ê Ð Ê Û Ì ËÌ Ð Ñ âã Ì Ò Ù Ú ä Ì Ü åÐ Ü Ï Ò Ê Ð ä Ì Assu-Vie SA 12 Banque Financiere Cardif 5 BNL Vita SPA 1 France Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö Equity ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û 50.00% 50.00% France 13 Italy BNP Paribas Assurance France Equity 50.00% 49.55% Full 100.00% 100.00% Cardif Assicurazioni SPA Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% Cardif Assurance Vie France Full 100.00% 100.00% Cardif Assurance Vie Polska 2 Cardif do Brasil Seguros Cardif do Brasil Seguros e Garantias 12 Cardif Leven Poland Full 100.00% 100.00% Brazil Full 100.00% 100.00% Brazil Equity 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Belgium Cardif Levensverzekeringen NV Netherlands Cardif Mexico Seguros de Vida 12 Cardif Mexico Seguros Generales SA 12 Cardif Nederland Holding BV Cardif Pinnacle Insurance Holding Limited (ex Pinnafrica Holding Limited) 12 Cardif RD Full 100.00% 100.00% Mexico Equity 100.00% 100.00% Mexico Equity 100.00% 100.00% Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% South Africa Equity 98.00% 98.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% France Cardif Retraite Assurance Vie 11 Cardif SA Cardif Schadeverzekeringen NV France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% Netherlands Cardivida Correduria de Seguros 12 Centro Vita Assicurazioni SPA Full 100.00% 100.00% Spain Equity 100.00% 100.00% Italy Prop. 49.00% 49.00% Compagnie Bancaire Uk Fonds C UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Compania de Seguros Generales Chile Full 100.00% 100.00% Chile Full 100.00% 100.00% Compania de Seguros Vida SA 11 Cybele RE 5 Luxembourg Darnell Limited Ireland Full 100.00% 100.00% GIE BNP Paribas Assurance France Full 100.00% 100.00% Global Euro 2 France Investlife Luxembourg SA Luxembourg Natio Assurance France Natio Fonds Athenes Investissement 5 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Natio Fonds Collines Investissement 1 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Natio Fonds Collines Investissement 3 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Natiovie Patrimoine Management & Associés 5 France 1 Pinnacle Insurance Holding PLC France Full 67.00% 67.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Pinnacle Insurance Management Services PLC UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Pinnacle Insurance PLC UK Full 100.00% 100.00% 98.00% Pinnafrica Insurance Company Limited 12 South Africa Equity 100.00% Pinnafrica Insurance Life Limited 12 South Africa Equity 100.00% 98.00% Pojistovna Cardif Pro Vita 12 Czech Rep. Equity 100.00% 100.00% SARL Carma Grand Horizon France Full 100.00% 100.00% SARL Reumal Investissements France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI 104-106 rue Cambronne France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI 14 rue Vivienne France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI 24-26 rue Duranton 3 France SCI 25 rue Abbe Carton 3 France SCI 25 rue Gutenberg 3 France SCI 40 rue Abbe Groult 3 France SCI 100 rue Lauriston France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI 6 Square Foch France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI 8-10 place du Commerce France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Asnieres 1 France Full 99.90% 99.90% (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 117 åÐ Ü Ï Ò Ê Ð ä Ì Ý ä Î Ð Ñ æÖ ß ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û SCI Beausejour France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI BNP Paribas Pierre 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Boulevard Malesherbes France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Boulogne Centre France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Boulogne Nungesser France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Corosa France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Courbevoie France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Defense Etoile France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Defense Vendome France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Etoile SCI Immeuble Demours France France Full Full 99.00% 100.00% 99.00% 100.00% Full 99.90% 99.90% Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Le Chesnay 1 3 France SCI Levallois 2 France SCI Maisons 1 3 France SCI Malesherbes Courcelles France SCI Montrouge 2 3 France SCI Montrouge 3 3 France SCI Paris Cours de Vincennes France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Moussorgski France Full 99.90% 99.90% Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Residence le Chatelard 4 France SCI rue Mederic France SCI Rueil 1 3 France SCI Rueil Ariane France Full 99.90% 99.90% SCI Rueil Caudron France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Saint Maurice 2 3 France SCI Suresnes 2 3 France SCI Suresnes 3 Full 99.90% 99.90% Shinan et Life Corée 2 France South Korea Prop. 50.00% 50.00% State Bank India Life Cy 2 India Equity 26.00% 26.00% Thai Cardif Insurance Life Company Limited 2 Thailand Equity 25.00% 25.00% 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 99.99% Valtitres ç Ò Ú Ù Ê Ñ ÌèVÊ Ð é Ú Ð Û Banque Privée Anjou (ex Dexia Banque Privée) Bank von Ernst 1 5 France Bergues Finance Holding Bahamas BNL International Luxembourg 1 5 Luxembourg BNP Paribas Espana SA Spain Full 99.57% 99.57% BNP Paribas Investment Services LLC U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Private Bank France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Private Bank Monaco France Full 100.00% 99.99% Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Bahamas Full 100.00% 99.99% B*Capital France Full 99.96% 99.96% Cortal Consors France France Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Private Bank Switzerland 5 Switzerland 1 5 Switzerland 1 4 Italy Conseil Investissement France Lavoro Bank Ag Zurigo Nachenius, Tjeenk et Co NV 1 Servizio Italia SPA Société Monégasque de Banque Privée 1 Netherlands 5 United European Bank Switzerland United European Bank Trust Nassau ê Ð ë Ú Ð Ìè Ò Î é Ì Ò Ê Û Ì Cortal Consors Luxembourg 5 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Switzerland Luxembourg FundQuest (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method France 5 France (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 118 á<Ü Ü Ì ÑFÔ Ê Ð Ê Û Ì ËÌ Ð Ñ ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û BNL Fondi Immobiliari 1 13 Italy Full 100.00% BNL Gestioni SGR 1 13 Italy Full 100.00% 99.10% Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP PAM Group France BNP Paribas Asset Management GmbH 12 BNP Paribas Asset Management BNP Paribas Asset Management Brasil Limitada 2 BNP Paribas Asset Management Japan Limited 2 11 BNP Paribas Asset Management Group Luxembourg BNP Paribas Asset Management SGR Milan SPA Germany France 5 Equity 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Brazil Full 100.00% 100.00% Japan Full 100.00% 100.00% Luxembourg Full 99.66% 99.66% 12 Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% 12 Uruguay BNP Paribas Asset Management UK Limited UK BNP Paribas Asset Management Uruguay SA 99.10% Full 100.00% 100.00% Equity 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Epargne et Retraite Entreprise 5 France BNP Paribas Financière AMS (Fin' AMS) 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Fund Services France 2 BNP Paribas Private Equity 12 France Equity 100.00% BNP Paribas SGIIC 12 Spain Equity 100.00% 99.57% France Full 100.00% 100.00% Cardif Asset Management Cardif Gestion d' Actifs 11 France Charter Atlantic Corporation (ex Fischer Francis Trees & Watts) 8 U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Charter Atlantic Capital corporation 2 U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Charter Atlantic Securities Incorporation 2 U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% 8 France Full 86.10% 86.10% UK Prop. 42.17% 50.00% 2 U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Cooper Neff Alternative Managers 12 Fauchier Partners Management Limited (Groupe) Fischer Francis Trees & Watts Incorporation Fischer Francis Trees & Watts Kabushiki Kaisha 2 Japan Full 100.00% 100.00% Fischer Francis Trees & Watts Limited 2 UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Fischer Francis Trees & Watts Pte Limited 2 Singapore Full 100.00% 100.00% Fischer Francis Trees & Watts UK Fund Quest Incorporation 2 UK 1 Full 100.00% 100.00% U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Overlay Asset Management 12 France Equity 100.00% 100.00% Shinhan BNP Paribas Investment Trust Management Co Ltd 12 10 South Korea Prop. 50.00% 50.00% Sundaram BNP Paribas Asset Management Company Limited 2 Equity 49.90% 49.90% ã Ì ä Ï Ò Ú Ñ Ú Ì ÜÜ Ì Ò Ù Ú ä Ì Ü India BNP Paribas Fund Services Luxembourg Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Fund Services Australasia Limited Australia Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Fund Services Dublin Limited Ireland Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Fund Services Holdings UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Fund Services UK Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Securities Services - BP2S France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Securities Services International Holding SA France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 99.95% 93.59% France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 95.84% ç Ò Î Ø Ì Ò Ñ Ó Ü Ì ÒÙ Úä Ì Ü Asset Partenaires 1 Atisreal Expertise Atisreal Auguste-Thouard Atisreal Auguste-Thouard Habitat Foncier 5 France Atisreal Belgium SA Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Benelux SA Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Consult 5 France Atisreal Consult (ex SAS Astrim) France Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Consult GmbH Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Espana SA Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal GmbH Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Holding Belgium SA 5 Atisreal Holding France (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Belgium France (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 119 ç Ò Î Ø Ì Ò Ñ Ó Ü Ì Ò Ù Úä Ì Ü Ý ä Î Ð Ñ æÖ ß ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û Atisreal Holding GmbH Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal International France Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Irlande 1 Ireland Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Italia 1 Italy Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Luxembourg SA Luxembourg Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Management GmbH 5 Atisreal Netherlands BV Germany 4 Netherlands Atisreal Property Management GmbH Germany Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Property Management Services Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Germany Full 100.00% 75.18% Atisreal Proplan GmbH Atisreal Services 4 France Atisreal USA Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Atisreal Weatheralls Financial Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Auguste-Thouard Fimorem 5 Auguste-Thouard Residencial SL 5 France Spain Banque Centrale de Données Immobilières 5 France BNP Paribas Immobilier (ex Meunier Promotion) France BNP Paribas Immobilier 5 France BNP Paribas Participations Finance Immobilier France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Immobilier Property Management France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 96.77% 96.77% Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Real Estate Investment Management BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Management Italia 1 Italy BSA Immobilier 1 France Cabinet Claude Sanchez Chancery Lane Management Services Limited Compagnie Tertiaire 1 1 Immobiliere des Bergues Partner' s & Services Partenaires Gerance Soprofinance 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% 5 France F G Ingenierie et Promotion Immobilière Genisar Servicios Immobiliarios Full 1 France 1 SA Comadim Hispania France Full 100.00% 100.00% Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 99.94% 93.58% Full 100.00% 100.00% 1 Spain SA Gerer France SA Meunier Hispania 1 Spain SA Procodis 5 France SAS BNP Paribas Real Estate Property Management (ex SA Comadim) SAS BRSI Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS ECM Real Estate France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Meunier Developpements France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Meunier Habitat France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Meunier Immobilière d' Entreprises France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Meunier Méditerranée France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Meunier Rhône Alpes France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Multi Vest (France) 4 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Newport Management 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Sofiane 1 SAS Studelites ( ex SNC Comadim Résidences Services) Sinvim SNC Cezanne 5 France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% France 4 France SNC Espaces Immobiliers France Full 100.00% 100.00% SNC Lot 2 Porte d' Asnières France Full 100.00% 100.00% SNC Matisse 3 France SNC Meunier Gestion Sifonte SL Soprofinance (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% 1 Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% 5 France (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 120 ç Ò Î Ø Ì Ò Ñ Ó Ü Ì Ò Ù Úä Ì Ü Ý ä Î Ð Ñ æÖ ß ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û Tasaciones Hipotecarias SA 1 Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% Valuation Consulting Limited 1 UK Full 100.00% 100.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Equity 27.18% 27.18% Weatheralls Consultancy Services Limited ç Ì Ò Ü Î Ð Ê ë åÐ Ù Ì Ü Ñ ÚÜ Î Ò Geogit Financial Services Limited (Groupe) (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 1 India (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 121 ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ÍFÎ Ò Ø Î Ò Ê Ñ Ì â å Ð Ù Ì Ü Ñ ËÌ Ð Ñ èFÊ Ð é Ú Ð Û ì ÒÊ Ð ä Ì Austin Finance 2 Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Arbitrage France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Equities France France Full 99.96% 99.96% BNP Paribas Equity Strategies France France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Peregrine Group France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Stratégies Actions France Full 100.00% 100.00% Capstar Partners SAS France Harewood Asset Management 12 France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Equity 100.00% 100.00% Paribas Dérivés Garantis Snc France Full 100.00% 100.00% Parifergie France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Esomet 2 SAS Parilease í Ï ÒÎ Ø Ì BNP AK Dresdner Bank AS 3 BNP AK Dresdner Financial Kiralama 3 BNP Capital Finance Limited France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% Turkey Turkey 4 Ireland BNP Factor Portugal Portugal Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Ireland Ireland Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas (Bulgaria) AD Bulgaria Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Bank (Hungaria) RT Hungary Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Bank (Polska) SA Poland Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Bank NV Netherlands Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Capital Investments Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Capital Markets Group Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Commodity Futures Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas E & B Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Finance PLC UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Fixed Assets Limited 4 UK BNP Paribas Luxembourg SA Luxembourg Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Net Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Services 5 Switzerland BNP Paribas Sviluppo 4 Italy BNP Paribas Suisse SA Switzerland Full 99.99% 99.99% BNP Paribas UK Holdings Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas UK Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP PUK Holding Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas ZAO Russia Full 100.00% 100.00% Capstar Partners Limited UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Dealremote Limited 4 UK Delta Reinsurance Limited 2 8 Ireland Full 100.00% 100.00% UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Harewood Holdings Limited 2 ISIS Factor SPA 4 Italy Paribas Management Service Limited 4 UK Paribas Trust Luxembourg SA Luxembourg Full 100.00% 100.00% Utexam Limited Ireland Full 100.00% 100.00% áËÌ Ò Ú ä Ê Ü BNP Paribas Andes 4 Perou BNP Paribas Asset Management Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Brasil SA Brazil Full 99.99% 99.99% Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Brokerage Services Incorporated 5 U.S.A BNP Paribas Canada (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 Canada (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 122 áËÌ Ò Ú ä Ê Ü Ý ä Î Ð Ñ æ Ö ß ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û BNP Paribas Capstar Partners Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Commodities Futures Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Leasing Corporation U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas North America Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Principal Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas RCC Incorporation U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Securities Corporation U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Capstar Partners LLC U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Cooper Neff Advisors Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Cooper Neff Group Incorporated U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% French American Banking Corporation - F.A.B.C U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Paribas North America U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% Petits Champs Participaçoes e Servicios SA Brazil Full 100.00% 100.00% á<Ü Ú Êî ê ä Ì Ê Ð Ú Ê BNP Equities Asia Limited Malaysia Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas (China) Limited China Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Arbitrage (Hong-Kong) Limited Hong-Kong Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Capital (Asia Pacific) Limited Hong-Kong Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Capital (Singapore) Limited Singapore Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Finance (Hong-Kong) Limited Hong-Kong Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Futures (Hong-Kong) Limited BNP Paribas GRS (Hong Kong) Limited 11 BNP Paribas India Solutions Private Limited 2 Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% India BNP Paribas Japan Limited 2 Japan BNP Paribas Pacific (Australia) Limited Australia BNP Paribas Peregrine Securities (Thailande) Limited 3 Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Thailand BNP Paribas Principal Investments Japan Limited 2 Japan BNP Paribas Securities (Asia) Limited Hong-Kong BNP Paribas Securities (Japan) Limited BNP Paribas Securities (Taiwan) Co Limited Hong-Kong Hong-Kong 2 Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Hong-Kong Full 100.00% 100.00% Taiwan Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Securities Korea Company Limited South Korea Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Secutities (Singapore) Pte Limited Singapore Full 100.00% 100.00% Hong-Kong Full 100.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Services (Hong Kong) Limited Credit Agricole Indosuez Securities Limited 1 4 Japan Paribas Asia Equities Limited Hong-Kong Full 100.00% 100.00% PT Bank BNP Paribas Indonésia Indonesia Full 100.00% 99.99% Full 99.00% 99.00% PT BNP Lippo Utama Leasing 4 Indonesia PT BNP Paribas Securities Indonesia Indonesia ã Ø Ì ä Ú Ê ë ç Ï Ò Ø Î Ü Ìí Ð Ñ Ú Ñ Ú Ì Ü 54 Lombard Street Investments Limited Alectra Finance PLC 2 UK Full Ireland Full APAC Finance Limited 2 New Zealand Full APAC Investments Limited 2 New Zealand Full APAC NZ Holdings Limited ARV International Limited 2 Altels Investments Limited 2 BNP Paribas Arbitrage Issuance BV New Zealand Full Cayman Islds Full Ireland Full Netherlands Full BNP Paribas Emissions und Handel. GmbH Germany Full BNP Paribas Finance Incorporated U.S.A Full BNP Paribas New Zealand Limited 4 New Zealand Bougainville BV China Jenna Finance 1 2 Netherlands Full France Full China Jenna Finance 2 2 France Full China Jenna Finance 3 2 France Full (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 123 ã Ø Ì ä Ú Ê ë ç Ï Ò Ø Î Ü Ìí Ð Ñ Ú Ñ Ú Ì Ü Ý ä Î Ð Ñ æ Ö ß ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö China Lucie Finance 1 2 France Full China Lucie Finance 2 2 France Full China Lucie Finance 3 China Samantha Finance 1 2 2 France Full France Full China Samantha Finance 2 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 3 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 4 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 5 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 6 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 7 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 8 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 9 2 France Full China Samantha Finance 10 2 Crisps Limited Eliopée Limited 4 France Full Cayman Islds Full Jersey Epimetheus Investments Limited 4 Cayman Islds Epsom Funding Limited 2 Cayman Islds Euroliberté PLC Full 4 Ireland European Hedged Equity Limited Cayman Islds Fidex PLC UK Full France Full Financière Paris Haussmann 2 Financière Taitbout 2 Forsete Investments SA Global Guaranteed Cliquet Investment Limited 4 Full France Full Luxembourg Full Cayman Islds Global Guaranteed Equity Limited Cayman Islds Global Hedged Equity Investment Limited Full 4 Cayman Islds Global Liberté 2 France Full Global Protected Alternative Investments Limited Cayman Islds Full Global Protected Equity Limited Cayman Islds Full Cayman Islds Full Harewood Investments N°2 Limited Harewood Investments N°1 Limited 2 UK Full Harewood Investments N°3 Limited 2 UK Full Harewood Investments N°4 Limited 2 UK Full Harewood Investments N°5 Limited 2 Cayman Islds Full Harewood Investments N°6 Limited 2 Henaross Property Limited Iliad Investments PLC 2 Joconde Investments SA Laffitte Participation 2 Laffitte Participation 10 2 Laffitte Participation 12 Liquidity Trust 2 Full Australia Full Ireland Full Luxembourg Full France Full France Full France Full 2 Cayman Islds Full Cayman Islds Full 2 Cayman Islds Full Lock-In Global equity Limited Marc Finance Limited UK Mexita Limited N°2 4 Mexita Limited N°3 Cayman Islds 4 Cayman Islds Mexita Limited N°4 4 Cayman Islds Olan 2 Enterprises PLC 4 Ireland Omega Capital Investments Plc 2 Ireland Full Omega Investments Cayman Limited 2 Cayman Islds Full France Full Optichamps 2 Paregof 4 France Parritaye Property Limited Participations Opéra Robin Flight Limited (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 2 2 Australia Full France Full Ireland Full (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 124 × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø ã Ø Ì ä Ú Ê ë ç Ï Ò Ø Î Ü Ìí Ð Ñ Ú Ñ Ú Ì Ü Ý ä Î Ð Ñ æ Ö ß ÉVÊ ËÌ ÍVÎ Ï Ð Ñ Ò Ó (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Royal Neuve I SA 2 Luxembourg SAS Esra 1 2 France Ô Ì ÑÕ Î Ö Full Full SAS Esra 2 2 France Full SAS Financière des Italiens 2 France Full Singapore Emma Finance 1 SAS France Full Singapore Emma Finance 2 SAS France Full Sirocco Investments SA SNC Atargatis 2 Luxembourg Full France Full SNC Compagnie Investissement Italiens 2 France Full SNC Compagnie Investissement Opéra 2 France Full SNC Méditerranéa 2 France Full St Maarten CDO Limited 2 Cayman Islds Full Starbird Funding Corporation 4 U.S.A Sunny Funding Limited 2 Cayman Islds Full Swallow Flight Limited 2 Ireland Full U.S.A Full Tender Option Bond Municipal program Thésée Limited Thunderbird Investments PLC (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 4 2 Jersey Ireland (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 125 Full × Ú Ð Ò ÑÎ Ì Ï Ò ØÌ Ü Ù ÑVÎ Ý Ñ ÞÚ Ð ß Û ÌÜ × Ò Î Ú Ð Ï Ñ ØÌ ÒÎ Ì àÜ ÑVÐ Ý ÞÒ ß Õ Ú Ø ïVð ñò ÷ û ò øFõ ö ò ö ÷ ð ø ÿ ÷ ò õ ÷ ù ï ð ø ð ó ð þ ÷ ð Banexi Société de Capital-Risque Carbonne Lorraine 5 3 ò ý ø ô ö õ ÷ þò øô ò ÷ö ø û þ ý ö ø ÷ô ò õ ø þò ÿ ÷ô ÷ ö France France Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Cobema Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 96.73% 96.73% Equity 47.01% 47.01% Cobepa Technology 3 Belgium Compagnie Financière Ottomane Luxembourg Erbe Belgium Evialis 7 4 France Gepeco Belgium Full 100.00% 100.00% Paribas Participation Limitee Canada Full 100.00% 100.00% ø ô þ ò ø ÷ ù ô ñ þ ð ö ò þ ø ô þ ò ø ÷ ùõ ò ü öô þ ò ø ð ÷ ô ö Capefi 5 France Compagnie Immobiliere de France 5 France Ejesur Spain Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS 5 Kleber France Full 100.00% 100.00% SAS Foncière de la Compagnie Bancaire SAS Noria ú ò ÷û ô ü Clairville Compagnie Benelux Paribas - COBEPA (Groupe) óVô õ ö ÷ ø ù (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 1 France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% SCI Immobilière Marché Saint-Honoré France Full 100.00% 100.00% Société d' Etudes Immobilières de Constructions - Setic France Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Antin Participation 4 5 France Antin Participation 5 France ö ÿ ò ÷ ñò ö ÷ ô ñ þ ð ö ò ð ö üô ÷ û ò ø õ ü ð ø ò Antin Participation 15 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% BNL International Investment SA 1 Luxembourg Full 100.00% 99.10% BNL Multiservizi SPA 1 Equity 100.00% 99.10% BNP Paribas Covered Bonds 7 Italy 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Luxembourg Full 100.00% 100.00% 5 France 100.00% BNP Paribas de Réassurance au Luxembourg BNP Paribas Emergis BNP Paribas International BV Netherlands BNP Paribas Partners for Innovation (Groupe) France BNP Paribas UK Treasury Limited UK Compagnie Auxiliaire d' Entreprises et de Chemins de Fer 5 Full 100.00% Equity 50.00% 50.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% France Compagnie Bancaire Uk Fonds B UK Full 100.00% 100.00% Compagnie d' Investissements de Paris - C.I.P France Full 100.00% 100.00% Financière BNP Paribas France Full 100.00% 100.00% Financière Marché Saint Honoré France Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Equity 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 99.99% 99.99% Full 100.00% 100.00% Full 100.00% 100.00% Finaxa 3 France GIE Groupement Auxiliaire et de Moyens - GAM France Kle 65 5 Kle 66 5 France France Le Sphinx Assurances Luxembourg SA 12 Luxembourg Luxpar-Ré 3 Luxembourg Omnium Gestion Developpement Immobilier France Paribas International 5 France Placement, Gestion, Finance Holding - Plagefin Luxembourg Quatch 5 France Sagip Belgium SAS Klefinances SNC Bincofi 5 4 France Société Auxiliaire de Construction Immobilière - SACI (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 France France (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 126 ïVð ñò ö ÿ ò ÷ ñò ö ÷ ô ñ þ ð ö ò ð ö üô ÷ û ò ø õ ü ð ø ò ô ö ÷ ü Société Centrale d' Investissement 5 Societe Française Auxiliaire - S.F.A. 5 Société Orbaisienne de Participations UCB Bail ò ý ø ô ö õ ÷ þò øô ò ÷ö ø û þ ý ö ø ÷ô ò õ ø þò ÿ ÷ô ÷ ö France France 2 France Full 100.00% 100.00% France Full 100.00% 100.00% UCB Entreprises France Full 100.00% 100.00% UCB Locabail immobilier France Full 100.00% 100.00% Verner Investissements (Groupe) France Equity 48.40% 48.40% þ ò ð õ ø þ ô ò ö ÷ ÷ ò Antin Participation 7 France Full 100.00% 100.00% Antin Participation 13 France Full 100.00% 100.00% U.S.A Full 100.00% 0.00% 100.00% BNP Paribas Capital Trust LLC 1 - 2 -3 -4 - 6 BNP Paribas Capital Trust LLC 1 - 5 ú ò ÷û ô ü 5 France Société Jovacienne de Participations óVô õ ö ÷ ø ù (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 4 U.S.A BNP Paribas US Medium Term Notes Program U.S.A Full 100.00% BNP Paribas US Structured Medium Term Notes LLC U.S.A Full 100.00% 0.00% BNP US Funding LLC U.S.A Full 100.00% 100.00% þ ò øøò Akciova Spolocnost Arcol Slovakia Full 100.00% 50.06% AMAC SRO 2 Slovakia Full 100.00% 52.54% AMC - Prague SRO 2 Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 52.54% Netherlands Full 100.00% 50.06% Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 49.56% Full 100.00% 50.06% Besloten Vennotschap Capucine BV Bestes 1 Duna Plaza Offices z.o.o 2 Hungary Entertainment Plaza Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 50.06% GIE Klepierre Services France Full 100.00% 43.93% I G C SPA Italy Prop. 50.00% 25.03% ICD SPA Italy Full 100.00% 42.55% Klecar Italia SPA Italy Full 100.00% 41.55% Klefin Italia SPA Italy Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre CZ SRO Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 50.06% Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Larissa Ltd 2 Greece Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Lublin 2 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Luxembourg 2 Luxembourg Full 100.00% 50.06% Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Krakow SP z.o.o 1 1 Klepierre Novo 2 Klepierre Poznan SP z.o.o 1 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Sadyba SP z.o.o 1 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Sosnowiec 2 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Klepierre Rybnik 2 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% 1 France Full 100.00% 21.02% 1 France Full 100.00% 50.06% Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% 2 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Krakow Plaza SP z.o.o 1 Les Boutiques de Saint Maximin Plaza Center Management Poland Sp. z.o.o 1 Poland Progest Ruda Slaska Plaza SP z.o.o 1 Rybnik Plaza SP z.o.o SA Brescia 5 SA Cap Nord France Full 100.00% 42.05% SA Cinéma de l' Esplanade Belgium Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Coimbra Belgium Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Delcis CR Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Devimo Consult Belgium Equity 35.00% 18.39% Portugal Prop. 50.00% 24.53% SA Foncière de Louvain la Neuve Belgium Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Galiera Parque Nascente Portugal Prop. 50.00% 24.53% SA Finascente (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 1 France 1 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 127 þ ò ø ø ò ô ö ÷ ü ïVð ñò óVô õ ö ÷ ø ù (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ú ò ÷û ô ü ò ý ø ô ö õ ÷ þò øô ò ÷ö ø û þ ý ö ø ÷ô ò õ ø þò ÿ ÷ô ÷ ö SA Gondobrico Portugal Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SA Klecar Foncier Espana Spain Full 100.00% 41.55% SA Klecar Foncier Iberica Spain Full 100.00% 41.55% SA Klelou Immobiliare Portugal Full 100.00% 50.06% Portugal Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Klenor Immobiliaria Portugal Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Klepierre France Full 50.16% 50.06% SA Klepierre Athinon AE Greece Full 100.00% 41.55% SA Klépierre Foncier Makedonia Greece Full 100.00% 41.55% SA Klepierre NEA Efkarpia AE Greece Full 100.00% 41.55% SA Klepierre Peribola Patras AE Greece Full 100.00% 41.55% SA Klepierre Portugal SGPS Portugal Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Klepierre Vallecas Spain Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Klepierre Vinaza Spain Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Kletel Immobiliaria Portugal Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Kleminho 2 SA Place de l' acceuil 1 Belgium Full 100.00% 50.06% SA Poznan Plaza 1 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Equity 15.00% 7.51% Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Portugal Full 100.00% 52.54% Full 100.00% 31.04% SA Reze Sud 1 France SA Sadyba Center 1 SA Sogecaec SARL Belvedere Invest 1 France SARL Csepel 2002 Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Debrecen 2002 Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Duna Plaza Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Effe Kappa Italy Prop. 50.00% 25.03% 1 France Full 100.00% 32.54% Italy Full 100.00% 50.06% Italy Full 100.00% 50.06% Italy Full 100.00% 49.56% Italy Full 100.00% 50.06% Italy Full 100.00% 50.06% Italy Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Gyor 2002 Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Immobiliare Magnolia Italy Full 100.00% 42.55% SARL Kanizsa 2002 Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Kaposvar 2002 Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% 2 Luxembourg Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Miskolc 2002 Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Novate Italy Full 100.00% 42.05% SARL Nyiregyhaza Plaza Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% Full 100.00% 25.53% SARL Forwing SARL Galiera Commerciale Assago SARL Galiera Commerciale Cavallino 1 SARL Galiera Commerciale Collegno SARL Galiera Commerciale Klepierre 2 SARL Galiera Commerciale Seravalle SARL Galiera Commerciale Solbiate 1 SARL Klepierre Pologne 1 SARL Leg II Hellenic Holdings SARL Proreal 1 France SARL Szeged Plaza Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Szolnok Plaza Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Uj Alba Hungary Full 100.00% 50.06% SARL Zalaegerszeg Plaza Hungary Full Full 100.00% 50.06% Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS 192 avenue Charles De Gaulle 5 France SAS 21 Kleber 5 France SAS 21 la Perouse 5 France SAS 43 Grenelle 5 SAS 43 Kleber SAS 46 Notre-Dame des victoires 5 SAS 5 Turin SAS Baudot Massy SAS Cande 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 France France France 5 France 5 SAS CB Pierre (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method France 5 France France (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 128 þ ò ø ø ò ô ö ÷ ü ïVð ñò óVô õ ö ÷ ø ù (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ú ò ÷û ô ü ò ý ø ô ö õ ÷ þò øô ò ÷ö ø û þ ý ö ø ÷ô ò õ ø þò ÿ ÷ô ÷ ö SAS Cecobil France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SAS Cecoville France Full 100.00% 49.56% SAS Centre Jaude Clermont France Full 100.00% 50.06% Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SAS Concorde Puteaux 5 France SAS Doumer Caen 5 France SAS du 23 avenue Marignan 5 France SAS Espace Cordeliers France SAS Espace Dumont D’Urville 5 France SAS Espace Kleber 5 France SAS Flandre 5 France SAS Holding Gondomar 1 France Full 100.00% 49.56% SAS Holding Gondomar 3 France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Issy Desmoulins 5 France SAS Kle Projet 1 1 France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Kle Projet 2 2 France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Klecapnor 2 France Full 100.00% 42.05% France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS KLE 1 SAS Kleber Levallois 5 France SAS Klecar Participations Italie France Full 100.00% 41.55% SAS Klemurs France Full 100.00% 42.05% SAS Klepierre Finance France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Klepierre Participations et Financements (ex SAS Klepierre Hongrie) France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Le Havre Capelet France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Le Havre Tourneville France Full 100.00% 50.06% Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Leblanc Paris 15 5 SAS LP7 France France SAS Marseille Le Merlan 5 France SAS Melun Saint-Peres 5 France SAS Odysseum Place de France France Full 50.00% 25.03% SAS Opale France Full 100.00% 50.06% SAS Poitiers Alienor France Full 100.00% 50.06% Prop. 50.00% 18.77% SAS Saint-Andre Pey berland 5 France SAS Soaval France SAS Socoseine 4 France SAS Strasbourg La Vigie 5 SAS Suffren Paris 15 SAS Toulouse Mermoz 5 France France SAS Tours Nationale SC Antin Vendome France 5 5 4 France France SC Centre Bourse France Full 100.00% 50.06% SC Solorec France Full 100.00% 39.55% SCI Acheres 2000 1 France Equity 30.00% 15.02% SCI Aulnes Développement 1 France Full 100.00% 12.51% SCI Aurora 5 France SCI Bassin Nord SCI Beausevran 1 SCI Bègles Papin France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% France Full 100.00% 41.55% France Full 100.00% 50.06% SCI Champs de Mais 2 France Equity 25.00% 12.51% SCI Champs des Haies 2 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% Full 100.00% 50.06% SCI Combault 2 France SCI Des Dunes 1 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCI Des Salines 1 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCI Du Plateau 1 France Equity 26.00% 8.51% SCI Girardin 1 France Prop. 33.00% 16.52% SCI Haies Hautes Pommeraie 1 France Equity 43.00% 21.53% SCI Halles Plerin 1 France Equity 25.00% 12.51% (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 129 þ ò ø ø ò ô ö ÷ ü ïVð ñò óVô õ ö ÷ ø ù (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ú ò ÷û ô ü ò ý ø ô ö õ ÷ þò øô ò ÷ö ø û þ ý ö ø ÷ô ò õ ø þò ÿ ÷ô ÷ ö SCI Immobilière de la Pommeraie 2 France Prop. 50.00% SCI l' Emperi 1 France Equity 15.00% 7.51% SCI La Française 1 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% France SCI La Plaine du Moulin à vent 2 25.03% Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCI La Rive 1 France Full 100.00% 23.53% SCI La Rocade 1 France Equity 38.00% 19.02% SCI La Rocade Ouest 1 France Equity 36.00% 18.02% SCI LC 2 France Full 100.00% 16.52% SCI Le Grand Pré 1 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCI Le Mais 2 France Full 50.00% 25.03% SCI Les Bas Champs 1 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCI Les Boutiques d' Osny 1 France Full 100.00% 19.02% SCI Les Roseaux 2 France Full 100.00% 50.06% SCI Maximeuble 1 France Full 100.00% 50.06% SCI Noble Cafetaria 5 France SCI Noble Galerie 5 France SCI Noble Restauration 5 France SCI Orengal 5 France SCI Osny Invest 1 France Full 100.00% 28.53% SCI Plateau de Plerin 1 France Equity 25.00% 12.51% SCI Plateau des Haies 1 France Full 100.00% 45.05% SCI Pommeraie Parc 2 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCI Rebecca 1 France Full 100.00% 35.04% SCI Saint Maximin Construction 1 France Prop. 50.00% SCI Sandri-Rome 1 France Equity 15.00% 7.51% Full 100.00% 27.53% Equity 23.00% 11.51% SCI Secovalde France SCI Sogegamar 1 France SCI Tour Marcel Brot 4 25.03% France SCS Begles Arcins France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SCS Klecar Europe Sud France Full 100.00% 41.55% SCS Ségécé France Full 90.00% 52.54% Ségécé Ceska Republika (ex SRO FMC Central Europe) Czech Rep. Full 100.00% 52.54% Ségécé Espana (ex SL Centros Shopping Gestion) Spain Full 100.00% 52.54% Greece Full 100.00% 52.55% Italy Full 100.00% 52.54% Ségécé Magyarorszag (ex SARL Plaza Center Management) Hungary Full 100.00% 52.54% Ségécé Polska (ex Plaza Center Management Poland SP z.o.o) Poland Full 100.00% 52.79% France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Fonciere Saint Germain France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Galae France Full 100.00% 51.18% SNC General Leclerc 11-11bis Levallois France Full 100.00% 50.06% 2 France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Jardins des Princes France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC KC 1 à 12 France Full 100.00% 41.55% SNC KC20 France Full 100.00% 41.55% SNC Kleber la Perouse France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Klecar France France Full 100.00% 41.55% SNC Klegestion France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Klepierre Conseil France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Kletransactions France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Le Barjac Victor France Full 100.00% 50.06% SNC Le Havre Lafayette France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% SNC Le Havre Vauban France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% 1 France Prop. 50.00% 25.03% France Full 100.00% 50.06% France Full 100.00% 52.55% Ségécé Hellas Réal Estate Management 2 Ségécé Italia (ex SARL P S G) SNC Angoumars 6 2 SNC Gier Services Entreprises - GSE SNC Parc de Coquerelles SNC Pasteur 11 SNC Ségécé Loisirs Transactions (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 130 þ ò ø ø ò ô ö ÷ ü ïVð ñò óVô õ ö ÷ ø ù (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) ú ò ÷û ô ü ò ý ø ô ö õ ÷ þò øô ò ÷ö ø û þ ý ö ø ÷ô ò õ ø þò ÿ ÷ô ÷ ö SNC Soccendre France Full 100.00% 37.67% SNC Société des Centres d' Oc et d' Oil - SCOO France Full 100.00% 60.08% SNC Sodevac France Full 100.00% 50.06% 2 Poland Full 100.00% 50.06% Sosnowiec Plaza z.o.o SRO Klepierre CZ (A) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2005 (B) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2005 (C) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2006 (D) Movements for 6 months to 31 December 2006 (E) Movements for 6 months to 30 June 2007 (1) Acquisition (2) Entity newly incorporated or passing qualifying threshold (3) Disposal (4) Deconsolidation (5) Merger between consolidated entities (6) Change of method - Proportionate method to full consolidation (7) Change of method - Full consolidation to equity method 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 1 Czech Rep. (8) Change of method - Equity method to full consolidation (9) Change of method - Full consolidation to proportionate method (10) Change of method - Equity method to proportionate method (11) Reconsolidation (12) Entities consolidated using a simplified equity method (non-material) (13) Business transfers due to the creation of Italian retail banking segment (14) First-time consolidation to comply with IFRS 131 Business combinations Business combinations in the first half of 2007 - Acquisition of Banque Privée Anjou (AMS and French Retail Banking divisions) In Ma y 2 0 0 7 , BNP Pa r ib a s S A a cqu ired t h e en tire ca p it a l of Dexia Ba n qu e Privée Fra n ce, s u b s equ en t ly ren a m ed Ba n qu e Pr ivée An jou , for E UR 1 8 5 m illion , in clu d in g E UR 1 4 0 m illion p a id in t h e firs t h a lf of 2 0 0 7 . Ba n qu e Pr ivée An jou m a n a ges over E UR 3 .1 b illion in a s s et s , m a in ly for in d ivid u a l clien ts a n d n ot -for -p r ofit or ga n is a t ion s . It s a s s et s a n d lia b ilit ies , r ecogn is ed a t fa ir va lu e a s of th e a cqu is it ion d a t e, m a in ly com p ris ed : - Assets: loans to other banks totalling EUR 45 million and customer loans totalling EUR 273 million. - Liabilities: loans from other banks totalling EUR 29 million and customer deposits totalling EUR 292 million. Ba s ed on th e p rovis ion a l a ccou n t in g for t h e b u s in es s com b in a tion , good will of E UR 7 0 m illion wa s recogn is ed a s a n a s s et in t h e b a la n ce s h eet a t 3 0 J u n e 2 0 0 7 . Ba n qu e Privée An jou h a s b een con s olid a t ed a s fr om th e a cqu is ition d a t e. Its con t rib u t ion t o con s olid a t ed n et in com e for t h e fir s t h a lf of 2 0 0 7 wa s n ot m a t er ia l. Th e a cqu is ition led t o a n et ca s h ou t flow of E UR 6 3 m illion for t h e BNP Pa rib a s Grou p in t h e firs t h a lf of 2 0 0 7 . - Other acquisitions (AMS division) In J u n e 2 0 0 7 , BNP Pa rib a s a cqu ired t h e en t ire ca p it a l of RBS In t er n a t ion a l S ecu r it ies S ervices Lim it ed for GBP 1 1 7 m illion (E UR 1 7 3 m illion a t t h e a cqu is ition d a te). RBS In t ern a tion a l S ecu r it ies S ervices Lim ited offer s glob a l cu s t od y, fu n d a d m in is t ra t ion a n d cor p or a t e t r u s t ee s ervices t o fu n d m a n a ger s a n d p riva te a s s et m a n a ger s in th e offs h ore m a r k et s of J ers ey, Gu er n s ey a n d th e Is le of Ma n . It h a s over E UR 4 4 b illion of a s s et s in cu s t od y a n d E UR 9 b illion in a s s et s u n d er a d m in is t ra t ion . At 3 1 Decem b er 2 0 0 6 , its b a la n ce s h eet tot a l a m ou n t ed t o E UR 2 .6 b illion , m a in ly com p ris in g: - As s et s : loa n s t o b a n k s of E UR 2 .1 b illion ; - Lia b ilities : cu s t om er d ep os it s of E UR 2 .5 b illion . In J u n e 2 0 0 7 , BNP Pa rib a s S ecu r it ies S er vices , a s u b s id ia ry of BNP Pa r ib a s , a cqu ir ed t h e en t ir e ca p it a l of E xelb a n k for E UR 6 6 m illion . Th is S p a n is h b a n k offer s s et tlem en t d elivery, cu s t od y a n d d ep os it a ry s ervices a n d p r iva t e b a n k in g ou t s ou r cin g s er vices . At 3 1 Decem b er 2 0 0 6 , it s b a la n ce s h eet t ot a l a m ou n t ed t o E UR 5 3 9 m illion , m a in ly com p ris in g: - As s et s : loa n s t o b a n k s of E UR 5 2 3 m illion ; - Lia b ilities : cu s t om er d ep os it s of E UR 4 9 4 m illion . RBS In t er n a t ion a l S ecu r it ies S er vices Lim it ed a n d E xelb a n k will b e fu lly con s olid a t ed in t h e BNP Pa r ib a s Gr ou p ’s con s olid a t ed fin a n cia l s t a t em en ts u p on com p let ion of th e a ction p la n s la u n ch ed t o en a b le t h em t o p rep a r e fin a n cia l in form a t ion com p lyin g wit h t h e Grou p ’s d is clos u r e r equ ir em en t s , n o la ter t h a n 3 1 Decem b er 2 0 0 7 . 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 132 Business combinations in the first half of 2006 - Acquisition of Banca Nazionale del Lavoro (BNL) On 3 Feb r u a r y 2 0 0 6 , BNP Pa r ib a s a n n ou n ced t h a t it h a d en t er ed in t o s ever a l con d it ion a l a gr eem en t s with a gr ou p of BNL s h a r eh old er s , in clu d in g Un ip ol, t o a cqu ire a 4 8 % s t a k e in BNL. As of 5 Ap r il 2 0 0 6 , BNP Pa r ib a s h eld a 5 0 .4 % in t er es t in BNL, a n d h a d effectively ob t a in ed con tr ol of th e com p a n y. BNP Pa rib a s s u b s equ en t ly la u n ch ed a p u b lic t en d er offer for th e r em a in in g s h a res h eld b y m in orit y s h a r eh old er s . On 1 6 Ma y 2 0 0 6 , BNP Pa rib a s h eld 9 5 .5 % of BNL’s or d in a r y s h a r es fu rt h er t o t h e t en d er offer, r ep r es en t in g a h old in g in exces s of t h e 9 1 .5 % th res h old s et b y th e It a lia n s ecu rit ies r egu la t or for a r es id u a l offer on ou t s ta n d in g s h a res . Th e r es id u a l offer for t h e ou t s t a n d in g s h a r es r a n fr om 3 0 J u n e 2 0 0 6 t o 2 0 J u ly 2 0 0 6 . BNL’s or d in a r y s h a r es wer e d elis ted on 2 6 J u ly 2 0 0 6 . Th e a cqu is it ion of BNL th erefor e t ook p la ce in s evera l s t a ges : t h e a cqu is ition of a 5 0 .4 % con t rollin g in t eres t , followed b y s u b s equ en t a cqu is ition s of m in or it y in t er es t s , t h ereb y givin g BNP Pa rib a s a 9 9 .1 0 % s ta k e in th e b a n k . BNL is It a ly’s s ixt h la r ges t b a n k in t er m s of d ep os it a n d loa n volu m es . It s n et wor k s p a n s a cr os s t h e wh ole of t h e cou n t r y, wit h 1 7 ,0 0 0 em p loyees a n d a r ou n d 8 0 0 b r a n ch es a n d ou t let s loca t ed in a ll m a jor It a lia n c it ies . BNL h a s s om e 3 m illion p r iva t e in d ivid u a l cu s t om ers , 3 9 ,0 0 0 cor p or a t e clien t s , a n d 1 6 ,0 0 0 p u b lic-s ect or clien t s . BNL is p a r t icu la r ly a ct ive in s p ecia lis ed fin a n cin g s olu t ion s s u ch a s fa ct or in g a n d lea s in g, a n d a ls o offers con s u m er cr ed it , a s s et m a n a gem en t s er vices (E UR 2 6 b illion in a s s et s u n d er m a n a gem en t ), p r iva t e b a n k in g a n d life in s u r a n ce s olu t ion s . Th e cos t of t h e 9 9 .1 0 % in t er es t h eld b y BNP Pa r ib a s in BNL a t 3 0 J u n e 2 0 0 7 a m ou n t ed t o E UR 9 ,0 1 7 m illion , a n d wa s p a id in ca s h . Th e BNP Pa r ib a s Grou p res t a ted BNL’s b a la n ce s h eet a t 3 1 Ma rch 2 0 0 6 in or d er t o b r in g BNL’s a ccou n t in g m et h od s in t o lin e wit h t h os e a p p lied b y t h e BNP Pa r ib a s Gr ou p a n d t o com p ly wit h t h e p u r ch a s e a ccou n t in g r u les p r es cr ib ed b y IFRS (s ee Not e 1 .b , “ Bu s in es s com b in a t ion s a n d m ea s u r em en t of good will”). Th es e a d ju s t m en t s r ep r es en t ed a n ega t ive E UR 8 7 7 m illion a ft er t h e t a x im p a ct . Th ey p r im a r ily con cer n ed t h e followin g: - t h e m ea s u rem en t of p r ovis ion s for cr ed it r is k on in d ivid u a l loa n s a n d loa n p or t folios – m a in ly in clu d in g th e effect of recla s s ifyin g loa n s m or e t h a n 9 0 d a ys p a s t d u e a s d ou b t fu l – a s well a s p rovis ion s for litiga tion a n d con t in gen t lia b ilit ies (n ega t ive im p a ct of E UR 5 3 6 m illion ); - em p loyee b en efit ob liga t ion s (n ega t ive im p a ct of E UR 3 2 5 m illion ), p r im a rily r ela t in g t o con tin gen t lia b ilities ; - t h e m ea s u rem en t of p r op er t y, p la n t a n d equ ip m en t (E UR 1 4 4 m illion p os itive im p a ct ), t h e BNL b ra n d (E UR 5 0 m illion p os it ive im p a ct ) a n d th e a p p lica t ion of th e Grou p ’s r u les rela t in g t o d ep r ecia t ion / a m ort is a tion of a s s et s (E UR 1 1 3 m illion n ega t ive im p a ct ), rep r es en t in g in a ll a n et p os itive im p a ct of E UR 8 1 m illion ; - t h e va lu a t ion of m a rk et t r a n s a ct ion s in a ccord a n ce wit h th e r u les a p p lica b le wit h in t h e BNP Pa rib a s Gr ou p (E UR 1 1 2 m illion n ega t ive im p a ct ); - t h e fa ir va lu e m ea s u r em en t of loa n s , s ecu r it ies a n d ot h er a s s et s , a s well a s d eb t, ot h er lia b ilit ies a n d in s u r a n ce con t ra ct s (E UR 4 0 m illion p os itive im p a ct ); 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 133 - t h e t a x effect of th e a b ove a d ju s t m en t s (E UR 2 9 3 m illion n et d efer r ed t a x a s s et ) a n d of con t in gen t lia b ilit ies (E UR 3 1 8 m illion n ega t ive im p a ct , in clu d in g E UR 2 6 0 m illion recogn is ed in th e firs t h a lf of 2 0 0 7 ), rep r es en t in g a n et n ega t ive im p a ct of E UR 2 5 m illion . As p a r t of th e p u r ch a s e p r ice a lloca t ion , t h e BNL b ra n d wa s r ecogn is ed s ep a ra t ely from good will. It wa s m ea s u r ed on in itia l r ecogn ition u s in g s t a n d a r d p r a ct ices in t h e b a n k in g in d u s t ry for va lu in g th is t yp e of a s s et a n d b y com p a r is on s with oth er lis t ed b a n k s of a com p a ra b le s ize. Th e ca lcu la t ion a ls o t ook in t o a ccou n t t h e recen t ch a n ges in BNL b r a n d r ecogn it ion d u r in g t h e yea rs p r eced in g t h e a cqu is ition . BNP Pa r ib a s d id n ot r ecogn is e a n in t a n gib le a s s et for BNL’s con t ra ct u a l cu s t om er r ela t ion s h ip s cor r es p on d in g t o a ccou n t a n d d ep os it a gr eem en t s en t er ed in t o with cu s t om ers . In a d d it ion , oth er t h a n b u s in es s com b in a t ion s , n o t ra n s a ction s wer e id en t ified in Ita ly rela t in g t o s im ila r a s s et s wh ich cou ld b e u s ed a s a b a s is of es tim a t ion . In a ccord a n ce wit h p a ra gr a p h 1 6 of IAS 3 8 , t h es e con tr a ct u a l cu s tom er rela t ion s h ip s ca n n ot b e id en t ified s ep a r a t ely fr om BNL’s good will a s t h e b a n k d oes n ot h a ve a n y lega l or con t r a ct u a l r igh t s to con t r ol t h e fu t u re rela t ion s h ip s with its cu s t om ers , or t h e loya lt y of th e cu s t om ers to th e b a n k . In a n y even t, th e va lu e of t h is a s s et is n ot m a t eria l a s th e in t er es t r a t es on t h e va s t m a jor it y of t h e b a n k ' s d em a n d d ep os it s d o n ot res u lt in m a t er ia l econ om ic b en efit s . Th e econ om ic b en efit com p a r ed wit h a ltern a t ive r efin a n cin g in t h e m a r k et is m in im a l d u e t o t h e m a n a gem en t cos ts a n d regu la t ory r es t r ict ion s con cer n in g t h e m a n a gem en t of s a id d ep os it s . Th es e a d ju s t m en t s r ed u ced t h e Grou p s h a r e of BNL’s equ it y a t 3 1 Ma r ch 2 0 0 6 b y t h e s a m e a m ou n t , a n d ga ve r is e t o r es id u a l good will of E UR 2 ,2 9 5 m illion a t 5 Ap r il 2 0 0 6 , t h e d a t e BNP Pa r ib a s ob t a in ed effect ive con t r ol of BNL. In accordance with the accounting policies described in note 1.c, “ Own equity instruments and own equity instrument derivatives” , the difference between the acquisition cost and the Group’ s equity in BNL’ s net assets held by minority shareholders and acquired after the date of acquisition (i.e. between 5 April 2006 and 31 December 2006) was recorded as a deduction from retained earnings attributable to BNP Paribas shareholders in an amount of EUR 2,224 million at 30 June 2007. BNP Pa r ib a s fin a n ced t h e BNL a cqu is ition b y m ea n s of (i) a E UR 5 ,5 6 7 m illion is s u e of s h a r es wit h p re-em p t ive s u b s crip t ion r igh ts for exis t in g s h a reh old ers ; (ii) a E UR 2 ,0 2 3 m illion is s u e of u n d a t ed s u p er s u b or d in a t ed n ot es ; a n d (iii) it s own fu n d s . Det a ils of t h es e is s u es a r e p r ovid ed in n ot e 4 .a , “ Ch a n ges in s h a r e ca p it a l a n d ea r n in gs p er s h a r e”. "! #%$ & '$& (*),+()-+". / 021436587 +69(*:*+(%& / ; #<! ;=$#%& # : 96+> !#%!%? @BA,#CD9FEHG*G IKJ-CD J-#C>;=/ :F#99(*CD;#:%92)'/ ! MLN4OBPQ$* R(C>"! # S/ :TU/ :%! ( #%99( V:%!<! M9(:<! C>( & & / :TW/ :<! C>+!*# 9X%V%/ C;Y$[ZU! ]\6C>( VJ^/ :=/ ! +69#JM/ ! #%& _K# :;8. / / 021436587 +2$*#<& # : 96+> !*#<!%! 6+D# `]2;#%! M# R*! C-# ; a V+! `":<! + CD9(*CD; ;Q! (]9(`bJ6& Z8)'/ ! ]#cJJ6& / 9#%$*& 2CV& >+6(:Y$V+/ : >+D+69(`]$%/ : #%! / (*:*+6#+%J-CD>+9C/ $;Q$[Z"LNdO-PY#: ;])'/ ! M1436efe6#C/ $*#+'\6C(VJ,#99( V*:<! / :T J6(%& / 9*/ >+g 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 134 h i-j-k l l k minbmop>qr mn stbudv>r wxdy>z>z>{ |<o } p>rv>w>~qk n>k } k m*i stbudvr wxdyz>zD{ r p>l vc} pDBvD> qn[} j-p>i} n r k m*r} mBvDw>~*qk nk } k m*i $66(76 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Available-for-sale financial assets Loans and receivables due from credit institutions Loans and receivables due from customers Property, plant & equipment and intangible assets Non-current assets held for sale Other assets *K|b b|H** 7,730 1,160 8,705 63,860 2,682 5,318 7,541 1,157 8,705 63,763 2,600 850 4,284 8,303 10,549 37,085 20,509 8,534 8,007 10,549 37,100 20,199 784 6,909 4,434 41 5,311 41 D D D z>z /,$%,/,7,(6 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Due to credit institutions Due to customers Debt securities Non-current liabilities held for sale Other liabilities *K|b - h |b%h h h D Dz Ds D &2162/,'$7('(48,7< Shareholders’ equity Minority interests *m} vlDwDm*in>m*l k v[} p>-p>~*qk } *K|b - h |b%h h h d|b '4<h D D D s>Dy D z>z The BNL sub-group has been fully consolidated as from the acquisition date. For the second quarter of 2006 BNL contributed EUR 140 million to the BNP Paribas Group’ s net income before minority interests and EUR 97 million to net income attributable to equity holders. If the acquisition had taken place on 1 January 2006, the BNL sub-group would have contributed EUR 1,480 million to net banking income and EUR 241 million to net income for the first half of 2006. The BNL acquisition led to a net cash outflow of EUR 11,490 million for the BNP Paribas Group in 2006. Du r in g t h e firs t h a lf of 2 0 0 7 , t h e BNP Pa rib a s S A S h a reh old er s ’ Gen er a l Meet in g of 1 5 Ma y vot ed a n ext ra or d in a ry r es olu t ion (1 2 t h res olu t ion ) a p p r ovin g t h e m er ger of BNL in t o BNP Pa r ib a s , th r ou gh t h e tr a n s fer to BNP Pa rib a s of a ll BNL’s a s s ets , in exch a n ge for BNP Pa r ib a s S A s h a r es , a n d th e a s s u m p t ion b y BNP Pa rib a s of a ll of BNL’s d eb t s . Pr ovid ed t h a t th e r es t r u ct u r in g is ca r r ied ou t in 2 0 0 7 a n d t h a t th e n eces s a ry form a l a u t h or is a t ion is ob t a in ed fr om th e US In t er n a l Reven u e S er vice, t h e t a x los s es t h a t h a ve b ecom e u tilis a b le b y vir t u e of th es e t r a n s a ct ion s a n d th e ch a n ge of con t rol of BNL will b e a va ila b le for s et off a ga in s t th e fu t u re p r ofit s of BNP Pa r ib a s ’ New Yor k b r a n ch . It will t h en b e p os s ib le t o d et erm in e t h e p or t ion of th e t ot a l E UR 1 .2 b illion t a x los s ca r ryforwa r d s t h a t ca n b e u t ilis ed , th e t im in g of th e u tilis a t ion s a n d t h e p ot en t ia l t a x s a vin g. A d efer red t a x a s s et will b e r ecogn is ed for t h is p ot en t ia l t a x s a vin g for BNP Pa rib a s - wh ich r es u lts from t h e a cqu is ition of BNL a n d th e cu rr en t r es t r u ct u r in g a n d wou ld n ot h a ve b een a va ila b le t o BNL if th e ch a n ge of con t rol h a d n ot t a k en p la ce – on ly t o t h e ext en t th a t it is p r ob a b le t h a t t a xa b le p r ofit will b e a va ila b le a ga in s t wh ich th e t a x los s ca r ryfor wa r d s ca n b e u t ilis ed . - Acquisition of UkrSibbank (International Retail Banking and Financial Services) On 1 4 Ap r il 2 0 0 6 , BNP Pa r ib a s a cqu ir ed 5 1 % of Uk r Sib b a n k . E xis t in g s h a r eh old ers of 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 135 Uk r S ib b a n k s ign ed a lon g-t er m a gr eem en t wit h B NP Pa r ib a s a n d will ret a in a 4 9 % in t er es t in t h e Uk r a in ia n en t it y. Uk r S ib b a n k offer s a wid e r a n ge of s er vices in t h e r et a il, corp ora t e a n d in ves t m en t b a n k in g a r en a s . At t h e a cqu is it ion d a t e it wa s Uk r a in e’s fift h -la r ges t b a n k in t er m s of a s s ets a n d h a d a n et work of 8 3 0 b r a n ch es a n d ou t let s , em p loyin g clos e t o 9 ,5 0 0 p eop le. Th e Uk r S ib b a n k Gr ou p ' s a s s et s a n d lia b ilit ies – wh ich wer e r ecogn is ed a t fa ir va lu e a t t h e a cqu is it ion d a t e – p r im a r ily com p r is ed cu s t om er loa n s a m ou n t in g t o E UR 1 ,4 2 3 m illion a n d cu s t om er d ep os it s r ep r es en t in g E UR 9 2 9 m illion . Good will r ep r es en t in g t h e loca l cu r r en cy equ iva len t of E UR 2 0 1 m illion a t 3 1 Decem b er 2 0 0 6 wa s r ecor d ed on t h e con s olid a t ion of t h e Uk r Sib b a n k Grou p . Uk r S ib b a n k h a s b een con s olid a t ed s in ce t h e a cqu is it ion d a t e a n d it s con t r ib u t ion t o t h e BNP Pa r ib a s Gr ou p ’s n et in com e for t h e fir s t h a lf of 2 0 0 6 wa s n ot m a t er ia l. Th is a cqu is it ion led t o a n et ca s h ou t flow in 2 0 0 6 of E UR 1 6 1 m illion for t h e BNP Pa r ib a s Gr ou p . Business combinations in the first half of 2005 - Acquisition of TEB Mali (International Retail Banking and Financial Services) In February 2005, BNP Paribas acquired a 50% interest in the holding company TEB Mali, which owns 84.25% of the Turkish bank Turk Ekonomi Bankasi (TEB). The Colakoglu group retained a 50% interest in TEB Mali. TEB is a mid-sized universal bank which, via its subsidiaries, offers corporate and retail customers a full range of financial services and products including export financing, leasing, factoring, consumer credit, deposit-taking, treasury and asset management, insurance, investment banking and brokerage. On the acquisition date, TEB had a network of 85 branches and also owned two banks outside Turkey. The assets and liabilities of TEB Mali, recognised at fair value as of the acquisition date, mainly comprised: - assets: customer loans of EUR 1,476 million (BNP Paribas share: EUR 738 million); - liabilities: customer deposits of EUR 1,781 million (BNP Paribas share: EUR 891 million). The acquisition price was USD 252 million, or an equivalent value of EUR 198 million at the acquisition date. An earn-out payment contingent on the future profitability of TEB, payable at the start of 2008, was agreed by the parties. Acquisition costs of EUR 6 million were incurred. Goodwill on this acquisition represented the local currency equivalent of EUR 128 million at 31 December 2005, and was recognised as an asset in the balance sheet. The value of this goodwill is supported by the highly favourable growth prospects of TEB. In addition, the acquisition by BNP Paribas of an interest in the TEB Group’ s holding company provides an opportunity to forge many operational alliances in a wide variety of fields such as export and commodity financing, consumer credit, mortgage lending, leasing and retail banking, thereby enhancing the TEB group’ s expertise and product range. TEB Mali has been consolidated since the acquisition date, and contributed EUR 9 million to consolidated net income for the first half of 2005. The acquisition generated a net cash inflow of EUR 42 million for the BNP Paribas Group in 2005. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 136 %133$5,%$6 67$78725<$8',7256¶5(9,(:5(325721),567+$/)<($5),1$1&,$/ ,1)250$7,21)25 (Period from January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2007) 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 137 'HORLWWH$VVRFLpV 3ULFHZDWHUKRXVH&RRSHUV$XGLW 0D]DUV*XpUDUG 185, Avenue Charles de 63, rue de Villiers 61, rue Henri Regnault Gaulle 92208 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex 92400 Courbevoie 92524 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex 7KLVLVDIUHHWUDQVODWLRQLQWR(QJOLVKRIWKH6WDWXWRU\$XGLWRUV¶UHYLHZUHSRUWLVVXHGLQWKH )UHQFKODQJXDJHDQGLVSURYLGHGVROHO\IRUWKHFRQYHQLHQFHRI(QJOLVKVSHDNLQJUHDGHUV7KLV UHSRUWVKRXOGEHUHDGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDQGFRQVWUXHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK)UHQFKODZDQG SURIHVVLRQDODXGLWLQJVWDQGDUGVDSSOLFDEOHLQ)UDQFH To the Shareholders, BNP Paribas 16, Boulevard des Italiens 75009 Paris In our capacity as Statutory Auditors and in accordance with the requirements of article L. 232-7 of French Commercial Law (“ &RGHGH&RPPHUFH´), we hereby report to you on: the review of the accompanying condensed half-year consolidated financial statements of BNP Paribas, for the period January 1 to June 30, 2007, the verification of information contained in the half-year management report. These condensed half-year consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Board of Directors. Our role is to express a conclusion on these financial statements based on our review. We conducted our review in accordance with professional standards applicable in France. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with professional standards applicable in France and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying condensed half-year consolidated financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 - standard of the IFRSs as adopted by the European Union applicable to interim financial information. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 138 In accordance with professional standards applicable in France, we have also verified the information given in the half-year management report on the condensed half-year consolidated financial statements subject to our review. We have no matters to report as to its fair presentation and consistency with the condensed half-year consolidated financial statements. Neuilly-sur-Seine and Courbevoie, August 30th, 2007 The Statutory Auditors French original signed by Deloitte & Associés PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Mazars & Guérard Pascal Colin Etienne Boris Hervé Hélias 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 139 F=6Qf On 10 July 2007 Standard & Poor’ s upgraded the long term unsubordinated debt rating of BNP Paribas from AA to AA+ Stable outlook. 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 140 $11(; 67$78725<$8',725 65(9,(:5(325721%133$5,%$6¶),567+$/)<($5 ),1$1&,$/,1)250$7,21 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 141 10155-01337 ICM:5176639.9 142
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