- North Star Academy


- North Star Academy
North Star Academy exists to
ENGAGE and INSPIRE students
to achieve their highest
potential through a SAFE,
learning environment.
AUGUST 31, 2016
Dear Parents,
During Back to School Night we shared a new Safe Utah App. This free app is a
text line that provides 24/ 7 access to counseling for students in crisis in the
state of Utah. We take safety seriously and are being proactive in our anti bully
efforts here at NSA. Mrs. Hardy's lessons will focus on this topic in middle
school over the next two weeks, and is developing a leadership team led by one
of the middle school students here at North Star as well. Lessons will include
understanding the differences between people who are being rude, mean, or
bullying. Lessons will also incorporate ways to advocate for themselves and
others. Below are steps and definitions that you are encouraged to reinforce at
home as we work together to provide a safe environment here at school.
Sept. 2
Early Out
Sept. 5
Labor Day - No School
Sept. 7
PTO Meeting in the Library
Sept. 8
Picture Day
Sept. 9
Big Give Celebration
6-8pm Bluffdale City Park
Tana Archer, M. Ed.
North Star Academy
In a continued effort to put our students' safety first, two new
signs have been added to the carpool lane. Distracted driving
is extremely dangerous to our students. Please help us keep
your children safe by hanging up your cell phones prior to
pulling into North Star. We appreciate your support.
2920 WEST 14000 SOUTH BLUFFDALE, UT 84065 801.302.9579
NSA Carpool Reminders: It is our goal to safely transfer all students in and out of the building to
vehicles in a safe and efficient manner 1- Students should not cut across the street or through the
parking lot at any time. 2- We ask that all drivers hang up there cell phones prior to pulling into the
school parking lot. 3- Please drive slowly and pay close attention to the adults on duty as they help
direct students. 4- Follow the directional arrows shown on the map. 5- Please pick up your children
between 2:52 and 3:05 each day. This is the time period we have adults on duty to chaperone and
keep them safe. 6- Students and parents should only cross at the designated crosswalks where a
crossing guard is available to assist. Thank you for your cooperation.
Parent volunteer needed for some clerical work in the office copying and cutting service tickets to
hand out to teachers (approx. 1.5 hours). Contact Mrs. Grover in the front office if interested at
We are looking for parents to serve on the following committees:
Curriculum Committee: Middle School Literature reviewing novels beginning Aug.24. Contact Mrs.
Archer at tarcher@north-staracademy.com
School-wide Enrichment Model (meets third Tuesday of every month): contact Mrs. Edman at
Technology (meets every other month beginning Sept.13): contact Mr. Fernley at tfernley@north-staracademy.com
Accreditation (meets every other month beginning Sept.13): contact Shana Absey at
Leader in Me (meets every other month beginning Aug. 23): contact Mrs. Hardy at lhardy@north-staracademy.com
Aspir e:
Parents, please update the following information
using your Aspire family account.
- Email for school communication
NSA Jack et s No w A v ai l ab l e! !
- Any health concerns of your students
Order forms and samples are available in
the office. Jackets are dress code approved
and can be worn in class. Youth sizes are
$28, Adult sizes are $35. The last day to
order is Sept. 15th. We will have another
chance to order jackets near Christmas!
- Emergency contacts for release
- Pay lunch money
- Apply for free or reduced lunch status
Family passwords can be reset in the office if you
do not have yours. Your child's password doesn't allow the above items to be edited.
We do encourage students to have their own passwords in order to check their
grades and any missing work on a regular basis. This password can also be reset
from the office if necessary.
Although students are
discouraged from walking
home due to safety concerns,
we recognize that some
parents prefer this option.
Only students whose parents
have filled out the form
available in the office will be
permitted to do so. These
forms MUST be completed on
an annual basis.
~A ug us t He a l t h y Ha b it s ~
Show your kids the fun of being silly and
using your imagination.
If your child received FREE/Reduced lunch last year you will
need to re-apply for this school year. The previous year
applications will expire in September. If you don't know if you
qualify, fill out an application on-line today! The application
link can be found through your Aspire account. The
application is also attached to this newsletter for your
convenience. You are welcome to print, complete, and return
it to the office if you prefer. Email Mrs. Masterson at
pmasterson@north-staracademy.com with any questions.