Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine


Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine
 In Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May he rest in peace.
19th August 201 Celebrating our Stories week
Newsletter 12/2014 Our week of ‘Celebrating our Stories’ has sadly come to an end. We started by announcing the winner of ‘Re-­‐name our Library’ competition. The winning name was Knowledge Nest coined by Mathew Steadman. The week was jam packed with activities, reading competitions, celebrity readers and a play performed by the school staff. Our celebrity readers were -­‐ Melinda Szymanik – author of Were-­‐Nana and other stories; Bryn Hall – half back for the Blues; Dominic Bowden our very own home-­‐grown international star; Pua Magasiva, aka Vinnie from Shortland St; our local MP Mr David Shearer and last but not least our very own Principal Ms Ryan. At ‘Pyjama Hour’ on Thursday we had intermittent wind and rain but it didn’t dampen our spirits as we curled up in our pj’s with our friends, families and favourite b ooks. A very b ig Thank You to all parents and grandparents who made the day so special. During the week we had lots of competitions and activities • The Read-­‐o-­‐meter challenge was won by the Book Worms. • The Design a M arist Book Award was won by Stash Cerejo. • ‘The Amazing Reading Race’ was won by two groups Red/Pink team and the Blue team. Judging by the response from the audience we can safely say that the staff play, a re-­‐enactment of the ‘Musicians of Bremen’ was a roaring success. While all this was happening a team of parents were selling books and helping out at the Scholastic book fair. Thanks to these dedicated parents Sophie Douglas, Katey Bradley, Karen Haines, Erin Judd, Leigh Gabbitas, Robynne Sam, Julie Lawson, Blessy Varghese and Melissa Exeter. A big thank you to: The Board of Trustees and the PTFA for creating a sumptuous Knowledge Nest for us, parents who supported us by buying b ooks at the fair and d onating books to the library and to Father Sateki for blessing our Knowledge Nest. Finally to all members of staff – this week would not have been possible if it hadn’t been for your enthusiastic support. Once again a huge thank you to one and all! Team Library – Day Diaz, Deborah Esther and Tina Koulianos. Rest in Peace Father Peter On Friday when the school heard the very sad news that Father Peter had died we all gathered in church to pray and share some of the stories and good memories of him. Father Peter loved the children at Marist School and he was warm and welcoming to everyone. He always gave an excellent homily – he would come down from the pulpit to ask us questions, keeping us on our toes while sharing the good news of the Gospel. So often he spoke of God’s love. We presented Father Peter with “The Spirit of Mary” award because he displayed the Marist virtues of kindness, patience, service,
humility and most of all love. Although we are so sad that Father Peter is no longer with us we know he is with the God he loved and who loves him. May he rest in peace.
Help one another. This is what Jesus teaches us.
This is what I do.
And I do it with my heart.
Term 3 and 4 Diary Dates
22nd August 25th August 29th August 31st August 2nd Sept 10th Sept th
11 Sept 19th Sept 22nd Sept 26th Sept 13th Oct 18th Oct 8th Nov Friday Monday 7pm Friday Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thurs 7.30pm Friday Monday 7pm Friday Monday Saturday Saturday PTFA Sausage Sizzle BOT Meeting School Cross Country 9.30am-­‐12.30pm Fowlds Park PTFA Fotoman visit E/A Football Catholic Schools Cross Country Kids 4 Kids Bruce Mason Centre Uniform Sale BOT Meeting Term 3 Ends School closes 2.55pm Term 4 Begins White Elephant Collection School Fair Mass Timetable Term 3 –Wednesday 9am You’re invited to attend the following Masses: th
27 August Rooms 5 and 8 rd
3 September Rooms 6 and 7 Gardening anyone? If you would like to help out around the school with some weeding and tidying of our school gardens, please contact Leigh Gabbitas on 027 241 2161 or email Thank you.
David is coming to Marist School on st
Sunday 31 August and there are still a few spaces left. For bookings, please contact Michelle Askew on 021 770 038 or email Michelle on There is a $10 sitting fee that goes to the school along with a percentage of all photo sales. Pope Francis
CONGRATULATIONS to our Good Behaviour winner for displaying the Marist Way -­‐ Madison Wilson-­‐Sims who won both bags. Well done. Congratulations and well wishes to the following families who have welcomed little ones into the world. Barwig-­‐Uini family welcomed twin boys. Guttenbiel family welcomed a baby girl. Bowes family welcomed a baby boy. May your little ones be blessed with every happiness. Welcome to the following children who have recently started at our school – Matias Martinez, Brooklyn Rankin, Micah Caldwell-­‐
Martinez, Luke Kelly, and Cristiano Albao. Welcome to our Marist Family. SWIMMING In Term 4 we will be having class swimming lessons. They will be provided by SwimMagic instructors and held at the Mt Albert Aquatic Centre. More information on dates and costs will follow later in the term. Calendar Art – Cards and Calendars. Please return order forms with completed artwork by Friday 5th September to the school office. Second hand uniform sale To be held in the Knowledge Nest, Friday 19th Sept, 8.30am-­‐9.15am and 2.30pm-­‐3.15pm. All proceeds go towards helping families in need of assistance. St Mary’s College – Yr 7 & 8 Fundraiser
GARAGE SALE – Ladies, Men’s, Children’s
CLOTHING, Shoes, Bags, Sports Wear, Cake Stall,
Sausage Sizzle
WHERE: Pompallier Tennis Club, 6 Green St, St
Mary’s Bay
WHEN: 23 August 2014 1-3pm