No 25 - Aug 21 2014 - Marist Regional College


No 25 - Aug 21 2014 - Marist Regional College
Mr Adrian Drane The important things in life…. Has anyone ever told you what a wonderful person you are? Just in case you haven’t heard these words in a while, I want you to hear them now. You deserve to know that… It takes someone special to do what you do. It takes someone remarkable to make the world around them nicer, brighter and more beau ful. It takes someone who has a big heart and a caring soul. It takes someone who is living proof of just how precious a person can be. It takes someone just like you…. Remember what is most important…. It’s not having everything go right; it’s facing whatever goes wrong It’s not being without fear; it’s having the determina on to go on in spite of it. Remember that every day ends and brings a new tomorrow full of exci ng new things. Love what you do, do the best that you can and always remember how much you are loved. Philippians 4: 8 Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise? Think about these things. DeputyPrincipal—Wellbeing
I have great pleasure in announcing to the Marist Regional College community the news that Mr Michael Ireland has been appointed as the Deputy Principal – Wellbeing at the College for the next five years. As you may be aware, Michael is currently filling this role in an ac ng capacity. The panel was extremely pleased with both the depth and quality of the applica ons received. A er a series of interviews Michael was chosen as the preferred candidate. Michael is a man of great authen city, compassion, professionalism, faith and dedica on. He will con nue to bring much in the way of wellbeing and management to the College community in his execu on of the role. Please join me in congratula ng Michael. College Feast Day............................ 2 Marist Solidarity Sleep Out ............. 3 Bats ................................................. 3 Stella Maris Visits ............................ 4 Catholic Educa on Week Mass ....... 5 Yr 7 Transi on Feedback ................ 5 Year 7 News .................................... 6 Sports News & Results ............. 7 to 9 COLLEGECALENDAR
, 22 A
SC Modera on Day Yr 10 & SC Study Day F
, 29 A
Class Group Photos F
, 12 S
Village Space Performance Yr 8 Renewal Day M
, 15 S
Yr 7 & Yr 9 Vaccina ons Japanese Trip Begins T
, 23 S
NSATIS Athle cs Carnival F
, 26 S
Term 3 concludes F
, 3 O
Burnie Show S
, 4 O
Japanese Trip Concludes M
, 13 O
Term 4 commences From the Principal Mr Adrian Drane cont. CollegeFeastDay
Last Friday saw the College Feast Day take place. The day from beginning to end was a wonderful celebra on of the Community of Marist Regional College. The day began with a Mass led by Father John Girdauskas. This was Father John’s first Mass he had led at the College since returning to the Burnie Wynyard Parish. Student par cipa on was excep onal and the sense of occasion was not lost on anyone. The College Choir led by Mrs Streat were excep onal in their ministry, as were the musicians with Mr Tom Lamb and all the students who took part in the Mass. As many parents would be aware the students also brought along non‐perishable food items to donate to St Vincent de Paul to deliver to those less fortunate. It is es mated that over $3000.00 worth of goods was donated on the day. Thank you to Mrs Kerrie Flynn for all her work in ensuring the Mass was a sacramental moment for us as a Catholic Community. The remainder of the day saw a variety of ac vi es run by the Student Representa ve Council. The ac vi es included Marist Master Chef, Marist Amazing Race, Sports, Science and Math challenges and much more. The planning and effort that went into the day by the SRC was brilliant and ensured that all involved had a wonderful day. I congratulate the SRC and Mrs Louise Sadler for their impeccable organisa on on the day. More informa on is available at h p:// SadNews
The College recently became aware of the passing of two members of the extended Marist Regional College Community. Barbara Redmond, mother of Sophia Colpo in Year 8 passed away on 4 August. Also over the weekend, Vicki Percy grandmother of Samuel & Kyle Percy passed away in a tragic accident. Please keep both Barbara, Vicki and their families in your thoughts and prayers at this me. 2 From the Principal Mr Adrian Drane cont. MaristSolidaritySleepOut
On Saturday evening a number of students and staff spent the night rough, sleeping on the cold hard floors of the Harcombe Centre. This ini a ve organised by Mrs Gabrielle Street’s Year 11 Religion Class was a show of solidarity with those people less fortunate in our community who have no choice, due to their homelessness. The ac vity designed to spark a consciousness of this very real issue for our community, was a wonderful example of Catholic Social Teaching in ac on. Thank you to Gabrielle Streat, Steve van Ommen, Rufus Gill and Rachel Koop for giving up their so , warm beds to allow students to have this experience. BATS
Last Saturday night saw the last show of the College Musical for 2014. The show has been and outstanding success. The growth in confidence and ability of all involved has been truly inspira onal to witness. I am in awe of the dedica on and energy expended by so many in enabling the young people involved to have a wonderful experience. This includes the families who have given up so much of their me ensuring that the students were at rehearsal a er rehearsal for the last 3 months. I congratulate all involved, whether that be as front of house, stage crew, chorus members, orchestra, leads, sound, ligh ng, costumes, catering and everything in between. Special thanks goes to Jenny Lakeland, Lana Stokes, Thomas Lamb, Naomi O’Connor, Lyndell King, Celina Kapene Laing, Helenmarie, Penny Garre , Stewart Holmes, David Baker, Shaun Summers, and the many staff and parent volunteers who made the produc on possible. 3 From the Principal Mr Adrian Drane cont. StellaMarisvisitorsatMaristRegionalCollege
Over the past two weeks the Year 10 Boys Program has been running mentoring for students from Stella Maris Catholic Primary School. Also the kinder students have been visi ng to see what happens here at Marist. “The learning experiences have been unbelievable with posi ve feedback from the students and their parents.” Keiran Ma hews (Stella Maris Catholic Primary School) Included are some images of the visits with Kinder at Liturgy, Wood Work with the Yr10s and Drama with Ms Helenmarie. 4 CatholicEducationWeekMass
On Tuesday 12 August, about 40 students accompanied by Ms Nu ng, Mrs Streat and Mrs Flynn a ended a Mass to celebrate Catholic Educa on Week at St Brendan Shaw College in Devonport. Celebrated by the Archbishop and concelebrated by priests from our North West parishes; student representa ves from Catholic Primary Schools and Colleges from the West and North West regions came together to acknowledge and affirm the value and commitment to Catholic Educa on. The theme for this year’s celebra ons was the call of Pope Francis to “Spread the Gospel with joy”. We joyfully shared Eucharist and then a barbeque on the grounds of St Brendan Shaw College. Students took the opportunity to mingle between schools before heading back to Marist. A special thanks goes to Emma Walker who sang the psalm so beau fully and all our student representa ves for the manner in which they conducted themselves. From the Deputy Principal, Wellbeing Mr Michael Ireland Year7TransitionFeedback
At this me of the year we are to preparing for our Year 7 students who will be commencing in 2015. As a part of this prepara on we would like to receive some feedback from our current Year 7 students and their parents on their transi on into Year 7 at Marist Regional College. To this effect, we are asking you to complete a feedback form regarding your experiences in beginning your journey at Marist Regional College, seeking your advice on how it could be improved in future years. In the next week you will receive an email/sms with the details of how to log on to complete the survey. The survey will be open from Friday 22 August un l 4.00pm on Friday 5 September 2014. We would appreciate you and your child’s feedback. 5 Year 7 News Mrs Chelsea Gale . ClassCaptains
During our Year Level Assembly, at the beginning of Term 3, we celebrated and announced our Class Captain Representa ves for this term. Our newly appointed Class Captains for Term 3 are: 7A Henry Gunningham Alice Benne 7B Christopher Riley Abbey Burton‐Spicer 7C Riley Barnard Kate Boulton 7D Lachlan Niven Laura Anders 7E Georgia Dobbie Cynthia Mewengkang 7F James Streat Keely Medcra 7G Joel Humphreys Alice Freeman. Congratula ons to these students. The Class Captains have been mee ng with me once a week to discuss and plan how we can serve our Year 7 peers. One goal they have decided on is to con nue with the ‘Hot Milo’s’ idea, as ini ated by our Term 2 Class Captains. Year 7 Class Captains are selling Hot Milo’s 2 days a week at lunch me from the Chanel Café at $2 per cup. They hope to raise $80 (we are nearly there!) to buy a swag for a homeless person of Burnie. Their ul mate goal is to raise $400 to provide shelter for a family. Let’s get behind them and support this very worthy cause. 6 SPORTSNEWS
DEMOLITION: Daniel Rogers sinks his fourth goal of the afternoon to help the NSATIS boys’ soccer team to a resounding 17‐0 victory over St Brendan‐Shaw College in the round 3 match last Monday. HockeyBoys
A return to McKenna Park last Monday saw the NSATIS boys back to full strength and winning form. Marist started strongly and some good play led to Jessie Duncan scoring the opening goal. We dominated a lot of the play and it was only St Brendan‐Shaw’s strong defence that kept the score to 2‐0 at half‐time, with Tyler Wolfe scoring the second goal. The second half saw the team build in confidence and communication was much improved. With St Brendan’s forwards struggling to get a shot on goal Travis Beaton had a much more relaxed time than the previous week. We scored another three goals in the second half courtesy of Kris Chandra, Tom Wylie and another from Jessie Duncan to finish off a strong performance and a well‐deserved win. We went to the game against St Patricks College with high hopes and the team played their best game so far with good possession and passing. Communication was much improved as every member of the team put in 100 per cent. The score at half‐time was 1‐1 after Jessie Duncan converted from a short corner, but we failed to capitalise on our many shots on goal and several short corners. The second half started out as the first half had finished. It was a close contest and we appeared to have the edge with Vinnie Curtain tapping in a deflected shot to make it 1‐2 to us. Things looked to be going our way, but St Pats wouldn’t give up and answered quickly with a goal to level the score, 2‐2. St Pats then started to dominate and scored again with three minutes to go. A frantic last three minutes from both sides saw the score unchanged at 3‐2 to St Pats. A great effort by the team, but sadly the result didn’t quite go our way. Mr Mike Clancy | coach 7 SPORTSNEWScont.
Last Monday saw Marist take on St Brendan‐Shaw College at McKenna Park. Due to illness and other commitments the girls were short one player despite Emily Gee stepping in at the last minute. Impressive play from Chloe Leary and Sidney Stokes along with strong defence from Zoe Crawford and Lilli Sage gave Jemma Kenworthy and Ella Curtain the opportunities up forward giving Marist a 3‐0 win. With numerous players absent, it was a very young team that made the trip to Launceston to take on St Patrick’s College last Wednesday. Samantha Lillico, Alice Abblitt, Tallulah Eaves and Emily Gee made themselves available to fill in the gaps. The task was always going to by tough despite senior players Georgia Corrigan, Deanne Scott and Zoe Crawford really stepping up. Two penalty corner conversions along with two quality field goals gave St Pats a 4‐0 win. Mrs Louise Sadler | coach SoccerBoys
Marist made its way into the record books with a decisive 17‐0 demolition of a very uncompetitive St Brendan‐Shaw College outfit in last Monday’s home game. Although the match lacked any real pressure, the Marist boys stuck to team structures resisting the temptation to outdo each other in the scoring department. Five players scored multiple goals in what was an outstanding display of team football. Daniel Rogers booted 4 goals. Jack Wood, Kyle Harman and Steve Cable scored three each and Connor Parke two, with singles from Nick Jago and Monty Roberts. On Wednesday afternoon the team travelled to Launceston for the second of four games in 10 days for an away match against St Patrick’s College. After a 5‐0 win first time around we were not sure if we had played the best team St Pats could put together and, as it turned out, they were missing a few good players that game. As the game started it was obvious we were up against a stronger outfit. Marist started strongly, however, and were well organised across the park with the defence well marshalled by Andy Slater. Kyle Harman and Nick Jago looked dangerous up front and Connor Parke soon put us one up with a nice solo run and finish. He was at it again not long after when he got in behind the defence after a great free kick from Slater. The score was 2‐0 at the break. Marist put the game away shortly after half‐time with a great through ball from Nick Wood to his brother Jack who slotted home a nice goal. Further goals from Daniel Rogers and Jack Wood finished the deal. A late goal to St Pats after a defensive mix up soured Marist's best performance to date, but all were very happy with a 5‐1 win and a combined aggregate score of 10‐1 against an opponent who has dominated us for a long time. Better players included Tom Pearce in goal, Jack de Bomford and Andy Slater in defence. Parke and Cable were tireless in midfield and the Wood twins were good contributors all game. Well done to all players on a great game. We’re looking forward to the double header next Wednesday and Thursday with Grammar and then Scotch coming up to Marist. Mr Brett Argent | coach HOCKEY BOYS 1sts MRC d SBSC 5‐0 SPC d MRC 3‐2 GIRLS 1sts MRC d SBCS 3‐0 SPC d MRC 4‐0 SOCCER BOYS 1sts MRC d SBSC 17‐0 MRC d SPC 5‐1 GIRLS 1sts MRC d SBCS 7‐1 SPC d MRC 10‐2 NETBALL GIRLS 1sts MRC d SBSC on forfeit SPC d MRC 55‐27 GIRLS 2nds SPC d MRC 44‐20 8 SPORTSNEWScont.
Last Monday saw Marist take on St Brendan‐Shaw College at Marist. With 11 players against a short St Brendan’s team, the NSATIS girls were able to come away with a convincing 7‐1 win. The girls played a great game, with accurate passing and moving off the ball for each other. Many strong attacking runs up the middle of the park by our midfielders had Marist well in front at the half‐time break. St Brendan's lifted in the second half and Marist was unable to score again. Phoebe Djakic, Kate Djakic, Jenna Farrow and Tatjana Peisker‐Richings all came away from the game having scored a goal or two. Morgan Somerville and Katelyne Evans shared the goalkeeper’s gloves for the match. The girls travelled to St Patrick’s College to take on the northern powerhouse team for the second time this season. Again playing with no subs, Marist managed to make some threatening runs forward and Phoebe Djakic bagged two lovely goals to go some way to countering the 10 scored by St Pats. Tessa Curran held the midfield well, while Jenna Farrow and Nina Hamasaki stepped up to help out in goals in a hard game. Ms Sarah Cowan | coach Emma Jago who has been selected to represent Tasmania at the Na onal Cross Country Championships in Albany W.A. later this month. Congratula ons Emma! Netball
After a forfeit from St Brendan‐Shaw on Monday, the netballers travelled to Launceston to take on St Patrick’s College last Wednesday. The 1sts put together some very skilful passages, however the strong St Pats combination was difficult to stop and the home team ran out easy winners 55 to 27. Best player was Rebecca Heald. The 2nds also played some very good netball with Allyce Winton being called into the team as a defence and was one of the team’s best, fitting into the team with ease. The final scores were 44 St Pats to 20 MRC. Mrs Tracey Rogers | coach Community News 9