summer_mail14 - Marist Brothers International School


summer_mail14 - Marist Brothers International School
Marist Mail
Summer, 2014
Mar t Brot
al School
rs Internati
Marist Brothers
Grade Six Graduation recognized
30 students who had successfully
Program at MBIS. These students
have left a lasting legacy on the
Elementary school and will be
hard shoes to fill.
International School
Marist Mail
elcome to the Summer 2014
edition of the Marist Mail.
We postponed the publishing of
this issue somewhat, so that we
could give you all a sneak peak
of the ‘green’ as it rolls out over
the field. Our school community
has put so much effort into this
initiative, and I’m so proud that
we’ve been able to make the dream
a reality so quickly. I am so excited
to see the student’s faces when they
first see the change.
The end of year was an extremely
busy one but we achieved so many
great milestones and created many
wonderful memories. The Upper
School and Elementary Awards
ceremonies recognized students
who have worked extremely hard
throughout the year, trying their
best at all times. Congratulations
to all the winners and I look
forward to seeing all students work
hard in the years to come.
Mar t Brot
al School
rs Internati
© This newsletter and its content are
copyright of Marist Brothers International
School. All rights reserved.
The end of the school year is also
a time to celebrate graduations and
the start of a new adventure. We
had 20 students graduate from
our Montessori Kindergarten
program and be welcomed into
the Elementary school. There was
excitement and a little bit of fear at
the thought of moving to the ‘big
school’ but I know that Mrs. Ito
will take great care of them. Our
Lastly, I was very proud to present
MBIS Graduation Diplomas to our
Senior class members. These six
students were our smallest class,
but they had a lot of heart and
love for MBIS. The entire school
community wishes them well in
their future endeavors.
The Summer Break is usually a
time of relaxation and rest, but not
this year at MBIS. Mr. Lipp ran a
very successful Summer School
Program with close to 100 students
participating. The students went
on many exciting field trips,
participated is fun classes and
made new friends.
Have a great summer and I look
forward to seeing everyone again
in August.
Marijana Munro
Head of School
Perhaps you’ve been tracking our progress on the Marist Goes Green Facebook page (check it out to see the
work that has gone into reaching this stage), if not, here is your first preview of what to expect in the next school
year. It really is amazing to watch ‘grass grow’! Even though there’s still some work to do in finalizing the
project, you can see that a wonderful face lift has occurred. Alongside the field you will note new playground
equipment and a revitalized basketball half court. If you look closely, you may note the large steel poles on
the right side - these will support a large electronic scoreboard. Thank you to the dozens of donors who have
generously provide funds to make this project a reality. However, we are still collecting as much as we can to
put the finishing touches on our field of dreams. You can see the rusty old softball backstop on the left side of
the field - wouldn’t it be great to have a shiny new one to complement this field? Please contact Mrs. Munro if
you can help us reach our goals (all donations are tax deductible).
Congratulations to the Class of 2014. Valedictorian,
Kazuki Fukushima, and Salutatorian, Aoi Kuga,
presented memorable speeches, both commenting
on the lasting effect of their Marist education and the
strength of our school community.
Looking resplendent on the stage, our six graduates
have done a fantastic job this year, as they have for
so many years now, in the classroom, on the sporting
fields, and as representatives in many events and
competitions. We wish them the best in their next
endeavours. Good luck, and farewell.
(Starbrains Valedictorian Scholarship,
100,000 yen)
Kobe-Hanshin Lions Ambassador
The Caterpillar Mathematics
Scholarship (50,000 yen)
The Caterpillar Science Scholarship
(50,000 yen)
The Bhasin Athletic Scholarship
Award (100,000 yen)
The de Couto Spirit Award and
Scholarship (100,000 yen)
General Excellence Award
Excellence in English
Excellence in Japanese
Excellence in Science
Excellence in Mathematics
Excellence in Religious Studies
Excellence in Social Studies
Excellence in Physical Education
Kazuki Fukushima
Aoi Kuga
Maya Kaizuka
Kazuki Fukushima
Aoi Kuga
Julie Barrow
Julie Barrow
Kazuki Fukushima
Kazuki Fukushima
Kazuki Fukushima
Kazuki Fukushima
Kazuki Fukushima
Aoi Kuga
Kazuki Fukushima
Tetsuya Sato
While we only had six seniors
graduating this year, the Grade
Six class were a better reflection
on the current strength of
our school, with 30 students
donning their ceremonial caps
and preparing to make the leap
into the ‘big pond’ of the Upper
School. Congratulations to this
year’s graduates, and good luck
for the future!
Language Arts
Physical Education
Social Studies
Brother George Award
Eleanor Hammerschmitt
Joohee Kim
Poorvirao Kurma
Claire McIntyre
Eleanor Hammerschmitt
Karen Ishii
Rebecca Kim
Harshita Kesavan
Kai Shitamoto
Sanako Kitahara
Our smallest graduates are represented by the twenty students of the Montessori Class of 2014. While they
were a little nervous up on the stage, you could also sense the excitement and they certainly impressed
the audience with their musical talents. Congratulations graduates!
The Annual Service and Academic
Awards Ceremony is an opportunity to
reflect on the past academic year and
recognize those who have excelled. This
does not necessarily mean all award
winners hold the best scores and highest
GPAs – many of the awards recognize
those who have dedicated themselves to
improvement and challenge.
Two of the awards are sponsored by
community organizations. The Japan
Council of International School Award is
presented to a student who has striven to
learn and assist others in appreciating the
culture and people of Japan. The Earcos
Global Citizenship Award is presented to
a student who embraces the qualities of
a global citizen – a proud representative
of his/her own nation, while respectful of
the diversity of other nations. The winner
has an open mind, is well informed,
aware and empathetic, concerned and
caring for others, encouraging a sense
of community, and strongly committed
to engagement and action – to make the
world a better place. The winner of the
awards this year were Maya Kaizuka and
Nayeoung Park. Both were prominent
representatives of the school this year, as
speakers and athletes.
Student Council
President Award
Kazuki Fukushima
Science G10-12
Asih Frederika
Student Council
Most Dedicated
Kurusu Ishikawa
Social Studies G7-9
Noah Uemura
Social Studies G1012
Doyun Han
NHS President
Nayeoung Park
Japanese G7-9
Kaho Toyoyama
NHS Most Dedicated
Jubin Kim
Japanese G10-12
Zeina Hammoud
MAA President
Julie Barrow
French G7-9
Christine Terrillon
French G10-12
Rio Kadota
MAA Most Dedicated
Kainoa Gnos
Physical Education
Rena Tatsumi
Japan Council of International Schools
Maya Kaizuka
Physical Education
Reika Tanaka
Lewis Powell
Earcos Global Citizenship Award
Nayeoung Park
Religious Education
Nanxiong Xue
Class Spirit Award
- G7
Nami Weatherby
Religious Education
Art G7-9
Ishan Kumar
Class Spirit Award
- G8
Ishan Kumar
Art G10-12
Kaito OkamotoGarson
Class Spirit Award
- G9
Gaurav Chhablani
Band G7-9
Yukie Ohno
Class Spirit Award
- G10
Sarina Yasumoto
Band G10-12
Reika Tanaka
Class Spirit Award
- G11
Fiza Razik
Most Improved
English G7-9
Hiina Shiota
English G10-12
Charlotte Chalkley
Mathematics G7-9
Hanna Emilie
Mathematics G10-12
Hana Tachibana
Science G7-9
Joji Masutani
General Excellence
Grade 7
Nami Weatherby
Grade 8
Ishan Kumar
Grade 9
Gaurav Chhablani
Grade 10
Sara Shibata
Grade 11
Nayeoung Park
Congratulations to this year’s winners - well done!
Grade One
Grade Two
Grade Three
Grade Four
Grade Five
Grade Six
ELL (G1-3)
ELL (G4-6)
Overall Academic Performance
Most Improved
Marist Spirit Award
Prithika Kundralan
Izabela Munro
Macy McIntyre
Kana Yamamoto
Mia Lipp
Kie Goto
Yusei Noguchi
Minseo Kim
Joshua Whitney
John Hammerschmitt
Mirei Kawahara
Michael Ranni
Naomi Kobo
Sora Ono
Shion Seto
Eleanor Hammerschmitt
Joohee Kim
Tahlia Jackson
Dana Kariv
Noa Kariv, Minseung Kim
Marist’s National Honor Society (NHS) have once again
worked hard to make a difference both on and off campus.
The highlight of the calendar is their Marist Café, which
always results in a large contribution to supported charities.
This year they raised over 200,000 yen. Their presence in
the wider community was also strong, including working
at a local soup kitchen, running the FBC Halloween Party,
and going on an environmental service trip.
The NHS Induction Ceremony saw the torch (or in this
case, the candle) passed to the next generation – with
Jubin Kim announced as the 2014-2015 NHS President.
The Induction Ceremony also features the presentation of
the Teacher of the Year Award. This year the award went
to Mrs. Ranni. Mrs. Ranni is an organizing powerhouse
who can be found at the core of nearly every school event
or function. Although the school faculty do not vote on
this award, there is no doubt that everyone would agree
that Mrs. Ranni is one of the hardest workers that Marist
has ever seen.
The 2013-2014 school year was an
outstanding one for Marist’s athletic
program. Our Middle School Girls
won three out of four championships;
our Varsity Girls were very strong yet
again, claiming their first basketball
championship in over a decade; our
Middle School Boys had some young
teams but put in some amazing
performances; and our Varsity Boys
teams all brought home trophies,
including the first soccer trophy in
over a decade. Congratulations to our
Sportsman of the Year - Luke Esterly,
and our Sportswoman of the year - Fiza
Razik, rising to the top amongst a wide
array of sporting talent on the fields and
Following the success of last year’s event, Marist was once again strongly represented at the Kobe International Kid’s Day on
Rokko Island. Students and staff manned promotional and activity booths, while our student performers were once again the
standout stars of the stage. This year we expanded our programme to include three performance groups. First up were our
cheerleaders, who never fail to steal the audience’s hearts. They were followed by the Dance Club, who offered a series of very
well put-together sequences. Congratulations to Ms. Grant for all her hard work with these two amazing groups. Finally, the
MAA were on hand to show off their latest dance extravaganza, engineered by choreographer extraordinaire Mr. Kobo. This
event is proving to be a handy final dress rehearsal for the MAA, who would later go on to do an even better job at the MAA
Awards Ceremony (also in this issue). As with last year, we had people coming up to the staff and commending us on what
must be a fantastic dance program at MBIS!
FUN RUN 2014
Three championships in one year - the Middle School Girl’s record speaks for itself. The girls dominated nearly
every team they played in volleyball, basketball, and softball. On the softball field the girls were like a well-oiled
machine, regularly claiming victory via the mercy rule. Although it was easy to feel sorry for their opponents, it is
also testament to the hard work these girls have put into their training and their dedication to their sport and their
team. Thanks to Coach Stang for putting the girls through their paces and honing their skills. Congratulations
on your fine work, girls, the next generation have huge shoes to fill!
Many years ago, fun runs were an annual event at Marist, but it has been a long time since students have had the
opportunity to burn some calories for a good cause. This year, students had extra incentive to do their best, as the
Green Project is something close to all their hearts. It was great to see all the grades out at the beach, and amazing
to see some of the youngest students running several kilometres without a pause - we may have some future
marathon runners in our midst! Thank you to all students and their financial backers - we raised a staggering 2.4
million yen!
FUN RUN 2014
2014 st. marcellin champagnat awards
At this year’s Founder’s Day Assembly St. Marcellin Champagnat Medals were presented to Ellie Hammerschmitt
(G6) and Sara Shibata (G10).These medals are awarded to students who embody the ‘Marist Spirit’, typified by
actions such as ‘seeing a job and doing it without being told’; ‘being kind and gentle to all’; ‘being selfless rather
than selfish’; and ‘being dedicated in their service to others’. Both girls have exemplified these ideals both at
school and in the wider community. Well done to both for their outstanding, understated service to the Marist
Marist Cafe is always one of our most successful charity fundraising events, and this year was no exception.
The cafeteria was packed - standing room only - and those attending were treated to a banquet of delicious
treats from around the world, while being entertained by our talented students. Thank you to students, parents,
alumni, and staff, for your hard work towards a great cause.
For the last quarter of school, we began our iPad implementation program, aimed at enhancing learning, putting
the world at the students’ fingertips. The iPads were first distributed to the Grade Six class, who used the programs
to create research projects, movies, photo journals and also to read their textbooks online. The second class
rollout was for the Grade 2 classroom. These iPads were used during the entire Summer School program to create
videos documenting the progress of our Green Project. Unsurprisingly, the students have been very enthusiastic
in embracing these new additions to the classroom. Next year we will be actively working on getting more
technology integrated into lessons, as well as developing the infrastructure and support network to maintain and
improve their use. Teachers have already been quite active in attending professional development in this area,
and it is a trend that we are committed to encouraging and expanding. As our capabilities to effectively utilize
new technology in the classroom grow, we will also see the expansion of programs, in both the upper and lower
Check out our progress on Facebook “Marist Goes Green””