s ummer time sips - Los Cabos Magazine


s ummer time sips - Los Cabos Magazine
By Lauren Glenn
There is nothing more agreeable than a cold beverage on a hot day or warm night.
Mexico is synonymous with its re f reshing margaritas and renowned tequilas, but it
also has so many more options available that can wet your whistle. No matter which
is the beverage of your choice, you can find it here in Los Cabos. In addition to the
well known and popular tropical beverages, you can also enjoy specialty margaritas,
secret recipe mojitos, sangrita to go along side a fine sipping tequila, and locally
brewed artisan beer. Summer time is a perfect time to kick back and relax.
Stories abound about the origin of the margarita. Most concur that marg a r i t a s
first appeared during the 1930s or 1940s. But this is where any commonality
ends. From Tijuana to Texas claims and tales vary as much as the many recipes.
Maybe it is the mystery surrounding its origin that makes it the most popular
tequila-based cocktail. For the traditionalist who can’t be in Mexico and have
anything but the ubiquitous margarita, Mi Casa restaurant in Cabo San Lucas
s e rves a sensational house concoction in a frosty over-sized glass. While dozens
of recipes can turn out a fine margarita, the usual ingredients are vary i n g
amounts of triple sec, lime juice, tequila, ice, and salt. Mi Casa fancies it up with
a splash of Licor de Damiana. Damiana is a liqueur that comes from the Baja
Peninsula and is understood to be an aphrodisiac. Perhaps you want to see if the
small addition makes you ready for romance. Baja Cantina Dockside is another
g reat restaurant and cantina for a tasty margarita, either blended or on the ro c k s ,
s e rved all day for happy hour prices. Whether sitting at the bar, or enjoying
your margarita at a dining table, you are in a great place for people-watching,
facing the glamorous yachts and blue waters of Cabo‘s west side marina.
If you want to savor the taste of a good sipping tequila, the perfect accompaniment
is a sangrita. Various versions appeared about 60 years ago, and the drink is attributed to the state of Jalisco, Mexico’s agave-growing region. Sangrita, not to be confused with sangria, is generally served along side premium 100% agave tequilas.
The idea is to alternate sips of tequila and chilled sangrita, allowing one to fully
appreciate the tequila’s smooth taste. This combination is said to create balance and
h a rmony of the body and soul. Almost all recipes for sangrita typically consist of
equal parts tomato juice and orange juice, with lime juice, salsa picante, and seasonings added to taste. A signature sangrita concoction should be easily available
at many of Cabo’s fine bars and restaurants, but make sure it is fresh-made instead
of a bottled version. This way you will get as varied a blend of flavors as you would
expect from anyone’s personal margarita recipe. Locations including Tequila
Restaurant in San Jose and Sancho Panza in Cabo San Lucas will gladly prepare it
f resh for you with their own special blends. There are numerous creative takes on
the recipe, so do not hesitate to ask your bartender to make one with his or her own
personal flair. If you have acquired a taste of one that is particularly pleasing to you,
mix some at home and enjoy serving this brew with your best quality tequila.
A creative cocktail that has more recently come into vogue is a mojito. Mojitos
are a traditional Cuban cocktail commonly comprised of five ingredients: rum,
sugar (sugar cane), fresh lime juice, crushed mint leaves, and a splash of chilled carbonated water. Although many firmly believe that this drink originated with Sir
Francis Drake in the 1500s while on a treasure hunting expedition through the
Caribbean and Latin America, still others argue that the mojito was created in
Cuba in the 1800s. Whichever may
be true, you won’t have to hunt very
far for some good-as-gold mojitos
right here in Los Cabos. A notable
mojito is mixed at the Tropicana Bar
and Grill in downtown San Jose Del
Cabo. They are out-of-this-world
mojitos and deliver a genuinely
refreshing tang. The Tropicana offers
a minty house mojito with a just right
amount of crushed fresh mint leaves,
and cleverly uses a sweet sugar cane as
a swizzle stick. If for some crazy reason, this mojito doesn’t suit your
fancy, Tropicana’s imaginative twist
on this drink is a delicious cranberry
and basil mojito served in a tall cool
glass. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it?
As you would expect, Havana Supper
Club serves up another wonderfully
refreshing mojito. The minty house
specialty is first-rate and authentic.
This bar has also added its own clever
twist with an imaginative pineapple
mojito, made with another secre t
recipe. Ether choice is great on a
warm summer night. Also, ask the
bartenders at the Havana Supper Club
to pour you a truly exceptional concoction called the Infusion Martini. It
is a two-day process to create the
fusion of fresh fruit, simple sugars, and
vodka set aside in a large jar or a hollowed-out watermelon. However,
don’t be dismayed: Havana doesn’t
make you wait that long. An Infusion
Martini is ready for you to take your
first sip of this fruity libation at the
club in Costa Azul, San Jose del Cabo,
at kilometer 29 on the corridor.
If you are a person who prefers a tall
icy beer to a cocktail, then you
should visit the Baja Bre w i n g
Company. What makes this place so
exceptional is that they have their
own bre w e ry right on the pre m i s e s ,
one of just a handful of bre w e r i e s
operating on the Baja Peninsula.
Beer is one of the oldest libations,
said to date back to the sixth century. It is made of premium barely,
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purified water, hand selected hops, and the finest bre w i n g
yeast. There are five essential steps to the bre w i n g
p rocess: mashing, sparging, boiling, fermentation, and
packing. It can take from three weeks up to two months
to complete this process. Baja Brewing Company has
b rewed its own blends and offers a nice selection of
authentic artisan beers ready to be served by the pint or in
a “brewtender” five-pint specialty. The bre w e ry creates a
wide array of assorted lagers, such as the lighter tasting
blonde lager, and a raspberry lager for those who enjoy a
re f reshingly fruity taste. The exceedingly popular Burro
B rown ale (6.5% alcohol) is for those who want a beer that
is darker, richer and full-body. The Burro Brown is fermented with a blend of delicious caramel and chocolate
malt flavors. Baja Brewing Company is located in the San
Jose Del Cabo Art District, and at press time, their beers
a re also sold at Casa Dorado in Cabo San Lucas, and soon
kegs of beer will be available as well.
Someone once said that the only decision he had to make
during a day on the beach here in Cabo was whether or not
to uncross his feet. Now that’s a relaxing day! Deciding
which libation to have sounds like it may be a burden for him.
All these wonderful drinks are delicious and thirst quenching.
Maybe we can help the poor fellow and recommend which
we like best. What do you say – let’s get together!
Please note: Those warning signs you see along the roads
and highways that say “Si toma no maneje” translate
“Don’t drink and drive.” Just don’t.
From www.drinkmixers.com
3 fresh mint sprigs
2 tsp sugar
3 tbsp fresh lime juice
1 1/2 oz light rum
Splash of club soda
In a tall thin glass,
crush part of the mint
with a fork to coat the
inside. Add the sugar
and lime juice and stir
thoroughly. Top with
ice. Add rum and mix.
Top off with chilled club
soda (or seltzer). Add
a lime slice and the
remaining mint, and
serve. Yield: 1 serving
1 Tsp brown sugar
2 1/2 oz cranberries or
blueberries (amount may vary
as the bartenders “eye” it)
1oz Coconut rum
1oz White rum
1 Lemon
Directions: Combine cranberry or blueberry with 1 tsp of
brown sugar and the juice of 1/2 large lemon. (Tropicana
prefers blueberries but they are often unavailable.) Mash
together. Add ice, one shot each of white rum (Bacardi) and
coconut rum (Malibu.) Stir in three or four small basil leafs.
Yield: 1 serving
Simple Sangrita Recipe:
from Tequila Source.com/sangrita
1-1/2 cups fresh orange juice
1-1/2 cups tomato juice
3/4 cup V8 vegetable juice
1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1 teaspoon onion juice
2 teaspoons Maggi Seasoning
1 to 2 tablespoons Tajin Salsa Picante
1 tablespoon Valentina Salsa Picante
Mix all ingredients and refrigerate. Serve in a shot glass
along side your favorite sipping tequila or use as a mixer
for the popular Vampiro cocktail. Variations: Add some
freshly ground black pepper or a bit of celery salt to taste.
Sangrita should be a bit spicy. This recipe makes about
one liter of sangrita. Yield: about 22.
Reservations 143-6554
San José del Cabo
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Mariachi and More:
The Captivating Power of Romantic Music in Los Cabos
By Sandra Berry. Photos: Francisco Estrada.
No one can resist the energy of
romance. Soft candlelight, fine wine, a
special setting all create a starry - e ye d
ambience. Add music and you add magic.
aving trouble expressing your love? Try music.
Ask any woman how she defines romance and without
hesitation she’ll be able to tell you her ideas. Maybe a
candlelit dinner, soft music, or being able to talk with her
man about her feelings, are on the top her list. A barefoot stroll along the beach on a balmy evening in Cabo is
probably high up there, too. Most women can instantly
say how they want to be wooed. On the other hand, ask
almost any man what his interpretation of romance is and
he’ll get a silly grin on his face because he’s thinking
something totally diff e rent. Men rate distinctly on the
romance scale. For example, most men go to dinner to
eat; women go to dine. Women enjoy dressing for the
occasion and feeling a little pampered. Going to a
romantic place for dinner is something to savor. So, what
makes a place special for this? And, what makes it ro m a ntic? Amorous music for one thing. This is something that
will stimulate that loving feeling in both sexes.
Background music is romantic, and note the word “background.” For music to be romantic, it must be almost too soft
to hear. By such definition, elevator music may fit the category, but it’s positively not romantic. Thankfully, elevators are
less common and restaurants more plentiful here in Los Cabos.
You special evening will be made even more memorable when
that romantic music tugs at your heart.
El Galeón Restaurant is probably one
of the most romantic settings to hear
the marvelous maestro pianist, Ronald
Valentino, who has been wooing diners for many years with his Gershwinstyle repert o i re. The piano bar at Casa
Rafael’s is just the place when in the
mood for some romantic music, with
the smooth sounds of Juan Carlos
Maradiaga tickling the ivories.
Pitahayas at the Sheraton Hacienda
del Mar has an incredible Latin jazz
duo called Alebrije, who serenade diners with their string and wind instruments, playing both captivating
renditions of classic tunes and beautiful
original compositions. Their alluring
sound wafts through the night air,
enhancing the already amazing
ambiance. The lyrics of troubadour
Jaime Martinez have created the mood
at the beachside Villa Sere n a
Restaurant. Its sister restaurant (owned
by the same restaurateur), Puerta Vieja,
has soft piano music most evenings.
Most wandering Mariachi groups are
v e ry talented with a menu of tunes you
can hear most anywhere as they move
f rom location to location, table to
table, morning, noon and night.
Those who dress in the charro outfits
look very handsome, indeed. The larger groups with trumpets can be most
enjoyable, especially when they know
how to play “El Niño Perdido” (The
Lost Boy). If you haven’t heard this
intriguing melody, be sure to request it
when you’re invited to select a song.
Romantic evening diners mostly prefer
to hear the Mariachis play from a distance, as opposed to right in front of
their table, but it’s their choice. If
romancers don’t want to be interrupted, all they have to do is decline when
a p p roached at their table. La Roca
Restaurant at the Solmar Resort is the
perfect spot for both romance and to
enjoy Los Marlin’s classic Mariachi
music. Anywhere in Los Cabos, the
soft harmonic ballads of Mariachi
beguile you with a sound for which
Mexico is legendary.
Phone : 143 2377 • Fax: 143 2374
Camino al Médano and Paseo El Pescador, Col. El Médano, Cabo San Lucas
Turn at City Club and Lenny’s Deli. Drive towards the beach.
Before driving up the hill you will see a red/golden arch on the left.
One of the best places to experience a romantic sunset or moonrise is at the
Sunset Grill rooftop restaurant at Cabo Villas, overlooking Médano Beach.
Listen to Leyenda, the group that plays on Monday nights, as they entert a i n
with a touch of Peruvian, folkloric and Santana selections. On Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday nights, the soothing sounds of Art u ro ’s saxophone drift
f rom Los Corsarios along the Golden Zone on the marina near Puerto Paraiso.
Saxophone music and candlelight inspire romance, even in the most pragmatic.
The Chef’s Table in San Jose del Cabo piped in music is well chosen and eclectic. The
unobtrusive sounds are a perfect accompaniment to the ambience of the various dining rooms and areas of this gorgeous spacious new restaurant. The elegant Sunset da
Mona Lisa has romantic recorded music on weekday evenings and a live musical group
Jazz can make anyone’s heart beat faster and two of the places to hear
the best are Amarone or Los García at Puerto Paraíso.
called Sexto Sentido on the weekends. This group plays everything from romantic ballads, made famous by singing stars in
Latin America like Luis Miguel and Julio Iglesias, to salsa and
samba hits. For the savory sound of Italian opera and joyful
music, dine at the new Venetian-style Casanova Ristorante in
Cabo San Lucas. A live soft jazz group perf o rms there on
Thursdays. The melodies of the trio at Los Garcia in Puerto
Paraiso are intoxicating and powerful, while the romantic jazz
music around the corner at Amarone is a must on Friday
evenings to hear the talented Daline Jones.
La Fonda Mexican Restaurant has piped in Mexican music,
primarily romantic ballads, many composed by the talented
Conchita Bulnes, wife of the restaurant owner. The Cuban
group at the Tropicana in San Jose del Cabo has been drawing crowds to hear their great voices and to sway to their
sexy Cuban beat, but be sure to check the new show schedules to know when the soft romantic music gives way to a
lively Cuban review. La Voilá, also in San Jose, has a pleasant variety of music, from ideal French instrumentals to soft
opera that go perfectly with the restaurant’s courtyard location. If you don’t catch Sexto Sentido at Sunset da Mona
Lisa, you’ll find them at Voila on Friday evenings.
Romance is personal. To be romantic, you must be personal and do personal kinds of things, the kinds of things
that will make a woman feel she is the most important
woman in the world. No one can resist the energy of
romance when made to feel appreciated and loved.
D o n ’t underestimate how powerful it is. Your personal
well chosen settings create romance. Add music and you
add magic. Los Cabos does not lack places where you
can express your love. Romantic evenings with soft
alluring music make it the perfect time.
Note: It’s best to call the respective establishments for
re s e rvations on your “date night.” and to confirm it will
have the live music you are hoping to hear.
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