- First Christian Church


- First Christian Church
The Christian Beacon
“I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in darkness,
But will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Volume 60, Issue 8
First Christian Church
Executive Board
Julie Hix
Vice Chairperson
Joe Lewis
Co-Chairs of Finance
Larry Garrett
Angela Martin
First Christian Church, Marion, Indiana
August 2015
First Christian Church welcomes our new Interim Minister,
Becki Nunnally!! She will join us Sunday, August 2nd!
Becki has been a pastor for over 35 years. She has three grown
children and lives in Zionsville, Indiana. (Becki is looking for a place to
rent in Marion.) She is very excited to be with us and looks forward to
helping us grow in Christ while she serves as our Interim Minister.
Recording Secretary
Susan Smoker
Co-Chair of Trustees
Carlon Carr
Mike Dominisse
Chairperson of Program
Support Team
Joe Lewis
Chairperson of Elders
Joan Martin
Chairperson of Personnel
Lisa Dominisse
Sunday, August 2nd
Fundraiser to help with the flooring project
All are invited to an On site Tupperware Party 2 - 4 pm
Can also go online and order NOW thru August 2nd
Please share this event with your friends.
See Angie Martin for details.
At-Large Representatives
George Hill
Trevor Hix
Interim Minister
Rebecca Nunnally
Mission Statement
We believe God’s mission
for the First Christian
Church is to be and to
share the Good News of
Jesus Christ witnessing
and serving from our
doorsteps “to the ends of
the earth” (Acts 1: 8)
Vision Statement
We believe that God is
calling the First Christian
Church to care for the
mental, physical and
spiritual welfare of our
greater world community
by becoming more serviceoriented and missionminded.
Sunday, August 2nd
Fundraiser Concert 6 pm - 7 pm
Revelators & Best Years Singers from Marion Senior Center
Will join together to bring us an evening of Special Music
Free will offering will be taken for
FCC Ministries and Marion Senior Center
Also asked, if possible, to bring a nonperishable food item.
(to give to Salvation Army)
Flooring Project for 2015
The trustees are leading a fundraising campaign
to replace flooring in the
Narthex, coatroom, hallway, and fellowship hall
It was last done in the late 1990’s .
If you would like to make a contribution
please note it is for the flooring project.
Amount Raised so far: $7,396.49
Calendar of Events for August
page 2
2 Tupperware Fundraiser 2 pm - 4 pm
Fundraiser Concert 6 pm
3 Care Council Meets every Monday
5 All Church Prayer Group 10 am (every Wednesday)
6 Vet to Vet 5:30 pm (every Thursday)
7 Wedding Rehearsal
8 Church Reserved
10 Quilters 10 am - 2 pm
19 Finance Meeting 6 pm
Executive Board Meetings7 pm
26 A.I.M. going to Ivanhoe's
CWF Sponsored School Supply Drive
For Kendall Elementary School Aug. 9- Aug. 16
Suggested items: notebooks, folders, wide ruled notebook
paper, white glue, glue sticks, rounded scissors, crayons,
colored pencils, washable markers, #2 pencils, large
erasers, school boxes, rulers, facial tissue, Ziploc baggies,
post-it notes and index cards.
Monetary donations are always welcome!
August 26, 2015
A.I.M. Group going to Ivanhoe's. If you plan on
going, please let Bill or Marianne Beck know!
Next Ladies Book Club October 12th.
Our book for October is “Kisses From Katie” by Katie
Davis. (Sharon’s Pick)
We are now in our 9th year of book club. Any lady is
welcome to come. We meet at 6 pm on the 2nd Monday
of each month in the Willing Hearts classroom. Please
enter through the side door of the church next to the
playground. Our book choices are usually Christian
Fiction. Come for good food, good fellowship and good
conversation! We would love to have you!
Praise: Mary Frances McBride is Home! Will follow up
with out patient therapy. Phone calls welcome, no home
visits, please.
PRAYER CONCERNS: Mason Morrison awaiting
Thank You Notes:
First Christian Church, Thank you so much for
the card and support on our wedding day. We
greatly appreciate it!
- The MaynardsDear First Christian Church, Wher e to begin?
The support and loving relationship I have gained
from this place is an un-repayable debt! Some of my
greatest memories and friends come from the church.
Thank you all for the graduation breakfast, card, gift
With Christian Love,
Dear First Christian Church, Thank you so much
for the scholarship! It will help out quite a bit this
upcoming school year. I’d also like to thank you for
all of the love, prayers, and support you have given
me over the past three years and I appreciate all of
the thoughts and prayers as I head into my senior
year at Purdue. Thanks again for the scholarship and
all that you do!
Boiler Up!
Kaytlin Watson
test results; Bill and Marianne Beck both fell while on
vacation, Bill suffered a broken foot; Bill Beck’s niece,
Karen Howell with emotional and financial concerns;
Dick & Lois Runyon’s granddaughter, Misty Young, with
breast cancer; Donna Ragsdale’s neighbor, Maggie
Blades with health concerns; Martin Koehler’s brother-inlaw, Ron Obach with heart problems; Larry Moore’s
friend and veteran, Bruce Strong; Joan Watson’s brotherin-law, Jim Watson moved to Zionsville Rehab; Lola
Hundley’s 8 month old great grandson, Kamden, with
cancerous tumor in his chest cavity, going through chemo
treatments, getting physical therapy, sitting up, rolling
over and ready to crawl; Roscoe & Jackie Johnson’s
niece, Dana Terry, chemo treatments for bone marrow
cancer; Sue Richards with health concerns; Trent
Thompson cancer removed, under follow-up treatments;
Sally Thompson continued health concerns; Sally
Thompson’s son-in-law, Bill Hartwell, recovering from a
crushed vertebrae in his neck; Dorothy Brooks; Randy
Hickman; Ray Lopez with three vertebrae fractures;
Reginald Brooke with health concerns and recent loss of
his wife; Bob Jones; Ruby Robertson; Eunice Childers;
Ellen Maines; Phil Albertson; Paul Meyer; and Bill
Prayers and Sympathy to Reginald Br ooke, Susan
Smoker and family upon the death of wife and mother
Elva Brooke.
Volunteers August 2015
page 3
Service Schedules
Thanks for planning to fulfill your serving
obligations or, if you are unable to be present,
making arrangements for your substitute.
Communion Preparation
2 Dick & Donna Florea
9 Gracie Meyer
16 Dick & Lois Runyon
23 Chuck & Beth Strange
30 Roscoe & Jackie Johnson
Elders: Bread & Cup
David Pence
Lay Leader to assist Elder
Welcome Center Flowers
Aug 2 George & Pat Hill’s Wedding Anniversary.
Aug 16 Bill & Jane Boxell, in loving memory of parents.
anniversaries for august
1 Sean & Christine (Usher) Monahan
Duncan & Mary Jones
3 Stacy & Jay Brock
4 George & Pat Hill
7 Charles & Almetta Simons
14 Richard & Charlene Oatess
23 Ron & Shelly Jones
George & Pat Hill (door)
Carlon Carr (middle)
Linda Carr (welcome center)
Birthdays For August
Nursery Workers /same Sunday each Month
Worship Service Hour
1st Sharon Pence & Stacie Watson
2nd Sandie Briggs & Diane Bartholomew
3rd Christian Jones & Beth Strange
4th Marsha Usher & Elissa Watson
5th Joan Martin & Jane Garwood
Sunday School Hour
1st Beth Strange
2nd Pat Hill
3rd Christian Jones
4th Joan Martin
5th Joan Martin / Beth Strange
1 Mary Mitchell
Wendy Taylor
2 Todd Usher
George Hill
3 Judy Branham
4 Betty Butler
Breanna Ehmer
6 Chuck Hall
8 Marcella Ramey
9 Bill Boxell
10 Nancy Hall
12 Steve Frost
14 Angela Martin
14 Angela Angstmann
Victor Anderson
19 Virginia Eckert
20 Colin Goins
21 Bob Harvey
Andrew Richards
22 Jane Boxell
23 Linda Headley
Stephanie Arsalane
26 Ruth Neuhouser
27 Leta Hallmark
29 Daniel Maynard
31 Dave Pence
Richard Short
First Christian’s Christian Women Fellowship
Fall Rummage & Bake Sale
Date Has Been Set for:
October 2 & 3
That gives you two months to get those,
closets, drawers and garages cleaned out!
THE CHRISTIAN BEACON is published monthly by First Christian Church, 1970 N. Wabash Rd., Marion IN. 46952. Periodicals Postage Paid at
Marion IN 46952. POSTMASTER:Send address changes to Christian Beacon 1970 N. Wabash Rd. Marion IN 46952.
The Christian Beacon
U.S. Postage PAID
Marion, IN. 46952
Published Monthly
USPS 354-530
First Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
1970 N. Wabash Rd.
Marion, IN 46952
Rebecca Nunnally, Interim Minister
Please join us for an evening of food, fun and fellowship! You will be welcomed into the home of your First Christian
Church friends. There will be 6-8 adults attending. Your hosts will provide the main dinner dish, you will be asked to
bring a side dish, salad or dessert.
Please check the date you will be able to participate and any special needs.
I would like to host a dinner
I will need babysitting ___________________________________________ (number and age of children)
I will need transportation
Number attending:
_____ September 18 @ 6:30 pm _____________________________________ (name)
September 19 @ 6:30 pm _____________________________________ (name)
Sponsored by your FCC Elders