Los Angeles - American Student Dental Association


Los Angeles - American Student Dental Association
2009 Ideal ASDA Chapter Awards Application Form
The Ideal ASDA Chapter Award honors outstanding achievements by ASDA chapters in serving members
in accordance with the Ideal ASDA Chapter criteria.
University of California, Los Angeles
David Avenetti, Chapter President
Your Name
Email address
Your application must include this page, a one page description of the chapter’s achievements in the award
categories you are applying for and supporting material as needed. You may apply for more than one award
(please check all categories below).
Award for Ideal ASDA Chapter
Award for Most Improved Chapter
Award for Outstanding Membership & Communication
Award for Outstanding Chapter Organization
Award for Outstanding Involvement with Organized Dentistry
Award for Outstanding Activities
Award for Outstanding Advocacy
Award for Outstanding Fundraising
Award for Outstanding Involvement with Predental Membership
Award for Increasing Ethical Awareness
* Awards will also be presented to chapters with the largest membership market share, largest increase in
member market share from 2008 to 2009, and schools that implement an automatic billing system.
Chapters do not need to complete an application for these awards.
Membership & Communication
Criteria: 100 percent membership
• In Fall 2008, UCLA had a 95% market share, and more students have enrolled since that date. Students who
do not to join ASDA are generally international advanced standing students.
• The number of attendees is recorded at each event, and 100% of members have participated in at least one
event throughout the year.
Criteria: Chapter utilizes electronic remittance procedures
• UCLA utilizes electronic remittance procedures which were submitted in the Fall and are up-to-date.
• During first-year orientation, students are registered to join ASDA, and they are automatically re-enrolled in
subsequent years.
Criteria: Chapter encourages member participation
• UCLA encourages all members to attend events through a bulletin board, e-mail announcements, newsletters,
posters, banners, class announcements, a website (which includes interactive features), an electronic bulletin
board, and fliering.
Criteria: Chapter recruits and provides activities for predental members.
• UCLA Pre-dental students were encouraged to become pre-dental members through ASDA.
• The current pre-dental club has 95 members.
• The Pre-dental committee holds 1-2 meetings per month with the pre-dental club.
• Pre-dental members are informed of ASDA events and encouraged to attend appropriate events.
• Dental students are paired with pre-dental members through a “Big Sib” program.
• Activities hosted include fall/spring banquets, DAT test preparation, applying to dental school prep talks, and
much more (see pre-dental section).
Criteria: Chapter employs the following communication vehicles: class announcements, bulletin boards, e-mail,
Web site
• A Publicity committee was developed this year, and its sole purpose is to publicize events.
• UCLA utilizes class representatives to make announcements to all classes.
• The publicity committee maintains a large bulletin board, which is updated at least once monthly.
• ASDA leadership sends e-mail announcements informing ASDA members of all events.
• UCLA has a school-wide electronic bulletin board which is used to inform students of events.
• The redesigned UCLA ASDA website (which includes interactive features), provides information and allows
people to sign-up for events.
• The publicity committee and other committee chairs make posters, banners, and fliers for all events.
• Other advertising methods include: announcements over the intercom, and tabling.
Criteria: Chapter publishes a local newsletter at least three times per school year
• The Diastema News, UCLA’s ASDA newsletter, is published quarterly.
Criteria: Chapter contributes to national ASDA publications
• UCLA does submit articles to national publications: one article was featured on the front page of the National
ASDA Newsletter regarding UCLA not being able to host lunch and learns.
Criteria: Chapter utilizes ASDA branding (including ASDA signage and the ASDA member benefit
PowerPoint slide)
• Students receive the ASDA member benefit presentation at the first general meeting of the year.
• The ASDA PPT slides are used for presentations.
• The ASDA logo is used on all flyers, banners, and other communication vehicles. A large ASDA banner is
proudly displayed at all ASDA events.
• All Executive Cabinet officers and Committee Chairs have an ASDA t-shirt with the logo prominently
Chapter Organization & Leadership
Criteria: Chapter has a current copy of Constitution/Bylaws on file with the central office that has been updated in the
past 3 years-- ASDA National has the most current copy of the UCLA ASDA Constitution/Bylaws on file.
Criteria: Regular meetings are held for leaders and members
• The executive cabinet (which is comprised of the president, vice presidents, treasurer, secretary, and legislative liaison)
meets a least once per month.
• The general cabinet (which is comprised of the executive cabinet, class representatives, and committee chairpersons)
meets once per quarter.
• All committee chairs meet with their subcommittees as needed (typically multiple times per quarter).
• ASDA hosts an all school meeting once per quarter to discuss issues with the general student body. The purpose of these
meetings is to update the general body of ASDA events, membership benefits, and legislative issues.
Criteria: Chapter has written long term plan and short term goals that are updated/accomplished annually
• Long-term goals are established at the UCLA ASDA Summer Leadership Seminar and at the Goal-Setting Workshop at
annual session. These goals were submitted to the District 11 trustee at the beginning of the year.
o 100 % of goals were achieved for: Membership Marketing & Communication, Chapter Organization, Budgeting
& Fundraising, Organized Dentistry, and Activities
• In addition, a meeting is held every quarter to establish quarterly new goals and review previous accomplishments.
Committee chairs are asked to submit their goals in writing.
Criteria: Chapter leaders present information learned from regional/national meetings to chapter members
• Students are provided a summary of Annual Session, Regional Meetings, and Lobby days after each event during the
All-School Meetings. Documents from events are made available on the Website.
• Before and after lobby day, a lecture is given to students to educate them about the event and encourage them to attend.
Criteria: Chapter has a faculty advisor/advocate and the dean is invited to events
• The Associate Dean of Student Affairs is our chapter advisor, and she receives invitations to all ASDA events.
• The Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences is very active in the legislative and advocacy aspects of ASDA.
• Faculty members are invited to ASDA events and often participate as guest speakers.
Criteria: Chapter is recognized as an influential entity within the school
• ASDA plans more activities and has a larger membership than any student group at UCLA.
• ASDA leaders are invited to participate is UCLA Student Gov meetings & have an influential role in planning events.
Criteria: There are established procedures for the election and appointment of officers.
• As outlined in the bylaws, the executive cabinet is elected by the general student body in the Summer quarter each year.
• All students may apply for committee chair positions, which are selected by the elected executive cabinet in the Summer.
• Students may run for a class representative position, and they are elected by their respective classes.
Criteria: Chapter has several leadership positions that cover specific duties
• The executive cabinet includes the president (first delegate), vice president of membership and communication (second
delegate), vice president secretary, treasurer, and legislative liaison.
• There are 14 committees to carry out the planning and execution of ASDA events. Each committee chair is assigned to
an executive board member, to whom they directly report:
o Legislative and Advocacy Committee; Fundraising Committee; Pre-Dental Relations Committee; Newsletter
Committee; Community Service Committee; Publicity Committee; Educational Lecture Series Committee;
School Improvement and Morale Committee; First-year Enrichment Committee; Website Developer; Historian;
Dental Olympics Committee; Basketball Tournament Chairman; Golf Tournament Chairman.
• There are 2 class representatives from each class, and each year is assigned a specific duty:
o 1st year class representatives: establish ethics events
o 2nd year class representatives: enroll student in ADA Life Insurance
o 3rd year class representatives: act as liaisons between local components and UCLA
o 4th year class representatives: plan SUCCESS program and enroll students in ADA
Criteria: All leaders have a written position description
• All leaders are given a copy of the ASDA leadership handbook which includes job descriptions.
• UCLA developed a job description for each committee chair not described in the ASDA leadership handbook.
• Position descriptions are reviewed at the initial leadership training seminar, and leaders are held accountable.
Criteria: There are established procedures for leadership training
• A Leadership Seminar is held after new leadership is elected. During this meeting, goals are set, chapter organization is
discussed, and job descriptions are reviewed. Leaders submit quarterly goals and accomplishments.
Criteria: Chapter leaders encourage members to apply for national ASDA leadership positions
• ASDA members were informed via e-mail of various positions at the national level & encouraged to apply.
Organized Dentistry
Criteria: All seniors know how to join ADA after graduation
• The California Dental Association (CDA) hosted a lunchtime event in which senior dental students were
oriented on the benefits of joining CDA and ADA and how to join upon graduating.
• It is the role of the 4th year class representatives to reinforce ADA membership.
Criteria: 100 percent of members convert to ADA membership in the year after graduation
• Each graduating senior is provided with information and is strongly encouraged to join the ADA; however,
statistics of this information were not available to our ASDA chapter.
Criteria: ADA SUCCESS Program scheduled & given for first, second, third and fourth years
• The Educational Lecture Series Chair implemented a UCLA ASDA modified SUCCESS program in
conjunction with Robyn Thomason of the California Dental Association.
• The SUCCESS Program had to be modified for 1st through 4th years to fit in with the UCLA curriculum.
• Lunchtime Lectures included:
o Transitioning to dental school
o CV Writing
o Proper Interviewing
o Practice Management and the Practice Support Center provided by the CDA
Criteria: Chapter is involved with state and/or local dental society
• Our ASDA chapter works closely with the California Dental Association, coordinating events, seminars, and
leadership conferences with the organization.
• At least 4 lectures were hosted by UCLA with the CDA during the last year.
• Students attend receptions held by the CDA at both annual session and the local CDA conference.
• The CDA local component gives an introductory talk to first year students upon entering dental school.
• The local component and CDA attend the UCLA exhibitor fair/host booths to answer student questions.
• Student are invited to attend local component meetings.
• D2 Class ASDA representatives act as liaisons between the local component of CDA and UCLA
Criteria: Chapter has voting representation in the state dental society House of Delegates
Criteria: Chapter has representation on state dental society councils.
• 3 UCLA ASDA members hold voting positions in the California Dental Society House of Delegates as
Student CDA Representatives.
• These members serve the state and local components as voting members.
Criteria: Chapter contributes to local and/or state society publications
• None
Criteria: Chapter has Tripartite Grassroots Membership Initiative representative (TGMI Rep)
• For the first time this year, UCLA developed an ASDA Tripartite Membership Initiative Rep
• The TGMI rep and Legislative Liaison attended the ADA/CDA Grassroots Training Seminar and reported
back to UCLA dental students ways to get involved with legislative/advocacy and help local Action Team
• The TGMI rep is in continuous contact with Dean Chalios, the Vice President of Public Policy for the
California Dental Association, to get updates on current events and policies in Sacramento that impact the
dental community
• The TGMI rep is in open contact with the leaders of the West Los Angeles dental society, relaying pertinent
information to interested dental students
Criteria: Chapters educate their members on the current ethics policy
• The ASDA Code of Ethics is e-mailed to students, distributed in hard copy, and posted to the UCLA ASDA
Criteria: Chapter offers professional or educational programs for interaction between students & faculty, staff,
state/local dental societies
• “CV Writing Workshop” with the CDA
• “Pitfalls to Avoid During the first 10 years of Practice” event with CDA
• “Navigating the Practice Management center” CDA event
• “Governance 101and Finding the Leader Within” event with Dr. R Mungo
• Research Forum with UCLA faculty and residents
• GPR and AEGD 411 Event with faculty and staff
• “Getting the Most of Lobby Day” meetings with various faculty
• Pre Dental Banquet with invited faculty
• Students attend local component meeting with CDA and state meetings with CDA
Criteria: Chapter offers tutoring/mentoring
• Chapter offers a “Drill and Chill” event for 2nd year students
• Chapter offers a “Wax and Relax” event for 1st year students
• Chapter organizes “Big Sib/Little Sib” pairing to assist students
• Chapter mentors pre-dental students through DAT preparation, student panels, and an end of the year banquet
within the UCLA pre-dental society.
Criteria: Chapter organizes vendor fair
• UCLA held a vendor fair with 44 companies in the Fall.
• Chapter is preparing a loupe light fair with various vendors for the Spring.
Criteria: Chapter organizes lunch/dinner & learns frequently
• The UCLA Administration does not allow lunch and learns  Very Sad!
Criteria: Chapter provides social activities
• First Year Welcome Week events (lunch, lecture)
• ASDA First Year Luncheon – intro to ASDA
• “ASDA Loves You” Breakfast in Fall
• Finals Preparation Breakfast in Winter
• Alumni/Faculty/Student Golf Tournament
• 3-on-3 basketball tournament in Winter
• Winter Dental Olympics (with outdoor activities)
• Spring Dental Olympics (with indoor activities)
• Beach Trip (done at same time as community service event)
Criteria: Chapter interacts with other ASDA chapters in region through activities
• USC Ethics Forum
• District 11 Exchange Program with UOP/UCLA/UCSF
• 3 on 3 basketball tournament
Criteria: Chapter participates in community or humanitarian activities
• Heal the Bay Beach Clean-Up
• Give Kids a Smile Day – Inglewood Children’s Dental Center
• Geriatric Volunteer Project
• Project Santa Claus
• ASDA Halloween Health Fair
• ASDA Thanksgiving Day Health Fair
• Valentine’s Day card making for children
• Give Kids a Smile Day – Venice Family Dental Center
• Clinic Pride Day
Criteria: Chapter organizes activities that are unique and original
• Many of the events that UCLA holds are unique; please see above lists!
Criteria: Acts as a resource for information on financial aid and other pertinent issues
• Legislative Liaison educates dental students on issues impacting their dental school careers through e-mailed
legislative updates.
• The UCLA Office of Financial Aid hosted a financial aid session on loans, so ASDA did not need to host one.
• Lectures were provided through CDA about financing our career after graduation, practice managements, etc.
• Students are referred to resources to educate themselves on issues such as modifications of State Medical,
SCHIP, election candidate’s stance on dental issues, etc.
• “Pizza and politics” events and guest speaker events serve as a discussion forum pertinent issues.
Criteria: Provides mentoring services for new members such as explaining requirements, providing class notes
or preparing test booklets
• The UCLA Administration does not allow the passage of course material from upperclassmen to
underclassmen, but does encourage student mentoring and laboratory assistance.
• UCLA ASDA provides “Drill and Chill,” “Wax and Relax,” a “Big sib’/Lil’ sib” program, and other events to
help underclassmen.
Criteria: Supports the individual and collective concerns of members and serves as voice for entire chapter
• All members are able to express concerns during the ASDA All School Meetings or directly to chapter
leadership, and issues are brought before the school administration or appropriate body.
• Class representatives make announcements about all events are serve as the go-to people for class concerns.
• Students are encouraged to email and consult with the Legislative Liaison whenever they hear about any
political issues affecting the dental community.
Criteria: Attends State and National Lobby Day 2008
• 9 UCLA dental students attend the 2009 ASDA National Dental Student Lobby Day in Washington D.C.
• UCLA students met with 18 offices of senators and congressmen
• Prior to ASDA National Lobby Day, participants had the opportunity to speak with UCLA faculty involved
politically in organized dentistry at the state and national level
• 4 UCLA ASDA members participated in a California State Lobby
• 2 Student attended the California Healthcare lobby day in conjunction with the UCSF ASDA chapter and the
American Medical Student Association chapters from medical schools across the state
Criteria: Holds ADPAC drives
• From January 20th to the 23rd, the UCLA ASDA chapter held an ADPAC drive that was kicked off with a
Presidential Inauguration event and a Pizza and Politics lecture
• Our chapter surpassed our goal of 200 student ADPAC members by obtaining 203 UCLA Student ADPAC
members during this year’s ADPAC drive
Criteria: Attains at least a 5% ADPAC membership within chapter
• In this year’s ADPAC drive, UCLA obtained 54% student membership, nearly doubling the membership of
the previous year
Criteria: Presents ASDA’s initiatives on Accessing Aging America and Access to Care to members
• Community Service Chairs implemented the ASDA Geriatric Volunteer Program at Arbor View
• UCLA ASDA members have the opportunity to accompany UCLA dental faculty at a nursing home in Los
Angeles to provide oral screenings and oral hygiene instruction to elders
Criteria: Attains >80% enrollment in ADA’s free $50,000 life insurance benefit
• We did accomplish this goal!
Other Events held: Voter Registration Drive, Lecture on Governance 101, Finding the Leader Within, and Having a
Social Conscious in Dentistry by Dr. Richard Mungo; Lecture on the Presidential Candidates and their platforms on
Health Care (particularly oral health care) by Dean Chalios; ASDA Participation in the ADA/CDA Grassroots
Training Seminar; ASDA Participation in the CDA Leadership Conference
Criteria: Chapter conducts one or more organized efforts at earning money
• Chapter held a Vendor Fair in the Fall
o Event raised $23,750
o 44 vendors attended
o More than $3,000 in prizes were awarded
o 250 students attended
o Faculty, staff, students, resident and alumni were invited
• ASDA Basketball Tournament collected $640
• 16 teams (with 4 members per team) with students from both USC and UCLA participated.
• UCLA ASDA has collected $7,750 for the Student/Faculty/Alumni golf tournament which is going to be held
in Spring
• Chapter is currently holding a toothbrush sale which has raised $1,400. It is not yet complete, so final
numbers are not available.
Criteria: Chapter’s efforts at raising money are successful
• The chapter has brought in $33,540 so far this year through fundraising efforts.
Criteria: Chapter’s fundraising contributes to annual expenses
• 100% of our chapter’s annual spending covered by fundraising.
• Local dues are not charged to members; all ASDA events are paid for through fundraising efforts.
Predental Membership
Criteria: Chapter recruits pre-dental members for national ASDA membership
• UCLA ASDA has a Pre-Dental Committee which heads the Pre-Dental Student Outreach Program (PDSOP).
• PDSOP is the pre-dental club at UCLA and has 85 members.
• PDSOP members were provided with information about becoming registering as a pre-dental member
through ASDA national. Because policy dictates that members are not allowed to affiliate with a school, it is
not possible to track how many people end up registering.
• Members are provided with printed information all PDSOP/ASDA events—including our UCLA ASDA
quarterly newsletter.
Criteria: Chapter introduces pre-dental students to dental school and organized dentistry (ASDA and ADA)
• The ASDA Pre-Dental committee holds events at least two events per quarter with the Pre-Dental Student
Outreach Program. Events include:
o A lecture by Chair of the Admissions Committee to educate pre-dental students about the application
process and getting into dental school.
o Tours of the UCLA School of Dentistry to pre-dental students
o A lecture about choosing dentistry as a career
o An ASDA Pre-dental membership drive
o DAT Tutoring lecture from UCLA students who teach DAT preparation courses
o Dental student question and answer panel
o Mentorship Banquet
• Pre-dental students are paired with current dental students through a mentoring program to answer questions
about applying to dental school.
Criteria: Chapter provides leadership opportunities for pre-dentals
• The Pre-Dental Student Outreach Program has an executive cabinet with a President, Vice President,
Treasurer, and Secretary.
• Our UCLA ASDA Chapter invites the President of PDSOP to our cabinet meetings as our Pre-Dental Liaison.
Criteria: Chapter provides networking opportunities for pre-dental students with dental students/local dentists
Criteria: Chapter provides mentorships for pre-dental students
• Pre-dental students are paired with current dental students through a mentoring program to answer questions
related to dental school and dentistry as a career.
• A mentorship banquet was held for pre-dental students to meet mentors, faculty and other dental students.
• Pre-dental students are invited to participate in some of ASDA’s Community Service activities such as Give
Kids a Smile Day and various health fairs.
Criteria: Students in your chapter are represented on ethics committees at your school
Criteria: Relationship with student ethics organizations at your school, such as the Professional Ethics Club
• UCLA does not have an Ethics committee or Professional Ethics Club on which students can serve.
Criteria: Organizes activities focusing on ethics, such as lunch and learns
• UCLA Chair of Restorative Dentistry Richard Stevenson gave a lecture title “Management and Malpractice”
• Los Angeles dentist and researcher Tom Kalili gave an “Ethics in Dentistry” lecture in the ethics and
doctoring course for first year students.
• ASDA arranged an event in conjunction with the CDA entitled “Pitfalls to Avoid in Your First 10 Years of
Practice” which discussed practice management and malpractice
• Chapter hosted a roundtable discussion and article review of an ethics article recently published in JADA.
• Lecture on Having a Social Conscious in Dentistry by Dr. Richard Mungo
Criteria: Develops resources on ethics for your chapter
• Links to the ASDA code of ethics and UCLA Code of ethics are published on the ASDA Website.
• Presentations and journal articles related to ethics are available for download on the ASDA Website.
Criteria: Displays Code of Ethics prominently at chapter (web site, newsletter, bulletin boards, etc.) and
distributes Code to members of chapter:
• The ASDA Code of Ethics was e-mailed to all students, posted on the UCLA ASDA website, and distributed
to all students in hard-copy.
• A link to the Code of Ethics was included in the UCLA ASDA newsletter.
Criteria: Publish articles in chapter newsletter and on web site focused on ethics
• UCLA ASDA added an ethics corner to each issue of its quarterly newsletter.
• Chapter has posted the ASDA Code of Ethics on chapter website and bulletin board, etc.
• Malpractice and Ethics resources have been uploaded to the ASDA Website.
Criteria: Faculty involvement in ethics activities
• Faculty is invited and participates in the ethics events listed above.
• Dean of Student Affairs sends quarterly reminder of Code of Ethics.
Table of Contents
Membership & Communication
Organization & Leadership
Involvement in Organized
Membership & Communication
Student Involvement Fair
ASDA Table October 15th
95% membership market share !!
as of August 2008
Membership and Communication
Membership and Communication
October 17th
Join a Committee and Get involved!!!
Students learned about
* h mission
i i
off ASDA
*what UCLA chapter offers
* the power and benefits of organized dentistry, ASDA
involvement at local, regional, and national levels
Membership & Communication
November 4th
Bagels, donuts, yogurt!!
Membership & Communication
Finals week :: December 3rd
Good Luck on Finals!
Membership and Communication
February 9th
ASDA loves you!
Membership and Communication
& Publicity
Membership & Communication
Issue for Fall Quarter
ASDA Banner displayed at every event!!
Membership and Communication
Fun stories!
Faculty interviews!
Membership and Communication
Coming soon!!
y Goodie Bags:
g little treats for 1st and 2nd y
St. Patrick’s Day
dental students
Community Service Committee
Current Chairs: Jenn Dang – jenndang@ucla.edu
Vince Van – vincentvanv@gmail.com
ASDA's Community Service Committee provides opportunities for students to get involved in volunteering their
time to improve our community. The focus of the committee is to identify needs in our community and to
organize events that meet those needs. One of our biggest event is Give Kids a Smile Day in February. Community
Service events are not just limited to meeting dental needs; we are involved in many non-dental and fun projects,
such as the Halloween Fair at the Boys and Girls Club, Project Santa Claus, wrapping holiday presents, beach clean
ups and working with nursing homes. Many service events are planned throughout the year.
Pre-Dental Outreach Committee
Current Chair: Dovi Prero – ydprero@ucla.edu
The Pre-Dental Committee's focus is to work with the UCLA Pre-Dental Student Outreach Program (PDSOP) to
provide mentorship to undergraduate students. This has been achieved through the Big Sib/Lil Sib program, Q&A
panels, and presentations given at PDSOP meetings. This year, the chair is planning a Big Sib/Little Sib Dinner in
the fall as well as the spring
First Year Enrichment Committee
Current Chair: Sally Sheng – sallylsheng@gmail.com
Our chapter has always played a role in welcoming new dental students both to UCLA and to ASDA. It is
important that our new students understand how they can become involved through the ASDA organization in
order to enrich their dental school experience. Committee responsibilities include planning a “Getting to Know
ASDA” event, organize preclinical tutorial sessions for 1st and 2nd years (Wax-n-Relax, Drill-n-Chill, and Dentures),
and organizing social events to provide faculty-student interaction.
Educational Lecture Series Committee
Current Chair: Joyce Huang – jkhuang@ucla.edu
The purpose of this committee is to provide learning opportunities to enhance the dental education of students.
This committee will provide “Lunch and Learn” informational sessions that follow the parameters of school
policy. The committee will organize lectures from unique dental specialists, presentations from vendors on new and
innovative dental products, and hands-on sessions focusing on dental techniques and materials not emphasized in
the dental school curriculum. The committee is in charge of brainstorming ideas for the lecture series, and
contacting specialists, vendors, and hands-on presenters for their respective events.
Dental Olympics Committee
Current Chair: Ryan Abelowitz – abelowitz@gmail.com
The annual Dental Olympics includes contests between individual students and among the four school classes. The
annual event’s activities are always fun for all those involved, whether just watching or actually participating. The
committee is responsible for coordinating and publicizing the two-day event (Lab competitions and Dental
Jeopardy), providing lunch, and working with faculty to determine the winners. The chair is also planning to work
with subcommittee members to host Summer and Winter Dental Olympics.
Student Morale Committee
Current Chair: Aileen Kim – aileenkim@ucla.edu
The purpose of this committee is to find, organize, and execute specific projects that will improve the lives of the
dental students. Recent projects have included a major dental kit revision, breakfasts for
students/faculty, student schedule cards, exam week and holiday "goody" bags, and much more.
Fundraising Committee
Current Chair: Andrew Read-Fuller – andrew.readfuller@gmail.com
UCLA ASDA is responsible for generating enough revenue each year for the organization to be self-sufficient. The
primary task of the Fundraising Committee is to coordinate the Exhibitors Fair, which is held during the Fall
Quarter. The committee chair is working closely with the current and immediate-past chapter president to
coordinate this event. The chair and his/her committee is also organizing other fundraising efforts, such as the sale
of Crest whitestrips, electronic toothbrushes, ASDA merchandise, and/or newsletter/website advertisements.
3-on-3 Basketball Committee
Current Chair: Kirk Morris – kirkmoris@ucla.edu
The basketball tournament provides an opportunity for friendly competition with our neighboring USC ASDA
chapters. Traditionally, UCLA hosts the basketball tournament and a 3-point contest on our campus. The
committee is responsible for determining prizes, providing lunch, T-shirts, and carrying-out the day-long event.
Golf Tournament Committee
Current Chair: Brady Nielsen – bradynielsen@ucla.edu
The annual ASDA Golf Tournament gives students and faculty a chance to engage in some friendly competition
and interact with each other outside of school. The committee is responsible for making arrangements with the golf
course to host the tournament, organizing food and prizes, sending invitations to alumni/faculty, and acquiring
Historian Committee
Current Chair: Bebe Ehsan - behsan@ucla.edu
The goal of this committee is to keep an updated record of handouts, brochures, pictures, etc. of all ASDA-related
events. Pictures and brief descriptions about each ASDA event will be compiled into a scrapbook and submitted for
judging at the ASDA National Meeting in hopes of winning the "Ideal ASDA Chapter” award. Furthermore, the
scrapbook should serve as a reference for future committee chairs and board members interested in obtaining
information about previous ASDA events.
Publicity Committee
Current Chairs: Amy Yen - amyyen10@gmail.com
Alison Austin – alisoncaustin@ucla.edu
This committee will serve to increase the visibility of the local/national ASDA to students by working with Other
committees to publicize upcoming ASDA events. In addition, this committee will communicate with the media
(school newspaper, ASDA newsletter) to keep the public and dental community informed of UCLA ASDA
activities. The committee will also update the ASDA bulletin board on a quarterly basis.
Website Committee
Current Chair: Hamed Ghorbani-Moghaddam – hamed_ucla@yahoo.com
This committee has made a brand new website for our chapter. The website committee works closely with all other
committees and cabinet members to ensure that events, committee descriptions, and photos stay up-to-date. In
addition to maintaining the website, the committee will aid in preparing power point presentations and completing
technical/media-related tasks for various committees
Newsletter Committee
Current Chair: Will Trevor – williamtrevor@ucla.edu
This committee is in charge of our nationally acclaimed chapter newsletter, The Diastema News. The committee
chair serves as an editor of the publication and oversees compiling the articles and obtaining administrative
approval. The committee will produce quarterly newsletters.
Legislative Committee
Current Chair: Tal Masserman – tmasserman@ucla.edu
The committee’s purpose is to educate and inform ASDA members on legislative issues that affect dentistry and
dental students. In addition, our purpose is to advocate efforts promoting legislation that supports dentistry. As
future dental professionals, politics will have a major impact on our profession. As members of the dental
community, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to help shape the law so that it is favorable for dentistry.
The goals for this committee include the following: conducting an ADPAC drive to raise support and awareness for
dentistry’s political action committee, organizing various events to inform students about current legislation
affecting dentistry, conducting letter writing campaigns to politicians as efforts to make a difference in current issues,
and attending the 2009 National Lobby Day in Washington DC.
Organization & Leadership
UCLA newsletter:
13 representatives
from UCLA!!!
ti Kierland
Ki l d Resort
t & Spa
Scottsdale, Arizona
Aug 27 - 31
Organization & Leadership
Jerry's Deli in Westwood
July 12th
ASDA Cabinet Meeting:: January 14th
Discussed goals, objectives, annual session, and planned future events
Organization & Leadership
Exchange with UCSF and UOP Dental School
-A weekend in San Francisco: Nov. 25
-District 11 meeting
- Mingle and get to know other ASDA chapters
- Tours of the schools
- Brainstorm ideas to improve our chapters
Involvement in Organized Dentistry
A Q&A Panel with the residents Friday October 3rd
ADA SUCCESS Program: Educational Lecture Series
Involvement in Organized Dentistry
Resume/CV Workshop”
for job/specialty program applications
January 16th
“Pitfalls to avoid in y
your first 10 y
years of p
CDA/ASDA joint event
Robyn Thomason and Connor from CDA: our favorite speakers!
Lecture with Dr. Richard Mungo August 6th
Community Service : Venice Beach on August 16th
Lunchtime Social Picnic and Class Competition
Community Service: Tues, October 21st
Boys and Girls Club of Santa Monica
Waxing! Cusp tips, line
Friday November 21st for first year dental class
Community service
Thursday November 27th
OHI puppet
Giving Back on Thanksgiving morning!
Community Service: in Inglewood Saturday Feb 7th
ASDA Valentine’s card for school visit
Community Service::February 13th
ASDA Research Info Session
February 18th
Sports: Feb 21st: UCLA vs. USC dental teams!
Upcoming Activities
ASDA Drill ‘n Chill:
March 4th, 2009
ASDA Golf Tournament
April 4th, Saturday
We will host another one of
our continuous tutorial series
for the first years. Volunteer
tutors will offer tips and extra
help on how to make idea
preparation and restoration
for their Operative course.
Lunch and Learn! Jan 20th at lunch Tuesday
 donate $5. GREAT successful January 20-23, 2009
GOAL: 200 contributors throughout the school.
We reached our goal and beyond!
203 new ADPAC members! Raised $1,015 !!
Washington D.C
Meeting with
State Leaders
Fundraised: $23,500 !!!
ASDA Cabinet!!
Raffle Prizes:
Rotodent Toothbrush
Coffee Bean Gift Cards
Bur Blocks – SS White Burs
Outback Gift Card – Matsco
$50 Starbucks Card
Skincare Basket
Gift Card
ParaPost Kit
Home Whitening Kit
$100 Gift Certificate
Oakley Sunglasses
$100 Check Card
NBDE Book and Qbank
Ultrasonic Scaler
iPod – Ocean Dental
1. Practice Works, Inc.
2. DentalEZ
3. Heine
4. Aspen Dental
5. Brasseler USA Dental, LLC
6. CDA (and TDIC?)
7. Colgate
8. Coltene Whaledent
9. Crosstex Int'l, Inc.
10. Designs For Vision, Inc.
11. GC America
12. Glidewell Laboratories
13. Henry Schein/Sullivan Schein
14. Hu-Friedy
15. Indian Health Services
16. Kaplan
17. Kool Smiles (DPMS)
18. Medical Protective
19. Miltex
20. Ocean Dental
21. Orascoptic (Kerr)
22. Pacific Advisors
23. Insurance
24. Pacific Dental Services
25. Premier Dental Products
26. Q Optics/Quality Aspirators
27. Septodont
28. Southern Dental Industries
29. SS White Burs, Inc.
30. SurgiTel/General Scientific Corp
31. Ultralight Optix
32. Western Los Angeles Dental Society
33. Matsco
34. Bright Now! Dental
35. Cyber Med Imaging- XDR Radiology
36. Patterson Companies Inc
37. Zeiss
38. Mitchell & Mitchell Insurance Agency, Inc.
39. HealthFirst Corporation
40. Great West Life Insurance
41. Isolite System - Innerlite Inc.
42. Kerr (Sybron/Kerr/Ormco Dental)
43. Norelco Sonicare
44. Proctor and Gamble (Crest, Oral B, Glide)
Vendor Fair at the UCLA undergrad campus
Ackerman’s Union Ballroom
ASDA Pre-dental panel :: Tuesday November 25th
Big sib/lil sib dinner/info session :: Jan 13th
Upcoming events:
* DAT prep meeting
* Health fair/banquet
* Pre-Dental Survival Series
* Register more pre-dents for ASDA membership
UCLA Admission Counselor Lecture
Survivor Series: Applying to Dental School
ASDA/CDA “Surviving the First 10 years after
Dental School” and Malpractice Discussion
Ethics in Dentistry Discussion
Having A Social Conscience in
Dentistry Lecture
Ethics Article Roundtable Discussion