A Bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical


A Bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical
6A.1. BIBLIOGRAPHY (cf. 1.Common Semitic)
A Bibliography of Ugaritic Grammar and Biblical Hebrew in the Twentieth Century, by M. Smith
[http://oi.uchicago.edu/OI/DEPT/RA/bibs/BH-Ugaritic.html: pdf, doc, rtf].
“A classified discourse analysis bibliography”, by K.E. Lowery, in DABL, pp. 213-253.
An Index of English Periodical Literature on the Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies, 2 vols.
(American Theological Library Association. Bibliography Series 21), by W.G. Hupper, Philadelphia
1987-1999. ´
“Bibliografia historii i kultury Zydów w Polsce za rok 1994”, by St. Gąsiorowski, Studia Judaica
Crocoviensia: Series Bibliographica 2 (10), Krakow 2002 [Bibliography on the history and culture od
the Jews in Poland for the year 1994].
“Bibliographie, Altes Testament/Qumran”, AfO 14, 1941-1944 // 29-30, 1983-1984 (Palestina und Syrien ;
Altes Testament un nachbiblische Schriftum ; Die handschriftenfunde am Toten Meer/Qumran).
Bibliographie biblique/Biblical Bibliography/Biblische Bibliographie/Bibliografla biblica/Bibliografía
bíblica. III : 1930-1983, by P.-E. Langevin, Québec 1985 [‘Philologie’, 335-464].
“Bibliographische Dokurnentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von T. Ijoherty et
al., ZAH l, 1988, 122-137, 210-234.
“Bibliographische Dokumentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von W. Breder et
al., ZAH 2, 1989, 93-119; 2, 1989, 213-243, 3, 1990, 98-125; 3, 1990, 221-231.
“Bibliographische Dokumentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von B. Brauer et
al.., ZAH 4, 1991, 95-114,194-209; 5, 1992, 91-112, 226-236; 6, 1993, 128-148; 6, 1993, 243-256 ; 6,
1993, 128-148; 6, 1993, 243-256 ; 7, 1994, 88-100; 7, 1994, 245-257;
“Bibliographische Dokumientation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, in Verbindung mit B.
Kedar-Kopfstein (et al.) bearb. von P. Härtling (et al.), ZAH 8, 1995, 82-l00; 8, 1995, 149-246; 8, l995,
300-316; 9, 1996, 62-88; 9/2, 1996, 204-217.
“Bibliographische Dokurnentation: lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, in Verbindung mit B.
Kedar-Kopfstein [et al.] bearb. von An. Bräcker [et al.], ZAH 10, 1997, 99-114; 10, 1997, 198-224; 11,
1998, 90-108; 11, 1998, 210-224.
“Bibliographische Dokumentation : lexikalisches und grammatisches Material”, bearb. von S. Gratz [et al.],
ZAH 12, 1999, 110-124; 13, 2000, 201-233.
“Bibliographische Dokumentation: lexikalisches Material”, bearb. von S. Gratz, R. Heckl, U.
Rüterswarden, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003, 212-228.
“Bibliographische Dokumentation : grammatikalisches Material (relevante neuere Publikationen aus dem
Bereich der Althebraistik und der übrigen Semitistik)”, bearb. von R. Bartelmus, ZAH 15-16, 20022003, 229-250.
Bibliography of Hebrew publications on the Dead Sea Scrolls 1948-1964 (Harvard Theological Studies
23), by M. Yizhar, Cambridge Mass.1967.
Catalogue of the recordings in the Tape-Archives, by K. Fellman (Edah ve-Lashon, 3), Jerusalem 1978
(on the traditions of f Hebrew & Aramaic in the Jewish communities and the Jewish languages).
Catalogue of the recordings in the Tape-Archives. Part II, by H.avitan, K. Fellman (Edah ve-Lashon, 11),
Jerusalem 1987.
“Current bibliography on the Dead Sea Scrolls. 1998 (Part 1)”, by Z.J. Kapera, QCh 8, 1998, 133-158.
“De Hebreeuwse taalwetenschap in de laatste dertig jaar”, by J. H. Hospers, JEOL 14, 1955-56, 42-44.
Die Anfänge der hebräischen Grammatik and Die hebräische sprachuwissenschaft vom 10. bis zum 16.
Jahrhundert, by W. Bacher, enlarged by Bibliographie der Schriften Wilhelm Bacher, compiled by
Ludwig Blau and supplemented by D. Friedman and an art., ‘Wilhelm Bacher, pioneer in the history of
Hebrew linguistics’, by J. Fellman (Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Sciences III,4),
Amsterdam 1974 [repr. of Bacher’s work of 1892 and 1895, with bibliographies published in 1910 and
1928] [rev.: BSL 71, 1976/2, 413-414 (D. Cohen)].
Doctoral dissertations on Hebrew and Aramaic in Universities 1937-1976 (Heb.), by M. Bar-Asher,
Jerusalem 1978.
“Dokumentation über neu entdeckte Texte”, by S. Loersch, ZAH 4,1991,115-117; 5/1,1992,113-114.
“Dokumentation über Neuveroffentlichungen aus den Qumranfunden” by H. Lichienberger, ZAH 4,
1991, 210-212; 5, 1992, 115.
Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, 25-29, 1944-1948, by E. Bürgi, Biblica 25-29, 1944-1948 (Philologia
Biblica, Lingua hebraica).
Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, by P. Nober, 31/58-59, 1950/1977-1978 (Philologia biblica:
Grammatica hebraica et linguarum affinium; Studia lexicalia, Voces hebraicae et relatae discussae /
Philologia biblica: semitica; Voces hebraicae discussae).
Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, by P. Nober, R. North, 60, 1979 (Philologia biblica: Hebraica,
Grammatica; Generalia, Hebrew vocabulary).
Elenchus bibliographicus biblicus, by R. North, 61, 1980 / 64, 1984 (Philologia biblica: Hebraica,
Grammatica; Generalia, Hebrew vocabulary, voces hebraicae …).
Elenchus of Biblica 1985-1995 (Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography, 1-11), by R. North, Roma 1988-1999,
(Philologia biblica Hebraica, Grammatica; Hebraica varia, Hebrew vocabulary, Voces ordine alph...).
Elenchus of Biblica 1996-2005 (Elenchus of Biblical Bibliography, 12-21), by R. Althann, Roma 2000-2008
(Philologia biblica Hebraica, Grammatica; Hebraica varia, Hebrew vocabulary, Voces ordine alph...).
“El Rollo del Templo (11 Q Temple): bibliografía sistemática”, by F. García Martínez, RQ 11-13, 1986 ,
425-440 [18: Estudios lingüísticos, 434].
S. Kessler-Mesguich, “Gilbert Génébrard (1537-1597) et l’hébreu rabbinique”, in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp.
Hebraica, O. Rössler, ed., Berlin 1977 [rev.: StPap 18, 1979, 56-57 (R. de Sivatte); WO, 1981, 190-191
(B. Groneberg);].
“Hebrew”, in LBY 939-2004.
“Hebrew”, by J.H. Hospers-C.H.J. de Geus, in BBSSL/1, pp. 176-282 (biblical, dialectal and modern).
“Hebrew Grammars and Lexicons”, by B.H. Kelly, Interpretation (Richmond, Va.) 2, 1948, 186-198
[chronological bibliography].
Hebrew grammars in Hungary (1635-1995): bibliography of the Hebrew grammars published in Hungary
or written by Hungarian authors (Hung.) (Hungaria judaica, 10), Budapest 1999.
“Hebrew in Israel: Trends and Problems”, by H. Blanc, MEJ 11, 1957, 397-409.
Hebrew-Ugaritic Bibliogaphy, by Ch. Hardy, on line.
Hebrew-Ugaritic index to the writings ot Mitchell J. Dahood. A bibliography with indices of scriptural
passages, Hebrew and Ugaritic words and grammatical observations, I, II (with an Eblaite Index), by
E.R. Martinez (Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici, 116/Subsidia Biblia, 4), Rome 1967/1981 [rev.: BiOr
25, 1968, 364 (K.R. Veenhof); JBL 87, 1968, 117 (D. Robertson); DLZ B9, 1968, 972-973 (M.
Dietrich, O. Loretz); CBQ 44, 1982, 479-480 (J.I. Hunt); JNES 42, 1983, 163 (D. Pardee); OA 21, 1982
(1983), 293-294 (P. Xella); OLZ 80/2, 1985, 166-167 (W.Herrmann)]..
“Indexes to articles, words and subjects in volume 36 (1971-1972) - 50 (1985- 1986)” (Heb.), Leshonenu
54, 1990, 9-90.
Jewish translation history: a bibliography of bibliographies and studies (Benjamins translation library,
44), by R. Singerman, Amsterdam 2002.
“Josef Dobrovsky’s contribution to Hebrew studies”, by St. Segert, ZAH 5, 1992, 52-56.
Judaika polskie z XIX wieku: materiaiy do bibliografii. Czę ćś I. Druki w jqzykach nie-zydowskic, by W.
Wietzbieniec, Kraków 1999 (Studia Polono-Judaica. Series Bibliographica, 5/1. I Bibl. of 19th century
Hebrew handbooks, grammars, bibliographies and catalogues, publ. in Poland, I Ling., 17-20).
“Jewish Biblical Scholarship in America”, by H.M. Orlinski, JewQR 45, 1954-1955, 374-412.
The Recent Study of Hebrew: A Survey of the Literature with Selected Bibliography, by N.M. Waldman,
Cincinnati/Winona Lake 1989.
“Hebräische Studien zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit an der Universität Leiden in den Jahren
1575-1619”, by J.C.H. Lebram, in Fs. de Bruin, pp. 317-357.
“Hebreeuws en Hebraïsten in Franeker in de 17e en 18e eeuw”, by L. Fuks, in Fs.Beek, pp. 50-70.
“L'étude de l'hébreu en France au XVIIIe siècle : la grammaire de’Étienne Fourmont”, by B.E.
Schwarzbach, REJ 151, 1992, 43-75.
“Linguistic Literature, Hebrew”, by J. Barr, in EnJud. vol. x, cols. 1352-1401.
“Literaturauswahl Altes Testament und Palästina 1980-1982”, by K. Jaroš, AfO 29-30, 1983-84, 594-604.
“Recent trends in the linguistic description of’ Old Hebrew”, by C.H.J. van der Merwe, JNSL 25, 1989,
217-241 [rev. art.].
Semitistas catalanes del siglo XVIII (Orientalia Barcinonensia, 5), by G. del Olmo Lete Sabadell
(Barcelona) 1988.
The recent study of Hebrew: a survey of the lilerature with selected bibliography, by N.M. Waldman,
(Bibliographica Judaica, 10), Cincinnati OH/Winona Lake IN 1989 [rev.: JAOS 112, 1992, 318-320
(G.A. Rendsburg); JSJ 21, 1990, 299-300 (A.S. van der Woude ); LibAnn 40, 1990, 495-497 (M.C.
Pazzini); VT 42/3, 1992, 427-428 (A. E[merton]); BiOr 48/3-4, 1991, 612-613 (J. Klener); ZAW 102,
1990, 463 (H.W. Hoffmann); CBQ 52, 1990, 733-734 (M.D. Guinan)].
“Zur… Bibliographischen Dokumentation … in der Zeitschrift für Althebraistik”, by M. Görg, BN 52,
1990, 11-121.
6A.2. MISCELLANEA (cf. 1. Common Semitic)
Actes du second colloque international Bible et informatique :méthodes, outils,
résultats, Jérusalem, 9-13 juin 1988 …, Paris/Genève 1989.
Actes du troisiéme colloque international “Bible et informatique” :
interprétation, herméneutique, compétence informatique … Tübingen, 26-30
August 1991 (Travaux de linguistique quantitative, 49), Paris/Genève 1992.
Actes du quatriéme colloque international "Bible et informatique” : matériel et
matière : l’impact de l’informatique sur les études bibliques … Amsterdam,15-18
August 1994 (Travaux de linguistique quantitative, 57), Paris/Genève 1995.
Anchor Dictionary of the Bible, New York 1992.
5e Congrès International de Toponymie et d’Anthroponymie, Salamanca 1955.
Actes et mémoires (Acta Salmanticensia. Filosofia y Letras, 11), Salamanca 1958.
Annuaire de l’Institut de Philologie et d’Histoire orientales et slaves, 13, 1953 /
Mélanges Lévy, Bruxelles 1955 [rev.: RBPh 34, 1956, 240-242 (R. verdière)].
R.D. Bergen, ed., Biblical Hebrew and discourse linguistics, Winona Lake 1994
[rev.: CBQ 58, 1996, 370-372 (M.E. Biddle); JBL 115, 1996, 171-178; (L.G.
Perdue); Language 72, 1996, 180 (M.A. Covington)].
St.E. Fassberg, A. Hurvitz, eds, Biblical Hebrew in Its Northwest Semitic Setting:
Typological and Historical Perspectives (Publications of the Institute for Advanced Studies, 1), Jerusalem 2006 [rev.: HebS 4S, 2007, 348-359 ( P.D. Korchin); JNES
71, 2012, 168-170 (D. Pardee)].
J. Campos Santiago, V. Pastor Julián, eds, Congreso Internacional ‘Biblia,
Memoria Histórica y encrucijada de culturas’. Actas, Zamora 2004.
E. Talstra, ed., Computer assited analysis of Biblical texts: papers ead at the
workshop on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of “Werkgroep Informatica”.
Faculty of Theology, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, November, 5-6, 1987,
Amsterdam 1989.
Y. Choueka, ed., Computers in literary and linguistic research: literay and
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actes …, Jerusalem , 5-9 juin 1988 (TLQ 44, Proceedings of the international
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Fs. Bonfante
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Fs. Breuer
Fs. Brongers
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Fs. Grabbe
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Fs. Paul
Fs. Pintore
Fs. Polański
Fs. Prado
Fs. Rabin
Fs. Ratzaby
Fs. Roberts
Fs. Rosenthal
Fs. Scheiber,
Fs. Schneider
Fs. Schoors
Fs. Spitaler,
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W.M. Schniedewind, “Sociolinguistic reflections on the letter of a ‘literate’ soldier (Lachish 3)”, ZAH 13,
2000, 157-167.
L. Simon, “The Expansion of the Hebrew Language”, in N. Bentwich, ed., Hebrew University Garland, A
Silve Jubilee Symposium, London 1952, pp. 58-64.
N. Smith, The uses of Hebrew in the English revolution, in P.Burke, R. Porter, eds, Language, self, and
society: a social history if language, Cambridge 1991, pp. 51-71.
B. Spolsky, “Triglossia and literacy in Jewish Palestine of the first century”, IJSL 42, 1983, 95-109.
B. Spolsky, “Jewish multilingualism in the first century: an essay in historical sociolinguistics”, in RSJL, pp.
A. Tal, “‘Hebrew language’ and ‘holy language’ between Judea ans Samaria”, in SSS pp. 187-201.
J. Thon, “The power of (Hebrew) language: grammar, Cabbalah, magic and the emerging protestant
identity”, EJJS 6/1, 2’12, 105-122.
S. Weil, “Verbal interaction among the Bene Israel”, Linguistics 193 (= IJLS 13), 1977, 71.85.
Fr. Weinreb, “Symbolika biblického jazyka: úvod do studia hebrejštiny”, Praha 1995 [rev.: VerbumKoš 8,
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P. Wexler, “The cartography of unspoken languages of culture and liturgy (Refelxions of the diffusion of
Arabic and Hebrew), Orbis 23 1974, 30-51).
Th. Wilt, “A sociolinguistic analysis of n¿’”, VT 46, 1996, 237-255.
I. Zatelli, “L'analisi linguistica come presupposto dell'interpretazione testuale: considerazioni
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6A.4.2 Statistical and computational methods (a selection)
F.I. Andersen-A.D. Forbes, The vocabulary of the Old Testament, Roma 1989 [statistical analysis] [rev.:
ZAW 102, 1990, 295 (H.W. Hoffmann); JThS 42, 1991, 624-625 (J.F.A. Sawyer); VT 43/I, 1993, 129130 (N.R.M. de Lange) | BZ 38/2, 1994, 310-311 (J. Maier)].
W. Bader, “Textual analysis with the help of TUSTEP: findings from a study in syntax”, in A2CIBI, pp.
75-86 [TUSTEP = Tübingen Univ. System of Text Processing Programs].
W. Bader, “The agents in Gen 22:1-14”, in A3CIBI, pp. 49-76 [computer-assisted semantic analysis].
J. Bajard, Y. Juste, “Massora electronica: approche quantitative de la Bible hebraïque”, in A2CIBI, pp. 99133 [Computer assisted analysis of Biblical texts].
J. Bastiaens, W. Beuken, F. Postma, Trito-Isaiah: an exhaustive concordance of Isa. 56-66, especially
with reference to Deutero-lsaiah: an example of computer assisted research (Applicatio 4), Amsterdam
R. E. Bee, “The use of statistical methods in Old Testament studies”, VT 23, 1973, 257-272.
R.E. Bee, “A study of Deuteronomy based on statistical properties of the text”, VT 29, 1979, 1-222.
E. Bentor, A. Angel, D. Segev, “Computerized analysis of Hebrew words” (Heb.), HeLi 36, 1992, 33-381.
H.J. Bosman, “Computer assisted clause description of Deuteronoiny 8”, in A4CIBI, pp. 76-100.
H.J. Bosman, “Two proposals for a structural analysis of Lamentations 3 and 5”, in A3CIBI, pp.
F. Chenique, Principes et méthodes de l’étude de la Bible massorétique sur les calculateurs
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603-605 (H.Th. Willers)].
W.T. Claassen, “A research unit for computer applications to the language and text of the Old Testament”,
JNSL 13, 1987, 11-21.
W.T. Claassen, “Computer-assisted methods and the text and language of the Old Testament: an
overview”, in W.T. Claassen, ed., Text and Context: Old Testament and Semitic Studies for F.C.
Fensham (Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, Suplement Series, 48), Sheffield 1988, pp. 283299.
J. Cook, “The computerized database for the Dead Sea Biblical scrolls”, in A2CIBI, pp. 213-221.
O. Dang1, “Comparison of different OT-methodologies”, in A3CIBI, pp. 151-180.
J.W. Dyk, “The computer and complex linguistic constructions”, A4CIBI, pp. 255-272.
W. Eckardt: Computergestützte Analyse althebräischer Texte . . . . St. Ottilien 1987 [rev.: CBQ 51, 1989,
320-321 (S. Segert)].
Chr. Hardmeier, “Dialogfähige Computer-Konkordanz: die Erweiterung der Grundlagen empirischer
Textanalyse durch ein neues Forschungsinstrument”, in CAABT, pp. 119-134.
P.Ed. Hughes, “Recent computer applications for Hebrew and Ugaritic research”, in UB, pp. 139-150.
J. de Jong, “De Priestercodex: een taalkundige benadering van het dateringsprobleem”, Sharqiyyât 213,
1*990, 181-201 (The Priest1y Code: a linguistic approach to the dating problem).
W. Eckardt, Computergestützte Analyse althebrabräischer Texte: algorithmische Erkennung der
Morphologie (Münchener Universitätsschriften, Arbeiten zu Text u. Sprache im Alten Testament 29),
St. Ottilien 1987 [rev.: ZAW 100, 1988, 454 (H.-C. S[chmitt]); CBQ 51/2, 1989, 320-321 (St. Segert)].
A. Groves, “On computers and Hebrew morphology”, in CAABT, pp. 45-86.
Ch. Hardmeier, “Die Verwendung von elektronischen Datenver- arbeitungsanlagen in der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft ... (Ein Projekt am Alttestamentlichen Seminar in Heidelberg)”, ZAW 82,
1970, 175-185.
C. Hardmeier, E. Talstra, “Sprachgestalt und Sinngehalt: Wege zu neuen Instrumenten der computergestützten Textwahrnehmung”, ZAW 101, 1989, 408-428.
H. Harmsen, “Syntactical parsing and actants analysis: the clause as the basic linguistic unic in the
discourse structure of Deuteronomy 8”, in A4CIBI, pp. 129-139.
C.B. Houk, “A statistical linguistic study of Ezekiel 1.4-3.1”, ZAW 93, 1981, 76-85.
H. Leene, “Psalm 98 and Deutero-Isaiah: linguistic analogies and literay affinity”, in A4CIBI, pp. 313-340.
N. Lohfink, “Die These vom ‘deuteronomischen’ Dekaloganfang - ein fragwürdiges Ergebnis
atomistischer Sprachstatistik”, in G. Braulik, ed., Studien zum Pentateuch, Wien 1977, pp. 99-109.
B.A. Nieuwoudt, “Computer assisted research of the Greek and Hebrew Bible: demonstration of
procedures for concordances and searches on the CATSS material using databse structures”, in CAABT,
pp. 101-118 [CATSS = Computer Assited Tools for Septuaginta Studies].
W. Oswald, “Text segmentation and pragmatics”, in A4CIBI, pp. 140-153.
F.H. Polak, “Epic formulas in Biblical narrative: frequency and distribution”, in A2CIBI, pp. 435-488.
Fr.H. Polak, “Bottom-up structuring and top-down analysis: narratology and computer analysis of
Biblical texts”, in Fs. Schneider, pp. 126-136.
Fr.H. Polak, “New means ... new ends: scholarship and computer data”, in A4CIBI , pp. 282-312.
F. Postma, E. Talstra, M. Vervenne, Exodus: materials in automatic text processing. Part 1: Morphological, syntactical and literary case studies; Part 2: Concordance (Instrumenta Biblica I), Amsterdam/Turnhout 1983 [rev.: CBQ 49/1 , 1987, 124-126 (D.L. Christensen); ThQ 165, 1985, 64-66 (H.
Y.T. Radday,”Two computerized statistical-linguistic tests concerning the unity of Isaiah”, JBL 89, 1970,
Y.T. Radday, M.A. Pollatschek, “Computerized experiments with the frequency list of the Five Scrolls”,
RELO 1978/2, 1-35 [Canticles, Ruth. Lamentations. Ecclesiastes. Esther].
Y.T. Radday, D. Wickmann, “The unity of Zechariah examined in the light of statistical linguistics”, ZAW
87, 1975, 30-55.
Y.T. Radday, G. Leb, D. Wickmann, S. Talmon, “The Book of Judges examined by statistical linguistics”,
Biblica 58, 1977, 469-499.
Y.T. Radday, M.A. Pollatschek, H. Gershoni, “Zur Optimierung der hebräischen Schreibmachine”, SuD I,
1977, 32-37.
Y.T. Radday, et al., Genesis: an authorship study in computer-assisted statistical linguistics (Analecta
Biblica 103), Rome 1985 [rev.: CBQ 49, 1987, 531-533 (J.I. Hunt)].
Chr. Riepl, “Literatur - Sprache - Computer : zur rechnergestützten Analyse des Althebräischen,
demonstriert am Projekt BH”, ZAH 9, 1996, 24-41.
J.H. Sailhamer, “2 Samuel 13:1-4 and a data base approach to the analysis of Hebrew narrative”, in
A3CIBI, pp. 99-122, 18733.
H. Schweizer, “Die Bezugsgrösse ‘Text’ in der computerunterstützten Erforschung des Bibeltextes:
Beispiele aus der Untersuchung von qrb”, in CAABT, pp. 135-162.
H. Schweizer, ed., Dreischritt: Syntax, Semantik, Pragmatik. Bd. I, Textbeschreibung und –interpretation. Bd. II. Anhänge zu den Textanalysen : Arbeitsübersetzung. Daten-stilze zu Semantik /Pragmatik.
Tabellarische Befunde. Bd. III. Anhang zur Methodik, Datenbankprogramm JOSEF im Gesamtkonzept
SLANG (Searchfor a Learning Non-Normative Grammar) I (Textwissenschaft, Theologie, Hermeneutik, Linguistik, Literaturanalyse, Informatik, 7), Tübingen 1995 [rev.: LLC 11/2, 1996, 105-107 (T.
E. Talstra, “Exegesis and the computer science: questions for the text and questions for the computer”,
BiOr 37, 1980, 121-128.
E. Talstra, “The use of ken in Biblical Hebrew: A case study in automatic text processing”, in B.
Albrektson, J. Barr et al., eds, Remembering all the way … A collection of Old Testament studies
published on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of theOudtestamentisch Werlgezelshap in Nederland,
Leiden 1981, pp. 228-239.
E. Talstra, “Towards a distribution definition of clauses in Classical Hebrew: a computer-assisted
description of clauses and clause types in Deut. 4,3-8”, ETL 63, 1987, 95-105.
E.. Talstra, “The production of a syntactically orientated concordance of Biblical Hebrew texts”, in
A2CIBI, pp. 563-580.
E. Talstra, “Text grammar and computer: the balance of interpretation and calculation”, in A3CIBI, 135149.
E. Tov, “Achievements and trends in computer-assisted Biblical studies”, in A2CIBI, pp. 33-60.
E. Tov, “Computer assisted research of the Greek and Hebrew Bible”, in CAABT, pp. 87-99..
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “An adequate linguistic framework for an Old Hebrew linguistic database: an
attempt to formulate some criteria”, JS/TS 2, 1990, 72-89.
H. van Dyke Parunak, Linguistic density plots in Zechariah (The Computer Bible 20), Wooster Ohio
1979, [rev.: JSS 26, 1981, 125-127 (M.E.J. Richardson)].
L. Vegas Montaner, G. Seijas de los Ríos, “A computer assisted syntactical study of' poetic Biblical texts” ,
in A4CIBI, pp. 341-355.
A. Verheij, “Die hebraischen Synopsen als Hilfsmittel beim sprachIichen vergleich paralleler Texte”, VT
42, 1992, 90-102.
A.J.C: Verheij, Verbs and numbers: a study of the frequencies of the Hebrew verbal tense forms in the
books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicle (Diss. Leiden Univ.) (Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 28), Assen
1990 [rev. : BiOr 50, 1993, 211-212 (W.G.E. Watson); CBQ 54/6, 1992, 771-772 (J.A. Groves)].
A.C.J. Verheij: Grammatica digitalis. I. The morphological code in the “Werkgroep Informatica”
computer text of the Hebrew Bible (Applicatio 11), Amsterdam 1994 [rev.: CBQ 57, 1995, 794 (K.E.
A.C.J. Verheij, “Stems and roots”, in A3CIBI, pp. 655-657 [Computei-assisted morphological analysis].
An. Wagner, “Archäologie der mündlichen Kommunikation : auf der Suche nach gesprochener Sprache in
der Bibel”, in CAABT, pp. 273-280.
G.E. Weil, F. Chenique, “Prolégomenes à l’utilisation des méthodes de statistique linguistique pour l’étude
historique et philologique de la Bible hébraique et de ses paraphrases”, VT 14, 1964, 344-366.
G.E. Weil, “Trilitéralité fonctionnelle ou bilitéralité fondamentale des racines hébraïques: Un essai
d’analyse quantifiée”, in RHPhR 59 (Fs. Jacob), 1979, 281-311.
M.P. Weitzman, “Verb frequency and source criticism”, VT 31, 1981, 451-471.
M. Weitzman, “Statistical patterns in Hebrew and Arabic roots”, JRAS 1987/1, 15-22.
N. Winther-Nielsen, E. Talstra, A computational display of Joshua: a computer-assisted analysis and
textual interpretation (Applicatio, 13), Amsterdam 1995 [rev.: CBQ 58/4, 1990, 736-738 (C.L.
E. J. van Wolde, “The computational fallacy: a semiotic text linguistic approach”, in A3CIBI, pp. 643-654.
6A.4.3 Language learning and teaching
W.R. Bodine, “The study of linguistics and Biblical Hebrew”, in LBH, pp.1-6.
J. Fück, “Gedanken zur Methodik des hebräischen Unterrichts”, in Festschrift Eissfeldt, pp. 125-140.
O. Grether, “Erwägungen zum hebräischen Sprachunterricht”, in Mel. Bertholet, pp. 192-207.
J. H. Hospers, “Some observations about the teaching of Old Testament Hebrew”, in Fs. de Liagre Böhl,
pp. 188-198.
J.H. Hospers, “The role of diachronics in the teaching of old Testament Hebrew”, in GLT, pp. 93-107.
J. Janko, “Die Pflege des Hebräischen an den Lyzeen und Akademicn in Bratislava und in anderen Orten
der Slowakei”, in Fs. Bakoš, pp. 33-49.
J.M. Landau, “Language study in Israel”, in Th.A. Sebeok, ed., Linguistics in South West Asia and North
Africa (CTL 6), The Hague 1970, pp. 721-745 [Hebrew, Arabic ans other languages].
R. Lauha, Psychophysiologischer Sprachgebrauch im Alten Testament, Helsinki 1983 [rev.: RB 96, 1989,
445-446 (G.J. Norton); ThZ 44, 1988, 78-80 (M. Dreytza)].
D. Ravid, “A developmental perspective on root perception in Hebrew and Palestinian Arabic”, in LPA,
pp. 293-319.
S.B. Saulson, Institutionalized language planning: documents and analysis of the revival of Hebrew
(Contributions to the Sociology of Language 23), The Hague 1979.
J.F.A. Sawyer, “The teaching of Classical Hebrew: options and priorities”, in GLT, pp. 37-50.
L.H. Spotts, “Foundations of Vocabulary Selection for the Teaching of Hebrew in America”, MLJ 43,
1959, 281-288.
D. Vetter, J. Walther, “Sprachtheorie und Sprachvermittlung. Erwagungen zur Situation des hebräischen
Sprachstudiums”, ZAW 81, 1971, 73-96.
M. Zeldner, “You too can learn Hebrew”, MLJ 35, 1951, 124-134 [a short history of Hebrew learning].
I. Zinguer,ed., L‘hébreu au temps de la Renaissance. Ouvrage coIlectif (BriIl’s series in Jewish studies, 4),
Leiden 1992.
6A.4.4 Linguistic and Literary (discours) analysis
G. Altpeter, Textlinguistische Exegese alttestamentlicher Literatur: eine Dekodierung (EurH 23, 110),
Bern 1978.
M. Azar, Analyse morphologique du texte hébreu de la Bible, vols. 1-2 (Centre de Recherche
d’Applications Linguistiques), Nancy 1970 [rev.: VT 21, 1971, 124-126 (H. de Wouters)].
Y. Bar-Hillel, “Methodological Remarks on the Foundations of Morphology” [Heb.], Leshonenu 21, 195657, 127-138 [review of H.B. Rosén’s book Ha-civrit šelanu].
J. Battle, “Transformational concepts in the Hebrew text of Psalms”, in F. Ingemann, ed., Papers 5th
Kansas Linguistic Conferenece, Lawrence KS 1971, pp. 8-16.
H. Birkeland, Språk og religion hos jøder og arabere (Etnologisk samfunn IV), Oslo 1949 [(Language
and Religion by Jews and Arabs) [rev.: BiOr 9, 1952, 32 (A.S. Kapelrud)].
W.R. Bodine, “Discourse analysis of Biblical literature: what it is and what it offers”, in DABL, pp. 1 -18.
K. Boelens, P. van der Plank, “Taelplanning en syn útkomsten yn Israël”, It Beaken 39, 1977, 193-217 .
H.J. Bosman, “Two proposals for a structural analysis of Lamentations 3 and 5”, in A3CIBI, pp. 77-98.
R. Buth, “Methodological col!ision between source criticism and discourse analysis: the problem of
unmarked tempora1 overlay’ and the pluperfect/nonsequential wayyiqtol”, in BHDL, pp. 138-154.
W.T. Claasen, “Linguistic arguments and the dating of Isaiah I. 4-9”, JNSL 3, 1974, 1-18
E.R. Clendenen, “Discourse strategies in Jererniah 10: 1-16”, JBL 106,1987, 401-408.
W. Chomsky, “How the Study of Hebrew Grammar began and developed”, JewQR 35, 1944-1945,
D.Al. Dawson, “Text-linguistics and Biblical Hebrew (JSOT. Suppl. Series,177), Sheffield 1994 (Diss.
Edinburgh Univ., 1993) [rev.: JBL 115/4, 1996, 723-724 (S.A. Meier)].
S.G. Dempster, Linguistic features of Hebrew narrative: a discourse analysis of narrative from the classical
period, Diss. Univ. of Toronto 1985 [DAb 47/3, 1986, 883-A].
A.Fr. den Exter Blokland, In search of text syntax: toward a syntactic text-segmentation model for Biblical
Hebrew (Applicatio 14), Amsterdam 1995.
L.J. de Regt, “Domains and subdomains in Biblical Hebrew discourse”, in Fs. Schneider, pp. 147-161.
L.J. de Regt, “Participant reference in some Biblical Hebrexv texts”, JEOL 32, 1991-92, 150-172.
M.P. Dubrow, A genenrative-transformational contrastive analysis of English and Hebrew for selected
grammatical structures that are difficult for the Hebrew-speaking learner of English, Diss. New York
Univ. 1973 [Dab 34/6 1973, 3370-A].
W. Eckardt, C. Riepl, “Zur Grarnmatizität der Grammatik: Am Beispiel der Basis G- TMH”, in Fs.
Richter, pp. 41-55..
L.H. Glinert, “Did pre-revival Hebrew literature have its own langue?: quotation and improvization in
Mendele Mokher Sefarim”, BSOAS 51, 1988, 413-427.
M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, “Die Qumran-Rollen und die hebräische Sprachwissenschaft, 1948-1958”,
ReQum 1, 1958, 103-112.
I. B. Gottlieb, Language understandingg in Sifre Deuteronomy: study of language consciousness in
Rabbinic exegesis. PhD Diss. New York Univ., 1972 [DAb 33/11, May 1973, 6311-A].
J. Hoftijzer, A search for method: A study in the syntactic use of the h-locale in Classical Hebrew (StSLL
12), Leiden 1981 [rev.: Biblica 64, 1983, 279-282 (P. Swiggers); JBL 102, 1983, 297-299 (H. Van
Dyke Parunak ); BiOr 40/1-2, 1983, 132-135 (J. Barr);| OLZ 78, 1983,563-564 (G. Pfeifer); RB 95,
1988, 608-609 (F.J. Gonçalves)].
G. Janssens, Studies in Hebrew historical linguistics based on Origen’s Secunda (Orientalia Gandensia 9),
Leuven 1982.
A. Kasher, “Three notes on the performative analysis”, in P. Cole, ed., Studies in Modern Hebrew syntax
and semanrtics. The transformational-generative approach (NorthHolland Linguistic Series, 32),
Amsterdam 1976, pp. 183-191.
G.M. Landes, “Linguistic criteria and the date of the book of Jonah” (Heb.), ErIs 16, 1982, 147*-170*.
R.E. Longacre, “Discourse perspective on the Hebrew verb: affirmation and restatement”, in LBH, pp.
R.E. Longacre, Sh.J.J. Hwang, “A textlinguistic approach to the Biblical Hebrew narrative of Jonah” in
BHDL , pp. 336-358.
R.E. Longacre, “Weqatal forms in Biblical Hebrew prose : a djscourse-modular approach”, in BHDL, pp.
50-98. ,
R.E. Longacre, “Building for the worship of God: Exodus 25:1-30:10”, in DABL, pp. 21-49 [textlinguistic
R.E. Longacre, “A proposal for a discourse-modular graminar of Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs.Schneider, pp.
K.E. Lowery, “The theoretical foundations of Hebrew discourse grammar”, in DABL, pp. 103-130.
K.E. Lowery, Toward a discourse grammar of Bib/ica/ Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Califomia, Los Angeles 1985
[DAb46/7, 1986, 1918-A].
S. Lyosov, “Text-Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew: An Analysis of 1 Sam 1-2”, Biblia 1, 1998, 187-217,
P.J. Macdonald, “Discourse analysis and Biblical interpretation”, in LBH, pp. 153-175.
J.L. Malone, “A Hebrew flip-flop rule and its historical origins”, Lingua 30, 1972, 422-448.
C. Miller, The Representation of Speech in Biblical Hebrew Narrative: A Linguistic Analysis (HSM 55),
Scholars 1996 [rev.: BSOAS 61, 1998, 327-329 (H.G.M. William); BiOr 55/3-4, 1998, 481-483 (A.I.C.
C.L. Miller, “Introducing direct discourse in Biblical Hebrew narrative”, in BHDL, pp. 199-241.
C.L. Miller, “Discourse functions of quotative frames in Biblical Hebrew narrative” , in DABL, pp. 155182.
M. Mishor, “On typology and methodology” (Heb.), in WCJS 9, pp. 55-59.
J. Myhill, Zh. Xing, “Towards an operational definition of discourse contrast” , Slang 20, 1996, 303-360
(evidence from Biblical Hebrew and Chinese).
H. Morgenbrod, “Entwicklung des Hebräischen: eine maschinelle lexikalische Analyse”, SDv 6, 1982 , 4850.
Al. Niccacci, “Analysis of Biblical narrative”, in BHDL, pp. 175-198.
Fr.H. Polak, “Bottom-up structuring and top-down analysis: narratology and computer analysis of Biblical
texts”, in Fs. Schneider, pp 126-136.
C. Rabin, “Discourse analysis and the dating of Deuteronomy”, in Fs. Rosenthal, pp. 171-177.
C. Rabin, “Language as a reflection of the people” (Heb.), Am va-Sefer 7, 1992, 10-24.
E.J. Revell, “Aristotle and the accents: the categories of speech in Jewish and other authors” , in JSS 19,
1974, 19-35.
W. Richter, “Formgeschichte und Sprachwissenschaft”, ZAW 82, 1970, 216-225.
D. A. Robertson, Linguistic evidence in dating early Hebrew poetry, Cambridge Mass. 1972 [rev.: RB 81,
1974, 463-464 (R. T[ournay]); JBL 95, 1976, 126-129 (N.M. Sarna)].
H.B. Rosen, “Some possible systemic changes in a Semitic system of language”, in PICL IX, pp. 827-832.
H.L. Roy, Narrative Structure and Discourse Constellations: An Analysis of Clause Function in Biblical
Hebrew prose (HSS 55), Harvard MSS 2004 / Winona Lake IN 2004 [rev.: RBL 10, 2004 (S. Meier):
J.H. Sailhamer, “A database approach to the analysis of Hebrew narrative”, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 319-335.
J.H. Sailhamer, “2 Sanmel 13:1-4 and a data base approach to analysis of Hebrew narrative”, in A3CIBI,
pp. 99-122.
H. Schneider, “Das Hebräische als ‘Ancilla Theologiae’”, Jahrbuch für das Bistum Mainz 5 [Fs. Albert
Stohr], Mainz 1950, pp. 9-20 [on the knowledge of the Hebrew language in the Midle Ages].
H. Schwejzer, “The Predication-Model as a component of a semantic and pragmatic content-analysis”, in
A2CIBI, pp. 538-562.
E. Talstra, “Text grammar and Hebrew Bible. II: Syntax and semantics”, BiOr 39, 1982, 26-38 [2nd part of
rev. article on W. Schneider, Grammatik des biblischen Hebräisch, 3. Aufl., 1978 (1st ed. 1974].
E. Talstra, “Clause types and textual structure : an experiment in narrative syntx”, in Fs. Schneider, pp.
H.N. Torczyner, La Langue et le Livve. Questions fondamentales pour la connaissance scientitique de la
langue hébraique et de ses origines (Heb.), Jerusalem 1947 [rev.: Biblica 30, 1949, 526-532 (J.M.P.
Bauchet); JewQR 41, 1950-51, 333-340 (W. Chomsky); Aevum 25, 1951, 283-284 (G. Rinaldi)].
M.A. Throntveit, “Linguistic analysis and the question of authorship in Chronicles, Ezra ans Nehemias”,
VT 32, 1982, 201-216.
N.J. Tromp, “Amos V 1-17: towards a stylistic and rhetorical analysis”, in Prophets, worship and
theodicy. Studies in Prophetism, Biblical Theology and Structural and Rhetorical Analysis and on
the Place of Music in Worship. Papers read at the Joint British-Dutch Old Testament Conference
held at Woudschoten 1982 (OTS XXIII), Leiden 1984, pp. 56-84.
E. Ullendorff, “C’est de l’hébreu pour moi! “, JSS 13, 1968, 125-135.
Chr.H.J. van der Merwe, “Discourse linguistics and Biblical Hebrew”, in BHDL, pp. 13-49.
C. H. J. van der Merwe, “Hebrew grammar, exegesis and commentaries”, JNSL 11, 1983, 143-156.
H. van Dyke Parunak, “Some discourse functions of prophetic quotation formulas in Jererniah”, in BHDL,
pp. 489-519.
El. van Wolde, “A text-semantic study of the Hebrew Bible: illustrated with Noah and Job”, JBL 113,
1994, 19-35.
E.J. van Wolde, “Linguistic motivation and biblical exegesis”, in NSHB, pp. 21-50.
A.H. van Zyl, Die vereistes vir die hedendaagse hebraïkus (Mededeling van die Univ. van Suid-Afrika.
A 17) (The Requirements for the Recent Hebraist), Pretoria 1961.
J.B. van Zyjl, “Structural linguistics and textual criticism” in Fs. Fensham, pp. 209-216.
R. Wagner, Textexegese a1s Strukturanalyse: Sprachwissenschaftliche Methode zur Erschliessung
althebäischer Texte am Beispiel des Visionsberichtes Jes 6, 1 – 11 (Arbeiten zu Text u. Sprache im
Alten Testament, 32), St. Ottilien 1989 (Diss. Aachen Univ.) [rev.: ZAW 103, 1991, 460-461 (H.-C.
S[chrnitt]); ZDMG 141, 1991, 217 (G. W[anke]); JNSL 17, 1991, 226-228 (C.H.J. van der Merwe); VT
42, 1992, 427 (H.G.M. Williamson); WO 23, 1992, 183-186 (H. Schweizer); CBQ 54/1, 1992, 135-136
(L. Laberge); ZAW 103/3, 1991, 460-461 (H.-C. Schmitt)].
J. Wehlre, Prophetie und Textanalyse: die Komposit;on Obadja 1-21 interpretiert auf der Basis textlinguistischer und semiotischer Konzeptionen (Münchener Universitätsschriften, Philosophische Fak.,
Altertumskunde u. Kulturwiss., Arbeiten zu Text u. Sprache im Alten Testament 28), St. Ottilien 1987.
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special reference to Psalm 31)” [172], 374-414.
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[comm. by G.I. Davies, pp. 75-78].
[Cf. infra lexicography]
6A.5.0 General and non-Semitic Languages
R.D. Abraham, “Exodus 3:14-15 and Portuguese syntax”, GL 6, 1996, 51-57.
A.J. Ajchenval’d, “K charakteristike iranzmov v biblejskom drevne-evrejskom I biblejskom aramejskom
jazykach”, in Irano-afrazijskie jazykovye kontakty, Moskva 1987, pp. 4-8 (On iranisms in Biblical
Hebrew and Aramaic).
Y. Allony-Fainberg, “The influence of English on formal terminology in Hebrew”, in J.A. Fishman, R.L.
Cooper, A.W. Conrad, eds, The spread of English. The sociology of English as an additional language,
Rowly Mass. 1977, pp. 223-228.
C. Aslanoff: “Pour une révision des modèles grecs dans l’analyse des parties du discours de l'hébreu : le
statut du participle”, REJ 154, 1995, 77-88.
J. Barr, Comparative philology and the text of the Old Testament, Oxford 1968/Winona Lake IN 1987
[rev.: JThs 20, 1969, 558-562 (P. Wernberg-Moller); JBL 88, 1969, 345-346 (F.I. Andersen); JAOS 89,
1969, 777-781 (S.D. Walters); BSOAS 32, 1969, 43-48 (E. Ullendorff); RB 76. 1969, 281
R.T[ournay]); Sefarad 28, 1968, 321-326 (F. Pérez Castro); OLZ 66, 1971, 477-478 (O. Eissfeldt); BSL
66, 1971/2 (1972), 215-216 (D. Cohen); VT 38, 1988, 381-382 (J.A. E[merton])].
D. Bartoszewicz, “Wplywy jezyka huryckiego na hebrajski jezyk biblijny”, Roczniki Teologiczne
Warszawsko-Praskie (Warszawa) 2, 2002, 25-37 (Hurrian influence on Biblical Hebrew).
J. de Savignac, “Essai d’interprétation du psaume CX à l’aide de la litterature egyptienne”, OTS 9, 1951,
O. Durand, Précédents chamito-sémitiques en hébreu: études d’histoire linguisticque (Studi semitici, NS;
8) Roma 1994/1991 (1992).
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Dokumenten. Grammatikalische, lexikalische und stilistische Probleme in synchroner und
diachroner Perspective, Wiesbaden 2006 [rev.: FO 42-43, 2006-2007, 451-453 (An. Zaborski);
OLZ 103, 2008, 747-750 (A. Geva-Kleinberger); ZAL 49, 2008, 83-93 (P. Stein)].
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the St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod”, RLing 36/3, 2012, 271-284.
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Leiden 1963, pp. 19-31.
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problem”, VT 7, 1957, 195-201.
L.L. Grabbe, Comparative philology and the text of Job: a study in methodology (SBL, Dissertation Series
34), Missoula MT 1977 [rev.: Biblica 59, 1978, 429-432 (M. Danood); RB 85, 1978, 622-623 (R.
Tournay)¸ CBQ 41, 1979, 130-132 (H. Rowold); JBL 98, 1979, 131-132 (R.B. Coote); JThS 31, 1980,
136-139 (P. Wernberg-Møller)].
G. Hatav, The Semantics of aspect und modality: evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew (SLCS 34),
Amsterdam 1997.
A. Hudson-Edwards, “Knowledge, use, and evaluation of Yiddish and Hebrew among American Jewish
college students”, in J.A. Fishman, ed., Never say die! A thousand years of Yiddish life and letters
(Contributions to the Sociology of Language, 30), The Hague 1981, pp. 635-652.
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M. Hutter, “Iranischer Sprachgut in den hebräischen Namenlisten der Bücher Esra und Nehemia”,
KUSATU 10, 2009, 83-95.
K. Jongeling, Comparing Welsh and Hebrew /CNWS publications, 81), Leiden 2000.
K. Jongeling, “Welsh en Hebreeuws”, Kelten 1, 1999, 10-12.
N.R.M. de Lange, “Greek influence on Hebrew”, in A.-F. Christidis, ed., A history of Ancient Greek: from
the beginnings to the Antiquity, Cambridge 2007, pp. 805-810 [vs. from the Greek original, 2001].
S. Levin, “An accentual correspondence between Hebrew and Hausa”, FLinc 4, 1979-80, 232-240.
A. Loprieno, “The sequential forms in Late Egyptian and Biblical Hebrew: a parallel development of
verbal systems”, AAL 7, 1980, 1-20.
O. Loretz, W. Mayer, “Hurrisch parašš- ‘trainiertes Pferd’”, ZA 69, 1980, 188-191.
J. Margain, “Observations sur I Chroniques, XXII. A propos des anachronismes linguistiques dans la
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R. North, “Some links between the Hurrians and the language of the Exodus”, in Fs. Bossert, pp. 343-357.
Ch. Rabin, “La position de I’hébreu parmi les langues sémitiques”, LF, pp. 455-459.
Ch. Rabin, “Hittite words in Hebrew”, Or 32, 1963, 113-139.
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Vulgata (Studi Semitici, 39), Roma 1971.
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132, 1982, 390-391 (R. Macuch); REG 95, 1982, 539-540 (A. Le Boulluec); RB 91/2, 1984, 313-314
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Pérez) 53, 2004, 341-359.
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J. Zhe-En Wee, “Hebrew Syntax in the Organization of Laws and its Adaptation in the Septuagint”, Biblica
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Y. Ziv, P. Cole, “Relative extraposition and the scope of definite descriptions in Hebrew and English”,
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O. Zwarties, “El hebreo en las gramáticas del japonés y el tagalo de Melchor Oyanguren de Santa Inés
(1688-1747)”, in Fs. Bossong, pp. 393-424.
6A.5.1. Hebrew and Akkadian
F. Delitzsch, The Hebrew Language Viewed in the Light of Assyrian Research, London 1884.]
H. Ben Yosef Tawil, An Akkadian Lexical Companion for Biblical Hebrew. Etymological-Semantic
and Idiomatic Equivalents with Supplement on Biblical Aramaic, Brooklyn NY [rev.: JSS 57/1,
2012, 165-167 (W.G.E. Watson); The (Jewish Daily) Forward August 11, 2010 (J.A. Chanes);
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Y. Bloch, “Sěgullâ – A Re-examination of the Meaning of the Term Based on Two Assyrian Documents
from the Thirteenth Century B.C.E.” (Hb.). Shnaton 21, 2012, 111-140.
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ANNALI 71, 2011, 69-84.
K. Cathcart, “ Isaiah 30:15 BŠWBH WNḤT and Akkadian šubat nēḫti/šubtu nēḫtu, ‘quiet abode’”, in Fs.
Williamson, pp. 45-56.
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S.P. Garfinkel, Studies in Akkadian influences in the book of Ezekiel, Diss. Columbia Univ. 1983 [DAb
44/12, 1984, 3672-A].
Ed. Greenstein, “On the Use of Akkadian in Biblical Hebrew Philology”, in Fs. Skaist, pp. 335-353.
M. Held, “Studies in Biblical lexicography in the light of Akkadian” (Heb.), ErIs 16, 1982, 76-85.
J. Ikeda, “Amarunago kara mita seiho Heburaigo no setsubi katsuyōkei”, GK 126, 2004, 69-92 (The
biblical Hebrew suffix conjugaton in the light of Canaano-Akkadian).
S. Jacobs, “nfš tḥt nfš ‘A Life for a Life’ and napšāte umalla”, in ANECH, pp. 241-253.
P.V. Mankowski, Akkadian Loanwords in Biblical Hebrew (HSS), Winona Lake IN 2000.
K. Radner, “Assyrische tuppi adê als Vorbild für Deuteronomium 28,20-44?”, in M. Witte et al., eds, Die
deuteronomistische Geschichtswerk. Redaktions- und religionsgeschichtliche Perspektiven zur
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Biblical interprelation, Melbourne 1976.
D. Sivan, “The contribution of Akkadian texts from Ugarit to Ugaritic and Biblical Hebrew grammar” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 47, 1983, 165-186.
6A.5.2. Hebrew and Arabic
A.F. Alī, Die Verbalstamme im Arabischen und Hebraischen: eine vergleichende syntaktischsemantische Studie zum 1. bis IV. Stamm (Semitica et Semitohamitica Berolinensia, 7), Aachen
M. Bar-Asher, “Hebrew Elements in North African Judeo-Arabic: Alternations in Meaning and Form”, in
Fs. Leslau I, pp. 128-149.
J. Blau, An adverbial construction in Hebrew and Arabic (Heb.) Jerusalem 1977 [rev.: Helmantica 30,
1979, 186 (C. Sapir)].
J. Blau, “Some Ugaritic, Hebrew, and Arabic parallels”, JNSL 10, 1982, 5-10 [4. Heb. štc and Ar. šatica].
J. Blau, “On the preservation ocf ancient forms and sound shifts in frequent words resisting analogy in
Hebrew and Arabic”, in Fs.Pennacchietti, pp. 70-74.
A.A. Darrāǧ, “A comparative study on the object (al-mafācīl) in Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac” (Ar.), in
Fs. Fischer, pp. 515-600.
J. Fellman, “Sociolinguistic similarities between two modem Semitic languages: Hebrew and Maltese”,
Anthropos 77, 1982, 895-896.
G. Goldenberg, “The Treatment of Vowel Length in Arabic Grammar and its Adaptation to Hebrew”, in
Fs. Huehnergard, pp. 59-68.
B. Isaksson, “An outline of comparative Arabic and Hebrew textlinguistics”, in CQS, pp. 36-150.
B. Isaksson, ed., Circumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic: The Case of Arabic and Hebrew, Wiesbaden 2009
[rev.: Review of Biblical Literature 10/7/2011 (J. Kaltner) [http://www.bookreviews.org].
Ṣ. Ma§l∞ú, “At-Taq¿Ãub baina 1-cadad wa-1-macdūd min ¨al¿¨a il¿ cašara f∞ l-carabiya wa-cibriya: dir¿sa
muq¿rina”, Al-Karmil 10, 1989, 123-134 (The polarity between the numerals 3-10 and the numbered
nouns in Arabid and Hebrew).
J.A. Montgomery, Arabia and the Bible, Philadelphia PA 1934.
Sh. Morag, “Biblical Hebrew and modern Arabic dialects: some parallel lines of development”, JSA1 12,
1989, 94-117.
J. Ouhalla, Ur Shlonsky, eds., Themes in Arabic and Hebrew syntax (Studies in natural language and
linguistic theory , 53), Dordrecht 2002.
Br. Paoli, “Constituance ou domaine en phonologíe métrique: le cas de l’hébreu biblique et des parlers de
Damas, du Hijaz et de Jordanie (Beni Hasan)”, TL-LC 5, 1993, 177-209.
Ch. Rabin, “The Ancient Arabic Dialects and their Relationship to Hebrew” (Heb.), Melilah 2, 1946, 243255 [see F. Pérez Castro, Sefarad 13, 1953, 423-424]
Y. Sabar, “A Comparative Study Between the Hebrew Elements in the Judeo-Arabic Dialects of Iraq and
Its Neo-Aramaic Dialects” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 261-294.
P.P. Saydon, “Hebraico-Maltese notes”, RSO 41, 115-154.
H. Shehadeh, “Arabic Loanwords in Hebrew”, StOr 111, 2011, 327-344.
Kh. Sindawi, “‘Āshūrā’ Day and Yom Kippur”, ANES 38, 2001, 200-214.
P. Wechter, “Ibn Barun’s Contribution to Comparative Hebrew Philology”, JAOS 61, 1941, 172-187.
T. Zewi, A syntactical study of verbal froms affixed by –n(n) endings in classical Arabic, Biblical Hebrew,
El-Amarna Akkadian and Ugaritic (AOAT 260), Münster 1999.
6A.5.3. Hebrew and Aramaic and Syriac
R. Buth, “Functional grammar, Hebrew and Aramaic: an integrated, textlinguistic approach to syntax”, in
DABL, pp. 77-102.
A.A. Darrāǧ, “A comparative study on the object (al-mafācīl) in Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac” (Ar.), in
Fs. Fischer, pp. 515-600.
T.C. Falla, “A New methodology for grammatical classification in Hebrew and Syriac Lexicography”, in
Fs. Muraoka, pp. 165-190.
M. Florentin, “The Aramaic words skwm and q wm and the Hebrew word mt meaning ‘mortal’” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 70, 2008, 303-312.
B. Grossfeld, “The relationship between Biblical Hebrew brú and nws and their corresponding Aramaic
equivalents in the Targum - crq, cpk. czl: a preliminary study in Aramaic-Hebrew lexicography” , ZAW
91, 1979, 107-123.
A. Hurvitz, “The chronological significance of “Aramaisms” in Biblical Hebrew”, IEJ 18, 1968, 234-240.
J. Joosten, “On ante-position of the attributive adjective in Classical Syriac and Biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 6,
1993, 188-192.
O. Klima, S. Segert, Mluvnice hebrejštiny a armejštiny, Praha 1956 [rev.: AO 26, 1958, 300-301 (rev.:
L.J. Krušina-Cerny); BiOr 14, 1957, 134-136 (J. Sedláková)] [Hebrew and Aramaic grammar].
J. Margain, “Sémantique hébraique: l’apport des targums”, in StAHS, pp. 11-17.
T. Muraoka, Hebrew/Aramaic Index to the Septuaginta Keyed yo the Hatch-Redpath Concordance, Grand
Rapids MI 1998 [rev.: ANES 38, 2001, 224-227 (T.C. Falla)].
J. Naveh, “Hebrew versus Aramaic in the epigraphic finds of the Second Temple: Bar Kokhba Period”
(Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1992, 301-316.
J. Naveh, “Hebrew versus Aramaic in the epigraphic finds after the Bar Kokhba revolt” (Heb.), Leshonenu
57, 1993, 17-38 [E. ab.]
D. Rappel, “The expository aspect of the grammatical deviation from the original in Targum Onqelos” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 46, 1982, 85-96.
P.W. van der Horst, G. Mussies, “Substractive versus additive composite numerals in Antiquity”,
ICS 13, 1988, 183-202 [Hebrew and Aramaic].
M. Wagner, “Beiträge zur Aramäismenfrage im alttestamentlichen Hebräisch”, in Fs.Baumgartner, pp.
M. Wagner, Die lexikalischen und grammatikalischen Aramaismen im alttestamentlichen Hebräisch,
Berlin 1966 [rev.: Sprache 14, 1968, 69 (W. Kornfeld); O 14, 1968, 341-342 (K.-H. Bemhardt); BZ 12,
1968, 286 (V. Hamp); JBL 87, 1968, 232-234 (J.C. Greenfield); JSS 4, 1969, 252-256 (J. Barr); ZDMG
120/1, I970, 195-198 (K. Beyer); AION-O 30, 1970, 277-278 (G. Garbini); Oriens 21-22, 1968-69
(1971), 386-391 (R. Degen); RB 78, 1971, 307-308 (F.L. Lemoine); JAOS 92, 1972, 298-300 (Sh.
6A.5.4. Hebrew and Eblaite
R. Althann, “Psalm 58,10 in the light of Ebla”, Biblica 64, 1983, 122-124 [Heb.(ke-) mo(w) = Ebl. ma-wu].
A. Archi, “The epigraphic evidence from Ebla and the Old Testament”, Biblica 60, 1979, 556-566.
M. Dahood, “Eblaite and Biblical Hebrew”, CBQ 44, 1982, 1-24.
M. Dahood: “Eblaite, Ugaritic and Hebrew lexical notes”, UF 11, 1979, 141-146 [(1) ipd ‘ ephod’, iptt
‘ephods’. (2) aúd, ‘one’ or ‘community’. (3) arw ‘lion’. (4) emphatic ky ‘indeed’. (5) cl ‘becasu of’. (6) ¨l¨
‘to plow a third time’. (7) ¨l¨ ‘bronze, copper’].
M. Dahood, “An Ebla personal name and the metaphor in Psalm 19, 11-12”, Biblica 63, 1982. 260-263.
M. Dahood, “Hebrew hapax legomena in Eblaite”, in BaE, pp. 439-470.
H.-P. Müller, “Ebla und das althebrebräisches. Verbalsystem”, Biblica 65, 1984, 145-166.
J. Pasquali, “Éblaïte si-‘a-tum = hébreu biblique šḥlt, ‘Onyx marinus’”, NABU 2009, no 61.
G. Pettinato, “Ebla e la Biblia. In margine ad A. Archi, ‘The epigraphic evidence from Ebla and the Old
Testament’ [Biblica 60, 1979, 556-566]”, OA 19, 1980, 49-72[contains also a note by J.A. Soggin,
“Osservazioni sulla radice špà e sul termine šopeÃîm in ebraico biblico”, pp. 57-59].
6A.5.5. Hebrew and Egyptian/Coptic
[A reminder:
W. Spiegelberg, Ägyptologische Randglossen zum Alten Testament, Strassburg 1904].
A. Alcock, “Hebrew and Syriac words in the Coptic dictionary”, in L. Painchaud, P.-H. Poirier, eds,
Coptica, gnostica, manichaica: mélanges offerts à Wolf-Peter Funk (Bibliothèque copte de Nag
Hammadi, section ‘études’, 7), Quebec/Leuven 2006, pp. 1-18.
S.B. Langerwehe, “Bemerkungen zu nú° ‘Schlange’ als mögliches semitisches Fremdwort im
Ägyptischen”, UF 39, 2007, 33-35.
A. Niccacci, “Polotsky’s Contribution to the Agyptian verb-System, with a Comparison to Biblical Hebrew”,
in Fs. Polotsky 2009, pp. 401-465.
N. Shupak, “Stylistic and terminological traits common to Biblical and Egyptian literature”, WO 14, 1983,
J.A Tvedtnes, “Egyptian etymologies for Biblical cultic paraphernalia”, in S. Israelit-Groll, ed.,
Egyptological Studies (Scripta Hierosolimitana, 28), Jerusalem 1982, pp. 215-221.
R.J. Williams, “Some Egyptianisms in the Old Testament”, in Fs. Wilson, pp. 93-98.
R. Woodhouse, “The Biblical shibboleth story in the Iight of Late Egyptian perceptions of Semitic sibilants:
reconciling divergent views”, JAOS 123, 2003, 271-289.
6A.5.6. Hebrew and Nortwest Semitic (Ugaritic included)
R. Althann, A philological ana/ysis of Jeremia 4-6 in the light of Northwest Semitic (Biblica et orientalia 38),
Rome 1983 [rev.: BiOr 42/5-6, 1985, 673-675 (W. McKane); ATG 48. 1985, 324 (J.L. Sicre); OA 26,
1987, 154-155 (G. Garbini); JBL 105/2, 1988, 319-320 (W.L. Holladay)].
Fr. Aspesi, “L’ape e il laberinto. Un possibile nesso lessicale in ebraico nel quadro del sostrato egeocananaico”, in A12GSCSI, pp. 127-138.
Y. Avishur, “Word Pairs Common to Phoenician and Biblical Hebrew”, UF 7, 1975, 13-47.
Y. Avishur, “rwm (rmm) - bny in Ugaritic and in the Bible (and lhpryú ‘to build’ in the Bible and Tosephta)”
(Heb.), Leshonenu 45, 1981, 270-279.
Y. Avishur, ‘krkr in Biblical Hebrew and in Ugaritic’, VT 26, 1976, 257-261.
Y. Avishur, “Biblical ghr and h w t r š ʕ y m in light of a new Ugaritic text”, Leshonenu 71, 2009, 57-71.
B. Q. Baisas, “Ugaritic cḏr and Hebrew czr I”, UF 5, 1973, 41-52.
B. Becking, “The Enigmatic Garden of Uzza …”, in Fs. Albertz, pp. 383-391 [gn cuz’/gt a¨tr].
J. Blau, “On multilayered Structure of Biblical Hebrew in the light of Modem Hebrew” (Heb), Leshonenu
54, 1991, 103-114.
A.C.M. Blommerde, Northwest Semitic grammar and Job (Biblica et Orientalia 22) Rome 1969 [rev.:
JThS 21, 1970, 447-448 (P. Wernberg-Møller); RB 77, 1970, 619-620 (R. T[ournay]); UF 3, 1971,
373-374 (C.J. Labuschagne); BiOr 29, 1972, 218 (J.H. Hospers); Biblica 52, 1971, 146-151 (M. Pope);
JSS 18, 1973, 286-287 (M.E.J. Richardson)].
J. Blau, “Some Ugaritic, Hebrew, and Aramaic parallels”, JNSL 10, 1982, 5-10 [2. On the use of counted
noun without adding nuemral ‘one’ or ‘first’ in Biblical Hebrew; 3, Hebr, qṣc and Ug. qṣct].
C.H.W. Brekelmans, Ras Sjamra en het Oude Tesiament, Nijmegen/Utrecht 1962 [Opening lecture,
Nimega Univ.].
K.J. Cathcart, Nahum in the light of Northwest semitic (Biblica et Orientalia 26), Rome 1973 [rev.: JAOS
94, 1974, 506-5o9 D. Pardee);UF 6, 1974 (1975), 500-501 (O. Loretz)].
H. Cazelles, “La dime israélite et les textes de Ras Shamra”, VT 1, 1951, 131-134.
A.R. Ceresko, Job 29-31 in the ligth of Northwest Semitic. A translation and philological commentary
(Biblica et Orientalia 36), Rome 1980 [rev.: RB 89,1982, 276 (J.-M. De Tarragon); CBQ 45, 1983, 280281 (L.L. Grabbe)].
G. Coacci Polselli, “Ilib, gb, cb, tra Ugaritico, Fenicio ed Ebraico”, RSO 56, 1983, 63-70.
P.C. Craigie, Ugarit and the Old Testament, Grand Rapids MI 1983.
P.G. Craigie, “Ugarit and the Bible: Progress and regress in 50 years of literary study”, in UR, pp. 99-111.
M. Dahood, “The Value of Ugaritic for Textual Criticism”, Biblica 40, 1959, 160-170.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic-Hebrew syntax and style”, UF 1, 1969, 15-36.
M. Dahood, “Hebrew-Ugaritic lexicography, I-XII”, Biblica 44, 1963, 289-303; 45, 1964, 393-412 ; 46,
1965, 311-332; 47, 1966, 403-419; 48, 1967, 421-438; 49, 1968, 355-369; 50, 1969, 337-356; 51,
1970, 391-404; 52, 1971, 337-356; 53, 1972, 386-403; 54, 1973, 351-366; 55, 1974, 381-393.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic and the Old Testament”, in Fs, Coppens I, pp. 14-33.
M. Dahood, “Jeremiah 5,31 and UT 127:2.”, Biblica 57, 1976, 106-108.
M. Dahood, “Canticle 7,9 and UT 52,61. A question of method”, Biblica 57, 1976, 109-110.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic Studies and the Bible”, Greg 43, 1962, 55-79.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic and the Old Testament”, EThL 44, 1968, 35-54.
M. Dahood, “Canaanite words in Qoheleth 10.20”, Biblica 46, 1965, 210-212.
M. Dahood, “Accadian-Ugaritic dmt in Ezekiel 27, 32”, Biblica 45, 1964, 83-84.
M. Dahood, Psalms III 101-150. Introd., transl., and notes. With an appendix by M. Dahood & T. Penar:
“The grammar of the Psalter” (The Anchor Bible 17A), Garden City NY, 1970. [pasar]
M. Dahood, “Phoenician elements in Isaiah 52:13-53.12”, in Fs. Albright 1971, pp, 63-73.
M. Dahood, “Northwest Semitic notes on Genesis”, Biblica 55, 1974, 76-82 [rev. art. of D.N. Freedman’s
Genesis in The New American Bible, 1970].
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic and Phoenician or Qumran and the versions”, in Fs. Gordon 1973, pp. 53-58.
M. Dahood, “Northwest Semitic philology and three biblical text”, JNSL 2, 1972, 17-22 [(1) Eccles. 10,18.
(2) Eccles. 6,4. (3) Prov. 22,8].
M. Dahood, “Northwest Semitic notes on Dt 32,20”, Biblica 54, 1973, 405-406.
G. del Olmo Lete, “Sintagmas ugarítico-hebreos: ensayo de esclarecimiento comparativo”, Helmantica 34,
1983, 149-162.
J.C. de Moor, “The art of versification in Ugarit and Israel. II: The formal structure”, UF 10. 1978, 187217.
J.C. de Moor, P. v.d. Lugt, “The spectre of Pan-Ugaritism”, BiOr 34, 1981, 3-26 [rev. srt on L-R. Fisher,
ed., Ras Shamra parallel I, 1972].
J.C. de Moor, “The art of versification in Ugarit and Israel.I: the rhythmical structure”, in Fs.
Loewenstamm, pp. 119-139.
M. Dietrich et al., “Die angebliche ug.-he. Parallele spsg II sps(j)g(jm)”, UF 8, 197637-40.
M. Dietrich et.al. “Ug. ilib und hebr. ‘(w)b ‘Totengesit’”, UF 6, 1974, 450-451.
M. Dietrich et al., “Die ugaristischen Totengeister rpu(m) und die biblischen Rephaim”, UF 8, 1976, 4552.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Ug. ¨c/¨c-y und hebr. šwc”, UF 19, 1987, 33-36.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “šmn (ar§) ‘wohlriechende(s) Öl/Fett/Salbe (der Erde)’ als Metonymie für ‘Regen’.
Die ugaritisch-hebräisch Parallelismes ṭl // šmn, šmn // nbt und das biblische Binom ‘Milch und
Honig’”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 46-59.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Akkadisch siparru, ugaritisch spr, gprt und hebräisch spr, `sprt”, UF 17, 1985,
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Das Ugaritische in den Wörtenbüchern von L. Köhler und W. Baumgartner (I;
II)”, BZ 13, 1969, 187-207; 21, 1977, 102-110 [on L. Koehler, W. Baumgartner, Hebr. und aram.
Lexikon zum Alten Testameni, 3. Aufl., Lief. 1 & 2, 1967, 1974].
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Bemerkungen zu ug. p≠d, p≠r u. hebr. púd I, *púr?”, UF 23, 1991, 79-82.
M. Dietrich, O.Loretz, “Ug. drc, drt, dry u. hebr. zrh II”, UF 23, 1991, 75-78.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “’Singen’ und ‘sich freuen’ im Ugaritischen ud Hebräischen. Zum Parallelismus
ny/údy und seinem Reflex in der Lexicographie”, in Fs. Avishur, pp. 29*-46* [= OrUg, pp. 37-57].
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Die akkadische Tierbezeichnungen immeru, pu≠adu und pu≠alu im Ugaritischen
und Hebräischen”, UF 17, 1985, 99-103.
H. Donner, “Ugaritismen in der Psalmenforschung”, ZAW 79, 1967, 322-350.
J.-M. Durand, “De l’époque amorrite à la Bible: le cas d’Arriyuk”, in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 59-69 [Heb.
J.A. Emerton, “What light has Ugaritic shed on Hebrew?”, un UB, pp. 53-69.
F. C. Fensham, “The first Ugaritic text in Ugaritica V and the Old Testament”, VT 22, 1972, 296-303.
T.L. Fenton, “Ugaritica - Biblica”, UF 1, 1969, 65-70.
T.L. Fenton, “Comparative evidence in textual study: M. Dahood on 2 Sam. 121 and CTA 19 (I Aqht). I,
44-45”, VT 29, 1979, 162-170.
L. R. Fischer, ed., Ras Shamra Parallels. The Texts from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible I-II (AnOr 49-50),
Roma 1972-1975 [rev.: BSOAS 36, 1973, 640-642 (I) (E. Ullendirff); ZA 64, 1975, 299-307 (I) (H.-P.
Müller); ZA 66, 1976, 305-312 (II) (H.-P. Müller); UF 7, 1975, 597-598 (II) (M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, J.
Sanmartín); IEJ 28, 1978, 202-205 (I-II) (A. Hurvitz); Biblica 59, 1978, 100-122 (I-II) (S.E.
Loewenstamm); BiOr 34, 1981, 3-26 (I-II) (J.C. de Moor, P. v.d. Lugt)]. [cf. S.Rummel]
L.R. Freedman, Studies in cuneiform legal terminology with special reference to West Semitic parallels.,
Diss. Columbia Univ. 1977 [DAb 38, 1978, 6097-A].
St. Gevirtz, “Of syntax and style in the ‘Late Biblical Hebrew’ – ‘O1d Canaanite’ connection”, JANES 18,
1986, 25-29.
C. Grave, “The etymology of Northwest Sem. ṣapānu”, UF 12, 1980, 221-229 (Ug. ṣpn & Hebr. ṣ¿pôn].
J. Gray, “Cultic Affinities between Israel and Ras Shamra”, ZAW 62, 1949-50, 207-220 [on technical
terms common to Hebrew and Ugaritic].
J. Gray, “The Wrath of God in Canaanite and Hebrew Literature”, Journal of the Manchester University
Egyptian and Oriental Society 25, 1947-1953, 9-19.
E. Jacob, “Ugarit dans les études vétérotestamentaires: bilan d’un demi-siècle », UF 11, 1979, 395-406 [on
the Ug. And Heb. Languages, pp. 400-402]
W. Johnstone, “Old Testament technical expressions in property holding. Contributions from Ugarit”, in
Ug. VI, pp. 309-317.
W. Kuhnigk, Nordwestsemitische Studien zum Hoseabuch (Biblica et Orientalia 27), Roma 1974 [rev.: RB
83, 1976, 148-149 (R. Tournay); BZ 20, 1976, 275-276 (V. Hamp); Biblica 57, 1976, 573-575 (F.I.
Andersen); JBL 95, 1976, 295-296 (R.B. Coote); CBQ 38, 1976, 113-114 (K.J. Catheart); JNES 37,
1978, 355-358 (W.L. Michell); BiOr 34, 1977, 87-89 (M.J. Mulder)].
S.E. Loewenstamm, “The address ‘listen’ in the Ugaritic epic and the Bible”, in Fs.Gordon 1980, pp. 123131.
S.E. Loewenstamm, “Ugarit and the Bible II”, Biblica 59, 1978, 100-122 [rev. art. on L.R. Fisher, ed., Ras
Shamra Parallels I/II, 1972, 1975].
O. Loretz: “Ug. skn -śknt und hebr. skn B sknt”, ZAW 94, 1982, 123-127.
O. Loretz, “Die Ugaritistik in der Psalmeninterpretation. Zum Abschluss des Kommentars von M.
Dahood”, UF 4, 1972, 167-169 [on M. Dahood, Psalms III 101-150, 1970).
O. Loretz, “Neues Verstandnis einiger Schriftstellen mit Hilfe des Ugaritischen”, BZ 2, 1958, 287-291.
O. Loretz, “Weitere ugaritisch-hebräische Parallelen”, BZ 3, 1959, 290-294.
O. Loretz, “Ugaritisch-hebräisch in Job 3.3-26. Zum Disput zwischen M. Dahood und J.D. Barr”, UF 8,
1976, 123-127.
O. Loretz, “Ug. - Hebr. ≠b/pÃ, bt úpÃt-úpšj, bjt húpšj/wt”, UF 8, 1976, 129-131.
O. Loretz, Die Psalmen. II: Beitrag der Ugarit-Texte zum Verständnis von Kolometrie und Textologie der
Psalmen. Psalm 90-150 (AOAT 207/2), Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1979.
O. Loretz, “Ugaritisch und hebräische Lexikographie”, UF 12, 1980, 279-286 [1. Ug. bẓr ‘Feingold’, bṣr
‘schauen, spähen’ und hebr. bṣr in Ps 76, 13. 2. Ug. šb – hebr. šwp. 3. Zu újt in Ps 68, 11 und ug. úwt
∆Land’. 4. Ug. jpc ‘sich erheben’ und he. jbc hif. ‘hervorbrechen lassen (Licht), leuchten’. 5. Der
Heuschrecken-Vergleich. 6. Zu KTU 1.14 1 30 und Ps 6, 7].
O. Loretz, “Ugaritisch und hebräische Lexikographie (II)”, UF 13, 1981, 126-135 [7. Hb. šlmjm als plurale
tantum oder šlm und šlmjm las Opferterminus? 8. cdb ‘zubereiten, bereithalten, -stellen, hinstelle’ und
he. czb II? 9. Ug. itnn und he. ’tnn].
O. Loretz, “Ugaritisch und hebräische Lexikographie (III)”, UF 14, 1982, 141-148 [10. Prov. 2, 18-19; 7,
24-27 – Mt und rpum-rpjm in Prov, 1-9],
O. Loretz:, “Ugaritisch. und hebräisches Lexikographie (IV)”, UF 15, 1983, 58-64 [11. Ug. ṣġr, sġr und hb.
ṣcr, ṣcwr, ṣcjr. 12. ksp slgjm or k spsgjm und ug. spsg, śbśg].
B. Margalit, “Ugaritic contributions to Hebrew lexicography (with special reference to the poem of Aqht)”,
ZAW 99, 1987, 391-404.
W. Mckane, “qṣwṣy p’h and pát mdbr”, in Fs. Fensham, pp. 131-138.
S.A. Meier, “A Ugaritic convention in Biblical dialogue”, UF 21, 1989, 277-282 [on the marking of direct
W. L. Michel, The Ugaritic texts and the mythological expressions in the book of Job (including a new
translation of and philological notes on the book ot Job), Ph. D. Diss. Univ. of Wisconsin 1970 [DAb
31/10, April 1971, 5369-A].
W.L. Michel, Job in the light of Northwest Semitic. Vol. 1: Prologue and first cyc1e of speeches: Job
1:144:22 (Biblica et Orientalia, 42), Rome 1987 [rev.: BiOr 45, 1988, 649-652 (P. Höffken); JNSL 14,
1988, 229-230 (F.C. Fensham); RB 95, 1988, 448-449 (R.J. T [ ournay]); ZAW 100, 1988, 146-147
(O. K[ aiser]); ATG, 51, 1988, 296 (A. Torres); BiOr 45, 1988, 649-652 (P. Höffken); JNSL 14, 1988,
229-230 (F.C. Fensham); RB 95, 1988, 448-449 (R.J. T[ ournay]); ZAW 100, 1988, 146-147 0. K[
aiser])] .
W.L. Moran, “The Hebrew Language in its Northwest Semitic Background”, in Fs. Albright 1961, pp. 6472.
R. Moroder, “Ugaritic and modern translation of the Psalter. A critical examination of ‘Die Psalme’
Ökumenische Übersetzung der Bibel [Stuttgart 1971]”, UF 6, 1974, 249-264.
A. Murtonen, Hebrew, in its West Semitic setting: a comparative surveyof non Masoretic Hebrew dialects
and traditions. Part one: A comparative lexicon, section Bb: Root comparative material and discussion:
sections C, D and E: Numerals under 100; pronouns, particles (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics 13), Leiden 1986/1989 [rev.: Abr-Nahrain 26, 1988, 122-126 J. Blau; JSS 33, 1988, 264-267
(P.C.H. Wernberg-Møller (A); ZA W 100, 1988, 320 (R.M. Voigt) (A); WS 109, 1989, 295-297 (A.S.
Kaye); WZKM 79, 1989, 307-309 (S. Segert); JSJ 20, 1989, 246-248 (E. Qimron); BiOr 46, 1989,
686~687 (C.H.I. van der Merwe) (A); ZDMG 140, 1990, 192 (K, B[eyer]) (A-B); OLZ 85, 1990, 322323 (W Herrmann) (Ba); RSO 63, 1989, 190-191 (G. Garbini) (A); JSS 37, 1992, 310-312 (P.
Wemberg-Mø1ler); OLZ 87, 1992, 410-411 (W. Herrmann); BiOr 50, 1993, 458-459 (T. Muraoka)
(Ba); ZAW 104/1, 1992, 156 H.W. Hoffmann (I. Ba)].
A. Murtonen, Hebrew in its West Semitic setting: a comparative survey of non-Masoretic Hebrew, dialects
and traditions. Part two: Phonetics and phonology; three: Morphosyntactcs (Studies in Semitic
languages and linguistics, 16), Leiden 1990 [rev.: BiOr 46, 1989, 686~687 (C.H..I. van der Merwe);
ZDMG 140/1, 1990, 192 (K. B[eyer]); VT 46/1, 1996, 136-138 (Geoffirey A. Khan (1-2)].
N. Netzer, Biblical Hebrew in the light of Mishnaic Hebrew; the contribution of R. Shelomo Parhon, the
author of Mahberet he’aruch.” (Heb.), Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 26-67.
R.T. O’Callaghan, “Echoes of Canaanite Literatúre in the Psalms”, VT 4, 1954, 164-176.
D. Pardee, “ypc ‘Witness’ in Hebrew and Ugaritic”, VT 28, 1978, 204-213.
D. Pardee, “(Rather dim but nevertheless appreciable) light from (a very obscure) Ugaritic (text) on (the)
Hebrew (Bible)”, in Fs. Fitzmeyer, pp. 79-89.
J. H. Patton, Canaanitc Parallels to the Book of Psalms, Diss. John Hopkins Univ, Baltimore MD
1944 [rev.: JBL 63, 1944, 418-419 (Montgomery); BASOR 95, 1944, 40 (Albright); JewQR 35,
1944-45, 355-356 (Gaster); BiOr 4, 1947, 120-121 (Niemeyer)].
T. Penar, Northwest Semitic philology and the Hebrew fragments of Ben Sira (Biblica et Orientalia 28),
Rome 1975 [rev.: ZAW 88, 1976, 315; CBQ 38, 1976, 584-586 (A.A. Di Lella); BZ 22, 1978, 296-299
(V. Hamp); JNES 38, 1979, 145-146 (D. Pardee)].
M.H. Pope, “A resurvey of some Ugaritic-Hebrew connections”, Maarav 7, 1991, 199-206 [Enclitic mem;
pleonastic waw; a≠r/’aúar; tút/taúat; cli(y); vocative l-; hosanna].
A.F. Rainey, “Redifining Hebrew – A Transjordanian Language”, Maarav 14, 2007, 67-81.
G. Rendsburg, “Hebrew ’šdt and Ugaritic išdym”, JNSL 8, 1980, 81-84.
S. Rin, “Ugaritic-Old Testament affinities”, BZ 7, 1963, 22-33 [Linguistic palallels].
S. Rin, S. Rin, “Ugaritic-Old Testament affinities, II”, BZ 11, 1967, 174-192 [(1) Pers. Names, (2)
Miscellanea. (3) More on the construct with final m. (4) On the Superlaative].
U. Rütersworden, G. Warmouth, “Biblische Textkritik und ugaritische Sprachforschung zu 2 Kön 4,42”,
ZAH 1, 1988, 202-209.
S. Rummel, ed., Ras Shamra Parallels. The Textsn from Ugarit and the Hebrew Bible. Vol. 3 (AnOr 51),
Roma 1981, P.I.B. [cf. L.R. Fisher]
Sang Youl Cho, Lesser Deities in the Ugaritic Texts and the Hebrew Bible. A Comparative Study of their
Nature and Roles (Deities and Angels of the Ancient World, 2), New Jersey 2007.
G. Sauer, “Die Ugaritistik und die Psalmenforschung. I: II”, UF 6, 1974, 401-406; 10, 1978, 357-386.
Cl. Schedl, “Psalm 8 in ugaritischer Sicht”, FF 38, 1964, 183-185.
D. Sivan, “The contribution of Akkadian texts from Ugarit to Ugaritic and Biblical Hebrew grammar” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 47, 1983, 165-183.
J.J. Stamm, “Ein ugaritisch.-hebräisches Verbum und seine Ableitungen”, ThZ 35, 1º979, 5-9 [Ug. *ġjr Heb. cwr/cr].
B.A. Strawn, “kwšrwt in Psalm 68:7, Again. A (Small) Test Case in Relating Ugaritic to Hebrew Bible”,
UF 41, 2009, 631-648.
D.T. Tsumura, “A ‘hyponymous’ word pair: ’rṣ and thm(t) in Hebrew and Ugaritic”, RB 95, 1988, 258269.
D.T. Tsumura, “The ‘word pair’ *qšt and *mà in Habakkuk 3:9 in the light of Ugaritic and Akkadian. [885], in Fs. Young, pp. 353-361.
W.G.E. Watson, “Allusion, irony and wordplay in Micah 1,7”, Biblica 65/I, 1984, 103-105 [tnn = ‘serpent(idol)’, cf. Ug. tnn , ‘sea-serpent, dragon’ , ‘(prostitute=s) fee’].
W.G.E. Watson: “Introductions to speech in Ugaritic and Hebrew”, in UB, pp. 383-393 21586.
P. Xella, “Fenicio mšr (Tabnit, 5) ed ebreo tšwrh (1 Samuele 9:7)”, UF 14, 1982, 295-302.
Z. Zevit, “Phoenician nbš/npš and its Hebrew semantic equivalents”, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 337-344.
6A.5.7. Hebrew and South-Semitic (South-Arabic and Ethiopic)
A. Caquot, “Hébreu *’iyy§m, grec Aithiopes”, in Mél .Cohen, pp. 219-223.
W. Leslau, Ethiopic and South Arabic Contributions to the Hebrew Lexicon (Univ. of California
Publications in Semitic Philology 20), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1958 [rev.: BSL 54, 1959, 256-257 (J.
Tubiana); Or 28, 1959, 106-108 (A.F.L. Beeston); Lg 35, 1959, 97-99 (A. Jeffery); | BSOAS 22, 1959,
577-578 (F.R. Palmer); BZ 3, 1959, 316-317 (J. Assfalg); AO 28, 1960, 515 (S. Segert, K. Petráček)].
W. Leslau, “Amharic parallels to semantic developments in Biblical Hebrew”, ErIs 12, 1975, 113*-116*.
W. Müller, “Altsüdarabische Beiträge zum hebräischen Lexikon”, ZAW 75, 1963, 304-316.
W. W. Müller, “Beiträge aus dem Mehri zum etymimologischen Teil des hebr. Lexikons”, in Mél. Rodinson,
pp. 267-278.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Sabaic notes to Hebrew grammar”, Abr-Nahrain 27, 1989, 106-119.
E. Ullendorff, “The Contribution of South Semitics to Hebrew Lexicography”, VT 6, 1956, 190-198.
R.M. Voigt, “’Fuss’ (und ‘Hand’) im Äthiopischen, Syroarabischen und Hebräischen”, ZAH 11, 1998, 191199.
6A.6.1. Historical Grammar
[A reminder:
H. Bauer, P. Leander. Historische Grammatik der hebräischen Sprache des alten Testaments, Halle
1918-22 (repr. 1962/1975).
E. König, Historisch-kritisches Lehrgebaude der hebräischen Sprache, 2 v. in 3, Leipzig 1881-97.
AA.VV., “Hebrew Language”, in EnJud, 10:1560-1662 (Pre-Biblical, Biblical, The Dead Sea Scrolls,
Mishnaic, Medieval, Modern)
W. Bacher, Die Anfänge der hebräischen Grammatik ..., Amsterdam 1974 [rev.: GL 17, I977, 33-37 (S.
V. Bányai, “A klasszikus hébertöl az ivritig” (Hung.), in G. Tamás, ed., T’abidze nyelvek – mesterséges
nyelvek (Natural languages – artificial languages) (Segédkönyvek a nyelvészet tanulmányozásához, 6),
Budapest 2003, pp. 13-17 (From Classical Hebrew to Ivrit).
J. Blau, “On the History and Structure of Hebrew”, in THSL, pp. 11-19.
J. Blau, “The historical periods of the Hebrew language”, in JLThV, pp. 1-13 (Discussion, by Ychiel
Hayon 15-20: by Stephen J. Lieberman, 21-28).
E. Brønno, “Zu den Theorien Paul Kahles von der Erstehung der tiberischen Grammatik”, ZDMG 100,
1951, 521-565 [rev. of P. E. Kahle, The Cairo Geniza, 1947]
J. Fellmann, “A sociolinguistic perspective on the history of Hebrew”, in J.A. Fushman, ed., Readings in the
sociology of Jewish languages (Contributions to the Sociology of Jeswish Languages, 1), Leiden 1985, pp.
J. Ferrer, “Hebreo”, in LEA, pp. 253-284.
C.Fontinoy, “La langue, lien social: ombres et incertitudes concernant les origines de l’hébreu biblique”, in
Fs. Lipiński, pp. 65-77.
Ch. Gamliel, “The Contribution of Rashi’s Torah Commentary to the Hebrew Language” (Heb.),
in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp.115-127.
L.H. Glinert, ed., Hebreu in Ashkenaz: a language in exile, New York/Oxford 1993 [rev.: AnL 36, 1994,
519-521 (H. Lenowitz)].
M. Hadas-Lebel, (Manuel) d’histoire de la langue hébraique des origines à l’époque de la Mishna (Coll.
de la Revue des Études Juives; 21), Paris 1976/1977/1981/1986, Leuven 19955 [rev.: OLZ 75, 1980,
149-150 (J. Oelsner); JJewS 34/2, 1983, 208-213 (E. Ullendorff); RB 91/2, 1984, 313-314 (M.-J. Pierre);
VT 48, 1998, 277-278 (J. A. Emerton) ; JAOS 122/3, 2002, 651-652 (J. Huehnergard)].
Z. Har-Zahav, Hebrew Grammar. I. Historical introduction. part 1 (Hebr.), Tel Aviv 1951 [rev.: JJewS 3,
1952, 184 (C. Rabin)].
E. Horowitz, How the Hebrew Language grew, New York jewish Education, New York 1961 [rev.: ZAW
73, 1961, 339 (G. Fohrer)].
G. Janssens, Studies in Hebrew historical linguistics, Leuven 1982 [rev.: JSS 30/2, 1985, 278-279 (J.C.L.
G. Khan, M.A. Gallego, J. Olszowy-Schlanger, The Karaite Tradition of Hebrew Gammatical Thought in
its Classical Form. A Critical Edition and English Translation of Kitāb al-Kāfī fī al-lu\a al-cIbrāniyya
by ’Abū al-Faraj Hārūn ibn al-Faraj (Studies in Semitic Languages and Studies, 37/1-2), Leiden
/Boston 2003 [rev.: CCO 4, 2007, 439-441 (C. Huertas Abril)].
A.S. Kaye, “Some thoughts on the Hebrew grammarians and the history of linguistics”, en D. Feldman,
ed., Homenaje a Robert A. Hall, Jr. Ensayos lingüísticos y filológicos para su sexagésimo aniversario,
Madrid: Playor, 1977, pp. 157-163.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Leicht verzerrt: Bibelhebräisch im Spiegel des Neuhebräischen”, ZAH 5, 1992, 7284.
E. A. Knauf, “War “Biblisch-Hebräisch” eine Sprache?: empirische Gesichtspunkte zur linguistischen
Annäherung an die Sprache der althebräischen Literatur”, ZAH 3, 1990, 11-23.
L. Kogan, S.V. Loesov, “Ancient Hebrew” (Rus.), in JaMi, pp. 296-375.
J. Kotjatko, “”Infinitive und Verbalnomina bei den hebräischen Grammtikern des Mittelalters und das
Problem der Terminologie. Die Bedeutung der Termini ŠM HPWʕL, MAQWR sowie maṣdar und ism
al-fiʕl”, KUSATU 3, 2002, 5-54.
E.Y. Kutscher, A History of the Hebrew Language, Jerusalem 1982, ed. by Raphael Kutscher, Jerusalem /
Leiden 1982 [rev.: Helmantica 33, 1982, 608 (C. Carrete Parrondo); CBQ 46/2, 1984, 313-315 (M.S.
Smith); VT 34/3, 1984, 376 (J.A. E[merton]); ZDMG 134/1, 1984, 137-138 (E.Wagner); AuOr 1/2, 1983,
296-297 (G. del Olmo Lete); BiOr 41/1-2, 1984, 152-154 (W.J. van Bekkum); JJewS 34/2, 1983, 208-213
(E. Ullendorff); JAOS 104/2, 1984, 772-773 (E.J. Revelll); Leshonenu 46/2, 1982, 153-157 (J. Blau);
BSOAS 48/2, 1985, 346-347 (J. Wansbrough, L. Glinert); Lg 62, 1986,687-690 (P. Wexler); OLZ 81,
1986, 151-152 (H. Simon)].
S.D. Luzzatto, Prolegomena to a grammar of the Hebrew language, transl., annotated and with additional
material by A.D. Rubin: Prolegomena ad una grammatica ragionata della lingua ebraica [Padova
1836], Piscataway NJ 2005 [rev.: BSOAS 71, 2008, 119-121 (Cl. Fierstone); JSS 53/2, 2008, 363-365
(St.C. Reif)].
U. Ornan, “Hebrew Grammar”, in EnJud 10:78-175.
Ch. Rabin, Hebrew, London 1949 [rev.: BSL 46, 1950, 200 (M. Cohen); BiOr 7, 1950, 191-192 (J.J.
Koopmans); Orientalia 19, 1950, 216 (J. Bonsirven); BSOAS 17, 1955, 396].
Ch. Rabin, “Hebrew”, CTL 6, 1970, 304-46.
Ch. Rabin, “Hebrew”, in CTL 6, 1970, pp. 304-346 [1. Biblical Hebr. 2. The Second Temple period. 3.
Mishnaic Hebr. 4. Medieval Hebr. 5. The transition to Mod. Hebr. 6. Mod. Hebr. 7. Bibliography].
Ch. Rabin, A short history of the Hebrew language, Jerusalem 1974.
C. Rabin, Die Entwick1ung der hebräische Sprache (Veröffentlichungen der Hochschule für Jüdische
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M. Rand, Introduction to the Grammar of Hebrew Poetry in Byzantine Palestine (Gorgias Dissertations
22, Language and Linguistics), Piscataway NJ 2006 [rev.: JSS 54, 2009, 595-597 (O. Munz-Manor)].
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M.F. Rooker, “The diachronic study of Biblical Hebrew”, JNSL 14, 1988, 199-214.
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A. Sáenz Badillos, A History of the Hebrew Language, Cambridge 1993 [transl. from the Sp.] [rev.: GL
33, 1993, 238 (J. Fellman); SLang 19/2, 1995, 595-597 (W.J. van Bekkum); VT 46/1 1996, 140-141
.(J. A. Emerton); BSOAS 62/1, 1999, 124-125 (L.H. Glinert)].
A. Sáenz Badillos, Storia della lingua ebraica (Introduzione allo studio della Bibbia. Supplementi 34),
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solutions, Leiden 1966 [rev.: OLZ 68, 1973, 260-263 (R. Meyer)].
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P. Weichter, Ibn Barūn’s Arabic works on Hebrew grammar and lexicography, Philadelphia PN 1964
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6A.6.2. Normative Grammar
[A reminder:
K. Albrecht, Neuhebräische Grammatik auf Grund der Misna (CLS 5), München 1913.
G. Bergsträsser, Hebraische Grammatik, 2 vols., Leipzig 1918-2929 (repr. 1962/1986)
H. Ewald, Ausführliches Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache des Alten Bundes, Göttingen 18708
W. Gesenius - G. Bergsträsser, Hebräische Grammatik, Leipzig 1918-192129.
W. Gesenius, Hebräische Grammatik, Völlig umgearbeitet von E. Kautzsch. Facsimile der Siloah-Hanctschrift
beigefügt von J. Euting, Schrifttafel von M. Lidzbarski. [Mit] Paradigmen und Register, Leipzig 1909 [repr.
W. Gesenius, E. Kautzsch, A.E. Coley, Gesenius’ Hebrew Grammar as edited by the Late E. Kautzsch... revised
... by A. Cowley, Oxford 19102 (repr. 197814).
P. E. Kahle, “Das Problem der Grammatik des Hebräischen”, in P. Kahle, Opera minora , Leiden 1956,, pp. 5467.
M.J. Lambert, Traité de grammaire hébraique, Paris 1938 [rev.: JThS 40, 1939, 177-179 (Driver)],
J.D. Martin, Davidson’s Introductory Hebrew Grammar, Edinburgh 199327.
L. Meyer. Traité de grammaire hebraïque, Paris 1931-1938.
C. Steuernagel, Hebräische Grammatik mit Paradigmen, Literatur, Übungsstücken und Wërterverzeichnis (PLO
Language 1), Leipzig 19267/194811 [rev.: BiOr 6, 1949, 122 (J.H. Hospers); OLZ 50, 1955, 306 (R.
H.L. Strack, Hebräische Grammatik (CLS 1), Karlsruhe 191111]
Aharōn ben Mōšē ben Āšēr: Sefer diqdūqē ha-Ãecam∞m. Nach neuen Mss. kritisch ed. und komm. von
Aron Dotan. Vol. 1-3 (Hebr.) (Texts and Studies of the Academy of the Hebr. Language 7), Jerusalem
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N. Allony, “An Unpublished Grammar of Abraham Ibn cEzra”, Sefarad 11, 1951, 91-99.
N. Allony, “SDR HSYMNYM” (Heb.), HUCA 35, 1964, 1-35 (Karaite grammatical massoretic treatment
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Fr. Andersen,, A. Dean Forbes, Biblical Hebrew Grammar Visualized (Linguistic Studies in Ancient West
Semitic, 6), Eisenbrauns, 2012.
P. Auvray, Initiation à l’hébreu biblique, Tournai 1955 [rev.: JJewS 6, 1955, 255 (C. Rabin); RB 63,
1956, 620-622 (F.M. Lemoine); VT 6, 1956, 321-322 (H. Cazelles); Biblica 38, 1957, 222-224 (P.
S. W. Baron, A Social and Religious History of the Jews. High Middle Ages (5OO-I2OO). 2nd ed., revised
and enlarged. Vol. VII. Hebrew Language and Letters: New York/London 1958 [rev.: JSS 5, 1960, 196
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R. Bartelmus, HYH: Bedeutung und Funktion eines hebräischen ‘Allerwortes’ – zugleich ein Beitrag zur
Frage des hebräischen Tempussystem (ATSAT 17), St. Ottilien 1982 [rev.: JNSL 11, 1983, 173-174
(F.C. Fensham); CBQ 47/1, 1985, 107-110 (D. Pardee)].
R. Bartelmus: Einführung in das biblische Hebräisch: ausgehend von der grammatischen und (text-)
syntaktischen Interpretation des althebräischen Konsonantentexts des Alten Testaments durch die
tiberische Masoreten-Schule des Ben Ascher : mit einem Anhang: Biblisches Aramäisch für Kenner
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G. Beer, Hebräische Grammatik. I. Schrift-, Laut- und Forrmenlehre, völlig neubearbeitete Aufl. von
Rudolf Meyer (Sammlung Göschen 763/763a), Berlin 1952-1955 [rev.: ThLZ 78, 1953, 507 (C.
Steuernagel); ZAW 64, 1952, 272 (J. Hempel); Paideia 9, 1954, 78 (G. Rinaldi); AO 22, 1954, 488-490
(S. Segert); BiOr 11, 1954, 19-20 (J.J. Koopmans); RB 61, 1954, 305-306 (F.M. Lemoine); Biblica 35,
1954, 117-121 (E. Vogt); JJewS 6, 1955, 116 (C. Rabin); RPHhR 35, 1955, 241 (E. Jacob); BiOr 13,
1956, 21-22 (J. Koopmans); JJewS 6 1955, 116 (C. Rabin); AO 26 1956, 153-155 (S. Segert); JBL 75,
1956, 159-160 (W. S. La Sor); ThZ 12, 1956, 61 (H. Ringgren);
G. Beer, Hebräische Grammatik. II. 1. Formenlehre, 2. Syntax und Flexionstabellen (Sammlung Göschen
764/764a), Berlin 1955 [rev.: ZATW 67, 1955. 120 (J. Hempel); Biblica 38, 1957, 95-98 (R. Köbert);
ThZ 12, 1956, 61 (H. Ringgren)].
E. Ben Zvi, M. Hancock, R. Beinert, Readings in Biblical Hebrew: An Intermediate Textbook, Yale 1993.
A. Bertsch, Kurzgefasste hebräische Sprachlehre, Stuttgart 1956 [ThLZ 93, 1958, 416-417 (R. Meyer); AO
27, 1959, 169-172 (S. Segert); OLZ 55, 1960, 492-493 (A. Jepsen)].
A. Bertsch, Kurtgefasste hebräische Sprachlekre, Stuttgart 1956 [rev.:Biblica 38, 1957, 98-102 (R.
Köbert); Paideia 11, 1956, 437 (G. Rinaldi); RB 64, 1957. 315 (B. Couroyer); BZ 1, 1957, 308-309 (V.
Hamp); BiOr 14, 1957,70-71 (J. J. Koopmans)].
K. Beyer, Althebräische Grammatik. Laut- und Formenlehre, Göttingen 1969 [rev.: Biblica 51, I970, 574576 (J.F.X. Sheehan); Biblica 52, 1971, 72-78 (E. Vogt); BiOr 29, 1972, 218-219 (J.H. Hospers)].
K. Beyer, “Zur althebräischen Grammatik”, in. W. Röllig, ed., XXII. Deutscher Orientelistentag vom 21. bis
25. März 1983 in Tübingen: ausgewälte Vorträge (ZDMG, Suppl. 6), Stuttgart 1985, pp. 133-134.
H. Birkeland, Loerebok i hebraisk grammatik, Oslo 1950 [Manuel de grammaire hébraïque][rev.: BiOr 9,
1952, 21 (A. Bentzen)].
J. Blau, A grammar of Biblical Hebrew (Porta linguarum Orientalium, N.S. 12), Wiesbaden 1974, 1976
19932 [rev.: Islam 54, 1977, 339-340 (P. Freimark); BSOAS 41, 1978, 362-366 (J. Barr); JSS 23, 1978,
105-111 (S. Segert); WO 11, 1980, 171-172 (H. Bobzin); JAOS 102, 1982, 187-188 (B. Grossfeld);
BiOr 53/3-4, 1996, 491-492 (Arie J.C. Verheij); ArOr 64, 1996, 142-143 (J.Oliverius)].
F. Blumfield, Further Biblical Hebrew: Explanations and Exercises (Gorgias Handbooks, 11), Piscataway
NJ 2010.
R. Bornemann, A Grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Part One: An Introduction to Biblical Hebrew. Part Two:
Continuing Biblical Hebrew, Oxford 1998, University Press of America.
G. Busi, Horayat ha-qore’: una grammatica ebraica del secolo XI (Judentum und Umwelt II), Frankfurt a.M.
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F. Cantera, “Gramática hebrea manuscrita de Cándido M. Trigueros [1771]”. Sefarad 23, 1963, 116-119.
A. Carrozzini, Grammatica della lingua ebraica, Torino 1950 [rev.: RB 49, 1952, 153 (B.C.)].
K. C’ereteli, “Kartul-ebrauli urtiertobisatvis”, Macne 1998, 189-202 [on Georgian-Hebrew contacts].
W. Chomsky, “Toward Broadening the scope of Hebrew Grammar”, JewQR 49, 1958-59, 179-190.
V. Christian, Untersuchungen zum Laut- und Formenlehre des Hebräischen (SÖAW/PhHK, 228, 2), Wien
D. Cohen, H. Zafrani, Grammaire de l’hébreu vivant, Paris 1968 [rev. : Lingua 24, 1969-70, 307 (P.O.
A. Coletti, Ebraico biblico e postbiblico: Profilo storico elementi dell’evoluzione, Roma 1979.
J.A. Cook, R.D. Holmstedt, Biblical Hebrew: A Student Grammar, University of Texas 2009; on line
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P. Cotterell, M. Tumer: “Linguistics and Biblical interprelation” - 9488. [1995]
A.E. Cowley, Gesenius’ Hebrew grammar as edited and enlarged by E. Kautsch. 2nd E. ed., 15th printing
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Grammatik, völlig umgearbeilet von E. Kautsch (Leipzig: 1909) [rev.: JSS 26, 1981, 280-281 (J.
M. Dahood, Psalms III 101-150. Introd., transl., and notes. With an appendix by M. Dahood & T. Penar:
“The grammar of the Psalter” (The Anchor Bible 17A), Garden City NY, 1970.
R. Dán, “The age of Reformation versus ‘linguam sanctam Hebraicam’: a survey”, AUBudL 8, 1977
(1978), 131-144.
A.B. Davidson, An introductory Hebrew grammar, with progressive exercises in reading, writing and
pointing. Revised throughont by John Mauceline (25th ed.), Edinburgh 1962 [rev.: JBL 81, 1962, 434435 (M. Pope);. JSS 8, 1963, 294-300 (P. Wernberg-Möller); JrhS 14, 1963, 108-109 (L.H.
Brockington); Abr-Nahrain 3, 1961-62, 119-120 (D. Broadribb)].
C. del Valle Rodríguez, La obra gramatical de Abraham lbn ‘Ezra (Serie Universitaria), Madrid 1977
[rev.: BiOr 3 1977 (1978), 374 (M.J. Mulder)].
A. Dotan, “Wilhelm Bacher’s [1850-1913] place in the history of Hebrew linguistics”, HL 4, 1977, 135157.
J.B. Douckhan, Hebrew for Theologians: A Textbook for the Study of Biblical Hebrew in Relation to
Hebrew Thinking, Berrien Springs MI 1993.
R. Drezdner, “Pour une esquisse de grammaire, quelques réflexions a partir d’un corpus écrit : l’hebreu de
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G.R. Driver, “Hebrew Language”, in Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago, IL 1965., vol. 11, pp. 279-284.
P.G. Duncker, Compendium grammaticae linguae Hebraicae biblicae, cum chrestomathia et glossario,
Roma 19482 [rev.: BiOr 7, 1950, 161-162 (J. van der Ploeg)].
O. Eissfeldt, Des Matthäus Aurigallus Hebräische Grammatik von 1523, WZUH 7, 1957-1958, 885-889.
I. Eldar: “Recueils grammaticaux yéménites des “Tiğan” et sources du recueil hébraique”, REJ 151, 1992,
R. R. Ellis, Learning to Read Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar, Waco TE 2006 [rev.: The
Review of Biblical Literature 2008, on line (http://www.sbl-site.org) (M. Rogland)].
J.F. Elwolde, “Hebrew, Biblical and Jewish”, in ELL 3, cols. 1536-1538.
N. Erdélyi, Grammatica della lingua ebraica. Con esercizi, vocabolario e chiave, Firenze 1949.
H. Ewald, Ausführliches Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache des alten Bundes, Göttingen 1870.
J.A. Fishman, “The Hebraist Response to the Tshernovits Conference”, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 437-448.
M. Folmer, “Het Hebreeuws”, in TONO, pp. 88-97.
R. Frankena, “Some remarks on a new approach to Hebrew”, in Fs Beer, pp. 41-49.
S.A. Fundaminsky, A New Hebrew Grammar. Complete course for teachers and students, with
vocabularies and exercises, London 1954 [rev.: JJewS 5, 1954, 181-184 (C. Rabin)].
M.D. Futato, Beginning Biblical Hebrew, Winoan Lake IN 1997.
B. Gemser, Hebreeuse spraakkuns. Vormleer, sinsleer en oefeninge, Pretoria 1953 [rev.: BiOr 12, 1955,
33-34 (J.J. Koopmans); BiOr 12, 1955, 33-34 (J.J. Koopmans); Gereformeerd Theologisch Tijdschrift
(Kampen) 55, 1955, 119-120 (W.H. Gispen); OLZ 51, 1956, 424-425 (R. Meyer)].
G. Gerleman, Synoptic Studies in the Old Testament (Lunds Universitet Ảrsskrift N.F. Avd. I, 44, 5),
Lund 1948 [contributions to the discussion of the historical grammar of Hebrew] [rev.: JBL 68, 1949,
382-384 (M. Burrows).
G. Gerleman, “Struktur und Eigenart der hebräischen Sprache”, SvExÅ 22-23, 1957-58, 252-264.
W. Gesenius-E. Kautsch-G. Bergsträsser, Hebräische Grammatik, Hildesheim 1983 [W. Gesenius’
Hebräische Grammatik, elaborated by E. Kautsch (Leipzig: 1909); G. Bergsträsser, Hebräische
Grammatik I. Teil: Einleitung, Schrift- und Lautlehre; II. Teil: Verbum (Leipzig: 1918; 1929)].
J.C.L. Gibson, Davidson's introductory Hebrew grammar, Edinburgh, 19944 [rev.: BSOAS 62/1, 1999,
125-126 (L.H. Glinert)].
D.L. Gold, “The speech and writing of the Jews”, in Ch.A. Ferguson, Sh.B. Heath, eds, Language in the
USA, Cambridge 1981, pp. 273-292.
M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, Text and Language in Bible and Qumran, Jerusalem/Tel-Aviv 1960 [rev.: JBL
80, 1961, 199-200 (J. Strugnell); JJewS 11, 1960, 187-190 (D.W. Thomas)] [A selection of his English
and Germn articles from the last 12 years].
M.[H.] Gotsstein, Z. Livneh, S. Spahn, Practical Grammar of the Hebrew Language [Heb.], Jerusalem
1954 [rev.: Sefarad 14, 1954, 410-411 (F. Pérez Castro); JJewS 6, 1955, 118 (C. Rabin)].
M. Greenberg, Introduction to Hebrew, Englewood Cliffs, N.I. 1965 [rev.: Linguistics 35, 1967, 115-126
(G. Fraenkel); JBL 85, 1966, 379-380 (W. Sandford LaSor)].
H. Greive, “Die hebräische Grammatik Johannes Reuchlins: De rudimentis hebraicis”, ZAW 90, 1978,
O. Grether, Hebräische Grammatik für den akademischen Unterricht, München 19552 [rev.: ZRGG 4,
1952, 282-283 (H. Polcher); ThZ 9, 1953, 136-137 (D. Scheuner); Munchener Theologische Zeitschrift
3, 1952, 419-421 (F. Stummer); BiOr 9, 1954, 20-21 (J.J. Koopmans); ThLZ 79, 1954, 479-481 (R.
S. Groom, Linguistic Analysis of Biblical Hebrew, Carlisle 2003 [rev. : JQR 97/2, 2007,
J. Grunfest, “Spinoza as a linguist”, IOS 9, 1979, 103-128 [B. Spinoza’s views on the Hebr. language in
his Compendium grammatices linguae hebraeae (1678) and his Tractatus theologico-politicus (1670)].
H. Gzella, “Ancient Hebrew”, in LWB, pp. 76-110.
J.A. Hackett, A Basic Introduction to Biblical Hebrew, Peabody Mass. 2010 [rev.: Review of Biblical
Literature 2011, on line: http://www.bookreviews.org (B.M. Levinson), (J. Robson), (G. Athas); UF
41, 2009, 692-693 (O. Loretz); JAOS 131, 2011, 141-143 (J.M. Bos)].
R. Halabe, Hinneh: Biblical Hebrew the Practical Way, 3 vols., Jerusalem 2011 [rev.: H-Judaic, HNet Reviews, November 2012, on line (J. Noonan)]
Z.S. Harris, “Linguistic Structure of Hebrew”, JAOS 61, 1941, 143-167.
Z. Har-Zahav, Hebrew Grammar. I. Historical introduction. II. Phonetics, part 1 (Hebr.), Tel Aviv 1951
[rev.: JJewS 3, 1952, 184 (C. Rabin)].
R. Hetzron, “Hebrew”, in WML, pp. 686-794.
W./J. Hollenberg, K. Budde, Hebräisches Schulbuch. 21. Auf1. von Walter Baumgartner, Basel 1955
[rev.: JSS 1, 1956, 404 (D.W. Thomas); BiOr 14, 1957, 21-22 (J.J. Koopmans); 22. Aufl. 1957 [AO
26, 1958, 676-677 (S. Segert)].
M.J.A. Horsnell, A review and reference grammar for Biblical Hebrew, Harnilton 1998..
R. Invrea, Grammatica ebraica con esercizi, letture e glossario, completata da G. Invrea, Torino 1954
[rev.: Aevum 27, 1954, 573-575 (P. De Benedetti); Paideia 11, 1956, 156-157 (G. Rinaldi)].
H. Irsigler, Einführung in das biblische Hebräische I. Ausgewählte Abschnitte der althebräischen
Grammatik (Münchener Universitätsschriften. Fachbereich Kath. Theologie: Arbeiten zu Text und
Sprache im Alten Testament 9), St. Ottilien 1978 [rev.: JBL 99, 1980, 129-130 (J.F.A. Sawyer); Biblica
61, 1980, 434-437 (P. Swiggers); BZ 27, 1983, 110-111 (W. Gross)].
G. Janssens, “De bouwstoffen van het Israelisch Hebreeuws”, HandVIFC 20, 1953, 78-81.
G. Janssens, “Enkele problemen der Hebreeuwse grammatika in het licht van Origenes’ transcripties”,
HandVIFC 22, 1957, 95-99
E. Jenni, Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache des alten Testaments. Neubearbeitung des Hebräischen
Schulbuchs von Hollenberg-Budde. 2. durchgesehene Aufl., Basel 1981 [first ed. 1978].
P. Joüon, Grammaire de l’hébreu biblique, Rome 19472, 1987.
P. Joüon, A grammar of Biblical Hebrew. Transl. and rev. by T. Muraoka. Vol. I. Part one: Orthography
and phonetics; two: Morphology. Vol. 2. Part three: Syntax; paradigms and indices (Subsidia Biblica;
14/2), Rome 1991 [rev.: CBQ 55,1993, 116-118 (M.S. Smith); JBL 112, 1993, 123-126 (Fr. I.
Andersen (1-2); ZAW 104/2, 1992, 297 (H.W. Hoffrnann)].
R. Kamal, Studies on the Hebrew Language (Ar.), Damascus 1958 [Heb. grammar] [rev.: JRAS 1960, 185
(A S. Tritton)].
Y. Karmiel, “Bible commentaries and ‘Biblical Hebrew’” (Heb.), Leshonenu 47, 1983, 272-277.
M. Kartagener, “Zur Struktur der hebräischen Sprache”, SG 15, 1962, 31-39.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Glossen zur traditionellen biblischen Philologie”, ZAH 2, 1989, 205-209.
P.H. Kelley, Biblical Hebrew: an introductory grammar, Grand Rapids MI 1992 [rev,; JAOS 116, 1996,
281 (A.S. Kaye)].
P.H. Kelly-T.L. Burden-T Crawford, A Handbook to Biblical Hebrew: An Introductory Grammar, Grand
Rapids MI 1994.
D. Ïimúi, David Ïimúi’s Hebrew Grammar (Mikhlol), ed. by William Chomsky, New York 1952 [a
translation of the Mikhlol with critical notes] [rev.: JBL 71, 1953, 270 (F.R. Blake)].
B.P. Kittel, V. Hoffer, R.A. Wright, Biblical Hebrew: a Text and and Workbook (Yale language series),
New Haven CT 1989 [Glossary, 340-390; Vocabulary, 410-425] [rev.: CLN 20, 1989-90, 18 (A.S.
Kaye); JAOS 110, 1990, 584-586 (W.S. LaSor); CBQ 53, 1991, 291-292 (Gr. Vall)].
A.J. Klijnsmit, “Some seventeenth-century grammatical descriptions of Hebrew”, HEL 12, 1990, 77-101.
L. Koehler, “Problems in the Study of the Language of the Old Testament”, JSS 1, 1956, 3-24.
L.V. Knorina, “Lingvisticeskie aspekty evrejskoj tradicii kommentirovanija”, VJa 1997, 97-108 (Linguistic aspects of the Jewish tradition of commentary. With a short biographical sketch of L.V. Knorina
(1944-1994) by Vl. M. Alpatov).
J. Körner, Lehrbuch der hebräischen Sprache I-III, Diss. Jena Univ. 1977.
J. Körner, Hebräische Studiengrammatik, Leipzig 1983, 19883 [rev.: ZAW 96/2, 1984, 304-305 (H. W.
Hoffmann); ArOr 54, 1986, 196 (O. Klíma); BiOr 43, 1986,761-764 (C.M.J. van der Merwe); OLZ 81/1,
1986,46-48 (W. Thiel); ThL 3, 1986, 97-98 (E. Jenni); ZDMG 139, 1989, 228-229 (L. Bohzin)].
G. Krinetzki, Bibelhebräisch. Eine Einführung in seine grammatischen Charakieristika und seine
theologisch relevanten Begriffe (Schriften der Univ. Passau, Reihe Katholische Theologie 2), Passau
1981 [rev.: BZ 27, 1983, 265-266 (H.D. Preuss) ; ThPh 59, 1984, 265 (H.-W. Jungling)].
Th.O. Lambdin, Introduction to Biblical Hebrew, New York, NY 1971.
Th.O. Lambdin, Lehrbuch Bibel-Hebraisch. Ed. By H. von Siebenthal. Giessen 1990 [rev. : ZA W 103,
1991, 301 (H.W. Hoffmann); ThZ 48/2, 1992, 290-291 (I. Willi-Plein) ; ZAW 103/2, 1991, 301 (H.W.
M. Lambert, Traité de grammaire hébraïque. 2e éd. corrigée et complétée, précédée d’une introd. de la
bibliographie des Oeuvres de l’auteur et munie des index et des tables de références ainsi que des
appendices inédits par G. E. Weil (Publ. de l’Inst. de Recherche et d’Histoire des Textes. Section
biblique et massorétique. Coll. Massorah. Série 3, Rééditions 1), Hildesheim 1972 [repr. of 1946
J. Lefèvre, Précis de grammaire hébraique, Paris 1945 [rev.: BSL 1942-1945, 172 (Cohen); BiOr 3, 1947,
61-63 (Koopmans)].
J. P. Lettinga, De “tale Kanaäns”. Enkele beschouwingen over het Bijbels Hebreeuws. Rede ... (Kamper
bijdragen 8), Groningen 1971 [rev.: UF 5, 1973, 306-307 (W.C. Delsman)].
J.P. Lettinga, Grammatica van het Bijbels Hebreeuws. 6e druk van J.J Nat, J. J. Koopmans’ Hebreeuwse
grammatica, geheel opnieuw bewerkt, Leiden 19626, 19727, 19768.
J.P. Lettinga, Grammatica van het Bijbels Hebreeuws and Hulpboek bij de Grammatica van het Bijbles
Hebreeuws, revised. by T. Muraoka, Leiden 2005.
J.P. Lettinga, Grammaire de l’hébreu biblique. Trad. du néerl. par An.et An. Schoors, Leiden 1980.
J.P. Lettinga, Grammaire de l’hebreu biblique et volume complementaire: exercises, extraits de l'Ancient
Testament et vocabulaires, repr. 2 vols., Leiden 1999/2004
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P.K. MacCarter, “Hebrew”, in CEWAL, pp. 319-364.
J.H. Marks-V.M. Rogers, A Beginner’s Handbook to Biblical Hebrew, Abingdon 1958.
M. Masson, “L’hébreu”, en LChS, pp. 68-77.
L. Mayer, Traité de grammaire héhraique, Paris 1938 [rev. : Museum 46, 1939, 263 (Noordtzij)].
R. Meyer, “Probleme der hebräischen Grammatik”, ZAW 73, 1951, 221-235.
R. Meyer, Hebräisches Textbuch zu G. Beer-R. Meyer, Hebräische Grammatik (Sammlung Göschen
769/769a), Berlin 1960, 1962-1972, 1992 [rev.: ZDPV 75, 1959, 191 (R. Smend); AO 28, 1960, 349351 (S. Segert); JSS 5, 1960, 422 (J. Mauchline); RB 67, 1960, 633 (F.M. Lemoine); BiOr 17, 1961,
98 (J.J. Koopmans); Or 30, 1961, 246 (M. Martin)].
R. Meyer, Hehräische Grammatik. Band I-IV. 3. neubearbeitete Aufl. (Sammlung Göschen 763 /763a
/763b/764/764a/764b/5765/4765), Berlin: de Gruyter, 1966/1972 [rev.: Biblica 51, 1970, 263-265
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rukopisi 1208 g, ( Pamjatniki pis’mennosti Vostoka, 96), Moskva 1990 (Facsimile ed. of Me’or cayin,
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E. Zolli, Introduzione allo studio dell’ ebraico antico-testamentario, Roma 1947 [rev.: RSO 22, 1947,
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author’s Introduzione allo studio dell’ébraico, 1947 ].
6A.7.0. General
S. A. Birnbaum, The Hebrew scripts. 1. The text. 2. The plates, Leiden 1971/(1954-1957) 1972.
J.C.L. Gibson, “Hebrew writing as a subject of linguistic investigation”, Transactions of the Glasgow
Univ. Oriental Soc. 20, 1963-1964, 49-62.
G. Garbini, “Le scritture ebraico-moabitica e ammonitica”, in id., Storia e problema dell’epigraphia
semítica, Napoli 1979, pp. 61-64.
R.L. Goerwitz, “The Jewish scripts”, in P.T. Daniels, W. Bright, eds, The world’s writing systems, New
York 1996, pp. 487-498.
M. Hadas-Lelbel, “L’hébreu: écriture et culture”, in Cl.Baurain, C. Bonnet, V. Krings, eds, Phoinikeia
grammata : lire et écrire en Méditerranée : actes du colloque de Liège , 15-18 novembre 11989 (Coll.
Études classiques, 6), Namur 1991, pp. 717-725.
B.H. Hary, “Adaptations of Hebrew script”, in WWS, pp. 7.
S. Kessler-Mesguich, « Quelques alphabets hébraiques du XVIe siéele », HEL 12, 1990, 37-55.
S. Levin, “The traditional chironomy of the Hebrew Scriptures”, JBL 87, 1968, 59-70.
H. Minkoff, “Graphemics and diachrony: some evidence from Hebrew cursive”, AAL 1, 1975, 193-208.
T. Muraoka, “Much ado about nothing?: a sore point or two of Hebrew grammarians”, JEM 32, 19911992, 131-140.
P. van der Veen, “’To Bacal and to Paraz’? A Paleographical Rejoinder”, KUSATU 8-0, 2008, 110-134.
6A.7.1. Orthography/Spelling
F.I. Andersen, A.D. Forbes, Spelling in the Hebrew Bible: Dahood Memorial Lecture (BiOr 41), Rome
1986 [rev.: ATG 5O, 1987, 433-434 (A. Torres); JAOS 111 /3, 1991, 647-650 (Z. Zevit)].
M. Aronoff, “Orthography and linguistic theory: the syntactic basis of Masoretic Hebrew punctuation, Lg
61/1, 1985, 28-72.
R.D. Barnett, “A legacy of the captivity: a note on the Paleo-Hebrew and Neo-Hebrew scripts”, ErIs 16,
1982, 1*-6*.
J. Barr, “Hebrew orthography and the book of Job”, JSS 30/1, 1985, 1-33.
J. Barr, The variable spellings of the Hebrew Bible (The Schweich lectures of’ the British Academy 1986),
Oxford 1989 [rev.: REJ 149, 1990, 191-192 (C. Aslanoff); JAOS 111, 1991, 647-650 (Z. Zevit); JSS
35, 1990, 303-316 (E. Tov); VT 40, 1990, 383 (H.G.M. Williamson); JThS 41, 1990, 571-575 (A.R.
Millard); GL 31/3-4, 1991, 183-190 (S. Levin); JSJ 22, 1991, 114-121 (D.N. Freedman)].
W. Chomsky, “Developments in Hebrew orthography”, JQR 66, 1975-76, 168-171.
P. Colella, “Les abréviations à et X (XR)”, RB 80, 1973, 547-558.
F.M. Cross, D.N. Freedman, Early Hebrew Orthography: A Study of the Epigraphic Evidence (American
Oriental Series 36), New Haven CT / Baltimore, MD 1952 [rev.: JAOS 72, 1953, 46-47 (F. Rosenthal);
BSL 49, 1953, 157-158 (M. Cohen); JThS 4, 1953, 301-302 (G.R. Driver); BiOr 10, 1953, 218 (W. von
Soden); ThLZ 78, 1953, 507-508 (O. Eissfeldt); JNES 13, 1954, 133-135 (S. Moscati); JBL 73, 1954,
259-261 (W. Baumgartner); AO 22, 1954, 603-605 (S. Segert); RB 61, 1954, 155-156 (F.M. Lemoine);
Or 23, 1954, 206 (C.H. Gordon); ZDPV 70, 1954, 93-95 (M. Noth); Syria 34, 1957.174-175 A.
D.N. Freedman, “Orthographic peculiarities in the Book of Job”, ErIs 9. 1969. 35-44.
D.N. Freedman, A.D. Forbes, F.I. Andersen: Studies in Hebrew and Aramaic orthography. Winona Lake,
IN 1992 (Biblical and Judaic studies from the Univ. of Califomia, San Diego, 2), Winona Lake IN 1992
[rev.: JBL 113, 1994, 313-315 (G.A. Rendsburg) | ZAW 107/2, 1995, 171-172 (I. Kottsieper).
J.C.L. Gibson, “On the linguistic analysis of Hebrew writing”, ArchI 17, 1965, 131-160.
G. Khan, “Standardisation and variation in the orthography of Hebrew Bible and Arabic Qur’an
manuscripts”, MME 5, 1990-1991, 53-58.
M. Landmann, Neugestaltung der hebräischen Schrift, Bonn 1977.
St.J. Lieberman, “Toward a graphemics of the Tiberian Bible”, in LBH, pp. 255-278.
A.R. Millard, “Variable spelling in Hebrew and other ancient texts”, JThS 42, 1991, 106-115.
I. Renov, Changes in Hebrew script (6th cent B.C.E. - 2nd cent. C.E.). Yeshiva Univ. diss., 1967 [DAb
28/3, Sept. 1967, 1024-A].
D. Robertson, “The morphemes -y(-§) and -w(-o) in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 19, 1969, 211-223.
L. Roussel, La lettre n en Hebreu (Publ. de la Fac. des Lettres et Sciences humaines de l’Univ. de
Montpellier 24), Paris 1965 [rev. : BSL 62, 1967, 128-129 (D. Cohen)].
St. Schorch, “Die hebräische Sprachgeschichte und die Vokalisierung(en) der Hebráischen Bibel”,
KUSATU 3, 2002, 55-70.
J.M. Scobbie, “Licensing and inalterability in Teberian Hebrew”, CLS 28, 1992, 457-471.
Em. Tov, “Orthography of the Hebrew Bible”, KUSATU 12-13, 2011, 183-209
W. Weinberg, “The history of Hebrew plene spelling: from Antiquity to Haskalah”, HUCA 46, 1975, 457487.
W. Weinberg, “The history of Hebrew plene spelling. IV. The Academy of the Hebrew Language: In
search of better rules, 1959-1964”, HUCA 48, 1977, 301-333.
W. Weinberg, “The history of Hebrew plene spelling V. More committees and government action,
1964-1969” HUCA 49, 1978, 31 1-338.
W. Weinberg, “The history of Hebrew plene spelling: VI. Toward the introduction of plene spelling into
the Israeli school curriculum. 1970-1977”, HUCA 50, 1979, 289-337.
Y. Yanni, “Spelling Variants in Dictioanry Entries and the Case of Hebrew’s Semitic Script”, in Fs. Leslau
II, pp. 1652-1661.
A. Yardeni, “The Letters ścṭn”z g”ṣ and prśwt ptwúwt wstwmwt in a new fragment of Genesis scroll from
the Cairo Genizah”, in WCJS 10/DI, pp. 173-179.
6A.7.2. Transcription
R. Bartelmus, “Transliteration and Transcription – Religion und Rechtschreibreform. Unzeitgemässe
Überlegungen zu Frage der Übertragung von Sprache in Schrift (und ungekehrt) – unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Umschrift von Namen”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 1-10.
A.A. Brux, “A simplified system of Hebrew-English and Aramaic-English transliteration”, AJSL 58, 1941,
P. Čech, P. Sládek, “Transliterace a transkripce hebrejštiny: zák1adní problémy a návrhy jejich řešení”
(Transliteration and Transliteration and transcription of Hebrew into Czech: the fundamental problems
and how to solve them), LF 132, 2009, 305-339.
Hebrew Spelling Dictionary, Transcription Method. Prepared by a group of teachers [Heb.], Jerusalem
712/ [rev.: JJewS 6, 1955, 254 (C. Rabin)].
A. Moralejo Laso, “Sobre las voces hebraicas de una secuencia del Calixtino y su transcripción”, CEG 10,
1955, 361-372 [cf. Sefarad 16, 1956, 423-424 (F. Cantera)].
A.R. Müller, “Transkription. Transliteration”, in Neues Bibellexikon III, Dusseldorf 2001, pp. 914-916.
A.Murtonen, “Methodological preliminares to a study of Greek (and Latin) transcriptions of Hebrew”,
Abr-Nahrain 20, 1981-82, 60-73.
M. Pazzini, “La trascrizione del1’ebraico nella versione dl Teodozione”, LibAnn 41, 1991, 201-222.
W. Richter, Transliteration und Transkription: Objekt- und metasprachliche Metazeichensysteme zur
Wiedergabe hebräischer Texte (Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im Alten Testament 19),St. OttiIien 1983
[rev.: JNSL 11, 1983, 172-173 (F.C. Fensham); ZAW 96/2, 1984, 309-310 (H.-C. S[chmitt]); JAOS
107/3, 1987, 547-548 (W. Wejnberg); VT 37/3, 1987, 497 (J.A. E[merton]); ThL 109/6, 1984, 435-436
(K.-H. B[ernhardt]); CBQ 48, 1986, 126-127 (S.D. Sperling); OLZ 82, 1987, 149-150 (K. Beyer); REJ
146, 1987, 427 (J. Margain); WO 19, 1988, 217-219 (H.-D. Neef)].
H. Simon, “Zur Umschrift des Hebräischen” AO 46, 1978, 253-257.
A. Sperber, “Hebrew Based Upon Greek and Latin Transliterations”, HUCA 12-13 (1937-1938) 103-274.
W. Weinberg, “Transliteration and transcription of Hebrew”, HUCA 40-41, 1969-1970, 1-32.
W. Weinberg, “On Hebrew transliteration”, Biblica 56, 1975, 150-152
W.E. Staples, “The second column of Origen’s Hexapla”, JAOS 59, 1939, 71-80 [on Hebrew
pronunciation from the Greek text of the second column].
J. Trebolle Barrera, “La transcripción mlk = móloj : historia del texto e historia de la lengua”, AuOr 5,
1987, 124-128.
6A.8.0 General
[A reminder:
J. Cantineau, “De la plaee de l’accent de mot en hébreu et en araméen biblique”, Bulletin d’études
orientales 1, 1931, 81-98.
J. Cantineau, “Elimination des syllabes breves en hébreu et en araméen biblique”, Bulletin d’études
orientales 2, 1932, 125-144].
A.Yu. Aichenvald, “The organization of a phonetic word and sentence prosody in Biblical Hebrew”,
PICPhS 11, 1987, 308-311.
S. Alvestad, L.E. Edzard, “la-ḥšob, but la-ḫāzōr?: sonority, optimslity, and the Hebrew P”Ḥ forms
(Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgelandes, 66), Wiesbaden 2009 [rev.: JSS 56/2, 2011, 404-406
(E.A. Bar-Asher Siegal); MedLR 18, 2011, 159-161 (Sh. Bolozky)].
M. Azar, B. Kedem, “Some time series in the phonetics of Biblical Hebrew”, ALLC Bulletin 7, 1979, 111129.
Z. Bar-Lev, “Natural-abstract Hebrew phonology”, FoL 11, 1977, 259-272.
J. Barr, “St Jerome and the sounds of Hebrew”, JSS 12, 1967, 1-36.
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38), Assen 1999, 125 DM.
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Gr. Enos, “Phonological considerations in the study of Hebrew phonetics: an introductory discussion”, in
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I. Garbell, “Quelques observations sur les phonemes de l’hébreu biblique et traditionnel”, BSL 50, 1954,
E.L. Greenstein, “An Introduction to a Generative Phonology of Biblical Hebrew”, in W.R. Bodine ed.,
Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew, Winona Lake IN1992, pp. 29-40.
J.P. Gumpertz, “Phonetical Notes on the Grammar of Tiberian Punctuators” (Heb.), Tarbiz 16, 1944-45,
M.F. Gumpertz, Studies in Historical Phonetics of the Hebrew Language [Heb.], Jerusalem 1953 [rev.:
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D. Gutman, The morphophonemics of Biblical Hebrew (and a brief comparison with Israeli Hebrew),
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J. Huehnergard, “Historical phonology and the Hebrew piel”, in LBH, pp. 209-229.
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J.L. Malone, “Messrs Sampson, Chomsky and Halle, and Hebrew phonology”, FL 14, 1976, 251-256 [on
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H.B. Rosen, “A Marginal Note on Biblical Hebrew Phonology”, JNES 20, 1961, 124-126.
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B.H. Rosen, “A Marginal Note on Biblical Hebrew Phonology”, JNES 20, 1961, 124-126.
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A. Sperber, 1. “Hebrew based upon Greek and Latin transliterations”. 2. “Hebrew based upon Biblical
passages in parallel transmission”. 3. “Hebrew phonology”. 4. “Problems of the Masora”, Hebrew
Union College 12-13, 1937-1938, 103-247; 14, 1939, 153-249; 16, 1941, 415-482; 17, 1943, 293-294
[rev.: Theologische Zeitschrift 2, xxxx, 301-303 (Baumgartner); JBL 64, 1945, 294 (Albright); ThZ 2,
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F. Sutcliffe, “St. Jerome’s Pronunciation of Hebrew”, Biblica 29, 1948, 112-125.
D. Volgger: Notizen zur Phonologie des Bibelhebräischen (Münchencr Universitätsschriften /
Philosophische Fakultät, Altertumskunde und Kulturwissenschaften Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im
Alten Testament, 36), St. Ottilien 1992 [rev.: CBQ 57/2, 1995, 378-379 (Fr.E. Greenspahn); ArOr 64/1,
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L. I. Weinstock, “Sound and meaning in Biblical Hebrew”, JSS 28, 1983, 49-62.
H. Zafrani, “La lectura traditionnelle de l’hébreu chez les Juifs arabophones de Tiznit (Maroc), GLECS
10, 1963-1966, 29-33.
6A.8.1. Stress
E. S. Artom, “Sull’accento nelle forme verbali ebraiche di perfetto con vav conversiva”, Annuario di Studi
Ebraici 1, 1963-1964, 7-14.
J. Blau, “Marginalia Semitica I”, IOS 1, 1971, 1-35 [5. The general background of the stress shift in the
perfect with wâw consecutive].
J. Blau, “Hebrew stress shifts, pretonic lengthening, and segolization: possible cases of Aramaic in Hebrew
syllable structure” IOS 8, 1978, 91-106.
J. Blau, “Some remarks on the prehistory of stress in Biblical Hebrew”, IOS 9, 1979, 49-54.
J. Blau, “Middle and Old Arabic Material for the History of Stress in Arabic”, Bulletin of the
Sehool of Oriental and Afriean Studies 35, 1972, 476-84 (= SMA, pp. 297-305).
Y. Breuer, “Dissonance between Masoretic accentuation and vocalization in verse division of the Biblical
text”, in Fs. Breuer I, pp. 191-242.
M. Breuer, “On the Babylonian System of Accentuation” (Heb.), in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp. 109-114.
F.W. Bush, “Evidence from Milḥamah and the Masoretic Text for a Penultimate Accent in Hebrew Verbal
Forms”, RevQum 2, 1959-1960, 501-114.
M.B. Cohen, “The Masoretic accents as a Biblical commentary”, JANES 4, 1972, 2-11.
M. Cohen, “Subsystems of Tiberian-extramasoretic accentuation and the extent of their distribution in
Medieval Biblical manuscripts”, Leshonenu 51, 1987, 188-206.
B. E. Dresher, “Accentuation and metrical structure in Tiberian Hebrew”, NELS 12, 1982, 75-85.
B.E. Dresher, The prosodic basis of the Tiberian Hebrew system of accents”, Lg 70, 1994, 1-52.
I. Eldar, “The antiquity of the accentuation signs according to the Karaite Abu l-Faraj Harun”, in Fs.
Breuer I, pp. 147-156.
J.C.L. Gibson, “Stress and vocalic change in Hebrew: a diachronic study”, Journal of Linguistisc 2, 1966,
R.L. Goerwitz, “A New Masoretic ‘Spell Checker,’ or a Practical Method for Checking the Accentual
Structure and Integrity of Tiberian-Pointed Biblical Texts”, in Fs. Gragg, pp. 111-122.
R.L. Goerwitz, “The accentuation of the Hebrew jussive and preterite”, JAOS 112, 1992, 194-203.
A. Goetze, “Accent and Vocalism in Hebrew”, JAOS 59, 1939, 431-459.
D. Gonzalo Maeso, “Los acentos hebreo-bíblicos y el arte de la lectura”, MEAH 4, 1955, 129-141.
M.F. Gumpertz, “Deḥiq and Athe-meraḥiq. A remnant of ancient phonetics” (Heb.), Tarbiz 16, 1947,
M.F. Gumpertz, “An Old d’hiq, not approved by the Punctuators” (Heb.), Tarbiz 23, 1951-52, 130-132
[cf. Sefarad 13, 1953, 438 (F. Pérez Castro)].
N. Janis, A grammar of the Biblical accents (Diss. Harvard Univ.], Cambridge MA 1987 [DAI48/11,
1988, 2861-A].
H. Klarberg, “Stress patterns in spoken Israeli Hebrew”, Abr-Nahrain 10, 1970-1971, 129-133.
E.A. Knauf, “Dagesch agrammaticum im Codex Leningradensis”, Biblische Notizen (Bamberg) 10, 1979,
S. Kogut, “The authority of Masoretic accents in traditional biblical exegesis” (Heb.), in Fs. Talmon, pp.
S. Kogut, “‘A text is to be interpreted by what precedes and by what followes it’: a linguistic examination
of this ‘midrashic’ method and its relations to the ‘masoretic’ accent”, in Fs.Breuer 2, pp. 697-706..
S. Kogut, Correlations between Biblical Accentuations and Traditional Jeweish Exegesis: Lingusitic and
Contextual Studies, Jerusalem 19962.
J. H. Kramers, “La pause en arabe et en hébreu considérée au point de vue phonologique", in Mél.
Kramers 2, pp. 3-13.
J. Kuryłowicz, “The Accentuation of the Verb in Indo-European and in Hebrew”, Word 15, 1959, 123-129.
D. Leibel, “On Ashkenazic stress”, in U. Weinreich, ed., The field of Yiddish.Studies in Language,
folklore, and literature. Second collection, Th Hague 1965, pp. 62-72.
S. Levin, “The correspondence between Hebrew and Arabic pausal verb-forms”, ZDMG 131, 1981,
L. Lode, “A discourse perspective on the significance of the Masoretic accents”, in BHDA, pp., 155-172.
D. Lyons, “A study of the use and placement of the Masora-circlet in the Aleppo codex”, in Fs. Breuer 1,
pp. 265-293.
Z. Malachhi, zqp qms – zqp blswn wqmw§ bsptyym (Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1991, 137-141.
A. Poebel, “The antepenult stressing of Old Hebrew and its influence on the shaping of the vowels”, AJSL
56, 1939, 225-230.
A. Poebel, “Penult stressing replacing ultimate stressing in pre-exilic Hebrew”, AJSL 56, 1939, 384-387.
J.D. Price, The syntax of Masoretic accents in the Hebrew Bible, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press,
1990. - xiv, 323 p. (Studies in Bible and early Chrjstianity, 27). [1994][rev.: JAOS 114/2, 1994, 276277 Richard L. Goerwitz)].
E. Qimron, “The Nature of Pausal Forms”, in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp. 92-106.
E.J. Revell, “Stress and the waw ‘consecutive’ in Biblical Hebrew”, JAOS 104/3, 1984, 437-444.
E. J. Revell, “The conditioning of stress position in waw consecutive perfect forms in Biblica1 Hebrew”,
HAR 9, 1985, 277-300.
E.J. Revell, “The oldest evidence for the Hebrew accent System”, BJRL 54, 1971, 214-222.
E.J. Revell, “The placing of the accent signs in Biblical texts with Palestinian pointing”, in Fs. Winnett, pp.
E.J. Revell, Biblical texts with Palestinian pointing and their accents (Masoretic Studies 4), Missoula, MT
E.J. Revell, “Pausal forms in Biblical Hebrew: their function, origin and significance”, JSS 25, 1980, 165179.
E.J. Revell, “Stress position in Hebrew verb forms with vocalic affix”, JSS 32,1987, 249-271.
E.J. Revell, “The occurrence of pausal forms”, JSS 57/2, 2012, 213-230.
H. Rosen, “On the ‘dageš euphonicum’ and the correlation of stress and Tiberian pointing” (Heb.) [repr.
from the Jerusalem Hebrew Gymnasia 50th Anniversary Jubilee Vol. (Heb.), Jerusalem 1962, pp.
M. Seleznev, “Syntactic Parsing behind the Massoretic Accentuation (I)”, BuB 3, 2006, 353-370J.F.X. Sheehan, “Conversive waw and accentual shift”, Biblica 51, 1970, 545-548.
A. Vaccari, “Cassiodoro e il pāsûq della Bibbia ebraica”, Biblica 40, 1959, 309-321.
L. Vegas Montaner, “El meteg en la Biblia políglota Complutense (Salmos 1-41)”, Sefarad 46, 1986, 473491.
E. Vogt, “Accentus Hebraicus secundum Hexapla”, Biblica 41, 1960, 79-81.
W. Wickes, Two treatises on the accentuation of the Old Testament: On Psalms, Proverbs, and Job; on
the twenty-one prose books. Prolegomenon by A. Dotan, New York 1970 [repr. of two treatises
published in 1881 and 1887].
I. Yeivin, “Syntactic and Musical Influence on the Occurrence of the maqqef” (Heb.), Leshonenu 23, 195859, 35-48.
I. Yeivin, “Certaines manifestations de la tendance milra’ en hébreu” (Heb.), Eretz-Israel 5, 1958, 145149.
I. Yeivin, “Marking of sheva-ga'ya in biblical manuscripts”, in Fs.Blau, pp. 341-349.
Is. Yeivin, “The accentuation of the Books of Psalms, Proverbs and Job according to the tradition of the
‘expanded Tiberian vocalization’: (preliminary description)”, in Fs. Breuer I, pp. 243-264.
6A.8.2. Consonantism
F. Altheim, R. Stiehl, Die Araber in der Alten Welt. 3. Band. [Part 1, ch. 3, pp. 39-58: “Spirantisierung der
bgdkpt”; ch. 4 , pp. 59-73: “Spirantisierung der Emphaticae].
B. Batto, “DINGIR.IŠ.H, I and spirantization in Hebrew”, JSS 16, 1971, 33-34.
Is. Ben-David, “The accents ‘wlh wywrd and ‘tnút’ the books of Job, Proverbs, and Psalms - [805], 77-95.
F.R. Blake, “The Origin and Development of the Hebrew Daghesh”, JBL 62, 1943, 89-107.
J. Blau, “Stages in the weakening of laryngeals/pharyngeals in BibIical Hebrew” (Heb.),,Leshonenu 45,
1980, 32-39
J. Blau, “‘Weak’ phonetic change and the Hebrew and Arabi °in”, HAR 1, 1977, 67-120.
E. Brønno, Die Ausspracke der hebräischen Laryngale nach Zeugnissen des Hieronymus (Diss.
Kopenhagen), Aarhus 1970 [rev.: BiOr 30, 1973, 464-466 (J.H. Hospers)].
A.W. Coetzee, Tiberian Hebrew phonology: focussing on consonant clusers (Studia Semitica Neerlandica,
38), Assen 1999.
A.D. Corré, “Wāw and digamma”, AAL 2/9, 1975, 1-7 (149-155).
M. Dat, “Étude de la matrice de traits µ {[labial], [pharyngal]} en arabe c1assique et en hébreu biblique”,
BEO 55, 2003, 27-41.
M.J. de Azcárraga, “La Masora y el intercambio de laringeas”, Sefarad 52, 1992, 33-38.
F.E. Deist, “Did gemination have phonemic status in Classical Hebrew?”, JNSL 7, 1979, 13-15.
I.Eldar, “The law of ’wyh and bdgkpt” (Heb.), HUCA 55, 1984, 1-14.
I.Eldar, “The two pronunciations of Tiberian rêš” (Heb.), Leshonenu 48-49, 1983-1984, 22-34.
A. Faber, “On the origin and development of Hebrew spirantization”, MedLR 2, 1986, 117-138.
J. Fellman, “A note on the phonemic status of gemination in Classical Hebrew”, JNSL 5, 1976, 9-10.
A. Fitzgerald, “The interchange of l, n and r in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 97, 1978, 481-488.
M. Fraenkel, “Zur Deutung einiger Kontraktionen im Hebraischen”, Sefarad 18, 1958,51-59
G. Garbini, “Il consonantismo dell’ebraico attraverso il tempo”, AION 14, 1964, 165-190.
R. Goossens, “L’énigme du signe nun dans le ‘Manuel de Discipline’“, NClio 6, 1954, 5-39.
J.P. Gumpertz, “The Shin and its Metamorphosis” (Heb.), Tarbiz 13, 1941-1942, 107-115.
J.P. Gumpertz, “The History of the Pronunciation of the Letter yod” (Heb.), Tarbiz 15, 1943-1944,
R.D. Haberman, “Initial consonant clusters in Hebrew and Ararnaic”, JNES 48,1 1989, 25-30.
W.J. Idsardi, “Clarifying opacity”, LRev 17, 2000, 337-350 [Evidence from Tiberian Hebrew].
G. Khan: “The pronunciation of reš in thc Tiberian tradition of Biblical Hebrew”, HUCA 66, 1995, 67-80.
I.O. Lehman, “A forgotten principle of Biblical textual tradition rediscovered”, JNES 26, 1967, 93-101 [on
the textual ambivalence of Hebrew consonants].
Y. Lerner, “The weakening of the gutturals as reflected in the Tiberian verbal system” (Heb.), Leshoneu
47, 1983, 155-157.
W.S. Le Sor, “Secondary Opening of Syllables originally closed with Gutturals”, JNES 15, 1956, 246-250.
E. Mainz, “Les emphatiques de l’hébreu”, GLECS 4, 1945-1948, 2-4 [with discussion].
J.L. Malone, “Systematic vs. autonomous phonemics and the Hebrew grapheme dagesh”, AAL 2/7, 1975,
17 p. (113-129).
J.L. Malone, “Geminates, the obligatory contour principie, and tier conflation: the case of Tiberian
Hebrew”, GL 29, 1989, 112-130.
M.D. McLean, The use and development of Palaeo-Hebrew in the Hellenistic and Roman periods, Diss.
Harvard Univ., 1982. [DAb 43/5, 1982, 1525-A].
M. Mishor, “Second radical of infinitive lpcl without dagesh lene”, in Fs. Blau, p. 383- 395.
S. Moscati, Preistoria e storia del consonantismo ebraico antico (ANLM, Ser. 8, vol. 5, fasc.
Roma 1954 [rev.: GLECS 7, 1954-1957, 3-6 (H. Cazelles); Sefarad 15, 1955, 191-193 (F. Cantera)].
J. Myhill, “Non-emphatic fronting in biblical Hebrew”, TL 21, 1991, 93-144.
U. Ornan, “Theoretical Gemination in Israeli Hebrew”, in Fs. Leslau, pp. 1158-1168 (first radical nun).
H.Y. Priebatsch, “Spiranten und Aspiratae in Ugarit, AT und Hellas”, UF 12, 1980, 317-333.
C. Rabin, “La chute de l’occlusive glottale en hebreu parlé et l’évolution d’une nouvelle classe de voyelles
(comparaison avec l’arabe classique du Hidjaz)”, GLECS 3, 1937-1940, 77-79.
C. Rabin, “The Hebrew Development of Proto-Semitic ä” (Heb.), Tarbiz 30, 1960, 99-111.
U. Rapallo, “Problemi di linguistica teorica relativi al consonantismo semitico, con particolare riguardo al
medio-ebraico e all'aramaico giudaico”, AGI 58, 1973, 105-136.
G. M. Schramm, “The chronology of a phonemic change”, in Fs. Kuryłowicz, pp. 276-282 [on the
changes in the fortis and lenis pronunciation of the Hebr. Consonants].
M. Sekine, “Koten Heburaigo BDGKPT no oninron teki kaishaku” (A phonological interpretation of
BDGKPT in classical Hebrew), GeR 6 1965, 1-7.
R.C. Steiner, “Emphatic p in the Massoretic pronunciation of ’pdnw (Dan. 11:45)”, in Fs.Blau, pp. 551561.
W.G.E. Watson, “More on shared consonants”, Biblica 52, 1971, 44-50 [cf. Biblica 50, 1969, 525-533].
J. W. Wevers, “úeth in classical Hebrew”, in EASW, p. 101-112.
A. Yuditsky, “On the quality of unstressed vowels inn the vicinity of r and other consonants” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 73/1, 2010, 55-67.
Z. Zevit, The anterior constrictions in Classical Hebrew (Society of Biblical Literature monograph series,
50), Atlanta GE 1998 [rev.: ArOr 67/3, 1999, 411-413 St. Segert)].
6A.8.3. Vocalism/Masora
S. Abu-Rabia, “The role of vowels in reading Semitic scripts: data from Arabic and Hebrew”, RaW 14,
2001, 39-59.
M. Aronoff, “Orthography and linguistic theory: the syntactic basis of Masoretic Hebrew punctuation”, Lg
61, 1985, 28-72.
R. Aronson, “The predictability of vowel patterns in the Hebrew verb”, Glossa 3, 1969, 127-45.
K. Aartun, “Althebräische Nomina mit konserviertem kurzem Vokal in der Hauptdrucksilbe”, ZDMG 117,
1967, 247-265.
K. Aartun, “Noch einmal zum Problem der Haupttondehnung beim Nomen im Althebräischen”, ZDMG
131, 1981, 28-41.
J. Barr, “Vocalization and the analysis of Hebrew among the ancient translators”, in Fs.Baumgartner, pp.
J. Barr, “A new look at kethibh-qere”,in RAW, pp. 19-37.
Is. Ben-David, “The altemation šewa/ṣere in the present participle”, Leshonenu 57, 1993, 103-108.
I. Ben-David, Contextual and Pausal Forms in Biblical Hebrew: Syntax and Accentuation,
Jerusalem 1995.
I. Ben-David, “yoqdecam, yoqte’el” (Heb.), Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 172-175 [on the aspiration of d and
t after medial séwa].
Z. Ben-Hayyew, “Reflections on the vowel system in Hebrew”, Sefarad 46, 1986, 71-84.
Z. Ben Hayyim, “The Samaritan punctuation, especially its three patachs” (Heb.), Tarbiz 20, 1949 (Fs.
Epstein), 215-224.
Z. Ben-Hayyim, “The Samaritan Vowel-system and its Graphic Representation”, AO 22, 1954, 15-530
[Revised and enlarged translation of the article published in Hebrew in Tarbiz 20, 215-224].
Z. Bezer, “Penultimate ’iyábtî’” (Heb.), Leshonenu 48-49, 1983-84, 5-8.
H. Birkeland, Akzent und Vokalismus im Althebräischen. Mit Beiträgen zur vergleichenden semitischen
Sprachwissenschaft (Skrifter utgitt av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo, II. Hist.-filos. klasse
1940, 3), Oslo 1940 [rev.: NTS 12, 1942, 277-286 (C. Brockelmann); BiOr 5, 1948, 52-54 (Cantineau);
BSL 45, 1949, 219-224 (J. Cantineau); ThLZ 73, 1948, 280 (G. R. Driver)].
G. Birnbaum, “The vocalization of the prepositions b, k, l in the tradition of the vocalizer of the Kaufmann
Codex” (Heb.), Leshonenu 48-49, 1985, 269-280.
F.R. Blake, “Pretonic Vowels in Hebrew”, JNES 10, 1951, 243-255.
F.R. Blake, “The Apparent Interchange between a and i in Hebrew”, JNES 9, 1950, 76-83.
F.R. Blake, “Studies in Semitic Grammar IV, JAOS 66, 1946, 212-218 [2. The vocalization of the
pretonic open syllable in Hebrew].
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Greifswald 1, 1951-52, 1-5 [cf. ZAW 64, 1952, 278 (J. Hempel)].
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E.J. Revell, Biblical texts with Palestinian pointing and their accents (Masoretic Studies 4), Missoula MT
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J. Ribera, “La puntuación babilónica del Targum de Jeremías en relación con la del texto hebreo”, Sefarad
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3, 2002, 55-70.
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G. M. Schram, The graphemes of Tiberian Hebrew (Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Near Eastern Studies 2),
Berkeley/Los Angeles 1964 [rev.: Lg 41, 1965, 539-544 (W. Weinberg); BiOr 23, 1966, 192-193 (S.A.
S.L. Skoss, “A Study of Hebrew Vowels from Saadia Gaon’s Grammatical Work ‘Kutub al-Lughah’,
JewQR 42, 1951-52, 283-317.
S.L. Skoss, “A Study of Vowels in Hebrew of Saadia Gaon” [summary], in ACO 21, pp. 116-117.
R.C. Steiner, “Påtaú and Qåme’: On the Etymology of the Names of the Hebrew Vowels”, Or 74, 2005,
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107, 1987, 121-122.
W. Weinberg, “The history of Hebrew plene spelling: from Antiquity to Haskalah”, HUCA 46, 1975,
W. Weinberg, The history of Hebrew plene spelling, Cincinnati OH 1985 [rev.: BASOR 265, 1987, 90-91 (S.
Davis); ZAW 98, 1986, 325 (H.W. Hoffmann); JQR 77, 1986-87, 208 (J. Barr); VT 38, 1988, 125-126
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F. Werner, “Das hebräische Vokalsystem unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der variablen Vokale”, AfO
26, 1978-79, 78-95.
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Hartford Univ. 1942.
R. Woodhouse, “Varia Hebraica 1-3”, SEC 10, 2005, 211-218 [1. Lengthening of accented vowels in
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letters in Hebrew].
Y. Yahalom, “The Palestinian vocalization - its investigation and achievements” (Heb.), Leshonenu 52,
5748/1988, 112-143.
6A.9.0. General
Z. Bar-Lev, “The Hebrew morpheme”, Lingua 45, 1978, 319-331.
I. Ben-David, “The capacity of grammatical patterns to generate contextual and pausal forms in Biblical
Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshoonenu 54, 1991, 279-299.
J. Blau, “On the preservation ocf ancient forms and sound shifts in frequent words resisting analogy in
Hebrew and Arabic”, in Fs.Pennacchietti, pp. 70-74.
J. Blau, Phonology and Morphology of Biblical Hebrew: An Introduction [rev.: RBL 2011, on line,
http://www.bookreviews.org (….); JAOS 131, 2011,139-141 (N. Pat-el); BiOr 69 2012, 323335 (HGzella)]
E. Brønno, Studien über hebräische Morphologie und Vokalismus auf Grundlage der mercatischen
Fragmente der zweiten Kolumne der Hexapla des Origenes (Abhandlungen für die Kunde des
Morgenlandes XXVIII), Leipzig 1943 [rev.: JNES 6,1947, 190-192 (Blake); ThZ 3, 1947, 221-223
(Baumgartner); ZDMG 100, 1951, 401-402 (O. Eissfeldt); GLECS 7, 1954-1957, 3-6 (H. Cazelles)].
W. Chomsky, “Some Irregular Formations in Hebrew”, JewQR 38, 1947-48, 409-418.
V. Christian, Untersuchungen zur Laut- und Formenlehre des Hebräischen (Sitzungsberichte der
österreichischen Akad. der Wissenschaften, Phil.-hist. Klasse 228, 2), Wien 1953 [erv.: BiOr 9, 1954,
178 (T. Jansma); AO 23, 1955, 242-247 (S. Segert)].
L.J. de Regt, “Hebrew verb forms in prose and in some poetic and prophetic passages: aspect,
sequentíality, mood and cognitive proximity”, ]NSL 34/1, 2008, 75-103.
S.J. Du Plessis, “Aspects of morphological peculiarities of the language of Qoheleth”, in Fs. Van Selms,
pp. 164-180.
M. Ephrat, “Hebrew Morphology by Itself”, JNSL 28, 2002, 83-99; 29, 2003, 55-65.
L.B. Feldman, S. Bentin, “Morphological analysis of disrupted morphemes: Evidence from Hebrew”,
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 47, 1994, 407-435.
L.B. Feldman, R. Frost, T. Penini, “Decomposing words into their constituent morphemes: Evidence from
English and Hebrew”, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and
Cognition 21, 1995, 947-960.
W.R. Garr, “The Linguistic Study of Morphology”, in W.R. Bodine ed., Linguistics and Biblical Hebrew,
Winona Lake IN, 1992, pp. 49-64.
M.H. Goshen-Gottstein, “Semitic morphological structures. The basic morphological structure of Biblical
Hebrew”, in Fs. Polotsky, pp. 104-116.
Z.S. Harris, “Componential Analysis of a Hebrew Paradigm”, Language 24, 1948, 87-91.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Ancient Hebrew Morphology” , in MAA, pp. 85-105.
W. Richter, Materialien einer althebraischen Datenbank : Wortfügungen I Unter Mitarbeit von Hans
Rechenmacher ; Christian Riepl. — St. Ottilien : EOS-Verlag, 2000. — 372 p. — (Arbeiten zu Text
und Sprache im Alten Testament ; 53).
B. Shanon, “A squish in Hebrew morphology”, TL 6, 1979, 211-219.
O. (R.) Schwarzwald, “Opacity in Hebrew word morphology”, in LPA, pp. 147-163.
6A.9.1. Pronoun-Article
[A reminder:
W. Caspari, “Zum hebraischen Demonstrativ”, ZS 7, 1931, 41-52].
6A.9.1.0. General
T. Bar, “On Pronouns in Hebrew Verbal Sentences”, in Fs. Goldenberg, pp. 257-275.
J. Blau, “On the alleged vestiges of dual pronouns and verbs in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 52,
5748/1988, 165-168.
R.D. Holmstedt, “So-Called ‘First-Conjunct Agreement’ in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Hetzron
2009, pp. 105-29.
S. Kogut, “The extra pronominal element in the Bible” (Heb.), Leshonenu 46, 1981, 9-26; 46, 1982, 97-123.
E.J. Revell: “Concord with compound subjects and related uses of pronouns”, VT 43, 1993, 69-87.
J. Tropper, “Dualische Personalpronomina und Verbalformen im Althebräischen”, ZAH 5, 1992, 201-202.
B. Sarfatti, “Reflexive pronouns and pronouns of identity in Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1992 , 341351.
6A.9.1.1. Personal
6A. Independent
M. Dahood, “The independent personal pronoun in the oblique case in Hebrew”, CBQ 32, 1970, 86-90.
S.E. Fassberg, “Vowel Dissimilation in Plural Pronouns in Biblical Hebrew”, Or 78, 2009, 326-335.
M.Z. Kaddari, “The lexical entry of Biblical Hebrew hu in monolingual dictionaries”, IJLex 1, 1988. 4148.
A. Poebel, Das appositionell bestimte Pronomen der 1. pers. sing. in den westsemitischen Inschriften und
im Alten Testament, Chicago, IL 1932.
G.A. Rendsburg, AA new look at Pentateuchal HW=, Biblica 63, 1982, 351-369 .
G.A. Rendsburg, “Dual Personal Pronouns and Dual Verbs in Hebrew”, JQR 73, 1982, 38-58.
H.B. Rosén, “’Anokhi et ‘ani: essai de grammaire, interprétation et traduction”, in Mél. Neher, pp. 253272.
T. Thorion-Vardi, “The personal pronoun as a syntactical glide in the Temple Scroll and in the Masoretic
text”, RevQum 123, 1986, 421-422.
J. Tropper, “Das genusindifferente hebräische Pronomen HW im Pentateuch aus sprachvergleichender
Sicht”, ZAH 14, 2001, 159-172.
N. Walker, “Concerning hû’ and ‘anî hû’“, ZAW 74, 1962, 205-206.
P. Wemberg-Møller, “The Pronoun ’tmh and Jeremiah’s Pun”, VT 6, 1956, 315-316.
P. Wernberg-Møller, “Pronouns and Suffixes in the Scrolls and the Masoretic Text”, JBL 76, 1957, 44-49.
6A. Suffixed
J. Blau “Pronominal third person singular suffixes with and without n in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), ErIs 14,
1978, 125-131.
L. Boadt, “A re-examination of the third-yodh suffix in Job”, UF 7, 1975 (1976), 59-72.
M. Bogaert, Les suffixes verbaux non accusatifs dans le sémitique nord-occidental et particulièrement en
hébreu”, Biblica 45, 1964, 220-247.
Chr. Brekelmans, “Pronominal suffixes in the Hebrew book of the Psalms”, JEOL 17, 1963, 202-206.
M. Dahood, “A note on third person suffix -y in Hebrew”, UF 4, 1972, 163-164.
S.E. Fassberg, “Vowel Dissimilation in Plural Pronouns in Biblical Hebrew”, Or 78, 2009, 326-335.
T. Givon, “Complex NP’s, word order and resumptive pronouns in Hebrew”, in PCSF, pp. 136-145.
R. Hetzron, “Third person singular pronoun suffixes in Proto-Semitic (With a theory on the connective
vowels in Tiberian Hebrew)”, OS 18, 1969, 101-127.
H.-P. Müller, “Das Bedeutungspotential der Afformativkonjugation: zum sprachgeschichtlichen Hintergrund des Althebräischen”, ZAH 1, 1988, 74-98, 159-190.
D. Pardee, “Vestiges du système casuel entre le nom et le pronom suffixe en hébreu biblique”, in
GCLMEE, pp. 113-121.
Fr. Rundgren, “Zum Lexikon des Alten Testamentes”, AcOr 21, 1953, 301-345 [Zum dativischen Suffix
Daniel 5, 6].
M.G. Slonim, “The Deliberate Substitution of the Masculine for the feminine Pronominal Suffixes in the
Hebrew Bible”, JewQR 32, 1941-1942, 139-158.
V. Wagner, “Zur Anfügung der Possessivsuffixe an das hebräische Nomen”, BZ 22, 1978, 97-99.
P. Wernberg-Møller, “Pronouns and Suffixes in the Scrolls and the Masoretic Text”, JBL 76, 1957, 44-49.
Z. Zevit, “The linguistic and contextual arguments in support of a Hebrew 3 m.s. suffix -y”, UF 9, 1977,
6A.9.1.2. Demonstrative
J.M. Allegro, “Uses of the Semitic Demonstrative Element z in Hebrew”, VT 5, 1955, 309-312.
H. Birkeland, “Hebrew zae- and Arabic ḏū”, STh 2, 1948, 201-220.
G. Chiera, “Il promome zū in ebraico”, in Fs.Moscati III, pp. 1109-1115.
M.E. Cohen, The Comparative Function of ‫ אלּהּ‬in 2 Sam 21 and the Unity of the Philistine War Tales”,
Antiguo Oriente 9, 2011, 103-118.
A. D. Corré, “’ēlle, hēmma = ‘sic’“, Biblica 54, 1973, 263-264.
G. Garbini, “Note semitiche, II”, RL 5, 1962, 171-181 [1. Les thèmes pronominaux h et š en sém.].
F.A. Pennacchietti, “‘Sono già due anni che nel paese c’è la carestia’ (Gen. XLV, 6): i sintagmi temporali
ebraici introdotti dal pronome ze e la loro traduzione in siriaco, arabo ed etiopico”, VicOr 3, 1980, 225242.
J. Tropper, “Hebräisch ’elläh als Relativpronomen”, UF 43, 2011, 447-448.
A.S. van der Woude, “Das hebräische Pronomen demonstrativum als hinweisende Interjektion”, JEOL 18,
1964, 307-313.
6A.9.1.3. Relative
G. Garbini, “Il relativo ’ in fenicio e in ebraico”, in Mél Rodinson, pp. 185-189.
Y. Hayon, Relativization in Hebrew: A transformational approach, Univ- of Texas at Austin, Diss. 1969
[DAb 30/7, Jan. 1970, 2991-A].
R.D. Holmstedt, “Headlessness and Extraposition: Another Look at the Syntax od ’ăšer”, JNSL 27, 2001,
R.D. Holmstedt,The Story of Ancient Hebrew ’ăšer”, ANES 43, 2006, 7-26.
R.D. Holmstedt, “The Etymologies of Hebrew ’ăšer and šeC-“, JNES 66, 2007, 177-91.
R.D. Holmstedt, The Restrictive Syntax of Genesis i 1”, VT 58, 2008, 56-67.
J. Huehnergard, “On the Etymology of the Hebrew Relative še-“, in BHNWSS, pp. 103-125.
N. Pat-El, “The Syntax ʔӑšer and šeC – Yet Again”, in Fs. Huehnergard, pp. 319-327.
E. Qimron, “’šr, š- introducing a main clause” (Heb.), Leshonenu 46, 1981, 27-38.
Y. Shlesinger, “Stylistic choice between the relative pronoun, she and asher in the Book of Ecclesiastic
and in Modern Hebrew”, [437], 99-106 [Hebr. text; E. ab., xxxiv].
T. Seidl, “’ashr als Konjunktion: Überblick und Versuch einer Klassifikation der Belege in Gen - 2 Kön”,
in Fs. Richter, pp. 445-469.
W.C. van Wyk, “The syntax of ’ŠR in Biblical Hebrew investigated anew”, JS/TS 4, 1992, 200-209.
6A.9.1.4. Interrogative
J. Barr, “Why? in Biblical Hebrew”, JThS 36, 1985, 1-33 [on the relation between lamm¿h and maddūca,
cf. C.H. Gordon, “WM- ‘and’ in Ebl. and Hebr.”, 1987]
U.B. Gottlieb, “Biblical sentences with the interrogative my”, in Fs. Goshen-Gottstein 3, pp. 69-78.[1993]
A. Jepsen, “Warum? Ene lexikalische und theologische Studie”, in Fs. Rost, pp. 106-113 [on lamm¿ and
6A.9.1.5. Article
J.S. Croatto, “L’article Hébreu et les Particules Emphatiques dans le Sémitique de l’Ouest”, AnOr 39,
1971, 389-400.
Ch. Jean, “L’emploi de l’article hébreu, à propos d’une these récente”, JA 242, 1954, 219-228 [on E.
Lemoine, Théorie de l’emphase hébraïque, 1951].
A.R. Müller, “Zu den Artikelfunktionen im Hebräischen”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 313-329.
6A.9.2. Noun(-Adjective)
[A reminder :
P. de Lagarde, Übersicht über die im Aramäischen, Arabischen und Hebräischen übliche Bildung der
Nomina, Göttingen 1889.
A. Gulkowitsch, Die Bildung von Abstraktbegriffen in der hebräischen Sprachgeschichte, Leipzig
6A.9.2.0. General / Typology
K. Aartun, “Notizen zur hebräischen Nominal morphologie”, BiOr 31, 1974, 38-39.
K. Aartun, “Über die Grundstruktur der Nominalbildungen vom Typus qaÃÃāl/qaÃõl im Althebräischen”,
JNSL 4, 1975, 1-8.
W. Baumgartner, “Das hebräische Nominalprafix mi-“, ThZ 9, 1953, 154-157.
I. Ben-David, “Etrog, pl. etroggim, and other nouns exhibiting a úolem” (Heb.), Leshonenu 46, 1981, 76-79.
I. Ben-David, “a- in verbal substantives” (Heb.), Leshonenu 46, 1982, 143-149.
I. Ben-David, “Pecel/pécel” (Heb.), Leshonenu 47, 1983, 232-247 [on segholate patterns in BibIical Hebrew].
J. Blau, “The morphology of nouns terminating in paragogic (directional) –ah” (Heb.), Mehkarim
Belashon 5-6, 1992, 7-11.
G. Brin, “The superlative in the Hebrew Bible: additional cases”, VT 42, 1992, 115-118.
L.V. Cočxadze, “Semantičeskaja struktura derivacionnogo polja dejstvija v sovremennych semitskich
jazykach (na materiale arabskogo i evrejskogo jazykov)” (Semantic structure of the derivational field of
the action names in contemporanean Semitic languages [based on materials from the Arabic and
Hebrew languages]), SemDz 2, 1985, 115-131.
L. Cocxadze, Affiksa1’naja derivacija imen v sovremennych semitskich jazykach (na materiale arabskogo
literaturnogo i evrejskogo jazykov), Tblisi 1987 (The affixal derivation in the Semitic Languages).
C. Fontinoy, “Les noms de lieux en -ayim dans la Bible”, UF 3, 1971, 33-40.
S. Gevirtz, “Formative c in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), ErIs 16, 1982, 57*-66*.
I.Glusk, “Nouns of the maq*el pattern in Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew and their meanings” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 45, 1981, 280-298 .
C.W. Gordon, “Qetûl nouns in Classical Hebrew”, Abr-Nahrain 29, 1991, 83-86.
D. Grossberg, Nominalization in Biblical Hebrew, Diss. New York Univ. 1977 [DAb 38, 1978, 7302-A]
B. Hartmann, Die nominalen Aufreihungen im Alten Testament, Diss. Zürich Univ., Zürich 1953.
J. Huehnergard, “Qātîl and Qətîl Nouns in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp. *3-*45.
D.J. Kamhi, “The gentilitial adjective in Hebrew”, JRAS 1971, 2-8.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Semantic aspects of the pattern qôÃēl”, HAR I, 1977, 155-176.
E. Kimron, “Ne’um and the History of the qu’l Pattern” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 295-299.
O. Loretz, “Die hebräische Nominalform qattāl”, Biblica 41, 1960, 411-416.
M. Masson, “Remarques sur les diminutifs en hébreu israélien”, in A1CILSCS, pp. 256-279.
T.N.D. Mettinger, “The nominal pattern qetullā in Biblical Hebrew”, JSS 16, 1971, 2-4.
M. Moreshet, “On the nuf’al stem in post-Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), in Fs. Kutscher, pp. 126-139.
J. Pairman, S. Levin, The ethnic paradigm as a pattern for nominal forms in Greek. and Hebrew, in GL
26, 1986, 71-105.
H.B. Rosén, “Mefu?al in Israeli Hebrew (Heb.)”, Leshonénu 20, 1955, 139-148.
H.B. Rosen, “On some nominal morphological categories in Biblical Hebrew”, OS 33-35, 1984-1986, 355365.
P.P. Saydon, “Some Unusual Ways of Expressing the Superlative in Hebrew and Maltese”, VT 4, 1954,
432-433 [addition to D.W. Thomas, VT, 3, 209-224].
W. Schneider, “Anmerkungen zur Determination hebräischer Nomina” [873], 19-23.[1996]
D.W. Thomas, “Some further remarks on unusual ways of expressing the superlative in Hebrew”, VT 18,
1968, 120-124.
A. van Selms, “Pacyal formations in Ugaritic and Hebrew nouns”, JNES 26, 1967, 2298-295.
H. von Siebentahl, “‘Collectives’ in Ancient Hebrew. A Closer Look at the Semantics of an intgriguing
Noun Category”, KUSATU 10, 2009, 67-81.
W. von Soden, “Die Nominalform taqtû1 im Hebräischen und Ararnäischen”, ZAH 2, 1989, 77-85.
F. Werner, Die Wortbildung der hebräischen Adjektiva, Wiesbaden 1983 [rev.: RB 91, 1984, 460-461 (J.
Loza); ThL 109, 1984, 879-881 (E. Jenni); ZAW 97, 1985, 158-159 (H.W. Hoffmann);JBL 1 104, 1985,
522-524 (Z. Garber);CBQ 47 1985, 543-544 (F.E. Greenspahn); WZKM 77, 1987, 238-240 (S. Segert);
BiOr 44, 1987, 511-512 (J. Barr)].
P. Wernberg-Møller, “The Noun of the qṭwl Class in the Massoretic Text”, RevQum 2, 1960, 448-450.
A.Yuditsky, “DEVAŠ and similar forms” (Heb.), Leshonenu 71, 2009, 281-285.
A.Yuditsky, “The Qetеl pattern in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.),,Leshonenu 73/3-4, 2011, 335-341.
M. Zohori, The metathesis and dual forms in the Hebrew language, Jerusalem 1991.
6A.9.2.1. Case
M.Bulakh, “Nota Genitivi za- in Epigraphic Geez”, JSS 54, 2009, 393-419.
M. Dahood, “The archaic genitive ending in Proverbs 31,6”, Biblica 56, 1975, 241.
J.C. Kesterson,”The indication of the genitive relationship in IOS”, RevQum 13, 1988, 513-524.
Th.J. Meek, “The Hebrew accussative of time and place”, JAOS 60, 1940, 224-233.
C.I. Miller, “Definiteness and the vocative in Biblica! Hebrew”, ]NSL 36/1, 2010, 43-64.
J.A. Naude: “Die nut van teoretiese linguistiek vir taalstudie: die “etiese datief” in Bybelhebreeus” - SATT
13/3, 1995, 119-127 | E. & Afrikaans ab.: The benefit of theoretical linguistics for the study of
language: the “ethic dative” of Biblical Hebrew.
D. Pardee, “Vestiges du système casuel entre le nom et le pronom suffixe en hébreu biblique”, in
GCLMEE, pp. 113-121.
H. Schweizer, “Was ist ein Akkusativ? Ein Beitrag zur Grammatiktheorie”, ZAW 87, 1975, 133-146.
St. Segert, “Diptotic geographical feminine names in the Hebrew Bible”, ZAH 1, 1988, 99-102.
S.L. Skoss, “A Study of Inflection in Hebrew from Saadia Gaon’s Grammatical Work  “Kutub
al-Lughah’”, JewQR 33, 1942-43, 171-212.
J. Tropper, “Nominativ Dual in Gezer-Kalender”, ZAH 6, 1993, 228-231.
P.C.H. Wernberg-Møller, “The old accusative case endings in Biblical Hebrew: observations on
hammāwwetāh in Ps. 116:15”, JSS 33, 1988, 155-164.
H.G.M. Williamson “The sure mercies or David..: subjective or objective genitive?”, JSS 23, 1978, 31-49.
6A.9.2.2. Number
J. Bembry, “Plural Based Duals”, JSS 54, 2009, 383-388.
C.W. Gordon, “(L”y) Collectives of the Qetûl Formation”, Fs. Gordon 1998, pp. 64-68.
H.-D. Neef, “Nomina ohne Plural im Biblischen Hebraisch”, ZAH 13/1, 2000, 91-105.
E.J.Revell, “Logic of Concord with Collectives in Biblical Narrative”, Maarav 9, 2002, 61-91.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Once more the dual: with replies to J.Blau and J. Blenkinsoop”, ANES 38, 2001, 26-41.
S. Rin, “The Termination -y in the Plural Absolute” (Heb.), Leshonenu 25, 1961, 17-19.
S. Rin, “-y as an Absolute Plural Ending”, BZ 5, 1961, 255-258.
M. Serfaty, “Les mots au pluriel au feminin en hébreu biblique: essai d’analyse lexicographique”, in
WCJS 10/DI, 1989, 17-24.
M.G. Slonim, “Feminine Nouns in Plural with Predicates in Masculine Singular and Feminine Singular”,
JBL 72, 1953, xvi.
Y. Tobin, “Le duel en hébreu: catégorie grammaticale et/ou lexicale?”, in FdL 1, pp. 129-146.
H. von Siebenthal, “’Collectives’ in Ancient Hebrew. A Closer Look at the Semantics of an Intriguing
Noun Category”, KUSATU 10, 2009, 67-81.
W. von Soden, “Bedeutungsgruppen unter den Substantiven nach der Nominalform ma/iqt¿l mit
Pluralformen nach ma/iqt¿llîm/ôt Formen im Althebräischen”, ZAH 1, 1988, 103-106.
A. Wagner, “Zum textproblem von Ps 29, 9: Überlegungen zum Plural der Nomina collectiva und der
Pflanzennamen im biblischen Hebräsch und ihrer Bedeutung für das Verständnis von Ps 29,9”, ZAH
10, 1997, 177-197.
N. Walker, “Do Plural Nouns of Majesty exist in Hebrew?”, VT 7, 1957, 208.
6A.9.2.3. Gender
M. Ben-Asher, “The gender of nouns in Biblical Hebrew”, Semitics 6, 1978, 1-14.
R. Contini, “Intorno al genere grammaticale in ebraico”, AION 41, 1981, 147-155.
H. Gabrion , “L’hébreu et le sexe des anges: genre et formes de genre dans le systeme nominal hébraïque”,
in FMLS, pp. 175-184.
R.J. Ratner, Gender problems in Biblical Hebrew, Diss. Hebrew Union College/Jewish Inst. of Religion
(Ohio) 1983 [DAb 44/4, 1983, 1072-A].
H. Rosenrauch, “Sur quelques ‘bases nominales’ féminines à préfixe m en hébreu biblique”, RB 55, 1948,
O. (R.), Schwarzwald, “Lexical Weight in Hebrew Inflectional Feminine Formation”, in Fs. Leslau II, pp.
M.G. Slonim, “Feminine Nouns in Plural with Predicates in Masculine Singular and Feminine Singular”,
JBL 72, 1953, xvi.
K. Termińska, “Rodzaj w klasycznym języku hebrajskim” (The category of gender in Biblical Hebrew),
BPTJ 63, 3007, 91-99.
P.S.F. van Keulen, “Feminine Nominal Ending in Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac: Derivation or
Inflwection?”, in FSL III, pp.27-39.
W. von Soden, Der Genuswechsel bei rûaú und das grammatische Geschlecht in den semitischen
Sprachen”, ZAH 5, 1992, 57-63.
6A.9.2.4. State
T. Muraoka, “The status constructus of adjectives in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 27, 1977, 375-380.
E. Schultz, “Der Status constructus in der Geschichte der Exegese”, ZAW 1936, 270ss [cf. RB 1940,
299-300 (B.C.)].
A.J.C. Verheij, “The genitive construction with two nomina recta”, ZAH 2, 1989, 210-212.
J.W, Wevers, “Evidence of the Text of the John H. Scheide Papyri for the Translation of the Status
Constructus in Ezekiel”, JBL 70, 1951, 211-216.
6A.9.3. Numerals
Y. Aharoni, “The use of hieratic numerals in Hebrew ostraca and the shekel weights”, BASOR 184, 1966,
M.M. Bravmann, “Hebrew štayim in the Light of Syriac and Turkic”, in Proceedings of the American
Society for Jewish Research 21, 1962, 1-2.
G.R. Driver, “Gender in Hebrew Numbers”, JJewS 1, 1948-49, 90-104.
J. Margain: “Remarques sur le nombre “12” en hébreu” - VT 43/4, 1993, 557-559.
Ṣ, Ma§l∞ú, “At-Taq¿Ãub baina 1-cadad wa-1-macdūd min ¨al¿¨a il¿ cašara f∞ l-carabiya wa-cibriya: dir¿sa
muq¿rina”, Al-Karmil 10, 1989, 123-134 (The polarity between the numerals 3-10 and the numbered
nouns in Arabid and Hebrew).
A. Millard, “Stranger from Egypt and Greece – The Signs for Numbers in Early Hbrew”, in Fs. Lipiński,
pp. 189-194.
J. B. Segal, “Numerals in the Old Testament”, JSS 10, 1965, 2-20.
A. Spitaler, “Das Femininum des Zahlwortes für ‘zwei’ im Hebräischen und für ‘sechs’ im Syrischen”,in
Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 1493-1498.
P.W. van der Horst, G. Mussies, “Substractive versus additive composite numerals in Antiquity”,
ICS 13, 1988, 183-202 [Hebrew and Aramaic].
St. Weitzman, “The shifting syntax of numerals in Biblical Hebrew: A reassessment”, JNES 55, 1966,
6A.9.4. Verb
[A remainder:
W.J. Gerber, Die hebräischen Verba denominativa, Leipzig 1896].
6A.9.4.0 General
S.S.A. ‘Abdarraḥīm, “The reflexive/passive stems in Arabic and Hebrew” (Ar.), in Fs. Fischer, pp. 455513.
A.F. Alī, Die Verbalstamme im Arabischen und Hebraischen: eine vergleichende syntaktischsemantische Studie zum 1. bis IV. Stamm (Semitica et Semitohamitica Berolinensia, 7), Aachen
T.D. Andersen, “The evolution of the Hebrew verbal system”, ZAH 13/1, 2000, 1-66.
H. Baaijen, “The semanties of the tenses in Biblical Hebrew”, in L.J. de Regt, P.Th. van Reenen, eds,
Corpusgebaseerde voordanalyse (VWF-Programma VULET 88/9): jaarboek 1991, Amsterdam 1991,
pp. 1-33.
O. L. Barnes, A new approach to the problem ot the Hebrew tenses and its solution without recourse to the
waw-consecutive, Oxford 1965.
I. Ben-David, “Some notes concerning the structure of the verb in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 55,
1992, 17-24.
F.R. Blake, A Resurvey of Hebrew Tenses, with an appendix: Hebrew influence on Biblical Aramaic
(Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici 103), Rome 1951 [rev.: ZAW 63, 1952, 84 (J. Hempel); RB 59, 1952,
623-625 (F.M. Lemoine); Sefarad 13, 1953, 373-377 (F. Pérez Castro); JBL 73, 1954, 117-118 (G.E.
Mendenhall); Language30, 1954, 177-180 (C.T. Hodge), cf. Language 30, 1954, 435-436 (F.R.
J. Blau, “Studies in Hebrew verb formation”, HUCA 42 1971, 133-158 [A. The Hebrew cohortative nad its
Semitic correspondences . B. The origin of the pôlel/pôcel of the verba 2-w/y and 2-gem.].
St. Bombeck, Das althebräische Verbalsystem aus aramäischer Sicht: Masoretischer Text, Tagume und
Peschitta, Frankfurt etc. (Peter Lang) 1997.
H. Bobzin, Die “Tempora” im Hiobdialog, Diss. Marburg/Lalm Univ.1974.
St. Bombeck, Das althebrtiische Verbalsystem aus aramäischer Sicht: masoretischer Text, Targume und
Peschitta. — Frankfurt am Main; Lang, 1997, — 251 p. — (EuTOpáische Hochschulschriften. Reihe
23: Theologie; 591) I The Oíd Hebrew verbal system realized from Aramaic translations : Masoretic
text, Targums and Pehsitta I München Univ. 1995 diss. I BiOr 55/3-4, 1998, 485-486 Arie 3. C.
Verheij I JAOS 119/1, 1999, 151-152 Edward Lipinski.
H. Cazelles, “Les temps invertie hébreux ont-ils une origine égyptienne”, GLECS 6, 1951-1954, 53-57.
J.A. Cook, “The Hebrew verb ; a grammaúcalization approach”, ZAH 14/2, 2001, 117-143.
A. Desnitsky, “Contemporary Approaches to the Temporal Forms of the Hebrew Verb”, Biblia 1, 1998,
G.R. Driver, Problems of the Hebrew Verbal System, Edinburgh 1936.
S.R. Driver, A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions. With an
introductory essay by W. Randall Garr (The biblical resource series), Grand Rapids MI 1998, 19972
(repri. of the 3rd edition, 1892) [rev.: BiOr 56, 1999, 171-172 (A.J.C. Verheij)].
Y. Endo, The Verbal System of Classical Hebrew in the Joseph Story. An Approach from Discours
Analysis (Studia Semitica Neerlandica, 32), Assen 1996 [rev.: Language 73/4, 1997, 893-894 Arie J.);
BiOr 57, 2000, 138-140 (Chr.H.J. van der Merwe)].
F.C. Fensham, “The use of the suffix conjugation and the prefix conjugation in a few old Hebrew poems”,
JNSL 6, 1978, 9-18.
R. Furuli, A New Understanding of the Verbal System of Classical Hebrew: An Attempt to Distinguishing
Between Semantic and Prgamatic Factors (Acta Humaniora, 230) Oslo 2005 [rev.: RBL (on line)
11/4/2007 (J. Kaltner); Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 10, 2007, 107-134 (D. Kummerow); JNES
69, 2010, 249-251 (J.A. Cook)]
R. Furuli, “The Verbal System of Classical Hebrew. An Attempt to distinguish between Semantic and
Pragmatic Factors”, in CIASGL I, pp. 205-231.
D.M. Gropp, “The function of the finite verb in Classical Biblical Hebrew”, HAR 13, 1991,45-62.
H. Gzella, “Probleme der Vermittlung hebräischer Verbalsyntax am Beispiel von 2 Sam 11–12”, KUSATU
12-13, 2011, 7-39.
J. Hoftijzer, “A Preliminary Remarks on the Study of the Verbal System in Classical Hebrew”, in Fs.
Leslau I, pp. 645-651.
J. Hoftijzer, Verbale vragen. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in
het Hebreeuws ... aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden, Brill 1974.
J. Hoftijzer, “A preliminary remark on the study of the verbal system in Classical Hebrew”, in Fs. Leslau
1991, pp. 645-651.
J. A. Hughes: “Another look at the Hebrew tenses”, JNES 29, 1970, 12-24.
G. Janssens, “De werkwoordelijke ‘tijden’ in het Semietisch en in het bizonder in het Hebreeuws”, JEOL
15, 1957-58, 97-103.
J. Joosten, The Verbal System of Biblical Hebrew. A New Synthesis Elaborated on the Basis of Classical
Prose (Jerusalem Biblical Studies, JBS 10), Jerusalem 2012.
P.D. Korchin, Markedness in Canaanite and Hebrew Verbs, Winona Lake IN 2008 [rev.: JNSL 37/2,
2011, 97-101 (A. Andrason); (RBL 4/17/2011 (J.Lubbe: http://www.bookreviews.org)].
D. Kummerow, “On the Biblical Hebrew Verbal System: A Linguistic Critique in Defense of the Mostly
Traditional”, Journal of Asia Adventist Seminary 10, 2007, 107-134 [rev. on R. Furuli, The Verbal
System of Classical Hebrew, 2006].
Sh. Lederman, On the interaction of morphology and phonology: the Hebrew verbal system (Diss. Univ.
of IlIinois at Urbana-Champaign), Urbana IL 1987 (evidence from Biblical and Modern Hebrew) [DAJ
48, 1988, 1754-A].
R.E. Longacre, “Complementarity: verb types and discourse types in Biblical Hebrew”, LACUS 29, 2002,
M. Malessa, Untersuchungen zur verbales Valenz im biblischen Herbräisch (Studia Semitica Neerlandica,
49), Assen 2006 [rev.: JBL Newsletter 16 April 2007 (Ch.H.J. can der Merwe: revbiblit@sbl-site.org;
http://www.sbl-site.org); BiOr 69 (2012) 335-343 (E. Jenni)].
L. McFall, The enigma of the Hebrew verbal system: solutions from Ewald to the present day (Historic
Texts and Interpreters in Biblical Scholarship 2), Sheffield 1982 [rev.: Biblica 65/3, 1984, 418-420 (R.
Lawton); BiOr 41/1-2, 1984, 154-156 (P. Kustár); JJewS 35/1, 1984, 94-95 (R. White); JThS 36, 1985,
183-184 (P. Wernberg-Møl1er); ThL 3, 1986,262-263 (T. Novotny); RB 95, 1988, 609-610 (F.J.
Gonçalves); JAOS 112, 1992, 693-696 (P.T. Daniels)].
T.N.D. Mettinger, “The Hebrew verb system: a survey of recent research”, Annual of the Swedish
Theological Institut (Leiden) 9, 1974, 64-84.
R. Meyer, “Das hebraische Verbalsystem im Lichte der gegenwärtigen Forschung”, in Congress Volume
Oxford 1959, Leiden 1960, pp. 309-317.
R. Meyer, “Zur Geschichte des hebräischen Verbums”, VT 3, 1963, 225-235.
R. Meyer, “Zur Geschichte des hebräischen Verbums”, FF 40, 1966, 241-243.
H.-P. Müller, “Zur Geschichte des hebräischen Verbs; Diachronie der Konjugationsthemen”, BZ 27, 1983,
T. Muraoka, “On verb complementation in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 29, 1979, 425-435.
A. Niccacci, “Basic principles of the Biblical Hebrew verbal system in prose”, LibAnn 38, 1988, 7-16.
A. Niccacci, “An outline of the Biblical Hebrew verbal system in prose”, LibAnn 39, 1989, 7-26.
A. Niccacci, “On the Hebrew verbal system”, in BIDL, pp. 117-137 [text linguistic approach].
A. Niccacci, “The Biblical Verbal System in Poetry”, in BHNWSS, pp. 247-268.
A. Niccacci, “Basic facts and theory of the biblical Hebrew verb system in prose”, in NSHB, pp.167-202.
D. Pardee, “The Biblical Hebrew Verbal System in a Nutshell”, in Fs. Huehnergard, pp. 285-317.
G. Rendsburg, “Diglossia in Ancient Hebrew as revealed through compound verbs”, in Fs. Kerns, pp. 665677.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Dual Personal Pronouns and Dual Verbs in Hebrew”, JQR 73, 1982, 38-58.
E.J. Revell, “The system of the verb in standard biblical prose”, HUCA 60, 1989, 1-37.
W. Richter, Untersuchungen zur Valenz althebriíischer Verben. I. ’RK; 2. GBH, MQ, QSR II (Arbeiten zu
Text u. Sprache im Alten Testament 23,25), St. Ottilien 1985/1986 [rev.: ZAW 98, 1986,474 (H.C.
S[chmitt] (1); VT 37, 1987,497 (J.A. E[merton] (1-2); JNSL 14, 1988, 227-228 (F.C. Fensham) (1-2);
AW 100, 1988, 150 (H.-C. S [chmitt] (2); ThQ l66, 1986. 229-231 (H. Schweizer) (1); ThQ 167, 1987.
148-149 (W. Gross) (2); REJ 148/1-2, 1989, 158-159 J. Margain (1)].
P.O. Samuelsdorff, “Versuch einer Programmierung des hebräischen Verbs”, in . Eggers, ed., Erstes
Kolloquium über Syntax natürlicher Sprachen un Datenverarbeitung (DFG Forschungsberichte 5),
Wiesbaden 1964, pp. 28-36.
A. van de Sande, Nouvelle perspective sur le systéme verbal de l'hébreu ancien: les formes
*qatala, *yaqtul et *yaqtulu (Publications de I'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 57), Leuven
2008 [rev.: RO 62/2, 2009,128-132 (E. Lipińskí)].
C. Sinclair, “The valence of the Hebrew verb”, JANES 20, 1991, 63-81.
D.C. Snell, “Hebrew verbs”, BiOr 31, 1974, 40-42 [on S.H. Siedl, Gedanken zum Tempussystem …,
A. Solntseva, “The Use of verbal Forms in the Biblical Hebrew: A Text.linguistic Analysis of the Book of
Joshua”, Biblia 1, 1998, 218-244, 305-306.
A. Tichit, Le verbe en hébreu biblique. Conjugations, exercices et corrigés (Langues et cultures anciennes,
2), Paris 2004.
A. van de Sande, Nouvelle perspective sur le système verbal de l’hebreu ancien: les formes *qatala,
*yaqtul et *yaqtulu (Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 57), Louvain-la-Neuve 2008.
W. von Soden, “Gab es bereits im vorexilischen Hebräisch Aramäismen in der Bildung und der
Verwendung von Verbalformen?, ZAH 4, 1991, 32-45.
A.J.C. Verheij, Verbs and numbers: a study of the frequencies of the Hebrew verbal tense forms in the
books of Samuel, kings, and Chronicles (Studia Semitic Neerlandica, 28), Assen 1990 [rev.: JAOS
113/1, 1993, 110-111 (H. van Dyke Parunak)].
A.J.C. Verheij, Bits, Bytes, and Binyanim. A Quantitative Study of Verbal Lexeme Formations in the
Hebrew Bible, Leuven 1999.
M. N. Zislin, “Ab-l-Faradñ Charãn o sprjañenii evrejskogo glagola” (Abã-l-Faraj Harãn on Hebrew verb
conjugation], KSINA 86, 1965, 164-177.
T. Zewi, A syntactical study of verbal forms affixed by -n(n) endings in classical Arabic, Biblical
Hebrew, EI-Amarna Akkadian and Ugaritic, Münster 1999.
6A.9.4.1 Verbal Categories (stative/active)
F. Aspesi, “Some Comparative Remarks about the Hebrew Stative”, in A10GSCSI, pp. 115-116.
Sh. Bolozky, “Word formation strategies in the Hebrew verb system: denominative verbs” AAL 5/3, 1978,
1-26 (111-136).
D. R. Hillers, “Delocutive verbs in biblical Hebrew”, JBL 86, 1967, 320-324.
P.L. Kirtchuk, “Classes de verbes en hébreu (biblique et contemporain): étrude morplio-syntaxique et
semantique”, Actances 4, 1989, 137-173.
J. Myhill, Z. Xing, “A comparison of the function of voice in Biblical Hebrew, Chinese, and English”, LS
16, 1994, 253-283.
E. Rubinstein, “Adjectival verbs in Biblical Hebrew”, IOS 9, 1979, 55-76.
6A.9.4.2 Verbal Typology (weak patterns)
E.S. Artom, “The Accent of the Consecutive Perfect of Verbs tertiae ‘ and h” [Heb.], Leshonenu 22, 195758, 205-208.
M. Bar-Asher, “The Qal Passive Participle of Geminate Verbs in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Japhet, pp. 1125.
J. Blau, “Der Übergang der bibelhebräischen Verba l w (y) von Qal in Hifcil im Lichte des Ugaritischen”,
UF 5, 1973, 275-277.
Ph. Cassuto, “Remarques sur les verbes hébreux á troisiéme radicale Taw”, CLAIX 14, 1997, 71-78 1
Evidence from Biblical, Talmudic, Medieval & M Hebrew.
J. Huehnergard, “Hebrew Verbs I-w/y and a proto-Semitic Sound Rule”, in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 457474.
G. Janssens, “Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der werkwoorden c”c in het Hebreeuws”, OGand 1, 1964. 131156.
B. Johnson, Hebräisches Perfekt und Imperfekt mit vorangehendem we, Lund 1979 [BL, 1979, 11199]
[CRQ 42, 1980, 388-389 (T.O. Lambdin); BiOr 37, 1980, 73-74 (G. Janssens); BZ 26, 1982, 277-279
(F.V. Reiterer); JBL 101, 1982, 139-141 (W.R. Bodine); JNES 42, 1983, 161-163 (D. Pardee); WO 13,
1982, 166-168 (H. Bobzin)].
R. Köbert, “Gedanken zum semitischen Wort- und Satzbau, 8-9”, Orientalia XV 1946, 150-154 [8. Der
Infinitivus constructus der Verba tertiae infirmae im Hebräischen.].
L. M. Kuriakos, Non-paradigmatic forms of weak verbs in Masoretic Hebrew, Quilon, Kerala State, India
1973 [rev.: ZAW 86, 1974, 381 (G. Fohrer)]
K. Petráček, S. Segert, “Zu einigen assimilierenden Verba im Hebräischen”, AO 24, 1956, 131-134 [on S.
Segert’s article, AO 23, 1955, 183].
G. Rinaldi, “Note sui verbi ebraici ‘media w.y’ e ‘terza y’”, in Fs. Gabrieli 1964, pp. 243-247.
H.B. Rosén, “Notes on Biblical Hebrew verbal morphology”, [805], 507- 513. [1993]
S. Segert, “Zu einigen assimilierenden Verba im Hebräischen”, AO 23, 1955, 183.
H.-J. Stipp, “Narrativ-Langformen 2. und 3. Person von zweiradikaligen Basen nach qalY im biblischen
Hebräisch: eine Untersuchung zu morphologischen Abweichungen in den Büchern Jeremia und
Könige”, JNSL 13, 1987, 109-149.
J. Zeldis, A classification of container verbs in Hebrew, Ph.D.Diss. Univ. of Pennsylvania 1973 [DAb
34/8, Feb. 1974, 5151-A].
6A.9.4.3 ‘Grundstamm’ Structure (qtl/G/I)
6A. General
M.P. Anstey, “The Biblical Hebrew qatal verb: a functional discourse grarnmar analysis”, Linguistics 47,
2009, 825-844.
R.S. Kawashima, “‘Orphaned’ Converted Tense Forms in Classical Biblical Hebrew Prose”, JSS 55,
6A. Suffixed Conjugation
A. Andrason, “Making it Sound – The performative qatal and its explanation”, JHS 12, 2011, 1-58 (on
A. Andrason, “The BH weqatal. A homogenous form with no haphazard functions (part one)”, JNSL 17/2,
2011, 1-26.
A. Andrason, “The BH weqatal: a homogenous form with no haphazard (part 2)”, JNSL 38/1, 2012, 1-30.
E. S. Artom, “Sull’accento nelle forme verbali ebraiche di perfetto con vav conversiva”, Annuario di Studi
Ebraici 1, 1963-1964, 7-14.
R. Bartelmus, “Ez 37, 1-14, die Verbform weqatal und die Anfange der Auferstehungshoffnung”, ZAW 97,
1985, 366-389.
M. M. Braumann, “The Hebrew perfect forms: q¿Ãel¿, q¿Ãelu”, JAOS 91, 1971, 429-430.
B.C. Caero Bustillos, “Grammatik und Bedeutung. Die Rolle des weqatál in Jer 31,31-34”, KUSATU 6,
2006, 33-60.
P.A.H. de Boer, “The perfect with waw in 2 Samuel 6:16”, in Fs. Nida, pp. 43-52.
W. Gross, “Zur Funktion von q¿tal: Die Verbfunktion in neueren Veröffentlichungen”, BN 4, 1977, 25-38
[cf. H.W. Hoffmann, BN 5, 1978, 40-42].
H.L. Jansen, “Was bedeutet die a : i-Opposition der arabischen, hebräischen und syrischen qal-Formen”,
NTS 16, 1952, 365-370.
J. Joosten, “The Disappearance of Iterative WEQATAL in thye Biblical Hebrew Verbal System”, in
BHNWSS, pp. 136-147.
G.L. Klein, “The 'prophetic perfect'”, JNSL 16, 1990, 45-60.
O. Loretz, “The ‘Perfectum Copulativum’ in Sm 7, 9-11”, CBQ 23, 1961, 294-296.
M. Masson, “qatal/qatala en hébreu biblique”, GLECS 24-28/3, 1979-84, 493-505.
D.O. Moomo, “The imperfective meaning of weqatal in Biblical Hebrew”, ]NSL 31/1, 2005,
H.-P. Müller, “Die Konjugation von Nomina im Althebräischen”, ZAW 96, 1984, 245-263.
T. Notarius, “Prospective weqatal in Biblical Hebrew: dubious cases or unidentified
category?”, ]NSL 34/1, 2008, 39-55.
H.M. Orlinsky, “Notes on the qal infinitive construct and the verbal noun in Biblical Hebrew”, JAOS 67,
1947, 107-126.
I.W. Provan, “Past, present and future in Lamentations III 52-66: the case for a precative perfect reexamined”, VT 41, 1991, 164-175.
E./E. Qimron, “qṭltyny and related forms in Hebrew”, JQR 78/1-2, 1987, 49-55.
A.F. Rainey, “The Suffix Conjugation Pattern in Ancient Hebrew. Tense and Modal Function”, ANES 40,
2003 3-42.
M.E. Rogland, “The Hebrew ‘epistolary perfect’ revisited”, ZAH 13, 2000, 194-200.
M. Rogland, Alleged Non-Past Uses of Qatal in Classical Hebrew (Studia Semitica Neerlandica, vol. 44),
Assen 2003 [rev.: RBL = http://www.bookreviews.org/bookdetail.asp?TitleId=4020 (D. Vance)].
A. Rubinstein, “The anomalous perfect with waw-conjunctive in Biblical Hebrew”, Biblica 44, 1963, 6269.
R. Voigt, “Die beiden Suffixkonjugationen des Semitischen (und Ágyptischen)”, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003,
6A. Prefixed Conjugation
A. Andrason, “The Panchronic Yiqtol: Functionally Consistent and Cognitively Plausible”, Journal of
Hebrew Scriptures 10, 2010, on line.
A. Andrason, “Biblical Hebrew wayyiqtol: A Dynamic Definition?", Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 11,
2011, 2-58, online.
A. Bloch, “Zur Nachweisbarkeit einer hebräischen Entsprechung der akkadischen Verbalform iparras”,
ZDMG 113 1963, 41-50.
J.Fr. Diehl, “Hebräisches Imperfekt mit Waw copulativum”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 23-45.
A.M. Gazov-Ginzberg, “Dvuznarnost’ imperfekmoj formy t.P’L i sledy ee korrekcii v Biblii (s ucetom
kumranskogo varianta)”, PSb 15 (88), 1974, 77-80.
G. Hatav, “Past and future interpretation of wayyiqtol”, JSS 56/1, 2011, 85-109.
R. Heckl, “Die starke Bildung des Imperfekts bei einigen Formen der Verba primae Nun : ein Problem des
Verbalsystems?”, ZAH 14, 2001, 20-33.
J. Hoftijzer, The function and use of the imperfect forms with nun paragogicum in Classical Hebrew (Studia
Semitica Neerlandica 21), Assen 1985 [rev.: ThQ 166/1, 1986, 63-64 (W. Gross); ZAW 98, 1986, 314
(H.W. Hoffmann); JNSL 13,1987, 224-225 (F.C. Fensham); VT 37, 1987,115-116 J.A. E[merton]);
JBL 106, 1987, 527-528 (I. Rabinowitz); UF 19, 1987, 431-432 (O. Loretz); JAOS 108, 1988, 157-158
(S. Segert); RB 95, 1988, 611-612 (F.J. Gonçalves); OLZ 31, 1988. 54-55 (H.-J. Zobei)].
J. Joosten, “HEHADALTI forma mixta?”, ZAW 102/1, 1990, 96-97.
In. Kottsieper, “yaqattal – Phantom oder Problem? Erwägungen zu einem hebraistischen Problem und zur
Geschchte der semitischen Sprachen”, KUSATU 1, 2000, 27-100.
D. Kummerow, “How can the form yiqtol be a preterite, jussive, and future imperfective? A brief
elaboration of the forms and functions of the Biblical Hebrew prefix verbs”, KUSATU 8-9, 2008, 6395.
W.L. Moran, “*taqtul- Third masculine singular?”, Biblica 45, 1964, 80-82 [comments on N.M, Sarna’s
discussion of difficult forms in Job 18, 14-15 and 20, 9 (JBL 82, 1963, 317-318)].
H.-P. Müller, “wa-, ha- und das Imperfectum consecutivum”, ZAH 4, 1991, 144-160.
E. Qimron, “A new approach to the use of forms of the imperfect without personal endings”, in HDSSBS,
pp. 174-181.
R. Ratner, “Does a t-preformative third person masculine plural verbal form exist in Biblical Hebrew?”, VT
3811, 1988, 80-88.
E.J. Revell, “First person imperfect forms with waw consecutive”, VT 38/4,1988, 419-426.
E.J. Revell, “First person imperfect forms with waw consecutive – addenda”, VT 41, 1991, 127-128.
O. Rössler, “Die Präfixkonjugation Qal der Verba Iae Nun im Althebräischen und das Problem der
sogenannten Tempora”, ZAW 74, 1962, 125-141.
P.P. Saydon, “The conative imperfect in Hebrew”, VT 12, 1962, 124-126.
P.P. Saydon, “The Inceptive Imperfect in Hebrew and the Verb hēúēl ‘to begin’“, Biblica 35, 1954, 43-50.
A. Schoors, “A third masculine singular taqtul in Biblical Hebrew?”, in Fs. Fensham, pp. 193-200.
D. Talshir, “The development of the imperfect consecutive forms in relation to the modal system” (Heb.),
Tarbiz 56, 1987. 585-591.
D. Talshir, “hmln yhwntn or yhwntn hmln” (Heb.), Leshonenu 55, 1992, 277-280.
H.J. van Dijk, “Does third masculine singular *taqtul exist in Hebrew?” VT 19, 1969, 440-447.
C. J. M. Weir, “Hebrew 3rd Singular Feminine Perfects in -th and -ath”, TGUOS 15, 1953-54, 10-15.
6A. Imperatif
A. Bar-Adon, “New imperative and jussive formations in contemporary Hebrew”, JAOS 86, 1966,
M.M. Bravmann, “Notes on the Forms of the Imperative in Hebrew and Arabic”, JQR 42, 1961, 51-56.
J.Fr. Diehl, “‘Steh auf, setz dich und iss!’ Imperative zwischen Begriffswort und Interjektion”, KUSATU,
1, 2000, 101-132.
R. Köbert, “Gedanken zum semitischen Wort- und Satzbau, 8-9”, Orientalia XV 1946, 150-154 [8. Der
Infinitivus constructus der Verba tertiae infirmae im Hebräischen.].
J. Myhill, “A study of imperative usage in Biblical Hebrew and English”, Slang 22, 1998, 391-446.
6A. Participle
M. Bar-Asher, “The Qal Passive Participle of Geminate Verbs in Biblical Hebrew”, in BHNWSS, pp.
11-25. M. Bar-Asher [=in Fs. Japhet, pp. 251-262].
H. Cazelles, “Un vestige de pseudo-participe en hébreu?”, GLECS 7, 1954-1957, 46-48.
J.W. Dyk, “Variation in the functioning of the Hebrew participle: a computer-assisted study of syntactical
shift”, in A2CIBI, pp. 255-263.
J. Dyk, E. Talstra, “Computer-assisted study of syntactical change, the shift in the use of the participle in
Biblical and post-Biblical Hebrew texts”, in Fs. Dees, pp. 49-62.
J.W. Dyk: Participles in context: a computer-assisted study of Old Testament Hebrew (Applicatio 12),.
Amsterdam 1994.
J. A. Emerton, “The Participles in Daniel V, I2”, ZAW 62, 1960, 262-263.
S. Esh, “On Particles opening Speech in Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 22, 1957-58, 48-53.
A. Gordon, The development of the participle in Biblical, Mishnaic, and Modern Hebrew (AAL 8/3),
Malibu CA 1982 [rev.: ThQ 166, 1986, 150-151 (W. Gross); BSL 80, 1985, 289-290 (M. Masson);
AuOr 2/2, 1984, 302 (G. Del Olmo Lete)].
J. Joosten, “The predicative participle in Biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 2, 1989, 128-159.
T. Muraoka, “BibIical Hebrew philological notes (2)”, JSAI 15,1992, 43-54 [VI. The pass. part. with a
nominal complement].
E.J. Revell, “cobed (Deut 26:5) and the function of the participle in MT”, Sefarad 47/1, 1988, 197-205.
P. Wernberg-Møller, “Observations on the Hebrew Participle”, ZAW 71, 1959, 54-67.
6A. Infinitive (and verbal noun)
J. Blau, “Some Methodological Problems Concerning the Infinitive in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), in Fs.
Bar-Asher I, pp. 3-9.
S.N. Callaham, Modality and the Biblical Hebrew Infinitive Absolute, Wiesbaden 2010 [rev.: Review of
Biblical Literature [http://www.bookreviews.org] (2011) (B.L. Webster); BiOr 68, 2011, 356-362 (H.
Gzella); JAOS 131, 2011, 666-668 (J. Baden); JSS 57/2, 2012, 409-414 (T. Muraoka); MedLR 19, 2012,
117-121 (Chr. Stadel)].
J. Carmignac, “L’infinitif absolu chez Ben Sira et à Qurnrán”, RevQum 121, 1986, 251-261.
A. Dotan, “The infinitive of the pucal conjugation”, in Fs. Blau, pp. 225-232.
M. Ehrensvárd, “Negating the infinitive in Biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 12/2, 1999, 146-163.
St.E. Fassberg, “The Overlap in Use Between the Infinitive Construct and the Infinitive Absolute in
Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), in Fs. Japhet, pp. 427-432.
A. J. Fox, The evolution of the Hebrew infinitive, form and function: a diachronic study with cross-linguistic
implications, Diss. Univ. of California, Los Angeles, 1984 [DAb 45/9, 1985, 2857-A].
H. Gzella, “Emphasis or assertion? The paronomastic infinitive in Hedbrew”, BiOr 67, 2010, 488-498.
E. Hammershaimb, “On the so-called ‘infinitivus absolutus’ in Hebrew”, in Fs. Driver, pp. 85-94.
J.H. Hospers, “Some remarks about the so-called imperative use of the infinitive absolute (infinitivus pro
imperativo) in Classical Hebrew”, in Fs. Hoftijzer, pp. 97-102.
J. Huesman, “Finite Uses of the Infinitive Absolute”, Biblica 37, 1956, 271-295 [study of the biblical
infinitive absolute, preceded by a brief survey of the evidence in Phoenician, Ugaritic, and Amama
J. Huesman, “The Infinitive Absolute and the Waw + Perfect Problem”, Biblica 37, 1956, 410-434
M.Z. Kaddari, “Construct infinitive as time adverbial in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), ErIs 14, 1978, 132-136.
Y.-K. Kim, The Function of the Tautological Infinitive in Classical Biblical Hebrew (HSS 60), Winona
Lake IN 2009 [rev.: BiOr 67, 2010, 488-498 (H. Gzella); JSS 56/2, 2011, 406-409 (T. Zewi)].
Y.-K. Kim, “The Origin of the Biblical Hebrew Infinitive Construct”, JSS 57/1, 2012, 25-35
J. Kotjatko, “Infinitive und Verbalnomina bei den hebräischen Grammatikern des Mittelalters und das
Problem des Terminologie. Die bedeutung der Termini šem happucal, maqor sowie maṣdar und ism alficl”, Kusatu 3, 2002, 5-54.
M. Mishor, “Second radical of infinitive lpcl without dagesh lene”, in Fs. Blau, p. 383- 395.
S.J.P.K. Riekert, “The struct? patterns of the paronomastic and co-ordinated infinitives absolute in
Genesis”, JNSL 7, 1979, 69-83.
I. Soisalon-Soininen, “Der Infinitivus Constructus mit L im Hebräischen”, VT 22, 1972, 82-90.
W.F. Stinespring, “The active infinitive with passive meaning in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 81, 1962, 391394.
Y. Toobin, “Process and result and the Hebrew infinitive: a study in linguistic isomorphism” , in Fs.
Hoftijzer, pp.194-209.
P. Trumer, “The infinitive constructus of the verb l’mwr - a study of its syntactic, semantic and pragmatic
usage in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), Te’uda 7, 1991, 75-93.
J.D.W. Watts, “Infinitive absolute as imperative and the interpretation of Exodus 20,8”, ZAW 74,1962,
6A.9.4.4 Verbal modes
F.I. Andersen, “Passive and ergative in Hebrew”, in Fs. Albright, pp. 1-15.
S.N. Callaham, Modality and the Biblical Hebrew Infinitive Absolute (AKML 71), Wiesbaden 2010 [rev.:
RBL 5/10/2011, on line (www.bookreviews.org) (B.L. Webster); BiOr 68, 2011, 356-362 (H. Gzella);
JAOS 131, 2011, 666-668 (J. Baden)].
B. J. Bicknell, Passives in Biblical Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Michigan Diss. 1984 [DAb 45/7, 1985, 2081A].
H. Gzella, “Hebräische Verbformen mit modaler Bedeutung im Spiegel der alten Bibelübersetzungen”,
KUSATU 4, 2004, 67-101.
H. Gzella, “Voice in Classical Hebrew against Its Semitic Background”, Or 78, 2009, 292-325.
J. Hoftijzer, “Zukunftsaussagen und Modalität”, KUSATU 2, 2001, 5-45.
F. Israel, Il coortativo e le sue origini storiche”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 108-142.
H. Jagersma, “Some remarks on the jussive in Numbers 6,24-26”, in Fs. Van der Ploeg, pp. 131-136.
E. Jenni, “Untersuchungen zum hebräischen Kohortativ”, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003, 19-67.
J. Joosten, “The indicative system of the biblical Hebrew : verb and its literary exploitation”, in NSHB,
P. Korchin, “Grammaticalization and Biblical Hebrew Pseudo-Cohortative”, in Fs. Huehnergard, pp. 269284.
M.Z. Kaddari, “On deontic modaIity in Biblical and post-Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Scheiber, pp. 251-255.
V. Maag, “Morphologie des hebräischen Narrativs”, ZAW 65, 1953, 86-88.
J. Margain, “Causatif et tolératif en hébreu”, 18-23/1, 1973-1979, 23-31.
H.P. Müller, “Polysemie im semitischen und hebräischen Konjugationssystem”, Or 55, 1986, 365-389.
H.-P. Müller, “Assertorische und kreatorische Funktion im althebräischen und semitischen Verbalsystem”,
AuOr 2, 1984, 113-125.
H. P. Müller, Ergativelemente im akkadischen und althebräischen Verbalsystem”, Biblica 66, 1985, 385-417.
H.M. Orlinsky, “On the Cohortative and Yussive after an Imperative or Interjection in Biblical Hebrew”,
JewQR 31, 1940-1941, 371-382; 32, 1941-42, 191-205, 273-277.
Br. Peckham, “Tense and rnood in Biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 10, 1997, 13
R. Rieger, “Überlegungen zum ‘Passiv’ im Hebräischen”, ZAH 3, 1990, 54-72.
P.P. Saydon, “The conative imperfect in Hebrew”, VT 12, 1962, 124-126.
P.P. Saydon, “The Inceptive Imperfect in Hebrew and the Verb hēúēl ‘to begin’“, Biblica 35, 1954, 43-50.
W. Schneider, “Geisterformen”, BN 53, 1990, 26-29.
A. Shulman, “The function of the ‘jussive’ and ‘indicative’ imperfect forms in Biblical Hebrew prose”,
ZAH 13, 2000, 168-180.
P.A. Siebesma, The Function of the Nipcal in Biblical Hebrew in Relationship to Other Passive-reflexive
Verbal Stems and to the Pucal and Hophcal in Particular (Studia Semititca Neerlandica, 28), Van
Gorcum 1991 [rev.: JThS 43, 1992, 563-564 (W.G.E. Watson); ZAW 105, 1993, 324-325 (G. Begrich);
JBL 112, 1993. 508-510 (R. Fuller); JAOS 114, 1994, 669-671 Steven W. Boyd); BQ 56, 1994, 571573 (St.A. Kaufman); BiOr 52, 1995, 7-100 (C.H.J. van der Merwe).].
R. Sollamo, “The passive with an agent in Biblical Hebrew and its endering in the Septuagint”, in Fs.
Muraoka, pp. 617-629.
Sl.J. Stasiak, “Modalita del verbo nella lingua ebraica: alcuni aspetti ed esempi dai libri di Giobbe e dei
Proverbi”, Perspectiva: legnickie studia teologiczno-historyczne (Legnica) 2, 2003, 174-183.
R.C. Steiner, “The history of the Ancient Hebrew modal system and Lavob’s rule of 8compensatory
structural change”, in G.R. Guy et al., Towards a social science of language: papers in honor of
William Labov, Vol. I: Variation and change in language and society (CILTh 127), Amsterdam 1996,
pp. 253-261.
M. Stemberg, “Alfabetul din Sinai : contributJi la istoria scrisului. - Bucure£ti 2004 (The alphabet of
Sinai: contributions to the history of script).
Y. Yahalom, “The passive in poetry: verbal themes in poetry and prose”,(Heb.) Leshonenu 45, 1980, 17-31.
T. Zewi, A syntactical study of verbal froms affixed by –n(n) endings in classical Arabic, Biblical Hebrew,
El-Amarna Akkadian and Ugaritic (AOAT 260), Münster 1999.
6A.9.4.5 Aspect/Time
R.H. Baayen, “The pragmatics of the ‘tenses’ in Biblical Hebrew”, SLang 21, 1997, 245-285.
J. Blau, “Marginalia Semitica I”, IOS 1, 1971, 1-35 [4. Aram, calque in Hebr. and M.Ar in the field of
verbal patterns. 6.The problem of tenses in Biblical Hebr].
J. Blau, “Marginalia Semitica III”, IOS 7, 1977, 14-32 [3. The system of tenses in Biblical poetry].
H. Bobzin, “Überlegungen zum althebräischen ‘Tempus’ system”, WO 7, 1973, 141-153 [on S.H. Siedl’s
book, Gedanken zum Tempussystem im Hebräischen und Akkadischen, 1971].
H. Cazelles, “Note sur l’origine des temps convertis hébreux d’après quelques textes ugaritiques”, RB 54,
1947, 388-393.
P. Cole, “Hebrew tense and the performative analysis”, in PCLS X, pp. 73-89.
Sv.-O. Dahlgren, “The relevance of tense and aspect in Semitic languages: the case of Hebrew and Arabic”,
in F. Josephson, In Sôhrman, eds, Interdependence of diachronic and synchronic analyses (Studies in
language companion series, 103), Amsterdam 2008, pp. 221-247.
V. DeCaen, “Ewald and Driver on Biblical Hebrew ‘aspect’: anteriority and the orientalist framework”,
ZAH 9, 1996, 129-151.
L. de Regt, “Tempus in het Bijbels Hebreeuws”, Glot 6, 1983, 247-275.
L.J. de Regt, “Hebrew verb forms in prose and in some poetic and prophetic passages: aspect,
sequentíality, mood and cognitive proximity”, ]NSL 34/1, 2008, 75-103.
M. Eskhult, Studies in verbal aspect and narrative technique in Biblical Hebrew prose,
Uppsala/Stockholm 1990 [rev.: ZAW 103, 1991, 152-153 (H.W Hoffmann); Biblica 72, 1991, 575-580
(F.I. Andersen); BSL 86, 1991, 247-248 (J. Margain); JAOS 112, 1992, 497-499 (M. O’Connor); OLZ
87, 1992, 543-544 (G. Begrich); ThQ 170, 1990, 307-308 (W. Gross); OLP 22, 1991, 237 (E.
Lipiński); ZAW 103/1, 1991, 152-153 (H.W. Hoffmann); ZDMG 142, 1992, 163-164 (D. Blohm); ZAW
103/1, 1991, 152-153 (H.W Hoffmann)].
G. Hatav, The Semantics of aspect und modality: evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew (SLCS; 34),
Amsterdam 1997.
R.S. Hendel, “In the margins of' the Hebrew verbal system: situation, tense, aspect, mood”, ZAH 9, 1996,
J. Joosten, “Workshop: meaning and use of the tenses in 1 Samuel 1”, in NSHB, pp. 72-83.
P. Kustár, Aspekt im Hebräischen (Theologische Dissetationen 9 (Diss. Basel)), Basel 1972 [rev.: AOH
27, 1973, 394-395 (T. Iványi)].
Fr. Matheus, Ein jegliches hat seine Zeit. Tempus und Aspekt im biblisch-hebräischen Verbalsystem,
(KUSATU B-1), Kamen 2011.
R. Meyer, “Aspekt und Tempus im althebräischen Verbalsystem”, OLZ 59, 1964, 117-126 [on occasion of
Fr. Rundgren’ work, Das althebräische Verbum. Abriss der Aspektlehre, 1961].
D. Michel, Tempora und Satzstellung in den Psalmen, Bonn 1960 [rec.: OLZ 65, 1970, 261-265 (H.
M. Mishor, “The present/future distinction in Hebrew: a diachronic view”, in WCJS 10/DI, pp. 77-84.
A.F. Rainey, “The Suffix Conjugation Pattern in Ancient Hebrew. Tense and Modal Function”, ANES 40,
2003 3-42.
O. Rössler, “Eine bisher unerkannte Tempusform im Althebräischen”, ZDMG 111, 1961, 445-451.
O. Rössler, “Zum althebräischen Tempussystem. Eine morpho-syntaktische Untersuchung”, in O. Rossler,
ed., Hebraica (Marburger Studien zur Afrika- und Asienkunde. B 4), Berlin [West] 1977, pp. 33-57
[rev.: WZKM 1979, 209 (G. Saucr)].
F. Rundgren, Das althebräische Verbum. Abriss der Aspektlehre, Stockholm 1961 [rev.: BSL 57, 1962,
188-192 (D. Cohen)].
P.P. Saydon, “The Use ot Tenses in Deutero-Isaiah”, Biblica 40, 1959, 290-301.
S. Segert, “Aspekte des althebräischen Aspektsystems”, AO 33, 1965, 93-104.
S.H. Siedl, Gedanken zum Tempussystem in Hebräischen und Akkadischen, Wiesbaden 1971 [rev.: BSL
69, 1974/2, 286-289 (D. Cohen); BZ 17 1973, 134-136 (W. Richter); ZA 62/2, 1973, 282-284 (W. von
Soden); OA 11, 1972, 321-323 (C. Zaccagnini); JNES 34, 1975, 146-147 (D. Marcus)].
C. Sinclair, “The valence of the Hebrew verb”, JANES 20, 1991, 63-81.
E. Talstra, “Tense, Mood, Aspect and Clause Connections in Biblcal Hebrew. A Textual Approach”, JNSL
23/2, 1997, 81-103.
G.J. Thierry, “Miscellanea Hebraica”, OTS 7, 1950, 143-148 [2. Bauer-Leander’s terminology on the
Hebrew “tempora”].
J. Tropper, “Althebräisches und semitisches Aspektsystem”, ZAH 11, 1998, 153-190.
J. Tropper, “Tempusmarkierung durch Wortstellung?”, ZAH 12, 1999, 104-106.
J. van der Ploeg, “L’usage du parfait et de l’imparfait comme moyen de datation dans le commentaire
d’Habacuc”, in Les manuscrits de la Mer Morte. Colloque de Strasbourg, 25-27 mai 1955. Paris 1957,
R.M. Voigt, “The tense-aspect system of Biblical Hebrew”, in WCJS 9, pp. 1-8.
B. Zuber, Das Tempusssytem der biblischen hebräischen. Untersuchung am Text (BZAW 164), Berlin
1986 [rev.: Biblica 68, 1987, 422-427 (W. Gross); BiOr 45/5-6, 1988, 632-638 (C.H.J. van der
Merwe); ThRev 84/5, 1988, 363-365 (H. Schweizer); ThQ 166, 1986, 148-150 (W. Gross); OLZ 84,
1989, 186-189 (J Körner); LibAnn 36, 1986, 397-405 (A. Niccacci); Syria 64, 1987 359 (A. Caquot)].
6A.9.4.6 Derived conjugations
6A. General
6A. Intensive (II/D)
C. Boisson, “Le theme verbal Picel de l’hébreu biblique, les universaux et le problème de l’invariant
linguistique”, in FdL 1, pp. 81-95.
W.T. Claassen, “On a recent proposal as to a distinction between Pi’el and Hiph’il”, JNSL I, 1971, 3-10.´
R. Degen, “Zur neueren hebraistischen Forschung”, WO 6, 1971, 47-79 [rev. art. on: (1) E. Jenni, Das
hebräische Picel, 1968; (2) B. Kluas, Alhebräische Grammatik, 1969; (3) R. Macuch, Grammatik des
samaritanisch Hebräisch, 1969].
J. Huehnergard, “Historical Phonology and the Hebrew Piel”, in W.R. Bodine, ed. Linguistics and Biblical
Hebrew, Winona Lake IN1992, pp. 209-229.
E. Jenni, Das hebräische Picel. Syntaktisch-semasiologische Untersuchung einer Verbalform im Alten
Testament, Zürich 1968 [rev.: RSO 43, 1968, 311-313 (J.A. Soggin); JBL 88, 1969, 212-214 (D.R.
Hillers); JSS 4, 1969, 260-262 (J.F.A. Sawyer); BiOr 27, 1970, 56-57 (J.H. Hospers); ZA 60, 1970,
176-179 (W. von Soden); ZDMG 120/1, 1970, 192-195 (K. Beyer); Syria 47, 1970, 174-175 (A.
Caquot); WO 6, 1971, 47-79 (R. Degen); OLZ 70, 1975, 367-371 (R. Meyer)].
E. Jenni, “Aktionsarten und Stammformen im Althebraischen: das Pi'el in verbesserter Sicht”, ZAH 13,
2000, 67-90.
J. Joosten, “The Functions of the Semitic D Stem: Biblical Hebrew Materials for a Comparative-Historical
Approach”, Or 67, 1998, 202-230.
6A. Causative (IV/C)
H.A. Brongers, “Das Zeitwort c¿l¿ und seine Derivate”, in Fs. Beek, pp. 30-40.
W.T. Claassen, “The declarative-estimative Hiphcil”, JNSL 2, 1972, 5-16.
M. Dahood, “Yiphil imperative yaÃÃ∞, in Isaiah 54, 2”, Or 46, 1977, 383-384.
M. Dahood, “Two yiphil causatives in Habakkuk 3, 13a”, Or 48, 1979, 258-259
W.R. Garr, “Denominal, Lexicalized hiphil Verbs”, in Fs. Huehnergard, pp. 51-58.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Die Wiedergabe des hebräischen Kausativs in der Vulgata”, ZAW 85, 1973,
G. Rendsburg, “Laqtîl infinitives: yiphcil or hiphcil?”, Or 51, 1982, 231-238.
A. Soggin, “Tracce di antichi causativi in š- realizzati como radici autonome in ebraico biblico”, AION 15,
1965, 17-30.
G.J. Thierry, “Miscellanea Hebraica”, OTS 7, 1950, 143-148 [1. A hypothesis on the origin of the Hifil].
Th.C. Vriezen, “Das Hiphil von ‘~mar in Deut. 26, 17-18”, JEOL 17, 1963, 207-210.
L. Wächter, “Reste von Safcel-Bildungen im Hebräischen”, ZAW 83, 1971, 380-389.
6A. Reflexive (V-VI, VIII/tD, Gt, N)
A.F. Bean, A phenomenological study of the Hithpa’el verbal stem in the Hebrew Old Testament, Diss.
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 1976 [DAb 37, 1976, 261-A].
J. Blau, “Über die t-Form des Hifcil im Bibelhebräisch”, VT 7, 1957, 385-388.
B.W.W. Dombrowski, “Some Remarks on the Hebrew Hitpacel and Inversative -t- in the Semitic
Languages”, JNES 21, 1962, 220-223.
J.M. Hutton, S. Marzouk, “The Morphology of the tg-Stem in Hebrew and tirgaltî in Hos 11:13.”, JHS 12,
2012, art. 9, pp. 1-41, on line.
J.M. Hutton, “Total or partial assimilation of derivational-*t (T) in biblical Hebrew hitpaʕel”, JNSL 37/2,
2011, 27-48.
A.D. Rubin, “Two peculiarities of niphal participles in Biblical Hebrew”, ]NSL 34/2, 2008,123130.
P.A. Siebesma, The Function of the Nipcal in Biblical Hebrew in Relationship to Other Passive-reflexive
Verbal Stems and to the Pucal and Hophcal in Particular (Studia Semititca Neerlandica, 28), Van
Gorcum 1991 [rev.: JThS 43, 1992, 563-564 (W.G.E. Watson); ZAW 105/2, 1993, 324-325 (G.
Begrich); JAOS 114/4, 1994, 669-671 Steven W. Boyd); BiOr 52/1-2, 1995, 7-100 (C.H.J. van der
E. A. Speiser, “The Durative Hithpacel: A tan-form”, JAOS 75, 1955, 118-121.
K. Termińska, “Kauzacja w klasycznym języku hebrajskim: morfologia, semantyka i problemy terminologiczne” (Causative fonns in classical Hebrew: morphology, semantics, and terminological problems),
in Fs. Polański, pp 234-246
S.B. Wheeler, “The infixed -t- in Biblical Hebrew”, JANES 3, 1970-71, 21-31.
6A. Others
J. Blau, “Studies in Hebrew verb formation”, HUCA 42, 1971, 133-158 [B. The origins of the pôlel/pôcel
themes of the verba 2-w/y and 2-gem].
Y. Greenberg, “Event Internal Pluractionality in Modern Hebrew: A Semantic Analysis of the One Verbal
Reduplication Pattern”, BAALL 2, 2010, 119-164.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Die Stammbildung qôðel als Übersetzungproblem”, ZATW 93, 1981, 254-279.
S. Morag, “The p¿cēl and hitp¿cēl Verbal Stems” (Heb.), Tarbiz 26, 1956-57, 349-356.
S. Morag, “More on the Subject of p¿cēl and hitp¿cēl” (Heb.)”, Tarbiz 27, 1957-58, 556.
E./E. Qimron, “The origin of the nufcal conjugation” (Heb.), Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 178-179.
A. Rubín, “A note on the conjugation of l”h verbs in the derived patterns”, ZAH 14, 2001, 34-42.
J.F.A. Sawyer, “Types of prayer in the Old Testament: Some semantic observations on hitpallel,
hit9annen, etc”, Semitics 7, 1980, 131-143.
D.T. Tsumura, “Niphal with an intemal object in Habakkuk 3; 9a”, JSS 31, 1986, 11-16.
I. Vannay, The quadriradical verb in the Hebrew language, Ph. D. Diss., Univ. of California, Los
Angeles, 1970 DAb 31/8, Febr. 1971, 448-A].
R.J. Williams, “The Passive Qal Theme in Hebrew”, in J. W. Wevers -D. B. Redford, eds., Essays on the
Ancient Semitic World, Toronto 1970, pp. 43-50.
R. J. Williams, “Energic verbal forms in Hebrew”, in Fs. Winnett, pp. 75-85.
R. J. Williams, “The passive Qal theme in Hebrew”, in EASW, pp. 43-50.
I. Yannai, “Augmented verbs in Biblical Hebrew”, HUCA 45, 1974, 71-95.
T. Zewi, A syntactical study of verbal forms affixed by -n(n) endings in classical Arabic,Biblical Hebrew,
El-Amarna Akkadian and Ugaritic (AOAT 260), Münster 1999.
6A.9.5. Particles
6A.9.5.0 General
M. Azab, “Les particules de corroboration dans la traduction hébraïque du Coran par Y. Riveline”, REEH
5, 2001, 13-32.
J. Cantineau, “L’enclise au verbe en hébreu biblique”, AnnIPhO 13, 1953 (Mél. Lévy), 35-41.
S.J. Croatto, “L’article hébreu et les particules emphatiques dans le sémitique de l’ouest”, AO 39, 1971,
F. Díaz Esteban, “’Más que’ o ‘de’ todos mis maestros: Salmo 119,99: del comparativo bíblico al locativo
post-bíblico”, Sefarad 46, 1986, 143-149.
I. Eitan, “Hebrew and Semitic Particles”, AJSL 44 (1928) 177-205, 254-260; 45 (1929) 48-63, 130-145,
197-211; 46 (1930) 22-50.
Z. Frajzyngier-K. Tamar, “Functions of Propositional Relators”, Fs. Leslau I, pp. 449-460.
E. Haber, “Significance of the interchanging of the mono-consonantal prepositions in Biblical Hebrew:
Rabbibic and comparative Semitic evidence”, Maarav 16, 2009, 29-37.
B. Hartmann, “‘Es gibt keine Kraft und keine Macht ausser bei Gott’. Zur Kopula im Hebräischen”, OTS
14, 1965, 115-121.
B. Isaksson, ed., Circumstantial Qualifiers in Semitic: The Case of Arabic and Hebrew,[rev.: RBL
10/7/2011, http://www.bookreviews.org (J. Kaltner)].
T. Muraoka, Emphatic words and structures in Biblical Hebrew, Jerusalem/Leiden 1985 [Revised and
expanded version of the author’s Ph.D. Thesis] (Jerusalem, 1969) [rev.: VT 37, 1987, 253-254 (J.A.
E[merton); CBQ 49, 1987, 486-488 (A. Gianto); JBL 106, 1987, 528-529 (Z. Garber); JSS 33, 1988,
267-269 (P.C.H. Wernberg-Møller); ZAW 100, 1988, 462-463 (H.W. Hoffmann)].
F.A. Pennacchietti, “Preposizioni semitíche tra diacronia e sincronia: il caso dell'arabo e
dell'ebraico bíblico”, AuOr 26, 2008, 145~161.
R.M. Serra, “Algunos posibles ejemplos de interferencia de preposiciones en el hebreo bíblico”, Clar. 6,
1966, 294-317.
D.D. Testen, Parallels in Semitic Linguistics. The Development of Arabic la- and Related Semitic
Particles (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 26), Leiden 1998.
G.J. Thierry, “Notes on Hebrew Grammar and Etymology”, OTS 9, 1951, 1-17 [(I) hµd. (2) ’el-. (3) *kūn.
(4) waw copulativum and consecutivum. (5) yacan-. (6) Psalm XXIII. (7) Kaftor. (8) m. (9) úay].
D. Timmer, “Small Lexemes, Large Semantics: Prepositions and Theology in the Golden Calf Episode
(Exodus 32.34)”, Biblica 88, 2007, 92-99.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “The vague term emphasis”, JS/TS 1, 1989, 118-132.
C.H.J. van der Merwe: “Old Hebrew particles and the interpretation of Old Testament texts” - JSOT 60,
1993, 27-44.
C.H.J. van Der Merwe, “Another Look at the Biblical Hebrew Focus Particle”, JSS 54, 2009, 313-332
W.F. Weigel, “Morphosyntactic toggles “, CLS 29, 1993, 467-478.
R. Wonneberger, “Zur Syntax und Pragmatik der Partikel im Bereich der Bibel”, in H. Weydt, ed., Die
Partikel der deutschen Sprache, Berlin 1979, pp. 488-499 (Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek).
6A.9.5. x x /’yl’/ /’m l/
6A.9.5.1. /’yl’/ /’m l/ /’m/
R. Althann, “Hebrew-Ugaritic ’im, ‘if’”, Biblica 58, 1977, 525-526.
Bl.W. Conklin, “Translating the Hebrew Particle ky ’m into Aramaic and English: An
Exploration through the Targums and the Peshitta”, in APJECh, pp. 173-190.
U. Mor, “/’yl’/ /’m l/”, Leshonenu 70, 2008, 167-184.
6A.9.5.2. ’iš
G.A. Rendsburg, “The Particle of Existence ’iš” (Heb.), MehLa 9, 2003-2004, 251-255, xv-xvi.
6A.9.5.3. /’t/
R. Althann, “Does ´et (´aet) sometimes signify
‘from’ in the Hebrew Bible?”, ZAW 103, 1991, 121-124.
J. Blau, “Zum angeblichen Gebrauch von ‘t vor dem Nominativ”, VT 4, 1954, 7-19.
J. Blau, “Gibt es ein emphatisches ’ēt im Bibelhebräisch?”, VT 6, 1956, 211-212.
A.B. Dolgopolsky, “On the origin of the Hebrew nota accusativi §et - §ɛt and the í-accusative in Akkadian,
Agaw and Saho”, in A9GSCSI, pp. 43-46.
J. Elwolde: “The use of ’ēt in non-biblical Hebrew texts”, VT 44, 1994, 170- 182.
W.R. Garr, “Affectedness, aspect, and Biblical ’et”, ZAH 4, 1991, 119- 134.
Y. Gruntfest, “’t with ‘Nominative’ in Terms of Fillmore’s Theory of Cases”, in Fs. Avishur, pp. 63*-79*.
J. Hoftijzer, “Remarks concerning the use of the particle ‘t in classical Hebrew”, OTS 14, 1965, 1-99.
A.M. Honeyman, “The So-Called Nota Accusativi in Biblical Hebrew”, TGUOS 12, 1944-1946, 48.
H. Jenni, “Die sogenannte nota accusativi im biblischen Hebräisch”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 143-184.
P. Kirtchuk, “/?et/ ou ne pas /?et/: l’actant Y en hébreu et au-dela”, Actances 7, 1993, 91-137.
H. van Loon, “The variational use of the particle ʔ ḥ w ith subject and direct object”, JNSL 38/1, 2012, 93114.
R. Meyer, “Bemerkungen zur syntaktischen Funktion der sogenannten nota accusativi”, in Fs. Elliger, pp.,
P.P. Saydon, Meanings and uses of the particle ‘t”, VT 14, 1964, 192-210.
N. Walker, “Concerning the Function of ’ēth”, VT 5, 1955, 314-315.
6A.9.5.4. /’wly/
W. Reader, “The Adverb ’wly (‘Perhaps’) in the Piety and Prophecy of the Hebrew Bible and Early
Versions”, in APFEACh, pp. 127-171).
6A.9-5.5. /’z/
M.J. Mulder, Die Partikel ´AZ als Konjunktion und Interjektion im biblischen Hebräisch. -- [757], 132142,
I. Rabinowitz, “’āz followed by imperfect verb-form in preterite contexts: a redactional device in Biblical
Hebrew”, VT 34, 1984, 53-62.
6A.9.5.6. /cl/
M. Dahood, “Can one plow without oxen? (Amos 6:12): A study of ba- and ‘al”, in Fs. Gordon 1980. pp.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Die bipolare Position von cl im Ug. und Hebr.”, in UF 18, 1986, 449-450.
J.C. Greenfield, “The Prepositions cad/cal in Aram. and Hebr.”, BSOAS 40, 1977, 371-372.
6A.9.5.7. /cm/
K.B. Starkova, “Upotreblenie predloga ¨im v >Blagodarstvennych gimnach= i >ustave= Kurnranskoj
obiš…iny”, in M.A. Dandamaiev, V.A. Livšic, eds, Peredneaziatskij sbornik. III. Istorija i filologija
stran drevnego Vostoka, Moskva 1979, pp. 208-211.
C. van Leeuwen, “Die Partikel ‘IM”, OTS 18, 1973, 15-48.
6A.9.5.8. /b/
C. Brekelmans, “Some considerations on the translation of the Psalms by M. Dahood. I. The preposition b
= “from” in the Psalms according to M. Dahood”, UF 1, 1969. 5-I4.
M. Dahood, “Can one plow without oxen? (Amos 6:12): A study of ba- and ‘al”, in Fs. Gordon 1980. pp.
M. Dahood, “Causal beth and the root NKR in Nahum 3.4”, Biblica 52, 1971, 395-396.
J.C. Greenfield, “The Prepositions b ... taúat... in Jes 57,5”, ZAW 73, 1961, 226-228.
E. Jenni, Die hebraischen Präpositionen. Bd. 1: Die Praposition Beth, Stuttgart 1992 [rev.: ThQ 172,
1992, 328-329 (W. Gross); ThZ 49, 1993, 366-368 (B. Rüdiger); JBL 113/3, 1994, 315-316 (S. A.
Meier); ZAW 106/1, 1994, 159 (G. Begrich) | ThL 118/9, 1993, 731-733 (J. Körner).
L.N. Manross, “’Beth Essentiae’“, JBL 73, 1954, 238-239.
H.-P. Müller, “Das Beth existentiae im Althebräischen”, in Fs. Von Soden 1995, pp. 361-378.
M. Oren, “On partitive mn and b- in Biblical Hebrew”, JNSL 37/2, 2011, 69-82.
N. M. Sarna, “The Interchange of the Prepositions beth and min in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 78, 1959, 310316.
G. Schmuttermayr, “Ambivalenz und Aspektdifferenz. Bemerkungen zu den hebräischen Präpositionen b,
l und mn”, BZ 15, 1971, 29-51.
6A.9.5.9. /gm/
Chr.H.J. van der Merwe, “Another look at the Biblical Hebrew focus particle gam”, JSS 54/2, 2009,
6A.9.5.10. /hn, hnn/
L. Alonso Schökel, “Nota estilística sobre la particula HINEH”, Biblica 37, 1956, 74-80.
F.I. Andersen, “Lo and Behold! Taxonomy and Translation of Biblical Hebrew hinnēh”, in Fs. Muraoka,
pp. 25-56.
J. Eidelkind, “The Particle hinnēh/hēn in Biblical Dialogue and Narrarive”, Biblia 1, 1998, 271-279.
C. J. Labuschagne, “The particles HEN and HINEH”, OTS 18, 1973, 1-I4.
Y. Lerner, “The use of ’t as it developed in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 81-93.
J. Macdonald, “The particle ‘t in classical Hebrew: Some new data on its use with the nominative”, VT 14,
1964, 264-275.
D.J. McCarthy, “The uses of wehinnēh in Biblical Hebrew”, Biblica 61, 1980, 330-342.
D.M. Stec, “The use of hēn in conditional sentences”, VT 37, 1987, 478-486.
J. Tropper, “Die hebräische Partikel hinneh ‘siehe!’. Morphologische und syntaktische probleme”,
KUSATU 3, 2002, 81-121.
I. Zatelli, “Analysis of lexemes from a conversational prose text : hnh as signal of a performative utterance
in 1 Sam. 25:41”, ZAH 7, 1994, 5-11.
T. Zewi, “The Participles hinneh and wěhinneh in Several Bible Translations”, FO 47, 2010, 181-191.
6A.9.5.11. /k/
A. Aejmelaeus, “Function and interpretation of ky in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 105, 1986, 193-209.
F.I. Andersen, “A short note on construct k in Hebrew”, Biblica 50, 1969, 68-69.
B.L. Bandstra: The syntax of the particle ky in Biblical Hebrew and Ugaritic, Diss Yale Univ. 1982 [DAb
43/12. 1983, 3893-A].
A. Benigni, “The Biblical Hebrew particle ky from a discourse analysis perspective”, ZAH 12/2, 1999, 126145.
W.T. Claassen, “Speaker-oriented functions of kî in Biblical Hebrew”, JNSL 11, 1983, 29-46.
M. Dahood, “Ezekiel 19, 10 and relative kî”, Biblica 56, 1975, 96-99.
M. Dahood, “Vocative kî and wa in Biblical Hebrew”, MUSJ 48, 1973-74 (1977), 49-63.
T. Frankfort, “Le KI de Joel I I2”, VT 10, 1960, 445-448.
E. Jenni, Die hebräischen Präpositionen. Bd. 2. Die Präposition Kaph, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer 1994 - 195
[rev. :| ThL 120, 1995, 876-878 (J. Körner); ThZ 52, 1996, 91-92 (B. Rüdiger); BiOr 53, 1996, 761-763
(T. Muraoka) (1); BiOr 57, 2000, 682-683 (T. Muraoka) (2)].
J. Muilenburg, “The Linguistic and Rhetorical Usages of the Particle ky in the Old Testament”, HUCA 32,
1961, 135-160.
A. Schoors, “Emphatic or asseverative k in Koheleth”, in Fs. Hospers, pp. 209-215.
A. Schoors, “The particle ky”, in RAW, pp. 240-276.
T. C. Vriezen, “Einige Notizen zur Übersetzung des Bindewortes k§“, ZAWB 77 (Fs. Eissfeldt), p. 266-273.
J. Wehrle, “Zur syntaktisch-semantischen Funktion der PV k·= mcat in Ijob 32, 22”, BN 55, 1990, 77-95.
J. Wehrle, “Die PV k· = mcat als Indikator für den Satzmodus in Sprechakten” , in Fs. Richter, pp. 577594.
6A.9.5.12. /ky/
Bl.W. Conklin, “Translating the Hebrew Particle ky ’m into Aramaic and English: An Exploration through
the Targums and the Peshitta”, in APJECh, pp. 173-190.
J. Elwolde, “Mal 2:16, Hebrew ky, and the proper condemnation of divorce”, JNSL 7/1, 2011, 91-107.
6A.9.5.13. /l/
H. Cazelles, “La question du ‘lamed auctoris’“, RB 56, 1949, 93-101.
B. Couroyer, “A propos d=Exode, II,14”, RB 89, 1982, 48-51. [vocative lamedh in Ex 2 :14]]
M. Dahood, “Enclitic mem and Emphatic lamedh in Psalm 85”, Biblica 37, 1956, 338-340.
M. Dahood, “Vocative lamedh in the Psalter”, VT 16, 1966, 299-311.
M. Dahood, “Vocative lamedh in 1 Kings 19,10.14”, Biblica 54, 1973, 407-408.
M. Dahood, “Emphatic lamedh in Jer 14:21 and Ezek 34:29”, CBQ 37, 1975, 340-341.
M. Dahood, “Vocative lamedh in Exodus 2,14 and merismus in 34,21”, Biblica 62, 1981, 413-415.
M. Dahood, A. Magnante, L. Provera, “Instrumental lamedh in II Samuel 3, 34” Biblica 61, 1980, 261.
M. Dahood, “Vocative LAMEDH in the psalter”, VT 16, 1966, 299-311.
B. Jongeling, “La préposition L dans I Samuel 16:7”, in Fs. Hospers, pp. 95-99.
P.D. Miller Jr., AVocative lamed in the Psalter: a reconsideration@, UF 11, 1979 (1980), 617-637.
F. Nötscher, “Zum emphatischen Lamed”, VT 3, 1953, 372-380.
M. Pope, “Vestiges of vocative lamedh in the Bible”, UF 20, 1988 (1989), 2-01-207.
C. Rabin, “L- with imperative (Gen. XXIII)”, JSS 13, 1968, 113-124.
G. Ruiz, “Lamed y bet enfáticos y lamed vocativo en Deuteroisaías”, in Fs. Prado, pp. 147-161.
G. Schmuttermayr, “Ambivalenz und Aspektdifferenz. Bemerkungen zu den hebräischen Präpositionen b,
l und mn”, BZ 15, 1971, 29-51.
6A.9.5.14. /-m/
CH. Cohen, “The Enclitic-mem in Biblical Hebrew: Its Existnce and Initial Discovery”, in Fs. Weinfeld,
pp. 231-260.
M. Dahood, “Enclitic mem and Emphatic lamedh in Psalm 85”, Biblica 37, 1956, 338-340.
H.D. Hummel, “Enclitic mem in Early Northwest Semitic, especially Hebrew”, JBL 76, 1957, 85-107.
G. Ruiz, “Lamed y bet enfáticos y lamed vocativo en Deuteroisaías”, in Fs. Prado, pp. 147-161.
N. M. Sarna, “Some Instances of the Enclitic -m in Job”, JJewS 6, 1955, 108-110.
6A.9.5.15. /mn/
M. Oren, “On partitive mn and b- in Biblical Hebrew”, JNSL 37/2, 2011, 69-82.
6A.9.5.16. /p/
K. Aartun, “Textüberlieferung und vermeintliche Belege der Konjunktion pV im Alten Testament”, UF
10, 1978 (1979), 1-13.
M. Anbar, “p (Isaiah 8:7)”, ErIs 24, 1993, 158-160.
M. Dahood, “The conjunction pa in Hosea 7, 1”, Biblica 57, 1976, 247-248.
6A.8.5.17. /w/
D.W. Baker, “Further examples of the w_w explicativum”, VT 30, 1980, 129-136.
B.L. Bandstra, Barry L.: Marking turns in poetic text: waw in the Psalms [873], 45-52. [1996]
F.R. Blake, “The Hebrew Waw Conversive”, JBL 63, 1944, 271-295.
H.A. Brongers, “Alternative Interpretationen des sogenannten Waw copulativum”, ZAW 90, 1978, 273277.
J.A. Cook, “The Vav-Prefixed Verb Forms in Elementary Hebrew Grammar”, Journal of Hebrew
Scriptures, 8, 2008, (Article 3)
M. Dahood, “Vocative kî and wa in Biblical Hebrew”, MUSJ 48, 1973-74 (1977), 49-63.
M. Dahood, “Vocative waw in Psalm 30,9”, Biblica 58, 1977, 218.
B.Z. Dinur, “The Specifying waw in the Bible and its Meaning” (Heb.), Leshonenu 22, 1957-58, 199-204.
H.L. Eddleman, Waw consecutive and the consecution of tenses as reflected by eight-century Hebrew,
Doct. Diss. Soutllern Baptist Univ. 1943.
J.C.L.Gibson, “The vav consecutive”, in Fs. Lipiński, pp. 93-100.
B. Johnson, Hebräisches Perfekt und Imperfekt mit vorangehendem we (Coniectanea Biblica: Old
Testament S.13), Lund 1979.
J. Margain, “Le “-ah de direction” en hébreu”, GLECS 14, 1969-1970, 1-17.
B.A. Mastin, “Wa-w explicativum in 2 Kings VIII 9”, VT 34, 1984, 353-355.
C.L. Miller, “The pragmatics of waw as a discourse marker in Biblical Hebrew dialogue”, ZAH 12, 1999,
H.-P. Müller, “Nicht-junktiver Gebrauch von w- im Althebräschen”, ZAH 7, 1994, 141-174.
M. Pope, “‘Pleonastic’ Wāw before Nouns in Ugaritic and Hebrew”, JAOS 73, 1953 95-98 [see E.Vogt,
Biblica 34, 1953, 560].
E./E. Qimron, “Consecutive and conjunctive imperfect: the form of the imperfect with waw in Biblical
Hebrew”, JQR 77, 1986-87, 149-161.
U. Ornan, “Waw connective – a Consonantal Forever” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 55-64.
L. Prijs, “Ein ‘Waw der Bekraftigung’ ?”, BZ 8, 1964, 105-109.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Ebl. Ù-MA and Hebr. WM-“, in Eblaitica I pp. 33-41..
E.J. Revell, “Stress and the waw ‘consecutive’ in Biblical Hebrew”, JAOS 104/3, 1984, 437-444.
E. J. Revell, “The conditioning of stress position in waw consecutive perfect forms in Biblica1 Hebrew”,
HAR 9, 1985, 277-300.
H. B. Rosén, “Aspect and Tense in Biblical Hebrew (The status of the so-called ‘conversive w¿w’)”
(Heb.), in Fs. Biram, pp. 205-218.
V. Sasson, “Some observations en the use and original purpose of the waw con secutive in Old Aramaic
and Biblical Hebrew”, VT 47, 1997, 111-127.
G. M. Schramm, “A Reconstruction of Biblical ‘Waw Consecutive’“, GL 3, 1, 1957, 1-8.
M.H. Silverman, “Syntactic notes on the waw consecutive”, in Fs. Gordon 1973, pp. 167-175.
M.S. Smith, The origins and development of the waw-consecutive. Northwest Semitic Evidence from
Ugarit to Qumran (HSS 39), Atlanta GA 1991 / repr. Winona Lake IN 2009 [rev.: BiOr 50, 1993,
450-451 (B. Johnson); CBQ 55/3, 1993, 557-558 (Ph.C. Schmitz); ZAW 105, 1993, 149-150 (G.
Begrich); Hebrew Studies 34, 1993, 202-206 (G.A. Rendsbuirg); BZ 39/2, 1995, 305 (J. Maier)].
G. Vanoni, “Zur Bedeutung der althebräischen Konjunktion w = : Am Beispiel von Psalm 149,6”, in Fs.
Richter, pp. 561-576.
C. Wallace, “WM- in Nehemiah 5:11”, in Eblaitica I, p. 31.
P. Wernberg-Møller, “‘Pleonastic’ waw in Classical Hebrew”, JSS 3, 1958, 321-326.
P. Wilton: “More cases of waw explicativum”, VT 44/1, 1994, 125-128.
T. Zewi, “Is There a wāw al-ma‘iyyah in Biblical Hebrew?”, JANES 32, 2012, 145-156
6A.9.5.18. Others
6A. Consecutive/Adversative
H. A. Brongers, “Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch des adverbialen wecattŒh im Alten Testament (Ein lexicologischer Beitrag)”, VT 15, 1965, 289-299.
H. A. Brongers, “Die Partikel lĕmacan in der biblisch-hebräischen Sprache”, OTS 18, 1973, 84-96.
R. Frankena, “Einige Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch des Adverbs cal-ken im Hebräischen”, in Fs.Vriezen,
pp. 94-99.
W.R. Garr, “’BL in Biblical Hebrew and Beyond: Part I”, in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 265-290.
F.I. Goldbaum, “Two Hebrew quasi-advers: lkn and ‘kn”, JNES 23, 1964, 132-135.
D.E. Gowan, “The use of yacan in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 21, 1971, 168-185.
B. Jongeling, “l¿kēn dans l’Ancien Testament”, in RAW, pp. 190-200.
A. Laurentin, “Wecattah - kai nun. Formule caractéristique des textes juridiques et liturgiques (à propos de
Jean 17, 5), 2815.[1966]
H. Lehnhard, “Über den Unterschied zwischen lkn und ‘l-kn”, ZAW 95, 1983, 269-272.
M.J. Mulder, “Die Partikel yacan”, OTS 18,1973, 49-83.
F.A. Pennacchietti, “La congiunzione ebraica ‘pen’”, AuOr 29, 2011, 89-98.
6A. Emphatic/asseverative
H.A. Brongers, “Some remarks on the Biblical particle helµ’”, in RAW, pp. 177-189.
J. Cheryl Exum, “Asseverative ’al in Canticles 1,6?”, Biblica 62, 1981, 416-419.
D. Doron, “The meaning of hky in Hebrew”, in Fs. Ratzaby, pp. 19-33.
O. Eissfeldt, “Hebräisches ah und ugaritisches ay als Steigerungs-Afformative”, in Fs. Dupont-Sommer,
pp. 185-189 (= KlSch V, p. 213-215).
W.R. Garr, “The Paragogic nun in Rhetorical Perspective”, in BHNWSS, pp. 65-74..
P. Gordis, “The asseverative Kaph in Ugaritic and Hehrew”, JAOS 63, 1943, 176-178..
H. Gottlieb, “The Hebrew particle nâ”, AcOr 33, 1971, 47-54.
M. Greenberg, “The Hebrew Oath Particle îay/îe”, JBL 76, 1957, 34-39.
St.A. Kaufman, “An emphatic plea for please”, Maarav 7, 1991, 195-198 [on meaning and use of the
enclitic particle nā§].
H.-J. Krause, “hôj als prophetische Leichenklage über das eigene Volk im 8.Jahrhundert”, ZAW 85, 1973,
C. J. Labuschagne, “The emphasizing particle gam and its connotations”, in Fs. Vriezen), 193-203.
A. Moshavi, "Rhetorical Question or Assertion? The Pragmatics of ‫ הֲ&א‬in Biblical Hebrew", JANES 32,
2012, 91-105.
M.J. Mulder, “Die Partikei ken im Alten Testament”, in RAW, pp. 201-227.
J. Niehaus, “The use of lûlē in Psalm 27”, JBL 98, 1979, 88-89.
J. Tropper, “Die Vokativpartikel ya” im Hebräischen”, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003, 168-171.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, Pragmatics and the transIation value of gam. -JS/TS 4/2, 1992, 181-199.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, The Old Hebrew particle gam: a syntactic-semanti description of gam in Gn-2 Kg.
(Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im Alten Testament, 34), St. Ottilien 1990 [rev.: ZAW 103, 1991, 162
(H. Hoffmann); ThRev 87, 1991, 280-281 (K.F.D. Römheld); CBQ 54/2, 1992, 336-337 (Gr. Vall); VT
44/1, 1994, 142 (H.G.M. WiIliamson)].
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “The Old Hebrew ‘particles’ 'ak and raq (in Genesis to 2 Kings)”, in Fs. Ricter,
pp. 297-311.
G. Wanke, “‘ôi und hôi”, ZAW 78, 1966, 215-218.
C.F. Whitley, “Has the particle šm an asseverative force?”, Biblica 55, 1974, 394-398.
C. F. Whitley, “The positive force of the Hebrew particle BL”, ZAW 84, 1972, 213-219.
C.F. Whitley, “Some remarks on lû and lo’“, ZAW 87, 1975, 202-204.
6A. Locative
J. Barr, “Some notes on ben ‘between’ in classical Hebrew”, JSS 23, 1978, 1-22.
K. G. Cereteli, “K voprosu o proischoñdenii mestnogo padeña (lokativa) v drevneevrejskom i aramejskom
jazykach”, KSINA 72, 1963. 32-36 (On the origin of the locative in Hebrew and Aramaic).
J.F. Drinkard, “‘al penê as ‘east of’”, JBL 98, 1979, 285-286.
J. Hoftijzer, A search for method. A study in the syntactic use of the h-locale in Classical Hebrew. With
the collaboration of H. R. Van der Laan, N.P. de Koo (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics
12), Leiden 1981.
H.M. Orlinsky, “The Biblical Prepositions ‘táúat’, ‘ben’, ‘bácad’ and the Pronouns ‘anū’ and ‘zµ’t¿h’”,
HUCA 17, 1942-43.
M. Rosik, “The meaning and the function of He-local”, The Polish Journal of biblical research (Kraków)
1, 2001, 207-212 I Pol.
S. Speier, “On Hebrew cad meaning ‘at, by, near’“, BASOR 126, 1952, 27 [addition to H. L. Ginsberg’s
article, BASOR 122 & 124].
6A. Negative
M. cAzab, “Iškāliyat nafy al-ficl bi-‘lam’ fi carabīyat al-Qur’an maca muqārana bi-n-nafy fi cibrīyat al-’Ahd
al-qadīm”, in V.A. Plungjan, A.Ju. Urmačieva, eds, Jaziky mira, tipologija, uralistika: pamjati T.
Ždanovoj, Moskva 2002, pp. 737-760[Comparison of the verbal negation lam in the Qur’an with the
verbal negation in Biblical Hebrew].
R. Borger, “bal und lo’ = ‘noch nicht’, ‘kaum’, ‘eben erst’”, ZAH 2, 1989, 86-90.
É. Puech, “Un emploi méconnu de wl’ en araméen et en hébreu ”, RB 91, 1984, 88-101.
J.A. Soggin, “La ‘negazione’ in Geremia 4, 27 e 5, 10a, cfr. 5, 18b.”, Biblica 46, 1965, 56-59.
N.J. Tromp, “The Hebrew particle bal”, RAW, pp. 277-287.
Th. C. Vriezen, “Opmerkingen over gebruik en betekenis van de negatie ´ajin-´n”, in Fs. Hulst, pp. 187203.
R. Weiss, “On the use of the negative l’ in the Bible” (Heb.), ErIs 14, 1978, 148-154.
C.F. Whitley, “Some remarks on lû and lo’“, ZAW 87, 1975, 202-204.
6A. Others
H.L. Ginsberg, “A Preposition of Interest to Historical Geographers”, BASOR 122, 1951, 12-14; 124,
1951, 29-30 [on the Hebrew preposition caÄ].
A.M. Honeyman, “Iḏ, ḏã and Psalm LXII 12”, VT 11, 1961, 248-250.
E. Jenni, “Adverbiale Zeitbestimmungen in klassischen Hebráisch”, ZAH 17-20-2004-2007, 92-108.
B. Jongeling, “La particule RQ”, OTS 18, 1973, 97-107.
C.R. Krahmalkov, “The enclitic particle ta/i in Hebrew”, JBL 89, 1970, 218-219.
R. Rendtorff, “Sorne observations on the use of ’l in the Hebrew Bible”, ErIs 24, 1993, 192*-196* .
N.H. Snaith, “The meaning of the Hebrew ’ak” VT 14, 1964, 221-225.
6A.10.0. General
F.I. Andersen, “Hebrew Grammar Visualised: I. Syntax”, ANES 40, 2003, 43-61.
F-I. Andersen, A.D. Forbes, “Methods and tools for the study of Old Testament syntax”, in Actes du
second colloque international: Bible et informatique: méthodes, outils, résultats, Jérusalem, 9-13 juin
1988, Paris/Genève 1989, pp. 61-72.
F.I. Andersen, A.D. Forbes, “On marking clause boundaries”, in A3CIBI, pp. 181-202.
F.I. Andersen, A.D. Forbes, “Syntactic ambiguity in the Hebreu Bible”, in A4CIBI, pp. 356-367.
A. Behrens, “Die ‘syntaktische Wiederaufname’ als text-grammatuisches Phänomen im biblischen
Hebräisch”, KUSATU 6, 2006, 1-32.
K. Beyer, “Althebräische Syntax in Prosa und Poesie”, in G. Jeremias et al., ed., Tradition und Glaube.
Das frühe Christentumin seiner Umwelt. Festgabe für Karl Georg Kuhn zum 65. Geburgstag.
Göttingen 1971, pp. 76-96.
C. Brockelmann, Hebräische Syntax, Neukirchen 1956 [rev.: ThLZ 83, 1958, 346-347 (R. Meyer); Paideia
14, 1959, 155 (G. Rinaldi); Kirjath Sepher 32, 1957-58, 458-461 (J. Blau); JSS 2, 1957, 389-391 (D.
W. Thomas); AO 26, 1958, 695-697 (S. Segert) BiOr 17, 1960, 246-247 (A.S. van der Woude)].
R. Buth, “Functional grammar, Hebrew and Aramaic: an integrated, textlinguistic approach to syntax”, in
DABL, pp. 77-102.
R. Buth, “Contextualizing constituent as topic, non-sequential background and dramatic pause : Hebrew
and Aramaic evidence”, in E. Engber-Pedersen et al., Function and expression in functional grammar
(Functional grammar series, 16), Berlin 1994, pp. 215-231.
L. Charlap, “on some types of ambiguity in the Biblical text: a textual-semantic aspect seen through the
exegesis of Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra 1 A syntactic analysis” (Heb.), HeLi 45, 1999, 37-52.
M. Eskhult, “Text structure in focus: a discussion of Alviero Niccacci’s Lettura sintattica della prosa
ebraico-biblica”, OS 40, 1991, 95-101.
St.E. Fassberg, Studies in biblical syntax (Heb.) (Publications of the Perry Foundation for Biblical
Research in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Jerusalem 5754/1994 [rev.: CBQ 58, 1996, 513-514
(Frederick E. Greenspahn)].
St.E.Fassberg, “Sequences of Positive Commands in Biblical Hebrew”, in BHNWSS, pp. 51-64.
T. J. Fineey, “The proposal in Biblical Hebrew: preliminary studies using a deep structure model”, ZAH 2,
1989, 1-13.
A.D. Forbes, “Syntactic sequences in the Hebrew Bible”, in E.G. Conrad, E.G. Newing, eds, Perspetives
on language and text: essays and poems inhonour of Francis I. Andersen’s sixtieth birthday, Winona
Lake IN 1987, pp. 59- 70.
S. García-Jalón de la Lama, “De sintaxi hebraeorum: un apéndice del ms. G-16-II de la Biblioteca de
El Escorial”, Helmantica 55, 2004, 7-20.
J.C.L. Gibson, Davidsons introductory Hebrew grammar. Syntax, Edinburgh 19943.
D. Gonzalo Maeso, “Caracteres fundamentales de la sintaxis hebrea”, MEAH 2, 1962, 3-18.
W. Gross, “Satzteilfolge – Aufmerksamkeitsleistung – Gedankenführunr”, KUSATU 4, 2004, 33-66.
H. Harmsen, “Syntactical parsing and actants analysis: the clause as the basic linguistic unit in the discurse
structure of Deuteronomy 8”, in A4CIBI, pp. 129-139.
C.J. Labuschagne, C. van Leeuwen et al., Syntax and meaning. Studies, in Hebrew syntax ..., Leiden 1973
[rev.: OLZ 74, 1979, 453-454 (G. Wallis)].
J. Levi, Die Inkongruenz im biblischen Hebräisch. Wiesbaden 1987 [Diss. Heidelberg Univ.] [rev.:
LibAnn 38, 1988, 480-483 (A. Niccacci); JBL 108/3, 1989, 499-501 (G.A. Rendshurg); JQR 81, 199091, 501-503 (B. Zuber); VT 41, 1991, 382-38 (J.A. E[merton]); ZAW 101, 1989, 161 (H.W.
Hoffmann); JBL 108, 1989, 499-501 (G.A. Rendsburg); CBQ 53/4, 1991, 676-678 (G.A. Hamilton)].
G. Liedke, Gestalt und Bezeichnung alttestamentlicher Rechtssätze. Eine formgeschichtlich-terminologische Studie, Diss. Heidelberg 1968, Neukirchen 1971 (= Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum
Alten und Neuen Testament 39) [rev.: BZ 14, 1970, 135-136 (W. Richter)].
K.E. Lowery, “The role of semantics in the adequacy of syntactic models of Biblical Hlebrew”, in
A4CUBI, pp. 101-128.
Z. Malisdorf, Sentential complements in Hebrew, Diss. City Univ. of New York 1975 [DAb 36, 1976,
Th.J, Meek, “The Syntax of the Sentence in Hebrew”, JBL 64, 1945, 1-13.
D. Michel, Grundlegung einer hebräischen Syntax. I. Sprachwissen- schaftliche Methodik. Genus und
Numerus des Nomens, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1977 [BiOr 37, 1980, 211-214 (U. Talstra); CBQ 46,
1984,766-767 (G. T. Sheppard); BiOr 63, 2006, 448-467 (T. Muraoka)].
J.A. Naudé, “A syntactic analysis of dislocations in Biblical Hebrew”, JNSL 16, 1990, 115-130.
A. Niccacci, “Essential Hebrew syntax”, in Fs.Schneider, pp. 111-125.
J.D. Price, The syntax of Masoretic accents in the Hebrew Bible (Studies in Bible and early Chrjstianity,
27), Lewiston NY 1990 [rev.: JAOS 114, 1994, 276-277 (R.L. Goerwitz)].
Chr. Riepl, “Satz- und Metasatzbezeichnung in BH: Probleme, Lösungen und Änderungen”, RB 103,
1996, 561-580.
H.B. Rosén, “Quelques phénomènes d’absence et de présense de l’accord dans la estructure de la phrase
en hébreu”, GLECS 10, 1963-1966, 78-84.
P.O. Samuelsdorff, “Entwurf einer syntaktischen Analyse des Hebräischen zwecks maschineller
Übersetzung”, in K. Detering, H. Pilch, eds, Zweites Kolloquium über Syntax natürlicher Sprachen und
Datenverarbeitung. Oberwolfach, 28.-29. Juni 1965 (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Forschungsberichte, 8), Wiesbaden 1988, pp. 63-70.
S. Shlomo, “ha-Mivneh ha-talḥbiri ka-markiv be-parshanutam shel pesuḳe ha-Miḳra: cIyun be-pasuḳ eḥad
mi-sefer Mishle”, HeLi 52, 2003, 85-100 (The syntactic structure as a component in the interpretation
of the verses of the Bible : a demonstrative research of one verse in Proverbs).
G. Specht, Wissensbasierte Morphosyntax.- das Expertensystem AMOS (Arbeiten zu Text u. Sprache im
Alten Testament, 35), St. Ottilien 1990 [rev.: ZAW 102/3, 1990, 463-464 (H.W. Hoffmann)].
E. Talstra, “Syntaxis van het Bijbels Hebreeuws: tussen calculcren en interpreteren”, CGWA, pp. 131-146
[The syntax of Biblical Hebrew: between calculating and interpreting].
Y. Thorion, Studien zur klassischen hebräischen Syntax (Marburger Studien zur Afrika- u. Asienkunde,
6), Berlin 1984 [rev.: ThQ 165, 1985, 243 (W. Gross); BiOr 43, 1986, 450-455 (C.H.J. van der
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “A critical analysis of L. de Regt’s parametric model for syntactic studies of Old
Hebrew texts”, BiOr 47, 1990, 39-52.
B.K. Waltke, M.P. O’Connor, An introduction to Bib/ica/ Hebrew syntax, Winona Lake IN 1990 [rev.:
AION 50, 1990, 447 (F. Vattioni); Biblica 72, 1991, 572-575 (A. Gianto); JSJ 21, 1990, 300-301
(A.S.D van der Woude); LibAnn 39, 1989, 310-327 (A. Niccacci); ThQ 170, 1990, 308-310 (W.
Gross); VT 42, 1992, 428-429 (J.A. E[merton]); AuOr 8, 1990, 285-286 (W.G.E. Watson); BSL 85,
1990, 355-356 (J. Margain); JSS 36/2, 1991, 331-332 (T. Collins); ZA W 102, 1990, 463-464 (H.W.
Hoffinann); CBQ 54/2, 1992, 338-339 (Ed.M. Cook)].
J.W. Watts, A Survey of Syntax in the Hebrew Old Testament, Nashville, TN 1951 [rev.: JThS 2, 1951,
243 (G.R. Driver); CBQ 26, 1964. 517-518 (L.F. Hartman)].
R. J. Williams, Hebrew Syntax. An outline, Toronto 1967 [rev.: BSOAS 32, 1969, 599-601 (J. Barr); GL
10, 1970, 199-206 (Y. Hayon); BiOr 28, 1971, 83-85 (R. Meyer); JNES 38, 1979, 148 (D. Pardee)].
R.J. Williams, J.C. Beckman, William’s Hebrew Syntax, Toronto 20073 [rev.: BiOr 66, 2009, 321-325 (H.
T. Zewi, “The syntactic function of negative particles in Bíblical Hebrew and English Bible
translations”, JNSL 33/2, 2007, 99-113.
6A.10.1. Word order
B.L. Bandstra, “Word order and emphasis in Biblical Hebrew narrative: syntactic observations on Genesis
22 from a discourse perspective”, in LBH, pp. 109-123.
R. Buth, “Word order differences between narrative and non-narrative material in Biblical Hebrew”,
WCJS 10/DI, 1989 (1990), 9-16.
J. Carmignac, “Un aramaïsme biblique et qumrânien: l’infinitif placé après son complément d’objet”,
RevQum 5/4, 1966, 503-520.
L.J. de Regt, “Word order in different clause types in Deuteronorny 1-30”, in Fs. Hoftijzer, pp. 152-172.
E. Doron, “VSO and left-conjunct agreement: Biblical Hebvew vs. Modern Hebrew”, in K.É. Kiss, ed.,
Universal Grammar in the Reconstruction of Ancient Languages (Studies in Generative Grammar, 83),
Berlin/New York 2005, pp. 239-264 // A.H. Carnie, E.M. Guilfoyle, eds, The syntax of verb initial
languages (Oxford studies in comparative syntax, 23), New York 2000, pp. 75-95.
O. García de la Fuente, “Orden de palabras en hebreo, griego, latín y romanceamiento casteIlano medieval
de Joel”, Em 51, 1983, 185-213.
T. Givón, “The drift from VSO to SVO in Biblical Hebrew: the pragmaties of tense-aspect”, in Ch.N. Li,
ed., Mechanisms of synyactic change, Austin TX 1977, pp. 181-254.
T. Givón, “Complex NP’s, word order and resumptive pronouns in Hebrew”, in Cl.Corum, T.C. SmithStarr, An. Weiser, eds, “You take the high node, and I’ll take the low node”. Papers fromm the
Comparative Syntax Festival: The differences between main and subordinate clauses, 12 April 1973,
Chicago IL 1973, pp. 135- 146.
W. Gross, “Die position des Subjekts in hebräisclien Verbalsatz, untersucht an den asyndetischen ersten
Redesätzen in Gen, Ex 1-19, Jos - 2 Kön”, ZAH 6, 1993, 170-187.
W. Gross, “Der Einfluss der Pronominalisierung auf die Syntagmen-Folge im hebräischen Verbalsatz,
untersucht an Dtn 1-25”, BN 43, 1988,49-69.
W. Gross, Die Satzteilfolge im Verbalsatz alttestamentlicher Prosa : untersucht an den Biichern Dtn, Ri
und 2Kon. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 17), Tübingen 1996 [rev.: Bíblica 80, 1999, 138-143
(T. Muraoka); BiOr 55, 1998, 483-484 (A.J.C. Vevheij); BaBi 1, 2004, 475-480 (S. Loesov)].
R.D. Holmstedt, “Word Order in the Book of Proverbs”, in Fs. Fox, pp. 135-54ñ
R.D. Holmstedt, “Word Order and Information Structure in Ruth and Jonah: A
Generative-Typological Analysis”, JSS 54, 2009, 111-139.
K. Jongeling, “On the VSO character of Hebrew”, in Fs. Hoftijzer, pp. 103-111.
L. Lode, “Postverbal word order in Biblical Hebrew: structure and function”, Semitics 9, 1984, 113-164.
L. Lode, “Postverbal word order in Biblical Hebrew: structure and function. Part two”, Semitics 10, 1989,
K.E. Lowery, Toward a discourse grammar of Biblica/ Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Califomia, Los Angeles 1985
[DAb46/7, 1986, 1918-A].
N.P. Lunn, Word-orderva:riation in Biblical Hebrew poetry: differentiating pragmatics and
poetic ( Patemoster biblica! monographs), Eugene OR 2006 [rev.: CBQ 70/2, 2008, 346-347 (
J.C. Kirk); JSS 54/1, 2009, 283-285 (R.D. Holmstedt)].
A. Moshavi, Word Order in the Biblical Hebrew Finite Clause, Winona Lake IN 2010 [rev.: JBL
10/16/2011 [http://www.bookreviews.org] ( H.J. Keener); CBQ 73/4, 211, 385-386 (D. Bosworth)].
J. Myhrl, “Verb position in future clauses in Biblical Hebrew”, LVC 4, 1992, 289-309.
A. Niccacci, “A neglected point of Hebrew syntax: Yiqtol and position in the sentence”, LibAnn 37, 1987,
A. Niccacci, “Finite verb in the second position of the sentence: coherence of' the Hebrew verbal system”,
ZAH 108, 1996, 434-440.
J. R. Porter, “Anticipation of subject and object in Biblical Hebrew”, JThS 14, 1963, 371-374.
K. Schlesinger, “Zur Wortfolge im hebräischen Verbalsatz”, VT 3, 1953, 381-390.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “The function of word order in Old Hebrew - with special reference to cases where
a syntagmeme precedes a verb in Joshua”, JNSL 17, 1991, 129-144.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, E. Talstra, ”Biblical Hebrew word order: the interface of information structure and
formal features”, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003, 68-107.
6A.10.2. Pronoum syntax
A.F.Biortta, “The Legal Function and Egyptian Background of the šlyà Clause: A Reevaluation”,
Maarav13, 2006, 193-209
G.R. Driver, “Hebrew Studies”, JRAS 1948, 164-176 [I. Instances of the idiom that a pronominal suffix
attached to one noun carries through its force to the parallcl noun, which may then dispense with the
corresponding suffix. II. Some exceptions to the rules of thc agreement between subject and attribute or
St. A. Geller, “Cleft sentences with pleonastic pronoun: a syntactic construction of Biblical Hebrew and
some of its literary uses”, JANES 20, 1991, 15-35.
Y. Hayon, Relativization in Hebrew. A transformational approach (Janua linguarum, Series practica 189)
(Diss. Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1969), The Hague 1973 [rev.: FL 13, 1975, 197-301 (A. Grosu);
Lingua 40, 1976, 270-274 (H. den Besten); Linguistics 188, 1977, 89-92 (J. Blau); JSS 22, 1977, 143
(T. Muraoka)].
J.A. Naudé, “On the subject pronoun and subject noun asymmetry: a preliminary survey of Northwest
Semitic”, SATT 11, 1993, 17-28.
N. Pat-El, “Some Notes on the Syntax of Biblical Hebrew zeh”, ZAH 17-20, 2004-2007, 150-158.
N. Pat-El, “The Syntax ʔӑšer and šeC – Yet Again”, in Fs. Huehnergard, pp. 319-327.
K. Tsujita, “The Retrospective Pronoun as Direct Object in Relative Sentences in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs.
Leslau II, pp. 1577-1582.
6A.10.3. Noun syntax and nominal clause
A.A. Diesel, “Jahwe (allein) ist Gott. Überlegungen zu einer Gruppe der sogenannten dreiteiligen
Nominalsätze”, KUSATU 5, 2004, 1-32.
D. N. Freedman, “The broken construct chain”, Biblica 53, 1972, 534-536.
J. Joosten, “0n ante-position of the attributive adjective in Classical Syriac and biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 6,
1993, 188-192.
L. Koehler, “Syntactica. I-IV” (i. “Syntax zweier hebräischer Namengruppen”; ii. še’¿r y¿šûb und der
nackte Relativsatz. iii. Inversion als Ausdruck des untergeordneten Nebensatzes; iv. Jahwäh m¿lak], VT
2, 1952, 374-377; 3, 1953, 84-87; 3, 1953, 188-189; 3, 1953, 299-305.
M. Malessa, “Differentielle Objektmarkierung im klassichen Hebräisch”, KUSATU 1, 2000, 133-156.
K. Massey, The Concord of Collective Nouns and Verbs in Biblical Hebrew: A Controlled Study, Diss.
Univ. Wisconsin-Madison 1998.
A. Mengozzi, “Osservazioni sintattiche e semantiche sui sintagmi aggetivali ebraico-biblici del tipo yfĕ
to'ar”, in A8GSCSI, pp. 101-112.
C. Miller, “Vocative Syntax in Biblical Hebrew Prose and Poetry: A Preliminary Analysis”, JSS 55, 2010,
E.J. Revell, “Logic of concord with collectives in Biblical narrative”, Maarav 9, 2002, 61-91.
W. Richter, “Zum syntaktischen Gebrauch von Substantiven nu Althebräische am Beispiel von ‘od”, ZAH
7, 1994, 175-195.
J. Rosenhouse, “Features of annexion in colloquial and literary Arabic and Hebrew”, Arabica
57/2-3, 2010, 267-289,
P.P. Saydon, “Some Unusual Ways of Expressing the Superlative in Hebrew and Maltese”, VT 4, 1954,
432-433 [addition to D. W. Thomas, VT 3 1953, 209-224].
M.G. Slonim, “Masculine Predicates with Feminine Subjects in the Hebrew Bible”, JBL 63, 1944,
T. Thorion-Vardi, Ultraposition.- Die getrennte Apposition in der altestamentlichen Prosa (Judentum und
Umwelt), Bern 1987 [rev.: ZAW 101, 1989, 171 (H.W. Hoffmann)].
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “Reconsidering Hebrew temporal expressions”, ZALI 10, 1997, 42-62.
J. Weingreen, “The Construct-genitive Relation in Hebrew Syntax”, VT 4, 1954, 50-59.
T. Zewi, “Content Expressions in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Polotsky 2009, pp. 302-316.
6A.10.4. Verb syntax
M. Agmon-Fruchtman: “And God said . . . : some remarks on the verb “say” in Genesis and some
questions about declarations”. In Fs. Gaatone, pp. 1-5.
H. J. Austel, Prepositional and non-prepositional complements with verbs of motion in Biblical Hebrew,
Ph. D. Diss., Univ. of California. Los Angeles 1969 [DAb 30/11. May 1970, 4933-A].
O. Cohen, "The Sequential Forms in Biblical Hebrew: An Illustration from the Marginal", JANES 32,
2012, 31-49.
D.A. Dempsey, The verb syntax of Second Isaiah and Deuteronomy compared (Diss. Catholic Univ. of
America), Washington DC 1989 [DA/50/4, J989, 934-A].
M. Gociridze, “Martvis taviseburebani k’lasik’ursa da tanamedrove ebraulši”, in / Tipological studies (Fs.
Vladimir Axvlediani), Tbilisi 2000, pp. 178-184 [On the peculiarities of the verbal governing in
Classical and Modem Hebrew].
M. Held, “The yqtl-qtl .... sequence of identical verbs in Biblical Hebrew and in Ugaritic”, in Fs. Neuman,
pp. 281-290.
M. Held, “The action-result (factitive-passive) sequence of identical verbs in Biblical Hebrew and
Ugaritic”, JBL 84, 1965, 272-282.
J. Hoftijzer, The function and use of the imperfect forms with nun paragogicum, Assen 1985 [rev.: JBL
106, 1987, 527-528 (I. Rabinowitz); JAOS 108, 1988, 157-158 (S. Segert); RB 95, 1988, 611-612 (F.J.
E. Jenni, “Vollverb und Hilfsverb mit Infinitiv-Ergänzung im Hebräischen”, ZAH 11, 1998, 50-67.
B. Johnson, Hebräisches Perfekt und Imperfekt mit vorangehendem we, Lund: 1979 [rev.: OLZ 78, 1983,
369-370 (K.-M. Beyse); STK 62, 1986, 177-179 (C. Toll); RB 95, 1988, 610-61 (F.J. Gonçalves)].
J. Joosten, “BibIical Hebrew weq¿Ãal and Syriac hw¿ q¿Ãel expressing repetition in the past”, ZAH 5, 1992,
J. Joosten, “Active and middle diathesis in Semitic with special reference to Biblical Hebrew”,
SprOKrPAN 43, 1999, 56-59.
O. Loretz, “The ‘Perfectum Copulativum’ in Sm 7, 9-11”, CBQ 23, 1961, 294-296.
K. Massey, The Concord of Collective Nouns and Verbs in Biblical Hebrew: A Controlled Study, Diss.
Univ. Wisconsin-Madison 1998.
M. Mishor, “The rection of the verb SYYʕ” (Heb), Leshonenu 70, 2008, 615-625.
A. Müller, “Tiefenstrukturell nebensätzlichen Parataxen. Einige überlegungen zur Klassificatrion und
Übersetzung ‘impliziter Hypotaxe’ im biblischen Hebräisch am Beispiel der Fortführung des
Imperativs”, KUSATU 6, 2006, 61-86.
T. Muraoka, “Some remarks on the syntax of doubly transitive verbs in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Jenni, pp.
T. Muraoka, “The alleged final function of the biblical Hebrew syntagm ‘waw + a volitive verb form’”, in
NSHB, pp. 229-241.
A. Niccacci, “Sullo stato sintattico del verbo hāyâ”, LibAnn 40, 1990, 9-23.
A. Nicacci, Sintassi del verbo ebraico nella prosa biblica classica, Jerusalem 1986 [rev.: ThQ 167, 1987,
59-60 (W. Gross); Abr-Nahrain 27, 1989, 187-193 (T. Muraoka)].
A. Niccacci, The syntax of the verb in Classical Hebrew prose, (JSOT, Suppl. series, 86), Sheffield 1990
[rev.: ZAW 103/1, 1991, 164-165 (H.W. Hoffmann); ZAW 103/2, 1991, 290-291 (H.-C. Schmitt); JThS
42, 1991, 625-626 (A.R. Millard); BiOr 49, 1992,214-217 (A. Verheij); BZ 38/2, 1994, 312-313 (J.
Scharbert) | ArOr 63/3, 1995, 376-377 (St. Segert)].
M. Pietsch, “Tempus und Syntax. Einige Überlegungen zur syntaktischen Funktionder weqātal-Frmen in 2.
Kön 23,4-15”, ZAH 17-20, 2004-2007, 159-177.
W. Richter, Untersuchungen zur Valenz althebräischer Verben, St. Ottilien 1985 [rev.: CBQ 51, 1989,
347-349 (S.D. Sperling)]
H.B. Rosen, “The comparative assignment of certain Hebrew tense forms”, in PICSSJ, pp. 212-234.
E. Rubinstein, “Double causation in a sentence. A syntactic-semantic study in Biblical Hebrew”, IOS 5,
1975, 32-44.
E. Rubinstein, “The non-expression of modality in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Blau, pp. 499-506.
E. Rubinstein, “A study of adverbial verbs in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Rabin, pp. 385-392.
H.-J. Stipp, “w=hayā für nichtiterative Vergangenheit?: Zu syntaktischen Modernisierungen im
masoretischen Jeremiabuch”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 521-547.
Y. Toobin, “Process and result and the Hebrew infinitive: a study in linguistic isomorphism”, Fs. Hoftijzer,
pp. 194-209.
M. Vervenne, “Hebrew verb form and function: a syntactic case study with reference to a linguistic data
base”, in A2CIBI, pp. 605-640.
T. Zewi, A syntactical study of verbal forms affixed by -n(n) endings in classical Arabic, Biblical Hebrew,
EI-Amarna Akkadian and Ugaritic, Münster 1999.
6A.10.5. Verbal clauses
6A.10.5.0 General
R.D. Bergen, Varieties and functions of Hebrew waw-plus-subject-plus-perfect sentence constructions in
the narrative framework of the Pentateuch, Diss. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary 1986
[DAb 47/7, 1987, 2561-A].
T. Givón, “On the role of perceptual clues in Hebrew relativization”, AAL 2/8, 1975 (131-147).
W. Gross, “Zur syntaktischen Struktur des Vorfeldes in hebräischen Verbalsatz”, ZAH 7, 1994, 203-214.
W. Gross, Satzfolge, Sauteilfolge und Satzart als Kriterien der Subkategorisierung hebräischer
Konjunktionalsätze, am Beispiel der KI-Sätze untersucht. [808], 97-117.
W. Gross: “Das Vorfeld als strukturell eigenständiger Bereich des hebräischen Verbalsatzes: syntaktische
Erscheinungen am Satzbeginn”, in SuT, pp. 1-24.
W. Gross, Die Satzteilfolge im Verbalsatz alttestamentlicher Prosa : untersucht an den Biichern Dtn, Ri
und 2Kon. (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 17), Tübingen 1996 [rev.: Bíblica 80, 1999, 138-143
(T. Muraoka); BiOr 55, 1998, 483-484 (A.J.C. Vevheij); BaBi 1, 2004, 475-480 (S. Loesov)].
W. Gross, Doppelt bezetztes Vorfeld: syntaktische, pragmatische und überset-zungstechnische Studien tum
althebraischen Verbalsatz (Beihefte xur Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 305), Berlin
W. Gross, “Ein verdrängter biblehebräischer Satztyp: Säzte mit zwei oder mehr unterschiedlichen
Konstituenten vor dem Verbum Finitum”, JNSL 23, 1997, 15-41.
H. Gzella, Cosmic battle and political conflict : studies in verbal syntax and contextual interpretation of
Daniel 8 (Biblica et orientalia, 47), Roma 2003.
B. Isaksson, H. Kammensjö, M. Peersson, Circunstancial Qualifiers: The Case of Arabic and Hebrew
(AKML, 70), Wiesbaden 2009 [rev.: JAOS 131, 2011, 327-329 (L. Edzard); RBL 10/7/2011, on line,
[http://www.bookreviews.org] (J. Kaltner)].
B. Joseph, “Recovery of information in relative clauses: evidence from Greek and Hebrew”, JL 16, 1980,
R.J. Kotzé, “The circumstantial sentence: a catch-them-all term?: a study in sentence relationships in 1
Samuel 1-12”, JNSL 25, 1989, 109-126.
D. Michel, Tempora und Satzstellung in den Psalmen (Abhandlungen zur evangelischen Theologie I),
Bonn 1960 [rev.: ZAW 73, 1961, 255-256 (G. Fohrer)].
W. Richter, “Verbalvalenz und Verbalsatz. Ein Beitrag zur syntaktischen Grundlegung einer atl.
Literaturwissenschaft”, JNSL 4, 1975, 61-69.
G. Vanoni, “Fragen der Syntax und Semantik von Verbvalenzen im Althebräischen”, in SuT, pp. 25-47.
T. Zewi, “Content clauses in Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 70, 2008, 627-657.
6A.10.5.1. Affirmative/Negative clause
J. Bright, “The apodictic prohibition: some observations”, JBL 92, 1973, 185-204.
J. Carmignac, “‘Fais que nous n’entrions pas dans la tentation’. La portée d’une négation devant un verbe
causatif”, RB 72, 1965, 218-226.
J. Carnignac, “La portée des négations devant les verbes au causatif”, in A1CILSCS, pp. 220-222..
G.R. Driver, “Affirmation by exclamatory negation”, JANES 5, 1973, 107-114.
E.L. Greenstein, “The syntax of saying ‘yes’ in Biblical Hebrew”, JANES 19, 1989, 51-59.
M. Halpern, “Les propositions avec yeš en hébreu biblique”, GLECS 24-28/3, 1979-84, 535-560.
B. Hartmann, “‘Es gibt keinen Gott ausser Jahwe’. Zur generellen Verneinung im Hebraïschen”, ZDMG
110, 1961, 229-235.
E. Jenni, “Zur Semantik der hebräischen Vergleichsätze”, ZAH 2, 1989, 14-441.
E. Jenni, “Zur Semantik der hebräischen Personen-, Tier- und Dingvergleiche”, ZAH 3, 1990, 133-166.
Z. Zevit, “Expressing denial in Biblical Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew, and in Amos” VT 29, 1979,
A. Zilkha, Negation in Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Texas at Austin 1970 [DAb 32/7, Jan. 1972, 3984-A].
6A.10.5.2. Emphatic clause (oath, blessing, curse, comparison, interrogation, emphasis)
Sh.H. Blank, “The Curse, Blasphemy, the Spell, and the Oath”, HUCA 23, 1950-51, 73-95 [linguistic
study of the curse and related modes of expression the Bible].
St. A. Geller, “Cleft sentences with pleonastic pronoun: a syntactic construction of Biblical Hebrew and
some of its literary uses”, JANES 20, 1991, 15-35.
M. Hadas-Lebel, “The expression of comparison in Hebrew through the ages” (Heb.), Am va-Sefer 6,
1990-91, 33-40.
E. Hazan, “The use of Biblical Hebrew and Mishnaic Hebrew in the short form of benediction”, in Fs.
Breuer 2, pp. 689-696.
B. Kedar, “The interpetation of rhetorical questions in the Bible” (Heb.), in Fs. Talmon, pp. 145*-152*.
M. R. Lehmann, “Biblical oaths”, ZAW 81, 1969, 74-92 [terminology and syntax].
E. Lemoine, Théorie de l’emphase hébraique, Paris 1951.
C.L. Miller, “The Syntax of Elliptical Comparative Constructions”, ZAH 17-20-2004-2007, 136-149.
A. Moshavi, “The Communicative Functions of Content (³wh²) Questions in Classical Biblical Hebrew
Prose”, JNSL 39/2, 2013, 69-87
A. Moshavi, “Can a positive rhetorical question have a positive answer in the Bible?”, JSS 56/2, 2011,
H.P. Müller, “Die Konstruktionen mit hinnē ‘siehe’ und ihre sprachgeschichtlicher Hintergrund”, ZAH 2,
1989, 45-76.
W. Schottroff, Der altisraelitische Fluchspruch, Neukirchen-Vluyn 1969 [rev.: RB 77, 1970, 615-619
(F.L.); Biblica 51, 1970, 432-435 (D. R. Hillers)].
A. van Selms, “Motivated interrogative sentences in Biblical Hebrew”, Semitics 2, 1971-72, 43-149.
6A.10.5.3. Topicalising clause
J. Blau, An adverbial construction in Hebrew and Arabic. Sentence adverbials in frontal position
separated from the rest of the sentence (Proceedings of the Israel Acad. of Sci. and Humanities 6, I),
Jerusalem 1977 [BSOAS 41, 1978, 366-367 (J. Wansbrough); ZAL 1, 1978, 93-94 (H.
Bobzin); AAL 614, 1979, 5-10 (147-152) (R.C. Steiner); JBL 74, 1979.2, 459-465 (H.B. Rosén)].
J. Blau, “Adverbia als psycologische und grammatische subjekte / Prädikate im Bibelhebräisch”, VT 9,
1959, 130-137.
A. Denz, “Zur Funktion bestimniter substantivierter Relativsätze imi Althebräischen”, in Fs. Spitaler, pp.
W. Gross, Die Pendenskonstruktion im Biblischen Hebräisch: Studien zum althebräischen Satz I
(Münchener Universitätsschriften, Philosophische Fak., Altertumskunde und Kulturwiss., Arbeiten zu
Text u. Sprache im Alten Testament 27), St. Ottilien 1987 [rev.: ZAW 100, 1988, 140-141 (H.-C.
S[chrnitt]; Biblica 69, 1988, 436-439 (F.l. Andersen); OLZ 84, 1989, 561-562 (J. Körner); WO 20-21,
1989-90, 312-315 (J.A. Naudé); CBQ 51/2, 1989, 326-329 (D. Pardee); REJ 148, 1989, 160-161 (J.
Margain); OLZ 84, 1989, 561-562 (J. Körner)].
G. Hatav, “Marking Discourse Topic in Biblical Hebrew: Part Two”, JNSL 39/2, 2013, 57-68
N. Kinberg, “Notes on the shift from accusative constructions to prepositional phrases in Hebrew and
Arabic”, BSOAS 44, 1981, 8-14.
A. Moshavi, “Focusing in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 71, 2009 35-55.
T. Zewi, “Incomplete topicalization in Biblical and Modern Hebrew and several Arabic Bible
translations” 16200 [1999]
Z. Zevit, The anterior constructions in Classical Hebrew, Atlanta GE 1998 [rev.: BiOr 56/5-6, 1999, 699701 (A.J.C. Verheij); BSOAS 63/3, 2000, 425-426 (S.L. Gold); JAOS 120, 2000, 262-263 (St.
6A.10.5.4. Subordinate and object clause
St.E. Fassberg, “Purpose constructions in Biblical Hebrew”, WCJS 10fDI, 1989, 7-14.
T. Givón, Verb complements and relative clauses: a diachronic case study in Biblical Hebrew (Afroasiatic
Linguistics 1/4), Malibu 1974.
T. Givón, “The evolution of dependent clause morpho-syntax in Biblical Hebrew”, in E.Cl. Traugott, B.
Heine, eds, Approaches to grammaticalisation. Vol. I: Focus on theoretical and methodological
issues. Vol. II: Focus on types of grammatical markers (TSL 19/1-2), Amsterdam 1991, pp. 257-310.
M.H. Gottstein, “Afterthought and the Syntax of Relative Clauses in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 68, 1949,
W. Gross, “Das nicht substantivierte Partizip als Prädikat im Relativsatz hebräischer Prosa”, JNSL 4, 1975,
M. Seleznev, “Exodus 33:7 and Different Syntactic Patterns for Linking Participial Conditional Clauses
with the Main Clause”, BaBi 6, 2012, 405-498.
J. Margain, “’Abhâl et l’expression de l’adversatif en hébreu ancien”, GLECS 15, 1970-1971, 17-38.
Th.J. Meek, “Result and Purpose Clauses in Hebrew”, JewQR 46, 1955-56, 40-43.
H. Rechenmacher, Der Atttributivsats: Beobachtungen zu Syntax und Redetypik (Arbeiten zu Text und
Sprache in Alten Testament 46), St. Ottilien 1995.
E.J. Revell, “Conditional Sentences in Biblical Hebrew Prose”, in Fs. Leslau II, pp. 1278-1290.
U. Rütersworden, “Die Apodosis in den Rechtssatzen des Deuteronomiums”, ZAH 15-16, 2002-2003,
M. Seleznev, “Exodus 33:7 and Different Syntactic Patterns for Linking Participial Conditional Clauses
with the Main Clause”, BaBi 6, 2012, 405-498.
R. Sonsino, Motive clauses in Hebrew law . . .,Chico, CA 1980 [rev.: BiOr 41, 1984, 457-462 (H.
H.F. van Roy, “Conditional sentences in Biblical Hebrew”, in A.L. Halpern, ed., The proceedings of the
ninth West Coast Conference on formal linguistics, Standford CA 1991, pp. 9-16. (= WCCFL 9, 1990).
T. Zewi, “The syntactical status of exceptive phrases in Biblical Hebrew”, Biblica 79, 1998, 542-54.
6A.10.5.5. Direct speech and Dialogue
G. Goldenberg, “On direct speech and the Hebrew Bible”, in Fs. Hoftijzer, pp. 79-96.
S. Lyosov, “Notes on the Syntax of the Biblical Hebrew Dialogue (Perfect in the Beginning of Direct
Speech)”, Biblia 2, 1999, 261-264, 367-368.
Fr.H. Polak, “w ysthw: group formulas in biblical prose and poetry” (Hebr.), in Fs. Talmon, pp. 81*-91*.
6B.10.6. Narrative syntax and Discourse analysis
M. Eskhult, Studies in verbal aspect and narrative technique in Biblical Hebrew prose, Uppsala/
Stockholm 1990 [BL 1991, 16135] [CBQ 54/3, 1992, 520-522 (R. J. Owens)].
W. Gross, “Syntaktische Erscheinungen am Anfang althebräischer Erzählungen: Hintergrund und
Vordergrund”, in J.A. Emerton, ed., Congress volume: Wienna 1980 (VTS 32), Leiden 1981, pp. 131145.
G. Hatav, “Time movement in Biblical Hebrew” (Heb.), HeLi 47, 2000, 63-84.
Fr. Jacquesson, “Grammaticalisation du cadre narratif: l’exemple de la prose biblique”, Faits 38. 2011, 173193.
R. Kawashima, “‘Orphaned’ converted tense forms in Classical Biblical Hebrew prose”, JSS 55/1, 2010,
S. Lyosov, Y. Eidelkind, “Si vera lectio. The Syntax of the Biblical Hebrew Narrative”, Biblia 2, 1999,
117-259, 367.
C.L. Miller, The representation of speech in Biblical Hebrew narrative, Atlanta GE 1996 [rev.: Bíblica 78,
1997, 421-424 (W. Gross)].
C. Miller, The Representation of Speech in Biblical Hebrew Narrative: A Linguistic Analysis (HSM 55),
Scholars 1996.
A. Moshavi, “Ther Discourse Functions of Object / Adverbial-Fronting in Biblical Hebrew”, in BHNWSS,
pp. 231-245.
A. Niccacci, Lettura sintattica della prosa ebraico-biblica: principi e applicazioni (Studium Biblicum
Franciscanum, Analecta, 31), Jerusalem 1991 [rev.: Abr-Nahrain 30, 1992, 190-192 (T. Muraoka);
CBQ 55/I, 1993, 125 (W.J. Fulco)].
P. Oakes, “”The social pragmatics of two forms of directive speech in Biblical Hebrew”, JNSL 37/2, 2011,
A. Pasquier, D. Marguerat, and André Wénin, eds, L'intrigue dans le récit biblique: Quatrième colloque
international du RRENAB, Université Laval, Québec, 29 mai-1er juin 2008, Review of Biblical
Literature, Leuven 2010 [rev.: RBL [http://www.bookreviews.org], 2013 (J. Brankaer)].
St.E. Runge, “Pragmatic effects of semantica!ly redundant anchoring expressions in Biblical
Hebrew narrative”, ]NSL 32/2, 2006, 85-102.
E. Talstra, “A hierarchy of clauses in biblical Hebrew narrative”, in NSHB, pp. 85-118.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “A critical analysis of narrative syntactic approaches, with special attention to their
relationship to discourse analysis”, in NSHB, pp. 133-156.
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “An overview of Hebrew narrative syntax”, NSHB, pp. 1-20.
H. van Dyke Parunak, “Transitional techniques in the Bible” , JBL 102, 1983, 525-548.
6B.10.7. Particular text syntactic analysis
B. Albrektson, “On the syntax of ‘hyh ‘šr ‘hyh in Exodus 3: 14”, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 15-28.
P. Auffret, “‘Pivot pattern’ nouveaux exemples (Jon. ii 10; Ps. xxxi 13; Is xxiii 7)”, VT 28, 1978, 103-110.
F.J. Backhaus, “Die Pendenskonstrution im Buch Qohelet”, ZAH 8, l995, 1-30.
J. H. Battle, Syntactic structures in the Masoretic Hebrew text of tbe Psalms, Ph.D. Diss., Univ. of Texas
at Austin 1969 [DAb 30/10. April 1970, 4434-A].
A. Behrens, A., “’Grammatik statt Ekstase!’ Das Phänomen der syntaktischen Wiederaufnahme am
Beispiel von Am 7,1-8,2”, in A. Wagner (ed.), Studien zur hebräischen Grammatik (OBO 156).
Freiburg, Schweiz/Göttingen 1997, pp. 1-9.
P.A.H. de Boer, “La syntaxe du verset quatre du Psaume vingt-deux”, in Fs. Cazelles, pp. 87-90
M.B. Dick, “A syntactic study of the book Obadiah”, Semitics 9, 1984, 1-29.
L.J. de Regt: A parametric model for syntactic studies of a textual Corpus, demostrated on the Hebrew of
Deuteronomy 1-30; supplement. Assen 1988 [rev.: ZDMG 140 1990, 192-193 A.A. A[mbros]); JAOS
111/2, 1991, 365-366 (H. van Dyke Parunak ); OLZ 86, 1991, 520-521 (R. Stabl); ZAW 101, 1989, 324
(H.W. Hoffmann); JNES 51, 1992, 160 (D. Pardee); VT 45/3, 1995, 416 (G. I. Davies)].
L.J. de Regt, “Participant reference in some Biblical Hebrew texts”, in CGWA, pp. 113-130.
M.B. Dick, “A syntactic study of the book Obadiah” , Semitics 9, 1984, 1-29.
C. Hardmeier: “Probleme der Textsyntax, der Redeeinbettung und der Abschnittgliederung in Jer 32 mit
ihren kompositionsgeschichtlichen Konsequenzen”, in SuT, pp. 49-79.
W. L. Holladay, “Structure, syntax and meaning in Jeremiah IV 11-12A”, VT 26, 1976, 28-37.
J.H. Hospers, De numeruswisseling in het boek Deuteronomium, Diss. Utrecht 1948 [rev.: BiOr 6, 1949,
116-117 (A.R. Hulst)].
H. Irsigler, “Thronbesteigung in Psalm 93?: Der Textverlauf als Prozess syntaktischer und semantischer
Interpretation”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 155-190.
W.H. Irwin, “The city of chaos in Isa 24,10 and the genjtjve of result”, Biblica 75, 1994, 401-403.
F.I. Andersen, A.D. Forbes, “Opportune parsing: clause analysis of Deuteronomy 8”, in A4CIBI, pp. 4975.
G.A. Klingbeil, “The syntactic structure of the ritual of' ordination (Lev 8)”, Biblica 77, 1996, 509-519.
R.J. Kotzé, “Reading between the sentences: notes on the sentence relations in 1 Samuel 1:1-8”, JNSL 16,
1990, 61-84.
F. Luciani, “La struttura sintattica di due passi del primo libro di Samuele (I Sam 18,10-11; 19,9-10)”,
Aevum 64, 1990, 5-16.
J. Mauchline, “Singular and Plural Forms of address in the Legal Sections of the Pentateuch”, TGUOS 11,
1942-1944, 20-25.
Th.J. Meek, “Archaeology and a Point in Hebrew Syntax”, BASOR 122, 1951, 31-33 [on the expression
le/lî úereb, used ordinarily with the verb hikk¿h].
P.D. Miller, “Syntax and theology in Genesis XII 3a”, VT 34, 1984, 472-476.
R. Mosis, “Ex l9,5b.6a: Syntaktischer Aufbau und lexikalische Semantik”, BZ 22, 1978, 1-25.
T. Muraoka, “A syntactic problem in Lev. XIX, 18b”, JSS 23, 1978, 291-297.
T. Muraoka, “Workshop : notes on the use of Hebrew tenses in Exodus 19-24”, in NSHB, pp. 242-249.
A. Niccacci, “Workshop: narrative syntax of Exodus 19-24”, in NSHB, pp. 203-228.
F.V. Reiterer, “Markierte und nicht markierte direkte Objekte bei Ben Sira: Präliminaria zur Untersuchung
der Hebraizität Siras anhand der Verben mit ´ET-VerwendUng”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 359-378.
J.J.M. Roberts, “The transIation of Isa 11:10 and the syntax of the temporal expression whyh bywm hhw”,
in Fs. Mikasa, pp. 363-370.
U. Rüterswörden, “Zur Syntax. Semantik und Pargmatik von Dt 12, 1!”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 269-278.
D.L. Thompson, The order of adverbial modifiers in Genesis and Proverbs. A study in the syntax of
Hebrew poetry, Diss. Johns Hopkins Univ. 1973 [DAb 36, 1976, 7385-A].
E. Talstra, “Workshop: clause types, textual hierarchy, translation in Exodus 19, 20 and 24”, in NSHB, pp.
A. van Selms, “Motivated interrogative sentences in the book of Job”, Semitics 6, 1978, 28-35.
M. Vervenne, “Topic and comment : the case of an initial Superordinate ’sr -clause in Exodus 14:13”, in
Fs. Schneider, pp. 187-198.
H.G.M. Williamson, “Word order in Isaiah XLIII,12”, JThS 30, 1979, 499-502.
T.J. Willis: “Textual and linguistic issues in Isaiah 22,15-25” - ZAW 105/3, 1993, 377-399 [8. The syntax
and meaning of verses 24-25 (394-399)].
T.R. Young: The syntactic construction of poetic units in Jeremiah 1- 10, Madison WI 1991.
6A.11.0 General poetry
L. Alonso Schökel, Estudios de poética hebrea, Barcelona. Juan Flores, 1963 [rev.: JBL 83, 1963, 452
(M.A. Cohen); CBQ 26, 1964, 100-102 (F. Martin); RB 71, 1964, 110 (R. Toumay); BZ 9, 1965, 110113 (L. .Krinetzki); BiOr 22, 1965, 45-48 (J.P. Fokkelman); AO 34, 1966, 246-249 (S. Segert)].
L. Alonso Schökel, A manual of Hebrew poetics (Subsidia Biblica, 11), Roma 1988 [rev.: Biblica 70,
1989, 416-420 (W.G.E. Watson); RB 96, 1989,286-288 (R.J. Tournay); ZAW 101, 1989, 308 H.W.
Hoffmann); CBQ 52/3, 1990, 503-505 (J.F.A. Sawyer)].
A. Berlin, Poetics and Interpretation of Biblical Narrative, Shefield 1983 / Winona Lake 1994 [rev.:
JAOS 107, 1987, 554-557 (G.A. Rendsburg); review on line spring 1997 (J.R. Black)]
D. Broadribb, “A historical review of studies of Hebrew poetry”, Abr-Nahrain 13, 1972-73, 66-87.
R. Buth, “Topic and focus in Hebrew poetry - PsaIm 51”, in Fs. Longacre, pp. 83-96.
W.T.W. Cloete, “Some recent research on Old Testament verse: progress, problems and possibiIities”,
JNSL 17, 1991, 189-204.
W.T.T. Cloete, “A guide to the techniques of Hebrew verse”, JNSL, 16, 1990, 223-228 [rev. art. on
W.G.E. Watson, Classical Hebrew Poetry 1984].
W.T.W. Cloete, Versification and syntax in Jeremiah 2-25.- Syntactical constraints in Hebrew colometry
(SBL, Diss. series, 117), Atlanta GA 1989 [rev.: ETL 66, 1990, 400-401 (J. Lust); ThQ 170, 1990,
226- 227 (W. Gross); ZAW 102, 1990, 441-442 G. W[anke]); CBQ 53, 1991, 663-664 (J.R.
T. Collins, Line-forms in Hebrew poetry: a grammatical approach to the stylistic study of the Hebrew
Prophets (Studia Pohl: Series maior 7), Rome 1978 [rev.: JRL 99, 1980, 301 (W.E. March); Biblica 61,
1980, 581-583 (W.G.E. Watson); JSS 26, 1981, 123-125 (J.F.A. Sawyer); RB 87, 1980, 148-149 (R.
Tournay); CBQ 42, 1980, 91-92 (M. O’Connor); JAOS 102, 1982, 404-405 (D.L. Christensen); WO 12,
1981, 191-193 (R. Smend); BiOr 41/3-4, 1984, 453-457 (E. Talstra)].
T. Collins, “Line-forms in Hebrew poetry”, JSS 23, 1978, 228-244.
A.M. Cooper, Biblical poetics: a linguistic approach, Diss. Yale Univ. 1976 [DAb 38, 1977, 271-A].
A. Cooper, “Two recent works on the structure of Biblical Hebrew poetry”, JAOS 110, 1990, 687-690 [on
D. Pardee, Ugaritic and Hebrew poetic parallelism, 1988, andW. Van der Meer, The structural anlysis
of Biblical and Canaanite poetry, 1988).
F.M. Cross: “Toward a history of Hebrew prosody” - [954], 298-309. [1995]
R. C. Culley, “Metrical analysis of classical Hebrew poetry”, in EASW, pp. 12-28.
M. Dahood, “Poetry versus a hapax in Genesis 27,3”, Biblica 58, 1977, 422-423.
J.C. de Moor: AThe art of versification in Ugarit and Israel. III: Further illustration of the principle of
expansión”, UF 12, 1980, 311-315.
A. Díez Macho, “Estudio de la ú zará en la ‘Poética Hebraica’ de Mosé ibn cEzra y en el texto
masorético”, Sefarad 7, 1947, 3-29.
A. Díez Macho, “Estudio de la ≠Œzará en el texto masorético”, Sefarad 7, 1947, 209-230.
L.M. Dobrin, “Underdeterminacy in prosodic morpholoy”, CLS 29, 1993, 137-153.
B.E. Dresher, The prosodic basis of the Tiberian Hebrew system of accents”, Lg 70, 1994, 1-52.
D.N. Freedman, Pottery, poetry, and prophecy: Studies in early Hebrew poetry. Winona Lake, IN:
Eisenbrauns, 1980, x, 376 p. Coll. of previotisly publislied art. [CBQ 44, 1981, 171-173 (W.G.E.
S. Gevirtz, Patterns in the early poetry of Israel (Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization 32), Chicago
1963 [rev.: RB 71, 1964, 283-286 (R. Tournay); PEQ 1964, 61 (F.F.B.); JSS 10, 1965, 99-101 (T.
Donald); BZ 9, 1965, 289 (J. Scharbert); Biblica 45, 1964, 280-281 (M. Dahood); AO 34, 1966,
251-253 (S. Segert); OLZ 61, 1966, 49-150 (G. Wallis)].
G. B. Gray, The forms ot Hebrew poetry considered with special reference to the criticism and
interpretation of the Old Testament. Prolegomenon by D. N. Freedman (Library of Biblical Studies 60),
New York 1972 [first published 1915].
M. Korpel, J.C. de Moor, “Fundamentals of Ugaritic and Hebrew poetry”, UF 18, 1986, 173-212.
H. Kosmala, “Form and structure in ancient Hebrew poetry (A new approach)”, VT 14, 1964, 423-445.
H. Kosmala, “Form and structure in ancient Hebrew poetry (Cont.)”, VT 16, 1966, 152-180.
J.Al. Loader, Poetik der alttestamentlichen Spruchweisheit, Stutgart 2010 [rev.: RBL 2011 (J. Luchsinger)
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T. Notarius, “Temporality and atemporalityin the language of Biblical poetry”, JSS 56/2, 2011, 275305.
M. O’Connor, Hebrew verse structure. Winona Lake, Indiana 1980 [rev.: AfO 28, 1981-82, 184-185 (O.
Loretz); Biblica 64, 1983, 131-134 (W.G.E. Watson); BiOr 39, 1982, 160-169 (A. Blommerde); CBQ
45, 1983, 464-466 (J.A. Galbraith); JAOS 102, 1982, 392-393 (A. Berlin); JNES 42, 1983, 298-301 (D.
Pardee); JRAS 1982, 48 (N.R.M. de Lange); JThS 33, 1982, 224-225 (D.R. Ap-Thomas); Muséon 95,
1982, 220-221 (Alb.-M. Denis); BSL 77, 1982, 360-361 (J. Margain); UF 13, 1982 (1983), 330 (O.
Loretz); BSL 77/2, 1982 (1983), 360-361 (J. Margain); JBL 102, 1983, 628-629 (P.D. Miller); JLS
12/2, 1983, 91-96 (T. Collins); RSO 55/3-4, 1981 (1984), 219-220 (J.A. Soggin); Lg 61/2, 1985, 473474 (G.M. Schramm); RO 46/1, 1989, 135-137 (W. Ty1och)].
B. Paoli, “Constituance ou domaine en phonologie métrique: le cas de l’hébreu biblique et des
parlers de Damas, du Hijaz et de Jordanie (Beni Hasan)”, TL-LU 5, 1993, 177-209.
D. Pardee, “Structure and meaning in Hebrew poetry: the example of Psalm 23”, Maarav, 5-6, 1990, 239280.
E.J. Revell, “Pausal forms and the structure of Biblical poetry”, VT 31, 1981, 186-199.
Th.H. Robinson, “Basic Principles of Hebrew Poetic Form”, in Fs. Bertholet, pp. 438-450.
Th.H. Robinson, “Hebrew Poetic Form: the English Tradition”, VTS 1 (1953), pp. 128-149.
G.M. Schramm, “Poetic patterning in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Cameron, pp. 167-191.
S. Segert, “Die Versform des Hohenliedes”, in Charisteria Orientalia, Festschrift Rypka (cf. Mélanges),
pp. 285-299.
S. Segert, “Problems of Hebrew Prosody”, VTS 7, pp. 283-291.
S. Segert, “Versbau und Sprachbau in der althebräischen Poesie”, MIO 15, 1969, 312-321.
L. Segert, “Ethiopian and Hebrew Prosody: some preliminary observations”, in Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 337350.
Kl. Seybold, Poetik der prophetischen Literatur im Alten Testament, Stuttgart 2010
Kl. Seybold, Poetik der erzählenden Literatur im Alten Testament (Protologische Studien zum Alten
Testament, 2), Stuttgart 2006 [rev.: WO 37, 2007, 250-252 (K.-P. Adam); RBL 2011 (H.-D. Neef), on
line: [http://www.bookreviews.org].
Kl. Seybold, Poetik der prophetischen Literatur im Alten Testament, Stuttgart 2010.
R. Shoshany, “Prosodic structures in Jeremiah’s poetry”, FoLH 7, 1986, 167-206.
M. Sternberg, The Poetics of Biblical Narrative, Bloomington IN 1987 [rev.: JAOS 107, 1987, 554-557
(G.A. Rendsburg)]
W. van der Meer, J.C. de Moor, The structural analysis of Biblical and Canaanite poety (JSOT, Suppl.
series, 74), Shefficid: Sheffield Acad. Press, 1988, ix, 423 p. [rev.: ETL 65, 1989, 431-436 (M.
Vervenne); BiOr 48/5-6, 1991, 882-883 W.S. Prinsloo | JSS 36/1, 1991, 195-199 J.F. Healey | VT 41/3,
1991, 498-499 J.F. Healey | ZAW 102/1, 1990, 164-165 H.-C. S[chmitt] | Cf. 16256.
T. Veviurko, “Poetry vs. Prose and Related Problems of Archaic Poetry of Israel”, Biblia 3, 1999, 84-107,
W. von Soden, “Rhythmische Gestaltung und intendierte Aussage im Alten Testament und in
babylonischen Dichtungen”, ZAH 3, 1990, 179-206.
W.G.E. Watson, Classical Hebrew poetry: aguide to its techniques (JSOT SS 26), Sheffield 1984 [rev.: RB
93, 1986,306 (R.J. T[oumet]); BSOAS 50, 1987, 360-361 (J. Wansbrough): Biblica 67, 1986, 120-124
(L. Alonso Schökell); ThL 111,1986, 178-180 (W. Herrmann); CBQ 49, 1987, 326-327 (J. Kselma);
BZ 31, 1987, 134-136 (W. Thiel); JBL 106, 1987, 328-330 (W.J. Urbrock); UF 1987, 467-468 (O.
Loretz); BiOr 45, 1988, 389-393 (T. Booij)].
W.G.E. Watson, “Trends in the development of classical Hebrew poetry: a comparative study”, UF 14,
1982, 265-277.
W.R. Watters, Formula criticism and the poetry of the Old Testament, Berlin 1976 [rev.: Biblica 58, 1977,
289 (L. Alonso Schökel); BZ 22, 1978, 288-289 (J. Scharbert)].
P.B. Yoder, “Biblical Hebrew”, in W.K. Wimsatt, ed., Versification: Major language types. Sixteen
essays, New York 1972, pp., 52-65.
T.R. Young: The syntactic construction of poetic units in Jeremiah 1- 10. - Madison, WI: Univ. of
Wisconsin-Madison, 1991. - 575 p. | Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison diss. (PhD) | DAI 53/2, 1992, 479-A.
Z. Zevit, “Roman Jakobson, psycholinguistics, and Biblical poetry”, JBL, 109, 1990, 385-401.
W. William, “Formulaic poetry in the Old Testament”, CL 15, 1963, 1-14.
6A.11.1 Meter scancion / Colometry
N. Allony, The Scansion of Medieval Hebrew Poetry (Heb.), Diss. Hebrew Univ. Jerusalem 5709/1949
[rev.: Sefarad 10, 1950, 440-441 (J.M. Millás)].
K. Beyer, “Kannte das Althebräische feste Metren?”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 10-16.
A. Bruno, Die Bucher Genesis-Exodus. Eine rhythmische Untersuchung, Stockholm 1953 [rev.: Biblica
36 1955, 97-98 (R. A. Dyson); NThTs 9 1954-55, 106 (M. A. Beek)].
A. Bruno, Jesaja. Eine rhythmische und textkritische Untersuchung, Stockholm 1953 [rev.: Biblica 36
1955, 97-98 (R. A. Dyson); NThTs 9 1954-55, 106 (M. A. Beek); Paideia 10 195, 524 (G. Rinaldi)].
A. Bruno, Jeremia. Eine rhythmische Untersuchung, Stockholm 1954 [rev.: Paideia 10 1955, 524 (G.
Rinaldi); NThTs 9 1954-55, 106 M. A. Beek)].
A. Bruno, Die Psalmen. Eine rhythmische und textkritische Untersuchung, Stockholm 1954 [rev.: RB 62
1955, 444-445 (R. T[ournay]); ThLZ 80 1955, 153-154 (O. Eissfeldt); NThTs 9 1954-55, 106 (M. A.
Beek); JThS 6 1955, 345 (J. R. Driver)].
A. Bruno, Die Bücher Samuelis. Eine rhythmische Untersuchung, Stockholm 1955 [rev.: RSO 30 1955
325-328 (G. Castellino); JThS 6 1955, 258 G. R. Driver)].
A. Bruno, Die Bücher Könige. Eine rhythmische Untersuchung, Stockholm 1955 [rev.: JThS 6 1955, 258
(G. R. Driver)].
S. Bullough, “The question of metre in Psalm 1”, VT 17, 1967, 42-49.
S.T. Byington, “A Mathematical Approach to Hebrew Metres”, JBL 66, 1947, 63-77.
H. Churchyard, “Vowel reduction in Tiberian Biblical Hebrew as evidence for a sub-foot level of
maximally trimoraic metrical constituents”, CP 9, 1989, 1-19.
W.T.W. Cloete, “The colometry of Hebrew verse”, JNSL 25, 1989, 15-29.
W.T.W. Cloete”, The concept of metre in Old Testament studies”, JS/TS 1, 1989, 39-53.
M.J. Dahood, “The Foot gmr in the Psalms”, Theological Studies 14, 1953, 595-597.
V. DeCaen, “Theme and variation in Psalm III: phrase and foot in generative-metrical perspective”,
JSS 54/1, 2009, 81-109.
L. de Regt, “Een metrische benadering van accent-verschijnselen in het Tiberiensisch Hebreeuws”,
Glot 5, 1982, 219-234.
G. Fecht, Metrik des Hebraischen und Phoenizischen (Ägypten und Altes Testament 19), Wiesbaden 1990
[rev.: ThZ 49, 1993, 90-91 (B. Weber)].
G. Fohrer, “Über den Kurzvers”, ZAW 66, 1954, 199-236 [in connexion with S. Mowinckel’s article,
ZAW 65, 1953, 167-187].
R.L. Giese, “Strophic Hebrew verse as free verse”, JNSL 17, 1991, 1-15.
R.L. Giese, “Strophic Hebrew verse as free verse”, JSOT 61, 1994, 29-38.
D. Gonzalo Maeso, “La métrica en el libro de Isaias”, MEAH 12-13, 1963-64, 3-34.
M. Halle, J.J. McCarthy, “The metrical structure of psalm 137”, JBL, 100, 1981, 161-167.
M. Halle, “Syllable-counting meters and pattern poetry in the Old Testarnent”, in Fs.Blanc, pp. 110-120.
M. Halle, “Metrical verse in the psalms”, in D. van der Meij, ed., India and beyond: aspects of literature,
meaning, ritual and thought: essays in honour of Frits Staal, London 1997, pp. 207-225.
M. Haran, “The graded numerical sequence and the phenomenon of ‘automatism’ in Biblical poetry”, in
M. Haran, “The graded numerical sequence and the phenomenon of ‘automatism’ in Biblical poetry”,
in VTS. 22, 1972, 238-267.
I. Knohl, “Sacred Architecture: The Numerical Dimensions of Biblical Poems”, VT 62 2012, 189-197.
T. Longman, AA critique of two recent metrical systems@, Biblica 63, 1982, 230-254 [on F. Cross, D.N.
Freedman and J. Kuryłlowicz’ theories].
O. Loretz, Studien zur althebräischen Poesie. I. Das althebräische Liebeslied. Untersuchungen zur
Stickometrie und Redaktionsgeschichte des Hohenliedes und des 45. Psalms (AOAT 4,I),
Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn 1971 [rev.: OA 11, 1972, 239-240 (J.A. Soggin)].
O. Loretz, Die Psalmen, II: Beitrag der Ugarit-Texte zum Verständnis von Kolometrie und Textologie der
Psalmen ..., Kevelaer/Neukirchen Vluyn 1979 [BL 1979, 11209] [BiOr 37, 1980, 347-350 (J.P.M. van
der Ploeg)].
O. Loretz, “Die Analyse der ugaritischen und hebräsichen Poesie mittels Stichometrie und
Konsonantenzählung”, UF 7, 1975, 265-269.
J.L. Malone, “’Heavy Segments’ vs. The Paradoxes of Segment Length; the Evidence of Tiberian
Hebrew", Linguistics 16, 1978, 119-58.
M. Mark, “Verdichtung und Vernetzung theologischer Aussage. Zur textsemiotischen Signifikanz der
hebräischen Metrik”, in PM, pp. 41-103.
T.P. McCreesh, Poetic sound patterns in Proverbs 10-29, Diss. The Catholic Univ. of America 1982
[DAb 43/I, 1982, 155-A].
Th.P. McCreesh, Biblical sound and sense: poetic sound patterns in Proverb., 10-29 (JSOT. Suppl. Series
128), Sheffield 1991 [revision of Diss. Catholic Univ. of America, 1981] [rev.: CBQ 56, 1994, 117118 (A.R. Ceresko); ZAW 106, 1994, 164-165 (J. van Oorschot)].
S. Mowinckel, “Zum Problem der hebräischen Metrik”, in Fs. Bertholet, pp. 379-394.
S. Mowinckel, “Zur hebräischen Metrik, II”, STh 7, 1953, 54-85, 166.
S. Mowinckel, “Metrischer Aufbau und Textkritik, an Ps. 8 illustriert”, in Fs. Pedersen, pp. 250-262.
S. Mowinckel, “Der metrische Aufbau von Jes 62, I-I2 und die néuen sog. Kurzverse’“, ZAW 65, 1953,
S. Mowinckel, “Die Metrik bei Jesus Sirach”, STh 9, 1955, 137-165.
S. Mowinckel, “Marginalien zur hebräischen Metrik”, ZAW 68, 1956, 97-123 [reply to Fohrer, ZAW 66,
1954, 199-236].
D. Pardee, “Ugaritic and Hebrew metrics”, in UR, pp. 113-130.
Th. Renz, Colometry and Accentuation in Hebrew Prophetic Poetry (KUSATU 4), Waltrop 2003.,
St. Segert, “Vorarbeiten zur hebräischen Metrik”, AO 21,1953, 481-510; 25, 1957, 190-200 [I. Das Wort
als metrische Grundeinheit der althebräischen Poesie. II. Die Verwendung der alternierenden Metrik in
der jüngsten biblischen und altesten nachbiblischen hebräischen Poesie. III. Zum Problem der
metrischen Elemente im Buche Ruth].
S.P. Stocks, The Form and Function of the Tricolon in the Psalms of Ascents: Introducing a New
Paradigm for Hebrew Poetic Line-form, Eugene OR [rev.: RBL 2012 [http://www.bookreviews.org]
(2012) (Gert T. M. Prinsloo)].
D.K. Stuart, Studies in early Hebrew meter (Harvard Sem. Monographs 13), Missoula, MT 1976 [rev.:
Biblica 59, 1978, 421-423 (L.A. Schökel); CBQ 40, 1978, 255-256 (R.C. Culley) ; JBL 97, 1978,
273-274 (E.M. Good); BASOR 233, 1979, 75-76 (A. Cooper)].
E. Tov, “The indication of small sense units (verses) in biblical manuscripts”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 473486.
T. Veviurko, “The Metrics of Archaic Hebrew Poetry”, Biblia 1, 1998, 123-150, 301-302.
J. Wansbrough, AHebrew verse: scansion and parallax@, BSOAS 45, 1982, 5-13.
J. Wansbrough, AHebrew verse: apostrophe and epanalepsis@, BSOAS 45, 1982, 425-433.
Al. Wolters, “Metrological PRS-terms from Ebla to Mishna”, in Eblaitica 4, pp. 223-241.
6A.11.2 Parallelism / Word pairs
Y. Avishur, The construct state of synonyms in Biblical rhetoric. Studies in the stylistic phenomenon of
synonymous word pairs in the construct case (Hebr.), Jerusalem 1977 [rev.: RB 85, 1978, 450 (R.
Y. Avishur, “Pairs of synonymous words in the construct state (and in appositional hendiadys) in Biblical
Hebrew”, Semitics 2, 1971-72, 17-81.
Y. Avishur, Stylistic studies of word pairs in Biblical and ancient Semitic literature (AOAT 210),
Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn1984 [rev.: ThQ 165, 1985, 64 (W. Gross); BSOAS 49, 1986, 569 (J.
Wansbrough); ZAW 98, 1986, 1360 (K[aiser]); OA 26, 1987, 157-158 (G. Garbini); AuOr 5, 1987,
155-157 (J. Sanmartín Ascaso); JAOS 109 4, 1989, 684-685 (D. Marcus); CBQ 51/3, 1989, 512-514
(M.L. Barré)].
Y. Avishur, “Word Pairs Common to Phoenician and Biblical Hebrew”, UF 7, 1975, 13-47.
J. Bazak, “Word pairs of different number as a literary ornament in Biblical parallelism” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 106-111.
A. Berlin, “Grammatical aspects of Biblical parallelism”, HUCA 50, 1979, 17-43.
A. Berlin, “Parallel word pairs: a linguistic explanation”, UF 15, 1983, 7-16.
R. G. Boling, “‘Synonymous’ Parallelism in the Psalms”, JSS 5, 1960, 221- 255.
U. Cassuto, “Couples de mots parallèles en hébreu et en ugaritien” (Heb.), Leshonenu 15, 1947, 97-102.
L. Boadt, “The A:B:B:A chiasm of identical roots in Ezekiel”, VT 25, 1975, 693-699.
A. R. Ceresko, “The A:B::B:A word pattern in Hebrew and Northwest Semitic with special reference to
the Book of Job”, UF 7, 1975, 73-88.
P.C. Craigie, “A note on “fixed pairs” in Ugaritic and early Hebrew poetry”, in JThS 22, 1971, 140-143.
P.C. Craigie, “The problem of parallel word pairs in Ugaritic and Hebr. Poetry”, in Semitics 5, 1977, 4858.
M. Dahood, “The Ugaritic parallel pair qra//qba in Isaiah 62,2”, Biblica 58, 1977, 527-528.
M. Dahood, “Three Parallel Pairs in Ecclesiastes 10:18. A Reply to Professor Gordis”, JQR 62, 1971, 6487.
M. Dahood, “Additional Pairs of Parallel Words in the Psalter and in Ugaritic”, in Wort, Lied, und
Gottesspruch (Fs. Ziegler), Würzburg 1972, pp. 35-40.
M. Dahood, “Some Rare Parallel Word Pairs in Job and in Ugaritic”, in R.J. Clifford, G.W. MacRae, eds.,
The Word in the World (Fs. Moriarty), Weston College 1973, 19-34.
G. del Olmo Lete, “Algunos pares ugarítico-hebreos preteridos”, Aula Orientalis 2, 1984, 11-22.
O. Loretz, “Der ugaritisch-hebräische Parallelismus rkp crpt // rkb b crbwt in Psalm 68, 5”, UF 34, 2002,
J.A. Galbright, A quantitative analysis of the parallelistic structures in Hebrew poetry, Diss. Boston Univ.
Graduate School 1981 [DAb 42/6, 1981, 2650-A].
S.A. Geller, Parallelism in early Biblical poetry (Harvard Sem. Monographs 20), Missoula, MT 979 [erv.:
JThS 31, 1980, 696 (P.J.M. Southwell); CBQ 42, 1980, 385-386 (A.R. Ceresko); JAOS 102, 1982,
404-405 (D.L. Christensen)].
E.L. Greenstein, “Two variations of grammatical parallelism in Canaanite poetry and their psycholinguistic
background”, JANES 6, 1974, 87-105.
D. Grossberg, “Nom/verb parallelism: syntactic or asyntactic”, JBL 99, 1980, 481-488.
W. Gross, “Parallelismus – Satzgrenzen – Satzezteilfolgen in alttestamentlicher Poesie”, in PM, pp.29-39.
M. Held, “Hebrew ma’gal; a study in lexical parallelism”, JANES 6, 1974,107-116.
J. Krasovec, Antithetic structure in Biblical Hebrew poetry, Leiden 1984 [rev: JBL 105, 1986, 704-705
(J.L. Kugel); BSOAS 50, 1987, 360-361 (J. Wansbrough); AuOr 5, 1987, 171-172 (W.G.E. Watson);
JAOS 107, 1987, 140 (A. Berlin); JSS 32, 1987, 190-192 (F. Healey); CBQ 50, 1988, 503-505 (W.G.E.
J.L. Kugel Biblical parallelism and its early exegesis, Diss. City Univ. of New York 1977 [DAb 38, 1978.
J.L. Kugel, The idea of Biblical poetry: parallelism and its history, New Haven 1981[rev.: Biblica 64,
1983, 134-136 (W.G.E. Watson)]
O. Loretz, “Der ‘Leerlauf’ des Parallelismus membrorum im Ugaritisch-Hebräischen. Anmerkungen zu
OBO 224”, UF 38, 2006, 779-788.
J. Luchsinger, “Wirkende Worte werbender Weiser. Der Interne Parallelismus in der alttestamentlichen
Spruchweisheit”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 196-217.
P.D. Miller, “Synonymous-sequential parallelism in the Psalms”, Biblica 61, 1980, 256-260.
P.J. Nel, “ParalleIism and recurrence in Biblical Hebrew poetry: a theoretical proposal”, JNSL 18, 1992,
D. Pardee, Ugaritic and Hebrew poetic parallelism: a trial cut (cnt I and Proberbs 2) (SVT 39], Leiden
D. Pardee, “Acrostics and parallelism: the parallelistic structure of Psalm III”, Maarav 8, 1992, 117-138.
G. Rendsburg, “Janus Parallelism in Gen 49:26”, JBL 99, 1980, 291-293.
H. Ringgren, AThe omitting of kol in Hebrew parallelism@, VT 32, 1982, 99-103.
KL. Seybold, “Anmerkungen zum Parallelismus membrorum in den hebräischen Poesie”, in PM, pp. 105114.
N. Tidwell, “A road and a way: A contribution to the study of word-pairs”, Semitics 7, 1980, 50-80.
D. Tsumura, “Vertical grammar. The grammar of parallelism in biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp.
An. Wagner, “The Parallelismus membrorum zwinschen poetischer Form und Denkfigur”, in PM, pp. 1-26.
W.G.E. Watson, “The unnoticed word pair ‘eye(s)’/‘heart’”, ZAW 101, 1989, 398-408.
W.G.E. Watson, “The word pair «eye(s)» // «heart» once more”, SEL 9, 1992, 27-31.
W.G.E. Watson, “Gender-matched synonymous parallelism in the OT” JBL, 99, 1980, 321-341 [on the use
of nouns of matching gender within the colon].
W.G.E. Watson, “A note on staircase parallelism”, VT 33, 1983, 510-512.
W.G.E. Watson, “The Hebrew word-pair ’sp / / qbs, ZAW 96, 1984, 426-434.
J.T. Willis, “The juxtaposition of synonymous and chiastic parallelism in tricola in Old Testament Hebrew
Psalm poetry”, VT 29, 1979, 465-480.
P.B. Yoder, “A-B pairs and oral composition in Hebrew poetry”, VT 21, 1971, 470-489.
P.B. Yoder, Fixed Word pairs and the composition of Hebrew poetry, Diss., Univ. of Pennsylvania 1970
[DAb 31/6, Dec. 1970, 2897-A].
Sh. Yona, “A Study of Words Repetition in Construct Form in Biblical Parallelism” (Heb.), in
Fs. MMayer, pp. 197-209.
E. Zurro, “Disemia de brú y paralelismo bifronte en Job 9,25”. Biblica 62, 1981, 546-547.
6A.11.3 Strophic sctructure
C. Aslanov, “BAYT (‘House’) as ‘Strophe’ in Hebrew, Byzantine and Near Eastern Poetry”, Muséon 121,
2008, 297-310
Y. Avishur, “Addenda to the expanded colon in Ugaritic and Biblical verse”, UF 4, 1972, 1-10 [addenda
to S.E. Loewenstamm, JSS 14, 176-179].
P.-R. Berger, “Zu den Strophen des 10. Psalms”, UF 2, 1970, 7-17.
A. Bruno, Alttestamentliche Texträtsel und strophische Analyse, Stockholm 1965.
D.L. Christensen, “The acrostic of Nahum once again: a prosodic analysis of Na hum I, 1-10”, ZAW 99,
1987, 409-415.
D. N. Freedman, “Acrostics and metrics in Hebrew poetry”, HThR 65, 1972, 367-392.
D.N. Freedman, “Acrostic poems in the Hebrew Bible: alphabetic and otherwise”, CBQ 48, 1986, 408431.
W.R. Garr, “The Qinah: a study of poetic meter, syntax and style”, ZAW 95, 1983, 54-75.
J.C. Greenfield, “The ‘cluster’ in Biblical poetry”, Maarav 5-6, 1990, 159-168.
M. Halle, “A biblical pattern poem”, in N. Fabb et al., The linguistics of writing: arguments between
language and literature, Manchester 1987, pp. 67-75.
S.E. Loewenstamm, “The expanded colon in Ugaritic and Biblical verse”, JSS 14, 1969, 176-196.
S. E. Loewenstamm, “The expanded colon, reconsidered”, UF 7, 1975, 261-264.
O. Loretz, “Hexakola im Ugaritischen und Hebräischen”, UF 21, 1989, 237-240.
S. Mowinckel, Real and Apparent Tricola in hebrew Psalm Poetry (Avhandlinger utgitt av Det Norske
Videnskaps-Aka. i Oslo II. Hist.-filos. klasse 1952, 2), Oslo 1957 [rev.: ThLZ 85, 1960, 355-357 (C.
Westermann); ThZ 16, 1960, 137 (B. Hartmann); JThS 11, 1960. 122-124 T.H. Robinson)].
D. Pardee, “Acrostics and parallelism: the parallelistic structure of Psalm III”, Maarav 8, 1992, 117-138.
P.T. Piatti, “I carmi alfabetici della Bibbia chiave della metrica ebraica?”, Biblica 31, 1950, 281-315,
St. Segert, “Assonance and rhyme in Hebrew poetry”, Maarav 8, 1992, 171-179.
P. van der Lugt, Strofische structuren in de Bijbels-Hebreeuwse poëzie: de geschiedenis van het onderzoek
en een bijdrage tot de theorievorming omtrent de strofenbouw van de Psalmen (Dissertationes
Neerlandicae, Series theologica 1) (Diss. Theologische Acad., Kampen), Kampen 1980 [rev.: RB 88,
1981, 614-615 R. T.[ournay]); CBQ 44, 1982, 655-657 (R. North); JSS 27, 1982, 299-304 (T. CoIlins);
OLZ 82, 1987, 150-152 (W .C. Delsman); BZ 27, 1983, 256-257 (J. Becker)].
P. van der Lugt, Cantos and Strophes in Biblical Hebew Poetry with Special References to the First Book
of the Psalter (OTS 53), Leiden 2006 [rev.: BiOr 66, 2009, 318-321 (A.L.H.M. van Wieringen)].
[cf. 6A.4.4. Linguistic and Literary (discours) analysis]
6A.12.0. General Stylistics
L. Alonso-Schökel, “Die stilistische Analyse bei den Propheten”, in VTS 7, pp. 154-164. Congress
Volume. Papers read at the third congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old
Testament, held in Oxford, August 31-Sept. 5, 1959, Oxford 1959 (VTS 7), Leiden 1960 [rev. : AO 29
1961 157-158 (S. Segert)]
Fr.I. Andersen, The sentence in Biblical Hebrew, The Hague 1974 [rev.: BiOr 32, 1975, 394 (G.
Fr.I. Andersen, “Salience, implicature, ambiguity, and redundancy in clause-clause relationships in
Biblical Hebrew”, in BHDL, pp. 99-116.
Fr.I. Andersen, “The poetic properties of prophetic discourse in the book of Micah” [172], 520-528.
Y. Avishur, Stylistic studies of word pairs in Biblical and ancient Semitic literature (AOAT 210),
Kevelaer/Neukirchen-Vluyn1984 [rev.: BSOAS 49, 1986, 569 (J. Wansbrough); OA 26, 1987, 157-158
(G. Garbini.); ThQ 165, 1985, 64 (W. Gross); JAOS 109 4, 1989, 684-685 (D. Marcus); CBQ 51/3,
1989, 512-514 (M.L. Barré)].
A. Bar-Adon, “Analogy and Analogic Changes Reflected in Contemporary Hebrew", in P9ICL , pp. 758764 [repr. in Aaron Bar-Adon and Werner F. Leopold, eds, Child Language, Englewood Cliffs NJ
1971, pp. 302-306.]
S. Bentin, L.B. Feldman, “The contribution of morphological and semantic relatedness to the repetition
effect at long and shirt lags: Evidence from Hebrew”, Quarterly Journal of Experimental
Psychology 42, 1990, 693-711.
J. Becker, “Einige Hyperbata im Alten Testament”, BZ 17, 1973, 257-263.
J. Blenkinsopp, “Stylistics of Old Testament poetry”, Biblica 44, 1963, 352-358 [rev. of Alonso-Schökel
Estudios de poética hebrea, 1963]
G. Braulik, “Aufbrechen von geprägten Wortverbindungen und Zusammenfassen von stereotypen
Ausdrücken in der alttestamentlichen Kunstprosa”, Semitics 1, 1970, 7-11.
F.W. Bush, “Ruth 4:17: a semantic wordplay”, in Fs. Young, pp., 3-14.
T. Collins, Line-forms in Hebrew poetry: a grammatical approach to the stylistic study of the Hebrew
Prophets (Studia Pohl: Series maior 7), Rome 1978 [rev.: JRL 99, 1980, 301 (W.E. March); Biblica 61,
1980, 581-583 (W.G.E. Watson); JSS 26, 1981, 123-125 (J.F.A. Sawyer); RB 87, 1980, 148-149 (R.
Tournay); CBQ 42, 1980, 91-92 (M. O’Connor); JAOS 102, 1982, 404-405 (D.L. Christensen); WO 12,
1981, 191-193 (R. Smend); BiOr 41/3-4, 1984, 453-457 (E. Talstra)].
M. Dahood, “The divine designation hû’ in Eblate and the Old testament”, AION 43, 1983, 193-199.
F. Deist, “Stilvergleichung als literarkritisches Verfahren”, ZAW 89, 1977, 325-357.
G.R. Driver, “Colloquialisms in the Old Testament”, in Mél. Cohen, pp. 232-239.
K. Elliger, “Ein neuer Zngang?”, in Fs. Rost, pp. 59-64 [with reference to Hans Kosmala’s article on form
and structure in ancient Hebrew poetry, VT 4, 1954, 423-445; 16, 1966, 152-180.
M. Eskhult, “Markers of text type in biblical Hebrew from a diachronic perspective”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp.
J.P. Fokkelman, “Iterative forms of the classical Hebrew verb: exploring the triangle of style, syntax and
text grammar”, in Fs. Hoftijzer, pp. 38-55.
G. Gerleman, “Bemerkungen zum alttestamentlichen Sprachstil”, in Fs. Vriezen, pp. 108-114.
G. Gerleman, “Hebraisk berättarstil”, Svensk Teologisk Kvartalskrift (Lund) 25, 1949, 81-90.
A. Gianto, “Some Notes on Evidentiality in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Moran 2005, pp. 133-153.
N. Gueunier, “Sur la figurativité en poétique biblique”, Verbum 16/1-3, 1993. 45-54.
J. G. Heintz, “Langage prophétique et ‘style de cour’ selon ‘Archives Royales de Mari’ X et l’Ancien
Testament“, Semitica 22, 1972, 5-12.
H. Irsigler, “Äquivalenz in Poesie. Die kontextuellen Synonyme ṣảcaqả yảlalā - šibr gadu(w)l in Zef
1,10c.d.e.”, BZ 22, 1978, 221-235.
M.Z. Kaddary, “On deontic modaIity in Biblical and post-Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Scheiber, pp. 251-255.
B. Kedar-Koustein, “Synästhesien im biblischen Althebräisch in Übersetzung und Auslegung”, ZAH l,
1988, 47-60, 147-158.
J.H. Kroeze, “Semantic relations in construct phrases of Biblical Hebrew : a functional approach”, ZAH
10, 1997, 27-41.
H. Kruse, “Die ‘dialektische Negation’ als semitisches Idiom”, VT 4, 1954, 385-400.
E. Lemoine, Théorie de l’emphase hébraïque, Paris 1951 [rev.: MUSJ 29, 1951-52, 394-396 (H. Fleisch);
RB 59, 1952, 298-300 (F.M. Lemoine); VT 2, 1952, 94 (H. Cazelles); JJewS 3, 1952, 136-138 (D.W.
B.A. Levine, “Cognate Patterns in Ancient Hebrew Poetry: Tracing the Lineagy of Psalm 110”, in LANE
1/2, pp. 1147-1162.
J. Lindblom, “Profetisk bildsprak”, AAǺ, 1949, 208-223.
R. Lillas-Schuil, “A Survey of Syntagms in the Hebrew Bible Classified as Hendiadys”, in CIASGL II, pp.
C. Macholz, “Das ‘Passivum divinum’, seine Anfänge im Alten Testament und der ‘Hofstil”, ZNW 81,
1990, 247-253.
J. Maier, “Bemerkungen zur Fachsprache und Religionspolitik im Königreich Juda”, Judaica (Zürich) 26,
1970, 89-105.
L. Markert, Struktur und Bezeichnung des Scheltworts,Berlin 1977 [rev.: JBL 98, 1979, 125-126 (J.
S.A. Meier: Speaking of speaking . . . . - Leiden 1992 [rev.: ZAW 105, 1993, 533 (D. Kinet); VT 44, 1994,
140-141 (W.G.E. Watson); JThS 46, 1995, 202-205 (A.Millard); ThL 118, 1993, 1026-1028 (W.
Gross); CBQ 56, 1994, 558-560 (C.L. Miller); JBL 113, 1994, 704-705 (D. Nelson); JQR 86, 1990,
493-495 (Gcorge Savran)].
C.L. Miller, “Sílence as a response in Biblical Hebrew narrative: strategies of speakers and narrators”,
]NSL 32/1, 2006, 23-43.
C.L. Miller, “A reconsideration of ‘double duty’ prepositions in biblical poetry”, JANES 31, 2009, 99-110.
A. Mirsky, “Stylistic device for conclusion in Hebrew”, Semitics 5, 1977, 9-23.
A. Moshavi, "‘Is that your voice, my son David?’: conducive questions in Biblical Hebrew”,
JNSL 36/1, 2010, 65-81.
R. Nir, “The survival of obsolete Hebrew words in idiomatic expressions”, AAL 2/3, 1975, 11-17 (61-67)
W. Oswald, “Text segmentation and pragmatics”, in A4CIBI, pp. 140-153.
Ch. Rabin, “Un phénomene d’alternance stylistique des constructions indéfinies en hébreu biblique”,
GLECS 10, 1964, 34-35.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Bilingual word play in the Bible”, VT 38, 1988, 354-357.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Kabbir in BibIical Hebrew: evidence for style-switching and addressee-switching in the
Hebrew Bible”, J AOS 112, 1992, 649-651.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Redactional Structuring in the Joseph Story: Genesis 37-50”, in V.L. Tollers, J. Maier,
eds, Mapping of the Biblical Terrain: The Bible as Text (Bucknell Review 33:2), Lewisburg PA 1990,
pp. 215-232.
G.A. Rendsburg, “The Two Screens: On Mary Douglas’s Proposal for a Literary Structure to the Book of
Leviticus”, JSQ 15, 2008, 175-189.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Mebulbelet Langauge as Literary Takhsis in Biblical Narrative” (Heb.), in Fs. Garsiel,
pp. 27.43.
E.J. Revell, “The repetition of introductions to speech as a feature of Biblical Hebrew”, VT 47, 1997, 91
H. Ringgren, “A law of stylistic balance in Hebrew”, in Pistis kai erga (Horae Soederblomianae 6), Lund
1964, pp. 9-14.
D. Rosner, “The simile and its use in the Old Testament”, Semitics 4, 1974, 37-46.
S-A. Maier, Speaking of speaking: marking direct discourse in the Hebrew Bible (SVT, 46), Leiden 1992.
G. Savran, "Multivocality in Group Speech in Biblical Narrative", Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, Volume 9: Article 25 (2009) (on-line).
R.S. Sirat, “Brèves remarques sur l’évolution de la langue poétique en hébreu”, RENLO 5, 1968, 27-48.
T. Stanek, “Jahwe i jego lud: analiza retoryczna Wj 18,1-20,23” (Yahweh and his people: a rhetorical
analysis of Ex 18: 1-20, 23), Poznańskie Studia Teologiczne (Poznań) 21, 2007, 7-19.
Sh. Yona, “Stylistic and Syntactic Variants in Repeated Texts in the Bible” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 225232.
T. Zewi, Parenthesis in Biblical Hebrew (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistics, 50),
Leiden 2007.[rev.: JNSL 35/2, 2009, 123-126 (Ch.H.J. van der Merwe)].
E. Zurro, Procedimientos iterativos en la poesia ugaritica y hebrea (Biblica et Orientalia 43), Roma 1987.
6A.12.1. Forms and Formulae
M. Anbar, “Formule d’introduction du discours direct au milieu du discourse à Mari et dans la Bible”, VT
47, 1997, 530-536.
H.J. Boecker, Redeformen des Rechtslebens im Alten Testament (WMANT 14), Neukirchen-Vluyn 1964
[rev.: Biblica 47, 1966, 601-602 (J. Harvey); BiOr 22, 1965, 299-300 (H. A. Brongers)].
B.S. Childs, “A study of the formula ‘until this day...’”, JBL 82, 1963, 279-292.
T. Conklin, Oath Formulas in Biblical Hebrew (Linguistic Studies in Ancient West Semitic, 5), Winona
Lake IN 2011 [rev.: JNSL 37/2, 2011, 101-104 (Chr.H.J.van der Merwe)].
A. D. Crown, “Aposiopesis in the O. T. and the Hebrew conditional oath”, Abr-Nahrain 4, 1963-1964, 96111.
R.Ch.Culley, Oral formulaic language in the Biblical psalms, Univ. of Toronto Diss. 1963 [DAb 25, 1964,
1191; Linguistics 13. 1965, 106-107] = (Near and Middle East Series 4), Toronto 1967 [rev.: Biblica
49, 1968, 41O-411 (M. Dahood); BSOAS 32, 1969, 601-602 (A.R. Millard); RB 75, 1968, 299-300 (R.
Tournay); CL 21. 1969, 187-188 (W. Whallon); JSS 14, 1969, 119-122 (R.G. Boling)].
I. Haag, St. Llewelyn, J. Tsonis, “Ezekiel 16 and its use of Allegory and the Disclosure-of-Abomination
Formula”, VT 62, 2012, 198-210(13)
W. Jazen, Mourning cry and woe oracle (ZAWB 125), Berlin 1972.
J. Krispenz, “Grammatik und Theologie in der Botenformel”, ZAH 11, 1998, 133-139.
C.J. Labuschagne, “The pattern of the divine speech formulas in the Pentateuch!”, VT 32, 1982, 268-296.
I. Lande, Formelhafte Wendungen der Umgangssprache im Alten Testament (Diss. Zürich Univ.), Leiden
1949 [rev.: BiOr 6, 1949, 155-156 (P. Humbert)].
G. Liedke, Gestalt und Bezeichnung alttestamentlicher Rechtssätze. Eine formgeschichtlich–terminologische Studie (Wissenschaftliche Monographien zum Alten und Neuen Testament 39), NeukirchenVluyn 1971.
I. Ljung, Tradition and interpretation. A study of the use and application of formulaic language in the socalled Ebed YHWH psalms (Coniectanea Biblica, Old Testament Series 12); Lund 1978 [JSS 25, 1980,
111-112 (R.N. Whybray); JThS 31, 1980, 696 (P.J.M. Southwell); RB 87, 1980, 150-151 (R.
B.-K. Ljungberg, “Genre and form criticism in Old Testament exegesis”, in BHDL, pp. 415-433.
D. Pardee, “An overview of ancient Hebrew epistolography. With the collaboration of J. D. Whithead,
P.E. Dion”, JBL 97, 1978, 321-346.
F.H. Polak, “Linguistic and Stylistic Aspects of Epic Formulae in Ancient Semitic Poetry and Biblical
Narrative”, in BHNWSS, pp. 285-304.
R. Rendtorff, “Botenformel und Botenspruch”, ZAW 74, 1962, 165-177.
J. Scharbert, “Die Geschichte der b¿rûk-Formel”, BZ 17, 1973, 1-28.
R. Sonsino, Motive clauses in Hebrew law: Biblical forms and Near Eastern parallels (SBL Diss. Series
45), Chico CA 1980 [rev.: JSS 28, 1983, 161-163 (B.J. Schwartz)].
J.M. Thompson, The form and function of proverbs in ancient Israel (Studia Judaica I), The Hague 1974.
W.R. Watters, Formula criticism and the poetry of the Old Testament, Berlin 1976 [rev.: Biblica 58, 1977,
289 (L. Alonso Schökel); BZ 22, 1978, 288-289 (J. Scharbert)].
M. Weiss, “Einiges über die Bauformen des Erzählens in der Bibel”, VT 13, 1963, 456-475.
6A.12.2. Rhethoric figures
H. A. Brongers, “Merismus, Synekdoche und Hendiadys in der Bibel-Hebräischen Sprache”, OTS 14,
1965, 100-114.
W. Bühlnann, K. Scherer, Stilfiguren der Bibel. Ein kleines Nachschlagewerk. Mit einem Anhang von Otto
Rickenbacher: Einige Beispiele stilistischer Analyse alttestamentlicher Texte (Biblische Beitrage 10),
Freiburg 1973.
A.R. Ceresko, “The chiastic word pattern in Hebrew”, CBQ 38, 1976, 303-311.
A.R. Ceresko, “The function of chiasmus in Hebrew poetry”, CQB 40, 1978, 1-10.
A.R. Ceresko, “The function of the antanaclasis (m§= ‘to find’ / / m§= ‘to reach, overtake, grasp’) in
Hebrew poetry, especially in the Book of Qoheleth”, CBQ 44, 1982, 551-569.
M. Dahood, “Congruity of metaphors”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 40-49 [in the Old Testament].
M. Dahood, “The Breakup of Stereotyped Phrases: Some New Examples”, JANES 5 (Fs. Gaster), 1973,
M. Dahood, “Chiasmus in Job: A Text-Critical and Philological Criterion”, in H.N. Bream et al., Old
Testament Studies (Fs. Myers), Temple Philadelphia PN 1974, pp. 119-130.
A. Díez Macho, “La homonimia o paronomasia = al-muŷ¿asa = lašón nofel cal lašón”, Sefarad 8, 1948,
293-321; 9, 1949, 269-309.
A. Di Marco, “Der Chiasmus in der Bibel. Ein Beitrag zur strukturellen Stilistik. 1. Teil; 2. Teil.”,
Linguistica Biblica (Bonn) 36, 1975, 21-97; 37, 1976, 49-68.
I.H. Eybers, “Some examples of hyperbole in Biblical Hebrew”, Semitics 1, 1970, 38-49.
J.J. Glück, “The figure of ‘inversion’ in the Book of Proverbs”, Semitics 5, 1977, 24-31.
J.J. Glück, “Paronomasia in Biblical literature”, Semitics 1, 1970, 50-78.
J. J. Glück, “Assonance in ancient Hebrew poetry: Sound patterns as a literary device”, in Fs. Van Selms,
pp. 69-84.
M. Goff, “Alliteration and the sacred : a study of "be fertile and incre”, HeyJ 38, 1997, 413-425.
A. Guillaume, “Paronomasia in the Old Testament”, JSS 9, 1964, 282-290.
M. Held, “Rhetorical questions in Ugaritic and biblical Hebrew”, ErIs 9, 1969, 711-79.
M.M. Kaplan, The lion in the Hebrew Bible: a study of a Biblical metaphor, Diss. Brandeis Univ. 1981
[DAb 42/6, 1981, 2650-A].
J. Krašovec, “Merism - polar expression in Biblical Hebrew”, Biblica 64, 1983, 231-239.
M. Kessler, “Inclusio in the Hebrew Bible”, Semitics 6, 1978, 44-49.
L.V. Knorina, “The range of Biblical metaphors in smikhut”, ML2 3, 1996, 8.
J. Krašovec, Der Merismus im Biblisch-Hebräischen und Nordwest-semitíschen (Biblica et Orientalia 33),
Rome 1977 [rev.: RB 84, 1977, 298 (R. Tournay); BZ 24, 1980, 126-127 (J. Scharbert); CBQ 40, 1978,
246-248 (M. Fishbane)].
J.S. Kselman, “Semantic-sonant chiasmus in biblical poetry”, Biblica 58, 1977, 219-223.
J.S. Kselman, AThe abcb pattern: further examples@, VT 32, 1982, 224-229.
J.R. Lundbom, Jeremiah: a study in ancient Hebrew rhetoric (SBL Diss. Series 18) (Diss. Graduate Theol.
Union, Berkeley, 1973), Missoula Mt 1975.
A. Moshavi, “Two Types of Argumentation Involving Rhetorical Questions in Biblical Hebrew Dialogue”,
Biblica 90, 2009, 32-46
S. Muilenburg, “A Study in Hebrew Rhetoric: Repetition and Style”, SVT 1, 1953, 97-111.
A.M. Neyman, “‘Merismus’ in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 71, 1952, 11-18.
Ch. Rabin, “Un phénomène d’alternacnce stylistique des constructions indéfinies en hébreu biblique”,
GLECS 10, 1963-1966, 34-35.
Y.T. Radday, “Chiasmus in Hebrew Biblical narrative”, in ChA, pp. 50-117.
R.J. Ratner, “Morphological variation in Biblical Hebrew rhetoric”, Maarav 8, 1992, 143-159.
G.A. Rendsburg, “The Inclusio in Leviticus XI”, VT 43, 1993, 418-421.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Word Play in Biclical Hebrew: An Eclectic Collection”, in PPWP, pp. 137-162.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Alliteration in the Exodus Narrative”, in Fs. Paul, pp. 83-100.
Th. Renz, “A Perfectly Broken Acrostic in Nahum 1?”, Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (9 Article), 23,
2009, 1-26 (on line).
Y. Rosenberg, King and Kin: Political Allegory in the Hebrew Bible, Bloomington IN 1986 [rev.: JAOS
109, 1989, 294-295 (G.A. Rendsburg)].
P. P. Saydon, “Assonance in Hebrew as a Means of Expressing Emphasis”, Biblica 36, 1955, 36-50,
R. Shoshany, “Anapestic (AAB) structures in Biblical and Midrashic texts and in the poetry of Bialik”
(Heb.), HeLi 60, 2007, 101-121.
D. Sivan, Y. Shamir, “Pivot words or expressions in Biblical Hebrew and in Ugaritic poetry”, VT 48, 1998,
D.T. Tsumura, “Literary insertion (AXB pattern) in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 33, 1983, 468-482.
D.T. Tsumura, “Literary insertion, AXB pattern, in Hebrew and Ugaritic”, UF 18, 1986, 351-367.
A. Van de Sande, “Le souffle du jour et la fuite des ombres en Ct 2:17 (4:6) : matin ou soir?”, VT 62,
2012, 276-283.
J.P. van der Westhuizen, “Hendiadys in Biblical hymns of praise”, Semitics 6, 1978, 50-57.
J.P. van der Westhuizen, “Assonance in Biblical and Babylonian hymns of praise”, Semitics 7, 1980, 81101.
W.G.E. Watson, “Chiastic patterns in Biblical Hebrew poetry”, in ChA, pp. 118-168.
W.G.E. Watson, “Further examples of semantic-sonant chiasmus”, CBQ 46, 1984, 31-33.
T.M. Willis, “Blasphemy, Talion, and Chiasmus: The Marriage of Form andContent in Lev 24,13-23”,
Biblica 90, 2009, 68-74.
Sh. Yona, “Repetition and Variation in Biblical Texts”, UF 37, 2005, 729-740.
6A.12.3 Narrative structures and resources
Y. Avishur, “The reversed construct structure in the Bible, Qumran Scrolls and in Early Jewish literature”
(Heb.), Leshonenu 57, 1993, 279-288.
B.L. Bandstra, “Word order and emphasis in Biblical Hebrew narrative: syntactic observations on Genesis
22 from a discourse perspective”, in LBH , pp. 109-123.
J. Bazak, “Word pairs of different number as a literary ornament in Biblical parallelism” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 106-111.
R.D., Bergen, “Evil spirits and eccentric grammar: a study of the relationship between text and meaning in
Hebrew narrative” [172], 320-335.
K. Elliger, “Ein neuer Zngang?”, in Fs. Rost, pp. 59-64 [with reference to Hans Kosmala’s article on form
and structure in ancient Hebrew poetry, VT 4, 1954, 423-445; 16, 1966, 152-180].
M. Eskhult, Studies in verbal aspect and narrative technique in Biblical Hebrew prose, Uppsala
/Stockholm 1990 [rev.: ThQ 170, 1990, 307-308 (W. Gross); ZAW 103, 1991, 152-153 (H.W
Hoffmann); Biblica 72, 1991, 575-580 (F.I. Andersen); BSL 86, 1991, 247-248 (J. Margain); OLP 22,
1991, 237 (E. Lipiński); ZAW 103/1, 1991, 152-153 (H.W. Hoffmann); JAOS 112, 1992, 497-499 (M.
O’Connor); OLZ 87, 1992, 543-544 (G. Begrich); ZDMG 142, 1992, 163-164 (D. Blohm)].
I. H. Eybers, “The use of proper names as a stylistic device”, Semitics 2, 1970-71, 82-92.
J.P. Fokkelman, Narrative art in Genesis. Specimens of stylistic and structural analysis (Studia Sem.
Neerlandica 17), Assen 1975 [BZ 22, 1978, 299-300 (J. Scharbert); CBQ 40, 1978, 238-240 (R.A.F.
J.P. Fokkelman, Narrative art and poetry in the books of Samuel. A full interpretation based on stylistic
and structural analyses Vol. 1: King David (II Sam. 9-20 & 1 Kings 1-2) (Studia Sem. Neerlandica 20),
Assen 1981 [rev.: CBQ 45, 1983, 104-106 (D.J. McCarthy); JSS 28, 1983, 165-167 (G. Hammond)¸
JBL 102, 1983, 460-462 (Y. Zakovitch); BiOr 40, 1983, 157-160 (F.W. Golka); RB 90, 1983, 100-148
(P. Langlamet); JAOS 104, 1984, 375-376 (M. Fishbane)].
A. Fox, “Topic continuity in Biblical Hebrew narrative”, in TCD, pp. 215-254.
D.M. Gropp, “Progress and cohesion in Biblical Hebrew narrative: the function of kĕ-/bĕ- + the infinitive
construct”, in DABL, pp. 183-212.
J.-M.Heimerdinger, Topic, focus and foreground in Ancient Hebrew narrative (Journal for the study of the
New Testament. Supplement series, 295), Shefñeld 1999 [rev.: Biblica 81, 2000, 574-578 (Chr.H. J.
van der Merwe)].
J. Junger, “Aspect and cohesion in Biblical Hebrew narratives”, Semitics 10, 1989, 71-130.
S. E. McEvenue, The narrative style ot the Priestly Writer (Analecta Biblica 50), Rome 1971 [rev.: RB 79,
1972, 298 (F. Langlamet); BiOr 30, 1973, 455-459 (H. Schulz)].
G.W. Savran, Telling and retelling: quotation in Biblical narrative (Indiana studies in Biblical lit.),
Bloomington IN 1988 [rev.: CBQ 5214, 1990, 728-729 (R.C. Culley)].
M. Seleznev, “Inversion in the Biblical Hebrew Narrative”, Biblia 2, 1999, 11-116, 365-366.
W. von Soden, “Zur Verwendung des Narrativs waj-jiqÃo1 im nachexilischen Hebräisch”, ZAH 7, 1994,
T.L. Wilt, “Markedness and references to characters in Biblical Hebrew narratives”, in C. Myers-Scotton,
ed., Codes and consequences: chosing linguistic varieties, New York / Oxford 1998, pp. 89-100.
6A.12.4 Particular texts and books
R. Althann, “1 Sam 13,1: a poetic couplet”, Biblica 62, 1981, 241-246.
R. Althann, “The inverse construct chain and Jer 10: 13, 51:16”, JNSL 25, 1989, 7-13.
B.W. Anderson, “‘The Lord has created something new’: A stylistic study of Jer 31:15-22”, CBQ 40,
1978, 463-478.
G.W.E.C. Ashby, “Reflections on the language of Genesis 1 & 2”, Semitics 6, 1978, 58-69.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 90”, Biblica 61, 1980, 262-276.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire des Psaumes cxi et cxii”, VT 30, 1980, 257-279.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume 137”, ZAW 92, 1980, 346-377.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume 1”, BZ 22, 1978, 26-45.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume 11”, ZAW 93, 1981, 401-418.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume XV”, VT 31, 1981, 385-399.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume 145”, in Mél. Cazelles, pp. 15-31.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire de Gn 12,1-4aα”, BZ 26, 1982, 243-248.
P. Auffret, “Note sur la structure littéraire du Psaume CX”, Semitica 32, 1982, 83-88.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume LXXIV”, VT 33, 1983, 129-148.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume 61”, JANES 14, 1982, 1-10.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du psaume VIII ”, VT 34, 1984, 257-269.
P. Auffret, “Note sur la structure littéraire du psaume cxxxvi”, VT 27, 1977, 1-12.
P. Auffret, “Note sur la structure littéraire du psaume 3”, ZAW 91, 1979, 93-106.
P. Auffret, “Essai sur la structure littéraire du Psaume lxxxvi”, VT 29, 1979, 385-402
N.An. Bailey, “Some literary and grammatical aspects of genealogies in Genesis”, in BHDL, pp. 267-282.
L.M. Barré, “The poetic structure of Genesis 95”, ZAW 96, 1984, 101-104.
R. Bartelmus, “Jes 7 1-17 und das Stilprinzip des Kontrastes: syntaktisch-stilistische und traditions geschichtliche Anmerkungen zur Immanuel-Perikope”, ZAW 96, 1984, 50-66.
B.L. Bandstra, “Word order and emphasis in Biblical Hebrew narrative: syntactic observations on Genesis
22 from a discourse perspective”, in LBH, pp. 109-123.
R. Bartelmus, “Tempus as Strukturprirtzip: Anmerkungen zur stilistischen und theologischen Relevanz
des Tempusgebrauchs im ‘Lied der Hanna’ (1 Sam 2,1-10)”, BZ 31, 1987, 15~35.
Ch. Barth, “Concatenatio im ersten Buch der Psalmen”, in Fs. Rapp I, pp. 30-40.
R. Bergey, “Late linguistic features in Esther”, JQR 75, 1984, 66-78.
L. Boadt, “Isaiah 41,8-13: Notes on poetic structure and style”, CBQ 35, 1973, 20-34.
L. Boadt, “Intentional alliteration in Second lsaiah”, CBQ 45, 1983, 353-363.
G. Braulik, Die Mittel deuteronomischer Rhetorik, erhoben aus Deuteronomium 4. 1-40 (Analecta Biblica
68), Rome 1978 [rev.: JBL 98, 1979, 585-586 (B.R. Moore); JSS 27, 1982, 79-80 (G.J. Wenham); BZ
27, 1983, 111-113 (W. Gross)].
J. Bright, “The Date of the Prose Sermons of Jeremiah”, JBL 70, 1951, 15-351 [with two appendices: A.
Characteristic expressions of the prose sermons of Jeremiah. B. The diction of 3, 6-12a].
W.A. Brueggeman, “Jeremiah’s use of rhetorical questions”, JBL 92, 1973, 358-374.
J. Callow, “Units and flow in the Song of Songs I :2-2:6”, in BHDL, pp. 462-488.
H. Cazelles, “Passages in the singular within discourses in the plural of Dtn 1-4”, CBQ 29, 1967, 207-219.
A.R. Ceresko, “A poetic analysis of Ps 105, with attention to its use of irony”, Biblica 64, 1983, 20-46.
W.T. Claassen, “1 Sam. 3:19 - a case of context and semantics”, JNSL 8, 1980, 1-9.
A. Conroy, Absalom Absalom! Narrative and language in 2 Sam 13-20 (Analecta Biblica, 81), Rome 1978
[rev.: JThS 31, 1980, 292 11 (P. Wernberg-Møller); JBL 100, 1981, 116 (M.L. Newman); RB 88,
1981, 70-79 (F. Langlamet); CBQ 42, 1980, 93-94 (Y. Gitay); JSS 28, 1983, 164-165 (A.A.
J.F. Course, Speech and response: a rhetorical analysis of the introduction to the speeches of the book of
Job (chaps. 4-24) (CBQ. Monograph series, 25), Washington 1994 [rev.: CBQ 58, 1996, 509-510 (J.A.
M. Dahood, “The chiastic breakup in lsaiah 58,7”, Biblica 57, 1976, 105.
M. Dahood, “The breakup of two composite phrases in Isaiah 40,13”, Biblica 54, 1973, 537-538.
L.J. de Regt, A parametric model for syntactic studies of a textual corpus, demonstrated on the Hebrew of
Deuteronomy 1-30 (Supplement. - Studia Serniticaneerlandica, 24) (Diss. Univ. of Leiden), Assen
L.J. de Regt, “Functions and implications of rhetorical questions in the book of Job”, in BHDL, pp. 361373.
M. Deroche, “Structure, rhetoric, and meaning in Hosea IV 4-10”, VT 33, 1983, 185-198.
A. Di Lella, “Daniel 4:7-14: Poetic analysis and Biblical Background”, in Mél. Cazelles, pp. 247-258.
J.A. Durlesser, “Poetic style in Psalm I and Jeremiah 17:5-8: a rhetorical critical study”, Semitics 9, 1984, 3048.
Y. Eidelkind, “Intended Lexical Ambiguity in the Song of Songs”, BaBi 6, 2012, 325J. C. Exum, “A literary and structural analysis of the Song of Songs”, ZAW 85, 1973, 47-79.
G. Farr, “The language of Amos, popular or cultic?”, VT 16, 1966, 312-324.
J.P. Fokkelman, “Stylistic analysis of Isaiah 40:1-11”, in RAW, pp. 68-90.
D.C. Fredericks, “Chiasm and parallel structure in Qoheleth 5:9-6-9”, JBL 108, 1989, 17-35.
D.N. Freedman, “The poetic structure of the frameswork of Deuteronomy 33”, in Fs.Gordon 1980, pp.
D.N. Freedman, C.F. Hyland, “Psalm 29: a structural analysis”, HThR 66, 1973, 237-256.
G. Gerleman, “The Song of Deborah in the Light of Stylistics”, VT 1, 1951, 168-180.
S. Gevirtz, “On patriarchs and puns: Joseph at the fountain, Jacob at the ford”, HUGA 46, 1975, 33-54.
Y. Gitay, “A study of Amos’s art of speech: A rhetorical analysis of Amos 31-15”, CBQ 42, 1980, 293309.
J. Grossman, “The Vanishing Character in Biblical Narrative: The Role of Hathach in Esther 4”, VT 62,
2012, 561–571.
Ist. Haag, St. Llewelyn, J. Tsonis, “Ezekiel 16 and its use of Allegory and the Disclosure-of-Abomination
Formula”, VT 62/3, 2012, 198-210.
Y. Hoffman, “The use of equivocal words in the first speech of Eliphaz (Job iv-v)”, VT 30, 1980, 114-119.
W.L. Holladay, “Form and word-play in David’s lament over Saul and Jonathan”, VT 20, 1970, 153-189.
A. Hurtvitz, “The date of the prose-tale of Job linguistically reconsidered”, HThR 67, 1974, 17-34.
W.H. Irwin, “Syntax and style in Isaiah 26”, CBQ 41, 1979, 240-261.
A.J. Jauser, “Judges 5: parataxis in Hebrew poetry” JBL 99, 1980, 23-41.
R. Jongeling, “Jeux de mots en Sophonie III 1 et 3?”, VT 21, 1971, 541-54.
M. Kessler, “Rhetoric in Jeremiah 50 and 51”, Semitic 3, 1973, 18-35.
D. Kim , “The Structure of Genesis 38: A Thematic Reading”, VT 62/4, 2012, 550–560.
J. Krašovec, “Die polare Ausdrucksweise im Psalm 139”, BZ 18,1974 224-248.
H. Kruse, “Two Hidden Comparative: Observations on Hebrew Style”, JSS 5, 1960, 337-347 [1. Ps. 42:78. 2. Ps. 8:3].
H. Leene, “Psalm 98 and Deutero-Isaiah : linguistic analogies and literary affinity”, in A4CIBI, pp. 313340.
M.H. Lichtenstein, AChiasm and symmetry in Proverbs 31@, CBQ 44, 1982, 202-211.
N. Lohfink, “Lexeme und Lexemgruppen in Psalm 25: Ein Beitrag zur Technik der Gattungsbestimmung
und der Feststellung literarischer Abhängigkeiten”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 271-295.
O. Loretz, Qohelet und der Alte Orient. Untersuchung zu Stil und theologischer Thematik des Buches
Qohelet, Freiburg/Basel/Wien 1964 [rev.: RB 72, 1965, 131-132 (R.T.)].
E.D. Mallon, “A stylistic analysis of Joel 1:10-12”, CBQ 45, 1983, 537-548.
E.Z. Melamed, “The Conversation of the Patriarchs in Genesis” (Heb.), Tarbiz 20, 1949 (Fs. Epstein),
8-28 [prosodic and stylistic study].
R.P. Merendino, “Sprachkunst in Psalm I”, VT 29, 1979, 45-60.
R. Meyer, “Auffalender Erzählungsstil in einem angeblichen Auszug as de ‘Chronik der Könige von
Juda’“, in Fs. Baumgärtel, pp. 114-123.
D. Michel, “Studien zu den sogenannten Thronbesteigungspsalmen”, VT 6, 1956, 40-68 [1. Das
formgeschichtliche Problem. 2. Zur Bedeutung der hebräischen Tempora. 3. Zur Bedeutung des
Satzstellung. 4. Die Bedeutung des Verbs MLK 5. Exegetische Bemerkungen].
H.-P. Müller, “Hld 4,12-5, 1: ein althebräisches Paradigma poctischer Sprache”, ZAH 1, 1988, 191-201.
H.-P. Müller, “Formgeschichtliche und sprachliche Beobachtungen zu Psalm 30”, ZAH 12, 1999, 192-201.
H.-D, Neef, “Der Stil des Deboraliedes (Ri 5)”, ZAH 8, 1995, 275-293.
S.A. Nigosian, “Linguistic patterns of Deuteronomy 32”, Bíblica 78, 1997, 206-224.
J.B. Noegel, “‘Word Play’ in Qoheleth”, Journal of Hebrew Scripture 4, 2007 (on line).
J. Nunes Carreira, “Kunstsprache und Weisheit bei Micha”, BZ 26, 1982, 50-74.
M. Paran, Forms of the priestly style in the Pentateuch: patterns, linguistic usages, syntactic structures
(Heb.), Jerusalem 1989 [rev.: JBL 110, 1991, 503-504 (F.E. Greenspahn)].
D.F. Payne, “Characteristic word-play in ‘Second Isaiah’: A reappraisal”, JSS 12, 1967, 207-229.
E. Pfeiffer, “Eine Inversion in Psalm xxiii Ibα?”, VT 8, 1958, 219-220.
G. Pfeifer, “Das nachgestellte erläuternde Partizip: eine Stileigentümlichkeit des Ammosbuches”, ZAH 6,
1993, 235-238.
Fr. Polak, “Spontaneous Spoken Language and Formal Discourse in the Book of Chronicles” (Heb.), in Fs.
Japhet, pp. 395-414.
B. Rebera, “Lexical cohesion in Ruth: a sample”, in Fs. Andersen, pp. 123-149.
S.J.P.K. Riekert, “The co-ordinated structs of the infinitive absolute in Jeremiah and their bearing on the
stylistics and authenticity of the Jeremianic corpus”, JNSL 13, 1987,97-107.
H. Ringgren, “Some observations on style and structure in the Isaiah Apocalypse”, Annual of the Swedish
Theological Inst. (Leiden) 9, 1974, 107-115.
M. Rosenbaum, Word-order varíation in Isaiah 40-55: a functional perspective (Studia semitica
neerlandica, 35) (Diss. Brandéis University, 1996), Assen 1997 [rev.: BiOr 55, 1998, 484-485 Ar.L. H.
M. van Wieringen)].
A. Rubinstein, “Word-substitution in Isaiah LXIII. 5 and LIX. 16”, JSS 8, 1963, 52-55.
W. Rudolph, “Eigentümlichkeiten der Sprache Hoseas”, in Fs.Vriezen, pp. 313-317.
M. Salisbury, “Hebrew proverbs and how to translate them”, in BHDL, pp. 434-461
K. Schedl, “Zur logotechnischen Struktur von Jeremia 34,18”, BZ 26, 1982, 249-251.
J. Schipper, “The Syntax and Rhetoric of Ruth 1:9a”, VT 62/4, 2012, 642–645
A. Schoors, ALa structure littéraire de Qoheleth@, OLP 13, 1982, 91-116.
H. Schweizer, “Prädikationen und Leerstellen im 1. Gottesknechtslied (Jes 42,1-4)”, BZ 26, 1982, 251258.
H. Schweizer, “Determination, Textdeixis - erlautert an Genesis XVIII 23-33”, VT 33, 1983, 113-118.
S. Segert, “Syntax and style in the book of Jonah: Six simple approaches to their analysis”, in Fs. Fohrer,
pp. 121-130.
H. Schwejzer, “The Predication-Model as a component of a semantic and pragmatic content-analysis”, in
A2CIBI, pp. 538-562.
M. Seleznev, “Amos 7:14 and the prophetic Rhetoric”, BaBi 1, 2004, 251-258.
Y. Shlesinger, “Stylistic choice between the relative pronoun, she and asher in the Book of Ecclesiastic
and in Modern Hebrew”, [437], 99-106 [Hebr. text; E. ab., xxxiv].
M.S. Smith, “How to write a poem: the case of Psalm 151A (11QPsª 28.3-12)”, in HDSSBS, pp. 182-208.
S.D. Snyman, “Antithesis in the book of Malachi”, JNSL, 16, 1990, 173-178.
E. A. Speiser, “An Angelic ‘Curse’, Exodus 14:20”, JAOS 80, 1960, 198-200.
Am. Spreafico, “Nahum 1 10 and Isaiah 1 12-13 : double-duty modifier”, VT 48, 1998, 104-110.
A. Strus, “La poétique Sonore des récits de la Genèse”, Biblica 60, 1979, 1-22.
P. Tagliacarne, Grarnmatik und Poetik: Überlegungen zur Indetermination in Psalm 1”, in Fs. Richter,
pp. 549-559.
D. Talshir, “A reinvestigation of the linguistic relationship between Chronicles and Ezra-Nehemiah”, VT
38, 1988, 165-193.
J.A. Thompson, “The use of repetition in the prophecy of Joel”, in Fs. Nida, pp. 101-110.
G. Vanoni, Literaturkritik und Grammatik: Untersuchung der Wiederholungen und Spannungen in 1 Kon
I 1-12 (Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im Alten Testament 21), St. Ottilien 1984 [rev.: JBL 106, 1987,
117-118 (W. Roth); OLZ 82, 1987, 259-261 (W. Thiel)].
A. van Selms, “Whatever my God ordains is right’ - A figure of style in the Book of Jeremiah”, Semitics 5,
1977, 1-8.
C.F. Whitley, “The language and exegesis of Isaiah 816-23”, ZAW 90, 1978, 28-42.
G.A. Yee, “An analysis of Prov. 8 22-31 according to style and structure”, ZAW 94, 1982, 58-66.
I. Young, “The style of the Gezer Calendar and some ‘archaic BibIical Hebrew’ passages”, VT 42, 1992,
6A.13 LEXICOGRAPHY (semantics, etymology and root structure)
6A.13.0. General
[A reminder:
J. H. Bondi, Dem hebräisch-phönizischen Sprachzweige angehörige Lehnwörter in hieroglyphischen und
hieratischen Texten, Leipzig 1886.
E. Kautzsch, Die Aramaismen in Alten Testament, Halle 1902].
S. Krauss, Griechische und lateinische Lehnwörter im Talmud, Midrasch und Targum. Mit Bemerknngen von
Immanuel Löw. Teil 1, 2, Hildesheim 1964 [repr. of the original ed., Berlin 1898-99].
J.K. Aitken, “Context of Situation in Biblical Lexica”, in FSL III, pp. 181-201.
Y. Avishur, “Expressions of the type byn ydym in the Bible and Semitic languages”, UF 12, 1980,
B.N. Bachra, The phonological structure of the verbal roots in Arabic and Hebrew (StSLL 34),
Leiden/Boston 2001 [rev.: BC 18, 2002, 1 (J.-P. Guillaume); Phonology 19/1, 2002, 125-128 (St. A.
M. Dahood, “Comparative philology yesterday and today”, Biblica 50, 1969, 70-79.
F.-M. Dat, “Métathese et homonymie en hébreu biblique”, SuL 35, 2009, 1-21.
R. de Blois, “New Tools and Methodologies for Biblical Lexicographies”, in FSL III, pp. 203-216.
A. Dolgoplosky, “Hebrew Etymology in Comparativistic Perspective”, in Fs. Avishur, pp. 47*-50*.
M. Ellenbogen, Foreign words in the Old Testament. Their origin and ethymology, London 1962 [rev.: IIJ
9, 1965-66, 76-77 (M. Mairhofer); AO 34, 1966, 120-122 (S. Segert)].
L.B. Feldman, R. Frost, T. Penini, “Decomposing words into their constituent morphemes: Evidence from
English and Hebrew”, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and
Cognition 21, 1995, 947-960.
A.D. Forbes, “Distributionally-Inferred Word and Form Classes in the Hebrew Lexicon: Known by the
Company They Keep”, in FSL II, pp. 1-34.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Zum lexikalischen Äquivalenzprinzip in Bibelübersetzungen: Beobachtungen und
Proben”, ZAH 7, 1994, 133-140.
Sh. Morag, “The structure of semantic and associative fields in Biblical Hebrew and Classical Arabic”
(Heb.), in Fs. Talmon, pp. 137*-143*.
J. Myhill, Zh. Xing, “The discourse functions of patient fronting: a comparative study of Biblical Hebrew
and Chinese”, Linguistics 31, 1993, 25-57.
J. Myhill, “Is BAD a semantic primitive?: evidence from biblical Hebrew”, Lexicography 2, 1996, 99-126.
J. Myhill, “What is universal and what is language-specific in emotion words?: evidence from Biblical
Hebrew”, P&C 5, 1997, 79-129.
E. Nissan, “Etymothesis and fallacy: on carrots and the liver”, JNSL 34/1, 2008,
E. Nissan, “From the krum to the kerem-kerem Bird: On the Ever-Changing Colours of Referentiality and
Myth”, AION 57, 1997, 276-281 [Swahili word from Greek, Hebrew origin (?)].
J.L. Palache, Semantic Notes on the Hebrew Lexicon. Transl from the Dutch and ed. by R. J. Z.
Werblowsky, Leiden 1959 [rev.: JSS 5, 1960, 423-425 (G.R. Driver); AO 29, 1961, 80-81 (S. Segert);
OLZ 56, 1961, 255-256 (O. Eissfeldt); BiOr 20, 1963, 289 (H. Haag)].
H. Rechenmacher, “Kognitive Linguistik und Althebriiische Lexikographie”, JNSL 30/2, 2004,
M.E.J. Richardson, “Splitting lexemes in biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 409-420.
A.D. Rubin, “The paradigm root in Hebrew”, JSS 53/1, 2008, 29-41.
St. Segert, “The Use of Comparative Semitic Material in Hebrew Lexicon”, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 14261434.
St. Segert, “Hebrew Bible and Semitic Comparative Lexicography”, in VTS 17, Leiden 1969, pp. 204-211.
[on a comparative dictionary of the north-western Sem. languages, in preparation in Prague].
E. Ullendorff, “The bawdy Bible”, BSOAS 42, 1979, 425-456 [Lexical observations].
Ch.H.J. van der Merwe, “Towards a principled workíng model for Biblical Hebrew lexicology”,
JNSL 30/1, 2004, 137-155.
Chr.H.J. van der Merwe, “Biblical Hebrew lexicology: a cognitive linguistic perspective”, KUSATU 6,
2006, 87-112.
W. von Soden, “ ‘Eilig’, ‘schnell’ und ‘langsam’ in altorientalischen Sprachen”, in Fs. Borger, pp. 323327.
P. Wechter, “Ibn Barun’s Contribution to Comparative Hebrew Philology”, JAOS 61, 1941, 172-187.
N. Winther-Nielsen, “A role-lexical module (RLM) for Biblical Hebrew: a mapping tool for RRG and
WordNet”, in R.D. van Valin, ed., Investigaitons of the syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface (Studies
in language compoanion series, 105), Amsterdam 2008, pp. 455-478.
Fr. Zanella, “Could Componential Analysis be more that a heuristic tool?”, KUSATU 6, 2006, 113-137.
I. Zatelli, “The Study of Ancient Lebrew Lexicon. Aplication of the concept of lexical field and functional
language”, KUSATU 5, 2004, 128-159.
6A.13.1. Comparative level
6A.13.1.0. Hebrew-Common Semitic and Afroasiatic
H. Cazelles, “Tribus (šbt, mṯh): ‘bois dur’ ou ‘rameau viride’ à la lumière du chamito-sémitique”, GLECS
32, 1988-1994, 111-116.
Sh.M. Paul, “Terminology for Tribute and Gifts in the Bible and the Ancient Near East” (Heb.), in Fs.
MMayer, pp. 271-282.
6A.13.1.1. Hebrew-Akkadian
P. Artzi, “Jabiltum and Yūbal”, in Fs. Kutscher, pp. xxix-xxxi.
Y. Avishur, my bcl mišpÃm ygš cly (Is. 50:8) a stylistic feature of Biblical Hebr. or a transl. Akk. phrase?
(Heb.), Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 18-25.
M.L. Barré, “Mesopotamian light on the idiom nā°ā’ nepe’”, CBQ 52, 1990,46-54 ["to flee for protection
to (Yahweh)" (cf. Sum. z i t ú m / t u m, Akk. napi’ta (w)abālu].
R. Borger, “Die Waffenträger des Königs Darius. Ein Beitrag zur alttestamentlichen Exegese und zur
semitischen Lexikographie”, VT 22, 1972, 385-39B [on the word ’lÃ].
R. Borger, “Hebr. trmh, mrmh und die grosse Ia≠dun-Lim-Inschrift”, ZAH 8, 1995, 294-298 [TUR-mi-im =
dumu – mi-im = m¿r-mi-im]
H. Cazelles, “L’expression hébraïque šubh šebhut viendrait-elle de l’accadien d’Assarhaddon?”, GLECS 9,
1960-1963, 57-60.
G.R. Driver, “Babylonian and Hebrew Notes”, WO 2, 1954, 19-26 [Babylonian words and phrases. 2.
Three Hebrew words: bdyl, mṣhb, ksp]..
M. Held, “Studies in Biblical homonyms in the light of Akkadian”, JANES 3, 1970-71, 46-55.
M. Held, “Studies in Biblical lexicography in the light of Akkadian” (Heb.), ErIs 16, 1982, 76-85.
B. Landsberger, “Akkadisch-hebr. Wortgleichungen”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 176-204 [1. Akk. s¿≠iru =
Heb. sµúēr ‘Kaufmann’, Akk. sa≠irtu, Heb. seúµr¿, ‘Ware’. 2. Akk. elme’u = Heb. úa’mal ‘Bernstein’.
3. ’a ēkalli = Heb. ’ēg¿l ‘Königin’; Akk. la≠innatu = bibl. Aram. le≠ent¿ ‘Verwalterin der Hofhaltung’].
M. Dahood, “Accadian-Ugaritic dmt in Ezekiel 27, 32”, Biblica 45, 1964, 83-84.
K. Deller, “Ass. um/nzar≠u und Hebr. ’äzraú”, ZA 74, 1984, 235-239.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Akkadisch siparru, ugaritisch spr, gprt und hebräisch spr, sprt”, UF 17, 1985,
G.R. Driver, “Two Problems in the Old Testament examined in the Light of Assyriology”, Syria 33, 1956,
70-78 [1. The provision for Joseph’s family in Egypt (Gen. 47, 12-17). 2. The “waters of bitterness”
(Num. 5, 11-28). 3. A prohibition to sell hereditary property (Deut. 18, 8)].
E. Ebeling, “Akkadisch puru≠libnu = spathebräisch prúlbn”, AfO 16, 1952-53, 215.
O. Eissfeidt, “nûaú ‘sich vertragen’, Schweizerische Theologische Umschau 20, 1950, 71-74 (= Fs.
Koehler, pp. 23-26) [Hebrew nûaú and Akkadian n¿≠u in Idrimi’s inscription].
F. Ellermeier, Qohelet. Teil I. Abschnitt 2. Einzelfrage Nr. 7: Das Verbum úûš in Qoh 2, 25. Akkadisch
≠ašu(m) “sich sorgen” im Lichte neu veröffentlichter Texte. 2. um einen Nachtrag vermehrte Aufl.,
Herzberg a. Harz 1970.
A. Finet, “Termes militaires accadiens dans l’A.T. conservés dans la LXX”, Iraq 25, 1963, 191-192.
M. Greenberg, “nḥštk (Ezek. 16:36): another Hebrew cognate of Akkadian naḥāšu”, in Fs. Finkelstein, pp.
M.I. Gruber, “Fear, anxiety and reverence in Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew and other North-West Semitic
languages”, VT 40/4, 1990, 411-422.
M.I. Gruber, “Hebrew qĕdēš¿h and her Canaanite and Akkadian cognates”, UF 18, 1986, 133-148.
J.F. Healey, “Syriac nsr, Ugaritic nsr Hebrew nsr II, Akkadian nsr II”, VT 26, 1976 429-437.
M. Held, “The Root zbl/sbl in Akkadian, Ugaritic and Biblical Hebrew”, JAOS 88, 1968, 90-96.
M. Held, “Studies in Biblical lexicography in the light of Akkadian” (Heb.), ErIs 16, 1982, 76-85.
M. Heltzer, “Akk. katinnu & Hebr. Kidon, ‘sword’”, JCS 41, 1989, 65-68.
H.A. Hoffner, “Second millennium antecedents to the Hebrew ‘ôb”, JBL 86, 1967, 385-401 [Ugaritic ib,
Hurro-Hitt. a-a-bi, Assyrian abu, etc.].
S. Jacobs, “nfš tḥt nfš ‘A Life for a Life’ and napšāte umalla”, in ANECH, pp. 241-253.
E. Jenni, “Fliehen” im akk. und im hebr. Sprachgebrauch”, Or 47. 1978, 351-359.
L. Kogan, “Sleeping Deer in Mesopotamia and the Bible”, BiBa 1, 2004, 363-365.
L. Kogan, “Comparative Notes in the Old Testament (I), in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 731-737 [2. Fighting
stars in Jdc 5.20].
J.S. Kselman, “rb//kbd: a new Hebrew-Akkadian formulaic pair”, VT 29, 1979, 110-114.
W.G. Lambert, “Two Akkadian Cognates”, JJewS 5, 1954, 40-41 [1. râ§u = rw§. 2. magranu, magrattu =
S. Layton, “Biblical Hebrew ‘to set the face’, in light ofAkkadian and Ugaritic”, UF 17, 1985, 169-181.
Ed. Lipiński, “Emprunts suméro-akkadiens en hébreu biblique”, ZAH 1, 1988, 61-73.
A. Malamat, “Ummatum in Old Babylonian texts and its Ugaritic and Biblical counterparts”, UF 11, 1979,
A. Malamat, “On the Akkadian transcription of the name of king Joash”, BASOR 204, 1971, 37-39.
P.V. Mankowski, Paul V; Akkadian loanwords in biblical Hebrew (Harvard Semitic studies ; 47), Winona
Lake IN 2000 [rev. version of Diss. Harvard Univ. 1997] [rev.: FO 39, 2003, 216-217 (An. Zaborski);
JAOS 122/1, 2002, 136-138 (V.A. Hurowitz)]..
S. Mowinckel, “The Hebrew Equivalent of Taxo in Ass. Mos. ix”, VTS. I, pp. 88-96.
Y. Mufs, “Two comparative lexical studies”, JANES 1973, 287-298 [2. Hebr. coz = Akk. ezzu ‘anger’].
E. Otto, “Zur Semantik von hebräischen psú/pisseaú, und akkadischen pessû(m)/pesātu(m)”, BN 41, 1988,
Sh.M. Paul, “Exodus I: 21: ‘to found a family’: a Biblical and Akkadian idiom”, Maarav 8, 1992, 139142 [cśh byt : bītam epēšu]
T. Petit, “L’évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens púh et sgn et accadiens pā≠atu et
saknu”, JBL 107, 1988, 53-67.
W.T. Pitard, “Amarna eke-mu and Hebrew Na-qam”, Maarav 3, 1982, 5-25.
J.J. Rabinowitz, “A Legal Formula in the Susa Tablets, in an Egyptian Document of the Twelfth Dynasty,
in the Aramaic Papyri, and in the Book of Daniel”, Biblica 36, 1955, 74-77.
I. Rapaport, The Hebrew word shem and its original meaning: The bearing of Akkadian philology on
Biblical interprelation, Melbourne 1976.
I. Rapaport, The Hebrew word shem and its original meaning: The bearing of Akkadian philology on
Biblical interprelation, Melbourne 1976.
W.M.W. Roth, “nbl”, VT 10, 1960, 394-409 {study of the root nbl and its derivatives in Biblical Hebrew
and in Akkadian].
G. Schuttermayr, “RîM - eine lexikalische Studie”, Biblica 51, 1970, 499-532 [Exkurs: Belege für die
Verwendung von akk. ra’āmu/râmu].
J.A. Soggin, “Akkadisch TAR berîti und hebräisch krt bryt”, VT 18, 1968, 210-215.
Sh.D. Sperling, Studies in Late Hebrew lexicography in thte ligth of Akkadian, Diss. Columbia Univ. 1973
[DAb 34/5, Nov. 1973, 2581-A].
D. Sperling, “Akk. egerrû and Hebr. bt qwl”, JANES 4, 1972, 62-74.
D. Sperling, “Late Hebr. hzr and Akk. sahru”, JANES 5, 1973, 397-404.
Ol. Stolbova, “Chadic lexical parallels to isolated glosses in Akkadian, Hebrew, Sabaic and Geez”, in
A12GSCSI, pp. 55-62.
H. Tawil, “Hebrew §lú/h§lú, Akkadian ešēru/šūšuru: a lexicographical note”, JBL 95, 1976, 405-413.
H. Tawil, “Hebrew ysr, Akkadian esēru: A Term of Forced Labor (Lexicographical Note IX)”, in Fs.
Avishur, pp. 185*-190*.
H. Tawil, “Hebrew nappēṣ yad = Akkadian qata napāṣu: a term of non-allegiance”, JAOS 122, 2002, 7982.
D.T. Tsumura, “Hab 22 in the light of Akkadian legal practice”, ZATW 94, 1982, 294-295 [on Hebrew b=r
and Akk. burru].
D.T. Tsumura, “The ‘word pair’ *qšt and *mà in Habakkuk 3:9 in the light of Ugaritic and Akkadian”, in
Fs. Young, pp. 353-361.
D.T. Tsumura, “Nabalkutu, tu-a-bi[u] and tohû wabohu”, UF 19, 1987, 309-315.
N.H. Tur-Sinai [Torczyner], “Sabbat und Woche”, BiOr 8, 1951, 14-24 [ I. Der angebliche babylonische
Ursprung des biblischen Sabbat. II. ïamaštu. III. Šapattu und Sabbat].
K. van der Toorn, “The Nature of Biblical teraphim in the Light of Cuneiform Evidence”, CBQ 52, 1990,
J.P. van der Westhuizen, “A comparative study of related laws in Baby1onian & Biblical legal texts (verbal
connotations)”, Semitics 10, 1989, 40-70.
J.P. Vita, “Der biblische Ortsname Zaphon und die Amarnabriefe EA 373-274”, UF 37, 2005, 673-677.
W. von Soden, “Akkadisch hâsum I “sich sorgen” und Hebräisch hus II”, UF 1, 1969, 197.
W. von Soden, “Hurr. uatnannu > mittelassyrisch utnannu und > ugaritisch itnn > hebr. ätnan”, UF 20,
1988, 309-311.
W. von Soden, “Zum hebräischen Wörterbuch”, UF 13, 1981 (1982), 157-164 [8. Zu einigen akkadische
Entsprechungen hebräischer Wörter].
6A.13.1.2. Hebrew-Arabic
D.A. Ayuch, “Las traducciones árabes modernas de la frase ‘poseer la tierra’ en hebreo
bíblico”, CCO 6, 1009, 23-43.
B.N. Bachra, The phonological structure of the verbal roots in Arabic and Hebrew, Leiden 2001 [rev.:
JSS 48, 2003, 147-150 (A. Shivtiel)].
I. Bassal, “Hebrew and Aramaic Words in Christian Arabic Bible Translation” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp.
J. Blau, “Some Ugaritic, Hebrew, and Arabic parallels”, JNSL 10, 1982, 5-10 [2. Hebr. q§c and Ug. q§ct. 4.
Hebr. štc and Ar. šatica].
J. Blau, “Etymologische Untersuchungen auf Grund des palästinisches Arabisch”, VT 5 1955, 337-344.
L. Ezdard, Arabisch, Hebräisch und Amharisch als Sprachen in modernen diplomatischen Dokumenten.
Grammatikalische, lexikalische und stilistische Probleme in synchroner und diachroner Perspective,
Wiesbaden 2006 [rev.: FO 42-43, 2006-2007, 451-453 (An. Zaborski)].
A. Guillaume, “Hebrew and Arabic Lexicography. A comparative study”, Abr-Nahrain 1, 1959-60, 3-35.
A. Guillaume, “Hebrew and Arabic lexicography. A comparative study, II”, Abr-Nahrain 2, 1960-61, 535.
A. Guillaume, “Hebrew and Arabic lexicography. A comparative study, III”, Abr-Nahrain 3, 1961-62, 110.
A. Guillaume, “Hebrew and Arabic lexicography. A comparative study (IV)”, Abr-Nahrain 4, 1963-1964,
A. Guillaume, “A Contribution to Hebrew Lexicography”, BSOAS 16, I954, 1-12 [on the existence of the
Arabic interchange of th and f in Hebrew (Hebrew p and š) [cf Biblica 35, 1954, 401-402 (E. Vogt)].
A. Guillaume, Hebrew and Arabic lexicography. A comparative study, Leiden 1965 [repr. from AbrNahrain I-IV] [rev.: BiOr 25, 1968, 34-35 (W. Vycichl)].
H.H. Hirschberg, “Some Additional Arabic Etymologies in Old Testament Lexicography”, VT 11, 1961,
B. Isaksson, “Expressions of evidentiality in two Semitic languages: Arabic and Hebrew”, in L. Johanson,
B. Utas, eds, Evidentials: Turkic, Iranian and neighbouring languages, Berlin 2000, pp. 383-399.
J. Kaltner, The use of Arabic in biblical Hebrew lexicography (CBQ monograph series ; 28), Washington
DC 1996.
L. Kopf, “Das arabische Wörterbuch als Hilfsmittel für die hebräische Lexicographie”, VT 6, 1956, 286302.
L. Kopf, “Arabische Etymologien und Parallelen zum Bibelwörterbuch”, VT 8, 1958, 161-215.
L. Kopf, “Arabische Etymologien und Parallelen zum Bibelwörterbuch [II]”, VT 9, 1959, 247-287.
L. Kopf, Studies in Hebrew and Arabic Lexicography, Jerusalem 1976.
G. Krotkoff, “LaÆm ‘Fleisch’ und leúem ‘Brot’“, WZKM 62, 1969, 76-82.
Sh. Morag, ”Wijj¿ in Modern Arabic Dialects and its Hebrew Parallels” (Heb.), Tarbiz 22, 1950-1951,
C. Rabin, “An Arabic Phrase in Isaiah”, in Mél. Rinaldi, pp. 303-309.
C. Rabin, “Loanword evidence in Biblical Hebrew for trade between Tamil, Nad and Palestine in the first
milIennium B.C.”, in PICSTS II/I, pp. 432-440.
P.P. Saydon, “Hebraico-Maltese notes”, RSO 41, 1966, 115-154
E. Schlossberg, “The meaning of biblical ’r§ as reflected in R. Saadia Gaon’s translation of the
Pentateuch” (Heb.), Leshonenu 57, 1993, 203-214.
R.C. Steiner, “Muqdam u-me’uḥar and muqaddam wa-mu’aḥḥar: on the history of some Hebrew and
Arabic terms for hysteron proteron and anastrophe”, JNES 66, 2007, 33-45.
R.S. Tomback, “Random notes on the Hebrew and Arabic lexicons”, JNSL 11, 1983, 139-141.
G. Vajda, “’Un§ūr’ and ‘te’¿l¿h’“, JewQR 38, 1947-48, 481 (apropos of H.A. Wolfson’s article, “Arabic
and Hebrew terms for matter and element” JewQR 38, 1947-48, 47-61; Wolfson’s answer, ibid,
6A.13.1.3. Hebrew-Aramaic
B. Grossfeld, “The relationship between Biblical Hebrew brú and nws and their corresponding Aramaic
equivalents in the Targum - ‘rq, ‘pk. ‘zl: a preliminary study in Aramaic-Hebrew lexicography” , ZAW
91, 1979, 107-123.
A. M. Habermann, “Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic Epistles and the Word úela” (Heb.), Eretz-Israel 4,
1956, 133-137 [rev.: Biblica 39, 1958, 387 (J. S. Croatto)].
J.F. Healey, “Syriac nsr, Ugaritic nsr Hebrew nsr II, Akkadian nsr II”, VT 26, 1976 429-437.
M. Heltzer, Y. Avishur, “The Term sōfēr m¿h∞r as designating a Courtier in the Old Testament and the
Aḥiqar Story”, UF 34, 2002, 217-221.
D.R. Hillers, “Palmyrene Aramaic inscriptions and the Old Testament, especially Amos 2:8”, ZAH 8,
1995, 55-62 [yên canūšîm “wine of the treasury”].
A. Hurvitz, “sôp dābār rō’š dābār: reflexes of two scribal terms imported into biblical Hebrew from the
imperial Aramaic formualry”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 281-286.
E. Jenni, “Jer 3,17 ‘nach Jerusalem’: ein Aramaismus”, ZAH 1, 1988, 107-111.
E. Y. Kutscher, “Mittelhebräisch und Jüdisch-Aramäisch im neuen Köhler-Baumgartner”, in Fs.
Baumgartner, pp. 158-175.
R. Macuch, “Pseudo-ethiopisms in Samaritan Hebrew and Aramaic”, in Fs. Leslau, pp. 966-976.
W. Marchel, Abba, Père! La prière du Christ et des chrétiens (Analecta Biblica 19), Rome 1963 [A study
of the use of terms meaning “Father” in Biblical Hebr., Aram. and Gr.] [rev.: JBL 83, 1964, 95-97 (G.
W. Buchanan)].
Y. Mufs, “Two comparative lexical studies”, JANES 5, 1973, 287-298 [1. Aram. clcl = Hebr. bô’ ’el ‘to
E. Qimron, “hštqyp (Qoh. 6:10): an unnoticed Aramaism” (Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1992,117.
CH. Rabin, “Strength or cheerfulness?”, in Fs. Isserlin, pp. 11-23 [Hebr. blg, Aram. blq, Akk. plq, etc.].
G. Ryckmans, “De l’or(?), de l’encens et de la myrrhe”, RB 68, 1951, 372-376 [on some nous for scent in
South-Arabic, Aramaic and Hebrew].
St. Segert,Y. Sabar, “Hebrew and Aramaic lexicography”, in Fr.J. Hausmann et al., eds, Wörterbücher: ein
internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie, 3. Teilbd. (HSK 5/3), Berlin 1991, pp. 2424-2438.
G. Toloni, “La traduzione di yedidey¿h (2Sam 12, 25) in alcune versioni antiche”, Aevum 70, 1996, 21-35
(Greck, Aramaic, Syriac, Latin).
R.M. Voigt, “’Fuss’ (und ‘Hand’) im Äthiopischen, Syroarabischen und Hebräischen”, ZAH 11, 1998,
M. Wagner, Die lexikalischen und grammatikalischen Aramaismen im alttestamentlichen Hebräisch,
Berlin 1966 [rev.: Sprache 14, 1968, 69 (W. Kornfeld); O 14, 1968, 341-342 (K.-H. Bemhardt); BZ 12,
1968, 286 (V. Hamp); JBL 87, 1968, 232-234 (J.C. Greenfield); JSS 4, 1969, 252-256 (J. Barr); ZDMG
120/1, I970, 195-198 (K. Beyer); AION-O 30, 1970, 277-278 (G. Garbini); Oriens 21-22, 1968-69
(1971), 386-391 (R. Degen); RB 78, 1971, 307-308 (F.L. Lemoine); JAOS 92, 1972, 298-300 (Sh.
6A.13.1.4. Hebrew-Egyptian
A. Cody, “Le titre égyptien et le nom propre du scribe de David”, RB 72, 1965, 381-393.
M. Copisarow, “The ancient Egyptian Greek and Hebrew concept of the Red Sea”, VT 12, 1962, 1-13.
B. Couroyer, “Un égyptianisme dans Ben Sira IV, 11”, RB 82, 1975, 206-217.
B. Couroyer, “Quelques égyptianismes dans l’Exode”, RB 63, 1956, 209-219.
B. Couroyer, “Un égyptianisme biblique: ‘depuis la fondation de l’Égypte’ (Exode, IX, 18)”, RB 67, 1960,
B. Couroyer, “‘Mettre sa main sur sa bouche’ en Égypte et dans la Bible”, RB 67, 197-209.
B. Couroyer, “L’origine égyptienne du mot ‘Pâque’“: RB 62 1955, 481-496.
B. Couroyer, “Un égyptianisme en Exode, XVII, 15-16”, RB 88, 1981, 333-339 [nsy = ég. ns.t “siége”].
P.C. Craigie, “An Egyptian expression in the Song of the Sea (Exodus XV 4)”, VT 20, 1970. 83-86.
M. Dahood, “Egyptian iw ‘island’ in Jeremiah 10.9 and Daniel 10.5”, in A2CILCS, pp. 101-103.
A. M. Goldberg, Die ägyptischen Elemente in der Sprache des Alten Testaments: Diss. Freiburg i.B. 1957;
n.l./d. [1957] (polycopié).
Th.O. Lambdin, “Egyptian Loan Words in the Old Testament”, JAOS 73, 1953, 145-155.
O. Margalith, “The Hivites”, ZAW 100, 1988, 60-70 [Hebr. Ahiví Hitt. Ahhijawa = Eg. Akaiwaja = Gr.
S. Morenz, “Eilebeute”, ThLZ 74, 1949, 697-699 [Isaias 8 :1, 3 and the Egyptian word for ‘booty’, apropos
of the name Eilebeute in Goethe, Faust II].
A.S. Yahuda, “Hebrew Words of Egyptian Origin”, JBL 66, 1947, 83-90.
S. Yeivin, “Who was Śō’ the King of Egypt?”, VT 2, 1952, 164-168 [Suggests that Śō’ (2 Kings 17, 4)
derives from an Egyptian title).
J. Dochhorn, “Die Menschen als ‘Kinder der Mutter der Lebenden’: eine etymologische Parallele zu ’m klúy in Gen 3,20 aus dem Altäthiopischen”, ZAH 12, 1999, 2-20 [’ŽgœŒla ’ŽmahŽjŒw].
L. Ezdard, Arabisch, Hebräisch und Amharisch als Sprachen in modernen diplomatischen Dokumenten.
Grammatikalische, lexikalische und stilistische Probleme in synchroner und diachroner Perspective,
Wiesbaden 2006 [rev.: FO 42-43, 2006-2007, 451-453 (An. Zaborski)].
W. Leslau, Ethiopic and South Arabic Contributions to the Hebrew Lexicon (Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Sem.
Phil. 20), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1958 [rev.: WZKM 56, 1960, 312 (W. von Soden); JSS 5, 1960. 428430 (J. Vergote); RB 67, 1960, 158-159 (B. Couroyer); MEJ 14, 1960, 107-108 (M.M. Bravmann);
OLZ 55, 1960, 146-147 (W. Bjorkman); Oriens 13-14, 1960-61, 365-370 (F. Rundgren); Biblica 42,
1961, 100-102 (P. Nober); MUSJ 35, 1958, 287-288 (H. Fleisch); ZDMG 112, 1962, 190-191 (M.
W. Leslau, “An Ethiopian parallel to Hebr. clh ‘went up country’ and yrd ‘went down country’, ZAT 74,
1962, 322-323.
W. Leslau, Hebrew cognates in Amharic, Wiesbaden 1969 [rev.: ZDMG 122, 1972, 302-305 (W.W.
Müller); RSEt 24, 1969-70 (1971), 250-252 (L. Ricci); BSL 66, 1971/2 (1972), 217 (D. Cohen); BZ 17,
1973, 131-134 (A. Schall); BiOr 31, 1974, 152 (E. van Donzel); Sefarad 29, 1969, 339-348
(F.Corriente); Cf. BL 1969; RB 78, 1971, 127 (B. Couroyer); BSOAS 33, 1970, 611-613 (R.Hetzron);
BL 1969; JSS 16, 1971, 109-111 (J.Barr); AION 31, 1971, 282 (G. Garbini); JAOS 91, 1971, 528
W.W. Müller, “Altsüdarabische Beiträge zum hebräischen Lexikon”, ZAW 75, 1963, 304-316.
CH. Rabin, “Strength or cheerfulness?”, in Fs. Isserlin, pp. 11-23 [Hebr. blg, Aram. blq, Akk. plq, etc.].
R.M. Voigt, “Die Wurzel – jš¨(*jθ¨) im Hebráischen sowie im Frühnord- und Altsüdarabischen”, ZAH 10,
1997, 169-176.
R.M. Voigt, “’Fuss’ (und ‘Hand’) im Äthiopischen, Syroarabischen und Hebräischen”, ZAH 11, 1998,
6A.13.1.5. Hebrew-NWS-Amorite-Canaanite-Phoenician-Punic
M. Anbar, “Deux termes amurrites et hébreux”, UF 37, 2005, 1-3 [l’wm, gwy]
M. Dahood, “Some Northwest-Semitic Words in Job”, Biblica 38, 1957, 306-320.
M.I. Gruber, “Hebrew qĕdēš¿h and her Canaanite and Akkadian cognates”, UF 18, 1986, 133-148.
M. Heltzer, “Some Considerations about Hebrew soter and Punic msÃr”, AuOr 2, 1984, 225-30.
W. Johnstone, “Biblical Hebrew wâwîm in the light of new Phoenician evidence”, PEQ 109, 1977, 95102, pl. 4-6.
R.M. Kerr, “North African Centenaria and Hebrew nṣybym. Some Remarks Relating to the Latino-Punic
Inscription from Gasr el Azaiz (IRT 893)”, in Fs Diakonoff 2005, pp. 475-511.
O. Loretz, “Der juridische Begriff ni≠latum/núlt/naúal¿h ‘Erbbesitz’ als amurritisch-kanaanäsiches
Hintergrund von Psalm 58”, UF 34, 2002, 453-479.
H.-P. Müller, “Hebräisch molek und punisch ml(’)k(t), in Fs. Heltzer, pp. 243-253.
H.N. Richardson, “Two Addenda to ‘Some Notes on lî§ and its Derivatives’“, VT 5, 1955, 434-436 [lî§ in
Phoenician inscriptions and in the Zadokite Fragments].
W. Richter, “Zu den ‘Richtern Israels’“, ZAW 77, 1965, 40-72 [špà in the Old Testament, in the Mari texts,
and in Phoenician, and ¨pà in Ugaritic].
6A.13.1.6. Hebrew-Ugaritic
J. Barr, “Ugaritic and Hebrew šbm?”, JSS 18, 1973, 17-39.
J. Blau, “Some Ugaritic, Hebrew, and Arabic parallels”, JNSL 10, 1982, 5-10 [2. Hebr. q§c and Ug. q§ct. 4.
Hebr. štc and Ar. šatica].
F.M. Cross, “Ugaritic db’at and Hebrew Cognates”, VT 2, 1952, 162-164.
M. Dahood, Ugaritic-Hebrew Philology, Rome 1965.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic-Phoenician forms in Job 34, 36”, Biblica 62, 1981, 548-550.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic ušn, Job 12, 10 and 11QPsaPlea 3-4”, Biblicas 47, 1966, 107-108.
M. Dahood, “Ugaritic mšr, ‘song’, in Psalms 28,7 and 137,3”, Biblica 58, 1977, 216-217.
M. Dahood, “Hôl >phoenix= in Job 29:18 and in Ugaritic”, CBQ 36, 1974, 85-88.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Ug. bṣql und he. bṣqlnw (II Reg 4, 42), ’gwz”, UF 18, 1986, 115-120.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Hurritisch-ugaritisc-hebräisch tbl ‘Schmied’”, UF 22, 1990, 87-88.
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “Ug. srrt spn, srry u. hebr. yrktj spwn”, UF 22 1990, 79-86.
G.R. Driver, “Ugaritic and Hebrew Problems”, AO 17, 1949 (Mélanges Hrozny, I), 153-157.
G.R. Driver: “Ugaritic and Hebrew words”, in Ug. VI, pp. 181-186.
M. H. Goshen-Gottstein, “‘Ephraim is a Well-trained Heifer’ and Ugaritic mdl”, Biblica 41, 1960, 64-66.
J. Gray, “Cultic Affinities between Israel and Ras Shamra”, ZAW 62, 1949-50, 207-220 [on technical
terms common to Hebrew and Ugaritic].
J. C. Greenfield, “Ugaritic mdl and its cognates”, Biblica 45, 1964, 527-534 [Heb. lmd].
J.F. Healey, “Syriac nsr, Ugaritic nsr Hebrew nsr II, Akkadian nsr II”, VT 26, 1976 429-437.
M. Held, “The Root zbl/sbl in Akkadian, Ugaritic and Biblical Hebrew”, JAOS 88, 1968, 90-96.
C.J. Labuschagne, “Ugaritic blt and biltî in Is. X 4.”, VT 14, 1964, 97-99.
O. Loretz, “Ugaritisches §am¿tu und hebr. §m(y)tt”, BZ 6, 1962, 269-279.
O. Loretz, “Ugaritisch ’ap und syllabisch-keilschriftlich abi / apu als Vorläufer von hebräische ’ab / ’ôb
‘(Kult/Nekromantie-)Grube’”, UF 34, 2002, 481-519.
P. D. Miller, “Ugaritic Ÿzr and Hebr. czr II”, UF 2, 1970, 159-175.
W. L. Moran, “Ugaritic §î§ûma and Hebrew §î§ (Eccles 43. 19; Jer 48.9)”, Biblica 39, 1958, 69-71.
D. Pardee, “(Rather dim but nevertheless appreciable) light from (a very obscure) Ugaritic (text) on (the)
Hebrew (Bible)” . . . - 17556. [833] 79-89
V. Sasson, “Ug. ¨c and \zr and Hebr. šôwac and cõzêr”, UF 14, 1982, 201-208.
J.A. Thompson, “The root c-l-m in semitic languages and some proposed new translations in Ugaritic and
Hebrew”, in Fs. Vööbus, pp. 159-166.
J. Tropper, “Das unerkannte Verbalsubstaníiv ttn ‘Geben’ im Hebräischen und Ugaritischen”, ZAH 14,
2001, 200-206.
W. von Soden, “Kleine Beiträge zum Ugaritischen und Hebräischen”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 29I-300 [1.
Zum Problem von ġ und ẓ im Ugaritischen. 2. m’i/’asmn = mismunnu “gesiegelte Bulle”. 3. mn = mani
“wieviel?” 4. Ugaritisch und akk. qil “fallen”. 5. Hebr. hls I und II. 6. Hebr. hallamis und das l-Infix im
W. von Soden, “Hurr. uatnannu > mittelassyrisch utnannu und > ugaritisch itnn > hebr. ätnan ‚ein
Geschenk, Dirnenlohn’”, UF 20, 1988, 309-311.
A. Wieder, “Ugaritic-Hebrew lexicographical notes”, JBL 84, 1965, 160-164 [1. šwh - t,–wy 2. More on
mq. 3. prd - brd. 4. gšm ndbwt - mdlk mt,.rtk].
H.- J. Zobel, “Der bildliche Gebrauch von šmn im Ugaritischen und Hebr”, ZAW 82, 1970, 209-216.
6A.13.1.7. Hebrew and Other Semitic Languages
P. Artzi, “úwh in Eblaitic & in Hebrew” (Heb.), HeLi 33-35, 1992, 33-38.
E.L. Greenstein, “Trans-Semitic idomatic equivalency and the derivation of Hebr. ml=kh”, UF 11, 1979,
L. Kogan, “Comparative Notes in the Old Testament (I), in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 731-737 [1. cōnā
‘ointment’ in Ex 21.10].
G.A. Rendsburg, “Ebl. sa-su-ga-lum = Hebr. ss’gr”, in Eblaitica 3, pp. 151-153.
A. Rofé, “‘No Ephod or Teraphim’ – oude hierateias oude dÙl¿n: Hosea 3:4 in the LXX and in the
Paraphrases of Chronicles and the Damascus Document”, in Fs. Weinfeld, pp. 135A. Rubinstein, “Isaiah LII, 14 - mišḥat - and the DSIa Variant”, Biblica 335, 1954, 475-479.
Ol. Stolbova, “Chadic lexical parallels to isolated glosses in Akkadian, Hebrew, Sabaic and Geez”, in
A12GSCSI, pp. 55-62.
G. Toloni, “La traduzione di yedidey¿h (2Sam 12, 25) in alcune versioni antiche”, Aevum 70, 1996, 21-35
(Greck, Aramaic, Syriac, Latin).
6A.13.1.8. Hebrew-Indoeuropean languages
A.J. Ajchenval’d, “On iranisms in Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic”, in Irano-afrazijskie jazykovye kontakty,
Moskva 1987, pp. 4-8.
L. Alonso Schökel, “Hebreo - español: notas de semántica comparada”, Sefarad 47, 1987, 245-254.
L. Alonso Schökel, “Hebreo + español: notas de semántica comparada II”, Sefarad 49, 1989, 11-19.
A.C. Andrews, “Hyssop in the Classical Era”, CPh 46, 1961, 230-248 [Heb. ’ēzōb, Gr. ứssōpos]
Fr. Aspesi, “Greco labýrinthos, ebraico debîr”, 6889.
F. Aspesi, “Possibili connessioni egee di ebraico ’adamâ” : a porposito di lineare A (i-)da-ma-te”, in
A8GSCSI, pp. 253-264.
F. Aspesi, “Aspetti fonetici del confronto fra greco gérēn:géranos ed hebraico gōren”, in Fs.
Pennacchietti, pp. 29-33.
G.R. Cardona, “Armeno mkrtel ‘battezzare’ ed un hapax biblico”, AION-L 7, 1960 89-100 [Heb. mkrtyhm,
Gn 49 :5].
G.R. Cardona, “Gr. kýmbaxos, itt. kŭpaḫi-, ebr. kôba‘ / qôba‘”, AION-L 8, 1968, 5-16.
B. Cohen, “Peculium in Jewish and Roman Law”, American Acad. for Jewish Research (New York),
Proceedings 20, 1951, 135-234 [studies also the Hebrew term segullāh].
J. P. de Menasce, “Iranien naχcī”, VT 6, 1956, 213-214 [Heb.nḥšyr.
L.B. Feldman, R. Frost, T. Penini, “Decomposing words into their constituent morphemes: Evidence from
English and Hebrew”, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and
Cognition 21, 1995, 947-960.
J. M. Ford, “The meaning of ‘virgin’“, NTStud 12, 1965-66, 293- 299 [the meaning of “virgin” in Hebrew,
Greek and Latin].
H.S. Gehman, “Ἃgios in the Septuagint, and its Relation to the Hebrew Original”, VT 4, 1954, 337-348.
W. Marchel, Abba, Père! La prière du Christ et des chrétiens (Analecta Biblica 19), Rome 1963 [A study
of the use of terms meaning “Father” in Biblical Hebr., Aram. and Gr.] [rev.: JBL 83, 1964, 95-97 (G.
W. Buchanan)].
O. Margalith, “The Hivites”, ZAW 100, 1988, 60-70 [Hebr. Ahiví Hitt. Ahhijawa = Eg. Akaiwaja = Gr.
T. Muraoka, “The semantics of the LXX and its role in clarifying Ancient Hebrew semantics”, in StAHS,
pp. 19.32.
A. Newman, “A semantic analysis of English and Hebrew cooking terms”, Lingua 37, 1975, 53-79.
F. Pintore, Seren, tarwanis, tyrannos, in Fs. Pintore, pp. 285-322.
S. Powels, “Sylvia: Indische Lehnworter in der Bibel”, ZAH 5, 1992, 186-200.
J.F. Priest,.”Ὅpkia in the Iliad and consideration of a recent theory”, JNES 23, 1964 48-56 [Heb. berît
M. Rehm, “Die Bedeutung hebräischer Wörter bei Hieronymus”, Biblica 35, 1954, 174-197.
G. Toloni, Yešurûn e y¿dîd: le eccezioni alla traduzione di >_hab con >agapáõ nel Pentateuco dei LXX. Aevum 68, 1994, 9-26.
G. Toloni, “sōma//gewiyyâ (Na 3,3b) alla luce delle versioni antiche”, AION 56, 1996, 1-13.
G. Toloni, “La traduzione di yedidey¿h (2Sam 12, 25) in alcune versioni antiche”, Aevum 70, 1996, 21-35
(Greck, Aramaic, Syriac, Latin).
E. Tov, “Loan-words, homophony and transliterations in the Septuagint”, Biblica 60, 1979, 216236.
An. Wagner, “Wie sich Sprechakte historisch verändern: Vorstudien zu einer Typologie des historischen
Wandels von Sprechakten am Beispiel von SEGNEN im Althebräisch und BEKENNEN im
Deutschen”, in A28ILK, 2, 181-187.
E.J. Wiesenberg, “Rabbinic Hebrew as aid in the study of Biblical Hebrew illustrated in the exposition of
the rare words rút and mzrh”, HUCA 47, 1976, 143-180.
R. Zadok, “On five Iran. names in the O. T.” , VT 26, 1976, 246-247.
G. Zunzt, “Greek Words in the Talmud”, JSS 1, 1956, 129-140.
6A.13.2. Hebrew Level
6A.13.2.1 General Lexicography and Etymology
F.I. Andersen-A.D. Forbes, The vocabulary of the Old Testament, Roma 1989 [s tatistical analysis] [rev.:
ZAW 102, 1990, 295 (H.W. Hoffmann); JThS 42, 1991, 624-625 (J.F.A. Sawyer); VT 43/I, 1993, 129130 (N.R.M. de Lange) | BZ 38/2, 1994, 310-311 (J. Maier)].
M. Barkai, “Aphasic evidence for lexical and phonological representations”, AAL 7, 1980, 163-187.
J. Barr, “Etymology and the Old Testament”, OTS 19, 1974, 1-28.
J. Barr, “Hebrew lexicography”, StSemLex, pp. 103-126.
J. Barr, “Limitations of etymology as a lexicographical instrument in Biblical Hebrew”, TPhS 1983, 41-65.
J. Barr, “Hebrew lexicography: informal thoughts”, in LBH, pp. 137-151.
J. Becker, “Wurzel und Wurzelspross. Ein Beitrag zur hebräischen Lexikographie”, BZ 20, 1976, 22-24.
Z. Ben-îayyim, “Observations on the Hebrew and Aramaic lexicon from the Samaritan tradition”, in Fs.
Baumgartner, pp. 12-24.
M. Dahood, “Hebrew lexicography: a review of W. Baumgartner’s Lexikon, volume II”, Or 45, 1976,
J.E. Eitan, A Contribution to Biblical Lexicography, New York 1924.
J.F.N.M. E1wolde, “Developments in Hebrew vocabulary between Bible and Mishnah”, in HDSSBS, pp.
A. Dolgoplosky, “Hebrew Etymology in Comparativistic Perspective”, in Fs. Avishur, pp. 47*-50*.
G.R. Driver, “L’interprétation du texte masorétique à la lumière de la lexicographie hébraique”, EphThL
26, 1950, 337-353.
M. Fraenkel, “Das Lamed als Schlussbuchstabe im Hebräischen Wort”, ZAW 69, 1957, 238-241 [on L.
Koehler’s article, JSS 1, 3-24].
J.E. Gates, An analysis of the lexilographic resources used by American Biblical scholars today
(Dissertation Series 8), Cambridge Mass. 1972.
D.L. Gold, “Sorne remarks on Moshe Goshen-Gottstein’s ‘The lexicography of Hebrew’”, Lexicographica
9, 1993, 272-274.
M. Goshen-Gottstein, “The lexicography of Hebrew”, Lexicographica 7, 1991, 72-93.
J.C. Greenfield, “Etymological semantics”, ZAH 61, 1993, 26-37 [Comm. By Bertil Albrektson, 38-43].
M. Kister, “Lexicographical problems - early and late”, in StMH, pp. 244-263 [translation of Tarbiz 61,
1992, 45-59]
J.C. Lübbe, “Hebrew lexicography: a new approach”, JS/TS 2, 1990, 1- 15.
W.C. Marlowe, The development of Old Testament Hebrew lexicography, Diss. Mid-America Baptist
Theological Seminary 1985 [DAb 46/8, 1986, 2279-A].
M. Pollatschek, Y.T. Radau, “Vocabulary richness and concentration in Hebrew Biblical literature”,
ALLC Bulletin 8, 1980, 217-231.
C. Rabin, “The Hebrew Development of Proto-Semitic”, Tarbitz 30, 1960, 99-111 [repr. in Likkutei Tarbiz
3, 1983, 155-170].
Y.T. Radday, M.A. Pollastchek, “Vocabulary richness in postexilic prophetic books”, ZAW 92, 1980, 333346.
U. Rapallo, “Il lessico ebraico di base fra generalità e universalità”, in Fs. Cagni IV, pp. 2017-2041.
A. L. Rubinštejn, “Nekotorye puti razvitija leksikografii jazyka ivrit” (On the development of Hebrew
lexicography], in SemJaz, pp. 215-220 .
O.R. Schwarzwald, Lexical representations, phonological Processes, and morphological patterns in
Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Texas at Austin 1973 [DAb 34/5, Nov. 1973, 2600-A].
J. Spivak, Novoje slovotvor estvo (v evr. jaz.), Kijev 1939 (The new word formation in Hebrew).
A. Tal, “Lexicographic studies”, in Fs. Blau, pp. 319-329.
N.H. Tur-Sinai, “In the Tracks of the Language and the Scripture. XI. Radical or Affix?” [Heb.],
Leshonenu 24, 1959-60, 123-136, 185-206; 25, 1960-61, 1-16.
J. van der Ploeg, “Vijf en twintig jaar Hebreeuwsche lexicographie”, JEOL 9, 1943-44, 89-98
A.J.C. Verheu, Verbs and numbers: a study of the frequency of the Hebrew verbal tense forms in the books
of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles (SSN, 28), Assen 1990 [rev.: ThQ 172, 1992, 245-246 (W. Gross);
VT 42, 1992, 426-427 (J.A. E[merton])].
P. Wechter, Ibn Barun’s Arabic Works on Hebrew Grammar and Lexicography, Philadelphia, A 1964.
6A.13.2.2 Semantics
J.-M. Babut, Les expressions idiomatiques de l’Hébreu biblique. signification et traduction: un essai
d’analyse componentielle, Paris 1995 (Cahiers de la RB, 33).
J. Barr, The semantics of Biblical language, London 1961 [rev.: JBL LXXX 1961, 374-377 (B.S. Childs);
BSL 57, 1962, 37-38 (É. Benveniste); BiOr 19, 1962, 264-266 (W. Baumgartner); Biblica 43, 1962,
217-223 (L. Alonso-Schökel); ThZ 18, 1962, 211-213 (J.A. Soggin); NTSiud 8, 1961-62, 282-283
(R.McL. Wilson); JThS XIII 1962, 128-130 (S.H. Hooke); AmA 65, 1963. 1189-1190 (J.E. Grimes)].
J. Barr, Bibelexegese und moderne Semantik. Theologische und linguistische Methode in der
Bibelwissenschaft. Mit einem Geleitwort von Hans Conzelmann, München 1965 (Transl. of The
semantics ot Biblical language, 1961).
J. Barr, Semantica del linguaggio biblico (Collana di studi religiosi), Bologna 1968 (transl. of The
semantics of Biblical language, 1961).
J. Barr, “Semantics and biblical theology: a contribution to the discussion”, VTS. 22, 1972, 11-19.
J. Barr, “Scope and problems in the semantics of Classical Hebrew”, ZAH 6, 1993, 33-14 [comm. by U.
Rüterswürden, 15-20].
J. Barr, “Three interrelated factors in the semantic study of Ancient Hebrew”, ZAH 7, 1994, 33-44 [comm.
by T. Muraoka, 44-50].
J. Blau, “Über Homonyme und angeblich homonyme Wurzeln”, VT 6, 1956, 242-248.
J. Blau, “Über Homonyme und angeblich homonyme Wurzeln, II”, VT 7, 1957, 98-102.
P. Boccaccio, “I termini contrari come espressioni della totalità in ebraico”, Biblica 33, 1952, 173-190.
Br. Costacurta, “Implicazioni semantiche in alcuni casi di Qere-Ketib”, Biblica 71, 1990,226-239.
M. Dascal, T. Katriel, “Between semantics and pragmatics: the two types of ‘but’ - Hebrew aval and ela”,
ThL 4 1977, 143-172.
M. Delcor, “Homonymie et interprétation de l’Ancien Testament”, JSS 18, 1973, 40-54.
L.J. de Regt, “The description of multiple meaning in some Biblical Hebrew lexicographical projects”, in
W. Martin et al., eds, Euralex 1994 proceedings: papers submitted to the 6th EURALEX International
Congress on Lexicography in Amsterdam, The Nederlands, s.l. 1994, pp. 158-166.
W.L. Dulière, “Polarisations inversibles du sens affectif et de l’intention dans des raciness hébraïques”, in
Fs. Altheim II, pp. 1-26.
K. Ehling, Verwendungen der Deixis beim sprachlichen Handeln . . . - Frankfurt a.M. 1979 [rev.: NJL 6,
1983, 157-162 (H. Haberland); WZKM 74, 1982, 241-245 (S. Segert); ZS 1/2, 1982, 305-311 (O.
Ludwig); ThZ 36, 1980, 53-54 (E. Jenni) ; JSS 27, 1982, 77-79 (P. Wernberg-Møller); RB 96, 1989,
446 G.J. Norton)].
J.F.N.M. Elwolde, Aspects of the collocational analysis of meaning with special reference to some Biblical
Hebrew anatomical idioms (Diss. Univ. of Hull), Hull 1987 [DAl50/3, 1989, 676-A].
G. Fohrer, “Twofold aspects of Hebrew words”, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 95-103.
P. Fronzaroli, “Componential analysis”, ZAH 6, 1993, 79-91 [evidence from Biblical Hebrew].
A. Gibson, Biblical semantic logic: a preliminary analysis, Oxford/New York 1981 [rev.: JSS 27, 1982,
80-81 (A.H. Lesser); JAOS 105, 1985, 735-736 (E.L. Greenstein)].
J.C. Greenfield, “Etymological semantics”, ZAH 61, 1993, 26-37 [Comm. By Bertil Albrektson, 38-43].
D. Harbour, “The two types of predícate clefts : Classical Hebrew and beyond” MITWPL 34, 1999, 159175.
G. Hatav, The semantic of aspect and modality: evidence from English and Biblical Hebrew, Amsterdam
1997 [rev.: Word 51, 2000, 59-63 (P.J. Duffley)].
J. Hoftijzer, “An ESF network on the semantics of Classical Hebrew”, ZAH 5, 1992, 85-86 [ESF =
European Science Foundation].
J.H. Hospers, “Das Problem der sogenannten semantischen Polarität im Althebräischen”, ZAH l, 1988,
J.H. Hospers, “Polyseiny and homonymy”, ZAH 6, 1993, 114-123 [evidence from Biblical Hebrew.
Comm. by André Lemaire, pp. 124-127].
A. Hurvitz, “Continuity and innovation in Biblical Hebrew: the case of ‘semantic change’ in post-exilic
writings”, in StAHS, pp. 1-10.
M.Z. Kaddari, “Homonymy and Polysemy in the New Modern Hebrew Lexicon of the Hebrew Bible”, in
BHNWSS, pp. 149-153.
B. Kedar, Biblische Semantik: eine Einführung, Stuttgart 1981 [rev.: ZDL 50, 1983, 384-386 (W.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “0n the decoding of polysemantic lexemes in Biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 7, 1994, 17-25
[Comm. by 1 Hans-Peter Müller, 26-32].
K.J. Kremer, “Semasiologie en haar betekenis voor de Oudtestamentische exegese”, Vox Theologica 20,
1950, 100-110.
K.E. Lowery, “The role of semantics in the adequacy of syntactic models of Biblical Hebrew”, 18703
J. Margain, Essais de sémantique sur l’hébreu ancien: monèmes fonctionnels et autonomes, modalités
(Comptes rendus du Groupe Linguistique d’Études Chamito-Sémitiques, Suppl. 4), Paris 1976 [rev. :
BSL 74, 1979/2. 456-457 (M. Masson); RB 89,1982, 613 (J.-M. de Tarragon) ; BiOr 40/1-2, 1983, 145146 (M.J. Mulder); RO 45, 1987, 81-84 (W. Ty1och)].
R. Meyer, Gegensinn und Mehrdeutigkeit der alt hebräischen Wort- und Begriffsbildung (SbSAW 120, 5),
Berlin 1979 [rev.: ZA 69, 1979/2 (1980), 308 (W. von Soden); BiOr 38, 1981, 671-673 (M. Dahood);
OLZ 77, 1982, 563-564 (S. Wagner)].
R. Meyer, “Gegensinn und Mehrdeutigkeit in der althebräischen Wort und Begriffsbildung”, UF 11,
1979, 601-612.
B. Morrison, Wonderful Words. The Development of the Meaning of Hebrew antonyms from a Common
Root. A study in countersense, Johannesburg 1954 [rev.: BiOr 13, 1956, 171 (H.A. Brongers]).
H.-P. Müller, “Polysemie im semitischen und hebräischen Konjugationssystem”, Or 55, 1986, 365-389.
T. Muraoka, ed., Semantics of Ancient Hebrew (Abr-Nahrain Supplement Series, 6), Louvain 1998
[berî’āh [S. Bindi], deber (J.K. Aitken), hadōm (A. Salvesen), kissē (A. Salvesen), keter (A. Salvesen),
me’ērāh (J.K. Aitken), macgāl (J.K. Aitken), mišcôl (J.K. Aitken), nēzer (A. Salvasen), nāqab (J.K.
Aitken), caṭārāh (A.Salvesen), qābab (J.K. Aitken), šēbeṭ (A. Salvesen)].
J. L. Palache, Sinai en Paran. Opera minora. Met een voorwoord van Max Reisel, Leiden 1959 [rev.: OLZ
56, 1961, 255-256 (O. Eissfeldt); BiOr 19, 1962, 74-75 (S.H. Horn)] [from the contents: “Change in
meaning of words in Hebrew and other languages” (in Dutch), p. 101-132].
N.W. Porteous, “Semantics and Old Testament Theology”, OTS 8, 1950, 1-14.
C. Rabin, “The Hebrew Development of Proto-Semitic”, Tarbitz 30, 1960, 99-111 [repr. in Likkutei Tarbiz
3, 1983, 155-170].
H. Rachenmacher, “Kognitive Linguistik and althebräische Lexicographie”, JNSL 30, 2004, 43-59.
U. Rapallo, “Paradigmatica e sintagmatica nell’ermeneutica biblica tradizionale”, QS 3, 1982, 133-188.
S.J.P.K.Riekert, “Die identifisering van idiome vir die semantiese woordeboek-projek op die Ou
Testament”, SATT 6, 1988, 77-91.
H.B. Rosén, “La position descriptive et comparative des formes contextuelles en hébreu”, in AICILSCS,
pp. 246-255.
E. Rubinstein, “On the mechanism of semantic shift: causation or symmetric locativity”, AAL 3, 1976, 110. (133-142) [Hebrew data].
G.B. Sarfatti, Hebrew semantics (Heb.), Jerusalem 1978 [rev.: AION 38, 1978, 512-513 (G. Moscati
J.F.A. Sawyer, “The role of Jewish studies in Biblical semantics”, in Fs. Hospers, pp. 201-208.
H.P. Scanlin, “The study of semantics in general linguistics”, in LBH, pp. 125-136.
O.R. Schwarzwald, Lexical representations, phonological Processes, and morphological patterns in
Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Texas at Austin 1973 [DAb 34/5, Nov. 1973, 2600-A].
S. Shead, Radical Frame Semantics and Biblical Hebrew Exploring Lexical Semantics (Biblical
Interpretation Series, 108), Leiden 2011 [rev.: ANES 49, 2012, 240-242 (T. Zewi)].
T. Sikora, Cara‘at- problem interpretacji: Księga Kapłańska”, StJud 12/1-2, 2009, 13-14 ( Tsara'at: the
problem· of interpretation: Book of Leviticus).
.H. C. Spomer, Some concerns in the semantics of biblical Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Michigan 1972
[DAb 33/g, March 1973, 5158-A].
P. Swiggers, “Paradigmatical semantics”, ZAH 6, 1993, 44-54 [evidence from Biblical Hebrew; comm. by
Ernst Jenni, pp. 55-59].
P. Swiggers, “Recent developments in linguistic semantics arid their application to Biblical Hebrew “,
ZAH 6, 1993, 21-25.
A.C. Thiselton, “The Supposed power of Words in the Biblical writings”, JThS 25, 1974,283-299.
J.C. Trever, The Contribution of Second Isaiah to the semantic development of Hebrew words, Diss. Yale
Univ. 1943.
Th.C. Vriezen, “De betekenis der semasiologie voor exegese en Schriftbesckouwing”, Vox Theologica 20,
1950, 89-100.
L.I. Weinstock, “Sound and meaning in Biblical Hebrew”, JSS 28, 1983, 49-62.
A.S. van der Woude, “Some remarks on literary critical source analysis of the Old Testament and Hebrew
semantics”, [522], 49-54.
I. Zatelli, “Functional languages and their importance to the semantics of Ancient Hebrew”, [522], 55-64.
6A.13.2.3. Roots
[A reminder:
J. Barth, Wurzeluntersuchungen zum hebräischen und aramäischen Lexikon, Leipzig 1902
B. Carra de Vaux, Tableau des racines sémitiques (arabe-hébreu) accompagnées de comparaisons, Paris 1913
M. Hartman, Die Pluriliteralbildung in den semitische Sprache, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des
Hebräischen, Chaldäischen und Neusyrischen, Halle 1875].
6A. General
F.I. Andersen, “Biconsonantal byforms of weak Hebrew roots”, ZAW 82, 1970, 270-275.
F.M. Dat, Matrices et étymons. Mimophonie lexicale en hébreu biblique, Thèse doct. Univ. Lyon 2002.
F.M. Dat, “La matrice de dénomination {[coronal], [dorsal]} en hébreu biblique: invariance et organisation
conceptuelle”, Langues et Littératures du Monde Arabe [Hommage à André Miquel] 3, 2002, 59-83.
M.Dat, “Matrices de traits et icônes auditives en hébreu biblique”, LLMA 4, 2003, 87-118.
M. Ephrat, “The Roots of Mankind and Hebrew Roots” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 77-92 [acording to J.
M. Ephratt, “The semantic properties of the root-pattem array”, in CLLR, pp. 160-175.
M. Fraenkel, Zur Theorie der Ayin-Waw- und der Ayin-Jud-Stämme, Jerusalem 1970 [rev.: BZ 15, 1971,
136 (W. Richter)].
J. Hoftijzer, “Überlegungen zum System der Stammesmodifikationen im klassischen Hebraisch”, ZAH 5,
1992, 117-134.
K. Koskinen, “Kompatibilität in den dreikonosnantigen hebräischen Wurzeln”, ZDMG 114, 1964, 16-58.
J.F.A. Sawyer, “Root-meanings in Hebrew”, JSS 12, 1967, 37-50 [1. Hebr. and mod. linguistics. 2. Hebr.
roots and recurring consonant sequences. 3. Semantic fields. 4. Overtones].
R.S. Sirat, “Y a-t-il un élément cAïn1 Resh commun à plusieurs racines hébraïques?”, in A1CILSCS,
D. Sivan, “BibIical Hebrew roots & quiescents according to Juda Hayyuj’s grammaticak works”, HUCA
60, 1989, 115-127.
S. Strelcyn, “Les racines trilitères à première et troisième radicales identiques en hébreu”, GLECS 4,
1945-1948, 84-86.
N.H. Tur-Sinai, “In the Tracks of the Language and the Scripture. XI. Radical or Affix?” [Heb.],
Leshonenu 24, 1959-60, 123-136, 185-206; 25, 1960-61, 1-16.
A. Verheu, “Stems and roots: some statistics concerning the verbal stems in the Hebrew Bible”, ZAH 5,
1992, 64-71.
G.E. Weil, “Trilitéralité fonctionnelle ou bilitéralité fondamentale des racines hébraïques: Un essai
d’analyse quantifiée”, in Fs. Jacob, pp. 281-311.
6A. Individual roots
P.R. Akroyd, “The Hebrew Root b’š”, JThS 2, 1951, 31-36.
D.R. Ap-Thomas, “Some Aspects ot the Root únn in the Old Testament”, JSS 2, 1957,128-148.
J. Arambarri, Der Wortstamm ‘hören’ im Alten Testament: Semantik und Syntax eines hebraischen Verbs
(Stuttgarter Biblische Beitriige, 20), Stuttgart 1990 [rev.: ZAW 103, 1991, 290-291 (H.-C. S[chmitt])].
L. Bianchi, “La radice ebraica bqr e la sua connessione con il culto”, Acme 35, 1982, 205-223.
J. M. Bracke, “Shûb shebût: a reappraisal”, ZAW 97, 1985, 233-244.
R.Brauner, Shoroshim. The Ultimate Book of Almost 3300 Hebrew Verb Roots. An English Thesuarus of
Hebrew Roots (The Verbs). A Radical Dictionary, Raanana 2012.
M.L. Brown, ‘I am the Lord your healer’: a philological study of the root rapa’ in the Hebrew Bible and
the Ancient Near East, Diss. New York Univ. 1985, [DAb 46/12, 1986, 3701-A].
Ph.J. Calderone, “Hdl-II in Poetic Texts”. CBQ 23, 1961, 451-460.
Ph.J. Calderone, “Supplementary note on hdl-II”, CBQ 24, 1962, 412-419.
J. Carmignac, “Le sens de la racine MLî II dans la Bible et à Qumrân”, in Fs. Rinaldi, pp. 77-81. ,
H. Cazelles, “Les sens du verbe b’r en hébreu” Semitica 23, 1973, 5-10.
D- Cohen-Zemach, “The Educational Perception of the Book of Deuteronomy: A Study of the Hebrew
Roots *yrh and *lmd”, in Fs. MMayer, pp. 225-237.
M. Dahood, “The Root cZB II in Job”, JBL 78, 1959, 303-309.
P.A.H. de Boer, “Étude sur le sens de la racine qwh”, OTS 10, 1954, 225-246.
D.A. Diewert, “Job XXXVI 5 and the root m’s II”, VT 39. 1989, 71-77.
G.R. Driver, “Mistranslations”, PEQ 79, 1947, 123-126; 80, 1948, 64-65 [instances of the root wrd ‘to go
up and down’].
W. Eisenbeis, Die Wurzel šlm im Alten Testament (Diss. Univ. of Chicago 1966, rev. and trans.), Berlin
1969 [rev.: VT 20, 1970. 524-526 (L. Rost); BiOr 28, 1971, 216-217 (R. Degen); ZDWG 122, 1972,
262-263 (W. Richter); BZ 15, 1971, 119-120 (J. Scharbert); JBL 92, 1973, 289-291 (R.P. Knierim);
OLZ 70, 1975, 266 (H.-J. Zobel)].
F. Ellermeier, Qohelet. Teil I. Abschnitt 2. Einzelfrage Nr. 7: Das Verbum úûš in Qoh 2, 25. Akkadisch
≠ašu(m) “sich sorgen” im Lichte neu veröffentlichter Texte. 2., um einen Nachtrag vermehrte Aufl.,
Herzberg a. Harz 1970 [first ed. 1968].
I.H. Eybers, “The root §-l in Hebrew words”, JNSL 2, 1972, 23-36.
F.C. Fensham, “The stem htl in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 9, 1959, 310-311.
F.C. Fensham, “The root bcr in Ugaritic and in Isaiah in the meaning ‘to pilllage’”, JNSL 9, 1981, 67-69.
H.O. Forshey, “The Hebrew root NîL and its Semitic cognates”, HThR 66, 1973, 505-506 [summary of
Diss., Harvard Univ.].
F. Gaboriau, Le théme biblique de la connaissance. Étude d’une racine, Paris 1969 [with a study of yâdac
and its Semitic correspondences].
G. Gerleman, “Der Nicht-Mensch. Erwägungen zur hebräischen Wurzel nbl”, VT 24, 1974, 147-158.
G. Gerleman, “Die Wurzel šlm”, ZAW 83, 1973, 1-14.
G. Gerleman, “Die sperrende Grenze: die Wurzel clm im Hebräischen” ZTW 91, 1979, 338-349.
G. Giesen, Die Wurzel šbc ‘schwören’. Eine semasiologische Studie zum Eid im Alten Testament (BBB
56), Königstein/Ts. 1981 [rev.: CBQ 45, 1983, 283-284 (D. Pardee); BZ 28/2, 1984, 289-291 (H. Wurz);
JBL 103/3, 1984, 437-438 (D.L. Magnetti); ThRev 80, 1984, 107 (J. Scharbert)].
T. F. Glasson, “The ‘Passover’, a Misnomer. The meaning of the verb pasach”, JThS 10, 1959, 79-84.
F.A. Gosling, “An open question relating to the Hebrew root glh”, ZAH 11, 1998, 125-132.
B. Gosse, “La beauté qui égare Israel: remploi des racines yhp, ypy, yp’h dans le livre d’Ézekhiel”, BN 46,
1989, 13-16.
P. Grelot, “La racine hwn en Dt. I 41”, VT 12, 1962, 198-200.
D. Grimm, Die hebräische Wurzel pl’ und ihre nominalen Ableilungen im AT: Eine lexikalische
Untersuchung, Diss. Halle/Saale 1977 [rev.: ZAW 90, 1978, 306-307 (G. Fohrer)].
H. Gross, “Zur Wurzel zkr”, BZ 4, 1960, 227-237.
A. Guillaume, “A note on the roots ryc, yrc, and rcc in Hebrew”, JThS 15, 1964, 293-295.
A. Guillaume, “A root š’h in Hebrew”, JThS 17, 1966, 53-54.
B. Hartmann, “Mögen die Götter dich behüten und unversehrt bewahren”, in Fs. Baumgratner, pp.
102-105 [on the root Ÿjr ‘to preserve’ in Semitic, especially Hebrew].
E.W. Heaton, “The Root ’’r and the Doctrine of the Remnant”, JThS 3, 1952, 27-39.
M. Heltzer, “The root tmk in Ammonite, Phoenician and Hebrew”, 18656.
R.S. Hess, “Hiphil forms of qwr in Jeremiah VI 7”, VT 41, 1991, 347-350.
Y. Hoffman, “The root qrb as a legal term”, JNSL 10, 1982, 67-73.
W. L. Holladay, The Root šûbh in the Old Testament, with parlicular reference to its usages in covenant
contexts (Diss. Leiden), Leiden 1958 [rev.: JBL 78, 1959, 262 (J.A. Sanders); BiOr 16, 1959, 45-46
(S.H. Hooke); ThLZ 84, 1959, 911-9120 (O. Eissfeldt); VT 9, 1959, 218-221 (J.Ph. Hyatt); JSS 5, 1960,
161-162 (W. Baumgartner); RB 67, 1960, 156-157 (F.M. L[emoine])].
J. Huehnergard, S.M. Olyan, “The Etymology of Hebrew anad Aramaic ykl ‘to be able’”, JSS58/1,
J.G. Janzen, “The root pr in Judges V 2 and Deuteronorny XXXII 42”, VT 39, 1989, 393-406.
E. Jenni, “Lexikalisch-semantische Strukturunterschiede: hebräisch údl - deutsch “aufhören/ unterlassen”,
ZAH 7, 1994, 124-132.
A.R. Johnson, “The Primary Meaning of ‘g’l’ ”, VTS. I, 1953, 67-77.
M.Z. Kaddari, “Componential semantic analysis of B(iblical) H(ebrew) verbs (N-T-N and M-N-’)”, PICL
14, 1987, 962-967.
D. J. Kahmhi, “The root úlq in the Bible”, VT 23, 1973, 235-239.
J.M. Kennedy, “The root GcR in the light of semantic analysis”, JBL 106, 1987, 47-64.
J. Körner, “Die Bedeutung der Wurzel bārā im Alten Testament”, OLZ 64, 19Ë9, 533-540.
I. Kottsieper, “Die Bedeutung der Wz. c§b und skn in Koh 10:9”, UF 18, 1986, 213-222.
J. Kra’ovec, La justice (§dq) de Dieu dans la Bible hébraique et l’interprétation juive et chrétienne (OBO
716), Freiburg/Göttingen 1988 [rev. : ETL, 64, 1988, 456-457 (J. Lust)].
E. Kutsch, “Die Wurze c§r im Hebräischen”, VT 2, 1952, 57-69.
S.C. Layton, “The Semitic root *glm and the Hebrew narne ´Alaemaet”, ZAW 102/1, 1990, 80-941.
J. Limburg, “The root ryb and the prophetic lawsuit speeches”, JBL 68, 1969, 291-304.
S. E. Loewenstamm, “The Hebrew Root îRŠ in the Light of the Ugarit Texts”, JJewS 10, 1959, 63-65.
R. Mach, J.H. Marks, “The Head upon tke Knees. A note to 1 Kings 18:42”, in Fs. Hitti, pp. 68-73 [the
meaning of ghr].
A.A. Macintosh, “PsaIm XCI 4 and the root MîR”, VT 23, 1973, 56-62.
A.A. Macintosh, “A third root cdh in Biblical Hebrew?”, VT 24, 1974, 454-473.
A.A. Macintosh, “Exodus VIII 19, distinct redemption and the Hebrew roots pdh and pdd”, VT 21, 1971,
A.A. Macintosh, “ Proverbs 30:32 and the root NBL”, in Fs. Williamson, pp. 79-93.
M. Masson, “Remarques sur la racine hébraïque n-ú-š”, GLECS 18-23/3, 1973-79, 661-668.
M. Mishor, “The rection of the verb SYYʕ” (Heb), Leshonenu 70, 2008, 615-625.
Ch.W. Mitchell, The meaning of BRK ‘to bless’ in the Old Testainent (SBL Diss. Series, 95) (Diss Univ.
of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987), Atlanta GA 1987 [rev.: ETL 64, 1988, 193-194 (J. Lust); JBL 107,
1988, 507-509 (M. Hillmer); VT 40, 1990, 254 (H.G.M. Williamson); CBQ 51/3, 1989, 528-529 (D.H.
Little); CBQ 51/3, 1989, 528-529 (D.H. Little)].
W.L. Moran, “The Putative Root ctm in Is. 9, 18”, CBQ 12, 1950, 153.
F.L. Moriarty, “A Note on the Root yp”, CBQ 14, 1952, 62.
H.-P. Müller, “Die hebräische Wurzel šyú”, VT 19, 1969, 361-371.
H.-P. Müller, “Die Wurzeln cyq, ycq und cwq”, VT 21, 1971, 556-564.
K.W. Neubauer, Der Stamm chnn im Sprachgebrauch des Alten Testaments, Diss. Berlin, Kirchliche
Hochschule, Berlin 1964.
H. Niehr, Herrschen und Richten: die Wurzel špà im Alten Orient, und im Alten Testament (Forschung zur
Bibel), Würzburg 1986.
M. O’Connor, “Polysemy in the ancient Hebrew lexicon: The case of root-shape ḥlq”, in Fs. Jenni, pp.
A. Passoni dell’Acqua, “La radice jdc ‘il conoscere/la conoscenza’ nei documenti di Qumran”, Aevum 58,
1984, 20-37.
T. Plassmann, “Notes on the Stem d-b-r. A Semasiological Study”, CBQ 4, 1942, 119-132.
S. Plath, Furcht Gottes. Der Begriff jr’ im Alten Testament [Arbeiten zur Theologie, 2, Reihe, 2), Stuttgart
1963 [rev.: Erasmus 18, 1966, 593-595 (A. Caquot)].
B. Porten, “The root pair šwb – yšb in Jeremiah”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 375-393.
É. Puech, “Sur la racine ‘ṣlú’ en hébreu et en araméen”, Semitica 21, 1971, 6-19.
J. Reider, “Etymological Studies: ydc or yrc and ycc”, JBL 66, 1947, 315-317.
J. Reider, “Etymological Studies in Biblica1 Hebrew”, VT 2, 1952, 113-130.
J. Reider, “Etymological Studies in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 4, 1954, 276-295.
S. C. Reif, “A root to look up? A study of the Hebrew ns’ ‘yn”, VTS 36 [J.A. Emerton, ed., Congress
Volume: Salamanca 1983], pp. 230-244 [“activating the eye”].
I. Riesener, Der Stamm cbd im Alten Testament, Berlin 1979 [rev.: JThS 32, 1981, 192-194 (B. Lindars);
JBL, 100, 1981, 468-469 (J.F.A. Sawyer); CBQ 43, 1981, 630-632 (D. Pardee); BiOr 37, 1980, 214215 (M.J. Mulder); RB 91/3, 1984, 434-451 (J. Loza)].
L. G. Rignell, “rgc und seine Ableitungen im Alten Testament”, in ÅHVsLund 1952, 41-57.
W.M.W. Roth, “nbl”, VT 10, 1960, 394-409 {study of the root nbl and its derivatives in Biblical Hebrew
and in Akkadian].
W.M.W. Roth, “A study of the classical Hebrew verb skl” VT 18, 1968, 69-78.
M. Rottenberg, “There is no root lhm in the Bible” (Heb.), Leshonenu 45, 1981, 153-154.
M.S. Rozenberg, The stem špÃ: An investigation ot biblical and extrabiblical sources, Univ. of
Pennsylvania Diss., 1963 [DAb 24, 1964, 3303].
E. Rubinstein, “‘Causation’ and ‘volition’ as semantic components of verbs. A study of the Biblical verb
bqš”, IOS 6, 1976, 122-130.
M. Saur, “‘… das wäre ein mṭyp dieses Volkes!’. Zum Kausativstamm von nṭp im Alten Teatament”, in
Fs. Jenni, pp. 279-290.
J.F.A. Sawyer, “A historical description of the Hebrew root YŠ’“, in HS, pp. 75-84 [the Semitic root YŠ’.
2. The evidence of proper names. 3 Hist. description. 4. General observations].
V. Saydon, “The connection between thought and emotion in Biblical Hebrew: a syntactic and
semantic study of the Hebrew verb ḥašav” (Heb.), Leshonenu 73/1,.2010, 7-25.
Th. Schaack, Die Ungeduld des Papiers: Studien zum alttesmentlichen Verständnis des Schreibens anhand
des Verbums “katab” im Kontext administrativer Vorgänge (ZAW Beihefte 262), Berlin 1998.
St. Schorch, “Die hebräische Wurzel QHT”, ZAH 10/1, 1997, 76-84.
W. Schottroff, ‘Gedenken’ im Alten Orient und im Alten Testament.Die Wurzel zakar im semitischen
Sprachkreis (WMANT15), Neukirchen-Vluyn 1964/19672 [JBL 84, 1964, 447 (B.S.Childs); RB 71,
1964, 623-624 (R. Tournay); BL 1964; VT 15, 1965, 540-548 (J. Hoftijzer); BL 1964; OLZ 61, 1966,
573-576 (E. Osswald); [First ed. 1964; BiOr 26, 1969, 229-230 (M. Bic, on first ed.)].
G. Schuttermayr, “RîM - eine lexikalische Studie”, Biblica 51, 1970, 499-532 [Exkurs: Belege für die
Verwendung von akk. ra’¿mu/râmu].
R.M. Serra, “Una raíz, afín a la raíz ugarítica ġyr ‘guardar’, en algunos textos bíblicos”, Clar. 4, 2964,
B.E. Shafer, “The root búr and pre-exilic concepts of chosenness in the Hebrew Bible”, ZAW 89, 1977, 2042.
R.S. Sirat, “Évolution sémantique de la racine ctq en hébrew”, RENLO 3, 1966, 35-62.
N. H. Snaith, “The Hebrew root gcl (1)”, ALUOS 3, 1961-62, 60-67.
J.A. Soggin, “klk - kll: osservazioni sull’uso di due radici in ebraico biblico”, AION 32, 1972, 366-371.
J.A. Soggin, “La radice ðmn ‘nascondere’, ‘seppelIire’”, in ebraico”, in A2CILCS, pp. 241-245.
E.A. Speiser, “The stem pll in Hebrew”, JBL 72, 1963, 301-306
J.J. Stamm, “Das hebräische Verbum c¿kar, Or 47, 1978, 339-350.
D.W. Thomas, “Additional notes on the root ydc in Hebrew”, JThS 15, 1964, 54-57.
D.W. Thomas, “Some Observations on the Hebrew Root údl”, VTS 4, pp. 8-16.
D.W. Thomas, “A Further Note on the Root mkr in Hebrew”, JThS N.S. 3, 1952, 214.
D.W. Thomas, “údl-II in Hebrew”, CBQ 24,1962, 154 [to P.J. Calderone’s art, CBQ 23, 451-460].
D.W. Thomas, “Some Remarks on the Hebrew Root ydc”, JJewS 6, 1955, 50-52.
D.W. Thomas, “Notes on had¿cat in Daniel XII, 4”, JThS 6, 1955, 226.
D.W. Thomas, “The Root cgs,. in Hebrew and the Meaning of qdrgyt in Malachi III, 14”, JJewS 1,
1948-49, 182-188.
D.W. Thomas, “The Root ṣānac in Hebrew”, in ACO 21, pp. 115-116.
J.A. Thompson, “Expansions of the CD root”, JSS 10, 1965, 222-240.
C. Toll, “Die Wurzel PRê im Hebräischen”, OS 21, 1972, 73-86.
J. Tropper, “Die hebráischen Verbalwurzeln šuú, šúh und šúú”, ZAH 4, 1991, 46-54.
J. Tropper, “‘Sie knurren wie Hunde’. Psalm 59, 16, Kilamuwa:10 und die Semantik der Wurzel lwn”,
ZAW 106, 1994, 87-95.
E. van Wolde, R.T. Rezetko, “Semantics and the Semantics of ‫ברא‬: A Rejoinder to the Arguments
Advanced by B. Becking and M. Korpel”, JHS 11, 2011, on line.
J.C.C. van Dorssen, De derivata van de stam cmn in het Hebreeuwsch van het Oude Testament,
Amsterdam 1951 [rev. : JBL 71, 1952, 127-129 (J. Muilenburg); BiOr 9, 1952, 144 (H. H. Rowley);
RB 59, 1952, 108-109 (L.G.); SC 27, 1952, 62 (J. van der Ploeg)].
P. van Hecke, “Polysemy orhomonymy in the root(s) r’h in Biblical Hebrew: a cognitive-linguistic
approach”, ZAW 141, 2001, 50-67.
R.C. van Leeuwen, “A technical metallurgical usage of y§’”, ZAW 98, 1986, 112-113 .
J. van Zijl, “The root prq in Targum Isaiah”, JNSL 2, 1972, 60-73.
R.M. Voigt, “Die Wurzel – jš¨(*jθ¨) im Hebráischen sowie im Frühnord- und Altsüdarabischen”, ZAH 10,
1997, 169-176.
J.C.C. van Dorssen, De derivata van de stam ’mn in het Hebreeuwsch van het Oude Testament,
Amsterdam 1951 [rev.: JThS 3, 1952, 307 (G.R. Driver); NThTs 7, 1952-53, 182 (A.R. Hulst)].
W.A. Ward, “The Semitic biconsonantal root sp and the common origin of Egyptian čwf and Hebrew sûp:
‘marsh(-plant)’”, VT 24, 1974, 339-349.
G. Wehmeier, Der Segen im Alten Testament. Eine semasiologische Untersuchung der Wurzel brk
(Theologische Dissertationen 6) (Diss. Basel), Basel 1970 [rev.: ZAW 83, 1971, 150-151 (G. Fohrer)].
P. Weinberg-Møller, “A Note on zwr ‘to stink’“, VT 4, 1954, 322-325.
H. Wildberger, “‘Glauben’. Erwägungen zu H’MYN”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 372-386.
H.G.M. Williamson, “A reconsideration of `zb II in Biblica1 Hebrew”, ZAW 97, 1985, 74-85.
D. W. Young, “Notes on the Root ntn in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 10, 1960, 457-459.
M.A. Zipor, “cal ragal ve-cod ragal ve-cal rokhel ha-holekh rakhil: Studies in Biblical and post-Biblical
words from the roots /r.g.l./, /r.k.l./), HeLi 54, 2004, 85-95.
E. Zurro, “La raíz brú II y el hapax mibr¿ú (Ez 17, 21)”, Biblica 61, 1980, 412-415.
6A.13.2.4 Semantic fields
[A reminder:
S. Bochart, Hieorozoicon, sive bipartitum opus de Animalibus Scripturae Sacrae, London 1663.
L. Löw, Die Flora der Juden, I-IV, Vienne-Leipzig 1924-1934].
6A. General
P.J. Botha, “The measurement of meaning - an exercise in field semantics”, JS/TS 1, 1989, 3-22.
M. Gertner, “Terms of scriptural interpretation: A study in Hebrew semantics”, BSOAS 25, 1962, 1-27. [1.
The role of interpretation and its authority. 2. Origins and growth of the Hebrew terms of
An. Wagner, “Wie sich Sprechakte historisch verändern: Vorstudien zu einer Typologie des historischen
Wandels von Sprechakten am Beispiel von SEGNEN im Althebräisch und BEKENNEN im
Deutschen”, in A28ILK, 2, 181-187.
E. Zurro Rodríguez, “Notas para un projecto de clasificación del léxico hebreo para campos de lenguaje”,
Cuadernos Bíblicos (Valencia: Inst. San Jeróninio) 1978, 54-76.
6A. Conceptual categories
Sv. Aalen, Die Begriffe ‘Licht’ und ‘Finsternis’ im Alten Testament, im Spätjudentum und im Rabbinismus
(Skrifter utg. av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akad. Oslo, II. Hist.-filos. Klasse 1951, 1), Oslo 1951 [rev.:
VT 2, 1952, 82-384 (A. Bentzen); Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift 53, 1952, 61-84 (N.A. Dahl); Svensk
Teologisk Kvartalskrift 28, 1952, 263-268 (H. Ljungman); JThS 4, 1953, 63-68 (E.R. Goodenough);
RB 60, 1953, 314-316 (D. Barthélemy); ThLZ 78, 1953, 277-278 (J. Jeremias); Biblica 34, 1953,
530-532 (J. Bonsirven); JBL 73, 1954, 113-116 (T.H. Gaster); RSPh 37, 1953, 291-293 (J.N. Walty)].
E. R. Achtemeier, The Gospel of Righteousness: A study of the meaning of ẓdq and its derivates in the Old
Testament, Diss. Columbia Univ. 1959 [DAb XX 1959-60, 1882].
An. Aejmelaeus, “‘Rejoice in th Lord’. A lexical and syntactic study of the semantic field of joy in the
Greek psalter”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 501-521.
P.P. Ahn The distinctive theological vocabulary of selected Jewish apocalyptic writings, Diss. Boston
Univ. Graduate School 1962 (DAb 23, 1962, 1091) [Isaiah 24-27, Zechariah 9-14, Daniel 7-12, The
Book of Enoch, and the Book of Jubilees].
M. Almalech, Svetlinata v Starija zavet, Sofija 2010 (Light in the Old Testament) [rev.: SEz 37/2, 2012, 7273 (St. Dimitrova)].
J.F. Asensio, Misericordia et veritas. El úésed y ’emet divinos. Su influjo religioso-social en la historia de
Israel (AnGreg 48), Roma 1949 [rev.: BiOr 9, 1952, 18-19 (A. Gil Ulecia)].
J. Barr, Biblical Words for time (Studies in Biblical Theology 33), London/Naperville. Ill. 1962 [rev.: ZAW
74, 1962, 355 (G. Fohrer); ThZ 18, 1962, 362 (E. Esking); JBL 83, 1963. 121-124 (F.W. Danker); CBQ
25, 1963. 138-140 (W.F. Dicharry); ThLZ 88, 1963, 660 (G. Delling)].
E. Ben Zvi, Chr. Levin. eds, Remembering and Forgetting in Early Second Temple Judah (FAT, 85),
Tübingen 2012 [rev.: JHS 13, 2013, xx-xx (A.J. Culp)]
R.A. Bennett, “Wisdom motifs in Psalm 14 = 53 - n¿b¿l and ‘es¿h”, BASOR 220, 1975, 15-21.
G. Bertram, “‘Hochmut’ und verwandte Begriffe im griechischen und hebräischen Alten Testament”, WO
3, 1964, 32-43.
D. Dan, “Yovesh poreh: A semantic-stylistic review of Biblical verbs associated with barrenness”
(Heb.), HeLi 56, 2005, 71-86.
.D. Daube, The Sudden in the Scriptures, Leiden 1964.
P.A.H. de Boer, De voorbede in het Oude Testament (Oudtestamentische Studien 111), Leiden, 1943
[rev.: JEOL 9, 1943-1944, 109-110 (Th.C. Vriezen)].
P.A.H. de Boer Gedenken und Gedächtnis in der Welt des Alten Testaments (Franz Delitzsch-Vorlesungen
1960), Stuttgart 1960 [study of the root zkr] [rev. : Sefarad 22, 1962, 402-404 (J. Prado); ThLZ 89,
1964, 743-744 (H. Bardtke); BiOr 21, 1964, 213-214 (J.W. Wevers); BZ 9, 1965, 99-100 (J.
Scharbert); JSS 10, 1965, 92-96 (G.R. Driver)].
F. de Liagre Böhl, H.A. Brongers, “Weltschöpfungsgedanken im Alt-Israel”, Persica 7. 1975-78, 69-136
[“Schöpfer und schöpfen im alttestamentlichen Sprachgebrauch”, pp. 84-131].
A.M. Denis, Les thèmes de connaissance dans le Document de Damas (Studia Hellenistica 15), Louvain
1967 [rev. : JBL 87, 1968, 341-343 (J.A. Fitzmyer)].
J.I. Dickson, The Idea ot Perfection in the Old Testament, Diss. Vanderbilt Univ. 1954 (DAb 15, 1955,
635) [Study of the term tāmam and its derivatives].
G. Eidevall, “Sounds of Silence in Biblical Hebrew: A Lexical Study”, VT 62/3, 2012, 159-174.
M. Eshkhult, “Über einiger hebräische Verben des Sprechens, Etymologie und Metapher”, OS 38-39,
1989-1990, 31-35.
M.V. Fox, “Words for folly”, ZAH 10, 1997, 4-15.
M.V. Fox, “Words for wisdom: tbwnh and bynh ; crmh and mzmh ; c§h and twšyh”, ZAH 6, 1993, 149169.
P.Fredriksen, Sin: the early history of an idea,Princeton NJ 2012.
G. Gerleman, “Der Sinnbereich ‘fest - los(e)’ im Hebräischen”, ZAW 92, 1980, 404-415.
M.I. Gruber, “Fear, anxiety and reverence in Akkadian, Biblical Hebrew and other North-West Semitic
languages”, VT 40/4, 1990, 411-422.
H. Haag, “‘Ofenbaren’ in der hebräischen Bibel”, ThZ 16, 1960, 251-258.
St. Halas, Biblijne słownictwo miłości i miłosierdzia na zderzeniu kultur: określenia hebrajskie i ichgreckie
odpowiedniki (Studia:Wydzial Teologiczny;18), Kraków 2011 ( Biblical terms of love and mercy: the
Hebrew terms and their Greek equivalents).
J. Ihromi, “Die Häufung der Verben des Jubelns in Zephanja III 14f., 16-18: rnn, rwc, śmú, clz, śwś und
gîl”, VT 33, 1983, 106-110.
E. Jenni, “Wollen” und “nicht-wollen” im Hebräischen”, in Mél. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 201-207.
E. Jenni, “Verba gesticulationis im Hebräischen”, n Fs. Richter, pp. 191-203.
J.A. Joader, “The concept of darkness in the Hebrew root crb /crp”, in Fs. Van Selms, pp 99-107.
J.M. Kennedy, A structural semantic analysis of selected Biblical Hebrew words for punishment
/discipline, Diss. Drew Univ. 1986 [DAb 47/5,1986, 1711-A].
M.A. Klopfenstein, Die Lüge nach dem Alten Testament, Diss. Bern Univ., Zürich/Frankfurt a.M. 1964
[rev.: BiOr 23, 1966, 181 (H. Rowley); RHR 169, 1966, 91 A. Caquot)].
M. A. Klopferstein, Scham und Schande nach dem Alten Testament, Zürich 1972 [rev.: ZA 63, 1973/1,
112-117 (H.-P. Müller)].
M. A. Klopfenstein, Scham und Schande nach dem Alten Testament. Eine begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung zu den hebräischen Wurzeln bôš, klm und h,.pr (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten und
Neuen Testaments 62), Habilitationsschrift Univ. Bern, Zürich 1972.
N. Lohfink, “Enthielten die im Alten Testament bezeugten Klageriten eine Phase des Schweigens?”, VT
12, 1962, 260-277 [from the contents: 5. Die Wurzel šmm. 8. dmm: “schweigen” oder “klagen”?].
M. Masson, “Quelques parallélismes sémantiques en relation avec la notion ‘couler’”, in Fs. Leslau 1991
II, pp. 1020-1041.
B-W. Matysiak, “Terminologia Starego Testamentu na oznaczenie poje.cia ubóstwa”, Studia Warmiriskie
(Olsztyn) 33, 1996 (1997), 45-49 (Old Testament terminology to denote poverty).
C.G. Merlini, Il campo lessicale dei verbi di ‘purità’ in ebraico antico, Diss. Univ. Firenze 1999.
D. Michel, “’ämät: Untersuchung über “Wahrheit” im Hebräischen”, ABg 12, 1968, 30-57 [abstract from
his Habilitationsschrift Begriffsuntersuchung über sädäq-sedaqa und ‘ämät-ämuna, Heidelberg 1964].
H.-P. Müller, “Der Begriff “Rätsel” im Alten Testament”, VT 20, 1970, 465-489.
G. S. Ogden, “Time, and the verb hyh in O.T. prose”, VT 21, 1971, 451-469.
M. Ogushi, Der Tadel im Alten Testament. Eine formgeschichtliche Untersuchung (Europäische
Hochschulschriften XXIII/115), Frankfurt 1978 [Study of the roots ¨þb, ysr, yk9, khh, and g¨r [BZ 26,
1982, 106-107 (J. Scharbert)].
J.W. Olley, “Righteousnes” in the Septuagint of Isaiah: A contextual study (Septuagint and Cognate
Studies, 8), Missoula MT 1979 [rev.: JThS 32. 1981, 204-212 (D.W. Gooding)] [on ṣedeq/dikaiosýnē].
V. Pasquetto, “Il lessico veterotestameritario della liberazione”, Teresianum 35, 1984, 339-358.
M. Perani, “La concezione ebraica del tempo. Breve storia del problema”, SILTA 5, 1976, 595-604.
C.H. Ratschow, Werden und Wirken. Eine Untersuchung des Wortes hajah als Beitrag zur Wirlichkeitserfassung des Alten Testaments, Berlin 1941.
F.V. Reiterer, Gerechtigkeit als Heil: §dq bei Deuterojesaia. Aussage und Vergleich mit der alttestamentlichen Tradition, Graz 1976 [rev.: RB 84, 1977, 303-304 (R.T.) ; BZ 23, 1979, 108-109 (J. Becker);
CBQ 39, 1977, 571-572 (J. Blenkinsopp)].
G. Robinson, “The idea of rest in the Old Testament and the search for the basic character of sabbath”
ZAW 92, 1980, 32-42.
I.Rosen-Zvi, Demonic desires: "yetzer hara" and the problem of evil in late antiquity, Philadelphia PA
E. Rubinstein, “Verbs of prevention: a semantic study in Biblical Hebrew”, WCJS 10/DI, 1989, 1-6.
H.H. Schmid, Gerechtigkeit als Weltordnung. Hintergrund und Geschichte des alttestamentlichen
Gerechtigkeitsbegriffes (Beiträge zur historischen Theologie 40) (Habilitationsschrift Zürich), Tübingen
1968 [rev.: Biblica 50, 1969, 565-568 (R.A. Rosenberg)] [with a study of the uses of the root §dq].
W. Schottroff, ‘Gedenken’ im Alten Orient und im Alten Testament. Die Wurzel z¿kar im semitischen
Sprachkreis (WMANT 15), Neukirchem-Vluyn 1964 [rev.: JBL 84, 1964, 447 (B.S. Childs)].
M.P. Sciumbata, Il campo lessicale dei sostantivi della ‘conoscenza’ in ebraico antico, Diss. Univ. Firenze
E. Selvaneschi, Il sistema lessico-semantico del tempo in ebraico biblico (Quaderni di linguistica
dell’Istituto di Glottologia dell’Univ. di Genova), Bologna 1979.
H. Schweizer, “Erkennen und Lieben: Zur Semantik und Pragmatik der Modalitäten am Beispiel von Hld
4”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 423-444.
L.I.J. Stadelmann, The Hebrew conception of the world. A philological and literary study (Analecta
Biblica 39), Rome 1970 [JSS 16, 1971, 239-240 (J.F.A. Sawyer); [rev.: BiOr 29, 1972, 55-57 (H.
T. Sutskover, “The semantic fields of seeing and oral communication in the Joseph narrative”,
JNSL 33/2, 2007, 33-50.
C. Toll, “Ausdrücke für ‘Kraft’ im Alten Testament mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Wurzel brk”, ZAW
94, 1982, 111-123.
A. Vivian, I campi lessicali della “separazione” nell’ebraico biblico, di Qumran e della Mishna: ovvero,
applicabilita della teoria dei campi lessicali all’ebraico (Quaderni di semitistica 4), Firenze 1978.
N. Wieder, “Three Terms for ‘Tradition’“, JewQR 49, 1958-59, 108-121 [1. sbl hyrwšh. 2. hctqh. 3. hgdh].
J.R. Wilch, Time and event. An exegetical study of the use of ceth in the Old Testament in comparison to
other temporal expressions in clarification of the concept ot time, Leiden 1969.
A. Wójcik, “Proba definicji poje.c prawda - prawdziwy – prawdziwie (zaprawde.) w oparciu o Biblie.
Hebrajska”, Polonia Sacra (Kraków) 6 (24)/10 (54), 2002, 375-418 [Attempt at defining notions: truth true - truly on the basis of the Hebrew Bible].
F. Zanella, The lexical field of the substantives of ‘gift’ in Ancient Hebrew (Studia Semitica
Neerlandica; 54). Diss. Univ. Florence 2006, Leiden 2010 [rev.: BO 70/1-2, 2013, 198-200
(W.T. van Peursen)].
I. Zatelli, Il campo lessicale degli aggettivi di purità in ebraico biblico (Quaderni di semitistica 7), Firenze
6A. Social organisation
A.J. Ajchenval’d, “O nekotorych naimenovanijach dolinostnych lic v pozdnich knigach Vetchogo Zaveta”
(Some names of officials in the later books of the Old Testament), VDI 174, 1985, 58-61.
Y.L. Arbeitman, “Iranian ‘scribe’, Anatolian ‘ruler’. Or neither: a city’s rare chances for ‘1eadership’
(reflections on recording and leading)”, in Fs. Ehrman, pp. 1-101] [on the etym. of dbr = qryt-spr in
connection with MIranian dipār (diprwar),Anatolian tuppala-, etc.].
Y. Avishur, “Treaty terminology in the Moses-Jethro (Exodus 18: 1-12)”, AuOr 6, 1988, 139-147 ( ~
wyúd < údh “to rejoice”).
P. Azzi, “La notion d’‘assemblée’ dans l’Ancien Testament”, Melto. Recherches orientales (Kaslik,
Jounieh, Liban: Univ. Saint-Esprit) 1, 1965, 7-23.
O.R. Blosser, A study of ‘the throne of David’ motif in the Hebrew Bible, Diss. Univ. of WisconsinMadison 1975 [DAb 37, 1976, 261-A].
D.L. Blumenfeld, The terminology of imprisonment and forced detention in the Bible, Diss. New York
Univ. 1977 [DAb 38, 1977, 2088-A].
H. J. Boecker, Redeformen des Rechtslebens im Alten Testament, 2., erweiterte Aufl (WMANT 14),
Neukirchen-Vluyn 1970.
G. Braulik, “Die Ausdrücke für “Gesetz” im Buch Deuteronomium”, Biblica 51, 1970, 39-66 [summ. in
ZDMG, Suppl. 1/1, 343-344].
E.J.. Bridge, “Female slave vs female slave ʔāmāh and šipḥāh in the Hb.” JHS 10, 2012, on line.
Chr. Bultmann, Der Fremde im antiken Juda .- eine Untersuchung zum sozialen Typenbegrif “ger” und
seinem Bedeutungswandel in der alitestamenífichen Gesetzgebung. - Góttingen : Vandenhocck &
Ruprecht, 1992. - 235 p. - (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Ncuen Testaments,
153) [rev.: VT 47, 1997, 129-130 (J. Schaper)]. [1998]
M. Caloz, “Exode, XIII, 3-16 et son rapport au Deutéronome”, RB 75, 1968, 5-62 [I. Le vocabulaire d’Ex.
XIII, 3-16. II. Structures et formules. III. Comparaison des textes de lois].
C. Carmichael, “Illuminating legal expressions from literary context”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 113-127 [ced
šaw, napal lemiškab, cerwat dabar, bacal becammaw, neighbourly love).
H. Cazelles, “Les noms de parenté en hébreu ancien”, GLECS 6, 1951-1954, 22-24.
H. Cazelles, “Institutions et terminologie en Deut. 1, 6-17”, VTS. 15, 1966, 97-112.
O.E. Collins, The stem znh and prostitution in the Hebrew Bible, Diss. Brandeis Univ. 1977 [DAb 37,
1977, 7724-A].
R F. Collins, “The berîth-notion of the Cairo Damascus Covenant and its comparison with the New
Testament”, EphThL 39, 1963, 555-594.
V. Cottini, “Linguaggio erotico nel Cantico dei Cantici e in Proverbi”, LihAnn 40, 1990, 25-451.
G. Dalman, Arbeit und Sitte in Palästina, I-VII, Gütersloh 1928-1942.
M. Delcor, “Quelques cas de survivances du vocabulaire nomade en hébreu biblique. Leur signification”,
VT 25, 1975, 307-322.
T. Donald, “The semantic field of rich and poor in the wisdom literature of Hebrew and Accadian”, OA 3,
1964. 27-41.
T. Donald, “The semantic field of ‘folly’ in Proverbs, Job. Psalms. and Ecclesiastes”, VT 13, 1963, 285292.
G.R. Driver, “Witchcraft in the OLd Testament”, JRAS 1943, 6-16 [Against A. Guillaume’s article
“Magical terms in the O.T.”, JRAS 1942, 111-131; 1943, 251-254].
Z.W. Falk, “Hebrew Legal Terms”, JSS 5, 1960, 350-354.
Z.W. Falk, “Hebrew legal terms, II” JSS 12, 1967, 241-244.
Z.W. Falk, “Hebrew legal tenns. III”, JSS 4. 1969. 39-44
M. García Bachmann, “A la búsqueda de trabajadoras en la Biblia hebracia. Algunos problemas
metodológicos”, RIHAO 12-13, 2005-2006, 171-188 [lexical study].
G. Gerleman, “Contributions to the Old Testament Terminology of the Chase”, in HVSL, pp. 79-90 [rev.:
JBL 48, 1948, 188 (May)].
R.M. Good, The sheep of His pasture. A Study of the Hebrew Noun cAm(m) and its Semitic Cognates (
HSM 29), Chico CA 1983 [rev.: BiOr 43,1986,181-183 (E. Lipiński); JAOS 107, 1987, 558-559 (G.A.
Rendsburg); JThS 36, 1985,181-183 (R. Mason); CBQ 48, 1986,106-108 (C. Meyers); ThL 111,1986,
349-350 (H. Staudigel); JBL 105, 1986, 325-326 (J.J.M. Roberts)].
F. Horst, “Zwei Begriffe für Eigentum (Besitz): naúalāh, ‘aú¿zāh”, in Fs. Rudolph, pp. 135-156.
H.B. Huffmon, “The treaty background of Hebrew y¿dac”, BASOR 181, 1966, 31-37.
A. Hurvitz, “ʔšr ʕl hbyt, paqyd, mmnh: three technical terms from the administrative domain in Biblical
Hebrew” (Heb.), Leshonenu 70, 2008, 29-38
·F. Langlamet, “Israël et ‘l’habitant du pays’. Vocabulaire et formules d’Ex. XXXIV, 11-16”, RB 76,
1969, 321-350; 481-507.
C. Lindhagen, The Servant Motif in the Old Testament. A preliminary study to the ‘Ebed-Jahweh Problem’
in Deutero-Isaiah, Diss. Uppsala, Uppsala 1950 [rev.: JThS 2, 1951, 127-128 (C. R. North); RB 58,
1951, 284-285 (R. T.); BiOr 9, 1952, 137-139 (W. Zimmerli)]. [study of the root cbd and its
J. Malfroy, “Sagesse et loi dans le Deutéronome. Etudes”, VT 15, 1965, 49-65 [1. Le vocabulaire sapientiel
du Deutéronome. 2. Le style pers. du Deutéronome].
T. N. D. Mettinger, Solomonic state officials. A study of the civil government officials of the Israelite
monarchy (Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament Series 5) (Diss. Lund), Lund 1971 [rev.: OLZ 68, 1973,
593-596 (G. Pfeifer)].
L. Moraldi, “Vita - medichessa - istruttrice - donna - serpente – spirito”, RIL 118, 1984, 85-88.
Sh.M. Paul, “Terminology for Tribute and Gifts in the Bible and the Ancient Near East” (Heb.), in Fs.
MMayer, pp. 271-282.
R.E. Price, A lexicographical study of glh, šbh und šwb in reference to exile in the Tanach, Duke Univ.
diss., 1977 [DAb 39/1, 1978, 326-A].
M. Sosik, “Gebira at the Judaean court”, Studia Judaica Cracoviensia 7, 2009, 7-13.
H.P. Stähli, Knabe - Jüngline - Knecht: Untersuchungen zum Begriff n’r im Alten Testament (Beitrage zur
biblischen Exegese und Theologie 7), Frankfurt/M. 1978 [rev.: JBL 99, 1980, 594-595 (J. MacDonald);
ZDMG 130, 1980, 171 (G. Wanke); JSS 25, 1980, 259-261 (F.A. Sawyer); CBQ 42, 1980, 549-550 (D.
Pardee); BZ 26, 1982, 114-115 (J. Becker); RB 96, 1989, 443 (G.J. Norton)].
H. J. Stoebe, “Raub und Beute”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 340-354 [the term š¿l¿l].
A. Tosato, “I1 linguaggio matrimoniale veterotestamentario: stato degli studi”, AION 43, 1983, 135-160.
J. van der Ploeg, “Les chefs du peuple d’Israel et leurs titres”, RB 57, 1950, 40-61
J. van der Ploeg, “Les pauvres d’Israel et leur pieté”, OTS 7, 1950, 236-270 [1. État de la question. 2. La
terminologie et les textes. 3. Résumé et cónclusions].
C.M. Vogt, Studie zur nachexilischen Gemeinde in Esra-Nehemia (Pontificium Athenaeum Antonianum,
Fac. theologica (Sectio biblica), Thesis ad lauream 174) Werl (Nordrhein-Westfalen) 1966. [study on
the terms designing the people and its groups] [rev.: RB 73, 1966, 602-603 (R. de Vaux)].
J.P. Weinberg, “Der Mensch im Weltbild des Chronisten: die allgemeine Begriffe”, Klio 63, 1981, 25-37.
M. Wojciechowski, “Marriage as a (Mutual) Ownership – an Overlooked Background of Biblical
sayings on Marriage and Divorce”, FO 47, 2010, 207-214.
6A. Religious categories and language
M. Altbauer, “La langue des pêcheurs en Israël” (Heb.), Leshonenu Lacam 5/3-4 1952, 26-32 [cf. LN 15,
1954, 134 (S.M.)].
M. Almalech, “Novijat raj – Nebesnijat/Novijat Erusalim: ‘starijat’ [šeȯl] še’ōl I ‘novijat’ (gê’-ḥīnōm)
ad”, SEz 29, 2004, 36-55 (The New Eden Heavenly/New Jerusalem. ‘Old’, še’ōl, and ‘New’, gê’ḥīnōm, “Inferno”).
D. R. Ap-Thomas, “Notes on Some Terms relating to Prayer”, VT 6, 1956, 225-241.
J.W. Bailey, “The Usage in the Post Restoration Periods of Terms Descriptive of the Priest and High
Priest”, JBL 70, 1951, 217-225.
J. Barr, “The image of God in the book of Genesis: A study in terminology”, BJRL 51, 1968-69, 11-26.
A. Barucq, L’expression de la louange divine et de la prière dans la Bible et en Égypte (Le Caire Inst. Fr.
d’Arch. Orientale, Bibl. d’Étude 33), 1962 [rev. : RB 72, 1965, 281-286 (B. Couroyer); VT 13, 1963,
493-495 (H. Cazelles)].
J. Becker, Gottesfurcht im Alten Testament (Analecta Biblica 25), Rom 1965 [rev.: JBL 85, 1966, 518 (E.
Achtemeier); RB 74, 1967, 129 (R. Tournay); Biblica 49, 1968, 120-121 (R.E. Murphy)].
Sh.H. Blank, “The Curse, Blasphemy, the Spell, and the Oath”, HUCA 23, 1950-51, 73-95 [linguistic
study of the curse and related modes of expression the Bible].
G.J. Botterweck, ‘Gott erkennen’ im Sprachgebrauch des Alten Testamentes (Bonner biblische Beitrage
2), Bonn 1951 [rev.: Paideia 7, 1952, 265 (G. Rinaldi); Sefarad 11, 1951, 427-429 (J.P.); BiOr 10,
1953, 43-44 (L. Koehler); ThLZ 78, 1953, 97-98 (W. Thomas); CBQ 14, 1952, 90 (R.E. Murphy); SC
27, 1952, 168 (J. van der Ploeg); RSPh 37, 1953, 293 (J.N. Walty); Biblica 36, 1955, 128-131 (P.
Nober); Biblica 69, 1988, 129-131 (J.A. Soggin); ThRev 84, 1988, 188-189; 277-279 (W. Kornfeld)].
H.C. Brichto, “On slaughter and sacrifice, blood and atonement”, HUCA 47, 1976, 19-55 [meaning of
Hebr. kipper].
H.C. Brichto, The problem of ‘curse’ in the Hebrew Bible (JBL, Monographseries 13), Diss. Univ. of
Pennsylvania 1962 [DAb 23, Oct. 1962, 1355], Philadelphia PN 1963 [rev.: JSS 10, 1965, 92-96 (G.R.
Driver); JJewS 15, 1964, 161-163 (D. Winton Thomas)].
H. A. Brongers, “Die metaphorische Verwendung von Termini für die Kleidung von Gottern und
Menschen in der Bibel und im Alten Orient”, in Fs. van der Ploeg, pp. 61-74 [Biblical Hebrew,
Akkadian & Sumerian].
J.P. Brown, “The sacrificial cult and its critique in Greek and Hebrew (II)”, JSS 25, 1980, 1-21 [2. The
altar and ‘high place’. 3. The linen tunic. 4. the libation of wine. 5. Frankincense].
M. Caloz, “Exode, XIII, 3-16 et son rapport au Deutéronome”, RB 75, 1968, 5-62 [I. Le vocabulaire d’Ex.
XIII, 3-16. II. Structures et formules. III. Comparaison des textes de lois].
A. Caquot, “Sur quelques démons de l’Ancien Testament (reshep, qeteb, deber)”, Semitica 6, 1956, 53-68.
K.J. Cathcart, “Micah 5.4-5 and Semitic incantations”, Biblica 59, 1978, 38-48.
H. Cazelles, “À propos de quelques textes difficiles relatifs à la justice de Dieu dans l’Ancien Testament”,
RB 58, 1951, 169-188.
H. Cazelles, “Pur et impur aux origines de l’hébreu et á Ugarit H. Cazelles”, MUSJ 49, 1975-1976, 441449.
G.R. Clark. “úesed a study of a lexical field”, Abr-Nahrain 30, 1992, 34- 54.
H. Christ, Blutvergiessen im Alten Testament ..., Basel 1977 [rev.: BZ 24, 1980, 125-126 (J. Scharbert);
CBQ 40, 1978, 89 (S.E. McEvenue)].
S. Daniel, Recherches sur le vocabulaire du culte dans la Septante (Études et Commentaires., 61), Paris
1966 [rev. : JSS 12, 1967, 294-295 (G. Gerlemen)].
C. Dogniez, “Oiseaux et comvulsions en Deut-LXX 32:24A. Quelques remarques à propos d’une
interprétation de la figure des démons”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 545-562.
G. R. Driver, “Mythical Monsters in the Old Testament”, in Fs. Levi Della Vida 1, pp. 234-249.
S. Esh, HQ (BH) ‘Der Heilige (Er sei gepriesen)’, Leiden 1957 [rev.: ThLZ 85, 1960, 433-434 (C.
J. Faur, “Delocutive expressions in the Hebrew liturgy”, JANES 16, 1984-1985, 41-54.
E.L. Feinstein, “ The ‘bitter waters’ of Numbers 5:11-31”, VT 62/3,2012, 300-306-306.
C.A. Ferguson, “The blessing of the Lord be upon you”, in Fs. Greenberg 1, pp. 21-26.
H. Frey-Anthes, “Concepts od ‘Demons’ in Ancient Israel”, WO 38, 2008, 38-52.
H. Fürst, Die göttliche Heimsuchung. Semasiologische Untersuchung eines biblischen Begriffes, Roma
1965 [rev.: VChr 22, 1968, 139 B. Pearson)].
A. Gamper, Gott als Richter in Mesopotamien und im Alten Testament. Zum Verständnis einer Gebetsbitte
(Diss. Innsbruck), Innsbruck 1966 [rev.: RB 75, 1968, 305 (R. Tournay); JBL 87, 1968, 112 (C.U.
N. Glueck, Hesed in the Bible [cf. Das Wort ḥesed im alttestamentlichen Sprachgebrauche ... (BZAW
47), 1927], Cincinnati 1967 [rev.: Syria 35, 1968, 421 A. Caquot); JAOS 89, 1969,178-181 (E.M.
J. Gray, “The Wrath of God in Canaanite and Hebrew Literature”, Journal of the Manchester University
Egyptian and Oriental Society 25,1947-53, 9-19.
A. Guillaume, “Magical Terms in the Old Testament”, JRAS 1942, 111-131; 1943, 251-254; 1946, 78-80
[rev.: JRAS 1943, 6-16; 1944, 164-171 (Driver)].
K. Heinen, Das Gebet im Alten Testament. Eine exegetisch-theologische Untersuchung zur hebräischen
Gebetsterminologie, Roma: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana 1971 [contains the section on the verb
hitpallel from the author’s diss. (1969)].
H.-J. Hermisson, Sprache und Ritus im altisraelitischen Kult. Zur ‘Spiritualisierung’ der Kultbegriffe im
alten Testament (WMANT 19), Neukirchen-Vluyn 1965.
F. Holmgren, The concept ot Yahweh as go’el in Second Isaiah, Diss. Union Theological Seminary New
York 1963 [DAb XXIV, Nov. 1963, 2152].
E. Kellenberger, úäsäd w’ämät als Ausdruck einer Glaubenserfahrung: Gottes Offen-Werden und Bleiben
als Voraussetzung des Lebens (Abhandlungen zur Theologie des Alten Testaments 69), Zürich 1982.
E. Kellenberger, “úesed und sinnverwandte Lexeme im Kontext von Bitte und Aufforderung”, in Fs.
Jenni, pp. 185-195.
M. Kister, “Some blessing and curse formulae in the Bible, northwest Semitic inscriptions, post-biblical
litearature and late antiquity”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 313-332.
R. Knierim, Die Hauptbegriffe für Sünde im Alten Testament, Gütersloh 1965 [rev.: BiOr 23, 1966, 178181 (A. Rupp); BZ 1O, 1966, 286-288 F. Nötscher)].
A.O. Korčagin, “0 drevneevrejskom termine žertvy minḥâ. i ego ekvivalentach v Septuaginte”,VMU
2011/4, 102-108 (On the Hebrew term for sacrifice minḥâ and its equivalents in Septuagint).
J. Krašovec, The terminology of punishment and forgiveness in the Book of Jeremiah – ZAH 15, 1996,
E. Kutsch, “Gesetz und Gnade. Probleme des alttestamentlichen Bundesbegriffs”, ZAW 79, 1967, 18-35.
E. Kutsch, “Der Begriff bryt in vordeuteronomischer Zeit”, in Fs. Rost, pp. 133-143.
E. Kutsch, Verheissung und Gesetz. Untersuchungen zum sogenanten “Bund” im Alten Testament (ZAWB
131), Berlin 1973 [rev.: ZAW 83, 1973, 268 (G. Fohrer); ZDMG 127, 1977, 106-108 (H.W.
C.J. Labuschagne, The incomparability of Yahweh in the Old Testament, Leiden 1966 [with a study of
formulae] [rev.: JBL 87, 1968, 227-228 (R.F. Melugin)].
B.A. Levine, In the presence of the Lord. A study of cult and some cultic terms in Ancient Israel (Studies
in Judaism in Late Antiquity 5), Leiden 1974.
J. Limburg, “The root ryb and the prophetic lawsuit speeches”, JBL 68, 1969, 291-304.
M. Malul, “Jewish necromancy by means of human skulls and bones and the biblical ʔb(wt), ydʕny(m), and
trpym”, JNSL 37/1, 2011, 53-99.
J. Milgrom, Studies in cultic theology and terminology (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity 36), Leiden
1983 [collection of previously published studies] [rev.: ZAW 96/3, 1984, 459-460 (H.-C. S[schmitt]);
BSOAS 47/3, 1984, 610 (J. Wansbrough); CBQ 47/1, 1985, 188-189 (E.J. Fisher)].
N. Mizrahi, “The History and Linguistic Background of Two Hebrew Titles for the High Priest”, JBL
130/4, 2011, 687-705.
V. Monty, “La nature du péché d’après le vocabulaire hébreu”, Sciences Ecclésiastiques (Montreal) 1,
1948, 95-109.
E. Nosenko, “Evil Spirits, Demons and Supernatural Powers in Jewish Folk Rites and Customs” (Russ.),
Bestnik 4, 2000, 419-437, 451-452.
F. Nötscher, Gotteswege und Menschenwege in der Bibel und in Qumran (Bonner biblische Beitrage 15),
Bonn 1958 [rev.: OLZ 54, 1959, 5970 (O. Eissfeldt); JSS 4, 1959, 290-292 (K. Smyth); RQ 1, 1958-59,
294-296 (G. Molin)] [semantic study of the Hebrew and Greek terms for ‘way’, ‘path’ etc.].
B. Oded, “’Yet I Have Been to Them lmqdš mcṭ in the Countries Where They Have Gone’ (Ezekiel
11:16)”, in Fs. Weinfeld, pp. 103-114.
S. Plath, Furcht Gottes. Der Begritt JR’ im Alten Testament (Arbeiten zur TheoIogie, Reihe 2, Band 2),
Stuttgart/berlin 1963.
E. Pfeiffer, “Glaube im Alten Testament. Eine grammatikalisch-lexikalische Nachprüfung gegenwärtiger
Theorien”, ZAW 71, 1959, 15-164.
W. Pickett, The meaning and function of T’OB/TO’EVAH in the Hebrew Bible, Diss. Hebrew Union
College Ohio 1985 [DAb 47/5, 1986, 1712-A].
Š. Porúb…an, Sin in the Old Testament. A soteriological study (Aloisiana. Scritti pubblicati Sotto la
direzione della Pontificia Fac. Teologica Napoletana “San Luigi”, 3), Roma 1963 [Terminology, p.
4-122] [rev.: BiOr 23, 1966, 73-74 (M. Bi…); VT 16, 1966, 366-385 (R. Knierim); OLZ 61, 1966,
568-571 (R. Hentschke); RHR 167, 1965, 217-218 (A. Caquot); BZ 11, 1967, 277-278 (Fr.
J. Reindl, Das Angesicht Gottes im Sprachgebrauch des Alten Testaments (Erfurter theologische Studien
25), Leipzig 1970.
H. Rouillard, J. Tropper, “Vom kanaanäischen Ahnenkult zur Zauberei: eine Auslegungs geschichte zu
den hebräischen Begriffen ’wb und ycdny, UF 19, 1987, 235-254.
K. Sakenfeld, The meaning of úesed in the Hebrew Bible: a new inquiry (Harvard Sem. Monographs 17),
Missoula MT 1978.
J.F.A. Sawyer, Semantics in Biblical research. New Methods of defining Hebrew words for salvation
(Studies in Biblical Theology II, 24), London 1972 [rev.: JThS 24, 1973, 215-217 (P.
J.F.A. Sawyer, “Hebrew words for the resurrection of the dead”, VT 23, 1973, 218-234.
J. Scharbert, “‘Fluchen’ und ‘segnen’ im Alten Testament”, Biblica 39, 1958, 1-26.
J. Scharbert, “Das Verbum pqd in der Theologie des Alten Testaments”, BZ 4, 1960, 209-226.
Fr. Schnutenhaus. “Das Kommen und Erscheinen Gottes im Alten Testament”, ZAW 86, 1964, 1-21 [on
the verbs jā§ā’, jārad, hôphîac, zāraú, etc.]
W. Schottroff, Der altisraelitische Fluchspruch, Neukirchen- Vluyn 1969 [rev.: JBL 90, 1971, 108-110
(E. Gerstenberger); VT 22, 1972, 375-382 (K.R. Veenhof); BiOr 30, 1973, 452-453 (R. Frankena)].
An. Schüle, “An der Grenze von Schuld und Vergebung: slḥ im Alten Testament”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 309329.
K. Seybold, “Reverenz und Gebet. Erwägungen zu der Wendung úillā panîm”, ZAW 88, 1976, 2-16.
R.W. Sikkema, De lening in het Oude Testament. Bijdrage tot de kennis van het vraagstuk van schuld en
aansprakelijkheid, Diss. Leiden, ‘s-Gravenhage 1957 [rev.: BiOr 18, 1961, 96-97 (J.W. Wevers)].
N. H. Snaith, “Sacrifices in the Old Testament”, VT 7, 1957, 308-317 [1. zbú. 2. mnúh. 3. úÃÃ].
P. Sobotka, “Od predykacji do nominacji - próba rekonstrukcji żydowskiej wizji Boga na
przyldadzieJego biblijnych i talmudycznych określen”, in Fs. Dŀugosz-Kurczabowa, pp. 295-305
(From predication to nomination: an attempt of reconstruction of the Jewish vision of God on the
example of biblical and talmudic terms).
P. Sobotka, “Staro- i nowotestamentowe żródlajudeochrzećcijańskiego pojttcia nadzíei
preliminaria”, PF 53, 2007, 543-555 (The Old and New Testament sources of the JudaeoChristian concept of hope).
J.J. Stamm, Erlösen und Vergeben im Alten Testament. Eine begriffsgeschichtliche ntersuchung, Bern
1940 [rev.: BiOr 2, 1945, 11 (Van der Ploeg)].
Chr. Stark, “Kultprostitution” im Alten Testament?: Die Qedeschen der Hebräischen Bibel und das Motiv
der Hurerei (OBO 221), Fribourg/Göttingen 2006 [rev.: on-line RBL 12/29/2007 (Chr. Frevel)].
W.B. Stevenson, “Hebrew cOlah and Zebach Sacrifices”, Fs. Bertholet, pp. 488-497.
G. Stroete, “Sünde in Alten Testament: Die Wiedergabe einiger hebräischer Ausdrücke für ‘Sünde’ in fünf
gangbaren west-europäischen Bibelübersetzungen”, in Fs. Hulst, pp. 164-176 [on haṭtāt, ´awen and
N.J. Tromp, Primitive conceptions of death and the nether world in the Old Testament (Biblica et
Orientalia 21), Rome 1969 [JThS 21,1970, 451-455 (S. Jellicoe); UF 2, 1970, 367-368 (A. van Selms);
UF 2, 1970, 331-332 (W. von Soden); RB 78, 1971, 292-294 (R. Tournay)].
J. van der Ploeg, “L’espérance dans l’Ancien Testament”, RB 61, 1954, 481-507.
A.H. van der Weijden, Die Gerechtigkeit in den Psalmen, Diss Pont. Institutum Biblicum, Nijmegen
1952 [rev.: RB 60, 1953, 436-437 (R. Tournay); RSPh 38, 1954, 124 (J.N. Walty); Paideia 10, 1955,
190-191 (G. Rinaldi)].
J.Ch.C. van Dorssen, De derivata van de stam ’mn in het He breeuwsch van het Oude Testament. Een
semasiologisch onderzoek, Amsterdam 1951 [the derivatives of the stem ‘mn in the Hebrew of the Old
Testament] [rev.: JThS 3, 1952, 307 (G.R. Driver); NThTs 7, 1952-53, 182 (A.R. Hulst)].
D. Vetter, Jahwes Mit-Sein, ein Ausdruck des Segens (Arbeiten zur Theologie 1, 45), Stuttgart 1971.
S. Virgulin, “La ‘fede’ nel profeta Isaia”, Biblica 31, 1950, 346-364, 483-503.
G. von Rad, “‘Gerechtigkeit’ und ‘Leben’ in der Kultsprache der Psalmen”, in Fs. Bertholét, pp. 418-437.
W. von Soden: ‘Assyriologische Erwägungen zu einem neuen Buch über die Totenreichvorstellungen im
A.T.’, UF 2, 1970, 331-332 [rev. of N.J. Tromp, Primitive conceptions of death and the nether world
in the Old Testament,1969].
T.R. Wardlaw, Conceptualizing words for ‘God’ within the Pentateuch: a cognitive-semantic investigation in
literary context, (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament studies, 495), New York 2008 [rev.:
CEQ 72, 2010, 581-582 (Br,D. Estelle)].
G.E. Wright, “The terminology of Old Testament religion and its significance”, JNES 1, 1942, 404-414.
R. Youngblood, “A new look at three Old Testament roots for ‘sin’”, in Fs. LaSor, pp. 201-205 [úÃ’, cwy
and pšc].
6A. Military organization
A. Akavia, S.R. Goldberg, Dictionary of Military Terms, English-Hebrew, Haifa 1951 [rev.: JJewS 4,
1953, 92 (C. Rabin)].
Y. Alloni-Fainberg, “Official Hebrew terms for parts of the car: a study of knowledge, usage and
attitudes”, IJSL 1, 1974, 67-94 (= Linguistic 120, 1974, 67-94: also in Advances in language planning,
The Hague 1974, pp. 493-517).
J.P. Brown, “Peace symbolism in ancient military vocabulary”, VT 21, 1971, 1-23 [the terms for the parts
of the defensive panoply, the lance, and the tent in Greece and Israel].
C.R. Chapman, The Gendered Language of Warfare in the Israelite-Assyrian Encounter, Winona Lake IN
2004 [rev.: BiOr 69, 2012, 129-132 (P. Dubovsky)].
H. Christ, Blutvergiessen im Alten Testament ..., Basel 1977 [rev.: BZ 24, 1980, 125-126 (J. Scharbert);
CBQ 40, 1978, 89 (S.E. McEvenue)].
O. Eissfeldt, “Zwei verkannte militär-technische Termini im Alten Testament”, VT 5, 1955, 232-238.
A. Finet, “Termes militaires accadiens dans l’A.T. conservés dans la LXX”, Iraq 25, 1963, 191-192..
D.G. Schley, “The ’¿l∞’îm: officers or special three-man squads?”, VT 40, 1990, 321-326.
E.A. Speiser, “On Some Articles of Armor and their Names”, JAOS 70, 1950, 47-49 [I Sam 17:5].
6A. Anthropological and Medical terminology
S.E. Balentine, “A description of the semantic field of Hebrew words for ‘hide’”, VT 30, 1980, 137-153.
/T. Collins, “The physiology of tears in the Old Testament: Part I; II”, CBQ 33, 1971, 18-38; 185-197.
G.R. Driver, “Some Hebrew Medical Expressions”, ZAW 65, 1953, 255-262.
E.L. Ehrlich, Der Traum im Alten Testament (BZAW 73), Berlin 1953 [rev.: RB 61, 1954, 612-613 (R. de
Vaux); RSPh 38, 1954, 113 (J.N. Walty); Paideia 10, 1955, 197-198 (G. Rinaldi); SMSR 26, 1955,
154-155 (U. Bianchi)].
J. Elwolde, “Automatic classification of ‘anatomical’ idioms in Biblical Hebrew”, WCJS 10/DI, 1989, 1520.
J.F.N.M. Elwolde, Aspects of the collocational analysis of meaning with special reference to some Biblical
Hebrew anatomical idioms (Diss. Univ. of Hull), Hull 1987 [DAl50/3, 1989, 676-A].
E.V. Hulse, “The nature of Biblical ‘leprosy’ and the use of alternative medical terms in modern
translations of the Bible”, PEQ I07, 1975, 87-105 [O. T. §āra’at, N.T. lépra].
R. Lauha, Psychophysischer Sprachgebrauch im Alten Testament: eine strukturalsemantische Analyse von lb,
npš und rwú (ASF 35), Helsinki 1983 [rev. : Helmantica 35 (107), 1984, 316-317 (C. Carrete Parrondo);
ZAW 96/3, 1984, 458 O. K[aiser]); ThZ 44, 1988, 78-80 (M. Dreytza)].
D. Lys, Nèphèsh. Histoire de l’âme dasn la révélation d’ Israel au sein des religions proche-orientales
(EHPHR 50), Paris 1959
D. Lys, Rûach. Le souffle dans l’Ancien Testament [Etudes d’histoire et de philosophie religieuses 56),
Paris 1962 [rev.: VT 14, 1964, 386-388 (H. Cazelles)].
D. Lys, La chair dans l’Ancien Testament, bâsâr, Paris 1967 [rev. : RHR 175, 1969, 79 (A. Caquot);
Biblica 49, 1968, 429-431 (A. Sand); JBL 87, 1968, 225-226 (J.G. Williams); RB 75, 1968, 304 (R.
D. Lys, “The Israelite soul according to the LXX”, VT 16, 1966, 181-228 [on nephesh and psychē].
C. Rabin, “Three Hebrew terms from the realm of social psychology”, in Fs. Baumgartrner, pp. 219-230
[1. akhz~r(§). 2. b~Ãaú. 3. b~caÃ].
J. Scharbert, Das Schmerz im alten Testament (BBB 8), Bonn 1955 [rev.: JSS 2, 1957, 289-290 (A.
K. Stendal, “Die Vorstellungen des Alten Testaments vom ‘Heilen’ (Die rapā-Aussagen)” (Swed.), Svensk
Exegetisk A-rsbok 15, 1950, 6-33.
An. Wagner, Emotionen, Gefühle und Sprache im Alten Testament. Vier Studien (KUSATU 7), Waaltrop
6A. Colors and other perceptions
M. Almalech, “Makrosvetíi cvetove v Peíokniáieto : ezikova kartina na sveta i nacionalen manfalitet”, SEz
26, 2001, 57-881 (Macrolight colours ai the Pentateuch: Linguistíc picture of the world and national
M. Almalech, “Safcraínoto Cetiricvetie v Petokni&eto ; ezikova kartina na sveta i nacionalen mantalitet”,
SEz 26, 2001, 64-111 (The sacred four colours in the Pentateuch: linguistíc picture of the world and
national mentality).
J. Blau, “Meḥqar hadaš ‘al hazzévacim bammiqra (uvacivrit biklal)”, Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 191-193
[on colours in Hebrew, rev.art. of Brenner, Colour terms in the O.T., 1982].
A. Brenner: Colour terms in the Old Testament. - Journal for the Study of the Old Testament (JSOT
Suppl. 21), Sheffield 1982 [rev.: CBQ 46/4, 1984, 742-743 (L.L. Grabbe); JJewS 34/2, 1983, 215-216
(R. White); JAOS 104/4, 1984, 767-768 (D.R. Hillers); Leshonenu 47/3-4, 1983, 286-288 (J. Blau); JBL
104/1, 1985, 126-128 (B. Halpern); ThL 110, 1985, 653-654 (H. Seidel)].
A. Brenner, “Aromatics and perfumes in the Song of Songs”, JSOT 25, 1983, 75-81 [kōper, nērd, karkōm,
qānêh, qinnāmôn, ’ahalôt].
M. Bulakh, “Basic Color Terms of Biblical Hebrew in Diachronic Aspect”, BuB 3, 2006, 181-216.
P. Fronzaroli, “Sulla Struttura dei colori in ebraico biblico”, in Fs. Pisani, pp 377-389.
R. Gradwohl, Die Farben im Alten Testament. Eine terminologische Studie [BZAW 83), Diss. Zürich
1961, Berlin 1963 [rev.: BiOr 21, 1964, 213 (H.H. Rowley); OLZ 60, 1965, 44-46 (E. Osswald); BZ 9,
1965, 100-101 (J. Scharbert); AO 34, 1966, 250-251 (S. Segert)].
H.W. Hertzberg, “‘Grune’ Pferde”, ZDPV 69, 1953, 177-180 [on the terms designing horse colors in Zach.
1, 8 and in modern arabic].
H. Janssens, “Les couleurs dans la Bible hébraïque”, AnnIPhO 14, 1954-1957, 148-171.
6A. Fauna and Flora
F.S. Bodenheimer, Animal and Man in Bible Lands, Leiden 1960 (=F.S. Bodenheimer, Animal Life in
Palestine, Leiden 1935.
M. Delcor, “Quelques termes relatifs a l’élevage des ovins en hébreu classique et dans les langues
sémitiques voisines”, in A2CILCS, pp. 105-124.
G. del Olmo Lete, “Los caballos en Ugarit.Un estudio lexicográfico (ṣmd(m), ḥrṣ, aḥd(m)), AuOr 30,
2012, 5-15.
G. R. Driver, “Birds in the Old Testament. I. Birds in Law”, PEQ 1955, 5-20 [Study of the lists of unclean
birds in Lev. 11, 13-19, and Deut. 14, 11-18].
G.R. Driver, “Birds in the Old Testament. II. Birds in Life”, PEQ 1955, 129-140.
G. R. Driver, “Once again: Birds in the Bible”, PEQ 1958, 56-58 [Additional remarks to PEQ 1955, 5-20,
A. Eig, M. Zohary, N. Feinbrunn, Analytical Flora of Palestine, 2nd revised ed. [Hebrew], Jerusalem 1952
[rev.: Biblica 35, 1954, 255 (R. North)].
R. K. Harrison, Healing herbs of the Bible, Leiden 1966 [repr. from Janus 50, 1961, 9-54].
E.R. Hope, “Animals in the Old Testament: anybody’s guess?” - BT 42/1, 1991, 128-132.
M.M. Homan, “Beer, Barley, and /’ēkār/ in the Hebrew Bible”, in Fs. Freedman, pp. 25-38.
Kl. Koenen, “ ‘. . . denn wie der Mensch jedes Tier nennt, so soll es heiBen’ (Gen 2,19): zur Bezeichnung
von Rindern im Alten Testament”, Biblica 75, 1994, 539-546.
L. Kogan, “Animal Names in Biblical Hebrew: An Eymological Overview”, BuB 3, 2006, 257P. D. Miller, “Animal names as designations in Ugaritic and Hebrew”, UF 2, 1970, 177-186.
H.-P. Müller, “Das Problem der Tierbezeichnungen in der althebräischen Lexikographie”, SEL 12, 1995,
J. Oelsner, “Benennung und Funktion der Körperteile im hebräischen Alten Testament”, WZUL 9, 1962,
692-693 [Summary of a Leipzig Univ. Diss.].
A.E. Rüthy, Die Pflanze und ihre Teile im biblisch-hebräischen Sprachgebrauch, Berne 1942 [rev.: BiOr
4, 1947, 156 (Schreuder); JThS 49, 1948, 251 (Driver); ThLZ 73, 1948, 90-91 (K. Galling)].
M. Zohary, Plants of the Bible: a complete handbook to all the plants with 200 full-color plates taken in the
natural habitat, Cambridge 1982 [rev.: CBQ 46/2, 1984, 339-340 (A. Fitzgerald)].
M. Zohary, Pflanze der Bibel: vollständiges Handbuch, Stuttgart 1983 [rev.: ZAW 96/2, 1984, 313-314 (H.C. S[chmitt]); Gregorianum 65, 1984, 573-574 (J. Janssens)].
6A. Material culture
K.J. Cathcart, “Notes on some Hebrew words for vessels and their cognates”, RSO 47, 1972/, 55-58.
P. Collini, “Studi sul lessico della metallurgia nell’ebraico biblico e nelle lingue siro-palestinesi del II e I
millenio a.C.”, SEL 4, 1987, 9-43; 6, 1989,13-45.
R. de Langhe, “Koper en brons in het Oude Testament”, HandVlFC 21, 1955, 121-123
A. Guillaume, “Metallurgy in the Old Testament”, PEQ 1962, 129-132 [comm. on Psalm 12, 7; Jer. 6, 2730; Job 22, 24-25].
Fr. Lang, Das Feuer im Sprachgebrauch der Bibel, dargestellt auf dem Hintergrund der Feuervorstellungen in der Umwelt, Diss. Tübingen 1951 [cf. ThLZ 79, 1954, 56-57].
P. Reymond, L’eau, sa vie, et sa signitication dans l’Ancien Testament (VT, Suppl. 6), Leidenl 1958
[rev. : JSS 4, 1959,384-386 (R.B.Y. Scott); ZRGG 11, 1959, 292 (E.L. Ehrlich); Syria 36, 1959, 135136 (A. P[arrot]); Sefarad 19, 1959, 148-149 (J. Prado); BiOr 16, 1959, 43 (A. Jaubert); RB 66, 1959,
280-281 (R. Tournay); Biblica 41, 1960, 426 (M.L. M[oran])].
M.T. Rubiato Díaz, “Recipientes bíblicos I: “'agmon, *'aggan”, Sefarad 50, 1990, 167-184.
M.T. Rubiato Díaz-J.C. Lara-A. Gaviria, “Recipientes bíblicos II: *'agartel/'agartal; III: *'ôb; IV: 'aḥ,
'asûk”, Sefarad 50, 1990, 425-454; 51, 1991, 145-162; 51, 1991, 369-387.
A.W. Schwarzenbach, Die geographische Terminologie im Hebräischen des Alten Testamentes, Diss.
Zurich, Leiden 1954 [rev.: JJewS 6, 1955, 184 (B.S.J. Isserlin); ThZ 11, 1955, 223-224 (E. Jenni);
Erasmus 9, 1956, 4-6 (P. P. Saydon); BiOr 13, 1956, 49-50 (J. Simons); RSO 33, 1958, 271-273 (G.
R.B. Scott, “Meteorological Phenomena and Terminology in the Old Testament”, ZAW 64, 1952, 11-25.
K.H. Singer, Die Metalle Gold, Silber, Bronze, Kupfer und Eisen im Alten Testament und ihre Symbolik
(Forschungen zur Bibe1 43), Würzburg 1980 [rev.: JBL 102, 1983, 126-127 (J.F.A. Sawyer)].
6A. Technical Terminology
G.R. Driver, “Two Astronomical Passages in the Old Testament”, JThS 7, 1956, 1-11 [Job 9, 9; 38, 31-32].
G.R. Driver, “Technical Terms in the Pentateuch”, WO 2/3 1956, 254-263 [1. gablūt “welding”. 2. úōšēv
“embroiderer”; úošev “band”. 3. k¿lîl “woven in one piece” .4. m¿r-derôr. 5. qidd¿h “cassia in strips”
and qe§îc¿h “powdered cassia”. 6. šibē§ “lined, quilted”].
G. R. Driver, “Three Technical Terms in the Pentateuch”, JSS 1, 1956, 97-105 [1. cZ’ZL “jagged rocks,
precipice’. 2. ‘ZKRH ‘token’. 3. TNWPH ‘special contribution.’].
Sh. Ettingen, Dictionary of technical terms in five languages: Hebrew-English-French-German-RussianVol. I, II, Tel-Aviv 1961.
H. Gandz, “The Problem of the Molad”, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research (New
York) 20, 1951, 235-264 [1. úodesh and molad. 2. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations. 3.
Definitions of the molad in the medieval Hebrew sources and their terminology. 6. Molad and úiddush,
rebirth and renewal].
M. Glonti, “Sobre la formación de algunos antiguos sistemas de semana”, Fontes Linguae Vasconum 51,
1988, 19-32. [Hebrew, shabbat; Basque, aste].
M. Görg, “Ein Ausdruck der Goldschmiedekunst im Alten Testament”, BZ 28, 1984, 250-255 [za-ha-b sagu-r ‘geschlagenes’, i.e. ‘gehammertes Gold’].
J. Gray, “Cultic Affinities between Israel and Ras Shamra”, ZAW 62, 1949-50, 207-220 [on technical
terms common to Hebrew and Ugaritic].
M.L. Gruber, “Ten dance-derived expressions in the Hebrew Bible”, Biblica 62, 1981, 328-346.
R. Hentschke, Satzung und Setzender. Ein Beitrag zur israelitischen Rechts-terminologie (BWANT 5, 3 =
83), Stuttgart 1963 [semantic study on the root ḥqq and derived forms] [rev.: RB 73, 1966, 452-454
(F.L.); JSS 12, 1967, 304-306 (R. Yaron)].
D.R. Hillers, “A note on some treaty terminology in the Old Testament”, BASOR 176, 1964, 46-47.
H.W. Hönig, Die Bekleidung der Hebräer, Zurich 1957.
H.B. Huffmon, “The treaty background of Hebrew y¿dac”, BASOR 181, 1966, 31-37.
A. Hurtvitz, “The evidence of language in dating the Priestly Code. A lingusitic study in technical idioms
and terminology”, RB 81, 1974, 24-56.
A. Hurtvitz, “Wisdom vocabulary in the Hebrew Psalter: a contribution to the study of ‘Wisdont
Psalms”’”, VT 38, 1988, 41-5 1.
I.H. Jones, “Musical instruments in the Bible, part I; II”, BT 37, 1986, 101-116; 38, 1987, 129-143l.
J.L. Kelso, The ceramic vocabulary of the Old Testament (BASOR SS 5-6), New Haven CT 1948.
J. Kelso, The Ceramic Vocabulary in the Old Testament (BASOR, Supplemcntary Studies V-VI), New
Haven CT 1948 [rev.: JBL 68, 1949, 380-381 (G.E. Wright); BiOr 7, 1950, 22 (J. Simons); RB 77,
1950, 154 (A.M. Steve)].
Ed. Lipiński, “In reference to I. Zatelli’s paper : kinship terminology in 1 Sam. 25:40-42”, ZAH 7, 1994,
R. Loewe, “The Earliest Biblical Allusion to Coined Money?”, PEQ 1955, 141-150 [linguistic evidence].
N. Lohfink, “An- und Absageformel in der hebräischen Bibel: Zum Hintergrund des deuteronomischen
Vierüberschriftensystems”, in Fs. Moran 2005, pp. 49-77.
L. Markert, Struktur und Bezeichnung des Scheltworts, Berlin 1977 [BL 1979, 11212] [RB 86, 1979, 620622 (F. Gonçalves); BZ 24, 1980, 127-128 (J. Scharbert); CBQ 41, 1979, 141-142 (B.F. Batto)].
D.J. McCarthy, “Some Holy War vocabulary in Joshua 2”, CBQ 33, 1971, 228-230 [1. ḥāpar; 2. ¨êmâ; 3.
māsas; 4. môg].
Y. Mashiah, The terminology of Hebrew prosody and rhetoric with special reference to Arabic origins,
Diss. Columbia Univ. 1972 [DAb 35, 1975, 6673-A].
J. Milgrom, Studies in Levitical terminology. I. The encroacher and the Levite. The term caboda (Univ. of
California Publ., Near Eastern Studies 14), Berkeley/Los Angeles 1970 [rev.: Biblica 52, 1971,
271-273 (G. Rinaldi); IEJ 23, 1973, 60-62 (M. Weinfeld); RB 79, 1972, 296-297 (F. Langlamet);| Or
41, 1972, 140-41 (S. McEvenue); JSS 17, 1972, 268-269 (J.F.A. Sawyer); JBL 91, 1972, 397-399 (K.
J. Milgrom, “The legal terms šlm and br’šw in the Bible”, JNES 35, 1976, 271-273.
J. Milgrom, Studies in cultic theology and terminology (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity 36), Leiden
1983 [collection of previously published studies] [rev.: ZAW 96/3, 1984, 459-460 (H.-C. S[schmitt]);
BSOAS 47/3, 1984, 610 (J. Wansbrough); CBQ 47/1, 1985, 188-189 (E.J. Fisher)].
L. Moraldi, “Terminologia cultuale israelitica”, RSO 32, 1957 (Scritti Furlani),321-337.
A. Newman, “A semantic analysis of English and Hebrew cooking terms”, Lingua 37, 1975, 53-79.
P. K. D. Neumann, “Das Wort, das geschehen ist … Zum Problem der Wortempfangsterminologie in Jer
I-XXV”, VT 23, 1973, 171-217.
M. Obruśnik, “’Karcić’, ‘pouczać’ czy ‘wychowywać’? : w poszukiwaniu pedagogicznej terminologii
Starego Testamentu”, Scriptura Sacra (Opole) 6, 2002, 137-154 [‘rebuke’, ‘to teach’ or ‘to breed’:
searching pedagogical terminology of the Oíd Testament].
M. O'Cconnor, “Cardinal-direction terms in Biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 1140-1157.
J.W. Olley, “A forensic connotation of bôš”, VT 26, 1976, 230-234.
Sh.M. Paul, “Daniel 12:9: A Technical Mesopotamian Scribal Term”, in Fs. Weinfeld, pp. 115-118
[setūmîm waḥatūmîm]
J. Pirot, “Le ‘mâsâl’ dans l’Ancien Testament”, RecSR 37, 1950, 565-580.
J.-S. Rey, “Quelques considéations sur le vocabulaire sapientiel de Ben Sira et de 4QInstruction”,
KUSATU 8-9, 2008, 119-162.
G. Rinaldi, “Alcuni termini ebraici relativi alla letteratura”, Biblica 40, 1959, 267-289.
G. Sarfatti, “Arithmetical Fractions in Biblical and Mishnaic Hebrew” (Heb.), Tarbiz 28, 1958-59, 1-17.
G.B. Sarfatti, Mathematical terminology in Hebrew scientific literature of the Middle Ages (Heb.),
Jerusalem 1968. [rev.: AION-O 30, 1970, 279-282 (G. Moscati Steindler); ZDMG 121, 1971, 43-144
(L. Prijs)].
V. Sasson, “An unrecognized juridical term in the Yabneh-Yam lawsuit and in an unnoticed Biblical
parallel”, BASOR 232, 1978, 57-63 [The verb ml’].
St. Schorch, Euphemismen in der Hebraischen Bibel. — Wiesbaden : Harras-sowitz, 2000 (Orientalia
biblica et Christiana, 12) [rev. versión of Diss. Leipzig Univ. 1998] [rev.: JAOS 122, 2002, 607-609
(Sc.B. Noegel)].
N. Shupak, Where can wisdom befound?: the sage's language in the Bible and in ancient Egyptian
literature (OBO, 130) Fribourg Switzerland/Göttingen 1993 [rev.: CdE 74, 1999, 52-55 (Chr.
I. L. Seeligmann, “Zur Terminologie für das Gerichtsverfahren im Wortschatz des biblischen Hebräisch”,
in Fs. Baungratner, pp. 251-278.
Th. Seidl, “Die Wortereignisformel in Jeremia. Beobachtungen zu den Formen der Redeeröffnung in
Jeremia, im Anschluss an Jer. 27,1.2”, BZ 23, 1979, 20-47.
E. Strömberg Krantz, Des Schiffes Weg mitten im Meer. Beiträge zur Erforschung der nautischen
Terminologie des Alten Testaments (Coniectanea Biblica. Old Testament Series, 19), Lund 1982 [rev.:
JBL 103/2, 1984, 270-271 (R.R. Stieglitz); RB 90/2, 1983, 289-293 (B. Couroyer); BiOr 41/1-2, 1984,
162-164 (F.C. Fensham); ThL 109, 1984, 103-104 (K.-H. Bernhardt); CBQ 47/1, 1985, 145-146 (K.J.
Cathcart); OLZ 80/5, 1985, 466-468 (O. Kaiser); IEJ 38, 1988, 94-96 (S. Aljituv); JNES 47, 1988, 287288 (D. Pardee)].
S.A. Wiggins, “Wheel, Whirlwind or Tumbleweed? Gilgal in th Hebrew Bible”, Maarav 15, 2008, 175192.
6A.13.2.5. Dictionaries and Glosaries
[A reminder:
Fr. Buhl, Wilhelm Gesenius’ Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament, Leipzig 192117 (repr. Berlin 1949).
Fr. Delitzsch, Prolegomena eines neuen hebräisch-aramäischen Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament, Leipzig
D. Diringer, Le iscrizioni antico ebraiche palestinensi, Florence 1934 (glossar).
W. Gesenius, Thesaurus philologicus Criticus Linguae Hebraicae et Chaldaeae Veteris Testamenti, Leipzig
W. Gesenius, Gesenius’ Hebrew and Chaldee Lexicon to the Old Testmanet Scriptures, translated with
additions and corrections ... by S.P. Tregelles, 1846.
E. König, Hebräisches und aramäisches Wörterbuch zum Alten Testament, Leigzig 1936.
J. Levy, J. Neuhebraisches und chaldaisches Wörterbuch über die Talmudim und Midraschim, 4 v., Leipzig
1876-89 (repr. Berlin-Vienna 19242)].
A. Neubauer, The Book of the Hebrew Roots by Abu ‘l-Walîd marwân ibn Janah,. otherwise called Rabbî Yônâh
(etc.), Oxford 1875].
J.K. Aitken, “Other Hebrew Lexica: Zorell and Alonso Schökel”, in FSL III, pp. 251-264.
An., “The historical dictionary of the Hebrew language. Specimen pamphlet: the root crb” (Heb.), Leshonenu
46, 1982, 165-267.
R. Alcalay, The Complete Hebrew-English Dictionary, 4 vols., Tel Aviv 1964-19652 [rev.: BiOr 24, 1967,
82-83 (C. Rabin)].
L. Alonso-Schökel, “El diccionario biblico hebreo-español”, Sefarad 47, 1988, 373-389.
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6A.13.2.6. Lexemes/syntagmes
[A reminder:
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word ‘šl].
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Hat engagiertes Lehren etwas mit dem Beladen von Kamelen zu tun?”, in Fs. Richter, pp. 17-27.
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ZAH 12, 1999, 233-237.
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Is. Ben-David, “Additions to Biblical Hebrew lexicography” (Heb.), Leshonenu 56 1992, 293-299.
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S. Bhayro, “On the Etymology of Hebrew berît”, in A12GSCSI, pp. 117-125.
M. Bič, “Der Prophet Amos - ein Hepatoskopos”, VT 1, 1951, 293-296 [on the terms nōqēd et bōqēr].
M. Bič, “Mastin beqîr”, VT 4, 1954, 411-416.
W.B. Bishai, “Notes on hskn in Job 22:21”, JNES 20, 1961, 258-259.
J. Blau, “Marginalia Semitica I”, IOS 1, 1971, 1-35 [I. Ar./Hebr. uyC > îC; iwC ûC. 2. Ar. èâl, Hebr.,
Syriac câlâ “Zizyphus Lotus”. 3. Hebr. úâ§îr “reed”, a ghost-word; Hebr. ribsâ “irrigation”.
J. Blau, “N¿w¿ ¨hill¿’ (Ps. CXLVII I): lobpreisen”, VT 4, 1954, 410-411.
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1960, 443-444 (J.P. Weisengoff); JBL 79, 1960, 390 (S.J. De Vries); BZ 5, 1961, 119-122 (J.
Scharbert); BiOr 18, 1961, 164 (J.W. Wevers); JSS 6, 1961, 121-122 (F.F. Bruce)].
H.C. Brichto, “On slaughter and sacrifice, blood and atonement”, HUCA 47, 1976, 19-55 [meaning of
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vocabulary and grammar].
S.P. Brock, “An early interpretation of pāsaú:’aggēn in the Palestinian Targum”, in Fs. Rosenthal, pp.
L. H. Brockington, “The use of the Hebrew verb yašaw to describe an act in religious observance”, in Mél.
Thatcher, pp. 119-125.
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H. A. Brongers, “Der Eifer des Herrn Zebaoth”, VT 13, 1963, 269-284 [on the meaning of qin’âh]
H.A. Brongers, “La crainte du Seigneur (jir’at Jhwh, jir’at ‘elohim)”, OTS 5, 1948, 151-173.
H. A. Brongers, “Darum, wer fest zu stehen meint, der sehe zu, dass er nicht falle. 1 Kor X 12 (Eine
Untersuchung der Bedeutung der Verben muṭ, k¿šal und sinnverwandter Zeitwörter im Alten
Testament)”, in Fs. de Liagre Böhl, pp. 56-70.
N.M. Bronznick, “More on hlk ’1”, VT 35, 1985, 98-99.
N. M. Bronznick, “An unrecognized denotation of the verb úsr in Ben-Sira and Rabbinic Hebrew”, HAR 9,
1985, 91-105.
N.M. Bronznick, “The meaning of rwr°y úlqwt”, Tarbiz 60, 1991, 653-657.
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G. Brunet, “L’hébreu keleb”, VT 35, 1985, 485-488.
H. Bruppacher, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. Zur Formerklarung von rēschīt ‘Anfang’”, ThZ 7,
1951, 395-396 [cf. Koehler, ThZ 3, 1947, 155-156].
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hymym and its Greek equivalents].
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J.B. Burns, “‘arīts, a ‘rich’ word”, BT 43, 1992, 124-130.
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K.J. Cathcart, “Beúopnāw in Proverbs XXX 4”, VT 48/2, 1998, 264-265.
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501 -512.
S. Cavalletti, “La terminologia biblica per ‘bastone’”, Antonianum 26, 1953, 411-424.
H. Cazelles, “Myn = espèce, race ou ressemblance”, in Mél. Cinq., pp. 105-108.
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H. Cazelles, “Mamleket et ses compléments en hébreu”, GLECS 8, 1957-1960, 57.
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H. Cazelles, “’al túws cyn cl...”, GLECS 12-13. 1967-1969, 132-134.
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A. Cody, “When is the Chosen People called gôg?, VT 14, 1964, 1-6.
A. Cody, “Notes on Proverbs 22,21 and 22,23b”, Biblica 61, 1980, 418-426 [on the meaning of qµst and
M. Cogan, “A technical term for exposure”, JNES 27, 1968, 133-135 [the verb hšlyk]
Ch. Cohen, “Hebrew tbn: proposed etymologies”, JANES 4, 1972, 36-51.
Ch. Cohen, “The Noun ’arešet (Ps 21:3): Another Special Case of ‘False Friends’ – Regular Meaning of
Words in Modern Hebrew which Originated Erroneously, that Also Occurs in the High Holydays
Liturgy”, in Fs. MMayer, pp. 211-224.
H.R. Cohen, (Chaim): Biblical hapax legomena in the light of Akkadian and Ugaritic (SBL. Diss. Series
37; Columbia Univ. Diss. 1975), Missoula, Montana 1978 [rev.: Helmantica 30, 1979, 388 (C. Sapir);
JBL 99, 1980, 26-127 (K.L. Barker); JThS 31, 1980, 291-292 (J. Barr); Biblica 62, 1981, 272-274 (M.
Dahood); RB 87, 1980, 147-148 (R. Tournay); CBQ 41, 1979, 626-627 (R.S. Majoros); BiOr 37, 1980,
343-345 (A.R. Millard); JAOS 101, 1981, 440-441 (P.T. Daniels)].
J.M. Cohen, “An unrecognized connotation of nšq peh with special reference to three Biblical
occurrences”, VT 32, 1982, 416-424.
J. Cohen, “To the Hebrew midwives (Exodus 1:15)” (Heb.), Leshonenu 55 , 1992, 295-297.
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M.D. Coogan, “*’LP, ‘to be an abecedarian’”, JAOS 110, 1990, 322.
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G.D. Cova, “Popolo e vittoria: l’uso di trw`h e hryc in Gios 6”, Biblica 66, 1985, 221-240.
St. Creason, “PQD revisited”, in Fs. Gragg, pp. 27-42.
J. S. Croatto, “’Abrek ‘intendant’ dans Gén. 41, 41, 43”, VT 16, 1966, 113-115.
J.S. Croatto, “$ôb~ como amistad (de Alianza) en el Antiguo Testamento”, AION-O 18, 1968, 385-389.
J. Croatto, J.A. Soggin “Die Bedeutung von šdmwt im Alten Testament”, ZAW 74, 1962, 44-50.
J.L. Cunchillos, “Étude philologique de mal’āk: Perspectives sur le mal’āk de la divinité dans la Bible
hébraïque”, VTS 32 (Congress Volume : Vienna 1980),pp. 30-51.
J.L. Cunchillos, Los benê ha’elohim en Gen. 6, 1-4”, EstBib 28, 1969, 5-31.
J.L. Cunchillos, “qôl YHWH en el Antiguo Testamento”, in XXX Semana Bíblica Española, Madrid 19xx,
pp. 319-370.
J.B. Curtis, “A folk etymology of n¿bi’” VT 29, 1979, 491-493.
J.B. Curtis, “On the hiphil infinitive absolute of halak”, ZAH 111, 1988, 22-31.
M.J. Dahood, “The Root gmr in the Psalms”, Theological Studies 14, 1953, 595-597.
M. Dahood, “N~dâ “to hurl” in Ex 15, 16”, Biblica 43, 1962, 248-249.
M. Dahood, “Mkrtyhm in Genesis 49,5”, CBQ 23, 1961, 54-56.
M. Dahood, “Denominative rih,.h,.am. ‘to conceive, enwomb’“, Biblica 44, 1963, 204-205.
M. Dahood, “The metaphor in Job 22, 22”, Biblica 47, 1966, 108-109.
M. Dahood, “HDK in Job 40, 12” Biblica 49, 1968, 509-510.
M. Dahood,”Isaiah 19. 11 hkmy and 1 QIsa hkmyh” Biblica 56, 1975, 420.
M. Dahood, “The aleph in Psalm CXXVII 2 šēn¿’”, OT 44, 1975, 103-151 (reply to J.A. Emerton, VT 24,
M. Dahood, “Hebrew tamrûrîm and tîmārôt”·, Or 46, 1977, 385.
M. Dahood, “A note on Ãôb ‘rain’“, Biblica 54, 1973, 404.
M. Dahood, “The dative suffix in Job 33, 13”, Biblica 63, 1982, 258-259 [dbryw = dµbcr¿yw].
M. Dahood, “The hapax ú¿rak in Proverbs 12,27”, Biblica 63, 1982, 60-62.
M. Dahood, “Proverbs 8, 22-31. Translation and Commentary”, CBQ 30, 1968, 512-521.
E. Dantine, “Création et séparation”, Muséon LXXIV 1961, 441-451 [on the first words in Genesis 1].
M. David, “‘Zabal’ (Gen. XXX 20)”, VT 1, 1951, 59-60.
M. David, “‘Hitcāmēr’ (Deut. XXI I4 XXI V 7)”, VT 1, 1951, 219-221.
M. David, “Deux anciens termes bibliques pour le gage (cbwÃ, úbl)”, OTS 22, 1943, 79-86.
G.I. Davies, “The uses of /RCC/ Qal and the meaning of Jonah IV 1”, VT 27, 1977, 105-111.
E.W. Davies, “The meaning of qesem in Prv. 16.10”, Biblica 61, 1980, 554-556.
S.B. Dawes, “canawâ in translation and tradition”, VT 41, 1991, 38-48.
P.A.H. de Boer, “‘Vive le roi’“, VT 5, 1955, 225-231.
P.A.H. de Boer, “An Inquiry into the Meaning of the Term m°’’“, OTS 5, 1948, 197-214.
P.A.H. de Boer, “bbwytm cmd zrcm Sirach xliv 12a”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 25-29 [1967]
C.H.J. De Geus, “The importance of archaeological research into the Palestinian agricultural terraces, with
an excursus on the Hebrew word gb”, PEQ 107, 1975, 65-74.
F. Deist, “’appayim (1 Sam. 15) < *pym?”, VT 27, 1977, 205-209.
R. de Langhe, “De betekenis van het Hebreeuwse werkwoord rkb”, HandVlFC 18, pp. 89-96.
M. Delcor, “Two special meanings of the word YD in Biblical Hebrew”, JSS 12, 1967, 230-240.
L. Delekat, “Zum hebräischen Wörterbuch”, VT 14, 1964, 7-66 [on some twenty words].
K. Deller, “Ass. um/nzar≠-u und Hebr. cäzraú”, ZA 74, 1984, 235-239.
J.C. De Moor, H.F. de Vries, “Hebrew hādād ‘thunder-strom’, UF 20, 1988, 173-177.
A. Demsky, “Pelekh in Nehemiah 3”, IEJ 33, 1983, 242-244.
J. C. de Moor, “Lexical Remarks concerning yaúad and yaúdaw”, VT 7, 1957, 350-355.
G. de Poerck, “Hébreu rabbinique marmw§i < afr. maemousset ‘singe’”, in Mél. Serra , pp. 165-173.
L. Dequeker, “The ‘Saints of the Most High’ in Qumran and Daniel”, OTS 18, 1973, 108-187 [the term
L.J. de Regt, “Multiple meaning and semantic domains in some Biblical HeW lexicographical projects: the
description of zerac”, ZAH 10, 1997, 63-75.
J. de Savignac, “Note sur le sens du terme §āphôn dans quelques passages de la Bible”, VT 3, 1953, 95-96
[cf. Biblica 34, 1953, 426 (E. Vogt)].
K.A. Deurloo, “tšwqh ‘dependency’, Gen 4,7”, ZAW 99, 1987, 405-406.
S.J. de Vries, “A reply to G. Gerleman on malkê úesed in I Kings XX 31”, VT 29, 1979, 359-362 [rev.: VT
28, 151-164 (G. Gerleman)].
L. Dewar, “The Biblical Use of the Term Blood’“, JThS 4, 1953, 204-208 [comments on L. Morris’ art.,
JThS 3, 216-227].
M. Dietrich, O. Loretz, “gzr abschneiden, abkneifen” im Ugar. Und Hebr.”, UF 9, 1977, 51-56.
M. Dijkstra: “’He pours the sweet wine off, only the dregs are for the wicked’: an epigraphic note on
mizzœh in Psalm 75,9”, ZAW 107, 1995, 296-300 [mezœh “sweet wine”].
F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp, “Ingressive qwm in Biblical Hebrew”, ZAH 8, 1995, 31 -54.
A. Dolgopolsky, “On the Etymology of Hebrew leúem”, in Fs. Heltzer, pp. 157-160.
H. Donner, “Der ‘Freund des Königs’”, ZAW 73, 1961, 269-277.
H. Donner, “Die Schwellenhüpfer: Beobachtungen zu Zephanja I, 8f.”, JSS 15, 1970, 43-55.
M. Dor, D. Talshir, “hwld and hwldh” (Heb.), Leshonenu 57, 1993, 39-50.
D.A. Dorsey, “Another peculiar term in the Book of Chronicles: ‘highway’”, JQR 75, 1985, 385-391.
A. Dotan, “kt’nym h’crym (Jer. 29:17)” (Heb.), Te‘uda 7, 1991, 67-73.
L.M. Dreier, “Usage of hêkāl in biblical Hebrew”, in BaBi 1, 2004, 211-218.
G.R. Driver, “Hebrew Notes”, JRAS 1944, 164-171.
G.R. Driver, “Difficult Words in the Hebrew Prophets”, in Fs. Robinson, pp. 52-72.
G.R. Driver, “Hebrew Roots and Words”, WO 5, 1950, 406-415.
G.R. Driver, “Hebrew Notes on ‘ong of Songs’ and ‘Lamentations’, in Fs. Bertholet, pp. 134-146.
G.R. Driver, “Problems of the Hebrew Text and Language”, in Fs.Nötscher, pp. 46-61 [1. Scenes in
court. 2. Difficult passages. 3. Uncertain words and phrases. 4. Grammatical problems. 5. Words in
G.R. Driver, “Mistranslations in the Old Testament”, WO 11, 1947, 29-31.
G.R. Driver, “Misreadings in the Old Testament”, WO 3, 1948, 234-238.
G.R. Driver, “On the Hebr. p§yrh (I Samuel XIII, 2I)”, AfO 15, 1945-51 68.
G.R. Driver, “Ezekiel’s Inaugural Vision”, VT 1, 1951, 60-62.
G.R. Driver, “Hebrew Notes”, VT 1, 1951, 241-250 [on the intcrpretation of several passages in the Old
G.R. Driver, “Problems in the Hebrew Text of Proverbs”, Biblica 32, 1951, 173-197.
G.R. Driver, “On Psalm 35, 16”, ThZ 9, 1953, 468-469 [on the word mācôg].
G.R. Driver, “Ezekiel: Linguistic and Textual Problems”, Biblica 35, 1954, 145-159, 299-312.[desglosar]
G.R. Driver, “Problems and Solutions”, VT 4, I954, 225-245 [1. Difficult words and phrases in Eccles. and
Esther. 2. Abbreviations. 3. Lost Hebrew words. 4. Paronomasia].
G.R. Driver, “Reflections on Recent Articles”, JBL 73, 1954, 125-136 [1. The interpretation of YHWH as
a participial form from a causative theme of the verb (cf. J. Obermann, JBL 68, 301-328). 2. Hebrew
môqēš ‘striker’ (cf. H. Gehman, JBL 68, 277-281)].
G. R. Driver, “Hebrew Mothers (Exodus i 19)”, ZAW 67, 1955, 246-248.
G. R. Driver, “Three Difficult Words in ‘Discipline’ (iii.3-4, vii.5-6. II)”, JSS 2, 1957, 247-250.
G. R. Driver, “On cLH ‘went up Country’ and YRD ‘went down Country’“, ZAW 69, 1957.74-77.
G. R. Driver, “A Lost Colloquialism in the Old Testament (I Samuel xxv.6)”, JThS 8, 1957, 272-273.
G.R. Driver, “Hebrew homonyms”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 50-64 [1. ‘ašad ‘poured out’. 2. ‘šr. 3. zkr 4.
ú¿rad. 5. ú¿ram. 6. cayi‹. 7. cwl. 8. cll. 9. §¿lal. 10. niš’ar].
G.R. Driver, “Problems in Judges newly discussed”, ALUOS 4, 1962-63, 6-25 [notes on some 40 difficult
G.R. Driver, “Isaiah I-XXXIX: Testual and linguistic problems”, JSS 13, 1968, 36-57.
G.R. Driver, “Another little drink” Isaiah 28: 1-22”, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 47-67.
G.R. Driver, “Notes on Notes”, Biblica 36, 1955, 71-73 [(2) ‘ēd. (3) Ez. 10 22 [Addition to Biblica 35,
R. Dussaud, “Ile ou rivage dans l’Ancien Testament”, AnatS 6, 1956, 63-65 [on the original meaning of ’î].
A. Dupont-Sommer, “Encore sur le mot ‘bwt dans DSH XI 6”, VT 2, 1952, 276-278 [cf. H. Michaud, VT
2, 1952, 83-85].
U. Durst, “BAD as a semantic primitive: evidence from Biblical Hebrew”, P&C 7, 1999, 375-403.
E. Easterly, “Is Mesha’s qrhh mentioned in Isaiah XV 2?”, VT 41, 1991, 215-219.
J.H. Ebach, “pgr = (Toten-)opfer? Ein Vorschlag zum Verständnis Von Ez. 43, 7.9.”, UF 3, 1971, 365368.
J. Ebach, U. Rüterswörden, “Unterweltsbeschwörung im Alten Testament: Untersuchungen zur Begriffsund Religionsgeschichte des ’ôb. Teil I”, UF 9, 1977, 57-70.
J. Ebach, U. Rüterswörden, “Unterweltsbeschwörung im Alten Testament: Untersuchungen zur Begriffsund Religionsgeschichte des =Çb. Teil II”, UF 12, 1980, 205-220.
D. Edelman, “The meaning of qitter, VT 35/4, 1985, 395-404 [“burn the food offerings”].
A. Ehrman, “A Note on yešaú in Mic. 6:14”, JNES 18, 1959, 156.
A. Ehrman, “A Note on buÃaú in Jer. XII. 5”, JSS 5, 1960, 153.
A. Ehrman, “Hebräisch glš ‘springen’“, OLZ 28, 1925, 5.
O. Eissfeldt, “Etymologische und archäologische Erklärung alttestamentlicher Wörter”, OA 5, 1966,
Y. Elitzur, “Habor wehabe’er, re’a1ya we’arke’ologya wehameḥqar halšoni” (BWR and B’R - reality,
archaeology and linguistic research), Leshonenu 51, 1987, 207-230.
Y. Elitzur, “hwlyyt hbwr - language and reality” (Heb.), Leshonenu 55, 1991, 55-73.
K. Elliger, “Das Ende der ‘bendwölfe’ Zeph. 3, 3 Hab. 1, 8”, in Fs. Bertholet, pp.8-175.
M. Ellenbogen, A Study of Foreign Words occurring in the Hebrew and Aramaic of the Old Testament,
Diss. Colorado Univ. 1957 [DAb XVII 1957. 1758].
M. Ellenbogen, Foreing Words in the Old Testament. Their Origin and Etymology, London 1962.
F. Ellermeier, “Das Verbum ú¿š in Koh 2 25. Eine exegetische, auslegungsgeschichtliche und
semasiologische untersuchung”, ZAW 75, 1963, 197-217.
J. A. Emerton, “The etymology of hištaúaweh”, in Instruction and interpretation: studies in Hebrew
language, Palestinian archaeology and Biblical exegesis . . . (OTS 20), Leiden 1977), pp. 41-55.
J.A. Emerton, “Notes on three passages in Psalms, Book III”, JrhS 14, 1963, 374-381 [1. Ps. 74, 5. 2. Ps.
74, 11. 3. Ps. 78, 41 and the Syriac verb . . . . “to be angry”].
J.A. Emerton, “The meaning of ‘abney-qodeš in Lamentations 4,1”, ZAW 79, 1967, 233-236.
J.A. Emerton, “Some difficult words in Genesis 49”, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 81-93.
J.A. Emerton, “Notes on Jeremiah 12, 9 and some suggestions of J. D. Michaelis [1717-91] about the
Hebrew words naúā, æbrā and jad¿c”, ZATW 81, 1969, 182-191.
J.A. Emerton, “The meaning of š¿n¿’ in Psalm CXXVII 2”, VT 24, 1974, 15-31.
J.A. Emerton, “The ‘second bull’ in Judges 6:25-28”, ErIs 14, 1978, 52*-55* [šn¿ = ‘to be exalted, of high
J.A. Emerton: “A consideration of some alleged meanings of ydc in Hebrew”, JSS 15, 1970, 145-180.
J.A. Emerton, “A further consideration of D.W. Thomas’s theories about yadac”, VT 41, 1991, 145-163.
Is. Eph’al, “’l hkšrym ’th npl (Jer. 37:13)”, ErIs 24, 1993, 18-22.
A. Ernst, “‘Wer Menschenblut vergiesst ...’: Zur Übersetzung von B´DM in Gen 9,6”, ZAW 102, 1990,
238-251 [‘b-pretii’ (i.e. ‘for man’)].
Sh. Esh, “Note on y§’”, VT 4, 1954, 305-307.
M. Eskhult, “Hebrew and Aramaic ’äloqim”, OS 30, 1981, 137-139.
M. Eskhult, “hekaf in Jdc 8,6.15”, OS 33-35, 1984-86, 117-121.
D. Etan, “hlúm hmqr’ - m’kl grysym ’w m’ph b§q?”, in Fs. Hertzel, pp. 119*-125*.
G. Evans, “‘Coming’ and ‘Going’ at the City Gate. A discussion of Professor Speiser’s Paper”, BASOR
150, 1958, 28-33 [on E. A. Speiser’s art. in BASOR 144, 20-23)].
A. Faber, “Second harvest: sibboleθ revisited (yet again)”, JSS 37, 1992, 1- 10.
S.I. Feigin, “The Heavenly Sieve”, JNES 9,1950, 40-43 [on II Sam. 22:12-13].
S.I. Feigin, “úamôr g¿rîm, ‘castrated ass’“, JNES 5, 1946, 230-233 [Gen. 49, 14].
F. Ch. Fensham, “A Cappadocian parallel to Hebrew kutÇnet”, VT 12, 1962, 196-198.
F. Ch. Fensham, ‘d in Exodus XXII 12”, VT 12, 1962,. 337-339.
A. Fernández, G. Bressan, “El §innor (2 Sam. 5, 6-8)”, Biblica 35, 1954, 217-224.
L. Finkelstein, “The Meaning of the Word PRS in the Expressions cl šmc pwrs, bprws c½rt, bprws hpsú
and bprws húg”, JewQR 32, 1941-1942, 387-406; 33, 1942-1943, 29-48.
J.J. Finkelstein, “Hebrew úbr and Semitic *úbr”, JBL 75, 1956, 328-331.
M. Fischbane, “Additional remarks on rúmyw (Amos 1:11)”, JBL 91, 1972, 391-393.
G. Fischer, “Die Redewendung dbr ’l-lb im AT: ein Beitrag zum Verständnis von Jes 40,2”, Biblica 65,
1984, 244-250.
L.R. Fisher, “The temple quarter”, JSS 8, 1963, 34-41 [on Hebr. cîr: I. Evidence from Nuzu. 2. Hebr.
readings. 3. Jerusalem].
L.R. Fisher, “Šdyn in Job XIX 29”, VT 11, 1961, 342-343.
A. Fitzgerald, “A note on G-stem YNüR forms in the Old Testament”, ZATW 84, 1972, 90-92.
A. Fitzgerald, “mtndbym in 1QS” , CBQ 36, 1974, 495-502.
A. Fitzgerald, “btwlt and bt as titles for capital cities”, CBQ 37, 1975, 167-183.
D.E. Fleming, “The etymological origins ofthe Hebrew nābî’= the one who invokes God”, CBQ 55, 1993,
G. Fohrer, “Some difficult words in Genesis 49, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 81-93.
J.P.Fokkelman, G.A. Rendsburg, “ngdh n’ lkl ʕmw (Psalm cxvi, 18b)”, VT 53, 2003, 328-336.
P. Forchheimer, “The Semantic Development of Hebrew gerem”, Word 4, 1948, 209-211.
H.O. Forshey, “The construct chain naúalat YHWH/’lµhîm”, BASOR 220, 1975, 1975, 51-53.
M.D. Fowler, “The Israelite b¿mâ: a question of interpretation”, ZAW 94, 1982, 203-213.
M.D. Fowler, “The meaning of lipne YHWH in the 01d Testament”, ZAW 99, 1987, 384-390.
M. Fox, “Šôb as covenant terminology”, BASOR 209, 1973, 41-42.
M.V. Fox, “The meaning of hebel for Qohelet”, JBL 105, 1986, 409-427.
M. Fraenkel, “Medina (mdynh) = Stadt, Bezirk, Staat”, ZAW 70, 1958, 253-254.
M. Fraenkel, “Beiträge zur hebräischen Lexikographie”, Internal Anthropoly and Linguistic Revew 3,
1957-58, 32-46.
M. Fraenkel, “Bemerkungen zum hebräischen Wortschatz”, HUCA 31, 1960, 55-102 [notes on the words:
tēmol šilšom; jarid ‘Jahr-markt’ ; šekhem ‘Morgen’ ; balla‹ ‘insgeheim’; nešekh ‘Wucher’, etc. ‘Das
‘Reš’ als Dehnzeichen in den Quaternärstämmen’].
M. Fraenkel, “Zur Etymologie von Ñ¿maú ‘sich freuen’“, WZUH 12, 1963, 1048-1049.
M. Fraenkel, “Zur Deutung von medina ‘Bezirk, Staat’“, ZATW 77, 1965, 215.
M. Fraenkel, “Drei verkannte Flüssigkeitsbenennungen im Hebräischen. Zur Etymologie von kerem
‘Weinberg’, zajit ‘Oelbaum’ und ji§har ‘frisches Oel’. Eine sprachwissenschaftliche Untersuchung”,
Sefarad 27, 1967, 3-11.
R. Frankena, “Dit zij U een teken”, in Fs. Brongers, pp. 28-36 [the O.T. expression “This shall be a sign
unto you” in the light of Akkaddian parallels].
D.N. Freedman, “Archaic Forms in Early Hebrew Poetry”, ZAW 72, 1960, 101-107.
D.N. Freedman, “pšty in Hosea 2, 7”, JBL 74, 1955, 275.
D.N. Freedman, “The refrain in David’s lament over Saul and Jonathan”, in Fs. Widengren I, pp. 115-126.
L.R. Freedman, “Biblical Hebrew ´rb, ‘to go surety’, and its nominal forms”, JANES 19, 1989, 25-29.
Sh.Y. Friedman, “From here to eternity: the semantic range of ʕwlm” (Heb.), Leshonenu 70, 2008,, 77-98.
J. Friedrich, “Semitische Kleinigkeiten”, in Mél. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 195-199 [1. Die Urform von hebr.
(rʔš) “Kopf”].
R.E. Friedmann, “The Biblical expression mastir p¿nim”, HAR I, 1977, 139-148
A. Frisch, “w´nytm (1 Reg 12,17): an ambiguity and its function in the context”, ZAW 103, 1991, 415-418
V. Fritz, “Die Bedeutung des Wortes ḥammḁn/ḥmn’”, in Fs. Rapp, 1, pp. 41-50.
J.B. Frye, “The use of māšāl in the Book of Job”, Semitics 5, 1977, 59-66.
H.F. Fuhs, Sehen und Schauen: die Wurzel úzh im Alten Orient und im Alten Testament. Ein Beitrag zum
prophetischen Offenbarungsempfang (Forschung zur Bibel 32), Wurzburg 1978.
G. Garbini, “Note semitiche, II”, RL 5, 1962, 171-181 [2. Hébr.-philistin seranim “princes philistins”. 3.
Hébr. ‘abah “vouloir”].
G. Garbini, “On the Origin of the Hebrew-Philistine Word séren”, in Fs. Leslau I, pp. 516-520.
G. Garbini, “Considerazioni sulla parola ebraica peten”, Rivista Biblica 6, 1958, 163-165.
G. Garbini, “Note semitiche”, AION-L 4, 1962, 85-93 [2. Hébr. gumm~§].
G. Garbini, “*parzon ‘iron’ in the Song of Deborah?”, JSS 23, 1978, 23-24.
G. Garbini, “La parola ebraica tidh¿r “olmo” (?)”, in Fs. Evangelisti, pp. 197-200.
G. Garbini, “§y§ ‘campo salato’ in ebraico”, EVO 13, 1990, 139- 141.
G. Garbini, “Argaman ‘porpora’”, in Fs. Tsereteli, pp. 77-81.
G. Garbini, “La lancia del re. Indagini su ebr. šelet”, in Fs. Pennacchietti, pp. 301-305.
Y. Garfinkel, “The meaning of the word MPQD in the Tel ‘Ira ostracon”, PEQ 119, 1987, 19-23.
H. S. Gehman, “’Episképomai, ’epískepsis, ’epískopos and ’episkopē in the Septuagint in relation to /pqd/
and other Hebrew roots . A case of semantic development”, VT 22, 1972, 197-207.
B. Gemser, “Becēber hajjardēn: in Jordan’s Borderland”, VT 2, 1952, 349-355 [cf. Biblica 34, 1953,
118-119 (E. Vogt)].
G. Gerleman, “Rest und Überschuss. Eine tenninologische Studie”, in Fs. Beek, pp. 71-74.
G. Gerleman, “Was heisst psú?”, ZATW 88, 1976, 409-413.
G. Gerleman, “Nutzrecht und Wohnrecht. Zur Bedeutung von ’úzh und núlh”, ZAW 89, 1977, 313-325.
G. Gerleman, “Die lärmende Menge. Der Sinn des hebräischen Wortes hamon”, in Fs. Elliger, pp. 71-75.
G. Gerleman, “Das übervolle Mass. Ein Versuch mit úaesaed”, VT 28, 1978, 151-164.
G. Gerleman, “brglyw as an Idiomatic Phrase”, JSS 4, 1959, 59.
M. Gertner, “The Masorah and the Levites. An essay in the history of a concept”, VT 10, 1960, 241-284
[on meaning and origin of the terms masorah and masoreth. Appendix : Interpretation of Hosea XII].
S. Gevirtz, “The Hapax Legomenon trmh (Judg. 9:31)”, JNES 17, 1958, 59-60.
S. Gevirtz, “The reprimand of Reuben”, JNES 30, 1971, 87-98 [Gen 49, 3-4: grammatical and lexical
S. Gevirtz, “On Hebrew sēbeṭ = “judge”, in Fs. Gordon 1980, pp. 61-66.
S. Gevirtz, “‘úereÃ’ in the manufacture of the Golden Calf”, Biblica 65, 1984, 377-38 [‘cloak’].
J. Geyer, “q§wt h’r§ - Hellenistic?”, VT 20, 1970, 87-90.
A. Gibson, “§nú in Judges I 14: NEB and AV translations”, VT 26, 1976, 275-283.
J.C.L. Gibson, “Observations on Some Important Ethnic Terms in the Pentateuch”, JNES 20, 1961, 217235.
H.L. Ginsberg, “mmšt and m§h”, BASOR 109, 1948, 20-22.
H.L. Ginsbeerg, “‘Roots below and fruit above’ and related matters”, in Fs. Driver, pp. 72-76 [on the
words šoreš and prc.].
H. L. Ginsberg, “Lexicographical notes”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 71-82 [Inter alia: 1. Ugaritic údw,
Hebr.-Aram. úzw/y ‘to see’; Ug. šm≠. Hebr. Ñmú ‘to shine’. 2. šw’ or šy’ ‘to roar’. 5. hitgÇrer ‘to
fomicate’. 6. y’l hiphil ‘to be foolish’. 8. nóúam ‘revenge’. 9. póúar ‘company’. 10. lev ‘throat (as
organ of speech)’. 12. nzq in Biblical Hebr. and Biblical Aram.][1967]
B. Glazier-McDonald, “Malachi 2:12: cēr weconeh - another look”, JBL 105, 1986, 295-298.
J. J. Glück, “Nagid “shepherd”, VT 13, 1963, 44-150.
J. J. Glück, “‘arî and lavî’(labî’): An etymological study”, ZAW 81, 1969, 232-235 [the evidence of Myc.
re-wo “lion”].
J. J. Glück, “The verb prˆ in the Bible and in the Qumran literature”, RevQum 5, 1964, 123-127.
S. D. Goitein, “M¿con - a reminder of sin”, JSS 10, 1965, 52-53.
S. D. Goitein, “Ayumma kannigdalot (Song of songs VI. 10) ‘Splendid like the brilliant stars’”, JSS 10,
1965, 220-221.
J. Goldingay: “kayyôm hazzeh “on this very day”; kayyôm “on the very day”; k*’*t ‘at the very time’”, VT
43, 1993, 112-115.
M.D. Goldman, “Lexicographical Notes on Exegesis”, Australian Biblical Review 1, 1951, 135-142.
J. González Echegaray, “El ‘lugar alto’ (bamah) de Jerusalén”, en BMH, pp. 181-185.
R.M. Good, The sheep of His pasture: a study of the Hebrew noun cam(m) and its Semitic cognates (HSM
29), Chico CA 1983 [rev.: Biblica 66/3, 1985, 436-438 (R. Lawton); RB 92/2, 1985, 307-308 (É.
Puech); JBL 105, 1986, 325-326 (J.J.M. Roberts)].
R.M. Good, “Hebrew and Ugaritic nút”, UF 17, 1985, 153-156.
A.E. Goodman, “úsd and twdh in the linguistic tradition of the Psalter”, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 105-115.
R. Gordis, “An unrecognized Biblical use of cereb”, JBL 102, 1983, 107-108 [‘the day preceding’].
R. Gordis, “The root dgl in the Song of Songs”, JBL 88, 1969, 203-204.
M. Görg, “Eine neue Deutung für k¿pporœt”, ZAW 89, 1977, 115-118.
M. Görg, “Tohû wabohû - ein Deutungsvorsehlag”, ZAW 92, 1980, 431-434.
M. Görg, “Ein architektonischer Fachausdruck in der Priesterschrift: zur Bedeutung von ceden”, VT 33,
1983, 334-338.
M. Görg, “bdlh (‘Bdellium’) - zur Etymologie”, BN 48, 1989, 12-16.
M. Görg, “Noch einmal zu ’ed (Gen 2,6)”, BN 50, 1989,9-10.
M. Görg, “Noch einmal zu °drt in IKon 6,9”, BN 57, 1991, 14-161 Cf.
M. Görg , “Paesaú (Pascha): Fest des ‘schlagenden’ Gottes? ”, BN 43, 1988, 7-11.
M. Görg, “Sdbt statt sdrt: eine Revision zu BN 57, 14-16”, BN 60, 1991, 24-26.
M. Görg, “Topaet (Tofet): ‘die (Städte) des Feuergottes’?”, BN 43, 1988, . 12-13.
M. Görg, “Ein verkanntes Wort für die ‘Hebamme’ in Ez 16,4”, BN 58, 1991, 13-16 [mi’cî]
R.P. Gordon, “On BH Ãôb “rain”, Biblica 57, 1976, 111 [apropos of M. Dahood’s art. Biblica 54, 1973,
C. Gordon, “The wine-dark sea” JNES 37, 1978, 51-52 [on Hebrew taršîš]
C.H. Gordon, “Marginal Notes on the Ancient Middle East”, JbKAF 2/1, 1951, 50-61 [Hebrew,
Phoenitian, the Semitic conjunction wa-, etc.].
M. H. Goshen-Gottstein, “‘Ephraim is a Well-trained Heifer’ and Ugaritic mdl”, Biblica 41, 1960, 64-66.
B. Gosse, “L ‘emploi de §’§’ym dans le livre d’lsaie”, BN 56, 1991, 22-24.
I.B. Gottlieb, “Text and realia: geb∞ ‘stowage tank’”, PEQ 109, 1977, 53-54.
M.H. Gottstein, “A Note on §nú “, VT 6, 1956, 99-100.
J. Gray, “The goren at the City Gate: Justice and the Royal Office in the Ugaritic Text ‘Aqht”, PEQ 1953,
118-123 [on S. Smith, PEQ 1953, 42-45]..
M. Greenberg, “Hebrew segulla: Akkadian sikiltu”, JAOS 71, 1951, 172-174.
M. Greenberg, “nsh in Exodus 20, 20 and the Purpose of the Sinaitic Theophany”, JBL 79, 1960, 273-276.
J.C. Greenfield, “The etymology of ’amtaúat”, ZATW 77, 1965, 90-92.
J.C. Greenfield, “*hamarakara > ’amarkal”, in Fs. Henning, pp. 180-186. [Iran. *hamarakara in Aramaic
and Hebrew].
J.C. Greenfield, “A hapax legomenon: mmshq hrwl”, in Fs. Nemoy, pp. 79-82.
J.C. Greenfield, “A touch of eden”, AcIr 23, 1984, 219-224 [on the etym. of cdn.].
J. C. Greenfield, M. Mayrhofer, “The calgumm§m/calmugg§m-problem reexamined”, in Fs. Baumgartner,
pp. 83-89 [against the explanation of Hebrew calmug, etc., by Sanskrit. valguka-].
J. C. Greenfield, “Lexicographical Notes, 1”, HUCA 29, 1958, 203-228 [1. gcš. 2. dlp. 3. ‹rd. 4. lhq. 5. npl.
6. ptq. 7. qn‹. 8. štc].
J.C. Greenfield, “Lexicographical Notes, II”, HUCA 30, 1959, 141-151 [9. The root ŠMî].
M. Greenberg, “Hebrew segulla, , Akkadian sikiltu”, JAOS 71, 1951, 172-174.
F.E. Greenspahn, “The number and distribution of hapax legomena in Biblical Hebrew”, VT 30, 1980, 819.
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1984, 701-703 (Z. Zevit); JAOS 107, 1987, 538-539 (E.L. Greenstein); JBL 105, 1986, 702-704 (C.[H.]
Cohen); AuOr 7, 1989, 134-136 (G. Del Olmo Lete)].
E.L. Greenstein, Edward L., “Trans-Semitic idiomatic equivalency and the derivation of Hebrew ml’kh”,
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B. Greger, “Ein Erklarungsversuch zu /ṣry/ - ṣor(y)y”, BN 45, 1988, 28- 39.
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G. Greiff, “Was war ein elÇn?”, ZDPV 76, 1960, 161-170.
P. Grelot, “îofš§“ (Ps. LXXXVIII 6)”, VT 14, 1964, 256-263.
P. Grelot, “Sur la vocalisation de úyll (Is. XIV 12)”, VT 6, 1956, 303-304.
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B. Grossfeld, “The translation of Biblical Hebrew pqd in the Targum, Peshitta, Vulgate and Septuagint”,
ZAW 96, 1984, 83-101 [‘to take note of, to notice, to consider, to attend to with care’].
M. I. Gruber, “The many faces of Hebrew n°’ pnym ‘lift up the face’”, ZAW 95, 1983, 252-260.
M.I. Gruber, “Hebrew da’¿bôn nepeš ‘dryness of throat’: from symptom to literary convention”, VT 37,
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A. Guillaume, “A note on the meaning of byn”, JThS 13, 1962, 109-111.
A. Guillaume, “A note on Psalm LXVIII. 5”, JThS 13, 1962, 322-323 [explanation of byh].
A. Guillaume, “The meaning of kdmh in Ezek. XXVII. 32”, JThS 13, 1962, 324-325.
A. Guillaume, “The use of úlš in Exod. XVII.13, Isa. XIV.12, and Job XIV.10”, JThS 14, 1963, 91-92.
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A. Guillaume, “A note on the Tblc”, JThS 13, 1962, 320-322.
A. H. J. Gunneweg, “cm h’r§ a semantic revolution”, ZATW 95, 1983, 437-440.
R.D. Haak, “A study and new interpretation of qsr npš”, JBL 101, 1982, 161-167.
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2, 1951, 373-376.
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T. Harviainen, “§el§ah in 1 Sam. 10:2.” (SO 51, 8), Helsinki 1979.
J. Heineman, “Once again melekh ha-colam”, JJewS 15, 1964, 149-154.
J.G. Heintz, “Aux origines d’une expression biblique: ãmãšã qerbû in A.R.M. , X/6, 8’ ?”, VT 21, 1971,
M. Held, “Hebrew ma’gal; a study in lexical parallelism”, JANES 6, 1974,107-116.
B. Hemmerdinger, “Selah”, JThS 22, 1971, 152-153.
R. S. Hess, “Splitting the Adam: the usage of ‘adam in Genesis I-V”, in J.A. Emerton, ed., Studies in the
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A. Ho, §edeq and §edaqah in the Hebrew Bible (AUSt 7; 78), New York 1991 [rev.: BiOr 50/3-4, 1993,
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C.T. Hodge, “Miktam”, in Fs. Leslau 1991 I, pp. 634-644.
C.T. Hodge, “Miktam”, in Fs. Leslau 1991, pp. 634-644.
A.C: Hodge, “‘Elilim’”, AnL 25, 1983, 178-188 [Hebr. ‘lylym < *’il-, ‘ancestor images’].
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C.T. Hodge, “Some Hebrew hapax legomena”, GL 36, 1996, 271-296.
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J. Hoftijzer, “Remarks on the semantics and translation of kim‘aà in biblical Hebrew”, in Fs. Franzaroli,
pp. 207-229.
W.L. Holladay, “Once more, ‘anak = ‘tin’, Amos VII 7-8”, VT 20, 197o, 492-494.
W.L. Holladay, “On Every High Hill and under Every Green Thee”, VT 11, 1961, 170-176 [analysis of the
occurrences of this O.T. phrase].
H. Hommel, “Das Wort karban und seine Verwandten”, Philologus 98, 1954, 132-149..
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P. Humbert, “Le substantif tocēb¿ et le verbe tcb dans l’Ancien Testament”, ZAW 72, 1960, 217-237.
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AsS 18-19, 1965, 247-251.
H.B. Huffmon, S.B. Parker, “A further note on the treaty background of Hebrew y¿dac”, BASOR 184,
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P. Humbert, “Emploi et portée bibliques du verbe y¿§ar et des dérivés substantifs”, BZAW 77 (Fs.
Eissfeldt), 82-88.
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(Jean); RB 54, 1947, 157 (Tournay)].
P. Humbert, “En marge du dictionnaire hébraïque”, ZAW 62, 1949-50, 199-207 [notes on some twelve
words, among them pere’, ‘zebre’ or ‘onagre’?].
P. Humbert, “Étendre la main (Note de lexicographie hébraique)”, VT 12, 1962, 383-395.
P. Humbert, “Dien fait sortir”. Hiphil de y¿§¿‘ avec Dieu comme sujet”, ThZ 18, 1962, 357-361, 433-436.
P. Humbert, “Encore le premier mot de la Bible (A propos d’un article de M. Walther Eichrodt)”, ZATW
86, 1964, 121-131 [reply to W. Eicbrodt, “In the beginning’, Fs. Muilenburg 1962, 1-10].
P. Humbert, L’étymologie du substantif tocēb¿, in Verbannung und Heimkehr, in Fs Rudolph, pp. 157-160.
A.R. Hulst, “Over de betekenis van het woord sµd”, in Fs. Brongers, pp. 37-48 [on the meaning of the
word sµd].
V.(A.) Hurowitz, “The etymology of Biblical Hebrew ‘ayin ‘appearance’ in light of Akkadian šiknu”, ZAH
3, 1990, 90-94.
A. Hurwitz, “The term liškót šárî(y)m (Ez. 40:44) and its position in the cultic terminology of the temple”
(Heb.), ErIs14, 1978, 100-104.
A. Hurwitz, “šcšw‘y twrh in Ps. 119: the origins of the phrase and its linguistic background”, in Fs.
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Talmon, pp. 131 *-135*.
A. Hurwitz, “byt-h’w§r: the history of a biblical aministrative-economic term”, ErIs 24, 1993, 74-78.
A. Hurwitz, “byt-cwlm and byt-qbrwt: two funerary terms in Biblical literature and their linguistic
background”, Maarav 8, 1992, 59-68.
A. Hurvitz, “Continuity and Change in Biblical Hebrew: The Linguistic History of a Formular Idiom from
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W.A. Irvin, “Qrî’ê ha-cedhah”, AJSL 57, 1940, 95-97 [Num. 1, 16 and 26, 9].
W.A. Irwin, “Hashmal”, VT 2, 1952, 169-170.
W.H. Irwin, “The metaphor in Prov 11,30”, Biblica 65, 1984, 97-100 [lqú npšwt = ‘gather life (lives)’].
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F. Israel, “I1 vino della vendemmia precedente a Samaria”, RSO 50, 1976, 275-277 [on a term in the
Samaria ostraca].
L. Jacobs, “The Concept of úasid in the Biblical and Rabbinic Literatures”, JJewS 8, 1957, 143-154.
S. Jacobs, “nfš tḥt nfš ‘A Life for a Life’ and napšāte umalla”, in ANECH, pp. 241-253.
H. Jacobson, Nebel”, ZAW 14, 2001, 84-85.
J. G. Janzen, “Kugel’s adverbial kî Ãôb: an assessment”, JBL 102, 1983, 99-106.
S. Japhet, “yd wšm (Isa 56:5): a different proposal”, Maarav 8, 1992 , 69-80.
E. Jenni, Das Wort colam im Alten Testament, Berlin 1953 (= ZAW 64, 1952, 197-248; 65, 1953, 1-35)
[rev.: Paideia 10, 1955 437 (G. Rinaldi); JThS 5, 1954, 235 (G.R. Driver); RB 61, 1954, 267-268 (R.
de Vaux); JBL 74, 1955, 289-290 (W. Harrelson); RHPhR 35, 1955, 243-244 (R. Martin-Achard);
EphThL 31, 1955, 130-131 (J. Coppens)].
E. Jenni, “Dtn 19,16: sarā >Falschheit=“, in Fs. Cazelles, pp. 201-211.
E. Jenni, “Gehe hin in Frieden (lšlwm/bšlm)”, ZAH l, 1988, 40-46
E. Jenni, “Erwägungen zu Gen 1, 1 ‘am Anfang’”, ZAH 2, 1989, 121-127 [bere’šit ‘im Anfang = in
uranfänglicher Zeit’].
E. Jenni, “Faktitiv und Kausativ von ’BD ‘zugrunde gehen’”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 43-157.
K. Jeppesen, “The verb y¿-cad in Nahum 1,10 and Micah 6,9?”, Biblica 65, 1984, 571-574 [‘to make a
A. Jepsen, “Amah und schiphchah”, VT 8, 1958, 293-297, 425.
A. Jepsen, “§dq und §dqh im Alten Testament”, in Fs. Hertzberg, pp. 78-89.
J. Jeremias, “MIŠPA$ im ersten Gottesknechtslied (Jes. xlii 1-4)”, VT 22, 1972, 31-42.
A. Jirku, “Zu ‘Eilebeute’ in Jes. 8, I. 3”, ThLZ 75, 1950, 118 [on S. Morenz’ article, ThLZ 74, 1949,
A. Jirku, “‘Ajjelet haš-Šaúar (Ps 22, I)”, ZAW 65, 1953, 85-86.
A. Jirku, “Zu Psalm lxviii 3a”, VT 5, 1955, 203-204 [on the form tindop].
A.R. Johnson, “Aspects of the Use of pākîm in The Old Testament”, in Fs. Eissfeldt 1948, pp. 155-160.
A.R. Johnson, “Hesed and hāsîd”, in Fs. Mowinckel, pp. 100-112.
W. Johnstone, “ydc II, ‘be humbled, humiliated’”?, VT 41, 1991, 49-62.
P. Juhás, “Das hebräische Vokabular in 2Kön 15-21”, Kusatu 14, 2011,69-92 (rebellion).
J.P. Justesen, “On the meaning of §¿Äaq”, Andrews Univ. Senminary Studies (Berrien Springs, Mich.) 2,
1964, 53-61.
M. Z. Kaddary,”îLL = ‘bore’, ‘pierce’?”, VT 13, 1963, 486-489.
B. Jongeling, “L’expression my ytn dans l’Ancien Testament”, VT 24, 1974, 32-40.
K. Jongeling, “‘And It Came to Pass’ Again”, in Fs. Diakonoff 2005, pp. 291-326 [on the opening clause
M.Z. Kaddari, “Syntactic presentation of Biblical Hebrew /mṣ=/” (Heb.), in Fs. Kutscher, pp. 18-25.
M.Z. Kaddari, “r’h b- as an expression of empathy in BibIical Hebrew” (Heb.), Mehkarim Belashon 5-6,
1992, 67-78.
M.Z. Kaddari, “lpy hÃp: a diachronic study”, in Fs.Blau, pp. 491-497.
M.Z. Kaddari, “Glosses turned into synonyrns: w’ylw l’wmt z’t mh m’d, hrbh ywter m”, in Fs. Rabin, pp.
M. Kahana, “°yqwr and °ynwy - a study in the exegesis of exegesis” (Heb.), Leshonenu 55, 1991, 77-88.
D.J. Kamhi, “The term tÇcar in Hebrew and its status as a grammatical category”, BASOR 34, 1971,
A.S. Kapelrud, “Nochmals ‘Jahwä m¿l~k’, VT 13, 1963, 229-231.
P. Katz, “The Meaning of the Root qnh”, JJewS 5, 1954, 126-131.
P. Katz, “miqrā’ in der griechischen und lateinischen Bibel”, ZAW 65, 1953, 253-255 [supplement to E.
Kutsch’s article, ZAW 65, 1953, 248-253].
P. Katz, “The Meaning of the Root qnh”, JJewS 5, 1954, 126-131.
A.S. Kaye, “Hebrew tirô(w)š ‘psychoactive drug/opium; juice; sauce’: a study in Wörter & Sachen”,
Diachronica 2, 1985, 267-273.
B. Kedar-Kopfstein, “Glossen zur traditionellen biblischen Philologie (2)”, ZAH 3, 1990, 207-211 [3.
tacalûlîm (Jes 3,4; 66,4); 4. daq / doq (Jes 40,15.22)].
H.C. Kee, “The linguistic background of “shame” in the New Testament”, in Fs. Nida, pp. 133-147.
O. Keel, “Erwägungen zum Sitz im Leben des vormosaischen Pascha und zur Etymologie von PESAî”,
ZAW 84, 1972, 44-434.
E. Kellenberg, “úäsäd wä’ämät als Ausdruck einer Glaubenserfahrung: Gottes Offen-Werden und Bleiben als
Voraussetzung des Lebens (AThAT, 69), Zürich 1982 [rev.: CBQ 46/3, 1984, 547-548 (D. Pardee); ThZ
40/3, 1984, 321-323 (H.-D. Neef); ThL 110,1985, 174-178 (L. Wächter)]. [≠esed, ’emet //§dq, rúm. únn,
Ãwb, kwn, brt]
C.A. Keller, Das Wort OTH als “Offenbarungszeichen Gottes”. Eine philologisch-theologische
Begriffsuntersuchung zum AIten Testament, Diss. Basel, Basel 1946 [rev.: ThZ 5, 1949, 374-376 (W.
J.M. Kennedy, “Hebrew pithôn peh in the book of Ezekiel”, VT 41, 1991, 233-235.
N.K. Kiessling, “Antecedents of the medieval dragon in sacred history”, JBL 89, 1970, 167-177 [Hebrew
terms for dragon and their transl.].
A. Kindler, “Lulav and Etrog as Symbols of Jewish Identity”, in Fs. Moussaieff, pp. 139-145.
M. Kister, “Lexical problems early and late”, (Heb.), Tarbiz 61, 1992, 45-59 
J. Klein, “‘Hadrat Qodeš’ According to the Biblical Literal Sense” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 301-319.
T. Kleven, “The use of *nr in Ugaritic and 2 Samuel V 8: Hebrew usage and comparative philology”, VT
44, 1994, 195-204.
O. Klíma, “P¿q∞Ä - didáskalos”, AO 23, 1955, 481.
Is. Knohl, Sh. Naeh, “Shlomo: mylw’ym and kpwrym”, Tarbiz 62, 1992, 17-44.
R. Köbert, “Zwilling: tô’¿m und te’ôm”, Biblica 35, 1954, 138-139.
R. Köbert, “Eine alte Erklärung von palmônî (Dan. 8, I3)”, Biblica 35, 1954, 270-272.
R. Köbert, “môr¿d (Mi. 1, 4) ‘Tranke’“, Biblica 39, 1958, 82-83.
Kl. Koch, Ҥdq im Alten Testament. Eine traditionsgeschichtliche Untersuchung, Diss. Heidelberg 1953
[cf. ThLZ 79, 1954, 54-55].
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung…. 3. Pelµni”, ThZ 1, 1945, 303-304;
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung…. 1. Sche’µl. 3. Karm¿l = Junghorn. 4. Pargµsch ‘der
Floh’”, ThZ 2, 1946, 314-315, 469-470.
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. Bed∞l und bed∞l∞m. S∞g, s∞g∞m = Bleiglätte; Pūk: I. schwarze
Schminke, 2. Hartmortel; Zwei Fachwöter der Bausprache in Jesaja 28, 16; Hebräisches j姿 und
Markus 8, 11, 471, ThZ 3, 1947, 155-156; 232-234; 314-318; 390-393, 471.
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. Loch- und Ringbrot”; L¿bµn und Weihrauch; Gēb∞m
(Heuschrecken-) Schwärme; Äschp¿r Dattelkuchen”, ThZ 4, 1948, 154; 233-234: 317; 397-398.
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. Doberot = Flösse”, “Defi = Makel; Dil’¿n = Vorsprung,
Egg“; îar¿bµt Wutausbrüche; ïo≠im Schlupfwinkel; “ïūm heiss, läufig; “Zābal tragen, ertragen”,
ThZ 5, 1949, 74-75; 75; 151-152; 228; 314; 314-315; 395.
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. “Bāzā’ = fortschwemmen”; $app = Nicht oder wenig
Marschfähige; M¿cµg I. Konige 17, 12”, ThZ 6, 1950, 316-317; 387-388; 472-473.
L. Koehler, “Die Grundstelle der Imago-Dei-Lehre, Genesis I, 26”, ThZ 4, 1948, 16-22 [on §elem and
L. Koehler, “Jod als hebräisches Nominalprafix”, WO 5, 1950, 404-405.
L. Koehler, “Vom hebraischen Lexikon”, OTS 8, 1950, 137-155.
L.Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. Rēschīt ‘Anfang’ und die Veränderung von Vokalfolgen
im Hebräischen”, ThZ 7, 1951, 317-318 [cf. ThZ 7, 1951, 395-396 (H. Bruppacher)].
L. Koehler, “Vier Marginalien”, ZAW 64, 1952, 195-196 [2. Gen. 9, 4. Eine Frage der Aussprache. 4. Zu
einer Frage der Transkription].
K. Koenen, “Maskil – ‘Wechselgesang’: Eine neue Deutung zu einem Begriff der Psalmenüberschriften”,
ZAW 103, 1991, 109-112 [‘antiphony’].
L. Kogan, S. Tishchenko, “Lexicographic Notes on Hebrew bamah”, UF 34, 2002, 319-352.
S. Kogut, “’yš h’lwhym (‘The Man of God’) and mytt nšyqh (‘Death by a Kiss’): The Linguistic
Basis of the Erotic Concept of Two Expressions in Midrashic Interpretation” (Heb.), in Fs. Bar-Asher I,
pp. 273-283.
O. Komlós, “tukkû leraglek¿ (Deut. XXXIII 3)”, VT 6, 1956, 435-436.
O. Komlós, “The Meaning of úlk’ym-úlkh”, JSS 2, 1957, 243-246 [Ps. 10, 8, 14 and Ps. 10, 10].
L. Kopf, Studies in Arabic and Hebrew lexicography, ed. by M.H.Goshen-Gottstein, Jerusalem 1976.
W. Kornfeld, “qdš und Gottesrecht in Alten Testament”, VTS 32 (Congress Volume: Vienna 1980), pp. 19.
W. Kosior, “Aniołw Biblii hebrajskiej: pojęcie mlʔk w ujęciu statystycznym i hermeneutycznym”, Stjud 12/12 (23-24), 2009, 57-79 (The angel in the Hebrew Bible: the idea ofl mlʔk from the statistics and
hermeneutic perspectives”).
H. Kosmala, “The term geber in the Old Testament and in the Scrolls”, in VTS 20 (Congress Volume:
Rome 1968), pp. 159-169.
H. Kosmala, “Maškil”, JANES 5, 1973 (1974), 135-241.
Ad. Kosman, “pysqyn and bybr” (Heb.), Leshonenu 57, 1993, 191-202.
I. Kottsieper, “Zur Etymologie von hebr. šb’ I”, UF 22, 1990, 149-168.
J. L. Kraemer, “Šeqa’arãrÇt: A proposed solution for an unexplained hapax”, JNES 25, 1966, 125-129
[Lev. 14, 37].
S. Krauss, “The Explanation of the Term yrty klh”, Tarbiz 20, 1949 (Fs. Epstein), 123-132.
S. Krauss, “Moriah-Ariel”, PEQ 79, 1947, 45-55, 102-111.
S. Kreuzer, “Zur Bedeutung und Etymologie von his^tah.awah / yštúwy”, VT 35, 1985, 39-60.
J.S. Kselman, “A note on w’n9hw in Isa 57:18”, CBQ 43, 1981, 539-542.
J.L. Kugel, “The adverbial use of kî tôb”, JBL 99, 1980, 433-435.
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[field-approach to ’ys, cm, ’dm & gwy]
L. Kutler, “Laurence: A ‘strong’ case for Hebrew mar”, UF 16, 1984, 111-118.
L. Kutler, “A ‘strong’ case for Hebrew mar”, UF 16, 1984, 111-118 [mrr ‘strong’].
Er. Kutsch, “miqr¿’”, ZAW 65, 1953, 248-253 [cf. P. Katz, ZAW 65, 1953, 253-255 ].
Er. Kutsch, “Die Etymologie von berît (Kurzfassung)”, ZDMG, Suppl 1/1, 1970, 356-361.
Er. Kutsch, “Sehen und Bestimmen. Die Etymologie von BERYT”, in Fs. Galling, pp. 165-178.
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L. J. Kuyper, “The meaning of úsdw Isa. XL 6.”, VT 13, 1963, 489-492.
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C. J. Labushagne, “Teraphim: A new proposal for its etymology”, VT 16, 1966, 115-117.
C.J. Labuschagne, “The našû-nadânu formula and its Biblical equivalent”, in Fs. Beek, pp. 176-180.´
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J. Lach, “Niektóre nazwy biblijne okreslajace modlitw”, PF 45, 2000, 353-365 (Some biblical words
denoting prayer).
W.G.E. Lambert, “A further note on tohu wabohu”, UF 20, 1988 (1989), 135.
G. Laminger-Pascher, “Hebrïasch ’ēzµb in einer grichieschen. Inschrift”, Sprache 20, 1974, 133-135.
W.R. Lane, “Newly recognised occurrences of the weight-name pym”, BASOR 164, 1961, 21-23.
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F. Langlamet, “Josué, II, et les traditions de l’Hexateuque”, RB 78, 1971, 5-17; 161-183; 321-354 [Section
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A. Lemaire, “Le Sabbat à l’époque royale israélite”, RB 80, 1973, 161-185 [etymology of the word šabbāt,
p. 172- 174].
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D. Levene, “’A Happy Thought of the Magicians’, The Magical GeÔ, in Fs. Moussaieff, pp. 175-184.
J. D. Levenson, “A technical meaning for ncm in the Hebrew Bible”, VT 35, 1985, 61-67.
G. Levi della Vida, “Nota a RSO, XX V, 27-29: 39-40” [cf. S. Cavalletti, RSO 25, 1950, 27-29: nw’ym in
S. Levin, “Something stolen: a Semitic participle and an Indo-European neuter substantive”, in Fs.
Lehmann, pp. 317-339 [Gr. kléptos, Heb. bignebotow].
B.A. Levine, “The netînîm”, JBL 82, 1963, 207-212.
E. Levine, “Distinguishing ‘air’ from ‘heaven’ in the Bible”, ZAW 88, 1976, 97-99.
B.M. Levinson, “Recovering the lost original meaning of wl’ tksh ‘lyn (Deuteronomy 13:9)”,- JBL 115,
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J. Lewy, “Origin and Signilication of the Biblical Term ‘Hebrew’“, HUCA 28, 1957, 1-13.
C.E. L’Heureux, “The yelîdê hārāpā’: a cultic association of warriors”, BASOR 221, 1976, 83-85.
J. L’Hour, “Les interdits tô’ēb¿ dans le Deutéronome”, RB 71, 1964, 481-503.
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1991, 479-482.
E. Lipiński, “In search of the etymology of some Semitic loan-words”, in Fs. Ehrman, pp. 325-333 [3.
Hebr. qesita/qšyṭh “ewe, lamb”].
E. Lipiński, “Y~hweh mâl~k”, Biblica 44, 1963, 405-460.
E. Lipiński, “Trois hébraismes oubliés ou méconnus”, RSO 44, 1969, 83-101 [1. mrúwq lgwr, “de-ci
de-la”. 2. byt húpšyt, “léproserie”. 3. šlš pcmym, “efficacement”]
E. Lipiński i, “Nešek and tarb∞t in the light of epigraphic evidence”, OLP 10, 1979, 133-141.
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S.E. Loewenstamm, “gšm and m/rtbyt”, JBL 88.1969.78-80.
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O. Loretz, “îbr in Jb 16, 4”, CBQ 23, 1961, 293-294.
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O. Loretz, “BERIT ‘Band-Bund’“, VT 16, 1966, 239-241.
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O. Loretz, “‘d m’d ‘Everlasting Grand One’ in den Psalmen”, BZ 16, 1972, 245-2481 [comment by O.
Rickenbacher,’Dahood und Texttreue. Eine Replik’, BZ 17, 1973, 264].
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O. Loretz, “Ug. Ãbn u. hebr. Ãwb ‘Regen’: Regenrituale beim Neujahrsfest in Kanaan und Israel (Ps
68:126)”, UF 21, 1989, 247-258.
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O. Loretz, “Díe postmortale (hímmlische) Theoxeníe der npš ‘Seele, Totenseele’ ín ugarítísch-bíblischer
Sícht nach Psa1m 16,10-11. Díe Ablösung der ugarítísch-kanaanäischen rapi’?ma/Rôphe’îm/Rephaîm
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F. Luciani, “Camminare davanti a Dio. I-IV”, Aevum 47, 1973, 287-297; 468-476; 48, 1974, 477-499; 49,
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F. Luciani, “Il verbo š¿kar in Aggeo 1,6”, Aevum 46, 1972, 498-501.
A. Lyavdansky, “Gam in the poophetic Discourse”, BaBi 1, 2004, 231-250.
D. Lys, Nèphèsh. Histoire de l’âme dans la révélation d’Israël au sein des religions proches-orientales
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NTStud 12, 1965-66, 188-191 (G. Johnston); RB 72, 1965, 610-611 (J.P. Audet)].
D. Lys, Rûach. Le souffle dans l’Anlcien Testament (Études d’hist. et de philosophie religieuses 56), Paris
1962 [rev. : Biblica 44, 1963, 544-545 (P. Beauchamp)].
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M. Malul, “Law in the narratives: a study of the expressions hîkîrû and yihem wayyîtēb becēnê in 2 Sam
3:36”, JNSL 17,1991, 23-36.
J. Margain, “À propos de l’hébreu ri(‘)š(ôn)”, GLECS 32, 1988-1994, 55-57.
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Perlitt, Bundestheologie im Alten Testament, 1969).
A.A. Macintosh, “A consideration of Hebrew gcr”, VT 19, 1969, 471-479.
A.A. MacIntosch, “The meaning of mklym in Judges XVIII 7”, VT 35, 1985, 68-77 [‘speaking with
Mafico,T.L. J., Yahweh’s Emergence as ‘Judge’ among the Gods: A Study of the Hebrew Root Špt.
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2: Anmerkungen. (Ägypten und Altes Testament 6/1-2), Wiesbaden 1983 [ 2. Etym. Untersuchung, 265322 : man < MNN ‘dünn, fein sein’] [Rev.: VT 37, 1987, 241-242 (H.G.M. Williamson); CBQ 49, 1987,
479-480 (J.F. Craghan); WZKM 77, 1987, 229-230 (G. Sauer); BZ 31, 1987, 126-127 (J. Schreiner);
JNES 49, 1990, 362-363 (D. Pardee)].
A. Malamat, “ki ’t rglym r§th wyl’wk’ (Jer. 12:5)” (Heb.), in Fs. Talmon, pp. 77*-79*.
M. Malessa, “Biblisch-Hebräisch dibber ’el/le- und dibber cīm/’ēt”, in Fs. Muraoka, pp. 333-340.
M. Malessa, “Zur Semantik des Verbs NTN G ‘geben’ mit der Präposition ’el statt 1-”, FO 40, 2004, 337343.
M. Malul, “More on paúad yi§h¿q (Genesis XXXI 42, 53) and the oath by the thigh”, VT 35, 1985, 192-200
[< Aram. pahad ‘thigh’].
J. Marböck, “qw - eine Bezeichnung für das hebräische Metrum?”, VT 20, 1970, 236-239.
R. Marcus, “The Phrase úokmat yewanit”, JNES 13, 1954, 86.
J. Margain, “Yakhol et l’expression de la modalité ‘pouvoir’”, GLECS 14, 1969-1970, 47-64.
M. Margaliot, “Šmwt g, ṭw : zh šmy lclm / wzh zkry ldr dr [Ex. 3:15b]”, in Fs. Kutscher, pp. 26-39.
B. Margalit, “Two Hebrew cruxes”, ZAH 3, 1990, 95-97 [I. ‘l-yr wmqwm úgwr ….].
O. Margalith, “mekōrētēhem (Genesis XLIX 5)”, VT 34, 1984, 101-102 .
O. Margalith, “The meaning of cplym in 1 Samuel V- VI”, VT 33, 1983, 339-341 [‘Apollo’s brand’].
O. Margalith, “Keleb: homonym or metaphor?”, VT 33, 1983, 491-495 [keleb1 = ‘dog’ vs. keleb2 = ‘slave,
O. Margalith, “bgdy secrãd = fine linen from Colchis?”, ZATW 95, 1983, 430-431.
O. Margalith, “A note on šelîšîm”, VT 42, 1992, 266.
B. Margulis, “Of brides and birds: a reply to M. Lichtenstein”, JANES 4, 1972, 113-117.
U. Masing, “Der Begriff úesed im Alttestamentlichen Sprachgebrauch”, in Charisteria Johanni Kopp
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U. Masing, “Die ‘Hand’ im a1ten Testament und die estnische Übersetzung”, in F. de Sivers, ed., La main et
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(France), 9-12 Septembre 1980 (LACITO-documents, Eurasie 6), Paris 1981, pp. 213-222.
M. Masson, “La grace et l’infamie: remarques sur les deux sens de l’hébreu úésed”, 24-28/2, 1979-84, 341357.
B.A. Mastin, “The meaning of hala’ at Daniel IV 27”, VT 42, 1992, 234-247.
B.A. Mastin: “What do miqneh and beh*mâ mean in Genesis XXXIV 23, XXXVI 6; Numbers XXXI 9,
XXXII 26?”, VT 45, 1995, 491-515.
J. Mauchline, “The Uses of yaúad and yaúdāu in the Old Testament”, TGUOS 13, 1947-49, 51-53.
H,G. May, “Ephod and Ariel”, AJSL 46, 1939, 44-69.
H,G. May, “cal ...’ in the superscriptions of the Psalms”, AJSL 48, 1941, 70-83.
M.L. Mayer, “Note etimoIogiche, III”, Acme 17, 1984, 223-229 [1. Lat. imber, Akk. imbaru. 2. Gr.
‘ímeros, ‘ímertos, Akk. imertu. 3. Heb. lḥm, milḥamah, Hitt. laḫḫaya. 4. Akk. padānu/paddānu, Skr.
panthan-. 5. Heb. ’īš, Hitt. išḫa]
S.V. McCasland, “‘Abba, Father’“, JBL 72, 1953, 79-91.
Th. F. McDaniel, “PhiloIogical studies in Lamentations. I, II”, Biblica 49, 1968, 27-53; 199-220 [1.
Lexical studies. 2. Syntactic elements]
W. Mckane, “ŠPY(Y)M with special reference to the book of Jeremiah”, in Fs. Cazelles, pp. 319-335.
W. McKane, “mś’ in Jeremiah 23, 33-40”, in Fs. Fohrer, pp. 35-54.
W.F. Meyer, Semantic significance of padah in Old Testament Hebrew, Diss. Univ. of Wisconsin 1974
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M. Michel, “næpæš als Leichnam? ”, ZAH 7, 1994, 81-84.
J. Milgrom, “Two priestly terms °q§ and Ãm’”, Tarbiz 60, 1991, 423- 428.
A.R. Millard, “cls ‘to exult’”, JThS 26, 1975, 87-89.
A.R. Millard, “The etymology of Eden”, VT 34, 1984, 103-106 [cēden is considered a West Semitic word, cf.
Aram cdn, ‘enrich, make abundant’].
P.D. Miller, “Yāpîac in Psalm xii 6”, VT 29, 1979, 495-501.
T.C. Mitchell, “The Old Testament Usage of neš¿mâ”, VT 11, 1961, 177-187.
T.C. Mitchell, “The meaning of the noun útn in the Old Testament”, VT 19, 1969, 93-112.
S. Mittmann, “ûgebûl ‘Gebiet’ oder ’Grenze’?”, JNSL 17, 1991, 37-44.
N. Mizrahi,”A Body Refigured: The Meaning and History of Hebrew BDN”, JAOS 130, 2010, 541-549.
G. Molin, “What is a kidon?”, JSS 1, 1956, 334-337.
L. Monsengwo Pasinya, La notion de nomos dans le Pentateuque grec (AnBi 32 / Recherches Afr. De
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J. Morgenstern,”The ‘bloody husband’ (?) (Exod. 4:24-26) once again”, HUCA 34, 1963, 35-70 [1. Introd.
2. The various interpretations of Exod. 4 24-26. 3. The etym. evolution of útn. 4. Exod. 4.24-26
L. Morris, “The Biblical Use of the Term ‘Blood’“, JThS 3, 1952, 216-227.
W. Morrow, “‘To Set the Name’ in the Deuteronomic Centralization Formula: A Case of Cultural
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S. Moscati, “Sull’etimologia di kôkāb”, Biblica 27, 1946, 269-272.
S. Mowinckel, “šḥl”, in Fs.Driver, pp. 95-103.
S. Mowinckel, “The verb šiaú and the nouns šiaú, siú¿ “, STh 15, 1961, 1-10.
S. Mowinckel, “Rive and/or ride in O.T.”, VT 12, 1962, 278-299.
M. J. Mulder, “Versuch zur Deutung von sokènet in 1. Kön. 12,4”, VT 22, 1972, 43-54.
M.J. Mulder, “Hayil in het hoek Ruth, een vertalprobleem”, in M. Boertien et al., Verkenningen in een
stroomgebied. Proeven van Oudtestamentisch onderzoek ter gelegenheid van het afschied van Prof.
Dr. M. A. Beek van de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam 1974, pp. 120-131.
M.J. Mulder, “Bedeutet >§ym in 1 Reg 513 “Pflanzen”?, ZAW 94, 1982, 410-412.
M.J. Mulder, “pacam as a measure of length in 1 Kings 7.4 and KAI 80. 1”, in Fs. Fensham, pp. 177-181
H.-P. Müller, “Das Wort von den Totengeistern Jes. 8, 19f”, WO 8, 1975, 65-76.
H.-P. Müller, “Zur Semantik von *úalipā (Ijob 10, 17; 14,14 u.ó.)”, ZAH 1, 1997, 123-133.
T. Muraoka, “BibIical Hebrew philological notes (2)”, JSAI 15,1992, 43-54 [V. baqar & §’n; V. Part.: N
or V?; IX. nênû = “both of us”? X. t¿qµmn¿ or tqumen¿?].
T. Muraoka, “’Three of them’ and ‘the three of them’ in Hebrew”, ANES 38, 2001, 215-1216.
A. Murtonen, The Living Soul. A study ot the meaning ot the Word næfæš in the Old Testament Hebrew
language (SO 23, 1), Helsinki 1958 [rev.: JRAS 1959, 57 (A.S. Tritton)].
A. Murtonen, “The Use and Meaning ot the Words lebarek and berakah in the Old Testament”, VT 9,
1959, 158-177, 330.
N. Nacaman, “From Conscription of Forced Labor to a Symbol of Bondage: mas in the Biblical
Literature”, in Fs. Klein, pp. 746-758.
Sh. Naeh, “Interpretation and lexicography: the case of qdm”, in StMH , pp. 305-322 [revised translation
of Mehkarim Belashon 5-6, 1992, 277-313].
Sh. Naeh, M.P. Weitzman: “Tīrōš - wine or grape?: a case of metonymy”, VT 44, 1994, 115-120.
A. NegoiÛŒ, “Le sens des mots chabod KBWD et ghedolah GDWLH dans l’Ancien Testament”, SAO 1,
1957, 249-257.
J.T. Nelis, “Sir 18,15”, in Fs. Van der Ploeg, pp. 173-184 [1. La fonction de ‘šr. 2. rwp’ est-il épithete de
Dieu? 3. Péché et maladie. 4. Le sens de ytgbr. 5. Deux fois lpny. 6. ystwgr].
F.J. Neujberg, “An Unrecognized Meaning of Hebrew dôr”, JNES 9, 1950, 215-217.
E.W. Nicholson, “The meaning of the expression cam ha’are§ in the Old Testament”, JSS 10, 1965, 59-66.
E.W. Nicholson, “The problem of §nú“, ZAW 89, 1977, 259-266.
E.W. Nicholson, “The meaning of the expression cam ha’are§ in the Old Testament”, JSS 10, 1965, 59-66.
E.W. Nicholson, “The problem of §nú“, ZAW 89, 1977, 259-266.
H. Niehr, “Zur Etymologie und Bedeutung von ’šr 1”, UF 17, 1985, 231-235.
E. Nissan, “Lo schema onomasiologico di due paia lessicali dell’ebraico biblico: ṣefi‘îm vs. ṣefi‘ôt, e
ṣe'eṣā’îm vs. ṣō’ā o ṣ' ā con un paragon con la polisemia di sciôt ticinese e circumlariano”, AuOr 29/2,
2011, 311-316.
B.J. Noonan, “Hide or Hue? Defining Hebrew taḥaš”, Biblica 93/4, 2012, 580-589.
R. North, “The Derivation of Sabbath”, Biblica 36, 1955, 182-201 [(I) Ethnological preliminary. (2)
Hebrew lexicographical study. (3) Sabbath and seventh equated. (4) šabattu, šabbaton and atonement.
(5) Influence of the moon. (6) Vagaries of lunar phases. (7) Humanitarian and sociological factors].
F. Nötscher, “Entbehrliche Hapaxlegomena in Jesaia”, VT 1, 1951, 299-302.
F. Nötscher, “Heisst k¿bµd auch ‘Seele’“?, VT 2, 1952, 358-362.
Tz. Novick, “Naming normativity: the early history of the terms šûrat ha-dîn and lifnîm miš-šûrat ha-dîn”,
JSS 55/2, 2010, 391-406.
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G.S. Ögden, “The interpretation of dwr in Ecclesiastes 1.4”, JSOT 34, 1986, 91-92.
G.S. Ogden, “Notes on the use of hwyh in Exodus IX 3”, VT 17, 1967, 483-484.
G.S. Ogden, “Time, and the verb hyh in O.T. prose”, VT 21, 1971, 451-469.
J.P.J. Olivier, “A possible interpretation of the word §iyyâ in Zeph. 2,13”, JNSL 8, 1980, 95-97.
S.M. Olyan, “A suggestion regarding the derivation of the Hebrew noun mērēa”, JSS 56/2, 2011,
A.I. Oppenheim, “A Note on §ôn barzel”, IEJ 5, 1955, 89-92.
H.M. Orlinsky, “Studies in the St. Mark’s Isaiah Scroll. III. Masoretic úmh in Isaiah XLII, 25”, JJewS 2,
1950-51, 151-154.
H.M. Orlinsky, “‘ēr’ in the Old Testament”, JAOS 59, 1939, 22-37
H. M. Orlinsky, “Madhebah in Isaiah XIV 4”, VT 7, 1957,202-203.
H. M. Orlinsky, “The Plain Meaning ot ruaú in Gen. 1, 2”, JewQR 48, 1957-58, 174-182.
G. Östborn, Torā in the Old Testament. A semantic study, Diss. Lund Univ. 1945 [rev.: BiOr 3, 1946, 8
(Haldar); Svensk teol. Kvartalskr. 22, 1946, 377-380 (Hammershaimb); JJewS 1, 1948-49, 159-160 (D.
W. Thomas)].
Y. Ousato, “Tthe meaning of the Verbs bw' and hlk in Biblical Hebrew” (Jap.), KG 9, 1988, 95-101
D. Pardee, “merôrāt-petanîm ‘venom’ in Job 2O 14”, ZAW 91, 1979, 401- 416.
D. Pardee, “Marîm in Numbers V”, VT 35, 1985, 112-115 [‘il1ness’].
H.v.D. Parunak, “A semantic survey of núm”, Biblica 56, 1975, 512-532.
Sh.M. Paul, “Daniel 12:9: A Technical Mesopotamian Scribal Term”, in Fs. Weinfeld, pp. 115-118.
Sh.M. Paul, “Hebrew §îr(îm) and Its Interdialectal Equivalents”, in Fs. Klein, pp. 759-763.
N. Pavoncello, “Gli ‘hapax legomena’ nella Bibbia”, Sefarad 18, 1958, 10-28.
N. Pavoncello, “Gli ‘hapax legomena’ nella Bibbia (Cont.)”, Sefarad 19, 1959, 283-300.
B. Pelzl, “Der hebräische Bauausdruck *’aedaen” .Ein Beitrag zur Exegese und Lexikographie des AT”,
BZ 19, 1975, 41-49.
R. Péter, “pr et šwr”: note de lexicographie hébräique”, VT 25, 1975, 486-496.
T. Petit, “L’évolution sémantique des termes hébreux et araméens púh et sgn et accadiens paḫātu et
šaknu”, JBL 107, 1988, 53-67.
A. Phillips, “Nebalah: a term for serious disorderly and unruly conduct”, VT 25, 1975, 237-242.
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proverbs 8, 30a), Roczniki Biblijne (Lublin) 1 (56), 2009, 103-126.
D. Plataron, “Zum Gebrauch des Wortes mlk im Alten Testament”, VT 28, 1978, 286-300.
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B. Podolsky, “Notes on Hebrew Etymology”, in IOS XVIII, pp. 199-205 [kad, nūl, ’rg, ḥor, 'aššūaḥ, ’elīl,
M.H. Pope, “The word šaúat in Job 9, 31”, JBL 83, 1964, 269-278.
J.R. Portee, “Samson’s riddle: Judges XIV. 14, 18”, JThS 13, 1962, 106-109 [on ’ry ‘honey’].
L. Prijs, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung. 1. §ll Hifil. 2. schūb Hifil”, ThZ 5, 1949, 152-153.
L. Prijs, “Eine schwierige grammatikalische Form in Prov. 14, 3”, ThZ 5, 1949, 395.
W.H. Propp, “On Hebrew °¿de(h), ‘highland’”, VT 37, 1987, 230-236.
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R. Pytel, “Zur Exegese von Ps. 135, 17”, FO 2, 1969, 239-244 [on the text cpcyn yš rwú bpyhm].
C. Rabin, “Hebrew d = ‘Hand’“, JJewS 6, 1955, 111-115.
Ch. Rabin, “Etymological Miscellanea”, ScrH 8, 1961, 384-400 [25 notes, inter alia on ‘hl Qal, bn-’wny
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. Rabinowitz, “The Guides of Righteousness”, VT 8, 1958, 391-404 [o the expression mwrh §dq].
J. J. Rabinowitz, “An Additional Note on br’š”, VT 9, 1959, 209-210.
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U. Rapallo, “Calchi-errori nelle antiche versioni del Levitico”, AGI 55, 170, 29-46.
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R. Ratner, “Derek: morpho-syntactical considerations”, JAOS 107, 1987, 471-473.
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H. Rechenmacher, “šabbat[t] - Nominalform und Etymologie”, ZAH 9, 1996, 199-203.
W.L. Reed, “Some Implications of úen for Old Testament Religion”, JBL 73, 1954, 36-41.
M. Rehm, “Das Wort calmāh in Is 7, 4”, BZ 8,I 1964, 89-101.
J. Reider, “Miscellanea Hebraica”, JJewS 3, 1952, 78-86 [20 short linguistic notes].
P.V. Reid, “šbÃy in 2 Samuel 7:7”, CBQ 37, 1975, 17-20.
S.C. Reif, “A note on a neglected connotation of NTN”, VT 20, 1970, 114-116.
S.C. Reif “A note on gcr”, VT 21, 1971, 241-244.
M. Reisel, “The relation between the creative function of the verbs cśh - yṣr - br’ in Isaiah 43:7 and 45:7,
in Fs. Beek, pp. 65-79.
B. Renaud, Je suis un Dieu jaloux. Évolution sémantique et signification théologique de qine’ah (Lectio
divina 36), Paris. 1963 [rev. : Biblica 44, 1963, 545-546 (P. Beauchamp)].
G. Rendsburg, “Double polysemy in Genesis 49:6 and Job 3:6,48-51”, CBQ 44, 1982, 48-51.
G. Rendsburg, “Hebrew rúm = ‘rain’”, VT 33, 1983, 357-362.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Greenspahn’s Hapax legomena”, JQR 75, 1985, 410-412.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Hebrew św/yḥ and Arabic šḫḫ”, in Fs. Ehrman, pp. 419-430.
G.A. Rendsburg, “More on Hebrew šibbōlet”, JSS 33, 1988, 255-258.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Talpiyyôt: (Song 4: 4)”, JNWSL 20, 1994, 13-19.
G.A. Rendsburg, “l¿sûaú in Genesis XXIV 63”, VT 45, 1995, 558-559.
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G.A. Rendsburg, “Hebrew Philological Notes (II)”, Hebrew Studies 42, 2001, 187-195.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Hebrew Philological Notes (III)”, Hebrew Studies 43, 2002, 21-30.
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G.A. Rendsburg, “sāpûn: Deuteronomy 33:21”, HUCA 81, 2010, 17-42.
R. Rendtorff, “Zum Gebrauch der Formel ne’um jahwe im Jeremiabuch”, ZAW 66, 1954,27-37.
J. Renkema: “Does Hebrew ytwm really mean ‘fatherless’?”, VT 45, 1995, 119-122.
J. T. E. Renner, A Study ot the Word goral in the Old Testament, Diss. Heidelberg 1958, North Adelaide
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P. Reymond, “Un tesson pour ‘ramasser’ de l’eau a la mare (Esaie XXX, I4)”, VT 7, 1957, 203-207.
H.N. Richardson, “Some Notes on lî§ and its Derivatives”, VT 5, 1955, 163-179.
H.N. Richardson, “Skt (Amos 9:11): ‘booth’ or ‘succoth’?”, JBL 92, 1973, 375-381.
W. Richter, “Die n~g§d-Formel. Ein Beitrag zur Erhellung des n~g§d-Problems”, BZ 9, 1965, 71-84.
N.H. Ridderbos, “cpr als Staub des Totenortes”, OTS 5, 1948, 174-178.
J. Ridderbos, “Jahweh malak’“, VT 4, 1954, 87-89 [on L. Koehler’s interpretation of the opening words
of Ps. 93, 1, VT 3, 1953, 188].
S. Rin, “The mwú of Grandeur”, VT 9, 1959, 324-325.
G. Rinaldi, “Postille semitistiche. I. kaì ’egéneto – wahwā – wajehî”, Aegyptus 29, 1949, 91-101.
G. Rinaldi, “Note ebraiche”, Aegyptus 34, 1954, 35-62 [(1) Os 1, 2, 4, 6, 9. (2) Os. 7, 9. (3) Os. 10, 5;
Soph. 1, 4. (4) Am. 8, 5. (5) Am. 9, 1. (6) Mich 7, 6; Ps. 73, 15. (7) Hab. 2, 1. (8) Nah. 3, 6. (9) Lev)
12 (t,.hr; t,.ohorat). (9) Is 40, 28c. (10) Is. 53, 11. (11) Ps. 8, 2. (12) Ps. 36, 1. (13) Lam. 4, 10. (14)
Dan. 11, 18. (15) qnh I “fare, creare”, II “acquistare”].
J.J.M. Roberts, “The hand of Yahweh”, VT 21, 1971, 244-251 [on this expression in the O. T.]
A. Robinson, “The meaning of rî and the dubiety of the form harrê and its variants”, VT 24, 1974,
B. P. Robinson, “Jonah’s qiqayon plant”, ZAW 97, 1985, 390-403.
A. Rofé, “‘No Ephod or Teraphim’ – oude hierateias oude dēlōn: Hosea 3:4 in the LXX and in the
Paraphrases of Chronicles and the Damascus Document”, in Fs. Weinfeld, pp. 135-149.
V.M. Rogers, “The Use of r’š in an Oath”, JBL 74, 1955, 272.
S. Romerowski, “Que signifie le mot úesed”, VT 40, 1990, 89-103.
H.B. Rosen, “Let¿’¿” (Heb.), Leshonenu 17, 1950-51, 173 [note on the etymology of the Hebrew word for
M. Rottenberg, “The meaning of payyôm in 8 places in the Bible” (Heb.), Leshonenu 48-49, 1983-84, 60-62 .
M: Rottenberg, “Conceming the use of the verb gml” (Heb.), Leshonenu 48-49, 1985, 281-283.
M.T. Rubiato Díaz, “*’aggún: el término, el tipo”, Sefarad 46, 1986, 411-420.
F. Rundgren, “Hebrew qana ‘create’, Eranos 83, 1985, 169-174.
F. Rundgren, “Das Wort für ’segnen’ im Althebräischen”, in Fs. Collinder, pp. 391-396 [brk].
W. Rudolph, “Ein Beitrag zum hebräischen Lexikon aus dem Joelbuch”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 244-250
H.P. Rüger, “Das Tor des Königs” - der königliche Hof”, Biblica 50, 1969, 247-250 [apropos of H. Wehr,
Islam 39, 247-260 and O. Loretz, W0 4, 104-108].
H.P. Rüger, ´amôn Pflegekind: Zur Auslegungsgeschichte von Prv. 8:30a.”, in Fs. Hulst, pp. 154-163.
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Sh. Safrai, “The term drk ’r§”, Tarbiz 60, 1991, 147-162.
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H.W.F. Saggs, “The Branch to the Nose”, JThS 11, 1960, 318-329 (Ezek. 8, 17).
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S. Segert, “Semitistische Marginalien”, ArOr 29 (1961) 80-118 [1. Neue Beiträge zur hebräischen
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57, 1952, 51-56 (A Murtonen); Seligson’s reply: ibid. 165-171; ibid. 244-245 (A. Murtonen); RHR
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Pfeiffer); OLZ 50, 1955, 137 (R. Meyer); Biblica 36 1955, 120 (P. Nober)].
B. Septimus, “Macamad Har-Sinai and other Macamadot”, in Fs. Bar-Asher I, pp. *160-*184.
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S. Shaviv, “nābî’ and nāgîd in 1 Samuel IX 1-X 16”, VT 34, 1984, 108-113 [1. nābî’, ‘prophet’ and nābî’.
‘we shall bring’. 2. nāgîd, ‘prince’ and higgîd, ‘to tell’. 3. nāgîd: etym. and meaning.]
R.H. Shearer, A contextual analysis of the phrase ‘al-tira’ as it occurs in the Hebrew Bible and in selected
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NThTs 9, 1954-55, 107-108 (H. A. Brongcrs)].
J. A. Soggin, “Osservazioni filologico-linguistiche al secondo capitolo della Genesi”, Biblica 44, 1963,
521-530 [1. L’expression c‘§ haddacat Ãôb w¿r¿c, v. 9, 17. 2. La formule betôk hagg~n, v. 9 (cf. 3, 3). 3.
La phrase bejôm ’akolk~. . . . môt t¿mût, v. 17 (cf. 3, 4). 4. Le sujet de wãle’~d~m lo m~s,.~, v. 20b].
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E. A. Speiser, “ÃwÃpt”, JewQR 48, 1957-58, 208-217.
E. A. Speiser, “‘People’ and ‘Nation’ of Israel”, JBL 79, 1960, 157-163 [on the terms c¿m and gµ y in the
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W. Thiel, “Hēfēr berît. Zum Bundbrechen im Alten Testament”, VT 20, 1970, 214-229.
G.J. Thierry, “Notes on Hebrew Grammar and Etymology”, OTS 9, 1951, 1-17 [(I) hod. (2) ‘el-. (3) *kun.
(4) waw copulativum and consecutivum. (5) yacan-. (6) Psalm XXIII. (7) Kaftor. (8) m. (9) úay].
D.W. Thomas, “Notes on h¿d¿cat in Daniel XII, 4”, JThS 6, 1955, 226.
D.W. Thomas, “A Note on bemadd¿§ak¿ in Eccles. X. 20”, JThS 50, 1949, 177.
D.W. Thomas, “ml’w in Jeremiah IV. 5: a military term”, JJewS 3, 1952 47-52.
D.W. Thomas, “A Note on mûcedîm in Jeremiah 24, I”, JThS N.S. 3, 1952, 55.
D.W. Thomas, “Note on bal-yādeca, h in Proverbs 913”, JThS 4, 1953, 23-24.
D.W. Thomas, “Note on l¿dacat in Job 37, 7”, JThS 5, 1954, 56-57.
D.W. Thomas, “Note on nôcādū in Amos III”, ThS 7, 1956, 69-70.
D.W. Thomas, “The Use of nē§aú as a Superlative in Hebrew”, JSS 1, 1956, 106-109 [an appendix deals
with the meanings of the word in Aram].
D.W. Thomas, “Kelebh ‘Dog’: Its Origin and Some Usages of it in the Old Testament”, VT 10, 1960, 410427.
D.W. Thomas, “§alm¿wet in the Old Testament”, JSS 7, 1962, 191-200.
D.W. Thomas, “’w in Proverbs XXXI 4”, VT 12, 1962, 499-500.
D.W. Thomas, “The text of Jesaia II 6 and the Word Ñpq”, ZAW 75, 1963, 88-90.
D.W. Thomas, “A note on dct in Proverbs XXII 12”, JThS 14, 1963, 93-94.
D.W. Thomas, “A drop of a bucket”? Some observations on the Hebrew text of Isaiah 40, 15”, in Fs.
Kahle, pp. 214-221.
D.W. Thomas, “Hebrew c4nî ‘captivity’“, JThS 16, 1965, 444-445.
D.W. Thomas, “Translating Hebrew c~°~h”, BT 17, 1966, 190-193.
D.W. Thomas, “Some observations on the Hebrew word racän¿n”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 387-397.
H.C. Thomson, “The Significance of the Term ‘asham in the Old Testament”, TGUOS 14,1950-1952,
N.L. Tidwell, “M.T. Isa. 40, 10 (bəú¿z¿q): An approach to a textual problem via rhetorical criticism”,
Semitics 6, 1978, 15-27.
N.L. Tidwell: “No highway!: the outline of a semantic description of mesillâ” VT 45/2, 1995, 251-269.
J.H. Tigay, “Toward the recovery of *poúar ‘company’, in Biblical Hebrew”, JBL 92, 1973, 517-522.
J.H. Tigay, “‘Heavy of mouth’ and ‘heavy of tongue’: On Moses’ speech difficulty”, BASOR 231, 1978,
J.H. Tigay, “Notes on the development of the Jewish week”, ErIs 14, 1978, 111*-121* [Historical and
terminological remarks] (Hebr. summ.: 194).
J.H. Tigay, “On the meaning of Ã(w)Ãpt”, JBL 101, 1982, 321-331.
S.V. Tishchenko, “kekeratōto derma propsōpou Mōsei”, BaBi 1, 2004, 259-266 [qāran côr pānā’w]
H.N. Torczyner, “The Firmament and the Clouds, rāqīac and sheúāqîm”, STh 1, 1947, 188-196.
G. Toloni: “Una singolare occorrenza di y*dîd: l’epiteto yedídey*h (2Sam 12,25), atetstato della
predilezione di YHWH”, Aevum 69, 1995, 15-29.
R.J. Tournay, “Notules sur les Psaumes”, in Fs. Nötscher, pp. 271-280 [I. L’écriture des cieux et le Ps.
XIX, 2-5. II. L’écriture inconnue du Ps. LXXI, 15-16].
R. Tournay, “Le nom du ‘buisson ardent’“, VT 7, 1957, 410-413 [seneh].
R.J. Toumay: “A propos du verbe hūn/h∞n”, RB 101, 1994, 321-3251 [“to be presumptuous, forward,
J. Tropper, “Tmym m YHWY ‘volkommen vor dem Herrn’”, UF 19, 1987, 295-300.
J. Tropper, “Hebräisch zhr2 ‘kundtun, warnen’”, ZAH 8, 1995, 144-148.
M. Tsevat, “Some Biblical Notes”, HUCA 24, 1952-53, 107-114.
D.T. Tsumura, A note on hrnk (Gen 3,16), Biblica 75, 1994, 398-400 [< *hrr >tremble].
D.T. Tsumura: “The earth in Genesis I” - [21618], 310-328 | [on tµhû w¿bµhû].
St.S. Tuell, “A riddle resolved by an enigma: Hebrew glš and Ugaritic gl¨”, JBL 112/1, 1993, 99-121.
C. G. Tuland, “‘Uššayy~’ and ‘ušarnâ. A Clarification ot Terms, Date, and Text”, JNES 17, 1958, 269275.
N.H. Tur-Sinai [Torczyner], “‘wtwt in the Bible and in the Lachish Letters” (Heb.), Tarbiz 20, 1949 (Fs.
Epstein), 49-57.
N.H. Tur-Sinai [Torczyner], “Unverstandene Bibelworte, I”, VT 1, 1951, 307-309.
Y. Tzadka, “m§’ ’šh m§’ Ãwb: a semantic-syntactic analysis of m§’” (Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1992, 353-380.
E. Ullendorff, “The Construction of Noah’s Ark”, VT 4, I954, 95-96 [on the word qnym].
E. Ullendorff, “The meaning of qhlt”, VT 12, 1962, 215.
J.H. Ulrichsen, “JHWH mālā’: einige sprachliche Beobachtungen”, VT 27, 1977, 361-374.
J. Vanderkam, “bhl in Ps 2:5 and its etymology”, CBQ 39, 1977, 245-250.
P.S.F. van Keulen, The meaning of the phrase wn’spt cl-qbrtyk bš1wm in 2 Kings XXII 20”, VT 46, 1996,
C.H.J. van der Merwe, “Is there any difference between yr’ min, yr’ mpny and yr’ ’t?”, JNSL 18, 1992,
M.A. van den Oudenrijn, “‘Eber Hayyarden’“, Biblica 35,1954, 138.
J. van der Ploeg, “Le sens de gibbōr úail”, Vivre et Penser 1941, 120-125.
J. van der Ploeg, “Le sens du verbe hébreu bārā’, étude sémasiologique”, Muséon 59, 1946, 143-157.
J. van der Ploeg, “‘ŠāpaÃ’ et ‘mišpāÃ’”, OTS 2, 1943, 144-155.
J. van der Ploeg, “Notes lexicographiques”, OTS 5, 1948, 142-150 [1. dbr cšq wsrh (Is. Iix, 13). 2. csq
(Prov. vii, 22). 3. qwc (Ez. xxiii, 23)].
J. van der Ploeg, “Les ‘nobles’ israélites”, OTS 9, 1951, 49-64.
J. van der Ploeg, “Les šōterîm d’Israël”, OTS 10, 1954 185-196.
J.P. van der Westhuizen, “Some notes on the term cakk¿bîš”, in Fs. Van Selms, pp. 214-221.
H.J. van Dijk, “A neglected connotation of three Hebrew verbs”, VT 18, 1968, 16-30.
J.H. van Leeuwen, “The meaning of tapyn Lev. 6,14”, ZAW 100, 1988, 268-269.
G. Vanoni, “Zur konnotativen Bedeutung: am Beispiel des althebräischen HLK ’aúárē (‘nachfo1gen’) und
seinen Übersetzungen”, in Fs. Assfalg, pp. 379-387.
A. van Selms, “The etymology of yayin ‘wine’“, JNSL 3, 1974, 76-84.
A. van Selms, “The Origin of the Title ‘the King’s Friend’“, JNES 16, 1957, 118-123 [1 Kings 4, 2-6].
A. van Selms, “The expression ‘The Holy One of Israel’”, in Fs. van der Ploeg, pp. 257-269 [on the
meaning of qdš].
J. van Seters, “The Formula lešakkēn šemô šām amd the Centralisation of Worship in Deuteronomy and
DH”, JNSL 30, 2004, 1-18.
E. van Wolde, R.T. Rezetko, “Semantics and the Semantics of ‫ברא‬: A Rejoinder to the Arguments
Advanced by B. Becking and M. Korpel”, JHS 11, 2011, on line.
F. Vattioni, “Ancora su ben-mešeq di Gen. 15, 2”, RSO 40, 1965, 9-12.
F. Vattioni, “Proverbes, XXX, 15-16”, RB 72, 1965, 515-519 [calûq~h].
F. Vattioni, “A proposito di torm¿h (Giud. 9, 31)”, AION-L 7, 1966, 47-153.
P.H. Vaughan, The meaning of bāmâ in the Old Testament. A study of etymological, textual and archaeological evidence (Society for Old Testament Study, Monograph series 3), London 1974 [rev.: BSOAS
39, 1976, 432-434 (T.L. Fenton); RB 83, 1976, 451 (F. Langlamet); JBL 95, 1976, 303 (B.O. Long);
JThS 27, 1976, 153-155 (P.R.S. Moorey)].
K. Vermeulen, “To see or not to see. the polysemy of the word cyn in the isaac narratives (Gen 17–35),
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 9, 2009, on line.
M. Vervenne, “Hebrew š¿līš Ugaritic ¨l¨”, UF 19, 1987, 355-373.
M. Vervenne: “The lexeme swp (sûph) and the phrase ym swp (yam sûph): a brief ref1ection on the
etymology and semantics of a key word in the Hebrew Exodus tradition”, in Fs. Lipiński, pp. 403-429.
P. Victor, “A note on úoq in the Old Testament”, VT 16, 1966, 358-361.
L. C. Vil’sker, “Evrejsko-arabskie slovari v samaritjanskom rukopisnom sobranii Gosudarstvennoj
publi…noj biblioteki im. M. E. Saltykova-Š…edrina” (The Hebrew-Arabic dictionaries in the collection
of Samaritan manuscrits of Saltykov-Chtchédrine library in Leningrad], in SemJaz, pp. 48-154.
L.H. Vincent, “La notion biblique du haut-lieu”, RB 55, 1948, 244-278, 438-445 [I. Nature et physionomie
du haut-lieu biblique. II. Interprétations étymologiques du bâmâh].
I.N. Vinnikov, “Iz oblasti semitskoj leksikografii”, PSb 64/65, 1956, 87-96 (Semitic lexicographical
notes). [1. Hebr. ‘aqrabbim. 2. Hebr. minhat pittim. 3. Hebr. reah nihoah lejahwe.] [rev.: Arabica 5,
1958, 80-81 (M. Canard)].
I.N. Vinnikov, “L’énigme de ‘cā§µr et cāzµb’“, in Mel. Dupont-Sommer, pp. 343-345.
I.N. Vinnikov, “Iz oblasti semitskoj leksikografii”, PSb 64/65, 1956, 87-96 [Semitic lexicographical notes:
2. Hebr. minúat pittim. 3. Hebr. reaú niúoah lejahwe. [rev.: Arabica 5, 1958, 80-81 (M. Canard)].
A. Vivian, “Struttura e diacronia nello studio del lessico: måšål”, AGI 62, 1977, 1-33.
E. Vogt, “Vox berit concrete adhibita illustratur”, Biblica 36, 1955, 565-566.
E. Vogt, “Ihr Tisch werde zur Falle”, Biblica 43, 1962 79-82.
E. Vogt, “Hat šabb¿t im A.T. den Sinn von ‘Woche’?”, Biblica 40, 1959, 1008-1011.
E. Vogt, “Benjamin geboren ‘eine Meile’ von Ephrata”, Biblica 56, 1975, 30-36.
E. Vogt, “Einige hebräische Wortbedeutungen”, Biblica 48, 1967, 57-74 [1. ‘Voraussagen’ in Is 40-48. 2.
‘Eilig tun’ als adverbielles Verb und der Name des Sohnes Isaias’ in Is 8, 1. 3. Der Mischkrug im A.T.
und der Vergleich in Hl 7. 3. 4. Die Bankettschüssel und der Rat von Sir 31, 14].
F.H. von Meyenfeldt, Het hart (leb, lebab) in het Oude Testament (Diss. Vrije Universitet, Amsterdam),
Leiden 1950 [rev.: BiOr 8, 1951, 192-193 (H.H. Rowley); SC 26, 1951, 102-103 (B. Alfrink); RB 58,
1951, 471-472 (L.G.); JNES 12, 1953,223 (S.H. Horn); Gereformeerd Theologisch Tijdschrift 51,
1951, 90-91 (W.H. Gispen)].
M. von Nordheim-Diehl, “Spricht Ps 110,3 von mišḥār oder miššaḥēr? Ein Plädoyer fûr die masoretgische
Lesart”, KUSATU 10, 2009, 25-37.
G. von Rad, “kiplaym in Jes 40, 2 = Äquivalent?”, ZAW 79, 1967, 80-82.
W. von Soden, “Zur Herkunft von hebr. ‘ebjµ n’ ‘arm’“, MIO 15, 1969, 322-326.
W. von Soden, “Zum hebräischen Wörterbuch”, UF 13, 1981 (1982), 157-164 [1. bṣr in der Erzählung
vom Turmbau zu Babel Genesis 11.2. jkl und miÑÑ‘’t “tragen”. 3. Das Hophal von mãt in Hiob 33,22?
4. >ʕã/Çn~ ‘Wohnung’, nicht ‘Beiwohnen, Beischlaf’. 5. šãp. 7. [sic] hišk§m].
W. von Soden, “Hebráisch naÃar I und II”, UF 17, 1985, 412-414.
W. von Soden, “Hebräische Problemwörter”, UF 18, 1986, 341-344 [1: hitcareb; 2: sanwer∞m /sinnūr∞m u.
akk. sinnurbūm/sinnūru u.á.].
Th.C. Vriezen, “The Term hizza: lustration and consecration”, OTS 7, 1950, 201-235.
Th.C. Vriezen, “’Ehje ’ašer ’ehje”, in Fs. Bertholet, pp. 498-512.
N. E. Wagner, “rinn¿h in the Psalter”, VT 10, 1960, 435-441.
N.M. Waldman, “The dābār rac of Eccel. 8:3, JBL 98, 1979, 407-408.
N. Walker, “The renderings of r¿šôn”, JBL 81, 1962, 182-184.
N. Walker, “What is a n¿bhî?”, ZAW 73, 1961, 99-100.
I. Wartski, “kybwš - connoting Improvement, Addition and Increase” (Heb.), Tarbiz 22, 1950-51, 110-117.
W.G.E. Watson, “Reclustering Hebrew l’lyd-“, Biblica 58, 1977, 213-215.
W.G.E. Watson, “Hebrew “to be happy-. An idiom identified”, VT 31, 1981, 92-95.
W.G.E. Watson, “Allusion, irony and wordplay in Micah 1,7”, Biblica 65, 1984, 103-105 [cf. Ug.=tnn
‘sea-serpent, dragon’ & ‘(prostitute’s) fee’].
J.P. Weinberg, “Netînîm und ‘Söhne der Sklaven Salomos’ im 6.-4.Jh. v.u.Z.”, ZAW 87, 1975, 355-371.
J.P. Weinberg, “Das bēit ’¿bµt im 6.-4. Jh. v.u.Z.”, VT 23, 1973, 400-414.
J.P. Weinberg, “Der ‘cam ha’are§ des 6.-4.Jh. v. u. Z.”, Klio 56, 1974, 325-335.
M. Weinfeld, “Berît - covenant vs. obligation”, Biblica 56, 1975, 120-128
R.D. Weis, “Angels, altars and angles of vision: the case of ’er’elām in Isaiah 33:7”, in Mél. Barthélemy,
pp. 285-292..
E.J. Weisenberg, “The liturgical term melekh ha-colam”, JJewS 15, 1964, 1-56.
E.J. Weisenberg, “Gleanings of the liturgical term melekh ha-colam”, JJews 17, 1966, 47-72 [addenda to
his art. in JJewS 15, 1-56].
Z. Weisman, “The nature and background of b¿úūr in the Old Testament”, VT 31, 1981, 441-450.
M. Weitzman, “Usage and avoidance of the term hcm hnbúr”, Mehkarim Belashon 4, 1990, 101-128.
P. Wernberg-Møller, “A Note on l¿°ûaú ba°°¿deh in Gen. XXIV 63”, VT 7, 1957, 414-416.
G.J. Wenham, “Betûlah ‘a girl of marriageable age’“, VT 22, 1972, 326-348.
C.F. Whitley, “Deutero-Isaiah’s interpretation of §edeq”, VT 22, 1972, 469-475.
C.F. Whitley, “The semantic range of 9esed”, Biblica 62, 1981, 519-526.
C.F. Whitley, “’bÃ. in Joel 2, 7”, Biblica 65, 1984, 101-102 [variant of hbÃ. ‘decline, turn aside from’]
N. Wieder, “‘Sanctuary’ as a Metaphor for Scripture”, JJewS 8, 1957, 165-175.
E. Wiesenberg, “A Note on mzh in Psalm LXXV 9”, VT 4, 1954, 434-439.
St.A. Wiggins, “Wheel, whirlwind or tumbleweed: /ll/ in the Hebrew bible”,
J. Wijngaards, “hw§y’ and hclh. A two-fold approach to the Exodus”, VT 15, 1965, 91-102.
J.R. Wilch, Time and event. An exegetical study of the use of cēth in the Old Testament..., Leiden 1969
[rev.: OLZ 69, 1974, 360-361 (L. Rost)].
F. Willesen, “The Y~l§Ä in Hebrew Society”, STh 12, 1958, 192-210.
G. Williams: “The verb qarab “come near” in Numbers”, BT 45, 1994, 245-247.
H.G.M. Williamson, “On Getting Carried Away with the Infinitive Cosntruct of NŚʔ”, in Fs. Japhet, pp.
Th. Willi, “Gibt es in der Chronik eine ‘Dynastie Davids’. Ein Beitrag zur Semantik von byt”, in Fs. Jenni,
I. Willi-Plein, “úen. Ein Übersetzungsproblem. Gedanken zu Sach. XII 10”, VT 23, 1973, 90-99.
I. Willi-Plein, “ŠWB ŠWBT - eine Wiedererwägung”, ZAH 4, 1991, 55-71.
J.T. Willis, “Qûmāh YHWH”, JNSL 16, 1990, 207-221 [on the meaning of qwm].
T.J. Willis, “Textual and linguistic issues in Isaiah 22,15-25”, ZAW 105, 1993, 377-399 | 6. The meaning
of ytr in verses 23 and 25, 391-392].
A. Witztum, M.I. Bruber, “qwdnyt, qwdnyt’ and qwdnyh” (Heb.), Leshonenu 56, 1992, 147-151
P.B. Wodecki, “šlú dans le livre d’lsaïe”, VT 34, 1984, 482-488 [1. Le sens ‘diplomatico-militaire’. 2. Le sens
A. Wolters: “The meaning of kîšôr (Prov 31:19)”, HUCA 65, 1994 (1995), 91-104 [< Canaanite k*r
A Wolters, “Tthe meaning of santĕrôt (Zech 4:12)”, JHS 10, 2012, on line.
R. Woodhouse, “Hebrew šibbóleth ‘ear of grain; (olive) branch’ and ‘stream, torrent, flood’: an
etymological appraisal”, SEC 1, 2002, 173-189.
R. Woodhouse, “Varia Hebraica 1-3”, SEC 10, 2005, 211-218 [3. Hebrew ḥlh ‘be weak, ill, etc.’: an
etymological parsimony].
J. Wozniak, “Bedeutung und Belege der Schwurformel úaj Jahwe ”, BZ 28, 1984, 245-249 [‘beim Leben
Jahwes’, ‘so wahr Jahwe lebt’].
L.S. Wright, “Mkr in 2 Kings XII 5-17 and Deuteronorny XVIII 8”, VT 39, 1989, 438-448.
T.J. Wright, “Amos and the ’sycomore fig’“, VT 26, 1976, 362-368 [the word bls].
Y. Yadin, “Goliath’s Javelin and the mnwr ‘rgym”, PEQ 1955, 58-69.
A. Yadin, “qol-ha-tinuqôt” (Heb.), Leshonenu 71, 2009, 73-77.
H. Yalon, “A Contribution to Hebrew Lexicology” (Heb.), Melilah 2, 1946, 171-173; 3-4, 1950, 110-118
[cf. Sefarad 13, 1953, 426 (F. Pérez Castro)].
R. Yaron, “Kacet úayyah and koh leúay”, VT 12, 1962, 500-501 [Gen. XVIII 10, 14; 2 Kings IV 16, 17; I
Sam. XXV 6].
R. Yaron, “The meaning of zanaú“, VT 13, 1963, 237-239.
E.J. Young, “wn’š’r ’ny (‘and I was left’), Ezekiel 9:8”, JewQR 42, 1951-52, 319-320.
D.W. Young, “A ghost word in the testament of Jacob (Gen 49:5)?”, JBL 100, 1981, 335-342 [on the
interpretation of mkrtyhm].
L. Young, “cAm construed as singular and plural in Hebrew Biblical texts: diachronic and textual
perspectives”, ZAH 12, 1999, 48-82.
L. Young, “Edah and Qahal as collective nouns in Hebrew bíblical Texts”, ZAH 14, 2001, 68-78.
A.Yuditsky, “DEVAŠ and similar forms”, Leshonenu 71, 2009, 281-285.
I. Zatelli, “BR bar: a sample entry for a database of the semantics of Classical Hebrew, QDLF 5, 1994,
149-156. [1994]
S. Zeitlin, “The Phrase YTLH ‘NŠYM îYYM”, JJewS 8, 1957, 117-118 (comments on N. Wieder’s article,
JJewS 7, 71-76; Wieder’s rejoinder, ibid. pp. 119-121).
A. Zeron, “Das Wort niqp¿, zum Sturz der Zionstöchter (Is. III 24)”, VT 31, 1981, 95-97.
H.J. Zimmels, “Jesus and ‘putting up a Brick’. The meaning of zqp lbynt’“, JewQR 43, 1952-53, 225-228.
M.A. Zipor, “What were the kelābîm in fact?”, ZAW 99, 1987,423-428.
N. Zohar, “Repentance and purification: the significance and semantics of úÃ’t in the Pentateuch”, JBL
107, 1988, 609-618.
H. Zirker, “DRK = potentia?”, BZ 2, 1958, 291-294.
E. Zolli, “Note di lessicografia veterotestamentaria”, Antonianum 21, 1946, 149-154.
E. Zolli, “Note di lessicografia biblica”, Biblica 27, 1946, 127-128; 28, 1947, 147-151 [I. ycp II; II.
E. Zolli, “Note di filologia ed esegesi anticotestamentaria”, Sefarad 8, 1948, 117-124 [1. Lamna§§haú. 2.
mk°’ in Gen. 4, 13. 3. Ps. 11, 7. 4. bclyll’rc Ps. 12, 7].
E. Zolli, “Note di filologia antico-testamentaria”, RSO 26, 1951, 34-38 [I. mūth l¿bbēn e ‘al¿mµth].
E. Zolli, “ypyhw”, Biblica 33, 1952, 441-442.
E. Zolli, “Ãwb II. Una pagina di lessicografia biblica”, Biblica 34, 1953, 121-123.
E. Zolli, “Note di filologia ed esegesi biblica”, Biblica 34, 1953, 563-566 [(1) Il verbo bÃú in Prov 14, 16.
(2) Il verbo bÃú in Ger 12, 5. (3) Prov 26, 17].
E. Zolli, “Il significato di j-ú-ph in Ger. 2, 25”, Sefarad 14, 1954, 363-366.
E. Zolli, “ceyn ’ad¿m (Zach. IX, I)”, VT 5, 1955, 90-92.
E. Zolli, “Contributo alla semantica di ydc”, Sefarad 16, 1956, 23-31.
E. Zolli, “Il significato di RD e RTT in Osea 12, 1 e I3, 1”, RSO 32, 1957 (Fs. Furlani), 371-374.
E. Zurro, “Disemia de br’ y paralelismo bifronte en Job 9,25”. Biblica 62, 1981, 546-547.
6A.14.0. General
St. Norin, “Onomastik zwischen Linguistik und Geschichte”, in A. Lemaire, M. Sæbø, eds., Congress
Volume Oslo 1998 (SVT 80), Leiden 2000, pp. 143-160.
W. Richter, Materialien einer althebräischen Datenbank .. die bibelhebräischen und -aramäischen
Eigennamen morphologisch und syntaktisch analysiert. Unter Mitarbeit von H. Rechenmacher, Chr.
Riepl, (Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache ¡m Alten Testament 47), St. Ottilien 1996.
W. Richter, Materialien einer althebräischen Datenbank.-Nominalformen. Unter Mitarbeit von H.
Rechenmacher, Chr. Riepl (Arbeiten zu Text und Sprache im Alten Testament, 51), St. Ottilien 1998.
J.J. Stamm, Beiträge zur hebräischen. und altorientalischen Namenkunde, Freiburg/Göttingen 1980 [rev.:
OLZ 81/6, 1986, 572-574 (J. Oelsner)].
M.W. Stolper, “A note on Yahwistic personal names in the Murašû texts”, BASOR 222, 1976, 25-28; 224,
1976, 97.
P. Swiggers,”Proper names, languages and scripts”, BNF 19/4, 1984, 381-384 [yhwyšmc bt šwššr§r=
Yehoyišmac (or Yahuyišmac / Yahwiyišmac), daughter of Šawaššaru§ur, syncretistic (Hebrew &
Mesopotamian) onomastic formation on an Achaemenid seal].
H.N. Torczyner, “On Egyptian Ideas and Names in Canaan and the Bible”, RMJE 1, 1947, 105-110 [I. On
the origin of the name Papyrus. II. The alleged Hebrew verb hitrappes, an Egyptian country-name].
M. Weippert, “Azriyau und Azaryau. Zur Unterscheidung israelitischer und judäischer theophorer
Personennamen in keilschriftlicher Wiedergabe”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 379-392.
P. Wexler, “Onomastic bibliography 1979-81: Hebrew & Aramaic”, Onoma 27, 1983-1984, 274-275.
R. Zarębski, “O rytualnyrn aspekcie zmiany imion w Biblii” (On the ritual aspect of names change in the Bible),
in R. Zarębski, ed., Rytuał: język – religia, Łodź 2005, pp. 611-6221.
6A.14.1 Prosopography
6A.14.1.1 Theonymy
6A. General
A. Abela, “U. Cassuto’s alternative explanation of the divine names phenomena within the Abrabam
narrative in Genesis”, in H. Pavlinková, D. Papoušek, eds, The Bible in cultural context, Brno 1994, pp.
An. Partington, “Multilingual Gods”, Names 4211, 1994, 13-17.
Sh. Sharvit, “Jewish traditions of writing and pronouncing divine names along the generations” (Heb.),
Leshonenu 70, 2005, 599-614.
6A. Divine Names
R. Abba, “The Divine Name Yahweh”, JBL 80, 1961, 320-328.
B. Alfrink, “La prononciation ‘Jehova’ du tétragramme”, OTS 5, 1948, 43-62.
B. Alfrink, “Die Aussprache šem¿’ für yehµw¿h”, ThZ 5, 1949, 72-73 [on P. Katz’s article in ThZ 4, 1948,
Sp. L. Allen, The Splintered Divine: A Study of Ištar, Baal, and Yahweh Divine Names and Divine
Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East, Disss. Univ. of Pennsylvania 2011.
K.M. Alomía, Lesser Gods of the Ancient Near East and Some Comparison with Heavenly Beings of the
OId Testament, Diss. Andrews Univ. 1987.
A. Angerstorfer, Der Schöpfergott des Alten Testaments: Herkunft und Bedeutungsentwicklung des
hebräischen Terminus br’ (bara) ‘schaffen (Regensburger Studien zur Theologie, 20) (Diss
Regensburg 1977), Frankfurt a.M. 1979 [rev.: BiOr 37, 1980, 346-347 (C. Houtman); BZ 27, 1983,
116-118 (L. Ruppert); RB 96,13, 1989, 444 (G..l. Norton)].
L.R. Bailey, “Israelite ’El Sadday and Amorite Bêl Sadê”, JBL 87, 1968, 434-438.
R. A. Barclay, “The Origin of the Name YHWH”, TGUOS 15, 1953-54, 44-47.
F. Baumgartel, “Zu den Gottesnamen in den Büchern Jeremia und Ezeckiel”, in Fs.Rudolph, pp. 1-30.
G. Bertram, “cikanós in den griechischen Übertsetzungen des Alten Testament als Wiedergabe von
schaddaj”, ZAW 70, 1958, 20-31.
P. Boccaccio, “I manoscritti del Mar Morto e i nomi di Dio yhwh, ‘l”, Biblica 32, 1951, 90-96.
W.H. Brownlee, “The ineffable name of God”, BASOR 226, 1977, 39-46.
S. T. Byington,”YHWH and ’DNY”, JBL 76, 1957, 58-59.
A. Cooper, “A note on the vocalization of ’aštoret”, ZAW 102/1, 1990, 98-100.
M.J. Dahood, “The Divine Name ‘Eli in the Psalms”, Theological Studies 14, 1953, 452-457.
P.L. Day, An adversary in heaven: satan in the Hebrew Bible (HSM 43), Atlanta, GA 1988 [rev.: BiOr 48,
1991, 621-624 (G. Wanke); JBL 109, 1990, 508-510 (M.S. Moore); JSS 36, 1991, 156-158 (A. Day);
Syria 67, 1990, 531 (A. Cacquot); VT 41, 1991, 374 (R.P. Gordon); ZAW 105/1, 1993, 137 (O.
J.A. Emerton, “Leviathan and ltn : the vocalization of the Ugaritic word fot the dragon”, VT 32, 1982, 327331.
J. de Fraine, “Le ‘démon du midi’ (Ps 91 /90/, 6)”, Biblica 40, 1959, 372-383.
R. de Langhe, “Jahweh, de wolkenrijder”, in HandVlFC 17, pp. 92-97.
M.J. Dahood, “The Divine Name cEli in the Psalms”, Theological Studies 14, 1953, 452-457.
M. Dahood, “Lilith. Heb. LILIT ‘goat-sucker, night-jar’ (Is. xxxiv, I4)”, PEQ 1959, 55-58.
M. Dahood, “An allusion to Koshar in Ezekiel 33. 32”, Biblica 44, 531-532.
M. Dahood, “The composite divine name in Psalms 89,16-17 and 140,9”, Biblica 61, 1980, 277-278.
P.A.H. de Boer, “yhwh as epithet expressing the superlative”, VT 24, 1974, 233-235.
A. Deem, “The goddess Anath and some Biblical Hebrew cruces”, JSS 23, 1978, 25-30.
L. Delekat, “Yáho-Yahwáe und die alttestamentlichen Gottesnamen-korrekturen”, in Fs. Kuhn, pp. 23-75.
M. Delcor, “Astarté et la fécondité des troupeaux en Deut. 7, 13 et parallèles”, UF 6, 1974, 1975, 7-14.
M. Delcor, “Des diverses manières d’ecrire le tetragramme sacre dans les anciens documents hébraïques”,
RHR 147, 1955, 145-173 [1. Le nom de Yahweh dans les manuscrits hébraïques. 2. Le nom de Y. dans
les anthroponymes hébraïques. 3. Le nom divin YHW dans les documents extra-bibliques].
F.M. de Ocaña, “Sobre el nombre de Yahwé”, MEAH 3, 1954, 109-112.
É. Dhorme, “Le nom du dieu d’Israël”, RHR 141, 1952, 5-18 (also in CRAI 1951, 405-415).
É. Dhorme, “Le dieu Baal et le dieu Moloch dans la tradition biblique”, AnSt 6, 1956, 57-61. [Anatolian
Studies …], London]
K. Dronkert, De Molochdienst in het Oude Testament, Diss. Vrije Univ. Amsterdam, Leiden 1953 [rev.:
BiOr 10, 1953, 195-196 (H.H. Rowley); Free University Quarterly 3, 1955, 220-221].
A.-M. Dubarle, “La signification du nom de Jahwe”, RSPh 35, 1951, 3-21.
O. Eissfeldt, “Neue Zeugnisse für die Aussprache des Tetragramms als Jahwe”, in KlSch II, pp. 8I-97.
B.D. Eerdmans, “The Name Jahu”, OTS 5, 1948, 1-29.
O. Eissfeldt, Adonis und Adonaj” (SbSÄW 115, 4), Berlin 1970 [rev.: JSS 17, 1972, 255-256 (J.Gray)].
O. Eissfeidt, “Jahwe Zebaoth”, in Miscellanea Academica. Berolinensia. Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur
Feier des 250jährigen Bestehens des Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin II/1-2, b
Berlin 1950, 2, pp.128-150.
O. Eissfeldt, “’Äheyäh ‘ašär ‘äheyäh und ‘El côl¿m”, FF 39, 1965, 298-300 [on Ex. 3. 14].
S. Esh, (BH) HQ . ‘Der Heilige (er sei gepriesen)’. Zur Geschichte einer nachbiblisch-hebräischen
Gottesbezeichnung (Diss. Univer. Zürich), Leidenl 1957 [rev.: RHR 153, 1958, 113 (G. Vajda); BiOr
16, 1959, 247-248 (E. Wiesenberg); RB 66, 1959, 469-470 (P.B.)].
JJ. Milgrom, “The Desecration of YHWH’s Name: Its Parameters and Significance”, in Fs. Japhet, pp.
S.I. Feigin, “The origin of ’elôh, ‘God’, in Hebrew”, JNES 3, 1944, 259.
A. Finet, “Réflexions sur l’onomastique de Mari et le dieu des Hébreux”, in Mél. Abel, pp. 64-78.
D. N. Freedman, “The Name of the God of Moses”, JBL 79, 1960, 151-156.
Ll. Gaston, “Beelzebul”, ThZ 18, 1962, 247-255.
J.W. Gericke, “YHWH’s personal identity: a philosophical perspective”, JS 21/2, 2012, 200-221.
W.H. Gispen, “Azazel”, in Orientalia Neerlandica. A Volume of Oriental Studies, ublished under the
auspices of the Neederlands’ Oriental Society on the occasion of the twenty-fifth annniversary of its
foundation (May 8th 1845), Leiden 1948, pp. 156-161.
S. D. Goitein, “YHWH the Passionate. The monotheistic meaning and origin of the name YHWH”, VT 6,
1956, 1-9.
Fr. Hartenstein, Das Angesicht JHWHs: Studien zu seinem höfischen und kultischen Bedeutungs
hintergrund in den Psalmen und in Exodus 32-34 (Forschungen zum Alten Testament, 2/55), Tübingen
2008 [rev.: Review of Biblical Literature 7/24/2009 http://www.bookreviews.org, (M.W. Hamilton)].
S. Grill, “Synonyme Engelnamen im Alten Testament”, ThZ 18, 1962, 241-246.
J.F. Healey, “The Nabataean ‘God of the Fathers’”, in Fs. Emerton, pp. 45-57.
W. Herrmann, “Die Verehrung des Gottes El unter der Israeliten”, in Fs. Fronzaroli, pp. 198-206.
D. R. Hillers, “‘Paúad yi§úāq’“, JBL 91, 1972, 90-92.
C.T. Hodge, “Some Hebrew Hapax Legomena”, in Mél. Hodge, pp. 139-160.
C.T. Hodge, “Elilim”, in Mél. Hodge, pp. 115-126.
W.J. Horwitz, “The significance of Rephaim: rm .aby .btk .rpim.”, JNLS 7, 1979, 37-43.
H.B. Huffmon, “Yahweh and Mari”, in Fs. Albright, pp. 283-289.
J. P. Hyatt, “Was Yahweh originally a creator deity?”, JBL 86, 1967, 369-377 [on the original meaning of
the name Yahweh].
P. Katz, “Zur Aussprache von jehw¿h”, ThZ 4, 1948, 467-469 [rev.: ThZ 5, 1949, 72-73 (B.J. Alfrink),
Katz’ answer ibid. 73-74)].
P. Katz, “yehw¿h = jej¿, yhwh = j¿j¿?”, VT 4, 1954, 428-429.
J. Kinyongo,Origine et signitication du nom divin Yahvé à la lumière de récents travaux et de traditions
sémitico-bibliques (Ex. 3, 13-15 et 6, 2-8) (BBB 35),Bonn 1970.
A. Klawek, “Imie Jahwe w swietle najnowszych dyskusji” (the name Jahwe in the light of the latest
discussions), SprOKrPAN 1964, 101-102.
A. Klawek, “The narne Jahveh in the light of most recent discussions”, FO 27, 1990, 11-12.
A. Klawek, “Les noms hébraïques Jahveh et Elohim”, FO 27, 1990, 5-9.
E.A. Knauf, “Yahwe”, VT 34, 1984, 467-472 [YHWH ‘erweht’ (< Ar. hwy ‘wehen’)].
K. Koch, “Šaddaj. Zum Verhältnis zwischen israelitischer Monolatrie und nordwest-semitischem
Polytheismus”, VT 26, 1976, 299-332.
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung: 2. Der Gottesname Rimmōn, Theologische Zeitschrift 1,
1945, 234-235.
G. Lambert, “Que signifie le nom divin YHWH?”, Nouvelle Revue Théologique 74, 1952, 897-915.
B. Lang, Jahwe, der biblische Gott. Ein Portrait, München 2002 [rev.: UF 35, 2003, 814-817 (O. Loretz)].
J. Lindblom, “Noch einmal die Deutung des Jahwe-Namens in Ex. 3. 14, Annual of the Swedish.
Theological Institute. 3, 1964, 4-15.
H.C. Lutzky, “Shadday as a goddess epithet”, VT 48, 1998, 15-36.
V. Maag, “Jahwäs Heerscharen”, Schweizerische Theologische Umschau 20, 1950, 75-100 (= Fs. Koehler,
27-52) [on the epithet §eba’oth].
E.C.B. Maclaurin, “YHWH, the origin of the tetragrammaton”, VT 12, 1962, 439-463.
E.C.B. MacLaurin,”Shaddai”, Abr-Nahrain 3, 1961-62 (1963), 99-118 [1. Distribution of the name
Shaddai. 2. Etymology. 3. Characteristics of the god El Shaddai. 4. Shaddai and Sadu. 5. Identification
of Shaddai with El. 6. The meaning and form of the name. 7. The root and semantics of dd. 8. Shaddai Hedad - ’Adad].
D. Marcus, “Ugaritic evidence for ‘The Almighty / The Grand One’?”, Biblica 55, 1974, 404-407
B. Margalit, “The meaning and significance of Asherah”, VT 40, 1990, 264-297.
G. Mayeda, “A propos du nom divin”, CFS 26, 1969, 91-97.
R. Mayer, “Der Gottesname Jahwe im Lichte der neuesten Forschung”, BZ 2, 1958, 26-53.
J. Mejía, “El nombre divino Yahweh”, Criterio 26, 1952, 300-303 [rev: Aevum 28, 1954, 68 (A. T.
S. Mowinckel, “The Name of the God of Moses”, HUCA 32, 1961. 121-133.
M.J. Mulder, Bacal in hei Oude Testament, Diss. Vrije Univ., Amsterdam, ‘s-Gravenhage 1962 [rev.: BiOr
20, 1963, 59 (O. Eissfeldt)].
H.P. Müller, “Der Jahwename und seine Deutung Ex 3,14 im Licht der Textpublikationen aus Ebla”,
Biblica 62, 1981, 305-327.
A. Murtonen, A Philological and Literary Treatise on the Old Testament Divine Names ’l, ’lwh, ’lhym
and yhwh (SO 18, XVIII,I), Helsinki 1952 [rev.: Teologinen Aikakauskirja 57, 1952, 369-372 (A.
Lauha); Murtonen’s reply, ibid. 78, 1953, 40-44; ibid. 44-47 (A. Lauha); JThS 4, 1953, 303 (G.R.
Driver); BiOr 12, 1955, 141-142 (H. H. Rowley)].
S. Norin, “Jô-Namen und Jehô-Namen” VT 29, 1979, 87-97.
S.I.L. Norin, Sein Name allein ist hoch: das Jhw-haltige Sufflx althebräischer Personennamen untersucht
mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der alttestamentliche Redaktionsgeschichte (Coniectanea Biblica, Old
Testament Series 24), Lund 1986 [rev.: ThL 112, 1987, 258-260 (J. HelIer); ThRev 83, 1987, 275-276
(J. Scharbert); VT 37, 1987, 379 (J.A. E[merton]); CBQ 49, 1987, 648-649 (C.T. Begg); STK 63/3,
1987, 126-127 (S. Hidal); JBL 107, 1988, 122-123 (E.D. Mallon); SASc 6, 1988, 175-178 (J.
Bergman); JNES 50, 1991, 142-143 (D. Pardee)].
J. Obermann, “The Divine Name YHWH in the Light of Recent Discoveries”, JBL 68, 1949, 301-323 [1.
Hebrew ‘anî yahwê and Phoenician yqtl’nk. 2. YHWH as a proper name. 3. YHWH as a nomen
agentis’. 4. Evolution of the epithet].
G.H. Parke-Taylor, Yahweh: The divine name in the Bible, Waterloo, Ontario 1975 [rev.: RB 87, 1980,
631 (J.M. de T[arragon]); CBQ 38, 1976, 583-584 (L. Boadt)].
W.L. Reed, The Asherah in the Old Testament, Fort Worth, Tx 1949 [rev.: JAOS 69, 1949, 177 (J.B.
J. Reider, “A New Ishtar Epithet in the Bible”, JNES 8, 1949, 104-107.
S. C. Reif, “Dedicated to únk”, VT 22, 1972, 495-501.
M. Reisel, The Mysterious Name ot Y.H.W.H. The tetragrammaton in connection with the names of Ehyeh
ašer Ehyeh - H¿h¿ - and Šem Hammephôraš (Studia Semitica Neerlandica 3) (Diss. Amsterdam), Assen
1957 [rev.: BiOr 14, 1957,247 (H.H. Rowley); Biblica 39, 1958, 232-233 (W.L. Moran); JJewS 9,
1958, 85 (A. Neher); OLZ 54, 1959, 164-165 (O. Eissfeldt)].
R. Rendtorff: “’El als israelitische Gottesbezeichnung”, ZAW 106, 1994, 4-21.
M. Rosé, Jahwe: Zum Streit um den alttestamentlichen Gottesnamen (Theologische Studien 122), Zürich
H. Rouillard, “El Rofé en Nombres 12, 23”, Semitica 37, 1987, 17-46.
E. Schild, “On Exodus III I4 – ‘I am that I am’“, VT 4, 1954, 296-302.
M. H. Segal, “El, Elohim, and YHWH in the Bible”, JewQR 46, 1955-56, 89-115.
G.J. Thierry, “The Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton”, OTS 5, 1948, 30-42.
D.W. Thomas, “Examination of the word Belial”, in J. Neville Birdsall, R.W. Thomson, eds., Biblical and
Patristic studies in memory of Robert Pierce Casey, Freiburg i-Br. 1963, pp. 11-19.
M. Tsevat, “Studies in the Book of Samuel. IV. Yahweh êeba’ot”, HUCA 36, 1965, 49-58.
M. Tsevat, “The Canaanite God Salah”, VT 4, 1954, 41-49, 322 [discusses the name of the Patriarch
Methuselah and other personal names].
J. Vergote, “Une théorie sur l’origine égyptienne du nom de Yahweh”, EphThL 39, 1963 (Mélanges
Ryckmans), 447-452 [on N. Walker’s artticle, ZAW 70, 1958, 262-265]
A. van Selms, “A forgotten god: laḥ“, in Fs.Vriezen,pp. 318-326 (especially in names: Methuselah,
Bethlehem, etc.).
L. Viganò, Nomi e títoli di YHWH alla luce del semitico del Nordovest (Biblica et Orientalia 31), Roma
1976 [rev.: RB 84, 1977, 455-456 (R. Tournay); OA 16, 1977 79-81 (G.Garbini); CBQ 39, 1977, 576577 (D.R. Hillers); Aevum 52, 1978, 130-134 (F. Luciani); Muséon 91, 1978, 251 (P.M. Bogaert); JSS
24, 1979, II 1-112 (A. Caquot) JNES 40, 1981, 69-70 (D. Pardee); BZ 27, 1983, 102-104 (W. Gross)].
W. Vischer, “Eher Jahwo als Jahwe”, TbZ 16, 1960, 259-267 [on the pronunciation of the
W. von Soden, “Jahwe ‘Er ist, Er erweist sich”, WO 3, 3 1966, 177-187.
N. Walker, The Tetragrammaton. Its Origin, Meaning and Interpretation, West Ewell, Epsom 1948.
N. Walker, “Elohim and Eloah”, VT 6, 1956, 214-215.
N. Walker, “Yahwism and the Divine Name Yhwh”, ZAW 70, 1958, 262-265.
N. Walker, “A New Interpretation of the Divine Name ‘Shaddai’“, ZAW 72, 1960, 64-66.
B.N. Wambacq, L’épithète divine Jahvé Seba’ot. Étude philologique, historique et exégétiquc, Bruges
/Paris 1947 [rev.: RB 55, 1948, 581-590 (De Vaux); JBL 68, 1948, 377-381 (Albright); ThLZ 75, 1950,
27-29 (O. Eissfeldt)].
M. Weippert, “Erwägungen zur Etymologie des Götternamen ‘El-šaddaj’”, ZDMG 111, 1961, 42-46.
K.W. Whitney, Two Strange Beasts: Leviathan and Behemoth in Second temple and Early Rabbinic
Judaism, Winona Lake IN 2004.
M. Witte, “Vom EL SCHADDAJ zum PANTOKRATOR – Ein Überblick zur israelitisch-jüdischen
Religionsgeschichte”, KUSATU 12-13, 2011, 211-256.
N. Wyatt, “The Meaning of El Roi and the Mythological Dimension of Genesis 16”, in N. Wyatt, ‘There‘s
such Divinity doth Hedge a King’. Selected essays of Nycolas Wyatt on Royal Ideology in Ugaritic and
Old Testament Literatur (Society for Old Testament Study Monographs), Hants/Burlington 2005, pp.
77-84 (= SJOT 8, 1994, 141-151).
F. Zimmermann “‘El and Adonai”, VT 12, 1962, 190-195.
St. Szymik, “Imiona 'El oraz 'Elohim jako okreslania Boga w Biblii Hebrajskiej”, in Fs. Rubinkiewicz, pp.
206-218 (The names 'El and 'Elohim designating God in the Hebrew Bible).
6A.14.1.2. Anthroponymy
6A. General
J. Aquilina, “A comparative study in lexical material relating to nicknames and surnames 9242- [1964]
P.A. Bardis, “Social aspects of personal onomastics among the ancient Hebrews”, in Giornate internazionali di sociolinguistica, Roma 15-17 settembre 1969. Secondo congresso internazionale di scienze
sociali dell’Istituto Luigi Sturzo, Roma 1970?, pp. 683-696.
J. Barr,”The symbolism of names in the 0ld Testament”, BJRL 52, 1969-70, 11-29.
D. J. A. Clines, “X, X ben Y, ben Y: personal names in Hebrew narrative style”, VT 22, 1972, 266-287.
A. Demsky, ed., These are the Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics, vols. I-V, Ramat Gan 1997-2011.
O. Eissfeldt, Renaming in the Old Testament, in Fs. Thomas I, pp. 69-79.
J. Fichtner, “Die etymologische Ätiologie in den Namengebungen der geschichlichen Bücher des Alten
Testaments”, VT 6, 1956, 372-396.
T. Givón, “Complex NP’s, word order and resumptive pronouns in Hebrew”, in PCSF, pp. 136-145.
D.M. Harduf, Biblical proper names. A symbolic interpretation, Toronto 1979.
M. Hutter, “Iranisches Sprachgut in den hebräischen Namenlisten derf Bücher Esra und Nehemia”,
KUSATU 9, 2010, 83-95.
A.J. Jones, Dictionary of Old Testament proper names, Grand Rapids MI 1990 [rev.: Names 40, 1992, 6669 (K.B. Harder)].
A.F. Key, “The giving of proper names in the Old Testament”, JBL 83, 1964, 55-59.
A. Klawek, “Onomastyka biblijna” (Biblical onomastics), ZNUJ 60 (Prace język, 5) 1963, 413-414.
M. Klarberg, “Sound patterns and Hebrew names”, JewLR 1, 1981, 97-107.
J. Krašovec, The Transformation of Biblical Proper Names (Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
studies, 418), New York 2010 [rev.: CBQ 74/1, 2012, 132-134 (P.B. Harvey Jr.); RBL 2012
[http://www.bookreviews.org] (Jeremy Hutton)].
S.C. Layton, Archaic features of Canaanite personal names in the Hebrew Bible, Atlanta GA 1990 [rev.:
ZAW 104, 1992, 300 (I. Kottsieper); VT 44/1, 1994, 128-129 (J.A. Emerton)].
A.R. Millard, “Assyrian royal names in Biblical Hebrew”, JSS 21, 1976, 1-14.
L. Mykytiuk, “Corrections and updates to ‘Identifying Biblical persons in northwest Semitic inscriptions
ofd 1200-539 B.C.E.’”, Maarav 16, 2009, 49-132.
O. Odelain, R. Séguineau, Dictionnaire des noms propres de la Bible, Préface de R. Tournay, Paris
1978,2e éd [rev. : Onomastica 26, 1981, 287-289 (K. Golebiowski)].
Ts. Sadan, “‘International’ forms of Biblical Hebrew personal names: their adoption and adaptation in the
international planned language Esperanto”, LPLP 32, 2008, 253-268.
J.J. Stamm, Beiträge zur hebräischen und altorientalischen Namen kunde. Zu seinem 70. Geburtstag hrsg.
von Ernst Jenni und Martin A. Klopfenstein (OBO 30), Freiburg (Schweiz) / Göttingen 1980 [Coll. of
15 studies, published before in various periodicals and miscellanies. With >Ein persönliches Wort des
Jubilars’ and a bibliography of his publ.] [rev.: BNF 17, 1982, 403-404 (K. Hecker); CBQ 44, 1982,
701 (K.J. Cathcart); ZA 71, 1981/1, 153-157 (H.-P. MüIler); OLZ 81, 1986, 572-574 (J. Oelsner)].
A. Strus, Nomen - omen: la stilistique sonore, des noms propres dans le Pentateuque (Analecta Biblica
80), Rome 1978 [rev. : RB 87, 1980, 148 (. T [ournay]); Q 43, 1981, 117-119 (R.C. Culley)] [BZ 26,
1982, 108-109 (J. Scharbert)].
D. Talshir, “The significance of different orthography in personal names” (Heb.), Mehkarim Belashon 5-6,
1992, 225-244.
6A. Personal Names
E.I. Andersen, R.S. Hess, Names in the study of biblical history. David, Yhwh names, and the role of
personal names (Buried History Mongraphs, 2), Melbourne 2007 [rev.: BiOr 66, 2009, 641-642 (B.
Sh. Arbeli-Raveh, “Michal, the Daughter of Saul” (Heb.), in Fs. Avishur, pp. 93-101.
M. C. Astour, “Sabtah and Sabteca: Ethiopian pharaoh names in Genesis 10”, JBL 84, 1965, 422-425.
N. Avigad, “Yehûd or Hacîr?”, BASOR 158, 1960, 23-27 [on the stamped jar-handles of the Persian
N. Avigad, “New names on Hebrew seals” (Heb.), ErIs 12, 1975, 66-71.
M. Avioz, “The Names Mephibosheth and Ishbosheth Reconsidered", JANES 32, 2012, 11-20.
P.-R. Berger, “Zu den Namen ššb§r und šn’§r (Esr 1 8.II, 5 4.16 bzw. I Chr 3 18)”, ZAW 83, 1971, 98-100.
P.R. Berger, “Der Kyros-Zylinder mit dem Zusatzfragment BIN II Nr. 32 und die akk. Personennamen im
Danielbuch”, in ZA 64, 11975, 192-234.
J. Blau, “Bibelhebräische Nomina, die auf patah-cayin enden” ZDMG 1I8, 1968, 257-258 [on K. Aartun’s
article, ZDMG I17, 247-265].
G. R. Cardona, “I nomi dei figli di Tôgarm¿h secondo il Sépher Yôsêphôn”, RSO 41, 1966, 17-28.
A. Cody, “Le titre égyptien et le nom propre du scribe de David”, RB 72, 1965, 381-393.
J. L. Cunchillos, “Genese, 17,20 et KTU 2.10:5-7: à propos de shm’l”, RB 92, 1985, 375-382.
M. Dahood, “The name yišm¿‘’ēl in Genesis 16, 11”, Biblica 49, 1968, 87-88.
A. Demsky, “The genealogy of Gibeon (I Chronicles 9:35-44): Biblical and epigraphic considerations”,
BASOR 202, 1971, 16-23.
A. Demsky, “Yerushalaiim (Jerusalem) and other Hebrew names in the dual form”, in P19ICOS 2, pp. 7984.
Y. Devir, “Yišay the Bethlehemite (An explication of the Name in the Bible)” (Heb.), Leshonenu 25,
5721/1960-61, 20-23 (cf. M. Na’or, ibid. pp. 197-198)].
J. Elayi, “Le sceau du prêtre Hanan fils de ’ilqiyahu”, Semitica 36, 1986, 43-46.
T. Fenton, “Nimrod’s cities : an item from the rolling corpus”, in Fs. Emerton, pp. 2331.
J.D. Fowler, Theophoric personal names in Ancient Hebrew: a comparative study (JSOT, Suppl. Series,
49), Sheffield 1988 [RSF 17, 1989, 307 (P. Xella); VT 39, 1989, 246-248 (J.A. E[merton]); JAOS 111,
1991, 817-818 (D.M. Pike); JBL 109, 1990, 316-317 (J.J.M. Roberts); JSS 35, 1990, 135-138 (P.
Wernberg-Møller); ZAW 101/3, 1989, 458 (H.-C. S[chmitt]); CBQ 5211, 1990, 115-118 (Z. Zevit)].
M. Fraenkel, “Abraham und Aron. Zwei Beiträge zur biblischen Namensforschung”, BiOr 19, 1962, 213216.
M. Garsiel, Biblical names: a literary study of Midrashic derivations and puns, Ramat Gan 1991 [rev.:
Names 40, 1992, 66-69 (K.B. Harder)].
M. Garsiel, “Puns upon proper names and place names in the Book of Samuel”, in Fs. Goshen-Gottstein,
pp. 105-120.
M. Görg, “Mirjam - ein weiterer Versuch”, BZ 23, 1979, 285-289.
M. Görg, “Der Name im Kontext: Zur Deutung männlicher Personennamen auf -at im Alten Testarnent”,
in Fs. Richter, pp. 81-95.
P. Grelot, “Ariok”, VT 25, 1975, 711-719.
R. Hachlili, “Names and nicknames of Jews in Second Temple times” (Heb.), ErIs 17, 1984, 188-211.
A. Hanson, “Philo’s etymologies”, JThS 18, 1967, 128-139 [on Philo’s etymologies of Hebrew names].
G.F. Hasel, “Linguistic considerations regarding the translation of Isaiah Shear-Jashub. A reassessment”,
Andrews Uniersity. Seminary Studies) 9, 1971, 36-46.
J. Heller, “Der Name Eva”, AO 26, 1958, 636-656 [1. ḥawwāh. 2. ḥawwōt. 3. ḥiwwî].
T. Ilan, “Note on the spelling of narnes in the Second Temple Period” (Heb.), Lesonenu-52, 5748/1988, 37.
A. Klawek, “Etymologia wazniejszych imion biblijnych” (on the etymology of some Biblical names),
SPrOKrPAN 1964, 57-59.
L. Koehler, “Altestamentliche Wortforschung. Der Personenname Age”, ThZ 4, 1948, 153-154.
L. Koehler, “Vier Marginalien”, ZAW 64, 1952, 195-196 [1. Surmubelos].
W. Kornfeld, “Beiträge zur alttestamentlichen Namenforschung”, in Fs. Vööbus, pp. 213-218.
S. Kreuzer, Schubaël - ein scheinbare Ausnahme in der Typologie der israelitischen Namengebung”, ZAW
93, 1981, 443-445.
S.C. Layton, Archaic features of Canaanite personal names in the Hebrew Bible, Atlanta GA 1990 [rev.:
ZAW 104, 1992, 300 (I. Kottsieper); VT 44/1, 1994, 128-129 (J.A. Emerton)].
S.C. Layton, “The Semitic root *glm and the Hebrew narne ´Alaemaet”, ZAW 102/1, 1990, 80-941.
A. Lemaire, “Asriel, šr’l, Israël el l’origine de la confédération israélite”, VT 23, 1973, 239-243.
A. Lemaire, “’bšc1: anthroponyme hébreu fantôme”, ZAH 3, 1990, 212-21 3.
R. Lemosín, “Estudios filológico-derásicos acerca de Ester y el Irán antiguo. (I) El nombre Hãdassâ(h); (II) El
nombre Mordekay, AuOr 1, 1983, 93-96; 209-213.
E. Lipiński, “Peninna, Iti’el et l’athlète”, VT 17, 1967, 68-75.
E. Lipiński, “L’étymologie de ‘Juda’“, VT 23, 1973, 380-381.
G. Lisowsky, Die Transkription der hebräischen Eigennamen des Pentateuch in der Septuaginta, Diss.
Basel Univ. s.d.
R. Loewe, “Jerome’s Treatment of an Anthropopathism”, VT 2, 1952, 261-272 [the root *nḥm].
S. Loewinger, “Esau dans Ob. 6 (Jer. XLIX, 10)”, REJuiv 10, 1949-50, 93-94.
H.C. Lutzky, “The narne ‘Cozbi’ (Numbers XXV 15, 18)”, VT 47, 1997, 546-549.
E.C.B., Maclaurin, “Joseph and Asaph”, VT 25, 1975, 27-45.
A. Malamat, “On the Akkadian transcription of the name of king Joash”, BASOR 204, 1971, 37-39.
B.A. Mastin, “The Theophoric Elements yw and ywh in Proper Names in Eighth-Century Hebrew
Inscriptions and the Proper Names at Kuntillet cAjrud”, ZAH 17-20, 2004-2007, 109-135.
H.-P. Mathys, “’Künstliche’ Personennamen im Alten Testament”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 128-249.
P.K. McCarter, “Yaw, son of Omri”: a philological note on Israelite chronology”, BASOR 216, 1974, 5-7
C.G. Merlini, “Gli schemi morfo-sintattici dei nomi propri femminili in ebraico biblico”, QDLF 6, 1995,
R. Meyer, “Melchisedek von Jerusalem und moresedek von Qumran, VTS 15, 1966, 228-239.
A.R. Millard, “The meaning of the name Judah”, ZAW 86, 1974, 216-218.
A.R. Millard, “Assyrian royal names in Biblical Hebrew”, JSS 21, 1976, 1-14.
A.R. Millard, “yw and yhw names”, VT 30, 1980, 208-212.
M. Mulzer, “Zur Etymologie von Ahimaaz”, BN 49, 1989, 17-24.
A. Murtonen, Hebrew, in its West Semitic setting: a comparative surveyof non Masoretic Hebrew dialects
and traditions. Part one: A comparative lexicon, section A: Proper names (Studies in Semitic languages
and linguistics 13), Leiden 1986.
J. Mykytiuk, Identifying Biblical Persons in Northwest Semitic Inscriptions of 1200 – 539 B.C.E. (SBL.
Academia Biblica, 12), Leiden 2004 [rev.: Maarav 15, 2008, 207-210 (J.S. Burnett)].
J. Naveh, “Miscellanea onomastica Hebraica”, Semitica 39, 1990, 59-62.
S. Norin, “yw-narnes and yhw-names. A reply to A.R. Millard”, VT 30, 1980, 239-240.
K. Oberhuber, “Eva, aus Adams “Rippe” genommen - Mutter des Lebens”. Nochmals zu Genesis 2, 21-23
und 3, 20”, in Fs. Finsterwalder, pp. 457-460 [summary: ti “Rippe”, “nehmen”, “leben” / Akk. §ēlu,
la/eqû, balāÃu | Hebr. šēlac, luqqeúā, úawwā | Gr. pléura, etc.].
H. Rechenmacher, Althebräische Personennamen (LOS II/1), Mûnster 2012.
G.A. Rendsburg, “Baasha of Ammon”, JANES 20, 1991, 57-61.
A. Scheiber, “War der Name Balaam gebräuchlich bei den Juden?”, in Fs. Germanus, pp. 35-37.
Th. Schneider, “The Philistine Language. New Etymologies and the Name ‘David’”, UF 43, 2011, 569580
A. Sima, “Nochmals zur Deutung des hebräischen Namens Otni'el”, BN 106, 2001, 47-51.
J.A. Soggin, “ ‘Heber der Qenit’ Das Ende eines biblischen Personen namens?, VT 31, 1981, 89-92.
J.J. Stamm, “Der Name des Königs David”, in VTS 7 (Congress volume : Oxford, 1959), pp. 165-183.
J.J. Stamm, “Der Name des Königs Salomo”, ThZ 16, 1960, 285-297.
J.J. Stamm, “Hebräische Ersatznamen”, in Fs. Studies Landsberger, pp. 413-424.
J.J. Stamm, “Hebräische Frauennamen”, in Fs. Baumgartner, pp. 301-339.
J.J. Stamm, “Zwei alttestamentliche Königsnamen”, in Fs. Studies Albright, pp. 443-452 [Rehabeam and
J.J. Stamm, “Eine Gruppe hebräischer Personennamen”, in Fs. Beek, pp. 230-240.
J.J. Stamm, “Namen rechtlichen Inhalts”, in H. Donner, et al., Hrsg., in Fs. Zimmerli, pp. 460-478.
J.J. Stamm, “Der Name des Propheten Amos und sein sprachlicher Hintergrund”, in Fs. Fohrer, pp. 137142.
J.J. Stamm, “Der Narne Jeremia”, in G. Deling, Jüdische Lehre und Frömmigkeit in den paralipomena
Jeremiae, ZAW(B) 100, 1988, 100-1061.
R. Stichel, Die Namen Noes, seines Bruders und seiner Frau . . . - Göttingen 1979 [rev.: OLZ 79/3, 1984,
263-264 (G. Pfeifer)].
A. Strus, “Interprétation des noms propres dans les oracles contre les nations”, in VTS 36 (Congress Volume :
Salamanca, 183), pp. 272-285.
S. Timm, “Anmerkungen zu vier neuen hebräischen Namen”, ZAH 2, 1989, 188-198 [’BŠCL, PLTH,
A. Tronina, “Jeszcze o imieniu Maria(m)”, Ruch Biblijny i Liturgiczny (Kraków) 43, 1990, 127-1301
(Some observtions on the name Maria[m]).
M. Tsevat, “Ishbosheth and congeners: the names and their study”, HUCA 46, 1975, 71-87.
K. van den Toorn, “Ancestors and anthroponims: kinship terms as theophoric elements in Hebrew names”,
ZAW 1081, 1996, 1 -11.
A. van Selms, “Judge Shamgar”, VT 14, 1964, 294-309 [with a study of the name Šamgar]
A. van Selms, “The name Nebuchadnezzar”, in Fs. Beek, pp. 223-229.
W. von Soden, “Mirjām - Maria ‘(Gottes-)Geschenk’“, UF 2, 1970, 269-272.
W. Von Soden, “Zu einigen Ortsbenennungen bei Amos und Micha”, ZAH 3, 1990, 214-220.
J. M. Vosté, “La table ethnographique de Gen. X, d’après Mar Išocdad de Mevw (ca. 850)”, Le Muséon 59,
1946, 319-332.
L. Wächter, “Überlegungen zur Umnennung von Pašúur in M~gôr miss~b§b in Jeremia 20,3”, ZAW 74,
1962, 57-62.
N. Walker, “Adam and Eve and Adon”, ZAW 74, 1962, 66-68.
M. Weippert, Jau(a)m¿r ïumrî: Joram oder Jehu ... ?, VT 28 1978, 113-118.
M. Weippert, “Azriyau und Azaryau. Zur Unterscheidung israelitischer und judäischer theophorer
Personennamen in keilschriftlicher Wiedergabe”, in Fs. Jenni, pp. 379-392.
H. Wildberger, “Die Thronnamen des Messias. Jes. 9, 5b”, ThZ 16, 1960, 314-332.
I. Willi-Plein: “Hebräische Namen”, in NFIHO, pp. 870-872.
L. Yaure, “Elymas - Nehelamite - Pethor”, JBL 79, 1960, 297-314.
S. Yeivin, “Who was Ôµ’ the King of Egypt?”, VT 2, 1952, 164-168 [Suggests that it derives from an
Egyptian title).
R. Zadok, “Geographical and onomastic notes”, JANES 8, 1976 (1977) 113-126 [1. The geogr. and
onomastic background of 2Kgs. 17:24-31; 18:33-19:13].
R. Zadok, “On five Iran. names in the Old Testamnet”, VT 26, 1976, 246-247.
R. Zadok, “On five Biblical names”, ZAW 89, 1977, 266-268 [1.’Elîqa. 2. Na`aratā. 3. Riṣyā. 4. Šîlō. 5.
R. Zadok, “Die nichthebráischen Namen der Israeliten vor dem hellenistischen Zeitalter”, UF 17, 1985,
R. Zadok, “A note on sn’h”, VT 38, 1988, 483-486.
R. Zadok, The pre-Hellenistic Israelite anthroponymy and prosopography (OLA 18), Leuven: 1988 [rev.:
ETL 67, 1991, 159-160 (J. Lust); Kratylos 36, 1991, 174-176 (R. Schrnitt)].
R. Zadok, “Onomastic-Epigraphic Notes”, Tel Aviv 36, 2009, 120-125 (A. “Two anthroponyms in the Old
Testament” [Gwny, Ztw’]).
K.-Th. Zauzich, “Der ägyptische Name der Juden”, in Fs. Porten (Chapter 28), pp. 409-416.
Z. Zevit, “A chapter in the history of Israelite personal names”,- BASOR 250, 1983, 1-16.
Z. Zevit, “Onomastic gleanings from recently published Judahite bullae”, IEJ 38, 1988, 227-234.
F. Zimmermann, “Folk etymology of Biblical names”, VTS. 15, pp. 311-326.
6A. Gentilic Names
W. F. Albright, “The Biblical Tribe of Massa’ and Some Congeners”, in Fs. Levi Della Vida I, pp. 1-14.
P. Bry, “Les ‘Hébreux’ dans la Bible: cibrîm et habiru”, S&C 1, 2008, 39-60.
R. Coote, “The meaning of the name Israel”, HThR 65, 1972, 137-142.
M. Delcor, “Les Kéréthim et les Crétois”, VT 28, 1978, 409-422
G.R. Driver, “Notes on Notes”, Biblica 36, 1955, 71-73 [(1) §iyyîm, ‘Aithíopes’ [Addition to Biblica 35,
A. Guillaume, “The ≠abiru, the Hebrews, and the Arabs”, PEQ 78, 1946, 64-85 [1. The Hebrew
genealogical tradition, 2. The ïabiru in archaeology. 3. The root cbr and its relation to cbr. 4. The form
and meaning of the word ≠abiru].
A.R. Hulst, “Der Name ‘Israel’ im Deuteronomium”, OTS 9, 1951, 65-106.
A. Jepsen, “Die ‘Hebräer’ und ihr Recht”, AfO 15, 1945-51, 55-68 [on the noun cibrî].
A. Jirku, “Neues über die ≠abiru - Hebraer”, JbKAF 2, 1952, 213-214.
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung: 1. Der Name Ammoniter”, Theologische Zeitschrift 1,
1945, 154-156.
L. Kogan, “The Etymology of Isarel (with an Appendix on Non-Hebrew Semitic Names among Hebrews
in the Old Testament”, BuB 3, 2006, 237-255.
A. Lemaire, “Ashdodien et judéen à l’époque perse: Ne 13,24”, in Fs. Lipiński, pp. 153-163.
N.P. Lemche, “’Hebrew’ as a National Name for Israel”, Studia Theologica, Scandinavian Journal of
Theology 33, 1979, 1-23.
E.C.B. Maclaurin, “Anak / ’ánax”, VT 15, 1965, 468-474 [Anak (in the children of Anak of the O.T.) is
supposed to be a Philistine title].
O. Margalith, “The Hivites”, ZAW 100, 1988, 60-70 [Hebr. Ahiví Hitt. Ahhijawa = Eg. Akaiwaja = Gr.
O. Margalith, “On the origin and antiquity of the narne ‘Israel’”, ZAW 102/2, 1990, 225-237 [Postscript:
ZAW 103/2, 1991, 274].
N. Na’aman, “Habiru and Hebrews: the transfer of a social term to the literary sphere”, JNES 45/4, 1986,
R. Nascimbene, “Ancora dei Chabiru”, Athenaeum 29, 1951, 109-115 [on the relationship ≠abiru- cEber].
G. Renddsburg, “The Danites”, ArOr 48, 1980, 150-152.
6A.14.1.3 Toponymy
6A. General
W. Borée, Die alten Ortsnamen Palästinas. 2. Aufl., ergänzt um Namensregister und Nachträge,
Hildesheim 1968 [repr. of the first ed. (Leipzig 1930), augmented with an index and some
supplementary notes].
E. Gass, Die Ortsnamen des Richterbuches in historischer und redaktioneller Perspektive (ADPV =
Abhandlungen des Deutschen Palästine-Vereins 35), Wiesbaden 2005 [rev.: WO 36, 2006, 255-258
(H.-D. Neef); BiOr 63, 2006, 573-575 (J.C. de Vos); BuB 3, 2006, 615-623 (M. Seleznev)].
N. Kadmon, “A bi-scriptual gazetteer of place-names in Israel produced by computer”, Onoma 24, 1980,
D. Kellermann, “Überlieferungsgeschichte alttestamentlicher Ortsnamen”, VT 28, 1978, 423-432
H. Marks: “Biblical naming and poetic etymology”, JBL 114/1, 1995, 21-42.
St. Timm, ed.,, Eusebius von Cäsarea – Das Onomastikon der hebräischen Ortsnamen. Edition der
syrischen fassung mit griechishen Text, englischer und deutscher Übersetzung (TUGAL 151), Berlin /
New York 2005 [rev.: WO 36, 2006, 263-265 (J. Dochhorn)].
T.L. Thompson-F.J. Gonçalves-J.M. van Cahgh, Toponymie palestinienne, Plaine de St. Jean d’Acre et
Corridor de Jérusalem (Publications de l’Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 37), Louvain.la-Neuve
1988 [rev.: JAOS 110, 1990, 766-767 (A.F. Rainey); Muséon 103, 1990, 386 (J. Grand’henry);
OnCan 72, 1990, 90-93 (J.-Y. Dugas); WZKM 80, 1990, 242-244 (A.A. Ambros); AuOr 12, 1994, 246247 (G. del Olmo Lete)].
6A. Place Names
M. Astour, “Benê-Iamina et Jéricho”, Semitica 9, 1959, 5-20.
E.A. Bar-Asher, “An Explanation of the Etymology of the name Ammon in Genesis 19, Based on
Evidence from Nabataean Aramaic and the Safaitic Arabian Dialect”, ZAH 17-20, 2004-2007, 3-10.
I. Ben-David, yoqdecam, yoqte’el (Heb.), Leshonenu 52, 5748/1988, 172-175 [on the aspiration of d and t
after medial séwā].
A.A. Burke, “Tarshish in the mountains of Lebanon: attestations of a Biblical place name”, Maarav 13,
2006, 123-125.
H. Cazelles, “Argob biblique. Ugarit et les mouvements hurrites”, in Fs. Rinaldi, pp. 21-27.
H. Cazelles, “La localisation de Goshen: problèmes de méthode”, in TA, pp. 143-150.
K. C’ereteli, “‘Kartvelisa’ da ‘sakartvelos’ agmnisveli t'erminebi arameul- sa da ebraulsi”, in G.
Paič’adze,ed., Sakertvelosa da kartvelebis ağmnišveli ucxouri da kartuli t’erminologia …, Tbilisi 1993,
pp. 146-152 (Terms designating ‘Georgia’ & ‘a Georgian’ in Aram. & Hebr.).
F.M.Cross, D.N. Freedman, “The name of Ashdod”, BASOR 175, 1964, 48-50.
F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp: “The syntagma of bat followed by a geographical name in the Hebrew Bible: a
reconsideration of its meaning and grammar”, CBQ 57, 1995, 451-470.
R. W. Doermann, Sheol in the Old Testament, Diss. Duke Univ. 1962 (DAb 23, March 1963, 3512).
G. Dossin, “Le site présumé du Paradis terrestre”, BAB 61, 1975, 291-300 [on the names of the four
Paradise rivers].
M. Efrat, “Is there a grammar to settlement names?” (Heb.), Leshonenu 50, 5746/1985-86, 5-30; 50,
Y. Elitsur, “Duma-Ruma: the original version of a Biblical toponym and its effect on historical and
geographical problems”, in Fs. Breuer 2, pp. 615-620.
Y. Elitzur, Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land: Preservation and History, Winona Lake IN 2004 [rev.:
Maarav 14, 2007, 77-97; JNES 67, 2008, 307-308 (R.D. Holmstedt)]..
Y. Elitsur, “Place names of two words in the Arabic nomenclature and in the Bible”, WCJS 10, 1989, 2128.
Is. Finkelstein, I. Koch, O. Lipschits, “The Biblical Gilead. Observations on Identifications, Geographic
Divisions and Territorial History”, UF 43, 2011, 131-159 (Toponyms).
Ch. Fontinoy, “Les noms de lieux en -ayim dans la Bible”, UF 3, 1971, 33-40.
C. Fontinoy, “Les noms de l'Égypte en hébreu et leur étymologie”, CdE 64 (127-129), 1989, 90-97.
M.V. Fox, “’Amon again”, JBL 115, 1996, 699-702 [’mwn ‘being raised, growing up’ (infinitive
P. Freimark, “Zur Ortsnamengebung in Israel. Die besetzten Gebiete des Golan”, in Fs. Dickenmann, pp.
F. O. Garcia-Treto, “Genesis 31, 44 and ‘Gilead’“, ZATW 79, 1967, 13-17 [The reading of Gen. 31. 44 and
the explanation of the place-name ‘Gilead’ in the light of Aramaic c¿d ‘pact’].
M. Garsiel, “Puns upon proper names and place names in the Book of Samuel”, in Fs. Goshen-Gottstein
pp. 105-120.
M. Görg, “Besara- Bet-Se’arim”, BN 52, 1990,7-10.
M. Görg, “Betesda: ‘Beckenhausen’”, BN 49, 1989, 7-10.
M. Görg, “Etam und Pitom”, BN 51, 1990, 9-10.
M. Görg, “Pi-Hahirot ‘Mündung der Wasserlaufe’”, BN 50, 1989, 7-8.
M. Görg, “Der Sinai: ‘(der Berg) des Erzgebietes’?”, BN 54, 1990, 12-18.
M. Görg, “ŠWî (Schuach) - Wege der NamensüberIieferung”, BN 47, 1989, 7-9.
M. Görg, “Zu einem weiteren Träger des Ortsnamens Gat”, BN 55, 1990, 7-8.
P. Grelot, “Parwaïm des Chroniques a l’Apocryphe de la Genèse”, VT 11, 1961, 30-38.
J. Heller, “Noch zu Ophra, Ephron und Ephraim”, VT 12, 1962, 339-341 [on K.D. Schunck’s article, VT
11, 188-200.
D. Jericke, “Bet-El und Lus.Lokalisierung und theologische Konnotation der Toponyme”, WO 38, 2008,
E.A. Knauf, “Beth Aven”, Biblica 65, 1984, 251-253 [byt ’wn < *byt ’wwn ‘Zuf1uchtsstätte’].
L. Koehler, “Alttestamentliche Wortforschung: 2. Gilead“, Theologische Zeitschrift 2, 1946, 314-315.
A. Lauha, Zaphon, der Norden und die Nordvölker im Alten Testament (Annales Acad. Scient. Fennicae,
B XLIX, 2), Helsinki 1943 [rev.: BiOr 6, 1949, 152-153 (Ch.F. Jean); ThLZ 72, 1947, 277-278 (M.
A. Lemaire, “mmšt = Amwas, vers la solution d’une énigme de l’épigraphie hébraique”, RB 82, 1975,
A. Lemaire, “L’ostracon “Ramat-Négeb” et la topographie historique du Négeb”, Semitica 23, 1973,
A. Lemaire, “Heshbon = Hisban?”, ErIs 23, 1992, 64*-70*.
E. Lipiński, “Nimrod et Aššur”, RB 73, 1966, 77-93 [interpretation de Gen 10, 8-12].
E. Lipiński, “cAnaq - Kiryat ’arbac - Hébron et ses sanctuaires tribaux”. VT 24, 1974, 41-55.
C. Meyers, “Foreign places, future world: toponyms in the eschatology of Zechariah 9”, ErIs 24, 1993,
A. Millard, “Eden, Bit Adini and Beth Eden”, ErIs 24, 1993, 173*-177*.
N. Na’aman, “Was Dor the Capital of an Assyrian Province?”, Tel Aviv 36, 2009, 95-109.
A. Negev, “Permanence et disparition d’anciens toponymes du Negev central”, RB 83, 1976, 545-557.
D. Neiman, “Sefarad: The name of Spain”, JNES 22, 1963, 128-132 [Sefarad < Sardis/Sparda in Lydia].
J. Quaegebeur, “À Propos de l’identification de la ‘Kadytis’ d’Hérodote avec la ville de Gaza”, in Fs.
Lipiński, pp. 245-270.
An. Rainey, “LXX Toponymy as a contribution to linguistic research”, LingAeg 9,2001,179-192.
A. Schall, “Biblisches Harmaged(d)on im Lichte der semitischen Sprachwissenschaft”, in A2CILCSI, 237240.
H. Seebass, “Der israelitische Name der Bucht von Bēsān und der Name Beth Schean”, ZDPV 95,166172.
H. F. D. Sparks, “The Symbolical Interpretation of Lebanon in the Fathers”, JThS 10, 1959, 264-279 [sppl.
to G. Vermes’ art. in JThS 9, 1-12].
J. R. Towers, “The Red Sea”, JNES 18, 1959, 153-1153 (on Heb. yam-sûp, Eg. š ἰȝrw)
Z. Vilnay, “Biblical words which have become place-names in Israel” (Heb.), ErIs 17, 1984, 86-91.
W. Vycichl, “Ararat”, PICOS 10, 1972, 355-356.
R. Zadok, “Geographical and onomastic notes”, JANES 8, 1976 (1977) 113-126 [1. The geogr. and
onomastic background of 2Kgs. 17:24-31; 18:33-19:13].
A. Zertal, “Taanath Shiloh (Joshua 16:6)”, in Fs. Avishur, pp. 229*-237*
G. Zuntz, “Baitylos and Bethel”, C&M 8, 1946, 169-219.
6A.14.1.4. Calendar/Astronomy
M.R. Adamthwaite, “A Twin Calendrical System at Emar and its Implications for the Israelite Calendar”,
ANES 37, 2000, 164-182.
T. Brzegowy, “Kalendarz biblijny : jego powsfanie i rozwój w kontekácie od-dzialywaií kalendarza
babiloiískiego i egipskiego”, in Zd.J. Kijas, ed., Czas i kalendarz – Time and calendar Karkow 2001,
pp. 35-70 I (The biblical calendar; its origin and development in the context of the influence of the
Babylonian and Egyptian calendáis).
S.P. Brock, “An unrecognised occurrence of the month name Ziw (2 Sam. XXI 9)”, VT 23, 1973, 100-103.
V. Christian, “Zur Herhunft des Purim-Festes”, in Fs. Nötscher, pp. 33-37.
S. Gandz, “Studies in the Hebrew Calendar. I. A study in terminology”, JewQR 39, 1948-49, 239-280.
H. Gandz, “The Problem of the Molad”, Proceedings of the American Academy for Jewish Research (New
York) 20, 1951, 235-264 [úodesh and molad. 2. Misunderstandings and misinterpretations. 3.
Definitions of the molad in the medieval Hebrew sources and their terminology. 4. Molad and toladah
in the early Rabbinic texts. 5. A midrash on the molad in the Pirke di R. Eliezer. 6. Molad and h,.
iddush, rebirth and renewal].
E. Koffmahn, “Sind die altisraelitischen Monatabzeichnungen mit den kanaanäisch-phönikischen
identisch?”, BZ 10, 1966, 197-219.
D. Miano, Shadow on the Steps: Time Measurement in Ancient Israel (SBL), Atlanta GE 2010 [rev.: RBL
[http://www.bookreviews.org] (2012) (Sp.L. Allen)].
F.S. North, “Four-month seasons of the Hebrew Bible”, VT 11, 1961, 446-448.
R.R. Stieglitz, “The Hebrew names of the seven planets”, JNES 40, 1981, 135-137.
J.A. Wagenaar, Origin and Trnsformation of the Ancient Israelite festival calendar (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift
für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtgeschichte, 6), Wiesbaden 2005 [rev.: BiOr 65, 2008, 462-466
(J. Joosten)].
[updated 12/31/2012]