THE LAKEWAY CHURCH CALLS NEW SENIOR PASTOR By an overwhelming vote of its members, The Lakeway Church, on Sunday, August 17, confirmed a call to Reverend Larry Coulter, of Austin, to become its new Senior Pastor. Coulter will begin his responsibilities at the church on October 12, 2014. The previous Senior Pastor, Ron Kelling, retired in May 2013. The Lakeway Church, which has been a nondenominational community Bible church since its inception in 1969, has been diligently seeking to find God’s replacement. Church members are thrilled to welcome Pastor Coulter and his wife Kim to their congregation. Pastor Coulter is a native of Tyler, Texas, and has degrees from Texas A&M University and Princeton Theological Seminary. He has served as the Senior Pastor at Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church in Austin for the past 16 years. Prior to that, he served as Senior Pastor at St. Thomas Presbyterian Church in Houston and youth minister in Laguna Beach, California. He shares life with his wife Kim, who is a full-time artist. Together they raised two children: Josh, who runs an educational non-profit in Austin, and Kelly, a recreational therapist, also in Austin. They are both married to remarkable people, Josh to Natalie and Kelly to John Coleman. Both Josh and Kelly graduated from Lake Travis High School. Throughout his ministry, Larry has served in the leadership of a variety of ministries and mission organizations as part of serving his local church. Currently he is on the advisory board for Fuller Theological Seminary and the Alumni Council at Princeton Seminary. In Austin, he is a part of a strategic council that helped found Christ Together, a national network of churches and pastors committed to sharing the love of Christ locally and nationally. Christ Together developed the “Explore God” campaign. Along with The Lakeway Church, almost 40 % of the churches in Austin participated in Explore God last year. Both Kim and Larry also serve on the advisory board of the Brehm Center for Worship, Arts and Theology, an innovative training center at Fuller that seeks to revitalize the church and culture through the arts. Larry brings to Lakeway a deep desire to help build healthy churches, make disciples of Jesus Christ, grow together in a love for God and a love for neighbor. Larry and Kim look forward to growing together with The Lakeway Church. NEW M S U N D A Y M O N D A Y 8:15 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 12:15 6:00 OFFICE CLOSED for LABOR DAY (1) 7:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship (resumes 8) 9:00 LCCPreschool (begins 9) 12:00 Beth Moore (begins 15) 2:30 Finance & Budget Cmte Mtg (15) 3:00 Stephen Ministry Leaders (8) 6:30 Stephen Ministry Training (begins 15) 6:30 Two-Way Prayer (Quiet Time Practice) T U E S D A Y 7:30 9:00 9:45 12:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 6:30 W E D N E S D A Y 9:00 9:45 1:00 1:15 4:30 5:30 5:30 6:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 T H U R S D A Y F R I S A T 2 Traditional Worship Service Contemporary Worship Service Generation 2 Generation AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 Adult Sunday School Traditional Worship Service MS & HS Student Small Groups AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 Adult Sunday School Student Ministry Ownership Mtg (21) Children’s Ministry Leader Mtg (28) Student Ministry Lead Team Mtg (14) OCC Planning Meeting (21) FREE FAMILY MOVIE, God’s Not Dead! There is a saying that says, “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink!” Well, a follow-up for that might read, “Our church can offer a Stephen Minister to a hurting person but, that person has to ask, to pray, and to think!” If you’re hurting and going through a particularly difficult time in your life, call Pastor Brent (512-261-6331) to be assigned your own personal, confidential, Stephen Minister. Functional Fitness LCCPreschool (begins 2) CBS Servants Team Mtg (16) Caring for Caregivers (9,23) PraiseSingers rehearsal G2G Committee (9,23) AWANA Registration (2) AWANA (begins 9) DivorceCare & DC4K (begins 9) Grief Share (begins 9) LCCPreschool (begins 3) Women’s Weds AM Study (NOT mtg in Sept) Senior Adult Ministry Team Mtg (17) LCCP Advisory Cmte Mtg (3) Stephen Ministry Supervision (10,24) Building & Grounds Cmte Mtg (10) Handbells CHURCH SUPPER (3) MS & HS Student Worship Chancel Choir Mission Cmte Mtg (3) 7:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 3:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30 Functional Fitness LCCPreschool (begins 4) CBS (resumes 4) Music & Message Longhorn Village (25) Vista Oaks/Summit Bible Study (11,25) Centershot (begins 18) PRAYER SERVICE Elder Council Mtg (18) Women’s Thurs Eve Study (resumes 18) Stephen Ministry Training (18,25) 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:00 3:30 LCCPreschool (begins 5) Prayer Group Living from the Heart Jesus Gave You Women’s Ministry Mtg (5) OCC Crafts (19) 6:00 2nd Saturday Date Nite (13) The PRIME TIMERS took an evening cruise on a Lonestar boat on Thursday, August 28, to view the famous flight of the bats from the downtown Congress Avenue bridge! The Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue bridge in downtown Austin is the spring and summer home to some 750,000 bats with up to 1.5 million bats at the peak of the bat-watching season. It's the largest urban bat colony in North America. Each evening around sunset the Congress Avenue bats emerge like a black cloud from the crevices of the bridge. Covering the countryside in search of food, it is estimated that the bats consume from 10,000 to 30,000 pounds of insects. Giving birth in June or July, the bats and pups hang around til October when they head back south. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER is published monthly by THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 512/261-6331 Editor: Nancy L. Keetch Webmaster: Nancy L. Keetch Deadline for copy: The Friday after the third Thursday of the month. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and/or space. © 2014 The Lakeway Church THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 Step Out of the Boat! Our church-wide study starts September 14th. Why not do something really radical this year and commit to a small group? Spend time discussing the material, being challenged, making friends, praying and being held accountable. We all need that. What are you modeling for your family? Do they know that church is more than what happens on Sunday morning? Do you? Make a commitment for only 6 weeks during our fall church-wide study based on Max Lucado’s book, “Outlive your Life” which describes our present devastating times of physical and spiritual hunger, poverty and loneliness. We are given a choice…an opportunity to make a big difference during a difficult time. If you have never participated in a small group/ home team find out what you are missing. Small groups will be meeting all throughout the week and also on Sundays. Can you dig deeper? What about hosting a small group? Small groups can meet in homes or at the church. Once again, 6 weeks is a small time commitment, but a big statement about priorities. You will have all the resources you need to facilitate a group. Please consider this opportunity to leave a legacy for your household. We really need facilitators because we are hoping that all our church members will participate in this study beginning September 14th. Please contact me or the church office for more details. Carol Schroer 512-261-9168 or THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 3 You Were Made to Make a Difference FALL CHURCH-WIDE SERIES BEGINNING SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 In Outlive Your Life Bible Study, Max Lucado encourages you to change the world around you by getting off your knees, rolling up your sleeves, and performing works God has created you to do. His inspiring call will prompt you to spread God's love as you learn more about ministering to your neighbors. The early church in Acts left a blueprint of how to do it. The halls of history ring with their stories. Discover how a group of ragtag nobodies turned the world upside down, and begin to believe that God wants to do it all over again. Max Lucado studies Acts 1-12 to show us how to get the most out of our lives. He takes us on a trip through the day-to-day, past the mundane, and beyond the daydreams to show how the early church lived. Living as the very hands and feet of Jesus, what we accomplish will be quite outside of the ordinary. We each have been given a unique life, a unique gift, with which to change the world. Now let's live our lives in such a way that the world will be glad we did. This church-wide study will include the Sunday sermons, at least one adult Sunday School class each week and several Small Groups, meeting on various days and at various times throughout the week, concluding on Sunday, October 19th, with a CELEBRATION SUNDAY and MINISTRY TEAM FAIR. Dear Friend, May I share a story that is very dear to my heart? It's a story of hillbillies and simple folk, net casters and tax collectors. A story of a movement that exploded like a just-opened fire hydrant out of Jerusalem and spilled into the ends of the earth: into the streets of Paris, the districts of Rome, and the ports of Athens, Istanbul, Shanghai, and Buenos Aires. A story so mighty, controversial, head spinning, and life changing that two millennia later we wonder: Might it happen again? Heaven knows we hope so. These are devastating times: 1.75 billions people are desperately poor; one billion are hungry. Lonely hearts indwell our neighborhoods and attend our schools. In the midst of it all, here we stand: you, me, and our one-of -a-kind lives. We are given a choice ... an opportunity to make a big difference during a difficult time. What if we did? What if we rocked the world with hope? Worth a try, don't you think? 4 - Max Lucado THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 COMMUNITY PRAYER SERVICE Every Thursday ● 6:30-7:30 pm Come pray with us! LADIES: MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Saturday, October 18 The Generous Life: A Women’s Conference How to bring out your God-colors and God-flavors! Laura Savage-Rains will be our speaker at the church 8:30 am to 2:15 pm Continental breakfast & lunch provided Breakout sessions Free childcare available for 5 and under. Cost: $25 Registration begins September 28! GRIEF SHARE is for anyone coping with the loss of a loved one, at any stage of their journey from mourning to joy. Grief Share utilizes a 13-week video series to begin each session, then is a time of sharing and support. You are welcome to join them at any time. Grief Share will meet every week on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm beginning September 9 in Room 203 of the Fellowship Center. For more information, please contact Dorothy Moggio-DiBacco at 512-574-4685 or by email THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 5 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 Larry Burmeier Smith Fausett Frank Crone Jim Ward Richard Wright Ron Kelling Maxine Gomes Demie Bingman Sue Ann Anderson Brooks Kenyon Michelle Alderman Charles Novak Juanita Dodgen Casey Raynor Dorsey Ruhland Cynthia Norwood Byron Walston Lana Brown Buddy King Rita Proctor Ellie Mattoon John Austin Bily Dennis Gans Bill Dunlop Charles Snow Chance Ruffin Nancy Aldrich Nick Renneker Joyce Batten 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 11 Hoyt & Toody Byrd David & Michelle Womack Steve & Kim McCarthy Dale & Susan Atkinson Tom & Patty Carroll J.L. & Marjorie Hall Charles & Shirley Hosmer Bill & Betty Dunlop John & Leslie Dolliver Jim & Pat Vanderford Edward & Christol Farris Fred & Sonya Hursh 6 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 Belinda Benefield Bob Goodwin O.W. Brauss Lisa Welborn Lyle Killey Griffin Whitman Dylan Doggett Delaney Maberry Fran Massey Nicolas Gomez Jille Dorler Beverly Reid Annette Tyson Colton King Kelly Neri David Maberry Jimmy Nees Chloe DeCou Curt Webber Donna Burt Carol McKenzie Jim Risser Norma Iburg Betty Jordan Richard Battle Linda Wishard Mark Schneider Vickie Reeves Ann Oliverio 12 14 14 15 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 22 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 Ned Moritz Sam Perez David Ochoa Tom Carroll William Stone Rebecca Keathley Jackie Higgins Carol Kelling Pat Vanderford Amy Diaz Pamela Schwamb Jim Bettridge Kitty McGinity J.R. Smith Krissy Harvey Dennis Nolder Evadne Mansell Libby Schanen Nicholas Whiting John Onken Taylor Nelms Connie Dehnel Hannah Buckingham Jim Wingard Andrew Meyer Hannah Alexander Sophia Kent Josh Buck Gwen Scott Edward & Vivian Shelly Todd & Raquel Osborne Richard & Paula Wright Marty & Cindy Berdan Billy & Dawn Hanson Dennis & Lana Brown Richard & Suzanne Davis Jeff & Stephanie Jacobsen Nick & Gina Provopulos David & Rebecca Ochoa John & Mary Pullen Larry & Jeanne Smith 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 28 30 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 Marlene Lisa Vivian Shelly Sandy Pigford Glenda Cheesman Alahna Rad Tasos Tsakas Sean Reece John Walker Yust Charis Ford Jim Powell Ronnie Henry Lynda King Jan Everett Paul Hime Steve Merrick Hanna O'Neill Don & Glenda Goff Herb & Verna Eddy Sandi & Randy Metzger Pamela & Daniel Schwamb Jim & Mattie Teddlie John & Diana Pitts Fred & Judy Hazen Dennis & Laney Thompson Paul & Connie Dehnel Scott & Amy Plummer THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 (OCC-shoebox ministry) Your shoebox is just the first step to transforming a young life for eternity. A small shoebox can teach a child about the love of God, lead him or her to faith in Christ, inspire pastors and plant new churches. The power of this gift is the eternal hope in Jesus Christ. By acting as the hands and feet of Jesus you can contribute to sharing the gospel with children in the midst of very difficult life circumstances. The boxes are distributed in the most isolated, remote, desolate areas of the world. Each box not only contains toys, hygiene items and candy, but also the message that God loves each and every one of these children. This is a message of hope and love, in the midst of despair. Your prayerful participation is the most important part of this process; please begin to pray for this ministry and for how you may contribute. Here are a few ideas to consider: Pray for God to supply all of the needs for this project and to touch the hearts of those who pack the boxes, as well as those who receive them. Pray that the children who will receive the boxes will come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Supply items for the boxes and place them in the collection bins in the Narthex and by the door of the Student & Children’s Center—[Currently these are some of the items we need: toothbrushes, bar soap, washcloths, underwear for ages 2-14, toys, baseballs, flip flops, school supplies] You may consider getting some friends together for a special shopping trip Look through your child’s closet for lightly used toys, shorts, t-shirts, and sandals to donate Contact local business connections to request charitable donations of shoebox items Check with your business to see if they could donate surplus promotional items (i.e., pens, flashlights, baseballs) Get a group together to help wrap shoeboxes or make a craft project (such as jewelry or hairpieces) Contribute financially and let someone else do the shopping for you! Each box requires $7 to cover the costs of shipping. Checks may be written directly to Samaritan’s Purse and they will send you a tax deductible receipt, or you may write a check to The Lakeway Church and note Samaritan’s Purse or Operation Christmas Child in the memo. Be a part of our organizational team! Contact Andrea or Alice at the email addresses listed below. These efforts will culminate in a PACKING PARTY to be held at noon on Sunday, November 9th. This event was SO popular last year, we are excited to see what God has planned for this year! Last year we packed nearly 900 boxes, and this year we have set a goal of 1000! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us. If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact Andrea Bieberich at or Alice Nelson at THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 7 The Lakeway Church Christian Preschool (LCCP) just kicked off a wonderful new school year! We have implemented the new A Beka Book Christian curriculum and would love for all TLC members to join the Preschool kids in committing these verses to memory in September: Cleaning out your closets? Want to know what to do with your excess office or school supplies? Bring them by the Preschool, and we’ll put them to good use! Markers, crayons, glue sticks and other craft supplies are especially helpful! Call 512-261-6632 for more information! “In the beginning God created the heavens and earth.” – Genesis 1:1 “All things were made by Him.” – John 1:3 “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” – Psalm 139:14 “As for God, His way is perfect.” – Psalm 18:30 By staying both calm and connected with your kids, you begin to operate less out of your deepest fears and more out of your highest principles, revolutionizing your relationships in the process. This series covers the key principles of ScreamFree Parenting and is the ideal way for you to start your journey toward being the type of parent you’ve always wanted to be. Expect to laugh and learn as this class lays out a clear, calm path for how parents can lead their children into a more productive future, and create a better relationship with them along the way ScreamFree Parenting begins Sunday, September 14, meeting in Room 205 at 11:00 am. This 8-week series will be facilitated by Sam & Shelley Perez. CENTERSHOT—Making Christ the Target of Our Lives: A six-week program using the skills of archery and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, begins September 18, 6-7:30 pm, in the Fellowship Center Hall. Ages: 3rd grade through adults; $15 per person. For information contact Sean Reece at 512-261-6331 or 8 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED IN CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Children's Ministry still needs a few leaders for the upcoming year. If you have a heart for teaching our children God's Word, please pray about serving in one of the following areas. We would love to have you! Pre-K (3½ yrs. and potty-trained to 5 yrs. not yet in Kinder) 9:30AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/4th Sundays 2nd/3rd Grade 11:00AM on 1st/3rd Sundays 11:00AM on 2nd/3rd Sundays We ask for a 13-month commitment (August through the following August), so there is an end in sight! Volunteers serve during one service, so they are able to worship at one time and serve at another. We ask for twice per month; either 1st/3rd or 2nd/4th Sundays. If this is an opportunity that speaks to your heart, please contact Sean Reece in the church office or TUESDAYS BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9. DIVORCECARE is a 14week biblically-based support group and seminar designed to help those going through divorce to deal with the pain of the past and to look forward to rebuilding their lives. At DivorceCare you will become a part of a small group of people who are also experiencing separation and divorce. You’ll meet others who understand what you are feeling and will be able to offer you encouragement. You’ll also have a chance to talk about the information presented during the DivorceCare seminar. Many participants say these support groups are the most helpful part of the program. There is no charge for this course, which will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm on Tuesdays in Room 207. Contact the church office to register or for more information. Info: Carol Gans, 512-261-3804 or TUESDAYS BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 9. DIVORCECARE for KIDS. DC4K is a 14-week program to help kids who may be angry, hurt and confused because their parents are going through divorce. DC4K provides a safe place where your children will: learn to understand their feelings; express their emotions appropriately; feel better about themselves; develop coping skills; and be introduced to biblical concepts that will bring comfort. Some children struggle deeply with the separation and divorce, while others seem to bounce back quickly. In the long run, all are affected. DC4K will help minimize and eliminate the short- and long-term effects of divorce and your children’s schoolwork, emotional health and spiritual life. There is no charge for this course, which will be held from 6:00-8:00 pm on Tuesdays in the Children’s Center. Contact the church office to register. For more information, contact Sean Reece; 261-6331 ext 18; stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed from 2 Timothy 2:15. The goal of is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. The method of achieving this goal is to teach scripture through scripture memorization. This is to help students hide God’s Word in their hearts so that they will always have His truth and know how to live day to day. For children 3 years old through 5th grade. TUESDAYS 6:00-7:30 during the school year (September-May) AWANA BEGINS Tuesday, September 9, 6-7:30 pm ® and the logo are trademarks of THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 Clubs International. Used by permission. 9 A hard copy list of the monthly BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES may be picked up at the information counter in the Narthex. WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES BETH MOORE STUDY GROUP MEN’S MONDAY MORNINGS New study beginning September 15: Children of the Day, MEN’S MONDAY AM STUDY resumes September 8, with a study of James. Men's Monday Morning Bible Study is for men of all backgrounds and knowledge levels and meets in the Fellowship Center Hall. Each Monday morning, come enjoy breakfast and coffee at 6:40 am; study is from 7-8, including a time of prayer. We break into small groups of 6-10 at a table with a discussion leader. All ages are welcome. For more information contact Doug Land at 512-9406645 or WOMEN’S CBS CBS is an interdenominational Bible study designed to touch lives through home study questions with insightful commentary, small group discussion and life application lectures. Our ladies’ class meets from 10 am to 12 noon on Thursdays, beginning on September 4th. We are excited this year to be studying the life of Jesus through the gospel of Luke. Registration is $25.00. For more information contact Becky McBride at TWO-WAY PRAYER God wants to hear from us; God wants to speak to us. The Two-Way Prayer Quiet Time group meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 in Room 203. Join this group at any time to learn prayer and meditation skills to accomplish this two-way communication. For more information, contact Drew Brooks at 512-417-2307 or an in-depth study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians Mondays, noon-2:00 pm, in the Sanctuary Childcare available on request For more information, please contact Magan Lewis at or the church office 512-261-6331. WOMEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNINGS The Wednesday morning women’s Bible study group meets each week, beginning at 9:30 am for coffee and fellowship; study begins at 9:45. They will not meet during September, but will begin a study of the book of Genesis, on October 1. They are a lively, interactive discussion group and hope you will join them! Sue Johnson is leading the group in Room 205. For information, contact Sue at 512-217-8891 or WOMEN’S THURSDAY EVENINGS This group focuses on Bible study and praying together, meeting Thursdays from 6:30-8:00. They are on a break for the summer and will resume on September 18, following the church-wide six-week study of Out Live Your Life by Max Lucado. For information, contact Sherry Hoffman at OCTOBER CHURCH SUPPER Wednesday, October 1 ● 6:00 pm More info to follow Make your reservations in the church office 512-2616331 or email by noon Monday, September 29. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH GALLERY FEATURING ARTWORK BY SHIRLEY CAMP SHIRLEY CAMP will be exhibiting her work from August 4 through October 6. Shirley majored in Interior Design, obtaining a Master’s Degree, and has taught the subject as well. MARY BARNES will display her paintings from October 6—December 1. The Lakeway Church Gallery is open for viewing during normal church working hours in the hallway of the Fellowship Center. If you wish to exhibit in The Lakeway Church Gallery, please contact Corinne McClaran, 512-261-6714 or 10 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 CARING FOR CAREGIVERS meets Tuesday, September 9, and Tuesday, September 23. Have you given up recreational activities to care for a family member? Tue/Thu—Functional Fitness @ 7:30 am Have you wondered whether, when and where to find someone to help you? $20 per quarter; info Have your emotions and worry caused you to lose sleep as you care for a loved one? A support group for caregivers meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Room 205 at The Lakeway Church at 12 noon for one hour. July 2014 FINANCIAL: Many caregivers who participate in these meetings with others who face similar challenges have found that this type of sharing can provide new and helpful insights, answers and blessings. Tithes & Offerings This month our schedule is as follows: Programs $ 75,454 $ 762,280 2,624 355,488 Preschool September 9 ― Sharing & Caring Surplus (Shortage) September 23― Dementia Video Part 2 ― "Accepting the Challenge" 2014 ATTENDANCE: (181,470) (1,201,564) ($ 103,392) ($ 83,796) July 2014 2014 464 578 Average Sunday Attendance CARING FOR CAREGIVERS is a support group for those who have physical, legal or emotional responsibility for caring for a loved one ― whether spouse, parent, sibling, adult child or minor child. The group meets monthly, 4th Tuesdays, in Room 208, Fellowship Hall. For more information, call Frieda Albert (512-261-4240), Joyce Ranous (512-266-2948) or Jackie Garrett (512-261-3845). The Lakeway Church accepts VISA and MasterCard for your donations and tithes? Contact Jill Osborne in the church office, 512-261-6331. This on-going prayer list is for all our loved ones who need to be on our prayer list on a continuing basis. If you would like to put someone on this list, just call (261-6331) or email us at Please advise Pastor Brent when your loved one no longer needs to be listed. Bill & Pucci Allen at Home Verna Eddy at Home Jana Baker at Home Jan Everett at Home Barb Brantner at Home Gene & Katie Gallimore at Home Tom Nixon at Longhorn Village Bea Brauss at Longhorn Village Symantha Higgins at Home Cathy Rogers at Home Gerald & Carol Dallas at Home Julie Howard at Home Frances Shackelford at Home Madelyn Davis at Home Jamie Lavender at Home Ellen Shultz in Oregon Ray Dudley at Home Nancy Maeder at Vista Oaks Sue Eastman in Denver Cathleen McBurney at Home Herb Eddy at Grace House Clarissa Minister in Mount Morris, NY THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2014 Merrilyn Morse at the SummitLakeway 11 SUNDAYS: 8:15 am 9:30 am Traditional Service Praise & Worship Service Generation 2 Generation (Contemporary Worship Service) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Adult Sunday School THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 11:00 am Traditional Service High School Worship (6th—12th grades) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Student Sunday School Adult Sunday School 5:00 pm Middle School Worship/Small Groups The Lakeway Church Christian Preschool Phone: ........................................................ 512-261-6632 Terri L. Seifert .....................Director of Preschool Ministries Stephanie Hartmann .... Asst Director of Preschool Ministries Kelly Leonard ...................................... Preschool Associate Brent Graham ........................................... Associate Pastor Mark Savage-Rains ................... Director of Music Ministries Sean Reece ............................................. Children’s Pastor Danny Hartmann ...................... Director of Youth Ministries Melissa Alexander ................................ Children’s Assistant Jill Osborne ................................ Director of Administration Rachel Sawyer ............................... Administrative Assistant Judy Teague............................................Church Secretary Nancy L. Keetch.................................................... Publicist David Beussman ........................ Assistant Director of Music Elden Little ................................................Organist/Pianist Justin Garrett ........................................ G2G Music Leader 2203 LAKEWAY BLVD. AUSTIN, TX 78734 WWW.LAKEWAYCHURCH.ORG Phone: ........................................................ 512-261-6331 Fax: ............................................................ 512-261-7099 ADMINISTRATION STAFF
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