Lakeway Church Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2015
Lakeway Church Newsletter SEPTEMBER 2015
priority this September as we learn together to Love... Where We Live. Love...Where You Live is a city-wide Also, on September 19, from 9:00initiative with a simple premise. Jesus 11:30 am in the Fellowship hall we will told us to love our neighbors and He was serious. This fall we are going to be talking through the details of our five-year plan. This take on this challenge. “ our neighbors… will be an He was serious.” In Home Teams and opportunity for you in Sunday School we to hear about the exciting will have the opportunity to study a future that God has in store for us book called "The Art of Neighboring". together. This plan will direct This book by Dave Runyon and Jay everything from programs and budget Pathak talks through the barriers that to new staff. We will also talk about keep us from this very simple act. It the work of three important facility also gives practical suggestions for planning committees and hear news how we can love well. We will be from our young family/discipleship selling the books after worship for $10 pastor search. Childcare will be or you can come by the office during provided. It will be a great morning the week and pick one up. I hope together. you will join a Home Team or a Sunday See you Sunday. ~Larry School class and make worship a LOVE...WHERE YOU LIVE NEW M S U N D A Y M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y 8:15 9:30 9:30 9:30 9:30 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 6:30 Traditional Worship Service Contemporary Worship Service (Sanctuary) Contemporary Worship Service (Fellowship Hall) AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 Adult Sunday School Traditional Worship Service MS & HS Student Small Groups AdventureLand, Kidz Inc. & Club 45 Adult Sunday School Children’s Ministry Leader Mtg (27) MS Worship Service OFFICE CLOSED for LABOR DAY (7) 7:00 Men’s Bible Fellowship (NO 7) 9:00 LCCPreschool 12:00 Beth Moore (beg 14) 2:30 Finance & Budget Mtg (14) 3:00 Stephen Ministry Leaders (14) 6:30 Two-Way Prayer (Quiet Time Practice) 7:30 9:00 9:30 12:00 6:00 6:15 6:30 Dr. Tam Cummings, Author and Gerontologist, will speak in our Sanctuary on Wednesday, September 23, at 6:30, to discuss common behavior and physical changes of Alzheimer’s and other dementias, and their effect on caregivers. Her topic for discussion, “Untangling Dementia – Taking the Next Step” – how do I know when it is time to seek additional care? Her discussions are direct, compassionate and understanding. Stephen Ministry invites our entire congregation and other local churches to attend. Feel free to bring a friend who is hungry for knowledge on this subject. Functional Fitness LCCPreschool Where Moms Connect (beg 15) Caring for Caregivers (8,22) AWANA DivorceCare & DivorceCare4Kids (beg 15) Grief Share (beg 15) 9:00 LCCPreschool 9:00 PRIME TIMERS to Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch (16) 9:45 Women’s Weds AM Bible Study (beg 23) 1:00 Senior Adult Ministry Team Mtg (16) 1:15 LCCP Advisory Cmte Mtg (2) 4:30 Stephen Ministry Supervision (9,23) 5:00 Handbells (2) 5:30 MEN’S MINISTRY EVENT at TOPGOLF (16) 5:30 Handbells (9,16,23,30) 5:30 CHURCH SUPPER (2) 6:30 Stephen Ministry presents Tam Cummings (23) 6:30 HS Fellowship 7:00 Chancel Choir 7:00 Mission Cmte Mtg (2) (anyone over 60) Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 16 Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch near San Antonio Bus tour with guide Depart church at 9:00 am Cost: $14.25 plus tip for guide Lunch location TBD T H U R S D A Y F R I S A T 2 7:30 9:00 10:00 10:30 3:00 5:30 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:30 6:30 Functional Fitness LCCPreschool Community Bible Study for Women (CBS) (beg 10) Music & Message Longhorn Village (24) Vista Oaks/Summit Bible Study (10,24) PRAYER MEETING TLC Arts Pottery Class (beg 24) Financial Peace University (beg 24) Ladies’ Thurs Eve Bible Study (beg 17) Elder Council Mtg (17) Prison Ministry Team Mtg (17) 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 10:30 LCCPreschool Prayer Group Women’s Ministry Mtg (11) Women’s Bible Study of Ephesians (beg 11) Women’s Precept™ Bible Study (beg 18) 9:00 CHURCH-WIDE mtg re Five-Year Plan (19) 6:00 2nd Saturday Date Nite (12) Thursday, OCTOBER 15 Bella Vista Olive Ranch in Wimberley (how olive oil is made; view the olive mill; olive oil tasting) $12 per person Lunch at Marco’s on the Wimberley Square Depart church at 8:45 am Information and reservations in church office: 512-261-6331 or THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER is published monthly by THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 512/261-6331 Editor: Nancy L. Keetch Webmaster: Nancy L. Keetch Deadline for copy: The Friday after the third Thursday of the month. Editor reserves the right to edit for content and/or space. © 2015 The Lakeway Church THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 ● Ladies—check out two new Bible studies for women on Friday mornings. See page 10 of this newsletter or visit ● FYI—Beth Moore Simulcast, September 12th at churches in Cedar Park and Marble Falls. Check Beth’s website for details. Save The Date! Men's Ministry event September 16, 2015 ● 6:30-8:30pm Top Golf in North Austin Dinner will be included. We’ll plan to take the church bus; register online at Call or email Doug Land for more info 512-940-6645 or THURSDAYS, Sept 24 thru Nov 19, 6:15-8:15 pm FPU is for EVERYONE...from the financially secure to the financially The new TLC PICTORIAL DIRECTORIES are here! If your photo is in the directory (either taken by Lifetouch in April or submitted), you may pick up your copy of the directory in the church office Monday through Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm. Due to the limited number of directories provided by Lifetouch, only church members who had their photo taken by Lifetouch or submitted a photo are eligible for a directory. It looks great! THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 distressed. Developed by financial guru, Dave Ramsey, FPU has helped thousands of people. Special price: $50 for individuals or couples! For more information and to register, please visit 3 Wednesday, September 2, 6:00 pm. CHURCH SUPPER, 6:00 pm. Hosted by Shepherd Flocks O & P; a Chinese feast catered by Pao’s Mandarin Cuisine. Our own Pastor Brent Graham will regale us with tales from his sabbatical travels! $10 adult; $5 children under 12; under 5 FREE! Reservations in the church office by noon Monday, August 31, or Friday, September 4. 5TH QUARTER, 9-11 pm. The TLC and Lake Travis United Methodist Church youth groups (MS and HS) will join together for an awesome hang out time after the LTHS home football game! Snacks, games & fun activities. 9/4 at LTUMC for a dodgeball tournament; 10/2 at TLC for an outdoor party; 10/16 at LTUMC for a RAVE; 10/30 at TLC for a costume contest/festival. Info: Danny Hartmann, Tuesdays, beginning September 8, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. AWANA. The goal of AWANA is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him, through scripture memorization and games. AWANA is for children 3 years old through 5th grade, meeting Tuesdays from 6-7:30 pm, through mid-May following the LTISD calendar. Registration are available online at For information, contact Kathy White at 512-7438261 or Thursdays, beginning September 10, 10:00 am – noon. WOMEN’S COMMUNITY BIBLE STUDY (CBS). CBS is an interdenominational Bible study designed to touch lives through home study questions with insightful commentary, small-group discussion and life application lectures. CBS at The Lakeway Church will begin their 2015-2016 series on September 10, Thursdays, 10:00 am to noon, with a study of the Old Testament book of Isaiah. This fall, the TLC CBS group is excited to be adding an Hispanic-speaking discussion group. They also offer children’s programs for ages from birth through preKindergarten and homeschoolers from Kindergarten through 8th grade. For more information and to register, contact Becky McBride at Fridays, beginning September 11, 10:30 am. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY OF EPHESIANS. An in-depth study of the book of Ephesians, led by Sue Johnson. Contact Sue at for more information. MEN’S MONDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY & FELLOWSHIP will resume with a study of the book of Acts. They meet at 6:40 am for a fellowship time with coffee, breakfast tacos and donuts; study begins at 7:00. For more information, contact Doug Land at 612-940-6645 or Mondays, beginning September 14 – December 7, noon – 2:00 pm. BETH MOORE STUDY GROUP. The Lakeway Church Beth Moore study group will begin her series, To Live Is Christ: the Life and Ministry of Paul, on Monday, September 14, meeting weekly on Mondays from noon to 2:00 pm. Cost of the workbook is $16; free childcare is available with advance registration. To register and pay online, visit For more information, please contact the church office at 512-261-6331 or Terri Seifert at or 281-705-5253. WHERE MOMS CONNECT. Looking for support and encouragement as a mom? Join The Lakeway Church at Where Moms Connect, Tuesdays, September 15 through November 17, 9:30 – 11:00 am, in Room 203 of the Fellowship Center. Enjoy meaningful conversation, laughter and friendship as you’re supported in your journey through momhood. All moms are welcome! Childcare is available; cost is $50 per semester. Register online at or contact Pam Rhodes at for more information. 4 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 Tuesdays, beginning September 15, 6:15-8:15 pm. DIVORCECARE + DC4KIDS – A 13-week biblically based support group and seminar designed to help those going through divorce to deal with the pain of the past and to look forward to rebuilding your life. DC4K is a program to help kids who may be angry, hurt, and confused because their parents are going through divorce. There is no charge for this series. Register on the church website. For more information, contact Carol Gans, 512-261-3804 or Wednesday, September 16. PRIME TIMERS to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch in San Antonio. Guided bus tour; cost $14.25 each. Depart the church at 9:00 am; lunch at Cracker Barrel. Reservations in the church office at 512-261-6331 or email Wednesday, September 16, 6:30-8:30 pm. MEN’S MINISTRY EVENT: TopGolf in North Austin. A one-of-a-kind golf entertainment experience with competitive games and advanced technology. Hit microchipped golf balls at targets on an outfield – instantly score each shot’s accuracy and distance. Top-notch food and drink menu. $50 per person. Register online at More info: Doug Land, or 512-940-6645. Thursdays, beginning September 17, 6:30 – 8:00 pm. LADIES’ BIBLE STUDY. The ladies will begin a study of the book, Fight Back with Joy, by Margaret Feinberg. For registration or additional info, contact Sherry Hoffman at or 603-689-8219. Fridays, beginning September 18, 10:30 - noon. NEW WOMEN’S PRECEPT™ BIBLE STUDY. Loretta Foster will lead a new study of Kay Arthur’s, Lord, I Want to Know You, in Room 204. To know God is to know His character, and that character is revealed in His names. Each name is an aspect of His sovereignty over your life. If you want a deeper, abiding faith, this study will help you see and understand how powerfully He works. (Workbooks $15.00) For more information, please contact Loretta Foster Wednesdays, beginning September 23, 9:45 – 11:00 am. WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY starts with a Kick-Off Salad Luncheon at the home of Jo Ann Paulette (4 Championship Drive, The Hills of Lakeway) on September 16 at 10:30 am. Please bring a salad to share. Jo Ann will supply the beverages, bread and dessert. Sue Johnson will take about 20 minutes to introduce our new fall study of Daniel. Invite your family, friends and neighbors to join us for lunch and be a part of our fall lessons – which officially begin on September 23 in Room 205, from 9:45 to 11:00. Arrive at 9:30 for coffee, tea, snacks and fellowship. NEW: FREE CHILD CARE will be offered (birth through 5th grade) in the Fellowship Center nursery. Contact Sue Johnson ( or 512-217-8891) if you will use this service so that we can arrange for an appropriate number of helpers. Wednesday, September 23, 6:30 pm. STEPHEN MINISTRY PRESENTS TAM CUMMINGS. Our Stephen Ministry Program is offering a special presentation on the Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and their effect on caregivers. Tam Cummings, an author and gerontologist, will discuss common behavior and physical changes due to this dreaded disease. This gathering will be held in our Sanctuary at 6:30 and is open to all concerned individuals in the Lakeway area. Reservations are not necessary; there is no charge for this event. Thursdays, September 24 – October 8, 6:00-8:00 pm. TLC POTTERY CLASS. Come make Christmas ornaments from raw clay! This class is for all ages; there is no cost, but a small donation would be appreciated to cover supplies. For more information, contact Alice Nelson at 512-261-3387 or or Joyce Johntz at 512-608-0801 or Thursdays, September 24 – November 19, 6:15-8:15 pm. FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY. Americans are drowning in plastic debt. The average household in this country owes nearly $10,000 on credit cards and it's tough to get out of that hole. Thousands of people have turned to a video-based seminar series called “Financial Peace University”, developed by financial guru, Dave Ramsey. Financial Peace University is for EVERYONE...from the financially secure to the financially distressed. FPU is being offered this fall at The Lakeway Church, on Thursday evenings from September 24 through November 19, from 6:15 – 8:15 pm. The class will be held in Room 207 of the Fellowship Center. We are offering a special price of $50 for individuals or couples for this series. Visit the church website at for information and to register and pay. Contact Carol Gans at 512-261-3804 or for more information. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 5 Looking for support and encouragement as a mom? This is the place for you! Join us at Where Moms Connect. Enjoy meaningful conversation, laughter and friendship as you’re supported in your journey through momhood. All moms are welcome! Where Moms Connect Tuesdays September 15 thru November 17 ● 9:30—11:00 am ● Room 203 Fellowship Center Childcare available with registration ● $50 per semester Register online at For more information, contact Pam Rhodes, “When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.” ~Romans 1:12 There is still a need for volunteers to serve on Sunday mornings twice per month at the 11:00 am service. We ask that you prayerfully consider serving our kids! Contact Melissa Alexander at for details. DIVORCECARE helps you recover from the pain of separation and divorce. DIVORCECARE4KIDS helps kids who may be angry, hurt or confused. A 13-week biblically-based series meeting Tuesday evenings. These groups meet simultaneously from 6:15-8:15 pm September 15 through December 15. For more information and to register, visit or call Carol Gans at 512-261-3804. Would you like to enroll your child in TLC Preschool next year?! We have a very limited number of Tuesday/Thursday (2-day per week) 3 – and 4-year-old spots and one Monday—Friday (5 day per week) Pre-K spot available for the 2015-2016 school year. School starts September 1st! We would love for you and your child to experience all of the academic, spiritual and social benefits our sweet Preschool has to offer! Please contact us today, as these openings fill quickly. For more information, contact Stephanie Hartmann at or (512) 261-6632. stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed from 2 Timothy 2:15. TUESDAYS 6:00-7:30 The goal of during the school year (September-May) is to reach boys and girls with the gospel of Christ and train them to serve Him. AWANA will begin meeting on September 8th. REGISTRATION IS AVAILABLE NOW ONLINE. Go to to register your child(ren). For children 3 years old through 5th grade Info, call Kathy White at 743-8261 or email ® and the logo are trademarks of Clubs International. Used by permission. 6 THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 The Story of Mary, Martha & Lazarus The Annual Children’s Summer Musical – THE LIFE OF THE PARTY, by Tom Long & Alan Pote, was presented in the 9:30 & 11:00 am services on Sunday, August 9th. Our cast of twenty children did a great job in learning and presenting the musical. They are all such talented children and quick learners. They were also wonderfully behaved and a delight to work with all week. Our named characters were: Mary - Sophia Alexander, Martha - Tyla Mansell, Jesus - Emma Wolf and Lazarus - Zander Dorler. The other cast members sang all the songs, did all the choreography and learned all their lines: Oliviana Brown, Avery DeGeest, Sterling DeGeest, Reagan DeLaughter, Ryan Endsley, Teralynn Fowler, Makenna Gaylor, Milton Hastings, Evelyn Heddin, Ariana Kloac, Aaron Perez, Olivia Perez, Celeste Peugnet, Cannon Trevelise, Olivia Williams and Isabella Wolf. Thanks to our wonderful accompanist, Nancy Newton, who played for two rehearsals each day and then played for both performances on Sunday. I am also grateful to our children’s interns - Elise Czuchna & Ashley McManis, our youth volunteers - Hannah Alexander, Abbie Blacklock, Eccha Guru, Mason Mueller, Bentley Patterson and Helena Sandahl. Library News Thanks to Laura Savage-Rains & Diana Stromme for craft preparation and to David Beussman for musical help throughout the week. The story line of the musical is written as if Mary and Martha are looking back on the times that Jesus visited their home. It starts out with the two sisters arguing about how to prepare for Jesus’ coming. Martha is concerned with all the preparations of the house and the food and Mary prepares by reading the Torah. When Jesus arrives, He begins to tell those gathered in Mary, Martha and Lazarus’ home some of His parables: the parable of the shepherd who lays down his life to care for his sheep, the parable of the vine and the branches and the story of the way God cares for the lilies of the field and the birds. The climax of the musical comes with the raising of Lazarus from the dead. This musical teaches that Jesus is the way, the truth and the LIFE. Jesus is not just the life of the party, Jesus is ETERNAL LIFE! Our cast of twenty talented 2nd through 6th graders gave a wonderful presentation this important message on Sunday, August 9th! Thank you all. I am so proud of you! You did a wonderful job! See you next year with another wonderful children’s musical! ~Mark Savage-Rains Check out our "new" books! “Where Jesus Walked" Photographer: Ken Duncan. Visual images and writings to escort you into the experiences of Jesus. "Every Body's Normal Till You Get To Know Them" by John Ortberg. Gain wisdom and tools for drawing closer to others. "Mere Mortality" by Lewis Smedes. The way to moral sanity amid the confusions and crises of contemporary life. COMMUNITY PRAYER SERVICE Thursdays in Room 206 5:30-6:30 pm TLC is a praying church... Come pray with us! THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 7 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 Larry Burmeier Smith Fausett Kirby Reed Maxine Gomes Frank Crone Ron Kelling Jim Ward Richard Wright Demie Bingman Harriet Cavness Sue Ann Anderson Juanita Dodgen Brooks Kenyon Michelle Alderman Lana Brown Casey Raynor Buddy King Cynthia Norwood Byron Walston John Austin Bily Bill Dunlop Dennis Gans Ellie Mattoon Charles Snow Chance Ruffin Joyce Batten 1 2 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 Graeme & Christina Lee Hoyt & Toody Byrd Dean & Barbara Peterson David & Michelle Womack Dale & Susan Atkinson Tom & Patty Carroll Charles & Shirley Hosmer Bill & Betty Dunlop Tom & Sonia Skowronek John & Leslie Dolliver Edward & Christol Farris Fred & Sonya Hursh 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Nancy Aldrich Nick Renneker Tony Salinas Belinda Benefield Bob Goodwin O.W. Brauss Cathy Streuding Lisa Welborn Lyle Killey Dylan Doggett Griffin Whitman Annette Tyson Beverly Reid Nicolas Gomez Jille Dorler Jimmy Nees Colton King Kelly Neri Norma Iburg Betty Jordan Jim Risser Donna Burt Curt Webber Carol McKenzie Chloe DeCou Jeff Bosworth 12 14 14 15 18 18 18 19 20 22 22 23 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 Slate Borkland Richard Battle Linda Wishard Heather Pinkerton Mark Schneider Ned Moritz Ann Oliverio Vickie Reeves Kent Keefer Tom Carroll Sam Perez David Ochoa Bill Bright Jan Tenery Pat Vanderford Carol Kelling Rebecca Keathley Jackie Higgins Jim Bettridge J.R. Smith Kitty McGinity Amy Diaz Pamela Schwamb Krissy Harvey Kate Wakefield Dennis Nolder Edward & Vivian Shelly Todd & Raquel Osborne Richard & Paula Wright Marty & Cindy Berdan Dennis & Lana Brown Richard & Suzanne Davis Jeff & Stephanie Jacobsen David & Rebecca Ochoa John & Mary Pullen Larry & Jeanne Smith Don & Glenda Goff Herb & Verna Eddy 20 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 Evadne Mansell Connie Dehnel Libby Schanen Taylor Nelms Hannah Buckingham Jim Wingard Ronald Cowles Ron McMichael Gwen Scott Josh Buck Sophia Kent Carl English, Jr. Hannah Alexander Blake Sykora Vivian Shelly Marlene Lisa Sandy Pigford Glenda Cheesman Coleman Glass Betty Blackburn Brey Sykora Sean Reece Nancy Newton Tasos Tsakas Bennett Boccella Paul Hime 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 28 30 28 28 28 28 28 29 30 Ronnie Henry Lynda King Jim Powell Jan Everett Charis Ford Steve Merrick Hanna O'Neill Sandi Metzger Jim & Mattie Teddlie John & Diana Pitts Fred & Judy Hazen Dennis & Laney Thompson Billy & Dawn Hanson Rick & Sherry Smith Paul & Connie Dehnel Jarrod & Lisa Mansell THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD—Packing PartyNovember 8th! “The power of a simple gift” is the theme of Operation Christmas Child, the shoebox ministry that reaches to the far corners of the world. This outreach effort has been growing for 20 years and has provided more than 100,000,000 boxes to impoverished children in more than 100 countries. It is the largest Christmas project for children of its kind in the world. The boxes are distributed in the most isolated, remote, desolate areas of the world. Shoeboxes are filled with hygiene items, school supplies, clothing and toys – sending children a message of hope and love in the midst of despair. Operation Christmas Child is a project of the Christian Worldwide Relief Organization, Samaritan’s Purse. Additional information about Operation Christmas Child can be found at The Lakeway Church is hosting a community-wide packing party on November 8th beginning at 12:00 pm in the Fellowship Center. Shoeboxes and items to be packed will be provided that day. All are welcome, please join us! If you are an individual or business owner who would like to contribute items to this project, they can be placed in an Operation Christmas Child donation bin at the church. Each shoebox costs $7 to mail. Financial donations toward the shipment of boxes or purchase of box items can be mailed to: The Lakeway Church, 2203 Lakeway Blvd., Lakeway, TX 78734. Wash-cloth toys for the shoeboxes made by adults and kids at a workshop in July. Thanks to Alice Nelson for coordinating this outreach endeavor. THE LAKEWAY CHURCH GALLERY FEATURING ARTWORK BY JANE WILSON Jane Wilson is a member of the Lakeway Painters and the Waterloo Watercolor Group. She loves to try new ideas and techniques and is a success with her landscapes of local interest, florals and portraits. Jane grew up in Ontario, Canada, and lived in several cities in Ontario. She also lived in Marshalltown, IA, and Houston, TX, before moving to Lakeway five years ago with her husband. Jane says, “I appreciate the opportunity to exhibit in The Lakeway Church.” The Lakeway Church Gallery is open for viewing during normal church working hours in the hallway of the Fellowship Center. If you wish to exhibit in The Lakeway Church Gallery, please contact Corinne McClaran, 512-261-6714 or THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 9 A paper copy of the monthly BIRTHDAYS and ANNIVERSARIES may be picked up at the information counter in the Narthex and in the hallway of the Fellowship Center. WEEKDAY BIBLE STUDIES WOMEN’S CBS Community Bible Study (CBS) women’s class will be resuming on Thursday, September 10, at The Lakeway Church from 10:00-12:00. Join us for English and Spanish-speaking discussion groups as we journey through the book of Isaiah for 30 weeks. Our popular children’s program serves children ages birth—preschool, and our new youth program will bring Isaiah to homeschool children ages Kindergarten— 8th grade. Space is limited. For more information & to register, contact Becky @ MEN’S MONDAY MORNINGS MEN’S MONDAY AM STUDY. Men's Monday Morning Bible Study will resume on September 14, when they will begin a study of the book of Acts. All men are welcome; just bring your Bible! Fellowship time with coffee, breakfast tacos and donuts begins at 6:40 am; study begins at 7:00. For more information contact Doug Land at 512-9406645 or TWO-WAY PRAYER God wants to hear from us; God wants to speak to us. The Two-Way Prayer Quiet Time group meets Monday evenings from 6:30 to 7:30 in Room 203. Join this group at any time to learn prayer and meditation skills to accomplish this two-way communication. For more information, contact Drew Brooks at 512-417-2307 or SEPTEMBER CHURCH SUPPER Wednesday, September 2 - 6:00 pm BETH MOORE STUDY GROUP Fall 2015 study: To Live Is Christ: the Life and Ministry of Paul 11-week study, Sep 14—Dec 7 Cost of workbook is $16 Free childcare with advance notice Register/pay online at For more information, please contact the church office at 512-261-6331 or Terri Seifert at or 281-705-5253. WOMEN’S WEDNESDAY MORNINGS WOMEN’S WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY starts again on September 23 in Room 205, from 9:45 to 11:00. Please arrive at 9:30 for coffee, tea, snacks and fellowship. NEW: CHILDCARE provided (birth through 5th grade.) Watch for more information. Thank you to Melissa Alexander and Elise Cvuchna for arranging this. Our ten-week class will cover DANIEL—an exciting book of both historical narrative and apocalyptic material, meant to encourage us today – thousands of years after Daniel was written. Please join us! For information, contact Sue Johnson at or 512-217-8891. WOMEN’S THURSDAY EVENINGS The Thursday Night Ladies Bible Study will resume September 17th. We meet from 6:30 to 8:00 pm. The name of the study is Fight Back with Joy. For registration or additional information, please contact Sherry Hoffman at or 603-689-8219. WOMEN’S FRIDAY BIBLE STUDY An in-depth study of the book of Ephesians, led by Sue Johnson, meeting in Room 203 at 10:30 am Fridays. Contact Sue at for more information. WOMEN’S PRECEPT™ BIBLE STUDY Program: Our own Pastor Brent Graham will regale us with tales from his sabbatical travels! Hosted by Shepherd Flocks O & P Menu: a Chinese feast from Pao’s Mandarin House plus desserts provided by the Flocks Reservations in church office by noon Monday, August 31, 512-261-6331 or 10 Loretta Foster will lead a new Precept™ study of Kay Arthur’s, Lord, I Want to Know You, in Room 204, at 10:30 am Fridays. To know God is to know His character, and that character is revealed in His names. Each name is an aspect of His sovereignty over your life. If you want a deeper, abiding faith, this study will help you see and understand how powerfully He works. (Workbooks $15.00) For more information, please contact Loretta Foster THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 Tue/Thu—Functional Fitness @ 7:30 am $20 per quarter; info NEED A LIFESAVER? A HELPING HAND? SOMEONE WHO HAS BEEN THERE...DONE THAT? CARING FOR CAREGIVERS is a support group for men and women who have physical, legal or emotional responsibility in caring for a loved one—whether spouse, parent, sibling, adult child or minor child. We meet the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of the month in Room 204. CARING FOR CAREGIVERS will meet September 8 & 22 Questions? Call Frieda—512-261-4240 or Joyce—512-266-2948 July 2015 2015 FINANCIAL: Tithes & Offerings $ 130,276 $ 937,205 Preschool 1,971 390,257 Other Income 1,864 19,716 Programs Surplus (Shortage) ATTENDANCE: Average Sunday Attendance (162,609) (1,218,285) ($ 28,498) $ 128,893 July 2015 2015 636 741 GRIEF SHARE is for anyone coping with the loss of a loved one, at any stage of his/her journey from mourning to joy. The next Grief Share The Lakeway Church accepts VISA and MasterCard for your donations and tithes? Contact Jill Osborne in the church office, 512-261-6331. 13-week series will begin on September 15 through December 15 and meet every week on Tuesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm in Room 203. For more information, please contact Dorothy Moggio-DiBacco at 512-574-4685 or by email This on-going prayer list is for all our loved ones who need to be on our prayer list on a continuing basis. If you would like to put someone on this list, just call (512-261-6331) or email us at Please advise Pastor Brent when your loved one no longer needs to be listed. Bill & Pucci Allen at Home Jana Baker at Home Barb Brantner at Home O.W. & Bea Brauss at Longhorn Village Gerald & Carol Dallas at Home Clara Drake at Brookdale: Lohman's Crossing Ray Dudley at Home Sue Eastman in Denver Herb Eddy at Grace House Verna Eddy at Home Jan Everett at Home Gene & Katie Gallimore at Home Jill Gaurity in Tyler Bailey Gorman & Family at Home Julie Howard at Home Jamie Lavender at Home Avis Lee at Park Manor John & Joyce Mansen at Longhorn Village Ned & Joyce Mortiz at The Harbor Merrilyn Morse at Brookdale: Lakeway THE LAKEWAY CHURCH NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2015 Tom Nixon at Longhorn Village Cathy Rogers at Home Rachel Sawyer at Home Ellen Shultz in Oregon Elizabeth Tichacek at Home 11 SUNDAYS: 8:15 am Traditional Service 9:30 am Contemporary Worship Service (Sanctuary) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Contemporary Worship Service (Fellowship Hall) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) AdventureLand (Nursery, Toddler & Preschool) Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) Kidz Inc. (Kinder—3rd grades) HS & MS Small Groups Adult Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional Service THE LAKEWAY CHURCH 2203 Lakeway Blvd. Lakeway, TX 78734 11:00 am MS & HS Small Groups Club 45 (4th & 5th grades) 6:30 pm Adult Sunday School Wednesdays: 6:30 pm MS Worship Service HS Fellowship Thursdays: Prayer Meeting 5:30 pm The Lakeway Church Christian Preschool Phone: ........................................................ 512-261-6632 Stephanie Hartmann ............Director of Preschool Ministries Kelly Leonard ...................................... Preschool Associate Larry Coulter ................................................ Senior Pastor Brent Graham ........................................... Associate Pastor Mark Savage-Rains ................... Director of Music Ministries Melissa Alexander ............... Director of Children’s Ministries Danny Hartmann ...................... Director of Youth Ministries Jason Arnold .............................. Youth Ministries Assistant Jill Osborne ................................ Director of Administration Rachel Sawyer ............................... Administrative Assistant Judy Teague............................................Church Secretary Nancy L. Keetch........................... Communications Director David Beussman ........................ Assistant Director of Music Vernon Moeller ................................. Organist/Accompanist JR Taylor............... Worship Leader/Audio-Visual Technician 2203 LAKEWAY BLVD. AUSTIN, TX 78734 WWW.LAKEWAYCHURCH.ORG Phone: ........................................................ 512-261-6331 Fax: ............................................................ 512-261-7099 ADMINISTRATION STAFF
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LCCPreschool (begins 3)
Women’s Weds AM Study (NOT mtg in Sept)
Senior Adult Ministry Team Mtg (17)