flash cards!!! - Dalton Local Schools
flash cards!!! - Dalton Local Schools
Instructions • Print these flash cards in color on white card stock • Then glue them or clip them back to back. FRONT BACK Instructions To make smaller cards, use Adobe Reader’s Multiple pages per sheet options. Yet another alternative: hang them on the walls as a colorful display to inspire and educate. This file covers the following roots. anti aristo astro auto bi bio chrom chron cine/kine cosm against, opposite best star self two life color time motion universe, world, order against/opposite antonym antibacterial antibiotic antithesis antacid antimatter antichrist antiseptic against/opposite antonym antibacterial antibiotic antithesis antacid antimatter antichrist antiseptic against/opposite antonym antibacterial antibiotic antithesis antacid antimatter antichrist antiseptic against/opposite antonym antibacterial antibiotic antithesis antacid antimatter antichrist antiseptic against/opposite antonym antibacterial antibiotic antithesis antacid antimatter antichrist antiseptic best aristocrat aristocracy aristocratic best aristocrat aristocracy aristocratic best aristocrat aristocracy aristocratic self autograph automobile autobiography automatic autopilot autoimmune self autograph automobile autobiography automatic autopilot autoimmune self autograph automobile autobiography automatic autopilot autoimmune self autograph automobile autobiography automatic autopilot autoimmune star astronomer astrology astronaut astrophysics asteroid asterisk star astronomer astrology astronaut astrophysics asteroid asterisk star astronomer astrology astronaut astrophysics asteroid asterisk two bicycle bisexual biannual binary bifocals bidirectional two bicycle bisexual biannual binary bifocals bidirectional two bicycle bisexual biannual binary bifocals bidirectional life biology biotic autobiography biomechanical bionic life biology biotic autobiography biomechanical bionic life biology biotic autobiography biomechanical bionic color chromatic chrome monochrome chromoprotein chromosome color chromatic chrome monochrome chromoprotein chromosome color chromatic chrome monochrome chromoprotein chromosome time chronograph chronology chronic synchronize chronicle time chronograph chronology chronic synchronize chronicle time chronograph chronology chronic synchronize chronicle motion cinema kinetic kinesiology cinemascope kinesthetic universe or order cosmos microcosm cosmology macrocosm cosmetic universe or order cosmos microcosm cosmology macrocosm cosmetic universe or order cosmos microcosm cosmology macrocosm cosmetic This following pages cover these roots. cracy crat cycl dem derma dyna/dyno endo epi ethno exo type of government member of a type of government circle, wheel people skin power inside on top of, over race, nationality outside type of government democracy theocracy autocracy technocracy bureaucracy aristocracy type of government democracy theocracy autocracy technocracy bureaucracy aristocracy type of government democracy theocracy autocracy technocracy bureaucracy aristocracy member of a type of government democrat theocrat autocrat technocrat bureaucrat aristocrat type of government democracy theocracy autocracy technocracy bureaucracy aristocracy member of a type of government democrat theocrat autocrat technocrat bureaucrat aristocrat member of a type of government democrat theocrat autocrat technocrat bureaucrat aristocrat circle or wheel bicycle tricycle cycle cyclic unicycle cyclone circle or wheel bicycle tricycle cycle cyclic unicycle cyclone circle or wheel bicycle tricycle cycle cyclic unicycle cyclone people demograph democrat democracy demographer epidemic pandemic people demograph democrat democracy demographer epidemic pandemic people demograph democrat democracy demographer epidemic pandemic skin dermabrasion epidermis dermatology hypodermic dermoid skin dermabrasion epidermis dermatology hypodermic dermoid skin dermabrasion epidermis dermatology hypodermic dermoid power dynamite dynamic dynamo dyne hydrodynamics power dynamite dynamic dynamo dyne hydrodynamics power dynamite dynamic dynamo dyne hydrodynamics power dynamite dynamic dynamo dyne hydrodynamics inside endocrine endomorph endorphin endoskeleton endosperm inside endocrine endomorph endorphin endoskeleton endosperm inside endocrine endomorph endorphin endoskeleton endosperm inside endocrine endomorph endorphin endoskeleton endosperm on top of epidermis epidemiology epitaph episode epitome on top of epidermis epidemiology epitaph episode epitome on top of epidermis epidemiology epitaph episode epitome on top of epidermis epidemiology epitaph episode epitome on top of epidermis epidemiology epitaph episode epitome race or nationality ethnicity ethnic ethnographer enthnocentrism ethnomusicology race or nationality ethnicity ethnic ethnographer enthnocentrism ethnomusicology race or nationality ethnicity ethnic ethnographer enthnocentrism ethnomusicology Chilean Japanese African Chinese Caucasian Persian Hispanic Latin Cambodian French Peruvian race or nationality ethnicity ethnic ethnographer enthnocentrism ethnomusicology race or nationality ethnicity ethnic ethnographer enthnocentrism ethnomusicology race or nationality ethnicity ethnic ethnographer enthnocentrism ethnomusicology outside exoskeleton exomorph exoteric exomorph exotic outside exoskeleton exomorph exoteric exomorph exotic outside exoskeleton exomorph exoteric exomorph exotic outside exoskeleton exomorph exoteric exomorph exotic This following pages cover these roots. gen/geno birth, race, produce geo earth gon angle graph/gram written or drawn gyn woman hemi/semi half hydro water hyper over, too much, a lot hypo under, not enough legis law, legal birth/race/produce genetic progeny cryogenics genome generation birth/race/produce genetic progeny cryogenics genome generation birth/race/produce genetic progeny cryogenics genome generation earth geologist geography geophysics geometry geopolitical earth geologist geography geophysics geometry geopolitical earth geologist geography geophysics geometry geopolitical earth geologist geography geophysics geometry geopolitical angle polygon octagon pentagon hexagon septagon angle polygon octagon pentagon hexagon septagon angle polygon octagon pentagon hexagon septagon angle polygon octagon pentagon hexagon septagon angle polygon octagon pentagon hexagon septagon written or drawn photograph polygraph graphic graph lithograph written or drawn photograph polygraph graphic graph lithograph written or drawn photograph polygraph graphic graph lithograph woman gynocologist misogynist misogyny gynecology ob/gyn woman gynocologist misogynist misogyny gynecology ob/gyn woman gynocologist misogynist misogyny gynecology ob/gyn half hemisphere semiautomatic hemicranial hemialgia semicircle half hemisphere semiautomatic hemicranial hemialgia semicircle half hemisphere semiautomatic hemicranial hemialgia semicircle half hemisphere semiautomatic hemicranial hemialgia semicircle water hydroplane hydrometer hydrologist hydrophobia hydrant water hydroplane hydrometer hydrologist hydrophobia hydrant water hydroplane hydrometer hydrologist hydrophobia hydrant too much hyperactive hyperactivity hypercritical hypersensitive hyperbole too much hyperactive hyperactivity hypercritical hypersensitive hyperbole too much hyperactive hyperactivity hypercritical hypersensitive hyperbole too much hyperactive hyperactivity hypercritical hypersensitive hyperbole under or not enough hypoallergenic hypothermia hypothyroidism hypodermic hypothetical under or not enough hypoallergenic hypothermia hypothyroidism hypodermic hypothetical under or not enough hypoallergenic hypothermia hypothyroidism hypodermic hypothetical under or not enough hypoallergenic hypothermia hypothyroidism hypodermic hypothetical legal legislate legislative legal legislator illegal legal legislate legislative legal legislator illegal legal legislate legislative legal legislator illegal legal legislate legislative legal legislator illegal legal legislate legislative legal legislator illegal The following pages cover these roots. litho stone mania madness mech machine mega big met/meta above, over, higher, beyond meter measure of micro small mon/mono one morph shape, form necro dead, death, corpse stone or rock lithograph lithographer lithosphere neolithic lithography stone or rock lithograph lithographer lithosphere neolithic lithography stone or rock lithograph lithographer lithosphere neolithic lithography madness or insanity pyromania kleptomania bibliomania megalomania maniac madness or insanity pyromania kleptomania bibliomania megalomania maniac madness or insanity pyromania kleptomania bibliomania megalomania maniac machine mechanic mechanistic mechanize biomechanical mechanism machine mechanic mechanistic mechanize biomechanical mechanism machine mechanic mechanistic mechanize biomechanical mechanism big megabyte megalopolis megahertz megaton megastar big megabyte megalopolis megahertz megaton megastar big megabyte megalopolis megahertz megaton megastar above or beyond metaphysics metamorphosis metacognition metabolism metal above or beyond metaphysics metamorphosis metacognition metabolism metal above or beyond metaphysics metamorphosis metacognition metabolism metal measure kilometer hydrometer speedometer odometer metric measure kilometer hydrometer speedometer odometer metric measure kilometer hydrometer speedometer odometer metric small microphone micrometer microscope microbiology microcosm small microphone micrometer microscope microbiology microcosm small microphone micrometer microscope microbiology microcosm small microphone micrometer microscope microbiology microcosm small microphone micrometer microscope microbiology microcosm small microphone micrometer microscope microbiology microcosm one monotonous monotone monotheist monochrome monoxide one monotonous monotone monotheist monochrome monoxide one monotonous monotone monotheist monochrome monoxide shape morpheme morphology ectomorph endomorph metamorphosis shape morpheme morphology ectomorph endomorph metamorphosis shape morpheme morphology ectomorph endomorph metamorphosis death necrosis necropolis necromancer necropsy necrophobia death necrosis necropolis necromancer necropsy necrophobia death necrosis necropolis necromancer necropsy necrophobia death necrosis necropolis necromancer necropsy necrophobia The following pages cover these roots. neo new, young octo eight ologist one who studies ology study of pan all, every path suffering, disease penta five phil love phobia fear phon/phono sound photo light new neonatal neon neoplasm neolithic neophyte new neonatal neon neoplasm neolithic neophyte new neonatal neon neoplasm neolithic neophyte new neonatal neon neoplasm neolithic neophyte new neonatal neon neoplasm neolithic neophyte eight octogon octagenarian octopus octuplets octogonal eight octogon octagenarian octopus octuplets octogonal eight octogon octagenarian octopus octuplets octogonal eight octogon octagenarian octopus octuplets octogonal one who studies the study of biologist geologist astrologist physiologist hydrologist biology geology astrology physiology hydrology one who studies the study of biologist geologist astrologist physiologist hydrologist biology geology astrology physiology hydrology one who studies the study of biologist geologist astrologist physiologist hydrologist biology geology astrology physiology hydrology one who studies the study of biologist geologist astrologist physiologist hydrologist biology geology astrology physiology hydrology one who studies the study of biologist geologist astrologist physiologist hydrologist biology geology astrology physiology hydrology 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ !@#$%&*()_+=[]\{}|;’:”,./<>?`~ all or everything pantheism panorama pandemonium pandemic pantheist Avant‐Garde Country Jazz Blues Easy listening Electronic Heavy Metal Hip Hop & Rap Latin American Pop Modern folk Soca Rhythm & Blues Rock Funk Punk Techno Alternative Classical Choral Rap all or everything pantheism panorama pandemonium pandemic pantheist all or everything pantheism panorama pandemonium pandemic pantheist all or everything pantheism panorama pandemonium pandemic pantheist all or everything pantheism panorama pandemonium pandemic pantheist sickness or suffering pathological empathy sympathy psychopath apathy sickness or suffering pathological empathy sympathy psychopath apathy sickness or suffering pathological empathy sympathy psychopath apathy five pentagram pentane pentameter pentagon pentathalon 1 5 3 2 4 five pentagram pentane pentameter pentagon pentathalon five pentagram pentane pentameter pentagon pentathalon five pentagram pentane pentameter pentagon pentathalon five pentagram pentane pentameter pentagon pentathalon five pentagram pentane pentameter pentagon pentathalon love philanthropy philosophy philosopher philanderer pedophile love philanthropy philosophy philosopher philanderer pedophile love philanthropy philosophy philosopher philanderer pedophile fear hydrophobia acrophobia agoraphobia ablutophobia satanophobia fear hydrophobia acrophobia agoraphobia ablutophobia satanophobia fear hydrophobia acrophobia agoraphobia ablutophobia satanophobia fear hydrophobia acrophobia agoraphobia ablutophobia satanophobia sound microphone telephone phonograph phonic phoneme sound microphone telephone phonograph phonic phoneme sound microphone telephone phonograph phonic phoneme sound microphone telephone phonograph phonic phoneme sound microphone telephone phonograph phonic phoneme light photograph photon photosynthesis photoelectric photogenic light photograph photon photosynthesis photoelectric photogenic light photograph photon photosynthesis photoelectric photogenic light photograph photon photosynthesis photoelectric photogenic light photograph photon photosynthesis photoelectric photogenic The following pages cover these roots. phyll phys pod/ped polis poly proto pseudo psych pyro scope green, leaf body/nature foot city/civilization many first fake mind fire watch, see green or leaf chlorophyll phyllotaxis allagophylla macrophylla phyllode green or leaf chlorophyll phyllotaxis allagophylla macrophylla phyllode green or leaf chlorophyll phyllotaxis allagophylla macrophylla phyllode green or leaf chlorophyll phyllotaxis allagophylla macrophylla phyllode body or nature physics physiology metaphysics physical geophysics body or nature physics physiology metaphysics physical geophysics body or nature physics physiology metaphysics physical geophysics foot pedal bipedal podiatrist pedestrian tripod foot pedal bipedal podiatrist pedestrian tripod foot pedal bipedal podiatrist pedestrian tripod foot pedal bipedal podiatrist pedestrian tripod foot pedal bipedal podiatrist pedestrian tripod city or civilization metropolis politics police policy political city or civilization metropolis politics police policy political city or civilization metropolis politics police policy political many polygon polynomial polytheism polyandrous polygraph many polygon polynomial polytheism polyandrous polygraph many polygon polynomial polytheism polyandrous polygraph many polygon polynomial polytheism polyandrous polygraph first proton prototype protein protozoa protoplasm first proton prototype protein protozoa protoplasm Sunday Monday first proton prototype protein protozoa protoplasm January February March first proton prototype protein protozoa protoplasm fake pseudonym pseudoephedrine pseudo-science pseudopod fake pseudonym pseudoephedrine pseudo-science pseudopod fake pseudonym pseudoephedrine pseudo-science pseudopod fake pseudonym pseudoephedrine pseudo-science pseudopod mind psychology psyche psychic psychiatry psychotic mind psychology psyche psychic psychiatry psychotic mind psychology psyche psychic psychiatry psychotic fire pyrotechnics pyrotechnician pyrolysis pyromania pyroclastic fire pyrotechnics pyrotechnician pyrolysis pyromania pyroclastic watch or see microscope telescope scope stethoscope periscope watch or see microscope telescope scope stethoscope periscope watch or see microscope telescope scope stethoscope periscope watch or see microscope telescope scope stethoscope periscope watch or see microscope telescope scope stethoscope periscope The following pages cover these roots. soph spher/sphero tech/techni tele tetra theo therm thesis tri zo/zoo wisdom sphere, ball, layer of gas skill, craft distance four god, religion heat position three animal wisdom sophomore sophist sophisticated philosopher philosophy wisdom sophomore sophist sophisticated philosopher philosophy wisdom sophomore sophist sophisticated philosopher philosophy wisdom sophomore sophist sophisticated philosopher philosophy ball hemisphere sphere spheroid stratosphere biosphere ball hemisphere sphere spheroid stratosphere biosphere ball hemisphere sphere spheroid stratosphere biosphere skill or craft technical technician technology technocrat polytechnical skill or craft technical technician technology technocrat polytechnical skill or craft technical technician technology technocrat polytechnical distance television telephone telescope teleport telekinesis distance television telephone telescope teleport telekinesis distance television telephone telescope teleport telekinesis distance television telephone telescope teleport telekinesis four tetrahedron tetracycline tetrapod tetragon tetragram four tetrahedron tetracycline tetrapod tetragon tetragram four tetrahedron tetracycline tetrapod tetragon tetragram god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist god or religion theology theist theocracy theocrat monotheist heat thermal thermometer Thermos thermostat hypothermia heat thermal thermometer Thermos thermostat hypothermia heat thermal thermometer Thermos thermostat hypothermia heat thermal thermometer Thermos thermostat hypothermia heat thermal thermometer Thermos thermostat hypothermia position thesis antithesis hypothesis synthesis photosynthesis position thesis antithesis hypothesis synthesis photosynthesis position thesis antithesis hypothesis synthesis photosynthesis position thesis antithesis hypothesis synthesis photosynthesis position thesis antithesis hypothesis synthesis photosynthesis position thesis antithesis hypothesis synthesis photosynthesis three triangle trifecta tricycle tripod triple three triangle trifecta tricycle tripod triple three triangle trifecta tricycle tripod triple three triangle trifecta tricycle tripod triple three triangle trifecta tricycle tripod triple animal zoo zoology zodiac protozoan zoomorphism animal zoo zoology zodiac protozoan zoomorphism animal zoo zoology zodiac protozoan zoomorphism animal zoo zoology zodiac protozoan zoomorphism Thank You! 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Thank you for purchasing this product. © Steven Gipson The original purchaser of this document is granted permission to reproduce the pages in needed quantities for the purchaser's classroom only. Minor editing is allowed; the document remains under copyright even when edited. Duplication for other classes or by other teachers or for use in wide distribution as within a school district or on the internet in any form is strictly forbidden. Violations are subject to the penalties of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
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