April 17, 2016 - St. Mary Catholic Church
April 17, 2016 - St. Mary Catholic Church
Saint Mary’s Church April 17, 2016 Office: 15164 Juniper Dr.—Marne, Mi 49435 Office: 616-677-3934 / Fax: 616.677.5866 Parish Hall: 616.677.5065 / www.saintmarysmarne.org Our Cluster Parish: St Michael’s—Coopersville, MI 49404 616.384.4026 / www.saintmichaels.us Pastor: Rev. Anton Tran / fratran@grpriests.org Parish Secretary: Cathie VanGessel / secretary@saintmarysmarne.org Business Manager: Todd Kline / businessmanager@saintmarysmarne.org Pastoral Minister, RCIA and Marriage Programs, Director of Cemetery : Dr. Allan Ten Eyck / ateneyck@saintmarysmarne.org Director of Faith Formation: Kim Lothschutz / kimlothschutz57@gmail.com Youth Minister—EDGE grades 6–8 /Life Teen grades 9-12 Craig Bleckley / youthministry@saintmichaels.us Adult Faith Formation: Rev. Anton Tran, Dr. Allan Ten Eyck Organist & Choir Director: John Vesbit 616.453.6689 Martha League: Parish Office: 616.677.3934 (assistance with meals during illness or injury) Pastoral Council: Sharon Davis, Cheryle DeVries, Wendy Reffeor, Georgia Noel, Sarah Russell, Vito Dolci Finance Council: Arlyn Doornbos, Ruth Kasul, Todd Kline, Scott Lampe, Mel Northrup, Paul Lothschutz Care and Visitation of the Sick: Parish Office: 677.3934 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saint Mary’sSaturday 3:00 PM—4:00 PM (or anytime by appt.) Saint Michael’s– Wednesday 3:00 PM—4:00 PM (or anytime by appt.) Sacraments of Baptism & Matrimony: Parish Office-616.677.3934 Mass Schedule: Saint Mary’s- Saturday 4:00 PM / Sunday 11:00 AM Tuesday 9AM - Adoration begins after Mass until 4:00 pm Thursday 9:00 AM Saint Michael’s– Sunday 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM Wednesday 9AM - Adoration begins after Mass until 5:00 pm Friday 9:00 AM Prayer Line: Parish Office 616.677.3934 or Linda at 677.3269 for evening requests call Darlene 616.453.0157 or email: bfa1414@yahoo.com Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. April 17, 2016 4th Sunday of Easter St. Michael’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. April 24 Altar Servers Eucharistic Ministers Mass Schedule and Intentions Saturday 4:00 p.m. MA=St. Mary’s MI=St. Michael’s April 16 MA Paul & Mary Kirkwood 50th Wedding Anniversary Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. April 17 MI Ron Raczkiewicz by Pam Raczkiewicz MI John & Sue Hornacek by Arthur Klein, Sr. MA For Our Parish Family Monday April 18 NO MASS Tuesday 9:00 a.m. April 19 MA Mary Bradley by M/M Scott Bradley Adoration begins after Mass until 4pm Wednesday April 20 COMMUNION SERVICE 9:00 a.m. MI Adoration begins after Service until 5pm Thursday 9:00 a.m. April 21 MA Niki Snowdin by M/M John Harrison Friday 9:00 a.m. April 22 MI Linda Kozminski by The Wendt Family Saturday 4:00 p.m. April 23 MA For St Mary’s First Communicants Sunday 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. April 24 MI Eleanor Loubert by Dick & Jane Burns MI For our Parish Family MA Margaret Woodburn Readings for the Week of April 17, 2016 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Easter Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5; Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:27-30 Monday Acts 11:1-18; Ps 42:2-3; 43:3, 4, Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday Acts 11:19-26; Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7, Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday Acts 12:24—13:5a; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, and 8; Jn 12:44-50 Thursday Acts 13:13-25; Ps 89:2-3, 21-22, 25, and 27; Jn 13:16-20 Friday Acts 13:26-33; Ps 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab; Jn 14:1-6 Saturday Acts 13:44-52; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4, Jn 14:7-14 Sunday Fifth Sunday of Easter Acts 14:21-27; Ps 145:8-9, 10-11, 12-13; Rv 21:1-5a; Jn 13:31-33a, 34-35 Greeters Lectors Sacristan Ushers Music 7:30 a.m. Peter Nielsen Randy Mergener Jonathon Monroe Mary Sorensen Jeremy Cusick Kathy Maka Rose Lindberg Dave Carlson Steve Anderson Sue Felicioni Judy Driedger Arno Driedger Mary Sorensen Judy Driedger Joe Meerman Mary Bueche Steve Anderson Wade Lindberg Anna Jonaitis 9:00 a.m. Eli Veneklase Lauren Meerman Araceli Zuniga Andrew Bonter Joe Hitchings Mark Phillips Chris Albrecht Lauren Anderson Michele Anderson NEED 1 MORE Kevin Schoenborn Jayne Schoenborn Carol Reens Sue DeVos Curt DeVos Josh DeVos NEED 2 MORE Anna Jonaitis St. Mary’s Liturgical Ministers for next week. Altar Servers April 23— 4PM April 24—11AM Travis McDonald Ben McDonald Sam Way Danny Rogers Eucharistic Chris Morgan Ministers Allan TenEyck Host Annette Lown Hope Brouwer Eucharistic Keith Anderson Ministers Jose Gomez Cup Kathy Gomez Jim Lown Helen Byrne Hospitality Monica Zahm Ministers Leo Byrne Need Two Lector 1 Lector 2 Music Donuts Angie Hanks Geary Farrell John V n/a Pat Kensil Janette Ney Mel Snowdin Roseanne Lynch Lloyd Ney Nettie Leale Leo Raap Marian Looks Jim Looks Matt Karr Mitchell Kamp Leonard Horter Need One Jessica Pabst Dave Benedetti John V Need Helpers BISHOP DAVID J. WALKOWIAK ASKS US TO PRAY FOR OUR SEMINARIANS Loving God, Raise up dedicated leaders who will shepherd your people and guide them to your Son. Give generous and willing hearts to the seminarians of our Diocese who have heard your call to live a life of service to the Church. Help us to encourage and support them as they strive to become priests who are models of discipleship, possessors of wisdom and on fire with love for your people. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. We especially pray for: David J. Sacha Submissions to the bulletin must be made in writing and sent via mail or email to secretary@saintmichaels.us or secretary@saintmarysmarne.org. The deadline is Monday at noon for the following Sunday’s Bulletin. Thank you! FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER April 17, 2016 ST MARY’S PARISH NEWS ST MARY’S PARISH NEWS HAPPY 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY St. Mary’s Has A Hearing Loop Installed— Our entire sanctuary is covered with a T—Coil Hearing Loop. If you wear a hearing aid, please make sure it is set to T-Coil to tune into our system. (if you are unsure how to do this, please contact your audiologist for help) For those of you with out this capability, we have 2 listening devices available with more on order for anyone having a hard time hearing without a hearing aid at Mass. Ask a Minister of Hospitality for a listener device before Mass. SAVE THE DATES DATE Apr 23 First Communion Mass @4PM May 8-Jun 19 Baby Bottle Drive to Benefit Pregnancy Helps! May 22 May 30 June 19 June 20-24 July 9/10 Sept 11 Knights of Columbus Community BreakfastMother’s Day—Moms Eat Free Graduation Mass & Breakfast Memorial Day Mass at Cemetery Altar—8AM Knights of Columbus Community BreakfastFather’s Day—Dads Eat Free Vacation Bible School Alfred Salsa Religious Items from the Holy Land on display/for sale at Masses Parish Picnic Visit www.saintmarysmarne.org for all church happenings! “Like” St. Mary’s Catholic Church—Marne on Facebook and “Follow “ us on Twitter and download our MyParishApp CATHOLIC SERVICE APPEAL 2016 SO FAITH MAY FLOURISH Please keep in mind that any amount raised over our goal is returned to the parish. Please continue to pray for the success of this important effort. Thank you for your support! Giving Back to God St. Mary’s Contributions from April 9/10 Thank you for your continued support! April 16, 2016 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR GODS KITCHEN: Volunteers are needed from 10AM to 2PM, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug 13. Sign-Up forms available in the Narthex. St Mary’s Picnic Planning Group is looking for volunteers for various committees for the picnic, Games, prizes, set-up, etc. For more information on how you can help, please contact the Parish Office. Picnic will be Sept 11, 2016 GIFT BASKET RAFFLE: The FIVE St Mary’s American Cancer Society—Relay for Life teams will be selling raffle tickets for a variety of gift baskets. Tickets will be sold after Masses on April 30/May 1 & May 7/8. Winning tickets will be drawn at the Community Breakfast on May 8 . RECYCLE PAPER IN THE PAPER GATOR Thank you for your gifts to CSA 2016. Your generous support will fund essential diocesan ministries that support our seminarians, provide training for teachers and faith formation staff, as well as assist our brothers and sisters in need. Our parish goal for 2016 is $46,092.00 and 100% participation, which means a pledge card from every parish family. to pray for the success of this important effort. CSA Pledge Goal: $46,092.00 Total Pledges Made: 43,867.40 $ (95%) Balance: $2,224.60 Participation: 170 of 393 households (43%) Adult (123) Loose Total Capital Improvement April 16, 2016 Robert & Judy Anderson EVENT May 8 Paul & Mary Kirkwood $7171.00 $293.55 $7465.55 $70.00 What is it? The PaperGator® is a fundraiser where St. Mary’s is paid to collect paper products for recycling. (Paper Bin is located in the Parish Hall Parking Lot) What CAN go in the bins? Newsprint Catalogs/Magazines Junk Mail Phone Books Office/School paper Hard and soft cover books What CANNOT go in the bins? Paperboard (Grocery Item boxes) Plastic Metal Trash Glass Cardboard PLEASE REMEMBER THESE ST. MARY’S PARISHIONERS IN YOUR PRAYERS William Brown, Pat Goodwin, Kelley Kasul, Doris Kowalczyk, Ken Malewitz, Jon Perrin, Jim Poley, Ann Pols, Mabel Siemen, Kathleen Sobie, Judy Wensink and the personal intentions that St Mary’s Parish parishioners hold close to their hearts. If you or a loved one would like to be added to this prayer list, please contact the parish office at 677.3934 or Linda at 677.3269 for evening requests call Darlene 616.453.0157 or email: bfa1414@yahoo.com Welcome to the Cluster Parishes of St. Mary and St. Michael. CLUSTER NEWS 2016 GRADUATION MASS: Our Parish Family wishes to congratulate you on the occasion of your graduation. To help you celebrate the spiritual dimension of this special event in your life, a Mass and Breakfast will be held in your honor. Invitations have been sent out to all 2016 High School Graduates. If you do not receive yours, please contact your Parish Office. College Graduates are also welcome to attend. Please call your parish office and let us know you will be joining! St Michael’s Mass for Graduates on Sunday, May 15 at 9:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served following Mass in the Family Center. St Mary’s Mass for Graduates on Sunday, May 22 at 11:00 a.m. Breakfast will be served prior to Mass at 10AM in the community room. YOUTH MINISTRY (YM)2 Lifeteen and 8th Grade will meet at AJs this afternoon at 3:45 for a 4-6 fun night! $12 gives you a wrist-band for entire park. (High School and 8th Grade Only) AJ’s is located on West River Dr. by the White Caps Stadium. There is NO Faith Formation for 6th and 7th grade this week. You will resume next weekend. Important Mission Trip meeting TODAY after the 9:00 am Mass (10:15) in the youth room for parents and students. Upcoming Events to put on your calendar: April 24—Spiritual Stock weekend (Mission Trip Fundraiser) May 15—Graduation Mass and Breakfast (notice the date change) See the info on the left. June 12-17—High School Mission Trip to Warrensburg, NY. COMMUNITY EVENTS Save the Date: Lori’s Voice WALK FOR THE CHALLENGED—June 11, 2016 at Berlin Raceway. RELAY FOR LIFE-CRAFT & VENDOR SHOW- St. Michael’s Preschool Open House Tuesday, April 19 from 6:30—7:30 PM Bring your child and any questions you may have about the program. See the classroom, meet the teacher, learn about after-school care. Tuition discounts and scholarships available. Enroll your child for the 2016-2017 school year. Preschool meets on MWF from 8:45—11:45 am. Your child must be 3 or 4 by October 1st, 2016. For more info, please call our Preschool Director, Annette Lown at 616-384-4026. PRAY FOR OUR ENGAGED COUPLES Cara Schmidt & Justin Allison / June 18, 2016 (St. Michael) Amy VanDenBrink & Sean Weaver / August 27 (St. Michael) Erica Pizarro & Jordan Warren / August 27 (St. Mary) Kelli Bouchard & Doug Ferguson / Sep 30, 2016 (St. Michael) Lindsi VanGessel & Trevor Shillinger / Oct 1, 2016 (St Mary) Elizabeth DeWitt & Kenneth Emery / Oct 15, 2016 (St Mary) Lindsay Latimer & Aaron DeVos / Sep 30, 2017 (St Mary) St. Michael’s Council #9909 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: The St. Michael’s Knights meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. April 23, 10am 2pm.. Tallmadge Townhship Hall, Welcome Spring in with some of our favorite local vendors and crafters. Contact Catie for more info: 616.915.9172 Vocations Dinner, May 14, St. Isidore Parish, Speaker Deacon Tom Cavera. Adults $25, Kids $5, Family rate $70. Go online at https://vocations-dinner2016.eventbrite.com to view event schedule, donate or buy tickets or call Tom Westrickat 269-217-0814. Proceeds benefit Catholic seminarians/ novices. Upcoming Events at St. Vincent De Paul Hall 21130 32nd Ave, Conklin, MI 49403 Knight of Columbus #4404 will be serving breakfast at the hall on April 10th and 17th. Proceeds will go toward a new well. Breakfasts will be served from 8:30-1:00 pm. St. Vincent De Paul Mixed couples euchre tournament will take place on April 22nd. Doors open at 6:00 pm with play starting at 7:00 pm. Cost is $15 per team. Refreshments will be available with complimentary popcorn. Proceeds will go toward hall improvements. St. Mary’s Knights of Columbus Council # 11581 The Knights meet on the 1st Thursday of the month at 8:00PM. For more info please contact Grand Knight: Chris Booth: cboothx6@gmail.com. COMMUNITY BREAKFAST May 8 ~ Mom’s Eat Free ST. MICHAEL’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK ST. MARY’S SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Funeral Homes, Inc. 616-842-6100 Spring Lake and Grand Haven Fine Diamonds, Watches & Jewelry 248 Main Street, Coopersville—616.997.7173 VANZANTWICK BARTELS KAMMERAAD THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! PHILLIPS JEWELERS THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR BULLETIN! FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER St. Michael’s Sanctuary Lamp For Fran Egan By Carl & Marcy Goosen St. Michael’s Parish family remembers in their prayers: Chase & Harrison Tasker, Dawn Stevens, Anne Pols, Lucille O’Bradovich, Bill Corner, Rose Vargo, Margaret Langlois, Erin Plaggemars, Al Spencer, Ruth Langlois, Alexandria Gordon, Charles Benkert, George and Gladys Langlois, Brooke Campbell, Linda Abel-Carroll, Jackie May, the victims of abortion, and the men and women in the military. Giving Back to God St. Michael’s Contributions from last week. Adult Envelopes $5,305.52 Loose Cash $212.00 Children’s Envelopes $13.74 Total $5,531.26 Budgeted Income $5,790.00 Surplus/Deficit ($258.74) Financial Assistance $20.00 Thank you for your continued support! Scrip News: Thank you to our 15 families that purchased Scrip this week. Our total earnings were $142.80. The Dennison Federal Credit Union The Credit Union is open on Sundays in the Parish Office. Call Chris Albrecht at 997-6980 with questions. CATHOLIC SERVICE APPEAL 2016 SO FAITH MAY FLOURISH Thank you for your gifts to CSA 2016. Your generous support will fund essential diocesan ministries that support our seminarians, provide training for teachers and faith formation staff, as well as assist our brothers and sisters in need. Our parish goal for 2016 is $37,800.00 and 100% participation, which means a pledge card from every parish family to pray for the success of this important effort. CSA Pledge Goal: $37,800.00 Total Pledges Made: $27,520.00 (68%) Balance: ($10,280.00) Participation: 140 of 375 households (37%) Please keep in mind that any amount raised over our goal is returned to the parish. Please continue to pray for the success of this important effort. Thank you for your support! ST. MICHAEL’S PRESCHOOL NEWS NOW ENROLLING FOR 2016-2017 Preschool meets on MWF from 8:45—11:45 am. Your child must be 3 or 4 by October 1st, 2016. For more info, please call our Preschool Director, Annette Lown at 616-384-4026. St. Michael’s Preschool Open House Tuesday, April 19 from 6:30—7:30 PM April 17, 2016 ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH NEWS Please keep Deacon Daniel Schumaker and Seminarian Kyle Kilpatrick in your prayers. Kyle Kilpatrick will be ordained as a transitional deacon on Tuesday, May 17 at the Cathedral. He will be preaching at his first Mass at St. Michael’s on Sunday, May 22nd at the 7:30 and 9am Mass. Deacon Daniel Schumaker will be ordained into the priesthood on Saturday, June 4 at the Cathedral. He will be celebrating his first Mass on Sunday, June 5 at 9:00 am at St. Michael’s. Make giving easy, anytime, anywhere with Online BILL PAY Check with your financial institution to see if they offer BILL PAY. Most customers qualify for FREE Bill Pay sign-up. Set up St. Mary’s or St Michaels as your “payee” and you can tell your bank when to pay and how much to pay. You can schedule recurring payments weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Save time and your checks. Questions? Please call the parish office. St. Michael’s Capital Campaign for our Building Fund We have received $218,003.00 so far. Our goal is to raise $250,000.00. The Monthly Orange Building Fund Envelopes also go into this campaign. We are getting closer to our goal! ST. MICHAEL’S FAITH FORMATION Children’s Liturgy of the Word: This program takes place on Sundays during the 9:00 am Mass for children ages 3-7 years. In today’s Gospel Jesus talks about his relationship with us, his sheep. Like a shepherd who cares for his sheep, Jesus cares for us. Elementary Faith Formation Our program ends on Wednesday, April 20th with an end of the year Celebration for all students and their families. Parents and siblings are asked to join us at 6 pm for a Rosary prayer service. There will be an ice cream social and slide show immediately following. Let us end the school year, with faith, fun and fellowship! R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Welcome to the Catholic Church! Justin Allison and Scott Kosten. May the peace and love of the risen Christ be with you throughout this Easter Season! Church Chuckle A priest parked his car in a noparking zone in a large city because he was short of time and couldn’t find a space with a meter. Then he put a note under the windshield wiper that read: “I have circled the block 10 times. If I don’t park here, I’ll miss my appointment….. Forgive us our trespasses.” When he returned, he found a citation from a police officer along with this note: “I’ve circled this block for 10 years. If I don’t give you a ticket I’ll lose my job….. Lead us not into temptation.”