Neddy`s News Neddy`s News
Neddy`s News Neddy`s News
Neddy’s News Issue 4/ 2010 APRIL 2010 Forest Hills Pony Club Inc. P.O Box 161, Terrey Hills 2084 ‘We picked you some flowers Mr. Charnaud’ A BIG THANKYOU to the Closed Equitation Cleanup crew Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 1|Page Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 2|Page Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 3|Page April 24th (Saturday) First Mounted Games training (1pm) 26th Closed Show Jumping Comp FHPC 9:00am Course walk, 9:30am Start May Winter Uniform 2nd Rally Day 9:30am gear check 9th Zone 23 Show riding @ Ryde PC 15th&16th State Equitation @ Worrigee 20th Rally Day 9:30am gear check Happy Birthday May 6 Rachel Adam 8 Isabel Lister 18 Catherine Syme 19 Zoe Fitzpatrick Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 4|Page Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 5|Page Canteen Roster Date BBQ 8-10am BBQ 11-1pm Canteen 8-11pm Canteen 11am2pm Canteen 11am3pm 26 April Closed Show jumping 2 May Rally Day Help Help Help Help Help Needed Needed Needed Needed Needed 16 May Rally Day Help Help Help Help Help Needed Needed Needed Needed Needed 30 May Dressage Comp. FHPC Help Help Help Help Help Needed Needed Needed Needed Needed Help Help Help Help Help Needed Needed Needed Needed Needed In the canteen, we divide up the day so parents only spend part of the day on canteen or BBQ, leaving the remainder to relax and watch your child. As part of pony club By-laws, all parents are required to assist in either the canteen or help on the BBQ at least once a year. If you’d like to volunteer you can see Kylie in the canteen or call Robyn Syme on 9450 1149 Remember, we are all volunteering to help and support our children as well as the instructors who do a magnificent (unpaid) job. Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 6|Page Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 7|Page POLOCROSSE Our Polocrosse group headed down to Bungendore for the Championships on the 20th and 21st March. We had 14 members competing and fielded almost a full team of Associates (Caroline Day, Karl Triebe, Marcus and Emma Van Haren and Matt Dillon), a full team of 13 and under 17 (Catherine and Christopher Syme, Victoria Temm, Kristie Nixon, Mitch Beale and Floss Wood), and half a team of Under 13 (Rachael Temm, Stella Reeve and Jasmine Wayne). All 3 teams did amazingly well in really TOUGH competition! The Under 13 team were undefeated and came first, the 13 and under 17 team came 4th out of 8 teams and the Associate team came 2nd. All were totally exhausted but happy with the results. Most importantly we learnt how to PLAIT tails in the correct Polocrosse manner and Mitch Beale now sees a reason to learn to plait!!! © Lee-Ann Swan Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 8|Page RAS Teams of Four Congratulations to the Zone 23 Senior Team of Four from Forest Hills. Victoria Temm, Rachel Adams, Bianca Clarke-D’aprile, Isabelle Miller and Georgie Allan (reserve) for their 6th place at the Royal Easter show. Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 9|Page Zone Equitation FHPC had 27 riders competing at the Zone 23 Equitation competition. Congratulations to the six riders from Forest Hills who took out Champion and Reserve Champion places. They were Genevieve Bell (Champion 60cm), Ellen Thompson (Reserve Champion 60cm), Georgie Grove (Reserve Champion 75cm), Stephanie Mackillop (Reserve Champion 85cm), Jess Henderson (Champion 90cm), and Zoe Fitzpatrick (Reserve Champion 90cm). We had riders from all the clubs in our zone which made it a very competitive event. A VERY BIG thankyou to everyone who helped pack-up the grounds, and assisted with the smooth running of the event. Full results are on the Zone 23 website. Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 10 | P a g e State Sporting 17 children from Zone 23 travelled to Glenn Innes for the State Sporting Championships, with 12 riders from Forest Hills. All our riders rode extremely well, in almost perfect conditions. The full results will be posted on the Zone 23 website. Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 11 | P a g e Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 12 | P a g e Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 13 | P a g e Dressage NSW Inc 2004 GLOSSARY OF DRESSAGE TERMS ABOVE BIT head too high, evasion, unbalanced, hollow back ABRUPT TRANS too sudden aids, insufficient preparation, loss of balance ACCEPTANCE submit, lack of evasion, resistance or protest ACTIVITY energy, vigor, liveliness AGAINST THE BIT leaning AMBLE irregular walk ANTICIPATION transition before rider’s aids BALANCE weight distributed evenly on four legs BALANCE NOT MAINTAINED momentary loss off balance BEHIND BIT/AIDS evasion, draws back, not on aids BEHIND THE VERTICAL poll not highest point, nose behind forelock BEND even curve from poll to tail BLOCK tightness through the back BROKE changes gait without rider’s aids CADENCE a combination of harmony, impulsion, regularity, rhythm, balance and expression CARRIAGE posture, outline CHANGING RHYTHM altering steps within a pace CONFIDENCE boldness, self assurance CONSTRAINED forced, shortened CONSTRICTED physically tight CONTACT feel of the reins CROOKED not straight, i.e. quarters left or right of line taken by forehand DEFINED/DEFINITION distinct, demarcation DISOBEDIENT willfully evading riders aids, not performing movement DISUNITED cross canter DRAGGING inactivity (in hind legs), non-engagement ELASTICITY stretchiness, springiness ENGAGEMENT thrust, flexion of hocks, lowering of croup, EARLY TO WALK/TROT/ANTICIPATING simply changing gait before requested EVASION avoidance, resistance, disobedience EXPRESSION see cadence EXTENSION stretching, lengthening FALLING IN too much leaning to inside shoulder FALLING OUT escaping/evading through outside shoulder FELL INTO TROT unbalanced, fell on forehand, rushed forward, running FELL INTO TRANS same as above Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 14 | P a g e FLAT CANTER insufficient suspension in strides FLEXION lateral or position – horse on the bit; longitudinal – from front to back FORWARD energy, ground covering, lively tempo FRAME outline HALT immobile, square, straight, balanced, attentive HARMONY agreement, togetherness, tidiness HOLLOW BACK sagged HURRIED rushing, losing rhythm – usually in lengthening IRREGULAR impure, unlevel, different tempo LACKING IMPULSION insufficient energy to maintain a regular forward speed LENGTHENING thrust, engagement, ground covering, longer steps (not faster) IMMOBILITY completely still, attentive IMPULSION liveliness of hind quarters, energy, thrust, forward INATTENTIVE not listening to aids, gazing around MARCHING purposeful walk steps LABOURED lazy, inactive, effort to keep going LEANING downhill, on forehand, croup high NOT ENOUGH FROM BEHIND not engaged, back legs not stepping through or under enough ON FOREHAND downhill, weight too much on front legs, not evenly distributed on all four legs ON THE AIDS accepting, obedient, instantaneous, responsive, calm ON THE BIT accepting contact, supple OVERBENT curling, behind the vertical, bent too much at poll OVERTRACK/OVERSTRIDE/OVERSTEP placement of hind feet PACE NOT TRUE incorrect gaits ie walk pacing, trot passaging, canter 4 beat PURITY OF PACE correct gait ie walk 4 beat, trot 2 beat, and canter 3 beat. REGULARITY correctness, purity, levelness, evenness of the gaits RESISTING evading, kicking, tilting head, mouth open, etc RHYTHM beat, tempo, time, swing STIFF not flexed, constrained SUBMISSIVE yielding, attentive, willing, confident, harmonious, acceptance SUPPLENESS smoothness, pliability, flow SUSPENSION lift TEMPO repetition of the rhythm (not speed) TENSE nervous, tight, taught, strained TILTING unsteady head, nose not straight i.e. left or right TRANS NOT CLEAR no marked difference, faded, trans not shown, progressive, blurred TWO TRACKING not straight, quarters left or right of forehand UNEVEN lame, in pain WIDE BEHIND spreading ie in halt or lengthening Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 15 | P a g e Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 16 | P a g e Photos Can Be Ordered Photos are now available to purchase. purch . Images can be viewed in the green folder at the club house. You will be able to purchase ase photos from throughout the year on specific rally days. These days will be in April, June, September and November only. To order,, pick from the selection of photos in the book. Then write down which photos you want on the order form located at the front of the folder. Completed ompleted order formss should be placed in the back of the folder. Photos will be burned to a CD and you can collect then from Christopher Syme,, payment to be received upon collection of the disc. Cost for a CD is $10 Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 17 | P a g e For Sale The ‘For Sale’ area is where you can buy and sell any horse related gear. If you are interested in selling your horse gear here, please send a picture, the price you wish to sell it for and your contact details to: Robyn Syme- . FHPC saddlecloths are in very short supply. If you have a spare one, new members would appreciate the opportunity to borrow or purchase one. Don’t forget that FHPC Camp is in October School Holidays 5th till 9th. Ian Charnaud -Camp master Any contributions for Neddy’s News should be sent to Robyn Syme: 18 | P a g e