Skolevalgsprogram 2013 - 2014 Disse ene mm progra kt for deg R perfe passer RETT, MEDIE ID N, år som g IKASJO N U M og KOM K, DRAMA MUSIK TUDIEeller S RENDE. LISE SPESIA TION ORIENTA S P M A C A: CANADronto 4 dager i To 4 dager i Auckla ND: A L A E Z NEW nd H I G H S C H O O L I C A N A DA O G N E W Z E A L A N D INNHOLD INNHOLD Mer enn 30 års erfaring 2 Hva er spesielt med skolevalgsprogrammene? 3 Kjekt å vite 4 Fra drøm til virkelighet 5 Vertsfamilie og støtte 6 Finnes den ideelle vertsfamilien 7 Orientation camps 8 Kostnader og støtte fra lånekassen 9 Sea to Sky School District 10 Howe Sound og Pemberton Secondary 11 Whistler Secondary 12 Rocky Mountains School District 13 Golden og David Thompson Secondary 14 Selkirk Secondary 15 Cowichan Valley School District 16 Cowichan og Francis Kelsey Secondary 17 Chemainus og Lake Cowichan Secondary 18 Maple Ridge School District 19 Garibaldy og Pitt Meadows Secondary 20 Thomas Haney og Maple Ridge Secondary 21 Westview og Samuel Robertson Secondary 22 New Zealand 23 Aranui High School 24 Cromwell College 25 Darfield High School 26 Dunstan High School 27 Geraldine High School 28 James Hargest College 29 Horowhenua College 30 Kaiapoi High School 31 Katikati College 32 Kuranui College 33 Logan Park High School 34 Motueka High School 35 Oxford Area School 36 Papanui High School 37 Queens High School 38 Roncalli College 39 Taumarunui High School 40 Tauranga Boys College 41 Waihi College 42 Westland High School 43 Whakatane High School 44 William Colenso College 45 Intos vilkår 46 Søknadskjema 47 MER ENN 30 aRS ERFARING Into har organisert utvekslingsprogrammer siden 1986, og er spredt over 13 kontorer i like mange land. Det norske kontoret startet opp i 2008 og har vokst til en liten, men solid avdeling med 3 fulltidsansatte som kun jobber med utveksling. Alle tre har selvfølgelig vært på utveksling selv. Into Norge kombinerer unge, entusiastiske ansatte med mer enn 20 års erfaring hos våre kolleger i Tyskland og andre europeiske land. Med mye engasjement og personlig innsats ønsker vi at utenlandsoppholdet for våre deltakere blir til en vellykket, uforglemmelig og enestående opplevelse. Samtidig følger vi tre viktige stikktord, nemlig åpenhet, ærlighet og tydelighet. Vi gir et realistisk bilde av hva man kan forvente som utvekslingselev, og vi gir elevene verktøy til å takle problemsituasjoner. På denne måten håper vi å hindre falske forhåpninger samt å forberede elevene på vanlige utfordringer som kan oppstå. Skolene i både Canada og New Zealand har mange års erfaring innen utveksling. De har ansvaret for å velge ut vertsfamilier samt for å følge opp våre deltakere i løpet av oppholdet. Når du blar videre får du vite mer om våre programmer og om de landene du kan bli kjent med som utvekslingselev. Hvis du fremdeles har spørsmål, kan du ringe oss eller sende en e-post. Mye spennende å lese! into Education into Education er godkjent av Kunnskaps-departementet og du kan søke om utdanningsstipend fra Lånekassen for utvekslingsåret. Til disse programmene får du støtte på mellom 100 000 kr og 130 000 kr, gitt at utvekslingsåret blir godkjent av skolen din i Norge. Ta derfor tidlig kontakt med rådgiveren på skolen din. Denne ordningen evalueres fra år til år. INNHOLD HVA ER SPESIELT MED SKOLEVALGSPROGRAMMENE? I Canada jobber vi med fire forskjellige skoledistrikt i provinsen British Columbia og i New Zealand samarbeider vi med en gruppe skoler som tilhører ODENZ – Outdoor Education New Zealand. SKOLEVALG Du vil selv kunne velge skole. Hver skole tilbyr et bredt og variert tilbud innen fag, sport og andre fritidsaktiviteter. Du vil ha en egen kontaktperson på din skole som er ansatt for å ta seg av utvekslingselevene. Alle vertsfamilier er funnet gjennom skolen din, og det er derfor vanlig at du vil ha vertssøsken som går på samme skole som deg, selv om ikke alle vil ha det. Siden samarbeidet mellom into, skolene og utvekslingselevene er veldig tett, har vi mulighet til å tilpasse programmet til hver enkelt elev. Hvis du har spesielle ønsker eller behov i forhold til sted, vertsfamilie eller fag vil vi i de aller fleste tilfeller kunne klare å tilfredsstille disse ønskene. F.eks. ønsker du å komme til en vertsfamilie som bor på en gård hvor det er hester, eller du sliter litt med matte og trenger ekstra hjelp, vil dette være ting vi vil ta hensyn til. TILPASSET DINE FAGKRAV Du vil ha mulighet til å få se fullstendig fagoversikt ved de forskjellige skolene før du bestemmer deg. Denne oversikten kan du ta med deg til rådgiver her i Norge, for å forsikre deg om at du kan få de riktige fagene mens du er på utveksling, slik at du får året godkjent. Etter skoletid vil det være muligheter for å delta på forskjellige aktiviteter som blir arrangert gjennom skolen. Tilbudet varierer litt fra skole til skole, men alle har et sterkt tilbud innen forskjellige fritidstilbud og idretter, samt diverse klubber. WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 3 4 INTO LIFE KJEKT A VITE INTO ER EN UTVEKSLINGSSPESIALIST Organisering og gjennomføring av elevutvekslings-programmer er kjernen i vårt arbeid. Alle våre medarbeidere har selv vært utvekslingselever, og tar denne verdifulle erfaringen med seg inn i rådgivning av og forberedelsen for våre deltakere. Dette garanterer for sikkerhet og profesjonalitet for deg og dine foreldre. PERSONLIG MØTE Etter å ha mottatt en uformell søknad fra deg vil en representant fra into ta kontakt med deg og dine foreldre og avtale et tidspunkt for et uforpliktende informasjonsmøte og intervju. Under dette møtet vil dere få svar på alle spørsmålene deres. I løpet av denne samtalen vil vi snakke litt om de forskjellige skolene som passer for deg og dine ønsker. HVA ER ANNERLEDES PÅ INTO SINE FORBEREDELSESKURS? Ganske enkelt: Kombinasjonen av moro og effektivitet. Den som er godt forberedt, forbedrer sine muligheter og finner seg rett og slett bedre til rette i vertslandet. Omtrent to måneder før avreise avholdes et to-dagers forberedelseskurs. I tillegg til å få informasjon om forløp, regler og forskrifter, vil du få en spesielt effektiv forberedelse med på veien gjennom rollespill, øvelser, kreativt arbeid og morsomme sketsjer, som fremmer toleransen overfor andre kulturer. Samtidig vil du bli overrasket over å bli bedre kjent med deg selv også. Kurset er selvfølgelig inkludert i prisen. Vi er overbevist om at riktig forberedelse er det RETURNEES Alt er ikke over når du kommer hjem. Vi inviterer deg til en samling der du kan dele dine erfaringer med andre. I tillegg organiserer vi middager og samlinger med jevne mellomrom. Som returnee kan du også engasjere deg som intervjuer, messedeltager samt dele dine erfaringer på forberedelsesseminar. De mest erfarne returneene er med som ledere på Gjor ikke alle organisasjoner det samme? Mye er likt, men det finnes jo forskjeller! beste grunnlaget for et vellykket utenlandsopphold. Og positive tilbakemeldinger fra våre deltakere bekrefter dette. FORBEREDELSER FOR FORELDRE I tiden før avreise tilbyr vi et fellesmøte med foreldrene hvor vi går igjennom viktig informasjon samt råd og tips til hvordan man best takler kontakt, problemer og andre ting som måtte oppstå i tiden eleven er borte. REFERANSER OG BLOGGER Du finner brev fra tidligere elever samt linker til blogger på hjemmesiden vår: Vi har også en liste av returnees som gjerne svarer på alle spørsmål du måtte ha. Denne fås ved forespørsel. de forskjellige Orientation Campene! intodeltakere holder sammen, for vårt motto er: Don´t dream it! Do it! KONTAKTPERSONER I NORGE into sørger for kontinuerlig kontakt og informasjons-utveksling mellom deltakere, foreldre og våre samarbeidsorganisasjoner. De som sitter på kontoret i Oslo har alle erfaring innen utveksling, og de fleste har selv vært utvekslingselever på videregående nivå. HVA MER? into legger stor vekt på personlig kontakt med sine deltakere. Vi har hatt tett kontakt i mange år med mange av våre Returnees. HVORDAN KAN JEG SØKE? Du søker enten ved å fylle ut søknadsskjemaet på siste side og sende det inn til oss, eller ved å gå inn på hjemmesidene våre, INTO LIFE FRA DRoM TIL VIRKELIGHET KRAV For å delta i et utvekslingsprogram må du oppfylle følgende krav: du må være minst 15 år ved avreise, og ikke fylle 18 år før 31. januar 2013. Dine gjennomsnittskarakter bør være 3 eller bedre. Til slutt, og dette er det viktigste, bør du ha motivasjon, fleksibilitet og tilpasningsevne. Det er viktig å huske at du skal forlate dine vante omgivelser i Norge og tilpasse deg en ny livsstil og familie i vertslandet. SØKNAD For å søke om et utvekslingsår kan du enten fylle ut søknaden på siste side i brosjyren, og sende den inn til oss, eller du kan gå inn på våre hjemmesider og søke der. Vi vil også trenge en kopi av din siste karakterutskrift. Så snart vi har mottatt søknaden din, som fortsatt ikke er bindende, vil vi ta kontakt med deg og avtale et tidspunkt for et møte sammen med deg og foreldrene dine. INTERVJU OG AKSEPT På intervjuet blir vi kjent med hverandre. Meningen med dette intervjuet er å forklare innholdet til programmet. Samtidig ønsker vi også å bli bedre kjent med deg og lære mer om din evne til å forstå og uttrykke deg på engelsk. Vanligvis kan vi si ifra rett etter intervjuet om vi kan tilby deg en plass eller ikke. Da vil du få tilgang til våre elektroniske søknadsskjemaer. Dette er detaljerte skjemaer på omtrent 14 sider, som delvis skal fylles ut av læreren din, legen din, deg selv og dine foreldre. Du kan regne med at det tar to til fire uker å få dette klart. offisielt bli akseptert i vårt utvekslingsprogram og fra dette tidspunktet er kontrakten bindene. Du vil også få et brev som bekrefter opptak i programmet som du kan fremvise på skolen din. VENTETID… Etter å ha mottatt din fullstendige søknad samt kontrakt sender vi den videre til skolen du ønsker å gå på, sammen med en liste med hvilke fag du må ha mens du er på utveksling. Så er det bare å vente på å motta en verts-familie. Det er normalt å få en vertsfamilie fra 1-3 måneder før avreise. I ventetiden vil du være opptatt med forberedelser, delta i vår forberedelseshelg, jobbe deg gjennom visumsøknader og kanskje ha din egen «farewell fest. Vi sender også ut månedlige nyhetsbrev fra januar til avreise, samt bilder og historier fra andre utvekslingselever. Don’t dream Do it! it! Du må ha visum for både Canada og New Zealand. Du vil få nødvendige søknadsskjemaer sammen med instruksjoner fra oss før avreise. PRE-DEPARTURE SEMINAR (FORBEREDELSESHELG) Dersom intervjuet var vellykket, vil vi sende deg vår kontrakt. Hvis du og foreldrene dine beslutter at du skal reise, signerer dere begge kontraktene og sender de til oss per post. OPPTAK AVREISE OG ANKOMST Når du og dine foreldre signerer kontrakten, samt at vi har mottatt fullstendig søknad fra deg, vil du Eventyret begynner .... VISUM Ca. to måneder før avreise organiserer vi et 2 dagers forberedelsesseminar. Dette seminaret vil bli ledet av erfarne kursledere, alle tidligere deltakere, som vil bli hjulpet av en gruppe aktive ”returnees”. Gjennom morsomme sketsjer, rollespill, og presentasjoner vil du bli godt forberedt for ditt opphold i utlandet. Vi gir også mange praktiske tips. Du vil få all informasjonen du trenger og svar på alle spørsmål. En god forberedelse er det beste utgangspunktet for et vellykket opphold, og dette er tross alt vårt felles mål. Deltagelse på forberedelsesseminar er obligatorisk. Dette både for din egen interesse, og også fordi det er vår plikt å forberede deg på den best mulige måte. TILBUD OG KONTRAKT flyplass til vertsfamilien. Snart vil du bli møtt av vertsfamilien din på flyplassen, etter at du først har vært på en Orientation Camp. Nå er du og alt annet klart for avreise. Flybilletten booker vi, fra din nærmeste store WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 5 6 INTO LIFE VERTSFAMILIE & SToTTE Kort sagt: il deg.. Det er opp t Den ideelle vertsfamilien er veldig situasjonsavhengig. Det er mulig at elever uten søsken drømmer om én vertsfamilie med en eller flere brødre og søstre, mens en annen elev heller vil være alene i vertsfamilien. Noen er glade for at det finnes kjæledyr i familien, mens andre kanskje ikke liker dyr i det hele tatt. En vertsfamilie må ikke være en typisk kjernefamilie, men kan også være for eksempel foreldre som har barn som allerede har flyttet hjemmefra for å studere, eller par uten barn. Alenemødre og -fedre kan også tilby et flott hjem og mye moro. Det viktigste er at kjemien mellom deg og din vertsfamilie stemmer. Den ideelle vertsfamilien er den som forstår seg på deg. Hvor mange medlemmer familien har spiller ikke stor rolle så lenge du trives i familien. Vennlighet og gjestfrihet er nøkkelen til at dette blir ditt andre hjem. Men husk at vennlighet er en toveis gate, og holdningen og vennlighet og viljen din til å tilpasse deg er nødvendig for at integreringen blir en suksess. HVOR BOR VERTSFAMILIENE? Vertsfamiliene bor i området rundt den skolen du har valgt. Her kommer du raskt i kontakt med åpne og interessante mennesker. De vil ønske deg velkommen og hjelpe deg med å bli kjent med deres levemåte og kultur. Naturligvis er de også interessert i å få vite alt om deg og din kultur. RIKTIG HOLDNING Vertsfamilien er det viktigste grunnlaget for et vellykket utvekslingsår. De vil ikke møte deg som gjest, men som et nytt medlem av sin familie. For å gjøre dette til en suksess må du være en fleksibel, ”open minded” person. På den ene siden er du kanskje redd for at vertsfamilien ikke oppfyller dine forventninger. På den andre siden håper også vertsfamilien at du passer deres forventninger, at du trives og integreres i familielivet deres og kan nyte et fantastisk år med dem. Begge sider er spente, og begge sider er litt redde - det er normalt. I begynnelsen vil mange ting være merkelig for deg. Prøver du ditt beste og deltar i familiens aktiviteter har du sjansen til å gjøre den nye kulturen og levemåten til din egen. Dette krever selvfølgelig at du behandler ditt nye hjem og familie med respekt og åpenhet. Kort sagt: Det er opp til deg.. HVILKEN MOTIVASJON HAR VERTSFAMILIER? Vertsfamilier åpner sitt hjem for en utenlandsk elev av mange grunner. Ofte er familiene stolte av sitt eget land, og ønsker å vise andre unge mennesker deres levemåte. De viser seg best fram ved å åpne huset sitt og la deg delta i deres daglige liv. Vertsfamiliene i Canada og New Zealand vil få en månedlig økonomisk støtte. HVORDAN FINNER VI VERTSFAMILIER? Vertsfamilier må også søke om å delta i dette programmet. Søknadsskjemaer må bli fylt ut, de får besøk og referanser sjekkes. Først etter disse nøye undersøkelsene får en familie lov til å ta imot utvekslingselever. Vertsfamilier velges uten hensyn til hudfarge, religion eller yrke. Det viktigste er at de er vennlige og omsorgsfulle. HVEM FÅR HVILKEN VERTSFAMILIE? Gjennom disse skolevalg programmene vil du ha en innvirkning på hvilken vertsfamilie du vil få. Som vi har nevnt tidligere vil dine ønsker og behov bli tatt hensyn til. Er du f.eks. allergisk mot husdyr, vil vi passe på at din vertsfamilie ikke har husdyr hjemme. Eller om du ønsker å komme til en familie med visse interesser, gjør vi det vi kan for å finne en familie som passer. KAN JEG BYTTE VERTSFAMILIE? Selv i de beste familier kan det forekomme misforståelser. I slike tilfeller vil vi og skolen din være der for deg. Sammen med din lokale INTO LIFE FINNES DEN IDEELLE VERTSFAMILIEN? kontakt-person vil vi prøve å se hvor problemene ligger og løse dem. Dersom problemene ikke kan løses ved samtaler og det er grunner til å tro at samværet ikke lenger vil fungere, er det mulig å bytte vertsfamilie. I alle tilfeller er det viktig at du sier ifra når du har problemer og ikke trives; ta kontakt så tidlig som mulig. Først når vi vet om et problem er vi i stand til å hjelpe. inneholde dine data, samt samarbeidspartners 24-timers nødnumre. I tilfelle sykdom eller ulykke inneholder det også et medisinsk nødnummer og vår adresse! STØTTE I VERTSLANDET Selvsagt er vi ikke bare tilgjengelig når du har problemer, men også når du vil fortelle oss om gode erfaringer du har. . Du kan alltid sende oss en e-post, og du vil få tilgang på våre e-portkort som vi håper at du sender oss med jevne mellomrom. Ved problemer eller spørsmål er det best å ta kontakt med din lokale kontaktperson først. Han eller hun kjenner vertsfamilien og skolen, og vil kunne hjelpe deg best. Sist men ikke minst, er også våre ansatte med sin erfaring og støtte der for deg. Du er i trygge hender. Du mottar ditt personlige ”into Identity Card” før avreise. Dette har kredittkort-format og vil HAR DU LYST TIL Å TA IMOT JA, VI ER INTERESSERT I Å TA IMOT EN EN UTVEKSLINGSELEV? UTVEKSLINGSELEV! Hvert år vil unge mennesker fra verden rundt se og oppleve landet vårt. Våre studenter kommer i stor grad fra våre kolleger i andre intoland, men også USA og Canada. Elevene kommer til Norge for enten et semester eller et helt skoleår for å bli kjent med vår kultur og vårt liv. For disse elevene søker vi hyggelige, imøtekommende vertsfamilier. Hvis familien din ønsker å ta imot en utenlandsk elev, kan du fylle ut kupongen og sende det til oss. Merk: Dette er ikke en betingelse for å bli akseptert i våre programmer. Vi ser frem til å høre fra deg! Vi vil gjerne få mer informasjon: Navn _ ___________________________________ Gate _____________________________________ Postnummer, Sted _ _______________________ Telefonnummer ___________________________ E-Post _ __________________________________ into Education Besøksadresse: Leif Tronstads plass 7 | 1337 Sandvika Postadresse: Postboks 185 | 1300 Sandvika TLF 6755 9001 WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 7 8 INTO LIFE ORIENTATION CAMPS Alle elever som reiser til Canada eller New Zealand vil delta på en 4 dagers Orientation Camp i enten Toronto eller Auckland. Elevene vil fly sammen fra Norge til Toronto/Auckland hvor de vil bli møtt av en into-leder. Våre Orientation Camps er til for into-deltakere fra andre europeiske land, og du blir derfor ikke kun sammen med elever fra ditt eget land. Du blir en del av en internasjonal gruppe, og hovedspråket blir derfor engelsk. Mange tips og informasjon vil helt sikkert gjøre overgangen til den nye “way of life“ enklere. I tillegg vil intoteamet følge deg opp “døgnet rundt“. Alle våre camper er inkludert i prisen og en fantastisk start på din nye opplevelse. Gled deg sammen med oss til spennende, informative og uforglemmelige dager. Deltakelse på Orientation Camp er kun mulig for elever som begynner sitt utvekslingsprogram på sommeren/høsten. ORIENTATION CAMP TORONTO Våre canadiske elever vil få en 4-dagers orientation camp i Toronto hvor du kan akklimatisere deg til canadisk tid. Om morgen vil du delta på workshops om det canadiske livet og vårt program i Canada. På ettermiddagen vil du dra på sightseeing. Det er mye å oppleve i Toronto om sommeren: Musikkfestivaler, markeder og mye underholdning på gatene. Våre shoppingfans vil ikke bli skuffet over de store kjøpesentrene og markedene. ORIENTATION CAMP AUCKLAND Våre New Zealand elever kan se frem til å besøke Auckland, den største byen i New Zealand. For å gjøre starten på den andre siden av verden enklere, vil våre “kiwis“ nyte en 5-dagers camp i Auckland. Her vil du få ditt første inntrykk av vertslandet, folket, kulturen og det utrolig vakre landskapet. Du vil bo i hjertet av byen hvor alle aktiviteter vil starte. FORVENTET DAGSPROGRAM TORONTO Dag 1 Ankomst og middag på hostel. Senere om kvelden tar vi en gåtur ved vannet Dag 2 Workshop, sightseeing, CN Tower, Casa Loma, China town, Little Italy Dag 3 Se en av verdens mest berømte fossefall, nemlig Niagara Falls! Med båten «Maid of the mist» får du se fossen på nært hold. På kvelden er det fritid og grilling. Dag 4 Frokost, utsjekk, og transfer til flyplass. Avreise til vertsfamilien FORVENTET DAGSPROGRAM AUCKLAND Dag 1 Ankomst, transfer til hostel, kveldsmat, gåtur til havn Day 2 Morgen: Workshop. Busstur for å besøke: havn, Sky City, Mount Eden, Bastion Point, gåtur i sentrum. Kveldsprogram Dag 3 Workshop. Utflukt til en sauegård utenfor Auckland. Fritid og spørsmålsrunde om programmet Dag 4 Utflukt til Auckland museum, Maori performance, shopping, kveldsmat Dag 5 G’Bye Auckland! Transfer til flyplass og avreise til vertsfamilie INTO LIFE KOSTNADER OG STOTTE FRA LaNEKASSEN Prisene for disse programmene varierer avhengig av hvilket program og område du velger. Nedenfor finner du prisen for et helt skoleår. Sea to Sky, Canada Rocky Mountains Maple Ridge Cowichan Valley New Zealand (alle skoler) 175.000kr 160.000kr 160.000kr 160.000kr 165.000kr Inkludert i denne avgiften ligger det skolepenger, fly tur/retur Norge – vertsland, forberedelseshelg, orientation camp samt økonomisk støtte til vertsfamilien. Skolepengene varierer fra ca. 55.000kr til 70.000kr. Lånekassen dekker 85% av dette gjennom et skolepengestipend. EKSEMPEL PÅ HVA DU FÅR FRA LÅNEKASSEN (satser er basert på informasjon fra Lånekassens hjemmesider pr mai 2012) Eksempel på hva du får/kan fa dersom du velger Rocky Mountains, Maple Ridge eller Cowichan Valley i Canada. Skolepengene i disse områdene ligger på ca. 64.500kr. CANADA Eksempel på hva du får/kan fa dersom du velger Rocky Mountains, Maple Ridge eller Cowichan Valley i Canada. Skolepengene disse områdene ligger på ca. 64.500kr. 160 000 NOK Programpris Støtte fra lånekassen min max Skolepengestipend 55 000 55 000 Bostipend 38 500 Reisestipend NEW ZEALAND Eksempel på hva du får/kan fa dersom du velger en av skolene i New Zealand. Her ligger skolepengene på ca. 62.500kr. 165 000 NOK Programpris min max Skolepengestipend 53 000 53 000 38 500 Bostipend 38 500 38 500 11 000 11 000 Reisestipend 16 200 16 200 Utstyrsstipend* 890 2 800 Utstyrsstipend* 890 2 800 Grunnstipend** - 19 000 Grunnstipend** - 19 000 105 390 126 300 Total støtte 108 590 129 500 Total støtte * Avhengig av hvilken studieretning du går. ** Behovsprøvd mot foreldres økonomi. Støtte fra lånekassen * Avhengig av hvilken studieretning du går. ** Behovsprøvd mot foreldres økonomi. WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 9 10 CANADA SEA TO SKY SCHOOL DISTRICT BRITISH COLUMBIA The Sea to Sky School District is located 30 minutes north of Vancouver and streches from the North Shore of Vancouver up the east side of Howe Sound to Squamish, the gateway to British Columbia’s magnificent alpine country of forests, lakes, and year round world class outdoor activities. Sea to Sky offers 3 different schools, Howe Sound Secondary in Squamish, Whistler Secondary in Whistler and Pemberton Secondary in Pemberton. The Sea to Sky region is an English speaking, family friendly area. People choose Sea to Sky for the many lifestyle opportunities it has to offer. Families are active and enjoy a healthy lifestyle. The Sea to Sky area was also the home of several Olympic events during the Vancouver Olympics in 2010. The Whistler Olympic park hosted events such as alpine skiing, snowboarding, Nordic skiing, biathlon and bobsleigh. 1 Sea to sky 2 Rocky Mountains 3 Cowichan Valley 4 Maple Ridge SEA TO SKY ACTIVITIES PROGRAM International students are offered monthly activities and excursions throughout the school year. Some of these activities include; hikes, sightseeing and shopping in Vancouver, day trip to Victoria, NHL hockey game, professional basketball and baseball games, whale watching, kayaking excursions and trips to the amusement park. Whistler Blackcomb also offers the international students great rates for a season pass. 1 VAN C OUV ER OUTDOOR EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP ACADEMY A very popular course amongst the international students is the outdoor educational leadership academy. This course is offered at all three schools. The outdoor academy offers students the opportunity to take core academic subjects in a setting that promotes outdoor leadership and development. Students will participate in activities such as alpine skiing, snow shoeing, rock climbing, canoeing, ocean kayaking and navigation. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year PRISBOKS 1 skoleår 175.000 kr CANADA HOWE SOUND SECONDARY Location: 5 minute walk from downtown Squamish Number of students: 800 Grades: 10-12 Clubs and Activities: Rock Climbing, hiking, peace/social responsibility team, football, cross country running, volleyball, swimming, soccer, ski and snowboard, basketball, mountain biking, track and field, golf and more. Squamish has a population of about 20,000 and is located at the tip of Howe Sound on the ocean. Squamish is a community known as the outdoor recreation capital of Canada with world class rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, trail-running, river rafting and kite surfing, sailing, windsurfing as some of its activities. The Stawamus Chief, the second largest freestanding piece of granite in the world, has made Squamish one of the rock climbing destinations in North America. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, drama- og idrettsfag PEMBERTON SECONDARY Location: In the center of Pemberton Number of students: 380 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Woodworking, leadership, dragon boat racing, intramurals, art, football, cross country running, volleyball, boys soccer, ski and snowboard, basketball, mountain biking, track and field and more. Pemberton, with a population of 5,000, lies 20 minutes north of Whistler. Pemberton sits in a wide valley surrounded by mountains, which makes it consistently warmer than Whistler. Farming has been the traditional industry of the Pemberton Valley, and continues to be a significant contributor to the local economy. Pemberton has a dragon boat racing team which has successfully defended its title in international events for many years. Horseback riding is also popular in this community, as are cross-country skiing, hiking and biking. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 11 12 CANADA WHISTLER SECONDARY Location: a 5 minute drive from Whistler Village Number of students: 450 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Media development club, rugby, volleyball, soccer, basketball, mountain biking, skiing and snowboarding, track and field and more. The resort destination of Whistler is settled below the Whistler and Blackcomb Mountains in the Whistler Valley, north of Vancouver. In recognition of its world-class status as a ski resort, the village of Whistler co-hosted the 2010 Winter Olympic Games with Vancouver. Whistler has been recognized as the Top Ski Resort in North America for the past decade. As an international student you will receive great offers for season pass at the Whistler Ski Resort. Whistler also offers excellent summer activities such as canoeing, free riding, downhill Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag mountain biking, fishing and golf. Whistler has a local population of around13,000 people, but numbers swell on weekends and on holidays up to 25,000 with tourist from around the world. SPORTS SCHOOL AT WHISTLER The Sports School at Whistler Secondary exists for students who are committed to sports training and competing. Students must prove they have the commitment and determination to train at a competitive level which requires absence from regular classes and for extended absences for training and competing away. One teacher/counselor acts as a liaison between Sports School students, teachers, coaches, and parents/guardians. This teacher meets regularly with each to review progress and modify timetables on an individual basis. Also part of the sports school is the flex-ed program. The Flex-Ed Program was first designed to accommodate the training/ study/work needs of all students, using a combination of on-line and classroom learning. The Flex Ed program is particularly suited to meeting the learning needs of elite athletes and aspiring artists, who must be away from school for significant amounts of time to train, perform and compete. SMART RISK PROGRAM The Smart Risk Program is part of the school’s culture and aims to raise student awareness and knowledge of the risks associated with outdoor recreational activities. Student leaders plan activities that promote having fun in winter sports and summer activities while also using risk assessment and management skills. These concepts are integrated into the science and physical education curricula. The program was developed by the Smart Risk Foundation in cooperation with its partners, the Canadian Avalanche Association and the Canadian Ski Patrol System. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year CANADA ROCKY MOUNTAINS school DISTRICT BRITISH COLUMBIA The Rocky Mountain International Student Program enables students from around the world to enter the public school system in British Columbia and learn alongside Canadian children. They have been hosting international students since 1987 and are proud to have one of the oldest and most highly-regarded programs in Canada. The program is designed to maximize the study abroad experience by fostering friendships between Canadian and international students in dedicated host schools committed to academic excellence and cultural exchange. We offer world-class sports, outdoor activities and monthly activities for students. Rocky Mountains school district is located in the world-famous Canadian Rockies. It stretches some 250 kilometres along the Valley of a Thousand Peaks (also known as the Rocky Mountain Trench) from Kimberly in the south to Golden in the north. There are three high schools in the district, Selkirk Secondary School in Kimberly, David Thompson Secondary School in Invermere and Golden Secondary School in Golden. While each school and each community is unique, the international program is the same throughout the school district. 1 Sea to sky 2 Rocky Mountains 3 Cowichan Valley 4 Maple Ridge Through the on-ice program students will have the opportunity to enhance their hockey skills. A safe and competitive environment featuring quality instruction, feedback and proper rehearsal time will be administered. The off-ice program uses the classroom to introduce, discuss and explore significant issues related to hockey. This includes dealing with tryouts, proper eating habits and making healthy choices. EQUINE STUDIES The Rocky Mountains school district is one of the few school districts in British Columbia that offers Equine studies. These courses blend theory and practice with students learning online and on horseback. 2 VAN C OUV ER Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year PRISBOKS 1 skoleår 160.000 kr ROCKY MOUNTAINS ACTIVITY PROGRAM International students are offered monthly activities and excursions throughout the school year. Some of these activities include; river rafting, trips to Calgary and Vancouver, professional football and hockey games, hiking, ice skating, skiing and snowboarding. HOCKEY PROGRAM All three schools offer ice hockey programs, however, Selkirk offers the highest level one. There are two parts to the hockey program, the on-ice program, and the off-ice program. WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 13 14 CANADA GOLDEN SECONDARY Location: Golden Number of students: 400 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Cross-country running, volleyball, soccer, basketball, ski and snowboarding, badminton, track and field, golf, swimming, mountain biking, ice climbing and more. GOLDEN Golden is a friendly community of 4000 people. It is located in the southeast of B.C., a 1,5 hour drive from Banff and 2,5 hours from Calgary. It is a very safe, small community with excellent recreation facilities. Golden is near several National Parks and is surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery. It has an award winning golf course and is home to the Kicking Horse Mountain Resort, which is one of the most exciting ski destinations in the country. For recreation you can ski, snowboard, play hockey, ice skate, mountain bike, hike, canoe, river raft, swim, golf, play tennis or soccer, horseback ride, enjoy hot springs and more. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Outdoor Education – This is a specially designed semester course that are offered to the students at Golden and David Thompson which gives the students an opportunity to experience all the Canadian Rockies have to offer. From cross-country skiing and snowshoeing to avalanche training and first aid, these courses combine theory and practice to create a unique educational experience. Ski Patrol – This is an intensive and demanding course that leads to several certifications including Avalanche Skills Training Level 1, Outdoor Emergency Care and Basic Life Support. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag DAVID THOMPSON SECONDARY Location: Invermere Clubs and Activities: Badminton, baseball, basketball, cross-country running, curling, golf, skiing and snowboarding, soccer, track and field, volleyball, art, drama, ping pong and more. community located near the gateway to Kootenay National Park and only a few hours from Banff National Park. With shopping, arts and culture, mountain bike and hiking trails, the warm waters of Lake Windermere and worldclass golf courses in and around Invermere, recreational opportunities are abundant. The Panorama Ski Resort is also located just 20 minutes from town. INVERMERE SPECIAL PROGRAMS Number of students: 550 Grades: 8-12 Invermere is located in the Columbia Valley surrounded by the Rocky Mountains to the East and Purcell Mountains to the west and nestled beside the sandy shores of Lake Windermere, and has about 3000 inhabitants. Invermere is a culturally diverse and geographically unique Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Chef Training – Learn to cook in the classroom and then practice in local restaurants in the Windermere area. Learn about nutrition, artistic food presentation and the social issues surrounding food and food security. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering CANADA SELKIRK SECONDARY stain splatter interpretation, DNA, entomology, impressions, document analysis, ballistics and much more! Outdoor Education – This is a specially designed semester course that are offered to the students at Golden and David Thompson which gives the students an opportunity to experience all the Canadian Rockies have to offer. From cross-country skiing and snowshoeing to avalanche training and first aid, these courses combine theory and practice to create a unique educational experience. Location: Kimberly Number of students: 450 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Cross-country running, volleyball, soccer, basketball, ski and snowboarding, badminton, track and field, golf, ice hockey and more. KIMBERLY Kimberly is a small, safe community located in the beautiful Purcell Mountains across the valley from the Rocky Mountains. Kimberly has a year-round population of approximately 7000 people and is located only 20 minutes north of one of the region’s largest shopping centers, Cranbrook. Kimberly is a recreation destination with numerous golf courses in the area and a world-class ski resort five minutes from the city center. Other outdoor recreation opportunities include hiking, mountain biking, canoeing, fishing, cross-country skiing. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Forensic Science – Learn the science behind the hit television series CSI. This popular course introduces students to fingerprinting, blood Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Storm Soccer/Volleyball and Leadership Program – These programs are designed for students who perform at high levels of competition in either soccer or volleyball. The soccer/volleyball course develops skills, fitness, knowledge and contacts for elite performance. The leadership course will give students an opportunity to critically think and manage the potential of injury and risk associated with soccer/volleyball. Students will have the opportunity to obtain first aid, coaching and officiating certification. Hockey Skills Academy – The hockey skills academy at Selkirk at high level program for serious hockey players. There are two parts to the hockey academy, the on-ice program, and the off-ice program. Through the on-ice program students will have the opportunity to enhance their hockey skills. A safe and competitive environment featuring quality instruction, feedback and proper rehearsal time will be administered. The off-ice program uses the classroom to introduce, discuss and explore significant issues related to hockey. This includes dealing with tryouts, proper eating habits and making healthy choices. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 15 16 CANADA COWICHAN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT BRITISH COLUMBIA The Cowichan Valley is a community nestled on Vancouver Island and known for its ocean beaches, thick forests, clean and beautiful lakes, scenic rivers, streams, mountains, and rolling farmlands. 1 Sea to sky Regardless of where you travel within the region, wildlife is within your vision. Whether you prefer to fish, scuba dive, hike, windsurf or kayak, each of these activities will present a unique opportunity to experience a wide range of natural wildlife. 4 Maple Ridge The Vancouver Island region has the most moderate climate in Canada making it an ideal destination year round. As a response to the mild winters, beautiful spring growth, and long dry summers, the Cowichan Valley has become a desired location to raise families and/or to retire. Secondary School in this district offers students the chance to participate in award winning athletic programs, advanced placement academic courses and fine or performing arts programs. Students may also choose to start their certificate training in a variety of trades programs. The location of the Cowichan Valley is ideal. Located half way between Nanaimo and Victoria, it is easy for families to enjoy the pace of a small community but have the availability of the city only a 40 minute drive away. Mill Bay, a town located in the South end of the Cowichan Valley, is now considered the bedroom community for Victoria. Many adults work in Victoria but travel the 25 minutes back to their homes. The Cowichan Valley is a unique, busy community. It offers opportunities for both young and old in a safe, strong community. INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM ACTIVITIES Each year the International program offers a wide range of activities for all students. Kayaking, rock climbing, biking, hiking, skiing and camping showcase our outdoor, active lifestyle. University tours, movie nights, hockey games, sightseeing on Vancouver Island, Victoria and Vancouver are part of the regular routine in the school year. We encourage students to bring forward ideas to help us create a year of new experiences and opportunities. 2 Rocky Mountains 3 Cowichan Valley COWICHAN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT Each school is unique in culture and offers opportunities that may only exist at their school site. The districts consists of four secondary schools; Frances Kelsey Secondary, Cowichan Secondary, Lake Cowichan Secondary and Chemainus Secondary. 3 VAN C OUV ER PRISBOKS 1 skoleår 160.000 kr CANADA COWICHAN SECONDARY Location:Duncan Number of students: 950 to the Cowichan Community Center, a facility with swimming pool, fitness center, ice arena, library and theater. Grades: 10-12 Clubs and Activities: Basketball, field hockey, golf, theatre, dance, band, ice hockey, volleyball, soccer, tennis, gymnastics, swimming and more. Cowichan Secondary School offers a first class sports and film program. This school has excellent academics, and a full French Immersion Program. Conveniently located in downtown Duncan, the school has access SPECIAL COURSES Film Production - Cowichan Secondary School is one of the premier film production schools in British Columbia, winning many awards each year at the BC Student Film Festival. AdventureTourism and Coastal Ecosystems – This is a great course designed for students who are interested in the outdoors and ecology. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie- og idrettsfag Students have the opportunity to study plant and animal species in their habitats through field trips and classwork, as well as learning about adventure tourism such as kayaking and other outdoor skills. Search and Rescue – This course offer a general overview of wilderness survival techniques and search and rescue strategies. Topics that are studied include wilderness survival, human tracking, rope management, map and compass reading, wilderness and water safety and basic wilderness first aid. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year FRANCES KELSEY SECONDARY Location: Mill Bay Number of students: 1050 Grades: 9 - 12 Clubs and Activities: Field Hockey, Ice Hockey, Golf, Curling, Soccer, Rugby, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field, Cross Country, Red Cross Club, Leadership and more. Frances Kelsey Secondary School for its outstanding academic record, performing arts Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year and many excellent sports programs. Frances Kelsey is 30 minutes from downtown Victoria. Frances Kelsey has a unique self-directed program that is designed to provide students with the opportunity to in control of their learning. Students are required to attend academic seminars, work with advisors, and use flex time to work on carefully designed learning guide materials. This timetable allows students the opportunities to work longer on projects, labs and participate in performing arts or athletic classes. Located inside the school is a full restaurant that is the school site for the culinary arts program. The restaurant caters to school and district events and opens as a restaurant for the community in the evening. Frances Kelsey offers work experience schemes for its students in fields such as radio and broadcasting, banking, physio therapy, fashion design, yearbook, teaching, choreography, stage management, culinary arts, hotel administration, carpentry, animation and more. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, dramafag WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 17 18 CANADA CHEMAINUS SECONDARY Location: Chemainus Number of students: 400 arts and sports programs for all students to participate in, and boasts small, personalized classes. Grades: 8 - 12 Clubs and Activities: Band, volleyball, basketball, soccer, track and field, chess and more. Chemainus Secondary is located in a picturesque community between Nanaimo and Duncan. The school offers excellent performing SPECIAL COURSES Glass and Metal Work - Students will use a combination of working with metal and glass to produce artwork, jewellery, glass beads and welded art or products. This is a great, unique opportunity for the artistic student. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering LAKE COWICHAN SECONDARY Location: Lake Cowichan Number of students: 400 Grades: 9 - 12 Clubs and Activities: Volleyball, basketball, soccer, leadership, golf, ice hockey and more At Lake Cowichan you’ll find that the small classes offered provides an environment for personalized attention for each student. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering SPECIAL COURSES Search and Rescue - This is a very well established course that provides students with all the skills to provide services in a search situation. Students learn first aid, emergency response on a variety of terrains; snow camping, rock climbing and rappelling, orienteering, search patterns and grids, water search maneuvers, and recovery team work. For a student that loves the outdoors, this is an excellent opportunity to see the outdoors in a guided classroom setting. CANADA MAPLE RIDGE SCHOOL DISTRICT BRITISH COLUMBIA Located just 44 kilometers from the urban center of Vancouver, we are home for families. Surrounded by beckoning beauty, the outdoor recreation possibilities are limitless. The many forests, lakes and creeks, parks, trails and dike systems, offer boundless opportunities for residents and visitors alike to walk, hike, bike, canoe, kayak, camp and fish. A friendly, small town atmosphere is maintained with the many festivals and celebrations, from agricultural fairs to jazz festivals held throughout the year. Sports and recreation facilities, including a leisure center, arts center & theatre, winter club, three ice skating rinks, curling rink, and abundant parklands and sports fields, urban walking routes and wilderness trails provide many alternatives for healthy living and balanced lifestyle. Clean, modern schools offer quality education for children of all ages and abilities. Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows offers the best of both worlds to its residents. With Vancouver only an hour away, we have access to museums, galleries, theatres, world class sporting events and venues, health care facilities, universities and colleges, major shopping facilities, all while living in, and enjoying, our rural surroundings, right here at home. 1 Sea to sky 2 Rocky Mountains 3 Cowichan Valley 4 Maple Ridge to amusement parks, tours of Victoria on Vancouver Island and historical Vancouver. ACADEMIES AND PROGRAMS OFFERED SPECIAL International Baccalaureate (IB), Soccer Academy, Ice Hockey Academy, Digital Arts Academy, Music Program, Languages (Spanish, French, French Immersion, German, Japanese), Theatre, Culinary Arts, Equestrian Academy. 4 VAN C OUV ER Each school offers a full spectrum of classes for students to choose from in each of the academic disciplines including Sciences, Social Studies, Language Arts, Mathematics, Fine Arts and Physical Studies. Also, a wide complement of electives ranging from jewelry making, chef training, teacher training, psychology, automobile mechanics, robotics, IT, sewing, many subjects from the fine arts to leadership training courses, acting, film and stage, etc. are offered. MAPLE RIDGE ACTIVITY PROGRAM All International students are offered fully chaperoned monthly activities and excursions throughout the school year. Some of these activities include; ocean marine boat trips, hikes, professional hockey and football games, plays, concerts, beach parties, ski and snowboard trips, camping, canoeing, sightseeing, trips PRISBOKS 1 skoleår 160.000 kr WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 19 20 CANADA GARIBALDY SECONDARY Location: Maple Ridge Number of students:1050 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Soccer, volleyball, crosscountry, swimming, basketball, volleyball, ski and snowboarding, rugby, theatre and drama, track and field, badminton, tennis, water polo, weight lifting Club. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year SPECIAL PROGRAMS IB International Baccalaureate –The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB) is an alternative academic program for students in grades 11 and 12 and is recognized worldwide as the very best preparation for university and college bound students. IB Courses Current offered at Garibaldi include: English, Economics, Physics, Biology, Mathematics, History, Art, French and Philosophy. Both Certificate courses and the full Diploma afford students the opportunity to receive advanced first year credit at most universities in Canada and internationally for all HL courses. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, IB, medie- og dramafag PITT MEADOWS SECONDARY Location: Pitt Meadows Number of students: 1250 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Basketball, football, golf, soccer, track and field, volleyball, dance, drama, photography, yearbook publishing, snowboard and ski club, choir, music, intramural, fitness and conditioning, hockey SPECIAL PROGRAMS Hockey Academy – Pitt Ridge Hockey Asociation and Pitt Meadows Secondary School have developed a program and curriculum that provides students the opportunity to Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year balance their educational requirements while developing their hockey skills. The PHRA provides personalized instruction that educates and develops students in both the physical and mental aspects required to excel in hockey. Aviation and Pilot Training - Pacific Rim Aviation located in Pitt Meadows at the Pitt Meadows Airport offers Aviation training. Students can attend regular high school and take aviation training as an extracurricular activity. If you want to fly, the Private Pilot License is the best place to start. The Private License program includes a comprehensive and engaging Ground School that parallels your dual flight instruction and solo practice. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, drama- og idrettsfag CANADA THOMAS HANEY SECONDARY Location: Maple Ridge Number of students:1000 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Basketball, book club, curling, cross-country, golf, soccer, ski and snowboarding, track and field, volleyball, guitar making, dance, music. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Equestrian Academy – the equestrian academy offers students the opportunity to complete courses in equestrian studies. The classroom portion of the course will include visits by a variety of guest lecturers such as veterinarians, trainers, coaches, breeders etc. Field trips to places such as horse shows, training facilities are also part of the course. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, drama- og idrettsfag Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year MAPLE RIDGE SECONDARY Location: Maple Ridge Number of students: 1700 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Aquatics, cheerleading, field hockey, tennis, water polo, badminton, cross country, powerlifting, track and field, wrestling, basketball, curling, rugby, volleyball, debate, fly fishing, photography, mountain biking. SPECIAL COURSES Digital Art Academy –The digital art academy offers seven areas of focus for students interested in developing skills in the use of computers for creating 21st century artwork. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Students can earn certificates of completion in the following areas: 3D animation; desktop publishing; digital art; multimedia computer programming; sound engineering; special effects for film; and website design. Music Program – Whether your interest lies in Concert Band, Instrumental Concert band, Jazz Band (swing, Latin, rock, ballad), Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz, Choral Music, Chamber Choir, Concert Choir or guitar we have it all; beginning to advanced levels. Technique, aural, theory, practice and public performances are all part of the learning experience. Immerse yourself into the world of music as part of your academic educational experience. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, drama-, musikk- og idrettsfag WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 21 22 CANADA WESTVIEW SECONDARY Location: Maple Ridge Number of students: 1100 Grades: 8-12 Clubs and Activities: Badminton, basketball, cross-country, hockey, wrestling, golf, rugby, soccer, cheerleading, field hockey, track and field, volleyball, noon-hour intramurals, fitness and weight training, drama plays, theatre sports, ski and snowboarding, band and choir. SPECIAL COURSES Soccer Academy – The Soccer Academy will provide unique soccer specific courses while taking regular high school academic and elective subjects. These courses will have inclass and on-field instruction. In the classroom, students will receive instruction in fitness, nutrition, strength training, sport philosophy, goal setting, time management, leadership skills, coaching philosophies and laws and history of the game. The on-field sessions will focus primarily on individual skill development as well as principles of attacking and defending, positional responsibilities, systems of play, restarts and set-plays. Academy students may also be provided with opportunities to participate in an international soccer exchange with our partner school in Guadalajara, Mexico. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag SAMUEL ROBERTSON SECONDARY Location: Maple Ridge Number of students: 1000 Grades: 9-12 Clubs and Activities: Volleyball, field hockey, soccer, basketball, fitness and conditioning, drama, theatre, computer club, yearbook club, intramural, outdoor club, bike club SPECIAL COURSES Culinary Arts - This program is designed for students who are interested in learning about food preparation for personal interest as well as students who are planning a post-secondary career in food art and chef training. Students train alongside a professional chef in a working kitchen. They learn the fundamentals of food groups, food preparation, understanding ingredients, creating recipes, competing in competitions to food preparation for the public in an interactive hands-on setting. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag NEW ZEALAND NEW ZEALAND New Zealand is the oldest country in the world according to the Maori people. The Maori are the native people of New Zealand. Today the Maori makes up 10% of the population in New Zealand. New Zealanders are often referred to as “Kiwis”, as the Kiwi bird is the national symbol. In later years New Zealand has become known for being the country where the Lord of the Rings trilogy were filmed. The three movies have been filmed on various locations stretching from the North Island down to the South of the South Island. THE NORTH ISLAND The North Island is the biggest island in terms of population with its 3,4 million people. Two of New Zealand largest cities are on the North Island, Auckland and Wellington, Wellington being the capital of New Zealand. Auckland is the biggest city in New Zealand and this is where the into Orientation camp will take place. Experience the Coromandel Peninsula, with its beautiful beaches and coastline, visit Hot Water Beach, where you can dig yourself a whole in the sand, and it will fill up with hot thermal water. The Tongariro National Park is one of the oldest national parks in the world, and has been rated in the top 10 daytrips in the world by National Geographic. Other activities and things to see and experience on the North Island include, skiing, the Maori culture, go on whale and dolphin safaris, as well as numerous outdoor activities. On the North Island we offer 8 schools. THE SOUTH ISLAND The South Island is bigger than the North Island, however it only has a population of about 1 million people. The largest city is Christchurch with its 400.000 people. The Climate is mild, but with slightly lower average temperatures than the North Island. On the South Island you will find some of New Zealand’s most beautiful beaches, rainforests and glaciers. The Alps in New Zealand are bigger than the European Alps, and draws a lot of outdoor adventure enthusiasts. Queenstown is New Zealand’s adventure capital. This lake town surrounded by mountains offers bungee jumping, white water rafting, skiing, paragliding and more. There are also numerous cafees and shops for those who are looking for a more calming experience. On the South Island there are 14 different schools to choose from. ODENZ ODENZ provides high quality, challenging, experimental outdoor education programs, based on internationally recognized standards, in the unique New Zealand natural environment. ODENZ (Outdoor Education New Zealand) has been formed from a group of New Zealand secondary schools that have a passion for outdoor education. The ODENZ schools have a particular strength in outdoor education and offer challenging practical programs designed to encourage personal and social development. Students will continue with their normal academic learning in New Zealand, while having the opportunity to take part in the outdoor education programs offered through the schools. Students have the opportunity to decide which school they want to go to. The schools are scattered throughout the North and South Island, some are in a city while others in a town. Students can choose between schools close to the mountains or the coast. Students can also base their school choice on what subjects they wish to study. PRISBOKS 1 skoleår 165.000 kr WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 23 24 NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND ARANUI HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Aranui personal growth and develop physical fitness. Theatre Academy Location: Christchurch Number of students: 650 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Rugby, football, netball, basketball, tennis, climbing, volleyball, rugby league, band, drama and more. Aranui High School is located 15 minutes from the city center of Christchurch, and 10 minutes from the beach. Christchurch is the largest city on the South Island. Aranui offers a unique senior academy program which combines New Zealand Qualifications Authority approved academic programs with an academy subject i.e. rugby, sports, theatre, music and outdoor adventure. Students spend half a day studying academic subjects such as English, math and history and the other half on improving their skills and knowledge in the academy of their choice. ACADEMIES OFFERED Sports Development Academy Areas include coaching, confidence-building, goal setting, fitness, first aid, nutrition and sports management. A variety of sports and activities are covered throughout the year and may change annually depending on the interest of the students in the Academy. This course is designed to challenge participants, encourage The academy is a practical course where students gain the opportunity to create their own theatre, perform in productions and festivals. Hospitality Academy The main focus is on practical lessons. You will be taught practical culinary skills that include preparing stocks, sauces and soups; fruit and vegetable preparation; breakfast dishes; ethnic foods; pastries, desserts and sweet items. You will also learn how to garnish and present food to professional standards. Outdoor Adventure Academy Students will learn skills through activities such as adventure based learning, challenge ropes course, kayaking, rock climbing, mountain biking, hiking, orienteering, bush craft and alpine skills. Students will also learn about sports fitness, nutrition and outdoor first aid. Rugby League Academy Students will develop their knowledge of all aspects of Rugby League in various settings. This course is designed to enhance the total wellbeing of the students in preparation for a career in sport. Music Academy Performing Arts refers to competence in a minimum of three performing arts disciplines. Specifically, the qualification recognizes demonstrated core knowledge, skills, and competence in; music, music technology Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, drama-, musikk- og idrettsfag and drama. This course includes topics such as; Composition, arranging, live sound and PA systems, recording opportunities, digital audio technology, performance assessments in group and as a soloist, sound and electronics, aural and theory skills. Students can design a course to cater for their desires. Basketball Academy The academy is made up of different components, practical and theory. The practical component will be a large part of the course, but the remainder of the program includes components such as; communication, sports law, coaching, officiating, first aid, nutrition, careers, sport psychology and life skills. Photography Academy – Students will gain skills in the use of various camera types. Film processing, photographic development, digital editing and enlarging will be part of the program. Early Childhood Academy This involves studies in child care, home management, parenting skills and home-based care, orientation to work-skills and professional development. Carving Academy This academy introduces students to the art of wood carving, students will design their own art, as well as learning about the Maori carving culture. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND CROMWELL COLLEGE SOUTH ISLAND CHRISTCHURCH These programs allow students to experience sporting challenge while still maintaining their academic studies. The Outdoor Pursuits Program which provides challenge, increases skills and builds confidence. It takes place on Sundays and at least four long weekends throughout the year. Some of the activities the students take part in include; kayaking, windsurfing, sailing, tramping, mountain biking, climbing and skiing and snowboarding. Cromwell Location: Cromwell, Central Otago Number of students: 400 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Rugby, football, netball, basketball, field hockey, tennis, badminton, skiing/snowboarding, rowing, mountain biking, kayaking, golf, athletics and more. Cromwell is a small town of 4000 inhabitants located in the heart of Central Otago in the South Island near the tourist resort of Queenstown. It is a perfect location for skiing, tramping, mountain biking and, since Cromwell is located on a lake shore, water based activities like kayaking and sailing. CROMWELL COLLEGE APARTMENTS As an international student at Cromwell you can choose if you want to live in a host family during your stay or if you would like to live at the Cromwell Apartments. The Cromwell College Apartments is not a traditional boarding hostel. The purpose of the Cromwell College Apartment’s Life Skills Program is to develop independence and responsibility, preparing students for life beyond school. New Zealand and international students learn how to plan meals, cook, grocery shop to a budget, wash their own clothes, organize their time and live in a group under the supervision of experienced managers. The complex has six flats providing accommodation for up to 30 students. • • • Each flat has a lounge and fully equipped kitchen. All students have their own private bed room. There is a furnished common room complete with pool/foosball tables and a separate home theater room. All students living at the Cromwell College Apartments participate in the outdoor pursuits program or the golf program. Cromwell boasts an impressive range of sporting venues including extensive playing fields, heated indoor pool, hockey turf, championship golf course, squash and tennis courts. The Southern Lakes ski fields are located within easy driving distance as are the tourist towns of Queenstown and Wanaka. OUTDOOR PROGRAM PURSUITS AND GOLF Cromwell offers two unique sporting academies based at the Cromwell College Apartments. Students in the sport academies attend school as full-time students, live at the College Apartments, and take part in either the Outdoor Pursuits Academy or the Golf Program. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 25 26 NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND DARFIELD HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Darfield Location: Darfield Number of students: 750 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Netball, tennis, cricket, hockey, rugby, football, claybird shooting, basketball, athletics, swimming, cross country and road racing, skiing and snowboarding. Darfield High School is located 40 kilometers west of Christchurch City near the magnificent Southern Alps. The students enjoy a rural and outdoors lifestyle, being close to numerous ski fields, golf courses, rivers, forests and lakes. Christchurch, which is a vibrant, metropolitan city, along with all its amenities, including beaches, theater, parks and world-class tourist attractions, is easily accessible. OUTDOOR EDUCATION PROGRAM Darfields outdoor education program offers a wide range of choices to students. Darfield High School and Oxford area school, which is 25 minutes away, offer individual and joint programs. These include outdoor leadership, rock climbing, kayaking, adventure –based learning, tramping and mountaineering, skiing and snowboarding, equestrian and golf. Darfield High School also has its professional rock climbing wall. As an international student in the outdoor education program you may be eligible to attend school camps in a leadership role and experience many other activities including canoeing and windsurfing. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering TRIP AND ACTIVITIES The international department at Darfield offers several day and overnight trips to Christchurch and around the South Island. Some of these activities include jetboating, quad biking, Harley Davidson rides, scuba diving, archery, swimming with dolphins, horse riding and trekking. Three three day trips are also offered, these are; • A trip to Kaikoura. Students get the opportunity to go whale-watching, boating, quad biking and to relax in the thermal pools in Hanmer Springs. • A trip to Franz Josef Glacier • A trip to Dunedin to visit Cadbury’s Chocolate Factory, as well as Oamaru to watch blue penguins and much more. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND DUNSTAN HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Dunstan Location: Alexandra Number of students: 500 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Soccer, rugby, cricket, netball, basketball, hockey, badminton, table tennis, chess, choir, drama, photography, debating, squash, ice-skating, tennis, athletics, rowing, equestrian, rock climbing, skiing, kayaking, mountain biking and cycling. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Dunstan High School is an excellent school for students who enjoy the outdoors and want a unique New Zealand experience. Dunstan is located in the safe and friendly town of Alexandra. Alexandra is located in the scenic Southern Lakes Region of the South Island, close to lakes, rivers and mountains. The school offers a strong academic program, but also provides students with an excellent opportunity to excel in other areas such as drama, music, art and outdoor education. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Dunstan high School offers an award winning outdoor education program/adventure based learning program that includes alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, snowboarding, rock-climbing, challenge ropes course, hiking and kayaking. At Dunstan there is a special focus on personal and social development. Dunstan also offers a highly respected adventure based leadership training course. The school and community provide many opportunities for trained students to contribute their skills to help others and to go on to further leadership training. CULTURAL OPPORTUNITIES The Maori heritage is important to Dunstan High School and the international students are welcome to join the Kapahaka group if they want to experience more of the Maori culture. Dunstan’s school choir is among the top choirs in the region and their drama department offers numerous opportunities for performance. DUNSTAN HOSTEL The school offers both boarding and homestay. The hostel is attached to the school, and is in modern facilities that cater for New Zealand students and international students. The hostel has 40 beds. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 27 28 NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND GERALDINE HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Geraldine Location: Geraldine Number of students: 600 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Netball, rugby, football, basketball, field hockey, tennis, table tennis, badminton, cricket, dance, volleyball, road cycling, athletics, cross country and more. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering Geraldine High School is located in the town of Geraldine, with a population of about 2500 people, and is 1,5 hour drive south of Christchurch. Geraldine offers all the advantages and opportunities of a city school in a pleasant, friendly, safe and spacious rural environment. Geraldine offers all the advantages and opportunities of a city high school in a pleasant, friendly, safe and spacious rural environment. SPORTS About 95% of the students at Geraldine are involved in a sport to participation level, and they have strong teams in girl’s netball, boys’ basketball and athletics. Most of the sport teams are community based, rather than school based. TRIPS OFFERED Geraldine offers several trips throughout the school year for its international students. Some of these trips include Queenstown, the West Coast, Dunedin and whale watching or swimming with dolphins. OUTDOOR EDUCATION The outdoor education courses at Geraldine are very popular amongst its students. The course utilizes the stunning Peel Forest and Rangitata River regions, Mount Dobson and Mount Hutt ski fields and their own challenge ropes course, which is located at the school. Through the outdoor education program students get to participate in activities such as kayaking, rafting, water safety and rescue, rock climbing, abseiling, snow-caving, skiing, tramping and bushcraft, and a ropes course. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND JAMES HARGEST COLLEGE CHRISTCHURCH James Hargest rugged mountains and coastlines. James Hargest is a large, vibrant year 7-13 co-educational school of about 1800 students located over two campuses (junior and senior). They have a well established reputation for providing an excellent experience for international students, who always feel very welcome. TRIPS AND ACTIVITIES Location: Invercargill, South Island Number of students: 1900 Grades:7-13 Clubs and Activities:Rugby, football, netball, basketball, field hockey, tennis, table tennis, badminton, skiing/snowboarding, cricket, rowing, volleyball, mountain biking, kayaking, golf and more. James Hargest College is located in Invercargill, New Zealand’s most Southern city and is the commercial hub of Southland with its population of 50.000 people. The southern most part of New Zealand has many areas to explore – long sandy beaches, green farmland, beautiful national parks and forests, meandering rivers, Passer for elever på studiespesialisering 29 James Hargest has a very active International Friendship Club which gives International students the opportunity to experience local Kiwi culture such as picnics, barbeques, social events and visits to many of the exciting attractions in the Southland and Otago Regions. These include Stewart Island, skiing and snowboarding in Queenstown, ice skating in Gore and a Mayoral reception. OUTDOOR RECREATION A special strength at James Hargest is their Outdoor Recreation Program, which is largely offered to Year 12-13 students. This program is very popular with the International and domestic students and includes adventure based learning, rock climbing, abseiling, mountain biking, snow caving, camping, tramping, orienteering, rafting and kayaking. Most of the program is delieveres in the Southland region including Stewart Island, Mavora Lake Reserve, Pisa Mountain Range and Wanaka. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 30 NEW ZEALAND HOROWHENUA COLLEGE AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND Horowhenua Location: Levin Number of students: 700 Grades: 9-13 Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Clubs and Activities: Choir, “stage challenge”, jazz band, drama, canoe polo, hockey, swimming, rowing, basketball, soccer, rifle shooting, rugby, netball, tennis, mountain biking and more. Horowhenua College is located in Levin on the North Island. Levin is the main center of the Horowhenua district, nestled between the Tararua Ranges to the east and Lake Horowhenua and the Tasman Sea to the west. From Horowhenua it is a ten minute access to the ranges and 15 minute access to the beach. Levin is a small friendly community of about 19,000 people. HOROWHENUA COLLEGE TRIPS Students are offered several trips arranged by Horowhenua College. These trips may include visits to places such as; Waitomo, Rotorua, Taupo and Te Papa. Students who participate in the outdoor education course will also do some travelling through that course. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Through the outdoor education program at Horowhenua students can gain experience in activities such as kayaking, tramping, road biking, adventure based learning, camping, rock climbing, navigation and mountain biking. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND KAIAPOI HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Kaiapoi Location: Kaiapoi Number of students: 670 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Cricket, softball, tennis, touch, volleyball, hockey, indoor football, surfing, badminton, netball, football, squash, rugby, table-tennis, basketball and more. Kaiapoi is a historic town of 10.000 residents just north of Christchurch city. The town provides a safe and clean environment and easy access to Christchurch city amenities. TRIPS AND ACTIVITES OFFERED Kaiapoi offers its international students several trips and activities throughout the school year. Some of these include a ski and snowboarding trip to the Porter Heights ski area, kayaking at Banks Peninsula, a trip to Hanmer Springs where students get a chance to jump into the hot pools. Other activities include visiting local attractions as well as lunches and dinners. OUTDOOR EDUCATION AND OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP Since Kaiapoi is situated on the east coast of the South Island, Kaiapoi High School makes use of a diverse range of environments from snowy mountain ranges, native bush land, rocky crags, white water rivers and the sea. The aims of these courses are to develop awareness of risk management concepts and their application, competence in a range of activities, an appreciation of the natural environment and provide challenges and adventures. Some Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, og idrettsfag of the activities that are available through the courses may include; adventure based learning, kayaking, tramping, mountain biking, rock climbing, snow craft, snow camp, weather and navigation and more. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 31 32 NEW ZEALAND KATIKATI COLLEGE AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND Katikati Location: Katikati Number of students: 930 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, cross country, equestrian, football, golf, gymnastics, lawn bowls, netball, rugby, snow sports, squash, swimming, tennis, touch rugby, triathlon, volleyball, wrestling and more. Katikati is located in the beautiful Western Bay of Plenty. The geography in this region is both varied and beautiful, which allows for a lot of activities. Popular activities to do in Katikati include fishing, sailing, water skiing, jet boating, swimming, picnicking, bush walking and golf. Katikati is also known as “Mural Town” as it has 37 works of art in and around the main street ranging from murals, sculptures and carvings. TRIPS OFFERED International students at Katikati attend an adventure camp, a ski/snowboard trip and numerous day trips to fantastic locations like the geothermal and Maori wonders of Rotorua and a tramp to the top of Mt. Maunganui, camping in the Kaimai ranges, Camping and leadership courses in the scenic Coromandel. OUTDOOR ADVENTURE PROGRAM Through Katikati’s outdoor adventure program students spend approximately eight hours per week on the program and the remainder of Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag their time is spent in regular classes. Outdoor education is an integral part of the senior curriculum on the areas of geography, biology, sports science, recreation and tourism, and provides students with an exciting range of opportunities and activities. Through the course, students learn the necessary skills required for a successful career in the outdoors. Skills such as effective leadership, self-confidence, cooperative learning, teamwork, problem solving, decision making and group analysis, along with the knowledge of fitness and nutrition gained from the course. During the course, students will have the opportunity to participate in activities such as; kayaking, equestrian, bush craft, hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, snow craft, skiing/snowboarding, boat and water safety, surfing, first aid, long boarding/ paddleboard and fishing. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND KURANUI COLLEGE AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND OUTDOOR EDUCATION ACADEMY Kuranui Location: Greytown Number of students: 520 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Tennis, cricket, canoe polo, futsal, rugby, netball, basketball, hockey, football, badminton, skiing, equestrian, athletics, swimming, golf, squash, croquet, motocross, cross country running and more. Kuranui’s outdoor education academy is located at the Waiohine Valley Outdoor Education Centre, on the fringes of the Tararua bush and Waiohine River. This location allows students to spend their time out of the classroom and in a genuine bush environment. Students also take part in activities in other parts of New Zealand such as snow caving in the National park and snorkeling off the Kapiti Coast. Other activities that may be offered through the outdoor education academy are; abseiling, rock climbing, surfing, tramping, rafting, caving, mountain biking, high and low ropes, the Tongariro Crossing and more. AVIATION STUDIES There is nothing more breathtaking than seeing the Wairarapa valley from the air and it’s from there that you can truly appreciate the unique New Zealand landscape. Kuranui College is one of only three schools in New Zealand which offers the National Certificate in Aviation and is the only one that offers glider flight training. Students can undertake flight training in glider ground handling, winch launch procedures, aero tow procedures and solo glider flying. PERFORMING ARTS Drama is strong at Kuranui College. Students can get involved in theatre sports, Shakespeare festivals, an annual theater production and various clowning and juggling workshops. Dance is also very strong. Dance is taught as an academic subject and each year a large cast of students perform in the very popular New Zealand wide “Stage Challenge” competition. Kuranui College is located in the historic town of Greytown which lays 80 kilometers north-west of New Zealand’s capital city, Wellington, and is one of the principal towns in the Wairarapa region. The Wairarapa offers a diverse range of activities. For the outdoor enthusiast, there is swimming in the rivers, surfing at the beaches, bush hiking and mountain biking. There is a huge sporting culture within the region and the towns buzz on Saturday and Sunday morning when the majority of its young population is taking part in anything from rugby, hockey and netball through to swimming, canoe polo and horse riding. Half an hour away from the college is the biggest town in the region, Masterton, where there are numerous shops, a cinema, bowling alley and a large skate park, just to name a few. The capital city, Wellington, is only an hour’s train ride from Kuranui College so international students can easily enjoy the many cultural, sporting and retail facilities that this wonderful city provides. Passer for elever på studiespesialiserende og idrettsfag Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 33 34 NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND LOGAN PARK HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Logan Park Location: Dunedin Number of students: 550 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Hockey, volleyball, touch rugby, tennis, futsal, golf, sailing, rowing, athletics, cricket, cross country, orienteering, climbing, fencing, mountain biking, equestrian, soccer, rugby, basketball, netball, badminton, ice hockey, skiing, squash and more. OUTDOOR EXPERIENCE PROGRAM The outdoor experience program at Logan Park includes two trips a term with activities like kayaking, tramping, skiing and sightseeing in “Lord of the Rings” scenery around the lower South Island. Here are some examples of trips; • A three day trip to Lake Tekapo • Overnight trip to Moeraki • Skiing and Snowboarding Logan Park High School is located in Dunedin. Dunedin is a student city with a sense of history, surrounded by beautiful beaches. The school is set in a forested valley but is walking distance to the city center and just a five to ten minutes’ walk from the University of Otago campus and city sports grounds. There is a vibrant café culture, art and fashion scene with an annual international fashion event at the historic railway station – offering the longest runway in the world! Some of the beaches around Dunedin are also home to rare wildlife, including penguins, sea lions, seals and the Royal Albatross. Logan Park is known as Dunedin’s performance arts school as there are numerous opportunities for musical students, including choirs, several chamber music groups, a jazz band, an orchestra and after school rock music academy. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og mediefag • A five day long tramp in Fiordland • Kayaking and cycling at Mavora Lakes • Bush and beach adventures in the Catlins MEDIA STUDIES AND FILM MAKING Logan Park has a strong media studies and film making program. Students write magazine and newspaper articles for publication in the local newspaper, they study film, television, newspapers, magazines and social media. Film-making is a particular strength. Logan Park students have won Best Film in the Otago region for Secondary Schools for 4 out of the 5 last years. Their film club, which meets weekly, with a professional film-maker and over 100 students of all levels participated in the national V48 hour Film competition. They also have a 3-D modeling club (animation and special effects) that meets weekly. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND MOTUEKA HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH ABEL TASMAN NATIONAL PARK Motueka Location: Motueka Number of students: 650 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Touch rugby, tennis, volleyball, triathlon, bowls, mountain biking, athletics, cricket, rubgy, golf, sailing, smallbore shooting, squash, cross country, netball, badminton, cycling, sport climbing, soccer, hockey, basketball, ski and snowboarding and more. Motueka High School is situated in one of the most beautiful parts of New Zealand, with easy access to the sea, mountains and rivers. There are three National Parks (Abel Tasman National Park, Kahurangi National Park, Nelson Lakes National Park) on their immediate boundary and they make extensive use of these in their Outdoor Education Program. Motueka is a township of about 8000 people and has all the amenities, services and clubs that could normally be found in larger cities. The town services orchards, vineyards, farms, a thriving tourism industry as well as the local fishing and forestry industries. Abel Tasman National Park (established in 1942) is renowned for its golden beaches, sculptured granite cliffs, and world-famous Abel Tasman Coast Track. It also has a mild climate and is a good place to visit at any time of the year. Many activities are available in the park such as kayaking, tramping, mountain biking, swimming and sailing. International students will visit this national park on several occasions, either through the outdoor education program, field trips for the international students or with your kiwi friends and family. OUTDOOR EDUCATION AND OUTDOOR PURSUITS AND LEADERSHIP Outdoor education is a course for students who want to push their boundaries and learn about the outdoors. A wide variety of outdoor pursuits are introduces including; kayaking, water safety, navigation, orienteering, bush craft, mountain craft, rock climbing, abseiling, caving and mountain biking. The outdoor pursuits and leadership course develops skills in pursuits such as white-water kayaking, vertical caving, outdoor navigation, survival skills and mountaineering. A strong focus on leadership in maintained throughout the course and students are encouraged to undertake opportunities to develop their skills in this area. ATHLETICS ACADEMY Motueka offers an athletics academy to its students. The academy teams up with interested business sponsors who provide the resources for incentives and attendance at competitions. The program is available to students at all year levels. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie- og idrettsfag WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 35 36 NEW ZEALAND OXFORD AREA SCHOOL SOUTH ISLAND CHRISTCHURCH Oxford area Location: Oxford Number of students: 520 Grades: 1-13 Clubs and Activities: Netball, rugby, football, basketball, tennis, skiing/snowboarding, volleyball, mountain biking triathlon, cross country and more. Oxford Area School is only 40 minutes from the largest city on the South Island, Christchurch, and is surrounded by a magnificent and scenic outdoor environment and hills, mountains, lakes, rivers and forests. Oxford is a composite (area) school, having students from five to nineteen years of age. This gives them a strong family atmosphere with quality pastoral care and individual attention a top priority. Classes in the secondary area of the school are small. Dedicated and high quality teachers provide for the needs of individuals in a safe learning environment. A unique feature of Oxford Area School is an observatory that supports the astronomy components of the Science classes with educational materials and observation opportunities. OXFORD TOWNSHIP Oxford township has a population approximately 2000 people, with a vibrant of Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag village center surrounded by farms, pasture and great natural scenery. The Oxford community offers a number of local sports clubs (cricket, soccer, rugby, badminton, squash, tennis), and also evening groups for Tai Chi, Zumba, Pilates etc. There are host families that work farms with animals to care for (sheep, cattle) and also host families with horses, providing after school tasks for the student who may be able to ride and care for their own horse. Kowhai Riding School in View Hill is a great place to spend some time if you are interested in horse riding and it is only 10 minutes from the township. They accommodate complete beginners to advanced level riders and have over 90 well-schooled horses and ponies. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Through their courses of outdoor pursuits and leadership and outdoor management students will gain skills in many areas. Students will partake in several multiday excursions, such as a nine day program consisting of the Great Walk Tramp (in Heaphy, Milford and Nelson Lakes) followed by sea kayaking in the Abel Tasman National Park. Other exciting trips offered through the outdoor program is a five day rafting/kayaking trip on New Zealand’s longest river, the Clarence, or a seven day crossing of the South Island by means of cycling, tramping, rafting, mountain biking, horse riding, kayaking and Canadian canoeing. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND PAPANUI HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Papaniui Location: Christchurch Number of students: 1500 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Athletics, bowls, cricket, futsal, golf, netball, softball, korfball, hockey, tennis, touch, volleyball, water polo, badminton, basketball, football, rubgy, squash, table tennis and more. OUTDOOR EDUCATION The outdoor education program at Papanui focuses on personal growth. Bush craft, tramping, safety management, rock-climbing, mountain biking, high and low ropes, navigation, weather, trip planning, skiing/snowboarding, first aid and environmental sustainability are all part of this course. Papanui High School is situated in suburban Christchurch, only 10 minutes from the city center. Christchurch, a city of 350 000 people, is the largest city in the South Island. It is a city renowned for its beautiful parks, gardens and the picturesque Avon River flowing through the city center. Papanui has the advantages of being a city school surrounded by outdoor opportunities. Papanui High lies only 15 minutes from surf beaches, 20 minutes from outdoor rock climbing, 30 minutes from bays for sailing and 1 hour from a number of both commercial and private ski fields. During the winter months Papanui High offers ski trips to the ski fields on most weekends, and during the summer they arrange for surf and rock climbing lessons for those students who are interested. At the end of the school year, in November, Papanui offers two weeks of activities both locally and on tour for the international students. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 37 38 NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND QUEENS HIGH SCHOOL CHRISTCHURCH Queens Location: Dunedin Number of students: 600 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Rugby, netball, basketball, field hockey, tennis, badminton, softball, skiing/ snowboarding, aerobics, dance, rowing, volleyball, mountain biking, cross country and more. Queens High School is located in Dunedin, a vibrant university city of 100 000 and three and a half hour from Queenstown. Dunedin has cool winters but only the occasional snowfall in the city, and warm summers with day time temperatures in the twenties. Dunedin has a thriving arts and music community and encourages creativity in the fashion industry. Queens is situated in the suburb of St. Clair in Dunedin, close to local beaches, cafes and an easy bus ride to the city center. Queens High is an all-girls school. Queens have particular strengths in the visual and performing arts, with drama, dance and music offered as subjects as well as many opportunities for participation in dramatic and musical performances. Queens also has its own dancestudio. PERFORMING ARTS Students have the opportunity to join in on one or more of Queens’s performing arts and Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og mediefag cultural offerings. These include; choir, chamber music, drama, jazz band, kappa haka, madrigals, musical production, orchestra, Queen’s of the Pacific, Rock Quest, Shakespeare festival, stage challenge, He Waka Kotuia and theater sports. In many of these activities students from Kings College (the neighboring all-boys school) will attend. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Outdoor education teachers make the most of the local environment and include surfing, mountain biking and rock climbing in the courses as well as going further afield into Central Otago for students to develop their skiing and snowboarding skills. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND RONCALLI COLLEGE CHRISTCHURCH Roncalli Location: Timaru Number of students: 500 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Rugby, football, basketball, field hockey, tennis, table tennis, badminton, skiing/snowboarding, climbing, cricket, rowing, volleyball, track cycling, mountain biking, touch rugby, ballroom dancing, athletics, cross country and more. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Roncalli college is a small, friendly and supportive Catholic high school. Roncalli is located in Timaru, on the East Coast of the south Island of New Zealand, only two hours’ drive south of Christchurch and a similar drive to Dunedin. This region is the ideal base to explore Mount Cook and the Waitaki Lakes. Timaru has nice summers with a daytime temperature of 23 degrees, and mild winters with temperatures of 9-14 degrees during the day. Timaru is a vibrant and safe city of approximately 30.000 people. A friendly, welcoming place with all the amenities of a bigger city – cinemas, theatre, cafes, bars and restaurants, good shopping, pools, beach and skate parks. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Through outdoor education students learn a combination of specific technical outdoor skills such as those associated with climbing, abseiling, kayaking and living in the outdoors. There is a strong emphasis on planning and preparation of groups for trips, improving specific outdoor skills, risk management, participating safely in the outdoors, communicating effectively with others, self-management and organizational skills. Some of the activities that are covered through the outdoor education program include sea kayaking, camping, bush survival, mountain biking, white water kayaking, river crossing, skiing/snowboarding and rock climbing Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 39 40 NEW ZEALAND NYE BILDER? TAUMARUNUI HIGH SCHOOL AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND Taumarunui Location: Taumarunui Number of students: 500 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Rugby, basketball, tennis, equestrian, snowboarding, volleyball, athletics, swimming, table tennis, kapa haka, netball, golf, touch rugby, football, skiing, mountain biking, hunting and more. Taumarunui High School and the surrounding district give international students a very real taste of New Zealand. Whether it be the endless outdoor opportunities or the chance to experience a whole new world, Taumarunui is the place to spend your time as an international student. Taumarunui is a town in the central North Island of New Zealand. Its population is approximately 5200 people. Taumarunui High School is centrally positioned between Auckland and Wellington, and is located at the foot of Mount Ruapehu. An area steeped in history and opportunity, Taumarunui offers something for almost everybody. Surrounded by beautiful forestry and natural landscapes, Taumarunui offers nothing less than exciting and adventurous opportunities for everyone. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag THE RUAPEHU REGION The Ruapehu region takes its name from the sacred Mount Ruapehu. At 2797 meters, the volcanic beauty is the highest mountain in the North Island. Less than an hour’s drive and you can be spending time skiing on the great Mount Ruapehu, with a choice of the Whakapapa or Turoa ski fields. On the north-easterly slopes of Mount Ruapehu, Whakapapa is New Zealand’s largest ski field, while on the northwestern slopes; Turoa provides something for everybody, from absolute beginners to experienced boarders and skiers. An hour’s drive north is the world famous Waitomo Caves, where you can walk through the limestone caves and gaze in delight at the amazing stalagmites and stalactites. You can marvel at the “living stars” of thousands of glow worms as you take an underground boat trip on the Waitomo River. Taumarunui, surrounded by rivers, forests, mountains and rural areas, is a destination for tourists who enjoy outdoor excursions and mountain or water sports. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Outdoor education plays a large part for many students in Taumarunui, and it’s no wonder why with such endless opportunities that is made available to them through the programs, from kayaking to skiing, or mountain biking to hiking. Taumarunui High School’s Outdoor Education Program is designed specifically for its surroundings. MOYLE HOUSE HOSTEL Taumarunui High School Hostel, otherwise known as the Moyle House Hostel. After being reopened in 2011, the hostel is a thriving environment operated during the school year to support students of Taumarunui High School with accommodation. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND TAURANGA BOYS COLLEGE AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND Tauranga boys themselves is the trip to the Waitomo cave systems, students visit the Ruakuri Cave for a full day’s adventure Black Water Tubing and Caving under the ground. THE ARTS ACADEMY Location: Tauranga Number of students: 1700 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Basketball, cricket, cross country, football, golf, hockey, kayaking, rowing, rugby, sailing, squash, surfing, tennis, volleyball, badminton, water polo, chess, debate, drama, jiu jitsu, photography and more. Tauranga Boys College is an all-boys school located in the city of Tauranga on the eastern coast of the North Island. Located on the beautiful Western Bay of Plenty, Tauranga is a short journey from Auckland and the tourist attractions of Rotorua and Lake Taupo. Close to the beautiful port of Tauranga is Mount Maunganui with some of the most popular surfing beaches in New Zealand. The area surrounding the school offers excellent opportunities for the Outdoor Education program, which includes numerous activities such as kayaking, surf-kayaking, kite surfing, diving and climbing. The Tauranga Boy’s College International Arts Academy is a fantastic new course specifically for International students at the college. The academy’s focus is for all students to have fun whilst experiencing opportunities to perform, create and participate in arts activities. . From taking music lessons to Theatre Sports, attending shows and concerts and learning the fine arts of photography, the Arts Academy is all about opening up new and interesting experiences for the international students. Tauranga Boys’ College, in conjunction with Tauranga Girls’ College, annually stages a major production. In recent years productions such as West Side Story, The Little Shop of Horrors and Jesus Christ Superstar have been very successful. HIGH PERFORMERS PROGRAM The high performers program is for students who are gifted and talented in their chosen sport, and who may already be performing at an elite level. Students will spend time focusing on their sport, however there are also other components to this program such as sport psychology, coaching, sports injuries, nutrition, exercise techniques and more. OUTDOOR EDUCATION The outdoor education program is the study of adventure pursuits development of interpersonal skills and personal qualities that builds confidence and skills. Students take advantage of Tauranga’s unique location which is surrounded by mountains, native bush, beaches, and rivers to pursue activities such as sea and river kayaking, surfing, scuba diving, kite surfing, rock climbing, tramping and skiing. TRIPS OFFERED Several trips are offered to the international students throughout the year. One of the trips is a trip to Bowentown, a beachside community on the Southern end of Waihi Beach, here students have the opportunity to go kayaking, fishing, climbing, surfing, swimming and snorkeling. Mountain biking in the world famous Whakarewarewa Forest (the Redwoods) is also offered. Another trip where students enjoy Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie-, og idrettsfag Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 41 42 NEW ZEALAND WAIHI COLLEGE AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND 800 students, the college has a family atmosphere where international students are made to feel at home. Waihi Location: Waihi Number of students: 800 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Basketball, football, hockey, netball, rugby, badminton, skiing, snowboarding, volleyball, athletics, swimming, cricket, tennis, softball, table tennis, shooting, climbing dance, mountain biking, kayaking and more. Waihi College is an exciting mid-sized New Zealand high school with excellent academic, sports and arts programs. With approximately Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Waihi College has an excellent coverage of all aspects of the curriculum with special strengths in the arts and drama, and in a full range of sports where teams regularly perform at the top of their competition locally and nationally. It has its own farm unit where a commercial kiwifruit orchard is in production, native trees produced, calves are reared and vegetable gardens tended. Situated in the Bay of Plenty, Waihi is close to Waihi Beach for surfing, boating, fishing, diving and a host of water activities while at the same time within three hours of some of the finest ski fields and mountains in New Zealand. The Waihi region is rich in gold mining history and with spectacular natural scenery is great for hiking and walks for all abilities. Two hours from Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, and within 60 minutes of several other major centers, Waihi College is an exceptional place and an excellent option for international students. OUTDOOR EDUCATION The outdoor education program at Waihi College is among the best in the country. All international students are welcome to join any of the field trips arranged by the school. These include: 5 days kayaking on the stunning Whanganui River, Mountain biking and crossing spectacular Mt Tongariro, 4 days at Outdoor Pursuits Centre on Great Barrier Island, A Marine Biology field trip to Goat Island marine reserve, A South Island geography field trip and 3 weeks end of year outdoor education program especially for international students. Many local one day and overnight outdoor education activities are also available including navigation and survival skills, tramping, surfing, scuba diving and mountain biking. Other activities available include black water rafting, sky diving, scuba diving, rafting, skiing and snowboarding. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND SOUTH ISLAND Westland High School CHRISTCHURCH Westland Location: Hokitika Number of students: 350 Grades: 7-13 Clubs and Activities: Cycling, swimming, rugby, hockey, volleyball, netball, basketball, jazz band, drama, football, field hockey, badminton, softball, aerobics, dance, mountain biking, kayaking, ballroom dancing and more. Westland High School is located in Hokitika on the West Coast of the South Island. Hokitika has a population of about 4000 people. It is one the coastline and in close proximity to the conservation estate of native bush, glaciers, and mountains. The scenery is spectacular. The West Coast is renowned for its majestic beauty, outdoors activities, and friendliness. OUTDOOR EDUCATION Quick access to many outdoor venues means that Westland High School can offer plenty of practical activities with minimal travel and disruption to the school schedule. Through the outdoor program students can take part in leadership training, teamwork through rock climbing, kayaking, tramping, mountaineering, navigation, and ropes courses. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 43 44 NEW ZEALAND WHAKATANE HIGH SCHOOL AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND Whakatane Location: Whakatane Number of students: 800 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Surfing, swimming, tennis, table tennis, climbing, cricket, volleyball, rowing, road cycling, mountain biking, kayaking, rugby, golf, dragon boating, triathlon, athletics, cross country, archery, orienteering and more. Whakatane High School is situated in the beautiful Bay of Plenty, close to the beaches, lakes, a river, forests and a calm water ocean harbor. Whakatane is about an hour drive from both Rotorua and Tauranga. The town has a population of about 18.000 people, with another 16.000 people living within the greater Whakatane District. About 40% of the people living in the Whakatane area have Maori ancestry. Whakatane have very good facilities and provide many outdoor education, sporting, and cultural activities. The school is close to the shopping precinct of Kopeopeo and the Whakatane Township. Whakatane is a small community with a rich heart and they have a superb relationship with their local and extended community. There are many opportunities such as surfing, fishing, diving, sailing, golf, rafting, walking, swimming and biking available to you while you study at Whakatane High School. During the summer the school organizes surfing each Wednesday after school at Ohope Beach, (a surf beach), which is a 10 minute drive from the school. During the winter there are opportunities to go on snowboarding and skiing trips to Mount Ruapehu in the Central North Island. TRIPS OFFERED AT WHAKATANE There are many trips the international students can go on. These are usually subject or sports related. Students often get invited to go on trips, even though they may not take the subject, such as a geography trip to the goldmines at Waihi or a tourism trip to Rotorua, or the marine studies trips to Mayor Island and White Island in New Zealand, and Heron Island in Australia. At the end of the year in November, when the New Zealand students are on leave for exams, the international students who are not sitting exams have the opportunity to go on three trips that are arranged by the school, these may be to Rotorua, Tauranga and the East Coast. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering, medie- og idrettsfag OUTDOOR EDUCATION Whakatane’s location in the sunny Bay of Plenty makes it easy for the students to take advantage of the magnificent opportunities the natural environment offers. The rivers, mountains, snow and sea provide setting for the outdoor education program. Through the outdoor program students get to develop their skills in fields such as; kayaking, mountain biking, risk assessment, abseiling and rock climbing. MARINE STUDIES Due to the close proximity of the town to the White Island marine reserve, Whakatane is able to offer marine studies courses for its students.The course aims to develop knowledge and skills in the area of marine sciences with an emphasis on marine biology and the wide use of marine resources. There will be opportunities for students to develop practical skills such as scuba diving and marine surveying. A dive course is also part of marine studies. The class travels to Heron Island Research Center in Australia each year in August to dive and snorkel and study the Great Barrier Reef. Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year NEW ZEALAND NYE BILDER? WILLIAM COLENSO COLLEGE AUCKLAND NORTH ISLAND William Colenso Location: Napier Number of students: 700 Grades: 9-13 Clubs and Activities: Rugby, football, netball, basketball, field hockey, tennis, badminton, climbing, cricket, softball, volleyball, dance, mountain biking, touch rugby, golf, triathlon and more. William Colenso College is located in Napier on the sunny East Coast of New Zealand’s North Island. In a region famous for its vineyards and wineries, Napier (a city of 50.000 people) is well known for its distinctive art deco architecture. The college is a popular destination for international students who enjoy the friendly and progressive culture of the seven hundred student campus. The school provides a strong performing and visual arts program, hospitality and catering courses as well as nationally recognized Outdoor Education programs. Students have access to the latest information and communications technology, music composition software’s and an onsite TV studio. NAPIER AND HAWKES BAY William Colenso College is found in Napier in the Hawkes Bay region. Napier is famous for its relaxed lifestyle, and boasts with over 2000 hours of sunshine a year! Napier is a popular tourist venue – both for international and domestic visitors, as it is the gateway to New Zealand’s permier wine region, Hawkes Bay. Hawkes Bay has long Mediterranean-type climate – long, hot summers and mild winters. Passer for elever på studiespesialisering og idrettsfag Availability of specific courses/activities may change from year to year WWW.INTO-UTVEKSLING.NO 45 46 INTOS VILKÅR INTOS VILKAR SØKNADSFRISTER 1. juni 2013: Programmer som begynner sommer høst 2013 1. desember 2013: Programmer som begynner i januar/februar 2014. Datoene er fristen for når hele søknaden må være fylt ut og sendt inn. Vær oppmerksom på at noen programmer kan være fulle før søknadsfristen er passert. KONTRAKTSINNGÅELSE Bindende kontraktsinngåelse mellom into Education Ltd., deltakere og foresatte, oppstår, ved kontrasignering av avtalen som vi tidligere sendte deg som opptaks-tilbud. Denne kontrakten baserer seg på vilkårene som er beskrevet her. GEBYRER OG BETALINGSMÅTE Gebyrene for utvekslingsprogrammet betales i fire delsummer: 20 % delbetaling etter opptak i programmet. 30 % delbetaling den 1. februar 2013, (programmer fra januar / februar 2013 den 1. oktober 2012) 30 % delbetaling den 1. april 2013 (programmer fra januar/februar 2013 den 2. november 2012). 20 % restbetaling, fire uker før avreise men ikke senere enn 1. juni. Vi sender samtidig resten av reisedokumentene KANSELLERING Før avreise kan deltakernen avbestille når som helst. For din egen sikkerhet anbefaler vi å gjøre dette skriftlig. Følgende avbestillingsgebyrer tilkommer: • Etter levering av “Application Forms” og kontrakt signering av denne kontrakten, som bekrefter opptak i programmet: 20 % av programprisen blir beholdt av into og eventuelt restbetalt penger/delsummer blir refundert deltakeren. • Etter fullført plassering i en vertsfamilie: 30% av programprisen. Evt restbetalt sum blir refundert deltakeren. • Etter fullført plassering hos vertsfamilie og kjøp av flybilletter: 50% av programprisen. Deltakeren må ved uenigheter dokumentere skaden (tapet) man er påført. Dersom into ikke innen to uker før avreise kan oppgi adressen til vertsfamilien, skolen eller kontaktpersonen på stedet, der man kan få hjelp, har deltakeren rett til kostnadsfri avbestilling og refusjon av alle penger innbetalt til into. VÅRE TJENESTER: ANSVARSBEGRENSNING Ansvar for skader (tap) som ikke er personskader, er begrenset til tre ganger reiseprisen, dersom skaden (tapet) for deltakeren ikke oppsto med forsett eller grov uaktsomhet, eller dersom into har ansvar for skader (tap) påført deltakeren alene på tgrunn av forseelse fra en tjenesteyter. Dersom internasjonale avtaler, lover eller forskrifter som baserer seg på slike, gjelder for en tjeneste som en tjenesteyter skal levere, der et krav om skadeserstatning kun kan gjøres gjeldende under bestemte forutsetninger eller er utelukket under bestemte forutsetninger, kan into kreve dette refundert fra deltakeren. • Framskaffe nødvendige visumdokumenter FORSIKRING Sykeforsikring er obligatorisk for hele oppholdet for alle utvekslingsdestinasjoner. Den syke-, ulykkesog ansvarsforsikringen vi tilbyr, er kun beregnet for utvekslingselever. Denne forsikringen er obligatorisk for våre deltakere. Kostnaden for forsikringen er: Skoleår 1 Semester 5.200,- NOK 2.400,- NOK LOMMEPENGER Alle deltakere må disponere lommepenger for hele oppholdet. Summen må være minst 2000 NOK per måned. Dette dekker kostnader til personlig forbruk, lunsj på skolen, samt læremidler og skolebuss. ADFERD I VERTSLANDET Vi forlanger av våre deltakere at de innordner seg etter lovene i vertslandet, overholder reglene, forskriftene og betingelsene til into og deres samarbeidsorganisasjoner og tilpasser seg den alminnelige levemåten i landet. De må i tillegg følge skolesystemet og respektere husreglene til vertsfamilien. Dersom en deltaker krenker disse lovene, reglene eller forskriftene, må vedkommende i ytterste konsekvens regne med at programmet avsluttes. Som regel får deltakeren først en advarsel. Dersom et lands lover brytes, bortfaller denne advarselen. • Utvelging og personlig samtale i Oslo • To-dagers obligatorisk forberedelseskurs i Oslo for alle deltakere • Canada: 4 dager i Toronto (kun elever med avreise sommeren 2013) • New Zealand: 5 dager i Auckland (kun elever med avreise sommeren 2013) • Plassering i en utvalgt vertsfamilie • Skoleplass og undervisning på High School • Fly fra Norge inkludert innenlands flygning i vertslandet, tur og retur • Hovedsakelig flyvning i små grupper på hoved- reisen til vertslandet • Kontinuerlig oppfølging i Norge og i vertslandet under oppholdet • Deltakerbevis fra into • Arrangement for Returnees i Norge Tjenester som ikke er tatt i bruk, også ved for tidlig hjemreise, kan med unntak av oppsparte utgifter, ikke erstattes. Eventuelle krav må fremmes for into innen én måned etter avsluttet planlagt opphold og gjøres gjeldende. Deretter kan deltakeren kun gjøre krav gjeldende hvis vedkommende uskyldig var hindret i å overholde fristen. Krav fra deltakeren forfaller ett år etter planlagt avslutning av oppholdet. IKKE INKLUDERT I PRISEN: • Lommepenger • Reiser som i tillegg tilbys av samarbeids organisasjonen i vertslandet • Visumgebyr og kostnader tilknyttet dette • Forsikringer som beskrevet • Skoleuniform, bøker, eventuelle utgifter til skole buss, mat og drikke på skolen, kostnader i for bindelse med kurs, samt gebyrer for spesialkurs • Reisekostnader til forberedelsesarrangement • Ombooking av flyreise utenom planen på eget initiativ, samt eventuelt utstedelsesgebyr som oppstår, som flyplassen kan kreve inn individuelt Denne brosjyren erstatter alle tidligere brosjyrer. SØKNADSSKJEMA SØKNADSSKJEMA Fyll ut dette skjemaet fullstendig og send det til: into Education Postboks 185 1300 Sandvika Du kan også søke på våre hjemmesider; Fornavn ____________________________ Etternavn ______________________________ Gate ______________________________________________________________________ Postnummer _______________________ Sted _ _________________________________ Fødselsdato ________________________ Nasjonalitet ____________________________ Navn på foresatte _ _________________________________________________________ Søsken, navn og alder _ _____________________________________________________ Vennligst kryss av: DESTINASJON o New Zealand o Canada LENGDE PÅ OPPHOLDET o Skoleår o Skolehalvår o fra jul. / aug. o fra jan. / feb. 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