Accreditation News - Humber River Hospital


Accreditation News - Humber River Hospital
Dr. Mascia...
February 2010
Volume 4 Number 2
A publication for HRRH Staff, Physicians and Volunteers
Goes to the Games!
See HRRH Intranet for more photos of Dr. Mascia’s send-off
Humber River Regional Hospital
What’s Inside...
Honouring Dr. Berger:
An Art-Felt Donation
An Art-Felt
Thanks to Harriette Caplan
and Dr. Berger there’s a new
painting in our Chemotherapy
See the photos on Page 2
The Finance Department has
new wall art.
Page 2
It’s almost time for
Accreditation. Learn how
you can prepare for this very
important survey. See Page 3
HRRH Foundation
Our Foundation puts on many
exciting events throughout the
whole year. Check out their
calendar of events on Page 4
Dr. Berger poses with Harriette Caplan and artist Rod Della Vedova beside the new painting.
They are joined by Marg Czaus, HRRH Chief Nursing Officer (far left) and
Frank Fazzari, HRRH Foundation Board Chair (far right).
Humber River Regional Hospital
Honouring Dr. Berger
On Monday January 18, Dr. Sam Berger was honoured once again for his
dedication to our patients.
Harriette Caplan, whose parents were patients of Dr. Berger’s, expressed her
gratitude for Dr. Berger by presenting our hospital with a beautiful painting.
In a ceremony hosted by our Foundation, Caplan and Berger unveiled the
painting – commissioned by Caplan – in the Chemotherapy Department at
our Church site. The painting depicts a young girl running with a kite, flowers
in the foreground and a country home, similar to an Anne of Green Gables
Shortly after her father passed away in 2003, Caplan approached Dr. Berger
with the idea that she wanted to contribute something in her parents
memory that would be a permanent fixture, but that also had something to
do with Dr. Berger and his wonderful care for both of them.
Thank you to Harriette Caplan for this generous and heartwarming donation.
Thank you also to Dr. Berger for his outstanding commitment to our patients
and community.
Redevelopment News
Follow Barb’s
Redevelopment Blog:
If you want to get in touch,
call or write to:
(416) 249-8111 ext. 2755
Redevelopment Wall in Finance Department
It’s no secret; everyone’s excited about our new hospital!
But members of our Finance team are so excited that they’ve
dedicated a special corner of the Finance Department to display
internal and external information about our new hospital.
Led by Elaine Nairne, Director of Finance, the team is gearing up to
make this a permanent fixture in their department. They are also
hoping other HRRH departments will be inspired by this idea and
create more redevelopment walls around our hospital.
Way to go Finance team!
Green Committee News
New Server Saving Energy
Our HRRH Information Systems team is working
hard to reduce energy consumption throughout the
hospital. Recently, several old computer servers
(left) were replaced with one server (right). The
new server has 10 times the storage space and
uses 50 per cent less energy than the old
Thank you to our Information Systems
team for your help in reducing our carbon
Did you know?
Humber River applies ‘green’
principles to all capital
construction projects,
equipment maintenance and
repair, and our energy and
water consumption?
ED-PIP Update
Accreditation News
Our Emergency Department Process Improvement Project (ED-PIP) team has
completed the solution phase of its project and recently moved on to the pilot
and implementation phase.
The team’s first pilot initiative is a new ‘model of working’ that will lessen the
time between patient triage and seeing a physician in the ER’s Ozone area. This
is only one of several pilot projects the team will be introducing in the near
As part of the solution phase, the team held meetings with other hospital
employees to determine the root causes that adversely affect the flow of
patients through the Emergency and In-patient Departments. The team also
toured other hospitals’ Emergency and In-patient Departments to observe
their practices.
Thank you to our ED-PIP team for your on-going commitment to this project.
Accreditation Home
About Accreditation
Practices (ROPs)
HRRH Accreditation
Accreditation 2010
Keep informed on Accreditation at HRRH!
This website contains information that will
take you through the Accreditation process at
HRRH. Everyone is involved, so we encourage
you to speak to as many people as possible
about Accreditation. Learn how you can keep
patients safe and reduce risk in the hospital!
What’s New for [Month]
- Do You Know? Required Organizational
Practice factsheets
Countdown to Accreditation!
10 months until our on-site
survey by Accreditation
See where we are on the
Accreditation Timeline.
Look for upcoming events and
information on the
Accreditation Calendar
This is an Accreditation year ffor Humber River!! We’re
’ looking to achieve the best
possible result for our organization and a lot of work has already been done by
our Accreditation teams. To help you stay on top of the latest Accreditation news
and information, visit the HRRH Intranet at any time and click on the
“Accreditation 2010” link under Quick Links in the far right column:
http://cweb02/intranet/accreditation/default.asp. Remember: we Gotta be Green!!!
In The Spotlight
Nutrition Month
March means healthy eating
March is Nutrition month and Humber River Regional Hospital's Dietitians
would like to invite you to "Celebrate Food...from field to table!" This year’s
Nutrition Month theme focuses on empowering Canadians to make healthy and
informed food choices and learn where food comes from.
HRRH Nutrition Month activities taking place from March 15 - March 19:
• The 7th Annual North York Harvest Food Bank collection. Last year HRRH
raised a total of 1611 lbs of food! Food or monetary donations can be given
to any dietitian at HRRH. Receive a free cookbook created by the Dietitians
at HRRH with every donation.
• “Celebrate Food…from field to table!” A presentation from guest speaker
Kinga Balogh, Registered Dietician on Wednesday, March 17, 2010 in the
Finch Classroom from 12:00-1:00pm. Bring a non-perishable food item and
your name will be entered in a draw to win prizes.
Pat Annis - Operating
ing Room Recyling
Congratulations to Pat Annis, Operating Room (OR) nurse at the
Church site, for her contribution to Humber River’s green success.
Over the last several years Pat often wondered where many of the
paper and plastic materials used in the OR went when they were
discarded. While several of these materials are recycled, the blue
wrappers that hold some instruments weren’t part of the recycling
Pat and her OR team advocated for these blue papers to be part of our
recycling program. They contacted our HRRH Green Team and our
multi-material recycling company and worked together with them to
make this initiative become a reality.
A big thank you to Pat and her team for your dedication to this very
important project!
• Display boards and informative nutrition handouts will be available in the
lobbies at all three sites!
Rueben Devlin, M.D.
President & CEO
Humber River Regional Hospital
Our strategic plan is the roadmap that guides what we do at our hospital.
Although it’s not always clear how important our strategic plan is on a
daily basis, it helps us to understand our goals for today and identify key
priorities as we move forward. There are many positive outcomes as a
result of this plan that defines our vision as a hospital.
As the plan outlines, we aim to create a “Workplace of Distinction;” a
workplace that promotes a culture of leadership, creativity and
innovation; a workplace that also encourages and appreciates teamwork.
When we work in teams we gain diversity in knowledge, experience and
skill from a group of individuals. There are so many teams at our hospital.
Whether it’s a departmental team or a team that includes members of
our community, there is a great deal of teamwork going on every day. In
many different ways, all of us are coming together in teams with the same
purpose: to set goals, achieve tasks and celebrate our accomplishments.
When I look through this edition of Humber Monthly, it’s easy to see the
countless team initiatives that happen at our hospital. Working in a
variety of team scenarios is an integral part of our jobs; and it’s an
important aspect of delivering the best care possible to our patients and
their families. It’s this teamwork that will also lead us toward building the
hospital of the future and help us to achieve many more great milestones
Welcome Aboard!
Pawel Biedrzycki, Carol Case, Diane DaCosta-Colucci, Romana
Demchyshyn, Sabiha Faruqui, Cristina Hurtado, Tamizan
Janmohamed, Kathryn Lawrie, Cameron Little, Neil Maki, Jim
McMartin, Catherine Morris, Surujdea Narain, Rosetta Permaul,
Leila Popat, Roy Saad.
Humber River extends warm wishes to our new employees who
participated in the February 1st and 2nd Orientation Program.
We wish you lots of success and happiness in your new careers!
Congratulations on your teamwork Humber River. It is a key to our
success as we continue to work together to make our goals become a
For Wellness
June 27
of Fantasy
May 1
August 23
Health and
October 28
When it comes to your story ideas
there is one common theme:
teamwork. It’s really nice to see how
so many of you take pride in working together with each other. Whether
you are working on a project with colleagues in your department or
working with staff from many different areas of the hospital to achieve one
goal, I often notice the support and enthusiasm you show for one another.
Not to mention that it makes my job even more enjoyable! It has been a
pleasure to cover your ‘teamwork’ so far this year. Please continue to keep
me and my ‘team’ in the loop!
Upcoming events @ HRRH
February 23
President’s Forum
Finch Site
March 1 & 2
New Staff Orientation
Keele Auditorium
March 11
President’s Forum
Church Site
Sarah Quadri Magnotta
Humber Monthly is dedicated to providing staff, physicians and volunteers
with news about Humber River Regional Hospital, its people, services and programs.
For more information, visit us online:
Editorial Committee:
Sarah Quadri Magnotta
Leon Rakopoulos
Andrew Aggerholm
We welcome your input. Feel free to get in touch!
(416) 249-8111 ext. 4531 (416) 249-8111 ext. 4624 (416) 249-8111 ext. 8221
Humber River Regional Hospital
Church Street Site
200 Church Street
Weston, ON M9N 1N8

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