News Bulletin - the Ferrari Club of America
News Bulletin - the Ferrari Club of America
JUNE 2013 | The Mid-Atlantic Region’s Spring Thaw, Reston, VA | photo: Bill Proctor News Bulletin FERRARI club of america FormulaOne F I R S T C L A S S T R AV E L T O T H E S E 2 013 F1 R A C E S : 17 MARCH A U S T R A L I A 1 2 M AY S PA I N 2 6 M AY M O N A C O 9 JUNE C A N A D A 3 0 J U N E G R E AT B R I TA I N 7 J U LY G E R M A N Y 2 8 J U LY H U N G A R Y 25 AUGUST B E L G I U M 8 S E P T E M B E R I TA L Y 1 7 N O V E M B E R U N I T E D S TAT E S ToursF1 c a l l t o l l - f r e e : 8 7 7 8 6 8 7 7 31 w w w .t o u r s f1. c o m 02 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN A Call for Nominations for CAVALIERE of the Ferrari Club of America At its annual Board meeting on March 3, 2013, the FCA Board of Directors approved the establishment of a special Cavaliere designation to be awarded to current or former members who have significantly contributed to the greater benefit of the Ferrari Club of America over an extended period of time. This will be a very select group of individuals who have consistently gone well beyond normal expectations of time and effort to ensure the success and growth of the Club in ways that have greatly enhanced the membership experience across the entire Club. (Cavaliere is Italian for Knight) For 2013, all of the original Founders of the Club will be automatically elected as Cavaliere. In addition up to ten (10) current or former FCA members, who are nominated by members-at-large and are then judged to best meet the criteria, will also be elected. Any current FCA member in good standing may nominate a deserving individual for this designation. More detailed information on the Cavaliere designation, including the nomination form and criteria to be used in selection, can be found at To be considered for 2013, nominations must be submitted no later than June 15, 2013. All nominations will be reviewed in complete confidence by the FCA Executive Committee, which will then submit its selection of up to ten deserving nominees to the FCA Board of Directors for approval. In 2013 only, preference may be given to individuals who served the FCA with special distinction in the earlier years. Virginia Hunt Country Tour Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 Rally to the Duc Pond! The tour will start at the McDonald’s and Sheetz Station on US Rte #340 (854 Jefferson Pike) in Knoxville, MD at 9:00 am and will take you on a wandering, scenic path along great Hunt Country roads to the historic city of Winchester and its very own Ducati Center. After a tour of the shop where some Ducatis are turned into customization projects, great driving roads will take you to Upperville, VA for a sumptuous lunch at the posh Blackthorne Inn – which was once owned by George Washington. The tour, limited to the first 36 people, costs $45 per person. Checks (which serves as your reservation) need to be made payable to FCA-MAR and sent to Jennifer Johnson, 5674 Solheim Cup Drive, Haymarket, VA 20169. For more info: Nathan 443.604.6409 and/or Jennifer 703.895.9855. Please specify your meal choices on your check from the following selections: • Fish and Chips • Grilled Chicken Club • Organic Angus Beef Burger • Irish Smoked Salmon Salad • Vegetarian platter is available if specified NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 03 NEWS MILLE MIGLIA 2013 FRANCO GOZZI Ferrari Tribute to Mille Miglia A protagonist in Ferrari’s history The Ferrari Tribute to Mille Miglia, a re-enactment for Prancing Horse owners of the world’s most famous endurance road race, got underway once again this year on May 16th. Crews aboard post-1957 Ferraris paraded their cars down Brescia’s Viale Venezia to open the 2013 edition of the historic event. The competitors then continue along some of Italy’s most beautiful roads, following the traditional route to Rome and back, and crossed the finish-line at Brescia on the night of Saturday, May 18th. Franco Gozzi, who was part of the history of the Prancing Horse, passed away on April 23 in Modena, aged 81. The Ferraris taking part come from more than 20 different nations worldwide and were divided into two separate categories: Classic for cars built between 1958 and 1984, and those built between 1984 and the present. The cars represented a marvellous compendium of Ferrari’s extraordinary production from every era and were selected by a special committee chaired by Ferrari’s Vice Chairman, Piero Ferrari. It is hard to sum up in a single word what Franco was to the company: sporting director, press officer, head of communications and above all, one of the closest advisers and confidants to Enzo Ferrari. He was not just a witness to events and quite how much of an active part he played in the life of the Maranello marque can be understood from looking at photo albums from the past in which, over a period of around thirty years, he appears alongside the Founder: he was his spokesman and sometimes the purveyor of his silences. The Ferrari Tribute to 1000 Miglia followed exactly the same 1500km route as the main race, starting from Brescia and with regularity trial stages in Desenzano del Garda, the Autodromo di Imola, Rome, Florence and the Fiorano Circuit before finishing back at Brescia once more. RAR I SPA TEX T AND IMA GES : FER The Ferrari Tribute to 1000 Miglia cars left a few minutes ahead of their historic counterparts, providing the thousands of enthusiasts that throng the route, with an absolutely unmissable spectacle. 04 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN “We have lost a key figure in the history of Ferrari,” said President Luca di Montezemolo. “My most abiding memory is of all the hours we spent together, talking about drivers and cars and I am grateful for the fact he was close to me when I was a young sporting director at the Scuderia.” Those who knew him well and shared outstanding moments with him as well as daily life in the company, recall his humanity, and his sense of irony, while those who met him during the final chapter of his life at Maranello recall his great ability to put across through apparently innocuous anecdotes, the values that have made Ferrari a legend around the world. NEWS PARIS TO LA ROCHELLE The Horse Whisperer – Tyred and emotional 2,000 kilometres for the most beautiful “classics” in the world These are difficult times for people with poor memories. Maybe it’s because of the huge amount of information available today that people are too quick to talk, forgetting things that happened pretty much in the recent past. Or maybe the brain cells that control memory only operate selectively, depending on the results achieved on track by their owners. From Paris to La Rochelle, at the wheel of the most beautiful classic cars in the world, they travelled round the Hexagon, passing through places and race tracks that have played as much of a part in the history of France as in the history of motor racing. That was the experience enjoyed by those taking part in the 22nd edition of the Tour Auto Optic 2000, from April 23 to 27. The most fortunate of them? Definitely the 32 crews that tackled the event at the wheel of some of the most amazing Ferraris from the Sixties and Seventies, such as the 275 GTB, the 250 GT Tour de France, the 365 GTB/4 Competizione and the Group IV 308. A classic example of this is the current saga regarding the number of pit stops. Voices have been raised to underline the fact that various teams, some of whom got to the podium and others who were quite a way off, made four pit stops in the recent Spanish Grand Prix, making the race hard to follow. It’s a shame that these worthy souls kept quiet two years ago when, at the very same Catalunya Circuit and on the Istanbul track, five of the six drivers who got to those two podiums made exactly the same number of pit stops as did Alonso and Massa last Sunday in the Spanish Grand Prix. In fact, there’s nothing new about winning a race making so many pit stops, even discounting those where it was down to changeable weather. One only has to look back to 2004, when Michael Schumacher won the French Grand Prix thanks to what was a three stop strategy, later changed to a four stopper. That was the key which allowed the multiple champion’s F2004 to get ahead of the then Renault driver, Fernando Alonso, who made three stops. And on that day and we remember it well, our strategy and the tyre supplier were showered with praise for allowing us to get the most out of the car. Starting out from Paris the day after the amazing gathering at the Grand Palais, where the LaFerrari was shown to the French public for the first time, the Tour Auto caravan headed for Le Mans, before wending its way onto Orleans, Magny-Cours, Vichy, Albi and Limoges, before ending up at the port of La Rochelle. On the whole two thousand kilometre route, over a hundred thousand fans turned out to cheer on those taking part in the event, which this year was sponsored by Scuderia Ferrari partner, Hublot. The British crew of Andrew Beverley and Mike Humphreys had every cause to be happy, as they won the Group 1 category in their 308: even if this is an event where the pleasure lies in taking part, how can anyone at the wheel of a Ferrari not feel obliged to try and win! Today however, it seems one must almost feel ashamed for choosing a strategy that, as always for that matter, is aimed at getting the most out of the package one has available. On top of that, if this choice emerges right from the Friday, because all the simulations are unanimous in selecting it, then why on earth should one feel embarrassed when compared to those who have gone for a different choice, only to regret it during the race itself. NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 05 SPRINGTIME IN MARANELLO Spring has finally sprung in Maranello! That’s not just a meteorological observation, even if the sun shone brightly during the traditional Ferrari flag raising ceremony over the Scuderia Ferrari entrance gates, which follows every race win. Above all though it’s an awareness that this year’s spring is shaping up to be the best of the last five years from a racing point of view. The last time the Scuderia got two wins and two podium places in the first five races dates back to 2008: in fact back then there were actually four, two each for Raikkonen (Malaysia and Spain) and Massa (Bahrain and Turkey.) The 117 points scored so far this year is the highest total of the last five years, but more encouraging for the Ferraristi, from President Montezemolo to all the fans, is how competitive the car has proved to be since the first race, because even in Malaysia and Bahrain, where results did not match expectations, the potential was there to fight for the top places. But no one at the Scuderia is taking anything for granted, as Team Principal Stefano Domenicali stressed when talking to “There’s no time now for celebrating, even if it was right to enjoy the lovely moments yesterday which give us all a boost, but if we want to fight for the goals we set ourselves at the start of the year, we must continue to keep our nose to the grindstone.” “It is part of the Latin character to be easily affected by success and failure in a positive or negative way, but we need to keep calm and concentrate,” he continued. “The most important thing to come out of the Barcelona weekend is that the team worked cohesively, was motivated and confident in its own potential: the key to understanding how yesterday’s result came about is actually in the conviction everyone showed in their own abilities right from the start. I was very pleased to see that our strategy simulation was confirmed completely on track and that is something that adds substance to our future choices.” 06 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN T E X T A N D I M AG ES : FER R AR I SPA Domenicali has been around too long to believe that one swallow makes a summer, or a spring for that matter and two wins don’t make a world championship. Everything can change very quickly in Formula 1 and so one cannot relax for a second. “From here until the end of June, we will tackle three very different circuits, where the hierarchy in pit lane could change according to what updates everyone brings to the track,” he said. “We have to make the right choices, without suffering what one could call performance anxiety, which can lead to overdoing things, thus moving away from the right path. We will have to find the right compromise between trying out new components and managing the tyres which, as we have seen, is critical. Finally, we will need to push very hard on the development front, bearing in mind that, over the coming months, various teams could decide to concentrate solely on the 2014 project and this year, as never before, that will be a very important factor.” A HIS TORY OF THE EARLY FERR ARI SALES BROCHURES BY R ONALD S TERN AND N ATHAN B EEHL Brochure number 3. For as long as Ferrari has created cars, Ferrari has also created sales brochures to market them. No doubt we’ve all got a stack of modern brochures on our shelves, but in this ongoing series, we’ll explore the earliest years and proceed roughly chronologically. 166 Sport 166 Corsa Although this brochure is for the 166 Sport and 166 Corsa the cover actually shows Ferrari driver Raymond Sommer in a Ferrari 159 S winning at Torino, Italy, on October 12, 1947. RIGHT FLAP BACK COVER FRONT COVER INSIDE LEFT INSIDE CENTER INSIDE RIGHT Year of issue: Layout: 1948 Language: Italian Dimensions: 17.3cm x 23.3cm All information is provided courtesy of Ronald Stern and Nathan Beehl. Their astounding book on this subject “The Sales Drive From Maranello” can be ordered through NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 07 FCA REGIONAL ACTION CANADA EAST REGION NB, NF, NS, ON, PEI, QC - Regional Director: Dan O’Toole (416)777-6305, e-mail: Jun 1. Detailing Session at Splash Bros Auto Salon & Spa. Come out to our inaugural event with Splash Bros. The fine art of detailing your car will be demonstrated, along with some special overviews of car body protection and interior care. Info: Paul Flynn, e-mail: Jun 12-16. Ottawa Ferrari Festival “Road Trip.” Join Toronto area members as we convoy to Ottawa for a weekend of adventure with our friends in Ottawa for the FCA Ferrari Festival. This is an opportunity to experience track time at Calabogie and participate in the festival activities in and around Ottawa. Info: Dan O’Toole, e-mail: Jul 11. Annual Track Day. Part of our 50th Anniversary celebrations includes our annual day at Canadian Tire Motorsport Park. Multiple run groups guarantee a fantastic day for every skill level! Get the most out of your Ferrari in a safe environment with fellow Ferraristi. Info: Evan Friedman, e-mail: Jul 11-14. 50th Anniversary Weekend. Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the FCA when the 599 Relay Car comes to our region for a weekend of festivities, including the annual concours. A series of opportunities will be organized over the 4 days to give the members a cause for celebration. Info: Paul Flynn, e-mail: Jul 14. Annual Regional Concours. It’s the 50th anniversary of the FCA and we have a special concours planned this year to celebrate. Our new central location, McLean House at Estates of Sunnybrook will provide a spectacular setting for members’ cars and feature the 50th Anniversary 599 Relay car. Info: Lindsay Gillespie, e-mail: Jul 29-Aug 5. National Meet & 50th Anniversary at Elkhart Lake. Once again, FCA Canada East expects to be one of the top attending regions with an organized trailer and 2-day convoy planned to Elkhart Lake. Info: Dan O’Toole, e-mail: Aug 16-18. Rodney’s Weekend. As in previous years we are planning to visit places of local or historic interest in Ontario (or possibly upper NY state or Quebec), driving mainly on scenic routes, and with a focus on relaxation, and the opportunity to socialize with other FCA members. Details to follow. Info: Rodney Ellis (416)966-8897. Aug 24-25. Marques d’Elegance Exotic Car Weekend. Saturday Street Fest in Burlington. Sunday’s Concours at the beautiful Paletta Mansion on Lake Ontario includes awards, gourmet breakfast and lunch for drivers at the Private Paddock Club, art/film exhibits, private wine tasting and exotic boat display. Info: *see flier on page 10* Sep 15. Shad’s Summer Run. Join us for a super day exploring the curvy roads of Caledon and Halton Hills. Departure point will be close to King City with the drive broken into two parts. Following our rest stop, we continue on to our final destination for a delicious meal. Info: Brad & Angie Shaddick, e-mail: Sep 22. Equestrian Show & Drive. Join us for The Canadian Show Jumping Tournament, Caledon, Equestrian Park. Enjoy a picturesque drive through King Township and Caledon ending with lunch and beverages. Ferraris will be on display for the public with security. Info: Linda Pabst, e-mail: Sep 29. Europa Rally. Traditionally an informal, “non-mathematical” funoriented rally in and around the Toronto area. It’s set up so that any member can enter, no calculator or slide rule is required. All you need is a pencil, car, driver and navigator. The entire rally is spent on paved roadways, and all clues are visible from inside the car. (If you’re paying attention). Oct 20. Wine Tour. We invite you to our Luncheon and Wine Tasting at a winery in the Niagara area. Meet at a Tim Hortons for coffee and bagels and head out for an exhilarating drive on back roads to a winery of choice where you will be greeted with a selection of wines to sample followed by a tour. Info: Ralph Shepherd, e-mail: OTTAWA CHAPTER / C ANADA E AST R EGION / WWW. FCAOTTAWA . COM Chapter President: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5643, e-mail: Jun 2. Tifosi Summer Rollout. *not an FCA event* Jun 9-14. FCA 50th Anniversary festivities. We’ll be picking . . . C O N T I N U E D 08 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN up the car on June 9 with a combined dinner with FCA Montreal in Hawkesbury. We’ll also have a photoshoot with The RCMP musical Ride during the week, and a charity event with Ronald McDonald House on Jun 12. Info: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5463, e-mail: Jun 14-16. 8th Annual FCA Ferrari Festival. Kick off with a day at Calabogie Motorsports Park, with over 40 Ferraris in town. Saturday’s pleasure cruise will again stop at the Italian Ambassador’s residence. Info: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5463, e-mail: -or- Giuseppe Castrucci (613)836-5353, e-mail: Jun 22-23. Euro Car family picnic. *not an FCA event* Jul 28-29. Summer Cruise, Mont Tremblant Legends of Motorsport. For those that missed the Spring Classics and a wonderful day at Mont Tremblant Resort, we’ll be reprising the trip to visit the Legends of Motorsport races. Info: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5463, e-mail: hagen.hohn Aug 11. Camp Quality Charity Cruise. The chapter has supported the children’s charity for the past 4 years with rides. The camp provides a summer distraction to kids and their families struggling with cancer. Come and bring some sunshine and happiness to young enthusiasts. Info: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5463, e-mail: Aug 18. FCA BBQ. This year’s cruise and BBW will head to the Madawaska River along some of the Ottawa Valley’s best driving roads. Christopher Dziekan will host. Info: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5463, e-mail: hagen.hohn Aug 25th. Race The Runway. A non-FCA event with strong support from the FCA Ottawa chapter. Despite this being the second year, this is a very popular event with over 100 exotics, muscle cars and other sports cars already registered. Info: *not an FCA event* Nov 14. Chapter AGM. Come join the club or just participate in planning 2014’s activities at St Anthony’s Soccer Club. We want to hear from you. Info: Hagen Hohn (613)839-5463, e-mail: QUEBEC CHAPTER / C ANADA E AST R EGION / WWW. FCACANADAEAST. ORG Chapter Director: Bernardo Pisarzewski (514)858-1309, e-mail: Jun 6-9. FCA 50th Anniversary Tour. Details to follow. Jul 13. Summit of Legends at Circuit Mt. Tremblant. A vintage car race featuring many categories, Bugatti being the featured marque this year. Aug 17. Visit to RPM Restorations (Vermont). A tour through the Adirondack Mountains with a visit of the RPM Restoration facilities. Sep 15. Ferrari Dream Drive. Our annual charity run, offering rides and raising funds for the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation. Sep 29. Raduno Montebello. A gather of regional Italian car clubs at the Chateau Montebello Resort. This event is being organized by the Montreal Fiat Club. *not an FCA event* Oct 12. Fall run (if rain, then the 19th). A spirited run through the Quebec countryside; route and location to be determined. CENTRAL STATES REGION IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, OH - Regional Director: Pete Consolo (847)381-5555, e-mail: Jun 1-2. Central States Track Event at Gingerman Raceway. Two full days on track at Gingerman Raceway. Lunch time touring on the track both days is perfect opportunity for non-track junkies to enjoy the track in moderation. Will have helmets available for track newbies. Info: Dan Harrison, email: Jun 30. 599 Rally Car Rendezvous. The Chicago crew is going to rally to Central Illinois to pick up the car from our St. Louis chapter and bring it back to Chicago. Info: Drew Massa, e-mail: Jul 2. 599 Rally Car photo shoot. We’re taking the 599 downtown for a photo shoot at Chicago’s landmarks and stopping at the new RMHC house downtown. Info: Greg, e-mail: Jul 5. Cocktail party and fundraiser supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities at Continental AutoSports. Register at Info: Drew Massa, e-mail: Jul 6. 599 Rally Car drive to Autobahn. Meet at Continental AutoSports and rally down to Autobahn where we’ll have lunch time touring and a 30 minute hot lap session where we’ll provide rides to the RMHC community. Followed by an informal concours with awards. Register at Info: Drew Massa, e-mail: 2 0 1 3 FCA ANNUAL MEET FERRARI CLUB OF AMERICA 2013 INTERNATIONAL MEET July 30 – August 4, 2013 • Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin Six packed days at Elkhart Lake’ s Osthoff Resort and Road America. Featuring Receptions, Drive-In Movies, non-stop Vendor areas, country-side Rally, world-famous FCA Concours with Coppa GT competition, Seminars, Driving School, ‘ 60s Theme Party, On-Track run groups for all levels, Charity Auction, great meals, Awards Dinner, Cocktails, and every Ferrari friend you know. Kind of like 1963, or maybe even better! NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 09 MAR to the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix Friday, July 19th thru Sunday, July 21st Lace up the driving gloves and see what it is like to pilot a vintage 60 year old race car around a 90 year old track bounded by short granite walls… in a public park! Leaving Friday morning from the Hagerstown, MD Marriott Spring Hill Suites, the group will arrive in Pittsburgh via the “National Toll Road” or Route 40 in time to check into the Courtyard Suites, view the Race Car Parade then followed by dinner. Saturday is the “Cortile” – an Italian Car Show and exclusive lunch situated next to the track while watching racers set their best times for Sunday’s race. Included is access to the race pits. Concluding Saturday is a boat trip on the three rivers of Pittsburgh followed by a charming dinner. Sunday is race day where we can watch under-tired cars with brave drivers from a spectacular viewing point. Optional for this event is staying Thursday evening in Hagerstown, MD complete with dinner at an authentic German “Stube” (restaurant). For a lot more information, pricing, and registration instructions, contact Dennis Gilligan at:, or (410) 320-5875. 10 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN Jul 27. Columbus. Annual Meet for the state. Don’t miss for our yearly celebration of great people, cars and Italian lunch buffet. Info: Giorgio Bittoni (614)459-8797, e-mail: Aug 9. Lexington. PDX at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. Learn what you and your car are capable of during track time at one of America’s premier road courses at our annual joint event with SCCA. Info: Michael Kelly (513)2321129, e-mail Aug 17-18. Wampum, PA. Track Event at PittRace (formerly BeaveRun). Ohio Viper Club has invited us to participate in a 2-day event as the only additional club. Registration by 6/1 is $275, after 6/1 it is $300 per driver. Info: David Bitonte (330)875-6766, e-mail: Aug 24. Lebanon. Drive and lunch. Top off the summer with a drive and visit to a member’s house. We’ll enjoy Glenn’s interesting drive route and Cindy’s outstanding food and excellent conversation. Info: Brittany & Ian De Barros (914)473-5656, e-mail: Aug 25. Canton. FCA-Pro Football Hall of Fame Inaugural Event. Special FCA parking (non-judged) starting at 11am. Come and mingle. New York Deli lunch, 12:30pm. Self-guided tour of newly-renovated Football HoF after lunch, 1:30pm. Discount in Gift Shop for attendees. Info: David Bitonte (330)875-6766, e-mail: Sep 1. Columbus. Italian Gathering. Come celebrate Italian cars at this annual show and lunch. Join us at the FCA booth for fun and camaraderie. Info: Giorgio Bittoni (614)459-8797, e-mail: Sep 8. Cleveland. F1 Grand Prix of Italy race party at the Ehrler’s. Info: Doug Ehrler (330) 668-9281, e-mail: Sep 14. Madison Indiana drive. See fast cars and faster boats at a scenic drive to the home of hydrofoil racing and a lunch. Info: Dave Wikette (513)260-8393, e-mail: Oct 5. Toledo and Brighton Michigan. Back by popular demand, a tour of Ken Lingenfelter’s garage of Lingenfelter Motor Sports, followed by lunch and a scenic fall drive back to the Toledo area. Info: Hal Nichols (419)8433879, e-mail: Oct 6. Columbus Italian Festival. Celebrate aspects of Italy. Info: Giorgio Bittoni (614)459-8797, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Oct 13. Cleveland Fall Color Tour. Enjoy a scenic morning drive through the rural and lake regions of eastern Ohio, then have lunch followed by an OHIO & KENTUCKY CHAPTER / C ENTRAL S TATES R EGION / WWW. FCA - OHIO. ORG extended afternoon route for those who want a full day drive. Info: Doug Chapter Director: Michael Kelly, e-mail: Ehrler (330)668-9281, e-mail: Jun 9. Cincinnati. Ault Park Concours d’Elegance. Join us at a special Nov 9. Cincinnati. Quaker Steak and Lube. QS&L welcomes us back for our Ferrari Club parking corral and enjoy the show (go to traditional lunch coupled with a drive beforehand. Info: Michael Kelly for ticket details). Info: Michael Kelly (513)232-1129, e-mail mkelly11@ (513)232-1129, e-mail DESERT REGION Jun 21. Cincinnati. FCA’s 50th event. Come celebrate the Club’s 50th AZ, So.NV - Anniversary, see or drive the 599 Rally car and raise money for the Ronald Regional Director: Greg Mannion (602)538-4813, e-mail: McDonald House. Info: Brittany & Ian De Barros (914)473-5656, e-mail: Activities Chairman: Chris Garland, e-mail: Jun 3. Board Meeting. Let your voice be heard. Location to be deterJun 22. Columbus. FCA 50th Anniversary event at the Hollywood Casino hosted by Midwestern Auto Group, 2-5pm. Celebrate the 50th and raise mined. Info: money for the Ronald McDonald House. Join the caravan with the 599 rally Jun 4. Social: La Prima Donna Ristorante, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. 6:30pm. car from MAG and ride/drive in the car for a charitable donation. See: fer- Info/RSVP: Info: Jeff Alexander (740)548-1145. Jun 9. F1 Grand Prix Du Canada Viewing Party at a member’s home in N. Jun 29. Toledo. Radio Controlled Car Races. A member will open their Phoenix. Info/RSVP: house to this first time event. Who will be the ultimate winner? Info: Hal Jul 20. Drive to Christopher Creek w/BBQ at a member’s cottage. Nichols (419)843-3879, e-mail: Christopher’s Creek, AZ. Info/RSVP: Jun 30. Lima. Summer drive, Trinity Motorsports. Join us for our first ever Sep 21. Drive to Sedona Car Show and lunch, Sedona, AZ. Info/RSVP: Lima event by touring a racer’s shop and driving a fun and challenging route. Info: Dave Wikette (513)260-8393, e-mail: LAS VEGAS CHAPTER / D ESERT R EGION / Jul 13. Columbus. Arthritis Foundation Auto Show. See over 1,000 cars Chapter Director: Paul Johnson, e-mail: and have a great time. Info: Giorgio Bittoni (614)459-8797, e-mail: giorJun 9. Canadian F1 party at Siena Italian Trattoria, 9500 W. Sahara Ave. *not an FCA event* Jul 14. Cleveland. FCA 50th Anniversary event at the Rock and Roll Hall Qualifying 9am, race 10am. Info: Antonio Accornero (213)280-4215. of Fame. Come celebrate the Club’s 50th Anniversary, see the 50th Jun 17. June Social. 6:30pm. Tuscany Grill, Henderson, 11105 S. Eastern Anniversary video, and raise money for the Ronald McDonald House. Ave. Rated 4.5 of 5 on TripAdvisor and ranked #7 of 339 restaurants in Henderson. RSVP/Info: Elda Fanucchi (702)722-2177, e-mail: Info/RSVP: Doug Ehrler (330)697-1933, e-mail: Jul 17. Cleveland. FCA 50th Anniversary at Tre Bellė. Come bid farewell to Jun 17. Valley of Fire/Lake Las Vegas Drive with FOC UAE. Depart from Aria the 599 Rally car, drive or ride in it for a charitable donation to Ronald at 9am heading north to the Shelby Museum at LVMS. Depart Shelby at McDonald House and have an Italian dinner at our final Ohio 50th 10am for a spirited run through VoF before turning south to Lake Las Anniversary event. Info/RSVP: Doug Ehrler (330)697-1933, e-mail: Vegas for lunch (1pm) at Lago Luna Rossa. Info: Bob Lebenson, e-mail: -or- John Ratto, e-mail: Jul 12-15. The HAWK, Road America Historic Races. *not an FCA event* Jul 30-Aug 4. The 2013 FCA International Meet, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the FCA, takes us to Elkhart Lake, WI and Road America for an elegant and exciting celebration. Including our internationally recognized FCA Concours, rally, 3 days of track activities, vendor market, seminars, receptions, auction and banquet. Info: Aug 17. *date change* Summer Drive and Rich Harvest Farms Garage Tour. Meet at Labriola Bakery in Oak Brook at 10:30am and rally through the country side to Rich Harvest Farms golf club to view their 65+ car collection. Info: Greg McKibben (312)925-4253, e-mail: Aug 17. Lima Summer Drive, Trinity Motorsports. Join us for our first ever Lima event by touring a racer’s shop and driving a fun and challenging route. Info/RSVP: Dave Wikette (513)260-8393, e-mail: Aug 25. Geneva Concours d’Elegance. Special FCA parking (non-judged) on Fulton Street. To register, download “Car Club” entry at To have your car judged as part of concours, submit application on same site. Info: Neill, e-mail: -or- Drew (773)491-2145, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Sep 8. 16th Annual Ferrari Festival, The Italian Village. Chicago will close Monroe St. from Dearborn to Clark for Ferrari-only parking. Live music, face painting, open wine/cappuccino bars, lunch buffet. Free for FCA members, but please buy raffle tickets for a host of great prizes. Registration is required. Info: Neill Osgood, e-mail: Sep 21. Fall Drive. Meet at Continental AutoSports at 10am for coffee and donuts then rally down the back roads to Autobahn where Team Stradale will have us as guests in their spectacular garage then we will have an hour of touring on the track from 12-1pm. Info: Neill Osgood, e-mail: Sep 29. Coffee and Classics in East Downtown Winnetka, 9-11am, 550 block of Lincoln, just north of Elm, and east of Green Bay. A casual Sunday gathering of classic cars held monthly from April to October. Ferrari is the featured marque. Info: Steve Stitle (630)940-8360, e-mail:, or see: *not an FCA event* Oct 6. Lake Forest Sports Cars Concours d’Elegance. Info/registration: LFSC (847)295-6560. *not an FCA event* NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 11 Jun 30. British F1 party at Siena Italian Trattoria, 9500 W. Sahara Ave. Qualifying 9am, race 10am. Info: Antonio Accornero (213)280-4215. Jul 24. Board Meeting, 6:30pm. Share you opinion and find out about upcoming events. Info: Sep 26. September Social. 6:30pm. Vintners Grill, 10100 W. Charleston Blvd. #150. “A lively American Bistro nestled in Summerlin.” RSVP/Info: Elda Fanucchi (702)722-2177, e-mail: Oct 23. Board Meeting, 6:30pm. Share you opinion and find out about upcoming events. Info: Oct 24. October Social. Location TBD. Dec 7. Holiday Party. Location TBD. EMPIRE STATE REGION NY - Regional Director: Roland Veit (914)949-2233, e-mail: Jun 1. FCA 50th Relay Car at Saratoga Auto Museum. The FCA 50th Anniversary 599 Relay Car arrives at Saratoga Automobile Museum for a Gala Reception. Jun 3-4. VIR Track Event. This is a joint event hosted by the Empire State Region in conjunction with the Southeast Region. Info: Bob Coates (718) 981-8764 (eves), e-mail: Jun 22-24. Pocono Raceway Track Event and Concours. The Concours is on the 22nd and the track days are the 23rd and 24th. Info: Joe Corbacio (717)889-5764, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Jun 30. New York Harbor Lunch Cruise. The 2012 event was so well received we are doing it again! *see flier on page 13* Jul 13. Hamptons Rally 2013. Please join us for Nathanial Christian’s annual Rally through the Hamptons in the afternoon, ending in Southampton for a polo match. *not an FCA event* Aug 24. Manhattan Rooftop Reception. Join your friends for food and drinks on the rooftop while enjoying the sunset over Midtown Manhattan. Aug 30-Sep 1. Watkins Glen/Corning Labor Day Weekend. ESR & UBS Swiss Financial Advisers AG present our annual Watkins Glen Labor Day Weekend extravaganza, featuring Track, Rally, Car Show and Party. This is our region’s biggest event! Info: Bob Coates (718)981-8764 (eves), email: Sep 30-Oct 1. New Jersey Motorsports Park Track Event on the Lightning Track, sponsored by Ferrari of Central New Jersey. Info: Bob Coates (718) 981-8764 (eves), e-mail: Oct 20. Annual Fall Drive & Luncheon. Enjoy and spirited drive and the foliage in scenic Westchester County followed by a memorable and delicious luncheon. Nov 24. F1 GP of Brazil viewing. The Long Island Chapter and Ferrari of Long Island invite you to the viewing of the Brazilian F1 Grand Prix. Dec 1. Holiday Luncheon. Annual ESR Holiday Luncheon at the Trump National Golf Club Westchester. NAPLES CHAPTER / F LORIDA R EGION Chapter President: Steve Cantera, e-mail: Jun 13. 6pm. Wine Tasting and Dinner at Bleu Provence. Jacques and Lysielle invite you to join them for an elegant and relaxing evening at the premier French restaurant in the area. They count their patrons more as welcome guests than customers, and you will see that expressed not only in the wine selection and menu, but also in the level of service. Aug 16-18. Ferraris at the Biltmore. Another fabulous weekend in the mountains of North Carolina. Featuring excellent accommodations at the Biltmore Inn, fine dining, entertainment on the Biltmore grounds, and spirited driving in the mountains. Our Naples Chapter will pay ½ the cost of shipping chapter member’s car. Limited to the 1st 10 cars/members. Dec 5-8. Ferraris at Ocean Reef Club. Back by popular demand we plan on traveling to Key Largo for a weekend of fun at the Ocean Reef Club. This year we were able to secure the Vintage weekend at the ORC. Vintage automobiles, boats and airplanes highlight this fantastic event weekend. MID-ATLANTIC REGION DE, MD, VA, WV - or Regional Director: Linda Blackwood (443)822-8522, e-mail: Jun 2. VA Hunt Country Tour. Ferraris to the DUC Pond! Back roads tour visiting the Ducati center in Historic Winchester, VA and a sumptuous lunch at an inn once owned by George Washington. Info: Nathan Kacur (443)604-6409, e-mail: -or- Jennifer Johnson (703)895-9855, e-mail: *see flier on page 3* Jul 19-21. Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix. Lace up your driving gloves and join the Mid-Atlantic Region to one of the best vintage racing events in the country. Reserve your place now! Info: Dennis Gilligan (410)4372816, e-mail: *see flier on page 10* Aug 30-Sep 1. Baltimore ALMS & Indy Car Grand Prix. Join the MAR trackside to watch these 2 premier series in the 3rd annual Baltimore street race. Info: Randy Moss (410)274-8555, e-mail: Sep 15. Classics on the Green, New Kent, VA. The New Kent Winery and Resort provides the spectacular setting for this annual multi-marque car show east of Richmond. Info: C. James Meyer (804)744-3851, e-mail: Sep 21-22. Virginia Grand Driving Tour. One of MAR’s classic events, this tour explores the great byways and back roads of Virginia with an overnight at an interesting place. Info: Doug & Phyllis Teague (540)3498768, e-mail: Oct 13. Mullwyck Manor Car Show & Winery, Upperville, VA. David Mullins exquisite estate in Upperville is the starting point of this multi-marque car show followed by a visit to a local winery. Info: David Mullins (540) 592-3115, e-mail: Oct 19. Rockville Car Show, Rockville, MD. Display your Ferrari at this huge annual car show. MAR’s social is the added attraction for the members. Info: Steve & Judy White (703)533-0386, e-mail: Oct 26. Maryland Fall Colors Driving Tour. MAR’s last driving event of the year explores the byways of Maryland’s Eastern Shore with interesting FLORIDA REGION stops along the way. Info: Linda Blackwood (443)822-8522, e-mail: FL, PR - -or- Judie Willock (410)778-2315, e-mail: Regional Director: Fred Burton (954)444-2274, e-mail: Jun 1. Celebrate “Italy in Motion” at the Coral Gables Museum. An amazing display of art and function, featuring Italian-designed modes of trans- Dec 7. MAR Holiday Party, Annapolis, MD. The grand finale in MAR’s event portation including Ferraris, Fiats, micro-cars, motorcycles and bicycles. calendar is a fun filled, spirited party that starts the Holiday season in fine fashion. Info: Bob Blackwood (443)822-3901, e-mail: bob.blackwood Info: Fred Burton, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Jun 1. Cars & Coffee. Ferrari Palm Beach. *not an FCA event* NEW ENGLAND REGION Jun 8. Cars & Coffee. Ferrari of Fort Lauderdale. *not an FCA event* CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT - Jun 8. Cars & Coffee. Jacksonville, FL. St. Johns Town Center at Whiskey Regional Director: Suzy Hiniker, e-mail: River, 9-11am. *not an FCA event* Jun 6-9. The Grand Prix du Canada. Join a large group of FCA-NER memJul 6. Cars & Coffee. Ferrari Palm Beach. *not an FCA event* bers and friends as they assault once more the gates of Montreal. Great Jul 13. Cars & Coffee. Ferrari of Fort Lauderdale. *not an FCA event* seats, a smashing hotel deal, convivial dinners out and much more. Info: Jul 13. Cars & Coffee. Jacksonville, FL. St. Johns Town Center at Whiskey Dennis Liu, e-mail: River, 9-11am. *not an FCA event* Jun 9. You know you’re going to watch, so come to Rizzuto’s in Westport Dec 7. The 8th annual South Florida Exotic Car Toy Rally, to benefit Toys for with your Ferrari. Display your car in the closed parking lot, help raise Tots! Join in one of the largest processions of exotic cars in the country! money for “Make-a-Wish” and join your friends around one of the flat Open to all exotic marquees! Have fun, and help underprivileged kids at the screens. Info: Paul Bova (203)329-9210, e-mail: same time. Space is limited, you must register to attend. Registration opens Jun 30. The 13th Annual FCA-NER Concorso Ferrari. After a spectacular ...CONTINUED debut in West Hartford, come back and check out what Nov 1! Info/RSVP see: *not an FCA event* 12 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN 2 013 A D V E R T I S I N G P O L I C I E S out the FXX ger for a book ab n by FXX ed not wait any lon E O UT, is writte SID FXX enthusiasts ne IN XX F I RR AR FE the histor y e. nts ou mm rec gra an. He and FXX Pro Philip “P.B.” Bachm of the track nt re ipa he rtic osp pa e atm ssive Programm scribes the impre writes de he d as an l ok de bo mo the moirs in behind the res his personal me events. He also sha eriences in the FXX Programme. exp about some of his as well as lor photographs, nts r with many full-co ove . The book and pri an chm Ba 156-page hardc da an tails. artwork by Am for de FX it vis images of original ase Ple available now. of the artwork are SUBMISSIONS to the News Bulletin must be received by the 8th of the month for inclusion in the following month’s issue. Except for commercial advertising (see below), all materials should be sent to David Williams, FCA News Bulletin, 6231 Shadow Tree Lane, Lake Worth, FL 33463. Phone (561)889-4667, e-mail: We encourage contributions of editorial material on a variety of Ferrari related topics including book & video reviews, tech tips, model & literature, misc., etc. Notices concerning regional events must be channeled through the Regional Directors and sent to the Bulletin by them. These notices will appear for two months (maximum) at no charge. The classified section is offered as a service to FCA members who are invited to send brief typewritten advertisements for cars, parts, and/or accessories relating to the Ferrari marque. Please include serial number information. Ads will run for two consecutive months, and will terminate automatically. Advertisements for services, ads containing long lists of cars and/or parts for sale, or ads received from non-members will be considered commercial, and billable as such. The Editor reserves the right to edit all material, and to refuse or reject and/or return same when necessary. Neither the Ferrari Club of America nor the News Bulletin, (its Editor/Publisher), is responsible for advertisement content. COMMERCIAL AD RATES for the News Bulletin are per month and as follows: full page (7 1/2”w x 9 3/4”h) $370. 1/2 page horizontal (7 1/2”w x 4 3/4”h) $210. 1/2 page vertical (3 5/8”w x 9 3/4”h) $210. 1/4 page vertical (3 5/8”w x 4 3/4”h) $140. 1/8 page horizontal (3 5/8”w x 2 1/4”h) $80. Only digital files can be accepted and must be received via mail or e-mail. There is a 10% discount from these rates for three consecutive issues or more. Payment by check or credit card to the Ferrari Club of America must accompany all ad submissions. For information, make payments, or to reserve space, call Chris Ahlgrim at (770)552-1209. CHANGE OF ADDRESS forms filed with your post office will not get the Prancing Horse or News Bulletin sent to your new address. Please send change of address notices to Ferrari Club of America, P.O. Box 720597, Atlanta, GA 30358 in order to ensure delivery. NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 13 14 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN promises to be the biggest gathering of Ferraris in New England! Registration will open in late March. Info: Charlie Vest (860)659-2897, email: Aug 24-25. Bozutto’s will once again sponsor the Dream Ride for the benefit of Special Olympics. Special Ferrari participation, so stay tuned for details. Mike Bozutto has been a fantastic supporter of the Hartford Ferrari Concorso in the past, as his company always donated food, drinks, ice cream and manpower. Info see: Sep 29. Myopia Polo: The Ferrari Cup! 435 Bay Road, South Hamilton, MA (, 978-468-POLO). Gates open 1:30pm, match time 3pm. Special Ferrari (and support vehicle) parking to the right after entrance. Spectators welcome to bring their own food and beverage. Pearls are optional. Info: Suzy Hiniker (781)254-1997, e-mail: Oct 18-20. The 12th Annual Maine Event. York, Portland, Rockport, Camden, where next? Always a good time and great drives. Info: Glenn Farrell (207)363-8053, e-mail: Nov 24. Grand Prix of Brazil viewing party sponsored by Ferrari-Maserati of New England. Come join members and friends at the dealership in Norwood, MA. Great food, big screen action, and fabulous cars to boot. Info: Mike Shalhoub (781)619-6956, e-mail: NORTH CENTRAL REGION IA, MN, ND, SD, WI Regional Director: Stan Reeg (563)659-9260, e-mail: Jul 28. Tahoe Boat Show. Aug 3. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) 308-6544. Aug 7. Board Meeting. Aug 10-11. Monterey PreReunion. Aug 13. Concours on the Avenues. Pacific Grove. Aug 16. Concorso Italiano. Quail Lodge. FCA Vintage Concours. Info: Tish Thinisen (408)736-3494 -or- Rob Stewart (707)332-9280. Aug 17. Monterey Reunion. *see flier on page 13* Aug 18. Concours Pebble Beach. Sep 1. Board Meeting. Ride & Drive. Info: Frank Espina (650)401-6666 Sep 7. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) 308-6544. Sep 14-16. Virginia City Hill Climb. Info: Denis Chiodo & Frank Zucchi, email: Sep 28. Ride & Drive. Info: Ben Gage (650)888-1500. Oct 2. Board Meeting. Info: Frank Zucchi (925)373-3581 Oct 5. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) 308-6544. Oct 6. Concours Serano-Niello. Info: Rob Stewart (707)332-9280. Oct 13. Columbus Day. Ferrari’s in Washington Square. San Francisco. Info: Bill McElfresh (415)775-6015. Oct 19. Myles & Donna Kitchen. Ride & Drive Event. Oct 20. Car Control Clinic. Mini Driving School. Info: Frank Zucchi (925) 373-3581. Nov 2. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) 308-6544. Nov 6. Board Meeting. Dec 4. Board Meeting. Dec 7. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) 308-6544. Dec 8. Holiday Party. Ritz Carlton, Half Moon Bay. Info: Gabrielle Campbell (415)706-9110. Jun 1. Quaker Steak & Lube in Middleton, WI. Ferrari display over lunch with a charity raffle for Gilda’s Club of Madison, followed by a drive to Botham’s Vineyard. Info: Leigh Bahr (608)238-4253 -or- Stan Reeg (563) 659-9260. Jun 23. Local drive, could be Eastern IA, SW Wisconsin and or Galena area. Info: Stan Reeg (563)659-9260 -or- Paul Swartzel (563)557-7819. Jul 18-21. The Hawk with Brian Redman. Vintage racing at Road America. Info: Stan Reeg (563)659-9260 -or- Paul Swartzel (563)557-7819. Jul 25. FCA 50th Anniversary celebration in Iowa City. Details to follow. Jul 27. FCA 50th Anniversary celebration in Minneapolis area. Details to follow. Jul 30. FCA 50th Anniversary celebration at Motion Products in and around Neenah, WI. Details to follow. PENN-JERSEY REGION Aug 17. Lake Geneva Rally plus a Garage Tour. Info: Stan Reeg (563)659PA, NJ - 9260 -or- Larry Dawley (262)492-3338. Regional Director: Dave North (973)831-9027, e-mail: Sep 21-22. Spring Green, Wollershiem Winery tour, and Devil’s Head Resort with dinner and overnight. Info: Stan Reeg (563)659-9260 Jun 1. Cappuccino in Kutztown. “A casual gathering of Ferrari friends.” Info: Pietro Castiglioni (610)926-4382, e-mail: NORTHWEST REGION Jun 21-24. Le Belle Macchine d’Italia at Pocono Manor and track event at AK, ID, MT, OR, WA - Pocono International Raceway, Pocono, PA. Info: Joe Corbacio (717)312Regional Director: Don Weidner, e-mail: 0859, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Contact person for all Northwest Region events: Jul 20-21. One Lap of North America: FCA 50th Anniversary Celebration. Jul 28. NW Region Ferrari Concours at Carillon Point. Kirkland, WA. Held in conjunction with the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix, Schenley Park, PACIFIC REGION Pittsburgh, PA. Info: Frank Ziccarelli (412)780-5141, e-mail: fjziccarelli No.CA, NV - Regional Director: Tom Quigg (415)332-6930, e-mail: Vice President/Events Coordinator: Gabrielle Campbell, e-mail: Aug 3. Summer Sizzle Rally. A drive along the scenic back roads, rural backdrops and through the Pinelands over costal bridges of South Jersey Jun 1. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) ending with a luncheon. Info: Dennis Hedlund (848)667-2600, e-mail: 308-6544. Jun 5. Board Meeting. Info: Ben Gage (650)579-6100. Aug 10. Ferrari, Vines, and Wines at Penns Woods Winery, Chadds Ford, Jun 7-9. San Luis Obispo Ride & Drive Dinner. PA. Info: Bob Paglione (856)912-1501, e-mail: -or- Sam LaCroce (609)922-1500, e-mail: Jun 9. Concours San Luis Obispo. Info: Rob Stewart (707)332-9280. Jun 15. Ride & Drive to Occidental. Breakfast and Ziplining through the Sep 7. Cappuccino in Kutztown. “A casual gathering of Ferrari friends.” Info: Pietro Castiglioni (610)926-4382, e-mail: Redwoods. Info: Gabrielle Campbell (415)706-9110. Sep 14. Ferrari on the Avenue. Display of Ferrari cars held in conjunction Jun 29. Ride & Drive. Info: Ben Gage (650)888-1500. with the annual West Reading Fall Festival. West Reading, PA. Info: Mike Jun 30. Concours Palo Alto. Info: Rob Stewart (707)332-9280. Sassaman (610)451-6784, e-mail: Jul 3. Board Meeting. Info: Ginger Bamford, e-mail: Sep 15. Garden State Fall Festival. Florham Park, NJ. Sponsored by Classic Jul 6. Biscotti & Cars. Poggio Sausalito. 8-10:30am. Info: Tom Quigg (415) Coach. Info: David North (973)890-2414, e-mail: 308-6544. Sep 22. “Ferrari as Art’” Exhibit of Significant Ferrari Automobiles. Padre Jul 14. Karting Burlingame. Info: Randy Steyer (650)400-8999. Pio Museum and Cultural Center, Barto, PA. Info: Pietro Castiglioni (610) Jul 20. Stanford Research Facility Solar Car Tour. Info: Ginger Bamford, e- 926-4382, e-mail: mail: Sep 28-29. Getaway Weekend. Info: Dennis Hedlund (848)667-2600, eJul 21. Concours Hillsborough. Info: Rob Stewart (707)331-9280. mail: NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 15 Oct 26. Fall Foliage Run. A drive along rural lanes, old black tops and scenic vistas of Pennsylvania and New Jersey ending with a luncheon. Info: Dennis Hedlund (848)667-2600, e-mail: Dec 7. Annual Holiday Party. Info: Dennis Hedlund (848)667-2600, e-mail: Dec 14. Cappuccino in Kutztown. “A casual gathering of Ferrari friends.” Info: Pietro Castiglioni (610)926-4382, e-mail: Nov 2. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. Nov 17. USGP F1 Race Watching Party at Famous Dave’s BBQ, 12pm. Dec 7. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. Dec 15. FCA-KC Annual Dinner/Toys-for-Tots at Loch Lloyd Country Club. ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Jun 8. Chamberfest Car Show in Los Alamos. *not an FCA event* Jun 28. Cruise Night on the Santa Fe Plaza, Display in conjunction with (Santa Fe Vintage Car Club). Jul 14. Jemez Route 4 Drive. Brunch at the Eldorado in Santa Fe. Sep 20-22. Concours du Soleil. Albuquerque. Info: *not an FCA event* Sep 25-29. Santa Fe Concorso. Club at Las Campanas. Info: *not an FCA event* Oct 19. NM 335 & 57 with stop at Quarai at Salinas. Lunch in Belen at Pete’s Cafe. CO, KS, NE, NM, UT, WY- Regional Director: Bert Smith (303)249-2072, e-mail: Jun 2. 23rd annual Automezzi Concours. Info/e-mail: Jun 9. 30th Annual Cerebral Palsy Concours. Info: Chuck Kirkpatrick, email: Jun 22. Mt. Evans Ascent and dinner. Info: Furman, e-mail: furmanodell1 Jun 29. Colorado Exotic Car Assn, open track event at High Plains Raceway. Info: Tim Greenshields, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Jun 30. FCA Rocky Mountain Region Annual Picnic at Lou & Kathy Ficco’s magnificent home. Info: Bert Smith, e-mail: Aug 24. Colorado Exotic Car Assn. open track event at Colorado State Patrol track in Golden. Info: Tim Greenshields, e-mail: timgreenshie *not an FCA event* Sep 6-8. 4th Annual Vail Automotive Classic Wings/Wheels Show. Info: *not an FCA event* Sep 13-15. Ferrari Fall Foliage Tour. Info: Ryan Sabga, e-mail: ryan.sabga Sep 20. Flight to Luxury Hangar Event for Boys & Girls Clubs of Denver. Info/e-mail: Sep 21. Colorado Grand viewing. See the final day of the Colorado Grand in Vail CO. Info: *not an FCA event* Sep 28. Colorado Exotic Car Assn. open track event at High Plains Raceway. Info: Tim Greenshields, e-mail: *not an FCA event* Oct 12. Colorado Exotic Car Assn. open track event at Pikes Peak International Raceway. Info: Tim Greenshields, e-mail: timgreenshie *not an FCA event* NEW MEXICO CHAPTER / R OCKY M OUNTAIN R EGION Chapter Director: Ron Weineke, e-mail: SOUTH CENTRAL REGION AR, LA, OK, TX Regional Director: Mike Lambert (281)414-1313, e-mail: DALLAS-FORT WORTH CHAPTER / S OUTH C ENTRAL R EGION / WWW. FCADFW. COM Chapter Director: Don Rose (469)235-5639, e-mail: Jun 2. Autos in the Park. The first really big car show which we participate. Held on the grounds of the Cooper Clinic, we have the premier viewing area. For the last 2 years we have dominated the awards for the Italian car class. Car placement at 8:30, show starts at 10am. Awards at 3pm. Jun 8. Ft. Worth cars and breakfast. 8:30am. Info: Charles Curtis, e-mail: Jun 22. Cavallinos at the Crossroads. 8:30am at the Crossroads Diner, 8121 Walnut Hill Lane. Info/e-mail: Jun 29. Yachts and Exotics. This is an event we are having with the Dallas Yacht Club. The Yacht Club will take us out on some really nice big boats for an entertaining afternoon of lounging and swimming if you prefer and then an evening party. HOUSTON CHAPTER / S OUTH C ENTRAL R EGION / WWW. FCA - HOUSTON . ORG Chapter Director: Mike McNamee, e-mail: Jun 1. Join the chapter in another sure sign of Summer in the Houston area when they meet at the Finn Family Ferrari Gathering on Lake KANSAS CITY CHAPTER / R OCKY M OUNTAIN R EGION Livingston. Info/e-mail: Chapter Director: Chris Parr, e-mail: Jul 4. Raise your flags and salute the United States’ independence as we Jun 1. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. join the city of Hedwig Village for their annual 4th of July parade. Info/eJun 1. 2nd Annual Cruise to Williamsburg BBQ for lunch immediately fol- mail: lowing breakfast. Aug 10. Timing couldn’t be better with the warm summer weather as the Jun 9. Canadian Grand Prix Watching Party at Famous Dave’s BBQ 12pm. chapter meets for an indoor brunch. Join the members as they visit the Ferrari of Houston dealership. Who knows what the tour may reveal? Jun 19. Cruise Night Meet at La Bodega, 6:30pm with a drive ending up Info/e-mail: at Pecuigo. SOUTHEAST REGION Jun 22. Annual Ashcraft’s Block Party at Roselawn, 3:30pm. AL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN - Jun 23. 7th Annual Art of the Car Concour 10am-4pm. Regional Director: Marc McConnell, e-mail: Jul 6. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. GEORGIA CHAPTER / S OUTHEAST R EGION Jul 14. Cruise to The Wittigs’ Garage Tech Session with Jerry Dobson and Chapter Director: Will Campbell, e-mail: Scott Sweat. Jun 1. Rides to Remember hosted by Ferrari of Atlanta and Atlanta Jul 17. Cruise Night Meet at North, 6:30pm with a drive ending up at Motorsports Park. Our 8th year hosting a wonderful event for pediatric Pecuigo. cancer patients and their families with safe lead/follow rides in exotic cars at the beautiful Atlanta Motorsports Park. Afterward drivers can opt in for Aug 3. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. lapping sessions at the track. Info e-mail: Aug 11. Annual Progressive Dinner. Aug 21. Cruise Night Meet at La Bodega, 6:30pm with a drive ending up Oct 18-19. FCA track meet at AMP. This event will replace the traditional Savannah event. Cost will be $500 per car with 3 run groups. Standard FCA at Pecuigo. track rules to apply. See AMP for noise limits. Driver instruction to be supSep 7. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. plied by Jeremy Porter and AMP crew. Details to follow. Sep 3-8. Crescent Classic, Eureka Springs, AR. Info: NORTH CAROLINA CHAPTER / S OUTHEAST R EGION Sep 18. Cruise Night Meet at North, 6:30pm, with a drive ending up at Chapter Director: Jim Meek (252)916-6600, e-mail: Pecuigo. Jun 3-4. Come join us for 2 days of fun on-track and off at one of the Oct 5. Monthly Breakfast Meeting at the Sheraton 8:30am. Southeast’s premiere tracks. We have the full course both days. Info: Jim Meek, e-mail: *see flier on page 10* Oct 13. Third Annual Garage-ma-hal Tour. 16 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 17 18 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN Aug 16-18. SER Mountain Getaway at the Biltmore Estates. This year’s trip is being held at one of the premiere hotels in the region. We are going to meet in a central location with our friends from TN, GA, SC, and AL. We plan for this to be the premier event of our calendar and hope you’ll come cool off with us. Info: Jim Meek, e-mail: Oct 5. American Le Mans Series at Virginia International Raceway. Join us track side as we cheer on the Ferrari teams as they make another stop at VIR. Oct 11-13. Weekend Getaway. Location TBD. Oct 18-20. Euro Auto Festival. This yearly event is held at the BMW plant in Spartanburg, SC, and this year is featuring Ferrari. A great event for the car enthusiast with driving and technical seminars, high speed ride alongs on the BMW track, as well as a concours if you would like to display your vehicle. Last year there were over 350 cars being displayed. Nov 17. American Grand Prix viewing at the Ingram Collection. If you missed the event this year you don’t want to miss it again. The event was at capacity as we watched the first ever Formula 1 race in Austin, TX on the big screen surrounded by the fabulous Ingram Car Collection, featuring one of the premiere Porsche collections in the world. Dec 7. FCA Christmas Party. Location to be determined. SOUTH CAROLINA CHAPTER / S OUTHEAST R EGION Chapter Director: David Scott, e-mail: Jul 31-Aug 4. FCA Annual Meet. Elkhart Lake, WI. Join us as we rally to this national meet of the Ferrari Club of America. Anyone interested in having a car transported get with me ASAP! We have one six-car trailer full, and will put together another if needed. Aug 16-18. SER Mountain Getaway, Asheville, NC, The Inn at Biltmore Estates. This year’s trip is being held at one of the premiere hotels in the region. We are meeting our friends from TN, NC, GA, and AL in this central location for some of the best food, scenery, and driving on the planet. Info: David Scott, e-mail: Oct 18-20. 18th Annual Euro Auto Festival. “Featured marque: Ferrari.” Details TBA. Nov 1-3. Hilton Head Island Concours, Hilton Head Island, SC. Join us for the last major concours of the season at the beautiful Westin Resort Hilton Head Island. This is the first year the concours will be on the Resort’s Golf Course. Show your car in the Jamboree, fine dinning, and concours on Sunday. Info: David Sebok, e-mail: Dec 14. FCA-SC Holiday Party. Details TBA. TENNESSEE CHAPTER / S OUTHEAST R EGION Chapter Director: Mike Gillespie, e-mail: Jun 1. Nucci’s Cars, Motorcycles, Coffee & More. The morning will start out at 8am at Nucci’s, 2000 Meridian Blvd., Suite 100, Franklin (Cool Springs). Breakfast at Nucci’s for $12 p/p. At 10am we’ll head out on a drive for 2 hours through southern Williamson County that will end up at Angelo’s Bistro for lunch. Info: Mike Gillespie, e-mail: Jun 8. Memphis Italian Cars and Coffee. A gathering of Italian Cars sponsored by the Tennessee Chapter FCA. The Cars and Coffee location is the Big Bite Dounuts, 1996 S Houston Levee Road, Collierville, TN. Info: Tom Francis, e-mail: Jun 28. Ground Breaking for the NCM Motorsports Park. Jun 30. TN Chapter’s Car Club Sunday at the Frist Center. Sensuous Steel, Art Deco Automobiles at the Frist Center for Visual Arts in Nashville celebrates the Art Deco influence on automobile design. Featuring spectacular auto and motorcycles from the ‘30s and ‘40s. Cost for boxed lunch and exhibit $23 p/p. Info: Mike Gillespie, e-mail: Jul 6. Italian Cars and Coffee and Tech Session at Maserati of Nashville and Lunch at Angelo’s. Starting at 9am with a continental breakfast. At 10am, Adam Long, Ferrari Factory-Trained Technician, will conduct a Tech Session using the SD3 Scan Tool. Then we’ll go to Angelo’s Bistro for lunch. Info: Mike Gillespie, e-mail: Jul 13. Memphis Italian Cars and Coffee. A gathering of Italian Cars sponsored by the Tennessee Chapter FCA. The Cars and Coffee location is the Panera Bread, 5865 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN. Near Poplar & I-240. Info: Tom Francis, e-mail: Jul 20-21. Keeneland Concours, Lexington, KY. We will travel to the Keeneland Concours on Saturday to enjoy this fine Concours and enjoy a nice evening out to eat. It will be an overnight stay. We will travel back Sunday morning. Info: Mike Gillespie, e-mail: Aug 10. Memphis Italian Cars and Coffee. A gathering of Italian Cars sponsored by the Tennessee Chapter FCA. The Cars and Coffee location is the Big Bite Dounuts, 1996 S Houston Levee Road, Collierville, TN. Info: Tom Francis, e-mail: Sep 7-8. Fall Ferrari Festival, Brentwood, TN. The exact details are still being worked out. Sep 14. Memphis Italian Cars and Coffee. A gathering of Italian Cars sponsored by the Tennessee Chapter FCA. The Cars and Coffee location is the Panera Bread, 5865 Poplar Avenue, Memphis, TN. Near Poplar & I-240. Info: Tom Francis, e-mail: SOUTHWEST REGION So.CA, HI - Regional Director: Diane Peterson (310)804-6655, e-mail: SWR Board Meetings, 2nd Saturday of every month, 9am, Petersen Automotive Museum Jun 1. First Saturday Drive. The drive departs the Glen Center in Bel Air, 2948 Beverly Glen Blvd., 9:30am, strict FCA members-only policy enforced. Arrive early for coffee and snacks at the Glen Deli. Info: Kenny Lombino (310)339-8657, e-mail: Jun 2. Annual Election Picnic, honoring the F355. South Coast Botanical Gardens, Palos Verdes. Info: Diane (310)804-6655, e-mail: babmack4@ Jun 9. (every Sunday) Santa Barbara Cars & Coffee, assemble before 8am on Coast Village Road in Monticito near the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf. Info: Monte Wilson (805)455-4076. Jun 9. Gathering at the Glen sponsored by Ferrari of Beverly Hills. Informal show and shine at the top of Bel Air, the Glen Center, 2948 Beverly Glen Blvd one block south of Mulholland Drive. Info: Mark Process (818)906-2678, e-mail: Jun 23. Join Don West at the St. Honore Cafe (the umbrellas) for an informal coffee and lunch. Meet and mingle with South Bay members, noon to 2pm. 2201 Palos Verdes Drive West, Lunada Bay Palos Verdes. Sep 19. Il Tour Classico. Vintage Ferrari drive departs 9:30, La Canada Flintridge. We invite drivers and guests of classic Ferraris to a compassionate and enthusiastic tour of the Angeles Crest area, specially organized by owners who appreciate and respect vintage Ferraris. A delicious private brunch at the Le Chene French Restaurant. Info: Tex Otto (310) 836-0110. Sep 27. Exclusive Tour of Vandenberg AFB facilities with dinner at the officer’s club, limited availability so sign up early. Stay overnight in Lompoc and attend the Sunday Car Show (see below listing). Sep 27-29. Yosemite Grand Tour II. Three-day journey to majestic Yosemite National Park. Accomodations at the Tenaya Lodge and historic Ahwahnee Hotel with private dinners, lunches, reception among the redwoods. Info: Jack Walston (213)505-7872. Sep 28. Exotic Car Show at Vandenberg Airforce Base, 11am–3pm. Join us in honoring the 30th Force Support Squadron’s 6,000 men and women Air Force personnel. Car Show on the grass on the 1st green at the beautiful Marshallia Ranch Golf Course, BBQ lunch and wine tasting from Paso Robles vintners. Info: Jim Bindman, e-mail: WESTERN CANADA REGION AB, BC, MB, NT, SK, YT - Regional Director: Stephen Ross (403)231-3356, e-mail: NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 19 CLASSIFIED ADS Use of the Classified section is free to FCA members who may submit ads by mail or e-mail to: David Williams, 6231 Shadow Tree Lane, Lake Worth, Florida 33463, phone (561)889-4667, e-mail: Classifieds for selling a Ferrari must include a serial number. The deadline for classifieds is the 8th of each month for publication in the following month’s issue. All classifieds will automatically run for two months. F E R R A R I S F O R SA L E 1972 246 GTS, s/n 05082. Euro model. 96,000 km. Delivered to Italy 10/ 72, 1 of 401 Euro GTS made. The very last Dino with clapping wipers and short front bumper. Currently being put back to Euro with a bare metal paint job. Buy now, pick your color. Full set of all factory items. $325,000, $299,000 w/o books, tools. Scott McClure, e-mail: (WA). 1974 246 Dino GTS, s/n 7800. Red/tan. 20,200 mi. Chairs, no flares. 12 years of up to date service records. Great car in mechanically excellent condition. Always garaged in climate controlled environment. All books, tools, records, original key holder. Maintenance records available on request. $359,500. Michael (941)928-2100, e-mail: (FL). 1985 Mondial QV Cabriolet, s/n 57573. Red/tan. 33,000 mi. Original paint, new interior, both in excellent condition. 30,000 mi major service done. New 16” wheels with F1 tires (have originals). New clutch, pressure plate, throw out bearing, slave piston, rear seal, fuse box, much more. $32,000. Domenic Trella (631)581-3690, e-mail: (NY). 1988 Mondial 3.2 Coupe, s/n 76353. Red/tan. Multiple FCA Coppa Bella Macchina award winner. Always garaged, no stories. Complete major by Competizione, fall 2012. All books, records, history. One of the finest 3.2 coupes available. $36,000. Call (301)910-3393 (MD). 1990 Testarossa, s/n 83508. Red/tan. 15,675 mi. Owned since ‘91, purchased at 300 miles. Always in climate-controlled garage, no snow. We’ve taken trips of between 1,000 and 3,000 miles, the car is a wonderful tourer. Excellent throughout. Cover, tools, new tires. Serviced by NJB. $54,500. Call (419)496-3024, e-mail: (OH). 1994 512 TR, s/n 97517. Yellow/black. 19,600 km. Last major service done 05/12, engine-out, new Perelli P-Zeros. Car is excellent shape. $105,000 OBO. Kostandinos (416)551-5297, e-mail: (ON). 1994 348 Spider, s/n 98101. Red/tan. 27,600 mi. Major service just done. New tires, Tubi, MA Carbon console, everything works. Well maintained, very clean, service records on request. $50,000. Tony Chimblo (203)940-5000, e-mail: (CT). 2001 360 Spider, s/n 124644. Grey/blue (blue top). 9,526 mi. 6-speed. Daytona style seats, red brake calipers, CD changer, battery charger, factory car, seat, and steering wheel covers. Clear bra. Front/rear radar detector, Fabspeed exhaust. All service up-to-date. 2-owner, no damage history. Clinton Russell (713)894-6116, e-mail: (TX). 2006 F430 F1, s/n 151117. Black/black. 2,300 mi. Warranty and license until 12/13. Pristine body and paint. Red stitching, carbon fiber wheel and dash, red calipers, shields, yellow tach, Challenge wheels, leather black top and rear shelf, Daytona seats, polished exhaust tips. $147,500. John Lambert (310)872-7579, e-mail: (CA). 2009 430 Spider F1, s/n 165919. Grigio Titanium/natural. 1,700 mi. Balance of warranty. Power Daytona seats, yellow calipers, run-flat tires, shields, navigation/bluetooth, front and rear parking sensors, roll bars in interior leather. MSRP $261,873. Books, keys, window sticker, cover, etc. $186,500. Dave Olimpi (540)729-0354, e-mail: (VA). F E R R A R I S WA N T E D 250 GTE or 330 America. Looking for a very nice example. Doug Smith (602)300-6355, e-mail: (AZ). 330. Ellis Denos (314)570-7379, e-mail: (MO). 512 TR. Do you have one you’d like to find a new home for? Looking for a gently used red or maroon example. Maintenance history and ownership chain are important as is current condition. Will become part of our family’s collection and our first Ferrari. If you are ready to part with your 512 TR, please call (414)870-1099, e-mail: (WI). Ferraris wanted. 246, 250, 330, 275, 365 series, all Ferraris from 1950 to 2005. Any condition, top price paid. Will pick up from anywhere in USA. Peter Kumar (800)452-9910, e-mail: (NY). 20 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN PA R T S F O R SA L E For Dino 246 gt/gts: Original factory lug nuts for Campy wheels. Complete set with minor scratches. $800 boxed, shipped and insured. Joe (508)7832134, e-mail: (MA). For 365 Daytona: Set of four Borrani hex knock-offs, good condition; Dinoplex, restored electronics; Brake master cylinder, new; NOS Daytona gearbox parts (sold as a set: shift fork 2/3, gear ratio 10/33 repro, fifth gear, 1-4 gears, 1-5 synchros and 2 sliders, 5th gear 28T). Larry Frye (650) 544-5994, e-mail: (CA). For 308 GTB/GTS/GT4: Four carburetor street and track air filter system. E-Z to install with on special tools required. This system gives your engine a better air flow and match vapor draw on all carburetors. The price includes one full set of replacement filters all gaskets hoses and clamps. Call (804)740-2104, e-mail: (VA). For 355: Steering wheel. New, unused, complete with airbag removed from ‘97 car for Challenge conversion. $1,500. Joe (508)783-2134, e-mail: (MA). For 360 Modena: (4) stock original 18” Modena rims in perfect condition, with Ferrari center caps. $900 + shipping. Selling all 4 together. Pictures available. Gary (781)863-7200, e-mail: (MA). For 355: Original factory space saver tire and wheel that fits in front storage compartment. Never used... thank goodness! Andrew Bass (978)3141225, e-mail: (MA). For 360: 4 Ferrari wheels and tires from a 2000 360 Modena. Tires are Bridgstone Potenza Re-11, 215/45R18 (front), 275/40R18 (rear). Wheels are flawless no scratches or damage, tires have 90% left like brand new. $3,000. Tony (416)917-1084, e-mail: (ON). For 456/550/575: Remanufactured A/C compressor and after-market drier. Compressor has been completely remanufactured with genuine Harrison– Delphi parts. Most rebuilders only change seals, $895 on an exchange basis (I need your old compressor and drier). Core exchange deposit will be considered. Steven (856)354-1213, e-mail: (NJ). For 612 Scaglietti: Tubi exhaust system. Just removed from my very low mileage car. Absolutely in great shape. Retails for over $6,000. Make reasonable offer. Will package and ship for actual cost. Located in Houston, Texas. Dave (281)446-9063 (TX). Ferrari window cranks. As used from ‘75-’86 on: all 308, 328, BB, Testarossa, Mondial and most early models with power windows when motor is not functioning. A must to complete your tool kit. Made out of tool steal with a swivel handle. Identical in shape and size to the original. $96 each, shipping included. Call (804)740-2104, e-mail: (VA). PA R T S WA N T E D For F40 LM: Steering wheel, just like the stock wheel but with suede. I’m also a buyer for any other interesting F40 items or parts. Please send info and prices. E-mail: (CO). For 550/575: OEM Black floor mats in new or excellent condition. Andrew Bass (978)314-1225, e-mail: (MA). Sony radio. New or almost like new, working Sony radio for a ‘98 or ‘99 F355 and 550 Ferrari. Sony model XR-C720/Ferrari unit code XR-F20 at a reasonable price. Andrew Bass (978)314-1225 (MA). L I T E R AT U R E F O R SA L E Ferrari 365 GTB/4 Operating/Maintenance/Service handbook along with the Instructions booklet for the USA version. Includes the Sep ‘72 Revision Manual and the Consumer Information book and Warranty card. Excellent condition. $4,500. Dorothy, e-mail: (IL). Ferrari misc. Over 2,000 Ferrari-related items. Wide selection of Ferrari original manuals, handbooks and brochures from the ‘60s forward. The most complete selection of magazine back-issues: Cavallino, Forza, Prancing Horse, Ferrari World, etc. Factory yearbooks. Over 150 titles of related books. E-mail:, or see: (IL). Ferrari books. Ferrari–The Man, The Machines by Automotive Quarterly, $55. The Ferrari Legend–250 GT by Jess Pouret, $105. Inside Ferrari by Michael Dregni, $50. The Berlinetta Lusso by Kurt Miska, $50. Ferrarissima 2, $105. Ferrari Tipo 166–The Original Sports Ferrari, $85. All in excellent condition. Postal money orders only. Bruce MacLean (310)514-8904 (CA). Ferrari magazines. Prancing Horse #’s 53, 89, 112, 156, 158-163, 166, 168, ...CONTINUED 170, 171, 173-175, 177-179, 181-183, 185. Set of NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 21 Automobile magazines (‘86-’12, 27 years), $1,000. Complete set of Road & Track from #1 (‘47-’12, 66 years), $8,000. Forza #’s 79-103, 109-116. (all 33 for $125 + s/h). David (843)971-0751, e-mail: (SC). L I T E R AT U R E WA N T E D Memorabilia and literature. Buyer for important, vintage auto related posters; marque, race/events, commemorative 1895 to late 1960’s. Please, vintage only; happy to trade! E.A. Singer (831)659-1551, e-mail: tony@ (CA). Ferrari misc. I am interested in buying entire collections of Ferrari related products: 1) Factory literature and publications, such as manuals, handbooks, marketing literature, etc. 2) Other publications, including books, magazines and similar. 3) Die-cast models and other small collectables. Call (630)926-5111, e-mail: (IL). Ferrari literature wanted. Please take the time to look thru your book case, garage or basement. Old manuals, brochures and books have value and they can be turned into cash. Please contact me. Peter (860)3501140, fax (860)350-1148, e-mail: (CT). MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE For Mondial Cabriolet, 348, 355, 360 and 430 Spider: Tonneau covers. Now available again, custom fabricated upon request. Covers windshield and interior (including leather boot where applicable) for complete protection when car is left unattended. New, unused. Limited availability. $265 + shipping. Joe (508)783-2134, e-mail: (MA). For 1989 328: California license plates “89 328”. Two plates, white, in perfect condition $328. E-mail: (CA). Ferrari Chronographs by Girard Perregaux. Red dial chronograph on strap, $2,900. Carbon fiber dial Scuderia Shield chronograph on bracelet, $3,500. All prices include shipping within US. Steven Eisner (856)354-1213 (office), (856)428-2797 (home), e-mail: (NJ). Scuderia shields. Discounted pricing. The shields are metal and contoured to fit on the fender of most Ferrari models. They are exact in size, shape and color as the OEM shields. They are 1.0 mm thick and weigh about 3 oz each. Install two ways: double stick tape or epoxy. $175 per pair + $5 postage. Guaranteed you’ll like them. Paul Bianco (561)575-6966 (FL). Ferrari misc. Ferrari factory posters (Ferrari Symbol, 412T2 1995 F1), 27x39”, heavy paper, $100/ea. Ferrari yellow pencils in yellow heavy cardboard cylindrical holder, $50. Two large vinyl “Pennzoil” banners, 9x3.5’. Ferrari red pen in red metal case, $20. Leather and metal Ferrari key fob, $10. David (843) 971-0751, e-mail: (SC). Ferrari indoor and outdoor cover stock. Deep discount, closing business. OEM fabric, fit and finish. 355/360/430. Lamborghini (Countach S and Diablo, one each). Great prices on Floatcharger battery manintainer, logo valve caps. E-mail for list: (TX). Dino 206 GT sculpture. Bronze artwork; edition of 20; 14th scale (length 11.5”) on a wood or stone base of your choice; $850. This piece celebrates the classic form of the ‘68 Dino, executed in cast bronze with a patina in either traditional French-brown, or any of a range of colors. Larry Perkins, sculptor (303)471-6923, e-mail: (CO). Custom cavallino wheel centers for stock Ferrari wheels. Fly yellow metal centers with sculptured 1 1/2” chrome horse. Replace the “plastic” look with elegance, the way Ferrari wheels should be! Snap fit into all stock Ferrari wheels using original black housing. $495/set of 4, with core exchange, + shipping. Joe (508)783-2134, e-mail: (MA). Italian grille badge. Beautiful badge with Italian flag and “Italia”. Chrome-plated brass, with brilliant color long-lasting baked-on enamel flag and lettering. 3 3/4” in diameter, comes with easy-to-install hardware. Show you car’s heritage, or yours, with pride! Makes a great gift! $29.95 + $5 S&H. Call (410)592-2962, e-mail: (MD). Large size rectangular Ferrari shield. 14” x 24” with 16” high, 3-dimensional horse in black gloss resin. Green, white and red stripes at top and “Ferrari” at the bottom. Mounted on yellow 3/16” thick Lucite with hanger on back. $250 + shipping. Call for photos. George (818)625-3343 (CA). M I S C E L L A N E O U S WA N T E D For 2005 575 Superamerica: Posters, literature, miscellaneous. Cooper Weeks (816)931-6230, e-mail: (MO). Buyer for anything Ferrari related. Peter (860)350-1140, fax (860)3501140, e-mail: (CT). 22 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 23 24 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN Joe Bortz is interested in purchasing a 1956-1966 Ferrari. 847-668-2004 cell, 10a - 10p, CST RADCLIFFE MOTORCAR COMPANY LLC Proficient in the repair and maintenance of Ferrari, Alfa Romeo and Collector Cars PO Box 860, 12340 Owings Mills Blvd., Suite 100 Reisterstown, Maryland 21136 Telephone: 410.517.1681 / Web: Combined 75 Years Experience Richard Garre, Owner NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 25 26 | June 2013 | NEWS BULLETIN NEWS BULLETIN | June 2013 | 27 News Bulletin JUNE 2013 | P.O. Box 720597, Atlanta, Georgia 30358 Advertising: 800 328 0444, Production: 561 889 4667, PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SOUTH FLORIDA, FL. PERMIT NO. 5711
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