Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School


Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School
Academic excellence in a creative environment
31st October 2013
Term 4 - Vol 1
Mural designed by S. Batchelor 2003
Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School
Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School had the privilege of welcoming Turia Pitt to school where she
addressed the whole school at assembly. For everyone, it was the most thought provoking and emotional
experience as in spite of her struggles and pain she reminded us all:
That life is worth living.
Remember to thank your family and friends.
Be resilient, not bitter.
Turia Pitt survived horrific burns to 65% of her body during an ultra-marathon race in the Kimberley in
2011. Students and staff listened to a powerful and inspirational story told by a courageous young person
who has overcome overwhelming odds, and 27 operations.
Turia spoke openly about the race that changed her life forever, encouraging staff and students to live
their dream and take nothing for granted.
Turia answered the many questions students had, including “what is on your bucket list to do next?” to
which Turia replied ”to climb Everest”
Turia and her partner Michael generously donated a copy of Turia’s book “Everything to live for.”
For more information or to follow Turia’s inspirational story visit: www.turiapitt.com
Ms Terri-Anne Kamasz
Inspire, challenge, create
Diary Dates Term - 4, 2013
Term 4
HSC Exams
14th Oct until 6th November
Ms. Terri-Anne Kamasz
Week 4
30 Oct
“Meet the Music” Exc (Evening)
30 – 31 Oct
SRC Leadership Camp (Day event)
1 Nov
Year 12(2014) Business Studies excursion
4 Nov– 15 Nov
Year 12 Hospitality Work Placement
6-8 Nov
Mr. John Gielis
Administration Manager:
Deborah Goldberg
Week 5
7 Nov
Deputy Principal:
Integrated Curriculum Project:
Planetarium (Bini) Yr 7 & NTPS
School Captains:
HSC Visual Arts camp
Melissa Camp
Max Hogue
Week 6
11– 15 Nov
Years 9 & 10 Yearly Assessment week
11– 15 Nov
Year 12 Hospitality Work Placement Cont.
15 Nov
P&C Parent Evening
P&C and Creative Arts
Association Committee-2013
Week 7
18– 22 Nov
Years 7 & 8 Yearly Assessment week
Lynne Pellaers
Vice Presidents: Annette Newell
Week 8
28 Nov– 3 Dec
Margaret Choi
Art Exhibition
Week 9
4 Dec
Orientation Day Year 7, 2014
Week 10
10 Dec
Christmas Concert
12 Dec
Presentation Day
David Coyle
Maree Garrett & Assocs.
Contact us:
403 Bobbin Head Road
Week 11
16– 17 Dec
Year 7 Swim School
North Turramurra
18 Dec
Last day of School for students
19– 20 Dec
Staff Development Days
Phone: 9144 3477
9983 9331
Website: www.kcahs.nsw.edu.au
Inspire, challenge, create
Principal Update: Bushfire Season
Dear Parents/guardians,
We are aware that many of our families come from the Central Coast. Our thoughts are with all of those in
areas or adjacent to areas where fires have had a devastating effect. With the current conditionsparticularly the smoke, students are being advised that classrooms are available during recess and lunch
to those being adversely affected by the smoke. We are also advising students to limit physical activity. If
your child suffers from asthma please remind them to follow their preventative and medication regime.
It is important that we have current mobile and email contacts for all families. Please notify the school
office of any updated contact information by completing the attached form and returning to the school
office ASAP.
Our location on the edge of the National Park means that we are very aware of having our emergency
procedures up to date. Recently the Rural Fire Service and NSW Fire Brigade assisted us in determining the
best course of action should a bushfire emergency be declared in this area. Their advice is i)
Should there be an emergency we are to “Lock down” as per our emergency procedures. Students
and staff will lock down in the bottom storey of the main blocks. We have been reassured that our
brick and concrete structures will offer safe refuge in any situation. Also there is a substantial clear
buffer between our school buildings and the bushland.
Students will be directed to turn off mobile phones to assist with emergency communications.
Any decision to evacuate will only be at the direction of and under the guidance of the emergency
In an emergency, Parents/guardians should NOT drive to the school unless directed to do so by emergency
services. They should only act on the advice of emergency services.
In the very rare circumstance that the school should not be open we need to be able to make immediate contact with families. Please ensure that we have a mobile number for SMS texting and your email
Parents/guardians are advised to monitor the following web sites for updated information including any
school closures.
For any further enquiries please contact the school on 91443477
Ms T.A. Kamasz
Inspire, challenge, create
STUDENT SURNAME:_______________________________________ YEAR:______________
STUDENT GIVEN NAME:___________________________________________
DATE CHANGES EFFECTIVE:_________________________
MOTHERS SURNAME:______________________________________________ (RESIDING WITH STUDENT)
MOTHERS GIVEN NAME:____________________________________________ (RESIDING WITH STUDENT)
FATHER SURNAME:________________________________________________ (RESIDING WITH STUDENT)
FATHERS GIVEN NAME:____________________________________________ (RESIDING WITH STUDENT)
OTHER PARENT NOT RESIDING AT THE FAMILY HOME ___________________________________
OTHER PARENTS ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________ POST CODE _____________
HOME TELEPHONE:______________________________
MOTHER WORK PHONE:___________________MOTHER MOBILE PHONE:________________________
MOTHERS EMAIL: _____________________________________________________________________
FATHER WORK PHONE:___________________ FATHER MOBILE PHONE:__________________________
FATHERS EMAIL: ______________________________________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME: _________________________________________________
RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENT:___________________________________________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT TELEPHONE/MOBILE: _____________________________________
UPDATE STUDENT MEDICAL DETAILS: ______________________________________________________
DOCTOR ____________________________________
PARENTS SIGNATURE: _________________________ DATE: _____________________
Inspire, challenge, create
Admin News
Changes to our payment methods
We wish to advise you that Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School along with 228 other schools in NSW is
part of a ‘pilot’ program trialling new/more efficient computer programs across all areas (Finance, Administration etc.). The Department of Education will be progressively introducing certain sections of this over
the next few weeks and months, and towards this end we will be moving over to a new centralised bank
There are other changes also coming through in the next few weeks, and in an endeavour to make this
changeover as seamless as possible for everyone concerned, could we please ask for your assistance with
the following :Please finalise any outstanding accounts by the 1st November, so that we can take it off your child/ren’s
account prior to the changeover.
Only cash and cheque payment can be accepted after 1st November.
We will keep you updated as and when more information is available on payment methods moving
forward ie. EFT, Credit Cards, etc.
Thank you once again for your assistance and co-operation regarding this matter.
Important Medical information update required
The DEC (Department of Education & Communities) has requested an update of all health care needs of
students in government schools.
The document, H. Student Medical Details & Health Conditions, has been added to the DEC enrolment
form. This form needs to be completed for all current students at KCAHS even if they do not have a
medical condition.
If your child has an allergy, please also complete the relevant attached ASCIA Action Plan/s.
Please find these forms by following the link below :
If you have not yet returned these important documents please complete and return them to the school
office ASAP
The new forms help us collect your child’s important medical information and the introduction of new
systems will mean we’ll be able to better manage the daily and emergency health needs of your child.
We appreciate your support as we start collecting the information and if you have any questions please
call us on 9144 3477.
Inspire, challenge, create
P & C News…...
Hi Everyone,
Year is running past fast. Having a HSC student this year, I really understand now the family involvement
that comes with it. And having to keep in mind its importance but also the need to monitor stress levels
experienced by our teenagers. Looking to the final exam with nearly as much pleasure as the students. It
is amazing the level of time spent by many teachers in helping their students and I really appreciate their
Thus I am looking forward to a "Night Off" at Our Evening in the Bini of "Music, Dance and Socialising". I
really ask you all to try and come as it is not only a chance to bring friends, family members, neighbours
or on your own is fine too to have a "Fun Time" but also contribute to this fundraising opportunity for our
school. Tickets just $35 each and raffle tickets at the event are $5 each.
KCAHS are implementing some great programs to "supplement, complement, support and even enhance
further" what our teachers are already achieving. This comes at a fraction of the cost of private education so it is important we all keep on top of any outstanding fees so our kids can continue with these
worthwhile initiatives. For example, Mrs Dunn has organised for extra tuition for TEP dance which
advances these students and gives our well deserving dance kids an edge when they go to outside
competitions. I have noticed this first-hand and personally love the many opportunities organised by the
teachers and Principal.
By the way, thanks for being great parents because you must be as, KCAHS students are generally the
best mannered and behaved around I know and hear from the teachers and visitors to the school. For
me, it never fails to impress me when I come into the schoolyard carrying something weighty and without fail a schoolboy will come out of nowhere and ask if I need help. I am always so impressed.
Take good care and look forward to seeing you on 15th November for our "night out". Tickets available
via my email lynne@mcalpinecreatives.com.au.
Lynne Pellaers
P&C President
Inspire, challenge, create
Students in the news…….
There be strangers in our midst
A group of Characters from the Lord of the Rings (pictured) were seen wandering the streets of Hornsby on their
way to attend the Sydney Symphony Orchestra’s live score of Lord of the Rings at the Sydney Opera House on
Sunday, 29 September, 2013.
The Year 12 students from Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High School thought it would be a lark to dress up in Character,
however they ended up the only ones in costume and spent quite some time being photographed with and by
tourists around the Opera House and Circular Quay!
According to one of the ‘character’s’ father, Philip Hall, “All of the costumes were pattern-made, cut and sewn by
Janelle Hall with help from my mother, Margie Hall.” “The request for the costumes was made by Mitchell’s friends
after Janelle had made son Mitchell the Aragorn costume for a fancy dress party 4 months ago,” said Philip. Gimli’s
helmet and Aragorn’s crown were hand crafted by Janelle’s Dad, Richard Cannon as well as Gandalf’s white staff,
which had a reflective light installed to imitate the power source of the original movie staff. What a talented family!
After doing their bit for Sydney Tourism, the five lads travelled home, in character, back to The Shire … of Hornsby!
Photo: Lord of the Ring characters, in costume, on their way to the Sydney Opera House.
Left to right: Brendan Harlech-Jones as Gimli, Mitchell Hall as Aragorn, Scotty Skidmore as Legolas, Emrys Cronin as
Gandalf and Harry Day as Theoden. Scotty attends Shore, while all the other boys attend KCAHS.
Photo and Article courtesy of the Berowra Bush Tele (17th October 2013)
Inspire, challenge, create
Primary Enrichment……………..
On Tuesday 15th October, our Mathematics teachers Ms Kelen and Ms Townsend welcomed 27 year 5
students from a number of the surrounding primary schools to take part in our enrichment program.
The inviting spring weather complemented the range of mathematical activities that were organised and
the year 5 students and their year 9 mentors took part in creating their own clinometers to measure the
height of trees on our rear oval.
They made their own trundle wheels and learnt about the beauty of patterns. Mathematics was
approached in a very practical sense and the students worked collaboratively, sharing learning
experiences and developed new friendships.
Inspire, challenge, create
Maths Enrichment Day for Year 5
On the Morning of October 15th, the year nine helpers made their way to Tagore block to meet a group of
primary school students, who were waiting for us with excitement and nervousness. After we were given
our name tags, we were all led to L12, our classroom for the day, by Ms Townsend, Ms Kelen and Ms Meldrum, the enrichment day organisers. When we took our seats, we began to go through the days activities
and discuss the areas within them. Goodness they were an intelligent bunch! Year nines were in awe of
how much they knew, even knowing more than us!
After the discussion, we moved on to our first activity of the day: Making our own Clinometers: devices
used to measure height of tall objects. Very simple in design they were also very practical and worked very
efficiently. Made of only paper, straw and string. After we finished making them we went outside to give
them a go.
After that, the primary school students made their way for lunch, which allowed us to get to know them
The students had to point out what was a circumference and other parts of a circle, and everyone was able
to take something home !!
The day ended with excitement and joy, most of the students had enjoyed the day. They also learned
many things from this experience, and had great fun while learning.
Henry Blackwood and Jenny Zhou (year 9)
Inspire, challenge, create
NSW High Schools Basketball Tournament
19 – 20th September 2013
On the last two days of term three Ku-ring-gai Creative Arts High played five games in the NSW High
Schools Basketball Tournament at Bankstown Stadium. The team was entered in the Boys Year 9–10
division 2 draw despite half the team being in year 8. Our first game against Homebush boys was competitive but the second half saw the opposition run away with a 40-19 win. Next up we played Cranebrook
where we were outclassed by a well drilled side 49-25 but despite the loss the Ku-ring-gai boys displayed
tenacity and did not give up. Our final game on the Thursday had us matched against Hunter Valley
Grammar who had beaten Cranebrook in a close contest. This was our most exciting game with the score
being decided in the last seconds. Unfortunately Ku-ring-gai was beaten 23-22 after leading by 5 in the
second half.
On the Friday Mr Fryirs kindly took over coaching duties as I was unable to attend. The boys were defeated by Georges River Grammar first up but in their final game of the tournament Ku-ring-gai defeated
Kanahooka High School 21 to 18. The two days proved to be invaluable. The improvement in each game
exemplified the value of match time for the development of team cohesion and skills. I would hope that
Ku-ring-gai basketball can build on this experience in the 2014 state knockout competition and at next
year’s tournament.
I would like to acknowledge the Parents and Citizens Association for their financial support and in particular Mrs Margaret Choi for her organisation and enthusiasm, without the assistance of both this event
would have been impossible. I would also like to thank Mr Fryirs for taking over the coaching duties in my
Teamlist: Lachlan Chu, Rowan Choi, Charlie Whale, James Noakesmith, Jay-R Tinoc, Sharn Matamis,
Joseph Younan, Jake Banner, Shakeel Masters, Austin Hawkins, Ben Gates, Eric Yang.
Mr M Tarrant. Coach.
Inspire, challenge, create
English ……..
Year 12 2013
This term is shaping up to be very exciting and rewarding. Our HSC students have so far successfully
completed their English Standard, Advanced and ESL exams. We are now waiting on Drama and Extension
1 English. On behalf of the English/Drama faculty I would like to wish our Year 12, 2013 students all the
best for the rest of their HSC examinations. I would also like to thank their teachers for the support and
dedication they have provided to our senior students through such an important time in their academic
Year 12, 2014 (AKA Year 11) have already started their HSC course in English and ESL and both have their
very first HSC Assessment Task in week 7 on the Area of Study. I am sure they are looking forward to
engaging in this unit. The Area of Study is common across the grade and I am sure that it will leave all our
students feeling a strong sense of BELONGING. Good luck Year 12, start working on the task nice and early
so that you can maximise your learning. The Year 11 Drama class will be very fortunate this year to have
the addition of Miss Hewett as well as Mr Hennessy team teaching to guide them through the initial stages
of the HSC Course.
Years 9 and 10 are working extremely hard as they prepare for their formal Assessment Week in week 6.
The quality of the work produced throughout the year has been impressive so our expectations for the
Yearly results remain high. I look forward to reading through your responses and wish you all well. Year 9
students are currently completing an interesting unit of work on documentaries and Year 10 students are
preparing themselves for a feature article on their Shakespeare unit of work.
Year 8 students have been working on a ‘Close Study of Text’ unit. Their final formal Assessment Task
for stage 4 will occur during week 7. I cannot wait to see their wonderful work as I am sure it will be a
testament to their dedication and application to their studies. I have great confidence that Year 8 students
will transition smoothly into Stage 5 English.
Year 7 students have also been extremely busy, developing their Visual Literacy Skills through engaging
with a variety of visual texts. Assessment Week for Year 7 will be in week 7.This is their last formal assessment for Year 7 English and I wish them all well. It is a very exciting time as they will then start to prepare
themselves for Year 8.
Lastly but of most importance, NAPLAN results will be sent home with students last Friday. These results
are very significant as they form part of a process utilised to identify our students’ strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other students in the state. These literacy and numeracy results also form part of a
wide range of evidence utilised by faculties to adjust teaching and learning programs in order to cater to
individual students’ strengths and weaknesses.
Yvonne Garcia
Head Teacher English and Drama.
Inspire, challenge, create
Congratulations Year 12 Drama on a wonderful year of work and good luck in your HSC examinations.
Congratulations also go to Year 11 Drama (now Year 12) on finishing the preliminary HSC Drama course.
Wonderful performances, engaging designs and such a wonderful display of creativity and responsibility in
the art of ‘Theatre Production’. Well done!!
Year 10 & 9 Drama are into the home stretch. Year 10 Drama students have finished their final assessment
task, portraying a wide range of characters in their performance monologues. Year 9 Drama students
are clowning around with one of the most difficult dramatic forms known – clowning. Their workshop
performances have been hilarious, demonstrating great physicality and focus.
TEP Drama is going to the movies; creating their own video films. The genres range from horror to sci-fi to
the highly abstract. Students have been writing scripts, learning about production values, film acting and
the fine art of cinematography. Eat your heart out Martin Scorsese.
Mr Hennessy
Bill Eason Poetry Cup 2013
Invitation to Year 9 Students to submit your own poetry to this competition.
Poems should have been composed this year, in any subject area, in any
It may have been composed as part of a lesson or specifically for this
Mr Peter Markwick, alumnus of KCAHS
Open to year 9 only
Last day for submission of entries Friday 8 November 2013
Presentation period 4 Wednesday 27 November 2013 week 8A
A4 typed hard copy or electronic submission
Include name, title – no images, fancy fonts or multi-colours
Robert.klein2@det.nsw.edu.au or to English staffroom
Inspire, challenge, create
Year 10 is On the Move
Year 10 have been learning the principles behind force and motion in the Physics topic: “On
the Move’.
They ran on the hockey field, and analysed the motion using graphs in EXCEL. Students
were challenged to consider how to measure average and instantaneous speed.
Newton’s Third Law of Motion was considered,
using balloons to simulate a rocket launch.
In the laboratory, they simulated the acceleration of a toy car down a driveway, using a
plank and ticker timers. Is it possible for a toy car to reach a speed of 50 kph?
Inspire, challenge, create
Year 8 TAS 4 class have been experimenting with flavours to develop a new hamburger.
These photos show the result and the thought that went into presentation.
Aussie kangaroo burger
Greek chicken burger
Butter chicken burger
Lemon chicken burger
Inspire, challenge, create
Creative and Performing Arts……..
One of Ours! Christopher Pitcairn
Chris Pitcairn graduated from KCAHS four years ago and has just completed his studies at the national
Institute of Dramatic Art (Nida) in set and costume design.
It was a lovely surprise to be asked by Mr and Mrs Pitcairn to attend Chris’ final production of
Cymbeline at the Nida Parade Playhouse on Saturday evening. Andrew, Chris’ younger brother, was
also there and he has now started his apprenticeship as a master jeweller, under his father’s
instruction. Andrew graduated from KCAHS in 2010.
The foyer hosted an exhibition of graduating students’ work and here we can see Chris in front of
some of his costume designs for this particular production.
The set was an effective arrangement of stages that appeared to be cantilevered, suspended in air.
Chris employed a number of theatrical devices including a mesmerising mist that set the scene for a
damp British feel and even his trademark love of umbrellas made an appearance.
The costumes were clever adaptations of street wear with subtle, yet persuasive, detailing that added
to the character’s personality.
It was a fabulous night and it was such a thrill to be a
part of it. (I was classified as a significant person in
Chris’ journey!).
Chris is going straight into another two productions
and I am certain we will be hearing of him in the
Good luck!
Ms Dawson
Inspire, challenge, create
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Thursday 12.30pm – 2.30pm
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The uniform shop can be contacted during
these hours by phone or email:
(02) 94493070
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Payments must be made direct to
Alinta Apparel in the form of
cash, credit card, or debit credit card.
Price List & Online Shopping available at:
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Inspire, challenge, create