valley news - Hunter Valley Grammar School
valley news - Hunter Valley Grammar School
Newsletter # 13: Friday 13 September 2013 Term 3 Week 8 VALLEY NEWS success through endeavour Contents PRINCIPALS REPORT Dates to remember Term 3, 2013 From the Registrar PRESCHOOL JUNIOR SCHOOL SECONDARY SCHOOL SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL English Faculty Mathematics Faculty Music Faculty Information & Resources (Library) Business & Humanities Duke of Edinburgh Young ICT Explorer Electric Vehicle Prize – Team Reports TAS- Technical and Applied Science Modern Languages – Japan update Dubai International Rugby 7’s Silent Auction Sport Relay for Life Canteen Parents & Friends Association 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 17 17 23 23 23 PRINCIPALS REPORT Congratulations to our School Leaders for 2014 After a vigorous selection process including interviews, presentations and voting the 2014 School Leaders have been announced. The selection process was preceded by a leadership preparation course run throughout the year. Captains: Vice Captains: SRC President: Barrington: Gloucester: Liverpool: Watagan: Madison Boyd and Charles Fielder Vanessa Fowosere and Andrew Rudge Courtney Webb Matthew Wheeler and Emily Box Andrew Rudge and Freyja Schindler Jackson Cameron and Brooke Carroll Lachlan Falconer-Adams and Alex Humphreys Next Thursday we farewell our Class of 2013 and wish them well as they prepare for HSC examinations. 1 Building work commences in Junior School and soon to commence in C block Primary parents have probably noticed that work has commenced on the extension to P5 which will result in two new classrooms and a refurbished primary staff common room. The additional classrooms are required to meet the teaching and learning spaces required for a three stream K-6 Junior School which will be fully achieved in 2014. During the September school holidays, demolition and removal of C block will occur to enable a two story nine classroom block to be constructed in its place. This block will have four new science classrooms on the ground level and five general learning spaces on the upper floor and will be home to the English faculty. This move will allow the Languages faculty to relocate to A block giving the classrooms in the Cameron Centre to the PDHPE faculty. Both projects will cost approximately $4.5M. The school’s capacity to achieve capital projects and to ensure we provide excellent facilities for our students is possible for two reasons: very sound and prudent financial management and parent’s contribution over many years to the Voluntary Building Fund. 10% of the cost for these projects has been provided by funds held in the Building Fund. This is an opportune time to remind families to contribute to the Building Fund. This can be achieved when paying school fees by making an additional payment which is allocated to the Fund. Contributions to the Building Fund are fully Tax deductible and ensure we can maintain a progressive capital development plan. Parent contributions over the years have assisted the school achieve a wonderful campus, very impressive for a school with a young 24 year history. HSC Drama Accolade Congratulations to Mrs White and the nine students from three different performance groups in the HSC Drama class who have achieved nomination for the Board of Studies and the Department of Education OnSTAGE exhibition of outstanding HSC Drama, held in February at the Seymour Centre, Sydney. This is a significant acknowledgement of the amazing talent within this Year 12 Drama cohort, the peer support that reinforces much of their dramatic endeavor and the most valuable guidance from Mrs White in particular, as well as Mr Fisher, parents and peers. Well done! Last Sunday, with the much appreciated support of parents, our Language/Literature TOM team assembled at the University of NSW to represent the Hunter Region at the State Finals, competing against ten other teams from around Australia. The team were taken to a room with a supervisor and given 3 hours to devise a 10 minute play in response to a specific challenge. This year, the challenge was called ‘On A Matter…Whatta?’ In general, the challenge required each team to devise a situation where some characters (of their own making) had a problem and needed to solve it. Specifically, the dialogue needed to creatively and meaningfully include examples of onomatopoeia (sound words like crash, whoosh, thud etc…). Our team was the 11th performance in a long afternoon but their hilarious scene ensured the tired audience well and truly woke up! The scene appropriated the film noir situation of an interrogation to solve the problem of how and why a character’s finger was chopped off when someone slammed a door on it. There were many funny lines (eg: “So tell me, did you take a walk down Murder Lane?” and the final line – “Don’t worry, it’ll grow back”!) and some interesting references to a Drama teacher called Mrs White and a Principal with a military background where apparently “we did a lot of Drama”. While the humour of the scene was excellent and the audience loved it, we needed to address some of the challenge criteria more effectively to obtain the kind of score that would topple a couple of the other strong performances, unfortunately, we came home empty handed this year. Each student can still be happy that they produced a strong effort, especially the Year 10 girls who were competing for the last time because Secondary TOM is limited to involvement from Years 7-10. Meanwhile, our Year 7 girls gained valuable experience that they can take into the competition in 2014. 2 TOM State Finalists: Hannah Berry, Sarah Broadfield, Logan Fisher, Laura Higgins, Katie Jolliffe, Emma Killalea and Munesu Kuvesa. Our special thanks to Mr Fisher who co-ordinates the secondary school component of TOM, he does an excellent job (written by Mr Fisher & Mr Jolliffe) NSW State Enduro Motorcycle Champion Congratulations to Jeremy Gould (Yr 9) who was acclaimed NSW Champion after 8 gruelling rounds during 2013. Well done Jeremy on your second State Championship. I take this opportunity to wish all of our School families an enjoyable spring holiday break. If the sensational weather continues we will certainly be able to enjoy our Hunter climate and the wonderful country we have. Paul Teys Principal PLEASE SUPPORT THE GABES GRAMMAR GOLF DAY …. We still have “Hole Sponsorships” remaining and space for “Team Only” entries. Get your golfing buddies together and prepare for a great day at Cypress Lakes Resort, Friday 18 October. If you would like to support the Gabes Grammar Golf Day and do not play golf or are unable to attend we are seeking sponsorship by way of prize donations. Don’t forget you could WIN $10,000 in The Mutual Hole in One Challenge! Please contact Susan Boyd 4931 0717 or for more information. ates to remember Term 3, 2013 Dates to remember Term 3, 2013 CC=Cameron Centre, LH = Latter Hall, JS = Junior School, SS = Secondary School, SSS= Senior Secondary School SEPTEMBER Thur 19 Fri 20 Year 12 Farewell - Lunch for Year 12 and parents, 12:20pm Assembly for whole school 1:20pm CC Yr 10 Modern Jive – all day event, CC Year 11 Presentation Ball Panthers Newcastle 5:45pm END OF TERM 3 OCTOBER Tues 8 First day of Term 4 3 From the Registrar Parents Considering Withdrawing Students from HVGS If you are intending withdrawing children from continuing in 2014 at Hunter Valley Grammar School, we would be very pleased to hear from you as soon as possible. If there is a possibility of a relocation at any time, please contact me. This assists the School with planning for courses and particularly setting the Budget. Parents are reminded that a FULL TERM’S NOTICE, in writing to the Principal is required to be given by the parents before a student leaves the School and if a parent is intending to withdraw a child on the last day of a particular Term, then notice would have to be given at the start of the Term. In default of such notice, the Enrolment Bond will be forfeited. The Enrolment Bond is refundable given these Conditions are met and upon written application within 6 months of the student leaving the School. Part or all of the deposit may be retained to offset any outstanding monies owing to the School. Any Bond not claimed within these 6 months will be accepted as a gracious donation to the School and a tax invoice will be issued. Jenny Fisher Registrar Scholarships available to HVGS students Every year, Hunter Valley Grammar School offers outstanding young students the opportunity to apply for a Scholarship. Scholarships are offered in the areas of Academia and Music. Scholarships take the form of a part or full remission in fees depending on results and are only available to Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents. For further information, please contact the Registrar, Mrs Jennifer Fisher on 4931 0771 or email Academic Scholarships – for Entry into Years 7-12, 2015 Hunter Valley Grammar School offers "Secondary School Scholarships" to students who will be entering Years 712 (CSTP). Please refer to the Academic Application online to register (CSTP Secondary School) via our School website. The fee is $120 per candidate application. Online candidate registrations will close at midnight Monday 10 February 2014. Register for Level 1 - if you are currently in Year 6 & 7 Register for Level 2 - if you are currently in Year 8 & 9 Register for Level 3 - if you are currently in Year 10 & 11 Music Scholarships Music Scholarships are available to students who will be entering Years 5-11 in 2014. Applicants successful in gaining an audition will be contacted and invited to audition. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by mail. 4 PRESCHOOL Happy Holidays Mrs Rowney Mrs Sheree Rowney will be on long service leave for all of Term 4, 2013. Mrs Rowney will be replaced by Mrs Carla Whiting, who is Mrs Rowney’s job share partner. Mrs Whiting already works in room 2 on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. This will mean that Mrs Whiting will be working fulltime (5 days per week) in room 2 for all of term 4. We would like to wish Mrs Rowney a very relaxing and enjoyable break and we look forward to having her back in 2014. Summer Routine From the beginning of Term 4 we will change to our summer routine. This change in routine means that children will begin the day in the outdoor environment. We would like to ask all families to ensure that applying sunscreen once again becomes part of your morning drop off. After signing in please help your child with their first application of sunscreen for the day. We will be talking to children a lot about sun safety as the UV index increases in the warmer months. Please ensure each day you also pack appropriate sun safe clothing and a broad rim hat. Water play As the months get warmer the children will begin to engage in many more water play experiences. Please ensure that you pack appropriate changes of clothes in your children’s bags and collect and wet/dirty clothes at the end of each day. Nutritious Food Please ensure that you are following our policy for healthy and nutritious lunches, morning teas and afternoon teas. Any food that does not meet standards set out by Munch and Move and NSW Health initiative will be returned home in your child’s bag. They will not be permitted to eat these items at preschool. If you would like further information on appropriate items to pack please see preschool educators. It is a requirement of the National Quality Framework and National regulations that we enforce such a strict nutrition policy. Preschool Spring Holidays We would like to wish all of our preschool families a safe and happy spring break. The last day of preschool for Term 3 will be Friday 20 September. We will return on Tuesday 8 October 2013 as Monday 7 October is a Public Holiday. Lynelle White Director/Early Childhood Teacher 5 JUNIOR SCHOOL Great Work Junior School! Our Junior School on Show Bonanza was outstanding. A huge thanks to all staff and students for your dedication and enthusiasm. We are already looking to our next event in 2 years’ time. Thank you to parents who supported the event on the night and ensured that the event was a night to remember. End of Term Thanks This term has seen the P&F, the Junior School teaching and student body and other interested parental groups join together on many occasions to provide activities that enhance our student’s school life. Thanks are extended to the P&F for the fabulous Father’s Day stall which they arranged and manned throughout the day, allowing students to purchase a special gift. Many of the events arranged by the P&F throughout this year have provided the Junior School with items which complement our teaching and learning, playground and social programs. Stage Three Head to Canberra and Bathurst Next week Year 6 will head off to Canberra to experience government and the sights of our capital, while Year 5 travelled to Bathurst this week to experience the Gold Rush Days. Student’s look forward to these wonderful experiences when through ‘hands on’ experiences they get a feel for life in the real world. Don’t Overload your Back Sack! All parents are reminded of the weight that can easily sneak into back sacks. As students become older they carry more and more books home each day, some not specified by teachers. Please ensure that you check the weight of your child’s sack and check the contents if it seems overly heavy. Names on Uniforms Parents are reminded that all uniforms should be clearly labelled. It is worthwhile to check the name is still visible, as they tend to wash out. If no name is visible it is impossible for us to find the owner. When considering uniforms can I ask parents to reflect on the length of girl’s skirts. Please check our uniform policy if unsure. Similarly, girl’s socks should not be low cut sports socks. At this time it is also important to remind parents about boys hair. Hair should be neatly cut and presented for school each day, teachers will put a note in diaries should uniforms or hair not be in line with school guidelines. Apologies to Aimee Fisher Recently I published an article about our Snow Sports teams at the State championships. Unfortunately as the document was cut into the Newsletter, Aimee’s name was removed. My apologies, she was an integral member of our team. Liz Thompson Head of Junior School 6 SECONDARY SCHOOL Responsibility - Don’t take it from them! 2013 is the year of Responsibility at HVGS as we devote discussion time and activities to exploring this important School value. This truly is an important lifelong value, one that will have a huge impact on our students’ overall life satisfaction, success and relationships. However, responsibility is rarely learned through gentle lessons, it is usually the tough experiences that teach us most about responsibility, or at least they would if we were left to experience them. It is tempting to wrap our children in cotton wool and protect them from the negative experiences of life, after all, no parent would willingly allow their child to experience physical pain, emotional hurt or undue difficulty. Yet sometimes, facing the consequences of our decisions is what really helps us to grow. I have learned more about relationships by saying sorry to people I have hurt than by ignoring and hoping the hurt will go away. I have learned more about personal accountability by admitting my mistakes and declaring that I want to do better next time. I have learned more about responsibility by acknowledging my mistakes to my teammates when I have let the team down. Each of these experiences, and many others, are at the time painful to some degree but have helped me to become more responsible now than if I had not had those experiences. Of course, parents should talk through concerns with our children, help them to see the bigger life picture and in the end remind them that we are always there for them and will support them as they work through the challenges they face. But, do let them have the experience, as tough as they may seem at times. Summer Uniform Now we are in spring, students will be wearing their summer uniform. Students are to wear their hats to and from School and at recess and lunch. Students not wearing a hat will be moved to a fully shaded area. Hunter Valley Grammar School has ‘sun-spots’ around School where any student or member of staff can access sunscreen during the day. Immunisations On 6 September, Year 7 boys and girls received their third and final vaccinations. During 2013, Year 7 students were vaccinated for the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. HPV vaccine (Gardasil): 3 dose schedule for female and male students Hepatitis B vaccine: 2 dose schedule Diphtheria-Tetanus-Whooping cough vaccine (dTpa): single dose Varicella vaccine (chickenpox): single dose This year, Year 9 boys were vaccinated against: 1. HPV vaccine (Gardasil): 3 dose schedule 2. Hepatitis B vaccine: 2 dose schedule Thank you for your assistance and support to ensure the success of the NSW Adolescent School-Based Vaccination Program. NSW achieves high vaccination coverage rates and this success is due to the strong collaboration between NSW Health, school staff and parents. 7 Lost Property Now our students are in their summer uniform, numerous jumpers have arrived in lost property. 50% of these are unmarked so are unlikely to find their way back to the rightful owner. Mrs Long has jumpers in sizes 10, 14 and 18 in her office and a bundle of unnamed jumpers have been taken to the Main Administration Office lost property box. Is your child’s Akubra/Dress Hat clearly marked? During summer, a lot of students will misplace/lose/forget/leave their Akubra/Dress Hats. This is a gentle reminder to mark your son or daughter’s hat clearly. Akubras – write in texta on the grey felt underside of the hat (not on the white silk lining). For dress hats – write in texta on the white lining strip around the underside. All writing should be able to be seen easily when the hat is first picked up; this way there is no excuse for a student picking up another student’s hat. I hope all our families have a relaxing and safe spring holiday and we look forward to our students returning in Term 4. Trevor Norman Head of Secondary School SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL Year 12 – Final week ahead It is always really hard to believe that Year 12 are coming up to their final days at school. There is, as you would expect, much excitement, but also much trepidation as this long anticipated moment approaches. We look forward to a luncheon with parents and friends on Thursday, 19 September, followed by the Year 12 Farewell Assembly, at which the School has a chance to wish the “Class of 2013” well as they look ahead to October and their actual HSC examinations. This week, our music students performed before the HSC markers in their Performance Examinations – I hope they felt they performed to their best. It is always a very big moment for any performer, and it must be such a weight off their shoulders now that it is done! We have been exceptionally impressed by the standard which performers both in Drama and Music have reached this year. This is due not just to the enormous creative talents of the students, but also to the patient guidance and hard work of their teachers – my congratulations all around! Year 11 My congratulations again go to all of the students in Year 11 who are now in the Student Leadership Group for 2014. The office bearers have now also been announced from within this group: Captains: Vice Captains: SRC President: Barrington: Gloucester: Liverpool: Watagan: Madison Boyd and Charles Fielder Vanessa Fowosere and Andrew Rudge Courtney Webb Matt Wheeler and Emily Box Andrew Rudge and Freyja Schindler Jackson Cameron and Brooke Carroll Lachlan Falconer-Adams and Alex Humphreys 8 These students will be officially presented at the Presentation Ball for the first time. Our first assembly next Term will involve these students officially taking the oath of office before the whole School at our Leaders Induction Assembly on Tuesday 8 October. Booklist Information – Year 12 courses commencing next Term The School is working in partnership with Yorke Educational to organise the purchase of textbooks required for Year 12 courses commencing in Term 4. Information will be sent home via email to all families of current Year 11 students about this. Essentially, there is an online ordering service, with the choice of home delivery for an extra charge, or delivery to the School for no charge. Full details of this are available on the website: Heads of Faculty have supplied the information regarding texts in each of the courses for which they are responsible. Questions about the texts themselves are best directed to the Faculty concerned, whilst questions about the ordering arrangements are best directed to Yorke Educational. Information about the ordering process will also be emailed out to parents. Please do not hesitate to contact me at school if you encounter any problems with this process – it is new and we hope to ensure that it all goes very smoothly! Best wishes to all of our Year 11 students as they begin their Preliminary Course examinations which mark the end of their Year 11 courses. In Term 4 they begin their actual HSC courses in earnest. They are waiting with great expectation to enter the Senior Centre, and their “grand entrance” will take place around 22 October. More detailed information will be sent out about this early in the new Term. Greg Robinson Head of Senior Secondary School English Faculty HSC Drama Accolade Congratulations to Mrs White and the nine students from three different performance groups in the HSC Drama class who have achieved nomination for the Board of Studies and the Department of Education OnSTAGE exhibition of outstanding HSC Drama, held in February at the Seymour Centre, Sydney. This is a significant acknowledgement of the amazing talent within this Year 12 Drama cohort, the peer support that reinforces much of their dramatic endeavor and the most valuable guidance from Mrs White in particular, as well as Mr Fisher, parents and peers. Well done! ABC Heywire Writing Competition HEYWIRE is an annual competition for young people from regional Australia. It's also a powerful platform for your stories, ideas and opinions. The Heywire competition calls for stories about you and the community where you live. Each year, the best stories that have been uploaded to the Heywire website are chosen to be broadcast across the ABC on Triple J, Radio National and Local Radio. Anyone can upload stories to the website, but you have to be aged between 16 and 22, and live outside Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide or Perth, to be eligible to win the annual Heywire Competition. The winning entrants (roughly 40) get the chance to go to the Heywire Regional Youth Summit in Canberra in February - all expenses paid! You can enter as many times as you like and can submit your story in any form of media: text, video, photography, audio or a song. Entries close Monday, September 16, 2013. See for details. 9 Tournament of Minds State Finals Last Sunday, with the much appreciated support of parents, our Language/Literature TOM team assembled at the University of NSW to represent the Hunter Region at the State Finals, competing against ten other teams from around Australia. The team were taken to a room with a supervisor and given 3 hours to devise a 10 minute play in response to a specific challenge. This year, the challenge was called ‘On A Matter…Whatta?’ In general, the challenge required each team to devise a situation where some characters (of their own making) had a problem and needed to solve it. Specifically, the dialogue needed to creatively and meaningfully include examples of onomatopoeia (sound words like crash, whoosh, thud etc…). Our team was the 11th performance in a long afternoon but their hilarious scene ensured the tired audience well and truly woke up! The scene appropriated the film noir situation of an interrogation to solve the problem of how and why a character’s finger was chopped off when someone slammed a door on it. There were many funny lines (eg: “So tell me, did you take a walk down Murder Lane?” and the final line – “Don’t worry, it’ll grow back”!) and some interesting references to a Drama teacher called Mrs White and a Principal with a military background where apparently “we did a lot of Drama”. While the humour of the scene was excellent and the audience loved it, we needed to address some of the challenge criteria more effectively to obtain the kind of score that would topple a couple of the other strong performances, unfortunately, we came home empty handed this year. Each student can still be happy that they produced a strong effort, especially the Year 10 girls who were competing for the last time because Secondary TOM is limited to involvement from Years 7-10. Meanwhile, our Year 7 girls gained valuable experience that they can take into the competition in 2014. TOM State Finalists: Hannah Berry, Sarah Broadfield, Logan Fisher, Laura Higgins, Katie Jolliffe, Emma Killalea and Munesu Kuvesa. Mr Fisher Mr Nick Jolliffe Head of English Mathematics Faculty Did You Know? There are 2,598,960 five-card hands possible in a 52-card deck of cards. Quote of the Week . . . He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. CHINESE PROVERB From the classroom . . . Who said Extension Mathematics was all hard work? These Year 11 students were discovering the meaning of “Locus” using coloured markers and enjoying the sunshine on the rugby oval at the same time. This is their representation of a parabola – all points equally distant from the red marker and the sideline. 10 Assessment Tasks. . . Please see below for some information on upcoming assessment tasks in Mathematics. Don’t forget that: Assessment Schedules for each Year / Course are also published in the Assessment Guides, which will shortly be available on Moodle through the School Admin links The specific dates for assessment MAY vary slightly from the dates published here due to timetable restrictions and variations to normal school routines The official Notifications of upcoming assessment tasks will be provided to the students three weeks in advance of the task, and will be uploaded to the relevant Moodle Course Year Group Course and task description Scheduled Dates Year 7 Assessment Task #4 Week 8 Assessment Task #4 – all pathways Week 8 Year 11 Yearly Exams – all courses Weeks 8/9 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 Solution to last fortnight’s problem This fortnight’s problem Jo has three numbers which she adds together in pairs. When she does this she has three different totals: 11, 17 and 22. What are the three numbers Jo had to start with? Can you describe a method that would enable you to work out the three numbers given any three totals? Music Faculty Upcoming events for music 17th September 18th October 19th October 20th October 25th October 8th November 14th November 17th November 23rd November 29th November 3rd December 4th December 3.30pm-5.00pm 4PM-5.30PM 6pm-8pm TBA 4.00pm-5.30pm 6pm-10pm 7.30pm-9.30pm 10am-3pm 10.30am-12.30pm 5.30pm-7.30pm 10.30am-11.40am All day event Piano Recital/Studio Concert - Luba Totoeva Orchestra Room Woodwind Studio Concert (Students of Craig Parish, Orchestra Fiona Room Watson, Marie Fox) Maitland Mutual Anniversary Dinner Maitland Town Hall Lake Macquarie Eisteddfod Lake Macquarie Perf Arts Centre Warners Bay Piano Recital/Studio Concert - Janina Adomski Orchestra Room Celebration of the Senses Cameron Centre Australian Chamber Orchestra Concert Newcastle Town Hall Toot Fest HVGS orchestra room/music block Studio Concert - Belinda & Steve Latter Hall from 9am-2pm St Peters Church Christmas Service St Peters Church, East Maitland HVGS Christmas Service Rehearsal Cameron Centre Rehearsal for Presentation Day Cameron Centre 11 Information & Resources (Library) At Your Service . . . Students at HVGS are very familiar with the Student Dashboard that gives them access to a range of electronic facilities. On the dashboard are a number of online subscriptions provided by Information & Resources and they include: Online access to the libraries’ catalogues – There are different search interfaces in the Softlink Oliver library management system for diverse ages and abilities so students can search for fiction and non-fiction resources. Online access to the SLASA Harvard referencing generator – It caters for Junior (abridged), Middle and Senior levels and is a useful way to quickly create reference lists for school work and assessment tasks. Online access to TWIG – This resource is useful for Science, Maths and Geography with over 1500 films matched to the curriculum. Online access to ClickView Library - Students can make use of the School's video resources for research, homework and assignments with off-campus access to the ClickView Library. Students and parents wishing to know more should contact the Information & Resources Team for assistance. Elaine Barker, Lyn Pritchard, Terena Vanderzee and Jayde Moore The Information & Resources Team Business & Humanities Year 12 Legal Studies The class of 2013, recently had a number of opportunities to enhance their learning. Firstly, on the 28 August the students attended a HSC Legal Studies Study Day at ASC, St Mary’s. The day gave insights into the demands of HSC Markers, as well as specifics for the topics of World Order, Shelter, Crime and Human Rights. The students now have a tool kit to refine the quality of their responses during the HSC Examination in October. Secondly, on Friday 6 September, students attended the Human Rights and Social Justice Lecture at the University of Newcastle. The introduction to the lecture and the speaker was given by HVGS Board Member and long-time servant of the University Dr Bernard Curran. The 2013 lecture was delivered by member of the Order of Australia recipient, author, broadcaster, journalist and former Wallaby Peter Fitzsimmons. Fitzsimmons argued the premise that sport and sporting people, such as Muhammad Ali, Nicky Winmar, Adam Goodes, Gary Norman, Lionel Rose, Cathy Freeman and Evonne Cawley can advance the causes of equality and the dignified treatment of all. The students had the opportunity to explore Human Rights from a unique perspective and also to experience some aspects of University life. 12 John Rogers’s visits During weeks 5 and 7 The Business and Humanities Faculty had the pleasure of hosting a special guest who has been sharing his experience and expertise gathered over decades working in the wine industry, particularly exporting to Asia. Mr John Rogers, Director of Caselton Wines, joined the Year 11 Society and Culture class in Week 5 for a traditional steam-boat banquet and led thoughtful discussion about the cultural traditions of China as well as sharing personal anecdotes of his experiences travelling and working with the Chinese people. Students gained insight into the political and social atmosphere in China as well as an understanding of cultural etiquette in practice. Mr Rogers joined us again in Week 7 to present a more business oriented discussion to the Year 12 Business Studies and Geography classes. Students were able to draw on more than 40 years of international sales and marketing experience, as well as Mr Rogers’ extensive knowledge of the wine industry from the vine to the table. This was a perfect complement to the students’ vineyard visit to Tulloch’s at Pokolbin earlier in Week 7. Here at HVGS we aim to forge meaningful partnerships with the broader community. This was Mr Rogers’ second visit to the School to work with our senior students, and we look forward to a continued relationship well into the future. Duke of Edinburgh The Duke of Edinburgh program has in the past few weeks had some real highlights. I was fortunate a fortnight ago to be in attendance at the presentation ceremony for the Gold Award candidates. Pictured are the three that attended Brin Anseline (2012), Julia Rutten (2012) and Michaela Thomson from the 2013 student cohort. All 3 were presented with their Gold Award by the Governor of New South Wales the Honourable Marie Bashir at Government House. The programs and persistence they have shown to complete the award are testimony to their character and will to succeed. Vietnam Trip One of the programs that incorporates the Duke of Edinburgh program is the Vietnam Community Service trip. The planning and fundraising for the trip is well advanced and we are now starting our last large fundraiser, the Raffle. Students so far have been participating in fortnightly fund raisers such as milk shake making, cake stalls, sausage sizzles to name a few. The group have begun to work together and all paperwork and deposits have now been collected. Expeditions One of the requirements for the Duke of Edinburgh award is expeditions and at the moment we are organising one for the end of next term travelling down a section of the Great North Walk. Any students who wish to do the walk need to come and see me as soon as possible. The walk will be of 3 nights and four days duration. Rick Walker TIC Duke of Edinburgh Program 13 Young ICT Explorer Young ICT explorer is a competition run by the University of New South Wales for students in Years 4 to 12. It is an opportunity for students to produce and display their best Information and Communication Technology related projects. This year we had 2 boys who wanted to enter and attached is there reports and some pictures of the final day at University of New South Wales. There final projects can be seen through the following links: Hi, I am Aiden Fuller and I am writing to tell you about the Young ICT Explorers Competition finals that we were invited to attend at the University of New South Wales, Kensington. My brother, Tynan, and I represented HVGS and competed against a large number of schools from NSW. For my project I made an educational film designed to teach children to count from 1-10 in 3 different languages (English, French and German). I used stop motion to animate Lego bricks to build the numbers from 1-10, bit-by-bit. I composed my own backing music on Garage Band. I used Cyberlink Power Director (which is a movie making program) to put it all together. On the day, we got there early and had plenty of time to set up. When my project was being judged, I was quite nervous. The judges were very nice and enjoyed my film and looked interested. They asked me a lot of questions about how I made my film. After the judging we were served lunch. It was delicious. It was great fun. I hope I can attend next year. Young ICT Explorers 2013 – by Tynan Fuller On Saturday 31 August 2013, my brother, Aiden and I went to the finals of a competition called Young ICT Explorers. It was held at the University of NSW, Kensington. We were asked to display our projects in our own display booth and then present them to a judging panel. For the competition we could make any project we wanted, with the condition that it was ICT related. The project I created was an educational Claymation video about a boy named Peter who cyber-bullies a girl named Josephine and pays the price for his bad choices. I created my movie with Sam Animation (Stop Motion Animation), Cynegobs (Green Screen software), Music Composition (Garage Band) and Voice Over. I then put all the components together in Cyberlink Powerdirector to create the complete movie. The judges were very nice to me when I was being judged. They asked me lots of questions about how and why I created my project. I answered them as accurately as I could. They seemed very interested in my video and even laughed at some parts of it. At the end of the day, they gathered everyone into the auditorium for the awards ceremony. When they announced the winners of the years 4-6 division, they called out my name. I came 3rd Place in NSW. I was given a certificate and a $100 iTunes voucher. I was so excited. I hope I can compete again next year. 14 Electric Vehicle Prize – Team Reports For the second year running, HVGS entered the Electric Vehicle Prize run by the University of Newcastle. This year we entered two teams – one in each of the school divisions: a hub class bike (where the motor is inside one wheel) and a chain class bike (where the motor drives the back wheel via a chain). Here are the reports from the two teams: Team 1 report The members of Team 1 were Harrison Poynter, Ben Myers, Edward Meredith, Damon Jones, Josh Spring, Sarah Mayall and Miriam Lewis. Our journey began and we worked out our design, bought a bike, battery and motor. In building our electric vehicle we had to make sure that we stuck to the guidelines, budget, and the shape of the bike has to be aerodynamic. After a lot of work the bike was rideable by the start of Term 3, and we started to test ride it. Lots of people saw us riding it around the car park and the paths of the School. On Tuesday 6 August, the long awaited practice day had arrived. This involved scrutineering, driver training and a practice session. Altogether the day went smoothly and we had lots of fun. After the thrilling day it was back to work, to improve the bike even more to be prepared for the race. During the day we had many teachers, families and friends there to support us. Some people who came were Mr Teys and Mrs Long. The major sponsors of the prize also came to watch the races! First up was the scrutineering and questions about the design, marketing and general information about the bike. Next, we had the pole position trials and Damon and Sarah were the riders. We came 6th which was a great position. The final race for the chain section finally came. Sarah started the race and was riding for 30 minutes, then she swapped with Damon and he rode until the battery ran out. In the end we came out 7th in our division and walked away with $100 prize money. Altogether this was a great experience for all of us and we would recommend it for anyone who wants to learn about engines, batteries, work with electrics and do lots of practical work. Thanks to Mr Roberts, Mr Redhead and Mr Mayall, for helping us and to all of the parents and friends who supported us! By Miriam Lewis and Sarah Mayall Team 2 Report We had to research for parts and fixtures that would be fitted to the bike to meet the rules, as we had to have things like brake lights, turn signals, fairings and many other things including safety features. Once the parts had been ordered and had arrived, we were fortunate to have some teachers very generously give up their afternoons and some lunchtimes to get this electric bike on the road and ready for race day. Some of the things that had to be done was designing fairings (which are the aerodynamic fixtures, like that on a motor bike), designing a stand to hold the back wheel up, connecting wires and testing electrical equipment, fixing things to the bike, and making it go fast and look good. We could not have done it without the help of Mr Roberts, Mr Redhead and Mr Mayall: they helped us in every way possible making sure things where on track and up to a high standard. Unfortunately Team 2’s hub motor died as the controller sadly burnt out. Mr Mayall fixed a new one but we were unable to ride our bike at the practice day due to technical difficulties. 15 Race day came and everything was looking good, until halfway through the race our bike decided to pull a wobbly and not work anymore, again due to technical difficulties. Although this stood in our way it did not in any way affect what we learnt over the course of this project – it was fun and exciting to see so many people participating in such an event. HVGS hopes to expand this project over the future making it into an even bigger project. By Brayden Duignan-Teys for Team 2 (which also included Willem Hendriks, Mitchell Levick, James McCaffrey, Harry Burns, James Davies). TAS- Technical and Applied Science Last week was again very busy for the department with the turn of the Year 12 Design and Technology to present their HSC work for marking. Three students have worked very hard to develop their ideas into some excellent projects. These were supported with a folio that charted their design journey, explaining their thoughts and decision along the way. Austin Bond constructed an electric guitar. However, the difference is that he can play it without having to plug it in. This required him to incorporate a power supply, and amp into the body of the guitar. He has also incorporated a digital tuner so it becomes a completely autonomous unit. David Cantwell needed a cupboard that could turn into a bed. He then went about designing a piece of furniture that looks like a wardrobe with sliding doors and shallow cupboards to hold pillows and linen, but with a simple opening of a door, a bed folds down for immediate use. Oliver Wesley has a love of skateboarding and finds riding at night difficult. To make night riding safer he designed a long board with LED lighting. This allows him to see at night and also be seen by others. He designed the shape and finish to make a very special looking board. Year 11 Design and Technology has also finished their major project which was a piece of furniture that had to have a recycled component. Dylan Bennett made a table that used left over decking boards. Taylor Daaboul McKenzie made a pallet seat for an outdoor area, while Rebecca Smith used some old draws to a make a jewellery display stand. Jack Mackenzie repurposed a tree slab and made a new coffee table base, Georgia Barry made a bed base based on pallets while Emily Garrett used some old children’s blankets to make a dress. Each project showed some real ingenuity and gave them a good insight to what is expected next year. 16 Modern Languages – Japan update Japan Trip 2014 Update Thank you to all who have already expressed interest in participating in the Japan Trip next year. We are now releasing details of the itinerary and costings for this trip. This information will be emailed to parents who have already expressed interest in their child participating in this trip. Information afternoon We will also hold an information afternoon for this trip on Wednesday, October 9 from 5:00pm. We are hoping to have a representative of the travel agency attend this meeting. If you wish to receive this information or express interest in having your child participate in this trip, please email Mrs Chantler: This tour is open to students in Years 8 - 12 (in 2014). Dubai International Rugby 7’s Silent Auction The items listed below will auctioned off to raise funds for the team heading to Dubai in November. Please note each item has a reserve. Please email with your bid prior to Midday on Wednesday 18 September. 1 x Oliver Wesley Photographic Prints 1 x Dinner voucher Il Cacciatore Michael Clarke starting bid $1000 Cadel Evans starting bid $750 Black Caviar starting bid $750 Lionel Messi starting bid $1000 NZ All Blacks starting bid $1250 1 x 5 night Accommodation voucher to The Observatory Port Macquarie (3 bedroom Penthouse) (valued at over $3000 Sport 2013 Primary Sport dates Maitland Touch Gala HRIS Tennis Championships 19 September 18 October Presentation Days in Cameron Centre Junior School Basketball 9 October 3.15pm (in foyer) HVGS Football (Soccer) Club 9 October - Cameron Centre U 6 - U 10 = 3.15pm - 4.15pm U 13 - U 18 = 4.30pm - 5.00pm 17 2013 HRIS Secondary Sport dates Golf Championships Touch Gala 15 yrs Softball trials Touch Gala Open 11 October 22 October 24 October 29 October Sports Presentation Evening The 2013 Sports Presentation Evening will occur on Wednesday 20 November. The evening will celebrate the successes of the students of our School in the many sports in which we participate. We will acknowledge our Age Champions, MVP and CIS representative as well as present the Sportsperson of the Year. One set of awards that we present are for the students that represent NSW in sports that are not part of the School structure. I would like to invite parents of students that have represented NSW in 2013 to please contact me at School. Sports Photos If you have some great action shots of HVGS students participating in sport I would really appreciate a copy. The photos could be used for various publications as well as the Sports Presentation evening. Please send copies through to Mr Burgess on NSW State Enduro Motorcycle Champion Congratulations to Jeremy Gould (Yr 9) who was acclaimed NSW Champion after 8 gruelling rounds during 2013. Well done Jeremy on your second State Championship. Rugby This will be the last Rugby bulletin for the Term. Before signing off for the end of the Rugby season it is important to acknowledge the Rugby achievements for 2013. There are still Rugby events to update as this version is posted on-line. Digby Rayward Shield Good luck to the Digby Rayward Shield team for their upcoming matches to be played at HVGS on the 13 September. After a great year the HVGS team are looking to regain the Shield. The biggest threat will again come from the strong Edgeworth side. In all 6 teams will contest this competition U14’s Success The other success story of the 2013 season, the U14s will travel to Forster on the 17 September to contest the final of the Coast to Country Cup. This is the first time the School has reached the finals. The lively training sessions of late indicate that the boys are raring to go. NSW Country Jack Arthur will be part of the NSW Country Schools side that will take on the Fijian Schoolboy side in Armidale on the 24 September. The scorecard from 2013 would demonstrate that along with Jack Arthur, Cooper Jenkins reached a high level of representative School’s rugby. The U12s reached the State Finals in 7s, HVGS had a positive showing against Central Coast Grammar in a series of matches and, the School once again successfully hosted an international fixture. 18 Special Thanks It is necessary at this juncture to recognise the efforts of the coaching staff: Ross Murdoch, Angus Morgan, Glenn Death, Brett Blake and Gareth Hawgood. Thanks go to our resident referee Rick Walker. Special mention must go to the Maintenance crew (Andrew Martin and Andrew Mullard), at the School for their tireless work in preparing the Rugby Field and their efforts on game day. Tours The outline of prospective tours to South Africa and the USA have been received. Investigations into the viability of each tour are being conducted, with a final decision by the end of the Term. Boys Night The Rugby program in conjunction with the Boys Initiate are looking to hold a father and son evening on the 19 October. This date will coincide with the final Bledisloe Cup match and will also see the announcement for the 1 st XV Awards for 2013. More details later. HVGS Rugby Captain After discussions being held around the appointment of a Captain of Rugby, it has been decided to institute this position at the beginning of the 2014 season. As part of the NSW Rugby Union Program “Play by the Rules” all players will be required to sign a Code of Conduct form. This form demonstrates an affirmation of respect and fair play, and an acknowledgement that players will do their best for their team mates. If parents/supporters of our Rugby players have reports of their achievements and photos that can be used in the School Newsletter/Magazine please contact Mr Guy at the School using 19 Football Report – Hunter Valley Football Association Grand Finals Football (soccer) We had 2 of our teams compete in Grand Finals over the weekend. The U 13’s coached by Mr Trent Bell and the U 18’s. Unfortunately both teams were defeated. The U 13’s went down 1-0 to Westlakes in a tight contest. The U 18’S lost 4-1 to Maitland in a much closer game than the score reflects. Both teams have enjoyed tremendous seasons and I congratulate them on their efforts. Teams consisted of: U 13 Team: Tim Jeffries, Callum Lynn, Nathaniel Lynn, Reece Bell, Isaac Shepherd, Harrison Dean, Nicholas Ho, Yash Upadhyaya, Alicia Watson, Hal Levick, Charlie Norman, Johannes Kreft-Osorio, Marcus Graham, Ethan Innis U 18 Team: Callum Ross, Nathaniel Sandosam, Romina Velarde, Sascha Halpin, Zac Cockbain, Caden Jensen, Morgan O’Doherty, Matthew Bajramovic, Aimee Hill, Austin Bond, Lewis King, Jonathan Howes, Matthew Wheeler, Ethan Axford, Taylor Kerr. Mr Ralph Maier TIC Football HVGS Hockey HVGS will be again entering teams into Maitland Hockey Association’s summer competition. We are currently taking expressions of interest for students in years 3-6 for the U12 competition and student in years 7 and 8 for the U14 competition. No prior playing experience is required! Anyone can play. Participation will involve training one afternoon until 4:00pm at HVGS and a game one week night per week during the school term only (no games in holiday time) at Maitland Park. Further information is limited at present and will become available as the competition approaches. In the past HVGS has entered primary aged teams and this year we are hoping to expand our involvement to include lower high school students as well. If your child/ren are interested in participating in the competition or you have further questions please email me at Abbey Lindner TIC Hockey Rugby League 7’s On Monday 3 teams headed to Bankstown to compete in the NSW CIS Rugby League Sevens Championships. The Open team started well with a convincing win (John Wycliffe CS) before going down to a well drilled Riverina Anglican. On for and against the side was placed into the Plate Division. Two solid wins in the afternoon were not enough to secure a grand final position. The 15’s side were off to a slow start with a draw before hitting their straps and putting a string of wins together. Unfortunately they were stopped by BTAC in the semi-finals. The 13’s came close in every game. Another slow start hindered them only slightly. Every game had HVGS in the lead until the dying minutes. It was a great day and all of the boys played some great Rugby League. Congratulations to all players and coaches involved. 20 Team members included: Open: Nicholas Andrews, Jack Arthur, Grant Bailey, James Bodycote, James Bowman, Huon Croucher, Timothy Farmer, Ryan Gael, Jonathan Hope, Daniel Killalea, Carter Redman, and Jacob Smyth. 13’s: Harry Clancy, Laurence Dalo, Seamus Dennehy, Toby Glasson, Samuel Hope, Alexander Moore, Alekisio Ngatuvai, George Storer, Remy Thomas. 15’s: Lachlan Bradford, Jackson Cant, Sam Jolliffe, Bailey Kuppers, Askil Mathias, Sean McLennan, Lachlan Mullen, Kane Murray, Max Swanenberg, Tom Underwood, Milan van Niekerk. Swimming Club HVGS will start a swimming club in Term 4. The foundation group will be those that have emailed their interest and received a follow up email. This group will train on Monday and Thursday mornings at 7am at East Maitland Pool in Term 4. If you would like to join the Swimming Club please email Tony Burgess on Students are to be at least 7 years of age and be able to swim 100m unassisted. Secondary Athletics Congratulations to our Athletics squad that have continued to perform well at representative carnivals. All Schools Knockout HVGS was the only School to field 6 teams in the Hunter Region Schools knockout recently. All teams finished in the top 3 with our U15 and U19 boys finishing as champions. Our U15 boys finished 5th in the State and have their fingers crossed that they will get selected to represent at the Nationals in December. U15 boys squad included: Caleb Hill, Flynn Lefmann, Askil Mathias, Finn Mitchell, Douglas Perrott. U19 boys squad included: Jack Arthur, Ethan Axford, Grant Bailey, Austin Bond, Guy Morris, Andrew Rudge, Isaac Wesley. AICES Championships Results Name Ethan Axford Age 17 years Grant Bailey Matilda Barrass 18 years 16 years Dylan Bennett Mason Boyd Lucy Burls Jackson Cant 16 years 14 years 15 years 15 years Brooke Carroll Isabella Ferencz Anu Fowosere Aimee Hill 16 years 13 years 14 years 18 years Caleb Hill 14 years Event 200m 100m Shot Put High Jump 200m Long Jump 100m Long jump High Jump Long Jump 200m 100m 400m 1500m Shot Put 200m Shot Put Javelin Triple Jump Result 24.37 11.74 10.35m 1.44m 27.41 4.82 13.56 6.20m 1.75m 4.24m 24.61 12.10 1.06.49 6.03.43 7.72m 31.35 7.54m 25.20m 10.96m 21 Place 7th 1st 2nd 2nd 4th 2nd 4th 2nd 1st 6th 4th 2nd 5th 9th 8th 8th 5th 2nd 1st Runner up AICES Age Champion 24.47m 59.59 2.13.42 4.44.49 20.63m 16.67m 29.47m 10.67m 5.46m 11.58m 24.40 1.65m 27.54 1.35m 12.30 2.51.56 14.23 10.40m 29.15 2.36.53 32.31m 14.78 1.35m 1.04.86 2.30.44 57.24 2.22.60 9.60m 20.18m 3.97m 28.86 28.73 14.17 9.14m 56.26 7th 5th 2nd 2nd 4th 6th 3rd 3rd 3rd 3rd 1st 3rd 9th 4th 8th 4th 7th 1st 5th 2nd 1st 11th 4th 4th 4th 7th 5th 3rd 6th 2nd 5th 4th 6th 6th 4th Emma Jack Lucy Kell Flynn Lefmann 18 years 12 years 14 years Askil Mathias 14 years Finn Mitchell Caitlin Molan Guy Morris Akanete Ngatuvai 13 years 14 years 18 years 17 years Edwin Nicholson AICES Age Champion 12 years Kristina O’Brien 14 years Jayden Saetta 15 years Alexandria Short 15 years Lucy Starkey Chantelle Thornton Rebecca Winder 12 years 17 years 17 years Kristina O’Brien, Caitlin Molan, Grace Cockbain, Brittany Carroll Flynn Lefmann, Askil Mathias, Finn Mitchell, Douglas Perrott Matilda Barrass Akanete Ngatuvai, Chantelle Thornton, Rebecca Winder U14 Javelin 400m 800m 1500m Javelin Discus Javelin Triple Jump Long Jump Shot Put 200m High Jump 200m High Jump 100m 800m 100m Shot Put 200m 800m Discus 100m High Jump 400m 800m 400m 800m Shot Put Discus Long Jump 200m 200m 100m Triple Jump 4x 100m relay U14 4x 100m relay 50.22 2nd 15 years + 4 x 100m relay 53.69 3rd A special mention must go to Edwin and Caleb for their outstanding all-round performance. Well done to all athletes and good luck to those who will now compete at the Secondary CIS Championships on 18 September. Equestrian Our riders competed at Sugar Loaf Pony Club rally day on 11 August and Clair Bonnor achieved 1st place in her Hack and Rider Class. She placed second in the Dressage, Show jumping, bareback Class and Pair of Riders. Clair also competed in some sporting events placing 3rd. On 22 August Clair Bonnor attended the show rider and came 1st in her riding class. 22 On 19 August, Ruby Varley competed at “Jump into spring” at Hawkesbury achieving 3rd and 5th place in the 90cm super phase as well as a 3rd in the 1 metre super phase jump. It is pleasing to see the ability and the confidence shown by students participating in equestrian for sport. Last week the students had a game of musical chairs where they had to ride around in the arena and when the music stopped they had correctly dismount and be the first to sit down hanging onto the horses reins. Claire Bonnor won in group 1 and Anika Buining won in group 2. On Friday 30 August, Baylee Wheeler competed at Gloucester School horse sports and received the Reserve Champion trophy for her age group. Relay for Life Thanks for your support! Sheryl Otway and Lyn Pritchard Canteen Canteen Last Day Availability As advised on the menu/pricelist on the last day of each Term, there is a limited menu, so on Friday September 20 please take note when placing orders online. Pies, party pies, sausage rolls, pizza roundas, pizza slabs and chicken sticks will be available for lunch orders. No milk drinks or sandwiches may be ordered. As usual other items will be available over the counter. Enquiries may be made to the canteen phone 49310740 or email Helen Cannon Supervisor Parents & Friends Association President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Committee Brad Russ M 0417 297367 Lindel Eicher Susan Chevis Diana Abrams Karen Baker, Ellen Fleming, Kaylee Sparks All meetings are at 6:30pm in The Senior Centre (Upstairs in the Music Block). Morning Sessions 9:30am at the Maitland Visitor Information Centre Cafe on the FOLLOWING Monday. 23