Original Article - Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
Original Article - Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
www.arquivosonline.com.br Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia • ISSN-0066-782X • Volume 101, Nº 4, October 2013 Figure 1 - Cardiac magnetic resonance in short axis, two chambers (heart mid section), after injecting gadolinium to evaluate the delayed myocardial enhancement in a 26-year old patient with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension at Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital. It was observed a delayed myocardial enhancement in the anterior and posterior portions of the interventricular septum, on the right ventricular insertion points (red arrows). Page 338 Editorial Review Article Impact of National Scientific Production in Cardiology on the Rating of Renal Sympathetic Denervation for Resistant Hypertension Treatment Journals Published in Brazil - Current Perspectives Original Articles Letter to the Editor Relationship between Anthropometric Measures and Cardiovascular Impact on Hypertension Reclassification by Ambulatory Blood Risk Factors in Children and Adolescents Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) according to the V Brazilian Guidelines Influence of Carotid Injury in Post-Myocardial Revascularization on ABPM Surgery and Its Late Evolution Carvedilol Enhances the Antioxidant Effect of Vitamins E and C in Prognostic Factors in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome without ST-segment Elevation Chronic Chagas Heart Disease Early Change of Extracellular Matrix and Diastolic Parameters in Metabolic Syndrome Nonlinear Methods to Assess Changes in Heart Rate Variability in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Eletronic Pages Clinicoradiological Session Case 5/2013 - A Four-Year-Old Boy with a Rhabdomyoma- Medical Students Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Middle Type Cardiac Tumor in Both Ventricles and Repeated Ventricular School Brazilian Students Tachycardia Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Use of Delayed Contrast-Enhanced Case Report Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Risk Assessment Big Endothelin-1 and Nitric Oxide in Hypertensive Elderly Patients with and without Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome Renal Denervation by Ablation with Innovative Technique in Resistant Hypertension Exuberant Pattern of Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Hypertrophic Genetic Polymorphism G894T and the Prognosis of Heart Failure Cardiomyopathy Outpatients Viewpoint Features of the Onset of Takayasu’s Arteritis According to Gender Paternalism, Autonomy and Ontology A JOURNAL OF SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE CARDIOLOGIA - Published since 1948 Contents Editorial Impact of National Scientific Production in Cardiology on the Rating of Journals Published in Brazil Luiz Felipe P. Moreira .....................................................................................................................................................................page 286 Original Articles Pediatric Cardiology Relationship between Anthropometric Measures and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children and Adolescents Miria Suzana Burgos, Leandro Tibiriçá Burgos, Marcelo Dias Camargo, Silvia Isabel Rech Franke, Daniel Prá, Antônio Marcos Vargas da Silva, Tássia Silvana Borges, Pâmela Ferreira Todendi, Miriam Beatris Reckziegel, Cézane Priscila Reuter .....................................................................................................................................................................page 288 Heart Surgery - Adults Influence of Carotid Injury in Post-Myocardial Revascularization Surgery and Its Late Evolution Maria Sol Calero Revelo, Daniel Pio de Oliveira, Flávia Bittar Britto Arantes, Camila Camarço Batista, João Italo Dias França, Silmara Cristina Friolani. Jorge Eduardo Assef, José Eduardo Martins Barbosa, Ana Claudia Petisco, Pedro Silvio Farsky .....................................................................................................................................................................page 297 Chagas’ Disease Carvedilol Enhances the Antioxidant Effect of Vitamins E and C in Chronic Chagas Heart Disease Patrícia Budni, Roberto Coury Pedrosa Eduardo Monguilhott Dalmarco, Juliana Bastos Dalmarco, Tânia Sílvia Frode, Danilo Wilhelm Filho .....................................................................................................................................................................page 304 Echocardiography (Adults) Early Change of Extracellular Matrix and Diastolic Parameters in Metabolic Syndrome Angela B. S. Santos, Mauricio Junges, Daiane Silvello, Adriana Macari, Bruno S. de Araújo, Beatriz G. Seligman, Bruce B. Duncan, Luis Eduardo P. Rohde, Nadine Clausell, Murilo Foppa .....................................................................................................................................................................page 311 Electrocardiography Nonlinear Methods to Assess Changes in Heart Rate Variability in Type 2 Diabetic Patients Bhaskar Roy and Sobhendu Ghatak .....................................................................................................................................................................page 317 Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia - Volume 101, Nº 4, October 2013 Emergencies Medical Students Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Middle School Brazilian Students Lucas Gaspar Ribeiro, Rafael Germano, Pedro Lugarinho Menezes, André Schmidt, Antônio Pazin-Filho .....................................................................................................................................................................page 328 Pulmonary Hypertension Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Use of Delayed Contrast-Enhanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Risk Assessment Luiz Gustavo Pignataro Bessa, Flávia Pegado Junqueira, Marcelo Luiz da Silva Bandeira, Marcelo Iorio Garcia, Sérgio Salles Xavier, Guilherme Lavall, Diego Torres, Daniel Waetge .....................................................................................................................................................................page 336 Systemic Hypertension Big Endothelin-1 and Nitric Oxide in Hypertensive Elderly Patients with and without Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome Iara Felicio Anunciato, Rômulo Rebouças Lobo, Eduardo Barbosa Coelho, Waldiceu Aparecido Verri Jr., Alan Luiz Eckeli, Paulo Roberto Barbosa Évora, Fernando Nobre, Júlio César Moriguti, Eduardo Ferriolli, Nereida Kilza da Costa Lima .....................................................................................................................................................................page 344 Heart Failure Genetic Polymorphism G894T and the Prognosis of Heart Failure Outpatients Oziel Marcio Araujo Tardin, Sabrina Bernardez Pereira, Monica Wanderley Monçores Velloso, Henrique Miller Balieiro, Bruno Costa, Thiago Oliveira e Alves, Camila Giro, Leandro Pontes Pessoa, Georgina Severo Ribeiro, Evandro Tinoco Mesquita .....................................................................................................................................................................page 352 Aortic Diseases Features of the Onset of Takayasu’s Arteritis According to Gender Andrea Rocha de Saboia Mont’Alverne, Luiz Eduardo de Paula, Samuel Katsuyuki Shinjo .....................................................................................................................................................................page 359 Review Article Renal Sympathetic Denervation for Resistant Hypertension Treatment - Current Perspectives Andréa Araujo Brandão, Erika Maria Gonçalves Campana, Maria Eliane Campos Magalhães, Esmeralci Ferreira .....................................................................................................................................................................page 364 Letter to the Editor Impact on Hypertension Reclassification by Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) according to the V Brazilian Guidelines on ABPM Guilherme Brasil Grezzana, Airton Tetelbon Stein, Lúcia Campos Pellanda .....................................................................................................................................................................page 372 Prognostic Factors in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome without ST-segment Elevation Sinan İşcen .....................................................................................................................................................................page 373 Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia - Volume 101, Nº 4, October 2013 Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia - Eletronic Pages Clinicoradiological Session Case 5/2013 - A Four-Year-Old Boy with a Rhabdomyoma-Type Cardiac Tumor in Both Ventricles and Repeated Ventricular Tachycardia Edmar Atik ....................................................................................................................................................................page 74 Case Report Renal Denervation by Ablation with Innovative Technique in Resistant Hypertension Luiz Aparecido Bortolotto, Thiago Midlej-Brito, Cristiano Pisani, Valéria Costa-Hong, Maurício Scanavacca ....................................................................................................................................................................page 77 Exuberant Pattern of Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Elsa Fernandes, Gabriel C. Camargo, Maria Eduarda Derenne, Tamara Rothstein, Ilan Gottlieb ....................................................................................................................................................................page 80 Viewpoint Paternalism, Autonomy and Ontology Max Grinberg and Antonio Sergio de Santis Andrade Lopes ....................................................................................................................................................................page 83 * Indicate manuscripts only in the electronic version. To view them, visit: http://www.arquivosonline.com.br/2013/english/10104/edicaoatual.asp Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia - Volume 101, Nº 4, October 2013 www.arquivosonline.com.br A JOURNAL OF SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE CARDIOLOGIA - Published since 1948 Scientific Director Interventionist Cardiology Luiz Alberto Piva e Mattos Pedro A. Lemos Chief Editor Pediatric/Congenital Cardiology Luiz Felipe P. Moreira Associated Editors Clinical Cardiology José Augusto Barreto-Filho Surgical Cardiology Paulo Roberto B. Evora Antonio Augusto Lopes Arrhythmias/Pacemaker Mauricio Scanavacca Non-Invasive Diagnostic Methods Carlos E. Rochitte Basic or Experimental Research Leonardo A. M. Zornoff Epidemiology/Statistics Lucia Campos Pellanda Arterial Hypertension Paulo Cesar B. V. Jardim Ergometrics, Exercise and Cardiac Rehabilitation Ricardo Stein First Editor (1948-1953) † Jairo Ramos Editorial Board Brazil Adib D. Jatene (SP) Alexandre A. C. Abizaid (SP) Alfredo José Mansur (SP) Álvaro Avezum (SP) Amanda G. M. R. Sousa (SP) André Labrunie (PR) Andrei Sposito (DF) Angelo A. V. de Paola (SP) Antonio Augusto Barbosa Lopes (SP) Antonio Carlos C. Carvalho (SP) Antônio Carlos Palandri Chagas (SP) Antonio Carlos Pereira Barretto (SP) Antonio Cláudio L. Nóbrega (RJ) Antonio de Padua Mansur (SP) Ari Timerman (SP) Armênio Costa Guimarães (BA) Ayrton Klier Péres (DF) Ayrton Pires Brandão (RJ) Barbara M. Ianni (SP) Beatriz Matsubara (SP) Braulio Luna Filho (SP) Brivaldo Markman Filho (PE) Bruce B. Duncan (RS) Bruno Caramelli (SP) Carisi A. Polanczyk (RS) Carlos Alberto Pastore (SP) Carlos Eduardo Negrão (SP) Carlos Eduardo Rochitte (SP) Carlos Eduardo Suaide Silva (SP) Carlos Vicente Serrano Júnior (SP) Celso Amodeo (SP) Charles Mady (SP) Claudio Gil Soares de Araujo (RJ) Cleonice Carvalho C. Mota (MG) Dalton Valentim Vassallo (ES) Décio Mion Jr (SP) Denilson Campos de Albuquerque (RJ) Dikran Armaganijan (SP) Djair Brindeiro Filho (PE) Domingo M. Braile (SP) Edmar Atik (SP) Edson Stefanini (SP) Elias Knobel (SP) Eliudem Galvão Lima (ES) Emilio Hideyuki Moriguchi (RS) Enio Buffolo (SP) Eulógio E. Martinez Fº (SP) Evandro Tinoco Mesquita (RJ) Expedito E. Ribeiro da Silva (SP) Fábio Sândoli de Brito Jr. (SP) Fábio Vilas-Boas (BA) Fernando A. P. Morcerf (RJ) Fernando Bacal (SP) Flávio D. 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McCullough (Estados Unidos) Peter Libby (Estados Unidos) Piero Anversa (Itália) Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia President Jadelson Pinheiro de Andrade Vice-President Dalton Bertolim Précoma President Elect Angelo Amato Vincenzo de Paola Epidemiological Project Council Coordinator David de Pádua Brasil Social Action Coordinators Alvaro Avezum Junior Ari Timerman Administrative Director Marcelo Souza Hadlich New Project Council Coordinator Glaucia Maria Moraes Oliveira Financial Director Eduardo Nagib Gaui Use of New Technology Council Coordinator Washington Andrade Maciel Government Liaison Director Daniel França Vasconcelos Communication Director Carlos Eduardo Suaide Silva Assistance Quality Director José Xavier de Melo Filho Scientific Director Luiz Alberto Piva e Mattos CardiovascularHealth Promotion Director SBC/Funcor Carlos Alberto Machado State / Regional Liaison Director Marco Antonio de Mattos Specialized Department Director Gilberto Venossi Barbosa Information Technology Director Carlos Eduardo Suaide Silva Research Director Fernando Bacal Chief Editor of the Brazilian Archives of Cardiology Luiz Felipe P. Moreira SBC Journal Editor Fábio Vilas-Boas Pinto International Liaison Committee Antonio Felipe Simão João Vicente Vitola Oscar Pereira Dutra Presidents of State and Regional Brazilian Societies of Cardiology SBC/AL - Alfredo Aurelio Marinho Rosa SBC/AM - Jaime Giovany Arnez Maldonado SBC/BA - Augusto José Gonçalves de Almeida SBC/CE - Eduardo Arrais Rocha SBC/CO - Hernando Eduardo Nazzetta (GO) Young Cardiologist Inclusion Council Coordinator Fernando Augusto Alves da Costa SBC/DF - Renault Mattos Ribeiro Junior Clinical Practice Quality and Patient Safety Council Coordinator Evandro Tinoco Mesquita SBC/GO - Luiz Antonio Batista de Sá Standardization and Guideline Council Coordinator Harry Correa Filho SBC/MS - Sandra Helena Gonsalves de Andrade Continuing Education Council Coordinator Antonio Carlos de Camargo Carvalho SBC/NNE - Aristoteles Comte de Alencar Filho (AM) Emergency Care and Sudden Death Committee Manoel Fernandes Canesin Nabil Ghorayeb Sergio Timerman Cardiovascular Prevention Committee Antonio Delduque de Araujo Travessa Sergio Baiocchi Carneiro Regina Coeli Marques de Carvalho Strategic Planning Committee Fabio Sândoli de Brito José Carlos Moura Jorge Walter José Gomes Member Assistance Committee Maria Fatima de Azevedo Mauro José Oliveira Gonçalves Ricardo Ryoshim Kuniyoshi SBC/ES - Antonio Carlos Avanza Junior SBC/MA - Magda Luciene de Souza Carvalho SBC/MG - Maria da Consolação Vieira Moreira SBC/MT - José Silveira Lage SBC/PA - Claudine Maria Alves Feio SBC/PB - Alexandre Jorge de Andrade Negri SBC/PE - Silvia Marinho Martins SBC/PI - Ricardo Lobo Furtado SBC/PR - Álvaro Vieira Moura SBC/RJ - Glaucia Maria Moraes Oliveira SBC/RN - Carlos Alberto de Faria SBC/RS - Justo Antero Sayão Lobato Leivas SBC/SC - Conrado Roberto Hoffmann Filho SBC/SE - Eduardo José Pereira Ferreira SBC/SP - Carlos Costa Magalhães SBC/TO - Adalgele Rodrigues Blois Presidents of the Specialized Departaments and Study Groups SBC/DA - Hermes Toros Xavier (SP) SBC/DCC - Evandro Tinoco Mesquita (RJ) SBC/DCM - Orlando Otavio de Medeiros (PE) SBC/DFCVR - José Carlos Dorsa Vieira Pontes (MS) SBC/DCC/GECETI - João Fernando Monteiro Ferreira (SP) SBC/DHA - Weimar Kunz Sebba Barroso de Souza (GO) SBC/DCC/GEECABE - Luis Claudio Lemos Correia (BA) SBC/DIC - Jorge Eduardo Assef (SP) SBC/DCC/GEECG - Carlos Alberto Pastore (SP) SBC/DCC/CP - Estela Suzana Kleiman Horowitz (RS) SBC/SBCCV - Walter José Gomes (SP) SBC/DECAGE - Abrahão Afiune Neto (GO) SBC/SBHCI - Marcelo Antonio Cartaxo Queiroga Lopes (PB) SBC/DEIC - João David de Souza Neto (CE) SBC/DERC - Pedro Ferreira de Albuquerque (AL) SBC/SOBRAC - Adalberto Menezes Lorga Filho (SP) SBC/DCC/GAPO - Daniela Calderaro (SP) SBC/DCP/GECIP - Angela Maria Pontes Bandeira de Oliveira (PE) SBC/DERC/GECESP - Daniel Jogaib Daher (SP) SBC/DERC/GECN - José Roberto Nolasco de Araújo (AL) Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia Volume 101, Nº 4, October 2013 Indexing: ISI (Thomson Scientific), Cumulated Index Medicus (NLM), SCOPUS, MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS, SciELO, PubMed Address: Av. Marechal Câmara, 160 - 3º andar - Sala 330 20020-907 • Centro • Rio de Janeiro, RJ • Brazil Phone.: (21) 3478-2700 E-mail: arquivos@cardiol.br www.arquivosonline.com.br SciELO: www.scielo.br Commercial Department Graphic Design and Diagramming Phone: (11) 3411-5500 SBC - Internal Design Department E-mail: comercialsp@cardiol.br Editorial Production SBC - Internal Publication Department The ads showed in this issue are of the sole responsibility of advertisers, as well as the concepts expressed in signed articles are of the sole responsibility of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of SBC. This material is for exclusive distribution to the medical profession. The Brazilian Archives of Cardiology are not responsible for unauthorized access to its contents and that is not in agreement with the determination in compliance with the Collegiate Board Resolution (DRC) N. 96/08 of the National Sanitary Surveillance Agency (ANVISA), which updates the technical regulation on Drug Publicity, Advertising, Promotion and Information. According to Article 27 of the insignia, "the advertisement or publicity of prescription drugs should be restricted solely and exclusively to health professionals qualified to prescribe or dispense such products (...)". To ensure universal access, the scientific content of the journal is still available for full and free access to all interested parties at: www.arquivosonline.com.br. Affiliated at the Brazilian Medical Association SUPPORT Back to the cover Editorial Impact of National Scientific Production in Cardiology on the Rating of Journals Published in Brazil Luiz Felipe P. Moreira Instituto do Coração - INCOR - São Paulo, SP – Brazil The significant advances in the scientific production in the health sciences area in recent years have been accompanied by the indexing of several journals published in Brazil in the main international databases and a significant increase in the number of Brazilian publications in the cardiology and cardiovascular medicine areas has also been observed. According to the Scopus-Scimago index, we currently occupy the 15th position in international publications in this field of research, with the publication of approximately 750 articles per year. To this number are added many publications by Brazilian researchers in other international journals, demonstrating the wide inclusion achieved by our cardiological science. The growing increase in the number and quality of publications in cardiology in our country is explained by better education of Brazilian researchers, from the training provided by sensu stricto post-graduation programs1,2, by increasing the number of researchers registered with the National Research Council (CNPq)3,4 and incentive programs aimed at training and scientific production sponsored by medical societies . In this sense the Brazilian Society of Cardiology has implemented a research training program in collaboration with U.S. Duke University5, which was responsible for the training of more than 50 researchers from 24 centers or universities. In parallel, the implementation of several multicenter registries regarding major cardiovascular diseases has been supported by the society, aiming at expanding knowledge of the national situation regarding its incidence and regional characteristics6-9. In the presence of a current scientific scenario with great perspectives, the challenge of journals published in Brazil is also growing. The authors prefer to publish their articles in journals of high quality, credibility and greater impact, justifying the publication of the best quality research performed in the country in the major journals in the field of cardiology at the international level. This situation, which is often based on the Impact Factor of journals10, leads to the maintenance of a lower rating of our journals, a situation that can only be modified through the continuous improvement of our disclosure methods, associated with greater collaboration from our researchers11. The Brazilian Archives of Cardiology is still the main vehicle of Brazilian research disclosure, concentrating more than 25% of national publications in its field. In parallel to the improvement of the quality of Brazilian scientific research, the journal has also shown increasing levels of citation of articles published in it, a situation unquestionably due to a more detailed and consistent peer-review process12. As perspective, we expect to continue to see the continuous evolution of the impact of our publications internationally, whereas we increase the rating and inclusion of our journals. Keywords Bibliometrics, scientific research, scientific publications and techniques citation databases Mailing Address: Luiz Felipe P. Moreira • Av. Dr. Enéas Carvalho Aguiar, 44 - 2º andar, Bloco 2, Sala 13 - Cerqueira César - Postal Code 05403-000 - São Paulo, SP - Brazil E-mail: lfelipe@cardiol.br Manuscript received October 07, 2013; revised manuscript October 07, 2013; accepted October 07, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130209 286 Moreira Scientific Production and the Rating of Journals Published in Brazil Editorial References 1. Brock L, Cunha E, Tavares JR, Gonçalves I Jr, Paola AA, Moisés V, et al. [Graduates from a postgraduate program in cardiology: are the results of almost 30 years adequate?]. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2010;94(4):500-6. 2. Hueb W, Mady C, Ramires JA. [Thirty years of postgraduation in cardiology]. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2005;85(6):385-7. 3. Martelli-Junior H, Martelli DR, Quirino IG, Oliveira MC, Lima LS, Oliveira EA. CNPq-supported medical researchers: a comparative study of research areas. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(4):478-83. 4. Oliveira EA, Ribeiro AL, Quirino IG, Oliveira MC, Martelli DR, Lima LS, et al. Profile and scientific production of CNPq researchers in cardiology. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2011;97(3):186-93. 5. Pellanda LC, Cesa CC, Belli KC, David VF, Rodrigues CG, Vissoci JR, et al. Research training program: Duke University and Brazilian Society of Cardiology. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;99(6):1075-81. 6. BREATHE investigators. Rationale and design: BREATHE registry--I Brazilian Registry of Heart Failure. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;100(5):390-4. 287 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):286-287 7. Fenelon G, Scanavacca M, Atié J, Zimerman L, Magalhães LP, Lorga Filho A, et al. Atrial fibrillation ablation in Brazil: results of the registry of the Brazilian Society of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2007;89(5):258-62. 8. Mattos LA. Rationality and methods of ACCEPT registry - Brazilian registry of clinical practice in acute coronary syndromes of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2011;97(2):94-9. 9. Mattos LA. Rationality and methods: registry of clinical practice in highrisk cardiovascular patients. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2011;97(1):3-7. 10. Thomaz PG, Assad RS, Moreira LF. Using the impact factor and H index to assess researchers and publications. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2011;96(2):90-3. 11. Grinberg M, Solimene MC, Barreto Mdo C. Why publish in national journals? Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;98(3):e62-3. 12. Araújo CG. Peer review: a constantly-evolving scientific process. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;98(2):e32-5. Original Article Back to the cover Relationship between Anthropometric Measures and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Children and Adolescents Miria Suzana Burgos1,2, Leandro Tibiriçá Burgos1, Marcelo Dias Camargo3, Silvia Isabel Rech Franke1,2, Daniel Prá1,2, Antônio Marcos Vargas da Silva4, Tássia Silvana Borges1,2, Pâmela Ferreira Todendi1,2, Miriam Beatris Reckziegel1, Cézane Priscila Reuter1,2 Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC1, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS; Programa de Pós-graduação - Mestrado em Promoção da Saúde - UNISC2; Grupo de Pesquisa em Cardiologia do Exercício HCPA/UFRGS3, Porto Alegre, RS; Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM4, Santa Maria, RS - Brazil Abstract Background: Obesity has been identified as an important risk factor in the development of cardiovascular diseases; however, other factors, combined or not with obesity, can influence cardiovascular risk and should be considered in cardiovascular risk stratification in pediatrics. Objective: To analyze the association between anthropometry measures and cardiovascular risk factors, to investigate the determinants to changes in blood pressure (BP), and to propose a prediction equation to waist circumference (WC) in children and adolescents. Methods: We evaluated 1,950 children and adolescents, aged 7 to 18 years. Visceral fat was assessed by WC and waist‑hip relationship, BP and body mass index (BMI). In a randomly selected subsample of these volunteers (n = 578), total cholesterol, glucose and triglycerides levels were evaluated. Results: WC was positively correlated with BMI (r = 0.85; p < 0.001) and BP (SBP r = 0.45 and DBP = 0.37; p < 0.001). Glycaemia and triglycerides showed a weak correlation with WC (r = 0.110; p = 0.008 e r = 0.201; p < 0.001, respectively). Total cholesterol did not correlate with any of the variables. Age, BMI and WC were significant predictors on the regression models for BP (p < 0.001). We propose a WC prediction equation for children and adolescents: boys: y = 17.243 + 0.316 (height in cm); girls: y = 25.197 + 0.256 (height in cm). Conclusion: WC is associated with cardiovascular risk factors and presents itself as a risk factor predictor of hypertension in children and adolescents. The WC prediction equation proposed by us should be tested in future studies. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296) Keywords: Cardiovascular Diseases; Risk Factors; Obesity; Body Mass Index; Abdominal Circumference; Child; Adolescent. Introduction Obesity has been identified as an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease development; however, other factors, combined to obesity or not, also exert influence on this risk and must be considered in cardiovascular risk stratification in pediatrics1. Among these factors, we highlight waist circumference (WC) as a visceral fat indicator which has already been well explored in the adult population and has more recently been identified as a risk factor in children and adolescents1,3. Evidences suggest the importance of measuring abdominal obesity besides general obesity for the evaluation of health risks in the first decades of life4. Mailing Address: Cézane Priscila Reuter • Avenida Independência, 2293, bloco 42, sala 4206, Universitário. Postal Code 96815-900, Santa Cruz do Sul, RS - Brazil E-mail: cpreuter@hotmail.com, cezanereuter@yahoo.com.br Manuscript received July 0, 2012; revised manuscript July 31, 2012; accepted April 23, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130169 288 The growing child obesity rate is associated to an increase in the diagnosis of systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) in children and adolescents5,8. The prevalence of primary SAH in childhood and adolescence in Brazilian epidemiologic studies varied between 0.8-8.2% 9,10 , which means it is a phenomenon of great epidemiologic importance. Besides SAH, obesity is associated to other comorbidities, such as increased peripheral insulin resistance and serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which represent a major risk of chronic disease in adult life11,12. The association between body mass index (BMI) and arterial blood pressure in children has already been demonstrated in other studies13,15. It must be highlighted that the association between visceral fat, accessed by the waist circumference, and arterial blood pressure, has been largely reported in the adult population. However, until now, a predictive value of waist circumference related to blood pressure levels has not been suggested for children and adolescents. Besides, prediction values for WC were also not found for children and adolescents in the Brazilian population. Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Original Article Taking these perspectives into account, the present study in children and adolescents aims to: a) analyze the association among visceral obesity, arterial blood pressure, generalized obesity and biomarkers (total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels); b) evaluate these variables’ predictive value in relation to arterial blood pressure; and c) propose a prediction equation for WC. Methods In this transversal study, 1,950 children and adolescents were evaluated. Their ages ranged from 7 to 18 years old; 902 were male (46.3%) and 1,048 were female (53.7%). They were randomly selected from a sample stratified by conglomerates (center and north, south, east and west areas of the peripheral urban zone and north, south, east and west rural zone), and were enrolled in 16 schools (12 in the urban zone and 4 in the rural zone) of Santa Cruz do Sul (RS). A randomly selected sub sample (n = 578) was employed for total cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose assessment. Arkin and Colton formula16 was used for calculating sample size. Waist circumference was measured with an inelastic tape measure at the medium point between iliac crest and the external side of the last costal arch, and the hip measurement obtained at the widest part of the buttocks; both are used for calculating the waist/hip ratio− (WHR = waist circumference/ hip circumference)17. Blood pressure was evaluated according to the VI Brazilian Guidelines on Hypertension 6 using the auscultation method, with aneroid devices calibrated less than three months before measurement. Each device had three different sized cuffs, so the researchers could select the ones that were adequate to arm circumference, respecting the 1:2 width/length proportion. Values below the 90th percentile (if were inferior to 120/80 mmHg) were considered normotensive; values between the 90th - 95th percentiles were considered borderline; values equal or superior to the 95th percentile were considered hypertensive. It must be highlighted that any value equal or superior to 120/80 mmHg in adolescents, even if inferior to the 95th percentile, was considered borderline. Obesity was defined according to the child growth standards of the World Health Organization18, which is based on different populations, including a sample of Brazilian children; it recommends that children with BMI (weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) greater than the 95th percentile are classified as obese, and those with BMI between the 85th and the 95th percentile are considered overweight. Subjects with IMC ≥ 25 kg/m2 were also excluded. was used for comparing continuous variables between genders, chi-square was used for comparing categorical variables and multiple linear regression analysis. The data identified as asymmetrical by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test were converted to logarithm (log10). The correlations were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient and classified according to the correlation magnitude scale proposed by Cohen19. Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation, frequency distribution analysis and 95% confidence levels, considering a 5% significance level (p < 0.05). This study was approved the Institutional Research Ethics Committee of the Santa Cruz do Sul University - Unisc (process 1.189/05), according to the Helsinki Statement. Parents and responsible for the students of the schools involved authorized their participation by signing an informed consent. Results Table 1 presents the characteristics of the subjects and the distribution of body mass index and blood pressure, pooled by gender and considered as a single group. Among the 902 boys and 1,048 girls evaluated, no differences were found between genders regarding age (p = 0.50), BMI (p = 0.77), systolic blood pressure (p = 0.24) and diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.26). However, boys’ WHR and WC measurements were larger than girls’ (p < 0.001 for both). The prevalences of hypertension (p = 0.12), overweight (p = 0.65) and obesity (p = 0.57) showed no difference between genders. Visceral fat, measured as WC, showed a positive correlation with BMI (Graph 1), systolic blood pressure (Graph 2) and diastolic pressure (Graph 3). WC was also correlated to age (r = 0.449; p < 0.001) and WHR (r = 0.206; p < 0.001). However, WHR did not show a significant correlation with BMI and was weakly related to SBP (r = 0.192; p < 0.001) and DBP (r = 0.182; p < 0.001). BMI showed a significant correlation with both SBP (r = 0.437; p < 0.001) and DBP (r = 0.360; p < 0.001). Total cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride levels were measured in 578 volunteers (244 boys and 334 girls). No significant difference was found between boys (156.65 ± 16.75 mg/dL) and girls (156.63 ± 14.64 mg / dL; p = 0.991) regarding total cholesterol levels. No significant difference was found between boys (63.88 ± 15.44 mg / dL) and girls (60.77 ± 15.13 mg/dL; p = 0.016) regarding total cholesterol levels. However, mean triglyceride levels were higher in girls (123.62 ± 62.23 mg/dL) than boys (107.00 ± 55.86 mg/dL; p < 0.001). Total cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose levels were measured in a sub sample of 578 children and adolescents after 12 h fast with an Accutrend GTC monitor (Roche, Germany) and finger stick testing, according to recommendations of the I Guideline for Prevention of Atherosclerosis in Childhood and Adolescence7. No significant correlations were found between total cholesterol levels and the other studied variables. Glucose blood levels were weakly correlated with BMI (r = 0.112; p = 0.007), WC (r = 0.110; p = 0.008), SBP (r = 0.153; p < 0.001) and DBP (r = 0.134; p = 0.001). Triglyceride blood levels were weakly correlated with BMI (r = 0.213; p = 0.001), WC (r = 0.201; p = 0.001), SBP (r = 0.145; p < 0.001) and DBP (r = 0.144; p = 0.001). The data were analyzed with the software Statistical Package for the Social Science 20.0 (SPSS 20.0) and Winpepi version 11.1. The non-paired Student t-test The results involving variables that interfere in SBP, calculated by multiple regression analysis, are presented on Table 2. Age, BMI and WC were significant predictors of Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296 289 Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Original Article Table 1 - Subject characterization and distribution regarding body mass index and arterial blood pressure Indicators Boys (n = 902) n (%) Girls (n = 1048) n (%) Total (n = 1950) n (%) Age (years)* 11.48 ± 2.76 11.56 ± 2.55 11.52 ± 2.65 BMI (kg/m2) 18.91 ± 3.53 18.87 ± 3.26 18.89 ± 3.38 Low weight 37 (4.1) 30 (2.9) 67 (3.4) Low weight risk 81 (9.0) 91 (8.7) 172 (8.8) Eutrophic 601 (66.6) 757 (72.2) 1358 (69.6) Overweight 124 (13.7) 117 (11.2) 241 (12.4) 59 (6.5) 53 (5.1) 112 (5.7) Obesity Waist-−hip ratio* 0.82 ± 6.82 0.79 ± 6.88 0.81 ± 7.07 Waist circumference (cm)* 66.36 ± 9.23 64.60 ± 8.15 65.41 ± 8.71 104.48 ± 14.81 103.70 ± 14.41 104.06 ± 14.60 812 (90.0) 937 (89.4) 1749 (89.7) Borderline 39 (4.3) 43 (4.1) 82 (4.2) 51 (5.7) 68 (6.5) 119 (6.1) 61.98 ± 12.12 61.37 ± 11.83 61.65 ± 11.97 859 (95.2) 985 (94.0) 1844 (94.6) Borderline 30 (3.3) 43 (4.1) 73 (3.7) Hypertensive 13 (1.4) 20 (1.9) 33 (1.7) Systolic blood pressure (mmHg)* Normotensive Hypertensive (%) Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)* Normotensive *Values expresses as mean ± standard deviation, BMI: body mass index. SBP increase. For each 1 year increase in age, there was an 1.8 mmHg increase in blood pressure; for each 1 unit increase in BMI, blood pressure increased 0.8 mmHg and for each unit increase in WC, SBP increased 0.2 mmHg. Table 3 presents age, BMI and WC as predictors of DBP increase. For each 1 year increase in age, there was an 1.3 mmHg increase in blood pressure; for each 1 unit increase in BMI, blood pressure increased 0.5 mmHg and for each unit increase in WC, SBP increased 0.2 mmHg. In a better multiple linear regression model, a WC prediction equation for children and adolescents is proposed, excluding individuals with BMI > 25 kg/m2 and including variables such as gender and height in the model: Boys’ WC: y = 17.243 + 0.316 (height in cm); estimated standard error = 5.59; R2 = 0.478. Girls’ WC: y = 25.197 + 0.256 (height in cm); estimated standard error = 5.95; R2 = 0.244. The ROC curve (Graph 4) shows that waist measurement’s sensitivity was close to 100% (98.15%) for SBP; however, regarding specificity, as expected, it was inferior to 20% (19.93%). On the other side, the ROC curve (Graph 5) of waist measurement to DBP demonstrated a very similar behavior, with a 97,96% sensitivity and 21,64% specificity. Discussion Among the main findings of our study is the association of WC with blood pressure and BMI. We found weak evidence of association between biomarkers and visceral fat (WC and 290 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296 WHR), BMI and blood pressure. Age, BMI and WC showed significant predictive value for blood pressure change in a better multiple linear regression model with. Our results made possible the establishment of a WC prediction equation in children and adolescents. The hypertension prevalence and diagnosis rates in children and adolescents have been increasing noticeably20. Evidences suggest that childhood arterial hypertension can lead to arterial hypertension in adult life15,20 and to the early development of coronary artery disease observed as atherosclerosis in children and young adults12. Our findings showed a prevalence of arterial hypertension of 5.7% of boys and 6.5% of girls, with a global prevalence of 6.1%. These values agree with other reports which showed a prevalence of arterial hypertension with 3% in Santos (SP)21, 5% in Goiânia (GO)22 and 7,7% in Maceió (AL)23. Our results showed that WC and WHR were higher in males, similarly to what was seen in other studies24,25. Our studies showed that a higher association of blood pressure with WC than WHR, suggesting that visceral fat, accessed by WC, can be a better predictor of hypertension in childhood and adolescence. It must be highlighted, however, that WC is secondary measurement of visceral fat. Our study demonstrated a moderate correlation of CC with SBP and DBP, while Lee et al4, evaluating 1,254 obese children aged 6‑12 years old, showed a strong correlation among these variables. Sarni et al8 did not find correlation between WC and SBP or DBP in a sample of 65 preschoolers of low socioeconomic status. It must be highlighted that care must Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Original Article BMI (kg/m2) R = 0.847; p<0.001 Waist circumference (cm) Graph 1 - BMI to waist circumference ratio. be taken when comparing studies, since differences can be seen regarding age, socioeconomic status and body mass. We observed a stronger association of WC with SBP (r = 0.449) than with DBP (r = 0.374), suggesting that visceral fat exerts greater influence in SBP levels. Various mechanisms may explain the association between visceral obesity and arterial blood pressure26,28. Visceral fat can be distinguished from fat localized in other anatomic regions by its functional and metabolic characteristics, inducing hepatic insulin resistance due to lipotoxicity26, releasing more free fatty acids in hepatic portal vein and increasing substrate levels for atherogenic lipoprotein production27. The greater quantity of visceral fat may favor an increase in sympathetic activity mediated by the associated insulin resistance, besides potentializing the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system due to the increased angiotensinogen secretion by visceral adipocytes, when compared to the subcutaneous fat28. The visceral fat accumulation could also exert a mechanical effect, inducing renal compression and promoting arterial blood pressure exacerbation29. As recently demonstrated in young individuals, WC correlates with insulin resistance markers, independent from BMI30, predicting individual components of metabolic syndrome, such as high blood pressure and dyslipidemia31. Other studies have demonstrated that WC is associated with inflammatory biomarkers, such as C-reactive protein and adiponectin in young individuals32,33. The best association found in our study was found in BMI and WC (r = 0.847). This correlation’s magnitude is similar to the one that was found by Soar et al24 (r = 0.87) and Beauloye et al34 (r = 0.74). The literature documents fairly well the greater importance of visceral obesity to the detriment of overweight in the risk assessment for the development of cardiovascular and metabolic dysfunction35,36. However, the combination of WC and BMI measurements have become more efficient for cardiovascular dysfunction prediction than the isolated utilization of only one of the anthropometric indicators37. In light of this, we evidenced a better multiple regression model both for SBP and DBP, with both models involving age combined to BMI and WC. As expected, age was a stronger predictor than SBP and DBP, followed by BMI and WC. BMI, representing generalized obesity, was a stronger predictor of blood pressure change than WC measurement in the studied sample. On the other hand, our data demonstrate an absence of significant correlation between BMI and WHR, as referred previously in preliminary studies in Dutch children38. Thus, we suggest that WHR may not be the better Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296 291 Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Original Article Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) R = 0.449; p<0.001) Waist circumference (cm) Graph 2 - Systolic blood pressure to waist circumference ratio. indicator of childhood obesity. Besides that, in a previous study in adults, WHR was reported as a weak predictor of visceral fat change evaluated by magnetic resonance39. It is not clear why age seems to be a better predictor of arterial blood pressure than anthropometric measurements. Freedman et al 2 indicate that arterial blood pressure changes in a certain population do not necessarily correlate to obesity changes. Besides that, Li et al13 indicated that the intensity of the association between BMI and arterial blood pressure increases with age. These evidences suggest that anthropometric’s influence on hypertension is quite complex and needs to be better investigated. Some reports demonstrate and association between arterial blood pressure and BMI, suggesting that obesity is a strong risk factors for high blood pressure development in childhood and adult life13,15. Our findings suggest that body mass increase exerts greater influence in SBP than DBP, as seen with the stronger correlation found between BMI and SBP. This observation corroborates other studies’ findings that have also demonstrated that SBP is more affected by BMI than DBP13,20. According to this, the data presented by the Bogalusa Heart Study (Louisiana, USA), which evaluated pressure measurements in 11,478 children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 years old, from 1974 to 1993, showed SBP reductions throughout this period2. 292 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296 Our study identified a smaller number of associations between biomarkers (total cholesterol, glucose and triglyceride levels) and WC, SBP, DBP and BMI. Even when considered significant, the correlations involving these variables were classified as weak. This tendency was also identified in preliminary studies, which demonstrated the absence of a correlation between BMI and WC and total cholesterol and glucose levels, and the weak correlation of BMI and triglycerides in obese children between 8 and 18 years old34. Sarni et al8 reported that WC is not related to total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in preschoolers. Our findings suggest an absent or weak association between obesity, visceral obesity and arterial pressure and the accessed biomarkers, possibly due to the younger age group of the volunteers or to the fact that the biomarkers’ mean levels are within the normal range for the studied sample. It must be highlighted that the limited sub sample size used for biochemical evaluation may have limited study power for detecting the association between biochemical variables and the other variables. We also highlight that we chose to exclude the individuals with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 due to the simple fact that these individuals are already considered overweight and obese, and do not need a predictor factor for WC. We currently Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Original Article Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) R = 0.374; p<0.001) Waist circumference (cm) Graph 3 - Diastolic blood pressure to waist circumference ratio. Table 2 - Multiple linear regression model of SBP as a dependent variable Independent variables Non-standardized coefficients 95% confidence interval for B Statistical analysis 2.159 48.148 - 56.615 < 0.001 0.117 1.596 - 2.055 < 0.001 0.841 0.154 0.539 - 1.143 < 0.001 0.226 0.062 0.105 - 0.347 < 0.001 95% confidence interval for B Statistical significance B SD (Constant) 52.382 Age 1.826 BMI WC BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference. Table 3 - Multiple linear regression model of DBP as a dependent variable Independent variables Non-standardized coefficients B SD (Constant) 25.947 1.875 22.270 - 29.625 < 0.001 Age 1.319 0.102 1.120 - 1.519 < 0.001 BMI 0.512 0.134 0.249 - 0.774 < 0.001 WC 0.166 0.054 0.061 - 0.271 0.002 BMI: body mass index; WC: waist circumference. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296 293 Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Sensitivity Original Article Specificity Sensitivity Graph 4 - ROC curve - waist: systolic blood pressure. Specificity Graph 5 - ROC curve - waist: diastolic blood pressure. already have excellent references that properly discuss obesity and health risk issues to children and adolescents2,3,11. Some studies suggest that obesity duration is directly associated to cardiovascular morbimortality1,5,27. This was not our first objective. The other variables (gender and height) were chosen 294 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):288-296 due to our belief that they would better represent the study sample population (children and adolescents). WC normal values were proposed due to the importance of this measurement, which has already been described in the literature as a better cardiovascular risk predictor than BMI40, Burgos et al. Anthropometric measures and cardiovascular risk Original Article and also aiming to facilitate the early diagnosis of visceral fat in the first decades of life. In the equation for WC prediction proposed by our study, the determination coefficient was different for boys (R2 = 0.478) and girls (R2 = 0.244), suggesting that the applicability of the proposed model can be better in the male population. Besides that, it is necessary that this equation is tested in additional studies; local waist measurement standards determination must be considered in studies conducted in other regions with different ethnicity, socioeconomic status and lifestyle, which can influence the measurement and make the predicted values inaccurate or not applicable in different populations. In view of this, it must be highlighted that the city of Santa Cruz do Sul (RS), at the Rio Pardo Valley, is a region of German colonization. Its economy is based in services and tobacco cultivation and is located 150 km from Porto Alegre. The ethnic diet in the city is marked by a great quantity of sweets, breads and cakes, whose role in cardiovascular risk must be better studied in future studies. Conclusion The present studied showed an important association between WC, BMI and arterial blood pressure. Our results made possible, for the first time, that a WC prediction equation, more robust in boys, was proposed for Brazilian children and adolescents. This study generated a WC prediction equation, based in Brazilian children and adolescent data. Of note, the studies available up to now in the literature dealed with the North American population. A weak association was also observed between biochemical and anthropometric variables, indicating little biochemistry change in the studied age range. Blood pressure and WC assessment should be part of family health programs even in the first two decades of life, and should also be part of interventions directed at health and quality of life maintenance in childhood. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Burgos MS, Reuter CP, Burgos LT, Franke SIR, Prá D, Silva AMV, Reckziegel MB; Acquisition of data: Burgos MS, Reuter CP, Burgos LT, Franke SIR, Prá D, Silva AMV, Borges TS, Todendi PF, Reckziegel MB; Analysis and interpretation of the data: Burgos MS, Reuter CP, Camargo MD, Silva AMV, Reckziegel MB; Statistical analysis: Reuter CP, Camargo MD, Silva AMV; Writing of the manuscript: Burgos MS, Reuter CP, Camargo MD, Franke SIR, Prá D, Silva AMV, Borges TS, Todendi PF, Reckziegel MB; Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Burgos MS, Reuter CP, Burgos LT, Camargo MD, Franke SIR, Prá D, Silva AMV, Borges TS, Todendi PF, Reckziegel MB. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding Cézane Priscila Reuter, Tássia Silvana Borges and Pâmela Ferreira Todendi are recipients of PROSUP/Capes research grants. 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Back to the cover Original Article Influence of Carotid Injury in Post-Myocardial Revascularization Surgery and Its Late Evolution Maria Sol Calero Revelo, Daniel Pio de Oliveira, Flávia Bittar Britto Arantes, Camila Camarço Batista, João Italo Dias França, Silmara Cristina Friolani. Jorge Eduardo Assef, José Eduardo Martins Barbosa, Ana Claudia Petisco, Pedro Silvio Farsky Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. São Paulo. SP - Brazil Abstract Background: Approximately 30% of perioperative CVA of myocardial revascularization surgery (MRS) are a result of carotid injuries, without reduction of risk confirmed by perioperative intervention. Objectives: Evaluate the impact of carotid disease and perioperative intervention in patients subjected to MRS. Methods: Observational, retrospective study, evaluating 1169 patients aged ≥ 69 years undergoing MRS from January, 2006 and December, 2010, monitored, on average, for 49 months. All patients were subjected to ultrasonography of carotids before MRS. It was defined as carotid disease when lesion ≥ 50%. The primary outcome was composed of CVA incidence, transitory ischemic accident (TIA) and death due CVA. Results: Prevalence of carotid disease was of 19.9% of patients. The incidence of primary outcome between unhealthy and healthy patients was of 6.5% and 3.7%, respectively (p = 0.0018). In the first 30 days, there were 18.2% of events. Were related to carotid disease: renal dysfunction (OR 2.03, IC95% 1.34-3.07; p < 0.01), peripheral arterial disease (OR 1.80, IC95% 1.22-2.65; p < 0.01) and previous myocardial infarction (OR 0.47, IC95% 0.35-0.65; p < 0.01). Regarding the primary outcome, were associated the previous TIA (OR 5.66, IC95% 1.67-6.35; p < 0.01) and renal dysfunction (OR 3.28, IC95% 1.67-6.45; p < 0.01). In patients with lesion ≥70%, perioperative carotid intervention demonstrated an incidence of 16% in primary outcome compared to 4.3% in conservatory treatment (p = 0.056) with no difference between percutaneous and surgical approaches (p = 0.516). Conclusion: Carotid disease increases the risk of CVA, TIA or death due to CVA in MRS. However, the carotid intervention was not related to reduction of primary outcome. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):297-303) Keywords: Carotid Stenosis / complications; Myocardial Revascularization; Peri operative Care. Introduction Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is one of the risks related to myocardial revascularization surgery (MRS), which leads to a death rate of 19% and it has a significant social and functional impact1. About 30% of perioperative CVA result from lesions in carotids, and the more significant the vessel obstruction level and when both carotids are injured, the greater is the risk of this event2. Current recommendations regarding the treatment of carotid disease (CD) in MRS context are contradictory. Brazilian guidelines on surgical treatment for myocardial revascularization, valvulopathies and aorta recommend that patients with transitory ischemic accident (TIA), amaurosis, peripheral obstructive disease and age above 60 years carry out Doppler ultrasonography and arteriography. In case of carotid injury, symptomatic patient with injury above 60% and unstable angina, stem and multiarterial injury, simultaneous surgery is recommended; in case of stable angina, simultaneous or staged surgery. If the patient is asymptomatic and has lesion below 60%, MRS is recommended3. However, according to the American College of Cardiology, in patients with indication for MRS and previous CVA or TIA, with significant carotid stenosis, it is reasonable to consider a carotid revascularization with MRS. But in patients with no history of CVA or TIA, intervention is considered if there are no significant bilateral carotid injuries or severe unilateral stenoses with contralateral occlusion4. This study was designed to evaluate the prevalence of significant carotid injury, its association with more relevant cerebrovascular events (CVA, TIA, death) and clinical, demographic and angiographic characteristics of patients, considering population above the age of 65 years, subjected to MRS. Methods Mailing Address: Pedro Silvio Farsky • Av Dante Pazzanese 500, Postal Code 04012-180, Sao Paulo SP - Brazil E-mail: farskyp@uol.com.br Manuscript received December 07, 2012; revised manuscript May 22, 2013; accepted June 07, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130183 297 Study population An observational, retrospective study was carried out, evaluating data obtained from medical charts of patients aged 65 or older, consecutively subjected to MRS, between January 2006 and December 2010, and prospectively followed-up for Calero et al. Carotid injury and myocardial revascularization Original Article a period of 49 months. A retrospective analysis of outcomes and demographic and clinical data was then performed. The study was approved by the local ethics committee, which was carried out with resources from the sector itself. From all patients subjected to MRS within the period, approximately 44% were at the age of 65 or older and, of these patients, 92.7% (1,169) were subjected to pre-operative investigation for carotid disease. Among the reasons for which patients did not undergo Doppler ultrasonography of carotids, were unstable coronary disease and emergency MRS. Evaluation of carotid disease The definition of carotid disease was based on peak systolic velocity in the internal carotid artery evaluated by Doppler ultrasonography and classified according to injury level: absent or mild stenosis (< 50%), moderate stenosis (50-69%), severe stenosis (70-99%) and occlusion (100%)5. In this study, significant and severe carotid disease were those classified with stenosis of level ≥ 50% and ≥ 70%, respectively, considered in the presence of unilateral or bilateral disease. Surgical procedures, indication and technique applied MRS indication followed the guidelines for myocardial revascularization surgery3. Surgical procedure was carried out using median sternotomy, using electrical scalpel and opening of pericardium with inverted ‘T’ incision. The internal thoracic artery was used in almost all cases associated with the greater saphenous vein when necessary. The surgical procedure was carried out with the aid of extracorporeal circulation in 97.4% of cases. Extracorporeal circulation was performed with membrane oxygenator; it was filled with saline. Myocardial protection was achieved with intermittent clamping of aorta (anoxic clamping), clamping with no longer than 15 minutes and a two-minute interval between the clamping. The decision for carotid procedure associated with MRS was made by the medical team. In cases where percutaneous implantation of endoprostheses was chosen, it was associated with acetylsalicylic acid the use of clopidogrel, 75mg, daily for 30 days. Combined surgery Combined surgery was indicated in the presence of symptomatic carotid disease associated with unstable or critical coronary disease. However, therapeutic options were individualized, case by case, and decided by a multidisciplinary team. Before the myocardial revascularization procedure, a neck incision was performed. The carotid artery had its plate removed. A patch could be used to close the artery. After revascularization and use of protamine, skin and subcutaneous tissue were sutured. All patients underwent surgical procedures on aspirin. Statistical analysis For comparisons of categorical variables, Fisher’s exact test was applied and, for continuous variables, Student t-test. Values of p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. A univariate analysis evaluating the relation between risk factors and level of carotid disease was performed. Variables that showed values of p ≤ 0.1 in univariate models were analyzed by multivariate regression. Objectives Defined as primary outcome associated with carotid disease was the incidence of compound event CVA, TIA and death due to CVA, being CVA defined as clinical and persistent neurological deficit after 24 hours of its installation, confirmed or not by imaging test, and TIA as reverted deficit within 24 hours after installation. Secondary outcome was defined as all-cause mortality. Results We evaluated 1,169 patients, in which we found prevalence of significant carotid disease (injury on vessel ≥ 50%) was of 19.9%. It was observed severe lesions (injury on vessel ≥ 70%) in 8.6% of patients, and 2% of these showed total occlusion in at least one vessel (Table 1). Mean age of study patients was of 71.6 years (SD ± 4.9), ranging from 65-95 years old. Among those with significant carotid injury, mean age was of 72.1 years old (SD ± 5.2) and, among those without significant disease, 71.4 years old (SD ± 4.8) (p = 0.127). For severe CD, mean age was of 73.1 years old (SD ± 5.4), while for patients without severe CD was of 71.4 years old (SD ± 4.8) (p = 0.002). We found as predictors of significant carotid disease, in univariate analysis, systemic arterial hypertension (SAH), previous TIA, renal dysfunction and peripheral arterial disease (Table 2). Multivariate analysis showed the following predictors: renal dysfunction and peripheral vasculopathy (Table 3). In both, AMI was observed as protective factor. Table 1 - Distribution of patients according to the carotid stenosis level according to Doppler ultrasonography of the carotid Level of carotid stenosis Absolute number of patients Percentage of patients in relation to the general population Without injury 148 12.7 <50% 789 67.5 50-69% 132 11.3 70-99% 77 6.6 Total occlusion 23 2.0 1.169 100 Total Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):297-303 298 Calero et al. Carotid injury and myocardial revascularization Original Article Table 2 - Clinical characteristics of patients with significant carotid disease (≥ 50%) CD < 50% (n = 937) CD ≥ 50% (n = 232) Odds ratio p Female 34.7% 40.5% 0.78 (0.58-1.05) 0.10 SAH 88.4% 93.5% 1.89 (1.08-3.31) 0.02 DM2 46.4% 43.1% 0.88 (0.66-1.17) 0.37 FH CD 10.7% 10.8% 1.01 (0.63-1.60) 1.00 Smoking 10.4% 10.8% - 0.77 Previous CVA 4.4% 5.6% 1.29 (0.68-2.45) 0.48 Previous TIA 1.6% 3.9% 2.47 (1.07-5.72) 0.03 Renal dysfunction 10.9% 18.1% 1.80 (1.22-2.67) <0.01 Peripheral vasculopathy 12.2% 20.3% 1.83 (1.26-2.67) <0.01 Variables Dyslipidemia 9.9% 9.5% 0.96 (0.60-1.56) 1.00 Previous AMI 50.9% 34.1% 0.50 (0.37-0.67) < 0.01 TIA: transitory ischemic accident; CVA: cerebrovascular accident; CD: carotid disease; DM2: diabetes mellitus type 2; SAH: systemic arterial hypertension; FH CD: family history of coronary disease; AMI: acute myocardial infarction. Table 3 - Multivariate analysis of clinical characteristic of patients with significant carotid disease (≥ 50%) which p < 0.10 Clinical characteristic Odds ratio p Sex 0.75 (0.55-1.02) 0.06 SAH 1.71 (0.97-3.04) 0.06 TIA 2.03 (0.85-4.82) 0.11 Peripheral vasculopathy 1.80 (1.22-2.65) <0.01 Renal dysfunction 2.03 (1.34-3.07) <0.01 Previous TIA 0.47 (0.35-0.65) <0.01 TIA: transitory ischemic accident; SAH: systemic arterial hypertension. The incidence of primary outcome was of 3.7%, with 18.2% having occurred in the first 30 days after surgery. From the total events, 3% were observed in the group without carotid injury and 6.5% in the group with significant carotid injury (p = 0.0018). Only previous TIA (OR 5.66, IC95% 1.67-6.35; p < 0.01) and renal dysfunction (OR 3.28, IC95% 1.67-6.45; p < 0.01) were defined as predictors for the primary outcome in univariate analysis (Table 4). All-cause mortality at the end of the follow-up was of 11.1%, and in 6.8% the basic cause was CVA. Among patients with severe CD (lesion ≥ 70% and < 100%) and underwent an intervention for its treatment in the perioperative period, the incidence of primary outcome was of 12.5%. But among those who, as decided by the medical team, were not subjected to any procedure, the incidence of primary outcome was of 3.4% (p = 0.24). As for the type of approach (percutaneous versus surgical), when compared with each other, there was no statistical difference in the primary outcome incidence (p = 0.516) (Table 5). 299 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):297-303 In the first 30 days after MRS, the incidence of neurological events was of 12% among patients who underwent procedures against 4.5% among those who were not subjected to procedures, with p = 0.28. After 30 days of MRS and until the end of the follow-up, the incidence of neurological event was of 0% in the group without procedure and 7% in the group with procedure, with p = 0.24. Survival in 60 months for patients without carotid injury was of 90.7% and, in the group with carotid disease above 50%, was of 83.5%, (HR = 1.9, IC95% 1.3-2.8), p = 0.001 (Figure 1). Discussion The incidence of primary outcome in this population was 3.7% and correlated with data from the literature, which values range from 2-6%6,7. It is estimated that such data may be underestimated, once studies show that neurological disorders such as delirium, agitation, memory loss and cognition loss, in post-MRS, show incidences of up to 13.8%, with many related to cerebral infarction6. Calero et al. Carotid injury and myocardial revascularization Original Article Table 4 - Multivariate analysis of clinical characteristic of patients with primary outcome No event Event Odds ratio p SAH 89.3% 93.0% 1.59 (0.49-5.23) 0.61 DM2 46.2% 32.6% 0.56 (0.29-1.07) 0.09 FH CD 10.9% 7.0% 0.61 (0.19-2.02) 0.61 Smoking 16.3% 10.2% − − Previous CVA 4.5% 9.3% 2.20 (0.76-6.40) 0.13 Previous TIA 1.8% 9.3% 5.66 (1.85-17.34) 0.01 Renal dysfunction 11.7% 30.2% 3.28 (1.67-6.45) <0.01 Peripheral vasculopathy 13.5% 20.9% 1.69 (0.79-3.59) 0.17 Dyslipidemia 9.7% 11.6% 1.22 (0.47-3.17) 0.60 Previous AMI 47.7% 41.9% 0.79 (0.42-1.46) 0.53 Prior AMI 11.8% 14.0% 1.22 (0.50-2.94) 0.63 Previous PCA 1.9% 4.7% 2.56 (0.58-11.28) 0.21 Arrhythmia 18.0% 20.5% 1.17 (0.53-2.59) 0.67 Transoperative AMI 21.6% 27.9% 1.40(0.71-2.78) 0.35 3.7% 4.7% 1.28 (0.30-5.49) 0.67 3.2% 2.3% 0.72 (0.10-5.37) 1.00 33.1% 33.3% 1.01 (0.48-2.11) 1.00 97.4% 97.7% 1.11 (0.15-8.37) 1.00 71.6 71.4 − 0.85 54.4 59.4 − 0.18 81.2 89.9 − 0.16 Variables Postoperative AF Previous heart surgery LMCA injury ECC Age Time of anoxia (min) Time of ECC (min) TIA: transitory ischemic accident; PCA: percutaneous coronary angioplasty; CVA: cerebrovascular accident; ECC: extracorporeal circulation; DM2: diabetes mellitus type 2; AF: atrial fibrillation; SAH: systemic arterial hypertension; FH CD: family history of coronary disease; AMI: acute myocardial infarction; LMCA: left main coronary artery. Table 5 - Incidence of primary outcome in relation to carotid disease approach Procedure Primary outcome (n = 1.169) Primary outcome related to CD approach (n=9) p − None 79.1% − Previous endarterectomy 2.3% 6.7% Endarterectomy during MR or until 30 days later 7% 17.2% Stent pre-MRS 11.6% 20% Stent post-MRS 0 0 p = 0.516 CD: carotid disease; MRS: myocardial revascularization surgery. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):297-303 300 Calero et al. Carotid injury and myocardial revascularization Original Article Survival curve carotid disease < 50% carotid disease > 50% Time Figure 1 - Kaplan-Meier curves for survival free from events in 60 months of follow-up. In the primary outcome, 18.2% of events occurred in the first 30 days after surgery. Even though 34.5 of total CVA of study population had occurred in the group without significant carotid disease, the presence of carotid disease ≥ 50% aggregates an OR = 2.2 (p = 0.0018) for compound outcome of CVA, TIA and death due to cardiovascular. In the literature, the relation between carotid disease and post-CVA is controversial. Even though it is related that the risk for CVA is higher than 2% among those with non‑significant CD against 5% in the group with significant CD, reaching 11% in case of occlusion, most perioperative CVA are not related to carotid disease2. In previous studies with patients subjected to MRS, only 23.7% had significant carotid disease, suggesting that alternative causes were related to the development of the event8. It is recognized that 50-79% of CVA cannot be attributed to CD alone, with contribution of embolic events secondary to extracorporeal circulation, postoperative arrhythmias, hypotension, state of hypofibrinolysis and aortic calcification such as etiological factors6,9-11. In the literature are also identified as predictors of perioperative CVA: age, female gender, diabetes mellitus, SAH, peripheral vasculopathy, polytransfusion and emergency surgery12,13. In our study, only previous TIA and renal dysfunction were defined as predictors for the primary outcome. In the current cohort, the prevalence of significant carotid disease of 19.9% was similar to that from the literature, which values range between 4-18.7%14,15. The prevalence of unilateral occlusion (2%) was higher than that 301 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):297-303 from the literature (0.06%), however there were no cases of bilateral occlusion, which prevalence is estimated at 0.04%. For preoperative carotid evaluation in MRS, we currently recommend screening with Doppler ultrasonography of patients aged 65 or older, in addition to those with stenosis of the left main coronary artery and previous CVA or TIA, SAH, DM23,4. In this study, CD ≥50% predictors, after multivariate analysis, were the factors: renal dysfunction, peripheral arterial disease and previous myocardial infarction, this as protective factor. It has been hypothesized that the presence of previous AMI as protective factor can be explained by the current conduct of initiating the treatment with inhibitors of angiotensin-converting enzymes (ACE), angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) and statins, medications that have impact on the evolution of atherosclerotic disease16. Despite divergent, international guidelines recommend intervention on symptomatic carotid stenoses above 70% and asymptomatic above ≥ 80%4. In our study, there was no difference in compound outcome between patients with CD≥70% evaluated by Doppler ultrasonography who underwent or not an intervention in carotid disease (p = 0.24). Moreover, when compared with each other, there was no statistical difference in the primary outcome incidence between the different approaches (percutaneous versus surgical – p = 0.516). Some studies indicate that performing the correction of carotid injury associated with MRS can also increase the risk of postoperative CVA and death17,18. Calero et al. Carotid injury and myocardial revascularization Original Article The type of intervention related to the lower number of neurological events and the best moment for approaching CD remain controversial. In our results, the difference between these factors was not statistically significant. a better assessment on the impact of CD approach in perioperative MRS. In the literature, studies are divergent. In one study analyzing patients with carotid disease which underwent MRS, it was observed that the incidence of postoperative CVA was of 15.1% among patients subjected to MRS combined with endarterectomy and of 20% in patients who underwent angioplasty with stent prior to surgery. There was no postoperative CVA in patients with CD ≥70% who did not underwent a carotid revascularization procedure 8 . Levi et al 19 monitored 80 patients who underwent endarterectomy combined with MRS and found a neurological events rate of 7.6% in 10 years. This is a retrospective study, based on the analysis of medical charts. The choice of clinic therapeutic strategy, surgery strategy or stenting was decided by the medical team responsible for the patient, which did not allow the comparative analysis of results. In this study, the incidence of CVA in the group subjected to endarterectomy prior to MRS was of 6.7%. Van der Heyden et al20 evaluated endarterectomy followed by MRS in 356 patients neurologically asymptomatic, in a 30-day follow-up; rate of death and CVA was of 4.8%. Ziada et al 21 compared endarterectomy and carotid angioplasty with stent, followed by heart surgery. There was a smaller proportion of CVA in a 30-day follow-up in the group which was subjected to carotid angioplasty with stent. On the other hand, a metanalysis of 11 studies comparing carotid endarterectomy and carotid angioplasty with stent prior to MRS found similar rates of CVA and AMI 22. Currently, the European directive of myocardial revascularization, published in 2011, recommends the carotid intervention on symptomatic patients when stenosis 70-99%; the procedure can be considered for asymptomatic male patients with bilateral stenosis of 70-99% or stenosis of 70-99% associated with contralateral occlusion. The same directive claims the approach of CD in MRS is controversial and hypothesizes the decision to intervene and the type of procedure to be performed (surgery or angioplasty) must be individualized after discussion by a multidisciplinary team, including a neurologist23. Currently, conflicting results could be justified by the fact that in the literature, studies on this topic are based on retrospective studies. Limitations on this study are due to the presence of possible variables not balanced in the sampling. Randomized studies are necessary for Study limitations Conclusion Carotid disease is an important marker of neurological events related to MRS. The presence of significant carotid injury is a risk factor for CVA, TIA or death due to CVA in patients subjected to MRS. However, the surgical approach for carotid disease was not significantly related to the primary outcome. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Batista CC, Petisco AC, Oliveira DP, Farsky PS, Arantes FBB, Assef JE, Barbosa JEM, Friolani SC, Revelo MSC; Acquisition of data: Batista CC, Petisco AC, Oliveira DP, Arantes FBB, Barbosa JEM, Revelo MSC; Analysis and interpretation of the data: Batista CC, Petisco AC, Oliveira DP, Farsky PS, Arantes FBB, França JID, Barbosa JEM, Friolani SC, Revelo MSC; Statistical analysis: França JID, Revelo MSC; Writing of the manuscript: Batista CC, Oliveira DP, Farsky PS, Arantes FBB, Friolani SC, Revelo MSC; Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Batista CC, Petisco AC, Oliveira DP, Farsky PS, Arantes FBB, Assef JE, Friolani SC, Revelo MSC. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. 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Back to the cover Original Article Carvedilol Enhances the Antioxidant Effect of Vitamins E and C in Chronic Chagas Heart Disease Patrícia Budni1, Roberto Coury Pedrosa2,3 Eduardo Monguilhott Dalmarco1, Juliana Bastos Dalmarco1, Tânia Sílvia Frode1, Danilo Wilhelm Filho1 Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina1, Florianópolis, SC; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro2; Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho3, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil Abstract Background: Chagas disease is still an important endemic disease in Brazil, and the cardiac involvement is its more severe manifestation. Objective: To verify whether the concomitant use of carvedilol will enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins E and C in reducing the systemic oxidative stress in chronic Chagas heart disease. Methods: A total of 42 patients with Chagas heart disease were studied. They were divided into four groups according to the modified Los Andes classification: 10 patients in group IA (normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no cardiac involvement); 20 patients in group IB (normal electrocardiogram and abnormal echocardiogram; mild cardiac involvement); eight patients in group II (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no heart failure; moderate cardiac involvement); and four patients in group III (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram with heart failure; severe cardiac involvement). Blood levels of markers of oxidative stress were determined before and after a six-month period of treatment with carvedilol, and six months after combined therapy of carvedilol with vitamins E and C. The markers analyzed were as follows: activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione S-transferase and reductase, myeloperoxidade and adenosine deaminase; and the levels of reduced glutathione, thiobarbituric-acid reactive substances, protein carbonyls, vitamin E, and nitric oxide. Results: After treatment with carvedilol, all groups showed significant decrease in protein carbonyls and reduced glutathione levels, whereas nitric oxide levels and adenosine activity increased significantly only in the less severely affected group (IA). In addition, the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes was decreased in the less severely affected groups (IA and IB). By combining the vitamins with carvedilol, a reduction in protein damage, in glutathione levels, and in the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes were observed. Conclusions: The decrease in oxidative stress levels observed by means of the markers tested was more significant when carvedilol was used in combination with the antioxidant vitamins. The findings suggest that both carvedilol alone and in combination with the vitamins were effective in attenuating the systemic oxidative stress in patients with Chagas heart disease, especially those less severely affected, thus suggesting the possibility of synergism between these compounds. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):304-310) Keywords: Chagas, Cardiomyopathy / therapy; Adrenergic Beta-Antagonists; Antioxidants; Vitamin E; Vitamin C. Introduction Cardiac involvement is the most severe and common manifestation in the chronic phase of Chagas disease in endemic areas, and is the main death cause in patients aged between 30-50 years1. Mailing address: Patricia Budni • Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Cidade Universitária, Trindade. Postal Code 80040-900, Florianópolis, SC - Brazil E-mail: budnip@gmail.com Manuscript received January 03, 2013; revised manuscript January 07, 2013; accepted April 30, 2013 DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130184 304 The pathogenesis of chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD) is not yet fully understood, partly because the disease progression depends on a complex parasite-host interaction. Some mechanisms have been proposed to explain the pathogenesis of CCHD, one of which is the hypothesis of an amplified immune-inflammatory response, among other processes, resulting from the generation of oxygen-reactive species (ORS) in the presence of the parasite or its antigen2,3. Conventional treatment strategies for heart failure, such as betablockers, have shown a significant improvement in survival and progression of heart failure (HF). However, strategies focusing specifically on CCHD are still scarce4,5. Budni et al. Carvedilol and antioxidants in Chagas heart disease Original Article Carvedilol is a combination of beta-1 with alpha-1 adrenergic blockers approved for the treatment of heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction. Many experimental and clinical evidences suggest that, in addition to its adrenergic blockade, the drug also has a potent antioxidant activity6. We have recently shown that increased oxidative stress is associated with the progression of Chagas disease7, and that the use of antioxidants was effective in reducing it, thus potentially being able to influence the course of the disease 8,9. Our group has also recently shown that the administration of carvedilol was effective in attenuating oxidative stress in the different stages of the disease, an effect that may be particularly important in CCHD10. The main objective of this study was to investigate whether carvedilol would enhance the antioxidant effect of vitamins E and C, previously demonstrated in studies conducted in our laboratory, by means of biomarkers of inflammatory and oxidative stress in the blood of patients with CCHD. Methods Study design This is a prospective therapeutic intervention study (RBR-95, JNQP) of a sample from an open cohort comprised of patients followed up in the Service of Cardiology of Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital (HUCFF-UFRJ). Patient selection The study sample was comprised of patients who had spontaneously followed the treatment flowchart of the HUCFF‑UFRJ Chagas disease outpatient clinic. Only patients with chronic Chagas disease aged between 21-70 years, who had maintained their nutritional habits, had no associated diseases, and had been away from endemic zones for more than 20 years were included in the study. Patients with arterial hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiomyopathy of an etiology other than Chagas disease, heart valve disease, thyroid dysfunction, excessive tobacco/alcohol intake, known immune diseases, abnormal serum electrolyte levels (potassium and calcium), or systemic disease were excluded from the study. The study project was approved by the HUCFF-UFRJ Research Ethics Committee (CEP resolution no. 053/07). All patients received information about the study and gave written informed consent. The patients were followed up by the same team of physicians. Medical visits were scheduled regularly on an outpatient basis at mean intervals of four months and, when necessary, the patients underwent laboratory tests. All patients had been clinically stable for at least three months when their blood sample was collected for the present study. The patients’ diet was poor in major nutritional antioxidants and, therefore, the intake of vitamins C and E was considered negligible. Medications that interfered with the fluid and electrolyte balance were discontinued for 48 hours prior to the laboratory and clinical tests, and no clinical events were recorded during this period. The patients were divided into four groups according to the modified Los Andes classification11: 10 patients in group IA (normal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no cardiac involvement); 20 patients in group IB (normal electrocardiogram and abnormal echocardiogram; mild cardiac involvement); eight patients in group II (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram; no heart failure; moderate cardiac involvement); and four patients in group III (abnormal electrocardiogram and echocardiogram with heart failure; severe cardiac involvement). The levels of biomarkers of oxidative stress were determined prior to and six months after treatment with carvedilol alone (at a dose of 12.5mg TID, in a total daily dose of 37.5 mg) and prior to and after six months of the combination of carvedilol with vitamins E (800IU) and C (500mg) in a single daily dose. Between the phases of carvedilol used alone and in combination with the vitamins, there was an interval of six months with no medication. Serological diagnosis of Chagas disease The serological diagnosis of Chagas disease was made in all patients by means of anti-T. cruzi antibody detection using two methods. The dilution considered as a positive serological reaction was that established by the laboratory of the Manguinhos-Fiocruz/RJ reference center. Patients were considered as testing positive when they showed two positive serological tests in two samples collected separately. In case of doubtful results of the two methods, the serum samples were retested using the immunofluorescence method; if discrepancy persisted, the result of immunofluorescence prevailed. Blood samples were always collected by the same person, on the same day of the week, in the morning, and with the patients fasted. Medications and reagents Carvedilol, (RS)-1-(9H-carbazol-4-yloxy)-3-[2-(2ethoxyphenoxyl) ethylamine] propan-2-ol, and vitamins E (E-Tabs) and E (Energil C) were kindly supplied by a pharmaceutical industry from the State of São Paulo (Brazil), of the EMS Sigma Farma group. The reagents used for the analyses of oxidative stress biomarkers were obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, USA). Statistical analysis Statistical comparisons of inflammatory and oxidative stress markers within the different groups were made using the one-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) complemented by the Tukey-Kramer test. Data were analyzed using the generalized linear models for repeated measures. The SPSS version 11.5.0 acquired under license by Federal University of Santa Catarina in 9/6/2002 was used for all analyses. The level of significance was set at 5%. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):304-310 305 Budni et al. Carvedilol and antioxidants in Chagas heart disease Original Article Results The radiological assessment showed that the cardiothoracic index increased with the degree of cardiac involvement (p = 0.0001) and was considered as cardiomegaly when values were greater than 0.50. Echocardiography showed ejection fraction values significantly lower in group III patients than in patients of the other groups (p = 0.0001). The left ventricular end-diastolic diameter was corrected for body surface, and values above 32 mm/m2 were considered abnormal. Based on this criterion, 12 patients showed left ventricular dilatation. Right myocardial impairment, as expressed by pulmonary hypertension, was observed in groups II and III patients (Table 1). The analysis of the profile of the different groups showed that group IA patients had significantly decreased GSH levels, both after treatment with carvedilol (0.18 ± 0.12 µmol ml−1) and after treatment with carvedilol combined with the antioxidant vitamins (0.14 ± 0.10 µmol ml−1), in comparison with untreated individuals (0.31 ± 0.17 µmol ml−1). TBARS and vitamin E levels remained unchanged when compared to the treatment with carvedilol alone. However, after combination with vitamins, plasma TBARS levels significantly decreased in comparison to those of untreated patients (13.11 ± 9.98 nmol ml−1 – 6.10 ± 3.02 nmol ml−1), whereas plasma vitamin E levels increased in relation to the treatment with carvedilol alone (12.44 ± 2.85 µmol L−1 – 16.18 ± 3.45 µmol L−1) (Table 2). However, the protein carbonyls (PC) level was significantly decreased in patients treated with carvedilol (0.04 ± 0.01 nmol mg−1) and vitamins (0.09 ± 0.03 nmol mg−1), in comparison to that of untreated patients (0.15 ± 0.07 nmol mg−1). When we compared the activity of the antioxidant enzymes SOD, GST and GPx within group IA, we observed a significant reduction in relation to untreated patients in both treatment regimens, whereas CAT activity was initially higher with carvedilol and then remained unchanged with the combination with vitamins. GR activity remained unchanged with treatment with carvedilol (5.02 ± 0.71 µmol min−1 ml−1 – 4.78 ± 1.26 µmol min−1 ml−1, respectively) and decreased significantly with the combination with vitamins (3.89 ± 0.71 µmol min−1 ml−1) (Table 3). As for the inflammatory markers, after treatment with carvedilol there was a significant increase in nitric oxide (NO) levels in comparison to those of untreated patients (10.93 ± 3.19 µM and 17.96 ± 3.24 µM, respectively) followed by a decrease after the combination with vitamins (9.09 ± 1.00 µM). A significant increase in ADA activity was observed after both interventions (10.03 ± 1.28 Ul−1, 17.17 ± 2.49 Ul−1 and 17.58 ± 2.21 UI−1), whereas MPO activity remained unchanged (Table 2). Group IB patients treated with carvedilol plus vitamins showed a very similar response to that of group IA patients. GSH levels (0.16 ± 0.13 µmol ml−1 – 0.11 ± 0.09 µmol ml −1, respectively) were also significantly lower when compared to those of untreated patients (0.22 ± 0.17 µmol ml−1) in both interventions, whereas TBARS and vitamin E levels remained unchanged when compared to those of patients receiving treatment with carvedilol alone. However, in the combination with vitamins, TBARS levels decreased significantly in comparison to those of untreated patients (10.02 ± 6.18 nmol ml−1 – 6.52 ± 2.92 nmol ml−1, respectively), whereas vitamin E levels increased in relation to those of carvedilol (15.70 ± 4.68 µmol L−1 – 22.02 ± 11.0 µmol L1, respectively; Table 2). In addition, like in group IA patients, CP levels significantly decreased in patients treated with carvedilol alone (0.05 ± 0.02 nmol mg−1) and with carvedilol plus the combination of vitamins (0.09 ± 0.08 nmol mg−1) when compared to those of untreated patients (0.6 ± 0.19 nmol mg−1). The profile of the antioxidant enzymes activity in this group was also very similar to that of group IA, whereas the inflammatory markers remained unchanged, except for the MPO activity, which increased significantly in relation to patients treated with carvedilol combined with antioxidant vitamins (420.70 ± 27.88 μM – 531.54 ± 25.84 μM, respectively) (Table 2). Table 1 - Radiologic, electrocardiographic and echocardiographic data of the chagasic patients Variable IA (n = 10) IB (n = 20) II (n = 8) III (n = 4) ANOVA p 0.45 ± 0.02 0.45 ± 0.02 0.48 ± 0.04 0.52 ± 0.02 0.0001* 0 0 20 100 0.001† RBBB (%) 0 55.7 62.3 97.8 0.001‡ RBBB + LAHB (%) 0 68.9 72.1 99.1 0.003‡ Inactive area (%) 0 2 55 89.3 0.001‡ Chest radiography Cardiothoracic index (m ± sd) consistent with CHF (%) Electrocardiography Echocardiography LVEF (%) LVEDDI (mm/m2) Pulmonary hypertension (%) 65.2 61.6 42.4 37.6 0.0001§ 28.3 ± 1.8 29.2 ± 1.2 32.3 ± 4.8 35.9 ± 1.9 0.001§ 0 0 25 44 0.001§ RBBB: complete right bundle branch block; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; LAHB: left anterior hemiblock; LVEDDI: left ventricular end-diastolic diameter index; Tukey (IA ¹ III)*·; (IA ¹ III) †; (IB ¹ III) ‡; (IA ¹ III) § 306 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):304-310 10.93 ± 3.19 417.3 ± 40.1 NO MPO 9.5 ± 4.28 544.18 ± 70.05 17.96 ± 3.2 α* 17.17 ± 2.5α* 12.44 ± 2.85 0.18 ± 0.12α* 0.04 ± 0.01α** 6.10 ± 3.02β* 553.96 ± 39.21 9.09 ± 1.00γ* 17.58 ± 2.21β* 16.18 ± 3.45γ* 0.14 ± 0.10β** 0.09 ± 0.03β**γ** 7.71 ± 1.17 16.07 ± 1.50 15.36 ± 2.29 15.70 ± 4.68 0.16 ± 0.13α** 0.05 ± 0.02α* 430.97 ± 31.53 420.70 ± 27.9 11.18 ± 1.38 10.67 ± 1.08 17.12 ± 8.93 0.22 ± 0.17 0.16 ± 0.19 10.02 ± 6.18 Untreated 531.54 ± 25.84γ* 13.70 ± 1.53 16.01 ± 0.92 22.02 ± 11.0γ* 0.11 ± 0.09β** 0.09 ± 0.1β**γ*** 6.52 ± 2.92β* After 6 months of combined treatment After 6 months of treatmen with Carvedilol After 6 months of combined treatment After 6 months of treatmen with Carvedilol 18.86 ± 2.60 12.90 ± 2.14 12.24 ± 2.18 0.18 ± 0.11α* 0.05 ± 0.01α*** 8.33 ± 1.55 After 6 months of treatmen with Carvedilol 409.54 ± 80.95 352.13 ± 50.36 15.49 ± 3.42 14.02 ± 2.27 19.64 ± 9.25 0.29 ± 0.10 0.17 ± 0.07 11.34 ± 4.60 Untreated 13.17 ± 4.62 10.63 ± 3.52 11.72 ± 3.40 0.38 ± 0.15 0.15 ± 0.10 15.19 ± 5.04 Untreated 12.10 ± 1.00 9.05 ± 4.06 11.18 ± 3.83 0.16 ± 0.09*α 0.05 ± 0.01α* 9.50 ± 2.22 10.92 ± 1.98 16.01 ± 0.59 20.76 ± 3.38β*γ* 0.18 ± 0.10β* 0.09 ± 0.12β*γ* 7.25 ± 4.06 After 6 After 6 months months of of combined treatmen with treatment Carvedilol Group III (n = 4) 707.42 ± 104.83β**γ*** 440.92 ± 68.15 395.08 ± 60.10 559.04 ± 66.62 17.17 ± 1.89 14.94 ± 1.41 29.40 ± 15.08γ* 0.16 ± 0.06β* 0.10 ± 0.03β*γ*** 7.13 ± 3.40 After 6 months of combined treatment Group II (n = 8) 8.87 ± 2.55 30.61 ± 2.58 5.02 ± 0.71 CAT GST GR 4.78 ± 1.26 24.0717 ± 3.68* 13.27 ± 3.88α* 3.89 ± .71β* 17.68 ± 3.52β**γ** 10.25 ± 5.06 1.19 ± 0.60β*** 59.44 ± 3.76β*** After 6 months of combined treatment Untreated 4.94 ± 1.43 35.41 ± 9.42 9.21 ± 2.01 2.32 ± 0.35 10.67 ± 2.07 1.05 ± 0.47β***γ*** 8.43 ± 3.14 2.75 ± 0.73 9.50 ± 4.06 2.36 ± 0.35 4.86 ± 1.70 4.11 ± 0.79β* −1 4.76 ± 1.16 4.00 ± 1.09 24.58 ± 9.64α*** 17.63 ± 4.70β***γ*** 34.10 ± 5.64 20.81 ± 2.9α*** 11.62 ± 4.10α* 1.49 ± 0.39α*** 9.46 ± 3.65 2.27 ± 0.41 68.05 ± 4.75 β** After 6 months of combined treatment 4.20 ± 0.65 19.08 ± 1.52β*** Group II (n = 8) After 6 months of treatmen with Carvedilol 171.52 ± 41.16 66.37 ± 8.56α*** 59.89 ± 4.36β*** γ** 141.26 ± 46.6 70.9 ± 11.2 α** Untreated Group IB (n = 20) After 6 months After 6 months of of treatmen with combined treatment Carvedilol 4.69 ± 0.81 26.66 ± 7.51 7.54 ± 3.93 2.48 ± 0.17 145.4 ± 44.1 Untreated 4.73 ± 1.52 23.28 ± 5.33 12.51 ± 6.43 2.14 ± 0.40 69.20 ± 6.54α* −1 Group III (n = 4) After 6 months of treatmen with Carvedilol −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 −1 4.67 ± 0.27 21.93 ± 2.58 12.56 ± 3.89 2.13 ± 0.33 68.91 ± 5.01β** After 6 months of combined treatment CAT: catalase (mmol min ml ); GPx: glutathione peroxidase (μmol min ml ); GR: glutathione reductase (μmol min ml ); GST: glutathione S-transferase (μmol min ml ); SOD: superoxide dismutase (U SOD ml ). Values are expressed as mean ± standard-deviation. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,***p < 0.001 represent significant differences within the same chagasic group. −1 2.35 ± 0.22 GPx 1.48 ± 0.54α*** 144.99 ± 29.0 64.04 ± 6.05α***γ* SOD Untreated After 6 months of treatmen with Carvedilol Group IA (n = 10) Table 3 – Comparison, within the same group, of antioxidant enzymes in the blood of chagasic patients at three different treatment times ADA: adenosine deaminase (UI-1); GSH: reduced glutathione (μmol ml−1); PC: protein carbonyl (nmol mg−1); •NO: nitric oxide (µM); MPO: myeloperoxidase (mU ml−1); TBARS: thiobarbituric-acid reactive substances (nmol ml−1); vitamin E (μmol ml−1). Values are expressed as mean ± standard deviation *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01,***p < 0.001 represent significant differences within the same chagasic group. 10.03 ± 1.28 ADA • 0.31 ± 0.17 17.36 ± 8.11 Vit. E 0.15 ± 0.07 PC GSH 13.11 ± 9.98 TBARS Untreated Group IB (n = 20) Group IA (n = 10) Table 2 - Comparison, within the same group, of GSH, TBARS, PC, vitamin E and •NO levels and MPO and ADA activities, in the blood of chagasic patients at three different treatment times Budni et al. Carvedilol and antioxidants in Chagas heart disease Original Article Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):304-310 307 Budni et al. Carvedilol and antioxidants in Chagas heart disease Original Article In group II patients, the behavior of the parameters analyzed was also very similar to that found in the less severely affected patients (groups IA and IB) (Table 2). GSH levels were significantly lower when patients treated with carvedilol and with carvedilol plus vitamins were compared to those of untreated individuals (0.18 ± 0.11 – 0.16 ± 0.06 and 0.29 ± 0.10 µmol ml−1, respectively), whereas no significant difference in TBARS levels and a significant increase in vitamin E levels were found when compared to those of patients receiving the combined treatment with vitamins (29.40 ± 15.08 µmol L −1) and those of untreated patients (19.64 ± 9.25 µmol L −1). Again, PC values were significantly lower after treatment with carvedilol alone (0.05 ± 0.01 nmol mg−1) as well as after the combination with vitamins (0.10 ± 0.03 nmol mg−1), in comparison to those of untreated individuals (0.17 0.07 nmol mg−1). After treatment with carvedilol combined with vitamins, the levels of inflammatory markers remained unchanged, except for MPO, which significantly increased (707.42 ± 104.83 μM) in comparison to values of untreated patients (409.54 ± 80.95 μM) and of those treated with carvedilol alone (352.13 ± 50.3 μM) (Table 2). SOD and GST activities decreased significantly with both treatments, whereas CAT, CR and GPx activities were not significantly different in comparison to those of untreated patients (Table 3). Similar to what was found in the other groups, GSH levels of patients classified as group III decreased significantly when compared to those of patients treated with carvedilol alone (0.16 ± 0.09 µmol ml−1), with the combination carvedilol plus vitamins (0.18 0.10 µmol ml−1) and untreated patients (0.38 ± 0.15 µmol ml−1) (Table 2). Also, same as for the values found in groups IA, IB and II, no significant differences were observed in TBARS levels of patients treated with carvedilol alone and after combination with vitamins. Vitamin E levels increased in patients treated with vitamins when compared to those of untreated patients (11.72 ± 3.40 µmol ml−1 – 20.76 3.38 µmol ml−1), whereas CP values were decreased, both in patients treated with carvedilol alone (0.05 ± 0.01 nmol mg−1) and in those treated with the combination of carvedilol plus vitamins (0.09 ± 0.12 nmol mg−1), when compared to those of untreated patients (0.15 ± 0.06 nmol mg−1) (Table 2). CAT, GR, GST and GPx activities were not significantly different in relation to the therapy used. However, SOD activity was decreased in individuals treated with carvedilol alone (69.20 ± 6.54 ml−1) and with the combination carvedilol plus vitamins (68.91 ± 5.01 ml−1) when compared to that of untreated individuals (145.44 44.12 USOD ml−1). Same as for the results obtained in other groups, the levels of inflammatory markers remained unchanged after treatment with carvedilol alone and in combination with the vitamins (Table 2). Discussion In the present study, the patients showed increased oxidative damage in lipids and proteins prior to the antioxidant therapy in comparison to that in the post-treatment period. A generalized increase in the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes was also observed prior to treatment. 308 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):304-310 In an animal model of infection by Trypanosoma cruzi, increased oxidative modification of cell proteins12,13 was detected, as well as increased levels of malondialdehyde (MDA, a major product of lipid peroxidation), findings that corroborate those of the present study. The first studies with carvedilol showed that this drug is much more potent in inhibiting the production of hydroxyl radicals (OH) in comparison to other betablockers, and that it is able to inhibit lipid peroxidation14. We observed a significant decrease in levels of the marker of protein damage in all groups with CCHD as well as a decrease in TBARS levels, which could be attributed to the potent antioxidant properties of carvedilol11. In another similar study, carvedilol also prevented lipid peroxidation in the myocardial cell membranes, initiated by oxygen radicals generated by chemical, enzymatic or cell systems, both in vitro and in vivo15. The inflammatory process that characterizes Chagas disease is more pronounced in the acute phase and seems to be correlated with the severity of the heart disease 16. In this study, we observed that the levels of most of the inflammatory markers (NO, ADA and MPO) remained unchanged with the treatment with carvedilol, thus suggesting an additional effect of this drug on the inflammatory process. The anti-inflammatory activity of carvedilol has been demonstrated in studies by means of the reduction of C-reactive protein, amyloid protein, and monocyte chemotactic protein17. This effect could be related to its antioxidant ability to decrease ROS generation and impair inflammatory cells infiltration in the myocardium18,19. Increased ADA and NO levels were observed only in group IA patients, classified as the group less severely affected by CCHD. Histopathological findings in individuals with heart disease have shown an increase in mononuclear cells with TNF-α production by activated macrophages and T lymphocytes 20. This finding could justify the increase in ADA, which is an enzyme released by mononuclear cells. Increased NO levels in this group of patients could indicate a response against infection by T. cruzi, since these patients are less severely affected in comparison to those of the other groups. By combining the antioxidant vitamins with the treatment with carvedilol, it is possible to suggest a synergistic association of this combination of the three non-enzymatic antioxidants. This synergy could be reflected in the significant reduction in the levels of most of both the lipid and protein markers of damage, in comparison to those of untreated patients. A significant increase in vitamin E plasma levels was observed in all groups, thus indicating that vitamin E was properly absorbed by the patients. These results corroborate those of Bhogade et al21 in which, after supplementation with vitamin E, there was elevation of its plasma levels, with a concomitant decrease in MDA levels. The activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes decreased significantly or remained unchanged, and this could be explained by synergy between the three antioxidants used in the prevention of the oxidative damage. The levels of the inflammatory marker NO decreased only in group IA after combination of carvedilol with the vitamins, an effect that could be attributed to the ability of vitamin E to prevent NO toxicity via peroxynitrite formation22. Budni et al. Carvedilol and antioxidants in Chagas heart disease Original Article The increased MPO activity observed in group II after combination of vitamins with carvedilol could be justified by the relationship that this enzyme has with the progression and severity of the heart disease. Lobbes et al23 showed that increased serum MPO levels were significantly associated with coronary artery disease in patients with acute myocardial infarction in comparison with those of healthy controls. Bellotti et al24 sought to investigate the presence of parasites in the hearts of chronic Chagas disease patients, and frequently found them. The authors correlated this finding with the severity of the myocardial inflammatory process, thus supporting the perception of the important role of the parasites in the pathophysiology of the chronic phase25. On the other hand, the use of both carvedilol alone and in combination with the antioxidant vitamins were apparently unable to halt the progression of the inflammatory process, as indicated by the increase in ADA and MPO levels in the two intervention moments. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Budni P, Pedrosa RC, Wilhelm Filho D; Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of the data and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Budni P, Pedrosa RC, Dalmarco EM, Dalmarco JB, Frode TS, Wilhelm Filho D; Statistical analysis and Writing of the manuscript: Budni P, Wilhelm Filho D. Conclusion Based on the findings of this study, we can conclude that both the treatment with carvedilol alone and in combination with antioxidant vitamins were effective in attenuating the systemic oxidative stress in the blood of patients with chronic Chagas heart disease (CCHD), as evidenced by the reduction in TBARS and PC levels, and the reduction in the activity of most of the antioxidant enzymes. The combination of carvedilol with vitamins E and C indicates the possibility of synergism between these three nonenzymatic antioxidants in reducing the oxidative damage associated with CCHD. It is clear that the reduction in the oxidative stress levels, as verified by means of the markers tested, was more significant when carvedilol was combined with the antioxidant vitamins. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. 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Rohde1,2, Nadine Clausell1,2, Murilo Foppa1,2 Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre1; Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul2, Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil Abstract Background: Metabolic syndrome (MS) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. It is not clear whether myocardial changes showed in this syndrome, such as diastolic dysfunction, are due to the systemic effects of the syndrome, or to specific myocardial effects. Objectives: Compare diastolic function, biomarkers representing extracellular matrix activity (ECM), inflammation and cardiac hemodynamic stress in patients with the MS and healthy controls. Methods: MS patients (n = 76) and healthy controls (n=30) were submitted to a clinical assessment, echocardiographic study, and measurement of plasma levels of metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP1), ultrasensitive-reactive-C-Protein (us-CRP), insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP). Results: MS group showed lower E’ wave (10.1 ± 3.0 cm/s vs 11.9 ± 2.6 cm/s, p = 0.005), increased A wave (63.4 ± 14.1 cm/s vs. 53.1 ± 8.9 cm/s; p < 0.001), E/E’ ratio (8.0 ± 2.2 vs. 6.3 ± 1.2; p < 0.001), MMP9 (502.9 ± 237.1 ng / mL vs. 330.4±162.7 ng/mL; p < 0.001), us-CRP (p = 0.001) and HOMA-IR (p < 0.001), but no difference for TIMP1 or NT‑proBNP levels. In a multivariable analysis, only MMP9 was independently associated with MS. Conclusion: MS patients showed differences for echocardiographic measures of diastolic function, ECM activity, us-CRP and HOMA-IR when compared to controls. However, only MMP9 was independently associated with the MS. These findings suggest that there are early effects on ECM activity, which cannot be tracked by routine echocardiographic measures of diastolic function. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):311-316) Keywords: Metabolic Syndrome; Risk Factors; Extracellular Matrix; Diastole / physiopathology. Introduction The metabolic syndrome (MS) is defined as a combination of several risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes; estimates suggest that this disease affects approximately 35% of the adult population1,2. It is unclear whether myocardial changes associated with the metabolic syndrome are consequences of the systemic effects of the syndrome or due to direct myocardial effects. The diastolic function evaluation has been used to identify cardiac preclinical changes. Diastolic dysfunction is prevalent in patients with MS, even in the absence of hypertension and diabetes3, and regardless the left ventricular mass4,5. Diastolic dysfunction predicts a worse outcome independently of any other co-morbidity6. In MS, diastolic dysfunction is Mailing Address: Angela Barreto Santiago Santos • Hospital de Clinicas de Porto Alegre - Divisão Cardiovascular, Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2350, Sala 2061. Postal Code 90035-903, Porto Alegre, RS – Brazil E-mail: angelabssantos@yahoo.com.br Manuscript received December 01, 2012; revised manuscript June 05, 2013; accepted July 06, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130182 311 usually attributed to the increased hemodynamic stress7,8. Alternatively, diastolic dysfunction may also be secondary to changes in the cardiac extracellular matrix resulting from the altered metabolic-inflammatory milieu and glucose metabolism9. Extracellular matrix collagen turnover is tightly regulated by the interaction between metalloproteinases and its plasma tissue inhibitors. Changes in this balance may therefore influence ventricular relaxation and compliance10. Aiming to a better understand on the underlying processes involved in the cardiovascular abnormalities seen in MS, we studied echocardiographic parameters of diastolic function and quantified plasma levels of metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9), tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1 (TIMP1), ultrasensitive-reactive-C-Protein (us-CRP), insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in patients with MS compared to healthy controls. Methods Population In this cross-sectional analysis, we selected subjects ranging from 30-55 years of age with MS and healthy controls (CTR). The MS group consisted of all subjects Santos et al. MMP9, diastolic function and metabolic syndrome Original Article recruited for a randomized clinical trial whose protocol and results have already been published 11. From the initial sample of 471 evaluated volunteers, 76 matched the clinical trial eligibility criteria, which were: Body Mass Index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m 2 and ≤ 40 kg/m 2, waist circumference ≥ 95 cm and at least two other Metabolic Syndrome criteria according to the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP/ATP III)12. Moreover, all patients had an oral glucose tolerance test that was negative for diabetes. The exclusion criteria were pregnancy, lactation, creatinine ≥ 1.5 mg/dL, musculoskeletal dysfunction, inflammatory or chronic liver disease, thyroid dysfunction and/or use of corticosteroids or anorectic drugs. The baseline data in this group were compared with locally recruited healthy subjects of same gender and age range as that of MS group. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of our Institution and by the Research Committee, and all participants signed a written informed consent prior to enrollment. Clinical Assessment Blood pressure and heart rate were measured in triplicate after five minutes at rest using an aneroid sphygmomanometer (Tycos, Welch Allyn, USA), with reported average. Height was measured by a wall-mounted stadiometer, and patients had their weight measured by an electronic scale, wearing light clothes and no shoes. Waist circumference was measured midway between the costal border and the iliac crest. Biochemical Analysis Blood samples were collected in a fasting state. Insulin was measured via electrochemiluminescence (Roche, Switzerland), and ultra-sensitive plasma C-reactive protein (us-CRP) was measured via immunonephelometry (Roche, Switzerland). The lipid profile was enzymatically measured (Roche, Switzerland), and the LDL-cholesterol level was calculated according to the Friedewald formula whenever the triglycerides were below 400 mg/dL. The homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) was performed to determine insulin resistance13. The coefficients of variation for these parameters were all below 6%. Echocardiographic Study Images were obtained with an EnVisor C HD ultrasound system (Philips Medical, Andover, MA, USA) equipped with a 4 to 2 MHz sectorial transducer. The cine loops and static images were digitally recorded, including the M-mode, 2-dimensional, and Doppler modalities. Images were read off-line in a dedicated workstation (ComPACS, Medimatic Srl, Italy) by a single investigator. The left ventricle (LV) internal dimension, septum and posterior wall thicknesses were measured from the parasternal longitudinal two-dimensional image. The left atrial volume index (LAVi) was measured at the end-ventricular systole from the apical 4-chamber view, using the simple Simpson’s rule and indexed to the body surface area. The diastolic function was evaluated from the mitral inflow Doppler 14 and tissue Doppler 15 measurements, including: mitral inflow early (E wave) and late (A wave) diastolic velocities, deceleration time (DT) of early diastolic velocity, and early (E’ wave) and late (A’ wave) diastolic annular velocities assessed at the septal mitral anulus. The E/A ratio and the E/E’ ratio were calculated from previous parameters. All measurements and definitions of relevant cut-offs followed the American Society of Echocardiography recommendations; all of the data were an average of up to 3 consecutive cardiac cycles16,17. Left ventricle volume and ejection fraction were calculated using the Teichholz formula. Left ventricle mass index (LVMI) was calculated according to the American Society Echocardiography formula (16) and indexed to the body height to the power of 2.718. Relative wall thickness (RWT) was defined as (septum + posterior wall thickness)/LV diastolic diameter. The intra‑reader reproducibility was assessed in 16 participants as a coefficient of variation (CV) and intra‑class correlation (ICC), which were, respectively, E’ wave (CV: 5.2% and ICC: 0,99;95%CI: 0.97-0.99), E wave (CV 4.5% and ICC: 0.98; IC95% 0.96-0.99) and A wave (CV 3.5% and ICC: 0.98;IC95% 0.97-0.99). Additionally, for the two‑dimensional measurements, CVs ranged between 8% and 13% and ICCs were above 0.75, whose values are similar to those described in previous studies19,20. ELISA Assays Fasting venous blood samples (15 mL) were collected in ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid-containing tubes. Samples were immediately centrifuged at 4°C at 3,000 x g for 20 min, and the plasma removed and stored at –70°C. The plasma samples were all blinded analyzed simultaneously by a laboratory technician. MMP9 and TIMP1 levels were measured in duplicate using commercially available ELISA kits (R & D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA). The MMP9 assay sensitivity was <0.156 ng/mL, and the TIMP1 assay sensitivity was <0.08 ng/mL; the intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation were 6% and 10%, respectively. The NT-proBNP level was also measured with a commercial ELISA kit (Roche Diagnostic, France). The NT-proBNP assay sensitivity was <0.6 pmol/L with intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation of 1.9% and 3.1%, respectively. Statistical Analysis Results are expressed as mean and SD, or as percentage. Groups were compared with a Chi-square or independent Student’s t test analysis. The associations between continuous variables were tested with Pearson correlation coefficient. Multivariable linear regression analyses models were performed to identify which variables were independently associated with the presence of the MS. We calculated a sample size of 66 MS and 33 CTR, considering an alpha value of 0.05, a power of 0.8 and 0.6 standard deviation of difference in MMP9 levels between groups. This value was estimated based on Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):311-316 312 Santos et al. MMP9, diastolic function and metabolic syndrome Original Article MMP9 differences described by Tayebjee et al21 - between hypertensive patients – which frequently showed diastolic dysfunction - and normal controls. P values <0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. All of the statistical analyses were performed with the SPSS software package (SPSS 15.0 Inc., USA). In a multiple linear regression, we investigated the independent associations of blood pressure, BMI, waist circumference, HDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, HOMA-IR, us‑CRP, MMP9, TIMP1, NT-proBNP, E wave, A wave, E’ wave, and A’ wave with MS. Only MMP9 (β = 0.13, p = 0.03) was independently associated to MS. Results Discussion We studied 76 patients in the MS group (43.3 ± 7.9 years, 65% male), and 30 healthy controls (CTR; 40.9 ± 6.6 years, 63% male). Further clinical characteristics and laboratory parameters of the groups are shown in Table 1. The MS group, as expected, had increased weight, waist circumference, heart rate, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels when compared with the CTR group. In this study, the MS group showed difference in diastolic function parameters and higher levels of HOMA-IR, us-CRP and MMP9 when compared to healthy controls, with no difference in TIMP1 and NT-proBNP levels. However, when adjusted for covariates, only MMP9 was independently associated with the MS. The diastolic function parameters showed that MS had higher A wave (63.4 ± 14.1 cm/s vs. 53.1 ± 8.9 cm/s; p < 0.001), and lower E’ wave (10.1 ± 3.0 cm/s vs. 11.9 ± 2.6 cm/s; p = 0.005) compared with controls, but with mean values within the normality range17. These differences resulted in a reduced E/A ratio (p = 0.05) and an increased E/E’ ratio (p < 0.001) in the MS group. E wave (p = 0.45) and deceleration time (p = 0.98) did not differ between the groups (Table 2). De las Fuentes et al4, investigating echocardiographic parameters of diastolic function in MS patients, showed increased A wave, decreased E’ wave, and no difference in E wave. Although we have found similar results for these parameters, they were not independently associated with MS after adjustment for covariates, whereas MMP9 was still significant. We could infer that, in the early phases of metabolic syndrome, modulations in ECM activity measured by the increase in MMP9 levels, anticipate measurable changes in cardiac pressures measured by diastolic Doppler parameters, NT- proBNP levels or left atrial dimensions, which are frequently used as surrogate markers of loading conditions22,23. Extracellular matrix activity biomarkers showed that MMP9 levels were higher in the MS group (502.9 ± 237.1 ng / mL vs. 330.4 ± 162.7 ng/mL; p < 0.001), but with no differences in TIMP1 (210.2 ± 55.6 ng/mL vs 220.2 ± 57.2 ng/mL; p = 0.41) levels (Figure 1). Insulin resistance measured by HOMA-IR (p < 0.001) and us-CRP (p = 0.001) levels were higher in the MS group, while NT-proBNP levels (p = 0.19) did not show statistically significant difference between the groups (Table 3). Extracellular matrix activity has been associated with relaxation and LV stiffness9. The increased MMP9 in the metabolic syndrome may represent a collagen turnover state in the extracellular matrix, which may contribute to adverse ventricular remodeling and left ventricular stiffness. Gonçalves et al24, studying 25 patients with MS and 25 healthy controls, found increased levels of both MMP9 and TIMP1 in the MS group; reflecting the advanced dysmetabolic state in those patients compared to our sample. Left ventricular mass index was higher in the MS group (Table 2). Left atrial volume index and ejection fraction did not differ between groups. Table 1 – Clinical characteristics and laboratory parameters of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and healthy control (CTR) groups MS (n = 76) Male (%) CTR (n = 30) p 65.3 63.3 0.85 43.3(7.9) 40.9(6.6) 0.14 BMI (kg/m²) 34.7(2.8) 24.9(2.6) < 0.001 Waist (cm) 106.7(7.3) 86.1(8.9) < 0.001 SBP (mmHg) 128.0(12.7) 115.8(10.2) < 0.001 DBP (mmHg) 81.2(9.7) 76.3(9.1) 0.02 Age (y) Heart rate (bpm) 86.6(10.4) 69.9(11.0) < 0.001 Total cholesterol (mg/dL) 215.8(38.9) 194.1(31.8) 0.01 HDL-cholesterol (mg/dL) 45.6(10.9) 49.2(14.4) 0.17 Triglyceride (mg/dL) 189.6(224) 124.7(80.2) 0.13 Glucose (mg/dL) 93.8(8.45) 86.7(7.4) < 0.001 Values showed as mean (SD) or percentage. BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure. 313 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):311-316 Santos et al. MMP9, diastolic function and metabolic syndrome Original Article Table 2 - Echocardiographic parameters and diastolic function of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and healthy control (CTR) groups MS (n = 76) CTR (n = 30) p LVMI (g/m ) 37.8(7.5) 32.4(7.2) 0.001 Relative Wall Thickness 0.39(0.07) 0.36(0.05) 0.17 LV Ejection Fraction (%) 68.5(5.4) 66.9(7.1) 0.22 LAVI (mL/m²) 24.3(6.0) 25.6(5.9) 0.35 E wave (cm/s) 76.9(15.7) 74.4(15.6) 0.45 A wave (cm/s) 63.4(14.1) 53.1(8.9) < 0.001 Deceleration time (ms) 2.7 205.2(28.6) 205.3(35.3) 0.98 E’ wave(cm/s) 10.1(3.0) 11.9(2.6) 0.005 A’ wave (cm/s) 11.0(2.3) 10.1(1.9) 0.04 E/A ratio 1.26(0.38) 1.42(0.3) 0.05 E/E’ ratio 8.0(2.2) 6.3(1.2) < 0.001 Values showed as mean (SD). LVMI: left ventricular mass index; LAVI: left atrial volume index; E wave: mitral inflow early diastolic velocity; A wave: mitral inflow late diastolic velocity; E’ wave: early diastolic annular velocity; A’ wave: late diastolic annular velocity. Figure 1 - Circulating biological markers of cardiac remodeling in the metabolic syndrome (MS) and healthy control (CTR) groups. A. Metalloproteinase-9 levels (MMP9). B. Plasma Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1 levels (TIMP1). Table 3 – Circulating biomarkers in the metabolic syndrome (MS) and healthy control (CTR) groups MS (n = 76) CTR (n = 30) p MMP9 (ng/mL) 502.9(237.1) 330.4(162.7) < 0.001 TIMP1 (ng/mL) 210.2(55.6) 220.2(57.2) 0.41 NT-proBNP (ng/mL) 29.9(21.9) 23.6(21.7) 0.19 HOMA-IR units 3.4(1.6) 1.6(0.8) < 0.001 us-CRP (mg/dL) 3.9(3.6) 1.5(1.5) 0.001 Values showed as mean (SD). MMP9: metalloproteinase 9; TIMP1: Plasma Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-1; NT-proBNP: natriuretic peptide; HOMA‑IR: homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance; us-CRP: ultrasensitive C-reactive protein. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):311-316 314 Santos et al. MMP9, diastolic function and metabolic syndrome Original Article Oversimplification of multifactorial mechanisms based upon a limited subset of markers is inherent to this study design and precludes causal inferences. A potential bias of this analysis was the non-blinded echocardiographic acquisition for the groups, minimized by the off-line reading by a single investigator. It must also be brought to attention the potential role of newer technologies, such as the speckle tracking, which could more accurately find these early adaptive changes related to the metabolic syndrome. Conclusions We have found that patients with MS showed differences in echocardiographic measures of diastolic function, in ECM activity measured by MMP9, us-CRP and HOMA-IR when compared to healthy controls. However, only MMP9 was independently associated with the MS. These findings suggest that there are early effects on extracellular matrix activity in metabolic syndrome, which cannot be tracked by routine echocardiographic measures of diastolic function. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Santos ABS, Junges M, Silvello D, Macari A, Araújo BS, Seligman BG, Duncan BB, Clausell N, Foppa M; Acquisition of data: Santos ABS, Junges M, Silvello D, Macari A, Araújo BS, Seligman BG, Foppa M; Analysis and interpretation of the data: Santos ABS, Junges M, Silvello D, Seligman BG, Rohde LEP, Clausell N, Foppa M; Statistical analysis: Santos ABS, Foppa M; Obtaining funding: Santos ABS, Duncan BB, Foppa M; Writing of the manuscript: Santos ABS, Seligman BG, Duncan BB, Clausell N, Foppa M; Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Santos ABS, Seligman BG, Duncan BB, Rohde LEP, Clausell N, Foppa M. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. 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Objective: We analyzed differences in HRV patterns between diabetic and age-matched healthy control subjects using nonlinear methods. Methods: Lagged Poincaré plot, autocorrelation, and detrended fluctuation analysis were applied to analyze HRV in electrocardiography (ECG) recordings. Results: Lagged Poincare plot analysis revealed significant changes in some parameters, suggestive of decreased parasympathetic modulation. The detrended fluctuation exponent derived from long-term fitting was higher than the short-term one in the diabetic population, which was also consistent with decreased parasympathetic input. The autocorrelation function of the deviation of inter-beat intervals exhibited a highly correlated pattern in the diabetic group compared with the control group. Conclusion: The HRV pattern significantly differs between diabetic patients and healthy subjects. All three statistical methods employed in the study may prove useful to detect the onset and extent of autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327) Keywords: Heart Failure; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1; Systole; Measurements, Methods and Theories; Statistics as Topic. Introduction Heart rate is dynamically regulated by intrinsic and extrinsic control systems, maintaining homeostasis. The major extrinsic control is provided by the autonomic nervous system. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a measure of the fluctuation in the interval between sequential sinus heartbeats, and reflects cardiac autonomic regulation 1-3. Diabetes leads to autonomic neuropathy 4, thereby disrupting a major component of cardiovascular regulation and contributing to an increased incidence of cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients, such as heart attack, sudden cardiac death, and silent ischemia 5-8. Early diagnosis of autonomic diabetic neuropathy is difficult and the detection methods available, e.g., the Ewing Test Battery, are cumbersome and have poor sensitivity and reproducibility. In contrast, HRV analysis is noninvasive and the input data are easily obtained by conventional Mailing Address: Bhaskar Roy • 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT, 06030 E-mail: imbhaskarall@gmail.com, broy@resident.uchc.edu Manuscript received July 17, 2012, revised manuscript September 09 2012; accepted April 26, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130181 317 electrocardiography (ECG)9-12. However, because of the nonlinear heart dynamics, conventional time and frequency domain parameters of HRV may not always represent the nonstationary characteristics of ECG. Nonlinear methods such as the Poincaré plot, detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), tone/entropy analysis and HR complexity analysis are newly developed tools used for identifying nonlinear patterns within ECG data 13-18. In this study, we used nonlinear analytical methods to study the differences in HRV patterns between diabetic and healthy individuals. The purpose of this study was to identify new parameters useful for detecting autonomic dysregulation in diabetes. Methods The patient group consisted of 23 type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with no history of cardiac, neurological, psychiatric, or sleep disorders. Patients on heart rate-altering medications were excluded from the study. The study was approved by the ethical committee of the Indian Institution of Technology, Kharagpur, India. A total of 23 healthy subjects were selected as a control group using the same exclusion criteria. All participants provided Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article written informed consent prior to inclusion in the study. Subjects were instructed to avoid caffeine, alcohol, and physical exertion the day before the study was performed. A 10-min ECG recording was acquired from the patients while on supine position following a 15-min relaxation period. All ECGs were recorded at a fixed time of day to avoid the effects of diurnal variations on HRV. Matlab and SPSS software packages were used for statistical analysis. For comparative analysis between the groups, unpaired t-tests were applied as appropriate. Other statistical methods are individually described in details. Poincaré Plot The Poincaré plot is a scatter plot of RRn vs. RRn+1 where RRn is the time between two successive R peaks and RRn+1 is the time between the next two successive R peaks. When the plot is adjusted by the ellipse-fitting technique, the analysis provides three indices: the standard deviation of instantaneous beat-to-beat interval variability (SD1), the continuous long-term R/R interval variability (SD2), and the SD1/SD2 ratio (SD12)15. On the Poincaré plot, SD1 it is the width and SD2 the length of the ellipse. In addition to this conventional plot (RRn+1 vs. RRn), we also used the generalized Poincaré plot with different intervals, including the m-lagged Poincaré plot (the plot of RRn+m versus RRn). The values of SD1 and SD2 were calculated for lag = m from the relations SD1 = (Φ(m) − Φ(0))1/2 and SD2 = (Φ(m) + Φ(0))1/2, where the autocovariance function Φ(m) is given by Φ(m) = E[(RRn − RR) (RRn+m − RR)] and RR is the mean RRn14. For the purpose of our study, we set m at 1, 5, and 9. We then extended our analysis to reveal the association between these standard deviation (SD) values and m by using the Padé approximation19. We assumed a simple form of the Padé approximation for SD values as the ratio of polynomial in M of degree one. Y= a + bM 1 + βM = χ c + dM 1 + γM defined as r(ti) = ∑ij [R(tj) – <R>], i = 1,N, where <R> is the mean of R(ti). The integrated series was divided into segments of equal duration, τ = n δt and a linear function used to fit the data within each segment. The fluctuation function F(τ) was calculated as the root mean square fluctuation relative to the linear trend and alpha was obtained by fitting the data to a power law function. It has been observed that an acceptable estimate of the scaling exponent alpha (from DFA) can be obtained from analysis of data sets with 256 samples or longer (equivalent to approximately 3.5 min of RR data at a heart rate of 70 beats/min). The analysis of RR data from an ECG recording period of 10 min was therefore expected to provide an adequate measure of the scaling exponent 21. However, the alpha value obtained from this calculation may be under the mixed influence of both short-term scaling, reflecting parasympathetic control, and long-term scaling, reflecting sympathetic control, and thus may fail to fully distinguish parasympathetic and sympathetic influences. A separate analysis of both short- and long-term scaling is supposed to nullify the mutual effect and reveal the exact scaling variation 22. Thus, we analyzed separate alpha values, short-term αs and long-term αl. For αs, data from 25 beats were included, whereas for αl, data from 30 to N/4 beats were included. Correlation between successive differences in RRn interval The coherence of the RRn interval can be assessed from the map of interval variation: rrn+1 = RRn+2 + RRn+1 (RRn) VS. rrn = RRn+1 – RRn (RRn) where <RRn> is the mean interval. This plot is expected to show the correlation between the variability of three consecutive R–R intervals. Autocorrelation of fluctuation of RRn (1) Here Y = SD1, SD2, or SD12 and χ = a/c. The terms β = b/a and γ = d/c are the new unknown parameters. In order to determine if these parameters are of value for assessing cardiovascular health, we considered eq. (1) for the case of small m. In this limit, equation (1) can be approximated as Y = C + LM + QM2, where the slope is L = χ (β − γ) and the curvature is Q = γL. The slope and curvature of the plot of SD vs. m were determined by the fitted parameters χ, β, and γ. We explored the autocorrelation of the deviation of RRn from the mean <RRn>. The autocorrelation function C(m) of a particular subject was calculated from N C(m) = ∑ ∆RRn+m ∆RRn ∕ ∑ ∆RR2n n=1 where the deviation is ∆RRn = RRn – (RRn) and N is the total number of RRn intervals. Detrended Fluctuation Analysis Results Another analytic method to assess long-term correlation in the R–R-time sequence is based on DFA 20. The measure of correlation was given by a scaling exponent (α) of the fluctuation function F(τ) ≈ τα. The fluctuation function F(τ) was computed as follows. For a given time sequence R(ti), ti = iδt, where δt is the characteristic time interval for the sequence and i = 1, N is an integrated time series, r(ti) was In the Poincaré plot analysis, plot scatter increased with lag number, yielding higher width (SD1) and length (SD2) The mean heart rate was 74.7 ± 6.1 beats/min in the diabetic group and 72.4 ± 6.7 beats/min in the healthy control group. Mean age in the diabetic group was 46.3 years (range, 36−56 years) and 47.4 years (range, 39−57 years) in the control group. All study subjects were normotensive. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 318 Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article Figure 1 – Poincaré plot of RRn+m vs. RRn from HRV analyses of one diabetic (D, left panels) and one nondiabetic subject (ND, right panels). In the upper panel, the lag factor m = 1, in the middle panel, m = 5, and in the bottom panel, m = 9. Note the greater scatter in the ND subjects, particularly as the lag factor is increased. 319 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article Figure 2 – Variation of mean SD1 (upper panel), mean SD2 (middle), and mean SD12 (lower) with lag number m for diabetic (D) and nondiabetic (ND) groups (n = 23 subjects each). values. The incremental increase in width of the plot RRn+m vs. RRn as m increased was smaller in the diabetes group (Figure 1, D) than in the control group (Figure 1, ND). Differences in the values of SD1, SD2, and SD12 between the diabetes group and the control group were statistically significant (p < 0.001 for all). The values of SD1 and SD12 were higher in the control group, whereas SD2 was higher in the diabetic group. The difference in SD12 increased with lag number (Figure 2). An excellent fit of the data with equation (1) (solid line on the curve, R2 = 0.999) was found with the χ, β, γ value sets listed in Table 1. The values for L and Q as obtained by fitting of the data to eq. (1) are also presented in Table 1. The general features were that the slope (L) was positive but curvature (Q) was negative for all parameters and curvature was nearly one order of magnitude smaller than the slope. From DFA, the mean value of alpha in the control group was smaller than that in the diabetic group (0.88 ± 0.17 vs. 1.02 ± 0.13; p < 0.001) (Figure 3). In control subjects, αs was slightly larger than αl (1.01 ± 0.14 vs. 0.80 ± 0.19), whereas αl was larger than αs for the diabetic group (αs = 1.09 ± 0.17; Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 320 Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article Table 1 - The values of parameters χ, β, γ obtained by fitting the data to eq. (1), as well as respective R2 values. The L and Q parameters are the coefficients of the linear and quadratic terms in expansion of Y in terms of m. Values of χ, L and Q for SD1 and SD2 are expressed in seconds SD1 SD2 SD12 χ × 10−2 β × 10−2 γ × 10−2 R2 × 10−2 L × 10−3 −Q × 10−4 ND 1.3 ± 0.03 39.1 ± 2.0 3.2 ± 0.2 99.9 4.7 ± 0.4 1.5 ± 0.2 D 1.0 ± 0.02 38.2 ± 1.4 2.0 ± 0.1 99.9 3.6 ± 0.08 0.7 ± 0.02 ND 3.2 ± 0.06 20.3 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 0.2 99.9 5.4 ± 0.4 1.9 ± 0.2 D 3.1 ± 0.07 26.4 ± 1.6 4.4 ± 0.3 99.9 6.8 ± 0.6 3.0 ± 0.5 ND 40.2 ± 0.5 25.0 ± 1.8 12.2 ± 0.9 99.9 51.3 ± 6.4 62.7 ± 2.4 D 33.0 ± 0.3 15.3 ± 0.8 6.5 ± 0.4 99.9 29.0 ± 2.6 18.9 ± 2.8 Figure 3 - The DFA exponent α for healthy (nondiabetic) and diabetic subjects. αl = 1.18 ± 0.19). When αs was plotted against αl (Figure 4), the diabetic and nondiabetic populations tended to form two separate clusters. In the correlation plot, points were crowded around the origin for diabetic patients. In contrast, there was greater scattering about the origin and more asymmetry in the plot of control subjects (Figure 5, ND1, ND2). The strength of heart rhythm correlation was estimated by considering the autocorrelation of fluctuation in RRn. Representative results from one control and one diabetic patient are plotted in Figure 6. The autocorrelation functions for diabetic and control patients were distinct. For diabetic subjects, the correlation function C(m) decreased slowly (black and green curve in the 321 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 upper figure) with lag time. The time dependence was close to the sum of the two exponentials with superimposed small amplitude oscillation of low frequency. On the other hand, C(m) from the healthy subjects demonstrated a more rapid (exponential) fall as correlation time decreased compared with the diabetic cases. To confirm this difference in correlation pattern between control and diabetic subjects, we shuffled the actual time series of R–R interval using Matlab software and the autocorrelation functions of the shuffled data (red and blue for subjects 1 and 2 respectively) were plotted in Figure 6. The autocorrelation functions of the shuffled data from all subjects (2 diabetics and 2 healthy controls) were nearly identical. Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article Figure 4 - Scatter plot of DFA exponent long-term alpha (AlphaL) vs. short-term alpha (AlphaS) for nondiabetic subjects (red circles) and diabetic subjects (black squares). We also characterized properties of ∆RRn by the probability distribution function P(∆RRn) (Figure 7). For diabetic patients, the probability distribution was almost symmetrical and could be fit by a Gaussian function (R2 = 0.93) with width = 0.023. For healthy subjects, the probability distribution P was asymmetrical with positive mean and higher width = 0.036 as obtained by the Gaussian fit (R2 = 0.93). Discussion We found marked differences in HRV pattern between diabetic and healthy control subjects using nonlinear analyses. Subjects were matched for both mean age and resting heart rate, the two major determinants of HRV 23, so that the difference in distribution would reflect changes in cardiovascular regulation resulting from the diabetic condition only. Several modifications of the simple Poincaré plot have been proposed to more effectively reveal changes in HRV patterns, including the lagged plot. The concept of this m lagged plot emerged from the recognition that any given R–R interval can influence up to eight subsequent R–R intervals 24,25. It has been shown that SD1 correlates with the short-term variability of heart rate and is mainly influenced by parasympathetic modulation, whereas SD2 is a measure of long-term variability 14,26 and reflects sympathetic activation. The lower SD1 in diabetic subjects indicates that parasympathetic regulation is weakened by the disease, presumably by peripheral neuropathy, whereas higher SD2 in diabetic patients indicates increased long-term variability because of compensatory sympathetic input. The results from Poincaré plot analysis are further revealed by the slope (L) and curvature (-Q) of the plot. In the diabetic group, L and -Q for SD1 and SD12 were smaller, whereas L and -Q values for SD2 were higher than in the control group. The difference in Q was larger than the difference in L. In particular, the Q value for SD12 in the control group was >3 times greater than that for diabetic group. Low values of curvature are found in patients with cardiovascular disease 24. These data strongly suggest decreased parasympathetic activity and excessive influence of sympathetic activity in the diabetic heart. In addition, this result provides indirect support for the notion that higher sympathetic influence over cardiovascular function is correlated with cardiac morbidity 27,28. An increased SD12 is considered a good indicator of healthy heart dynamics, and the lower value in diabetic patients again supports altered sympathovagal balance in diabetes. Previous reports using DFA showed that αs > αl in healthy subjects, whereas the reverse was the case for subjects with cardiovascular disease 20. We found a similar trend in this study, again confirming the adverse effect of diabetes on the heart. In the absence of external modulation, the correlation plot is expected to scatter close to the point of origin, whereas random input will produce a uniform distribution. We observed a high density of points around the origin with greater symmetry in diabetic patients when compared with controls. Plots from Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 322 Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article Figure 5 - Plot of rrn+1 and rrn for two subjects from each group. Subjects were age matched (1 from each group in their mid-fifties, one from each group in their late thirties). The quantity rrn is the relative difference between RRn+1 and RRn normalized to the mean RRn of all intervals. healthy controls were generally asymmetrically scattered with large RRn values. These results suggest that mechanisms for decelerating and accelerating HR over different time frames are substantially impaired in diabetic patients. Application of autocorrelation to HRV analysis is a recent idea that regards HRV as the outcome of the interaction between coupled oscillators of various frequencies 29. The degree of autocorrelation can also reflect on the embedded time scales within the HRV pattern. It is thought that each of these time scales in the coupled oscillator is represented by a separate 323 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 self-oscillator, interacting with other oscillators with different physiological functions 18. The lack of exponential fall in C(m) indicates the presence of a long-term memory effect in the diabetic condition and strongly suggests that mechanisms for short-term variation in heart rate are weakened or lacking in diabetic patients. Heart rate variability analysis based on nonlinear dynamics has been shown to be superior to conventional methods for identifying hidden changes in cardiac autonomic modulation in various disease conditions. Previous reports have demonstrated Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article Figure 6 - Plot of the correlation function C(m) with m for two diabetic (D) (left) and two control (ND) subjects. The lower curves were obtained from shuffled RRn intervals. Figure 7 - The plot of probability distribution P as a function of rrn for the two groups (upper panel is the diabetic group and the lower is the nondiabetic healthy group). Continuous Guassian curves are fitted to the distributions. 324 Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article differences in Poincaré plots, DFA, and sample entropy analysis between the hearts of diabetic and nondiabetic patients 17,30, but these differences often did not reach statistical significance because of the small sample sizes 17. Our study not only enrolled larger numbers of patients and controls but also used multiple nonlinear analytic tools, including Poincaré plot analysis, DFA, and autocorrelation analysis to reveal changes in HRV due to diabetic neuropathy. to assess changes in the autonomic regulation of the diabetic heart. To our knowledge, this is the first attempt to distinguish normal from diabetic heart function using autocorrelation analysis. We believe these methods have the potential to identify diagnostic and prognostic markers for cardiac autonomic neuropathy in diabetes. The major limitation of this study is the heterogeneous patient population. The duration of illness in the patient group was variable and many were on different antidiabetic medications. Moreover, a population of 23 patients may be sufficient to identify differences in HRV pattern between diabetic and healthy nondiabetic subjects, but a much larger group of patients is required to confirm the true diagnostic and prognostic values of the parameters derived from the analytic methods. Intra-group analysis in a larger group of diabetic patients of variable disease duration to assess progressive changes in HRV pattern is the next logical step. Our study establishes the potential of nonlinear methods of heart rate variability analysis to assess changes in HRV pattern indicative of cardiovascular disease, including effects associated with diabetes mellitus. Author contributions Conclusions In summary, we have shown the effectiveness of nonlinear analytical methods to study differences in HRV patterns between diabetic patients and healthy-matched controls. We also emphasized the novelty of autocorrelation analysis Conception and design of the research, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of the data, Statistical analysis, Writing of the manuscript, Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Roy, B, Ghatak S. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. References 1. 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Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 326 Roy & Ghatak Nonlinear HRV in diabetes Original Article 327 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):317-327 Back to the cover Original Article Medical Students Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation to Middle School Brazilian Students Lucas Gaspar Ribeiro, Rafael Germano, Pedro Lugarinho Menezes, André Schmidt, Antônio Pazin-Filho Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - Universidade de São Paulo - FMRP/USP, Ribeirão Preto, SP – Brazil Abstract Background: Diseases of the circulatory system are the most common cause of death in Brazil. Because the general population is often the first to identify problems related to the circulatory system, it is important that they are trained. However, training is challenging owing to the number of persons to be trained and the maintenance of training. Objectives: To assess the delivery of a medical-student led cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training program and to assess prior knowledge of CPR as well as immediate and delayed retention of CPR training among middle school students. Methods: Two public and two private schools were selected. CPR training consisted of a video class followed by practice on manikins that was supervised by medical students. Multiple choice questionnaires were provided before, immediately after, and at 6 months after CPR training. The questions were related to general knowledge, the sequence of procedures, and the method to administer each component (ventilation, chest compression, and automated external defibrillation). The instructors met in a focus group after the sessions to identify the potential problems faced. Results: In total, 147 students completed the 6-month follow-up. The public school students had a lower prior knowledge, but this difference disappeared immediately after training. After the 6-month follow-up period, these public school students demonstrated lower retention. The main problem faced was teaching mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Conclusions: The method used by medical students to teach middle school students was based on the watch-andpractice technique. This method was effective in achieving both immediate and late retention of acquired knowledge. The greater retention of knowledge among private school students may reflect cultural factors. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335) Keywords: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / education; Students, Medical; Education, Primary and Secondary. Introduction Diseases of the circulatory system are the most common cause of death in Brazil, accounting for approximately 29% of all deaths. Approximately 50% of these cases involve sudden death due to ventricular fibrillation as a complication of acute myocardial infarction. Because this is a pre-hospital manifestation, improved education of the general population could potentially reduce mortality by helping people identify the situation and provide appropriate first aid1. Various methods of habilitating the general population include mass training; self-learning through commercially available programs; as well as training of individuals occupying strategic positions with respect to the guidance and care of the population (security guards, firemen, policemen), those working at sites of a higher incidence of Mailing Address: Lucas Gaspar Ribeiro • Rua Comandante Marcondes Salgado, 866, Apto 502, Centro. Postal Code 14010-150, Ribeirão Preto, SP - Brazil E-mail: lucas_gaspar@terra.com.br, lucasgasparribeiro@gmail.com Manuscript received November 17, 2012; revised December 3, 2012; accepted April 23, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130165 328 events (gyms), those working at places difficult to access (planes), and relatives of at-risk individuals. Education has recently been directed at primary schools because this permits early access to information, with the possibility of repeated exposure during the school year and subsequent transmission of knowledge to the relatives of pupils2,3. Regardless of the population section targeted, the teaching methodology employed has been the main concern. In contrast with health professionals, the interest in the topic and the time that can be devoted to training are limited. Furthermore, because many instructed individuals will never be confronted with a real-life situation, knowledge retention is a problem. To circumvent these problems, there has been an increased use of video-based teaching, with practice on manikins, also known as the watch-and-practice technique. One of the advantages of this technique is the partial or total independence regarding instructors, persons difficult to recruit for the large segment of the population to be habilitated. It has been proposed that medical students can function as instructors, but they should be appropriately trained and supervised by qualified professionals through the concept of a “training tree”4. The objective of the present study was to test a commercially available kit for teaching cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), supervised by medical students in Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article Brazilian middle schools (13–15-year-old students) and to determine its efficacy in terms of both immediate and late (6 months) retention. Methods Study Population Students aged 13 to 15 years were selected from four middle schools; two were public (low socioeconomic level) and two were private (high socioeconomic level). Students were taught in classes of 25–46 and were invited to voluntarily participate. Informed signed consent was obtained from both the students and their parents. The directors of each of these schools approved the project prior to any student being approached. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, FMRP-USP (CAE – 0078.0.004.000-09). Teaching Material A commercially available kit termed “Family & Friends. CPR Any Time. Self-Learning Program” produced by the American Heart Association (AHA) was used. The kit contained a video presentation in Portuguese and an inflatable manikin for practicing ventilation and chest compression1. Individual face masks were provided for the practice of artificial ventilation. Instructors Three medical students from the Faculty of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto (FMRP) were trained to be instructors by the professor in charge of the Clinical Emergencies course accredited by the American Heart Association5. The students participated in all the practical activities, and the content taught was tested in a pilot study. Instrument for Analysis A questionnaire comprising 25 multiple choice questions was used. Each question had 4 possible responses, of which only one was correct (see enclosure). The questionnaire was based on the content presented during the AHA video and assessed the following domains: general knowledge in 7 questions; the sequence of procedures in 7 questions; and the correct method of administering each component in 11 questions. The latter section was further broken down as follows: 4 questions concerned ventilation, 3 concerned chest compression, and 4 concerned the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). The questionnaire was given to a pilot group and to volunteer medical students who had undertaken the first aid course. After further development, two versions of the final questionnaire were prepared that differed only in the order of the questions. The first questionnaire (Version 1) was provided both before and at 6 months after training, and the second questionnaire (Version 2) was provided immediately after training. Intervention Each teaching session lasted an average of 120 min. At the beginning of each class, the students completed Version 1 of the questionnaire. After the test, the students were divided into training groups with 1 manikin per 2 students. The video was then shown with predetermined pauses for the separate practice of individual skills (ventilation and chest compression) and to allow coordinated practice (2 ventilations for every 30 chest compressions). The full sequence of care was then presented from the recognition of cardiac arrest to the coordinated implementation of aid, ventilation, and chest compression. Finally, the use of AED was demonstrated. During practical exercises the instructors assisted the students, corrected improper techniques, and sought to resolve any queries that arose. The instructors intervened only if a problem presented itself or if the students requested their help. The students were continuously observed and were encouraged to resolve problems between themselves, with the instructors only intervening when this was incorrect or if the problem remained unresolved. After the practical sessions, Version 2 of the questionnaire was completed. Six months after the completion of training, the students were tested again with Version 1 of the questionnaire. Qualitative Analysis After intervention, the research group held discussion sessions in a focus group according to a previously established methodology. The potentialities and problems detected were isolated by content evaluation6. Statistical Analysis Statistical analysis was performed using the Stata 10 software. The categorical variables have been reported as a percentage using the Fisher test. Quantitative variables have been reported as mean ± SD, and central tendency measures were analyzed by the Student t-test. The results of qualitative analysis were descriptive. Results A total of 387 students were trained, of which 202 were considered for analysis by corresponding to the first session in each school. Four schools received classes; two were public (public 1 and 2), and two were private (private 1 and 2). The composition was as follows: public 1 included 24 students (11.88%); public 2 included 57 students (28.22%); private 1 included 89 students (44.06%); and private 2 included 32 students (15.84%). No statistically significant differences were detected between either the two public school groups or the two private school groups. Therefore, the subjects were pooled into two main groups: Public (81 students; 47.6% males) and Private (121 students; 52.4% males). Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 329 Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article Immediate Retention Data have been reported quantitatively in Table 1 as absolute values (mean ± SD for correct responses before and after training and absolute increase in performance) and relative values (percent of correct responses in relation to the initial test). Data have been reported in a stratified manner according to content domain and institution. In the pre-test questionnaire, a difference was observed only between the public and private schools in the general knowledge domains. This difference was lost after the training intervention. Retention after 6 Months At 6 months, 53 students were lost to follow-up: 26% and 26.5% from the public and private schools, respectively. Therefore, 149 of the 202 students (73.7%) were included in this part of the study (60 from public schools; 89 from private schools). The results have been reported in Table 2 as the percent of correct response after 6 months. There was greater retention in the students from private schools, particularly in terms of the correct determination of the sequence of technical and ventilation actions. Qualitative Analysis The results are presented in Tables 3 and 4. Discussion This study has demonstrated the effectiveness of a commercially available training kit (using a video and manikin) in the immediate and late retention of knowledge. Superior knowledge was initially found in the private school group prior to the course, but this immediately equalized following the course. Further, in the domain relating to the correct sequence of actions and ventilation technique, late retention was better in the private school students. The education of the general population is an important goal, considering that cardiac arrest is a phenomenon that predominantly occurs in the community. Several studies have demonstrated the efficacy of early intervention, but the challenge presented in educating the population is enormous with regard to the number of people to be trained, the efficacy of training, and the retention levels of transmitted knowledge7. One option is to utilize commercially available self-learning kits that are often effective but may not achieve their objective because of low levels of uptake of knowledge by the general population. In Brazil in particular, the video format itself may be a limiting factor due to local culture. For example, data provided by the distributor of the kit used in the present study show that 3.5 million units were sold in the United States in 2011 as opposed to only 250 in Brazil. This may be related to important cultural aspects of the Brazilian society that need to be considered while planning future training. Therefore, this study was undertaken to explore the influence of socioeconomic and cultural aspects using public and private schools. 330 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 Prior levels of knowledge differed between the public and private school students, with 8.74 and 9.65 correct responses, respectively. This difference may be attributed to the involvement in scouting, to having parents who are health professionals, and to having access to the internet and television as informally reported to the instructors by the private school students. However, these background differences did not limit the efficacy of the method. Although the modification of parental habits is an important outcome, it will be necessary to further assess these differences in later studies. Primary school students can be educated about resuscitation from 11 years of age. By this age, they will have achieved a certain level of maturity to understand the importance of the topic and will have the necessary strength to be perform chest compressions on adults8,9. Advantageous aspects of training in this population are the possibility of regular training sessions that can be included in the school curriculum and the potential transfer of knowledge to relatives. Children in the pre-teen age range can influence their parents and motivate behavioral changes. The teaching of CPR encourages the discussion of the risk factors for cardiac arrest as well as how this can be avoided, resulting in the questioning of parental habits2. Medical students can be valuable collaborators in establishing the “training tree” of CPR4. Their involvement in teaching may be beneficial in reducing the anxiety generated by years of basic learning that is often distant from clinical reality. It also leads to questioning the efficacy of teaching methods as well as an improved appreciation of the cost, dedication, and work necessary for the development of a teaching activity10. Similarly, considering health professionals often show poor performance with basic life support, the involvement in teaching activities increases the time devoted to the topic and may improve learning; therefore, this strategy may be beneficial to the students themselves11. In addition, medical students appeared to be identified as role models by middle school students. In contrast, senior instructors may be less effective in this role because of the greater age difference. The retention of knowledge from basic life support courses is difficult to assess. This is because of a myriad of factors such as differences between populations, the nature of the content taught, the assessment itself, and the delay between the course and analysis12-14. In general, retention levels in the general adult population are low, approximately 50%–60%, with the possibility of reaching higher levels for specific segments of content12. Courses that include practical training tend to show improved retention13. Furthermore, there does not appear to be a significant difference in retention levels between children and adults14. When the analysis includes more accurate methods of assessment, such as the volume of air supplied by mouth-to-mouth respiration, the retention levels are lower12,15. Only studies that include populations receiving intensive and frequent training demonstrate consistently better performance12-15, although the uptake of re-training courses is low in the general adult population14. Adaptations to the training methods that are already Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article Table 1 - Correct performance (mean ± SD) of the eighth grade students of public and private schools according to the domain assessed in the questionnaire at the time of training (before and after). The comparison between public and private is shown in the p column; the comparison between before and after was significant for all comparisons with a p value less them 0.05 (marked with an *) Public school (N = 81) Variable Total General knowledge Sequence of actions Ventilation Technical aspects Chest compression AED Private school (N = 121) p Before (N = 202) 8.74 (2.14) 9.65 (2.14) < 0.01 After (N = 202)* 21.21 (2.14) 21.75 (3.34) 0.25 Difference 12.45 (3.44) 12.0 (3.98) 0.44 % increment 2.5 (0.68) 2.36 (0.68) 0.07 Before (N = 202) 3,04 (1,11) 3.46 (1.15) 0.01 After (N = 202)* 5.82 (1.15) 6.06 (1.13) 0.15 Difference 2.72 (1.39) 2.54 (1.51) 0.43 % increment 2.13 (0.94) 1.94 (0.94) 0.16 Before (N = 202) 2.20 (0,97) 2.39 (1.12) 0.25 After (N = 202)* 5.47 (1.59) 5.86 (1.43) 0.07 Difference 3.21 (1.91) 3.49 (1.71) 0.29 % increment 3.00 (1.80) 2.97 (1.69) 0.89 Before (N = 202) 3.53 (1.5) 3.80 (1.42) 0.22 After (N = 202)* 9.91 (1.13) 9.80 (1.56) 0.82 Difference 6.39 (1.76) 5.98 (2.02) 0.16 % increment 3.26 (1.52) 3.10 (2.02) 0.07 Before (N = 202) 1.51 (0.99) 1.63 (0.82) 0.37 After (N = 202)* 3.86 (0.38) 3.81 (0.61) 0.75 Difference 2.33 (1.02) 2.18 (1.06) 0.33 % increment 2.67 (1.15) 2.52 (1.09) 0.38 Before (N = 202) 1.14 (0.66) 1.13 (0.80) 0.86 After (N = 202)* 2.78 (0.56) 2.83 (0.48) 0.5 Difference 1.64 (0.38) 1.72 (0.92) 0.56 % increment 2.38 (0.80) 2.32 (0.85) 0.63 Before (N = 202) 0.87 (0.81) 1.05 (0.89) 0.15 After (N = 202)* 3.26 (0.76) 3.13 (0.85) 0.26 Difference 2.40 (1.06) 2.06 (1.17) 0.04 % increment 2.71 (1.09) 2.41 (1.04) 0.12 AED: automated external defibrillator available do not seem to be effective16. Considering the data as a whole, we can conclude that knowledge retention is generally low and deteriorates with time regardless of either the assessment performed or the target population. However, the literature also suggests that knowledge retention is favored by periodic courses that involve practical training. The cause of lower knowledge retention in the public schools may be socioeconomic factors. Students with higher acquisitive power may be exposed to situations that cause them to remember the knowledge acquired. However, the difference mainly occurred in questions regarding the sequence of actions and breathing techniques, which involve greater complexity. The modifications proposed by the 2010 guidelines of AHA will probably have an impact on this context17. Teaching of CPR in schools is an interesting strategy. This is a population with a higher uptake rate that can be frequently re-trained and that has comparable learning and retention abilities to those of adults. The present study supports previous reports, including differences in retention between content domains. A similar strategy involving knowledge of trauma has demonstrated positive effects18. However, similar to other studies, the present investigation cannot recommend an optimal training interval as only a 6-month interval was measured. Future courses will be necessary to determine an appropriate interval for re-training. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 331 Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article Table 2 - Results, in percentages, of the questionnaires given to the students of public and private schools after 6 months. Both the total content and the content stratified by the learning domain are presented according to the profile of the schools (149 students) Variable Public school Private school p Total 70.6 (23.0) 77.6 (15.7) < 0.01 General knowledge 75.5 (28.0) 77.9 (24.8) 0.056 Sequence of actions 75.7 (58.0) 83.1 (38.7) 0.02 Technical aspects 71.0 (23.5) 77.7 (23.9) 0.09 Ventilation 67.9 (34.9) 85.6 (32.5) 0.001 Chest compression 75.4 (43.2) 68. (27.4) 0.69 AED 74.4 (29.0) 78.4 (43.3) 0.72 AED: automated external defibrillator Table 3 - Qualitative analysis of the learning observed Learning Attention paid to the video by the students There was a difference in the attention paid to the video and to the content transmitted by the instructors during the training session. The students were more interested in the video, stopped talking and playing, and intently viewed the images on the television. Interest in performing the activity They were initially frustrated about being unable to perform the activity in the first attempt; they asked for help and made an effort to succeed. When they achieved their objective they would become enthusiastic; they had fun when they were able to hear the “click” of the dummy or when the lungs filled with air and the chest rose. Ability to perform the maneuvers There was no difference in terms of gender, type of physique, or type of school. Content not covered by the video Several questions were asked that were not present in the teaching material chosen. These questions were mainly regarding the unblocking of the airways, how to proceed with victims of drowning or trauma, and whether an in vivo click occurred during chest compression. Performance of the medical student as an instructor “In addition, it was interesting to be a teacher instead of a student in 12 classes. To perceive the difficulties of a tutor, it is necessary not only to know the topic in depth but also to transmit it in a didactic as well as an easy-to-understand manner to 14-year-old students, using a language and a depth of knowledge of anatomy, physiology, and pathology differing from those we habitually use. However, to perceive that they ask questions, are interested, and look for knowledge differing from what they learn in their curriculum increasingly motivated us every day to continue the project, to give classes, to clarify doubts, and to show other points that may generate doubts when the students did not ask.” Table 4 - Qualitative analysis of the problems faced Problems Difference between public and private schools 332 The public school students were not tired of the repetitive and constructivist method of the instrument used. In contrast, the students of the private school frequently complained about the repetition of the video and the excessive quantity of similar exercises performed during the 60 min of practical class. Ability to perform the maneuvers In general, there was a greater difficulty with respiration compared with chest compression. We believe that this may have been because of the difficulty in opening the airways of the manikin. Content not covered in the video Another interesting aspect is that the middle school students approached the medical students with other questions about how the medical course is, how much the medical students must strive to achieve this objective, and explored questions about the health of relatives. The medical student was seen as a reference point for the future objective of entering university life and as a close and trustworthy person for discussing health topics that the middle school student could not discuss with their parents or guardian. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article Limitations Acknowledgments Knowledge was only assessed through a simple questionnaire. Although knowledge retention is known to be universally low, this loss is more marked when using assessment methods that involve performance; therefore, the data obtained may not provide a true reflection of the differences. The main goal of the training in this study was the wider education of the general population on the correct management of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. However, the dissemination and acquisition of basic concepts must be provided before cardiac arrest can occur. With respect to this, the evaluation used permits a comparison of knowledge retention at two points in time and is sufficient for the initial assessment. Because periodic training is proposed, the complexity of training could be progressively increased, which may have an impact on subsequent performance at assessment19. First, we would like to thank the four participating schools: Colégio Marista, Colégio Oswaldo Cruz, E.E. Dom Alberto José Gonçalves, and E.E. Alberto Santos Dumont. Each school welcomed us and provided the opportunity to conduct research with their students. We are grateful to the Training Center for Life Support (FAEPA) that provided the material necessary for the classes. We also thank Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (CNPq/PBIC), and the Project Learning with Culture and Extension–USP that permitted the execution of the project with their three instructors. The methodology employed is associated with inherent difficulties, and these were encountered with regard to the method, the population under study, and the continuity of the project. First, this method requires audiovisual equipment as well as a physical space that can accommodate 20 persons. Thus, the schools must have at least one suitable room. It was notable that private schools differed greatly in terms of the availability of audiovisual resources. Therefore, classes were dependent upon the availability of suitable rooms, and the ability of the school to provide audiovisual equipment, which was more difficult in public schools. A way of circumventing this limitation would be the expansion of the material and instructors available using mass training techniques. Conclusion This study has demonstrated that CPR training provided by medical students using a commercially available training kit (with a video and manikin) was effective in both the immediate and late retention of knowledge. Greater knowledge retention in private schools may have been associated with cultural factors. Author contributions Conception and design of the research, Obtaining funding, Writing of the manuscript and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Ribeiro LG, Germano R, Menezes PL, Schmidt A, Pazin-Filho A; Acquisition of data and Analysis and interpretation of the data: Ribeiro LG, Germano R, Menezes PL, Pazin-Filho A; Statistical analysis: Ribeiro LG, Schmidt A, Pazin-Filho A. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding This study was funded by FAPESP, PIBIC (CNPq), Aprender com cultura e extensão, Centro de treinamento em suporte a vida e FAEPA. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 333 Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article ENCLOSURE 1: NAME: ___________________________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/20____ School: ___________________________________________________________ Check with an X the correct alternative for each question. Only one alternative is correct. SELF-EVALUATION: Did you ever have a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) lesson in your life? ( ) Yes, ( ) No 01. a) b) c) d) What is the importance of studying CPR? Teaching my parents and siblings Rescuing a drowning person Being qualified to rescue somebody It is of no importance to me 02. What is the first step that should be taken when you find somebody lying unconscious on the ground? a) Call for help b) Check if the victim is breathing c) Check if the victim responds when called d) Leave the victim lying 03. a) b) c) d) After taking the first step (above) what should you do? Call for help Check if the victim is breathing Check if the victim responds when called Leave the victim lying 04. a) b) c) d) You already took two important steps; what is the last one? Call for help Check if the victim is breathing Check if the victim responds when called Leave the victim lying 05. Which number should you dial for help? a)911 b)192 c)193 d) I call my parents 06. a) b) c) d) What should you do when you call emergency? Say “Somebody is unconscious,” and disconnect the call Inform where you are and disconnect the call Wait for the operator to ask and disconnect the call Say “I need help”; keep the call on hold and return to the victim 07. You find a person unconscious on the ground and you are alone. What should you do? a) Look, listen, and feel b) Begin performing ventilations and chest compression to avoid wasting time c) Get the AED d) Call emergency yourself 334 08. a) b) c) d) How will you check if the victim is breathing? Open his mouth and place a finger in his throat to “check” for any obstruction Look, listen, and feel See if the victim’s lips and fingers are turning purple Check if the victim’s tongue is blocking the passage of air 09. a) b) c) d) The person is not breathing; what will you do? I will try to remove the obstruction in his throat I will press his abdomen to make him cough (Valsalva maneuver) I will apply two mouth-to-mouth ventilations I will pull out the victim’s tongue to let air pass Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 10. a) b) c) d) The person is not breathing; how would you open the victim’s airways? I will hold his forehead and pull his chin up I will push his chin forward I will open his mouth while pushing the chin down I will cover his nose and wait for him to open his mouth and breathe 11. How will you know if you should or should not perform chest compressions in an unconscious person? a) Check if the person has a pulse in the arm (radial artery) b) Check if the person is breathing through the mouth c) Check if the chest is moving; listen and feel if the person is breathing d) Check if the person has a pulse in the neck (carotid artery) 12. a) b) c) d) Where are chest compressions performed? In the center of the chest On the left side of the chest i.e., the side of the heart On the right side of the chest to push the heart to the left It is not performed on the chest 13. a) b) c) d) How should chest compressions be applied? Strongly but slowly Weakly and slowly Weakly and rapidly Strongly and rapidly 14. a) b) c) d) How many chest compressions should be applied between ventilations? 30 chest compressions 15 chest compressions 5 chest compressions No ventilation is applied 15. a) b) c) d) How many ventilations are applied in the intervals between chest compressions? 1 ventilation 2 ventilations No ventilation 3 ventilations 16. a) b) c) d) Regarding ventilation, how long should you blow into the victim’s mouth? No ventilation is applied Blow for approximately 1 s to fill the entire lung Blow for approximately 5 s to permit enough air to enter the lungs Blow rapidly several times to aid rapid air exchange 17. a) b) c) d) What is the function of chest compression? An attempt to wake up the victim Permitting oxygen to reach the lungs Cause the victim to have a pulse Pump blood through the body 18. In an emergency situation, what is the correct sequence (full cycle)? a) Checking respiration -> Checking if the victim responds when called -> Ventilation and chest compression -> Calling for help b) Ventilation and chest compression -> Checking if the victim responds when called -> Calling for help -> Checking respiration c) Calling for help -> Checking if the victim responds when called -> Ventilation and chest compression> Checking respiration d) Checking if the victim responds when called -> Calling for help-> Checking respiration -> Ventilation and chest compression 19. After the CPR cycle, the victim does not breathe and his heart did not start beating again but you have an automated external defibrillator (AED) on hand. What should you do? a) I don’t use it. Only adults can use it b) I ask somebody to take it while I continue chest compressions c) I go to the pharmacy to get it 20. a) b) c) d) If you get the AED, how will you use it? I follow the manual inside it I first switch the instrument on I place the paddles on the victim’s chest and I switch the instrument on I don’t know what to do first, I only know that the instrument gives a shock to the victim Ribiero et al. Medical students teaching CPR on a large scale Original Article 21. a) b) c) d) What is the first step for using the AED? Plug the paddles into the instrument Stick the paddles to the victim Turning on the instrument Press the shock button to see if it is working 22. a) b) c) d) Where should you place the paddles? Over each nipple Over the right part of the chest and below the left part of the chest Below the two parts of the chest In the center of the chest, over the bone (sternum) 23. What should you do immediately before “switching on” the shock button? a) Move everybody away from the victim, including myself b) Hold the paddles in place to make sure that they will not detach c) d) Ask somebody to hold the victim, so he will not jump Check if the paddles are switched on 24. a) b) c) d) After giving the shock, what should you do? Follow the instructions of the instrument Remove the paddles and start chest compression Check the victim’s pulse and breathing Wait for help 25. a) b) c) d) Help has arrived. What should you do? Help them with chest compressions Make room for them to work Continue with chest compressions even in their presence Call emergency and tell them that the ambulance arrived References 1. Potts J, Lynch B. The American Heart Association CPR Anytime Program: the potential impact of highly accessible training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation. J Cardiopulm Rehabil. 2006;26(6):346-54. 2. Connolly M, Toner P, Connolly D, McCluskey DR. 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Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):328-335 335 Back to the cover Original Article Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Use of Delayed Contrast-Enhanced Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Risk Assessment Luiz Gustavo Pignataro Bessa, Flávia Pegado Junqueira, Marcelo Luiz da Silva Bandeira, Marcelo Iorio Garcia, Sérgio Salles Xavier, Guilherme Lavall, Diego Torres, Daniel Waetge Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho, Ilha do Fundão, RJ - Brazil Abstract Background: Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a severe and progressive disease. Its early diagnosis is the greatest clinical challenge. Objective: To evaluate the presence and extension of the delayed myocardial contrast-enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance, as well as to verify if the percentage of the myocardial fibrosis mass is a severity predictor. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 30 patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension of groups I and IV, subjected to clinical, functional and hemodynamic evaluation, and to cardiac magnetic resonance. Results: The mean age of patients was 52 years old, with female predominance (77%). Among the patients, 53% had right ventricular failure at diagnosis, and 90% were in functional class II/III. The mean of the 6-minute walk test was 395m. In hemodynamic study with right catheterism, the mean average pulmonary arterial pressure was 53.3mmHg, of the cardiac index of 2.1L/ min.m2, and median right atrial pressure was 13.5 mmHg. Delayed myocardial contrast‑enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance was found in 28 patients. The mean fibrosis mass was 9.9 g and the median percentage of fibrosis mass was 6.17%. The presence of functional class IV, right ventricular failure at diagnosis, 6-minute walk test < 300 meters and right atrial pressure ≥ 15 mmHg, with cardiac index < 2.0 L/ min.m2, there was a relevant association with the increased percentage of myocardial fibrosis. Conclusion: The percentage of the myocardial fibrosis mass indicates a non-invasive marker with promising perspectives in identifying patients with high risk factors for pulmonary hypertension. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):336-343) Keywords: Hypertension, Pulmonary / diagnosis; Risk Assessment; Endomyocardial Fibrosis; Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Introduction Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) is a syndrome caused by different conditions affecting pulmonary circulation. The causes of PH that involve the pulmonary arterial bed include Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTPH), known as group I and IV of the current PH classification (Dana Point, 2008)1. PAH is defined as a Mean Pulmonary Arterial Pressure (mPAP) > 25mmHg at rest, in a situation of Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure (PAWP) ≤ 15mmHg, with Pulmonary Vascular Resistance (PVR) > 3 units Wood2. This condition has a poor prognosis, with mortality of approximately 15% in 1 year for those treated with modern therapy 3. Right Ventricular Failure (RVF) is the main cause of death4. Mailing Address: Luiz Gustavo Pignataro Bessa • Rua Divino Salvador, 261, Piedade. Postal Code 20756-210, Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil E-mail: lgpignataro@ig.com.br, lgpignataro@iff.fiocruz.br Manuscript received November 27, 2012; revised manuscript May 03, 2013; accepted June 07, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130168 336 Efforts are made in order to obtain an early diagnosis. Recently, prognostic factors that have an impact on survival were reviewed 5. Mortality is higher for patients with Functional Class (FC) III and IV6. The rapid progression of symptoms, as well as signs of RVF at diagnosis, indicates a worse prognosis. The result of the 6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT) is an independent predictor of survival 7. The presence of pericardial effusion, increased right atrium and signs of right ventricular failure, at least moderate, on transthoracic echocardiogram are consistent predictors of mortality8. Patients with increased Right Atrial Pressure (RAP) and decreased Cardiac Index (CI) had a higher death risk9. Study including 64 patients stated that Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR) imaging revealing an impaired function of Right Ventricle (RV) – systolic volume ≤ 25mL/m 2, end-diastolic volume of RV ≥ 84mL/m2 and end-diastolic volume of Left Ventricle (LV) ≤ 40mL/m2 – are independent predictors of mortality and therapeutic failure10. The Delayed Myocardial Enhancement (DME) obtained by CMR is a common finding in patients with PAH. Studies have shown its relation with right ventricular function and abnormalities in hemodynamics of pulmonary circulation11. Bessa et al. Delayed myocardial enhancement and risk assessment Original Article The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence and extension of DME by CMR and verify if the percentage of fibrosis mass is an indicator of severity in PAH. Methods Study design and patients screening Cross-sectional study of patients in PAH outpatient clinic at the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital (CFFUH), who underwent CMR between May 2010 and April 2012. This study selected and included 30 patients over 18 years old, irrespective of gender, class, social group or ethnicity, followed-up at the outpatient clinic of PH and CFFUH, and patients with PAH from groups I and IV, who underwent clinical evaluation and hemodynamics for starting a specific treatment. These patients underwent all exams in the PH evaluation protocol: specific laboratory, chest X-ray, pulmonary function test, ventilation/perfusion (V/P) scintigraphy, chest angiotomography, Right Catheterization (RC) and 6MWT. Considering an interval of up to 72 hours from RC, these patients were subjected to CMR, with a protocol specific for PH. Patients with claustrophobia or any type of ferromagnetic implants (pacemaker, orthopedic prosthesis, etc.), patients who have renal dysfunction with creatinine clearance < 30 mL / minute and contraindication for RC due to increased risk of bleeding as a result of severe blood dyscrasia (PTA < 60%, PTT rel > 2.0 and platelets < 50,000cel/mm3). All patients who participated in this study received an informed consent, and the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of CFFUH. Hemodynamic evaluation by RC RC was carried out in CFFUH hemodynamic laboratory by an interventional cardiologist from the PH group, inserting a Swan-Ganz catheter through the internal jugular vein (model 131F7, Edwards Baxter, Irvine, CA, USA). The catheter was positioned in West zone III. Confirmation of its proper position was performed by scan and comparison of the variation of Diastolic Pulmonary Artery Pressure (dPAP) in relation to that of the Pulmonary Artery Occlusion Pressure (PAOP) with respiratory cycle. Monitoring of pressure, CO (Cardiac Output), and of electrocardiographic tracing was performed with HewlletPackard device, model M1176-A (Hewlett-Packard, Walthan, MA, EUA). After the proper monitor calibration, we directly obtained data from RAP, Systolic Pulmonary Artery Pressures (sPAP), dPAP, mPAP, PAOP and Cardiac Frequency (CF). Blood samples were collected, from the distal lumen of Swan-Ganz catheter, for analyzing the Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation (MVO2S). CO measurement was performed by thermodilution technique. Measurements with 10mL physiological saline injection were carried out, at ambient temperature, in any phase of the respiratory cycle, until we obtained three measurements with <10% variation. The mean value was then used in the study. Using the CO result, we calculated PVR. Hemodynamic evaluation by CMR Exams were performed by a radiologist with 10 years of experience, using a 1.5-T magnetic resonance device (Siemens Magneton Avanto, Erlangen, Germany), operating at 45mTm-1 maximum power gradient and 200Tm-1s-1 slew rate, using six anterior canals and six posterior canals for data collection. Patients were requested to exhale at maximum and hold their breath during sequences. TRUE FISP (free steady-state precession) cine resonance sequence was used with ARGUS software, in order to evaluate cardiac function and calculate right and left systolic function indexes (ejection fraction through Simpson’s volumetric method), end-diastolic and systolic volumes, ejective volume, cardiac output, and ventricular mass in short axis and horizontal axis of ventricles, with parallel acquisition technique (TR: 200ms; FOV: 400mm; matrix: 128 x 88; flip angle: 15°; slice thickness: 6mm). Moreover, 10 minutes after administrating 0.2mmoL/kg-1 gadodiamide (Dotaren TM, Gerbet, France), and after requesting the patient to take a deep breath and hold it, PSIR (phase-sensitive inversion recovery – TR: 700ms; TE: 4.18ms; TI: 300ms; FOV: 340mm; matrix: 156 x 256; flip angle 25°; slice thickness: 8mm) sequence, using same position and number of cuts from TRUE FISP cine sequence for evaluation of delayed myocardial enhancement. Fibrosis volume was manually calculated based on the outline of hypertensive myocardial areas obtained with CMR after administrating gadolinium, in the short axis of the heart, in each cut (Figure 1). Mass was obtained by multiplying total fibrosis volume by 1.05 (myocardial density). Functional evaluation Each patient was evaluated by CFFUH physiotherapy team with 6MWT performed in accordance with American Thoracic Society12 guidelines. In this test, the patient is requested to walk as fast as possible for 6 minutes, on a 30 m flat surface, and the distance is registered in meters. In this test, the patient may reduce the intensity, stop and rest, if necessary, without interrupting the timing process. Running or jogging was not allowed. FC was evaluated according to World Health Organization (WHO). RVF clinical signs were defined as: jugular turgency, increased RV at palpation, hepatomegaly, ascite and edema on lower limbs. Statistical analysis Demographic, clinical, functional and hemodynamic variables of CMR and RC were tested in order to verify the type of distribution through histograms and Shapiro-Wilk test. Variables that showed normal distribution were expressed in mean ± standard or median deviation, with minimum and maximum values in case of abnormal distribution. Presence and extension of DME were evaluated in patients with PAH subjected to CMR, and the percentage of myocardial fibrosis was calculated based on data regarding fibrosis mass and ventricular masses. The relation between the percentage of myocardial fibrosis to clinical (signs of RVF), functional (CF and 6MWT) Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):336-343 337 Bessa et al. Delayed myocardial enhancement and risk assessment Original Article Figure 1 – Cardiac magnetic resonance in short axis, two chambers (heart mid section), after injecting gadolinium to evaluate the delayed myocardial enhancement in a 26-year old patient with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension at Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital. It was observed a delayed myocardial enhancement in the anterior and posterior portions of the interventricular septum, on the right ventricular insertion points (red arrows). and hemodynamic parameters, through Mann-Whitney test, performing an attempt to identify “high risk” patients according to ROC curve, an optimal point (cutoff) of fibrosis percentage. FC variable was categorized in FC IV (“high risk”) and FC II/III (“low risk”). 6MWT variable was categorized in distance walked <300m (“high risk”) and distance walked >300m (“low risk”). Hemodynamic variable was categorized in patients who had, at invasive hemodynamic study: RAP ≥ 15mmHg and CI < 2.0L/min.m2 (“high risk”) and RAP < 15mmHg and CI ≥ 2.0L/min.m2 (“low risk”). Fifteen exams of CMR were randomized, then examined by the same radiologist and another radiologist with experience in cardiovascular medicine, in different occasions. Examiners were blinded in relation to clinical, functional and hemodynamical evaluation parameters. Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was applied to evaluate the intra and interobserver reproducibility in DME research and calculation of myocardial fibrosis percentage. Statistical analysis was processed by the program Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 for MAC. The criterion for significance determination was the level of 5%. Results Study population was composed of 30 patients, of which 44% had idiopathic PAH. The remaining patients were from Group I of Dana Point Classification, being composed of collagenosis (5 patients), portopulmonary hypertension (3 patients), schistosomiasis (1 patient) and HIV (1 patient). Other 7 patients have CTEPH. In relation to demographic and functional data (Table 1), patients had a mean age of 52 years and most of them were female (23%). The median onset period for symptoms at diagnosis was 18 months. Among them, 53% had signs of RVF at clinical exam during the diagnosis and most of 338 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):336-343 them had CF II or III (90%). The mean 6MWT was 395m among the patients. On Table 2 is shown the morphological and functional data obtained from CMR. It is noted that the mean diameter of RV was 76mm and of pulmonary artery was 38.5mm, and the mean mass index of RV was 46.4g/m2 – all parameters indicate increased resistance to blood flow and overload of RV. Pericardial effusion (PE) was detected in nine patients (30%). The mean ejection fraction of RV obtained in CMR was 31.8%, as well as the mean of LV CI of 2.1L/min.m2, which presupposes that most patients had right ventricular dysfunction at diagnosis. On Table 3 is the shown hemodynamic data obtained with RC. We noticed that mPAP was 53.3mmHg, PVR index (PVRI) of 22.2 Woods Units (WU) and the RAP median was of 13.5mmHg. The mean CI was 2.1L/min.m2, exactly the same as that obtained with CMR. DME was present in 28 patients (93%), distributed in the anterior and inferior septal, and insertion areas of RV free-wall. The mean fibrosis mass was 9.9g and the myocardial fibrosis percentage was 6.17% (Table 2). High risk factors, such as FC IV, RVF at diagnosis, 6MWT < 300 m, RAP ≥ 15 mmHg and CI < 2.0 L/min.m2 had significant association with higher fibrosis percentage (Table 4). Based on ROC curve analysis (Graph 1), it was observed that a percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 5.99% is capable of identifying patients with RVF (i.e., high risk) with 82% Sensitivity (S), 92% Specificity (E), 99% Positive Predictive Value (PPV) and 28% Negative Predictive Value (NPV). A percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 6.67% is capable of identifying the patient with a more advanced FC (FC IV, i.e., high risk) with 98% S, 75% E, 98% PPV and 73% NPV. A percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 6.49% is capable of identifying patients with a functional capacity of exercise at 6MWT < 300m (i.e., high risk), with 71% S, 83% E, 98% PPV and 18% NPV. Percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 5.99% is capable Bessa et al. Delayed myocardial enhancement and risk assessment Original Article Table 1 – Demographic and functional evaluation data Mean ± SD (%) Age Median (min.-max.) 52.5 ± 16.5 Gender (M/F) P25 P75 Shapiro (p) 45 62 0.246 7 (23%)/23 (77%) Weight (kg) 57 76 0.299 Height (meters) 65.5 ± 12.5 1.57 (1.49-1.82) 1.54 1.67 0.001 BSA (m /kg) 1.61 (1.36-2.04) 1.55 1.87 0.075 18 (6-36) 12 24 0.074 350 465 0.434 2 Time of symptoms onset (months) Presence of RVF (Y/N) 16 (53%)/14 (47%) FC WHO (II-III/IV) 27 (90%)/3 (10%) 6MWT (meters) 395.8 ± 109.8 Values stated in mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median, with minimum and maximum values with the respective percentiles 25 (P25) and 75% (P75), in Shapiro normality test. Min.: minimum; max.: maximum; M: male; F: female; BSA: body mass area; RVF: right ventricular failure; S: yes; N: no; FC WHO: Functional Class of the World Health Organization; 6MWT: 6-minute walk test. Table 2 – Morphological and functional data, and information on mass/percentage of myocardial fibrosis by cardiac magnetic resonance Mean ± SD (%) RV long diam (mm) P25 6.0 (3.0-8.0) 76.4 ± 10.9 RV thickness (mm) PA trunk diam (mm) RV massi (g/m2) Median (min.-max.) 38.5 (27-72) 46.4 ± 10.0 LV massi (g/m2) 56.5 (46.5-80.4) Pericardial effusion (Y/N) P75 Shapiro (p) 70 84 0.842 5.0 6.0 0.011 36 42 0.01 36.8 51.3 0.208 51.7 62.1 0.088 9 (30%)/27 (90%) CF (BPM) 76.2 ± 12.4 68 86 0.669 RV EF (%) 31.8 ± 12.2 24 38 0.609 RV EDVI (mL/m ) 100.8 ± 26.7 80.2 122.7 0.676 RV ESVI (mL/m2) 70.7 ± 26.9 51 88.9 0.343 1.7 2.4 0.089 2 CI CMR (L/min.m ) 2.1 (1.4-3.4) 2 LV EDVI (mL/m ) 2 53.1 ± 12.8 LV ESVI (mL/m2) LV SVI (mL/m ) 2 Presence of fibrosis (Y/N) 28 (93%)/2 (7%) Fibrosis on anterior septum (Y/N) 25 (83%)/5 (17%) Fibrosis on inferior septum (Y/N) 28 (93%)/2 (7%) Fibrosis mass (g) Percentage of myocardial fibrosis (%) 43.4 60.2 0.731 19.7 (8.9-49.4) 15.6 32.1 0.037 28.2 (13.7-53.9) 25.5 36.1 0.025 9.9 (0-20.6) 8.1 12.8 0.095 6.17 (0-10.52) 4.79 7.10 0.14 Values stated in mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median, with minimum and maximum values with the respective percentiles 25 (P25) and 75% (P75), in Shapiro normality test. Min.: minimum; max.: maximum; RV long diam: right ventricle longitudinal diameter; RV thickness: right ventricle thickness; PA trunk diam: pulmonary artery trunk diameter; RV mass: right ventricle mass index; LV massi: left ventricle mass index; Y: yes; N: no; CF (BPM): cardiac frequency (beats per minute); RV EF: right ventricle ejection fraction; RV EDVI: right ventricle end-diastolic volume index; RV ESVI: right ventricle end-systolic volume index; CI CMR: cardiac index by cardiac magnetic resonance; LV EDVI: left ventricle end-diastolic volume index; LV ESVI: left ventricle end-systolic volume index; LV SVI: left ventricle systolic volume index. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):336-343 339 Bessa et al. Delayed myocardial enhancement and risk assessment Original Article Table 3 – Hemodynamic data by right catheterism Mean ± SD (%) CF R CAT (BPM) Median (min.-max.) P25 P75 Shapiro (p) 73.5 (53-108) 70 80 0.016 mPAP (mmHg) 53.3 ± 9 49 60 0.990 sPAP (mmHg) 85.4 ± 18.8 75 96 0.745 dPAP (mmHg) 32.4 ± 6.9 26 36 0.674 RAP (mmHg) 7 20 0.045 CI R CAT (L/min.m2) 2.14 ± 0.56 13.5 (3-24) 1.6 2.5 0.308 PVRi (WU) 22.2 ± 8.2 16.9 28.3 0.370 PCAP (mmHg) 10.3 ± 3.6 8 14 0.467 48.6 68 0.042 37 50 0.948 SVM O2 (%) 57.8 (42-77) GT (mmHg) 43.2 ± 8.6 Values stated in mean ± standard deviation (SD) or median, with minimum and maximum values with the respective percentiles 25 (P25) and 75% (P75), in Shapiro normality test. Min.: minimum; max.: maximum; CF R CAT (BPM): cardiac frequency by right catheterism (beats per minute); mPAP: mean pulmonary artery pressure; sPAP: systolic pulmonary arterial pressure; dPAP: diastolic pulmonary arterial pressure; RAP: right atrium pressure; CI R CAT: cardiac index by right catheterism; PVRi: pulmonary vascular resistance index; WU: Wood unit; PCAP: pulmonary capillary pressure; MVO2S: mixed venous oxygen saturation; TG: transpulmonary gradient. Table 4 – Distribution of patients, according to risk factors, the clinical, functional and hemodynamical evaluations, and percentage of myocardial fibrosis Risk factors – percentage of myocardial fibrosis RVF Percentage of myocardial fibrosis FV IV Percentage of myocardial fibrosis TC6M < 300m Percentage of myocardial fibrosis Hemodynamic (CI < 2.0L/min.m and RAP ≥ 15mmHg) 2 Percentage of myocardial fibrosis p None (n = 13) Present (n = 17) 4.30 (3.93-5.55) 6.83 (6.28-7.19) None (n = 27) Present (n = 3) 5.54 (4.78-6.67) 7.51 (7.18-7.67) None (n = 24) Present (n = 6) 5.38 (4.62-6.78) 7.18 (6.58-8.16) None (n = 17) Present (n = 13) 5.12 (4.49-6.28) 6.55 (6.26-7.18) < 0.0001 0.034 0.021 0.039 Values of the percentage of myocardial fibrosis stated in mean, with the respective percentiles 25 and 75 in parenthesis. RVF: right ventricular failure; FC: functional class; 6MWT: 6-minute walk test; CI: cardiac index; RAP: right atrium pressure. of identifying patients with PAD ≥ 15mmHg and IC < 2.0 L / min.m2 on RC (i.e., high risk), with 84% S, 81% E, 97% PPV and 18% NPV. Intraobserver ICC for myocardial fibrosis mass was 0.984 (CI95% = 0.953-0.995) and interobserver of 0.966 (CI95% = 0.900-0.989). Discussion Right ventricular dysfunction is the main cause of morbimortality in patients with PAH4. Several studies are developed to find clinical and hemodynamical markers that could be used in diagnosis and follow-up. Thus, it is possible to characterize a high risk patient, who will be subjected to early therapeutic interventions. CMR is the gold standard for evaluating function, volume and mass of the right ventricle13, which can be qualified with excellent intra and interobserver14 variability and good 340 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):336-343 interstudy reproducibility15. DME was initially described in dysfunctioning areas of LV after gadolinium-based contrast agent administration in patients undergoing CMR with previous infarction history and fibrosis scarring16,17. Descriptions a posteriori have shown the presence of DME in patients with hypertrophic myocardiopathy and myocardiopathies with deposits or inflammatory (viral myocarditis), each one with a characteristic extension pattern18-22. DME can be explained by the gadolinium capacity of having a different pattern distribution in healthy and unhealthy tissues. Contrast “removal” is more difficult in the unhealthy tissue, creating a signal difference > 1.080% in DME images. Consequently, areas of the unhealthy myocardial tissue can be precisely identified, with high accuracy and reproducibility23,24. Even though there are several studies of DME evaluated Bessa et al. Delayed myocardial enhancement and risk assessment Original Article (A) RVF (B) Functional class (C) 6-minute walk test (D) Hemodynamics Graph 1 – ROC curve between clinical and hemodynamical severity stratifiers for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension and percentage of myocardial fibrosis obtained by cardiac magnetic resonance. A) right ventricular failure (RVD): area under a curve (AUC) of 0.864 (confidence interval of 95% - CI95% = 0.714 - 1.0). The percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 5.99% was capable to identify the patient without signs of RVF (high risk) with 85% sensitivity (S), 92% specificity (E), 99% positive predictive value (PPV) and 28% negative predictive value (NPV). B) Functional class: 0.877 (AUC) (CI95% = 0.753-1.0). The percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 6.67% was capable to identify patients with functional class (FC) IV (high risk) with 98% S, 75% E, 98% PPV and 73% NPV. C) 6-minute walk test (6MWT): 0.806 AUC (CI95% = 0.647-0.965). The percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 6.49% was capable to identify patients who walk < 300 meters (high risk), with 71% S, 83% E, 98% PPV and 18% NPV. D) Hemodynamics: 0.724 AUC (CI95% = 0.530-0.918). The percentage of myocardial fibrosis > 5.99% was capable to identify patients with cardiac index (CI) < 2.0L/min.m2 and right atrium pressure (RAP) ≥ 15mmHg (high risk) with 84% S, 71% E, 97% PPV and 18% NPV. by CMR in conditions that affect the LV, only three of major importance evaluated this finding in patients with PAH11,25,26. In McCann et al 25 study, the presence of DMC was noticed in insertion areas of the RV interventricular septum in all 15 patients with PAH. The mean fibrosis mass was 3.1 ± 1.9g and there was no positive correlation with any clinical or hemodynamical variable – only an inverse correlation with right ventricular dysfunction measured by CMR. Blyth et al11 noticed the presence of DME on 23 of 25 study patients, of 3.3g and there was a positive correlation with several hemodynamic variables, primarily patients with paradoxical interventricular septum deviation. Junqueira et al26 demonstrated the presence of DME in 65% of study patients and only found a positive correlation with the duration of the disease at diagnosis. Several speculations exist on the physiopathological mechanism related to DME in patients with PAH. In MacCann et al25 study, two patients who died were subjected to autopsy, and fibrosis was present in the right ventricular insertion point, suggesting that this was the DME mechanism selected for these patients. It is speculated that myocardial fibrosis results from an increased right ventricle afterload. The hypertrophy and right cavity dilatation found in these patients led to a mechanical stress in these points, with subsequent hypoxia and ischemia27,28. In this study, DME was present in 28 of the 30 study patients. The median fibrosis mass was 9.9g (0-20.2g). Due to a large variation of the ventricular mass related to age, gender, body mass index and comorbities very prevalent in our environment, such as systemic arterial hypertension, we chose to calculate the percentage of myocardial fibrosis, which mean was 6.17%. Apart from other studies, the percentage of myocardial fibrosis has been able to identify patients with PH with high risk factors, based on clinical (signs of RVF), functional (FC IV and 6MWT < 300m) or hemodynamic (RAP ≥ 15mmHg and CI < 2.0L/min.m2) evaluation. This study had a few limitations. It was carried out with a relatively small number of patients, which, particularly, is reflected by the low prevalence of PAH in the general population. No patient was subjected to cine Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):336-343 341 Bessa et al. Delayed myocardial enhancement and risk assessment Original Article angiocoronariography to discard an ischemic heart disease, which is an important cause of DME. However, the DME pattern noticed in these patients is not a characteristic of myocardial ischemic injury. Conclusion DME is present in most patients with PAH, and the percentage of myocardial fibrosis evaluated by CMR has shown a good non-invasive parameter for severity evaluation in this group with 30 study patients. These results are interesting, since the greatest clinical challenge, in PH evaluation, is to identify patients who need early interventions, due to the potential for high severity of the disease. Longitudinal studies and with larger number of patients need to be performed in order to assess the real prognostic role of this evaluation parameter for patients with PAH. Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Bessa LGP, Junqueira FP, Garcia MI, Xavier SS, Waetge D; Acquisition of data: Bessa LGP, Junqueira FP, Bandeira MLS, Lavall G, Torres D, Waetge D; Analysis and interpretation of the data: Bessa LGP, Bandeira MLS, Garcia MI, Xavier SS; Statistical analysis and Writing of the manuscript: Bessa LGP; Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Bessa LGP, Junqueira FP, Bandeira MLS, Garcia MI, Xavier SS, Lavall G, Torres D. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This article is part of the thesis of master submitted by Luiz Gustavo Pignataro Bessa, from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. References 1. Simonneau G, Galie N, Rubin LJ, Langleben D, Seeger W, Domenighetti G, et al. Clinical classification of pulmonary hypertension. 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Objective: The purpose was to evaluate the levels of big endothelin-1 (Big ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) in elderly hypertensive patients with and without moderate to severe OSAHS. Methods: Volunteers were hospitalized for 24 h. We obtained the following data: body mass index (BMI); 24-ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; and current medication. Arterial blood was collected at 7pm and 7am for determining plasma NO and Big ET-1 levels. Pulse oximetry was performed during sleep. Pearson’s or Spearman’s correlation and univariate analysis of variance were used for statistical analysis. Results: We studied 25 subjects with OSAHS (group 1) and 12 without OSAHS (group 2) aged 67.0 ± 6.5 years and 67.8 ± 6.8 years, respectively. No significant differences were observed between the groups in BMI; number of hours of sleep; 24-h systolic and diastolic BPs; awake BP, sleep BP and medications to control BP between groups. No differences were detected in plasma Big ET-1 and NO levels at 19:00 h, but plasma Big ET-1 levels at 7:00 h were higher in group 1 (p = 0.03). In group 1, a negative correlation was also observed between the mean arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation level, 24-h systolic BP (p = 0.03, r = −0.44), and Big ET-1 (p = 0.04, r = −0.41). Conclusions: On comparing elderly hypertensive patients with and without OSAHS having similar BP and BMI, we observed higher Big ET-1 levels After sleep in the OSAHS group. NO levels did not differ between the hypertensive patients with or without OSAHS. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):344-351) Keywords: Hypertension; Aged; Big endothelin-1; Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome. Introduction The endothelium plays a fundamental role in the regulation of vascular tone and peripheral resistance through the synthesis of numerous vasoactive compounds, i.e., vasodilators such as nitric oxide (NO) and vasoconstrictors such as big endothelin-1 (Big ET-1), by endothelial cells1-3. Under pathological conditions such as systemic arterial hypertension, there is a disequilibrium of endothelium-derived factors with an attenuation of vasodilators and a predominance of vasoconstrictors4. The elimination rate of endothelin-1 (ET-1) is higher than that of its precursor Big ET-1. In addition, plasma Big ET-1 levels of humans, rabbits, and rats are higher than plasma ET-1 levels, with studies suggesting that the precursor is a more appropriate indicator for the quantification of release by endothelial cells5. Mailing Address: Iara Felicio Anunciato • Rua Natalicia Frederico de Vicenti, 30, JD Maria Imaculada I. Postal Code 14340-000, Brodowski, SP - Brazil E-mail: iara.anunciato@yahoo.com.br, iara.anunciato@bol.com.br Manuscript received October 11, 2012; revised November 29, 2012; accepted March 15, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130179 344 NO has an important influence on the tone of peripheral blood vessels, and it is released in response to the shear stress produced by blood flow and by the activation of various of receptors6. Because NO is released continuously, systemic inhibition of its synthesis causes an elevation of blood pressure (BP). On this basis, oxidative stress plays an important role in hypertension pathogenesis7. Oxidative stress is also considered to be involved in the pathogenesis of arterial hypertension in obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS)8. OSAHS is defined as a group of disorders characterized by periodic cessation of breathing, with consequent hypoxia, frequent awakenings, and sleep fragmentation during the night, triggering excessive daytime somnolence9. This syndrome is more prevalent among the elderly10. According to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI/h), OSAHS is classified as mild (AHI/h, 5–15 events/h); moderate (AHI/h, 15– 30 events/h); and severe (AHI/h, >30 events/h) 11. Furthermore, mortality is significantly associated with high rates of respiratory changes [awakenings and microawakenings during sleep]; a body mass index (BMI) of >30 kg/m2; and male sex12. Few studies have assessed endothelial function in OSAHS, and the role of oxidative stress in elderly hypertensive patients with OSAHS is unknown. Anunciato et al. Big endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in OSAHS Original Article The objective of the present study was to evaluate Big ET-1 and NO before and after sleep in elderly hypertensive patients with and without OSAHS. Methods The hypertensive patients were selected from the outpatient services of the following centers of the Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine, São Paulo University: the Hypertension Center of the Clinical Hospital; the Geriatric Clinic of the School Health Center; and the Center for Family Health –V. All hypertensive volunteers with moderate to severe OSAHS had previous diagnoses confirmed by polysomnography; control hypertensive subjects were also subjected to further examination to exclude OSAHS. The hypertensive patients diagnosed with moderate or severe OSAHS were diagnosed by the Laboratory of Clinical Neurophysiology (Clinical Hospital – Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine) and selected following the exclusion criteria described below. Exclusion criteria were based on the following factors that could affect the evaluation of plasma Big ET-1 and NO levels: age <60 years, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, heart and lung diseases, smoking, past history of smoking, drinking , use of continuous positive pressure airway ventilation, cardiac arrhythmia, and use of medications that might interfere with sleep (anxiolytics, antidepressants, and neuroleptics). Patients who did not consent to participate were also excluded. The volunteers were admitted to the Clinical Research Unit of HCFMRP-USP. Upon admission, weight and height were measured using a digital scale (Filizola), and the device for the ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) was installed (SAPCELABS 90207, Redmond, USA. The ABPM device was left in place for 24 h, divided into a probable wakefulness period (7:00–23:00 h) and a probable sleep period (23:00–7:00 h). The device was programmed to take readings at 15 minute intervals during the probable wakefulness period and at 20 minute intervals during the probable sleep period. Before each blood collection for the determination of Big ET-1 and plasma NO, three BP measurements were made with the subject in the sitting position, using a mercury column device (auscultatory method) on the upper limb contralateral to that wearing the cuff for ABPM. A 4.5-ml arterial blood sample was collected at 19:00 h on the day of admission and 7:00 h the following morning for the determination of plasma NO levels (µM). Each sample was divided into three aliquots, and 1.5 ml arterial blood was stored in an Eppendorf tube containing 0.08 ml heparin and centrifuged (Eppendorf AG, model 5418R) for 10 min at 5000 rpm and a standard temperature of 4°C. The supernatant (300 µl) of each Eppendorf tube was removed and transferred to a new tube, which was stored in a freezer at −70°C for later determination by chemiluminescence (specificity of 93.9%). Each arterial blood sample was also processed for the determination of plasma Big ET-1 levels (pg/ml). The collected sample was immediately divided into three aliquots in Eppendorf tubes. Each tube contained 0.1 ml EDTA/1.5 ml blood and 0.1 ml aprotinin/1.5 ml blood each. To reach this value, 0.39 mg EDTA was diluted in 350 ml 0.9% saline solution and 0.39 mg aprotinin was diluted in 350 ml 0.9% saline solution. The sample was then centrifuged in the same apparatus as that used for the sample used for quantifying NO levels for 15 min but at 1600 rpm and a temperature of 0°C. The supernatant (300 ml) of each Eppendorf tube was then removed, transferred to a new tube, and stored in a freezer at -70°C for later determination by ELISA (sensitivity of 0.30 pg/ml and specificity of 100%). The sensitivity for this kit was determined using the guidelines provided by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) Evaluation Protocols. (National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards Evaluation Protocols, SC1, (1989) Villanova, PA, USA: NCCLS). Pulse oximetry (DIXTAL, model DX 2022) was recorded from 7pm to 7am for all volunteers. A finger sensor placed on the index finger contralateral to the arm used for BP measurement by ABPM device was used in order to obtain the level of arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation (O2 Sat). The polysomnography study was performed in the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory of HCFMRP-USP using the Biologic Sleepscan Vision PSG Polygraph (NatusBiologic Systems, San Carlos, CA, USA) to obtain the AHI/h, as previously described, the total number of apnea and hypopnea (NAH) episodes during sleep, and the number of NAM. The mean and standard deviation was calculated for data with a normal distribution (parametric), and the median was calculated for non-parametric data (those regarding Big ET-1 and NO). The SAS®9.0 software was used for these analyses. Fisher’s exact test was used to describe the frequencies according to gender. To determine possible correlations between the variables, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated for parametric data and Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated for non-parametric data using R software. For the study of Big ET-1 and NO, we corrected group comparison including BP, BMI and NAH in the analysis since these are factors that may influence the final result (univariate analysis of variance).The study was submitted to the Ribeirao Preto School of Medicine’s Ethics Committee and approved in accordance with protocol number 14103. All participants received detailed information about the goals and procedures of the study, and they signed an informed consent form in compliance with Resolution 196/96 of the National Health Council. Results Table 1 shows the participant characteristics obtained at the initial clinical evaluation. No difference was observed between the groups regarding the distribution of antihypertensive medications used. Between group 1 and group 2, the respective use was as follows: diuretics, 68% and 66.6%; angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor antagonists, 68% and 58.3%; calcium channel antagonists, 20% and 25%; and beta-blockers, 32% and 50%. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):344-351 345 Anunciato et al. Big endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in OSAHS Original Article Table 1 - Anthropometric and clinical characteristics of group 1 (hypertensive patients with obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) and group 2 (hypertensive patients without obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) Characteristics Group 1 (25) Group 2 (12) Age 67.0 ± 6.5 67.8 ± 6.8 Weight (G) 78.8 ± 15.1 75.8 ± 13.1 Height (M) 1.60 ± 0.11 1.60 ± 0.09 BMI (kg/m ) 30.3 ± 4.8 29.0 ± 5.0 Number of antihypertensive medications 1.9 ± 0.9 2.3 ± 0.9 Hours of sleep 5.3 ± 0.8 5.1 ± 1.6 2 Values are reported as mean ± standard deviation (unpaired Student t-test, p > 0.05); BMI: Body mass index Table 2 lists the BP values obtained by ABPM and by the auscultatory method.; no significant differences existed between the groups (p > 0.05). The decrease in BP during the sleep period compared with that during the wakefulness period was as follows: 8.2 ± 9.5 mmHg for systolic BP (SBP) and 7.4 ± 6.1 mmHg for diastolic BP (DBP) in group 1 (percentage decrease: 6.6 ± 7.5% mmHg for SBP and 9.8 ± 8.2% for DBP); 6.4 ± 9.5 mmHg for SBP and 5.8 ± 6.5 mmHg for DBP in group 2 (percentage decrease: 4.6 ± 7.8% for SBP and 6.7 ± 8.5% mmHg for DBP). Evaluation of the BP measurements obtained for the volunteers as a whole revealed a good statistical correlation between the measurements obtained by auscultation and 24-h ABPM (SBP: p < 0.001, r = 0.68; DBP: p < 0.001, r = 0.61). Table 3 presents the values of NAH, AHI, and NAM, as well as the minimum and mean O2 saturation levels recorded during the sleep period (p < 0.001). Plasma NO levels determined at 19:00 h and 7:00 h (Figure 1) did not differ between the groups (p > 0.05). However, plasma Big ET-1 levels differed between the groups at 7am only, when it increased in the OSAHS group following sleep (Figure 2). When group 1 and group 2 were analyzed jointly, no correlations were found between BP and several variables, including Big ET-1, NO, O2 saturation, AHI, and NAM. However, a correlation was observed between BMI and the mean O2 saturation level (r = −0.43, p = 0.008) and between BMI and NAM (r = 0.51, p = 0.002) (Figure 3). Today, sleep changes are highly prevalent in the general population, in particular the elderly. Epidemiological studies have pointed out that BP elevation is associated with sleep disorders13,14 due to the high AHI9, resulting in daytime hypersomnolence and cardiorespiratory changes14. Furthermore, Mary et al8 stated that BP elevation occurs at the end of each episode of obstructive apnea. When evaluating BP by means of ABPM, we did not observe differences in systolic (S) BP or diastolic (D) BP between subjects with and without OSAHS during sleep, wakefulness and during a 24-hour period. This result differs from that reported by Martinez Garcia et al.9 who observed higher SBP and DBP in patients with OSAHS, but agrees with the report of Davies et al.15 who did not detect a difference in wakefulness or 24-hour SBP between groups with and without OSAHS, and also with an Oxford study cited by Davies et al.15 which, when comparing SBP and DBP between the same groups, did not detect a difference during sleep or wakefulness. In our study, the BP decrease during the sleep period was the same between the groups with and without OSAHS, and both groups showed an attenuation of the decline in BP, with values <10%. It is important to point out that the two groups studied were composed of controlled hypertensive subjects continuously taking antihypertensive medications, with no differences in the number of medications taken. However, the small number of volunteers may have limited the power for detecting differences in BP between the groups. The O2 saturation levels were negatively correlated with Big ET-1 (r = −0.41, p = 0.04). The result of conventional BP measurement performed at 19:00 h and 7:00 h by auscultatory method by a trained investigator correlated well with the 24-h BP obtained by ABPM. This suggests that where skills exist, auscultatory method can be used in clinical practice when ABPM is not readily available, or at times when periodic reevaluation is necessary. However, it is important to note that ABPM is the gold standard for BP evaluation16, and that obtaining data in this manner allowed the study to take be conducted during sleep and wakefulness. Considering only the group without OSAHS, we observed that sleep SBP recorded by ABPM was correlated with NAH (r = 0.71 p = 0.01) and AHI (r = 0.67, p = 0.02). Inverse correlation was observed between the O2 saturation level and NAM (r = −0.61, p = 0.05) and the O2 saturation level and BMI (r = −0.58, p = 0.05). An important result of the present study was the difference in minimum and mean O2 saturation levels observed during sleep, with the OSAHS group showing significant hypoxemia, as expected. Lima et al17 observed the same hypoxic effect in patients with sleep apnea compared to healthy individuals, and similar data were obtained by Peled et al12. Considering only the group with OSAHS, we detected significant correlations between auscultatory SBP and Big ET-1 (r = 0.42, p = 0.04), 24-hour systolic ABPM and mean O2 Sat (r = - 0.44, p= 0.03), and 24-hour DBP and NAM (r = 0.50, p = 0.01). 346 Discussion Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):344-351 Anunciato et al. Big endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in OSAHS Original Article Table 2 - Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) during ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) and blood pressure measurement by the auscultatory method in group 1 (hypertensive patients with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) and group 2 (hypertensive patients without sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) BP ABPM Mean 24-Hours Sleep Wakefulness Auscultatory At 19:00 Hours At 7:00 Hours BP Group 1 (25) Group 2 (12) SBP 122 ± 12 127 ± 13 DBP 72 ± 11 74 ± 10 SBP 116 ± 15 122 ± 13 DBP 68 ± 12 70 ± 8 SBP 123 ± 13 127 ± 15 DBP 75 ± 10 76 ± 11 SBP 130 ± 22 132 ± 12 DBP 79 ± 13 78 ± 9 SBP 129 ± 17 144 ± 22 DBP 80 ± 11 85 ± 11 Values are reported as mean ± standard deviation (unpaired Student t-test, p > 0.05 group 1 vs. group 2). BP: Blood pressure. Table 3 - Number of awakenings and microawakenings (NAM), number of apnea-hypopnea (NAH) episodes and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) obtained from polysomnography, and minimum oxygen saturation (min O2 saturation) and mean oxygen saturation (mean O2 saturation) in group 1 (hypertensive patients with sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) and group 2 (hypertensive patients without sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome) Variables Group 1 (25) Group 2 (12) NAM 259.7 ± 133.9 140.2 ± 66.0* NAH 140.2 ± 66.0 17.3 ± 11.0* AHI 29.0 ± 13.7 3.1 ± 1.6* Minimum O2 Saturation 80.7 ± 7.1 92.3 ± 4.5* Mean O2 Saturation 91.1 ± 3.8 94.6 ± 2.4* Values are reported as mean ± standard deviation (unpaired Student t-test, *p < 0.001 vs. group 1). Figure 1 - Plasma levels of Nitric oxide (µM) in group 1 (OSAHS) and group 2 (no OSAHS). Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):344-351 347 Anunciato et al. Big endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in OSAHS Original Article Figure 2 - Plasma levels of Big-Endothelin-1 (pg/ml) in group 1 (OSAHS) and group 2 (no OSAHS). Figure 3 - Correlation between body mass index (BMI) and number of awakenings and microawakenings (NAM) in hypertensive patients with and without OSAHS (Spearman, r = 0.51, p = 0.002). 348 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):344-351 Anunciato et al. Big endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in OSAHS Original Article When we evaluated the respiratory events by polysomnography we observed significant differences between groups regarding NAM, NAH and AHI, in agreement with published reports, since these are relevant data for the characterization of individuals. These data agree with those reported byr Lima et al17 and Ventura et al18. The clinical importance of NO regarding BP has been well defined since this powerful vasodilator directly affects the tonus of peripheral blood vessels and its inhibition generates hypertension 7. Basal NO activity is known to be reduced in hypertensive patients19. Ip et al8 stated that endothelial NO can also play an important role in BP regulation in individuals with OSAHS. However, literature reports have shown that NO deficiency can be reversed in hypertensive individuals by the administration of antihypertensive medications3,20. A study on hypertensive mice demonstrated that, after the use of captopril, no inhibition of NO synthesis was observed, with consequent BP regulation. Another antihypertensive agent that results in BP attenuation and improved NO-mediated vasodilation, is spironolactone20. As already mentioned, basal NO levels in the present study did not differ between the hypertensive individuals with and without OSAHS. It should be pointed out that both groups consisted of hypertensive subjects controlled with antihypertensive medications with controlled BP. Based on these data, we can suggest that NO activity is equilibrated in cases of treated hypertension. Studies conducted on elderly persons have demonstrated an increase in plasma ET-1 levels compared with young individuals4. Zamarron-Sanz et al21 confirmed a significant increase in ET-1 levels in individuals with OSAHS compared to healthy subjects. Jordan et al22 detected increased plasma Big ET-1 levels in a group of patients with OSAHS not receiving clinical or surgical treatment. In the present study there was a higher Big ET-1 concentration in individuals with OSAHS at 7am, after the sleep period. In general, plasma ET-1 levels tend to be low and there is no consensus on a definitive protocol that would facilitate the reproducible determination of ET-1 or Big ET-1 levels in different biological fluids. There are many variations in the extraction protocols above basal values, ranging from 0.5 to 50 pg/ml, with comparison of the results obtained often being difficult 23. In the present study, Big ET-1 determinations showed wide variability although identical processing and storage techniques were used. Evaluation of the variables in the OSAHS group revealed a negative correlation between SBP and O2 saturation levels, i.e., SBP increased with decreasing arterial oxygenation. Moreover, increased Big ET-1 levels were correlated with higher O2 saturation levels, and SBP was positively correlated with Big ET-1 levels; thus, the greater the vasoconstriction caused by Big ET-1, the higher the SBP. Further, we observed a positive correlation between NAH, AHI, and plasma Big ET-1 levels, suggesting a possible increase in vasoconstriction associated with increasing NAH episodes. No matter how small the number of awakenings among individuals with the syndrome, an increase in sympathetic tonus will occur, with a marked elevation not only of BP, but also of heart rate. Depending on the intensity of sleep apnea, this process may occur hundreds of times during the night24. Thus, NAM during sleep contributes to autonomic hyperactivity as one of the mechanisms that explains hypertension associated with OSAHS25. In the present study, a positive correlation was observed between NAM and DBP (during sleep, wakefulness, and on 24-h ABPM), with the increase in DBP being related to the greater sleep fragmentation during the total sleep time. We did not observe a significant correlation between NAM and SBP (p > 0.05). Martinez- Garcia et al 9 found a more significant correlation between NAM and DBP (during sleep and wakefulness). In contrast, Logan et al26 observed a greater correlation between sleep fragmentation and SBP. On comparing BMI with NAM, we observed that a higher BMI was correlated with an increase in NAM, suggesting that BMI may interfere with the sleep of individuals with OSAHS. According to Ware, McBrayer and Scott, apnea events are highly sensitive to changes in BMI, i.e., the greater the weight, the higher the probability of apneic events27. As described earlier, obesity is an established, important pathogenic factor for OSAHS14. Approximately 70% of individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea are considered to be obese according to their BMI, with this being the only significant risk factor that is reversible10. In the present group without OSAHS, an increased number of NAH and an increased AHI were correlated with SBP elevation. Grote et al28 in studying the influence of AHI on BP, observed that the probability of uncontrolled hypertension increases by 2% with each unit increase in AHI. Antczak et al.29 reported that there is evidence that obesity, even in the absence of respiratory sleep disorders, negatively affects the quality of sleep, increasing daytime somnolence. Furthermore, studies have observed that obese patients without OSAHS had a higher frequency of awakenings during sleep compared with patients of normal weight30,31. On this basis, we believe that, regardless of whether an individual has OSAHS or not, obesity is an extremely important factor regarding the quality of sleep. In the present study, groups did not differ in terms of the prevalence of obesity. In addition, we observed that obesity negatively influences O 2 saturation levels, with an increased BMI causing greater desaturation. When correlating NAM with O2 saturation levels, we observed a decline in saturation with increasing sleep fragmentation. In conclusion, elderly hypertensive subjects with OSAHS presented a greater Big-ET-1 level after the sleep period regardless of BP, since their BP was controlled and similar to the SBP of hypertensive elderly subjects without OSAHS. In patients with OSAHS, a correlation was observed between Big ET-1 and SBP; Big ET-1 and NAH; and O2 saturation and SBP. In both groups, a higher BMI was correlated with greater desaturation and NAM. NO levels did not differ between the hypertensive patients with or without OSAHS. It is noteworthy that both groups consisted of hypertensive patients controlled with antihypertensive medications. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):344-351 349 Anunciato et al. Big endothelin-1 and nitric oxide in OSAHS Original Article Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Anunciato IF, Lima NKC; Acquisition of data: Anunciato IF, Lobo RR, Verri Jr. WA, Eckeli AL, Évora PRB, Nobre F; Analysis and interpretation of the data: Anunciato IF, Lobo RR, Eckeli AL, Lima NKC; Statistical analysis: Coelho EB, Lima NKC; Obtaining funding: Lima NKC; Writing of the manuscript: Anunciato IF, Moriguti JC, Ferriolli E, Lima NKC; Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Anunciato IF, Coelho EB, Verri Jr. WA, Évora PRB, Nobre F, Moriguti JC, Ferriolli E, Lima NKC.; Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding This study was funded by FAEPA. Study Association This article is part of the thesis of master submitted by Iara Felício Anunciato from Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto - USP. References 1. 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However, there are no studies relating the G894T and heart failure in Brazil. Objective: To evaluate the association between G894T GP and the prognosis of a sample of Brazilian outpatients with heart failure. Methods: Cohort study included 145 patients with systolic heart failure, followed for up to 40 months (mean = 22), at two university hospitals, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. We evaluated the relationship between G894T and the following outcomes: reverse remodeling, improvement in functional class (NYHA), and mortality and hospitalization rates. The diameters of the left atrium and ventricle, as well as the ejection fraction of the left ventricle, were evaluated at baseline and at 6 months to assess reverse remodeling. The improvement in functional class was evaluated after 6 months, and mortality rate and hospitalization were evaluated during follow-up. Race was self-declared. G894T polymorphism was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism. Results: The genotypic frequencies were GG (40%), GT (48.3%) and TT (11.7%). The allele frequency was guanine (64.1%) and thiamine (35.8%). There were no differences between the genotype or allelic frequencies according to self‑declared race, either as baseline characteristics. There was no relationship between genotype or allele frequency and the outcome measures. Conclusion: No association was observed between the G894T polymorphism (Glu298Asp) and prognosis in this sample of Brazilian outpatients with systolic heart failure. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):352-358) Keywords: Heart Failure; Polymorphism, Genetic; Nitric Oxide; Ethnicity and Health. Introduction Heart failure patients’ evolution, prognosis and therapeutic response are not uniform. The interpersonal variation in disease behavior has multiple causes, genetic factors among them1-7. Various genetic polymorphisms have been implicated; among the most studied is G894T (Glu298Asp), in which changing the nucleotide guanine (G) by thiamine (T) at the position 894 of the exon 7 of the gene leads to the substitution of aspartic acid (asp) for glutamic acid (Glu) in the position 298 of the enzyme endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), responsible for nitric oxide production (NO) in endocardium and endothelium8-16. Mailing Address: Oziel Marcio Araujo Tardin • Rua Coronel Moreira Cesar, 63/501, Icaraí. Postal Code 24230-050, Niterói, RJ – Brazil E-mail: dr.ozieltardin@cardiol.br, ozieltardin@gmail.com Manuscript received December 18, 2012; revised manuscript April 10, 2013, accepted April 15, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130167 352 The study GRACE, whose population sample was composed on European white, evaluated the impact of Glu298Asp polymorphism of eNOS on heart failure patients’ survival, and the Asp298 variant was associated to the worst event-free survival, particularly in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy17. In the A-HeFT study, Afro-American patients with systolic heart failure showed a reduction in mortality and admission rates in response to the combination isosorbide dinitrate plus hydralazine (ISDN/HYD), which acted as a NO donor18. The GRAHF study, a genetic sub study of A-HeFT, showed that only patients homozygous for Glu298Glu achieved an improvement in the compound score: admission, mortality and better quality of life19. Of note, these studies’ population samples show strong ethnic predominance, and a genotype distribution intimately related to skin color or self-declared race. In a Brazilian study, Velloso et al20 evaluated samples of heart failure patients and healthy controls and found no difference in allelic frequency distribution (G/T) according to self-declared skin color20 Tardin et al. PG G894T and HF prognosis Original Article There are no studies associating G894T (Glu298Asp) and heart failure in the Brazilian population, allowing us to think that, maybe, the international studies’ results may not be applicable directly to Brazil, with its heavily miscigenated population. The study was approved by the Ethics Committees of the Institutions involved, in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki. All participants signed an informed consent document. The present study aimed to evaluate the association of G894T (Glu298Asp) polymorphism and prognosis in Brazilian outpatients with systolic heart failure. The Glu298Asp (G894T) polymorphism, caused by a G-to-T transversion, located at the exon 7 of the eNOS gene, was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The PCR reaction was performed in a total blood volume of 25 mL, using the following: 50 to 100 ng of genomic DNA, after adjusting for concentration, 15 pmol of each oligonucleotide sense 5’-AAGGCAGGAGACAGTGGATGG-3’ and antisense 5’-CCCAGTCAATCCCTTTGGTGCTCA-3’, 1 U of Taq DNA polymerase, Fermentas reaction buffer (KCl 50 mM, MgCl2 1,5 mM, Tris-HCl 10 mM), 200mM of each desoxinucleotide (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP). After denaturation at 94°C for 5 minutes, the samples were amplified in a program with 35 1-minute cycles at 94°C (denaturation) 1 minute at 58°C (annealing) and 1 minute at 72°C (elongation) in a Progene Techne thermocycler. After that, the samples were submitted to final elongation in a 7-minute cycle at 72°C. The amplicons were evaluated in 2% agarose gel using a 100 base pair marker as length indicator. Methods Study population This was an observational, multicenter, prospective cohort study developed in the heart failure clinics of the Antonio Pedro University Hospital of the Fluminense Federal University (Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF) and the General Hospital of Valença Medical School, both in Rio de Janeiro state, from December 2005 to March 2009. The study included 145 outpatients with predominantly systolic heart failure from the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS). Convenience sample The inclusion criteria were: age ≥ 18 years, history and physical examination compatible with heart failure and echocardiogram with left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 50% (Simpson). The exclusion criteria were: active myocarditis, myocardial infarction (MI) < 3 months, cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), aborted sudden death episode or implantable defibrillator, angioplasty or heart surgery scheduled for the next 12 months. Race was self-declared. Patients with past MI, confirmed by electrocardiography, functional tests compatible with ischemia or coronary angiography showing an epicardial vessel with ≥ 50% stenosis were considered to have an ischemic etiology. After inclusion, patients had appointments scheduled with cardiologists every 3 months or less, if the team judged necessary, and were followed for 12 to 40 months (mean = 22 months). Heart failure was treated according to the II Guideline on Diagnosis and Treatment of Heart Failure of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology21. On admission, blood was sampled for lab exams (hemoglobin, glucose, creatinine and sodium) and genetic analysis. Echocardiography was performed on admission and after 6 months. The following endpoints were analyzed: death during follow-up, admission during follow-up, functional class (NYHA) improvement after 6 months and reverse remodeling after 6 months. Admission were counted on subsequent clinical appointments, and deaths were confirmed by calling relatives and/or patient record review. Functional class (NYHA) was evaluated on admission and after 6 months of follow-up. The 6-month echocardiograms were compared to admission, and the presence of one or more of the following parameters was considered evidence of reverse remodeling (echocardiographic improvement): (1) LVEF increase ≥ 20%; (2) LVEF increase ≥10%; or (3) ≥ 5% reduction in left atrium (LA) diastolic diameter and/or left ventricle diastolic diameter (LVDD). eNOS gene polymorphism molecular analysis The amplified 248 base pairs fragment was digested with the restriction enzyme (RFLP) Ban II, which recognizes the G base at codon 298, generating two fragments (with 163 and 85 base pairs) in the presence of the amino acid Glu (E). The genotype pattern defined in 2% agarose gel was: two fragments, with 163 and 85 bp, for the Glu298 homozygous, and one single 248 base-pair fragment identifying the Asp298 homozygous. The heterozygous subjects were identified by the presence of 248-, 162- and 85-base pairs fragments. Statistical analysis The observed data were described in tables as mean ± standard deviation (numerical variables) and frequency and percent values (categorical variables). For analyzing the echocardiographic variables, the Student t-test (paired, for functional class - categorical data) and the McNemar test were used. The relationship among clinical, laboratorial and echocardiographic variables and the genotype (GG, GT or TT) was accessed by the Kruskal-Wallis univariate variance analysis (non-parametric ANOVA). The relationship among clinical, laboratorial and echocardiographic variables, as well as survival and event-free (admission) survival rates was accessed by the following methods: Chi-square or Fisher’s exact test was used for comparing with categorical data; Student t -test for independent samples or Mann-Whitney test was used for comparing with numerical data; The Bartlet test was used for analyzing subgroup variance homogeneity; Logistic regression analysis was used for identifying variables that could predict (or explain) the outcomes or therapeutic responses. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):352-358 353 Tardin et al. PG G894T and HF prognosis Original Article Non-parametric methods were used for non-normal variables due to data dispersion and rejection by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The criteria for determining significance was 5%. The statistical analysis was performed by the software SAS 6.11 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC). Results General sample profile T h e s t u d y p o p u l a t i o n w a s i n H a r d y -We i n b e r g equilibrium (chi-square = 0.387; p = 0.53). The baseline characteristics are summarized in Table 1. Clinical and genotypic characteristics There were no differences in genotypic distribution or allelic frequency according to self-declared race. Also, no differences were found regarding clinical, laboratorial or echocardiographic characteristics on admission regarding genotype (Table 2). Ischemic etiology tended to be more frequent in TT patients. Age (years) 58.8 ± 13.0 Left atrium (mm) 46.4 ± 7.8 LVDD (mm) 67.9 ± 9 LVEF (%) 35.5 ± 9.2 Body mass index(kg/m2) 25.8 ± 5.1 Hemoglobin (g/dL) 13.5 ± 1.8 Creatinine (mg/dL) 1.24 ± 0.73 Sodium (mEq/L) 139.2 ± 3.6 Male (%) 67.8 Self-declared race (%) Non afro-Brazilian 50.7 Afro-Brazilian 49.3 Diabetes (%) 34.9 Atrial fibrillation (%) 15.8 Ischemic etiology (%) 46.6 Arterial hypertension (%) 74.0 Genotype and therapeutics NYHA (%) There were no differences regarding standard heart failure therapy among the genotype subgroups. However, TT patients were more frequently taking aspiring on admission (Table 3). I 33.6 II 41.8 III 23.2 IV 1.4 Genotype and reverse remodeling There was no relation between genotype and echocardiographic features observed throughout the study. Analyzing the variables simultaneously and using logistic regression, we observed that larger LA (p = 0.0005) and smaller LVDD (p = 0.009) on admission were associated to LA diameter reduction ≥ 5%. Atrial fibrillation (p = 0.0002) and smaller LA (p = 0.004) on admission were associated to LA diameter reduction ≥ 5% after 6 months. Functional class (NYHA) II (p = 0.006) and III/IV (p = 0.030), as well as smaller LVEF (p = 0.023) on admission were associated to a ≥ 10% LVEF increase after 6 months. Smaller LVEF (p = 0.0001) and no hyponatremia (p = 0.02) on admission were associated to a ≥ 20% LVEF increase after 6 months. Genotype and HF improvement (NYHA) HF improvement (NYHA) after 6 months was not related to genotype or allelic frequency. Genotype (%) GG 40.0 GT 48.3 TT 11.7 Allele frequency (%) G T 64.1 35.8 LVDD: left ventricle diastolic diameter; LVEF: left ventricle ejection fraction; G: guanine; T: thiamine. After logistic regression, in only one occasion a higher LVDD was independently related to death (p = 0.004), while larger LA (p=0.02) and functional class III/IV (p = 0.004) on admission were related to hospitalization. Genotype impact on survival or admission Mean LVDD was 75.6 ± 14.7 mm in the group who died versus 67.1 ± 8.8 mm in the patients that survived on follow-up (p = 0.017). Among the patients who were hospitalized at least once, mean LVDD was 48.6 ± 8.6 mm versus 45.6 ± 7.1 mm in the patients not admitted during follow-up (p = 0.017). Fifteen patients (10.3%) died during follow-up. Thirty-four patients (23.4%) were admitted once; nine patients (6.2%) were admitted twice and three patients (2.1%) were admitted three times or more. No statistically significant difference was observed on survival or hospitalization rates regarding genotype or allelic frequency (Kaplan-Meier curve, long-rank test) (Graph 1). HF improvement after 6 months was only associated to creatinine levels > 1.5 mg/dL and functional class III/IV on admission (p = 0.25 and 0.0001, respectively). 354 Table 1 - Baseline characteristics Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):352-358 Tardin et al. PG G894T and HF prognosis Original Article Table 2 - Baseline characteristics versus genotype GG GT TT p value 56.0 ± 12.3 59.9 ± 13.7 63.4 ± 11.7 0.073 58.6 74.3 76.5 NS Non afro-Brazilian 43.1 54.3 64.7 Afro-Brazilian 56.9 45.7 35.3 Ischemic etiology (%) 41.4 44.3 70.6 0.095 Diabetes (%) 39.7 28.6 41.2 NS Atrial fibrillation (%) 13.8 15.7 23.5 NS Arterial hypertension 75.9 70.0 82.4 NS I 37.9 35.7 11.8 II 37.9 40.0 58.8 III/IV 24.2 24.3 29.4 Anemia (%) 30.4 34.8 29.4 NS Creatinine > 1.5 14.0 21.4 5.9 NS Age (years) Male (%) Self-declared race (%) NS NYHA (%) Sodium < 135 (%) NS 10.5 5.7 0.0 NS Left atrium (mm ± SD) 47.3 ± 8.5 45.5 ± 7.2 47.5 ± 7.6 NS LVDD (mm ± SD) 69.1 ± 9.7 67.6 ± 9.9 64.8 ± 9.2 NS LVEF (% ± SD) 33.8 ± 9.4 36.3 ± 9.0 38.5 ± 8.7 NS 26.5 ± 5.4 25.6 ± 5.1 25.0 ± 3.7 NS Body mass index (kg/m ± SD) 2 NS: non-significant; SD: standard deviation; LVDD: left ventricle diastolic diameter; LVEF: left ventricle ejection fraction. Table 3 - Genotype and therapeutics Admission After 6 months GG GT TT p value GG GT TT p value Angiotensin conversion enzyme inhibitor (%) 80.4 76.2 93.3 NS 76.5 66.7 73.3 NS Angiotensin receptor blocker (%) 17.7 12.7 0.0 NS 23.5 27.0 20.0 NS Betablocker (%) 76.5 65.1 73.3 NS 92.2 87.3 93.3 NS Spironolactone (%) 66.7 50.8 60.0 NS 70.6 68.3 73.3 NS Furosemide (%) 64.7 65.1 60.0 NS 62.8 63.5 66.7 NS Hidralazine (%) 7.8 7.9 6.7 NS 13.7 11.1 13.3 NS Nitrate (%) 35.3 25.4 53.3 NS 33.3 36.5 46.7 NS Digoxin (%) 64.7 47.6 53.3 NS 54.9 52.4 40.0 NS Amiodarone (%) 3.9 4.8 0.0 NS 3.9 4.8 0.0 NS Thiazides (%) 19.6 25.4 40.0 NS 11.8 15.9 20.0 NS Calcium channel blocker (%) 9.8 15.9 26.7 NS 9.8 15.9 26.7 NS Aspirin (%) 37.3 54.0 73.3 0.031 47.1 61.9 73.3 NS Statin (%) 41.2 38.1 66.7 NS 52.9 54.0 80.0 NS Warfarin (%) 19.6 14.3 13.3 NS 17.7 11.1 20.0 NS NS: non-significant. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):352-358 355 Tardin et al. PG G894T and HF prognosis Original Article A. Survival versus genotype B. Survival versus allele frequency C. Event-free survival versus genotype D Event-free survival versus allele frequency Graph 1 - Survival and event-free survival versus genotype and allele frequency. Discussion The present study population sample showed major differences regarding previous studies involving eNOS genetic polymorphism: the proportion of patients who declared themselves white (50.7%) and Afro-Brazilians (49.7%) was virtually the same, a fact that was not found in previous studies such as GRACE17, with a 90.4% whites and A-HeFT18 with 100% Afro-Americans. Still, different to what was shown in previous studies, on which the G allele was more prevalent among blacks and the T allele was more prevalent among whites 17,19,22, no association was observed between skin color or self-declared race and genotypic distribution or allelic frequency. Besides, the genotype distribution was 40% for Glu298Glu, 48.7% for Glu298Asp e 11.7% for Asp298Asp, while in the A-HeFT study population it was 9% for Glu298Glu, 20% for 356 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):352-358 Glu298Asp and 1% for Asp298Asp19 and, in GRACE, 67% for Glu298Glu, 31% for Glu298Asp and 2% for Asp298Asp, among the black patients, and 41% for Glu298Glu, 45% for Glu298Asp and 14% for Asp298Asp, among whites17,18. The great differences found on distribution according to self-declared race, genotype distribution and frequency between the present and previous studies’ samples evaluating the G894T (Glu298Asp) polymorphism allow us to think that the international studies’ results may not be directly applicable to Brazilian heart failure patients. After the results of the A-HeFT study, the FDA approved BiDil® (ISDN/HYD) for black patients with systolic heart failure, the first time a drug was approved for use in a specific race. Heart failure has a huge social and economic impact in Brazil23-25. Hydralazine and nitrate are low-cost drugs, and their addition to standard therapy may potentially improve Tardin et al. PG G894T and HF prognosis Original Article the prognosis of systolic heart failure patients harboring the Glu298Glu variant19. Thus, the proper quantification of Glu298Asp genetic variability in the Brazilian population and the potential impact of the ISDN/HYD association in Brazilian heart failure patient is important, regardless of the self-declared race. Other significant finding is the higher tendency to ischemic etiology (p = 0.09) found in TT patients, which also showed a higher acetylsalicylic acid use rate (p = 0.03), matching the findings in other studies17,26,27. This study has some inherent limitations. The first one is the sample, which is probably small for a genetic study (n = 145). Besides, there was a low rate of hydralazine/ nitrate use, and a therapy based on NO donors (such as hydralazine and nitrate) could exert some influence on the relationship among the studied polymorphism and the analyzed outcomes. Besides, currently, the genetic studies are not based on the analysis of a single gene, but a set or even thousands of related haplotypes simultaneously, such as the Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS), which uses data from HapMap28-30. Conclusion This study found no association between genotype or allelic frequency of the G894T (Glu298Asp) eNOS genetic polymorphism and the death, hospitalization, functional class (NYHA) improvement and reverse remodeling in Brazilian outpatients with systolic heart failure. Author contributions Conception and design of the research, Acquisition of data and Analysis and interpretation of the data: Tardin OMA, Pereira SB, Velloso MWM, Balieiro HM, Costa B, Alves TO, Giro C, Pessoa LP, Ribeiro GS, Mesquita ET; Statistical analysis and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Tardin OMA, Pereira SB, Mesquita ET; Writing of the manuscript: Tardin OMA, Mesquita ET. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding This study was funded by FAPERJ. Study Association This article is part of the thesis of master submitted by Oziel Marcio Araujo Tardin from Universidade Federal Fluminense. References 1. Norton RM. Clinical pharmacogenomics: aplications in pharmaceutical R&D. Drugs Discov Today. 2001;6(4):180-5. 2. Silva PS, Lacchini R, Gomes Vde A, Tanus-Santos JE. Pharmacogenetic implications of the eNOS polymorphisms for cardiovascular action drugs. 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Methods: A retrospective, unicentric cohort study that evaluated 55 consecutive TA patients between 1982 and 2012. All available clinical data and laboratory test results related to the onset of the disease were analyzed. We included only patients aged 12-35 years at diagnosis to exclude age-related factors. Results: We analyzed 17 men and 38 women, mostly Caucasian, with a comparable mean age between genders. There was no gender difference regarding the clinical or laboratory characteristics, comorbidities, or smoking habit, except for abdominal pain, which was more common in men. Regarding vascular lesions, the presence of ascending aortic aneurysms was significantly more frequent in males. Male gender represented an independent risk factor for the occurrence of abdominal pain and ascending aortic aneurysms in TA patients. Conclusion: Abdominal pain and ascending aortic aneurysms occurred more frequently in men with TA, suggesting a more severe disease profile in males. (Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):359-363) Keywords: Takayasu Arteritis / epidemiology; Male; Female; Cohort Studies; Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal; Abdominal Pain. Introduction Takayasu’s arteritis (TA) is a type of primary systemic vasculitis that affects medium and large arteries, including the aorta and its main branches, as well as the pulmonary and coronary arteries1. The pathophysiology of TA is characterized by vessel wall inflammation, leading to thickening, stenosis, dilatation, and/or aneurysm formation of the affected vessels2. The signs and symptoms that reflect the context of the systemic inflammation or ischemia of an organ or limb include the presence of claudication, angiodynia, peripheral pulselessness, murmurs, severe systemic arterial hypertension, myocardium infarction, and ischemic stroke, among others2,3. In general, systemic autoimmune diseases affect more women than men, by a ratio of 2–10:1. Systemic lupus erythematosus and Sjogren's syndrome, for example, have ratios of 7–10:1, whereas rheumatoid arthritis and systemic sclerosis have ratios of 2–3:14, while TA also tends to affect women more often, with a ratio of 1.2–29:13,5. Mailing Address: Samuel Katsuyuki Shinjo • Division of Rheumatology, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - Av. Dr. Arnaldo, 455, 3º andar, sala 3150. Postal Code 01246-903, São Paulo, Brazil E-mail: samuel.shinjo@gmail.com Manuscript received December 10, 2012; revised December 22, 2012; accepted March 28, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130180 359 Although there have been various epidemiological studies regarding TA, none have reported the influence of gender on the clinical and laboratory manifestations and the vascular alterations at the onset of the TA. Although Sharma and Jain6 studied a possible role of sex in the distribution of the vascular lesions in TA and found a tendency for greater involvement of the abdominal aorta in men and the aortic arch and its branches in women, they did not specify whether their findings were cumulative or related to disease onset. Thus, in the present study, we evaluated the initial clinical manifestations and the vascular alterations at the onset of TA according to gender. Methods We evaluated 55 consecutive TA patients (17 men and 38 women) treated at the vasculitis unit of our tertiary facility between 1982 and 2012. We included only patients who were aged between 12 and 35 years at TA diagnosis and who met at least three of the six American College of Rheumatology classification criteria (1990)7. The study protocol was approved by our local ethics committee. Demographic data, clinical manifestations, and vascular images were obtained through a systematic review of the patients’ medical records. The follow parameters were analyzed: (A) clinical manifestations: constitutional symptoms (weight loss, fever, fatigue), headache, dizziness, visual Mont’Alverne et al. Takayasu’s arteritis and gender Original Article impairment (blindness), seizures, carotidynia, claudication, abdominal pain, chest pain, dyspnea, articular manifestations (arthritis/arthralgia), and erythema nodosum; (B) laboratory findings: C-reactive protein (CRP) (reference value: < 5 mg/L) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (reference value: < 19 mm/1st hour); (C) comorbidities: myocardium infarction, ischemic stroke, systemic arterial hypertension, heart failure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia; (D) habit: smoking; and (E) echocardiography: aortic insufficiency. The results were expressed as the means ± standard deviation (SD) or as percentages. We used the Student’s t-test to analyze the parametric data and the Mann-Whitney U-test for the nonparametric data. The 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) of the percentages were calculated by binomial distribution. All calculations were performed using STATA ver. 7.0 statistical software (Stata Corp., College Station, TX, USA). A p-value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. All vascular images were obtained via angiography or computed tomography angiography, in which we evaluated the following parameters: stenosis/occlusion, aneurysm/vascular ectasia, and the anatomical location of these lesions. Results We analyzed records of 17 men and 38 women with TA, who were mostly Caucasian and had a comparable mean age between genders (Table 1). The clinical and Table 1 - Demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of Takayasu’s arteritis according to gender Features Age at disease onset ± SD (years) Ethnicity: white (%) Male (n = 17) Female (n = 38) p 23.5 ± 7.6 25.3 ± 5.5 0.371 9 (52.9) 28 (73.7) 0.130 Clinical onset manifestations Weight loss (%) 8 (47.1) 9 (23.7) 0.083 Fever (%) 7 (41.2) 10 (26.3) 0.270 Fatigue (%) 2 (11.8) 6 (15.8) 0.696 Headache (%) 1 (5.9) 6 (15.8) 0.308 Dizziness (%) 0 2 (5.3) 0.335 Visual disturbances (%) 1 (5.9) 2 (5.3) 0.926 Amaurosis (%) 1 (5.9) 0 0.131 Convulsions (%) 1 (5.9) 0 0.131 Carotidynia (%) 3 (17.6) 8 (21.1) 0.770 Upper limb claudication (%) 5 (29.4) 16 (42.1) 0.371 Lower limb claudication (%) 2 (11.8) 12 (31.6) 0.119 Abdominal pain (%) 6 (35.3) 2 (5.3) 0.004 0 6 (15.8) 0.083 Dyspnea (%) 1 (5.9) 6 (15.8) 0.308 Articular manifestations (%) 1 (5.9) 4 (10.5) 0.165 Chest pain (%) Erythema (%) 1 (5.9) 4 (10.5) 0.580 Elevated ESR and/or CRP (%) 6 (35.3) 23 (60.5) 0.613 Aortic insufficiency (%) 3 (17.6) 6 (15.8) 0.863 Comorbidities Ischemic stroke (%) 1 (5.9) 10 (26.3) 0.143 10 (58.8) 20 (52.6) 0.370 Cardiac insufficiency (%) 0 1 (2.6) 0.500 Myocardium infarction (%) 0 1 (2.6) 0.500 Diabetes mellitus (%) 0 2 (5.3) 0.335 Dyslipidemia (%) 2 (11.8) 12 (31.6) 0.119 Smokers (%) 2 (11.8) 4 (10.5) 0.892 Systemic arterial hypertension (%) CRP: C-reactive protein; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; SD: standard deviation. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):359-363 360 Mont’Alverne et al. Takayasu’s arteritis and gender Original Article laboratory characteristics and comorbidities of patients at disease onset are shown in Table 1. There was no gender difference regarding the distribution of signs and symptoms, except for abdominal pain (35.3% vs. 5.3%, p = 0.004, in men and women, respectively). The presence of aortic insufficiency, elevation of ESR and CRP, comorbidities, and habit (smoking) were also similar between genders. Regarding vascular lesions found in the first imaging for each patient, we observed that there was no gender difference in the frequency or the location of the stenoses/occlusions, which were more common in the carotid and subclavian arteries in women than men (Table 2). However, the presence of ascending aortic aneurysms was significantly more frequent in men (35.3 vs. 10.5%, p = 0.028), although other aneurysm locations did not differ between genders. Multivariate analysis showed that male gender was a risk factor for the occurrence of abdominal pain (OR, 18.75; 95% CI, 2.89–121.54) and aortic aneurysm (OR, 9.51; 95% CI, 1.94–46.70) (Table 3). Discussion To our knowledge, the present study is the first to analyze the presentation of TA in terms of clinical manifestations and vascular imaging alterations according to gender. Compared to women, men had a higher prevalence of abdominal pain and ascending aortic aneurysm at diagnosis of TA. Despite the existence of various epidemiological series regarding TA patients 3,8-19, none have compared disease presentation between men and women. In this study, all of the parameters refer clearly to the onset of symptoms before any drug or surgical treatment is initiated. Furthermore, we evaluated only patients aged between 12 and 35 years to exclude clinical manifestations, comorbidities, or vascular changes that could be related to advanced age rather than to TA alone. Gender is likely a determinant in the prognosis of several rheumatic diseases. For example, systemic lupus erythematosus tends to have a worse prognosis Table 2 - Angiographic characteristics of Takayasu’s arteritis according to gender Vessels Stenosis / Occlusion Aneurysm /Ectasia Male Female p Male Female p Left coronary (%) 0 1 (2.6) 1.000 0 0 1.000 Right coronary (%) 0 1 (2.6) 1.000 0 0 1.000 Left vertebral (%) 0 6 (15.8) 0.131 1 (5.9) 0 0.131 Right vertebral (%) 0 6 (15.8) 0.131 1 (5.9) 0 0.131 Left carotid (%) 7 (41.2) 20 (52.6) 0.487 0 0 1.000 Right carotid (%) 6 (35.3) 20 (52.6) 0.200 0 0 1.000 Left subclavian (%) 6 (35.3) 21 (55.3) 0.926 1 (5.9) 2 (5.3) 0.926 Right subclavian (%) 4 (23.5) 14 (36.8) 0.552 1 (5.9) 1 (2.6) 0.552 Brachiocephalic trunk (%) 1 (5.9) 5 (13.2) 0.391 2 (11.8) 2 (5.3) 0.391 0 1 (2.6) 0.500 0 1 (2.6) 0.500 Pulmonary trunk (%) Aortic 361 Ascendant (%) 1 (5.9) 2 (5.3) 0.926 6 (35.3) 4 (10.5) 0.028 Cross (%) 1 (5.9) 4 (10.5) 0.168 2 (11.8) 1 (2.6) 0.168 Thoracic (%) 1 (5.9) 7 (18.4) 0.108 4 (23.5) 3 (7.9) 0.108 Abdominal (%) 2 (11.8) 7 (18.4) 0.552 1 (5.9) 1 (2.6) 0.552 Infrarenal (%) 2 (11.8) 8 (21.1) 0.131 1 (5.9) 0 0.131 Left renal (%) 7 (41.2) 5 (13.2) 0.500 0 0 0.500 Right renal (%) 6 (35.3) 5 (13.2) 0.131 1 (5.9) 1 (2.6) 0.131 Upper mesenteric (%) 3 (17.6) 7 (18.4) 0.945 0 0 1.000 Lower mesenteric (%) 2 (11.8) 3 (7.9) 0.645 0 0 1.000 Celiac trunk (%) 2 (11.8) 4 (10.5) 0.131 1 (5.9) 0 0.131 Left iliac (%) 1 (5.9) 6 (15.8) 0.308 0 0 1.000 Right iliac (%) 1 (5.9) 5 (13.2) 0.424 0 0 0.500 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):359-363 Mont’Alverne et al. Takayasu’s arteritis and gender Original Article Table 3 - Multivariate analysis for gender Variate OR 95% CI Age at disease onset 0.96 0.86–1.07 Abdominal pain 18.75 2.89–121.54 Ascendant aortic aneurysm 9.51 1.94–46.70 in men, although this view remains controversial 20-23. In rheumatoid arthritis, female gender has been associated with higher scores of disease activity24 and is an established predictor of radiographic progression25. Furthermore, the inflammatory response appears to be more severe in women than in men as well as the presence of giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica 26. However, there are no studies that have evaluated sex as a determining factor in TA prognosis. Our results showed a strong association between the presence of aortic aneurysm and male gender, thereby correlating this gender to a poor prognostic factor. true at the time of diagnosis, we do not know if they accurately reflected manifestations at disease onset. Other factors classically associated with poor prognosis in TA include the following: retinopathy, hypertension, severe aortic regurgitation, and the presence of aortic or arterial aneurysm, as mentioned previously27. Subsequently, the presence of severe functional disability and cardiac involvement were reported as predictors of either death or major events on follow-up28. Sharma and Jain6 reported a trend toward a higher frequency of hypertension in men with TA compared with women, but this was not observed in the present study. Chugh et al29 studied renovascular hypertension in Indians with AT and also found no difference between genders. Aortic regurgitation was also similar in both sexes in our series, in contrast to the findings of Kobayashi and Numano30, who reported a higher prevalence of aortic regurgitation in women. Author contributions Our study was limited by its retrospective nature and complicated by typical problems of this type of cohort. Furthermore, the collected data were dependent on the medical records and even though all of the variables were Conclusion Abdominal pain and ascending aortic aneurysms occurred more frequently in men with TA and the male gender was an independent risk factor for such findings. Nonetheless, further studies will be needed to confirm male gender as a predictor of poor prognosis in TA. Conception and design of the research and Statistical analysis: Shinjo SK; Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of the data, Writing of the manuscript and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: MontAlverne ARS, Paula LE, Shinjo SK. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. References 1. Kerr GS. Takayasu’s arteritis. 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The techniques and devices used in the procedure are presented, as well as clinical outcomes at six, 12 and 24 months after the intervention with the Symplicity catheter. Significant decreases and progressively higher reductions of systolic and diastolic blood pressure were observed after RSD. The complication rate was minimal. New devices for RSD and its ongoing clinical studies are cited. In conclusion, the RSD presents itself as an effective and safe approach to resistant hypertension. Results from ongoing studies and longer follow-up of these patients are expected to confirm the initial results and put into perspective the expansion of the procedure use in hypertension approach. Introduction Blood pressure (BP) is directly related to the risk of death and impairment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems, among others. According to IV Brazilian Guidelines on Arterial Hypertension1, in Brazil this disease has high prevalence, over 30%, and low control rates, below 20%1. Despite the recommendation to carry out a strict and effective control of tensional levels, frequently these goals are not satisfactorily achieved, resulting in greater risk of developing complications and increasing mortality. Many reasons might be involved in obtaining these non-satisfactory results, in a way that only a minority of hypertensive individuals present a proper control of their BP. For these reasons, arterial Keywords Hypertension/therapy; Blood Pressure/innervation; Sympathetic Nervous System; Renal Artery/innervation. Mail Address: Andréa Araujo Brandão • Rua General Tasso Fragoso, 24/503, Lagoa. CEP 22470-170, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil E-mail: aabrandao@cardiol.br; andreaabrandao@terra.com.br Manuscript received March 15, 2013; revised manuscript July 2, 2013; accepted July 3, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130187 364 hypertension (AH) that is difficult to control is a relevant public health issue1. Included in this group are individuals with resistant arterial hypertension (RAH). Different studies show the RAH prevalence ranges between 3-30%1,2. In this scenario, percutaneous approach for bilateral renal sympathetic denervation (RSD) using radiofrequency ablation procedure 3 has shown promise among new available therapeutic strategies and is based on the knowledge that, among the many physiopathological mechanisms involved in refractoriness to AH control, the excessive stimulation of renal sympathetic nervous system is distinctive3. Stimulated by new treatment for RAH, this study aims at reviewing RAH concept, involvement of sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in BP increase, and clinical results with RSD. Resistant arterial hypertension: definition and associated conditions Resistant arterial hypertension (RAH) diagnosis is confirmed when there is maintenance of increased BP levels (above adequate BP goals): ≥ 140/90 mmHg for hypertensive individuals in general and > 130/80 mmHg for high risk patients, such as diabetics), despite the use of three or more antihypertensive drugs of different classes, including a diuretic at optimal doses2. Importantly, the diagnosis of true RAH requires the exclusion of secondary causes of AH, in addition to any other associated condition that may interfere in the proper BP control, characterizing pseudo-resistance1,2. Among the main conditions associated to RAH and subject to specific approach are the inappropriate choice of antihypertensive drugs and/or use of insufficient dosage, failure to measure BP, adherence failure to prescribed medication and/or changes in lifestyle, white-coat effect, AH resulted from a non-identified and/or non-treated secondary cause, and associated conditions that may complicate the BP control, such as obesity, sleep apnea and the use of concomitant medications that increase the BP1,2. White-coat effect is a particularly important condition and it must be removed through ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) before confirming the RAH diagnosis1,2. More recently, it has been highlighted the association between sleep disorders, including sleep obstructing apnea (SOA), non-controlled AH and cardiovascular complications in adults1. The prevalence of SOA in adult patients with RAH has been estimated at 84%4. Brandão et al Renal sympathetic denervation and arterial hypertension Review Article The role of sympathetic nervous system in context of AH Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) increases BP in normotensive and hypertensive due to the involvement of baroreceptors and chemoreceptors, through peripheral and central mechanisms that have an effect on the heart, kidneys and peripheral vasculature, leading to a cardiac output, water retention, and increased peripheral vascular resistance, which has a major role in AH physiopathology5,6. SNS is involved in BP acute variations, in situations like exercising and postural variation. However, the mechanisms responsible for the presence of sympathetic hyperactivity in chronic AH and its role in AH maintenance remain unknown5-7. It is known that the increased sympathetic activity and the consequent release of catecholamine by sympathetic nerves, in addition to increasing vascular tone in resistance vessels, in early stages of AH, could also be stimulating trophic mechanisms and vascular hypertrophy in the long-term. It is possible that trophic alterations on vessel walls are maintaining BP increase in the chronic stage of AH5-7. Noradrenaline serum levels are higher in hypertensive individuals when compared to normotensive ones, primarily in young people, in which sympathetic hyperactivity seems to have a central role in the development of AH5,6. Reflex mechanisms of the control of an autonomic activity are suppressed in the context of AH. It is probable that the minor baroreflex sensitivity observed in hypertensive patients is the primary determinant of the BP variability observed and, indirectly, of the injuries on associated target organs5,6. SNS activity is related to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in the early morning hours. In this period, there is an increase in alpha-sympathetic activity, with high BP, of the heart rate and cardiac output present in many hypertensive patients in this period of the day5-7. Exposure to stress in known to increase the sympathetic activity. This situation could be induced in laboratory animals, developing AH by exposure to stress. In young individuals with genetic predisposition to develop AH, it was observed higher vasoconstrictor response to mental stress or physical exercise tests and higher chance to develop AH5-7. Plenty of evidence has pointed to the role of sympathetic hyperactivity in the development and progression of cardiovascular and metabolic complications related to increased BP, such as left ventricular hypertrophy, vascular hypertrophy, endothelial dysfunction, heart arrhythmia, and insulin resistance5-7. Renal sympathetic nervous system The abundant adrenergic innervation in kidneys and renal SNS appear to modulate the renin release via beta-adrenergic receptors and control renal hemodynamics via alpha-adrenergic receptors. Thus, the increased renal SNS activity could contribute to AH physiopathology through many mechanisms: increased tubular reabsorption of water and sodium, increased secretion of renin and production of angiotensin II, increased renal vascular resistance, and reduced glomerular filtration. In fact, the increased renal SNS activity has been demonstrated in several models of experimental AH5-7. Sympathetic efferent innervation of the kidney is carried out through a dense network of postganglionic neurons that innervate the kidneys; axons of these neurons exit chest and lumbar sympathetic trunk and reach the pre-paravertebral sympathetic ganglia. They run throughout the artery and renal hilum, subdividing itself and penetrating the cortex and juxtaglomerular area. Stimulating the renal sympathetic nerve increases the production and release of noradrenaline, while interrupting the sympathetic nervous stimulation results in reducing its production and release. When renal sympathetic nerves are stimulated, beta-1 receptors increase renin secretion and alpha-1 receptors increase renal reabsorption of sodium and fluids, promote renal vasoconstriction and reduce renal blood flow3,5-7. Triggering afferent renal sympathetic nerves results in signals that reach the cardiovascular and renal regulation centers in the central nervous system. Thus, afferent sympathetic fibers appear to strongly contribute in the regulation of the systemic vascular resistance and BP control3,5-7 and, therefore, antihypertensive treatment must consider the effective inhibition of sympathetic activity5. Thus, mechanisms through which RSD reduces BP are fascinating, although not yet completely understood. Probably there is a reduction of efferent sympathetic nervous fibers and an additional reduction of afferent sensory fibers. Evidence suggests the possibility that sensory afferent sympathetic nervous fibers also participate in AH genesis and its denervation has therapeutic effects3,5-7. Renal sympathetic denervation Interventional methods more recently implemented, such as baroreflex stimulation or renal sympathetic denervation3, have been pointed out as new strategies to treat RAH3,8. Technique and devices Invasive procedures for the treatment of AH had already been tried before. Lumbar sympathectomy performed six decades ago9 in 1,266 hypertensive patients with malign AH resulted in relevant and effective decrease of BP, but the increased incidence of complications, such as postural hypotension, syncope and impotence, limited the use of this technique in clinical practice. The development of effective antihypertensive medications also contributed to stop using this technique. Recently, efforts have been directed to conduct a bilateral approach of renal nerves, initially through a percutaneous interventional technique using a catheter embedded to a radiofrequency device. Radiofrequency pulses are fired on the arterial wall in several points, from the distal part to the proximal part of both arteries, in spiral. The procedure can be conducted in renal arteries with ≥ 4 mm diameter and at least 20 mm length, before any bifurcation of the main branches3,10,11. Pre-clinical studies demonstrated that this technique is safe, efficient and minimally invasive, associated with little incidence of side effects and short recovery time3,10. In pigs, the radiofrequency application causes acute transmural lesion with coagulation, loss of endothelial surface and thrombus Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):364-371 365 Brandão et al Renal sympathetic denervation and arterial hypertension Review Article formation, but without impairment of the renal perfusion. In 10 days, it was observed a reendothelization of arterial luminal surface12. Histopathological evaluation of pigs, six months after the procedure, primarily revealed renal nerves fibrosis. Findings for renal artery have shown 10-25% fibrosis of medial and adventitial layer with mild ruptures of the external elastic lamina, without changes on smooth muscular layer, without thrombosis or arterial stenosis. No changes on kidneys or bladder were found13. To date, clinical results are very positive and encouraging. Systematic review, including 19 studies and 683 individuals, concluded that RSD promoted decreases of systolic BP (SBP) which varied between 18-36 mmHg and diastolic BP (DBP) ranging between 9-15 mmHg. In five studies, it was observed a BP-lowering effect sustained in 12 months of follow-up. There was no worsening of renal function and there were very few side effects related to the procedure, such as pseudo-aneurysm of renal artery, hypotension and bradicardia14. Several devices have been developed to conduct RSD8. What presents clinical results with larger number of patients and longer follow-up period is the Symplicity (Medtronic Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota) catheter system, which fires radiofrequency pulses. Radiofrequency RSD is also possible with other devices, in ongoing development, some have already been tried in human beings and approved for use in Europe, such as the catheters EnligHTN (St. Jude Medical Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota), Vessix V2 (Vessix Vascular Inc., Laguna Hills, California), and One Shot (Maya Medical Inc.,Campbell, California) catheter. The radiofrequency catheters Thermocool (Biosense Webster Inc., Diamond Bar, California) and Chilli II (Boston Scientific Inc., San Jose, California) are being used for human beings, but have not been approved for use yet. New technology involving ultrasound ablation is also available with Paradise (ReCor Medical Inc., Ronkonkoma, New York) catheter, already in experimental clinical use8. Simplicity studies: results and limitations RSD technique was initially tested in an open-label pilot clinical study, Symplicity HTN-111, conducted with 45 patients with RAH, with preserved renal function. Patients administrated, in average, 4.7 antihypertensive drugs and had mean baseline BP of 177/101 mmHg. Primary outcomes of the study were procedure safety and decrease of casual BP. Secondary outcomes were procedure effects on the production of renal noradrenaline (spillover) and renal function. Patients’ follow-up occurred with one, three, six, nine and twelve months, without adjusting the quantity of antihypertensive medications, unless necessary11. BP decreases were significant in all periods of the follow-up. Thus, with one month of follow-up, the observed SBP and DBP decrease was of −14/−10 mmHg, respectively, reaching −27/−17 mmHg with 12 months after procedure. Six of the 45 patients (13%) had SBP reduction < 10 mmHg, being considered as non-responsive, while the five patients with RAH who were not subjected to the procedure (control group) had BP increased in subsequent evaluations. Twelve months after the procedure, 38% of patients had BP controlled 366 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):364-371 (SBP < 140 mmHg) and 28% had BP partially controlled (SBP 140-159 mmHg)11 - Table 1. In this pilot, the presence of intercurrences was minimal, such as the occurrence of periprocedural diffuse abdominal pain, relieved with analgesics. The procedure proved to be safe and free from complications in 43 of the 45 patients (one patient had renal artery dissection that was treated and resolved by interrupting the RSD procedure and another patient had pseudo-aneurysm at the injection site and was treated conservatively). Angiographies conducted after the procedure in 18 patients have not demonstrated any abnormality of renal arteries; thus, magnetic resonance conducted after six months in 14 patients had not demonstrated complications related to the procedure11. The efficiency of the RSD procedure was also evaluated by the decreased noradrenaline release (spillover): in 10 study patients, this decrease was of 47%, and these patients had a decreased mean BP after six months of −22/−12 mmHg, similar to the group as a whole. Heart rate remained unaltered at all moments11. Positive results of this initial pilot study stimulated the proposal for a new study: the Symplicity HTN-215, randomized, prospective, multicenter study. In this study, 106 patients with RAH were randomized for RSD (n = 52, initial mean BP of 178/96 mmHg) or maintenance of the previous drug therapy (n = 54, initial mean BP of 178/97 mmHg), having as main outcome the modification of casual BP in six months and as secondary outcomes the procedure safety, occurrence of cardiovascular outcomes, and additional measures of BP after six months. At the end of the sixth month of follow-up, casual BP in the RSD group was reduced in -32/-12 mmHg in relation to baseline. In the control group, BP had no decrease (+1/0 mmHg). Thus, the difference of BP between RSD and control groups after six months was of 33/11 mmHg. Significant decreases were also observed in residential measurement and ABPM and BP at six months, although smaller in absolute numbers to decreased casual BP observed15 (Table 1). Ten patients (20%) reduced the number of medications administered in the group subjected to intervention against three (6%) in the control group. Four patients (8%) increased the number of drugs used in the RSD group against six (12%) in the control group15. At the end of six months, 41 patients (84%) who were subjected to RSD showed a decreased SBP ≥ 10 mmHg and were considered responsive, against only 18 patients (35%) in the control group. The procedure had not complications or side effects 15. The patients who, during the first six months, continued administering medications and had an unsatisfactory control of BP, were submitted to RSD, and the follow-up was extended to one year, with BP results similar to those who underwent the intervention at baseline16. One-year results of the follow-up of patients who underwent RSD in Symplicity HTN-2 study showed decrease maintenance of SBP (−28.1 mmHg), value similar to that observed with six months of follow-up (−31.7 mmHg)16 - Table 1. However, in Symplicity HTN-111 and Symplicity HTN-2 (HR11)15 studies, we observed important limitations that Brandão et al Renal sympathetic denervation and arterial hypertension Review Article Table 1 − Main characteristics and results of Simplicity HTN-1 e HTN-2 studies11,15,16 Study Characteristics Main results Simplicity HTN-1 Open-label, non-randomized study N = 45 Mean age 58±9 years; 56% male; 31% diabetics Initial BP: 177/101 mmHg Outcomes: decreased casual BP at 12 months and procedure safety ↓ casual BP at 12 months: -27/-17 mmHg 12 months: 38% SBP < 140 mmHg; 28% SBP 140-159 mmHg and 13% decreases < 10 mmHg (non-responsive) Procedure free from complications Simplicity HTN-215 Randomized, nonblinded study N = 106 Mean age 58±12 years; 58% male; 67% diabetics Initial BP: 178/97 mmHg (intervention) and 178/98 mmHg (control) Outcomes: decreased casual BP at 6 months and procedure safety ↓ casual BP at 6 months: -32/-12 mmHg ↓BP ABPM* at 6 months: -11/-7 mmHg 6 months after the procedure: 84% decrease of SBP < 10 mmHg; 10% had no decreases SBP (non-responsive) Procedure free from complications Simplicity HTN-2 Extension to 1 year’16 Patients in Simplicity HTN-2 control group who maintained the unsatisfactory control of BP (SBP > 160 mmHg) underwent the RSD procedure with 6 months of follow-up Follow-up extended to 1 year ↓casual SBP at 12 months (for group early treated with RSD): −28.1 mmHg ↓casual SBP at 12 months (for group late treated with RSD): -23.7 mmHg Procedure free from complications 11 *ABPM was conducted in only 20 patients of the procedure group.RSD: renal sympathetic denervation; ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; BP: blood pressure; SBP: systolic arterial pressure.. need to be considered: a) possible mechanisms responsible for reducing BP at RSD were not investigated in any of the studies6,11,15,17,18; b) there was no control group for Symplicity HTN-111, reducing the relevance of its results; c) at Symplicity HTN-215, due to the complexity of the tested procedure (invasive intervention), the study could not be blind, thus creating a possible evaluation bias6,11,15,17,18; d) in both studies, patients were not properly evaluated for the possibility of secondary AH (it is known that up to 10% of patients with RAH have primary aldosteronism and, in these patients, RAH invasive treatment could be considered; e) only a small number of patients was administering the appropriate clinical therapy for RAH treatment, such as the restriction of salt in diet and use of spironolactone, raising the question whether these patients were really treatment-resistant. Thus, it is believed that more rigorous inclusion and exclusion criteria must be applied in future studies in order to test this RAH treatment technique6,11,15,17,18. Still with limitations, in both studies some patients had their medication changed during the follow-up, reducing the impact of the procedure on BP decrease6,11,15,17,18. Another aspect was the wide variability of hypotensive response observed at the end of six months with different methods of BP measurement used in both studies, making the efficacy analysis of the procedure quite heterogeneous6,11,15,17,18. It is worth noting that in both studies, only part of the patients was subjected to ABPM, and this supplemental method is crucial to remove the white-coat effect. In this cohort, BP decrease in ABPM was of approximately 1/3 from that obtained for casual BP, suggesting the RSD effects may not be as significant as they initially appeared6,11,15,17,18. A concern with this technique is related to safety and durability of hypotensive effect in the long-term, due to the regenerative ability of the nervous tissue6,11,15,17,18. However, the follow-up of 24 months after the procedure of 153 patients with RAH in the study Symplicity HTN-119 showed progressively greater decreases of casual BP after procedure, reaching −32/−14 mmHg at 24 months. The authors concluded that RSD resulted in substantial decrease and sustained of BP with two-year follow-up, without significant adverse events. It is worth noting that about 20% of patients initially selected for the procedure did not participate in the study Symplicity HTN-215 for difficulties in renal anatomy that prevented the procedure from being carried out, which could limit the clinical use of this therapy on a large scale6,11,15,17,18. Ultimately, not all patients subjected to the procedure managed to reduce the BP. If we consider that RSD had a mean decrease of SBP of 20-25 mmHg and DBP of 10-15 mmHg, at the end of 12 months of follow-up, similar decreases in SBP and DBP were also observed in patients administering spironolactone as the fourth drug in RAH treatment. For this reason, it is important to try to identify factors that may predict the therapeutic success of the intervention. Univariate analysis in Symplicity HTN-111 did not identify any pre-procedure condition capable of predicting RSD success, while in Symplicity HTN-215 the highest SBP values and use of central sympatholytic agents were capable of predicting the procedure success6,11,15,17,18. Due to the nature of the procedure, a more detailed analysis on renal function of patients undergoing RSD is mandatory 17. Extended results of Symplicity HTN-1 for 24 months of follow‑up19 observed a significant decrease of TGF (‑16 ml / min/1,73 m²) in 10 patients; smaller decrease, but also significant (‑7,8 ml / min/1,73 m²) was observed in five patients who were not administering spironolactone or any other diuretic in the first year after procedure. It is worth noting that, even with TGF decrease, no patient showed increase in serum creatinine or evolution to renal insufficiency or need for dialysis, and this TGF decrease was also lower than that estimated if patients had maintained BP unchanged from the protocol start19. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):364-371 367 Brandão et al Renal sympathetic denervation and arterial hypertension Review Article Clinical studies with other devices EnligHTN is a multi-electrode catheter with a basket and, when it opens inside the renal artery, it allows energy release simultaneously in four points of the arterial endoluminal surface. It was the catheter used in ARSENAL study, which preliminary results were presented in 2012, reporting a BP decrease of −28/−10 mmHg, one month after the intervention, with 78% of patients showing a decreased systolic BP > 10 mmHg. Adverse events occurred in very few cases (n = 6): bruising on the arterial puncture site, vasovagal response on sheath withdrawal and bradycardia after procedure. Study final results will be recognized in 2013, after the six months follow-up of 47 patients treated with RSD using EnligHTN8 catheter. Vessix V2 system of DSR has a catheter with a low-pressure balloon, with bipolar radiofrequency electrodes on the balloon surface, and it is being tested in the REDUCE-HTN study, with closure of results scheduled for August, 2014. Preliminary results in 10 patients showed BP decreases of −30/−11 mmHg8. The first experience in human beings with One Shot system was reported. It is a catheter with an irrigated balloon and electrodes mounted helically, in a way that radiofrequency pulse can to be conducted only once, making the procedure faster and more accurate, without the need of handling the catheter. BP decreases observed one month after intervention were similar to those observed in the Symplicity20 study. ThermoCool catheter is being used in SWAN HT study and intends to include 800 hypertensive patients. Pilot study results with 10 patients have shown decreases in BP and in markers of sympathetic activity. This same catheter and Chilli II system are being implemented in SAVE study, which also aims at including a relevant number of individuals - 500 patients8. Paradise catheter is being tested in REALISE study. Preliminary results of 15 patients have shown BP decrease of −32/−16 mmHg with three months of follow-up and were presented in congress in 20128. Clinical studies that conduced RSD with irrigated radiofrequency ablation catheters, generally used for ablation in heart tissue, have also demonstrated positive results. Ten patients subjected to RSD with this type of device were followed-up for six months. Mean BP decreases observed were significant (−21/−11 mmHg) and all patients reduced their BP in 10 mmHg or more by the end of this observation period. There were no complications on renal artery, such as aneurysms or stenoses, and there were no renal function impairments21. Another experiment with this type of catheter confirmed the effect on BP, evidencing decreases in mean BP of 24h on ABPM of −24/−14 mmHg, three months after the procedure, without changes on renal function or albuminuria and without vascular complications22. RSD effects besides the decreased peripheral arterial pressure RSD positive impact on the central hemodynamics and arterial rigidity was recently reported. Evaluation of 110 patients who underwent RSD showed a decrease in central aortic BP 368 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):364-371 from 167/92 mmHg at baseline to 141/85 mmHg in six months. In this same period, the augmentation index presented a decrease of 5.3% and the carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity decreased from 11.6 ± 3.2 m/s to 9.6 ± 3.1 m/s. Improvements in central hemodynamics and arterial rigidity may be important prognostic implications, particularly in patients with cardiovascular high-risk, such as patients with RAH23. RSD was also capable of reducing the sympathetic activity measured through muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) after three months from procedure, with mechanisms not yet elucidated. RSD results were more evident for single sympathetic vasoconstrictor fibers, demonstrating substantial and rapid decrease of its acitivity24. The association between increased renal sympathetic activity and components of metabolic syndrome (MS) was already demonstrated. A group of 50 patients was evaluated25, with 37 being subjected to RSD and 13 maintained under conservative treatment. Initial mean BP in both groups was of 178/96 mmHg. After three months of procedure, we observed significant decreases in BP (−32/−12 mmHg), fasting blood glucose (from 118 mg/dl to 108 mg/dL), of insulin levels (from 20.8 UI/ml to 9.3 UI/ml) and levels of C-peptide (from 5.3 ng/ml to 3.0 ng/ml). Authors also tested the impact on insulin sensitivity, calculated through homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), and observed the decreased level of insulin resistance with RSD (from 6 to 2.4). Glucose, after two hours of stimulation, also improved after the procedure, with a decrease of 27 mg/dl compared to baseline. There were no changes on BP and metabolic parameters in the control group25. RSD impact on renal hemodynamics and urinary excretion of albumin was assessed in a study with 100 patients: 88 were subjected to RSD and 12 constituted the control group. There was a decrease in resistivity index with three and six months of procedure, but there was no change in urinary excretion of albumin or C-cystatin values. However, the number of individuals with microalbuminuria or macroalbuminuria was reduced with RSD. There were no changes in these parameters in the control group26. Another study27 evaluated the role of RSD in 10 patients with RAH and sleep apnea. At the end of six months, it was observed a decrease in BP (−34/−13 mmHg) and improvement in sleep apnea (from 16.3 to 4.5 events/hour). Another interesting evidence related to RSD was recently published, demonstrating the capacity of this technique to reduce left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and improve ventricular systolic and diastolic functions in patients with RAH. The study28 included 46 patients who underwent RSD and echocardiogram in three stages (baseline, one month and six months after the procedure), with 18 patients comprising the control group. There was decrease in BP (−22.5/−7.2 mmHg after one month and −27.8/−8.8 mmHg after six months from procedure) and LVH parameters: reduction of the width of interventricular septum, left ventricular mass index from 53.9 ± 15.6 g/m2,7 (112.4 ± 33.9 g/m2) to 47.0 ± 14.2 g/m2,7 (103.6 ± 30.5g/m2) and 44.7 ± 14.9g/m2,7 (94.9 ± 29.8 g/m2) in one and six months, respectively. The improvement of systolic and diastolic functions was evidenced by the reduction of Brandão et al Renal sympathetic denervation and arterial hypertension Review Article E/E¢ mitral scale and for the increase in ejection fraction from 63.1 ± 8.1% to 70.1 ± 11.5% at the end of six months28. RSD has also shown a relevant improvement in scores evaluating the quality of life three months after procedure. In the study, the subjective evaluation on the quality of life of resistant hypertensive patients before the procedure, was quite negative. It is worth noting that the improvement in the quality of life was not directly associated with the magnitude of BP decrease29. Cost-effectiveness studies and estimates on clinical benefits in the long-term Based on the results of the study Symplicity HTN-215, it was carried out an analysis of RSD cost-effectiveness and its clinical impact in the long-term. Compared to conventional treatment, RSD reduced the probability of cardiovascular and renal outcomes (relative risk - RR - in 10 years/lifetime: 0.70/0.83 for CVA; 0.68/0.85 for AMI; 0.78/0.90 for all coronary events; 0.79/0.92 for heart insufficiency and 0.72/0.81 for renal disease in the final stage). Estimated mean survival in RSD group was of 18.4 years and in conventional treatment group was of 17.1 years. The ratio of discounted incremental cost-effectiveness was of U$3,071 per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY), and was, therefore considered a cost-effective strategy for RAH30. Another analysis revealed the cost-effectiveness in men and women of different ages, and RSD resulted in a gain of 0.98 QALYs for men and 0.88 QALYs in women aged 60, with an additional cost of €2,589 and €2,044, respectively, compared to drug therapy. The younger the patient, the greater the gain in QALYs and the lower the cost. This study pointed out that RSD would be cost-effective until 78 years old for men and 76 years old for women31. Study limitations This review is a result of an active research of scientific articles named “renal denervation” at Medline e PubMed databases, considering a limited number of published original articles and ongoing clinical trials. It represents an exploratory phase of this new intervention method and, therefore, a knowledge theme still in construction. Bullfrog micro-infusion catheter8 are still being tested for clinical use. Using non-specific catheters, used in ablation techniques for heart arrhythmias, may represent lower cost to RSD procedure, however, it has not yet been validated for its full scientific use22,23. Among future challenges, is the possibility of performing a non-invasive denervation treatment, using Doppler pointed at renal artery. Another demand for the future concerns the development of indicators for immediate evaluation of the success of RSD procedure. Conducting robust, randomized, blinded studies in centers specialized in AH is required to evaluate the long-term efficacy and safety and the possible impact on the reduction of morbidity and mortality. Simplicity HTN-334 ongoing study must contribute this matter. Development of knowledge with the use of RSD for RAH could suggest potential use in other conditions concurrent with sympathetic hyperactivity, such as: isolated systolic hypertension, diabetes, chronic renal disease, heart insufficiency, heart arrhythmias, sleep apnea and cirrhosis6. On the basis of limitations of clinical study results with RSD up to this moment and the absence of more comprehensive studies on cost-effectiveness of the procedure, its application in large scale is not yet to be recommended; currently, it must be indicated only for true resistant hypertensive patients, group of very high cardiovascular risk35. It is worth noting that, regardless of a positive clinical result of RSD for RAH, the medical treatment must be based on the combination of continued administration of medications, weight loss and change of lifestyle for all patients1,2. Author contributions Conception and design of the research, Acquisition of data, Analysis and interpretation of the data, Writing of the manuscript and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Brandão AA, Campana EMG, Magalhães MEC, Ferreira E. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Future perspectives with RSD The initial success of RSD technique on RAH, using radiofrequency stimulated the appearance of other types of device, with very promising proposals and more simplified handling and with a more homogeneous performance of RSD 8,32. Other interesting techniques, such as renal intra-arterial infusion of guanethidine, or renal periarterial infusion of ethanol33, or periarterial vincristine injection with Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. 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Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):364-371 Brandão et al Renal sympathetic denervation and arterial hypertension Review Article Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):364-371 371 Back to the cover Letter to the Editor Impact on Hypertension Reclassification by Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) according to the V Brazilian Guidelines on ABPM Guilherme Brasil Grezzana, Airton Tetelbon Stein, Lúcia Campos Pellanda Fundação Universitária de Cardiologia do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS - Brazil Dear Editor, We would like to draw attention to the importance to publish the manuscript Impact on Hypertension Reclassification by Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) according to the V Brazilian Guidelines on ABPM, which addresses the subject of making decisions regarding the thresholds of normality of blood pressure1. We have found that the population studied presents similarities relating to the sample of patients receiving antihypertensive treatment, in keeping with the database of IDACO2. However, notwithstanding the fact that three out of four cities in this database are European cities, the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) keep as thresholds of blood pressure, to define hypertension by ABPM of 24 hours, the amounts of 125 to 130 mmHg, for systolic blood pressure, and 80 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure3. On account of that, we kindly request that the authors express their opinions about two issues: firstly, the applicability and importance of these more aggressive thresholds for hypertensive patients under treatment and, secondly, we wonder if the authors have diagnostic accuracy data for this sample regarding the conventional measurements of blood pressure and the consequent prevalence of the white‑coat effect and masked hypertension. Keywords Hypertension; Blood Pressure Monitoring, Ambulatory / methods, Practice Guidelines as Topic. Mailing Address: Guilherme Brasil Grezzana • Oswaldo Hampe, 258, Centro. Postal Code 95250-000, Antônio Prado, RS – Brazil Email: gbgrezzana@cardiol.br, gbgrezzana@yahoo.com.br Manuscript received April 12, 2013; revised manuscript April 16, 2013; accepted June 11, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130197 References 1. Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, Sociedade Brasileira de Hipertensão, Sociedade Brasileira de Nefrologia. V Diretrizes Brasileiras de Monitorização Ambulatorial da Pressão Arterial (MAPA) e III Diretrizes Brasileiras de Monitorização Residencial de Pressão Arterial (MRPA). Arq Bras Cardiol. 2011;97(3 supl.3):1-24. 2. Kikuya M, Hansen TW, Thijs L, Björklund-Bodegård K, Kuznetsova T, Ohkubo T, et al: IDACO investigators. Diagnostic thresholds for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring based on 10-year cardiovascular risk. Blood Press Monit. 2007;12(6):393-5. 372 3. Perk J, De Backer G, Gohlke H, Graham I, Reiner Z, Verschuren M, et al; European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation (EACPR); ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG). European Guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical practice (version 2012). The Fifth Joint Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and Other Societies on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Clinical Practice (constituted by representatives of nine societies and by invited experts. Eur Heart J. 2012;33(13):1635-1701. Back to the cover Letter to the Editor Prognostic Factors in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome without ST-segment Elevation Sinan İşcen Diyarbakır Military Hospital, Yenısehır, Dıyarbakır Dear Editor, We read the article, “Prognostic factors in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation” written by Santos JC 1. The authors concluded that the assessment of renal function and lymphocyte count provide potentially useful information for the prognostic stratification of patients with non-ST elevation ACS. We know that patients with end-stage renal disease have a higher risk for and a worse outcome after myocardial infarction. However, lesser degrees of renal dysfunction also predict an adverse prognosis in patients with acute MI. Several studies have shown the magnitude of this effect2. We also know that patients with a higher white blood cell (WBC) count – which is a marker of inflammation, have an increased risk for adverse events, in-hospital mortality, and short- and long-term mortality after a non-ST elevation ACS, as well as for acute ST-elevation MI3. The value of the baseline WBC in patients with non-ST-elevation MI or unstable angina was evaluated in the TACTICS-TIMI 18 trial4, which concluded that higher WBC was associated with significantly lower TIMI flow grades, myocardial perfusion grades and more extensive coronary disease. This was found in relation to WBC but not to lymphocytes, because many factors in the ICU environment may lead to lymphocytopenia (trauma, hemorrhage, viral infections, etc.). Therefore, in order to establish a relationship between lymphocyte count and prognosis, further evaluation and objective evidence are needed. Keywords Acute Coronary Syndrome; Inflammation; Myocardial Infarction, Prognosis, Lymphopenia. Mailing Address: Sinan İşcen • Diyarbakır Military Hospital, Yenısehır. Postal Code 34100, Dıyarbakır E-mail: dr.iscen@hotmail.com Manuscript received 04/15/13; revised manuscript received 04/17/13; accepted 06/20/13. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130198 References 373 1. Santos JC, Rocha Mde S, Araújo Mda S. Prognostic factors in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;100(5):412-21. 3. Madjid M, Awan I, Willerson JT, Casscells SW. Leukocyte count and coronary heart disease: implications for risk assessment. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2004;44(10):1945-56. 2. 4. Sabatine MS, Morrow DA, Cannon CP, Murphy SA, Demopoulos LA, DiBattiste PM, et al. Relationship between baseline white blood cell count and degree of coronary artery disease and mortality in patients with acute coronary syndromes: a TACTICS-TIMI 18 (Treat Angina with Aggrastat and determine Cost of Therapy with an Invasive or Conservative StrategyThrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 18 trial)substudy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2002;40(10):1761-8. Al Suwaidi J, Reddan DN, Williams K, Pieper KS, Harrington RA, Califf RM, et al; GUSTO-IIb, GUSTO-III, PURSUIT. Global Use of Strategies to Open Occluded Coronary Arteries. Platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa in Unstable Angina: Receptor Suppression Using Integrilin Therapy; PARAGON-A Investigators. Platelet IIb/IIIa Antagonism for the Reduction of Acute coronary syndrome events in a Global Organization Network. Prognostic implications of abnormalities in renal function in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Circulation. 2002;106(8):974-80. İşcen Is lymphocytopenia a prognostic marker? Letter to the Editor Reply As regards Dr. İşcen’s comments, we have some points to consider. All patients diagnosed with unstable angina (UA) or non‑ST segment elevation (STE) acute myocardial infarction (AMI) admitted to our hospital from Janurary to December 2010 were included in our study. In an attempt to eliminate possible confounders, patients presenting with malignant neoplasias, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, and those who had recently suffered a trauma or undergone surgery – conditions which could lead to leukocytosis, neutrophilia or lymphopenia, were excluded. The inclusion and exclusion criteria were described in the respective article1. We verified that complete white blood cell and neutrophil counts in our sample were not able to discriminate patients at a higher risk for adverse events (7781 ± 3252 /mm³ vs. 8140 ± 2835 /mm³, p = 0.5; and 5653 ± 3058 /mm³ vs. 5220 ± 2496 /mm³, p = 0.4, respectively). However, the logistic regression analysis showed an independent and significant relationship between lymphocyte count and combined events (OR: 1.02; 95%CI: 1.01-1.04; p = 0.03). Some studies have suggested that the count of leukocytes and their subpopulations may predict fatal and non-fatal outcomes in patients with non-STE acute coronary syndrome 2,3. Cannon et al4 and Núñez et al5 demonstrated that the relationship between leukocytosis, neutrophilia and a worse prognosis is valid for patients with AMI, but not for those with UA. Lloyd‑Jones et al6 and Zouridakis et al7 found that only lymphopenia, among the subpopulations of white blood cells, was associated with future cardiac events in these patients. Since, in our article¹, two thirds of our sample was comprised of patients with UA, we suggested that the lymphocyte count in this population probably provides a better identification of patients with a worse prognosis. Sincerely, Jessica C M D’Almeida Santos Mário de Seixas Rocha Marcos da Silva Araújo References 1. Santos JC, Rocha Mde S, Araújo Mda S. Prognostic factors in patients with acute coronary syndrome without ST segment elevation. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;100(5):412-21. 2. Barron HV, Cannon CP, Murphy SA, Braunwald E, Gibson CM. Association between white blood cell count, epicardial blood flow, myocardial perfusion, and clinical outcomes in the setting of acute myocardial infarction: a thrombolysis in myocardial infarction 10 substudy. Circulation. 2000;102(19):2329-34. 3. Furman MI, Gore JM, Anderson FA, Budaj A, Goodman SG, Avezum A, et al. Elevated leukocyte count and adverse hospital events in patients with acute coronary syndromes: findings from the Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events (GRACE). Am Heart J. 2004;147(1):42-8. 4. Cannon CP, McCabe CH, Wilcox RG, Bentley JH, Braunwald E. Association of white blood cell count with increased mortality in acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina pectoris. OPUS-TIMI 16 Investigators. Am J Cardiol. 2001; 87(5):636-9. 5. Núñez J, Sanchis J, Bodí V, Nunez E, Mainar L, Heatta AM, et al. Relationship between low lymphocyte count and major cardiac events in patients with acute chest pain, a non-diagnostic electrocardiogram and normal troponin levels. Atherosclerosis. 2009;206(1):251-7. 6. Lloyd-Jones DM, Camargo CA Jr, Giugliano RP, O’Donnell CJ. Effect of leukocytosis at initial examination on prognosis in patients with primary unstable angina. Am Heart J. 2000;139(5):867-73. 7. Zouridakis EG, Garcia-Moll X, Kaski JC. Usefulness of the blood lymphocyte count in predicting recurrent instability and death in patients with unstable angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol. 2000;86(4):449-51. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):373-374 374 Back to the cover Clinicoradiological Session Case 5/2013 - A Four-Year-Old Boy with a Rhabdomyoma-Type Cardiac Tumor in Both Ventricles and Repeated Ventricular Tachycardia Edmar Atik Clínica privada do Dr. Edmar Atik, São Paulo, SP – Brazil Clinical data: Chest radiography performed during upper respiratory tract infection at 5 months of age suggested heart disease because of a deformity observed in the ventricular arch. At that time, echocardiography confirmed the presence of two tumor masses in both ventricles. At nine months of age, the patient started to present with episodes of paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia, with a heart rate of approximately 200 bpm, accompanied by diaphoresis and paleness, all reverted after electrical cardioversion. The episodes recurred for five times, despite the systematic use of antiarrhythmic medication comprising propranolol and amiodarone. Physical examination: Active, eupneic, mucous membranes pink, normal pulses. Weight: 17 kg . Height: 97 cm. BP: 90/52‑61 mmHg. HR: 100 bpm. Aorta non‑palpable in the suprasternal notch area. No deformities were observed in the precordium; the apical impulse was not palpable and there were no systolic impulses. The heart sounds were normal with no murmurs. The liver was not palpable. Laboratory tests Electrocardiogram (Figure 1) showed normal sinus rhythm and signs of left ventricular overload. QR complex in aVL with negative T wave in aVL and isoelectric in D1 were observed, thus characterizing the diagnosis of electrical ischemia of the high lateral wall. AP: +60o. AQRS: +80o. AT: +90o. During an episode of tachycardia, ECG showed complete right bundle branch block, with a ventricular rate of 210 bpm. Chest radiography showed normal cardiac silhouette and pulmonary vascular network, and a deformity characterized by a mild bulging located in the middle of the left ventricular arch (Figure 1). Palavras-chave Heart Neoplasms; Rhabdomyoma; Tachycardia, Ventricular. Mailing Address: Edmar Atik • Rua Dona Adma Jafet 74 , cj 73 01308-050 São Paulo, SP - Brazil E-mail: conatik@incor.usp.br DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130193 e74 Ecocardiogram (Figure 2) showed two homogeneous and echodense images with well-defined round contours. The smallest was located in the right ventricular free wall and its diameters were 39 x 21 mm, with an area of 6.9 cm 2; the largest, in the left ventricular anterior wall, was 51 x 37 mm, with an area of 12.5 cm2. Both masses showed a cleavage plane with the contiguous ventricular walls and did not cause obstruction in the ventricular inflow and outflow tracts. Function of both ventricles was normal. Tomography of the thoracic aorta (Figure 2) showed the same pattern, with the larger mass protruding from the left ventricle, however without causing obstruction to the flow. Clinical diagnosis: Biventricular cardiac tumors without obstruction in the inflow and outflow tracts, no heart failure, but with repeated paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. The tumors were classified as rhabdomyomas because of their multiple locations, well- defined cleavage plane with the myocardium, and for not causing obstruction to the flow. Clinical reasoning: The clinical elements were consistent with a normal cardiovascular system, except for the electrocardiogram and chest radiography, which showed electrical ischemia of the high lateral wall and protrusion of the ventricular arch, respectively. These findings suggested the presence of a “mass” corresponding to the region described, presumably in the pericardium, myocardium or endocardium. Other imaging tests were decisive to find the ventricular intracavitary mass which projected itself in the left ventricular anterolateral wall, and was responsible for the abnormalities described. The other mass found in the free wall of the right ventricle was smaller and lacked clinical relevance. Differential diagnosis: The abnormal findings observed in the electrocardiogram and chest radiography could also be present in pericardial processes such as cysts and tumors, or even in myocardial processes such as fibroma or other benign tumors. Management: Because of the paroxysmal manifestation of the cardiac arrhythmia of left ventricular origin, of the right bundle branch block found on the electrocardiogram during a tachycardia episode, the dose of antiarrhythmic drugs was increased. If an adequate clinical response is not observed, surgical removal of the tumor becomes a priority, since the electrophysiological study was unable to demonstrate possible foci of arrhythmia. Atik Biventricular rhabdomyoma, ventricular tachycardia Clinicoradiological Session Figure 1 - Electrocardiogram showing electrical ischemia of the high lateral wall with characteristic abnormalities in D1 and aVL. Chest radiography shows a protrusion in the ventricular arch corresponding to the intracavitary left ventricular mass. Comments: The clinical manifestations of benign tumors of the heart commonly include heart failure, supraventricular and ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden events such as syncope and low cardiac output, whether or not accompanied by cerebral symptoms. They are usually diagnosed during an episode of infection, convulsion or fainting. In the present case, chest radiography was the first test to raise the diagnostic hypothesis of a cardiac tumor because of the bulging observed in the ventricular arch. The electrical ischemia found in the electrocardiogram may characterize the exact location of the abnormality, and the diagnostic imaging tests – echocardiography and MRI, confirmed the diagnosis. Today, arrhythmias in general may be better treated by means of more appropriate medications, of ablation after the triggering electrophysiological mechanism has been established, or even of surgical resection of the tumor mass that is causing the arrhythmia. All are valid and adequate options. A more conservative approach, with the use of antiarrhythmic drugs, should be the first option. Over time, other steps may be necessary to achieve the clinical control of the ventricular arrhythmia. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e74-e76 e75 Atik Biventricular rhabdomyoma, ventricular tachycardia Clinicoradiological Session Figure 2 - Echocardiogram, in cross-sectional view, showing the diagnostic elements of the biventricular intracavitary mass not causing obstruction to the flow (A). Tomography shows that the tumor on the left side fills the ventricular cavity more than does the tumor on the right side (B). e76 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e74-e76 Back to the cover Case Report Renal Denervation by Ablation with Innovative Technique in Resistant Hypertension Luiz Aparecido Bortolotto, Thiago Midlej-Brito, Cristiano Pisani, Valéria Costa-Hong, Maurício Scanavacca INCOR - Instituto do Coração da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP - Brazil Introduction Case report Hypertension is the cause of thousands of deaths annually , and half of the patients treated present controlled blood pressure (BP)2. Resistant hypertension (RH)is defined when the BP remains above the recommended targets with the use of three antihypertensive drugs with synergistic actions at maximum doses recommended and tolerated, preferably one being a diuretic, or when in use of four or more anti‑hypertensive drugs, even with controlled BP3. It is estimated that 12%-15% of persons with hypertension are considered resistant, with high risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality4. 1 The pathogenesis of hypertension is multifactorial, but the sympathetic activity plays an important role, especially in patients with resistant hypertension2. Efferent renal sympathetic activity stimulates renin release, increases sodium reabsorption and reduces renal blood flow and may be a mechanism for the development and maintenance of hypertension2. Genetic, behavioral and environmental factors influence increased sympathetic activity in persons with hypertension5. New therapies aiming to reduce sympathetic activity have been developed. Renal Sympathetic Denervation (RSD) by radiofrequency catheter ablation of renal arteries has been shown to control BP in resistant hypertension6,7 and in associated clinical conditions such as sleep destructive apnea8 and insulin resistance9. The main RSD clinical studies used a specific catheter not yet available in Brazil, but the radiofrequency ablation of arrhythmias is a procedure that has been performed by electrophysiologists through appropriate catheters for years in our country. Experimental studies of RSD with catheters used for ablation of arrhythmias indicated the possibility of using these to replace those used in international studies, considering the unavailability of those in our reality. Based on this, for the procedure to be reported, the model used for ablation in children (4 mm tip and 5F), which was proven to be more appropriate, was chosen. The objective of the report is to show the result of the first RSD in our community, with the aid of technology used in cardiac arrhythmias. Keywords Denervation; Hypertension; Catheter Ablation; Sympathetic Nervous System. Mailing Address: Thiago Midlej-Brito • Rua Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 44, Cerqueira César. Postal Code 05403-000, São Paulo - SP - Brazil E-mail: thiagomidlej@gmail.com, thiagomidlej@yahoo.com.br Manuscript received October 04, 2012; manuscript revised December 19, 2012; manuscript accepted March 08, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130194 e77 39-year-old woman was admitted to our institution with a history of hypertension since age 17. At age 29, the patient began to experience episodes of hypertensive crisis associated with tachycardia, pallor, sweating and dry mouth, and pheochromocytoma was ruled out. After three years, the patient presented Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) without neurological sequelae. Since then, it was harder to control hypertension and the patient has to use multiple antihypertensive drugs, while maintaining high levels of BP. In the last year, the patient was hospitalized due to hypertensive crises, reaching BP of 230/130 mmHg. On admission, she was using seven antihypertensive drugs at maximum dose (amlodipine, valsartan, furosemide, spironolactone, clonidine, hydralazine and atenolol). She denied the use of illegal drugs or other medications that would worsen hypertension. Her mother was hypertensive, died at age 40 from CVA, and two brothers were hypertensive. Physical examination revealed BP 180/110 mmHg (lying position), 182/112 mmHg (standing position) and heart rate 120 bpm. Cardiovascular examination revealed no abnormalities and the remainder of the physical examination was normal. Investigation of secondary hypertension ruled out all probable causes. Doppler echocardiography showed no abnormalities and 24-hour Holter showed no arrhythmias. As the patient presented hypertension resistant to several medications, the medical staff suggested RSD by ablation and the patient accepted after explanation of risks and benefits. The patient read and signed the Informed Consent Form, since it was the first procedure in Brazil. The RSD procedure was conducted on August 25, 2011 by the Electrophysiology team. Access to the renal artery was through the femoral artery and anatomy eligible for the procedure was confirmed by angiography after selective catheterization. For renal ablation, a 5F catheter was used (Mariner Series AblationCatheters, Medtronics) and positioned in the aorta, retrograde in the renal artery, guided by radioscopy and connected to a radiofrequency (RF) generator. An electroanatomic map (EnSite System, StJude Medical) of the aorta and the renal arteries was constructed (Figure 1) and four RF applications in each renal artery were planned, distal to proximal, separated longitudinally and in rotation (helical), with markings on the map (white dots in Figure 1). After that, the catheter was introduced into each renal artery and four RF applications were made (8W, 60 oC, 120s) per artery in the regions previously marked (red dots in Figure 1). The patient was under general anesthesia, with BP monitored during the procedure, which occurred without complications. At the end, the patient was awakened from anesthesia reporting mild lower back discomfort that improved after administration of painkiller. A new selective angiography showed no abnormalities. Bortolotto et al. Denervation of renal artery by catheter ablation Case Report Ablation Ablation Figure 1 – Electroanatomic map of the aorta and renal arteries with markings for ablation. The white dots show areas manually marked where application of RF was planned, and the red dots show the areas where RF application was done. On the left, anteroposterior view and on the right, posteroanterior view. Table 1 – Office and 24-h ABPM blood pressure, and arterial function parameters before and after renal denervation Variables Pre 6 months 1 year Office BP (mmHg) 180/110 160/100 150/100 Daytime BP (mmHg) 190 / 121 162 / 107 146 / 100 Nighttime BP (mmHg) 170 / 117 120 / 77 111 / 75 Carotid distension (%) 4,65 6,95 - APWV (m/s) 15,3 13,2 - APWV: aortic pulse wave velocity; BP: blood pressure. Six months after the procedure, the patient had lower office and ABPM BP, in use of four classes of antihypertensive drugs (Table 1). After one year, the patient remained little symptomatic, with improved quality of life, without any serious hypertensive crisis. Evolutionary office and ABPM BP data, as well as the arterial properties are shown in Table 1. After six months, angiography of renal arteries showed no stenosis. Discussion This is the first experience of RSD held in Brazil with catheter ablation used for arrhythmias in children. The results showed the safety of the procedure, and satisfactory BP control and quality of life results. The first study using this technique demonstrated safety and significant BP reduction in 58 patients with resistant hypertension10. Average reduction in systolic and diastolic BP, respectively, was 22/11 mmHg in six months, and 27/17 mmHg in twelve months. In 2010, an international multicenter trial studied 106 patients, 52 assigned to intervention and 54 assigned to clinical treatment. After six months, there was a decrease in office BP of 33/11 mmHg in those undergoing the procedure compared to the medical group. Among patients undergoing denervation, 20% reduced antihypertensive drugs and in 84% BP decreased 10 mmHg or more2. There were no serious complications related to the procedure. All studies show high success rate after RSD in patients with resistant hypertension, with significant reduction in BP, decreased dose and/or number of drugs, without causing damage to the renal artery or impaired renal function1,9,10. Regarding the case reported, RSD using conventional electrophysiology catheter for ablation in children (5F) is safe and effective. Adding electroanatomic mapping, we can accurately assess renal artery sites where the applications were made, since the strategy used in the denervation procedures is based on the anatomy without immediate functional evaluations. In the evolution, we observed improvement in 24-h, daytime and especially nighttime BP (Table 1). Increased sympathetic activity is one of the most important mechanisms of the absence of nocturnal blood pressure falls during sleep, which could explain the effect of a significant reduction in nocturnal BP in our patient. We also assessed arterial properties through measurements of pulse wave velocity and carotid distension. These rates are markers of arterial function, whose changes may be involved in the mechanisms of difficulty in controlling BP. Increased sympathetic activity can increase arterial stiffness in patients with resistant hypertension and improvement of these parameters in the patient after denervation reinforces this interaction. Ablation RSD is a safe and promising approach in reducing blood pressure, and improves quality of life in patients with resistant hypertension, even with catheters used in cardiac electrophysiology. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e77-e79 e78 Bortolotto et al. Denervation of renal artery by catheter ablation Case Report Author contributions Conception and design of the research: Bortolotto LA, Midlej-Brito T, Scanavacca M; Acquisition of data and Analysis and interpretation of the data: Bortolotto LA, Midlej-Brito T, Pisani C, Costa-Hong V, Scanavacca M; Statistical analysis: Bortolotto LA, Midlej-Brito T; Writing of the manuscript and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Bortolotto LA, Midlej-Brito T, Pisani C, Scanavacca M. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. References 1. Symplicity HTN-1 Investigators. Catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation for resistant hypertension: durability of blood pressure reduction out to 24 months. Hypertension. 2011;57(5):911-7. 2. Esler MD, Krum H, Sobotka PA, Schlaich MP, Schmieder RE, Böhm M; Symplicity HTN-2 Investigators Renal sympathetic denervation in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension (The Symplicity HTN-2 Trial): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2010;376(9756):1903-9. 3. de Souza WS, Alessi A, Cordeiro A, da Rocha Nogueira A, Feitosa A, Amodeo C, et al. First Brazilian position on resistant hypertension. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2012;99(1):576-85. 4. Pimenta E, Calhoun DA. Resistant hypertension: incidence, prevalence, and prognosis. Circulation. 2012;125(13):1594-6. 5. Esler M. The sympathetic system and hypertension. Am J Hypertens. 2000;13(6 Pt 2):99S-105S. e79 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e77-e79 6. DiBona GF. The sympathetic nervous system and hypertension: recent developments. Hypertension. 2004;43(2):147-50. 7. DiBona GF, Kopp UC. Neural control of renal function. Physiol Rev. 1997;77(1):75-197. 8. Baguet JP, Barone-Rochette G, Pépin JL. Hypertension and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome: current perspectives. J Hum Hypertens. 2009;23(7):431-43. 9. Witkowski A, Prejbisz A, Florczak E, Kądziela J, Śliwiński P, Bieleń P, et al. Effects of renal sympathetic denervation on blood pressure, sleep apnea course, and glycemic control in patients with resistant hypertension and sleep apnea. Hypertension. 2011;58(4)559-65. 10. Krum H, Schlaich M, Whitbourn R, Sobotka PA, Sadowski J, Bartus K, et al. Catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation for resistant hypertension: a multicentre safety and proof-of-principle cohort study. Lancet. 2009;373(9671):1275-81. Back to the cover Case Report Exuberant Pattern of Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Elsa Fernandes, Gabriel C. Camargo, Maria Eduarda Derenne, Tamara Rothstein, Ilan Gottlieb CDPI - Clínica de Diagnóstico por Imagem, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil Introduction Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the most common form of genetic heart disease, with an incidence of 1: 500 individuals in the general population, being the most frequent cause of sudden death in athletes and young adults in the United States1,2. Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) is a noninvasive imaging method that allows the accurate identification of various forms of hypertrophy, quantification of ventricular volume and mass and characterization of myocardial fibrosis through the late enhancement technique3. The presence of myocardial fibrosis in CMRI is associated with the risk of sudden death, ventricular tachycardia and systolic dysfunction4. The presence of late enhancement is the strongest predictor of worse prognosis, even after adjustment for other factors such as maximum thickness and myocardial mass, obstruction of the LV outflow tract and clinical variable5,6. The purpose of this study is to report the case of a patient with HCM, asymptomatic, with extensive/exuberant myocardial fibrosis detected by CMRI and to discuss a potential therapeutic implication. Case Report Patient aged 42, Caucasian, asymptomatic, with family history of HCM and diagnosis of the same cardiomyopathy 22 years ago. The 24-h Holter heart rhythm monitoring (April 5, 2012) showed sinus rhythm, rare atrial ectopic beats, presence of 2,970 isolated ventricular extrasystoles and five outbreaks of non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (NSVT), the longest one presenting 13 QRS complexes. Given the Holter results, the patient was referred by the assistant physician to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging for a better phenotypic characterization of the myocardium. CMRI was performed on a 3T-Verio scanner (Siemens, Germany) on May 9, 2012 and Cine SSFP (steady-state free precession) sequences and were used for functional Keywords Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic; Endomyocardial Fibrosis; Ventricular Dysfunction; Tachycardia Ventricular. Mailing Address: Tamara Rothstein • Rua Ataulfo de Paiva, 669, Leblon. Postal Code 22430-210, Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil E-mail: tamaragott@gmail.com Manuscript received October 18, 2012; manuscript revised October 23, 2012; manuscript accepted February 26, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130195 e80 assessment and Inversion Recovery-GRE (gradient echo) for the late enhancement. The following observations were made: severe asymmetric hypertrophy, where the point of greatest thickness was measured at 2.4 cm on the mid inferoseptal wall; normal left ventricular mass; outbreaks of hypointense signal on all sequences in the septal and anterior mid-apical LV walls, which may represent calcifications; LV of normal cavity volumes with mild global systolic dysfunction at the expense of segmental hypokinesis of the anterior and septal walls; severe muscular thickening of the RV apical region; late enhancement on contrast media in hypertrophied LV and RV segments of predominantly mesocardial distribution (nonischemic pattern). Figures 1 and 2 illustrate some of these findings. The patient underwent implantation of cardioverter on June 2, 2012 and remains asymptomatic to date. Discussion The patient under discussion has had longtime hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (for 22 years) with biventricular involvement, severe myocardial fibrosis and mild systolic dysfunction. There were no classical markers of high risk for sudden death, such as myocardial thickness ≥ 30 mm, family history of sudden death, syncope, ventricular tachycardia (VT) or obstruction of the LV outflow tract or abnormal behavior of blood pressure during exercise testing. The markers that suggested that this patient was at higher risk for sudden death were non-sustained ventricular tachycardia and the presence of severe late enhancement on MRI. Although sustained VT is clearly associated with sudden death, the association with non-sustained VT is less robust. However, a recent study showed no association of non‑sustained VT with death in multivariate analysis7. The detection of myocardial fibrosis in HCM by CMRI using the late enhancement technique has an incidence of 50-80% of cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and is believed to be the anatomical substrate for the occurrence of malign ventricular tachyarrhythmias8,9. The late enhancement pattern most often described is the heterogeneous and mesocardial pattern, preferably located in hypertrophied segments and at the points of insertion of the right ventricle with the interventricular septum4,9. In the clinical case reported, only the anterolateral and inferolateral segments (both basal and mid) and lower basal were free of late enhancement, which characterizes a pattern of an unusual presentation. In the patient reported, the late enhancement area measured using five standard deviations of the remote area is 46.9% of the left ventricular mass. There is no consensus Fernandes et al. Presence of late enhancement in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Case Report Figure 1 – 4-chamber long axis image. Septal hypertrophy and hypertrophy of the apical portion of the RV and a potential calcification in the apical septum (hypointense signal area — arrow). Figure 2 - Images of late enhancement in 4-chamber (A), 3-chamber (B) and 2-chamber (C) long-axis and short-axis (D). Presence of diffuse enhancement, including in the RV middle-apical region (A and D). Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e80-e82 e81 Fernandes et al. Presence of late enhancement in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Case Report on what percentage value should be considered higher risk for adverse events, but 46.9% is certainly considered a high percentage. Some studies show that the presence of late enhancement above 5% of the LV mass is associated with increased risk of sudden death, appropriate therapy by implantable defibrillator and ventricular tachyarrhythmia5,10. The right ventricular involvement has been reported in approximately 18% of patients with HCM, affecting the middle and apical region also found in the clinical case reported4. These patients may have maximum wall thickness greater than 8 mm, as well as increased right ventricular mass8. The presence of severe late enhancement in the right ventricle in this patient is another atypical characteristic. The apparent discrepancy between the maximum myocardial thickness and the severe late enhancement may result from burnt out hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, i.e., fibrosis and ventricular thinning due to disease duration. Myocardial calcifications may corroborate this long aggression on the cardiac muscle11. The importance of late enhancement in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was investigated in two recent studies, and both demonstrated that the enhancement is not only an independent predictor of cardiovascular events in multivariate analysis, but also the best predictor compared to the usual predictors, such as maximum myocardial thickness, obstruction of the LV outflow tract, clinical factors and family history of sudden death5,6. However, we recognize that the presence of late enhancement has a low positive predictive value for sudden death as mentioned in the guidelines of the ACC/AHA of 20112, and confirmed in a meta-analysis in which the presence of enhancement was significantly associated with cardiovascular outcomes, but not with mortality from arrhythmia12. The patient has no classical markers of high risk for sudden death, and the decision to implant ICD was made based on the presence of NSVT on 24-h Holter, severe myocardial fibrosis on MRI after discussion of risks and benefits with the patient and the family. The presence of late enhancement by CMRI is an emerging marker of prognosis, but its role in directing the therapy is still controversial. Author contributions Conception and design of the research and Analysis and interpretation of the data: Gottlieb I ; Acquisition of data: Fernandes E, Camargo GC, Rothstein T, Gottlieb I; Writing of the manuscript: Fernandes E, Gottlieb I; Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Camargo GC, Derenne ME, Rothstein T, Gottlieb I. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. References 1. Maron BJ. Hypertrophic cardiomyophaty: a systematic review. JAMA. 2002;287(10):1308-20. 2. Gersh BJ, Maron BJ, Bonow RO, Dearani JA, Fifer MA, Link MS, et al; American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines; American Association for Thoracic Surgery; American Society of Echocardiography; American Society of Nuclear Cardiology; Heart Failure Society of America; Heart Rhythm Society; Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions; Society of Thoracic Surgeons. 2011 ACCF/ AHA Guideline for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A Report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. Circulation. 2011;124(24):e783-831. 3. Shiozaki AA, Raymond JK, Parga JR, Tassi EM, Arteaga E, Rochitte CE. Ressonância magnética cardiovascular na cardiomiopatia hipertrófica. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2007;88(2):243-8. 4. Noureldin RA, Liu S, Nacif M, Judge D, Halushka M, Abraham T, et al. The diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy by cardiovascular magnetic resonance. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2012;14:17. 5. O´Hanlon R, Grasso A, Roughton M, Moon JC, Clark S, Wage R, et al: Prognostic significance of myocardial fibrosis in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(11):867-74. e82 Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e80-e82 6. Bruder O, Wagner A, Jensen CJ, Schneider S, Ong P, Kispert EM, et al. Myocardial scar visualized by cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging predicts major adverse in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2010;56(11):875-87. 7. Elliott PM, Gimeno JR, Tomé MT, Shah J, Ward D, Thaman R, et al. Left ventricular outflow tract obstruction and sudden death risk in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J. 2006;27(16):1933-41. 8. Maron MS. Clinical utility of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 2012;14:13. 9. 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Back to the cover Viewpoint Paternalism, Autonomy and Ontology Max Grinberg and Antonio Sergio de Santis Andrade Lopes InCor – HCFMUSP, São Paulo, SP – Brazil The bond with the patient, in the asymptomatic phase of natural history of the rheumatic heart valve disease (RHVD), provided certain lessons for the communication physicianpatient that respects both beneficent paternalism of Medicine (guidelines, for example), and values and preferences of the human being (principle of autonomy). Alliance among nature and medicine As said by Aristotle (384 BC-322 B.C.), Nature favors utilities and, therefore, when a RHVD occurs, it is the natural heart plasticity, held as Adaptation for Beneficial Cardiac Ontological Remodeling (AB-COR), or simply heart remodeling1, that sustains the preservation of good ejection performance. Medicine validates AB-COR "therapeutic" effect and advises against interruption with the use of drugs, plastic surgeries, and valvular prosthesis while the patient remains asymptomatic, i.e. myocardium is then signaled 2 and is under active surveillance. It is known the participation of this "therapeutic of Nature" in algorithms of guidelines on valvopathy3 using intersection Symptoms? But such "therapeutic" of Nature has an expiry date and, when AB-COR utility is over4, surviving RHVD requires the administration of technoscience of Medicine. Naturism and heart The natural adaptive capacity of myocardium has universal laws "promulgated" by remarkable people such as Otto Frank (1865-1944), Ernest Starling (1866-1927), Pierre Simon, Marquês de Laplace (1749-1827), and Jean-Louis-Marie Poiseuille (1797-1869). But Thomas Wilkinson King (18091847)5 noticed in an isolated heart that tricuspid valve opens at a certain pressure with certain volume of fluid, which does not happen to mitral valve, presuming Nature made the tricuspid valve a safety valve. The volume overload determined by "tricuspidization" means, therefore, a help of Nature in Keywords Cardiomyopathies; Heart Valve Diseases; Rheumatic Heart Disease; Paternalism. Mailing Address: Max Grinberg • Rua Manoel Antonio Pinto, 04, apto. 21A, Paraisópolis. Postal Code 05663-020, São Paulo, SP - Brazil E-mail: max@cardiol.br, grinberg@incor.usp.br Manuscript received March 11, 2013, revised manuscript April 26, 2013; accepted May 03, 2013. DOI: 10.5935/abc.20130196 e83 view of the limitation of right ventricle in order to withstand pressure overloads. Remodeled myocardium and insufficient tricuspid valve are, therefore, natural utilities of human survival, comprehensible, either based on Edward Stone's (1702-1768) rational theology, that the Nature places the medicine along with the disease - he found in a swamp, place of fevers, that the willow bark has acetylsalicylic acid - or by evolutionism. Consent Activation of "therapeutic” plasticity6 of AB-COR happens naturally, such as wound healing, coagulation, and bone callus. It is self, and the organic freedom of happening discards the patient's consent and specially rationale on the potential of adversities, as a future systolic myocardial failure – such as a wound healing may result in keloid, coagulation may result in mass effect, and bone callus may perpetuate misalignments. Therefore, there is a similarity of the exposed and the deontological denial of autonomy to the human whose life is at imminent risk. It should be noted that the Nature "therapeutic" under active surveillance represents the replacement of the patient's unconscious submission by consent form to disclosure by the physician. And when the "prescriptive endorsement" of self acting for life quality maintenance by the patient is no longer valid, technoscience administration should be granted to the physician, i.e. it requires from a human (physician) - and not Nature - a noncoercion certificate. The emphasis of autonomy in Medicine emerged from violence between human beings which could not be perceived as natural. Physician-patient communication For supporting a usually long term asymptomatic phase of RHDV, AB-COR provides frequent physician-patient conversations, from one medical appointment to another, in which, gradually, more realistic expectations are molded, and giving clarity on future consent situations. These are opportunities where the use of narrative competence7 helps to improve the absorption, interpretation, and response of the patient regarding explanations on medical resources, contributing to aggregate empathy, professionalism, and trust. Thus, when the patient needs to perform the surgery, this decision becomes less stressful, because the prior moments developed the basis for this consent. This avoids the large amount of "new" information for an immediate response and, therefore, according to hot-cold empathy gap8, concerning emotions on decision making, this reduces the probability of poor future analysis (patient prioritizes getting rid of diseases Grinberg & Lopes Paternalism, autonomy and ontology Viewpoint at that moment and does not assess future consequences of the method) and sub-treatment (patient rejects the medical recommendation due to an excessive impact of possible adversities). Moreover, having the perception that Nature provides the benefit of AB-COR without anticipating inherent negative consequences, proves that communication considering a future consent term in order to obtain a benefit must be more emphatic than the possible adversities, avoiding early frustrations. Time for a conversation, time for critical analysis, and time to use good common sense are situations that benefit the freedom of speech, elucidate opposite opinions between what medical knowledge justifies and the consent of a patient's individuality. So, remembering Pitágoras de Samos (580 B.C.-497 B.C.), who realized that the combination of organization and time is enough to do anything and do it right, and Sigismund Schlomo Freud (1856-1939), who knew intuitively that countless unconscious processes have an impact on a conscious attitude, the time spent on physician-patient intersubjectivity contributes to the ethical value of integrating deliberation, system availability, and effective deployment of diagnostic and therapeutic processes. Lesson on paternalism/autonomy The great lesson on AB-COR "therapeutic of nature" in Bioethics is the inconvenience of a radical negative view of paternalism. The Manichaeism (Manes, 3rd century), paternalism is bad and autonomy is good, can restrict the physician when understanding that it is essential to be more persuasive with a particular hesitating patient, as this is a more acceptable behavior in response to the clinical need. Not settling for being a Poncio Pilatos means to make good use of the professional tension9 supported by cautiousness and diligence that enhances the perception on reconciliation between the singularities of medical evidence and diversity of patient behaviors - often on opposite sides. Thus, the physician is able to make more adequate adaptations in order to match the practice of two sequential articles of the Code of Medical Ethics from 2010, with the main section the physician is not allowed to: art. 31 - Disregard the patient's right to freely decide on the use of diagnostic or therapeutic practices; art 32 - Not employ every available diagnostic and treatment measures, scientifically renown and at the physician's reach, to benefit the patient. The physician's effort to obtain the consent for a justifiable technoscience for a particular case does not make the patient feel unsure of the decision, because there is no pretense in suppressing free thought, the purpose is merely the choice rationality. Trying to convince10 is a cooperation morally acceptable to whom sought you to lead, it is an encouragement to inertia reaction, a sound argument in favor of survival, it is understanding human hesitations about the drop (in relation to animals) of instinctive efficiency. Overall, when facing emotional situations too strong to be rationalized, it is contributing to make the patient aware that the denial may represent a negative progress of the clinical condition, resulting in carrying out what is being proposed under worse prognosis. This is not about brainwash, simply because the physician would accept the recommendation himself. The structure of a communication on technoscience which is fed-back by a desirable compassion that goes beyond the informative-clarifying, which sounds like a theory class, is characterized by what Erich Fromm (1900-1980) called benign narcissism, i.e. a glimpse of a scientific reality reflected by the case which, however, it does not shut its eyes for a different point of view, perhaps considered by the patient. Authority without authoritarianism. Longevity of the asymptomatic phase of valvular disease (AB-COR-dependent) that provides time-facilitation for good physician-patient intersubjectivity practices legitimately paves the way to deliberation on surveillance, which has a start point in paternalism (physician's proposal) and guidance to autonomy (patient's adaptation), with several exits along the route, each accordingly appropriate to the specific realities of each physician-patient relationship. Absolute paternalism or autonomy is a chimera that in an elective surgery causes resentment, which does not comply with the articles of the Code of Medical Ethics. Nature temporality serves as a guide for the cautiousness of a communication based on "pencil and rubber." Through drawing, fences become bridges that connect the good according to the physician and patient. The pencil tip is strengthened by rational medicine comprehended by the patient and the rubber would become softer as the physician understands how the patient expresses his needs and desires. Basically, a continuous and structured physician-patient communication can reduce asymmetries between what is shown by Medicine and the irrefutable patient's feelings and, then, give shape and spontaneity to decision makings. Subsequently, paternalism slides towards autonomy, pari passu, looking for the most appropriate point of equilibrium in between. Finally, AB-COR acronym represents the modeling of physician-patient relationship that seeks a consent and legitimate Medicine in addition to technicism, each letter with a double meaning: Autonomy/Acceptance, Beneficence/ Brazilianness, Communication/Compassion, Organization/ Optimism, and Respect/Realism. Author contributions Conception and design of the research, Writing of the manuscript and Critical revision of the manuscript for intellectual content: Grinberg M, Lopes ASSA. Potential Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Sources of Funding There were no external funding sources for this study. Study Association This study is not associated with any post-graduation program. Arq Bras Cardiol. 2013;101(4):e83-e85 e84 Grinberg & Lopes Paternalism, autonomy and ontology Viewpoint References 1. Frey N, Olson EN. Cardiac hypertrophy: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Annu Rev Physiol. 2003;65:45-79. Hill JA, Olson EM. 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