Naugatuck Valley Community College Waterbury, Connecticut


Naugatuck Valley Community College Waterbury, Connecticut
Naugatuck Valley Community College
Waterbury, Connecticut
CRN: 3040 Monday and Wednesday evenings
CRN: 3270 Monday and Wednesday afternoons
CRN: 3619 Tuesday and Thursday afternoons
BIO 211 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
Instructor: Lawrence G. Altman, Ph.D.
Office: E-427
Phone: 203-596-8715
OFFICE HOURS: (also by appointment)
5:10 – 6:50 PM:
5:10 - 6:00 PM:
5:10 – 6:50 PM:
5:10 - 6:00 PM:
Lecture and laboratory. (6 hours/week)
This is the first semester of a two semester comprehensive course designed for those students who plan to continue in the
allied health or related fields. It will provide students with a broad overview of the structure and functions of the human
body at the gross and cellular level.
NUMBER OF CREDITS: Four (4) credits
PREREOUISITES: Please be certain that you have satisfied ONE of the following:
Grade of C or better in BIO 105 or BIO 115, or the successful completion of the BIO 105 Waiver Exam (for students who
have completed a high school Biology course with a lab) or by permission of the Instructor or the Division Director or
by presenting proof to both the instructor and the Counseling Center of having earned a score of 3 or better on the
Biology High School Advanced Placement test.
REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: Note: Students receiving financial aid are not required to obtain their books from the campus store.
01) Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology (8th edition acceptable, 10th edition or later preferred).
Best value (used, online) for a very inexpensive price:
Shier, D., Butler, J. and Lewis, R., Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, (10 edition).
WCB/McGraw Hill, Boston, MA, 2003. (ISBN = 0-07-243890-8)
02) Any A&P Atlas.
Best value (online).
Highly recommended atlas:
Morton, D. and Perry, J., Photo Atlas for Anatomy and Physiology.
Wadsworth Publishing Company, New York, NY, 1998. (ISBN = 0-534-51716-1)
03) Lab Manual (8th edition acceptable, 10th edition or later preferred). It is not worth it to buy new!
Best value (used, online).
Highly recommended Lab Manual:
Martin, Terry R., Laboratory Manual for Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology, (10 edition).
WCB/McGraw Hill, Boston, MA, 2003. (ISBN = 0-07-243891-6)
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with basic concepts in molecular biology, cells, tissues and the
integumentary, skeletal, muscular and nervous systems of the human body.
By the end of this course, a student should be able to:
01. Use and understand descriptive anatomical and directional terminology.
02. Understand the basic principles of biochemistry as they apply to cellular activities.
03. Identify major cellular structures and explain their respective functions.
04. Understand and discuss cellular activities such as cell division, cellular respiration and
protein synthesis.
05. Describe the basic tissues of the body, their location and their functions.
06. Describe the structure and functions of the components of the integumentary system.
07. Identify and describe the major components of the skeletal system and explain their functions.
08. Identify and describe the major components of the muscular system and explain their role
in body activities.
09. Understand muscle physiology on both a cellular and molecular level.
10. Describe the major components of the nervous system and explain their functional roles
in communication.
11. Identify and describe the special sense organs and explain their functional roles in vision,
hearing and equilibrium, smell and taste.
Students will demonstrate mastery of materials presented in lecture and laboratory instruction.
The ability to integrate scientific principles and concepts will be emphasized throughout the course
in a manner which continuously demands use of critical thinking skills beyond rote memory.
A strong foundation in these abilities will aid in the preparation of students for careers in the Allied
Health fields.
Highly interactive style of teaching based upon the Socratic method, whenever possible.
Use of Power-point handouts integrating publisher and instructor’s notes and diagrams, numerous
websites, videos and laboratory activities all accessible from
Varies according to topic.
Final grades will be based on the total number of points accumulated throughout the semester.
The point distribution will be as follows:
400 points:
100 points:
4 Lecture Exams
Cumulative Final
Best 400 points:
Best 350 points only:
400 points:
4 Lab Tests
3 best test grades + 50% of the lowest test grade.
The course grade will be calculated on a percentage basis out of 750 points. There are no makeups.
The Faculty expects that each student will exercise personal responsibility regarding class attendance.
All students are expected to attend every class session of each course for which they are registered.
Students are responsible for all that transpires in class whether or not they are in attendance, even if absences
are the result of late registration or add/drop activity at the beginning of a term as permitted by college policy.
Please do not call on the instructor to explain what you missed via email etc.
No exceptions. Plan accordingly with your colleagues. This course does not allow for the time to re-lecture.
The Faculty defines excessive absence or lateness as more than the equivalent of one week of class meetings
during the semester. Distance Learning courses will use criteria established by the Instructor.
Excessive absence or lateness may, at the discretion of the instructor, lower a student’s course grade.
Regardless of the reason, in Dr. Altman’s A&P sections, your total score will be lowered by 20 points for each
lab missed after the first absence.
If you miss more than 4 labs, you will need to retake the course.
At the beginning of each semester, instructors will submit, to the Academic Dean’s office, the names of
students who have not attended any classes during the first two weeks of classes.
See the instructions
on the homepage at
If school is cancelled on the day a lecture test is scheduled, the test will be held during the next regularly
scheduled lecture period. Likewise, if school is cancelled on the day a lab test is scheduled, the test will be held
during the next regularly scheduled lab period.
Cancellation of Office Hours(s):
Dr. Altman’s Daily Schedule is posted on his office door (E-427) and at
Rarely, the Department, Division or committees may schedule meetings during Office Hours.
Every effort will be made to provide students with advance notice should this be the case.
There are no makeup exams. Nevertheless, the grading system is very forgiving if you miss a test.
See Evaluative Criteria above.
At NVCTC we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Academic dishonesty is prohibited in
accordance with the Board of Trustees' Proscribed Conduct Policy in Section 5.2.1 of the BOT Policy Manual.
This policy prohibits cheating on examinations, unauthorized collaboration on assignments, unauthorized
access to examinations or course materials, plagiarism, and other proscribed activities. Plagiarism is defined as
the use of another’s idea(s) or phrase(s) and representing that/those idea(s) as you own, either intentionally or
unintentionally. Anyone who violates the Board policy may fail the course at the discretion of the instructor."
In Dr. Altman’s A&P sections, violations will result in a non–negotiable grade of “F” for the course.
CHILDREN ON CAMPUS: (Full policy can be found in the NVCC Student Handbook)
For the purpose of this policy, children are defined as minors under the age of 18 who are not enrolled in a
Naugatuck Valley Community College course or program. Children must be attended at all times by a
responsible adult. Children may accompany an adult to class on an occasional basis and only with the prior
permission of the class instructor. In an emergency situation that is not repetitive, a request may be made to
the instructor of the course or supervisor of the activity for permission to bring a child to class or on campus.
The student must notify the instructor or supervisor prior to the beginning of the class or activity that a child is
present. Pre-k, elementary and high schools that are not in session are not emergency situations.
Arrangements must be made for child care outside of NVCC.
It is expected that this accommodation will be made only when there is no disruption to the teaching and
learning process. Instructors and/or supervisors are authorized to ask the student or program participant to
leave should the presence of the child be disruptive.
Children are never permitted in any test, exam or final exam session.
Under no circumstances are children allowed in the A&P laboratories during class.
The professional staff of NVCC ratified the following statement which is now college policy:
Students are hereby notified that cellular phones and beepers are allowed in class only if they are turned off or
turned to a silent mode. Under no circumstances are telephones to be answered in class. Students who ignore
this policy may be asked to leave class. When there are extenuating circumstances that require that a student be
available by phone or beeper, the student should speak to the instructor prior to class, so that together they can
arrive at an agreement concerning the device.
Students who may require academic adjustments on the basis of a learning disability are encouraged to contact the
Counselor for Students with Learning Disabilities (Terry Latella K519C). Students who may require adjustments
on the basis of all other disabilities should contact the Coordinator of Disability Services (Laurie Novi K519D).
After providing documentation and completing the disability disclosure process, students are then encouraged to
meet with their instructor(s) to discuss the adjustments approved by the appropriate disabilities contact and to
complete the Adjustments Agreement form. Adjustments are not retroactive, students are therefore encouraged to
meet with their instructor(s) at the beginning of each semester. Instructors, in conjunction with appropriate college
personnel, will provide assistance and/or adjustments only to those students who have completed the disability
disclosure and academic adjustments process.
Naugatuck Valley Community College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religious creed, age,
gender, gender identity or expression, national origin, marital status, ancestry, present or past history of mental
disorder, learning disability or physical disability, political belief, veteran status, sexual orientation, genetic
information or criminal record. The following individuals have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
non discrimination policies. Jacquie Swanson, Associate Director of Human Resources/Title IX Coordinator,
Room K704, Naugatuck Valley Community College, 750 Chase Parkway,Waterbury, CT 06708, 203-575-8043.
Robert Divjak, Director of Facilities/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, Room C216, Naugatuck Valley Community
College, 750 Chase Parkway, Waterbury, CT 06708, 203-575-8235.
Each section of Dr. Altman’s A&P sections will receive a customized summary of topics, dates of exams etc.
condensed into a 2 page handout distributed at the beginning of the course. Fall 2013 summaries are attached.
These references are constantly updated at a instructor-managed A&P website:
The Academic Center for Excellence (ACE), provides tutoring in math, sciences, English and writing, and
numerous other subjects. Students can learn about the full range of tutoring and other student success services by
going by the ACE in E500 Ekstrom Hall, visiting its webpage at, or
by calling (203) 596-8717. For the Fall 2013 semester, the hours for the ACE are:
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday
8 am – 8 pm
8 am – 7 pm
8 am – 4 pm
10 am – 3 pm
12 pm - 4 pm
The Max R. Traurig Library is located on the 4th and 5th floors of the L building. The library has books, journals,
databases, research guides, DVDs and CDs to support the college curriculum, as well as copies of all the textbooks
used at NVCC. The online journal databases, ebooks, and streaming videos can be accessed via the library website
at or through the Library tab in MyCommNet.
Monday and Tuesday
Wednesday and Thursday
Saturday and Sunday
Phone: (203) 575-8024
8 am – 8 pm
8 am – 6 pm
8 am - 4:30 pm
10 am – 2 pm
Students are not permitted to study laboratory materials in an unsupervised lab. If a student
would like additional time to study lab materials, a limited amount of these materials will be
available for independent study in the ACE.
Check the posted schedule for that room.
Under no circumstances should laboratory materials be removed from this location.
The last day for student-initiated withdrawal is Tuesday, November 26, 2013. A student wishing to
withdraw from this course must submit the appropriate form to the Registrar's Office by this date.
You may now be able to do so online but it is your responsibility to determine if this can be done or not.
Failure to do so may result in the student receiving an F for the course. The NC grade no longer exists.
As of January 1, 2013, new and current Naugatuck Valley Community College students were given an official
student email address through Microsoft Office 365. This email address is the primary mode of communication
with the college. Emails will no longer be sent to personal email accounts. In the near future, the Office 365
account will also give free access to web applications of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote.
Visit for details on setting up your account or for help, call or visit IT: 203-575-8092 or