english edition


english edition
Event and Lifestyle Information Magazine for Foreign Residents
平成27年5月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第367号 発行所 公益財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
Website: www.nic-nagoya.or.jp
Phone: 052-581-0100
「Nagoya Calendar」
NIC News
NIC Events
In and Around
Living in
Bulletin Board
Okehazama Battlefield Festival. See page 6 for details.
Photo courtesy of Toyoake City
The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp.
Nagoya International Center News
Nagoya International Center Events - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100
The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute subway ride from Nagoya Station.
Kokusai Center Station, on the Sakura-dori Subway Line, is linked to the Nagoya International Center at the basement level.
The Nagoya International Center library and information counter are open 09:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mondays, December 29 - January 3, & the second Sundays of August & February.
Paid car-parking is also available at the Center and in the immediate vicinity.
★Information Counter 情報カウンター
Information service for foreign residents on daily life and sightseeing in Japan available in 7 foreign languages. Japanese & English
are available Tuesday to Sunday (9:00 – 19:00). Reservations not
required. See our website for service times in other languages.
■Tel: 052-581-0100 ■E-mail info@nic-nagoya.or.jp
★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人行政相談
Information & advice in English for foreign residents on anything related to
government administration such as labour laws, immigration, divorce, &
taxation. Phone or visit us Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00.
Reservations not required.
Tel: 052-581-0100. See our website for service times in other languages.
★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談
Native English-speaking counselors are available on Sunday
by appointment only to provide support to foreign
residents who have difficulties with their lives in Japan. To
arrange a counseling session call the NIC 3F Info Counter at
★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers 難民相談
The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a
confidential counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family
members, and asylum seekers in English and Japanese on every Thursday of
the month (10:00 - 16:00) at the NIC 3F Info Counter. Reservations are
required. For more information call RHQ at 078-361-1700 (website
★Free Legal Consultations 外国人無料法律相談
Free Legal Consultations with a certified lawyer available on
Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30 by reservation only. To make an appointment, please leave your name & phone number on the answering machine at 052-581-6111. A counseling support staff
member will call you back at a later date to schedule an appointment with you.
★The NIC Library ライブラリー
Over 10,000 English language books including travel guides, popular manga,
non-fiction, fiction, children’s books, and Japanese study guides. Borrow up to 6
books for a period of 14 days! Membership is free and open to everyone resident
in the Chubu Area. A form of ID that shows your current address is required.
Children can also get cards!
- NIC Rental Facilities Large Range of Room Configurations Available for Hire
Did you know that the NIC has rental facilities available for a large variety of uses?
Annex Hall
For organizations holding an event which requires the grandeur of a full scale hall, our Annex Hall
provides a total of 471m2 (250m2 Hall, 221m2 Entrance Hall). Up to 250 chairs and 60 foldable
tables are included, along with 3 screens, 2 whiteboards, 2 pulpits, and ample electricity supply.
Being a fully featured hall means it also includes an audio control room, simultaneous interpreting
equipment and 3 interpretation booths. For those requiring the convenience of a separated area
for meetings, a 20 seat/82m2 conference room is included. We welcome visits and inspections, so
if you would like to see the hall for yourself, please call us to arrange an appointment.
Conference Rooms
Large and comfortable rooms which can accomodate up to 84 seats (182m2). Some rooms can also be combined to create larger
areas. The facilities also include whiteboards, pulpits and electricity supply. Make an enquiry on the below number for further details.
Japanese Style Room
A 12.5 tatami mat room is available, along with four tables and 21 cushions, along with a small kitchen and electricity supply. An
authentic Japanese room in our modern facility which is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Exhibition Rooms
Perfect for trade fairs, product launches and exhibitions, our largest room is 234m2 in size. We
have a total of three rooms, which can be combined to give you a maximum total floor area of
Lecture Rooms
Are you organizing a training event or holding a seminar? The NIC’s convenient location makes it
an ideal place for people from all kinds of sectors including educational and corporate, to hold
their training in a comfortable environment fully equipped with chairs, tables and whiteboards.
For bookings and further inquiries about our facilities, please call 052-581-5679 (9:00 – 17:00)
Staying Up-to-Date with the NIC
Social Media
Radio Broadcasts
Follow us @the_nic
Find us on Facebook
Saturdays 6:17am in English & Portuguese
Sundays 6:17am in Chinese & Korean
Monthly Publications and WWW
Our Nagoya Calendar magazine is available for
download from our website @
http://bit.ly/nagoyacalendar. We also have a monthly
mail newsletter – sign up on our website! Also
bookmark our site www.nic-nagoya.or.jp!
NIC Japanese Class for Adults NIC日本語の会
For non-native speakers of Japanese, up to 15-20 places available per
course. All lessons are held in Japanese, and knowledge of hiragana and
katakana are assumed. In the event of excess applications, places will be
allocated by lottery. A range of courses are available from conversation
to kanji. See the website for more info at
When: 11 lessons every Sunday from 17 May to 26 Jul.
Where: Nagoya International Center
Cost: 2,500 Yen for 11 lessons, plus 500-1,000 Yen for course
How to Apply: Come to the NIC 5F Conference Room 1 on Sun. 10 May
between 11:00 and 11:30. (Applications for 2nd classes from 11:30.)
Following completion of the application procedure, applicants will be
interviewed. Payments will be accepted from 12:15. Application forms can
be found at our 3F pamphlet box area or the NIC website at
Further Details: Contact the Exchange and Cooperation Division on
NIC Japanese Class for Children
For non-native speakers of Japanese who were born between April 2,
2000, and April 1, 2009. Maximum of 50 places. In the event of excess
applications, places will be decided on a needs basis. Students will learn
Japanese skills necessary for school and daily life.
When: 10 lessons every Sunday from 17 May to 19 Jul.
Where: Nagoya International Center
Cost: 1,000 Yen for 10 lessons.
How to Apply: Come to NIC 4F Lecture Room 3 on Sun. 10 May,
between 9:45 and 10:15. Following completion of the application
procedure, applicants will be interviewed. Applicants must attend with
their parent, guardian, or person responsible for their welfare (ie.
teacher, etc.). Application forms and information can be found at the 3F
pamphlet box area or the NIC website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp.
Further Details: Contact the Exchange and Cooperation Division on
Development Training for Supporters of Foreign
Students and Children – Beginner Course
A training program (over 3 sessions) for supporters, carers and teachers
of foreign students and children which aims to help participants to
understand the circumstances of foreign children and related issues, and
to learn how to provide appropriate support. The course will be
conducted in Japanese, and is open to anyone interested in the
education of foreign children. Places are limited to 30, which will be
determined on a first come, first served basis.
When: ① Sun. 7 Jun. (14:00 – 16:00), ② Sun. 21 Jun. (14:00 –
17:00), ③ Sun. 5 Jul. (14:00 – 17:00)
Where: NIC, 3F, Lecture Room 2, etc.
Cost: 1,500 Yen for 3 sessions
Application period: 12 May (from 10:00) - 30 May
Enquiries / Applications: Phone 052-581-5689 or e-mail
Free Health Consultations for Foreigners
Foreign residents can consult directly with doctors and dentists at this
free health consultation, organized by the Medical Information Center
Aichi (MICA) and the Nagoya International Center. Interpreting will also
be available.
When: Sun. 31 May (14:00 – 16:00)
Where: NIC, 5F, Conference Room 1
Inquiries: Medical Information Center Aichi, phone: 052-588-7040
Children’s Story Book Time
Listen to foreign volunteers in the NIC’s 3F Library as they read story
books in their own respective languages from the library’s vast collection
of international children’s books. Participation is free, and no
reservations are required!
★Upcoming Schedule
Sun. 10 May (14:00 – 14:30) English
Sun. 24 May (14:00 – 14:30) Chinese & English
NIC Book Recycling Bazaar
NIC 本のリサイクルバザー
Hate to see a good book go to waste? Come along to the bazaar
and get yourself a bunch of books for a bargain and contribute to a
good cause while you’re at it. Proceeds go to the National
Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan for the promotion of
literacy education in developing countries and the NIC Library for
the purchase of new books. Arrive early to avoid disappointment.
When: Sun. 7 Jun. (13:00 – 15:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center (NIC) 5F Conference Room
International Exchange Walking –
From Nagoya University Disaster Mitigation
Research Building to Kakuōzan
The Nagoya International Center’s volunteer NIC Walking Guides
are hosting a walking event to give Japanese and foreign residents
an opportunity to interact. The approximately 3.5 km course begins
at the Nagoya University Disaster Mitigation Building, a place of
learning through the senses and physical experience that is open to
the community, and ends in Kakuōzan. As well as learning how to
prepare and what you should do in an earthquake and other
disasters, stroll through tasteful streets featuring temples, shrines
and other historical buildings. English, Portuguese, Spanish, and
Chinese language interpreters will be accompanying the walk.
When: Sat. 30 May (13:00 – 16:30)
Where: Walking course from Nagoya University Disaster Mitigation
Research Building (名古屋大学減災館) to Kakuōzan (覚王山). Meet at
Nagoya Daigaku Station (名古屋大学駅) Wicket (改札口) on the
Subway Meijo Line (地下鉄名城線) at 13:00.
Cost: 100 Yen (covers insurance and printed material)
Reservations: 30 places available (20 foreigners, 10 Japanese);
reservations required. Visit or contact the Nagoya International Center
3F Information Counter. E-mail: nicwalking@nic-nagoya.or.jp;
phone: 052-581-0100
Understanding Japanese Culture - Ikebana
Learn about Ikebana, a part of Japanese traditional culture, to help
deepen your understanding of Japanese culture. This 6-lesson
course is open to international students enrolled at universities in
Aichi Prefecture and their spouses.
When: Every Fri. from 22 May to 26 Jun. (18:30 – 19:45)
Where: International Student Center (国際留学生会館) Lecture Room
Access: Approximately 200m south from Minato Kuyakusho
Station (港区役所駅) Exit 2 (2番出口) on the Meiko Subway Line (地下
How to apply: By e-mail to kouza@nic-nagoya.or.jp . Applications
must be received on or before 21 May. Up to 10 places are
available on a first in, first served basis.
Cost: 2,000 Yen for 6 lessons; For spouses, a materials fee of 1,000
Yen per lesson is required.
31st International Philippine Festival in Nagoya
When: Sun. 31 May (10:00 – 19:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center Annex Hall
Admission: Free
Raffle ticket: 1,000 Yen
Enquiries: Chubu Philippine Friendship Association,
Scheduled events include a commemorative message from the
Philippine Ambassador.
Opening Ceremony
11:00-12:30 Special talk: Women in the Philippines
13:30-15:30 ‘iTalks’ on topics such as changes to immigration
rules, consular services, financial management
16:00-19:00 Fiesta Sa Nagoya: raffle, Philippine band and other
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Events in May
Events in May
See below for Nagoya Philharmonic Events, Star Gazing, Exhibitions and more!
Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra Salon
Performing: Kosuke TASAKU, Basson
When: Sun. 31 May (18:30)
Where: Nagoya City Music Plaza 1F “Music Salon” (名古屋市音
Access: A 6-minute walk from Kanayama Station (金山駅) or
an 8-minute walk from Higashibetsuin Station (東別院駅) on
the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線).
Cost: Free
The 425th Subscription Concert
Thierry FISCHER, Honorary Guest Conductor
Fumiaki MIURA, Violin
" Orchestration-1"
M. Ravel Valses Nobles et Sentimentales
C. Saint-Saëns Violin Concerto No.3 in B minor, Op.61
M. Ravel Alborada del Gracioso
C. Debussy [arr. M. Jarrell] 3 Etudes
M. Ravel Boléro
When: Fri. 19 Jun. (18:45) & Sat. 20 Jun. (16:00)
Where: Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater Concert Hall (愛知県芸術
Access: Connected at the basement level to Oasis 21 and
Sakae Subway Station (栄駅).
Tickets: S-Seats 6,200 Yen; A-Seats 5,100 Yen; B-Seats 4,100
Yen; C-Seats 3,100 Yen; Y-Seats (only for 24 and under, on
the day, at the door) 1,000 Yen. Tickets can be purchased by
calling the Nagoya Philharmonic Ticket Guide on
052-339-5666 (Japanese/English).
Star Gazing at the Science Museum - The
Moon and Saturn
Photo courtesy of Nagoya City Science Museum
Following a brief talk at the planetarium you will proceed to
the rooftop’s main telescope and various other telescopes to
observe the night’s recommended celestial scenery.
When: Sat. 27 Jun. (18:45 - 21:00)
Where: Rooftop observatory, Nagoya City Science Museum
Access: A 5-minute walk south from Fushimi Station (伏見駅)
Exit 5 (5番出口) on the Higashiyama or Tsurumai Subway Lines
Participation: Adults 700 Yen, Junior HS and Elementary
School Students 300 Yen. Numbers are limited to 250
participants. (For Elementary School children and up. Children
of Junior HS age and younger must be accompanied by an
adult guardian.) To apply, send a reply-paid post card to:
〒460-0008 Nagoya, Naka Ku, Sakae 2-17-1, Nagoya City
Science Museum to arrive by Sat. 30 May; on the reverse
write: "June - Stars" and include the number of adults &
children in your group. See www.bit.ly/ofukuhagaki to find
out how to write a reply-paid postcard.
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Spring Orchid Exhibition 春のラン展
Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie (formerly Ran no Yakata) reopened after
renovations in September last year. Visitors can enjoy nature in an urban
setting in a relaxed manner in 6 gardens with themes including flowers,
green, and waterside, and take time out for a stroll, a meal, or shopping
while feeling the nature around them, and entry is now free.
From 19 to 25 May, the Spring Orchid Exhibition will be held in the
Crystal Garden (a large hothouse). Entry to the exhibition is also free.
Cattleya and dendrobiums, with eye-catching brilliant pink, are just some
of the approximately 200 orchids on display. Orchids will also be
available for purchase. Organized by the Nagoya Orchid Society.
When: Tue. 19 May to Mon. 25 May (Gardens 9:00 – 17:30 [9:00 16:00 on 25 May]; Flarie Café 9:00 – 18:00; Flower Shop Keikaen 10:00
– 18:00; Flarie Zakka Boutique 10:00 – 17:30; Italian Restaurant
Quadrifoglio – Lunch 11:30 – 14:30 [until 15:00 on weekends and
national holidays], Dinner 17:30 – 22:30; Beer and Wine Garden Garden
Kitchen Flarie – Lunch 12:00 – 15:00 [weekends and national holidays,
weather pending], Dinner 17:30 – 22:30)
Where: Hisayaodori Gardens Flarie (久屋大通庭園フラリエ), formerly Ran
no Yakata
Access: Approximately a 3-minute walk from Yaba-cho Station (矢場町
駅 ) Exit 4 (4番出口 ) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線 ).
Admission: Free
Always a Cat Exhibition いつだって猫展
Cats have always been very popular.
Sometimes complimenting the charm of a
beautiful woman, sometimes appearing as
terrible monsters, or even as symbols inviting
good fortune, cats are ever-present and
ever-changing in the world of Edo. Focusing
on ukiyo-e woodblock prints, this exhibition
looks at the ‘cat boom’ which occurred in
the late Edo period. Even if you’re not a cat
lover, you’re guaranteed to be captivated by
the multitude of cute feline moods on
When: Until Sun. 7 Jun. (9:30 – 17:00; Last
entry 16:30) Closed Mondays (except 4 May).
Where: Nagoya City Museum (名古屋市博物
Utagawa Kuniyoshi,
Fashionable cats’ ball acrobatics,
Access: A 5-minute walk from Sakurayama private collection
Station (桜山駅 ) Exit 4 (4番出口 ) on the
Sakura-dori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線 ).
Cost: General Admission 1,300 (1,100) Yen, College and Senior HS
Students 900 (700) Yen, Junior HS Students and Elementary School
Students 400 (200) Yen. Prices in ( ) are for groups of 20 or more. Holders
of a Physically Disabled Persons’ Handbook, and up to two
accompanying people enter for half price. Bring a printed out photo of
your cat for a 100 Yen discount (photos will be displayed and are not
Enquiries: Nagoya City Museum 052-853-2655
The 38th Nagoya International Music Festival
Beginning in 1978, the Nagoya International Music Festival is held from
spring through to early summer. Top artists from around the globe will
impress you with their talent in world-class performances including
opera, ballet, orchestra and recitals until July.
• Swan Lake: Birmingham Royal Ballet on Wed. 6 May.
• A Collection of Mozart Symphonies: Mozarteum Orchester Salzburg on
Fri. 29 May.
• Rossini’s ‘Barber of Seville’: Hungarian State Opera on Sat. 13 Jun.
• Dresdner Philharmonie conducted by Michael Sanderling on Fri. 3 Jul.
• Russian National Orchestra conducted by Mikhail Pletnev on Sat. 11 Jul.
Where: The Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater (愛知県芸術劇場 )
Access: Approximately a 2-minute walk east from Sakae Station (栄駅 )
Exit 4 (4番出口 ) on the Higashiyama or Meijo Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線
/名城線 ).
Tickets: Purchase online or at convenience stores through Ticket Pia and
Lawson Ticket.
Website: https://hicbc.com/event/nimf/
See below for a variety of events in and around Nagoya this May. Festivals, flowers, cars and cross-cultural events!
Wakamiya Festival 若宮まつり
Known as one of the three great festivals in Nagoya, this huge
festival is held annually, on 15 and 16 May, at Wakamiya
Hachimansha Shrine, the shrine of the tutelary deity of Nagoya.
The Fukurokujusha (福禄寿車) float, built in 1676, is a designated
Cultural Asset of Nagoya City and carries karakuri marionettes,
whose skillful performances are part of the ritual and one of the
main attractions. On the first day, the float is pulled out within the
Shrine grounds. On the second day, the float accompanies the
Mikoshi (portable shrine) in a procession as it travels along
Hommachi Street (本町通り) to Nagoya Jinja Shrine (那古野神社).
When: Fri. 15 and Sat. 16 May
Where: Wakamiya Hachimansha Shrine (若宮八幡社)
Access: Next to Shirakawa Park (白川公園). A short walk from
Yaba-cho Station Exit 4 (矢場町駅4番出口) on the Subway Meijo
Line (地下鉄名城線).
Tsuruma Park Flower Festival 鶴舞公園花まつり
A beautiful floral festival to celebrate the beauty of spring after a
long and cold winter. It's on until mid-June in one of the city's
most popular and convenient park locations - Tsuruma Park. You'll
see a huge range of colourful and vibrant varieties.
There will be concerts, sketching competitions, tea ceremonies,
walks, and more at this annual festival, where the entire staff do
their best every year to make it a fun and memorable event for all.
When: Until Sun. 14 Jun.
Where: Tsuruma Park (鶴舞公園)
Access: Tsurumai Station (鶴舞駅) Exit 4 (4番出口) on the Subway
Tsurumai Line (地下鉄鶴舞線).
Admission: Free. Charges apply for certain foods, goods and
The 6th Exterior & Garden Fair Nagoya 2015
第6回エクステリア&ガーデンフェア 名古屋 2015
If you enjoy home decorating/design and have a bit of a green
thumb, you may be interested in going to this annual fair.
About 17,000 people are expected to attend over two days!
With dozens of companies showcasing their goods and
services, along with industry professionals holding a range of
seminars (in Japanese only), there’s bound to be something for
everyone. Learn more about flowers, herbs and gardening in
general. There will also be gourmet food and workshops as
well as a kids area, so you can make a day of it with your
When: Sat. 9 (10:00 – 18:00) and Sun. 10 May (10:00 –
Where: Port Messe Nagoya Exhibition Hall 3 (ポートメッセなごや3
Access: A 5 minute walk from Kinjo-futo Station (金城ふ頭駅)
on the Aonami Line (あおなみ線).
Admission: Free
Sanrio Collabo Café – Hello Kitty Café
サンリオコラボカフェ ハローキティカフェ
Immerse yourself in a
dream-like world filled
with Sanrio’s popular
‘Hello Kitty’ character,
who celebrated her 40th
anniversary last year. Enjoy
original Hello Kitty sweets
as well as other original
food and drinks that you
won’t be able to try
Photo courtesy of Tokai Television
elsewhere. In the adjoining shop you’ll find exclusive Hello Kitty
goods and other items that fans will be unable to resist.
When: Until early Jul.
Where: Central Park (セントラルパーク内) underground shopping
arcade, Sakae (栄)
Access: Sakae Station (栄駅) on the Subway Higashiyama and
Meijo Lines (地下鉄東山・名城線); or Hisaya-odori Station (久屋大通
駅) on the Subway Sakura-dori Line and Meijo Lines (地下鉄桜通・名
The 26th Classic Car Festival
Held in spring every year since the
Toyota Motor Corporation
established the Toyota Automobile Museum (in Nagakute City) in
1989, and now in its 26th year,
this event aims to foster and
continue the culture of the
automobile through classic cars.
As well as a parade and exhibition
Photo courtesy of Toyota Automobile Museum
of some 100 privately-owned
classic cars, see some rare classic cars from the collection of the Toyota
Automobile Museum in action, and hop in and pose for a photo. There
will also be a road safety activity where both kids and adults can learn
while having fun, and more events to enjoy on the stage.
When: Sun. 24 May (9:00 – 16:00)
Where: Moricoro Park (Expo 2005 Aichi Commemorative Park) (愛・地球
), Nagakute City
Access: Change to the Linimo Line (リニモ) from Fujigaoka Station
(藤が丘駅) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線) and get off
at Ai・Chikyuhakukinenkoen Station (愛・地球博記念公園).
Admission: Free
International Exchange Event at Yokiso Villa
Come and enjoy a multicultural afternoon at Yokiso in Kakuōzan,
Chikusa Ward, built as a villa by Ito Jirozaemon Suketami, the founder
of department store company Matsuzakaya. With its combination of
modern architecture, pond-centered garden and green space, along
with its having provided accommodation to students from Asian
countries in the pre-war period, the Villa is a historical and cultural
asset of the surrounding community. At this event, international
students and other foreign and Japanese residents can enjoy multicultural exchange together. There will be a tea ceremony at 13:00,
followed by a Yosakoi dance performance at 14:00, and an Ikebana
demonstration and workshop by the Ishida School at 15:00.
When: Sun. 17 May (13:00 – 16:00. Guests welcome from 12:30)
Where: Yokiso Villa (揚輝荘) North Garden (北園)
Access: A 10-minute walk from Kakuozan Station (覚王山駅) Exit 1 (1番
出口) on the Subway Higashiyama Line (地下鉄東山線).
Cost: Free for foreign residents; 500 Yen for Japanese nationals.
How to Join: E-mail info@yokiso.org or fax (052-759-4451) your
name, nationality and gender to reserve a spot. For more information,
call 052-759-4450. Places are limited to 100, and will be determined
on a first come, first served basis.
Japanese Cooking Event – Makizushi / Rolled Sushi
This event is to introduce Japanese dishes to foreigners. Japanese and
non-Japanese will make makizushi together while getting to know and
share each other’s lives and cultures at the same time. Open to anyone,
but places are limited to 20 people, which will be determined on a first
come, first served basis. Reservations essential.
When: Sun. 31 May (18:30 – 20:30)
Where: Will Aichi (Aichi Women’s Center) (ウィルあいち), 2nd Floor
Cooking Studio (料理スタジオ)
Access: A 10-minute walk east from Shiyakusho Station (市役所駅) Exit
2 (2番出口) on the Subway Meijo Line (地下鉄名城線)
Cost: Non-Japanese 1,000 Yen; Japanese 2,000 Yen
Required: Apron, hand towel
Reservations / Inquiries: NPO International Cross Culture Promotion
Center, Phone: 080-1559-9744; E-mail:
International Food Fair and Garage Sale
An annual event sponsored by Nagoya International School PTA. Join
in the fun for food from different countries, family-friendly activities,
school tours, exciting sales, and more!
When: Sat. 9 May (10:00 – 14:00)
Where: Nagoya International School. 2686 Minamihara, Nakashidami,
Moriyama-ku, Nagoya.
May Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Okehazama Battlefield Festival 桶狭間古戦場まつり
The Battle of Okehazama in the late spring of 1560 was the battle that
transformed local minor-league warlord Nobunaga Oda to a major
league contender. Outnumbered approximately 10 to 1, his 3,000
soldiers launched a surprise attack and defeated the invading forces of
Shizuoka-based warlord Yoshimoto Imagawa. Many soldiers fell during
this battle, including Imagawa. The festival is held every year to comfort
their spirits, and a large number of local residents and history enthusiasts
gather on the same day that the battle occurred back in 1560. However,
the battlefield straddles both Midori Ward and neighboring Toyoake City
and as a result both places hold events.
★In Midori Ward
Events during the day include naruko-style dancing and live music, taiko
drum performances, a stamp rally, a battlefield tour (10:00 & 12:30), and
you can even try wearing armor. At nearby Oike Lake (18:30 - 20:00)
3,500 candles will be lit around the lake to commemorate the soldiers
who lost their lives in the battle.
When: Sun. 17 May (10:00 – 20:00)
Where: Okehazama Battlefield Park (桶狭間古戦場公園), Midori Ku (緑区),
Nagoya City
Access: From Sakae Bus Terminal (Funsui-minami) (栄バスターミナル噴
水南のりば), take the City Bus (市バス)‘Kōsoku 1’ (高速1) bus for
Morinosato Danchi (森の里団地), and get off at Okehazama-Dera Mae (桶
狭間寺前) bus stop (around 45 min). From Arimatsu Station (有松駅) on
the Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線), take the City Bus (市バス)
from Arimatsu Shōgakkō Mae (有松小学校前) to Makuyama (幕山).
★In Toyoake
The highlight of the festival is the samurai parade (14:30 - 15:00) and the
battle re-enactment (15:20 - 15:50). During the day there will be a flea
market (09:00 - 16:00) and various stage performances (09:00 – 15:00).
It is highly recommended to also visit the nearby Arimatsu Shibori
Matsuri (see below).
When: Sun. 7 Jun. (9:00 - 16:00)
Where: Kotokuin-unjo Hall (高徳院雲上ホール) and other sites in Toyoake
City (豊明市)
Access: A 3-minute walk from Chūkyō-keibajō-mae Station (中京競馬場
前) on the Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線).
JST Nagoya Hawai’i Festival 2015
JSTナゴヤ ハワイ フェスティバル
The Nagoya Hawai’i
Festival is in its fifth
year. Oasis 21 will
come alive with stage
performances by
dancers and other
artists, as well as an
array of booths
featuring Hawai’ian
shops and workshops
including lei making,
Photo courtesy of Chukyo Television
Hawai’ian quilt
making and Lomilomi massage. As in previous years, a variety of
Hawai’ian food will be available at the TV Tower venue. And the
festival keeps growing, with an additional venue at Mochinoki
Hiroba (near the TV Tower and Oasis 21). See, hear, and experience
Hawai’i. That’s what the Nagoya Hawai’i Festival is all about!
When: Fri. 29 May to Sun. 31 May (scheduled for 10:00 – 20:30)
Where: Hula & Music @ Oasis 21 (オアシス21) & Mochinoki Hiroba
(もちのき広場) (Sat. & Sun. only); Food (Sat. & Sun. only) @ Nagoya
TV Tower (テレビ塔); Gallery @ Park Square (パークスクエア) in Central
Park (セントラルパーク) underground shopping arcade
Access: All venues a short walk from Sakae Station (栄駅) on the
Subway Higashiyama and Meijo Lines (地下鉄東山・名城線), and
Sakaemachi Station (栄町駅) on the Meitetsu Seto Line (名鉄瀬戸線)
Admission: Free. Charges apply for foods, goods, and services at
the show.
Brazilian Day Nagoya 2015
Arimatsu Shibori Matsuri 有松絞りまつり
Arimatsu village in Midori Ward is a
400 year-old artisan’s village famous
for producing kimonos,
handkerchiefs, and shibori – the term
for several methods of dyeing silk,
hemp, and cotton cloth with a
pattern by binding, stitching, folding,
twisting, or compressing it. This
Photo courtesy of Arimatsu-Narumi Shiborikaikan festival features a parade, shibori
demonstrations performed by some of the town’s master craftsmen, and a
workshop where you can tie dye a small towel (1,000 Yen). There’s also an
Art Craft Fair where both amateur and professional artists will be exhibiting
and selling original works. If you go on Sun. 7 Jun., you can also visit the
Okehazama Battlefield Festival in Toyoake City (see above).
When: Sat. 6 Jun. and Sun. 7 Jun. (09:00 - 17:00).
Where: Arimatsu (有松), Midori Ward (緑区), Nagoya City
Access: Directly outside Arimatsu Station (有松駅) on the Meitetsu
Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線).
Nagoya Vegan Gourmet Festival
You don't have to be a vegan to enjoy the delicacies at this one day
feast, but health nuts will rejoice. Over 80 vendors will be serving up
veggie burgers, oven fresh pizza, smoothies, vegan desserts, and much,
much more amidst the serene surroundings of Tsuruma Park. Finally, a
food festival where you can try all kinds of dishes, and not feel guilty
afterwards! Even meat lovers will find something delicious, while vegans
and those with food allergies can feast without fear. The festival also
boasts free outdoor yoga, beauty lectures, vendors with health and
natural beauty products, and the Nagoya Vegan Gourmet Festival map
which gives information about veggie restaurants in and around Nagoya.
When: Sun. 10 May (10:00 – 17:00)
Where: Tsuruma Park (鶴舞公園)
Access: Tsurumai Station Exit 4 (鶴舞駅4番出口) on the Tsurumai Subway
Line (地下鉄鶴舞線).
Cost: Entry is free; most food is 300-500 Yen/dish; drinks 100-300 Yen.
Inquiries: info.vegepop@gmail.com
Photo courtesy of TV Aichi
A fun cross-cultural
event not just for
Japanese and
Brazilians, but
everyone! Join in the
fun and experience
Brazilian music, food,
sports, and more. Eat,
drink, dance the
samba, and take
advantage of this
great opportunity to
find out more about this exciting country.
When: Sat. 30 May and Sun. 31 May (11:00 – 19:00)
Where: Hisayaodori Park (久屋大通公園) in Sakae (栄)
Access: Near Sakae Station (栄駅), Exit 10 (10番出口)
Cost: Free admission. Charges apply for food etc.
The 5th Service Dog Festival 2015
When ‘service dog’ is mentioned,
a lot of people probably think of
‘assistance dogs’ who help the
visually impaired; but there are
also dogs called ‘service dogs’
who assist people with physical
disabilities in their day-to-day
lives. At this event, find out more
about the work of service dogs
and the people who train them.
There will also be a variety of
activities such as a training
workshop, a dog show, food and
goods stalls, and more.
When: Sat. 16 May (10:00 –
Photo courtesy of Japan Service Dog
Association (Social Welfare Corporation)
Where: Moricoro Park (Expo
2005 Aichi Commemorative Park) (愛・地球博記念公園「モリコロパーク」)
Global Center (地球市民交流センター ), in Nagakute City (長久手市)
Admission: Free
Access: Change to the Linimo Line (リニモ) from Fujigaoka Station
(藤が丘駅) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線) and get
off at Ai・Chikyuhakukinenkoen Station (愛・地球博記念公園).
Website: http://www.kaijoken-festa.jp/ (Japanese)
May Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change The Radiance of Stillness and Motion: Bohemian Glass from the Collection of the Museum of
Decorative Arts in Prague 輝きの静と動 ボヘミアングラス
Bohemian glass, glassware renowned for its brilliantly twinkling cut and fine engraving like that of a jewel. The glass craft that
began in the Bohemian region in the 13th century had increased in sophistication by the 17th century through the development of
highly transparent potash glass and the application of jewel carving techniques, surpassing Venetian glass to attain firm fame as the
finest glass and become a status symbol of the Hapsburgs and other European royalty and aristocracy. Following the Second World
War, another major turning point, and the onset of the communist regime, artists brimming with talent continuously produced
highly unique pieces within the traditions of glass craft. As a result, even today, in what is now the Czech Republic, their tradition
and innovation are highly evaluated internationally. The Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, with a proud history of 130 years
since its founding in 1885, holds a collection of over 20,000 internationally famous works. With 170 carefully selected pieces on
display, this exhibition gives a shining overview of the Bohemian glass that has fascinated the world for 800 years.
When: Until Sun. 24 May (9:30 – 16:30; last entry by 16:00). Closed Monday (except 4 May) and Thu. 7 May.
Where: Aichi Prefectural Ceramic Museum (愛知県陶磁美術館), Seto City (瀬戸市)
Access: From Fujigaoka Station (藤が丘駅) on the Subway Higashiyama Line (地下鉄東山線), change to the Linimo (リニモ) bound
for Yakusa (八草) and get off at Tojishiryokan Minami Station (陶磁資料館南駅), from which the Museum is a 600-metre walk.
Admission: General Admission 900 (720) Yen, Senior HS and University Students 700 (560) Yen, Junior HS and younger gain free
entry. Prices in ( ) are for groups of 20 or more. Also covers entry to the permanent exhibition.
Covered goblet with Kolowrat coat of arms, c.1720, Bohemia; Collection of the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague
Photo©Gabriel Urbánek
Moomin! Exhibition トーベ・ヤンソン生誕100年記念 Moomin! ムーミン展
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of ‘Moomin’ children’s book creator Tove Jansson,
this exhibition, featuring around 200 items, including 150 pieces never before seen in Japan,
such as original illustrations from the books as well as sketches and studies from the collections
of the Tampere Art Museum Moominvalley in Finland, introduces the charm of the deep world of
When: Until Sun. 17 May (10:00 – 19:30; until 18:00 on 17 May; last entry 30 minutes before
Where: Matsuzakaya Art Museum (松坂屋美術館), Matsuzakaya Department Store Nagoya Store
(松坂屋名古屋店) South Building (南館) 7th Floor
Access: Matsuzakaya is connected to Yaba-cho Station (矢場町駅) Exits 5 and 6 (5・6番出口) on
the Subway Meijo Line (地下鉄名城線); or a 5-minute walk south from Sakae Station (栄駅) Exit
16 (16番出口)
Admission: General Admission 1,000 (800) Yen; Senior HS and University Students 800 (600)
Yen; Junior HS Students and younger free. Prices in ( ) are for groups of 10 or more.
Illustration from Moominsummer Madness, ink, 1954
©Moomin CharactersTM Tampere Art Museum Moominvalley
A General Collection - Green
This exhibition looks at various matters pertaining to ‘green’ in works of art, from three perspectives. Ponder
the artworks as one would the pages of a plant identification handbook, and feel a sense of fulfilment like
that of being surrounded by green when in the mountains or immersed in a forest. Around 60 works from
the Menard Art Museum collection have been selected, including the first public exhibition of Forest Path by
early 20th century German Expressionist artist Emil Nolde.
After viewing the exhibition, why not take a stroll and enjoy the green of the new leaves on the nearby
Mount Komaki (小牧山)?
When: Wed. 13 May to Sun. 12 Jul. (10:00 – 17:00; last entry by 16:30) Closed Mondays
Where: Menard Art Museum (メナード美術館)
Access: A 15-minute walk from Komaki Station (小牧駅) on the Meitetsu Komaki Line (名鉄小牧線). Komaki
Station is connected to the Subway Kamiida Line (地下鉄上飯田線).
Admission: General Admission 900 (700) Yen; Senior HS and College Students 600 (500) Yen; Junior HS
and Elementary School Students 300 (250) Yen. Prices in ( ) are for advance tickets (available from Ticket Pia,
Circle K and Seven-11 [P-Code 766-577]) or groups of 20 or more. Holders of a Physically Disabled Persons’
Handbook, and one accompanying person, gain free entry. Visitors wearing green, either clothes or
accessories, will receive a discount.
Emil Nolde, Forest Path, 1909, oil on canvas; Collection of the Menard Art Museum
Adjustment Guidance
English-speaking Psychology Practice
Individual, Couples,
and Family Therapy
Services provided in office
and via Skype
5 minutes walk from Ozone
Free on-site parking
Entertainment Calendar
Living in Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Movie Theatre Schedule
Night, Sunday, & Holiday Emergency Clinics in
July 8 is the Deadline for replacing your
Alien Registration Card
A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA
................................ (052)551-5461✪✩
................................ (052)527-8808✩
................................ (052)452-6036✩
................................ (052)541-3109★
................................ (052)212-2437✪✩
New Grand
Midland Square
Hirokoji Do
Police Station
Post Office
Exit 10
................................ (052)264-8580✪★
7.Meien CINE SALON 1-2
................................ (052)931-1701✩
The New Residency Management System
Exit 1
The Residence Card
Hotel com's
Route 41
Admission discount services:
Aeon Mall
Route 23
Ring Road
✪: Foreign students
(Must present residence card and
student ID)
★: Women ¥1,100 on Wednesdays
✩: Women ¥1,100 on Thursdays
●: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays
Hirokoji Dori
................................ (052)659-0111✪★
Nakagawa Canal
................................ (052)733-3959●
Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some
showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide.
★FOCUS フォーカス
TV-Regular Bilingual
Will Smith, Margot Robbie; dir.Glenn Ficarra‐From May.1<2>
★BLACKHAT ブラックハット
Chris Hemsworth, Tang Wei; dir.Michael Mann‐From May.8<9>
★THE TRIP TO ITALY イタリアは呼んでいる
Steve Coogan, Rob Brydon; dir. Michael Winterbottom‐From
Brenton Thwaites, Laurence Fishburne; dir.William Eubank‐From
★RUN ALL NIGHT ラン・オールナイト
Liam Neeson, Joel Kinnaman; dir.Jaume Collet-Serra‐From
Christoph Waltz, David Thewlis; dir.Terry Gilliam‐From May.16<6>
Dylan O'Brien, Will Poulter; dir.Wes Ball‐From May.22
Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth; dir.Rowan Joffe‐From May.23<4>
★CHAPPIE チャッピー
Sharlto Copley, Dev Patel; dir.Neill Blomkamp‐From May.23
★ADVANCED STYLE アドバンスト・スタイル そのファッションが、人生
Movies on TV
#3 (NHK)
Everyday @ 19:00--19:30/ News7
Mon-Fri @ 21:00--22:00 / News Watch9
Sun @ 23:00--24:00/ Downton Abbey 3 (End 5/24)
#2(NHK Education)
Sat @ 8:35--9:00 / Curious George
Sat @ 18:25--18:50 / i Carly (Encore broadcast)
Sat @ 19:00--19:44 / Chikyu Dramatic
[Repeat :Mon@0:00--0:44]
Mon-Sat @ 7:00--7:50 / World News in Perspective
(Except 5/4 5/5 5/6)
Mon-Fri @ 22:00--22:50 / International News Report
(Except 5/4)
NHK BS Premium
Wed @ 23:15--23:45/ The Big C
Sat @ 8:30--9:30/ The King’s Doctor
Sun @ 21:00--22:00/ Empress Ki
−dir. Lina Plioplyte‐From May.30<7>
#6 (Nagoya TV)
Mon @ 25:59--26:54 / Drop Dead Diva Season2
Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino; dir.Brad Peyton‐From May.30
#10 (TV Aichi)
Sat @ 24:50--25:50/ONE TREE HILL 2nd Season
★SAN ANDREAS カリフォルニア・ダウン
Japanese Language
Free trial lesson (40min.)
Until May 31
(Reservation necessary)
Lesson Course Basic Intermediate Advanced
JLPT Conversation Kanji etc.
【Schedule】90-minute lessons
1 or 2 lessons per week
【Classes】 Morning, Afternoon or
Start anytime you like!
*Classes taught in Japanese by experienced Japanese teachers.
タワーリング・インフェルノ ······················································· 1974
荒野の七人 ················································································ 1960
4@21:00-BSP- 101 DALMAT
101 ···························································································· 1996
レジェンド・オブ・フォール 果てしなき想い ······························ 1994
6@13:00-BSP- ROB
ロビン・フッド·············································································· 2010
幸せへのキセキ········································································· 2011
明日に向かって撃て!································································· 1969
ソーシャル・ネットワーク···························································· 2010
13@13:00-BSP- DEF
ディファイアンス········································································ 2008
ブラックホーク・ダウン ······························································ 2001
17@13:00-#10- THE HOT ROCK
ホット・ロック ·············································································· 1971
ファミリー・ツリー ······································································ 2011
荒野のストレンジャー································································ 1972
狩人の夜 ···················································································· 1955
ザ・インタープリター································································· 2005
23@19:30-BSP- DI
ダイ・ハード3·············································································· 1995
24@13:00-#10- BRUBAKER
ブルベイカー ············································································· 1980
25@21:00-BSP- RESTLESS
永遠の僕たち············································································· 2011
26@13:00-BSP- HELLERIN P
西部に賭ける女 ········································································· 1960
ロング・グッドバイ······································································ 1973
29@23:45-BSP- INS
インサイド・マン········································································· 2006
Simplifying your apartment
search in Nagoya
Real Estate Agency
We are licensed real estate transaction
specialists who can serve you in English.
Please feel free to contact us!!
NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center
【TEL】 080-1559-9744 【E-MAIL】 international0317_npo@yahoo.co.jp
【Classroom location】 Aichi NPO Exchange Plaza.
July 9, 2012 saw the introduction of a new residency
management system, designed to keep information necessary for
managing the residency of foreign nationals with mid- to
long-term resident status up-to-date, and ensure greater
convenience for said foreign nationals. The new system replaced
the previous alien registration system.
Notable changes between the two systems include:
• an extension of the maximum period of stay to five years
• changes to the re-entry permit system
• the issuance of a Residence Card to replace the alien
registration card (Certificate of Alien Registration).
Tel 052-262-3208
Email: info@rise-property.jp
The Residence Card is issued to mid- to long-term residents
when granted permission such as landing permission, permission
for change of resident status and permission for extension of the
period of stay. It can be issued at a Regional Immigration Office,
or at Immigration at ports of entry (airports). (In the case of some
ports, the Residence Card cannot be issued immediately, and will
be posted to your stated address in Japan; a stamp will be left in
your passport to this effect.)
The Residence Card has a validity period. For permanent
residents aged 16 years or older, validity is for 7 years from the
date of issuance; for permanent residents aged less than 16, the
Card will expire on their 16th birthday. For persons other than
permanent residents aged 16 and older, validity is until the
expiration date of the period of stay; for non-permanent
residents aged under 16, the Card’s validity is until the expiration
date of the period of stay, or the individual’s 16th birthday,
whichever comes earlier.
Did you know that emergency treatment is available when
regular medical facilities are closed (on Sundays, national
holidays, during the year-end/new year holiday period, and at
Make sure you know where your closest clinic is, just in case.
Getting caught out on a Sunday or a holiday can be very stressful
if you aren’t prepared.
A full list of emergency clinics can be found at
http://bit.ly/emergency-nagoya-clinics. If you require any further
information, you can contact us on 052-581-0100 or e-mail:
Help Hotline for Work-Related Injuries and Disease
A special multilingual hotline to provide assistance to people
suffering from work related injuries or illness, organized by Heart
(Human, Earth & Rights) and the non-governmental organization
Nagoya Occupational Safety and Health Center. Interpreters will
be on hand to answer your call in English, Chinese, Filipino,
Spanish and Portuguese. Calls are strictly confidential.
When: Sun. 17 May (11:00 – 16:00)
Telephone: 052-837-7420
Where: Nagoya Occupational Safety and Health Center (名古屋労
災職業病研究会), 4th Floor Sugiura Clinic, 5-33-1 Yamatedori,
Showa-ku, Nagoya
★ Remember that you can also contact the Nagoya International
Center for assistance in dealing with work-related injuries or
other concerns about your life in Japan. See Page 2 for
information on NIC’s counseling services for foreign residents.
Replace your Alien Registration Card by July 8
Take advantage of the ‘Multilingual Living
After July 9, 2012, and the introduction of the Residence Card,
the Certificate of Alien Registration (外国人登録証明書/ Gaikokujin
Information’ website
Toroku Shomeisho) issued under the previous alien registration
system has been deemed to be equivalent to the new Residence
The Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
Card. However, mid- to long-term resident foreign nationals who
(CLAIR) provides a wealth of information for foreign residents in
currently hold a Certificate of Alien Registration, i.e. those who
Japan via the ‘Multilingual Living Information’ website.
have yet to be issued a Residence Card, should be aware that
Find information on resident registration, marriage and divorce,
the period in which the Certificate of Alien Registration is
work and training, medical issues, pensions, childbirth,
regarded as equivalent to the Residence Card will end on
education, taxes, emergencies, and more. Information is available
July 8, 2015. (This may be earlier than the expiry date
as downloadable PDF files in English, German, Chinese, Korean,
printed on your Certificate of Alien Registration.)
If you are a mid- to long-term resident foreign national in Japan,
French, Spanish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Indonesian,
and have yet to be issued a Residence Card, you can request to
Thai, Russian, Japanese (with furigana to help with the kanji),
exchange your Certificate of Alien Registration for a Residence
and Easy Japanese.
Card at the Nagoya Regional Immigration Office.
There is also an app version for iOS and Android mobile devices.
(A 1-minute walk from Nagoya Keibajō-mae Station [名古屋競馬場
Just check the URL below, or google ‘Multilingual Living
前]; 13 minutes from Nagoya Station [名古屋駅] on the Aonami
Line [あおなみ線].)
Website: http://www.clair.or.jp/tagengo/
For more information on the Residence Card and new residency
management system in English, see the Immigration Bureau of
Japan’s website at
http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/newimmiact_1/en/index.html .
Free Guided Tour of Nagoya
The Aichi Goodwill Guides Network (AGGN) offer free Englishspeaking tours of sightseeing spots around Nagoya. No guide
fees are required for all tours, but as for Private Tours, all
entrance fees, transportation, food and drink costs for the
guides during the tour will be paid by the person(s) requesting
guide service. For further info & reservations contact the AGGN
at guide-desk@aggn.jp or 0561-75-6977 (Tel & Fax).
■Regular Tour (no reservations needed): Tours of Nagoya
Castle depart every Saturday and Wednesday at 13:30 from
the East Gate of Nagoya Castle. Entrance fee 500 Yen.
■Private Tours also available (reservations are required at
least 7 days in advance)
Aichi Gogaku Volunteers Seminar (AGVS)
AGVS volunteer activities began in the fall of 2005 with
members who had served as volunteer interpreters for
the 2005 World Exposition Aichi Japan. Services include;
1) Interpreters for workshops, school meetings, and
2) Translators for websites, documents and academic
3) Volunteer tour guides to facilities and sightseeing
spots in and around Aichi Prefecture.
To see if AGVS can help, please e-mail
agvs2005@hotmail.co.jp also check
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
★ About Notice Submissions - This is a free service -
You can submit and renew notices in person at the NIC Information Counter or via our website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/bulletinboard.
Submissions for commercial purposes & job hiring are not accepted. The NIC is not responsible for any problems that arise between parties
placing notices & their respondents, and NIC reserves the right to refuse or edit notices.
Cultural Learning Opportunities
★ Hana-no-ki-kai - Ikebana classes every 4th Sunday of the
month 13:00 - 16:00 near Kanayama station. Only actual cost
charged for materials. Reservations to Ms. Suzuki at 0562-930310 or Fax to 0562-93-5214.
★ Ikebana Communications - enjoy your stay in Japan &
make new friends by learning Ikebana. We meet every 2nd &
4th Sat 2pm to 8pm near Nagoya International Center Bldg.
Fee 1400 Yen per class. To join, please call Mimi 090-48674264, Ms. Wakita 052-581-6071 or Miki 090-7954-2892
★ Japanese Home Cooking Class, Ikebana & Tea
Ceremony in English - Learn to use the different sauces &
spices common to traditional Japanese home-cooked dishes.
Flower arranging & tea ceremony lessons available; private or
group lessons OK. Call Hideko at 052-211-2586.
★ Let’s Enjoy Japanese Kimono - Calling all foreign women!
Join us and try on a variety of kimonos and learn about
Japanese culture. Every 2nd Saturday (13:00 - 15:00) at Atsuta
Shogai Gakushu Center - a 15 minute walk from Hibino
Subway Station, exit 1. Participation fee only 500 Yen. Call or
fax to reserve your place 052-681-9414. YYclub Yoshida
★ Easy to Speak French! Enjoy French group lesson for all
levels! Learn all the “tools” to understand and speak French.
500 Yen / 60min. Week days in the morning @ NIC. Contact
Frederic f.dumabin@jcarib.com (Japanese OK!)
★ Easy to Communicate in Arabic! Group lessons for all
levels. Learn everything you need to appreciate listening and
speaking. 500 Yen / 60 min. Morning/afternoon/evening
lessons on weekends at Miyahigashi-Cho (4 min. from Nagoya
Daigaku Sta. Exit 1). Contact Labidi speaksee@gmail.com
(English, French, Japanese, Arabic OK!).
International Food Fair and Garage Sale - Annual
event sponsored by Nagoya International School PTA. Join us
for food from different countries, family-friendly activities,
school tours, exciting sales, and more! Sat., May 9, 10am-2pm
at Nagoya International School (2686 Minamihara, Nakashidami, Moriyama-ku, Nagoya)
Spanish Club for Foreigners – Start or improve your
Spanish in group. 500 Yen/hour. Prepare for any exam, going
abroad or make friends. Indoor and outdoor activities. 5 minute
walk from Yagoto Subway Station. Give us your available time and
let's make it. E-mail rockarlos@hotmail.com (Nelly)
Move for Health - Various Latin style dances. Easily swing
your body to the rhythm. 7-minute walk from Yagoto St. on
Saturday afternoon. 500 yen/hour fellowship fee. Contact
friendsforfreejp@gmail.com (Rohas)
Other Services and Assistance Available for Foreigners
★ Al Anon- for families and friends of alcoholics. Meets at
Mikokoro Center in Marunouchi. Contact Nancy at
n.mattson@hotmail.com or Mikokoro Center at 052-971-0334.
★ Nagoya International Alcoholics Anonymous - Think you
have a problem with alcohol? Call @ 090-9938-0596. Open
English meeting weekly on Sunday, 7 pm. http://ow.ly/sgiW1
Japanese Language Classes
“Aichi Nihongo no Kai” Japanese Conversation Class Mondays 10:00 - 11:30 at Aichi-Kankokujin-Kaikan 4F North
Meeting Room - near Kamejima Station exit 4. Introductory,
beginner, & intermediate courses available. 2,600 Yen in total for
all 13 lessons. Term: Apr. 13 to Jul. 13, 2015 (May 4 no class) Join
any time. Call Keiko 090-9173-8136 or e-mail
“A-KA-SA-TA-NA” Japanese Conversation Class
Thursdays from 10:30 to 12:00 at the Aichi International Plaza;
2 blocks west of Shiyakusho Station exit 5. Classes Apr. 16 to
Jul. 9. 2,600 Yen for 13 lessons. Can join anytime. Email:
aloenagoyavol@yahoo.co.jp. Call Noro at 052-711-5078 or
Sato at 0566-82-0047.
★ “Kotoba-no-kai” - for non-native speakers of Japanese on
Wednesdays & Fridays (intermediate level and up) from 10:00-11:30
@ E-ABLE Nagoya (previously Nagoya-shi Josei Kaikan); A 3 minute
walk from Higashi Betsuin Station exit 1 on the Meijo Subway Line.
1500 Yen for 15 classes. Call Sachiko at 052-805-8134.
★ Kurokawa Japanese Language Class - April-September Fee 5,000
Yen for 20 lessons 6:30PM to 8:15PM every Thursday.The Kita Ward office
6F(Nagoya City). An 8-minute walk from KUROKAWA Subway Station,
exit 1. Website: http://kurokawa.digi2.jp/ E-mail:
★ Helping Hands and Hearts Japan Japanese Language Classes - Every day
(Time is negotiable from 9AM to 9PM), All levels, Private lessons, 3800 Yen
per 8 classes (1 class is 60 min). Place: Will Aichi or Nadya Park or Nagoya
International Center. Other locations are negotiable. Native Japanese helps you
to learn Japanese language. Join anytime! Call: 080-3287-7982 (Softbank);
email: info@hhahj.jpn.org.
Iroha Nihongo-no-Kai offers Japanese lessons on Thursdays,
10:30-12:00 at Nadya Park, 6F NPO Center. Located opposite Yaba Park
Exit 6 at Yaba-cho Subway Station. Next term: April 2 to July 16 for 2250
Yen per term (total 15 lessons). Join any time! Email:
irohanihongonokai@yahoo.co.jp; Call Sionoya: 090-6595-1578 or
O’Brien: 052-851-3436
★ JELA -Language Exchange Group - Enjoy your conversation and
learning Japanese!
Every second Thursday from 18:30 to 20:40 at Meikin-Seikyo Motoyama
3F near Motoyama Station exit 4. Trial: 200yen. 1 year pass: 500yen.
Email: japaneseenglishla@gmail.com Website:
Sports & Outdoor Clubs
★ "The Push-Up Brahs", Nagoya - a calisthenics and body weight
training bootcamp. All fitness levels welcome, Brahs are not gender
biased, just be ready to work. Meet at Tsurumai JR entrance, email Mike:
pushupbrahs@gmail.com for details.
★ Futsal in Nagoya - A friendly game of 6-a-side FUTSAL. Takes place
in Nagoya on Sundays and Mondays. Come and improve your soccer
skills! Email Chris at: c233sz@yahoo.co.uk
★ Nagoya International Volleyball Club - A friendly, non-competitive,
mixed game of volleyball for foreigners and Japanese people living in
Nagoya. Meet on Sundays twice a month. Open to men and women of
all levels. Get some exercise, have some fun and meet people of different
nationalities. Find us on Facebook. E-mail: nagoyavolleyball@gmail.com
★ Shonai FC & Sunday Shonai. Free Kickabout/Pickup football/soccer
every Sun. 3:30pm at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen (Tsurumai Line) All levels.
Behind the athletics track. Facebook ”shonaifc” or email Gary
Nagoya International Badminton Club – This club is
non-competitive, just for fun. Meet new people, make friends and get
some exercise. Beginners and non-players also welcome. Find us on
Facebook. E-mail: nagoyabad@gmail.com
Meeting & Activities
★ Current Affairs Discussion Group - Let’s talk about Current Affairs;
local, national, international. E-mail: casnagoya2010@yahoo.co.uk
★ Nagoya Writes - We have monthly readings and occasional
workshops. Fiction, essays, poetry, personal narratives, are all welcome.
Or, you can drop by and meet other writers. For information contact
Albert at qqma94r9@io.ocn.ne.jp. Website:
★Nagoya Meet and Greet – A monthly lunch where 40+ women of
various nationalities, interests, and ages gather to meet, eat, and greet.
Great for new arrivals and those seeking new friends. Children’s play
area available. English is the language of communication. E-mail:
★ Nagoya International Success Group - A friendly international
group of people who are keen on learning and have a high teach ability
index. Contact: followyourblissjapan@gmail.com Website:
★ Helping Orphans in Nagoya - If you are interested in spending time
with some fantastic children and huge hearted volunteers, both from the
international community as well as local Japanese, we welcome you to
volunteer with Santa and Friends Nagoya. Please visit our website!
★ Shirayuri Association - providing educational and cultural services to
both Turkish and Japanese societies in order to promote the Turkish
community in Japan, and further friendship between Turkish & Japanese
communities. Located in Yabuta-cho, Moriyama Ku - Tel/fax 052-710-9808.
★ Sakae Toastmasters Club - An international club that aims to develop
leadership and English communication skills in a no-pressure atmosphere.
We meet 2nd/4th Wednesdays from 19:00-21:00 at Nadya Park.
Attend one of our club meetings. Contact Rina 080-3647-6996
or email sakae-tmc@freeml.com
★ Cross Cultural Exchange Association - An organization
dedicated to promoting cultural exchange, international
understanding and friendships amongst women of all nationalities living in the Nagoya area. With monthly social activities,
general meetings and special interest groups, there's something
for everyone! E-mail: nagoyaccea@gmail.com Website:
Nagoya Speech and Debate Club - We make short
speeches and discuss topics in English. Wed. May 6, 19:15 –
20:45, Nadya Park Rm 4; Sun. May 10, 10:30 – 12:00, Nadya
Park Rm 5. Contact Seto 080-5132-2377 or
Nagoya cyphers (cyber security group) - Learn or
improve your network security skills (mainly Linux) while
having fun (experiments, lan parties, etc).
English,Spanish,Portuguese or Japanese. Email:
dev@alepe.com (Alberto)
Family Groups
★ Chayagasaka Cooperative English Playgroup - for
children 0 to 6 with at least one (English speaking)
non-Japanese parent. Wednesday mornings near Chayagasaka Station; 500 yen per session. Games, songs, snacks and
crafts. Website:
Email: chayagasakaplaygroup@gmail.com
★ Foreign Mothers’ Group - Meeting at Higashi Betsuin
every 2nd Saturday of the month. Call Misako on 090-18342701 or Lorna on 090-2344-8978.
★ German Playgroup for children of all ages meets 10-12
on the last Sunday of each month. Contact Oliver at
★ Nagoya Foreign Fathers - Father / child activity group.
Meets one Sunday a month for fun activity. Fostering dual
nationality and international culture. Common language is
English. Sign up via our Facebook group.
★ Nakamura English Playgroup - Meets on the 2nd & 4th
Saturdays of the month from 10-12 at the Nakamura Lifelong
Learning Center. All foreign & bi-cultural families, returnees
are welcome. ¥300 per child, free the first time. E-mail:
nkenglishplaygroup@yahoo.com Website:
★ Bilingual Play Group – English-Japanese play group. We
meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month from 10:30 11:30 through July. 100yen per family. Mustard Seed Christian
Church;GS Imaike building 7F, a 2 minute walk from Imaike
station exit 7. Website: www.mustardseednagoya.com / email:
Places of Worship
★ Nagoya International Baptist Church (NIBC), is located
in Tenpaku Ku. Free Japanese Class (adults), Sunday School
(adults & children), Afternoon Service & Ladies Bible Study
www.nibc.japanforchrist.com for details.
- Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) is also located in Tenpaku
Ku. Sunday School (adult & children), Morning Service, Free
English Class www.cbcnagoya.japanforchrist.com for
For phone enquiries in Japanese or English, please call
052-801-8064 or 080-3650-5539
Nagoya Orthodox Church In Showa-ku, near Subway
Tsurumai Line, Arahata stn. or Tsurumai stn. Vespers on Sat.
17:30. Holy Liturgy on Sun. at 10:00. For more information,
please call Fr. George Matsushima at (052)734-9000 or e-mail:
Website: http://www.orthodox-jp.com/nagoya/
★ All Nations Fellowship is an international bilingual
(English/Japanese) worship service. Our Bible-based teachings
are focused on the gospel and the doctrines of grace. We meet
every Sunday at 10:30am in Nagakute. We offer bilingual
Sunday School for children ages 4-12. Please visit our website
at www.allnationsfellowship.net for more information.
★ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Services
each Sunday near Gokiso Station, at Kitayama-cho 3-41; tel.
052-732-5176. Sacrament Meeting at 10:00, followed by
English Sunday School; translation assistance available for
other meetings. Friends & visitors always welcome. Call
Nagoya LDS Mission 052-773-0755.
★ Faith Charismatic Church (FCC) - We meet every Sunday at Naka
Sports Center (3F Room 3) at 10:00. Call Pastor Bede at 080-5139-6777
★ Islam Ahmadiyya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayer at 13:00 and
is open for five prayers. Offers study of the Holy Qu'ran, Arabic, and
Urdu. Islamic library and cooking classes. Located in Meito Ward at
Kifune 2-1602. A 7 minute walk across Route 302 from the Meito Post
Office. Website: www.ahmadiyyat.jp Email: info@ahmadiyyat.jp Tel:
★ Mikokoro (Sacred Heart) International Catholic Center Nagoya English Masses every Saturday 18:00, Sunday 10:00 & 15:00; Novena,
Wednesdays at 15:00. Confessions, baptisms, marriages available. Tel:
052-971-0334. Near Hisaya-odori Station. Website: www.mikokoro.net
★ Nagoya English Fellowship Nagoya English Fellowship - We are an
inter-denominational Evangelical Fellowship with English and Japanese
(3 times a month) messages & bilingual children's Sunday School for
children. We meet at the Nishi Lifelong Learning Center, Joshin Subway
Station, exit 6. The service starts at 10:45 AM. Contact: Willie Gonzales
090-2579-1007 or http://nefchurch.org.
★ Indonesian Catholic Community - hosts Indonesian mass once a
month (every 4th Sunday) in Johokubashi Catholic Church at 12:30 pm,
8 minute walk from Meijo Koen station exit 1. For more detail please
email us at katoliknagoya@yahoo.com
★ Nagoya All Saints International Church provides a weekly
opportunity for personal renewal, spiritual growth and soulful refreshment for all those who seek it. All are welcome to join our warm, caring
community of believers. We worship in English at 5:00pm every Sunday,
followed by fellowship. We are centrally located in Imaike nearest to
Imaike station, exit #9. See more info at
nagoyaallsaintsinternationalchurch.com or contact by phone/email at:
080-4527-3464 worship@nagoyasaints.com
★ Nagoya International Christian Assembly near Gokiso and Fukiage
Stations has Sunday Services in English 08:30 to 10:30 - singing,
preaching, Bible study, & fellowship. 18:30 to 20:30 - praise & worship.
Filipino (Tagalog) Bible study 1st Sundays at 16:00. Website:
★ Nagoya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayers & is open for five-time
prayers Khutba at 12:30 & Prayer at 12:40. Halal meat & Islamic literature
are also available. Honjin Station, exit 3 Call 052-486-2380 Website:
★ Nagoya Port Mosque - Friday Prayer Khutba from 12:30. Open for
five time prayers, every Saturday special speech & dinner after Isha Prayer.
Arabic lessons for children on Saturdays. On Route 23, between Hojin &
Juichiya traffic lights, next to the over head crossing; parking available for
10 cars, except Fridays (11:30 - 14:00). A 15 minute walk from Inaei
Aonami Line Station. Address: Nagoya, Minato-Ku, Zennan-Cho 33-3.
Tel: 090 3251 5381
★ The IMMANUEL Christian Fellowship is an evangelical fellowship
that welcomes Filipinos and English speaking people. Experience: warm
fellowship, lively praise & worship songs, practical Tagalog & English
sermon and Bible story lessons for your Japanese speaking kids. Worship
service @1:00 pm. Contact Pastor Solito at 090-8540-8260 or visit
His Call International Church - Hillsong Network Church
Services for all ages in Japanese, English & Chinese. SUN: 9am, 11am,
2pm. WED: 7:30pm. Free Language Exchange. Children's Church. 1
minute walk from Osu Kannon station exit 4. WEB: hiscallchurch.com
TEL: 052-228-7780
★ Aichi St. Luke's Anglican / Episcopal Church: English language
service on the second Sunday of every month @ 17:00. A 5 minute walk
from Owariasahi Station, Meitetsu Seto Line. Inquiries: e-mail
alc.chubu@nskk.org Website:
http://www.nskk.org/chubu/alc/church/regular-service Tel:0561-53-8937
★ Mustard Seed Christian Church - Come join our Japanese-English
bilingual worship service every Sunday at 11:00 a.m. Enjoy excellent
music, dynamic teaching, & meet new people! This is a casual worship
service, and anyone is welcome to come and join. Location: GS Imaike
building 7F, a 2 minute walk from Imaike station exit 7. Website:
www.mustardseednagoya.com / email: info@mustardseednagoya.com
★ Toyohashi St Mary Magdalene Chapel, Traditional Anglican
Episcopalian - services in English every Sunday evening (18:30) & every
1st Sunday (11:00). April 8 - July 22 & Sep 23 to Dec 16. Take the
Toyohashi city tram to Shin Kawa, (2nd stop). Location: V.E.S., N.I Village
Mansion 5F, just behind the MUFG Bank. Call Rev. Ivan Cosby 0532-450950 or mail cosby12@hotmail.com.
★ Jesus The Gospel Church International – Japan - A Full Gospel,
Non Sectarian Christian Church - English, Japanese and Tagalog Worship
Service every third Sat. of the month at Nagoya Shi, Sakae, Naka Sports
Center in front of Sakae Elementary School, at 1pm to 3pm. Receive
Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Miracle and Revival. For more information please contact JTG Church office at 0363-882374 / 090-1781-7373