
A pril
平成26年4月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第354号 発行所 公益財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
English Edition
Visit our website at or call us at 052-581-0100
「Nagoya Calendar」
Photo: Nagoya Castle in Spring. Photo courtesy of Nagoya City.
The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp.
Nagoya International Center News
Nagoya International Center Events - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100
The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute subway ride from Nagoya Station.
Kokusai Center Station, on the Sakura-dori Subway Line, is linked to the Nagoya International Center at the basement level.
The Nagoya International Center library and information counter are open 09:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mondays, December 29 - January 3, & the second Sundays of August & February.
Paid car-parking is also available at the Center and in the immediate vicinity.
★Information Counter 情報カウンター
Information service for foreign residents on daily life and
sightseeing in Japan available in 8 foreign languages. Japanese
& English is available Tuesday to Sunday (09:00 - 19:00).
Reservations not required. See our website for service times in
other languages.
■Tel: 052-581-0100 ■E-mail
★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人行政相談
Information & advice in English for foreign residents on anything related to government administration such as labour laws, immigration, divorce, & taxation. Phone
or visit us Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (except national
holidays). Reservations not required.
Tel: 052-581-0100. See our website for service times in other languages.
★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談
Native English-speaking counselors are available on
Sunday by appointment only to provide support to
foreign residents who have difficulties with their lives in
Japan. To arrange a counseling session call the NIC 3F Info
Counter at 052-581-0100.
★Free Legal Consultations 外国人無料法律相談
Free Legal Consultations with a certified lawyer available on
Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30 by reservation only. To make an
appointment, please leave your name & phone number on the
answering machine at 052-581-6111. A counseling support
staff member will call you back at a later date to schedule an
appointment with you.
★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a confidential
counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family members, and
asylum seekers in English and Japanese on every Thursday of the month (10:00
- 16:00) at the NIC 3F Info Counter. Reservations are required. For more
information call RHQ at 078-361-1700 (website
★The NIC Library ライブラリー
Over 10,000 English language books including travel guides, popular manga,
non-fiction, fiction, children’s books, and Japanese study guides. Borrow up to 6
books for a period of 14 days! Membership is free and open to everyone resident
in the Chubu Area. A form of ID that shows your current address is required.
Children can also get cards!
Telephone Interpreter Services at The NIC
Call the NIC on Trio-Phone at 052-581-6112
Trio-Phone makes a 3-way call possible.
If you need to ask a question to a civic service, such as a ward office, health center, or a tax office,
but can’t speak Japanese, then call our Trio-Phone service and we’ll arrange a 3-way call between
you, the service, and a NIC interpreter.
The Trio-Phone Service is available as below;
English: Tue. – Sun. 09:00 -19:00
Portuguese and Spanish: Tue. – Sun. 10:00-12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Chinese: Tue. – Fri. 13:00 – 17:00, Sat. & Sun. 10:00-12:00, 13:00 – 17:00
Korean & Filipino: Thu., Sat. & Sun. 13:00 – 17:00
Vietnamese: Every 1st & 3rd Sun. 13:00 – 17:00
Example Situation: Mrs. Doe is at home with a 6-month old baby. Mrs. Doe has a few questions
she would like to ask her local health center (Kita Ward Hokenjo) about the baby’s health check-up.
It is a little difficult for Mrs. Doe to make it to the health center in person, and she is not confident
talking in Japanese on phone. Mrs. Doe calls the Nagoya International Center’s special Torio-hon
phone line, explains her situation, the Nagoya International Center calls the Kita Ward Hokenjo and
sets up the 3-way call, allowing the health center staff to simultaneously join the conversation with
Mrs. Doe and the NIC interpreter.
Mrs. Doe can now speak to the health center’s staff through NIC’s interpreter and get her questions
answered in her native language.
There’s more on our website -
Follow the Nagoya International Center on Twitter @the_nic
Find us on Facebook -
We also have a monthly mail newsletter – sign up on our website!
Get a taste of local history in Higashi Ward. Walk from Shuzeicho- to
Shumokucho and the surrounding areas (the streets of culture), totaling
approximately 3.5 km. The walk will be guided by NIC staff and
volunteers with interpreters available. Reservations are required for all
When: Sunday, May 18 (09:00 - 12:30)
Starts at: Catholic Chikaramachi Church → Sasuke Toyoda’s Residence
→ Street of Culture → Nagoya City Archives
Admission: 420 Yen (includes entrance into two charged venues
Futaba and Shumoku)
Reservations: Only 20 places are available and reservations are
required. To reserve your place, please e-mail from April 1 onwards and mention whether or not you
require an interpreter (English, Portuguese, Spanish and Chinese only),
your name and contact details.
NIC Nihongo no Kai Japanese Course for Adults
NIC 日本語の会
The Center’s ever-popular program offers 4 levels of conversation classes
and 3 levels of writing classes. Applications will ONLY be accepted on
Sunday, May 11 (11:00 - 11:30) at the Nagoya International Center 5F. If
oversubscribed, places will be chosen by lottery. Fee collection for
successful applicants starts at 12:15. If space available, applications for a
2nd class will be accepted from 12:45.
Term: Every Sunday from May 18 to July 27 (11 classes, 90 minutes
Participation Fee: 2,500 Yen, plus additional fees (500 – 1,000 Yen) for
text and materials. 15-20 places available per class.
Application: Forms available on the day at the NIC 3F Information
Counter, or at the course website below.
Further Information: Call 052-581-5689 (Tue - Sun, 09:00 to 17:00).
Nagoya Calendar - PDF Download
Did you know the Calendar Magazine is available
for download from our website? Go to for current and recent
issues. Download individual page spreads or the
whole magazine!
Children’s Story Book Time 外国語で楽しむ絵本の会
Come and share in the fun
at the Nagoya International
Center 3F Library & listen to
foreign volunteers as they
read a selection of books in
their native language from
the library's vast collection
of children's story books. All
are welcome! Participation
is free!
★ Upcoming Schedule
Sunday, April 13 (14:00 – 14:30) English
Sunday, April 27 (14:00 – 14:30) English and Korean
The NIC’s Children’s Japanese Class
This course is taught by volunteers and is designed for children (born
between April 2, 1999 and April 1, 2008) whose native language is not
Japanese. Students learn Japanese skills necessary for school and daily
Term: Every Sunday (10:00 - 11:30) from May 18 to July 20 (10 classes,
90 minutes each).
Participation Fee: 1,000 Yen for the entire course. 50 places available.
Application: Accepted on Sunday, May 11 (09:45 - 10:15) at the
Nagoya International Center 4F, Lecture Room 3. A parent or guardian
should attend the application process and bring a filled out application
form. Forms are available from the 3F pamphlet boxes or from the NIC
website. Further Information: For further information call 052-581- 5689
(Tue - Sun, 09:00 to 17:00).
NIC’s Classroom for Global Citizen’s Program Needs YOU!
NIC地球市民教室 - 講師募集中!
Stuck at Home? No time to visit us? Need language assistance?
Spring Walk in Nagoya 2014 – Let’s Walk the
Streets of Culture
Want to help us to create a globally aware Nagoya? As part of its international
understanding education program, NIC’s Classroom for Global Citizen’s
program is looking for foreign instructors to visit schools and local organizations
and introduce their home countries.
We are looking for instructors who are able to communicate in Japanese, who
are available during the day time. Successful applicants will be asked to attend
training on Saturday, April 19 (10:00 – 12:00).
Compensation: 6,000 to 8,000 Yen per assignment depending on the location
destination (income tax and commuting costs are included).
Applications and inquiries should be addressed to the Exchange & Cooperation Division - Classroom for Global Citizen’s Program by Friday, April 11 (17:00)
Tel:052-581-5691, Fax: 052-581-5629, Email:
“NIC Accents” on InterFM NAGOYA 79.5
from April 5th!
Celebrating 30 years of service, The NIC will be commencing
a new radio broadcast every Saturday 12:00 – 12:15 in four
languages; English , Portuguese, Chinese and Filipino on the
new InterFM NAGOYA radio station which starts
broadcasting from April 1st. InterFM is a radio station aimed
at English speakers and our program “NIC Accents” will be
bringing you valuable local lifestyle content, as well as music
from the respective countries of the presenters.
Report: Comprehensive Seminar and Consultations for Parents and Guardians of Foreign Children
On Saturday the 8th of February, the NIC held a seminar with the aim to help parents and guardians of foreign children by giving them valuable
information on how to cope with school related issues.
Approximately 20 people attended, and there were interpreters on hand to make sure everyone understood the
contents of the lecture given by Ms. Tagawa, the NIC’s education counselor, and had an opportunity to ask any
questions. Among many discussed topics, some key points included: who to go to when you need help; after-school
Japanese language learning opportunities; and how to create and foster an environment for your children which
promotes more open communication between all involved parties.
After the lecture, we had some time before the personal consultations began. This gave many of the attendees a
valuable opportunity to mingle with each other in the lounge area of our facilities and exchange their own stories and
experiences with each other. Many people were pleasantly surprised to find that they were not alone when it came to
issues including: settling into a new school; dealing with language barriers; and so on.
The private consultations which followed, conducted by Ms. Tagawa, staff from Nagoya City and NGO staff, helped
attendees to address more specific issues directly connected with their own unique needs. An example of issues which
might be discussed at this time include anything from bilingualism to school fees and how to deal with bullying or
difficulties with the administrative system of a school.
If you missed the seminar, you can still contact the NIC and make a booking for an educational consultation for your
child by calling 052-581-0100 Tuesday to Sunday 9am to 7pm. Consultations are FREE and take place on Wednesdays,
Fridays and Sundays 10am to 5pm. Also keep an eye on our website and Facebook for future seminars.
Remember, the sooner you address your child’s needs, the sooner your issues can be resolved.
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Events in April
See below for Nagoya Philharmonic Events, Star Gazing at the Science Museum, and Recycling Information!
Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra Salon Concert
Tuba: Yuto HAYASHI
When: Thursday, May 15 at 18:30.
Where: Nagoya City Music Plaza 1F “Music Salon” (名古屋市音楽プ
Access: A 6 minute walk from Kanayama Station (金山駅) or an 8
minute walk from Higashibetsuin Station (東別院駅) on the Meijo
Subway Line (地下鉄名城線).
Cost: Free
The 413th Subscription Concert
Martyn BRABBINS, Chief Conductor
Yuto HAYASHI, Tuba
"The First of Mahler"
J. Pickard Sixteen Sunrises [Commissioned Work, World Premiere]
G. Mahler Blumine
R. Vaughan Williams Bass Tuba Concerto in F minor
G. Mahler Symphony No.1 in D major "Titan"
When: Friday, May 30 (18:45) & Saturday, May 31 (16:00)
Where: Aichi Prefectural Art Theater Concert Hall (愛知県芸術劇場コ
Access: Connected at the basement level to Oasis 21 and Sakae
Subway Station.
Tickets: 1,000 Yen to 7,200 Yen. For audience up to the age of
24,only same day tickets are available.
Star Gazing at the Science Museum 市民観望会
Following a brief talk at the planetarium you will proceed to the
rooftop’s main telescope and various other telescopes to observe
the night’s recommended celestial scenery.
When: Saturday, May 10 (18:45 - 21:00)
Where: Rooftop observatory, Nagoya City Science Museum (名古屋
Participation: Adults 700 Yen, school-age children 300 Yen. Numbers are limited to 250 participants. To apply, send a reply-paid post
card to 〒460-0008 Nagoya, Naka Ku, Sakae 2-17-1, Nagoya City
Science Museum to arrive by Saturday, April 19; on the reverse
write: "May 10 - Stars" and include the number of adults & children in your group. See to find out how to
write a reply-paid postcard.
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Events in April
See below for a variety of events in and around Nagoya this April. Festivals, Music, Food and Shows!
Nagashino Gassen Nobori Matsuri
An annual festival commemorating the 1575 Battle of
Nagashino; one of the most important battles in Japanese
history. Features a samurai parade (9:30 - 10:45) and arquebus
(flint-lock gun) demonstrations throughout the day; there are
also taiko drum and Yosakoi dance performances.
You can also visit the Nagashino Castle Site Preservation Hall (長
篠城史跡保存館) – Adults 210 Yen; Children 100 Yen – to see
maps, illustrations, weapons, and armour. A bilingual booklet is
available from reception.
When: Monday, May 5 (09:30 - 16:00).
Where: Nagashino Castle Site 長篠城址史跡 (Shinshiro City, Aichi)
Access: By Train, an 8 minute walk from Nagashino-jō Station
(長篠城駅) on the JR Iida Line (JR飯田線). By Car, To-mei
Expressway Toyokawa IC → Route 151 (20 km / 40 mins). A
number of free (official) car parks with a free shuttle bus service
are available on the day.
Admission: Free.
5th Off Line Buy and Trade Swap Meet
Check out Shovel Head event. Original “Old Domestics” and
“Mini-Truck” indoor show!
When: Sunday, April 13 (10:00 - 17:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya Exhibition Hall 1 (ポートメッセなごや1号
Access: A 5 minute walk from Kinjo-futo Station (金城ふ頭駅) on
the Aonami Line (あおなみ線).
Cost: General admission 1,000 Yen. First 2,000 visitors receive a
free original decal.
Recycling Old Clothes and Fabrics 古着・古布のリサイクル
These are valuable resources which can be turned into useful products. Learn more about Nagoya City’s
textile recycling program to see how you can avoid wasting your old clothes and fabrics.
Once your old items are collected, they will be passed on to a fibre recycling plant where they are turned
into various as shown in the diagram to the left.
Approximately 80% of items can be successfully recycled as per the diagram.
Currently, it is estimated that up to 90% of fabric is disposed of in regular trash, so please make sure to
spread the word to your friends and family about this service to help the environment.
The process is relatively simple. If it’s clothing or fabric, all items can be put out for collection. You cannot
recycle cushions, mattresses, or anything else with filling/wadding/padding.
When’s the Collection?
Each locality has a designated day for the disposal of newspapers. This is day to put out your old items. Place
all your items into a clear or translucent bag, and be sure to tightly tie the bag. If it rains, and the contents of
the bag get wet, they will no longer be suitable for recycling.
More details…
There is no need to have your items professionally cleaned. Buttons and fasteners don’t need to be removed.
Simply place them in the bag “as is” and they’ll be taken away! That’s it, happy recycling!
Recycling Old Tempura Oil 使用済みの天ぷら油のリサイクル
Do you do any deep frying at home? Perhaps you make tempura, or cook your own Japanese style fried chicken. Did you know Nagoya City
recycles used cooking oil, turns it into bio-diesel fuel and uses it to operate three garbage collection trucks and two city buses?
32,311 litres of oil were collected and recycled in the 2012 financial year – more than double the amount collected in the 2011 financial
Remove any crumbs etc. from your
oil, and transfer it into clean and
dry 500mL PET bottles. Then,
simply take your bottle(s) to your
nearest collection point (go to for a full list).
JOINTS Custom Bike Show カスタムバイクショー
An event for lovers of Harleys, choppers, and custom
motorbikes. Admission is limited to over 16s only.
When: Sunday, April 20 (10:00 to 17:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya Exhibition Hall 3 (ポートメッセなごや3
Access: A 5 minute walk from Kinjo-futo Station (金城ふ頭駅) on
the Aonami Line (あおなみ線).
Admission: Over 16s only. 3,000 (2,500) Yen. Price in brackets
is for advance ticket purchases using L-code: 45825 at Lawson
or Mini Stop Loppi (or online at
Photo courtesy of Nagoya City Science Museum
What’s involved?
Kakuozan Spring Festival 覚王山春祭
Family fun in Kakuo-zan with flea markets, retro/antique stalls,
international food stalls. Stage performances will include jazz,
pops, blues and African percussion and more fun and games.
When: Saturday, April 12 & Sunday April 13 (10:00 - 18:00)
Where: Nittaiji Sando - approach to Nittaiji Temple (日泰寺参道)
Access: Located in front of Nittaiji Temple (日泰寺), a 1 minute
walk from Kakuozan Station (覚王山駅1番出口) on the
Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線), Exit #1.
Admission: Free!
Komakiyama Cherry Blossom Festival
Photo courtesy of Shinshiro City Tourism Bureau
7th Tokai Eco Festa 第7回東海エコフェスタ
Learn how to best re-use and recycle old items and clothes in
this age of mass production & mass consumption. Attractions
include around 100 handicraft & art booths, activity workshops,
eco & environmental recycle booths, stage performances, and
around 20 food and refreshment stalls (using local produce).
When: Saturday, April 12 & Sunday, April 13 (10:00 - 16:30)
Where: Lawn area in Moricoro Park
(愛・地球博記念公園 モリコロ パーク)
Access: Change to the Linimo Line (リニモ) from Fujigaoka
Station (藤が丘駅) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線)
and get off at Ai Chikyūhakukinenkōen Station (愛・地球博記念公
Admission: 200 Yen. Elementary School Students and under
gain free entry.
Mammoth Flea Market Z マンモスフリーマーケットZ
As of this Spring, the Mammoth Flea Market will be renamed to
“Mammoth Flea Market Z”. With a new format and loads of
exciting bargains for everyone, this is a must for all the thrifty
shoppers of the Nagoya and surrounding areas! With over 3500
booths and around 60,000 people – this is largest flea market in
Japan! Using the entire “Mammoth” area which Port Messe has
to offer, you can easily enjoy the whole day there. Apart from
the markets there will also be a variety of events and activities
throughout the day to keep you entertained. Don’t miss out!
When: Saturday, April 26 and Sunday, April 27 (10:00 –
17:00) “Early ticket” holders can enter from 9:00!
Where: Port Messe Nagoya (ポートメッセなごや)
Access: A 5 minute walk from Kinjo-futo Station (金城ふ頭駅) on
the Aonami Line (あおなみ線).
Cost: Advance tickets can be purchased using P-code: 988-789
at Ticket Pia, Seven Eleven, Circle K and SunKus or online, and
at Lawson using L-code: 46919.
Komakiyama is designated as a national historic site. As well as
being known as one of Komaki City's symbols, it is also a place
for the people to find refreshment and relaxation.
Last year Komakiyama Castle grandly celebrated its 450th
anniversary and many people from other cities made their way
to take part.
At this beautiful location, see some 1,200 cherry blossom trees
in full bloom. Lit up by bonbori (paper-covered lamps), the
cherry blossoms will be at the center of the Komakiyama cherry
blossom festival this year. A sight not to be missed.
As always, the volunteers who so kindly assist English speakers
with many other events which highlight the history of Komaki,
will be there to help at this event by providing a free guided
English tour service of the festival.
When: Sunday, April 6 (2 sessions, 11:00 and 13:00). Time
required for the tour is 90 minutes.
Where: The entrance of Komakiyama Historic Museum (小牧山
Access: Go to Heiandori Station (平安通駅) on the Kamiiida
Subway Line (地下鉄上飯田線), transfer to the Meitetsu Komaki
Line (名鉄小牧線) and take the Inuyama (犬山) bound train. Get
off at Komaki Station (小牧駅) and take a 5 minute bus ride
using the Meitetsu, Junkai, or Peach bus. Get off at the Komaki
Shiyakusho-mae stop (小牧市役所前) and walk for about 10
minutes to the History Museum.
Cost: Free. Reservations
are strictly required and
must be made by
Saturday, April 5 by
calling or emailing
090-8072-2817 /
Photo courtesy of Komaki Interpreters Group
April Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Nagoya Boston Museum of Fine Arts “Millet, Barbizon, and Fountainebleau”
Jean-François Millet. Self-portrait, circa 1840-41.
Museum purchase with funds donated by contribution
93.154. Photograph ©2014 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the birth of one of the most loved painters in Japan,
Francois Millet (1814-1875), The Museum is proud to bring you this stunning collection. The
Boston Art Museum boasts the only Millet collection outside of the artist's home country,
France. While centered on Millet, this exhibition will also include works by other artists who
gathered at the famous Barbizon School near Fontainebleau Forest located southeast of
Paris, and left their mark in 19th century French art history.
There is much to anticipate, as works from Corot, Rousseau, Monet and others will be
exhibited alongside Millet's works to convey the refreshing charm of this exhibition.
When: Saturday, April 19 to Sunday, August 31 (Weekdays 10:00 – 19:00; Weekends &
National Holidays 10:00 – 17:00). Last entry 30 minutes prior to closure. Closed on
Mondays (closed the following day in the event it falls on a National Holiday).
Where: Nagoya Boston Museum of Fine Arts (名古屋ボストン美術館)
Access: A short walk from Kanayama Station’ s South Exit (金山駅南出口). Accessible by JR,
Meitetsu (名鉄線), Meijo (地下鉄名城線) and Meiko (地下鉄名港線) subway lines.
Cost: Adults 1,300 (1,100) Yen; Senior HS and College Students 900 (700) Yen; Junior HS
Students and under gain free entry. Prices in brackets are for advanced purchase tickets and
groups, or for entry after 17:00 on weekdays.
Tuning Car World Showdown
Ticket Giveaway! See the NIC website ( for our free ticket giveaway
for this event for your chance to win. We have a number of pair tickets to give away!
Entries close May 12.
チューニングカーワールド・ショーダウン 2014
Into cars? Check out Show Cars, a Tuning Car Tournament, and
sale of related parts and goods (including original parts) at the
ultimate tuned car lovers' event where manufacturers and pro
shops represent Japan! At the tournament, judges (Daijiro Inada
and tournament participants) will be looking at the overall
appearance of the cars as
well as tech specs to choose
the winning “coolest” car.
When: Saturday, April 19
and Sunday, April 20 (10:00
– 17:00)
Where: Port Messe Nagoya
Exhibition Hall 3 (ポートメッセ
Access: A 5 minute walk
from Kinjo-futo Station (金城
ふ頭駅) on the Aonami Line
Cost: Adults 2,000 Yen;
Senior HS Students 1,200
Yen; Junior HS and
Elementary School Students
800 Yen (free when
accompanied by a paying
courtesy of OptionLand International
adult). Pets are not allowed. Photo
Belgian Beer Weekend 2014
Beer, food, music and Belgian lifestyle! The Belgian Beer
Weekend will be kicking off in Hisaya Odo-ri Park for a massive
thirteen days. It will then make its way to Fukuoka (May), Osaka
(June), Yokohama (July) ,Sendai (July), and Tokyo (September),
giving Japan a total of forty-seven days of Belgian goodness! A
fun event during Golden Week you won’ t want to miss.
Admission is free – beer and food – are not. Enjoy!
When: Thursday, 24 April to Tuesday, 6 May. Weekdays 16:00
– 21:00. Weekends and National Holidays 11:00 – 21:00.
Where: Hisaya Odo-ri Park Hisaya Square
Access: A 3 minute walk from Yaba-cho Subway Station (地下鉄
矢場町駅), exit 5 or 6.
Cost: Starter
set costs 3,100
Yen (3,000 Yen
for advance
original beer
glass and 11
food and
beverage coins.
Photo courtesy of Belgian Beer Festival. See for details.
Menard Art Museum “A Nearby Small Universe”
Flowers on a table, a family relaxing at home, a posing model. To artists, indoor
subjects in such close proximity serve as a world of inspiration.
At this exhibition, see how artists have depicted the indoors through about sixty
works from The Museum's Collection. Making its first public appearance from
The Museum's collection, see "Dancers" by Edgar Degas, a superb example of his
work with ballerinas as they perform on the stage or take lessons.
In addition, four pieces from the Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art will be making
a special appearance.
Through the artists' depiction of a confined indoor space, they are placed at the
core of an expanding universe.
Enjoy "Cosmos", written using the kanji 小宇宙, meaning "Small Universe" - an
indoor place close to us all.
When: Until Sunday, May 11 (10:00 – 17:00). Closed on Mondays (except 5/5)
and Wed. 5/7.
Where: Menard Art Museum (メナード美術館)
Access: A 15 minute walk from Komaki Station (小牧駅) on the Meitetsu Line (名
鉄線). Komaki Station is connected to the Kamiiida Subway Line (地下鉄上飯田線).
Cost: Adults 800 (700) Yen; Senior HS and College Students 600 (500) Yen;
Junior HS and Elementary School Students 300 (250) Yen. Prices in brackets are
for groups of 20 or over. Holders of a Physically Disabled Persons’ Handbook,
and one accompanying person gain free entry.
Edgar Degas "The Dancers", circa 1893-98. First appearance.Pastel on
paper. Menard Art Museum Collection.
April Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Comic Martial Arts Performance “JUMP”ノンバーバル・パフォーマンス『JUMP』
With a total cumulative audience to date totaling about four million, this unique non-verbal comic
martial arts performance is sure to entertain. Combining Tae kwon do and Tak kyun with their
theatrical talent, this group which started in Korea is known worldwide. They even had a long-run
performance in Broadway for a whole year, and they are coming back to Nagoya for a second time
(their previous tour was two years ago). The story is set in Korea. A seemingly "typical" family
consisting of a grandfather, father, mother, daughter and uncle, turn out to be not so "typical"
after all - they are expert martial artists! Add to that a potential husband (who is a bit "different")
brought home by grandpa for the daughter, and a couple of idiotic burglars who sneak in to this
family's home one night, and you've got JUMP!
When: Friday, April 18 (18:30 – 19:50) and Saturday, April 19 (12:00 – 13:20 and 16:00 – 17:20)
Where: Meitetsu Hall (名鉄ホール)
Access: From Meitetsu Nagoya Station, (名鉄名古屋駅) as you exit from the West Wicket Gate, take
Photo courtesy of Tokai TV
the elevator from B1 up to 10F.
Cost: All tickets 5,500 Yen. Children up to the age of 3 gain free entry. Purchase tickets using P-code: 434-694 at Ticket Pia, Seven
Eleven, Circle K and SunKus or online.
Matsuzakaya Museum “Evangelion Exhibition” 松坂屋美術館「エヴァンゲリオン展」
Evangelion started broadcasting on TV in 1995 and from 2007 a series of films called "Rebuild" began, and the feature film
"Evangelion: 1.0 You Are (Not) Alone" was released and attracted even more new fans.
Following the first and second film in the series, the third film demonstrates even more advanced filming techniques and a
developing plot which exceeds expectations and has become a hot topic and is another record making hit.
General manager Hideaki Anno and the production company "Khara" who are overseeing this exhibition are making some 300
pieces of valuable source material publicly available. Ikari Shinji and Ayanami Rei and other popular characters brilliantly reflect on a
tale of grand scale.
Furthermore, you will be able to see a colossal display of over 1000 storyboards, layouts, key frames and videos
material to present to you the inner workings of the process required to make a production of this magnitude.
Also on exhibit, will be animation cels and reproduction manga by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto to show you the history of
works from the production's inception to date.
When: Saturday, April 26 to Tuesday, May 20 (10:00 – 19:30). There will be no closures for the duration of the
exhibition, however the exhibition will be closing at 18:00 on the last day (5/20). Last entry 30 minutes prior to
closing times.
Where: Matsuzakaya Museum, Matsuzakaya Nagoya Store, South Building, 7F (松坂屋美術館: 松坂屋名古屋店 南
Access: A short walk from Sakae Station (栄駅) on the Higashiyama and Meijō Subway Lines (地下鉄東山・名城線)
Cost: Adults 1,000 (800) Yen; Senior HS and College Students 800 (600) Yen; Junior HS Students and under gain
free entry.
© カラー
Sakura in Mizuho Ward 瑞穂区のさくら
You will need to be quick if you want to catch some of the most breathtaking
cherry blossoms in Nagoya City – they are usually only around until about the
end of the first week of April. The Yamazakigawa River offers a stretch of
overflowing blooms as far as the eye can see. Towards the end of the season,
petals fall as the wind breathes and they land on the river surface below,
forming a white and light pink blanket. In addition, the cherry blossom trees are
lit up in the evenings from 18:30 until 21:00 between Kanaebashi and
Kanaekobashi bridges.
When: From Friday, March 28 to Sunday, April 6.
Where: Yamazakigawa River in Mizuho Ward
Access: Approximately a 15 minute walk from Mizuho Kuyakusho Station (瑞穂
区役所駅) on the Sakurado-ri Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線).
Kisosansenkoen Park Tulip Festival
During this season, the tulips in the park show their amazing
colour. Cherry blossom trees are also planted in the flowerbeds
where the colourful tulips bloom. As a result, when the tulips
flower early, we are blessed with the sight of them blooming
together! This year will also include stage events, performances, a
food court and market.
When: Saturday, April 5 to Sunday, April 20 (weekdays 9:00 –
17:00, weekends 8:00 – 18:00). The park will not close on any
days during the festival.
Where: Kisosansenkoen Park (木曾三川公園), Gifu Prefecture
Access: Take the Yoro
Railway (養老鉄道) to Ishizu
Station (石津駅) then take
the Kaizu City Community
Bus (海津市コミュニティバス)
to Kisosansenkoen (木曾三川
公園). By car from Nagoya,
approximately 15 minutes
from Yatomi (弥富) IC on the
Higashimeihan Expressway
Photo courtesy of Kiso Sansen Park
Photo courtesy of Nagoya City
Adjustment Guidance
English-speaking Psychology Practice in Nagoya
We specialize in
Autism / Asperger’s Syndrome
Child Development
Culture Shock
Education Issues
Speech Pathology
Phone: 080-9170-8822
Entertainment Calendar
Living in Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Movie Theatre Schedule
A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA
................................ (052)551-5461✪✩
................................ (052)527-8808✩
................................ (052)452-6036✩
................................ (052)541-3109★
................................ (052)212-2437✪✩
New Grand
Midland Square
Exit 1
Hirokoji Do
Police Station
................................ (052)264-8580✪★
7.Meien CINE SALON 1-2
................................ (052)931-1701✩
Post Office
Exit 10
................................ (052)659-0111✪★
Hotel com's
Route 41
Aeon Mall
Route 23
Ring Road
Admission discount services:
✪: Foreign students
(Must present alien registration card
and student ID)
★: Women ¥1,000 on Wednesdays
✩: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays
Hirokoji Dori
Nakagawa Canal
................................ (052)733-3959✩
Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some
showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide.
★GRUDGE MATCH リベンジ・マッチ
TV-Regular Bilingual
Robert De Niro, Sylvester Stallone;dir. Peter Segal–From Apr.4<2>
グランドピアノ 狙われた黒鍵
Elijah Wood, John Cusack;dir. Eugenio Mira–From Apr.5<4>
Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara;dir. David Lowery–From Apr.5<6>
ONES パラノーマル・アクティビティ 呪いの印
Andrew Jacobs;dir. Christopher B. Landon–From Apr.11<9>
★THE ACT OF KILLING アクト・オブ・キリング
dir. Joshua Oppenheimer–From Apr.12<7>
dir. Robert Stone–From Apr.12 <5>
Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts;dir. John Wells–From Apr.18<5><9>
Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson;dir. Anthony Russo, Joe RussoFrom Apr.19<2><9>
★The Railway Man レイルウェイ 運命の旅路
Colin Firth, Nicole Kidman;dir. Jonathan Teplitzky–From Apr.19<6>
BONES シャドウハンター
#3 (NHK)
Everyday @ 19:00--19:30/ News7
Mon-Fri @ 21:00--22:00 / News Watch9
Sun @ 23:00--24:00/ Dong Yi
#2(NHK Education)
Wed @ 19:25--19:50/ SAM&Cat (Start 4/2)
Sat @ 8:35--9:00 / Curious George
Sat @ 18:25--18:50 / i Carly(Encore broadcast)
Sat @ 19:00--19:44 / Chikyu Dramatic
[Repeat :Mon@0:00--0:44]
Mon-Fri @ 22:00--22:50 / International News Report
(Start 3/31)
NHK BS Premium
Thu @ 23:15--24:00 / the GOOD WIFE 4 (Start 4/3)
Sat @ 8:30--9:30/ Dong Yi (Encore broadcast)
Sun @ 21:00--22:00/ The King’s Doctor
Lily Collins, Jamie Campbell Bower;dir. Harald Zwart–From Apr.19
#6 (Nagoya TV)
Mon @ 25:59--26:54 /Revenge Season1
(End 4/28)
アメイジング・スパイダーマン 2
#10 (TV Aichi)
Sat @ 24:50--25:50/ HAWTHORNE Season2
Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone;dir. Marc Webb–From Apr.25
Japanese Language
Lesson Course
Entrance Fee Free
Until Apr. 30th
Basic Intermediate Advanced
JLPT Conversation Kanji etc.
Movies on TV
墓石と決闘 ················································································· 1967
グレートレース··········································································· 1965
プレステージ·············································································· 2006
トスカーナの休日······································································· 2003
ワイルド・スピード······································································ 2001
ブラッディ・ガン·········································································· 1990
未知との遭遇 ファイナル・カット版······························· 1997 (1977)
11@23:45-BSP- L
かぞくはじめました···································································· 2010
11@13:00-BSP- EL
エリザベスタウン······································································· 2005
13@13:00-#10- U.S. MARSHALS
追跡者 ························································································ 1998
14@21:00-BSP- 2FAST2FUR
ワイルド・スピード×2································································· 2003
15@13:00-BSP- THE WAY WEST
大西部への道············································································· 1967
恋人までの距離 ········································································· 1995
長い灰色の線············································································· 1954
21@21:00-BSP- (500)
日のサマー ······································································ 2009
軍用列車 ···················································································· 1975
暴力脱獄 ···················································································· 1967
ビフォア・サンセット ··································································· 2004
29@13:00-BSP- PALER
ペイルライダー ········································································· 1985
30@13:00-BSP- MADIGAN
刑事マディガン ·········································································· 1967
International Cross Culture Promotion Center
【TEL】 080-1559-9744 【E-MAIL】
【Classroom location】 Aichi NPO Exchange Plaza.
Puffy buds (pre-bloom)
Tsubomi ga fukuramu
Early Bloom
30%, 50%, 80% Bloom
San/go/hachi bu saki
Full Bloom
What is the condition of the cherry blossoms at Yamazakigawa River?
Yamazakigawa no sakura no kaika jo-kyo- wa dou desu ka?
Where is the best place to go this weekend to see cherry blossoms?
Konshu-matsu, sakura wo mi ni ikitai no desu ga, doko ga ichiban ii no
deshou ka.
Should I take anything with me when I go to see the blossoms?
Ohanami ni iku toki ni nani wo motte itta hou ga ii no desu ka?
You don’t have to, but many people take a blanket, snacks, and drinks.
Nanimo nakutemo ii desu ga, mo-fu to oyatsu to nomimono wo motte iku
hito ga o-i desu.
I wonder when the petals will start to fall this year.
Kotoshi no chirihajime wa itsu deshou ka?
Falling Petals
Chiri hajime
More Spring Vocab
Hay fever
Kushami ga deru
Runny nose
Hanamizu ga deru
Blocked nose
Hana ga tsumaru
Itchy eyes
Me ga kayui
Dry throat
Nodo ga kawaku
Simplifying your apartment search in Nagoya
Real Estate Agency
Open Classes
Using new language in context can significantly increase your chances of success when learning. The important thing to
remember, is to use new language as soon as possible. With Spring in the air, it shouldn’ t be too difficult to find an opportunity
to talk about cherry blossoms (sakura), so we thought it might be a good topic for this month’s “Useful Japanese” . As a related
common Spring topic of conversation, we are also including some language which may help you explain your hay fever related
symptoms to your workmates, doctor, or local pharmacy. Good luck and がんばって!
We are licensed real estate transaction specialists who
can serve you in English.
Please feel free to contact us!!
Tel 052-262-3208
Free Guided Tour of Nagoya 定期に開催しているガイドツアー
The Aichi Goodwill Guides Network (AGGN) offer free English-speaking tours of sightseeing spots around Nagoya. No guide fees are
required for all tours, but as for Private Tours, all entrance fees, transportation, food and drink costs for the guides during the tour will
be paid by the person(s) requesting guide service. For further info & reservations contact the AGGN at or
0561-75-6977 (Tel & Fax)
■Regular Tour (no reservations needed): Tours of Nagoya Castle depart every Saturday and Wednesday at 13:30 from the
East Gate of Nagoya Castle. Entrance fee 500 Yen.
■Private Tours (reservations are required at least 7 days in advance): The Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and
Technology (2 hour tour), Atsuta Jingu Shrine - a place full of mythology (1.5 hour tour), Osu shopping arcade - the most exciting
spot in Nagoya (2 hour tour), Arimatsu - hometown of tie-dyeing (2 hour tour), Shirotori Garden (1 hour tour), Cultural Path,
Nagoya’s historical residential district (2 hour tour), Tokugawa Art Museum & Tokugawaen (3 hour tour).