english edition


english edition
Event and Lifestyle Information Magazine for Foreign Residents
平成27年7月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第369号 発行所 公益財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
Website: www.nic-nagoya.or.jp
Phone: 052-581-0100
「Nagoya Calendar」
NIC News
NIC Events
In and Around
Living in
Bulletin Board
Ukai (Cormorant fishing) on the Kiso River, Inuyama City. See page 6 for details.
Photo courtesy of Inuyama Tourist Association
The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp.
Nagoya International Center News
Nagoya International Center Events - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100
The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute subway ride from Nagoya Station.
Kokusai Center Station, on the Sakura-dori Subway Line, is linked to the Nagoya International Center at the basement level.
The Nagoya International Center Library and Information Counter are open 9:00 – 19:00.
Closed on Mondays, December 29 - January 3, & the second Sundays of August & February.
Paid car-parking is also available at the Center and in the immediate vicinity.
★Information Counter 情報カウンター
Information service for foreign residents on daily life and
sightseeing in Japan available in 7 foreign languages. Japanese &
English are available Tuesday to Sunday (9:00 – 19:00).
Reservations not required. See our website for service times in
other languages.
■Tel: 052-581-0100 ■E-mail info@nic-nagoya.or.jp
★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談
Native English-speaking counselors are available on Sunday
by appointment only to provide support to foreign
residents who have difficulties with their lives in Japan. To
arrange a counseling session call the NIC 3F Info Counter at
★Free Legal Consultations 外国人無料法律相談
Free Legal Consultations with a certified lawyer available on
Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30 by reservation only. To make an appointment, please leave your name & phone number on the answering machine at 052-581-6111. A counseling support staff
member will call you back at a later date to schedule an appointment with you.
★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人行政相談
Information & advice in English for foreign residents on anything related to
government administration such as labour laws, immigration, divorce, &
taxation. Phone or visit us Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00.
Reservations not required.
Tel: 052-581-0100. See our website for service times in other languages.
★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers 難民相談
The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a
confidential counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family
members, and asylum seekers in English and Japanese on every Thursday of
the month (10:00 - 16:00) at the NIC 3F Info Counter. Reservations are
required. For more information call RHQ at 078-361-1700 (website
★The NIC Library ライブラリー
Over 10,000 English language books including travel guides, popular manga,
non-fiction, fiction, children’s books, and Japanese study guides. Borrow up to 6
books for a period of 14 days! Membership is free and open to everyone resident
in the Chubu Area. A form of ID that shows your current address is required.
Children can also get cards!
- Free Educational Counseling Services at the NIC A Valuable Resource for Foreigners and Japanese Living In & Around Nagoya
Do you have any unanswered questions about your child’s education?
Do you know about all your available options?
Do you need advice and don’t know who to ask?
A child’s educational matters are a high priority for parents – and justifiably so. What do you do if
your child doesn’t understand the language? How will they make friends? What will happen to their
educational development? Perhaps your child is having difficulty adjusting to a foreign school
Did you know that the Nagoya International Center offers an educational advice and counseling
service to assist children and their parents with the above matters and more?
Professional counselors are on hand to provide advice and information on education for children of
Japanese and foreign nationality – including information about schools, school admissions, daily life,
and potential problems.
 When: Wednesdays, Fridays, & Sundays 10:00 – 17:00
 Where: NIC 3F Information Counter
 Reservations: Required and can be made by calling 052-581-0100
Tuesdays to Sundays 9:00-19:00
The NIC also occasionally holds seminars for parents and guardians with the aim of supporting
involved parties with their efforts to enrich their child’s educational experiences.
A School Guidance Seminar for Children of Foreign Nationals on post-junior high school
education options will be held on Sun. 2 Aug. See page 3 for details.
Japanese Summer School for Children
With the aim of providing the Japanese language skills necessary
for school and daily life, NIC volunteers will host special summer
vacation Japanese lessons for children. Available for school children
aged between 6 and 15 whose mother tongue is not Japanese.
When: Every Thu. & Sun. from 23 Jul. to 30 Aug. (10:00 - 11:30);
No class Sun. 9 Aug. and Thu. 13 Aug. (Total 10 classes)
Where: Nagoya International Center 3F Lecture Room 1 & 2
How to Join: Applications will be accepted on Sun. 19 Jul. (12:15
- 12:45) in person at the Nagoya International Center 3F Lecture
Room 1; a parent / guardian should also attend. Application forms
are available from the 3F pamphlet boxes or from the NIC website.
Participation Fee: 1,000 Yen covers all 10 classes.
Places: Maximum 40 places.
Inquiries: NIC Exchange & Cooperation Division, phone:
052-581-5689 (Tue. to Sun. 9:00 – 17:00); E-mail: vol@nic-nagoya.or.jp
School Guidance Seminar for Children of
Foreign Nationals
Coming from a different cultural background, most foreign parents
living in Japan have a different idea of what further education should
be. The lack of knowledge about the Japanese school system and the
language barrier make it difficult for the parent to fully understand the
potential further education choices available to their child. This Nagoya
International Center seminar, co-hosted by the Nagoya Board of
Education, will feature two sessions. The morning session will feature a
screening of the film ‘Hafu’, on multicultural children. The afternoon
session will provide advice on the Japanese post-junior high admission
system and possible options that students will have available to them
once they have graduated from junior high school, an explanation of
the entrance examination schedule, and a series of short presentations
by representatives from local high schools. Individual consultations with
school representatives will also be available after the seminar. English,
Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese and Filipino interpreters will be available.
The seminar is free, however places are limited to 80 parents and
students. Reservations are required and can be made, by calling the
NIC (052-581-0100), or visiting the Nagoya International Center 3F
Information Counter from Wed. 1 Jul. Applications can also be made
using the online form on our website.
When: Sun. 2 Aug. (Morning session 10:00 - 12:15; Afternoon
session 13:00-16:30)
Where: Nagoya International Center Annex Hall
Access: Above Kokusai Center Station (国際センター駅) on the
Sakura-dori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線)
Children’s Story Book Time
Listen to foreign
volunteers in the NIC’s 3F
Library as they read story
books in their own
respective languages
from the library’s vast
collection of international
children’s books.
Participation is free, and
no reservations are required!
★Upcoming Schedule
Sun. 12 Jul. (14:00 – 14:30) English
Sun. 26 Jul. (14:00 – 14:30) English & French
NIC Library Summer Holiday Quiz Rally
It's quiz rally time for elementary and junior high school students at
the Nagoya International Center Library. Use the Library's books
and other resources to find the answers to the quiz questions, and
find new surprises and discoveries. There's a gift, too! No
reservation required.
When: Tue. 21 Jul. to Sun. 2 Aug. (10:00 - 16:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center 3F Library
Cost: Free
NIC/Nagoya City University Open Seminar:
Pantomime Terror: Cartoon Death Squads
and Media Panic after ISIL
名古屋国際センター・名古屋市立大学連携 公開セミナー「ヨーロッパにお
This open seminar, conducted in English with consecutive Japanese
interpreting, will look at the diversity of European society with its
many Muslim migrants, and freedom of speech. The background to
the rise of ISIL, the attack on a caricature magazine and similar
incidents, will be examined with reference to the current situation
in Europe and the role of the media. Places are limited to 80, and
reservations are required. Lecturer: Professor John Hutnyk, a guest
of Nagoya City University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences.
When: Sat. 4 Jul. (14:00 - 16:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center, 5F Conference Room 1
Admission: Free
Reservations: NIC Exchange & Cooperation Division, phone:
052-581-5691; E-mail: koryu@nic-nagoya.or.jp
NIC Photo Contest NICフォトコンテスト
The NIC Photo Contest is back! Why not share a photo of your
“Nagoya Memories” (they can be recent, or not so recent) with the
Nagoya International Center for the chance to win prizes! You
don’t need to be a professional photographer; you don’t even have
to own a camera – a photo taken with your smartphone is fine!
Photos will be displayed at the NIC 3F Information Counter, and on
NIC’s Facebook page, where visitors’ votes and “likes” will
determine the winner!
Theme: “Nagoya Memories”
How to Enter: Submit your photo (as a JPEG file) by e-mail to us at
photo@nic-nagoya.or.jp (with “Nagoya Memories” as the subject)
along with the photo's title, and details of where and when it was
taken, as well as your name, gender, age, nationality / country of
birth, and current address. The photo should be no bigger than
2MB. One entry per person. Entry is limited to individuals currently
residing in Japan. The closing date for entries is Wed. 30 Sep.
Further details: See the NIC website for conditions.
Visit us at the NIC
The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute
subway ride from Nagoya Station. Kokusai Center Station (国際センタ
ー駅), on the Sakura-dori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線), is linked to the
Nagoya International Center at the basement level.
Picture Story Book Plaza in Nagoya
絵本のひろばin Nagoya
Staying Up-to-Date with the NIC
Social Media
Radio Broadcasts
Follow us @the_nic
Find us on Facebook
Saturdays 6:17am in English & Portuguese
Sundays 6:17am in Chinese & Korean
Monthly Publications and WWW
Our Nagoya Calendar magazine is available for
download from our website @ http://bit.ly/nagoyacalendar. We also have a monthly mail newsletter – sign
up on our website! Also bookmark our site
At this two-day event, read picture story books, see movies about
children and picture books, and there’ll be lots of other activities,
too, including a musical picture book performance (13:05-13:45) as
the opening event on 1 Aug. Meet new friends from around the
world through picture story books! Reservations not required.
When: Sat. 1 Aug. (13:00 - 20:30) and Sun. 2 Aug. (10:00 18:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center 5F Conference Room 1
Cost: Free
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Events in July
Events in July
See below for Nagoya Philharmonic Events, Star Gazing, Theater and more!
Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra Salon
Concert 名古屋フィルハーモニー交響楽団サロンコンサート
Performing: Takako ASAI, Clarinet
When: Thu. 16 Jul. (18:30)
Where: Nagoya City Music Plaza 1F “Music Salon” (名古屋市音楽プ
Access: A 6-minute walk from Kanayama Station (金山駅) or an
8-minute walk from Higashibetsuin Station (東別院駅) on the Meijo
Subway Line (地下鉄名城線).
Admission: Free
Inquiries: Nagoya Philharmonic Ticket Guide on 052-339-5666
(Japanese / English)
Nagoya Philharmonic Day 2015
Players of Nagoya Philharmonic, Chamber Ensemble
When: Sat. 8 Aug. (13:00)
Where: MS & AD Shirakawa Hall (三井住友海上しらかわホール)
Access: A 3-minute walk south from Fushimi Station (伏見駅) Exit 5
(5番出口) on the Higashiyama or Tsurumai Subway Lines (地下鉄東山・
鶴舞線); turn left at the Mitsukura (三蔵) intersection.
Tickets: General Admission 1,500 Yen; University and Senior HS
students 1,000 Yen; Junior HS and Elementary School students
500 Yen. Tickets can be purchased by calling the Nagoya
Philharmonic Ticket Guide on 052-339-5666 (Japanese/English).
Special Exhibition – A Strange World of
Illusion 特別展「錯覚体験ふしぎワールド!」展
Solve the mystery of the familiar yet strange phenomenon of
illusions generated by our five senses, through large, vivid exhibits.
Experience your own senses deceive you as stationary objects
appear to move, objects of the same color seem to be different
colors, you hear unheard sounds, and feel the sensation of
touching something that isn’t there. Learn scientifically about
illusions while experiencing the peculiarities of the human senses.
When: From Sat. 18 Jul. to Mon. 31 Aug. (9:30 – 17:00; Last
entry by 16:30)
Where: Nagoya City Science Museum (名古屋市科学館) Basement 2
(地下2階) Event Hall (イベントホール)
Access: A 5-minute walk south from Fushimi Station (伏見駅) Exit 5
(5番出口) on the Higashiyama or Tsurumai Subway Lines (地下鉄東山・
Admission: Adults 1,000 Yen, University and Senior HS students
700 Yen, Junior HS and Elementary School students 500 Yen.
Includes access to other Nagoya City Science Museum exhibits
excluding the Planetarium.
Star Gazing at the Science Museum –
Saturn 市民観望会「土星をみる会」
Following a brief talk at the
planetarium you will proceed to
the rooftop’s main telescope and
various other telescopes to observe
the night’s recommended celestial
When: Sat. 8 and Sun. 9 Aug.
(18:45 - 21:00)
Photo courtesy of Nagoya City Science
Where: Rooftop observatory,
Nagoya City Science Museum (名古屋市科学館)
Access: A 5-minute walk south from Fushimi Station (伏見駅) Exit 5
on the Higashiyama or Tsurumai Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線・鶴舞線).
Participation: Adults 700 Yen, Junior HS and Elementary School
Students 300 Yen. Numbers are limited to 250 participants on
each date. (For Elementary School children and up. Children of
Junior HS age and younger must be accompanied by an adult
guardian.) To apply, send a reply-paid post card to: 〒460-0008
Nagoya, Naka Ku, Sakae 2-17-1, Nagoya City Science Museum to
arrive by Sat. 18 Jul.; on the reverse write: “August [date] - Stars”
and include your preferred date, the number of adults & children
in your group. See www.bit.ly/ofukuhagaki to find out how to
write a reply-paid postcard.
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Nagoya Noh Theater “One Coin (500 Yen)
Concert - Marimba Ensemble”
名古屋能楽堂 ワンコインコンサート
Slavonic Dances (Dvorak), Concierto de Aranjuez (Rodrigo), Hungarian Dances
No.6 (Brahms), Ghanaia (M.Schmitt), Escualo (Piazzolla), Uta IV. VII (Awoi
Yamakawa), Dark Eyes (Russian folk song), Passacaglia (Halvorsen), etc.
Marimba: Ritsuko Hoshi, Sayaka Mase, Mikio Kondo; Viola: Noema
Konaka; Contrabass: Toshinobu Sakakibara; Piano: Natsu Katayama;
Clarinets: Kazuo Seto
When: Fri. 11 Sep. from 19:00
Where: Nagoya Noh Theater (名古屋能楽堂)
Access: Approximately 10 minutes’ walk from Sengencho Station (浅間町
駅) Exit 1 (1番出口) on the Tsurumai Subway Line (地下鉄鶴舞線)
Admission: 500 Yen
Inquiries: 052-231-0088
Special Exhibition – Secret Witches
Exhibition 特別展「魔女の秘密展」
Who were witches? Nowadays, witches are
portrayed in various forms, from children's
stories to being major characters in movies
and comics. But the truth about witches
remains shrouded in mystery.
In former times, witches in the West were
the objects of fear, believed to make pacts
with the Devil, and bring misfortune to
people with their supernatural powers.
From the history of their persecution as
heretics defying Christianity, to the
Louis-Maurice Boitet de Monvel, 'The
Lesson Before the Sabbath' 1880,
appearance of witches as the subjects of
Collection of the Nemours Castle Museum
art, this exhibition looks at the truth of
©RMN-Grand Palais / René-Gabriel Ojéda /
distributed by AMF
witches, buried in the darkness of history,
through some 100 exhibits, including a number being exhibited publicly
for the first time in Japan.
When: Sat. 18 Jul. to Sun. 27 Sep. (9:30 – 17:00; Last entry by 16:30)
Closed Mondays (in the event it falls on a national holiday, closed the
next business day instead, but open 24 Sep.) and the 4th Tuesday each
month (except national holidays)
Where: Nagoya City Museum (名古屋市博物館) in Mizuho Ward (瑞穂区)
Access: A 5-minute walk from Sakurayama Station (桜山駅) Exit 4 (4番
出口) on the Sakura-dori Subway Line (地下鉄桜通線)
Admission: General Admission 1,300 (1,100) Yen, College and
Senior HS Students 900 (700) Yen, Junior HS and Elementary School
Students 500 (300) Yen. Prices in ( ) are for groups of 30 or more.
Holders of a Physically Disabled Persons’ Handbook, and up to two
accompanying people enter for half price. Take public transport and
the Weekend Eco Pass (ドニチエコきっぷ) for a 100 Yen discount.
Ticket Giveaway! See the NIC website (http://bit.ly/IeqtVX)
for your chance to win. We have a number of pair tickets to
give away! Entries close Mon. 27 Jul.
The Nagoya Touring Children’s Theater
The Nagoya Touring Children's Theater began in 1980 to give children
the opportunity to experience the excitement of live theater, something
that can't be conveyed through television. Events are held at local,
low-cost venues to make participation as easy as possible for everyone!
①Pleasure Planning – ‘Pleasure B’s Comedy Mini-circus’: Thu. 20
Aug. at Naka Ward Office Hall (中区役所ホール); Fri. 21 Aug. at Minami
Bunka Shōgekijō (南文化小劇場). 2 performances (11:00, 14:00) each date.
②Kawaguchi Setsuko Ballet Troupe – ‘An Invitation to the Ballet’:
Wed. 26 Aug. at Midori Bunka Shōgekijō (緑文化小劇場); Thu. 27 Aug.
at Tenpaku Bunka Shōgekijō (天白文化小劇場); Fri. 28 Aug. at Moriyama
Bunka Shōgekijō (守山文化小劇場); Sat. 29 Aug. at Nishi Bunka Shōgekijō
(西文化小劇場). 2 performances (11:00, 14:00) each date.
Tickets: 700 Yen for everyone 3 and over. Children under the age of
3 may enter for free if they share a seat with their parent/guardian.
Tickets can be purchased through The Nagoya City Cultural
Promotion Corporation Ticket Guide (weekdays 9:00 – 17:00).
Phone: 052-249-9387. Further details can be found at
http://www.bunka758.or.jp/ (Japanese)
See below for a variety of events in and around Nagoya this July. Festivals and fireworks!
Nagoya Groovin’ Summer 2015
See a wide range of performers - from junior high school students to
adults on the stage – as they deliver lively big band jazz to the audience.
One of the main attractions is a collaborative performance between
students and professional artists. This year’s guest performers are
JABBERLOOP and Kobayashi Kaori.
When: Sat. 25 and Sun. 26 Jul.
Where: Oasis 21 Ginga no Hiroba (オアシス21銀河の広場), Nadya Park
Atrium (ナディアパークアトリウム) and other selected locations. See the
website for a detailed timetable: http://groovin-nagoya.com/
Access: Oasis 21 – Sakae Station (栄駅) Exit 4 (4番出口) on the
Higashiyama or Meijo Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線・名城線). Nadya Park
Atrium – A 5 minute walk from Yaba-cho Station (矢場町駅) Exit 5 or 6 (5・
6番出口) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線).
The 7th Centrair Bon-Odori
Why not try the traditional summer evening ritual of Bon-Odori (Bon
dancing) in a not-so-traditional setting – on the airport observation deck!
When: Sun. 19 Jul. (18:30 – 20:00); In the event of rain, the event will be
postponed to Mon. 20 Jul.
Where: Centrair (Chubu International Airport) Passenger Terminal 4F Sky
Access: Central Japan International Airport Station (中部国際空港駅) on the
Meitetsu Airport Line (名鉄空港線)
Summer Party – an International Exchange Event
Japanese and non-Japanese can meet and mingle in a casual party
setting, with recreational games, prizes, and a chance to learn about
Japanese culture, with a traditional Bon festival dance, and a Japanese
drum performance (which you can also try). All this, and a buffet-style
light meal!
When: Sun. 26 Jul. (18:30 - 20:30)
Where: Nagoya International Center Annex Hall (Kokusai Center Subway
Station, Exit 2)
Admission: 1000 Yen for foreign residents, 2000 Yen for Japanese
nationals; reservations are required.
Reservations / inquiries: NPO International Cross Culture Promotion
Center, E-mail: international0317_npo@yahoo.co.jp.; Phone:
Kakuozan Summer Festival 覚王山夏祭
Features an art & craft and retro & antique flea market, and exciting
performances including Balinese dance with gamelan and samba on the
stage. There’s also a nostalgic game corner and workshop, and
international food and beverage stalls at the Beer Matsuri. A
specially-designed fan will be distributed to the first 100 visitors in yukata
(summer kimono) on each day.
When: Sat. 25 and Sun. 26 Jul. (14:00 - 21:00)
Where: In front of Nittaiji Temple (日泰寺), Chikusa Ward (千種区)
Access: A 1-minute walk up the hill from Kakuozan Station (覚王山駅) Exit
1 (1番出口) on the Higashiyama Subway Line (地下鉄東山線).
The 69th Ocean Day Nagoya Port Festival
The fireworks show synonymous with summer at Nagoya Port held on the
Umi no Hi (Ocean Day) national holiday, the last day of the Nagoya Port
Festival. Some 370,000 spectators gathered last year to be thrilled by
around 3,000 fireworks, including the richly artistic 'star mine'. The 'melody
fireworks' presented as the show's finale are synchronised to music which
can be heard via the multitude of speakers installed around the venue.
When: Mon. 20 Jul. (19:30 - 20:20). Fireworks will still be held in rain, but
cancelled in the event of stormy weather.
Where: Nagoya Port (名古屋港), around the Garden Pier (ガーデンふ頭) area.
Access: A short walk from Nagoya Port Station (名古屋港駅) on the Meiko
Subway Line (地下鉄名港線). Recommended viewing spots are wharf 2 and
3 in front of the Port Building (ポートビル) or on the green space south
of the Port of Nagoya Aquarium (名古屋港水族館). Find a spot where
you can enjoy an unobstructed view of the fireworks.
Website: http://www.nagoya-port-festival.com/ (Japanese)
The 65th Osu Summer Festival 第65回大須夏まつり
A very popular street festival held in the streets in and around the
Osu shopping arcade. Highlights include samba dancing, a taiko
drum performance, and World Cosplay Summit events.
When: Sat. 1 and Sun. 2 Aug. (12:00 – 22:00)
Where: Osu Arcade (大須商店街), Naka-ku (中区)
Access: A 3-minute walk from Osu Kannon Station (大須観音駅), Exit
1, on the Subway Tsurumai Line (地下鉄鶴舞線)
Toyohashi Gion Matsuri 豊橋祇園祭
Although the procession accompanying the deity is the central ritual,
the festival is famous for the fireworks events held in the preceding
days. Fireworks: Friday, 17 Jul. (18:40 – 22:00) - traditional hand-held
and cascading firework display. Sat. 18 Jul. (18:00 – 21:00) – aerial
firework display - around 12,000 fireworks! Sun. 19 Jul. (from 17:00)
– procession.
When: From Fri. 17 to Sun. 19 Jul.
Where: Yoshida Shrine (吉田神社) on 17 Jul. On the banks of the
Toyogawa River (豊川) behind Yoshida Shrine on 18 Jul. The
procession departs from Yoshida Shrine (吉田神社) on 19 Jul.
Access: A 20-minute walk from Toyohashi Station (豊橋駅) on the
Meitetsu Nagoya Line (名鉄名古屋本線). Take the Toyohashi City Line
Tram (豊橋市内線) to Fudagi (札木) Stop for Yoshida Shrine, and
Toyohashi Kōenmae (豊橋公園前) Stop for the free fireworks viewing
Gamagori Festival 蒲郡まつり
Saturday's attractions will include a tug-of-war tournament, Yosakoi
dancing, and lots of stalls. On Sunday there'll be such features as a
yukata fashion show, a karaoke contest, and a musical, as well as the
festival highlight, the Summer Evening Fireworks featuring three
Shosanjakudama (正三尺玉花火) fireworks. Reaching a whopping
650m in diameter when exploded, these breathtaking fireworks are
the biggest to be launched on the Pacific coast. When: Sat. 25 and
Sun. 26 Jul. (Fireworks on 26 Jul. [19:30 – 21:00]).
Where: Gamagori Citizens Hall (蒲郡市民会館), Takeshima Pier (竹島埠
頭), Gamagori Pier (蒲郡埠頭), and other locations around the sea-front
in Gamagori City (蒲郡市) Aichi
Access: A 5- to 10-minute walk from JR or Meitetsu Gamagori
Stations (JR・名鉄蒲郡駅)
Toyota Oiden Matsuri
The Saturday night Oiden Final will see around 150 lively teams
dancing energetically through the streets of central Toyota. Sunday's
Grand Fireworks will feature around 13,000 fireworks including a
'wide star mine' (5 star mines set off simultaneously) and a 30-metre
high 'Huge Niagara Falls.'
When: The Oiden Final (おいでんファイナル) on Sat. 25 Jul. (17:00 –
20:30). Grand Fireworks on Sun. 26 Jul. (19:10 - 21:00)
Where: On the streets around the east side of Meitetsu Toyota-Shi
Station, and at Shirahama Park (白浜公園) on the banks of the Yahagi
River (矢作川), Toyota City (豊田市)
Access: A 10-minute walk to Shirahama Park from Toyotashi Station
(豊田市駅) on the Meitetsu Toyota Line (名鉄豊田線); accessible from the
Tsurumai Subway Line (地下鉄鶴舞線).
The 60th Textile Thanksgiving Ichinomiya
Tanabata Star Festival
The extravagant decorations make this one of Japan’s big three
Tanabata festivals (Sendai and Hiratsuka host the other two), visited
by over a million people each year. Highlights include a 500-meter
long procession to dedicate an offering of locally-produced woolen
textiles, a Jinrikisha (rickshaw) procession and a Bon dance.
Ichinomiya’s main line location (JR Tokaido and Meitetsu) make it
easily accessible from across the region.
When: From Thu. 23 to Sun. 26 Jul.
Where: Around JR Owari-Ichinomiya Station (JR尾張一宮駅) and
Meitetsu Ichinomiya Station (名鉄一宮駅)
Access: Using JR, go to Owari-Ichinomiya Station (尾張一宮駅) on the
JR Tokaido Main Line (JR東海道本線). Using Meitetsu, go to Meitetsu
Ichinomiya Station (名鉄一宮駅) on the Meitetsu Main Line (名鉄本線).
July Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Kariya Mando Matsuri 刈谷万燈祭
An Intangible Folk
Cultural Asset of Aichi
Prefecture, this
traditional festival has
a history of more than
230 years. Each
warrior-shaped Mando
(lit. "ten thousand
lanterns") lantern,
measuring 5m tall and
weighing around
60kg, is carried by one
young man, who
Photo courtesy of Kariya City
dances heroically to
the accompanying o-hayashi flute and drum music. The first day's
event is known as Shingaku (新楽), in which the Mando wind through
the streets. In the second day's event, the Hongaku (本楽), dancing is
presented as an offering within the grounds of Akiba Shrine.
When: Sat. 25 Jul. (16:30 – 22:00) and Sun. 26 Jul. (16:50 – 22:00)
Where: Akiba Shrine (秋葉社) and surrounds, central Kariya City (刈谷
市), Ginza (銀座) 2-101
Access: A 5-minute walk north from Kariya-shi Station (刈谷市駅) on
the Meitetsu Mikawa Line (名鉄三河線).
27th Komaki Heisei Summer Festival
An innovative variation
on the illuminated float
festival, the Komaki
Heisei Summer Festival
was inspired by a
festival held in
Komaki's friendship
city - Yakumo Town in
Hokkaido. This year, as
Komaki City
commemorates its
60th anniversary, the
27th festival will
feature 21 illuminated
floats along with
Photo courtesy of Komaki City
dancing and taiko
drum performances turning up the heat higher than ever. Sunday's
finale includes a collaborative performance consisting of traditional
Japanese hand-held fireworks, American fireworks, and Japanese
taiko drums. A fun and exciting festival for everyone to enjoy.
When: Sat. 25 Jul. (17:15 - 21:00) and Sun. 26 Jul. (17:20 – 21:30)
Where: 25 Jul. (19:00 - 21:00): from Komaki-shi Shimin Kaikan (小
牧市市民会館) to Komaki Station East Melody Park (小牧駅東メロディー
パーク); 26 Jul. (19:00 - 20:50): from Melody Park to Komaki-shi
Shimin Kaikan
Access: From Heiandori Station (平安通駅) on the Kamiiida Subway
Line (地下鉄上飯田線), transfer to an Inuyama (犬山) OR Komaki (小牧)
bound train and get off at Komaki Station (小牧駅). Approximately
5 minutes' walk from the station. Free parking for 100 cars
available at Komaki City Hall (小牧市役所).
Inquiries: Komaki Heisei Summer Festival Executive Committee
Administration Office, Phone: 0568-76-1173 (Japanese)
Nagoya Oktoberfest 2015
Over 6 million people
attend the world's
biggest beer festival
in Munich, Germany
which started over
200 years ago. The
5th Nagoya
Oktoberfest will be
here for 17 days. Last year, over 120,000 attendees came to the festival
to enjoy German beers, wines, authentic sausages, and a German folk
band from Munich performing daily to recreate a true Oktoberfest
atmosphere. This year’s event will see the Nagoya debut of beers of the
Hacker-Pschorr Brewery, one of the 6 official breweries of the Munich
Oktoberfest, as well as grilled whole mackerel and more!
When: From Sat. 4 Jul. to Mon. 20 Jul. (weekends and holidays 11:00
- 21:00, weekdays 15:00 - 21:00)
Where: Hisaya Odori Koen Hisaya Plaza (久屋大通公園久屋広場) and
Angel Plaza (エンゼル広場) near Sakae Station (栄駅) on the Higashiyama
or Meijo Subway Lines (地下鉄東山線・名城線).
Admission: Free; Charges apply for food and drinks.
Website: www.nagoya-oktober-fest.com (Japanese)
World Cosplay Summit 2015
The World Cosplay Summit is a
festival showcasing characters from
Japanese manga, animation, video
games, and SFX shows. The World
Cosplay Summit was born in
Nagoya 13 years ago, and this year
cosplayers from 22 countries and
regions will dress up and compete
Photo courtesy of World Cosplay Summit
for the 2015 cosplay crown. There
are various events including: stage
shows, parades, photo sessions and more. The championship is the
highlight of the summit where a grand champion is chosen from the
representatives of each country. Candidates are not judged by their
costumes alone, but by a combination of their staging and performance.
It’s a highly competitive contest which attracts some of the best
cosplayers in the world.
When: Final championship Sat.1 Aug.
Where: Aichi Prefectural Arts Theater Concert Hall (愛知県芸術劇場コンサ
Access: Connected at the basement level to Oasis 21 and Sakae Subway
Station (栄駅).
Details: Full information regarding events and venues can be found on
the official site in English at http://www.worldcosplaysummit.jp/en/
July Highlights - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō / Gyōsho Tōkaidō
From among the many of Hiroshige’s Ukiyo-e with the Tōkaidō theme, this
exhibition presents all 55 pieces of Gyōsho Tōkaidō which have captions inscribed in
semi-cursive script (行書体 / gyōsho-tai) on each picture.
Compared with other Tōkaidō series, the color inks of the Gyōsho Tōkaidō are
brighter, and the series impresses with its light atmosphere. The landscape of
famous places and special products are described in each picture. Travelers can be
seen enjoying the trip in spite of the long and strenuous Tōkaidō journey.
When: Until Mon. 20 Jul. (9:30 – 17:00; Last entry 16:30); Closed Mondays (in the
event it falls on a national holiday, closed the next business day instead).
Where: The Hiroshige Museum of Art, Ena (中山道広重美術館) in Ena City (恵那市),
Gifu prefecture (岐阜県)
Access: A 2-minute walk south from Ena Station (恵那駅) on the JR Chuo Main Line
Admission: General Admission 510 (410) Yen. Price in ( ) is for groups of 20 or more.
Disney's Winnie the Pooh Exhibition
Cormorant Fishing on the Kiso River
Ukai (鵜飼) is fishing using specially-trained cormorants (U) to catch,
swallow, and regurgitate the fish. A
unique technique passed down
through the generations, the first
written record of ukai on the Kiso
River dates back to 702. Since 1909
it has been one of the area’s premier
tourist attractions. Weather and
Photo courtesy of Inuyama Tourist Association
river conditions pending, there are
daily ukai tours in Inuyama until the early autumn. Tours last between 1
hr 15 min. (without meal) and 2 hrs 30 min. (with meal) and visitors are
taken out on special viewing boats to within close proximity of the
fishing boats. There are ukai tours in other parts of Japan, but Inuyama is
unique in that ukai fishing is done in the day time as well as at night.
Daytime Ukai
Until 15 Oct. 11:30 - 14:00 on Tue., Thu., Sat. (except 9 Aug. – 12 Aug.)
Cost: Adults 4,500 (4,800) Yen, Children (age 4-12) 3,300 (3,450) Yen;
Includes meal. Prices in ( ) are for peak dates.
Evening Ukai
Dinner tours: until 31 Aug. 17:45 - 20:10; 1 Sep. - 15 Oct. 17:15 - 19:45.
(No tours 10 Aug.)
Cost: Adults 2,600 (2,900) Yen, Children (age 4-12) 1,300 (1,450) Yen.
Meal not included. Meals can be ordered when making a reservation. (Meal
selection & prices available on website) A 350 Yen charge per person applies
for bringing your own food & drink. Prices in ( ) are for peak dates.
Sightseeing tours: until 31 Aug. 19:00 - 20:10; 1 Sep. - 15 Oct. 18:30
- 19:45. (No tours 10 Aug.)
Cost: see Dinner tours above.
Reservations: Kisogawa Kanko, phone: 0568-61-2727 (9:30-18:00).
Cancelation charges apply. Reservations required for all tours, at least 3
days in advance for tours with meals.
Where: Kiso River (木曽川), Inuyama City (犬山市)
Access: The Ukai Boat Boarding Area is a 5-minute walk north from
Inuyama Yuen Station (犬山遊園駅) East Exit (東口) on the Meitetsu
Inuyama Line (名鉄犬山線).
Website: www.kisogawa-ukai.jp (Japanese)
2015 Bolshoi Circus Summer Tour
Known as the Bolshoi (meaning "great" or "big") Circus in Japan, the
Russian National Circus has over 80 years of history and first came to
Japan in 1958. This year, too, the troupe will deliver surprises and thrills in
the world's greatest performances by artists carefully selected from over
4,000 artists and 6,000 animals who call the Circus home.
When: Thu. 27 Aug. (10:30, 13:30); Fri. 28 Aug. (10:30, 13:30, 16:30);
Sat. 29 Aug. (10:30, 13:30); Sun. 30 Aug. (10:30, 13:30, 16:30); Mon.
31 Aug. (10:30, 13:30)
Where: Aichi Prefectural Gymnasium (愛知県体育館)
Access: A 5-minute walk from Shiyakusho Station (市役所駅) Exit 7 (7番出
口) on the Meijo Subway Line (地下鉄名城線).
Tickets: Reserved 4,800 Yen; Non-reserved 3,300 Yen. (Same prices apply
to adults and children aged 3 and over) Available from ticket agencies
including Ticket Pia, Lawson Ticket, e+ and CN Playguide
Inquiries: Tokai Radio Broadcasting, phone: 052-962-6151 (Japanese)
Fuchū from “The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō” (Gyōsho)
Utagawa Hiroshige
Image courtesy of Matsuzakaya Art Museum
Winnie the Pooh is perhaps the world's most-loved bear. English playwright A. A. Milne published 'Winnie
the Pooh', written for his son Christopher Robin, in 1926. Inspired by the sight of his daughter Diane
engrossed in the book, Walt Disney dreamt of animating the tale. After lengthy negotiations, Disney
acquired the movie rights in 1961. 5 years later, in 1966, 'Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree' was born.
The approximately 400 artefacts on display include cel art, concept art, models and figures and other
valuable exhibits from the collection of the Disney Archives (many of which will be exhibited for the first
time in Japan), also works of homage by Pooh-loving creators.
When: Fri. 17 Jul. to Sun. 6 Sep. (10:00 – 19:30; until 18:00 on 17 Aug. and 6 Sep.; last entry 30
minutes before closing)
Where: Matsuzakaya Art Museum (松坂屋美術館), Matsuzakaya Department Store Nagoya Store (松坂
屋名古屋店) South Building (南館) 7th Floor
Access: Matsuzakaya is connected to Yaba-cho Station (矢場町駅) Exits 5 and 6 (5・6番出口) on the
Subway Meijo Line (地下鉄名城線); or a 5-minute walk south from Sakae Station (栄駅) Exit 16 (16番出口)
Admission: Junior HS students and older 1,000 (800) Yen; Children over 3 and Elementary School
students 500 (300) Yen; Children under 3 free. Prices in ( ) are for groups of 10 or more.
FAE 30 - The Foreign Artists Exhibition – Now Accepting Applications! 外国人芸術作品展 - 作品募集中!
It's that time of year again when
the CJIS (Central Japan
International Society) begins to
prepare for another Foreign
Artists Exhibition (FAE). This year's
show will, amazingly, be the 30th
in the ongoing series. Taking place
from November 3 to 8, in NIC's
spacious 4th floor display room,
the annual exhibition welcomes
foreign artists from the Chubu
Some of the artists and their work from FAE 29 (2014)
Region of Central Japan to display
their artworks to local citizens. We are looking for painters, printers, illustrators, photographers, designers, potters (very much), sculptors, in
fact anyone who is creating fine art in a recognized medium (sorry, although computer graphics is warmly welcomed as an art form, artists
will have to provide their own hardware). Please note that last year's participants will automatically receive application forms & info in due
course. Any new artist interested in participating is requested to send his/her name & postal address to (email) nagoyafae@hotmail.com or
FAX: (052) 774 0483. Further information is available on the FAE website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/fae
Adjustment Guidance
English-speaking Psychology Practice
Individual, Couples,
and Family Therapy
Services provided in office
and via Skype
5 minutes walk from Ozone
Free on-site parking
Entertainment Calendar
Living in Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Movie Theater Schedule
July 8 is the Deadline for replacing your Alien Registration Card 在留カードへの切り替え
After July 9, 2012, and the introduction of the Residence Card, the Certificate of Alien Registration (外国人登録証明書/ Gaikokujin Tōroku
Shōmeisho) issued under the previous alien registration system has been deemed to be equivalent to the new Residence Card. However, mid- to
long-term resident foreign nationals who currently hold a Certificate of Alien Registration, i.e. those who have yet to be issued a Residence
Card, should be aware that the period in which the Certificate of Alien Registration is regarded as equivalent to the Residence Card
will end on July 8, 2015. (This may be earlier than the expiry date printed on your Certificate of Alien Registration.)
If you are a mid- to long-term resident foreign national in Japan, and have yet to be issued a Residence Card, you can request to exchange your
Certificate of Alien Registration for a Residence Card at the Nagoya Regional Immigration Office.
(A 1-minute walk from Nagoya Keibajo-mae Station [名古屋競馬場前]; 13 minutes from Nagoya Station [名古屋駅] on the Aonami Line [あおなみ線].)
For more information on the Residence Card and new residency management system in English, see the Immigration Bureau of Japan’s website
at http://www.immi-moj.go.jp/newimmiact_1/en/index.html .
A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA
................................ (052)551-5461✪✩
................................ (052)527-8808✩
................................ (052)452-6036✩
................................ (052)541-3109★
................................ (052)212-2437✪✩
New Grand
Midland Square
Exit 1
Police Station
................................ (052)264-8580✪★
7.Meien CINE SALON 1-2
................................ (052)931-1701✩
Post Office
Exit 10
................................ (052)659-0111✪★
Hotel com's
Route 41
Admission discount services:
Temporary Welfare Benefit
Aeon Mall
Eligible persons
Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some
showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide.
TV-Regular Bilingual
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans; dir.Joss Whedon-From Jul.4
チャイルド 44 森に消えた子供たち
Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman; dir. Daniel Espinosa-From Jul.4<5>
オン・ザ・ハイウェイ その夜、
86 分
Tom Hardy; dir. Steven Knight-From Jul.4<7>
★STUCK IN LOVE ハッピーエンドが書けるまで
Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Connelly; dir. Josh Boone-From Jul.4<6>
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Emilia Clarke; dir. Alan Taylor-From Jul.11
Ethan Hawke,Lena Headey; dir.James DeMonaco-From Jul.17
★INSIDE OUT インサイド・ヘッド
; dir. Pete Docter-From Jul.18<2><4><9>
★JAUJA 約束の地
Viggo Mortensen, Viilbjrk Malling; dir. AggerLisandro
Alonso-From Jul.18<6>
Movies on TV
#3 (NHK)
Everyday @ 19:00--19:30/ News7
Mon-Fri @ 21:00--22:00 / News Watch9
Sun @ 23:00--24:00/ El tiempo entre costuras
(Except 7/12)
#2(NHK Education)
Sat @ 8:35--9:00 / Curious George
Sat @ 18:25--18:50 / i Carly (Encore broadcast)
Sat @ 19:00--19:44 / Chikyu Dramatic
[Repeat :Mon@0:00--0:44]
Mon-Sat @ 7:00--7:50 / World News in Perspective
Mon-Fri @ 22:00--22:50 / International News Report
NHK BS Premium
Wed @ 23:15--23:45/ The Big C Season2 (Start 7/15)
Sat @ 8:30--9:30/ The King’s Doctor
Sun @ 21:00--22:00/ Empress Ki
★TRACKS 奇跡の2000マイル
#6 (Nagoya TV)
Mon @ 25:59--26:54 / Revenge Season3
(Except 7/12)
★MINIONS ミニオンズ
#10 (TV Aichi)
Sat @ 24:50--25:50/ONE TREE HILL 2nd Season
Mia Wasikowska, Adam Driver; dir. John Curran-From Jul.18<5>
Sandra Bullock,Jon Hamm; dir. Pierre Coffin-From Jul.31
Japanese Language
Entrance Fee 80% Off
Until July 31
Start anytime you like!
Lesson Course Basic Intermediate Advanced
JLPT Conversation Kanji etc.
【Schedule】90-minute lessons
1 or 2 lessons per week
【Classes】Morning, Afternoon or Evening
【Teachers】Experienced Japanese
*You can observe the lesson. Please contact us for more information.
5@13:00−#10−HALF PAST DEAD
奪還−アルカトラズ ·····················································2002
10@25:54− #6−HOLLOW MAN
インビジブル ·······························································2000
TAXI NY ·····································································2004
13@21:00−BSP−UPIN THE AI
19@13:00−#10−THE TAKING OF PELHAM 1 2 3
サブウェイ123 激突 ···················································2009
21@21:00−BSP−MARLEY & ME
バス停留所 ··································································1956
28@21:00−BSP−MY BESTFR
Simplifying your apartment
search in Nagoya
Real Estate Agency
We are licensed real estate transaction
specialists who can serve you in English.
Please feel free to contact us!!
NPO International Cross Culture Promotion Center
【TEL】 080-1559-9744 【E-MAIL】 international0317_npo@yahoo.co.jp
【Classroom location】 Aichi NPO Exchange Plaza.
Application forms will be sent to eligible persons from late July.
When you receive the form, check the content carefully and submit your application by Thu. 15 Oct. 2015, the deadline for applications. (Please send the application form and other necessary documents via post.)
Eligibility and amount of benefit (per single payment)
Route 23
Ring Road
✪: Foreign students
(Must present residence card and
student ID)
★: Women ¥1,100 on Wednesdays
✩: Women ¥1,100 on Thursdays
●: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays
Nakagawa Canal
................................ (052)733-3959●
Temporary Welfare Benefit and Special Benefits for Child Rearing Households for Fiscal 2015
Tel 052-262-3208
Email: info@rise-property.jp
Special Benefits for Child Rearing Households
Persons who were not subject to municipal residence tax
for 2015
※Dependents, etc., of persons subject to tax are
※Recipients of livelihood protection (seikatsu hogo) are
Eligible children
Amount of benefit
6,000 Yen (per eligible person)
Persons who received the Child Allowance for June 2015,
and whose income for 2014 was within the Child
Allowance income limit
Children eligible to receive the Child Allowance for June
3,000 Yen (per eligible child)
Beware of fraud purporting to offer benefit payments!!
Neither Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture, nor the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare will request transactions via ATM or payment of fees in
connection with benefit payments. If you receive such a request by phone or post, please contact your ward office or nearest police station.
Inquiries: Nagoya City Temporary Welfare Benefit Etc. Call Center, Phone: 052-963-5592, weekdays 9:00 – 17:00 (※Please note - Tue. 21
Jul. – Sun. 9 Aug.: Weekdays 9:00 – 19:30; Sat. & Sun. 9:00 – 17:00.)
For assistance in English, call Tue. to Fri. 9:00 – 17:00 (※Tue. 21 Jul. – Sun. 9 Aug.: Tue. to Fri. 9:00 – 19:00; Sat. & Sun. 9:00 – 17:00.)
※Temporary consultation counters will be available from Wed. 15 Jul. until Fri. 16 Oct. at ward offices and their branch offices. (Weekdays
9:00 – 17:15)
Nagoya Sightseeing Route Bus Me∼guru
②Nagoya Station Area
Do you know about the Me~guru sightseeing bus? Whether
you’re a tourist or a longer-term resident looking to check out
some of Nagoya’s sights in a convenient way (and minimizing
the risk of getting lost while navigating between attractions),
the Me~guru is a great, economical way to do it.
When: The Me~guru operates Tuesday to Sunday. (No service on
Mondays, or the following day if Monday is a national holiday.) On
weekends and national holidays, buses depart every 20-30
minutes; on weekdays, buses depart every 30-60 minutes.
Where: Me~guru buses depart from Nagoya Station, Bus
Stop 8 and stop at the Toyota Commemorative Museum of
Industry and Technology, Noritake Garden, Nagoya Castle,
Tokugawaen (The Tokugawa Art Museum, Hosa Library),
Cultural Path Futaba Museum, Nagoya City Archives South,
Nagoya TV Tower, Hirokoji-Sakae, and Hirokoji-Fushimi, before
heading back to Nagoya Castle, Noritake Garden, Toyota
Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, then
return to the terminus at Nagoya Station.
★ The Me~guru One-Day Pass (available on Me~guru buses
as you board) – Adults 500 Yen, Children 250 Yen; allows
unlimited travel on the Me~guru for one day, and discounted
admission fees to certain attractions.
★ Single Ride – Adults 210 Yen, Children 100 Yen
★ Weekend Eco Pass – Adults 600 Yen, Children 300 Yen;
allows unlimited travel on the Me~guru AND City Buses and
Subways for one day.
★ Manaca IC cards are also valid on the Me~guru.
Website: http://www.nagoya-info.jp/routebus/
Midland Square
At a height of 247 meters, this is
Nagoya’s tallest building and station-area
landmark. Stroll the open-air Sky
Promenade on the top floor and see the
entire city laid out below you. The
building houses a shopping mall with
world-class luxury brand shops, restaurants, and a cinema complex, so why not
treat yourself to shopping and dining in
When: Sky Promenade: 11:00-21:30
(varies seasonally); Retail stores: 11:00-20:00; Restaurants:
11:00-23:00 (Hours may vary)
Admission: Sky Promenade: Age 18 and over 750 Yen; Junior
and Senior HS students 500 Yen; Elementary school students
300 Yen; Seniors 65 and over 500 Yen
Inquiries: 052-527-8877 (Japanese)
JR Central Towers
These two towers rise directly above JR
Nagoya Station, and include a hotel,
offices, a department store, and 40
different restaurants. JR Central Towers is
a world-class station building in terms of
floor area, and sends out newest and
appealing information as a multi-floor city
complex combining diverse functions.
Since it’s directly connected to the station,
you can stop by on your way home and browse Nagoya
souvenirs right up to the last minute.
When: Retail stores: 10:00-20:00; Restaurants: 11:00-23:00
(Hours may vary)
Inquiries: 052-586-7999 (10:00-17:00 weekdays; Japanese)
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
★ About Notice Submissions - This is a free service -
You can submit and renew notices in person at the NIC Information Counter or via our website at www.nic-nagoya.or.jp/en/bulletinboard.
Submissions for commercial purposes & job hiring are not accepted. The NIC is not responsible for any problems that arise between parties
placing notices & their respondents, and NIC reserves the right to refuse or edit notices.
Cultural Learning Opportunities
★ Hana-no-ki-kai - Ikebana classes every 4th Sunday of the
month 13:00 - 16:00 near Kanayama station. Only actual cost
charged for materials. Reservations to Ms. Suzuki at
0562-93-0310 or Fax to 0562-93-5214.
★ Ikebana Communications - enjoy your stay in Japan &
make new friends by learning Ikebana. We meet every 2nd &
4th Sat 2pm to 8pm near Nagoya International Center Bldg.
Fee 1400 Yen per class. To join, please call Mimi
090-4867-4264, Ms. Wakita 052-581-6071 or Miki
★ Japanese Home Cooking Class, Ikebana & Tea
Ceremony in English - Learn to use the different sauces &
spices common to traditional Japanese home-cooked dishes.
Flower arranging & tea ceremony lessons available; private or
group lessons OK. Call Hideko at 052-211-2586.
★ Let’s Enjoy Japanese Kimono - Calling all foreign women!
Join us and try on a variety of kimonos and learn about
Japanese culture. Every 2nd Saturday (13:00 - 15:00) at Atsuta
Shogai Gakushu Center - a 15 minute walk from Hibino
Subway Station, exit 1. Participation fee only 500 Yen. Call or
fax to reserve your place 052-681-9414. YYclub Yoshida
★ Easy to Speak French! Enjoy French group lesson for all
levels! Learn all the “tools” to understand and speak French.
500 Yen / 60min. Week days in the morning @ NIC. Contact
Frederic f.dumabin@jcarib.com (Japanese OK!)
★ Easy to Communicate in Arabic! Group lessons for all
levels. Learn everything you need to appreciate listening and
speaking. 500 Yen / 60 min. Morning/afternoon/evening
lessons on weekends at Miyahigashi-Cho (4 min. from Nagoya
Daigaku Sta. Exit 1). Contact Labidi speaksee@gmail.com
(English, French, Japanese, Arabic OK!).
★ Spanish Club for Foreigners – Start or improve your Spanish
in group. 500 Yen/hour. Prepare for any exam, going abroad or
make friends. Indoor and outdoor activities. 5 minute walk from
Yagoto Subway Station. Give us your available time and let's make
it. E-mail rockarlos@hotmail.com (Nelly)
★ Move for Health - Various Latin style dances. Easily swing
your body to the rhythm. 7-minute walk from Yagoto St. on
Saturday afternoon. 500 yen/hour fellowship fee. Contact
friendsforfreejp@gmail.com (Rohas)
Enjoy Japanese Cooking! - Temari-Sushi, Miso-Dengaku ,Shiratama-Zenzai with Macha ice cream:Learn how to
make pretty ball-shaped sushi and other dishes and enjoy
Japanese taste.July 12 (13:30-16:30)at Coop near Motoyama Stn. 1000 yen. Contact J-cooking
Enjoy Healthy Okinawa Cooking! – Goya Champuru
(Fried bitter gourd), other typical Okinawa dishes with cold
dessert. Learn from a cooking specialist using fresh
ingredients. Let's enjoy Okinawa taste and overcome hot
summer. July 18 (18:00-21:00) at NTC near Nagoya Stn.
500 Yen. Contact: wwjtesther@yahoo.co.jp
Other Services and Assistance Available for Foreigners
★ Al Anon- for families and friends of alcoholics. Meets at
Mikokoro Center in Marunouchi. Contact Nancy at
n.mattson@hotmail.com or Mikokoro Center at 052-971-0334.
★ Nagoya International Alcoholics Anonymous - Think you
have a problem with alcohol? Call @ 090-9938-0596. Open
English meeting weekly on Sunday, 7 pm. http://ow.ly/sgiW1
Japanese Language Classes
“Aichi Nihongo no Kai” Japanese Conversation Class Mon. 10:00 - 11:30 at Aichi Kankokujin Kaikan 4F Kita-kaigishitsu near Kamejima Stn. Exit 4. Introductory, beginner, & intermediate
courses. 2,400 Yen in total for all 12 lessons. Term: Sep.7 to Dec.
14 (no class Sep. 21, Oct. 12, Nov. 23). Join any time. Call Keiko
090-9173-8136 or e-mail antoon27@yahoo.co.jp.
“A-KA-SA-TA-NA” Japanese Conversation Class –
Thu. from 10:30 to 12:00 at the Aichi Int’l Plaza; 2 blocks west
of Shiyakusho Stn. Exit 5. Classes Sep. 10 to Dec. 3. 2,600 Yen
for 13 lessons. Join anytime. Email: aloenagoyavol@yahoo.co.jp.
Call Noro: 052-711-5078; or Sato: 0566-82-0047.
★ “Kotoba-no-kai” - for non-native speakers of Japanese on Wednesdays &
Fridays (intermediate level and up) from 10:00-11:30 @ E-ABLE Nagoya
(previously Nagoya-shi Josei Kaikan); A 3 minute walk from Higashi Betsuin
Station exit 1 on the Meijo Subway Line. 1500 Yen for 15 classes. Call Sachiko
at 052-805-8134.
★ Kurokawa Japanese Language Class - April-September Fee 5,000
Yen for 20 lessons 6:30PM to 8:15PM every Thursday.The Kita Ward office
6F(Nagoya City). An 8-minute walk from KUROKAWA Subway Station,
exit 1. Website: http://kurokawa.digi2.jp/ E-mail: uedamatuitakahashi@hotmail.co.jp
★ Private Japanese Lessons (HHAHJ) Private lessons 1 to 1, every day (Time
negotiable between 9:00 and 21:00), all levels, 2800 Yen per 5 hours. At
WillAichi, Nadya Park or Nagoya Int’l Center. Other places in Aichi negotiable.
Native Japanese teacher. Free trial class! Call: 052-710-7479, email:
Iroha Nihongo-no-Kai - Japanese lessons on Thursdays,
10:30-12:00 at Nadya Park, 6F NPO Center. Located opposite Yaba Park
Exit 6 at Yaba-cho Subway Stn. Next term: Sep. 3 to Dec. 17 for 2400
Yen per term (total 15 lessons). Call Sionoya 090-6595-1578 or O’Brien
052-851-3436; e-mail: irohanihongonokai@yahoo.co.jp
★ Hills Nihongo de Walk - Available Japanese lessons at Yumeria
Tokushige 3F, next to Tokushige Station on Sakura-dori Line. On Fri. at
18:30 to 20:10. Fee 3,300 yen for 11 lessons from Jul. 3 to Sep. 25
(Except Aug.14 & 21). ankumi27@hotmail.com (Kumiko)
★ Language Exchange Club EJ - A social group for people (Japanese
and Foreigners) in and around Nagoya who want to learn Japanese and
English. Every 2nd Thu. from 19:00-21:00 at Co-op Aichi Motoyama 3F
near Motoyama Stn. Exit 4. Admission 100yen/ time. Website:
https://sites.google.com/site/motoyamaej/ Email: motoyamaej@gmail.com
★ Shirayuri Association - providing educational and cultural
services to both Turkish and Japanese societies in order to
promote the Turkish community in Japan, and further friendship
between Turkish & Japanese communities. Located in
Yabuta-cho, Moriyama Ku - Tel/fax 052-710-9808.
★ Sakae Toastmasters Club - An international club that aims
to develop leadership and English communication skills in a
no-pressure atmosphere. We meet 2nd/4th Wednesdays from
19:00-21:00 at Nadya Park. Attend one of our club meetings.
Contact Rina 080-3647-6996 or email sakae-tmc@freeml.com
★ Cross Cultural Exchange Association - An organization
dedicated to promoting cultural exchange, international
understanding and friendships amongst women of all nationalities living in the Nagoya area. With monthly social activities,
general meetings and special interest groups, there's something
for everyone! E-mail: nagoyaccea@gmail.com Website:
Discuss and Debate Club - We discuss Japan and the
world. Jul. 12 10:00-12:00 Nadya Park 9th Fl. Contact SETO
080-5132-2377 or expectation77@katch.ne.jp
★ Nagoya cyphers (cyber security group) - Learn or
improve your network security skills (mainly Linux) while
having fun (experiments, lan parties, etc). English,Spanish,Portuguese or Japanese. Email: dev@alepe.com (Alberto)
ETJ-Aichi Sunday workshop - for English teachers. 26
Jul. at NIC. Round Table Discussion, let’s share some ideas.
Useful teaching tips from experienced guest speaker. website:
English Language Exchange - Free English Language
Exchange for those who want to practice speaking English
with fun through games, normal conversation, TOEIC
discussion and songs. Venue: only 5 minutes’ walk from
Nagoya Station. Time: 14:00, Sun. Email:
Family Groups
Sports & Outdoor Clubs
★ "The Push-Up Brahs", Nagoya - a calisthenics and body weight
training bootcamp. All fitness levels welcome, Brahs are not gender
biased, just be ready to work. Meet at Tsurumai JR entrance, email Mike:
pushupbrahs@gmail.com for details.
★ Futsal in Nagoya - A friendly game of 6-a-side FUTSAL. Takes place
in Nagoya on Sundays and Mondays. Come and improve your soccer
skills! Email Chris at: c233sz@yahoo.co.uk
★ Nagoya International Volleyball Club - A friendly, non-competitive,
mixed game of volleyball for foreigners and Japanese people living in
Nagoya. Meet on Sundays twice a month. Open to men and women of
all levels. Get some exercise, have some fun and meet people of different
nationalities. Find us on Facebook. E-mail: nagoyavolleyball@gmail.com
★ Shonai FC & Sunday Shonai. Free Kickabout/Pickup football/soccer
every Sun. 3:30pm at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen (Tsurumai Line) All levels.
Behind the athletics track. Facebook ”shonaifc” or email Gary
★ Nagoya International Badminton Club – This club is
non-competitive, just for fun. Meet new people, make friends and get
some exercise. Beginners and non-players also welcome. Find us on
Facebook. E-mail: nagoyabad@gmail.com
Meeting & Activities
★ Current Affairs Discussion Group - Let’s talk about Current Affairs;
local, national, international. E-mail: casnagoya2010@yahoo.co.uk
★ Nagoya Writes - We have monthly readings and occasional
workshops. Fiction, essays, poetry, personal narratives, are all welcome.
Or, you can drop by and meet other writers. For information contact
Albert at qqma94r9@io.ocn.ne.jp.
Website: http://nagoyawrites.wordpress.com
★Nagoya Meet and Greet – A monthly lunch where 40+ women of
various nationalities, interests, and ages gather to meet, eat, and greet.
Great for new arrivals and those seeking new friends. Children’s play
area available. English is the language of communication. E-mail:
★ Nagoya International Success Group - A friendly international
group of people who are keen on learning and have a high teach ability
index. Contact: followyourblissjapan@gmail.com
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Nagoya-International-Success-Group/
★ Helping Orphans in Nagoya - If you are interested in spending time
with some fantastic children and huge hearted volunteers, both from the
international community as well as local Japanese, we welcome you to
volunteer with Santa and Friends Nagoya. Please visit our website!
★ Chayagasaka Cooperative English Playgroup - for
children 0 to 6 with at least one (English speaking) non-Japanese parent. Wednesday mornings near Chayagasaka Station;
500 yen per session. Games, songs, snacks and crafts.
Website: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/chayagasaka_playgroup/ Email: chayagasakaplaygroup@gmail.com
★ Foreign Mothers’ Group - Pregnant or just had a baby?
Talk about and share your experiences with other parents &
health professionals. Meet 10:00 – 12:00 every 2nd Sat. of the
month at E-ABLE Nagoya. Higashi Betsuin Subway Station,
Exit 1. Website: www.tcp-ip.or.jp/~lorna/mothers. Call Misako
(052-847-0243) or Lorna (090-2344-8978).
★ German Playgroup for children of all ages meets 10-12
on the last Sunday of each month. Contact Oliver at
★ Nagoya Foreign Fathers - Father / child activity group.
Meets one Sunday a month for fun activity. Fostering dual
nationality and international culture. Common language is
English. Sign up via our Facebook group.
★ Nakamura English Playgroup - Meets on the 2nd & 4th
Saturdays of the month from 10-12 at the Nakamura Lifelong
Learning Center. All foreign & bi-cultural families, returnees
are welcome. ¥300 per child, free the first time. E-mail:
Website: http://nkenglishplaygroup.wordpress.com
★ Bilingual Play Group - English-Japanese play group. We
meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of every month from 10:30 11:30 through July. 100yen per family. Mustard Seed Christian
Church;GS Imaike building 7F, a 2 minute walk from Imaike
station exit 7. Website: www.mustardseednagoya.com / email:
Places of Worship
★ Nagoya International Baptist Church (NIBC), is located
in Tenpaku Ku. Free Japanese Class (adults), Sunday School
(adults & children), Afternoon Service & Ladies Bible Study
www.nibc.japanforchrist.com for details.
- Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) is also located in Tenpaku
Ku. Sunday School (adult & children), Morning Service, Free
English Class www.cbcnagoya.japanforchrist.com for
For phone enquiries in Japanese or English, please call
052-801-8064 or 080-3650-5539
Nagoya Orthodox Church In Showa-ku, near Subway
Tsurumai Line, Arahata stn. or Tsurumai stn. Vespers on Sat.
17:30. Holy Liturgy on Sun. at 10:00. For more information,
please call Fr. George Matsushima at (052)734-9000 or e-mail:
Website: http://www.orthodox-jp.com/nagoya/
★ All Nations Fellowship is an international bilingual (English/Japanese)
worship service. Our Bible-based teachings are focused on the gospel and
the doctrines of grace. We meet every Sunday at 10:30am in Nagakute.
We offer bilingual Sunday School for children ages 4-12. Please visit our
website at www.allnationsfellowship.net for more information.
★ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Services each Sunday
near Gokiso Station, at Kitayama-cho 3-41; tel. 052-732-5176. Sacrament
Meeting at 10:00, followed by English Sunday School; translation
assistance available for other meetings. Friends & visitors always welcome.
Call Nagoya LDS Mission 052-773-0755.
★ Faith Charismatic Church (FCC) - We meet every Sunday at Naka
Sports Center (3F Room 3) at 10:00. Call Pastor Bede at 080-5139-6777
★ Islam Ahmadiyya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayer at 13:00 and
is open for five prayers. Offers study of the Holy Qu'ran, Arabic, and Urdu.
Islamic library and cooking classes. Located in Meito Ward at Kifune
2-1602. A 7 minute walk across Route 302 from the Meito Post Office.
Website: www.ahmadiyyat.jp Email: info@ahmadiyyat.jp
Tel: 052-703-1868
★ Mikokoro (Sacred Heart) International Catholic Center Nagoya English Masses every Saturday 18:00, Sunday 10:00 & 15:00; Novena,
Wednesdays at 15:00. Confessions, baptisms, marriages available. Tel:
052-971-0334. Near Hisaya-odori Station. Website: www.mikokoro.net
★ Nagoya English Fellowship - Inter-denominational Evangelical
Fellowship with English and Japanese (3 times a month) messages &
bilingual children's Sunday School for children. At Nishi Lifelong Learning
Center, Joshin Subway Station, exit 6. Service starts at 10:45 AM. Contact:
Willie Gonzales 090-2579-1007 or http://nefchurch.org.
★ Indonesian Catholic Community - hosts Indonesian mass once a
month (every 4th Sunday) in Johokubashi Catholic Church at 12:30 pm, 8
minute walk from Meijo Koen station exit 1. For more detail please email
us at katoliknagoya@yahoo.com
★ Nagoya All Saints International Church - Weekly opportunity for
personal renewal, spiritual growth and soulful refreshment. All are
welcome. Worship in English 17:00 every Sun., followed by fellowship.
Located in Imaike nearest to Imaike station, exit 9. Website:
nagoyaallsaintsinternationalchurch.com; Phone: 080-4527-3464;
E-mail: worship@nagoyasaints.com
★ Nagoya International Christian Assembly near Gokiso and Fukiage
Stations has Sunday Services in English 08:30 to 10:30 - singing, preaching, Bible study, & fellowship. 18:30 to 20:30 - praise & worship. Filipino
(Tagalog) Bible study 1st Sundays at 16:00.
Website: www.nicachurch.org
★ Nagoya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayers & is open for five-time
prayers Khutba at 12:30 & Prayer at 12:40. Halal meat & Islamic literature
are also available. Honjin Station, exit 3 Call 052-486-2380 Website:
★ Nagoya Port Mosque – Fri. Prayer Khutba from 12:30. Open for five
time prayers, every Sat. special speech & dinner after Isha Prayer. Children’s
Arabic lessons Sat. On Route 23, between Hojin & Juichiya traffic lights,
next to overhead crossing; parking available (10 cars), except Fri. (11:30 14:00). 15-minute walk from Inaei Aonami Line Station. Address: Nagoya,
Minato-Ku, Zennan-Cho 33-3. Tel: 090-3251-5381
★ The IMMANUEL Christian Fellowship is an evangelical fellowship
that welcomes Filipinos and English speaking people. Experience: warm
fellowship, lively praise & worship songs, practical Tagalog & English
sermon and Bible story lessons for your Japanese speaking kids. Worship
service @1:00 pm. Contact Pastor Solito at 090-8540-8260 or visit
★ His Call International Church - Hillsong Network Church Services for
all ages in Japanese, English & Chinese. SUN: 9am, 11am, 2pm. WED:
7:30pm. Free Language Exchange. Children's Church. 1 minute walk from
Osu Kannon station exit 4. WEB: hiscallchurch.com TEL: 052-228-7780
★ Aichi St. Luke's Anglican / Episcopal Church - English language
service on the 2nd Sun. of every month @ 17:00. A 5 minute walk from
Owariasahi Stn., Meitetsu Seto Line. Inquiries: e-mail: alc.chubu@nskk.org;
Website: http://www.nskk.org/chubu/alc/church/regular-service;
Tel: 0561-53-8937
★ Mustard Seed Christian Church - Join our Japanese-English bilingual
worship service every Sun. at 11:00. Enjoy excellent music, dynamic teaching,
& meet new people! Casual worship service, anyone welcome. Location: GS
Imaike building 7F, a 2-minute walk from Imaike Station Exit 7. Website:
www.mustardseednagoya.com / email: info@mustardseednagoya.com
★ Members Church of God International (Ang Dating Daan) – Bro.
Eli Soriano and Bro. Daniel Razon are the true servant of God to preach
the gospel of salvation. Services: Sat. 13:30-15:00, 16:00-23:00, Nakamura-ku Toriidori Uchifuji Bldg. 3F. Phone 090-6589-4776.
Website: www.mcgi.org

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