calendar - Nagoya International Center


calendar - Nagoya International Center
平成24年8月1日(毎月1回1日発行) 第334号 発行所 公益財団法人 名古屋国際センター 〒450-0001 名古屋市中村区那古野一丁目47-1
English Edition
Visit our website at or call us at 052-581-0100
「Nagoya Calendar」は生活情報や名古屋周辺のイベント等の情報を掲載している英語の月刊情報誌です。
Photo: Cormorant Fishing on the Kiso River. Courtesy of the Inuyama City Tourist Association. See page 3 for details.
The Nagoya International Center will be closed on Sunday, August 12.
Free Guided Tour of Nagoya 定期に開催しているガイドツアー
The Aichi Goodwill Guides Network (AGGN) now offer 8 free English-speaking tours of sightseeing spots around Nagoya.
Guides are free, but entrance fees are to be paid by participants. For further info & reservations contact the AGGN at or 0561-75-6977 (Tel & Fax)
Tours of Nagoya Castle: departs East Gate of Nagoya Castle every Saturday and Wednesday at 13:30. Entrance fee 500 Yen.
No reservations needed.
Reservations are required at least 7 days before for the following tours:
Toyota Commemorative Museum and Technology: Saturdays at 13:30. Entrance fee 500 Yen.
Atsuta Jingu Shrine: Saturdays at 13:30. Osu Shopping Arcade: Saturdays at 12:50.
Arimatsu: Saturdays at 13:30. Entrance fee 450 Yen. Shirotori Garden :Entrance fees 300 Yen
There are also tours available around Nagoya’s historical Cultural Path (entrance fees 300 Yen), and Tokugawa Art Museum &
Tokugawaen (total entrance fees 1500 Yen).
The Nagoya Calendar is printed on recycled paper that contains post-consumer recycled pulp.
Entertainment Calendar
Daily Living Information - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
Movie Theatre Schedule
The 2012 Winter JLPT is scheduled to take place on
Sunday, December 2. There are 5 levels available - N1,
N2, N3, N4, and N5; N1 is the most difficult. The application period for the winter test starts on Monday, September 3 & ends on Wednesday, October 3.
A Nagoya Station, FUSHIMI AREA
................................ (052)551-5461✪✩
................................ (052)527-8808✩
................................ (052)452-6036✩
................................ (052)541-3109★
................................ (052)212-2437✪✩
New Grand
Midland Square
Exit 1
Hirokoji Do
Police Station
Exit 10
................................ (052)264-8580✪✩
7.Meien CINE SALON 1-2
................................ (052)931-1701✩
From this year, you can now apply online (after registering
your details) via the JEES website
and pay the 5500 Yen application fee at a convenience
Post Office
An official guidebook with sample questions, and a large
range of past questions from previous tests are also
available in the Nagoya International Center Library.
Nagoya City Public Elementary School Enrollment Applications
Were you aware that children of foreign nationality can enroll in public elementary schools?
If you live in Nagoya City and would like your child to attend a Nagoya City public elementary school (koritsu shogakko 公立小学校) from April 2013, you can apply at your local
ward office’s citizen’s section (shimin-ka 市民課). Applications for children born between
April 2, 2006 and April 1, 2007 are now being accepted.
Enrollment is based upon the residential area you live in and children cannot enroll in a
school in an area where they are not a resident. After application, it will be necessary for
your child to have a medical check-up on a specific date (after October 1) set up by the
local elementary school. In January 2013 a notice of enrollment acceptance (shugaku
tsuchi-sho 就学通知書) will be mailed out from the local ward office.
For more information please contact your local ward office’s citizen’s section (shimin-ka
市民課). For inquiries in English (and other languages) please use the NIC’s Toriohon 3-way
call System - available in English Tuesday through Friday 09:00 -17:00 at 052-581-6112.
................................ (052)659-0111✪★
Hotel com's
In and Around Nagoya
Route 23
Ring Road
Bay City
Route 41
Admission discount services:
✪: Foreign students
(Must present alien registration card
and student ID)
★: Women ¥1,000 on Wednesdays
✩: Women ¥1,000 on Thursdays
Hirokoji Dori
Nakagawa Canal
................................ (052)733-3959✩
Listed below are English language movies being shown in Nagoya theaters. Listings are subject to change. Movies are usually shown in their original language with Japanese subtitles; some
showings may be dubbed in Japanese for younger audiences. Numbers in < > after the movie listing correspond to the above location guide.
TV-Regular Bilingual
Christian Bale, Michael Caine;dir. Christopher Nolan–Thru Aug.<2><4><9>
マダガスカル 3
Ben Stiller, Chris Rock;dir. Eric Darnell–From Aug.1<2><4><9>
#3 (NHK)
※The time of News broadcasts are subject to change
due to the Olympics.
遊星からの物体 X ファーストコンタクト
Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Joel Edgerton;dir. Matthijs van Heijningen Jr.–From Aug.4<9>
Colin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale;dir. Len Wiseman–From Aug.10<2><4><9>
Everyday @ 19:00--19:30/ News7
(News7&Olympic 8/1 12)(8/12,18:45 )
Mon-Fri @ 21:00--22:00 / News Watch9
(NewsWatch9&Olympic 8/1 10)(8/9,20:50 )
Sun @ 23:00--24:00/ Yi・San(Except 8/5,12)
#2(NHK Education)
Wed @
Sat @
Sat @
Sat @
19:25--19:50 / i Carly
8:35--9:00 / Curious George
18:25--18:50 / i Carly(Encore broadcast)
19:00--19:44 / Chikyu Dramatic
[Repeat :Mon@0:00--0:44]
Sat @ 22:55--/ glee
Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster;dir. Jodie Foster–From Aug.11<6>
Michelle Williams, Seth Rogen;dir. Sarah Polley–From Aug.11<5>
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans;dir. Joss Whedon–From Aug.17<2><4><9>
Mon-Fri @ 6:00--7:50 / World wave Morning
(Except 8/1 13, 6:00--7:00)(8/6,6:10 )
Sat @ 7:00--7:50 / World wave Morning
Mon-Fri @ 22:00--22:50 / World wave Tonight
(Except 8/1 10)
ザ・グレイ 凍える太陽
Liam Neeson, Frank Grillo;dir. Joe Carnahan–From Aug.18<2><9>
NHK BS Premium
Thu @ 23:15--24:15 / Secret Garden(End 8/16)
Fri @ 23:15--24:00 / DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES
Sun @ 21:00--22:00/ The Princess Man
※Agatha Christie s Poirot・・・8/13 16,17:00--18:34
David Tennant, Dougray Scott;dir. James Strong–From Aug.18<5>
Mohamed Fellag, Sophie Nlisse;dir. Philippe Falardeau–Until Aug.24<7>
#11 (Nagoya TV)
Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender;dir. Ridley Scott–From Aug.24<2><4><9>
#4 (Chukyo TV)
Lauren German, Michael Biehn;dir. Xavier Gens –From Aug.25<1>
Mon @ 25:59--26:54 / One Tree Hill Tue @ 25:59̶-26:54 / THE GUARDIAN SEASON2
Mon @ 25:49--26:49/ GOSSIP GIRL SEASON2(Except 8/6)
(@26:28 on8/20, @26:19 on8/27)
Fri @ 26:12--27:12/ REGENESIS SEASON3
(@26:27--27:27 on8/24)
Movies on TV
3@24:00-BSP- COCOON
コクーン································································································· 1985
ロード・オブ・ザ・リング 王の帰還 ························································ 2003
コクーン2 遥かなる地球 ···································································· 1988
11@23:15-BSP- ROCKY
ロッキー ································································································· 1976
13F ········································································································ 1999
12@23:00-BSP- ROCKY Ⅱ
ロッキー2······························································································· 1979
13@23:15-BSP- ROCKY Ⅲ
ロッキー3······························································································· 1982
14@23:15-BSP- ROCKY Ⅳ
ロッキー4 炎の友情 ·············································································· 1985
15@23:15-BSP- ROCKY Ⅴ
ロッキー5 最後のドラマ ········································································ 1990
ロッキー・ザ・ファイナル ········································································ 2006
オーシャンズ11······················································································ 2001
·················································································· 1986
·················································································· 1986
続・赤毛のアン アンの青春(前編) ························································ 1988
続・赤毛のアン アンの青春(後編) ························································ 1988
勝利への脱出 ························································································ 1981
赤毛のアン アンの結婚
······························································ 2000
26@13:00-#10- MINDHUNTERS
マインド・ハンター·················································································· 2004
赤毛のアン アンの結婚
······························································ 2000
赤毛のアン 新たな始まり······································································ 2008
コーチ・カーター ···················································································· 2005
ザスーラ ································································································ 2005
フリーダム・ライターズ·········································································· 2007
Many students from all over the world enjoy studying here at the YWCA ! !
Full-time Course
5 days / week
1 year
starts in April/October
Part-time Course
2 days / week 3 months
morning/afternoon/evening Course
starts in April / September /January
First Step Japanese
2 days / week
4 weeks
starts in June /November / February
- Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Cormorant Fishing on the Kiso River 木曽川うかい
Ukai is not conventional fishing with lines or nets, but fishing using specially-trained cormorant birds to catch, swallow, and regurgitate the fish. This
unique fishing technique has been passed down through the generations and the first written record of ukai on the Kiso River dates back to 702. Since
1909 it has been one of the area’s premier tourist attractions.
With the exception of typhoons and river swell there are daily ukai tours in Inuyama until the early autumn.
Tours last just under 2 hours and visitors are taken out on special viewing boats to within close proximity of the fishing boats. There are ukai tours in
other parts of Japan, but Inuyama is unique in that ukai fishing is done in the day time as well as at night.
★Day Time Ukai 昼うかい
Until October 15 (11:30 - 13:40 on Tue, Thu, Sat); no tours on August 10 & 17
Cost: Adults 3800 Yen, children (aged 6 -12) 2900 Yen
 Includes meal. Reservations required 1 -3 days before
 Tours will go ahead despite rain. In the case of heavy rain, river swell, or
typhoon, tour cancellations will be announced the day before.
★Reservations 予約
Reservations are required for all tours. Reservations are required (by noon of the tour
day for tours without a meal and 3 days before for tours with a meal), and can be
made at the riverside ticket office - in person or over the phone (Tel: 0568-61-0057).
Cancelation charges apply.
Access: The Inuyama Bashi ukai reception area is a 5 minute walk from (Meitetsu)
Inuyama Yuen Station, East Exit 犬山遊園.
Double Star Viewing 市民観望会「二重星をみる会」
Observe a double star through the science museum's large telescope;
other smaller telescopes will also be available.
When: Saturday, September 22 (18:15 – 20:30)
Where: Rooftop observatory, Nagoya City Science Museum 名古屋市科学館
Participation: Adults 700 Yen, school-age children 300 Yen. Numbers
are limited to 250 participants. To apply, send a reply-paid post card to 〒
460-0008 Nagoya, Naka Ku, Sakae 2-17-1, Nagoya City Science Museum
to arrive by Saturday, September 1; on the reverse write: "September 22
- Double Star" and include the number of adults & children in your group.
- See to find out how to write a reply-paid
★Evening Ukai 一般のうかい
Until August 31 (18:00 - 20:15)
Adults 2800 Yen; 2500 Yen on weekdays
Children (aged 6 -12) 1400 Yen; 1250 Yen on weekdays
September 1 to October 15 (17:30 - 19:45)
Adults 2500 Yen; 2200 Yen on weekdays
Children (aged 6 -12) 1250 Yen; 1110 Yen on weekdays
 Tours will go ahead despite rain. In the case of heavy rain,
river swell, or typhoon, tour cancellations will be
announced at noon.
 Prices do not include a meal. Meals are extra. You are
allowed to bring your own food & drink on the condition
that you take home all your garbage.
Nagoya City Science Museum News
The Nagoya City Science Museum is usually closed on Mondays & the 3rd
Friday of the month, but will be open throughout the August Obon
period including Monday, August 13 & Friday, August 17. The whole
museum will be closed on September 4 & 5 and the planetarium will be
closed on September 6 & 7.
Rental Facilities Available for Rent 貸施設ご案内
The Nagoya International Center has meeting rooms, conference
facilities, and exhibition space available for rent at morning,
afternoon, evening, and full-day rates. Rooms are available for as little
as 3500 Yen for a morning session!
For bookings and further inquiries about our facilities, call 052-5815679 (09:00 - 17:00).
Full information at
Summer Intensive Course
5 days / week
5 weeks
Nagoya International Center Services
In and Around Nagoya
Grape Picking ぶどう狩り
The grape picking season runs from late summer to early autumn. In Aichi Prefecture the warm coastal areas of the Chita Peninsula, Gamagori, and Okazaki are
home to a large number of grape farms - many of which allow visitors to pick and
eat grapes fresh off the vine.
Nagoya International Center Services - Visit or call the NIC 3F for more information - 052-581-0100
The Nagoya International Center is a 7-minute walk or a 2-minute subway ride from Nagoya Station.
Kokusai Center Station, on the Sakura-dori Subway Line, is linked to the Nagoya International Center at the basement level.
The Nagoya International Center library and information counter are open 09:00 - 19:00
Closed on Mondays, December 29 - January 3, & the second Sundays of August & February.
Car-parking is also available at the Center and in the immediate vicinity.
★Information Counter 情報カウンター
Information service for foreign residents on daily life and sightseeing
in Japan available in 8 foreign languages. Japanese & English is
available Tuesday to Sunday (09:00 - 19:00). Reservations not
required. See our website for service times in other languages. ■Tel:
052-581-0100 ■E-mail
★Free Personal Counseling 外国人こころの相談
Professional native English-speaking counselors are available
weekdays (Tue - Fri) by appointment only to provide support to
foreign residents who have difficulties with their lives in Japan. To
arrange a counseling session call the NIC 3F Info Counter at
★Free Legal Consultations 外国人無料法律相談
Free Legal Consultations with a certified lawyer available on
Saturdays 10:00 - 12:30 by reservation only. To make an appointment, please leave your name & phone number on the answering
machine at 052-581-6111. A counseling support staff member will
call you back at a later date to schedule an appointment with you.
Grapes are rich sources of vitamins A, C, B6, and folate in addition to essential
minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and magnesium. Grape skins
also contain resveratrol which has been positively linked to inhibiting cancer, heart
disease, and Alzheimer's.
★Free Civic Advisory Service for Foreign Residents 外国人市政相談
Information & advice in English for foreign residents on anything related to government
administration such as labour laws, immigration, divorce, & taxation. Phone or visit us
Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 & 13:00 - 17:00 (except national holidays). Reservations not required.
Tel: 052-581-0100. See our website for service times in other languages.
Two main varieties are grown - the Kyoho grape (巨峰) - a large, thick skinned,
purple grape, and the Delaware grape (デラウェア) - a smaller, soft, sometimes
seedless variety. Why not get out and enjoy the late summer weather and visit one
of these farms?
Photo: Courtesy of Sightseeing Association Aichi
★Free Counseling Service for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
The Kobe-based Refugee Assistance Headquarters (RHQ) provides a confidential counseling service for refugees, convention refugees, their family members, and asylum seekers in
English and Japanese on the 1st, 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month (10:00 - 16:00) at the
NIC 3F Info Counter. Reservations are required. For more information call RHQ at
078-361-1700 (website
★The NIC Library ライブラリー
Over 10,000 English language books including travel guides, popular manga, non-fiction,
fiction, children’s books, and Japanese study guides. Borrow up to 6 books for a period of
14 days! Membership is free and open to everyone resident in the Chubu Area. A form of
ID that shows your current address is required. Children can also get cards!
“NIC Nihongo no Kai” Japanese Course for
Adults NIC 日本語の会
The Center’s ever-popular program offers 7 types of classes ranging from
conversation for beginners to kanji.
Conversation classes: Kaiwa-kiso, Kaiwa-1, Kaiwa-2 (10:00, 12:00),
Kaiwa-3 (14:00).
Writing Classes: Kana (14:00), Kanji-1 (10:00), Kanji-2 (12:00).
Applications will ONLY be accepted on Sunday, September 9 (11:30 12:00) at the information desk on Nagoya International Center 5F. If
oversubscribed, course applicants will be chosen by lottery. Fee collection
for successful applicants starts at 13:00. If space available, applications
for a 2nd class will be accepted from 13:30.
Term: Every Sunday from September 16 to November 25 (11 classes,
90 minutes each).
Participation Fee: 2500 Yen, plus additional fees (500 - 1000 Yen) for
text and materials.
Application Forms: Available on the day, NIC 3F, or course website.
Further Information: Call 052-581-5689 (Tue - Sun, 09:00 to 17:00).
The NIC’s Children’s Japanese Class 子ども日本語教室
This course is taught by volunteers and is designed for children (born
between April 2, 1997 and April 1, 2006) whose native language is not
Japanese. Students learn Japanese skills necessary for school and daily
life. The spring term has 11, 90-minute classes and runs every Sunday
(10:00 - 11:30) from September 16 to November 25; 1000 Yen covers
all 10 classes and there are only 30 places available.
Applications will be accepted on Sunday, September 9 (09:45 - 10:15)
at the Nagoya International Center 4F, Lecture Room 3; fee collection will
start at around 11:00. A parent or guardian should attend the application
process and bring a filled out application form; part of the form needs
to be filled out by the child’s school teacher. Forms are available from the
3F pamphlet boxes or from the NIC website. For further information
call 052-581-5689 (Tue - Sun, 09:00 to 17:00).
- Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Children’s Story Book Time 外国語で楽しむ絵本の会
Come and share in the fun at the Nagoya International Center 3F Library
& listen to foreign volunteers as they read a selection of books in their
native language from the library's vast collection of children's story
books. All are welcome! Participation is free!
★Upcoming Schedule
■Sunday, August 26 (14:00 – 14:30) in Indonesian & English
■Sunday, September 9 (10:30 – 11:00) in English
Minato International Matsuri みなと国際交流のつどい
A free and fun event for all ages and nationalities! Stage performances
from around the world! Learn about disaster prevention, and experience
games and cuisine from across the globe. There’s also a flea market, live
music, and dance performances. In the event of heavy rain, the event will
be cancelled.
When: Saturday, August 25 (15:00 - 19:00) Where: Kyuban Danchi九
番団地, Minato Ward
Access: A 10 minute walk from Tokai-dori Subway Station, exit 4 (see
map – )
NIC / JICA World Health Workshop
名古屋国際センター ワークショップ
A nurse who worked at a small village clinic in Guatemala as a JICA
volunteer will share her experiences in this joint NIC / JICA workshop on
Saturday, August 18 (14:00 - 16:00) at JICA Chubu (next to Sasashima
Raibu Station ささしまライブ). Admission is free, but reservations are
required. The course is in Japanese. Further information and reservation
form on our website at
Development Training for Supporters of Foreign
Students and Children 外国籍児童・生徒サポーター養成研修
Many different problems can arise when supporting a child through
his/her development. For foreign children living in Japan, small problems
can quickly become large problems if not addressed appropriately. If you
have a child of foreign nationality in your care (for example as a teacher),
then perhaps this training program can assist you.
This course will run on 6 selected Saturdays between September 22 and
February 23, 2013 at the Nagoya International Center. The course is in
Japanese. Places are limited and reservations are required. For full
information see our website at
★Gamagori Orange Park 蒲郡オレンジパーク
Reservations are required. 0533-68-2321.
Limited to eating as much as you want inside the park. Visitors are not
permitted to take grapes home.
Delaware grapes (until August 15)
Adults 1050 Yen, children 945 Yen, pre-schoolers 525 Yen.
Kyoho grapes (August 16 - Mid September)
Adults 1575 Yen, children 1470 Yen, pre-schoolers 1050 Yen.
Open: Daily 09:00 - 17:00
Address: Ogurimi1-93, Seida-cho, Gamagori City 蒲郡市清田町小栗見
Access: A 15 minute (5km) taxi ride from JR Gamagori Station 蒲郡. By car
it is a 10 minute drive from Otowa Gamagori Junction 音羽蒲郡 IC
★Obu Naganeyama 大府長根山
Reservations are not required for individuals and small groups of less than 20.
Seedless Delaware grapes (August 5 - August 14)
Adults 1000 Yen (take home option 1500 Yen), elementary age
children 800 Yen, pre-schoolers 500 Yen.
Kyoho grapes (August 23 - September 17)
Adults 1400 Yen, children 900 Yen, pre-schoolers 600 Yen.
Limited to eating as much as you want inside the park. A "take home"
option is extra.
Access: A 5 minute taxi ride or a 20 minute walk from JR Obu Station 大府
Address: Obu Shi, Nagane-cho 2-180 Tel: 0562-46-4911
★Higashiura Morioka Budoen 東浦森岡ぶどう園
An association of 32 grape farms in Higashiura; seven of which allow
visitors to pick their own kyoho grapes. A web discount coupon is
★Okazaki Komadachi Grape Farms 岡崎駒立
An association of 7 grape farms in Okazaki that all offer grape picking
deals. Download and print out a discount coupon - The most convenient of these seven farms is Marusada Grape Farm.
Details of the other 6 along with access information can be found here
Delaware grapes (August 1 - August 30)
Adults 1200 Yen (1600 Yen with take home option), children 900 Yen,
pre-schoolers 600 Yen
★Marusada Grape Farm マルサダぶどう園
All you can eat kyoho grapes (August 20 - mid-September), however
Steuben grapes (September 1 - October 10)
visitors are requested to buy left over grapes that they have cut from the
Adults 1200 Yen (1600 Yen with take home option), children 900 Yen, vine. Scissors, bucket, collection basket, and mat are provided
pre-schoolers 600 Yen
Reservations are required. Tel: 0562-83-0624
Kyoho grapes (August 20 - October 10)
Adults 1600 Yen, children 1100 Yen, pre-schoolers 800 Yen
Open: 09:00 - 17:00.
Cost: Adults 1500 Yen, elementary age children 1000 Yen, pre-schoolers
(aged 4 and up) 600 Yen.
Access: A 5 minute walk from JR Owarimorioka Station 尾張森岡
(Taketoyo Line)
Address: Chita gun, Higashiura-cho, Morioka-ikebata 2
Seedless Kyoho (August 20 - August 31)
Adults 1600 Yen, children 1100 Yen, pre-schoolers 800 Yen
Access: A 20 minute drive from Toyota Higashi IC on the Tomei Expressway. Tel: 0564-45-5151
Address: Okazaki City, Komadachi-cho
- Help Wanted at the NIC Wanted! Volunteers
Story Book Time"
Get children interested in foreign culture and show them that
reading IS fun!
The Nagoya International Center is looking for volunteers
who want to read children's books at our "Children's Story
Book Time" which is held every second and fourth Sunday in
the Nagoya International Center Library.
Although English speakers are required, speakers of other
languages are also welcome to apply.
If you want to further information, please call 052-581-0100
or ask at the Nagoya International Center 3F Information
Wanted! Counselor for NIC’s Personal Counseling Services
The Nagoya International Center provides a free counseling service to foreign
residents who are experiencing insecurity or anxiety within their daily lives. The Center
is looking for an English-speaking counselor to conduct counseling sessions at the
Nagoya International Center. Sessions are held generally once or twice a week at a
mutually convenient time for both the client and the counselor
 Applicants must have experience in counseling in their home country or have a
relevant recognized qualification.
 Applicants must be able to conduct counseling sessions in English.
 Applicants must be available on weekdays.
To apply please email or send your resume outlining your experience and/ or qualifications.
Address: 〒450-0001 Nagoya, Nakamura-ku, Nagono 1-47-1, Nagoya International
Center 3F. E-mail
Nagoya International Center News- Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology
トヨタテクノミュージアム 産業技術記念館
Sakichi Toyoda (1867 - 1930) devoted his life to developing looms. His oldest son Kiichiro Toyoda adapted
and developed loom technology and founded the Toyota Motor Corporation. The museum was
established in 1994 and is housed in one of Sakichi Toyoda's pilot factories.
The vast museum will give you a clear command of the technical progress that has taken place over the
years in terms of textile machinery and automobile production. There's also a hands-on children's area
known as Technoland.
FAE 27 - The Foreign Artists Exhibition - Artists Wanted! 外国人芸術作品展 - 作品募集!
The long-running Nagoya Foreign Artists Exhibition will be held from November 6 to 11 at the Nagoya International Center. Organized by the Central
Japan International Society (CJIS), with support from the Nagoya International Center (NIC), this ever-popular show continues to attract a diverse range
of artists.
If you are a potter, painter, sculptor, watercolorist, photographer, printer, or are involved in any other kind of creative art form, then this exhibition
presents an excellent opportunity for you to display your artwork, exhibited along side other local foreign artists from a wide range of countries. We
are especially interested in finding artists who have yet to exhibit in this long-running show.
To receive guidelines and application forms, please fax 052-774-0483 or download them in a printer-friendly PDF format from the Nagoya International
Center website Please note that FAE 26 participants will be sent an application form automatically. The application deadline
is October 27.
Take Part in Disaster Prevention Training 北区総合防災訓練外国人参加者募集
The Nagoya International Center is offering foreign residents the opportunity to join Disaster Prevention Day
training on Sunday, September 2 (08:30 - 11:30) at Hokuryo Junior High School in Kita Ward (Kurokawa
Subway Station, exit 4).
Foreign residents from each target language - English, Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese - are needed.
The training will be held on the assumption that a devastating earthquake has occurred in the Nagoya area.
Participants will be asked to take part in an evacuation center simulation as refugee foreign residents who are
unable to understand Japanese. Knowledge of Japanese is not required as volunteer interpreters will be
present. Participants will be able to observe first aid and rescue training, and will also receive a related complimentary gift.
If you would like to participate call 052-581-0100 (Tues to Sun 09:00 - 17:00) or text before Wednesday, August 22.
Global Citizen’s Program 2012 – Instructors Wanted! 地球市民教室講師募集
Want to help us to create a globally aware Nagoya? As part of its Classroom for Global Citizen’s program,
the Nagoya International Center is looking for foreign instructors to visit schools and local organizations
and introduce their home countries.
We are looking for people:
1) who are able to communicate in Japanese 2) who are able to introduce their home country
3) who are available on weekdays during the day time
4) who are available for interview (by appointment), and training on Sunday, September 29
(10:00 – 12:00).
Compensation: 6000 to 8000 Yen per assignment depending on the destination (income tax and
commuting costs are included)
How to Apply: Application forms can be requested by e-mail (,fax (052-5815629), or can be downloaded in a PDF format from The application
deadline is Saturday, September 15.
School Guidance Seminar for Children of Foreign Nationals 外国人の子どもと保護者のための進路ガイダンス
This Nagoya International Center seminar, in coordination with both the Nagoya and Aichi boards of education, will provide advice and
possible options students will have available to them once they have graduated from Junior High School. English, Spanish, Portuguese, Filipino, and Chinese interpreters are available by reservation. After the seminar, representatives from a number of local high
schools will be available to answer your questions.
The seminar is free, however places are limited to 80 parents and students. Reservations are required can be made on the NIC website
(use the QR code for quick access), by calling (052-581-0100), or visiting the Nagoya International Center 3F Information Counter.
The museum offers guided tours led by museum staff that introduce and explain the exhibits. Guided
tours are included in the admission price and are highly recommended. Every Sunday (14:00 - 15:30)
there is an English-language tour of the Textile Machinery Pavilion and the Automobile Pavilion. Tours
are open to individuals, families, and small groups, up to a maximum of 20 visitors. Reservations are not
accepted in advance. To join a tour, apply at the pavilion entrance before the scheduled start.
You can also rent an English language audio guide (200 Yen) and tour the museum at your own pace;
Japanese, Chinese, and Korean audio guides are also available.
Open: 09:30 - 17:00 (last entry 16:30). Closed on Mondays (except holidays), after Monday national
holidays, and Dec 29 - Jan 3.
Admission: Adults 500 Yen, HS & JHS students 300 Yen, elementary age children 200 Yen, free for
seniors (aged 65 or over).
Access: A 3 minute walk from Meitetsu Sako Station 栄生 or a 10 minute walk from Kamejima Subway
Station, exit 2. Free car park also available.
Photo: Courtesy of the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology
Aichi International Women's Film Festival 2012 あいち国際女性映画祭2012
Held annually since 1996 at Will Aichi in central Nagoya, this festival promotes works by female directors.
When: Saturday, September 1 to Sunday,
September 9
Where: Will Aichi ウィルあいち, Higashi Ward
Access: A 10 minute walk from Shiyakusho Subway
Station, exit 2.
Tickets: Advanced tickets are available for just 900
Yen until August 31 at Lawson (L codes differ for each
film), Aichi Arts Center, Will Aichi, and with P-Code
550-008 / 550-009 at Circle K, Sunkus, Seven Eleven,
& Ticket Pia. Tickets can also be purchased on the day
for 1100 Yen at Will Aichi (1F). Student & child tickets
are 500 Yen.
Left: Bright Star © 2009 Apparition, All Rights Reserved
Right: My Tehran for Sale © Cyan Films
Thirty-two films from around the world will be shown at the festival including an English language film and several films with English subtitles:
 Bright Star is a 2009 drama based on the three-year romance between 19th century poet John Keats and Fanny Brawne - cut short by Keats'
untimely death at age 25. Written and directed by Jane Campion - an Academy Award winner for the 1993 film "The Piano".
 Everyday is Alzheimer's (毎日がアルツハイマー) is a 2012 Japanese documentary about a woman taking care of her elderly mother who suffers
from Alzheimer's Disease. (English subtitles)
 Just Pretended to Hear (聴こえてる、ふりをしただけ) - a 2011 Japanese film about a young girl's belief in the afterlife after the loss of her mother.
(English subtitles)
 My Tehran for Sale is an internationally acclaimed 2009 Australian-Iranian feature film written and directed by Iranian-Australian poet turned
filmmaker Granaz Moussavi. (English subtitles)
 The Collaborator and His Family is a 2011 documentary of a Palestinian family's struggle to assimilate into Israeli society. (English subtitles)
Nippon Domannaka Festival 第14回 にっぽんど真ん中祭り
From Friday evening, August 24 to Sunday, August 26 over 200 teams & around 23,000 performers
from across Japan and from around the world will take over the streets of Nagoya as part of Japan’s
largest dance festival.
Colourful and vibrant parades & performances will be held at over 19 locations in and around the City,
with the main stage located in Hisaya Odori Park 久屋大通公園会場 in Yabacho (Yaba-cho Subway
Station, exit 6). Admission is free, but main stage spectator seating is extra.
Full stage information and performance times are on our website.
Photo: ©Nippon Domannaka Festival
When: Sunday, August 26 (13:00 - 17:00)
Where: Nagoya International Center Annex Hall
13:00 - 14:50 - Preparing for further education or employment after junior high school & past experiences of foreign
students and parents
15:00 - 16:15 - Local high school and trade school information
16:15 - 17:00 - Booth consultations
The NIC is also running a free tour of a Aichi Gakusen University campus for children of foreign nationality on Sunday, September 16.
Participants will be able to talk with current students and faculty members about admission requirements, university life, and prospects
after graduation. Full details are on the NIC website (use the QR code for quick access).
In and Around Nagoya - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change -
Summer Festivals - Please note all prices, dates, times, and locations are subject to change Tokoname Yaki Matsuri 常滑焼まつり
Marc Chagall: La réminiscence de l’amour マルク・シャガール −愛をめぐる追想
Sit down at a potter’s wheel and have a go at making your very own Tokoname
Yakimono under the instruction of a local expert. A large range of unique local
pottery and ceramics is also available at low prices. On the Saturday from around
19:00 there is a large fireworks display over the ocean.
When: Saturday, August 18 (09:00 - 21:00) and Sunday, August 19 (09:00 –
Where Boat Race Tokoname ボートレースとこなめ & Cera Mall セラモール, Tokoname
Access: Boat Race Tokoname is a 10 minute walk south of Meitetsu Tokoname
Station 常滑. Cera Mall is accessible via a free shuttle bus from Tokoname Station or
Boat Race Tokoname (buses approximately every 20 minutes during festival hours).
Photo: Courtesy of the Tokoname Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Marc Chagall (1887-1985) was one of the 20th century’s most prominent artists. His art career spanned
both world wars and led him from his home town in Belarus to St. Petersburg, Paris, Berlin, and New York,
before finally settling in France after the WW2. Through around 200 works - over 30 of which are being
exhibited in Japan for the first time, this exhibition explores how Chagall depicted “love” in his art.
When: Wednesday, September 5 - Sunday, October 28
Open: 10:00 - 18:00; open until 21:00 on 9/21 & 10/19. Closed: 9/10, 18, 24, 10/1, 9, 15, 22.
Where: The Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu 岐阜県美術館
Access: A 15 minute walk from JR Nishi-Gifu Station 西岐阜
Admission: Adults 1200 Yen, College students 1000 Yen. Advance tickets 1000 Yen & 800 Yen. Free for
preschool children and school students. Price includes admission to the Museum Collection.
Photo: Marc Chagall and his wife, Bella - 1934
Nagoya Castle Yoi Festival 名古屋城宵まつり
Nagoya Castle’s lantern-lit annual summer evening festival. There is something for
everyone - street performers, stage concerts, bon dancing, a beer garden, and lots
of food and game stalls.
When: Friday, August 3 - Wednesday, August 15 (17:00 - 21:00)
Where: The grounds of Nagoya Castle - 名古屋城
Access: A 5 minute walk from Shiyakusho Subway Station, exit 7
Admission: 800 Yen adults (100 Yen discount with valid subway day pass),
elementary school & JH students 200 Yen. Pay at the gate.
Blast! ブラスト!
Blast! The thrilling 2001 Tony and Emmy award-winning music spectacle is in Japan for a nationwide tour covering all 47 prefectures in a total of 102
shows! In the 2 hour show Blast!'s performers use 12 different types of brass instruments and 51 types of percussion instruments - ranging from
trumpets and snare drums to trombones and didgeridoos. The cast features 3 guest Japanese performers as well as 34 of the show's regular performers
from the United States. Ticket holders will be able to meet and chat to the cast after the show.
There are 6 shows scheduled for Nagoya area:
Kani Public Arts Center 可児市文化創造センター (L-code 48985)
A 10 minute walk from Meitetsu Nihonrain-Imawatari Station 日本ライン今
When: Monday, September 3 (19:00)
Mie Center for the Arts 三重県文化会館 (L-code 48127)
A 20 minute walk from JR / Kintetsu Tsu Station 津
When: Thursday, September 6 (19:00)
Rated as one of Japan’s big 3 tanabata festivals. Tanabata is traditionally
celebrated on July 7. However some areas celebrate tanabata based on the old
lunar calendar.
When: Friday August 3, Saturday August 4, & Sunday August 5 (10:00 - 22:00)
Where: Around JR Anjo Station, Anjo
Access: A 2 minute walk from JR Anjo Station 安城
(L-code 48118)
Connected at the basement level to Kanayama Subway Station
Friday, September 7 (19:00)
Saturday, September 8 (12:00 & 17:00)
Sunday, September 9 (12:00 & 16:30)
Tickets are available using P-code 418-778 from Circle K, Sunkus, and Ticket Pia, or using an L-code (see each concert) at Lawson. Tickets are priced at
S-10,000 Yen, A-8000 Yen, B-6000 Yen.
Exploring the Mystery of Edo Painting 江戸絵画ふしぎ探検
To our eyes today, Edo and pre-Edo paintings are full of mystery. In an age when photographs, television,
and copiers did not exist, paintings had various roles as visual images. To convey time and space into their
two-dimensional world, painters used many original and creative techniques. These methods, and even the
manner of studying painting, differed considerably from present practices. This exhibition explores the
notable features of Edo paintings, the painting techniques and materials used, and answers the question, "Is
the depicted image real or fake?".
When: Saturday, July 28 - Sunday, September 2 (10:00 - 17:00, last entry 16:30); closed on Mondays
(except August 13). Open until 19:00 from August 10 to 12.
Where: Tokugawa Art Museum 徳川美術館, Higashi Ku.
Admission: Entry 1200 Yen, 1000 Yen for adults with a Subway Day Pass. Students 700 Yen. JH & elementary students 500 Yen. Free admission for HS,JHS & elementary students on Saturdays.
By Nagoya Kanko Route Bus from in front of Nagoya Station - bus stop 8 - in service between 09:30 &
15:30 runs every 20 - 30 minutes on weekends and every 30 - 60 minutes on weekdays.
By any outbound City or Meitetsu bus from the bus stop above Shiyakusho Subway Station - runs every
10 to 15 minutes. Get off at Tokugawa-en Shindeki 徳川園新出来.
Image: Festival of the Hokoku Shrine, a pair of six-fold screens, colours and ink on gilt paper. Traditionally
attributed to Matabei Iwasa. Edo Period, 17th century.
Yukata Dressing Class - “How to Wear a Yukata”
The yukata is an informal kimono for summer and was traditionally worn in hot
weather both at home and in the streets. This class is for non-Japanese guests to
learn how to wear a yukata. Prepare yourself to enjoy the summer, Japanese style.
When: Saturday, August 4 (19:00 - 20:30).
Where: Nadya Park 6F. A 5 minute walk from Yabacho Subway Station, exit 5 or 6.
Cost: 1000 Yen
Shodo Class 書道クラス
This shodo class allows foreign and Japanese to use calligraphy as a form of
communication in order to further develop their knowledge about Japanese art
and tradition.
When: Saturday, August 25 (19:00 - 20:30).
Where: Nadya Park 6F. A 5 minute walk from Yabacho Subway Station, exit 5 or
Cost: 1000 Yen
Disney Live! "Mickey’s Music Party”
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and characters from Aladdin, the
Little Mermaid, and Toy Story will be live on stage in Toyota this
When: Saturday, August 18 & Sunday, August 19 (10:00,
13:00, 16:00); each performance lasts 1hr 30 minutes (including
a 15 minute break).
Where: Toyota Shimin Bunka Kaikan 豊田市民文化会館
Access: A 15 minute walk from Meitetsu Toyota-shi Station 豊田市
Admission: S - 5000 Yen or A - 3800 Yen. Children aged 2 or
under who do not require a seat can be admitted without a ticket
if the accompanying adult holds the child on their lap (one adult
per child). Advance tickets are available via the P-code system
(P-code 416-389) at Ticket Pia, Circle K, and SunKus, or at
7-Eleven with 7-code 013-641.
There’s more on our website -
Follow the Nagoya International Center on Twitter @the_nic
Find us on Facebook -
Anjo Tanabata Matsuri 安城七夕まつり
Chukyo University Center for Culture & Arts 中京大学文化市民会館
★To submit suggestions, comments and
ideas, and for information about advertisements contact the editor at★
Japan Rhine Summer Festival & Fireworks
Display 第33回日本ライン夏まつり納涼花火大会
With Japan’s oldest castle illuminated in the background,
approximately 3000 fireworks are launched from river boats
stationed in the middle of the Kiso River.
When: Friday, August 10 (19:30 - 20:20)
Where: On the banks of the Kiso River, downstream from the
Inuyama-bashi Bridge 犬山橋, Inuyama City.
Access: A short walk from Meitetsu Inuyama Yu-en Station 名
鉄犬山遊園; additional services will be in operation.
Tokai Matsuri Fireworks Display
When: Saturday, August 11 (19:20 - 20:30); August 12 if bad
Number of Fireworks: Approx. 4000 (TBA)
Where: O-ike Koen 大池公園, Tokai City
Access: A 15 minute walk from (Meitetsu) Otagawa Station 名
鉄太田川. Free temporary car park (3000 spaces) available at
local JH & elementary schools (15:00 - 22:00).
Six Fire Festival 第5回ロケット花火大会 六火祭
A festival for all ages. Over 50,000 rockets are simultaneously
blasted into the air creating a screen of light and sound. Relax
on the beach during the day and enjoy the free music and
fireworks festival in the evening. The festival features a torch
dance, reggae, hiphop, and a djembe drum show, as well as a
belly dance, fireknife, and a hula dance shows.
When: Sunday, August 12 (15:00 - 21:00)
Where: Utsumi Komasu Beach 小桝海岸 (located south of
Chidorigahama Beach)
Access: 25 minute walk from Meitetsu Utsumi Station 内海or 5
minutes by car from Minamichita IC 南知多 on the Chita
Peninsula Expressway Toll Road (知多半島道路). Over 300
parking spaces.
Noubi Big Fireworks Festival 濃尾大花火
Hashima and Ichinomiya City’s joint festival held on the banks of the Kiso River
between the two cities. It features approximately 5000 fireworks and 5 illuminated
makiwara boats.
When: Tuesday, August 14 (19:30 - 20:45)
Fom Hashima: a 15 minute walk and a shuttle bus ride from Meitetsu Hashima
Shiyakusho Mae Station 羽島市役所前.
From Ichinomiya: a free shuttle bus from Meitetsu Ichinomiya Station 名鉄一宮,
West exit.
Kariya Wansaka Festival 刈谷わんさか 祭り
As well as the large fireworks display (from 19:30) there are also stage events and festival
stalls throughout the day.
When: Saturday, August 18 (11:00 - 20:45)
Where: Kariya City General Athletic Park 刈谷市総合運動公園, Kariya City.
Access: A 20 minute walk across the river from Meitetsu Fujimatsu Station 富士松.
Utsumi Fireworks Festival 第47回内海中日花火大会
This fireworks festival features rarely seen “Suichuu Star Mine” fireworks that are
exploded from the surface of the water and a 200m-wide “Niagara Falls” cascade
that is popular with spectators. The festival takes place on Chidorigahama Beach 千
鳥ヶ浜海岸 - one of the best beaches in the Tokai region.
When: Friday, August 17 (19:00 - 20:30)
Access: A 15 minute walk from Meitetsu Utsumi Station 内海 or 7 minutes by car from
Minamichita IC 南知多 on the Chita Peninsula Expressway Toll Road (知多半島道路).
Toyokawa Tezutsu Festival 第25回豊川手筒まつり The festival is famous for its 400 “tezutsu” large hand-held “Roman candle” style
fireworks. There are also around 1500 regular fireworks.
When: Saturday, August 25 (17:30 - 21:40) - August 26 if rain
Where: Toyokawa City Baseball Ground 豊川市野球場, Toyokawa City
Access: A 5 minute walk from (Meitetsu) Suwa-cho Station 諏訪町
2012 Shin Maiko Summer Festival - 2012新舞子サマーフェスティバル
A summer family festival in Shin Maiko Marine Park with live music and dance performances, games, fireworks, and beach soccer!
The park’s beach - “Blue Sun Beach” ブルーサンビーチ is a 400m long man-made beach with imported golden sand from Iki Island in Nagasaki Prefecture.
It has food stands, a rest area, and full toilet and shower facilities. There are also grassed areas ideal for picnics, ball games, and taking a break from
the beach. The beach is open until Sunday, September 9.
When: Saturday, August 11 & Sunday, August 12
Where: Shin Maiko Marine Park 新舞子マリンパーク, Chita City.
Admission: free.
Access: A 10 minute walk from Meitetsu Shin Maiko Station 新舞子. Cross over the bridge to get to the park. You can’t miss the park’s two huge wind
turbines. There are over 500 parking spaces; parking is 500 Yen in July & August.
Bulletin Board
Bulletin Board
★ About Notice Submissions - This is a free service -
Meeting & Activities
You can submit and renew notices in person at the NIC Information Counter or via our website at
Submissions for commercial purposes & job hiring are not accepted. The NIC is not responsible for any problems that arise between parties
placing notices & their respondents, and NIC reserves the right to refuse or edit notices.
Cultural Learning Opportunities
Japanese Language Classes
★Ever worn a kimono? No? Would you like to? Kimono & accessories
provided! Fitting: 500 yen each time. Lessons: 4 times a month 1,000 yen per
month. 1 minute from Kamejima Station. Tel /fax: 052-451-8582
★Do you swing dance? - Want to learn how? Nagoya Swings is an
international group that holds a workshop & dance party once a month in
Fushimi. Come on out & dance with us. Beginners are always welcome, and you
never need a partner. More info:
★Djembe & Didgeridoo Lessons - Learn to play traditional African &
Australian music with an experienced musician in Nagoya. 1500 yen per lesson.
Contact Fumi for more details at
★Enjoy French Conversation Salon in a friendly atmosphere. 4000 Yen per
month. 3 minutes from Kamejima Station. Contact Véronique 090-2925-3421
★French Class - intermediate course using extracts of French novels published
in 2011. Sat afternoons at the Nagoya International Center 5F 13:15 - 14:45.
1500 Yen per class. Contact
★Hana-no-ki-kai - Ikebana & sado classes every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month
13:00 - 16:00 at Will Aichi 4F, a 10 minute walk from Shiyakusho Station, exit 2.
Classes planned for 12/7 & 12/18. Only actual cost charged for materials.
Reservations to Ms. Suzuki at 0562-93-5213 or Fax to 0562-93-5214.
★Ikebana Communications - enjoy your stay in Japan & make new friends in
an inter-cultural atmosphere by learning Ikebana. We meet every 2nd & 4th Sat
6pm to 8pm near Nagoya International Center Bldg. Fee 1300 Yen per class. To
join, please call Grace 090-4867-4262, Ms. Wakita 052-581-6071 or Miki
★International Class of Japanese Calligraphy - Learn from qualified and
licensed teachers in an inter-cultural atmosphere in Shinsakae. Every 1st Monday
and 3rd Friday from 10:00 - 11:00 and 11:00 - 12:00. 500 Yen. Child care service
200 Yen. All lesson fees donated to the Red Cross. Contact Yuuca at 090-60352000. Map at
★Japanese Cooking Class, Ikebana & Tea Ceremony in English. Learn to
use the different sauces & spices common to traditional Japanese dishes. Flower
arranging & tea ceremony lessons available; private or group lessons OK. Call
Hideko at 052-211-2586.
★Japanese Cooking Class - New casual, friendly cooking class. Looking for
members. E-mail Junko at
★Learn to Play the Koto - a traditional Japanese stringed musical instrument.
One-on-one lessons by appointment. Lessons designed for female students. Trial
lesson 1000 Yen. A 3-minute walk from Kakuozan Station. Call Ms. Yamamoto
at 090-1797-8744 (or; English is OK. Full details at
★Like dancing? Let's dance without memorizing steps. Latin music makes you
feel healthy and happy. No need to be a professional dancer, just feel the
rhythm. Write an e-mail to (Carlos).
★Let’s Enjoy Japanese Kimono - Calling all foreign women! Join us and try
on a variety of kimonos and learn about Japanese culture. Every 2nd Saturday
(13:00 - 15:00) at Atsuta Lifelong Learning Center - a 15 minute walk from
Hibino Subway Station, exit 1. Participation fee only 500 Yen. Call or fax to
reserve your place 052-681-9414.
★Piano Lessons - one-on-one piano lessons in English. 4 times a month 45min
★Piano Lessons in English/Chinese with an experienced piano teacher with
a DipABRSM qualification. Please contact Ms. Hiuyan (Ginny) Wong at for more information.
★Pilates Lessons - one-on-one at Jingu NIshi in English using special pilates
machines. Contact Maki at
★Sahaj Marg Raja Yoga Meditation: A state of balance and peace is
achieved through features such as yogic transmission and cleaning. No fee to
learn and continue and all are welcome. Contact Sriram or Nithya at 090-98253105 or e-mail: Website:
★Spanish & Latin American Cooking - Just buying ingredients altogether, we
will spend a good time eating after learning how to prepare: paella, tacos,
cebiche, salads and desserts. Foreigners and Japanese welcome. Call Carlos
★Sensory Deprivation Tank - Flotation chamber and silent meditation space,
370kg of salt in water heated to exact skin temp for total weightlessness and
quiet reflection. 1 min walk from Higashi Okazaki Station, contact Michael at, donations accepted.
★Thai Language, folk dance, and healthy Thai food cooking class - make
friends and enjoy Thai conversation. For more info please feel free to contact or call 080-6963-9854.
★Traditional Japanese Calligraphy & Flower Arrangement for Ladies
with a certified professional teacher. 2 hour long small group lessons for all
levels; costs 1000 Yen plus 800 Yen for flowers. Tues @ 19:00 Wed @13:00,
Thur@10:00, & Sat @15:00. 5 mins walk from Kanayama Station. Call Kazumi at
090-3300-1117 or e-mail
“Aichi Nihongo no Kai” Japanese Conversation Class - Mondays 10:00 - 11:30 at
Aichi-Kankokujin-Kaikan 4F North Meeting Room - near Kamejima Station exit 4. Introductory,
beginner, & intermediate courses available. 2600 Yen (in total for all 13 lessons). Term:
September 3 to December 10. No class 9/13 & 10/8. Start any time. Call Keiko 090-91738136 or e-mail “A-KA-SA-TA-NA” Japanese Conversation Class - Thursdays from 10:30 to
12:00 at the Aichi International Plaza; 2 blocks west of Shiyakusho Station exit 5. Next term
runs from September to December. Can join anytime. Email:
Call Kagawa at 052-838-8950 or Okachi at 090-9969-6360.
Iroha Nihongo-no-Kai offers Japanese lessons on Thursdays, 10:30-12:00 at Nadya
Park 6F NPO Center. Located opposite Yaba Park; exit #6 at Yabacho Subway Station. Next term
runs from September 6 to December 6. Join anytime! 2100 Yen per term (total 14 lessons).
Call: Sionoya:090-6595-1578, O’Brien 052-851-3436 or
★Benvindos ao Curso de Japonês - Japanese Classes for Portuguese, Spanish & English
Speakers. Tuesdays (18:00 - 20:00). Start anytime at the Nagoya International Center 5F. Level:
beginners to JLPT Level 1 for writing and conversation. Qualified bilingual Japanese graduated
teacher. Fee: 1000 yen for original texts and 3000 yen/four lessons/ month (Free Trial Lesson).
Contact: (080-3646-1945)
★Japanese Language School “KANOWA”. Everyday (10:00 - 21:00). All levels. 2000 Yen
for 2 hours. Private lessons. Contact Ms. Sato at 080-3657-4425 or
★Japanese Language Classes - Japanese native helps you to speak and write in smooth &
natural Japanese. Applicants are required to at least able to communicate in intermediate
English. Time: Saturdays 14:00-15:30. Venue: Near Nagoya Station, For further details contact
Ito at 090-2922-2828 or
★Japanese Language Salon - A salon for non-native Japanese speakers to talk about their
favorite Japanese things and topics in Japanese. The 4th Monday of every month 18:15 - 19:45
at Crystal MA bldg near Kokusai Center Subway Station. 900 Yen per salon. Contact the Aichi
International Japanese Education Center at 080-1559-9744 or
★Kanji Class - Would you like to study Kanji? Is the culture of Japan understood through
Kanji? Open to those who can read hiragana and can speak conversational Japanese.
Thursdays 19:00 - 20:30 at Medical Information Center Aichi (Meieki-minami 2-11-43,
Nakamura Ward). 3000 Yen per month. Call Okihashi at 090-1724-3999 or 052-588-7040.
★“Kotoba-no-kai” - for non-native speakers of Japanese on Wednesdays & Fridays
(intermediate level and up) from 10:00-11:30 @ Nagoya Josei Kaikan; A 3-minute walk from
Higashi Betsuin Station. 1500 Yen for 15 classes. Call Sachiko at 052-805-8134.
★MER NIHONGO Club - Beginner to advanced level Japanese classes including preparation
for JLPT. Private lesson 1500 Yen / hour *only private lessons available. WV SAKAE bldg. 5F
(UNIQLO), Sakae 3-27-1, Naka-Ku, Nagoya; a 5 min-walk from Yaba-cho Subway Station, exit
5. Call Akiko Arakawa(090-3956-1022) or e-mail to
Website: Tel/Fax: 052-251-0833
★NIHONGO KYOUSHITSU - Japanese classes for AET's in Nagoya. 1000 Yen per month.
Upper beginners class Thursdays 17:30-19:00, beginners class Thursdays 19:00 - 20:30.
Location is Fushimi Life Plaza Building 12F. Contact Yamada Sensei cell: 080-3629-1873 /
home: 052-936-8485.
★Nihongo Kyoshitsu Imaike - Regular Japanese classes near Imaike Station, exit 1. Kanji
(1500 Yen) and regular class (2000Yen). For class times and directions contact
★Helping Hands and Hearts Japan Japanese Language classes every Sunday (other days
are negotiable) from 9AM to 5PM 60min of each at Will Aichi 2F Aichi NPO Koryu Plaza, 10min
from Shiyakusho Station exit 2. All levels, Private lessons, 500 Yen per hour, Join anytime! Call:
080-3287-7982(softbank); email:
★Language Support Class to upgrade or strengthen Japanese Language! Class runs from
October 2011 - March 2012 at Life Station Aichi NPO (Nagoya Shi, Kita Ku, Yanagihara 4-2-2);
a 7 minute walk from Meijo Koen Subway Station. 600 Yen per week. Contact Mr. Kamran 052-912-2316
Other Services and Assistance Available for Foreigners
★Nagoya International Alcoholics Anonymous - Think you have a problem
with alcohol? Call us @ 090-9938-0596. Meetings on Sundays at 19:00.
★Al Anon- for families and friends of alcoholics. Meets Wednesdays at 6:30pm
at Mikokoro Center in Marunouchi. Contact Nancy at
★Private Professional English Counseling Service - able to hold individual,
couple, & family sessions privately & confidentially. Call Counselor Wallace at
052-362-8883. Fees negotiable.
★Personal and Marriage Counseling - available by professional counselor
who has lived in Japan 20 years, free consultation, English or Japanese okay,
confidentiality guaranteed, contact Ms. Nielsen at 0562-95-0857.
Sports & Outdoor Clubs
★Futsal in Nagoya - A friendly game of 6-a-side FUTSAL. Takes place in Nagoya on Sundays
and Mondays. Come and improve your soccer skills! Email Chris at:
★Nagoya International Volleyball Club - A friendly, non-competitive, mixed game of
volleyball for foreigners and Japanese people living in Nagoya. Meet on Sundays twice a
month. Open to men and women of all levels. Get some exercise, have some fun and meet
people of different nationalities. Find us on Facebook. E-mail:
★Free Judo Lesson for Beginners - at Associacao Calasans de Judo (ACJ). 5000 Yen per
month. Free lesson and uniform for beginners. Mondays & Fridays (20:00) at ACJ Dojo located
near JR Kasadera Station. Saturdays (18:30) at Aichi-ken Budokan. For more information call
090-2929-1360 or e-mail
★Chubu Hiking International Club (CHIC) is a Nagoya-based hiking club that welcomes
guests & new members who want to explore the mountains in the Chubu area. E-mail
★Australian Rules Football - The Nagoya Redbacks - Training every Sunday. Contact Ben at or Tel: 090-9903-0550 Website:
★Sunday Shonai Football / Soccer - friendly kick-about every Sunday from 14:00 behind
the athletics track at Shonai Ryokuchi Koen, a 5 minute walk from Shonai Ryokuchi Koen
Subway Station, exit 2. They are on Facebook under “Shonai FC”! E-mail:
★Tempaku Futsal Club: Friendly Futsal matches on Saturday nights at Tempaku Sports
Center. Strengthen ties of friendship through the practice of futsal. Everybody is welcome! For
more info e-mail Carlos at
★Tokai Japan Canada Society Monthly Street Hockey - monthly street hockey practice
on the 3rd Sat / Sun in the street hockey rink under the expressway near Shirakawa Park. TJCS
members free. Non-members 500 Yen. Equipment is provided. Details on
★Taekwondo in Nagoya! - Taekwondo lessons for foreigners and Japanese living in Nagoya.
Both for people who want to do martial arts as a sport or develop as a player. Open to men
and women of all levels. For more information please contact 090-9053-8664,
★Yoga class in English - This is an easy Hatha yoga class in English taught by a certified yoga
instructor. The class will meet one Sunday a month from 10:30-11:45 a.m. in Shin Sakae and
there will be a 500 Yen fee to cover room rental. Please email me at
for more information.
★Current Affairs Discussion Group - Let’s talk about Current Affairs;
local, national, international. E-mail:
★International Chamber Music Ensemble - If you play music, please
join us. We are an amateur chamber international music group, we play
once a month chamber music of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and more. Many
speak English and German. Contact Hitoshi (Hank) Watanabe Tel:
★The Nagoya International Personal Computer Club - join computer
users from many nationalities every 3rd Saturday of the month at
Shooters Sports Bar in Fushimi to catch up with the latest information on
technology and social media. See for details. All levels
★Nagoya Players Community Theater - For over 36 years, the Nagoya
Players have been the Chubu region's premier international theatre group.
We are always looking for volunteers to work with us on & back stage.
Experience is not necessary. We are a teaching theater.
★Knitting Group - I'm interested in starting a Nagoya knitting group. If
you're also a passionate knitter, please contact me through my email:
★Nagoya Reads - Calling all book lovers! We are organizing an English
book discussion club in Nagoya. For more information, email Mike at
★Nagoya Writes - We have monthly readings and occasional workshops.
Fiction, essays, poetry, personal narratives, are all welcome. Or, you can
drop by and meet other writers. For information contact Albert at or Paul at
★Nagoya Meet and Greet - A monthly lunch where 40+ women of
various nationalities, interests, and ages gather to meet, eat, and greet.
Great for new arrivals and those seeking new friends. Children's play area
available. English is the language of communication. E-mail:
★The Nagoya International Club - founded to promote a vibrant foreign
community in the Chubu and Nagoya area, give people an opportunity to
make friends, and introduce the Chubu region. Come have some fun!
★Helping Orphans in Nagoya - If you are interested in spending time
with some fantastic children and huge hearted volunteers, both from the
international community as well as local Japanese, we welcome you to
volunteer with Santa and Friends Nagoya. Please visit our website!
★Singers and Musicians Needed - LOVE to sing or play an instrument?!
Nagoya Union Church is looking for singers and musicians! All levels
welcome. Practice and service are every Sunday from 3pm to 6pm. NUC is
near Takaoka and Shinsakaemachi subway stations. Email
★Shirayuri Association - providing educational and cultural services to
both Turkish and Japanese societies in order to promote the Turkish
community in Japan, and further friendship between Turkish & Japanese
communities. Located in Yabuta-cho, Moriyama Ku - Tel/fax 052-7109808.
Family Groups
★Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese: Chubu-Tokai - Offers
friendship, support, & mutual help in adapting to Japanese culture &
society. E-mail:
★Chayagasaka Cooperative English Playgroup - for children 0 to 6
with at least one (English speaking) non-Japanese parent. Wednesday
mornings near Chayagasaka Station; 500 Yen per session. Games, songs,
snacks and crafts.
Website: Email:
★Foreign Mothers’ Group - Pregnant or just had a baby? Talk about your
and share your experiences with other parents & health professionals. Meet
10:00 -12:00 every 2nd Saturday of the month (exc Aug. & Dec.) at the
Nagoya City Women’s Center (exit 1, Higashi Betsuin Station). Website: Call Misako at 052-847-0243 or call
Lorna at 090-2344-8978.
★Breastfeeding class for expecting and new parents (times same as above)!
Parents with older children and those preparing for a second/third child are
also very welcome. Contact Maria at
★German Playgroup for children of all ages meets 10-12 on the last
Sunday of each month. Contact Oliver at
★Nagoya Foreign Fathers - Father / child activity group. Meets one
Sunday a month for fun activity. Fostering dual nationality and international
culture. Common language is English. Sign up via our Facebook group.
★English Family Group Fun, parent led activities in English for children of
elementary school age, from families with at least 1 non-Japanese parent or
recent returnees. Meets 2 Saturdays a month in Nagoya. 500 Yen/month.
Kawahara 052-836-0091
★Nakamura English Playgroup meets on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the
month from 10-12 at the Nakamura Lifelong Learning Center. All foreign &
bi-cultural families, returnees are welcome. ¥300 per child, free the first
time. E-mail
Religious Services
★Anglican / Episcopal Kani Mission - Mission station of the Anglican
Chubu Diocese and the Episcopal Diocese of North-Central Philippines.
English service at 10:00 every Sunday in Kani-shi, Gifu-ken. Stop at
Shin-kani eki and walk 10 minutes towards Kani City Hall. Contact person:
Rev. Deacon Glenn B. Yamashita 090-9903-4079. Website: e:mail:
All Nations Fellowship is an international bilingual (English/Japanese) worship
service. Our Bible-based teachings are focused on the gospel and he doctrines of grace. We
meet every Sunday at 10:30am in Nagakute. We offer bilingual Sunday School for children ages
4-12. Please visit our website at for more information.
★Nagoya International Baptist Church (NIBC), is located in the Tenpaku Ku. Service Times:
Sunday Service (English only) 2:30 PM (fellowship time following the service). Attendees from
all over the World! Ladies’ Bible Study (English only) 1st & 3rd Wednesday of every month at 10
AM (please call before coming). - Calvary Baptist Church (CBC) is also located in the Tenpaku Ku. Service times: Sunday
School (Japanese) 10 AM; Morning Service (Japanese) 11 AM. Ladies’ Bible Study (Japanese) 1st
Tuesday of every month at 9:30 AM.
- For further information about CBC & NIBC, contact pastor Tim Melton (fluent in Japanese and
English) at 052-801-8064 or 08036505539.
★Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints: Services each Sunday near Gokiso Station, at
Kitayama-cho 3-41; tel. 052-732-5176. Sacrament Meeting at 10:00, followed by English
Sunday School; translation assistance available for other meetings. Friends & visitors always
welcome. Call Nagoya LDS Mission 052-773-0755.
★Faith Charismatic Church (FCC) - We meet every Sunday at Naka Sports Center (3F Room
3) at 10:00. Call Pastor Bede at 080-5139-6777.
★GraceCity Church: An exciting Christian church (Protestant) in the heart of Nagoya with
bilingual Japanese / English worship services, awesome events, great music, and tons of
international friends! Come join the fun!
Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) Nagoya Congregation - Worship Services (in
Filipino and Japanese): Wednesdays, 8:15 PM; Thursdays, 8:00 PM; Saturdays, 8:00 PM &
Sundays, 10:00 AM. For inquiries, call 05
★The IMMANUEL Christian Fellowship is an evangelical fellowship that welcomes Filipinos
and English speaking people. Experience: warm fellowship, lively praise & worship songs,
practical Tagalog & English sermon and Bible story lessons for your Japanese speaking kids.
Sunday School @ 10:00 am and Worship service @ 11:00 am. For more information contact
Ptr. Nino Solito @ 052-8759394 or 090-8540-8260 Website:
Indonesian Christian Fellowship in Nagoya - hosts a weekly fellowship on Sunday at
16:15 near Jingu-Nishi (5 min walk), JR Atsuta, or Jingu-Mae Stations. We have a tri-lingual
meetings in Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese and English. Not only Indonesian, but Japanese and
other nationalities are welcomed. Let's enjoy the at home atmosphere. Please contact Rev.
Daniel Tan by phone (090-9948-1601) or email (
★Islam Ahmadiyya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayer at 13:00 and is open for five
prayers. Offers study of the Holy Qu'ran, Arabic, and Urdu. Islamic library and cooking classes.
Located in Meito Ward at Kifune 2-1602. A 7 minute walk across Route 302 from the Meito
Post Office. Website: Email: Tel: 052-703-1868
★Mikokoro (Sacred Heart) International Catholic Center Nagoya - English Masses every
Saturday 18:00, Sunday 10:00 & 15:00; Novena, Wednesdays at 15:00. Confessions, baptisms,
marriages available. Tel: 052-971-0334. Near Hisaya-odori Station.
★Nagoya English Fellowship is an inter-denominational Evangelical Fellowship with services
in English & bilingual Sunday School for children. We meet at the Nishi Lifelong Learning Center
above Joshin Subway Station, exit 6. The service starts at 11 AM. Contact: Willie Gonzales at
052-523-1775, 090-2579-1007 more information at
★Nagoya Glorious Chapel - Christian protestant church committed to Bible teaching,
discipleship & evangelism through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ at
Tel: 052-833-1092.
★The Nagoya Indonesian Catholic Community hosts Indonesian mass once a month (4th
Sunday) in Johokubashi Catholic Church at 12.30pm, 8 minutes walk from Meijo Koen station
exit 1. Email:
★Nagoya International Christian Assembly near Gokiso and Fukiage Stations has Sunday
Services in English 08:30 to 10:30 - singing, preaching, Bible study, & fellowship. 18:30 to
20:30 - praise & worship. Filipino (Tagalog) Bible study 1st Sundays at 16:00. Website:
★Nagoya Mosque - hosts Muslim Friday Prayers & is open for five-time prayers Khutba at
12:30 & Prayer at 12:40. Halal meat & Islamic literature are also available. Honjin Station, exit 3.
Call 052-486-2380 Website:
★Nagoya Port Mosque - Friday Prayer Khutba from 12:30. Open for five time prayers, every
Saturday special speech & dinner after Isha Prayer. Arabic lessons for children on Saturdays. On
Route 23, between Hojin & Juichiya traffic lights, next to the over head crossing; parking
available for 10 cars, except Fridays (11:30 - 14:00). A 15 minute walk from Inaei Aonami Line
Station. Address: Nagoya, Minato-Ku, Zennan-Cho 33-3. Tel: 090 3251 5381
Nagoya Orthodox Church located near Arahata Station. Vespers on Saturday at
17:30 & Holy Liturgy on Sundays at 10:00. Call Fr. George Matsushima @ 052-734-9000 or
e-mail: Website:
★Nagoya Union Church - share fellowship & worship in English with Christians from many
countries. Sunday worship at 16:00 at Kinjo Church near Takaoka Station, exit 2. Email: Website:
★His Call Church - Making Disciples Church As a Team - An independent Pentecostal church
located in Tenpaku Ward, Nagoya. Sunday Services from 14:00 at Nichiei Culture Hall - 1
minute walk from Ueda Subway Station, exit 3. Website:
e-mail: Tel:052-807-0966
★St. Matthew’s Anglican / Episcopal Church: English language service on the second
Sunday of every month at 5pm. Bible study from 4pm. A 5 minute walk from exit 4 of Gokiso
Subway Station. Go straight out of the exit & turn right between Circle K and the police box.
Contact person: Rev. Deacon Glenn B. Yamashita 090-9903-4079.
★Meito Christ International Church - Interdenominational English services Sundays at 17:00
followed by fellowship. Open to all, friendly, casual, served by Protestant pastor. Children
welcome. Five minute walk from Fujigaoka. Map/info at; contact Erin
Sakakibara 090-3308-4148,
★Mustard Seed Christian Church - Come join our Japanese-English bilingual worship service
every Sunday at 11:00am. Enjoy excellent music, dynamic teaching, and meet new people! This
is a casual worship service, and anyone is welcome to come and join. We meet at Studio Nexx,
a 3 minute walk from Tsurumai Station. Website: / email:

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