Business Philosophy
Business Philosophy
W e l c o m e t o o u r s i t e ! Manufacturer of Fabric Filters and Parts Services & System Enhancements Specializes in providing : DENAKA (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. 197/3 Moo 2, Suksawat Road Bangjak, Phrapradaeng Samutprakarn 10130 Thailand Tel.: +66(0)2817 5008-10 Fax: +66(0)2817 5011 Bag Filte rs We ma nu factu re a wid e ra ng e o f r ep la ceme nt filte rs to fi t a ll OE M styl es o f b ag ho u se s in clud in g p ulse -jet, re ver se ai r, fi lter b ag s in th e fol lo wing me dia type : p ol yester Po lypr op yle ne - No me x/C on ex/A ram id - A cryli c - P PS - P 84 Teflo n - Fi be rg lass. Cage s & V ent uries --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- -- We ma nu factu re su pp or t ca ge s an d ve ntu rie s in a va rie ty of sizes, wir e co nfig ur atio ns a nd mate ria ls (G al van ize d ste el DENAKA ------ Services Team ------ ปรั ช ญาการดํ า เนิ น ธุ ร กิ จ Dust+Fume+Mist Collection needs ple nu m pu lse an d sh ake r type . We pr ovi de fe lt an d wo ven E -mail : de na ka@ th a ifilte rcag m is ou r stan da rd o p ti on , sta inl ess stee l a lso ca n b e p ro vid ed .) to fit a ll yo ur ne ed s. Plea te d Filte r Ele me nts The fi lter e le men ts are a o ne - pie ce p le ated pr od uct of sp un bo nd ed po lyeste r me dia an d a re a d ire ct re pla cem en t to fi t a ll OE M styl es, al so re pl ace me nt for tra d ition a l fi lter ba gs a nd ca g es. Thi s m ed ia r esists sur face p en etr atio n o f p ar ticul ate , dra ma ti cal ly incr ea sin g effici en cie s wh il e op er atin g a t si gn ifica ntly lo we r di ffe re ntia l pr essu re s th an fe lted or wo ve n mate ria ls. Baghous e Ac ce s sories We p rovi de pu lse -jet val ves a nd d ia ph ra gm kits, ba g h ou se co n tr ol ler , d iffer en tial p re ssur e g au ge , b ag ten sion in g de vices, stai nle ss ste e l clam p. Polyure tha ne Fle xible Duc ts A hi gh ly fle xib le to ug h p ol yure tha ne du cting mad e fr om a si ng le p ly P olye the r b ase d p ol yure tha ne with sp rin g ste el he lix. Ide al fo r the co n veya nce o f hig hl y a b rasi ve ma teri al s su ch a s sawd ust, woo d sp lin ter s, me tal fil in gs an d g ra nu la te , to use in fo un dry a nd ge ne ra l in du stria l a pp lica tio ns. Liquid Filters Bags Filter Ba gs a re a vai lab le in n ylo n, po lyp ro pyle ne an d po lyeste r offe rin g a b ro ad ra ng e o f ch emi cal a nd pr oce ss co mp atib ili ty. V ar iou s type s o f med ia are use d su ch a s n ee dl e fe lt, mon ofil ame nt a nd mul ti fi la men t. Th ey a re e ffective in rem ovin g so lid pa rticu la te from l iq uid s whe re lar ge volu me s o f co n ta min ati on a re pre sen t or wh e re h ig h visco sity fl uid s mu st be fi ltere d . It is ava ila b le in felt wi th ra ti ng s of 1 to 7 00 micro n. The y o ffer a n e ffe ctive so lu ti on to man y Filter Press Cloth We p rovi de re pla cem en t fe lt an d wo ven cloth in a wide var iety of sizes, co nfig ur atio ns a nd ma ter ia ls (P E, PP an d Nyl on ) to se rve virtu all y eve ry ph ase of i nd ustri es. Spray Booths Filters & All kind of Industrial Filters Business Philosophy We may lose in term of money, but we will not compomise customers' trust. ---------------------The Largest Factory in Fabric Filters & Filter Cages Manufacturer of Fabric Filters and Parts Services & System Enhancements Dust + Fume + Mist Collection needs Bag Filters We manufacture a wide range of replacement filters to fit all OEM styles of baghouses including pulse-jet, reverse air, plenum pulse and shaker type. We provide felt and woven filter bags in the following media type: polyester- Polypropylene - Nomex/Conex/Aramid Acrylic - PPS - P84 - Teflon - Fiberglass. Cages & Venturies We manufacture support cages and venturies in a variety of sizes, wire configurations and materials (Galvanized steel is our standard option, stainless steel also can be provided.) to fit all your needs. Pleated Filter Elements The filter elements are a one-piece pleated product of spun bonded polyester media and are a direct replacement to fit all OEM styles, also replacement for traditional filter bags and cages. This media resists surface penetration of particulate, dramatically increasing efficiencies while operating at significantly lower differential pressures than felted or woven materials. Baghouse Accessories We provide pulse-jet valves and diaphragm kits, bag house controller, differential pressure gauge, bag tensioning devices, stainless steel clamp. Polyurethane Flexible Ducts A highly flexible tough polyurethane ducting made from a single ply Polyether based polyurethane with spring steel helix. Ideal for the conveyance of highly abrasive materials such as sawdust, wood splinters, metal filings and granulate, to use in foundry and general industrial applications. DENAKA (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 197/3 Moo 2, Suksawat Rd., Bangjak Phrapradaeng 10130 Thailand Tel.: 02817 5008-10 Fax: 02817 5011 E-mail: Manufacturer of Fabric Filters and Parts Services & System Enhancements Liquid Filter Bags Filter Bags are available in nylon, polypropylene and polyester offering a broad range of chemical and process compatibility. Various types of media are used such as needle felt, monofilament and multifilament. They are effective in removing solid particulate from liquids where large volumes of contamination are present or where high viscosity fluids must be filtered. It is available in felt with ratings of 1 to 700 micron. They offer an effective solution to many filtration problems. Filter Press Cloth We provide replacement felt and woven cloth in a wide variety of sizes, configurations and materials (PE, PP and Nylon) to serve virtually every phase of industries. Belt Filter Press We provide a wide range of replacement sludge dehydrating screens to fit all OEM dewatering machines for various industrial applications. Polyester Filter Media Economical 100% polyester media for use in air handling units, fan coil units, unit ventilators and paint spray booths. The media consists of dual layers of polyester filter formed into a progressively dense configuration to insure total media utilization, long service life and high dust arrestance. Highly versatile product offered with a choice of thickness and efficiency that can be supplied in rolled form and specified pad sizes. Polyester Spunbond Filter Media Our polyester Spunbond is designed for bulk solids removal from liquids, particularly metal working fluids or coolant oil and edible oil filtration, supplied in roll lengths with a choice of efficiency. DENAKA (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 197/3 Moo 2, Suksawat Rd., Bangjak Phrapradaeng 10130 Thailand Tel.: 02817 5008-10 Fax: 02817 5011 E-mail: Products and Codes Fibre material Scrim material 1=Air filtration 2=Liquid filtration x10=Weight in grams Surface treatment Antistatic, Chemical treatment It’s filtration precision if liquid filtration. Fibre material: PP, DT, PE, MX, PPS, P84, GL and TF Scrim material: PP, DT, PE, MX, PPS, P84, GL and TF Surface treatment 1. Single side singed 2. Double side singed 4. Singed and Calendered 5. Double side calendered Antistatic property -21. Scrim mixed electric yarn produce electric conductivity capability -22. Mixed with stainless steel fibre produce electric conductivity capability -23. Mixed with duality electric fibre produce electric conductivity capability -MPS. Super and thin fibre Chemical treatment -3. Oil & Water repellent treatment -4. Acid resistant treatment -5. Fire resistant treatment -6. Stickiness resistant treatment -11. PTFE membrane -12. PTFE coating -13. PTFE soaking (Especially for PTFE felt treatment) Fibres and Applications Fibre Polypropylene (PP) Applications Food industry, Detergent industry, Fertilizer industry, Flour mills (Applications under aggressive, but not oxidizing conditions up to temperatures of 100°C) Acrylic Homopolymer (DT) Asphalt plants, Spray dryers, Gypsum industry, Detergents industry, Dyestuff industry (Applications under humid conditions, temperature less than 140°C) Polyester (PE) Cement industry, Steel industry, Ceramic and Wood industry, Milk powder, Flour mills (Applications under dry conditions up to temperature of 150°C) Polyphenylene Sulfide Ryton (PPS) Power plants, Boiler furnace, Waste recycling, Chemical industry, Non ferrous metal industry (Applications under non oxidizing conditions up to temperatures of 200°C) Aromatic Aramid Nomex (MX)/(NO) Asphalt plants, Steel Industry, Cement Industry, Non ferrous metal industry, Ceramic Industry (Applications under moderate conditions up to temperatures of 220°C) Polyimide (P-84) Boiler furnace, Waste recycling, Chemical industry, Iron and Non ferrous metal industry (Applications under moderate aggressive chemical conditions up to temperatures of 260°C) Fibreglass (GL) Carbon black industry, Iron and Non ferrous metal industry, Asbestos industry (Applications under non Alkalies conditions up to temperature of 290°C) Polytetrafluorethylene PTFE/Teflon (TF) Waste recycling, Boiler furnace, Chemical industry, Iron and Non ferrous metal industry (Applications under extreme chemical attacks up to temperatures of 290°C) DENAKA (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 197/3 Moo 2, Suksawat Rd., Bangjak Phrapradaeng 10130 Thailand Tel.: 02817 5008-10 Fax: 02817 5011 E-mail: Properties of Synthetic Fibres for Dry Filtration Copyright © 2009 DENAKA (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Resistance by Categories Fibre Abrasion Alkalies Mineral Acids Organic Acids Organic Solvents Moist Heat Hydrolysis Oxidising Agents Biological (Bacteria, Mildew) Resistance To Fire Supports Combustion **** **** **** **** **** *** *** **** Inflammable Yes *** ** *** **** *** *** *** *** Inflammable Yes **** *** ** ** *** * *** No Effect Inflammable Yes *** **** **** **** **** **** * Non-Inflammable No **** *** ** ** *** ** * No Effect Non-Inflammable No *** ** *** *** *** ** *** No Effect Non-Inflammable No ** ** ** *** *** **** **** No Effect Non-Inflammable No *** **** **** **** **** **** **** No Effect Non-Inflammable No ** Adequate * Low Polypropylene (PP) Acrylic Homopolymer (DT) Polyester (PE) Polyphenylene Sulfide Ryton (PPS) Aromatic Aramid Nomex (MX),(NO) Polyimide (P-84) Fibreglass (GL) Polytetrafluorethylene PTFE/Teflon (TF) No Effect **** Excellent *** Good Temperature Guide (°Celsius) Fibre PP 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 DT PE PPS NO P-84 GL TF Recommended continuous operation temperature (dry heat) (moist heat) Maximum (short time) operation temperature dry heat DENAKA (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 197/3 Moo 2, Suksawat Rd., Bangjak Phrapradaeng 10130 Thailand Tel.: 02817 5008-10 Fax: 02817 5011 E-mail: 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
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