Arktis Eisbrecher-Expeditionen IB KAPITAN KHLEBNIKOV
Arktis Eisbrecher-Expeditionen IB KAPITAN KHLEBNIKOV
Arktis Eisbrecher-Expeditionen IB KAPITAN KHLEBNIKOV POLARADVENTURES Schiffs- und Flug-Expeditionen in Arktis und Antarktis Heinrich-Böll-Str. 40 * D-21335 Lüneburg * Deutschland Tel +49-4131- 223474 Fax +49-4131-54255 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2016! deutschsprachige ! Abfahrten / ! Komplettangebote ! inkl. Fluganreise R rukbt ri si k t i t e l A Nordostpassage 10. Juli bis 5. August 2016 Tourcode 667553-01 Jahrhundertelang scheiterten Händler und Entdecker am legendären Seeweg von Europa entlang der nordsibirischen Küste nach Asien. Erst 1879 gelang dem Finnen Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld die ganze Durchquerung der Nordostpassage. 2016 wird nach vielen Jahren Pause erstmals wieder ein Eisbrecher mit Touristen seinen Weg durch die vereiste Strecke bahnen: vom ostrussischen Anadyr bis nach Longyearbyen in Spitzbergen, rund 7000 Kilometer mit dem Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov». 1. / 2. Tag: Hinflug Linienflug von Frankfurt über Moskau nach Anadyr. Ankunft am zweiten Tag und Transfer zum Hotel, Übernachtung. 3. Tag: Einschiffung Am Nachmittag Einschiffung auf den Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov». Unser Schiff nimmt Kurs Nord, die Expeditions-Kreuzfahrt beginnt. 4. – 6. Tag: Beringstrasse Wir passieren das Kap Dezhnev, den östlichsten Punkt des asiatischen Festlandes. Wir planen mehrere Anlandungen in dieser Region, darunter den Besuch der Ortschaft Uelen auf der Tschuktschen-Halbinsel. Wir sollten bald mit dem Packeis des arktischen Ozeans in Kontakt kommen, aber die klimatischen Veränderungen der letzten Jahre geben darauf keine Garantie mehr. Je nach Wetterverhältnissen ist ein Landgang auf der Ittygran-Insel geplant. Auf unserer Fahrt nach Norden überqueren wir den Polarkreis und befinden uns somit im Land der Mitternachtssonne. 7. / 8. Tag: Wrangel-Insel Die Eisverhältnisse bestimmen unseren Tagesablauf und unsere Route. Normalerweise wird die Eisdecke immer dichter, selbst für unseren Eisbrecher wird die Fahrt zu einer Herausforderung. Weitab von jeder Zivilisation liegt die zum Unesco-Weltnaturerbe gehörende Wrangel-Insel. Sie ist der einzige Platz in der Arktis, wo Schneegänse brüten, Eisbären und Walrosse sind hier zu Hause. Die Insel hat weder Gletscher noch eine permanente Eiskappe. 9. – 11. Tag: Auf See Der Eisbrecher bahnt sich seinen Weg durch das Ostsibirische Meer, immer auf der Suche nach Eisbären, Walrossen und Walen. Wir passieren die Insel Medvezh’i. Lektoren halten Vorträge an Bord. 28 12. – 14. Tag: Neusibirische Inseln Auf den Inseln sind reiche Funde an Knochen von Mammuts, Nashörnern und Flusspferden gemacht worden. Wir unternehmen Wanderungen und erkunden die ehemaligen Lagerplätze der Jäger. 15. – 18. Tag: Severnaya Zemlya Berge und Gletscher bedecken die Insel, über 40 Arten von Pflanzen und noch mehr Vogelarten sind hier beheimatet. Im Sommer vermischt sich Schnabelgeklapper mit dem Geschrei der unzähligen Seevögel und Gänse, die in den Tundragebieten anzutreffen sind. 19. – 21. Tag: Novaya Zemlya Das «Neue Land» besteht aus zwei Hauptinseln und einer Reihe kleinerer Inseln und verfügt über eine interessante Fauna, darunter Polarfüchse, Eisbären und Lemminge. 22. / 23. Tag: Franz-Joseph-Land Die flachen Küstenebenen sind von zahlreichen Seen und Tümpeln bedeckt. Die Flora der Region ist einzigartig, überwiegend sind es Flechten und Moosarten, die sich den extremen arktischen Bedingungen angepasst haben. Mit etwas Glück sehen wir Polarfüchse und Rentiere, Eisbären und Walrosse. 24. / 25. Tag: Auf See Wir haben Zeit, diese unglaubliche Expeditions-Kreuzfahrt noch einmal Revue passieren zu lassen. An Deck können wir Ausschau halten nach Walen und Seevögeln. Auch der eine oder andere Eisberg wird unseren Weg kreuzen. Im grossen Saal halten Lektoren spannende Vorträge. 26. Tag: Ausschiffung Wir erreichen Longyearbyen. Nach der Ausschiffung Transfer zum Hotel, Übernachtung. 27. Tag: Rückflug Rückflug von Longyearbyen über Oslo nach Frankfurt. Der Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov» wurde für den harten Einsatz im Eis Nordsibiriens konzipiert. Erbaut 1981 von der renommierten finnischen Wartsila-Werft, verbindet der Polareisbrecher überzeugende Leistungsdaten und modernste Technologie mit überraschend viel Komfort. Exkursionen werden sowohl mit dem Zodiac als auch mit dem Helikopter durchgeführt. IB «Kapitan Khlebnikov» Programmänderungen wegen Wetter- und Eis bedingungen bleiben ausdrücklich vorbehalten. Im Preis inbegriffen •Flug mit Lufthansa von Frankfurt nach Moskau •Flug mit Transaero von Moskau nach Anadyr •Flug mit SAS von Longyearbyen über Oslo nach Zürich •je eine Hotelübernachtung in Anadyr und Longyearbyen •Schiffsreise in der gebuchten Kabinenkategorie •Vollpension an Bord •alle Landgänge, Zodiacfahrten und Helikopterflüge •erfahrenes Expeditionsteam an Bord •informative Lektorenvorträge •ein Expeditionsparka •PolarNEWS-Reiseleitung •PolarNEWS-Reiserucksack Im Preis nicht inbegriffen •alkoholische Getränke an Bord •weitere Mahlzeiten •Trinkgelder •Versicherung •evtl. Treibstoffzuschläge PREISE FÜR PolarNEWS-EXPEDITION Alle Preise in Euro pro Person 3-Bett-Kabine Euro 29’700.– 2-Bett-Kabine38’700.– Suite 43’990.– Corner Suite 48’990.– Frühbucherrabatt bis 31.12.2015 Anschlussflüge ab/bis Wien 3’500.– 190.– Zahlungsbedingungen Anzahlung 20% bei Buchungsbestätigung. Restzahlung 45 Tage vor Abreise. Stornobedingungen Es gelten die allgemeinen Reise- und Vertrags bedingungen sowie die separaten Rück tritts-/ Annullierungsbedingungen von Ikarus Tours. Reiseleitung Heiner + Rosamaria Kubny, PolarNEWS Diese PolarNEWS-Leserreise wird mit unserem Partner Ikarus Tours durchgeführt. 29 Arktis Vielleicht gelingt dem Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov», was bisher noch keinem Passagierschiff gelungen ist: Die Umfahrung der stark vereisten Nordküste Grönlands und die Fahrt durch die Nares-Strasse, die auch von Forschungs-Eisbrechern nur selten befahren wird. Wenn das klappt, werden wir Geschichte schreiben. Wenn die Eis- und Wetterverhältnisse diese Route nicht erlauben, werden wir die wenig bereiste Ostküste Grönlands bis nach Kangerlussuaq an der Westküste erkunden. 1. Tag: Frankfurt – Longyearbyen Flug von Frankfurt über Oslo nach Longyearbyen, Übernachtung. 2. – 4. Tag: Einschiffung, auf See Wir beziehen unsere Kabinen und stimmen uns auf die Reise ein. 5. Tag: Kap Morris Jesup Wir versuchen, beim nördlichsten Punkt Grönlands anzulanden. Heute schickt unser Kapitän Eisspezialisten per Hubschrauber los mit dem Auftrag, die Eisverhältnisse in der Nares-Strasse zu erkunden. Sollten es Wetter und Eis erlauben, werden wir die Nordküste Grönlands umfahren und durch die Nares-Strasse reisen. In diesem Fall wird das untenstehende Programm hinfällig zugunsten dieser historischen Fahrt. Sollte die Durchfahrt nicht möglich sein, werden wir unsere Expeditionsfahrt wie folgt entlang der Ostküste Grönlands weiterführen. 6. Tag: Station Nord An das militärische und wissenschaftliche Hauptquartier des Nordostgrönland-Nationalparks wurde jahrelang die Post für den Nikolaus geschickt. 7. Tag: Auf Expedition Das Wetter entscheidet, wo wir anlanden. 8. Tag: Danmarkshavn Wir fahren bei der Wetterstation mit Zodiacs durch die Dove-Bucht und halten Ausschau nach Eisbären und Walrossen. 9. Tag: Shannon- und Sabine-Insel Wir besichtigen eine Hütte, die von Entdeckungsreisenden aus dem Holz des Expeditionsschiffes Alabama errichtet wurde. 10. Tag: Daneborg, Eskimonaes Daneborg ist das Hauptquartier der Siriuspatrouille der dänischen Hundeschlitten-Polizei. 34 11. Tag: Blomsterbugta, Ella-Insel Wir unternehmen Wanderungen in der farbenprächtigen Blumenbucht und auf den Gipfel der Ella-Insel. 12. Tag: Ittoqqortoormiit Am Eingang zum grössten Fjordkomplex der Welt besuchen wir Ittoqqortoormiit, die nördlichste Ortschaft Grönlands. 13. Tag: Rype- und Rodefjord Mit dem Fernglas halten wir Ausschau nach der Vogelwelt im Rypefjord. Im Rodefjord erkunden wir mit den Zodiacs die Eisbergwelt. 14. Tag: Frederiksdal, Sydkap Wir fahren tiefer in den Scoresby-Sund und besichtigen am Sydkap die Überreste einer ThuleSiedlung. 15. Tag: Dänemark-Insel Wir geniessen die Aussicht auf die zerklüftete Wildnis und unternehmen Wanderungen bei den Nunataks. 16. Tag: Dänemark-Strasse In der Seestrasse zwischen Grönland und Island treffen wir mit etwas Glück Wale an. 17. Tag: Tasiilaq Wir überqueren den Polarkreis und versuchen auf der Insel Ammassalik an Land zu gehen und den Hauptort Tasiilaq zu besuchen. 18. Tag: Bernstorf Isfjord Wir suchen nach frischen Gletscherabbrüchen und einer geeigneten Landestelle für eine Wanderung. 19. Tag: Nanortalik, Herjolfsnes Wir umrunden die südliche Spitze von Grönland und landen bei Narsaq Kujalliq, um die ausgegrabene Farm aus der Wikingerzeit zu bestaunen. Grönland – Extrem 3. bis 24. August 2016 Tourcode 667554-01 Der Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov» wurde für den harten Einsatz im Eis Nordsibiriens konzipiert. Erbaut 1981 von der renommierten finnischen Wartsila-Werft, verbindet der Polareisbrecher überzeugende Leistungsdaten und modernste Technologie mit überraschend viel Komfort. Exkursionen werden sowohl mit dem Zodiac als auch mit dem Helikopter durchgeführt. IB «Kapitan Khlebnikov» 20. Tag: Entlang der Küste Wir fahren nach Norden entlang der spektakulären Küstenlinie Westgrönlands. Noch einmal geniessen wir die Vorträge und eine Zusammenfassung der Reise der letzten Tage. 21. Tag: Kangerlussuaq, Rückflug Ausschiffung, Flug nach Kopenhagen, Übernachtung im Flughafen-Hotel. 22. Tag: Rückflug Weiterflug von Kopenhagen nach Frankfurt. Programmänderungen wegen Wetter- und Eis bedingungen bleiben ausdrücklich vorbehalten. PREISE FÜR PolarNEWS-EXPEDITION Alle Preise in Euro pro Person Im Preis inbegriffen •sämtliche Flüge, Economyclasse •je eine Hotelübernachtung in Longyearbyen und Kopenhagen •Schiffsreise in der gebuchten Kabinenkategorie •Vollpension an Bord •alle Landgänge, Zodiacfahrten und Helikopterflüge •erfahrenes Expeditionsteam an Bord •informative Lektorenvorträge •ein Expeditionsparka •PolarNEWS-Reiserucksack 3-Bett-Kabine Euro 23’990.– 2-Bett-Kabine32’490.– Suite 36’490.– Corner Suite 39’990.– Frühbucherrabatt bis 31.12.2015 Anschlussflüge ab/bis Wien 2’000.– 190.– Im Preis nicht inbegriffen •alkoholische Getränke an Bord •weitere Mahlzeiten •Trinkgelder •Versicherung •evtl. Treibstoffzuschläge Zahlungsbedingungen Anzahlung 20% bei Buchungsbestätigung. Restzahlung 45 Tage vor Abreise. Stornobedingungen Es gelten die allgemeinen Reise- und Vertrags bedingungen sowie die separaten Rück tritts-/ Annullierungsbedingungen von Ikarus Tours. Verlangen Sie die detaillierten Reise-Unterlagen. 35 Arktis Westgrönland – Kanadische Arktis 22. August bis 9. September 2016 Tourcode 667555-01 Die dritte Etappe der Arktis-Umrundung führt mit dem Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov» entlang der Westküste Grönlands in den hohen nördlichen Teil der Nunavut genannten kanadischen Arktis: bis hoch auf 81 Grad 7 Minuten nördlicher Breite. Das Schiff sucht sich seinen abenteuerlichen Weg durch die vereisten Passagen zwischen den Inseln Devon, Ellesmere und Axel Heiberg und zurück zur Ortschaft Resolute auf der Cornwallis-Insel. Wir erkunden Routen, die nur sehr selten von Schiffen befahren werden. 1./2. Tag: Frankfurt–Kangerlussuaq Flug von Frankfurt nach Kopenhagen und Übernachtung. Am nächsten Tag Weiterflug nach Kangerlussuaq und Einschiffung auf den Eisbrecher. 3.–8. Tag: Westgrönland Fast eine Woche lang erkunden wir die Westküste Grönlands. Wir machen Halt in den Siedlungen Sisimiut, Ilulissat, Uummannaq, Upernavik und Qaanaaq, wo wir die Ortschaften besuchen, am kulturellen Leben der Inuit teilnehmen und aufWanderungen die Gegenden erforschen. Wir lassen uns per Hubschrauber auf dem Kap York absetzen und bestaunen Fjorde voller Eisberge. Wir unternehmen Zodiac-Fahrten und haltenAusschau nach der vielfältigen Tierwelt der grönländischen Arktis. 9. Tag: Überfahrt Wir setzen über zum nördlichen Teil der kanadischen Artkis und steuern die Insel Coburg an, die zwischen den grossen Inseln Devon und Ellesmere liegt. Auch ein Besuch von Grise Fjord, der einzigen Ortschaft auf der Ellesmere-Insel, ist geplant. 10.–16. Tag: Kanadische Arktis Unter Berücksichtigung der Eis- und Wetterverhältnisse führt die Expedition durch das selten befahrene Hell Gate in den Tanquary-Fjord-Nationalpark und zum Chapman-Gletscher. Wir be- suchen die Wetterstation Eureka und erkunden die Axel-Heiberg-Insel und die Norwegische Bucht auf Landgängen. Wir fahren durch den Belcher-Kanal, die Penny-Strasse, den QueenKanal und die Crozierstrasse und steuern auf den Spuren des Entdeckers Sir John Franklin die Beechey-Insel an, wo drei Grabmarkierungen an die Toten der Franklinexpedition erinnern. 17.–19. Tag: Heimreise Wir erreichen Resolute. Ausschiffung und Übernachtung. Am nächsten Tag Rückflug mit Umsteigen in Ottawa. Durch die Zeitverschiebung erreichen wir Frankfurt am 19. Tag. PREISE FÜR PolarNEWS-EXPEDITION Alle Preise in Euro pro Person 3-Bett-Kabine Euro 21’990.– 2-Bett-Kabine26’990.– Suite 29’990.– Corner Suite 32’990.– Frühbucherrabatt bis 31.12.2015 Anschlussflüge ab/bis Wien 2’000.– 190.– Programmänderungen wegen Wetter- und Eisbedingungen bleiben ausdrücklich vorbehalten. Für beide Reisen gilt: Im Preis inbegriffen • sämtliche Flüge, Economyklasse • erwähnte Hotelübernachtungen • Schiffsreise in der gebuchten Kabinenkategorie • Vollpension an Bord • alle Landgänge, Zodiacfahrten und Helikopterflüge • erfahrenes Expeditionsteam an Bord • informative Lektorenvorträge • ein Expeditionsparka • PolarNEWS-Reiserucksack Im Preis nicht inbegriffen • alkoholische Getränke an Bord • weitere Mahlzeiten • Trinkgelder • Versicherung • evtl. Treibstoffzuschläge Zahlungsbedingungen Anzahlung 20% bei Buchungsbestätigung. Restzahlung 45 Tage vor Abreise. Stornobedingungen Es gelten die allgemeinen Reise- und Vertragsbedingungen sowie die separaten Rücktritts-/Annullierungsbedingungen von Ikarus Tours. Verlangen Sie die detaillierten Reise-Unterlagen. 44 Nordwestpassage 6. bis 23. September 2016 Tourcode 667556-01 Arktis-Umrundung mit dem Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov», vierte Etappe – die Nordwestpassage, an der Seefahrer mehr als fünf Jahrhunderte lang scheiterten. Wir fahren durch den Insel-Archipel der nördlichen kanadischen Arktis, entlang der nordkanadischen Küste durch die Beringsee bis nach Anadyr im äussersten Osten Russlands. Eine Expedition mit viel Eis und einer reichhaltigen Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, die wir unterwegs natürlich ausführlich erkunden. 1./2. Tag: Frankfurt – Resolute Flug von Frankfurt nach Ottawa, Kanada, und Übernachtung. Am nächsten Tag Weiterflug nach Resolute und Einschiffung auf den Eisbrecher. 3./4. Tag Radstock Bay–McClure-Strasse Unsere ersten Erkundungen führen uns von der Radstock Bay via Beechey-Insel zum Vogelschutzgebiet auf der Prinz-Leopold-Insel und zur McClure-Strasse, wo sich oft Eisbären aufhalten. 5.–7. Tag: Auf See Während der Seetage brechen wir durch Eis, werden bei guten Bedingungen mit den Hubschraubern fliegen und suchen nach Gelegenheiten für spontane Landungen. 8.–12. Tag: Kanadische Route Wir folgen der Nordwestpassage auf kanadischem Staatsgebiet: Wir erkunden auf dem Thomson River die Mercy-Fälle, den AulavikNationalpark, Sachs Harbour und die Banks-Insel in den Nordwestterritorien. Weiter geht die Reise zu den Smoking Hills, dem Mackenzie- Delta und der Franklin-Bucht bis zur HerschelInsel. 13.–16. Tag: Russische Route Durch die Beaufortsee überqueren wir die Staatsgrenze in russisches Gewässer. Das Schiff bricht durch das dicke Eis, wir unternehmen Helikopterausflüge. Zwei Tage lang widmen wir uns der Tschuktschen-Halbinsel, wo wir auf Landgängen die Flora und Fauna erforschen und am kulturellen Leben der Einheimischen teilnehmen. 17./18. Tag: Rückreise Nach der Ankunft in Anadyr Ausschiffung und Flug nach Moskau, wo wir übernachten. Am nächsten Tag Weiterflug nach Frankfurt. PREISE FÜR PolarNEWS-EXPEDITION Alle Preise in Euro pro Person 3-Bett-Kabine Euro 21’990.– 2-Bett-Kabine26’990.– Suite 29’990.– Corner Suite 32’990.– Frühbucherrabatt bis 31.12.2015 Diese PolarNEWS-Leserreise wird mit unserem Partner Ikarus Tours durchgeführt. Anschlussflüge ab/bis Wien 2’000.– 190.– 45 IB «Kapitan Khlebnikov» Der Eisbrecher «Kapitan Khlebnikov» ist wesentlich robuster als herkömmliche eisverstärkte Schiffe, da er für den harten Einsatz im Eis Nordsibiriens konzipiert wurde. Erbaut 1981 als Schwesterschiff der «Kapitan Dranitsyn» von der renommierten finnischen Wartsila-Werft, verbindet der Polareisbrecher überzeugende Leistungsdaten und modernste Technologie mit überraschend viel Komfort. Ausflüge werden mit den Zodiacs und bordeigenen Hubschraubern durchgeführt. Auf der Kommandobrücke sind Sie jederzeit herzlich willkommen. Technische Daten Baujahr: 1981 Tonnage: 12‘288 BRT Länge: 122,50 m Breite: 26,50 m Tiefgang: 8,50 m Antrieb: 24‘000 PS Geschwindigkeit: max. 14 Knoten Strom: 220 Volt Eisklasse: LL3 Bordsprache: Englisch / Deutsch Passagiere: 108 Besatzung: 70 Ausstattung Die «Kapitan Khlebnikov» verfügt über 54 gut ausgestattete und geräumige Aussenkabinen und Suiten. Zu den Gesellschaftsräumen zählen eine Lounge mit angeschlossener Bar, zwei Restaurants, eine kleine Bibliothek und der Vortragsraum. Darüber hinaus hat das Schiff einen Innenpool mit Fitnessraum und Sauna, einen kleinen Shop und ein Hospital. 77 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2016! alle Abfahrten inkl. englischsprachige Termine ! für individuelle Planungen ! ab-bis Häfen! zuzüglich Anreise DON’T MISS YOUR CHANCE TO EMBARK ON THE ULTIMATE ARCTIC EXPEDITION INTO THICK ICE The QUEST for the IMPASSIBLE! THE RETURN OF A LEGENDARY ICEBREAKER! WHEN THE SCIENCE OF EXPLORATION IS JUST AS RIVETING AS THE LANDSCAPES Legendary Russian icebreaker and polar pioneer, the mighty Kapitan Khlebnikov, makes its anticipated return to navigate uncharted terrains. Purpose-built and designed to maneuver through dense pack ice, the ice-class Khlebnikov provides unparalleled access to the most remote areas of the Arctic, as well as extraordinary opportunities to flight-see on two on-board helicopters. The first vessel to circumnavigate Antarctica and holding the record for the most transits of the Northwest Passage, Khlebnikov is one of few passenger carrying polar-class vessels that combines power and technology with comfort. Enjoy an exclusive chance to experience this engineering and technical marvel up close. EXPEDITION HEROES Quark team members are all polar-passionate and seasoned veterans with rich backgrounds in marine biology, history, geology and more. Quark offers one of the highest staff-toguest ratios in the expedition world. And that means more expert guidance for your trip-of-a-lifetime! ALEX McNEIL Expedition Leader One of Quark’s key expedition team members since 2007, Alex has traveled extensively in the Arctic and Antarctic, completing over 50 expeditions, and has developed a strong passion for these regions. As a skilled boat handler and mechanic, Alex has worked in some of the most challenging conditions. His keen interest in geology, ornithology and marine biology will create a polar experience you will never forget. Alex was an Expedition Leader on Khlebnikov in 2010, and is excited to return to experience “a rare opportunity and privilege.” CHELI LARSEN Expedition Leader Cheli has been employed in the expedition cruise industry for the past 16 years specializing in the Polar Regions. She has also worked as a Field Assistant for TVNZ Natural History unit working on a number of documentaries. Cheli was last on board the Khlebnikov in 2009 and remembers her experience as ‘the pinnacle’ of her long career in this industry. CREATE YOUR OWN PERSONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY! Flight-see for aerial views on one of Khlebnikov’s two helicopters and seize the opportunity to capture rare perspectives of arctic wildlife from the top of the world. OF POLAR BEARS & PEOPLE The Arctic – still one of the last frontiers on Earth. It boasts a rich collection of wildlife, including the polar bear, walrus, musk ox and narwhal. Discover awe-inspiring landscapes and a chance to experience local communities and culture. Unlike Antarctica, the region is home to small communities of people who have developed some of the hardiest societies on the planet. ER! EPOW S R D O EE ! 0H 24,005 KNOT SPLASS! 1 EC LL3 IC ARCTIC ICEBREAKER EXPEDITIONS 1 2 3 4 Novaya Zemlya RUSSIA Severnaya Zemlya New Siberian Islands North Pole Wrangel Island Arctic Ocean Ellesmere Island Bering Strait Ultimate Northwest Passage 2 Station Nord Cape Morris Jesup Tanquary Fiord ALASKA (U.S.) Best of the Canadian High Arctic Longyearbyen Anadyr Pevek Chukchi Sea Extreme Greenland Franz Josef Land East Siberian Sea 1 Barents Sea Epic Northeast Passage Herschel Island Beaufort Sea Anchorage Smoking Hills GREENLAND 4 Resolute Victoria Island Denmark Strait (KALAALLIT NUNAAT) Cape York Banks Island Scoresbysund Fjord 3 Baffin Bay Baffin Island Tasiilaq Ilulissat Kangerlussuaq Davis Strait CANADA Actual itinerary may vary based on conditions and voyage length 4 ITINERARIES, 1 EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME 1 EPIC NORTHEAST PASSAGE: ALMOST SOLD OUT! 25 DAYS FROM $29,995 – JULY 10, 2016 On the fabled Northeast Passage, travelers will encounter thick pack ice, unique geological formations and the fascinating cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic. On-board helicopters and the Khlebnikov’s sheer icebreaking force combine to take you to some of the most magnificent regions of the world others dare not sail. 2 EXTREME BOOK NOW! GREENLAND: 21 DAYS FROM $23,495 – AUG 4, 2016 Northeast Greenland is one of the most isolated regions in the world. The lush tundra supports herds of muskoxen, and shore landings offer excellent hiking and photographic opportunities. 3 LIMITED ! AVAILABILITY BEST OF THE CANADIAN HIGH ARCTIC: 18 DAYS FROM $19,795 – AUG 22, 2016 From quiet coastal towns to authentic Inuit communities to awe-inspiring Ilulissat, this voyage is ideal for those seeking an in-depth, authentic expedition to the less discovered areas of the Arctic. Truly off the beaten path. 4 ULTIMATE NORTHWEST BOOK NOW! PASSAGE: 18 DAYS FROM $20,695 – SEPT 6, 2016 On this expedition of the Northwest Passage, you’ll witness first-hand the haunting beauty of the northern wilderness, iconic animal life and culture. Be prepared to encounter every type of arctic wildlife, including whales, seals, polar bears and sea birds. Immerse yourself in northern culture with visits to Canadian Inuit and Russian Yupik and Chuckchi communities. Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Arctic Circumnavigation 75 days On this epic 75-day circumnavigation you will travel in true expedition style on the mighty Kapitan Khlebnikov icebreaker. Discover the fabled Northeast Passage, explore Northern Greenland where you will attempt to make polar history, travel through the best of the Canadian High Arctic and journey through the Northwest Passage, all while enjoying astounding aerial views afforded by Khlebnikov’s two on-board helicopters. Your first journey begins through the Epic Northeast Passage, encountering thick pack ice, unique geological formations and the cultures of the Russian Arctic. Khlebnikov’s sheer icebreaking force takes you to some of these magnificent regions of the world others dare not sail (25 days). The second voyage takes you to isolated Extreme Greenland. Visit the remains of Thule camps, enjoy the splendor of “iceberg alley” and excellent hiking and photography, glimpse into the lifestyle of Ittoqqortoormiit residents, and discover lush tundra and shore landings (21 days). The third itinerary explores the Best of the Canadian High Arctic. Travel from quiet coastal towns to authentic Inuit communities to awe-inspiring Ilulissat, for an expedition to the less discovered Arctic (18 days). The final portion of this historic adventure takes you to the haunting beauty of the Ultimate Northwest Passage. You’ll likely encounter whales, seals, polar bears and sea birds, and will enjoy visits to native communities, awe-inspiring scenery, and memorials and artifacts from the early voyages of exploration including those at Beechey Island (18 days). Expedition in Brief • • • • • • • • • • Travel on the extraordinary, one-of-a-kind Kapitan Khlebnikov icebreaker Take in magnificent aerial sightseeing on one of two helicopters Witness the sights and sounds of the crushing of pack ice as you power through ice-choked waters View some of the most magnificent icebergs in the world crossing Hall Bredning Enjoy aerial views like none other in one of two helicopters on Kapitan Khlebnikov Visit this rarely explored area of Greenland and the incredible Northeast Greenland National Park Explore the beauty of the remote regions and charming villages Discover the highlights of the Canadian High Arctic and Greenland Encounter traditional cultures of remote Canadian and Russian Arctic communities Explore important archaeological sites as well as historic sites of early arctic exploration Itinerary day by day «Arctic Circumnavigation» Day 1- Day 25 — Arctic Icebreaker: Epic Northeast Passage On the fabled Northeast Passage, travelers will encounter thick pack ice, unique geological formations and the fascinating cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic. On-board helicopters and the Khlebnikov’s sheer icebreaking force combine to take you to some of the most magnificent regions of the world others dare not sail. Your unforgettable journey will begin in Anchorage, a unique urban environment in the heart of great wilderness. Spend the day taking in the glorious scenery – populous wildlife, spectacular mountain vistas, fascinating culture and icy blue glaciers await your discovery. Plan to arrive and make your way to the hotel in time for our pre-departure briefing at about 6 pm. The charter flight from Anchorage to Anadyr crosses the International Date Line. You will begin your flight on the morning of July 11 and end it early in the afternoon on July 12, losing a day enroute, even though the flight is only 3 hours. Travelers are transferred to the magnificent Kapitan Khlebnikov after clearing Russian customs, where the excitement of boarding the renowned Russian icebreaker begins as you travel northward through the Bering Strait. Day 26 - Day 43 — Arctic Icebreaker: Extreme Greenland Northeast Greenland is one of the most isolated regions in the world. The lush tundra supports herds of musk oxen, and shore landings offer excellent hiking and photographic opportunities. Visit the remains of Thule camps, and enjoy the splendor of “iceberg alley” as you navigate past majestic icebergs. Get a glimpse into the lifestyle of the residents of Ittoqqortoormiit, the most northerly community in East Greenland. Sailing south to Tasiilaq, you will undoubtedly spend time in the bar, exchanging impressions of this awesome wilderness with fellow travelers. Day 44 - Day 58 — Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Best of the Canadian High Arctic From quiet coastal towns to authentic Inuit communities to awe-inspiring Ilulissat, this voyage is ideal for those seeking an in-depth, authentic expedition to the less discovered areas of the Arctic. Truly off the beaten path. Day 59 - Day 75 — Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Ultimate Northwest Passage On this special icebreaker expedition of the Northwest Passage, you’ll witness first-hand the haunting beauty of the northern wilderness, wildlife and culture. Be prepared to encounter every type of arctic wildlife, including whales, seals, polar bears, and sea birds and have a chance to immerse yourself in northern culture with visits to Canadian Inuit and Russian Yupik and Chuckchi communities. In addition to awe-inspiring scenery, you’ll see memorials and artifacts from the early voyages of exploration, including the Franklin graves at Beechey Island. IMPORTANT REMINDER Embracing the unexpected is part of the legacy – and excitement – of expedition travel. Our actual icebreaker program will vary according to ice and weather conditions, unexpected opportunities and wildlife sightings. The captain and expedition leader will determine our exact route based on reconnaissance flights and ice reports. The ice conditions in the Arctic vary dramatically from season to season – and no specific itinerary can be guaranteed in advance. This itinerary is a tentative outline of what you’ll experience on this voyage. A measure of flexibility is something all of us must bring to a polar expedition. EARLY BOOKING BONUS Save up to 15% when you book a 2016 Kapitan Khlebnikov voyage before Sept. 1, 2015 Twin Cabins – 10% savings Suite and Corner Suites - 15% savings Triples excluded. Early Booking Bonus combinable with the 2016 ARCTIC ICEBREAKER Back-To-Back offer. BACK-TO-BACK OFFER Save up to 35% when you book two or more Kapitan Khlebnikov voyages Back-to-Back offer of up to 20%, combined with the Early Booking Bonus. Two voyages: save up to 15% EBB + 10% Back-to-Back offer (10% Back-to-Back offer applies on voyage two only) Three voyages: save up to 15% EBB +15% Back-to-Back offer (15% Back-to-Back offer applies voyage three only) Four voyages: save up to 15% EBB +20% Back-to-Back offer (20% Back-to-Back offer applies to voyage four only) Back-To-Back offer combinable with the 2016 ARCTIC ICEBREAKER Early Booking Bonus. FREE TRANSFER PACKAGE Receive a Free Charter Air Package (Transfer Package) when you book an Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Arctic Circumnavigation voyage. Combinable with the 2016 ARCTIC ICEBREAKER Early Booking Bonus and the 2016 ARCTIC ICEBREAKER Back-To-Back offer. Terms and Conditions: *Discounts apply to voyages only and not applicable on adventure options, additional hotel accommodation or extensions purchased. Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Epic Northeast Passage 10.07 – 04.08.2016 25 days Exclusive and unparalleled. As a polar pioneer, the mighty Kapitan Khlebnikov icebreaker has taken adventurers to some of the most inaccessible corners of the globe since 1992, and was the first ship in the world to circumnavigate Antarctica with passengers in 1997. On this expedition, Khlebnikov (pronounced KLEB-nik-off) will take you to some of the most remote and remarkable regions of the world. On the fabled Northeast Passage, travelers will encounter thick pack ice, unique geological formations and the fascinating cultures of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Arctic. On-board helicopters and the Khlebnikov’s sheer icebreaking force combine to take you to some of the most magnificent regions of the world others dare not sail. Day 1 (July 10, 2016) — Arrive Anchorage, United States Your unforgettable journey will begin in Anchorage, a unique urban environment in the heart of great wilderness. Spend the day taking in the glorious scenery – populous wildlife, spectacular mountain vistas, fascinating culture and icy blue glaciers await your discovery. Plan to arrive and make your way to the hotel in time for our pre-departure briefing at about 6pm. Day 2 (July 11-12, 2016) — Charter Flight to Anadyr, Russia The charter flight from Anchorage to Anadyr crosses the International Date Line. You will begin your flight on the morning of July 11 and end it early in the afternoon on July 12, losing a day en route, even though the flight is only 3 hours. Travelers are transferred to the magnificent Kapitan Khlebnikov after clearing Russian customs, where the excitement of boarding the renowned Russian icebreaker begins as you travel northward through the Bering Strait. Days 3 and 4 (July 13-14, 2016) — Chukotka Peninsula Educational program to commemorate the icebreaker’s voyage through the Arctic will occur when the ship reaches Russia’s Far East – the Chukotka Peninsula – and guests will be treated to cultural presentations on the indigenous people of the Russian Arctic. You will visit the tiny village of Uelen, known for its talented carvers who work in walrus ivory. At Cape Dezhnev, the most easterly point of the Asian continent, building architecture is distinctively Russian. You’ll cruise in Zodiacs to Puffin Island where two species of the comical bird cohabit. On the shores of Ittygran Island, the ribs of whales, planted in the tundra by people long ago, still stand on lowland known as “whalebone alley.” The final shore landing is a visit to Chaplino, where locals dressed in traditional attire will demonstrate their skills as reindeer wrestlers and ropers. Day 5 (July 15, 2016) — Bering Strait The Bering Strait connects the Pacific Ocean to the Chukchi Sea – a portion of the Arctic Ocean. Sailing north, the ship will cross the Arctic Circle entering the land of the midnight sun. Daylight will be continuous for 37 days! Days 6 and 7 (July 16-17, 2016) — Wrangel Island Crossing the Delon Strait, you may start to see thick pack ice. Your Expedition Leader will ask the Captain to deploy the helicopter to enjoy an aerial view of the Khlebnikov crushing ice up to a yard (one meter) thick. Landings are planned on Wrangel Island, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its diverse flora and habitat for migratory birds. Don’t be surprised to see copious musk oxen, who thrive there. Days 8 to 10 (July 18-20, 2016) — East Siberian Sea The Kapitan Khlebnikov will make its way through the pack ice of the East Siberian Sea to the New Siberian Islands. Enroute, we’ll pass by Medvezh’i Island, known as “bear” island, and enjoy countless scenic views along the way. Days 11 to 13 (July 21-23, 2016) — New Siberian Islands Ancient camping grounds will be explored on these remote islands. If conditions permit, travelers will see the northernmost point of the European continent. Be on the lookout for polar bears, often spotted in the archipelago. Days 14 to 17 (July 24-27, 2016) — Severnaya Zemlya Landings on these least accessible islands of the Arctic will be one of the highlights of this circumnavigation. The archipelago thwarted many attempts to sail around the Arctic Ocean until the development of engine-driven surface vessels. Zodiacs and helicopters will be deployed during our exploration. There are two indigenous peoples in the Russian Arctic who depend on reindeer to exist – the Chukchi and the Tundra Nenets. The Chukchi people live on the Chukotka Peninsula. The Tundra Nenets live in the region from the Taymyr Peninsula to the White Sea, east of Severnaya Zemlya. We will attempt to visit a camp of these nomadic peoples, who move from place to place following their herds. Days 18 to 20 (July 28-30, 2016) — Novaya Zemlya Meaning “new land”, the Novaya Zemlya is an arctic archipelago consisting of two main islands and a number of smaller ones located off the coast of northeastern Europe. Of interest here is the longestoperating scientific station in the Russian Arctic. You’ll also want to be on the lookout for arctic fox, polar bear and lemming as well as a variety of birds. Days 21 and 22 (July 31-August 1, 2016) — Franz Josef Land Well above the Arctic Circle, only 10 degrees from the North Pole, lie the most northerly islands in Eurasia – Franz Josef Land. They are the habitat of polar bear and walrus. We plan to visit Cape Flora, where the remains of three historic expeditions are found. If conditions permit, Zodiacs will cruise the base of towering cliffs where seabirds nest. We expect to use the helicopter for aerial sightseeing, and for transfers to otherwise inaccessible landing sites. Days 23 and 24 (August 2-3, 2016) — At Sea We will cruise through these scenic waters, a wonderland of glaciated landscapes and icescapes. Day 25 (August 4, 2016) — Depart Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway In the morning you will arrive in Longyearbyen and disembark. Say goodbye to the Expedition Team before transferring to the airport for your homeward bound flight, or spend time discovering the unique sights and sounds of Longyearbyen. If you plan to fly out today, be sure to book flights anytime after 12 noon. Cabin Cost Cost with early booking discount before 1 Sept 2015 Triple $ 29 995 $ 29 995 Standard twin $ 39 995 $ 35 995 Suite $ 45 995 $ 39 095 Corner Suite $ 51 995 $ 44 195 The cost is for 1 pax based on double occupancy. Single accommodation in Standard twin cabin with 70% supplement. Single accommodation in Suite with 100% supplement. Mandatory Charter Package – $ 1 950 EARLY BOOKING BONUS Save up to 15% when you book a 2016 Kapitan Khlebnikov voyage before Sept. 1, 2015 Twin Cabins – 10% savings Suite and Corner Suites - 15% savings Triples excluded. Early Booking Bonus combinable with the 2016 ARCTIC ICEBREAKER Back-To-Back offer. Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Extreme Greenland 04.08 – 24.08.2016 21 days Northeast Greenland is one of the most isolated regions in the world. The lush tundra supports herds of musk oxen, and shore landings offer excellent hiking and photographic opportunities. Visit the remains of Thule camps, and enjoy the splendor of “iceberg alley” as you navigate past majestic icebergs. Get a glimpse into the lifestyle of the residents of Ittoqqortoormiit, the most northerly community in East Greenland. Sailing south to Tasiilaq, you will undoubtedly spend time in the bar, exchanging impressions of this awesome wilderness with fellow travelers. Day 1 (August 4, 2016) — Arrive Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway Our adventure begins in Longyearbyen, the Svalbard’s largest settlement. Relax before your journey, or take in the frontier-style atmosphere of the city. Embarkation will take place at about 4pm, so be sure to arrive in time. Days 2 and 3 (August 5-6, 2016) — At Sea Enjoy our educational program with lectures and workshops to prepare you for your time in Greenland. Your expedition staff will be on deck and on the bridge to maximize the opportunities for you to see whales and birdlife while at sea. This is a great opportunity to mingle with your fellow guests or simply take in the natural beauty around you. Day 4 (August 7, 2016) — Cape Morris Jesup, Greenland We will attempt a landing at Cape Morris Jesup, one of the least-visited areas in the Arctic, and the most northerly point in Greenland. NB: Your Captain will send helicopters with ice specialists to scout ahead over the Lincoln Sea and Kennedy Channel, the body of water separating Greenland and Ellesmere Island. Should ice and weather conditions allow, we will use the ice-crushing power of the Kapitan Khlebnikov to navigate over the northern coast of Greenland. In this scenario, you will become part of polar history, as the Kapitan Khlebnikov will be the only passenger vessel to have ever achieved this feat. If we do so, the rest of the itinerary below will be forgone in favor of this historic alternative journey. If conditions do not allow passage, we will continue our exploration of Greenland’s eastern coast. Day 5 (August 8, 2016) — Station Nord A truly unique site – Station Nord is a military and scientific station, and the base of the Northeast Greenland National Park. As the second northernmost permanent settlement in Greenland, for years, the post office has delivered mail here, addressed to Santa Claus at the North Pole! Day 6 (August 9, 2016) — Expedition Stop We’ll let the weather be our guide in choosing our landings, as we explore the breathtaking landscapes of the region. Day 7 (August 10, 2016) — Danmarks Havn This small weather station, operated by eight hardy souls, is located about halfway along the coast of northeast Greenland National Park. You will cruise in Zodiacs through Dove Bugt (Greenlandic for “bay”), alert for polar bear and walrus. Day 8 (August 11, 2016) — Shannon and Sabine Islands Through many years of service with Quark Expeditions, Kapitan Khlebnikov has earned an international reputation as an expedition vessel. So it is fitting that a landing will be made on Shannon Island, named for a Royal Navy frigate that sailed valiantly during the Napoleonic and American Wars. No less significant is a visit to a hut built by arctic explorers from the timbers of the expedition vessel Alabama. The vessel, at anchor off shore, was holed by ice and sank. The two crew members left in charge of the vessel constructed the hut to shelter the exploration party on its return. Day 9 (August 12, 2016) — Daneborg and Eskimonaes There are four permanent bases in the park. Daneborg is the largest, with a population of 12 during the summer months. The hamlet is the headquarters of the Slaedepatruljen Sirius (Sirius Patrol), responsible for maintaining Danish sovereignty and policing Northern and Eastern Greenland. The unit, comprised of drivers and sled dogs, is a division of the Danish Navy. Each team of two men and 11 to 15 dogs carries between 770 to 1100 lbs (350 to 500 kg) of supplies for depot huts along their patrol routes. Day 10 (August 13, 2016) — Blomsterbugta and Ela Oya (Ella Island) Blomsterbugten, the “Bay of Flowers,” is home to beautiful purple and gold colored rocks we’ll explore in the distance, or on a hike for those who wish. The halfway mark of the voyage will occur on Ella Island. Pack a knapsack and binoculars, because you can climb to the summit of the islands for an outstanding view of five fjords and grazing musk oxen. Ella Oya is a hiker’s dream. The area is surrounded by ice-choked waters, rugged cliff s and sky-blue icebergs. Day 11 (August 14, 2016) — Ittoqqortoormitt and Hall Bredning At the mouth of the ford complex, Ittoqqortoormiit is East Greenland’s most northerly community and boasts a blend of traditional and modern lifestyles. With clear skies, you’ll have a great opportunity to see the Northern Lights. You can also support local Inuit artisans by purchasing unique handicrafts. Our time here is spent exploring the community and gaining an appreciation of the local way of life. The icebergs crossing Hall Bredning in the inner reaches of Scoresbysund are some of the most magnificent in the world. The geology and topography of the area will fascinate you. Day 12 (August 15, 2016) — Rypefjord and Rodefjord Pushing onward, your expedition will come to Rypefjord. With binoculars in hand, birders should keep watch for wheatears, snow buntings and ravens. At Rodefjord, you’ll encounter a shallow area trapping hundreds of icebergs, known as the Iceberg Graveyard. You’ll drift leisurely by these floes, a photographer’s paradise. Day 13 (August 16, 2016) — Frederiksdal and Sydkap Sailing deeper into Scoresbysund, you’ll encounter massive icebergs and an ancient Thule settlement as we approach Sydkap. The scenery here is something you can’t even imagine, with towering mountain sides and hundreds of apartment-sized icebergs playing tricks with your sense of perception. Day 14 (August 17, 2016) — Danmark Island A visit to Danmark Island marks the circumnavigation of Milne Land, which is west of the entrance to Scoresbysund Fiord. Enjoy wild, rugged views and great hiking with the impressive backdrop of nunatuks in the background – mountain peaks poking above the Greenland ice sheet. Day 15 (August 18, 2016) — Denmark Strait Your Quark Expeditions parka will come in handy during the transit of Denmark Strait, the body of water that separates Iceland from Greenland. Weather in the Strait is variable, but we recommend being out on deck to watch for whales in this area of rich biomass. Day 16 (August 19, 2016) — Tasiilaq Further down the coast of Greenland, we dip beneath the Arctic Circle and attempt a shore landing on the island of Ammassalik in its principal community, Tasiilaq. With about 1,800 inhabitants, it is the largest community in East Greenland. Enjoy a community visit, an ice cruise, or a hike. Day 17 (August 20, 2016) — Bernstorfs Isfjord South of Ammassalik are many fjords – deep, steep-walled valleys along coastlines flooded with seawater. We will explore one with a name that translates to “ice-fjord”. In Greenland that indicates the excellent possibility that there is a glacier that calves icebergs at the head of the fjord. We will sail the fjord in search of newly minted glaciers and seek a place to go ashore for an optional hike. Those who would prefer to sit quietly and contemplate the beauty that surrounds, please do. Day 18 (August 21, 2016) — Nanortalik Hot Springs and Herjolfsnes This morning, we anticipate the ship will round the southern tip of Greenland, one of the first regions to be inhabited by European settlers. We’ll go ashore at Narsaq Kujalliq, just west of Cape Farewell, to explore an excavated farm from the Viking period known as Herjolfsnes. Here, you can also hike, or sit back and soak in a natural hot spring while watching icebergs floating by. Day 19 (August 22, 2016) — Cruise the coast of Greenland Today you’ll cruise north along the dramatic west coast of Greenland. Enjoy the final presentations, lectures and recap of the voyage, which will sum up everything we’ve seen and done over the the last 20 days. Day 20 (August 23, 2016) — Disembark in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Just 37 miles (60 km) north of the Arctic Circle, Kangerlussuaq sits at the head of one of the longest fjords in Greenland. Musk ox and arctic fox inhabit the tundra-covered plain that surrounds the town. We’ll later make our way to the airport where we board our charter flight to Ottawa. Upon arrival, we will be transferred to our hotel. Day 21 (August 24, 2016) — Depart Ottawa, Canada Today you can make your way home at your leisure or spend time in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. Cabin Cost Cost with early booking discount before 1 Sept 2015 Triple $ 23 495 $ 23 495 Standard twin $ 32 995 $ 29 695 Suite $ 37 595 $ 31 955 Corner Suite $ 41 995 $ 35 695 The cost is for 1 pax based on double occupancy. Single accommodation in Standard twin cabin with 70% supplement. Single accommodation in Suite with 100% supplement. Mandatory Charter Package – $ 1 650 EARLY BOOKING BONUS Save up to 15% when you book a 2016 Kapitan Khlebnikov voyage before Sept. 1, 2015 Twin Cabins – 10% savings Suite and Corner Suites - 15% savings Triples excluded. Early Booking Bonus combinable with the 2016 ARCTIC ICEBREAKER Back-To-Back offer. Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Best of the Canadian High Arctic 22.08 – 08.09.2016 18 days On this unique expedition, you’ll board the mighty Kapitan Khlebnikov icebreaker to access remote, icechoked regions ordinary expedition ships dare not navigate. Since 1992, the Khlebnikov has taken adventurers to inaccessible corners of the globe, and was the first ship ever to circumnavigate Antarctica with passengers in 1997. In true pioneering spirit, you’ll board the indomitable Khlebnikov (pronounced KLEB-nik-off) and sail to secluded areas few will ever have the privilege to set foot upon. From quiet coastal towns to authentic Inuit communities to awe-inspiring Ilulissat, this voyage is ideal for those seeking an in-depth, authentic expedition to the less discovered areas of the Arctic. Truly off the beaten path. Day 1 (August 22, 2016) — Arrive Ottawa, Canada Your arctic adventure begins a little further south, with an overnight stay in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. Stroll along the charming Rideau Canal, discover the majestic Canadian Parliament buildings, and explore the markets, world-class museums and shops on offer. Plan to arrive and make your way to the hotel in time for our pre-departure briefi ng at about 6pm. Day 2 (August 23, 2016) — Embark in Kangerlussuaq, Greenland After a morning charter fl ight to Kangerlussuaq, you’ll be transferred to the ship by Zodiac. Kangerlussuaq is a former U.S. military base and serves as the international gateway for the majority of travel to and from Greenland. Enjoy time out on deck taking in your new surroundings before setting sail on your arctic expedition. Day 3 (August 24, 2016) — Sisimiut Kayak is an Inuit word the English language has borrowed to describe a small vessel propelled by paddles that seats one or two people. When ashore in Sisimiut, travelers will watch a demonstration of traditional kayaking. There will be time to explore the town, where 18th century buildings from Greenland’s colonial period still stand! Day 4 (August 25, 2016) — Ilulisaat Ilulissat Kangerlua is Greenlandic for “The Iceberg Fjord.” The glacier at the head of the fjord is the most productive in the Northern Hemisphere. The icebergs it calves fl oat down the fjord to enter Baffi n Bay. As the ship approaches Ilulissat, have your cameras ready to take photos of young icebergs. Their journey will end years later somewhere off the coast of Newfoundland. So significant is Ilulissat Fjord that UNESCO has designated the area a World Heritage Site. We’ll take you on a Zodiac cruise near the mouth of the fjord and later visit the community and hike to a spot inside the fiord to watch the massive bergs lined up before entering Baffin Bay. Day 5 (August 26, 2016) — Uummannaq You’ll want to be out on deck regardless of the time of day as the ship approaches Uummannaq. The vista is simply breathtaking. The heart-shaped mountain that gave the town its name dominates the view. Uummannaq was founded as a Danish colony in 1758 on the Nuussuaq mainland, but in 1763 it was moved to the nearby island, as seal hunting was more plentiful there. On your walk through the town, you’ll visit the historic oil warehouse built in 1860. Look for the peat hut, behind the warehouse, which was still in use until a few years ago. Day 6 (August 27, 2016) — Upernavik The region of Upernavik is almost the size of Great Britain. The town of the same name was founded in 1772, but the history of human habitation in the region is longer. In Upernavik you will visit the northernmost open-air museum with well-preserved buildings dating back to colonial days. Unique fauna is another compelling reason to visit the Upernavik area, where the world’s largest bird cliff, Apparsuit, is located. Day 7 (August 28, 2016) — Cape York Today you’ll hear stories of the famous Cape York Meteorite, and learn about the place other meteorites have had in Cape York’s history. If conditions permit, we`ll take the helicopters and fly to the Robert Peary monument at the top of Cape York and experience a very impressive view. Day 8 (August 29, 2016) — Qannaaq At Qaanaaq, founded in 1953, you will visit the northernmost municipality in the world, and learn about the culture of the people of Northern Greenland. One of the highlights of the museum is a massive chunk of meteorite. Day 9 (August 30, 2016) — Cobourg Island and Grise Fjord, Nunavut, Canada Murres and fulmars will soar overhead as you cruise in Zodiacs along the base of high cliffs at Cobourg Island. Thousands of seabirds nest in Nirjutiqavvik National Wildlife Area, established to protect the wildlife of Lady Ann Strait along the island’s southern shore. Be sure to carry your camera and binoculars! The only community on Ellesmere Island is Grise Fjord. The citizens of Aujuittuq – the place that never thaws – will entertain and educate you with cultural demonstrations are based on 4,000 years of tradition. The tiny hamlet, the most northerly community in Canada, has only 140 residents – slightly more than one resident per guest aboard our icebreaker. Day 10 (August 31, 2016) — Hell Gate and Eureka Sound From there, the ship navigates Hell Gate, a narrow passage transited successfully by only a handful of passenger vessels. Our next stop is Eureka Sound. Helicopter flights take us over an ancient petrified forest on Ellesmere Island’s western coast. Days 11 and 12 (September 1-2, 2016) — Tanquary Fiord National Park and Chapman Glacier The epic beauty that is Tanquary Fjord encompasses sweeping mountain valleys under huge arctic skies. Luminous glaciers cascade down to clear blue waters. Twenty-four hours of daylight provide ample opportunity to take photos in Quttinirpaaq National Park on Ellesmere Island. Day 13 (September 3, 2016) — Eureka Weather Station and Axel Heiberg Island Eureka has been called the “Garden Spot of the Arctic” due to an abundance of flora and fauna found in the area, more so than anywhere else in the High Arctic. The Weather Station consists of “Fort Eureka” (for military personnel), the Environment Canada Weather Station, and the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL), formerly the Arctic Stratospheric Ozone Observatory (AStrO). Day 14 (September 4, 2016) — Axel Heiberg Island, Norwegian Bay and Belcher Channel At Axel Heiberg, you’ll learn about its unusual fossil forests. At the Norwegian Bay and Belcher Channel, there are many wonderful and exciting sights. However, the experience of watching the 24,000horsepower Kapitan Khlebnikov battle its way through some of the toughest ice in the world may be one of the most memorable. We then head south through Penny Strait to Queen’s Channel, with plans to explore McDougall Sound, on the alert for walrus and polar bears. Day 15 (September 5, 2016) — Penny Strait, Queen’s Channel and Crozier Strait We’ll traverse the natural waterways of Penny Strait, Queen’s Channel and the Crozier Strait. Expect to see copious birdlife above, and magnificent views ahead. Day 16 (September 6, 2016) — Beechey Island Just offshore the western end of Devon Island is Beechey Island. There, on a stony beach, stand three grave markers; solemn reminders of the lives lost during Sir John Franklin’s search for the Northwest Passage. Upon approach to Beechey Island, we will be treated to presentations about Franklin and his expedition. Day 17 (September 7, 2016) — Disembark in Resolute, Nunavut Bid the land of the midnight sun adieu. You will return by afternoon charter flight to the world of night and day in Ottawa, where you will be transferred to the hotel and sleep through your first full night of darkness in two weeks. Day 18 (September 8, 2016) — Depart Ottawa After breakfast, you can make your way home at your leisure or spend time in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. Cabin Cost Cost with early booking discount before 1 Sept 2015 Standard twin $ 26 395 $ 23 755 Suite $ 29 995 $ 25 495 Corner Suite $ 33 995 $ 28 895 The cost is for 1 pax based on double occupancy. Single accommodation in Standard twin cabin with 70% supplement. Single accommodation in Suite with 100% supplement. Mandatory Charter Package – $ 2 150 Arctic Icebreaker Expedition: Epic Northeast Passage 06.09 – 18.09.2016 18 days This is a voyage of discovery to a remote and stunning world beyond the reach of all but the most powerful icebreakers. The mighty Kapitan Khlebnikov is one of the few fully-classed icebreakers powerful enough to tackle these remote and ice-choked waters. The Khlebnikov was the first ship ever to circumnavigate Antarctica with passengers in 1997 and since 1992, has taken adventurers to extremely remote corners of the globe. On this special icebreaker expedition of the Northwest Passage, you’ll witness first-hand the haunting beauty of the northern wilderness, wildlife and culture. Be prepared to encounter every type of Arctic wildlife, including whales, seals, polar bears, and sea birds as have a chance to immerse yourself in northern culture with visits to Canadian Inuit and Russian Yupik and Chuckchi communities. Of course in addition to the awe-inspiring scenery, you’ll see memorials and artifacts from these early voyages of exploration, including Beechey Island. Day 1 SEPTEMBER 6, 2016 — Arrive Ottawa, Canada Canada’s national capital and home to the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa sits along the beautiful Rideau Canal and has a vibrant downtown with thriving market scene and plenty of world-class museums to explore. Day 2 SEPTEMBER 7, 2016 — Embark in Resolute, Nunavut, Canada During your flight from Ottawa to Resolute, you should be able to see glimpses below of boreal forest changing to tundra and then to ice. By evening you’ll be above the Arctic Circle and aboard the icebreaker Kapitan Khlebnikov. Day 3 SEPTEMBER 8, 2016 — Radstock Bay and Beechey Island, Canada Radstock Bay has an impressive archaeological site and is beside Caswell Towers, used as a polar bear observation point. Here we’ll also find one of the best Thule sites in the Arctic which gives us insight into how the pre-Inuit people survived and lived. Just offshore at the western end of Devon Island is Beechey Island. There, on a stony beach, stand three grave markers; solemn reminders of the lives lost during Sir John Franklin’s search for the Northwest Passage. Upon approach to Beechey Island, we will be treated to presentations about Franklin and his expedition. Day 4, SEPTEMBER 9, 2016 — Prince Leopold Island Bird Sanctuary and McClure Strait, Canada Prince Leopold Island is located within Lancaster Sound and is home to an impressive migratory bird sanctuary classified by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. We’ll use Zodiacs to explore along the cliffs of sandstone and limestone that rise up 800 feet above sea level surrounding the island to spot some of the 375,000 migratory birds here including, thick-billed Murre, northern fulmars, blacklegged kittiwakes and snow buntings, to name but a few. This is also a good environment to see polar bears. Days 5 to 7, SEPTEMBER 10-12, 2016 — At Sea During these sea days we’ll be icebreaking, taking to the helicopters for sightseeing flights and looking for opportunistic landing possibilities on the top of Prince of Wales Island and Victoria Island. Witnessing this powerful icebreaker navigates the ice pack and feeling the vibration is a spectator sport in itself. Day 8, SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 — Mercy Falls, Aulavik National Park, Canada Mercy Falls is part of Aulavik National Park, a polar desert located on Banks Island in the Northwest Territories. Known for its access to the Thomsen River, one of the most northerly navigable rivers in North America, this park in one of the most remote and least visited in all of Canada and protects approximately 12,000 km of Arctic Lowlands at the northern end of the island. Day 9, SEPTEMBER 14, 2016 — Sachs Harbour, Banks Island At Sachs Harbour, the most northerly permanent settlement in the Northwest Territories, we’ll go ashore to visit with the people of this very small community. The community was named after the ship 'Mary Sachs' of the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913. In 1929, a permanent settlement was established when three Inuit families settled here to trap. In 1953, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police set up a detachment post and people lived a very traditional lifestyle hunting muskox, caribou and polar bear. Today the community's economy is based primarily on hunting and trapping and to a lesser degree on tourism. Day 10, SEPTEMBER 15, 2016 — Smoking Hills, Canada The hills have been smoking for centuries. In 1850, Robert McClure, searching for Franklin, sent a shore party to investigate smoke. Could it be fires built by Franklin or his men? The shore party discovered smoke rising from vents in the ground. They returned to the ship with a sample of the smoldering rock, which, when placed on McClure’s desk, burned a hole through it. Day 11, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 — MacKenzie Delta and Franklin Bay We’ll be on the lookout for Snow and Brant Geese, Tundra Swans as well as beluga whales while in the vicinity of the Mackenzie Delta. The estuary formed at the mouth of the Mackenzie River where it empties into the Beaufort Sea is classified as a delta. For 7,000 years sediment brought down river has built up to create a vast surface area where wildlife congregates. Day 12, SEPTEMBER 17, 2016 — Herschel Island Today, we will explore this unique island situated between land and sea. Its dry polar climate is home to a unique collection of arctic plants, animals and sea life, including the largest colony of Black Guillemots in the Western Arctic. More than a thousand years ago, Herschel Island was occupied by the Thule people, ancestors of today’s Inuit. Days 13, SEPTEMBER 18, 2016 — Cruise Beaufort Sea into Russia As Kapitan Khlebnikov steams westward across the Beaufort Sea, we’ll be on the watch for marine mammals in the water below and seabirds swirling about the ship. Should we encounter pack ice, the on-board helicopters will take you aloft to watch as the powerful ship crushes through to open water. DAY 14, SEPTEMBER 19-20, 2016 — Pass Point Barrow, Alaska, Arctic Circle and Chukchi Sea Today we continue past Point Barrow, an important geographical landmark, marking the limit between the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. The waters off Point Barrow are on the bowhead whale migration route, which attracted attention in the late 1980s when three grey whales were trapped in the pack ice here. We’ll cross the International Date Line, and leap one day into the future, as we continue along the Chukchi coast. Days 15 and 16, SEPTEMBER 21-22, 2016 — Chukotka Peninsula, Russia We clear into Russia in Provideniya and later we’ll be treated to some cultural presentations when we visit with the tiny village of Uelen, known for its talented carvers who work in walrus ivory. At Cape Dezhnev, the most easterly point of the Asian continent, the architecture of those buildings that remain is distinctively Russian. We’ll take to the Zodiacs to Puffin Island where two species of the comical bird cohabit. On the shores of Ittygran Island, the ribs of whales, planted in the tundra by people long ago, still stand on lowland known as “whalebone alley.” The final shore landing planned is a visit to Novoyo Chaplino, where the locals, dressed in traditional attire, will demonstrate their skills as wrestlers and ropers of reindeer, if the herd is nearby. Day 17, SEPTEMBER 23-22, 2016 (cross back over the date line) — Disembark Anadyr, Russia Today, we will disembark the Kapitan Khlebnikov in Anadyr, Russia. You will be transferred by helicopter one last time from the ship to the airport for the charter flight to Anchorage, Alaska, where you will spend the night. We cross back over the International Date Line during this flight, so when we turn in for the night in Alaska, the date will be September 22 again! Day 18, SEPTEMBER 23, 2016 — Depart Anchorage, Alaska, United States After breakfast, you are free to depart for home, or stay longer in Anchorage. Spend the day taking in the glorious scenery – populous wildlife, spectacular mountain vistas, fascinating culture and icy blue glaciers await your discovery. Relax, stroll through this “last frontier”, take a hike in the Chugach State Park wilderness, or try your hand at king salmon fishing. Cabin Cost Cost with early booking discount before 1 Sept 2015 Triple $ 20 695 $ 20 695 Standard twin $ 27 795 $ 25 015 Suite $ 31 595 $ 26 855 Corner Suite $ 35 495 $ 30 170 The cost is for 1 pax based on double occupancy. Single accommodation in Standard twin cabin with 70% supplement. Single accommodation in Suite with 100% supplement. Mandatory Charter Package – $ 2 650 Booking terms: Deposit required for guaranteed booking – 20% from full cost Final payment - 120 days before departure. Cancellation Terms: 180 days or more Deposit less administration fee 179 to 121 days Full loss of deposit 120 days or less Loss of full payment A POLAR - CLASS ICEBREAKER, combining power and technology with creature comfort. KAPITAN KHLEBNIKOV ICEBREAKER CABINS AND AMENITIES • SHIP SPECIFICATIONS 54 first - class outside cabins and suites, all featuring private Staff & Crew: 70 Passengers: 112 sofa bed. Length: 122.50 m Triple cabins are identical to twin cabins, with a third Breadth: 26.50 m Draft: 8.50 m Propulsion: Diesel - electric engines – facilities, large windows, desk, hair dryer, robes and large closets. • • Twin cabins have one fixed, lower berth and one convertible pull - down berth. • All suites have a sitting room separate from the bedroom, DVD players and televisions. 24,000 total horsepower • Dining rooms with unreserved seating where an abundant breakfast is served with a wide choice of hot and cold items; and lunch and dinner with menus that change daily. • 24 - hour coffee, tea and hot chocolate self - service station. • Lounge and bar staffed by a professional bartender; open Ice Class: LL3 Cruising Speed: 15 knots in open water Registered: In Russia by Far Eastern Shipping Company late morning, afternoon and evening, with a wide selection of wines and spirits. Heated indoor plunge pool, exercise room and sauna. ANTARCTICA 2009 – 2010 QUARK EXPEDITIONS • • Theater- style 16 CALL 1-800-356-5699 OR +1 (203) 852 5580 auditorium for Expedition Team presentations. • Onboard shop and library of books and videos. • Ship - to - shore communications via satellite. • Passenger elevator. • Clinic with licensed doctor. > Visit / kk- cabins to see a slide show depicting the ship’s interiors. KAPITAN KHLEBNIKOV DECK PLAN 1 lower berth, 1 sofa bed, 1 pull - down upper berth, private facilities, opening window, desk and chair TWIN BRIDGE & RADIO DECK 1 lower berth, 1 sofa bed, private facilities, opening window, desk and chair SUITE ICEBREAKER ADVENTURES TRIPLE 1 wider bed and sofa bed, private facilities, separate DECK 8 sitting room, 2 opening windows, 2 desks /chairs, table, TV/ DVD CORNER 1 wider bed, 1 sofa bed, SUITE private facilities, separate sitting room, 4 opening DECK 7 windows, 2 desks /chairs, table, refrigerator, TV/ DVD DECK 6 DECK 5 DECK 4 DECK 3 BRIDGE RADIO DECK DECK 8 DECK 7 DECK 6 DECK 5 DECK 4 DECK 3 ANTARCTICA 2009 – 2010 QUARK EXPEDITIONS SCALE 1 : 1000 17 ORIGINAL-KATALOG-ANFORDERUNG Sehr geehrte Reise-Interessenten. Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse und den Download eines digitalen Kataloges im pdfFormat aus unserem Programm. 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Faxnummer PLZ + Wohnort e-mail-Adresse Bitte per Post (in Fenster-Umschlag) an: An POLARADVENTURES c/o Agentur für Erlebnis-Reisen Heinrich-Böll-Str. 40 D-21335 Lüneburg oder per Fax an 04131-54255 Individuelle Buchungsanfrage per Fax an 04131-54255 oder per Post an Polaradventures, Heinrich-Böll-Str. 40, D-21335 Lüneburg, Germany Bitte unterbreiten Sie mir ein unverbindliches Angebot für folgende Leistungen: Angebot mit Insolvenzversicherung nach deutschem Reiseveranstalterecht + Preis in EUR Direkt-Angebot der ausländischen Reedereien (ausländ. Reiserecht + Preis in USD zum Tageskurs in EUR) Schiffsname Reisename/ -Route Abfahrt von - bis (tt/mm - tt/mm/jj) Alternative Abfahrt (tt/mm - tt/mm/jj) (falls ausgebucht) Kabinenkategorie Alternative Kabinenkategorie (falls ausgebucht) Doppelkabine Doppelkabine zur Einzelnutzung Halbe Doppelkabine zur Mitbenutzung Zubringerflüge: Abflughafen Hinflugdatum (tt/mm/jj) Rückflugdatum (tt/mm/jj) bevorzugte Airline Economy-Class Business-Class Zusätzliche Hotelübernachtungen: Hotelname/Übernachtungsort Aufenthalt von - bis (tt/mm - tt/mm/jj) Hotelname/Übernachtungsort Aufenthalt von - bis (tt/mm - tt/mm/jj) Reiseversicherungen: keine Reiserücktrittskostenversicherung Komplettschutz (Reiserücktritts-, Kranken-, Unfall-, Gepäck- und Notfallversicherung) Persönliche Angaben: 1. Reiseteilnehmer Vorname, Name / Geburtsdatum 2. Reiseteilnehmer Vorname, Name / Geburtsdatum Angebot bitte: per Email an (Emailadresse) per Fax an (Nummer) per Post an (Vorname & Name) (Straße & Nr.) (PLZ & Wohnort)