Fall 2016 - Sherwood Park Ringette Association
Fall 2016 - Sherwood Park Ringette Association
ette S h er wood P ar k Rin g Fall 2016 PLATINUM RING TOURNAMENT U10 Step 2 through U19 October 28-30th, 2016 PLATINUM RING TOURNAMENT U10 Step 1 January 14 and 15th, 2017 This is a new and exciting event for our Step 1 athletes!! We are looking for a volunteer to help us organize the event. If you can help out please contact Carmen Schmidt at tournament@sherwoodparkringette.ca SAVE THE DATE!! SPRA HAS BEEN SELECTED TO PARTICPATE IN THE 50/50 ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2017 AT ROGER’S PLACE THIS IS A HUGE FUNDRAISING OPPORTUNITY FOR SPRA. HOWEVER, IT WILL REQUIRE A LARGE AMOUNT OF VOLUNTEERS. ADDITIONAL DETAILS REGARDING THE EVENT WILL BE SENT OUT LATER IN SEPTEMBER COACHING CLINICS SPRA WILL BE HOSTING SEVERAL CLINICS THIS YEAR. PLEASE WATCH YOUR EMAIL INBOX FOR INFORMATION CSI—Community Sport Initiative (required for Active Start, U10, U12B and U12C) CI—Competitive Introduction—Trained (required for U12A, U14B, U14A, U16B, U19B and U19A) CI—Competitive Introduction—Certified (required for U14AA, U16A, U16AA, U19, and U19AA) MED—Making Ethical Decisions—All divisions Junior Coach Workshop—U16 and U19 players Questions—email Phil at coach@sherwoodparkringette.ca More coaching information also available at Ringette Canada
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