In celebration as you are ordained to the Priesthood
In celebration as you are ordained to the Priesthood
In celebration as you are ordained to the Priesthood Rev. Jacob Martin, S.J. Ordained - June 13, 2015 Mass of Thanksgiving St. Fabian Church - June 14, 2015 PAGE 2 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 HELP WANTED RECTORY PHONE KID (or as we call it here: “Night Crew”) We are in need of someone to answer the phone and to do other things for our parish. Hours: Monday through Friday - 4:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. Saturday and Sunday – 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. (2 or 3 nights each week) High School Students preferred. YOU MUST BE ABLE TO SPEAK ENGLISH AND POLISH! ******************** CONGRATULATIONS to newly ordained Father Jacob Martin, S.J. and your classmates: Fathers Loren DeLeon, S.J., Ryan Duns, S.J., Joseph Koczera, S.J., Christopher Krall, S.J., Lukas Laniauskas, S.J., Timothy McCabe, S.J. and James Shea, S.J. We will keep you all in our thoughts and prayers. ******************** PRAYER FOR A PRIEST O Jesus, our great High Priest, hear my prayer on behalf of your priest (name). Give him a deep faith, a bright and firm hope and a burning love which will ever increase in the course of his priestly life. In his loneliness, comfort him in his sorrows, strengthen him in his frustrations, point out to him that it is through suffering that the soul is purified and show him that he is needed by the Church, he is needed by souls, he is needed for the work of redemption. O loving Mother Mary, Mother of priests, take to your heart your son who is close to you because of his priestly ordination and because of the power he has received to carry on the work of Christ in a world which needs him so much. Amen. ******************** A PRAYER FOR PRIESTLY VOCATIONS O Lord, my God, you renew the Church in every age by raising up priests outstanding in holiness, living witnesses of your unchanging love. In your plan for our salvation you provide shepherds for your people. Fill the hearts of young men with the spirit of courage and love that they may answer your call generously. Give parents the courage to encourage vocations in their family by prayer and good example. Raise up worthy priests for your altars and ardent, but gentle, servants of the Gospel. May many young men choose to serve you by devoting themselves to the service of your people. Amen. PAGE 3 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 READINGS FOR THIS WEEKEND FIRST READING: EZEKIEL 17:22-24 Thus says the Lord GOD: I, too, will take from the crest of the cedar, from its topmost branches tear off a tender shoot, and plant it on a high and lofty mountain; on the mountain heights of Israel I will plant it. It shall put forth branches and bear fruit, and become a majestic cedar. Birds of every kind shall dwell beneath it, every winged thing in the shade of its boughs. GOSPEL: MARK 4:26-34 Jesus said to the crowds: “This is how it is with the kingdom of God; it is as if a man were to scatter seed on the land and would sleep and rise night and day and through it all the seed would sprout and grow, he knows not how. Of its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.” And all the trees of the field shall know that I, the LORD, He said, bring low the high tree, “To what shall we compare the kingdom of God, lift high the lowly tree, or what parable can we use for it? wither up the green tree, It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, and make the withered tree bloom. is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. As I, the LORD, have spoken, so will I do. But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants SECOND READING: 2 CORINTHIANS 5:6-10 Brothers and sisters: We are always courageous, although we know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yet we are courageous, and we would rather leave the body and go home to the Lord. Therefore, we aspire to please him, whether we are at home or away. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive recompense, according to what he did in the body, whether good or evil. and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.” With many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to understand it. Without parables he did not speak to them, but to his own disciples he explained everything in private. PAGE 4 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 ADORATION of the BLESSED SACRAMENT Come visit Jesus in the Chapel this Monday from: 12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Benediction will be at 7:45 p.m. “People ask me, ‘What will convert America and save the world?’ My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in holy hours of prayer.” Blessed Mother Teresa TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION A wedding celebrated in the Eastern Church has a form that was fixed a thousand years ago. In the West, our story is more complicated by constant change and variation. As the world’s structures tottered in the ninth century, bishops and priests stepped into the void left by collapsing civil structures. For the first time, marriage was referred to as a sacrament, and wedding ceremonies were to be in public (assuring the free consent of the bride) after an investigation of the couple by a priest. The custom of the blessing of the bridal room diminished, and was finally forbidden in 1012 by the Council of Rouen, although it continued for centuries. In the diocese of Perigueux in France, a ritual from 1827 had the parish priest clad in surplice and stole sprinkling the bridal couple as they stood modestly in their pajamas by the wedding bed. Next the bed and all those present were sprinkled, too! That’s a tradition that few Americans, either the betrothed or the clergy, are ready to revive! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107:23-26, 28-31; 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41 They that are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. —Psalm 92:14 PAGE 5 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.... For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Matthew 5 Eleventh Week of Ordinary Time Daily Prayer This Week: Sunday begins the Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time, when Jesus compares our faith to the mustard seed. Our faith, like that tiny seed, can grow large and put forth large branches touching those around us. There is nothing like the Sermon on the Mount to help us hear the message of Jesus, and to let ourselves be addressed by those words. All of us can ask for the graces Jesus promises us - with real people and real daily circumstances in mind. We know with whom we need to “turn the other cheek” and to love more. We know the situations in which we are tempted to “be religious” in those circumstances only. In the Second Letter to the Corinthians, Paul is defending himself. He tells the people of Corinth -- and us -- not to receive the grace of God in vain. Paul reminds them about generosity and cheerful giving. He begs the community not to dismiss him because of his poor speaking abilities saying, “Even if I am untrained in speaking, I am not so in knowledge.” He boasts about his weakness, which he had at first begged to be freed from by the Lord, who said to him, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” In Matthew's Sermon on the Mount Jesus calls us beyond simply being moral. His message is not an “eye for an eye,” but turning the other cheek, loving our enemies and praying for them. Jesus cautions us about performing good deeds for others to see. He teaches us to pray simply, because our Father knows what we need. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal.... For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.” Focus on God, not the world: “No one can serve two masters... You cannot serve God and mammon.” On the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time we hear the story from Mark's Gospel about the storm at sea. Jesus calms the sea and asks, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” Taken from the "Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer" on the Creighton University's Online Ministries web site: Used with permission. Upon reflection, each of us can take the time to “locate” our hearts, by discovering what we tend to treasure. How can we really know what we treasure? We can make a list of the “five most important things” in our lives. Then we make a list of the five things we spend most of our time on. Comparing the lists will help us get concrete about asking the Lord for the grace we need to put our lives back in balance. All of us can name what we worry about. And so we can all ask for the graces to “seek first” the Kingdom of God. All of this reflection can happen throughout the week in the background of our daily lives, if we get into the habit of focusing for a few moments each morning. If we take just 30 seconds, at the edge of our bed each morning, it will begin to establish a habit of living more reflectively. PAGE 6 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 PAGE 7 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 PAGE 8 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fun for the whole family... JUNE 14, 2015 PAGE 9 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 “Evening of Reflection” for St. Fabian MINISTERS OF CARE EUCHARISTIC MASS MINISTERS LECTORS Healing through Scripture & Service Presented by Rev. Matthew O’Donnell June 23, 2015 Tuesday, 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. St. Fabian Parish, O’Meara Hall Rev. Matthew O’Donnell will use Biblical stories to demonstrate the foundation and the calling each one of us has to share in God’s healing and care in our world. He will help us recognize how we are recipients of that healing and service which allows us to be the ministers that we are today. Fr. Matt will give you a boost into your ministry! Please call Paula Daley, Ministry of Care Director at 708-4582562 before June 20th and leave a message if you are attending. Snacks & refreshments will be served. Archdiocesan policy states that every Minister of Care is required to attend a workshop every three years in the period in which they are mandated. This St. Fabian’s 2nd Annual Parish Picnic Sunday, June 28th Can you spare some time??? Volunteers needed to help with the Picnic Set-up, clean-up, games, food court… Are just some areas that we could use help! Sign-up sheets are on the table in the Narthex. WOMEN’S CLUB NEWS Our next meeting is on Thursday, June 18, 2015. All women of the parish are invited to our Pizza Party with a $3.00 Charge. We are also seeking people willing to let us use their portable tents, umbrella’s and sun coverings to shed some shade on our parking lot. We will be introducing the new board for next year. Membership dues of $10.00 will be accepted for our new year. If you can help, please contact Joan @496-0139 for further information. We are also accepting “new items” for future activities. PAGE 10 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Weekly Collection July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015 Weekly Goal: $9,800.00 June 7, 2015 $ 7,805.15 Year-to-date Deficit: $ 17,889.87 III Jose Mata - Teresa Krzysiak Ministry of Care Sick List Sick are Prayed for Weekly Each week you will find a list entitled “Pray for the Sick” hanging in the Narthex in four locations. On the top is listed all those parishioners who are in the hospital that particular week. The individuals on the lower half of the sheet have asked to be kept on the list or are terminal. All of these names are placed in the Intention Basket which is carried up at the Offertory and are prayed for at all the Masses. If you know of anyone who should be added or deleted from this list, please contact Paula Daley, Ministry of Care Director, at (708) 458-2562. Note, this list is different from those on our Sick List in the weekly Bulletin. PRAY FOR OUR FRIENDS AND RELATIVES IN THE MILITARY Jonathon Aguirre, Kenneth W. Annel, Junior Browren, Anthony Gonzalez, Maria Gross, Troy Gryga, Joseph Klaus, Michelle Klaus, Christopher Koutsis, Wayne G. Lewen, Jr., David Malinowski, Kevin McEnaney, Ryan McHeffy, Michael Michalek, Mike Snee, Anthony Spear, Richard Stone, Luke Tatar, Christopher Thomas, Melanie Thomas, Steve Williams, Joel Winter, Robert Wnek LORD, HOLD OUR TROOPS IN YOUR LOVING HANDS. PROTECT THEM AS THEY PROTECT US. BLESS THEM FOR THE SELFLESS ACTS THEY PERFORM FOR US. AMEN JUNE 14, 2015 Deacon Charlie’s Corner Hi! How is everyone doing this week? I hope many of you enjoyed the Carnival. It was a lot of work for many people and we thank all those that volunteered. May God bless you all. Now it’s back to normal. Isn’t it amazing how they tear the whole Carnival down in one evening and when we go to Church on Monday morning, you would never know there was any such thing that existed? We pray it was a success. Other than Sunday, it was blessed with good weather and even Sunday wasn’t that bad! We thank the Lord for it all. Next Sunday is the 1st day of Summer, although there have been some days I think it already arrived! Also it is “Father’s Day”. A very special day for many children, young and old alike, to honor their Fathers, living and deceased. In our Gospel this week from Mark, Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a Mustard Seed. Recall a mustard seed is very small, but once it springs up it becomes the largest of plants. The Kingdom of God is growing today throughout the world. Thanks to many Priests and Evangelists, the faith is still growing. We can help by being good Catholics and loving one another as He has loved us! Be that example to all we meet (not just our family and friends). Be that Light to Shine! Be that Mustard Seed and faith will grow! Walk with King Jesus and be a blessing, Deacon Charlie Question for the Week: How will you let God use you today? Thought for the Week: God desires willing hearts ready to be used. PAGE 11 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE JUNE 14, 2015 RECONCILIATION: Saturday: 4:00 – 4:45 PM MARRIAGE: Call the Parish Office 6 months in advance. BAPTISM: English - 1st Sunday at 3p.m.; Polish - 2nd & 4th Sunday at 12:45 Mass. No Exceptions. SUNDAY EUCHARIST: [English] 8:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM (Saturday 5:00 PM) [Polish] 6:30 AM, 12:45 & 7:00 PM DAILY EUCHARIST: 9:00 AM (Monday - Friday) HOLY DAY EUCHARIST: Scheduled prior to the holy day. Call the Parish Office to schedule. Parents must attend preparation session. ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office when serious illness occurs. 6-20-15 6-21-15 6-21-15 6-21-15 6-21-15 6-21-15 6-21-15 5:00 PM 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 7:00 PM Lector 1 A. DuPraw E. Jedynasty J. Vojtanek D. Urbaniak J. McGuire A. Swietoslawski J. Stafiera Lector 2 J. Tipperreiter R. Purwin K. Koukola T. Paluch D. McGuire J. Mateja M. Klukoszowski A. Cison Host 1 J. Schultz E. Jedynasty J. Macias P. Swiatkowski S. Huskey A. Swietoslawski Z. Komperda Host 1A I. Kaminski M. Bobek A. Brennan J. DeLara H. Rusnak A. Cison Host 3 G. Hess I. Lewis M. Fonseca R. Harding K. Tylka J. Stafiera Host 4 L. Benasa K. Koukola K. Shubert V. Vogel Wine 1 E. Nathan M. Guerrero J. Latona Z. Pash Wine 1A M.A. Moisan Wine 2 Deacon Ron M. Obrochta J. Pawlicki D. Meldazis Wine 3 J. Dokey L. Guerrero L. Barnes C. Golesz Wine 4 M.A. Benasa B. Obrochta D. Moriarty A. Cortes V. Galdyn V. Lunar A. Milewski J. Jenkins F. Polansky D. Lunar MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, June 14, 2015 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:00 AM 12:45 PM 7:00 PM John Peregrym, Stanley Lach, Jozefa Lach, Maria i Franciszek Lesnicki, Helena Lesnicka, Edward Dlugopolski, Jozef Obrochta, Stanislaw Stryczula, Ewa Swiatkowska Clara Modjewski, Rick Tomalewicz, Tony Tomalewicz, John Kwasnik, Wladyslaw Stobierski Deceased Members of the Zeglen Family, Wladyslaw Rafacz, Thomas Jaworski, Francis P. McGovern, Jr., Cynthia Rajewski (Healing), Jan & Franciszka Bukowski, Stanislaw & Aniela Moczarny, Ed Urbanowicz Rev. Jacob Martin, S.J. and Family Richard Grodz, Michal Duda, Donna i Bogdan (15th Wedding Anniversary), Safe Trip, Jan i Maria Plewa, Jozef i Franciszek Plewa, Stanislaw Sieczka, Jozef i Franciszka Orszuiak, Wladyslaw, Jozef i Helena Konapczyk, Jozef Ligas Robert Janik, Eugeniusz Kobas, Kobas i Mrowca Families, Franciszek Nedza, Stanislaw Strrafeira, Wladyslaw Strafeira Monday, June 15, 2015 9:00 AM David Furmanek (Birthday Blessings) Tuesday, June 16, 2015 9:00 AM Marie Androk, Tony Maritato Wednesday, June 17, 2015 9:00 AM Terry Owen Thursday, June 18, 2015 9:00 AM Stanley Radwan Friday, June 19, 2015 9:00 AM Fr. Ted Pracz (Healing) Saturday, June 20, 2015 2:30 5:00 PM PM 7:00 PM Mata—Krzysiak Wedding For our Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles and all those who have loved us and been like Fathers to us. Blessing & Healing for the grandchildren of Krystyna i Marcinek Sunday, June 21, 2015 6:30 8:00 9:30 11:00 12:45 7:00 AM AM AM AM PM PM For our Fathers, Grandfathers, Uncles and all those who have loved us and been like Fathers to us. REMEMBER THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS Luz Acevado Joseph Aniol Betty Armstrong Lee Ascensio Katie Aston Bud, Theresa & Christina Baldwin David Bender Clarence Bibly Cathy Bice Joe Bizub Rachelle Bowers Violet Bradley Isabel Bujnowski Marilyn Buttny Lynn Callahan Baby Cole Cargol Genevieve Catalano Lucille Cavallone John Citiora Sam Clanton Rita Conetzkey Mary Jane Crowhurst Marlene Curran D’Agostino Family Mary Daniels Avery DiBow Carmen Di Miele Cathy Duska Mary Anne Dyer David & Robert Dziedzic Joyce Dziedzic Julian & Maria Filas Nicholas Fillion Carol Fiore Philip Fowler Michael Fox Karen Fulton Patricia Gardner Gilbert Garza Agnes Geary Eric Gefvert Karen Gimza Karen Gleasner Joanna Glow Jose Gomez Irene Graff Nancy Granato Frank Grodz Pat Guglielmo Marissa Guzzy Randall Harding Rusty Harding Karen & Michael Herbert Jay Higginson Rachel & Thomas Hernandez Rosemarie Hidalgo Bob Horstmann Stephanie Huskey Marilyn Jaborski-Borowy Walter Jachec Denise & Richard Jandura Eugene F. Janus Donna Jasutis Elmer Javier Gladys Jaworski Patricia Kalata Denis Kazelas Nora Kazmierczak Stanislaw Kij Roman Klepczarek Daniel Kobylarczyk Bernadine Kolodziejczak Velta Kopacek June Krzyston George Kulpa Joseph Lubas Bill & Whitney Luke Eileen & Michael McMillan Graeniel Lance Manuel Sr. Hilda Marquez Maria C. Martinez Selva Martinez Jack Maruszak Grace Medina John Methven David Michaels Stacey Misicka Ido Moisan Susan Morris Aurora Murillo Ron Mystek Paola Navarrete Zofia Niemyjski Linda Norcutt Carmella Smiley - Norvell Danuta Nowak Marge Odenhanl Margareta Odeknal Mary Olszewski Linda Panos Virginia Petri Dolores Polkow Marie & Richard Pollak Ken Porter Rosalie Poynton Joseph Purpura Iracema Galvani Quinete Meg A. Radcliff Cyn Rajewski Ramond Rafael Adam Raj Mary Margaret Riccio Irena Rolak Linda Saathoff Baby Isabelle Salihar Florian Scehura Bonnie Scepkowski Justin Sewers Michael Patrick Shilney Stanley Siemiawski Alfred Skrobot Helen Slomiany Albina Soltys Vivian Spanczak Lillian Stricker Carl Strupeck Joseph Studnicki Krystyna Szulc Lillian Szurek Mary Tadda Julie Teninty Elsie Urbaniak Maci Villareal Sam Volpe Denise Warda George Wasinski David Weaver Iza Weisenritter Adam Westburg Melanie Williams Eileen & Robert Wilson Pamela Wojdyla Jerome Zaccaro Helena Zeglin Tom Zielinski Rachel & Tommy Zimmer PAGE 12 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 CZYTANIA NA NIEDZIELÊ PIERWSZE CZYTANIE Ez 17,22-24 Bóg podwyższa drzewo niskie Czytanie z Księgi proroka Ezechiela To mówi Pan Bóg: „Ja także wezmę wierzchołek z wysokiego cedru i zasadzę, u najwyższych jego pędów ułamię gałązkę i zasadzę ją na górze wyniosłej i wysokiej. Na wysokiej górze izraelskiej ją zasadzę. Ona wypuści gałązki i wyda owoc, i stanie się cedrem wspaniałym. Wszystko ptactwo pod nim zamieszka, wszystkie istoty skrzydlate zamieszkają w cieniu jego gałęzi. I wszystkie drzewa polne poznają, że Ja jestem Panem, który poniża drzewo wysokie, który drzewo niskie wywyższa, który sprawia, że drzewo zielone usycha, który zieloność daje drzewu suchemu. Ja, Pan, rzekłem i to uczynię”. Oto Słowo Boże. PSALM RESPONSORYJNY: Ps 92,2-3.13-14.1516 Dobrze jest śpiewać, Tobie, Panie Boże. Dobrze jest dziękować Panu i śpiewać Twemu imieniu, Najwyższy: z rana głosić Twoją łaskawość, a wierność Twoją nocami. Sprawiedliwy zakwitnie jak palma, rozrośnie się jak cedr na Libanie. Zasadzeni w domu Pańskim rozkwitną na dziedzińcach naszego Boga. Nawet i w starości wydadzą owoc, zawsze pełni życiodajnych soków, aby świadczyć, że Pan jest sprawiedliwy, On Opoką moją i nie ma w Nim nieprawości. Dobrze jest śpiewać, Tobie, Panie Boże. DRUGIE CZYTANIE 2 Kor 5,6-10 Staramy się podobać Bogu Czytanie z Drugiego Listu świętego Pawła Apostoła do Koryntian Bracia: Mając ufność, wiemy, że jak długo pozostajemy w ciele, jesteśmy pielgrzymami z daleka od Pana. Albowiem według wiary, a nie dzięki widzeniu postępujemy. Mamy jednak nadzieję i chcielibyśmy raczej opuścić nasze ciało i stanąć w obliczu Pana. Dlatego też staramy się Jemu podobać, czy to gdy z Nim jesteśmy, czy gdy z daleka od Niego. Wszyscy bowiem musimy stanąć przed trybunałem Chrystusa, aby każdy otrzymał zapłatę za uczynki dokonane w ciele, złe lub dobre. Oto Słowo Boże. ŚPIEW PRZED EWANGELIĄ: Mk 1,15 Alleluja, Alleluja, Alleluja Ziarnem jest słowo Boże, a siewcą jest Chrystus, każdy, kto Go znajdzie, będzie żył na wieki. Alleluja, Alleluja, Alleluja EWANGELIA Mk 4,26-34 Przypowieść o ziarnku gorczycy Słowa Ewangelii według świętego Marka Jezus powiedział do tłumów: „Z królestwem Bożym dzieje się tak, jak gdyby ktoś nasienie wrzucił w ziemię. Czy śpi, czy czuwa, we dnie i w nocy nasienie kiełkuje i rośnie, on sam nie wie jak. Ziemia sama z siebie wydaje plon, najpierw źdźbło, potem kłos, a potem pełne ziarno w kłosie. A gdy stan zboża na to pozwala, zaraz zapuszcza sierp, bo pora już na żniwo”. Mówił jeszcze: „Z czym porównamy królestwo Boże lub w jakiej przypowieści je przedstawimy? Jest ono jak ziarnko gorczycy; gdy się je wsiewa w ziemię, jest najmniejsze ze wszystkich nasion na ziemi. Lecz wsiane, wyrasta i staje się większe od innych jarzyn; wypuszcza wielkie gałęzie, tak że ptaki powietrzne gnieżdżą się w jego cieniu”. W wielu takich przypowieściach głosił im naukę, o ile mogli ją zrozumieć. A bez przypowieści nie przemawiał do nich. Osobno zaś objaśniał wszystko swoim uczniom. Oto słowo Pańskie. PAGE 13 ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME JUNE 14, 2015 INFORMACJE DOTYCZ¥CE DUSZPASTERSTWA W JÊZYKU POLSKIM ORAZ GODZINY URZÊDOWANIA W BIURZE PARAFIALNYM W ci¹gu ca³ego roku porz¹dek Mszy œw. w niedziele w jêzyku polskim jest nastêpuj¹cy: 6:30 AM, 12:45 PM i 7:00 PM ♦ Biuro Parafialne Czynne Poniedzia³ek - Pi¹tek 9:00 rano - 9:00 wieczorem (przerwa na lunch) Sobota - Niedziela 9:00 rano - 2:00 po po³udniu ♦ W Pierwszy Pi¹tek miesi¹ca: Msza œwiêta z nabo¿eñstwem I-pi¹tkowym o godz. 7:00 PM ♦ Chrzty œw. w jêzyku polskim odbywaj¹ siê w II i IV niedzielê miesi¹ca w czasie Mszy œw. o godz. 12:45PM. Przygotowania rodziców i chrzestnych do tego sakramentu odbywaj¹ siê w I i III niedzielê ka¿dego miesiêca o godz. 2:00 P.M., w sali nr 5 w budynku „Kash Hall”. W sprawie chrztu nale¿y zg³aszaæ siê na plebanie osobiœcie lub dzwoni¹c na numer (708) 599-1110. ♦ Œlub w jêzyku polskim prosimy zg³aszaæ szeœæ miesiêcy wczeœniej. ♦ SpowiedŸ œw. w ka¿d¹ sobotê od godz. 4:00 ADORACJA NAJŒWIÊTSZEGO SAKRAMENTU PM do 4:45 PM. ♦ Polska szko³a (czwartek & pi¹tek) 5 pm-9 pm; sobota 1:30 pm-5:30 pm. Tel. (708) 458-9120. ♦WSZYSTKIE INTENCJE NA MSZE ŒW. MUSZ¥ BYÆ ZAMAWIANE NA PLEBANII. INTENCJI NIE ZAMAWIAMY W ZAKRYSTII LUB W KOŒCIELE. PrzyjdŸ odwiedziæ Jezusa w kaplicy w ka¿dy poniedzia³ek od godz: 12:00 p.m. do 8:00 p.m. B³ogos³awieñstwo o godz. 7:45 p.m. MARGARET RADZISZEWSKI, DDS DAZZLING DENTISTRY, INC. 50 OFF $ BEATA I. STYKA, MD INTERNAL MEDICINE / GERIATRICS PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK Buying or Selling? ........ KATHY SZUBA 708.448.5500 R EALTOR BELCHER LAW OFFICE 24/7 HELP ........ Your First Visit With This Ad D’APRILE PROPERTIES Accepting New Patients 12130 S. Harlem, Ste. B Palos Heights 00 Mowie Po Polsku 708.655.4020 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH JOHN F. TORPHY, D.D.S. GENERAL DENTISTRY ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made (708) 594-2070 7275 S. Harlem Bridgeview TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. NOTRE DAME FAMILY CENTER Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! Depression - Anxiety - Stress Family - Separation - Divorce Sub Abuse - Medicare - Español Call Nancy Krzystek 708.372.2244 A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Graduating from Catholic grade school, high school and law school has provided me the foundation of social justice I’ve relied upon the last 20 years helping injured people like you and your family members. I hope you call me for a FREE CONSULTATION. 630-691-1114 THE FLOWER SHOP Plants • Cut Flowers Cemetery Decorations Across Resurrection Cemetery (708) 458-0788 Open 7 Days 7330 Archer Rd., Justice OPEN 7 DAYS FOR BREAKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER MABENKA RESTAURANT FUNERAL LUNCHEONS 10% OFF CATERING $10 OFF FREE DELIVERY CATERING ORDER FOR 20 OR MORE 708.423.7679 708-687-7474 7844 S. CICERO BURBANK –Matt Belcher BEZPLATNY NUMER PO BEZPLATNA PORADE™ 1-800-239-6528 , 773-586-5040 6941 S. Archer Ave. , email: Rev. James Watzke, Ph.D. Mowimy Po Polsku Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. 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Lemont 630.754.0141 PLUMBING & SEWER Cardinal 7756 S. Harlem Ave. JACEK GRELA, M.D. GEORGE’S R&B Open 7 Days John Hann Sr. & John Hann Jr. Quality Work - Reasonable Prices (708) 952-1833 PAINTING 40 yrs. exp. Lic #SL574 UNIA KREDYTOWA TO WIECEJ NIZ BANK! Od ponad 38 lat sluzymy Polonii oferujac szeroki zakres uslug finansowych: konta oszczednosciowe, IRA, karty VISA, szeroki wybor kredytow oraz serwis bankowosci internetowej. Zapraszamy do oddzialu w Bridgeview przy (8342 S. Harlem Avenue, Bridgeview, IL 60455) lub otwarcia konta przez Internet na A BRUSH ABOVE THE REST INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE RON - 708-598-1116 PRZYLACZ SIE DO NAS JUZ DZIS! 1.855.PSFCU.4U l For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 BROKEN DENTURE? $4690.00 Full Dentures Repaired WHILE-U-WAIT A Complete Service Including Steel Casket General Dentistry FINANCING AVAILABLE SCOTTSDALE DENTAL CLINIC 9236 S. Roberts Road, Hickory Hills ◆ 430-5700 4651 W. 79th St., Ste. 207 David A. 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(708) 636-2320 ORLAND PARK TINLEY PARK 7732 W. 159th St. (708) 429-3200 NAPRAWA HOLLENBACK PAINTING Interior & Exterior Over 20 Years Experience Fully Insured Free Estimates 708.785.5499 NAPRAWIAM PRALKI, SUSZARKI LODOWKI, KUCHENKI BEZPLATNA WYCENA JOE SINCE 1979 AR-BE GARAGE DOORS AND OPENERS Family Owned & Operated Since1947 PARISHIONER DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES 708.458.2345 Oral & I.V. Sedation Dentistry Care Credit Interest Free Financing Now Accepting New Patients 8705 S. Ridgeland Oak Lawn Open 24 Hrs 708.599.7990 708.599.9824 fax Buy or Sell with a Professional and Save Money! RE/MAX 10 Tisoncik Family Dental Care HALINA WISNIEWSKA 773.680.0798 Margaret Las (708) 344-1000 Owned & Operated by the Oremus Family Orthodontics Smiles for a Lifetime Dr. James F. Soltes 8260 W. 95th St., Hickory Hills 708.599.7100 KOZY HEATING & AIR COND. SINCE 1989 $5 OFF Heating & AC Tel. (708) 496-0200 Fax (708) 496-3119 7750 W. 95th Street, 708.599.2333 Open 11am-2am MIROSLAW PIOTROWSKI, M.D. LEMONT CHICAGO 15345 127TH STREET 630.484.8868 5912 S. ARCHER AVE. 773.735.5544 For MRI, CAT Scan, Stress Test Sleep Study Call 708.423.9982 Najtaniej Najszybciej Najbezpieczniej Samochody od $800 Paczki $0.34/# Kontenery, RO RO, AGD FREE HOME PICK UP 1-855-558-3461 - Polish, Ukranian, Russian CLEAN AND CHECK FOR AIR CONDITIONERS Expiration Date June 30, 2015 JOE CANTELE, OWNER EMERGENCY SERVICE 708.514.1591 BURBANK COMPLETE AUTO & TRUCK REPAIR FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Dentistry for Children • Orthodontics • Invisalign Janice A. Lubas, DDS, PC • Richard J. Cahill, DDS, Ltd. • Gary W. Gruendeman, DDS, PC 6305 W. 95th Street • Oak Lawn MAPLE-N-JAMS (708) 424-8889 LIC#13458 PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Residential & Commercial Owner/Pre-Arrangement Counselor RESTAURANT AND BAR BOARD CERTIFIED IN FAMILY MEDICINE • Internal Medicine • Pediatrics Mowie Po Polsku Burr Ridge 630.908.7730 • Dermatology • Gynecology • Immigration & School Physicals • Physical Therapy • Ultrasound 8995 W. 95 Street Palos Hills, Il 60465 7730 W. 95th St. Hickory Hills Open 6am-3pm 708.233.0333 708.233.0344 fax Broker Associate 20 Years Experience For The Most Relaxing and Mowie Po Polsku Comfortable Dental Experience Possible. DR. ANTHONY J. TISONCIK NEW PATIENT SPECIALS S. Roberts Rd. Call Today For a free Consultation 9700Palos Hills ✔ us out on the web @ 708.599.2929 WWW.PALOSHILLSDENTAL.COM ATTORNEY - ADWOKAT KEVIN WHITE, OWNER 8410 S. OKETO 708.430.1444 CAFE PLUMBING & SEWER CO. $1 OFF purchase of $10 or More Mon through Fri only w/ad 000590 F Parishioner Discount LICENSED CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST DR. LAURA BEAUMONT • Anxiety • Depression • Stress • Marital 11801 Southwest Hwy., Ste. 3S, Palos Heights 708.923.7400 Serving Breakfast & Lunch 7 Days, 7am to 3pm 6814 W. 87th St. 708.237.1600 AUTO REPAIR • Sales • Service • Installation 708.563.2388 Complete Car & Truck Care PARISHIONER DIAGNOSTICS, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DISCOUNT PAUL WIAK, Over 15 Years Experience 8 YEARS – NISSAN CERTIFIED 8921 S. Odell, Bridgeview 708.430.AUTO (2886) $69.95 A/C Clean and Check One coupon per system. Must present coupon at time of service. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. 000590 St Fabian Church (A) “Family Owned” 7861 South 88th Avenue Justice, IL 60458 MARK A. KAMINSKI 7239 S. Harlem Ave., Bridgeview, IL 60455 WWW. CONTI N ENTALTRANSM ISSIONS . COM ® 708.220.2292 Damar-Kaminski Funeral Home 17909 94th Ave. (708) 532-3100 W W W. L AW N F H . C O M Mowimy Po Polsku 3900 W. 95th St. 708-423-7550 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 8300 S. Thomas Avenue Bridgeview, IL 60455 e-mail: St. Fabian Catholic Community Pastor: Rev. Peter J. Cyscon Associate Pastor: Rev. Jan Bukowski, COr. Pastor Emeritus– Rev. Robert J. Kash 8300 S. Thomas Avenue - Bridgeview, IL 60455 Parish Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. (Closed for Lunch) Saturday & Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Parish Office Parish FAX Music Director 708-599-1110 708-599-0673 708-594-7540 Pastoral Pastor - Rev. Peter J. Cyscon Associate Pastor: Rev. Jan Bukowski, COr. Weekend Associate - Rev. Michael Bowler Diaconal Ministry - Deacon Ron & Pam Zielinski Senior Deacon Charles & Janet Tipperreiter Administrative Secretary - Mary Harvey Business Manager - William Brennan Administrative Assistant - Mary Ann Mularski Night Crew - Justyna Gawlak, Samantha Oberszkalski RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Ministry of Care - Director - Paula Daley 708-458-2562 Compassion Ministries - 708-599-1110 Religious Education Religious Education FAX Polish School 708-458-6150 708-458-2698 708-458-9120 Religious Education : English Program - Coordinator - Cindy Schlesser Assistant Coordinator - Bozena Kupiec (M-W-F 9:00 am - 3:30 pm) Polish Program - Director - Rev. Peter J. Cyscon Administrator: Maria Pocica Assistant Administrator: Bozena Kupiec Maintenance & Security - Andrzej Brzoska (Czwartek & Piatek 5:00 - 9:00 pm; Sobota 1:30–5:30 pm) Music Ministry – English Director - Raul Duque Music Ministry – Polish Director - Ryszard Swiedrych Maintenance Ramon Plascencia
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