K9 Supply Update 101511 - Vietnam Dog Handler Association
K9 Supply Update 101511 - Vietnam Dog Handler Association
(10/15/11) OVER SIX YEARS OF SUPPORTING OUR K-9 TROOPS! More than $67,000 of supplies shipped down range! http://www.war-stories.com/odap/ws-odap-index.asp Hello everyone! We are currently supporting seven (7) kennels and twelve (12) deployed Air Force, Army, and Navy teams as of October 15, 2011. October 2011 brings us to six years and one month of operation for our “Old Dawgs & Pups” program. Once again, I’d just like to say thank you to all of you that have supported our awesome programs and especially our troops and their canine partners deployed down range. Area of Operation Status - K-9 Teams Arriving/Departing We are currently supporting troops at Joint Base Balad, and Sather Air Base (BIAP) Iraq; Bagram Air Base, FOB ACS-2/Kandahar, FOB Lagman, FOB Shank, Afghanistan; and Ali Al Salem, Kuwait. We have one (1) new Pup to introduce this month Pups heading home from the AOR ACS-2/Kandahar, Afghanistan: SSgt Jessie Keller & MWD Oscar will be heading home before our next issue. Get those bags packed Jessie and start heading to Luke AFB, Arizona. Pups arriving in the AOR th Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan: SSgt Manuel Rodriguez & Figo deployed from the 355 SFS, Davis- Monthan AFB, Arizona. The team is paired with Scotty Baker (Safeside). MWD Bruno – “OK, when the hell are we going to work to win this war – I’m ready”? SSgt Ian Porter and Bruno are deployed to FOB Shank and are supported by Ernie Childers. 447th ESFS – Sather Air Base (BIAP), Iraq Left to Right: SSgt Crotty/MWD Danita, SSgt Lee/MWD Tina, TSgt Smith (KM) with MWD Bodza, SSgt Martinez/MWD Argo, and SSgt Majorana/MWD Heros during the 9/11 Remembrance March at Sather Air Base, Iraq. Left: SSgt Erick Martinez and MWD Argo conducting a vehicle search – We think there is something there! Erick & Argo are supported by Jon Hemp (TSN). Right: SrA Smith and MWD Bodza conducting night training in a dust storm, ain’t that a bitch! 447th ESFS – Sather Air Base (BIAP), Iraq - Continued Left: SSgt Kyle Majorana & MWD Heros next to the T-wall at Sather Air Base. This team is supported by David Priest (Korat) and Peggy Finzgar (FoK). Right: TSgt Kurt Lugar models the latest VDHA wear sent to him by his sponsor Dave Broeker (U-Tapao). Kurt is the Trainer at Sather Air Base. Well – Looks like a picture is worth more than a thousand words? Trust me – that is not first line maintenance! But it might need some rust proofing soon! FOB Lagman, Afghanistan SSgt Martin Ratkowski & MWD Tosca on patrol FOB Lagman, Afghanistan - Continued OK – is the camera on? MWD Tosca directs the action shot in the village. SSgt Martin Ratkowski sent us photographs of “Team Tosca” taken during their recent missions. He also gave us a little information about the teams and the projections for the months ahead. “We have been doing well here and the weather is quickly cooling down for the winter months!!! So our dogs are getting a little more active and not dying in the heat!!!! On the previous page, the team is photographed during different stages of patrol, including interaction with the “locals”. The last photograph shows the handlers taking a little break with a friendly game of poker – OK, who took home the money? Team Tosca is supported by Bill Gunter (NKP). 455th ESFS, Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan There was a little reunion at Bagram Air Base recently. TSgt Tom Henzl, Kennel Master, was recently reunited with his first dog from Anderson Air Force Base, Guam. Above you will find a photograph of MWD Betsie and TSgt Henzl – as you can see, it was a great time for dog and handler. TSgt Henzl is deployed from the 49th SFS, Holloman AFB, New Mexico, and is being sponsored by Bill Cummings (U-Tapao). SSgt Manuel Rodriguez & MWD Figo just arrived at Bagram. This is SSgt Rodriguez’s second tour with OD&P. He was supported by Dale & Debbie Burton in 2009 while at Al Dhafra/UAE. This tour the team is supported by Scotty Baker (Safeside). ACS-2/Kandahar, Afghanistan SSgt Jessie Keller & MWD Oscar take a break. They are supported by Ken Neal (Ubon/Udorn) and Steve & Lise Gattis (CRB). Scenes from a 48 hour mission near FOB Frontenac, Afghanistan. “The mission meant sleeping on top of a mountain in freezing weather. The next night encampment at the bottom brought them to a very snake infested area. Can't get any better than that! It was a good mission and Oscar did well but was exhausted the second night. We didn't rest much through out the day because of the many objectives to hit. This might have been our most strenuous mission yet. I had to lower him off a cliff and go through many obstacles. It was actually quite fun but very demanding.” 386th ESFS Ali Al Salem, Kuwait Airman of the Month & Team of the Month SrA Melissa Schmalhorst and MWD Glen were selected as the “Airman of the Month” at Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait. In addition, the 386th ESFS, K-9 section was selected as the “Team of the Month”. Lead, follow, or get the heck out of the way of these airmen! Congratulations Melissa and the rest of the members of the section – we are very proud of the job you guys are doing – and keep up the great work! Melissa and Glen are supported by Lise and Steve Gattis (CRB). Feed the Dawgs Project 2011 – Catching up with Pups from down range OK, we are sure can recognize the “smirk” on Jon Hemp’s face as he and two of our pups met for breakfast at Big Red’s in Yuba City, California prior to the “Feed the Dawgs” event at Beale AFB, California on September 17, 2011. On the left is SSgt Victor Sanez, who was deployed with MWD Astor at Manas Transit Center, Kyrgyzstan and on the right is SSgt Christopher LaBoy, who was deployed to Joint Base Balad, Iraq with MWD Frigo. Jon was paired with both teams during their deployment – what a double play Jon! Those of you that know Jon can just imagine how happy he was to meet the two handlers that he supported down range. Great job Jon and thanks for running that great program – “Feed the Dawgs”. Vietnam Veterans supporting - Active Duty Military Dog Handlers The Feed the Dawgs Project is a culmination of United States Military Vietnam Veterans, Active Duty Military Working Dog Personnel, and patriotic citizens joining together to support and recognize the dedication and patriotism of today's Military Working Dog Teams around the globe. The United States Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, and Navy deploy Military Working Dogs in many regions of the world in support of global peace and stability. We feed steak barbecues to active military dog handlers in all branches of United States service as they return from or "ship out" for "deployment" to the front lines on the War on Terror. If you are interested in assisting in one of the projects or need more information about “Feed the Dawgs” please contact Jon Hemp at jmhemp@feedthedawgs.com Here is the Feed the Dawgs schedule for the remainder of 2011 – Get Involved! 8 22 19 October October November USMC - MCAS Yuma/YPG, Yuma, AZ Army - 18th MP Fort Huachuca, AZ USAF - Luke AFB, Glendale, AZ Other News concerning OD&P Graduates We just heard from SSgt James Worley, who was deployed Sather Air Base, Iraq and who was supported by Bob Citrano (NKP) and Ernest Childers (Udorn) in 2010. He is now in Korea and is in the process of clearing “training/orientation” before picking up his new MWD “Qqinto” really soon. He asked the Kennel Master for the "meanest nastiest bar fighting dog they had". So after an interview with the Kennel Master, Trainer, and the dogs’ previous handler to make sure he was serious, they informed him that his new partner would be MWD Qquito. He’s a 3 year old Belgin Mallinois single purpose dog. The following day he was released from training and went to the kennels to see if Qquito would allow him to pull him because he is one of the "red tag" dogs (meaning he has a pre-disposition for lots of aggression). They seemed to be getting along great and according to James, “He is everything a true handler wants in a dog, alert, smart, eager to bite”. SSgt James Worley’s new partner - MWD Qqinto Another new Dawg Handler at Luke AFB, Arizona TSgt John Pillerralla and his wife, Tatiana, are the proud parents of a new dawg handler born on September 22, 2011. Statistics on the new addition are: 21 inches, 7 pounds. Looks like a dawg hander to us! Congratulations John and Tatiana from all of us! Other News concerning OD&P Graduates – Continued Bronze Star Ceremony for (T)Sgt Justin Kitts, Luke AFB, Arizona (T)Sgt Justin Kitts was awarded the Bronze Star for his service in Afghanistan in 2011. Justin and his partner, Dyngo, were officially presented the Bronze Star Citation by General J. D. Harris during the Wing’s Commander’s Call at Luke AFB, Arizona on September 30, 2011. Big deal – You bet it is! Justin has deployed twice with Old Dawgs & Pups and we are very proud of this team! As you might see on the right – Daughter Abby and Justin’s wife Melissa are all smiles as they stand by their man at the ceremony. Abby was born during Justin’s first deployment to Bagram Air Base, Afghanistan. Many of us were very fortunate to meet his family at the first “Feed the Dawgs” event held at Luke AFB in 2009. Those of you that have met this family know that they are a “K-9 Team”. More good news Luke AFB, Arizona In addition, (T)Sgt Kitts was recently selected to serve as an instructor at the USMC Training Center, Yuma, Arizona K-9 Pre-deployment Course. The course prepares milti-service handlers on the conditions that might be encountered in the AOR. Justin is very proud to be able to instruct fellow handlers on what he learned during his OTW deployment to Afghanistan. We know he will do a great job and it will have and impact on the handlers that he meets. The team was supported by Patsy Perrotto (NKP) during his last two tours in Afghanistan. Here’s this month’s update on the K-9 Supply Program At the time of this report we have 14 members of the “Old Dawgs & Pups” program actively supporting 12 handlers assigned to seven (7) kennels in Southwest Asia. Our K-9 Supply program has been coordinated and funded by the “Old Dawgs & Pups”. The supporters are members of the VSPA, VDHA, and friends of K-9. A total of 1,461 pieces of equipment has been delivered to our K-9 troops serving in the AOR from August 21, 2005 to October 15, 2011. Over 348 “Old Dawgs and Friends” have supported 70 kennels and 283 K-9 personnel via our program. For additional information on the program please go to: http://www.pbase.com/635thk9/old_dawgs Please review the photos, press releases, and more about our ongoing programs. We have purchased and shipped $19,100.00 of supplies for the 70 kennels solely via your personal donations. Including the Leatherman corporate and Helping Udders donations, the total is $65,576.00! Please note that this figure does not include all the goodies some of you have sent directly, or which came from other organizations we've been involved with but who shipped their donations independently. WAY TO GO K-9 SUPPLY! List of Supplies Shipped by Old Dawgs & Pups 267 183 163 125 91 75 52 40 40 40 33 25 24 24 19 16 16 16 15 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 10 10 Leatherman “Surge” Tools (166) Donated by Leatherman) * * The Leatherman “Surge”/Muts/Flashlights/Knives donation is valued at approximately $44,470.00 Thailand Challenge Coins (Donated & Purchased) * Leatherman Serac S3 Leatherman Flashlights Thailand Historical Base Patches Guardian Pet Beds (Pet Edge) * Leatherman Knives (Models: c33T, e55, e55B, e33L) Kongs (Assorted sizes) Sponges Cleaning/Scouring Pads PSI Water Holes (Dressler’s) Kygen Port-A-Bowls (Dressler’s) Doggles (10 Pairs were donated) Kygen 2-In-1 Food/Water Bowls (Dressler’s) Rolls 26”x78” 20% Dark Limo Window Tint (Checker Auto Supply) VSPA Challenge Coins (Donated & Purchased) Cooling Vests & Extra Cooling Packs (Helping Udders - Valued at $3,420.00) Coastal Medium Firm Shedding Blades (Dressler’s) Classic Long Tooth Undercoat rakes (Dressler’s) Classic HG Food Dishes (Dressler’s) Coastal Large Slickers (Dressler’s) Retractable Leashes (Pet Edge) Flat Sided Stainless Steel Water Pails (Pet Edge) Bucket Clips (Pet Edge) Heavy Guard Handled Water Pails (Dressler’s) * Leatherman MUT Tools Muzzles (Dressler’s) Heavy Duty Handled Pails - 9 Qt. - (Pet Edge) Stainless Steel - 3 Qt Dura-weight Bowls (Pet Edge) 10 9 8 8 8 8 8 7 6 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 Helping Udder Reward Toys (Helping Udders) Hose Nozzles K9 Bluelight Supplement (2 pound bags) (Dressler’s) Cooling Wraps (Roshgo Corp) Cooldanna Cooling Mats (Roshgo Corp) Sets of Flood Light Bulbs 24” Heavy Duty Floor Squeegees Digital Thermometers Set of four Ruff Wear Bark’n Boots Grip Trex (Ray Allen) Retractable Leashes (Dresslers) Carabiners 100 Foot Water Hoses 20” Heavy Duty Cleaning Brushes 12” Heavy Duty Cleaning Brushes 5” Heavy Duty Cleaning Brushes Ceremonial K-9 Badges (Memorial) Hose Reels - Wheels 50 Foot Water Hoses Spray Bottles & Sprayers 150 Foot Enclosed Hose Reels * Leatherman EOD MUT Tools Large Patrol Harness Medium Patrol Harness Drink Mixes & Snacks (Large Box) Case Toilet Paper (30 Rolls) Syntek Hidden Sleeve (Ray Allen)
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