Typing Pal Online
Typing Pal Online
A brief description of the Typing Pal pedagogical approach A brief description of the Typing Pal pedagogical approach This document explains, from an educational point of view, the A brief description of the Typing Pal main advantages of using Typing Pal to teach typing on a computer keyboard. Typing Pal, which started in the early 1990s, was originally available CD-‐ROM. In 2000, has the also been made This document explains,on from an educational point ofit view, main available online. Typing Pal has been translated into seven advantages of using Typingfrom Pal an to educational teach typing computer This document pointonof aview, the mainkeylanguages and is uexplains, sed in several countries around the world! pedagogical approach board. advantages Typing Pal, which started in teach the early was originally of using Typing Pal to typing1990s, on a computer key- board. Typing Pal,The which started in the it early was originally available on CD-ROM. past few years, has1990s, also been made availavailable on CD-ROM. past translated few years, it into has also beenlanguages made avail-and able online. Typing Pal hasThe been seven able online. Typing Pal has been translated into seven languages and is available in several countries. is available in several countries. 400 Jean-Lesage Boulevard, Suite 540, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 8W1 400 Jean-Lesage Suite 540, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 8W1 Toll Free Boulevard, 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 Toll Free ventes@demarque.com 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 school.typingpal.com www.demarque.com ventes@demarque.com www.demarque.com school.typingpal.com Is the Pal Typing Pal approach effective? s the Typing approach effective? Typing Pal was the subject of two studies on typing courses. The findings of the first yping Pal wasstudy, the subject two Lstudies Theat findings of the done by of Hélène osier of ton he typing Faculty ocourses. f Education the Université de first tudy, done byMoncton, Hélène N Losier of the Faculty of Education at the Université de Moncton, ew Brunswick, are as follows: New Brunswick, are as follows: Moreover, the observations made throughout the study seemed to indicate Moreover, the observations made throughout thetyping study cseemed indicate the students taken that the students having taken the ourse wtoere more that comfortable and having faster w hen composing the second 1 the typing course comfortable and faster when second poem the group not poem twere han more the group not having received t1he composing training othe n the Typing Pal than software. [Translation] having received the training on the Typing Pal software. [Translation] Another study, from Seigneurie-‐des-‐Mille-‐Îles School Board, in Quebec, had similar findings: nother study, conducted at the Seigneurie-des-Milles-Îles School Board, this time in Quebec, had similar findings: In general, teachers are unanimous in finding the learning procedure offered by Typing Pal Online perfectly In general, teachers are unanimous in finding the learning procedure offered by Typing Pal Online perappropriate for and suited to the needs of students in grades 7 and 8. The students’ enthusiasm for the tool is fectly appropriate for and suited to the needs of students in grades 7 and 8. The students’ enthusiasm They claim otivation wwas as m aintained throughout throughout the the entire entire experimentation. They noticed the students’ for the tool palpable. is palpable. They claimmmotivation maintained experimentation. 2 typing had improved n terms of increased yping speed typing and reduced number of enumrrors(…). [Translation] They noticed the students’ typing ihad improved in termstof increased speed and reduced ber of errors(…).2 [Translation] We can therefore conclude that the Typing Pal learning method improved typing skills in both cases. We can therefore conclude that the Typing Pal learning method improved typing skills in both cases. 1 Hélène Losier, L’utilisation du logiciel Tap’Touche pour encourager l’écriture à l’ordinateur chez des élèves de 4e année (Master's Thesis in Education presented at the Faculty of Education of the Université de Moncton, 2002), p. 54. 2 Louise Bégin, Rapport sur la recherche-‐action portant sur l’utilisation de Tap’Touche en ligne dans le cadre du projet « Le Réseau numérique de Hélène Losier, L’utilisation du» logiciel Tap’Touche pour encourager l’écriture l’ordinateur des élèves de 4e année (Master's Thesis in Education presentl’éducation (Seigneurie-‐des-‐Mille-‐Îles School Board, 2004), Sàummary page. chez d at the Faculty of Education of the Université de Moncton, 2002), p. 54. Louise Bégin, Rapport sur la recherche-action portant sur l’utilisation de Tap’Touche en ligne dans le cadre du projet « Le Réseau numérique de l’éducation » eigneurie-des-Milles-Îles School Board, 2004), Summary page. Typing Pal’s main pedagogical aspects The following are the main reasons why the Typing Pal approach is an effective, motivating and simple method for learning how to pedagogical type: Typing Pal’s main aspects • exercises that gradually increase in difficulty • previously re reviewed on a regular basis he following are the mainlearned reasonscharacters why the aTyping Pal approach is an effective, motivating and simple method for learn• f un c artoons h elp k eep u sers a ttention o n t he s creen ng how to type: • improvement exercises that are tailored to each user’s needs exercises that• gradually increase difficulty Ato brief of the Typing Pal customizable practice intexts be used description across the curriculum previously learned characters reviewed on a pregular • statistics reports tare o monitor students’ rogress basis tools that allow the keep teacher to personalize he cthe ourse exciting and • fun cartoons help users attention ton screen • environments appropriate for specific age groups. pedagogical approach improvement exercises that are tailored to each user’s needs Thistdocument explains, from an educational point of view, the main teachers can The export and use the dstatistics reports following sections escribe hese different points. advantages using Typing Pal to teach typing on a computer key the teacher to personalize tools that allow the of course appropriate for a specific board.clientele. Typing Pal, which started in the early 1990s, was originally environments available on CD-ROM. The past few years, it has also been made avail- he following sections describe these different able online.points. Typing Pal has been translated into seven languages and is available in several countries. 400 Jean-Lesage Boulevard, Suite 540, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 8W1 Toll Free 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 ventes@demarque.com school.typingpal.com www.demarque.com Learning how to type Before introducing new characters in an exercise, Typing Pal provides written instructions, a cartoon character, to explain how to properly Learning along how with to type type these characters. Before introducing new characters in an exercise, Typing Pal provides written instructions, with to explain how to properly Learning halong ow typea cartoon in ordercharacter, The exercises areto placed from least to most difficult and introduce type these characters. noBefore more than two new characters at a time to Pkeep user motivation introducing new characters in an exercise, Typing al provides w ritten i nstructions, a long w ith a c artoon c haracter, t o high. Experience in the field, for example during training sessions, The exercises are placed in order from least to most difficult and introduce explain h ow t o p roperly t ype t hese c haracters. showed increased aftermotivation the first exercise no morethat thanthe twodifficulty new characters at a significantly time to keep user high. Experience thecharacters field, for example training sessions, because, adding in two forced during users to use four fingers rather The exercises are placed in order from least to most difficult and showed that the difficulty increased significantly after the first than two.no more than two new characters at a time to keep user exercise introduce because, adding two characters forced users to use four fingers rather motivation high. Experience showed that the difficulty increased than two.toaother Contrary Typing Pal uses short exercises to break the monotony and to prevent, due to significantly fter the approaches, first exercise because, adding two characters forced users to use four fatigue, fingers rather than in two. excessive workload, which turn, can be the root of bad habits. Contrary to other approaches, Typing Pal uses short exercises to break the monotony and to prevent, due to an excessive workload, fatigue, inshort turn,exercises can be tthe rootthe of mbad habits. Unlike other approaches, Typing which Pal uses o break onotony and to prevent fatigue due to an Then, the characters are revisited in the following exercises, creating the opportunity to practice them on a re excessive workload, which in turn can be the root of bad habits. Then, the characters are revisited in the following basis. Moreover, every four orto five exercises, Typing Pal creating presents a erecap activity all theTyping characters learned u Then, theccharacters revisited in the following the opportunity to eof practice on exercises, reating the oare pportunity practice them on aexercises, regular basis. Moreover, very four or five xercises, them Pal a regular that point. Craig Nansen, thecfive Technology Coordinator forCraig Minot Public and Typingfor Pal Online basis. Moreover, every exercises, Typing a recap activity of all the characters learned up touser, c presents a recap activity ofour f all tor he haracters learned up to Pal that presents point. Nansen, the TSchools echnology Coordinator that this structure ensures the repetition learn: that point. Craig Nansen, the Coordinator for Minot Public Schools and Typing Online Minot Public Schools and Typing PTechnology al O nline user, cneeded laims that to this structure ensures the repetition needed Pal to learn: user, claims that this structure ensures the repetition needed to learn: Keyboarding motor skill. a matter of training fingers to respond correctly and Keyboarding is ais maotor skill. It is Ita is matter of training fingers to respond correctly and quickly Keyboarding is a motor skill. It is a matter of training fingers to respond correctly and quickly to press the correct key kind of like in athletics where you keep doing it over to press the correct key kind of like in athletics where you keep doing it over and over again and quickly toecomes pressuntil the correct keyo-f kind of Years likehave in of athletics where keep doing it over and over it becomes habit. have been done on the correct way to until it bagain habit. Years research bresearch een done on you the correct way to teach these over again until it becomes habit. Years of research have been done on the correct way tonot teach these skills.found This research drills with key only to skills. This research the drills dfound ealing the with key dealing combinations not combinations only to develop these teach these skills. This research found the drills dealing with key combinations not only to develop these way but alsoskills to develop those so Tthey motor skills the qmotor uickest skills way bthe ut aquickest lso to develop those so they w on’t bskills e lost. here won’t is a be develop these motor skills the quickest way but also to develop those skills so they won’t be lost. There is a reason for those fff fjf jfj jjj drills. reason f or t hose f ff f jf j fj j jj d rills. lost. There is a reason for those fff fjf jfj jjj drills. To become aan n effective typist, you hyou thave o get uto sed to aused language’s ost common most syllable combinations and wcombinations ords. This is ToTo become effective typist, get am language’s common syllable become an effective typist, youave have to get used to a to language’s most common syllable combinations and words.and wo why, a s s oon a s T yping P al c an f orm w ords w ith t he c haracters k nown b y t he u ser, t hese a re i ncorporated i nto t he This soonasasTyping Typing form words the characters by the user, are incorpora Thisisis why, why, as soon PalPal cancan form words withwith the characters knownknown by the user, these arethese incorporated exercises. intothe the exercises. exercises. into Why the cartoons under the exercises? Why the cartoons cartoons under exercises? Why the underthe the exercises? During t he e xercises, t here i s a n a musing c artoon at the bat ottom of the window will react according to waccording hether the to During the exercises, there is an amusing cartoon the the bottom of thethat window that will react A brief description of Typing Pal During the exercises, character typed is correct there or not. is an amusing cartoon at the bottom of the window that will react according to whether the character typed is correct or not. pedagogical approach whether the character typed is correct or not. These cartoons serve two purposes: These cartoons serve two purposes: •To learn not to look at the keyboard; the user watches the cartoon and therefore spends less time looking at the These cartoons two • To learn not toserve look at thepurposes: keyboard; the user watches the cartoon and therefore spends less time looking at keyboard. • To not to look at the keyboard; the user watches the document from an educational point of view,cartoon the main and therefore spends less time lookin thelearn keyboard. •To break the monotony by aThis musing the uexplains, ser, which makes the course more interesting. keyboard. •the To break the monotony advantages by amusing theTyping user, Pal which makes of using to teach typingthe on acourse computermore key- interesting. • To break the monotony by amusing the started user,oinn which makes the al course Other typing tools show a keyboard with m oving tthe he early screen. Typing never amore dopted interesting. this approach because board. Typing Pal, whichfingers 1990s, was Poriginally Other typing tools show keyboard with moving fingers we believe it contradicts the acore objective, available on CD-ROM. The past few years, it has also been made availon thetyping Typing Pal never this approach which is screen. to learn without looking at tadopted he Other tools show a keyboard with moving fingers ableuser online. has been translated because we believe contradicts core objective, which isinto seven languages and keyboard. We do Typing not it want the tthe o lTyping ook at Pal on the screen. Pal never adopted this approach to learn without atisethe keyboard. We do not want the keyboard, so wlooking e will not ven display n available in several countries. because we believe it contradicts theit ocore objective, which is the user screen: e prefer to keyboard, forget about In awill ny not even display the to wlook at the soit. we toitcase, learn without looking at the keyboard. We do not want it is iscreen: mpossible follow tothe movement on the weto prefer forget about it. In any case, it is the look at the so we will not while evenyou display of tuser hese to hands while ythe ou akeyboard, re typing, which impossible to follow movement of these hands itare on the screen: we prefer to forget about it. In any case, it is makes this functionality pointless. typing, which makes this functionality pointless. follow the movement of these hands while you impossible to Typing Pmakes al is the this only functionality tool to offer pointless. are typing, which cartoons. Typing Pal is the only tool to offer cartoons. 400 Jean-Lesage Boulevard, Suite 540, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 8W1 Toll Free 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 Typing Pal is the only tool to school.typingpal.com offer cartoons.www.demarque.com ventes@demarque.com Improving with Typing Pal Improving with PalPal Improving wTyping ith Typing Typing Pal offers users improvement exercises based on their personal statistics. Typing Pal offers exercises based onon their Typing Pal users offers improvement users improvement exercises based their personal personal sstatistics. tatistics. The software identifies the user’s The software identifies the user’s weaknesses in terms of accuracypractice and speed. It then creates personalized weaknesses in terms of accuracy and speed. It then creates personalized exercises to help the user work on his practice or The software identifies the user’s weaknesses in terms of accuracy and speed. It then creates personalized practice exercises to help the user work on his or her weaknesses. her weaknesses. exercises to help the user work on his or her weaknesses. The The exercises exercises proposed proposed target target the the following following ppoints: oints: The exercises proposed target the following points: • I mproved a ccuracy • improved accuracy • Improved speed • improved accuracy • improved speed • T he m ost c hallenging fingers • improved speed • the fingers • The most most cchallenging hallenging keystrokes • the most challenging fingers • The most most cchallenging hallenging characters • the keystrokes • the most challenging keystrokes • the most challenging characters • the most challenging characters The statistics The statistics are compiled after each step. Typing Pal indicates both the speed in “words per minute” and the number of errors. The teacher can export the statistics report and use them in a The statistics spreadsheet or text processing. The statistics The statistics are compiled after each step. The statistics are each step. per Typing Palcompiled indicates both the “words Personalizing the after course Typing minute” Pal indicates boththe thenumber “words of pererrors. The rate and The c an p ersonalize t he minute”teacher rateteacher and the number of errors. The and use can export the statistics report learning e xperience b y c hanging t he teacherthem can export the statistics report and use in a spreadsheet or text processing. speed (measured in words per them in target a spreadsheet or text processing. minute) and the accuracy target (in %) for the whole group or for specific students. The order in which Personalizing the course the exercises and practice texts are proposed to the students can Personalizing the course The can apersonalize the learning procedure by changing the target speed (measured in words per minute) also teacher be changed, s well as their content. Being able to change the 1 The teacher personalize learning byreviewing changing the target speed (measured words per minute) texts’ llows learning procedure tand o type while information from other sin chool subjects. orpractice thecan order incontent whichathe the exercises practice texts areimportant proposed, not to mention their content. or the order in which the exercises and practice texts are proposed, not to mention their content.1 Environments A brief description of the Typing Pal Environments Environments Teachers environments Teachers can can cchoose hoose sspecific pecific environments for their groups. There are four environments to choose from: pedagogical approach Teachers choose specific forcan their groups. areprimary four environ• The Super PThere aws, fenvironments or for their groups. There are four environments: school students ments: • TGIF environment, fThis or m iddle explains, from an educational point of view, the main document The 7 toschool 10 Years olds environment, for pristudents, advantages of using The 7 to 10 Years environment, pri- Typing Pal to teach typing on a computer keymary schoololds students, the TGIFforenvironment • The Office environment, for Typing Pal,enviwhich started in the early 1990s, was originally mary school students, thestudents, TGIF board. environment for middle school the Office high school and professional for middle school the available Office on environment forstudents, high school students and the CD-ROM. The past few years, it has also been made availstudents Classic environment for the general public. ronment for high school students and the able online. Typing Pal has been translated into seven languages and • The Classic nvironment, for Classic environment for ethe general public. is available in several countries. everyone. 1 1 For the time being, you can modify the order of the practice texts and their content only in the Classic environment. For the time being, you can modify the order of the practice texts and their content only in the Classic environment. 400 Jean-Lesage Boulevard, Suite 540, Québec (Québec) Canada G1K 8W1 400 Free Jean-Lesage Boulevard, Québec(Québec) (Québec) Canada G1K G1K 8W1 8W1 Toll 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 400 Jean-Lesage Boulevard, Suite Suite 540,540, Québec Canada Toll Free 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 ventes@demarque.com school.typingpal.com school.typingpal.com Toll Free ventes@demarque.com 1 888 458-9143 Phone (418) 658-9143 ventes@demarque.com school.typingpal.com www.demarque.com www.demarque.com www.demarque.com