May, 2006 - Maplewood Elementary
May, 2006 - Maplewood Elementary
Calcasieu Parish School System 600 S. Shattuck St. Lake Charles, LA 70601 Volume 31, Number 2 May, 2006 Bush Names Sulphur Teacher One of Nation’s Top Educators Proud Supporters of Quality Education President George W. Bush is honoring science teacher Kathy Bonsall, from Sulphur High School with the 2005 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, the Nation’s highest honor for teaching in these fields. Bonsall is the only science winner from Louisiana and one of 100 7th-12th grade teachers nationwide to receive the prestigious award. In a citation given to Bonsall, President Bush commended her “for embodying excellence in teaching, for devotion to the learning needs of the students, and for upholding the high standards that Sulphur teacher, Kathy Bonsall, receiving exemplify American education at its finest.” As an awardee, Bonsall receives a $10,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the independent federal agency that administers the awards program on behalf of the White House, and an all expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC for a week of celebratory events and professional development activities. the 2005 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching in Washington, DC from Arden L. Bement, Jr., director of the National Science Foundation (left), and John H. Marburger, III, director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Executive Office of the President (right). Bonsall teaches at Sulphur High School. © 2006 Daniel J. Splaine/NSF Perfect Attendance Award Aaron Christopher Lanthier, a senior at Westlake High School, has 13 years of perfect attendance. Parents are Melanie and Gregory Lanthier. Aaron has been president of the Student Council for his Junior and Senior year at Westlake High but has been an active member for 4 years. He has also been in numerous other clubs which include Key Club, Beta Club, Quiz Bowl Team, and Freedoms Answers. He is on the track team, Youth Advisory Council of United Way, Teen Leadership Council Member and Mentor, junior member of the Lake Charles Yacht Club, Louisiana’s Boys’ State and has attended district, state and national conventions and workshops for Student Council, Key Club and Beta Club. His awards include the Mayor’s Community Commitment Award. Aaron plans to attend MSU in the fall. Kay Johnson and Darlene Ortego’s classes of Moss Bluff Elementary find the photo visit with Flat Stanley and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice very informative and Flat Stanley traveled with Rice’s aide, Ms. Josie, on a visit to the Middle East. Principals of the Year Diane Ethridge, College Oaks Elementary, Regional Winner; Billy Kellogg, DeQuincy Middle, Regional Winner; and Steve Powers, Westlake High School System Employees receive Highest United Way Award Counselors of the Year Crystal Baggett, Sulphur High 9th Grade; Lee Richard, Lewis Middle; Pam Spears, DeQuincy Elementary; and Louisiana Middle School Counselor of the Year, Melinda Brown, Oak Park Middle. Students of the Year Allen Lormand, 5th grade, J.I. Watson Middle - State, Regional and Parish Winner; Nicholas Caldarera, Moss Bluff Middle School, Andrew Moss, Sam Houston High School All Children are Important to Us. Produced by the Office of Public Information Charlene Chiasson, PIO Board Spotlight R. L. Webb District 1 Congratulations to Allen Lormand, J. I. Watson, for being named Louisiana Student of the year. Bell City High School and LeBleu Settlement Elementary received Gold Awards at the recent United Way Campaign Awards Luncheon. Sheral A. Lavergne District 3 Congratulations to CombreFondel Elementary United Way Platinum Award; WashingtonMarion Magnet High United Way Gold Award; J.D. Clifton Elementary United Way Silver Award. Nathaniel Anderson, Washington-Marion Magnet High, won first place in the “Louisiana” art exhibit. T.S. Cooley fi fth grade teacher, Debbie Rasberry, received a Drew Grant, Science Solutions, totaling $5,273.39 to purchase science supplies and equipment for a school science activity room. Clara F. Duhon District 3 Congratulations to Lake CharlesBoston’s Coach Greg Gauthier and the girls’ indoor track team for winning the LHSAA Division II State Indoor Track and Field Championship. Martha A. Damian, Master Teacher at Ralph Wilson Elementary, along with nine other Master Teachers around the parish, was recently chosen by the TAP foundation to receive a monetary grant for education. Congratulations to Betty G. Edwards, secretary at JJ Johnson II, for receiving the Rotary Club of Lake Charles support employee excellence award. Gregory P. Robert District 4 Congratulations to Diane Etheridge, College Oaks Elementary Principal. She was named Regional Principal of the Year. Congratulations to Barbe High girls state 5A Track & Field champs. Barbe Elementary faculty and staff, in conjunction with CPSB Technology and MSU, presented a Technology Showcase to McNeese State University students. Dale B. Bernard District 5 Congratulations to the 4A State Champion Girls’ Track Team at LaGrange High. Henry Heights Elementary has received $8,000 from the French government for academic supplies for the French Immersion program. T.S. Cooley fi fth grade teacher, Kristen Orndoff, received the I-TEC Model Classroom Grant to purchase three multimedia computers, software, one digital projector, one laser printer, one digital camera, and 15 Palm handheld computers to be used in all areas of the curriculum. Congratulations to Sandy Matthew’s READ 180 students who continue to grow in lexile scores each six weeks. another successful Jump Rope for Heart Program. They raised $5,574.84 for the American Heart Association. John M. Falgout District 7 T. S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School received the Overall School Trophy in the Elementary Division at the Region V Social Studies Fair, the “Best of Schools” Trophy in the Elementary Division at the Region V Science Fair, and the Overall Trophy for the Elementary Division at the Literary Extravaganza. T.H. Watkins Elementary donated books to Westwood Elementary in memory of third grade teacher Dorothy Thomason’s mother. Congratulations to Melinda Brown, Oak Park Middle, for being named Louisiana Middle School Counselor of the Year. Welcome Cheryl Lewis Williams, Fairview’s new Assistant Principal. James W. Pitre District 8 Congratulations to Barbe High’s Lauren Lewis, Kara Brady, Jolee Belflower, and Brittany Abate, Louisiana High School Athletic Association 05-06 Academic All State Softball Honorable Mentions. S.J. Welsh students participated in the PEP Marching in the Mall activity where they donned pedometers and walked the inner perimeter of the Prien Lake Mall. M.J. Kaufman’s students collected $1,150.50 in the St. Jude’s Math-a-thon. Congratulations to Fairview Elementary students for reading and passing 12,280 Accelerated Reading books this year. Dr. Edward Stephens District 9 Congratulations to Westlake High Principal Steve Powers, for being named High School Principal of the Year and to Aaron Lanthier for 13 years of perfect school attendance. Congratulations to Westwood Elementary student Robert Maddox on winning first place in the 4-H Wildlife Habitat judging held at F K White. Maplewood Middle Chess team members Matthew Stewart, Bobby Dalton, Zachary Taylor, and James Brame placed first in Louisiana in the K-8 division under the supervision of Coach Martha Dalton. James W. Karr, Sr. District 10 Congratulations to Starks High for winning the Louisiana State Softball Championship. Congratulations to DeQuincy Middle Principal Billy Kellogg for being named Middle School Principal of the Year. Pam Spears, DeQuincy Elementary, was recently named Elementary Counselor of the Year. DeQuincy High School received the Gold Award for their United Way contributions. Congratulations to Julie Mangrum for placing first in Word Processing. W. W. Lewis Middle School Algebra I competition team Math Mafia competed at the Louisiana School for Math, Science, and the Arts Mathematics competition in Natchitoches placing third from their combinations of the team and individual competition scores. Mary Kaye Eason Jay L. Duhon Congratulations to Darnell Eastman, Paraprofessional Tutor at St. John Elementary, for receiving an Employee Excellence plaque from the Rotary Club of Lake Charles. Congratulations to Barbe High’s Alison Rouse and Laura Faulk, Louisiana High School Athletic Association 05-06 Academic All State Softball winners. Congratulations to Fairview Elementary for Congratulations to Jessica Webb and Jesseann Carrier, Louisiana High School Athletic Association 05-06 Academic All State Softball winners. They both attend Sulphur High School. Congratulations to Crystal Baggett, Sulphur High 9th grade Counselor of the Year. Mona Landry, 4th grade teacher at Vinton Elementary, received a grant from the Teacher Advancement District 6 Page 2 District 11 Program Foundation and the Milken Family Foundation, enabling her to purchase educational material for her classroom. Vincent Settlement Elementary received $6,955.31 from the state for exemplary academic growth. Congratulations to Brooklyn Schlamp on receiving second place in the individual testing Algebra I competition Math Mafia held at the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts Mathematics competition in Natchitoches. Joe A. Andrepont District 12 Congratulations to Kathy Bonsall on her naational science award. Congratulations to the Sulphur High Golf Team for winning the Louisiana 5A Championship. Congratulations to Frasch Elementary students Carl Morrell, Alexis Nezat, Jordan Benoit, Logan Desselle, and Victoria Marlar, winners at the Regional Social Studies Fair. Sulphur High School Ninth grade took first and second place group for Division III Geography and third place group for Division III Political Science. Sara Douga took second place in Division III Anthropology. Congratulations on the success of the Red Beans and Rice Fundraiser supper at D S Perkins Elementary. Congratulations to W. W. Lewis Middle student, Jonathon Castille on winning gold and bronze medals and Brendan O’Reilly received a participant award at the Equestrian Special Olympics held at the West Cal Arena in Sulphur. Congratulations to W. T. Henning Elementary on receiving $7,438.11 from the State for Exemplary Academic Growth. Congratulations to LeBlanc Middle’s top three scorers at the Algebra Competition, Drake Hoffpauir, Miranda Fleniken and Devon Brown. Billy Breaux District 13 Maplewood Middle won first place group award in geography for both Divisions I and Division II, first and third place group awards in economics for Division, and second place for history in Division I and fourth place in Division II. Individual awards went to Stephan Pennick, first place in geography for Division II, and Katie Warner, second place in political science. R. W. Vincent Elementary received $6,200.94 from the state for exemplary academic growth. Congratulations to Sulphur High Ninth Grade students, Shyla Ardoin and Darren Vincent and Principal Chuck Hansen for being honored and receiving the Key to the City of Sulphur for exceptional character and being an extraordinary principal. Rev. J. L. Franklin District 14 Congratulations to Sandy Matthews, Fairview’s Elementary Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to Lake CharlesBoston’s Whitney McKinnie for being the only athlete in the Louisiana Indoor Track and Field meet to win three first places. The following awards were given recently at the United Way Luncheon to Calcasieu Parish schools, Brentwood and Fairview Elementary, Gold Award; J. F. Kennedy, LaGrange High, and Lake Charles-Boston High, Silver Awards. Bryan LaRocque District 15 Congratulations to Nicholas Caldarera, of Moss Bluff Middle School, for winning Calcasieu Parish Student of the Year. Congratulations to Donna DeBarge, fi fth grade teacher at Moss Bluff Elementary on being selected as V F W Post 9933 Teacher of the Year. Congratulations to Andrew Moss, 12th grader at Sam Houston High, for winning Student of the Year. Allee DeFelice, Moss Bluff Elementary, won Best of Show recently at the “Focus on Nature” art exhibit. SHARE Greg Robert, school board member, reads to Dolby Elementary fourth graders during “Read Across America” day. Moss Bluff Elementary students of Kay Johnson and Darlene Ortego with the superintendent, board members, and Principal Charles Caldarera. They were recognized at a board meeting for their involvement in the Flat Stanley project with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Jean Kamela, Barbe High, A+PEL Volunteer of the Year Louisiana Exhibit first place local winner in K-4 category; Tatyana Colston, College Oaks Elementary. She also won first place in her category in the state LSBA competition. Superintendent Wayne Savoy is shown with his father-in-law, Dr. Paul J. Moses, who served as the Calcasieu Parish School System superintendent from 1971 until 1975. Brock Jones, Frasch Elementary, participated in the Des Bijoux art exhibit at the Imperial Calcasieu Museum. The exhibit was a compilation of artwork from the students of Calcasieu Parish K-12 Art Specialists. Dr. Daniel Vidrine, Supervisor of Art, coordinated the exhibit. Curtis White, LaGrange High, CocaCola Scholar Louisiana Exhibit first place local winner in the 5-8 category; Jade Richard, Maplewood Middle. She also won first place in her category in the state LSBA competition. Aisha Boxie, Samantha Griffin, and Chasity Blanchard with the $500 grant the Sulphur High School Ninth Grade Campus Library received from the Louisiana PTA to purchase books lost due to Hurricane Rita. Sherrie Raymond, RN, Calcasieu Parish School Nurse, named School Nurse of the Year from the Louisiana School Nurses Organization. Sherrie has been a school nurse for 15 years in Calcasieu Parish. Cheyenne Roebuck, Henry Heights Elementary, participated in the Focus on Nature art exhibit at Art Associates Gallery. Louisiana Exhibit first place local winner in 9-12 category; Nathaniel Anderson, Washington-Marion High Calcasieu Parish School System AllParish Quiz Bowl Team State Honors LHSAA 05-06 Academic All State Softball Winners Jessica Webb, Sulphur High; Jesseann Carrier, Sulphur High; Laura Faulk, Barbe High; Megan Berry, DeQuincy High; Hali Habetz, Vinton High; Alison Rouse, Barbe High; Jacklyn Braneff, Starks High; Elizabeth Marcantel, DeQuincy High; Kristen Mitchell, DeQuincy High LHSAA 05-06 Academic All State Softball Honorable Mentions Marcy Parker, DeQuincy High; Kara Brady, Barbe High; Cara Menard, Vinton High; Hannah Richard, Vinton High; Jolee Belflower, Barbe High; Brittany Abate, Barbe High; Lauren Lewis, Barbe High; Lari Sanders, DeQuincy High Barbe High Girls State 5A Track & Field Champions Angela Roberts, Jolee Belflower, Erin Kleckley, Kadesha Minor, Chantesean White, Jalissa Delafoisse, Deanna Alfred, Dinesha Sezar, Jasmine Moore, Megan Smith, Kate Leithead, Amy Guinn, Lolly Plummer, Lydia Woodward, Jessica Gurley, Head Coach, Stephen Richard, Principal, Charles Adkins Volume 31, Number 2 LaGrange 4A State Champion Girls’ Track Team Jasmine Broxton, Rachel Easton, Kelsey Frank, Nicole Guillory, Shardae Henry, Sierra Houston, Brittne’ Lewis, Shante Poullard, Daphne Rene’, Coach Trevor Foolkes, Administrators B.J. Thompson, Principal, Jerome Goodly and Rico Guillory, Assistant Principals 2006 LA Scholastic Chess Championship Individual 1st Place Winner - Haider Mir, T. S. Cooley, K-5 Under 600, Coaches: David Roeder & Mary Lanier Team 1st Place Winner - T. S. Cooley, K-5 Under 500, Team: Haider Mir, Iain Louviere, Jake Dietz, Alex Yu, Coaches: David Roeder & Mary Lanier Team 1st Place Winner - Maplewood Middle, K-8, Team: Matthew Stewart, Bobby Dalton, Zachary Taylor, James Brame, Coach: Martha Dalton Lake Charles-Boston Lady Cougars Indoor Track and Field Team State Champions Genita Joseph, Teresa Harold, Whitney McKinnie, Andrea Warren, Brittany Nash, An’shundra Green, Shanelle Woods, Stacey Jones, Delisa Roy, Yolanda Simmons, Chrystal Harrison, Devin Saner, and Nakeisha Joseph. Head Coach Greg Gauthier, Assistant Coaches Sharon Ruffin-Hardy, Robert Pete, and Fred Galloway. Team Manager Vanessa Gauthier Principal Solomon Cannon and Assistant Principals Rodney Geyen and Michele Joyce. Starks Lady Panthers State Class C Softball Champions Jacklyn Braneff, Andrea Sanley, Kelsey Bussell, Andrea Miller, Ashton Clark, Shayna Bussell, Amy Johnson, Lacey Hanks, Blayke Bowen, Baleigh Bussell, Gabby Miller, Leigh, Clark, Head Coach Jack Miller, Asst. Coaches Jessica Provost and Carolyn Givens, Bat Girl Ciara Bussell, Principal Vickie Poole, Assistant Principal David Pool. Page 3 Barbe Students Getting CIW Certified Barbe students are working on a CIW (Certified Internet Webmaster) Associate certification. There are three parts to the national exam: 1. Internet Business 2. Site Development 3. Networking. The following students passed the Internet Business portion of the exam: Brittany Hebert, Jacob Willis, Carmen Angelini, Nick Hallam, Kallie Istre, Gary Hatter, and Bryant Sheffield. When complet,e these students will be Certified Webmasters at the Associate level. — Renee’ Marsh Rotary Club Employee Excellence Awards The Rotary Club of Lake Charles, the area’s oldest civic organization, recognized Calcasieu Parish School System support employees at a recent reception. Making the presentation were recognition program coordinator Elijha Guillory, Jr. and Superintendent of Schools Wayne Savoy. Senator Willie Mount, Representative Elcie Guillory, and Mayor Randy Roach also presented the recipients with certificates from the Louisiana Senate, House of Representatives and City of Lake Charles. Receiving plaques were Darnell Eastman, Paraprofessional Tutor, St. John Elementary; Dena Jourdan, Clerk, Special Services Department; Erica Fusilier-Ritchie, Clerk, Pupil Appraisal; Patrick Sam, Warehouse Coordinator, Food Services; and Bessie Toussaint, Bus Driver, Dolby Elementary. Employees cited for their dedicated efforts in providing support services to the students of Calcasieu Parish included Betty G. Edwards, Secretary, John J. Johnson, II Elementary; Andre Hinton, Secretary, Middle School Department; Melanie Lanthier, Secretary, Westlake High; Janet B. Leveque, clerk, Federal Programs; Lindsay Lunn, Janitor, W.W. Lewis Middle; LeRoy Pitre, Carpenter, Maintenance Department; and Sherry Raymond, R.N., School Nurse, Nursing Department. Bernadette Seaberry, owner of Sensation Creations, hosted the event. CUTLINE: Pictured, from left, are Senator Willie Mount, Janet Leveque, Joe Hill, Lindsay Lunn, Bessie Toussaint, Elcie Guillory, Erica Fusilier-Ritchie, Dena Jourdan, Melanie Lanthier, Dale Bernard, Eligha Guillory, Jr., Wayne Savoy, Patrick Sam, Betty G. Edwards, Sherry Raymond, and LeRoy Pitre. — Charlene Chiasson DeQuincy Cited by National Company Seventeen DeQuincy Elementary School teachers and the librarian have been cited for outstanding performance in reading education with Renaissance Learning programs. DeQuincy Elementary School is the fi rst school in Calcasieu Parish to receive this honor. Terry Broxson achieved Model Librarian Certification and Melanie Touchette, Sandy Dykes, Staci Rainwater, Cathy Boyer, Denise Eaves, Loretta Welch, Brenda Shirley, Angela Ramirez, Brenda Dahlquist, Linda Clark, Mickey Marcantel, Janice Brown, Jody Knight, Bridget Craft, Kili Reeves, Linda Dunham, and Kasha Irwin who work at DeQuincy Elementary School were awarded Reading Renaissance Model Classroom Certification by the Wisconsin Rapids, WI, based company. Model Classroom certification indicates that these teachers’ efforts to adopt Reading Renaissance methods have resulted in measurable improvements in student reading performance. “These educators exemplify the kind of commitment to the success of every student that is at the heart of effective teaching,” said Judi Paul, Co-Chairman of the Board at Renaissance Learning. To receive Reading Renaissance Model Classroom certification, a teacher must demonstrate that their students receive a minimum of sixty minutes of reading practice time daily. In addition, teachers must be actively working with individual students to meet Renaissance-recommended standards for reading achievement. In addition to national recognition, DeQuincy Elementary School will receive a merchandise certificate for $50 for each teacher that receives this recognition, and will receive a discount on educational staff development opportunities. Renaissance Learning, Inc., is a leading provider of computerized assessment and progress monitoring tools for preK-12 schools and districts. Adopted by more than 68,000 schools, Renaissance Learning products give students and teachers continuous feedback to inform instruction and help teachers and administrators motivate students, dramatically accelerate learning, and improve test scores. Renaissance Learning has seven Page 4 U.S. locations and subsidiaries in Australia, Canada, India, and the United Kingdom. — Karyl O’Banion Sulphur High Science Department Expands The Sulphur High science department has expanded greatly in the past few years. The addition of human anatomy has started many other new programs. This elective is offered to teach students advanced anatomy to give them the skills and knowledge they will need for college. This elective also qualifies juniors to enroll in one of the three other new programs their senior year. These other programs were established to train students the different areas of the medical field. These courses are medical assistant, pharmacy technician, and emergency response. They have become very popular at Sulphur High and have even attracted students from Westlake and Lake Charles. The medical assistant class gives the students information they will need to succeed in the medical field and valuable experience and practice in many different areas of medicine. To participate in this course, students must attain certification in CPR, have a TB test done, and be trained for confidentiality. After completing the class, students may take a test to become a certified medical assistant. The pharmacy tech program is one of the most recent programs added to Sulphur’s curricula. This program specializes in teaching the chemical, ethical, and clinical aspects of the pharmaceutical field, and, more specifically, pharmacy technicians. These students may also take a test at the termination of the course to become certified as a pharmacy technician. The emergency response course follows a curriculum dealing with the response to medical emergencies. Students learn the procedures and skills used every day by EMTs and other emergency response personnel. Students may take a test at the end of the course to become certified. These classes use three different medical facilities to get hands-on experience in the field of medicine. The locations include West Cal-Cam Hospital, High Hope Nursing Home, and Women and Children’s Hospital. These locations are very supportive of the programs and Sulphur High appreciates their help. — Jason Doyle Westlake FBLA Attends State Conference The Westlake High School Future Business Leaders of America attended the 2006 State Conference in Baton Rouge. Pam Johnson is the sponsor. The results are: Lance Hess 2nd Mr. FBL, Sarah Bankens 2nd Public Speaking, Veronica Walling and Kylie Lamberth 3rd Desktop Publishing, Taylor Parrish, Wayne Dixon, Toby Winkler 6th Emerging Business Issues, Michelle Breaux 7th Introduction to Business, Ashley Predium 8th Ms. FBL Sami Richmond 8th Business Calculations, Veronica Walling 8th Business Communications, Jessica Dalrymple 9th Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure. — Kerry A. Onxley Thanks for the Books, My Dear Watkins! Westwood Elementary would like to thank T.H. Watkins Elementary for donating books to the library in memory of third grade teacher Dorothy Thomason’s mother. — Karen Ashworth Babin Retires after 40 Years Anna Lou Babin will retire from the Calcasieu Parish School System this year after 40 years of fostering music appreciation and enjoyment and inspiring musical achievement in thousands of children in Calcasieu Parish at T.H. Watkins, M.J. Kaufman, Fairview, and T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School. She recently was honored at the District V Honor Chorus Concert with the 2006 District V Vocal Music Teacher of the Year Award. She previously received this award in 1972 and 1988. The award is presented by the members of the District V Vocal Music Teacher Organization based on service to the organization, accomplishments in the teaching field, level of teaching proficiency, and community service. Babin has been honored throughout her career by different organizations. In 1987, she was a fi nalist in the Calcasieu Parish Teacher of the Year selection, and in 2000, she was one of 10 state PTA Educators of Distinction. She was inducted into the Louisiana Music Educators Association Hall of Fame in 2002. More recently, she was recognized in 2005 by the Louisiana Choral Foundation as one of six outstanding Calcasieu Parish Vocal Teachers for her contribution to music education and students in Calcasieu Parish — Mary Lanier Welsh PEP Students March at the Mall S.J. Welsh students participated in the PEP Marching in the Mall activity in which students donned a pedometer and walked the inner perimeter of the Prien Lake Mall on March 6. The event served as a kickoff of a walking awareness campaign during the month of March for the PEP Fitness & Health After School Program. — Keith Leger, CPSB PEP Program Director Eagles are Soaring High for Testing Oak Park Elementary recently held its annual Testing Pep Rally. The students were entertained by the Washington Marion “Marching Jukebox” and Cheerleaders. Members of the schools’ DOGs provided the students with instrumental music. A good time was had by all. — Audrette Metoyer Student Council Summer Camp The Louisiana Association of Student Councils is hosting their annual camp the fi rst two weeks of June 2006. Claire Johns was chosen as an LASC staff member for the 2006 summer camp in Natchitoches. To become a staff member one must attend an LASC camp in recent years, write an essay on his or her accomplishments, goals, hours of community service, be very involved, and get great recommendations from teachers and someone from his or her community. As a staff member, one learns to know to take charge and get together activities and skits for the middle and high school campers. LASC summer camp is a convention to learn good leadership skills for the participates to bring back to their school. They do different activities and projects that are building blocks to being a better leader. Students learn how to hold the position of their office and learn the responsibilities of each office. One learns about different schools in Louisiana and gets different ideas for their own Student Council to bring together and better their student body. One sets goals for the next school year to improve their high school. Campers learn responsibility to be on time and be reliable and to not let his or her student body down. Participants better their relations with the other participants from their own student council. One meets different people from around Louisiana and build relationships that are everlasting. One learns to open up to people and trust people more to handle activities and problems that his or her student council might have to deal with. When asked how she feels about being chosen as the fi rst representative from Sulphur High School to staff at both middle and high school camps, Claire Johns said, “I am very honored to get picked for senior and junior high staff. I hope to learn more leadership skills and activities to bring back to my school. This was a very great accomplishment for me.” — Breezy Rourk Oak Park Elementary Title 1 Day Oak Park Elementary held their annual Title 1 Day on April 5, 2006. Dr. Rosemary Gray, from McNeese State University, was the guest speaker. The event was designed to inform parents about the roles and responsibilities for themselves and their children. Dr. Gray also brought material from McNesse State University explaining the summer camp program the university has to offer. — Audrette Metoyer Barbe Elementary Tech Showcase The faculty and staff of Barbe Elementary in conjunction with CPSB Technology department and McNeese State University presented a Technology showcase to McNeese State University students. The following faculty members had the opportunity to showcase their teaching through the incorporation of technology within their instruction: Geraldine Hardy, Master Teacher, Debbie Buckley, Master Teacher, Shalonda Guillory, Mentor Teacher, Marjorie Cormier, Mentor Teacher, Diana Johnson, Mentor Teacher, Mark LeBeau, Mentor Teacher, Christie Miller, Technology Teacher. McNeese students were on hand to observe and gleam insightful knowledge on how to effectively integrate technology into curriculum and instruction. — Wynetta Proctor District Receives SACS Certificate The Calcasieu Parish School System received a certificate from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement recognizing that all eligible elementary, SHARE middle, and secondary schools are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. — Charlene Chiasson Barbe Elementary Family Night The Barbe Elementary students and their families experienced an evening of learning made fun! Our annual family night was a big hit! The evening’s activities featured technology using handheld computers, Science experiments, and lessons on nutrition along with a food demonstration on “healthy snacks”, information on LEAP 21 testing, and various ways to explore Reading and Math through fun. The night’s presenters were as follows: Rodney Thoullion of Houton Miffl in Publishing Co., Excel Para-lube/Partners-In-Education, Cynthia Chantlin, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Nutritionist, and Barbe Elementary staff members: Debbie Buckley, Geraldine Hardy, Christine Lee & Christi Miller. — Wynetta Proctor Vincent Settlement Received IBM Donation Thanks to the generosity of IBM, Vincent Settlement received two Young Explorers Computer Units. The units were awarded based on the need of those parishes affected by hurricanes Rita and Katrina. IBM also paid to inservice the teachers who were awarded the units. Calcasieu parish received a total of 3 computers. Vincent Settlement LA 4 teacher, Yvette Lormand received 2 of these computers. The computers came complete with a very inviting childfriendly center and an amazing software package that provides numerous activities to promote fundamental concepts and skills in literacy, math, science, geography, and critical thinking. — Jean Hernandez Zero the Hero at Moss Bluff Elementary To help celebrate the one hundredth day of school, Zero the Hero, visited Moss Bluff Elementary. Donna DeBarge, a fi fth grade at the school, volunteered to wear the hero costume. The character is used to enhance math instruction when teachers are utilizing the “Every Day Counts” curriculum. — Sherina Snead Barbe Teachers Attend Oracle Academy Renne Marsh & Paula Michalko are teaching Oracle designed courses at Barbe High School in the Business Education Department. Renee and Paula attended the Oracle Academy in Los Angeles to become certified to teach the courses in Database Design and Programming with SQL and Java Programming. Only20 schools from Louisiana were invited to participate and to have two instructors from one high school was extremely rare. — Eve Carpenter Michalko Certified by Microsoft Paula Michalko has recently been certified by Microsoft and Certiport as a Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor. To obtain this certification Michalko certified in Microsoft Word Expert 2003, Excel Expert 2003, PowerPoint 2003 and Outlook 2003. Paula is only the seventh person in the state of Louisiana to earn this level of certification. The Master Instructor certification allows Michalko to train not only students but other teachers or businesses that would like to attain their certification. The Career and Technical Education Department of the Calcasieu Parish School System sponsors the certification of its teachers and students through the College Street Vocational Center testing center. — Eve Carpenter Sam Houston Option 3 Participants Sam Houston High students participating in the Red Cross First Aid/ CPR/AED course received fi rst aid backpacks with basic supplies upon completion of the class. The program is part of the Child Care Assistant Course in the Option 3 program. — Peggi Flowers and Angie Farquhar Volume 31, Number 2 Fairview Elementary AR Trip Fairview Elementary 1st – 5th grade students that were the top readers in their grade level went on an end of the year AR trip. The students went to the Downtown Aquarium in Houston, Texas on May 3rd, everyone had a wonderful time! Karen Peet, Librarian and Chandra Broussard, 3rd grade teacher were in charge of the AR trip and have given the AR parties each 6 weeks. The students have really worked hard this year. Fairview Receives Grant Fairview Elementary received a $4,500 Grant from McNeese State University to purchase books and AR test dealing with disabilities. The MSU Special Ed. Dept. and Dr. Duarte also had 6 MSU students come to Fairview and read books about disabilities to the 2nd graders. We learned a lot and had fun doing it. Thanks MSU and Dr. Duarte. Fairview Jump Rope for Heart On March 31st Fairview Elementary held their annual Jump Rope for Heart program to benefit The American Heart Association. Pictured is Fairview’s top fund raiser Nikia Brown. Nikia is in 4th grade. Any child who raised $150.00 or more is automatically entered in a drawing for a trip for 4 to Disney World! Way to go Nikia! Fairview more than doubled their goal… their grand total to donate to the AHA was $5, 574.84! NEA’S Read Across America Visits School Fairview Elementary participated in NEA’S READ ACROSS AMERICA on March 1, 2006. Our library was honored to receive a check from NEA for $1,000 and each student received a book from NEA. The students had a surprise visit from the CAT IN THE HAT and enjoyed listening to all our guest readers. Thanks to all that participated in our celebration. Capital 1 Donates to Wilson Elementary Ralph Wilson Second Graders were treated to personalized books by Partner In Education, Hibernia/Capital One Bank. The students were thrilled to receive a book that starred each one of them as the main character. — Martha A. Damian T & I Student Wins State SkillSUSA Title Students from College Street competed in the Louisiana SkillSUSA Championship in Lafayette. Tiffany Williams a Culinary Arts & Occupations student from Washington-Marion Magnet High School competed in Food and Beverage Service. She won a Gold Medal and will competing at the National SKILLSUSA Championship this summer in Kansas City, Missouri. She scored higher than the postsecondary students in the same contest. — Jacquelyn Stevens COE Employer Appreciation Luncheon On February 7, the Cooperative Education Sixteenth Annual Employer Appreciation Luncheon was hosted by the Career & Technical Education Department at Reeves Downtown Catering. Over 60 employers from around the area were honored for their efforts in providing Calcasieu’s high school co-op students valued work experience. Cooperative Education programs are offered at LaGrange High School, Washington/Marion High School, Sam Houston High School, and Sulphur High School. On hand to help honor the co-op employers were School Board Member Dale Bernard, Superintendent Wayne Savoy, Assistant Superintendent of Administration, Curriculum and Instruction Leo Miller, Jr., and Administrative Director of High Schools Bill Jongbloed. Music was provided by the Barbe Show Choir. — Eve Carpenter MSU Pokes at Wilson Dana Rollins, 4th grade teacher at Ralph Wilson Elementary, has brought the MSU Cowboys to school. The football players have visited the 4th graders regularly and have taken their personal time to mentor our students. They have played ball with the children, but more importantly these MSU students have tutored with small groups of Ralph Wilson students and they spent an afternoon helping to get the students fi red up about testing at the pre-testing week Pep Rally. Thank you Cowboys for showing our students that when education is fi rst, fun will follow. — Martha A. Damian Schlamp First in Reader’s Digest Contest Brooklyn Schlamp, a W. W. Lewis 8th grader, placed fi rst in the state in the Reader’s Digest Wordpower Challenge contest held March 10th in Shreveport, Louisiana. She will advance to the national competition in Orlando, Florida, at Universal Studios. The event is moderated by Al Roker. Lexi Schlamp, a W. W. Lewis 7th grader, placed in the top ten in the state event. Corey LeDoux, a W. W. Lewis sixth grader, missed placing in the top ten by 2 points. Accomodations and travel for Brooklyn and a teacher sponsor will be paid for the national competition. — Anne Farrar Sulphur Students See Open Heart Surgery The Sulphur High School Health Careers club traveled to Houston to observe open heart surgery and an autopsy in mid March. Points are counted and the top 50 students with the most points are eligible to participate in the field trip. Students may aquire points throughout the year by attending meetings, saving and turning in pop tabs, donating blood, or having a parent or guardian donate blood. Thirty students attended open heart surgery at St. Luke’s Texas Heart Institute. The other 20 students attended an autopsy at Harris County Medical Examiner’s office. Both groups of students toured The Museum of Natural Science. The students included Kara Robinson, Taylor Johnson, Alex McCain, Meredith Deters, Courtney Strother, Jeremy Hardy, Genna Guidry, Laura McMullen, Kaley Daigle, Courtney Crosby, Micheal Ourso, Chris Pressley, Laura Williamson, Jennifer Callahan, Lauren Diamond, Andrea Kelley, Meagan Lack, Martyna Carpenter, Kortney Smith, Heather Rogers, Klaire Prejean, Felicia Burgess, Morgan Ledoux, Stacy Elder, Sarah Miller, Courtney Hawkins, Danica Viator, Kaye Elder, Eric Guidry, Christina Coco, Heather Veronie, Jessica Gatlin, Trey Killian, Mary Keating, Destini Duhon, Lyndsay Black, Matt Buck, Elizabeth Baker, Dee Schmeltz, Krystal Bourgeois, Jessica Louviere, Courtney Richard, Ashley Marshall, Kristin Vincent. Health Careers Club is open to juniors and seniors who have an interest in health or medical fields. Members must be enrolled in a college prep science class their junior and senior years, and have an overall 3.0 average. Prior to the field trip, Junior Destini Duhon said, “I’m looking forward to this. I think it will be a good experience as well as a good opportunity. We get to see fi rst hand what we have been learning throughout the year and it will also allow us to see exactly how interested in the medical field we are.” — Natalie Stewart Northrop Grumman Awards Grant Northrop Grumman has awarded Calcasieu Parish High School Math and Science Departments a grant. Phase I of the grant establishes a “Northrop Grumman High School Math-Science Project” that promotes an interest and awareness of math, science, and engineering for 9th grade students at Partner Schools. The Partnership creates communication and establishes collaboration between students and teachers within and between a high-performing school and a lower performing school. The grant provides equipment and stipends for teacher collaboration between the two schools. The equipment from CPO Science Education Company will be used to engage the students in hands-on activities that are centered in inquiry and high interest. The modules include topics such as science and measurement, mathematical models, forces and motion, These and other topics are investigated using cars and ramps, electric circuits and motors, a rollercoaster, gears and levers and other tools and equipment for learning. Northrop Grumman’s ultimate goal, in conjunction with Calcasieu Parish schools, is to provide a qualified pool of future employees from our community. — Norma Guillory LSU Nate Livings at Oak Park Elementary Louisiana State University’s student, Nate Livings, shares his successes with Oak Park Elementary students. A graduate of Washington-Marion Magnet High School, Nate gave credit to his parents, teachers, and leaders in the Lake Charles community for his invaluable success. Among the many accomplishments he shared, Nate said that by far the highest honor is receiving his college degree this May. He emphasized the importance of having a dream, setting goals, and accomplishing them. Nate has been playing football since the age of seven and he stated that it is his responsibility to “Send the elevator back down”. Nate believes that he must help kids not only develop their dreams beyond athletics, but help them to believe that they are capable of anything, they put their minds to. After his motivational speech, the room was fi lled with chants of L-S-U, L-S-U, LS-U. Nate signed autographs and shook hands with every student. Oak Park Elementary faculty, staff, and students would like to congratulate Nate on his successful football career and receiving his degree from LSU. — Venessa Livingston Page 5 State Accountability Rewards Page 6 SHARE Partners in Education “Come on down!” Those were the words that rang out in the halls of Lake Charles-Boston High School, thanks to the tremendous generosity of ConocoPhillips. Conoco-Phillips, Lake Charles-Boston’s Partner in Education, donated door prizes each day to motivate students during the week of state standardized testing. LCB students who earned tickets for being present and on time for each testing session and for giving their best effort during testing week had the opportunity to win televisions, DVD players, CD/MP3 players, and gift certificates to various businesses. In addition, Conoco-Phillips donated “dinner and a movie” gift cards and Wal-Mart shopping cards for the teachers. Drawings were held each afternoon for the door prizes and gift cards. A big “Cougar Thank You” from LCB’s faculty and student body goes out to Conoco-Phillips for all that they continue to do in support of Lake Charles-Boston. — Alison Reed Vinton Elementary students were rewarded for their hard work. Partners In Ed, Georgia Gulf, provided cookies, pencils, ice cream and other treats throughout the week of testing. Thank you Georgia Gulf for all of your help. DeQuincy Elementary School’s partner, Brookshire Brothers, will be visiting our school on May 24th. The programs presentation will be The Importance of Good Nutrition. Students will be given a nutritious snack. — Rita Mazilly S. J. Welsh faculty, staff, and student body would like to extend our deepest appreciation to the following Partners in Education for their generous donations. • Dan Flavin-Flavin Realty: Monetary donations throughout the year have enabled the school to purchase needed materials and equipment. In addition, Mr. Flavin procured Celtic singer, Dan O’Flannery, for a sixth grade performance. • Home Depot: Currently collaborating with S. J. Welsh and a seventh grade student, who is an Eagle Scout, with various school beautification projects. • Sonic: Provided paper goods for school activities, and incentive discount cards for honor and banner roll students throughout the year. • Coca-Cola: The Coca-Cola Company has generously provided the school with soft drinks for various occasions, as well as maintain our student and faculty vending machines. • Dominos Pizza: Each six weeks banner roll and honor roll students are honored with an incentive party for achieving their academic goals. Dominos has provided pizza for these students throughout the year. Albertsons: Albertsons has donated refreshments • for our faculty and staff development meetings. — Angela McManemin A special “Thank You” to Basell Chemicals for providing judges for the school science and social studies fairs. Basell also graciously provides certificates and trophies that are presented to the students at the annual end of the year Awards Day Ceremony. Thanks to the school’s Partner in Education, The Sleep Disorder Center, for providing judges for the Lip Sync competition and also for providing treat bags for all the participants. — Mary Lanier A winning combination! Thanks to Excel Para Lube for their continual support in assisting Barbe Elementary in our endeavors to provide academic excellence to our students. Several Barbe Elementary teachers received a grant funded through Excel Para Lube to enhance student learning and academic achievement. Congratulations to the following teachers: Tarinda DeVillier – DDP Teacher, Emily Alcock – Pre-K Teacher, Laurie Tate – Kindergarten, Shalonda Guillory – 2nd Grade Teacher, and Marjorie Cormier – 3rd Grade Teacher. — Wynetta Proctor The College Oaks Elementary faculty and staff were presented baskets fi lled with tasty treats that were provided by their Partners in Education. — Arlene Hobaugh Oak Park Elementary’s Partners in Education and parents provided breakfast and lunch during the week of testing. Oak Park Health Care Center hosted the annual Easter egg hunt on for students in Pre-K and Kindergarten. Centerpoint Energy provided gift certificates for Student of the Month. — Audrette Metoyer and engineering for 9th grade students at Partner Schools. The Partnership creates communication and establishes collaboration between students and teachers within and between a high-performing school and a lower performing school. The grant provides equipment and stipends for teacher collaboration between the two schools. The equipment from CPO Science Education Company will be used to engage the students in hands-on activities that are centered in inquiry and high interest. The modules include topics such as science and measurement, mathematical models, forces and motion, These and other topics are investigated using cars and ramps, electric circuits and motors, a rollercoaster, gears and levers and other tools and equipment for learning. Northrop Grumman’s ultimate goal, in conjunction with Calcasieu Parish schools, is to provide a qualified pool of future employees from our community. — Norma Guillory DynMcDermott employees volunteered their time during the Dolby Elementary Spring Carnival on Saturday, April 8 by helping set up booths, working in the cafeteria, and assisting teachers and staff. Chandra Broussard, Daphney Johnson, Kelli Perrodin, and Kana Richard’s 3rd grade students at Fairview Elementary have been studying Economics. They were “Grown Ups” for a day. They had to pay bills and write checks. Leslie Harless from Cameron State Bank, one of our Partners in Education, came to school to talk to us about money. Bottled water was donated to all the students of Vincent Settlement Elementary. These were given by Partner in Education Mimosa Pines Cemetery to be used during testing week 2006. — Lori Young Northrop Grumman has awarded Calcasieu Parish High School Math and Science Departments a grant. Phase I of the grant establishes a “Northrop Grumman High School Math-Science Project” that promotes an interest and awareness of math, science, United Way PPG and the Sleep Disorder Center of Louisiana, partners of Sam Houston High, honored these Students of the Month by treating them to lunch at Wok-Bo. Winners were Seniors Allison Jackson and Lucas Gober, Juniors Katie Lambert and Chad Thatcher, Sophomores Kelly Gonzales and Regan Anderson, and Freshmen Mariel Sanchez and Delisa Carroll. School System Employees receive Highest United Way Award Calcasieu Parish School System employees were recognized at the United Way Awards Luncheon with the 2006 Corporate Pride Award. The district rose from less than $40,000 a year total contributions 12 years ago to over $265,900 this year. Barbara Bankens was recognized as a member of the Pillars’ Club for a contribution of $1,000. The following schools and departments were honored for outstanding campaigns: Platinum Awards (75% of the employees gave one hour’s pay per month for 12 months) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. A.A. Nelson Elementary Barbe Elementary Combre-Fondel Elementary Curriculum and Instruction DeQuincy Elementary Dolby Elementary E.K. Key Elementary Henry Heights Elementary Library/Textbook Services M.J. Kaufman Elementary Maplewood Middle Oak Park Elementary Oak Park Middle Prien Lake Elementary Pupil Appraisal Department Sales Tax Department Speech Therapy Department T.H. Watkins Elementary T.S. Cooley Elementary Vincent Settlement Elementary Westwood Elementary Volume 31, Number 2 Gold Awards (50% of the employees gave one hour’s pay per month for 12 months) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Adult Education Bell City High Brentwood Elementary Career Center Calcasieu Resource Center College Oaks Elementary DeQuincy High DeQuincy Middle F.K. White Middle Fairview Elementary Frasch Elementary Gillis Elementary Iowa High J.J. Johnson, II Elementary LeBleu Settlement Elementary Main Office Moss Bluff Middle Nursing Department Pearl Watson Elementary Ralph F. Wilson Elementary Ray D. Molo Middle Risk Management Department S.J. Welsh Middle St. John Elementary Starks High Sulphur High Sulphur High 9th Grade Testing and Research Department Vinton Middle W.T. Henning Elementary W.W. Lewis Middle Washington-Marion Magnet High Westlake High Silver Awards (60% of the Gold Award requirement) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. A.M. Barbe High Child Welfare and Attendance D.S. Perkins Elementary J.D. Clifton Elementary J.I. Watson Middle J.F. Kennedy Elementary LaGrange High Lake Charles-Boston High LeBlanc Middle Moss Bluff Elementary Probation/Parole/Adult R.W. Vincent Elementary Reynaud Middle S.P. Arnett Middle Sam Houston High T & I Vocational Center Vinton Elementary Vinton High Western Heights Elementary Page 7 Congratulations Westlake High School had 29 students receive recognition at the 2006 District Literary Rally and advanced to the state rally at LSU. The following are the results: Emily Richmond Honorable Mention Algebra I, 5th Place- Sarah Ferguson Biology II & Michael Harrington Business Computer Applications, 4th Place- Zachary Benoit World Geography, David Borel English III, Charlie Buller Biology I, Sarah Hemann Spanish I, Anna Menard Environmental Science, Justin Roussel Physics, David Royal Advanced Math II, Katelyn Watson Calculus, Rebecca Young Advanced Math, 3rd Place- Crystal Ford Free Enterprise, Bethany Lamprise Spanish, Whitney Pettijohn Civics, Jennifer Placensio French II, Joey Sedlock World History, Jason Thibodeaux American History, Sharon Ward Intro to Business Computer Applications, 2nd Place- Krystal Comeaux Consumer Homemaking I, Michael Courville Accounting I, Kiley Lamberth English I, Alex Reeser English II, Janeen Richey French I, 1st Place- Mary Hebert Geometry, Rachel Marshall Algebra II (Overall Winner), Sami Richmond Chemistry, Veronica Walling English IV, and Meghan Worack Journalism. The Westlake High School Colorguard competed at the Sulphur Indoor Guard Festival. They received a Superior Rating in the large ensemble category. Superior Solos were earned by Samantha Ned, Ashlee Trahan, Mark Peltier and Jasmine Ozane. Ashlee Trahan and Lauren Williams received a Superior rating and fi rst place in the Duet category. Samantha Ned, Erika Gremillion and Kaycie Babineaux earned a Superior rating and fi rst place in small ensemble. The Ram Band competed at the Heritage Music Festival in San Antonio, Texas. The Concert Band and Percussion Ensemble received 2nd Place and the Flag Corps and Jazz Band received 1st Place while attending this national competition. Band director is Jay Ecker. The Percussion Ensemble, under the direction of Jay Ecker, had an outstanding performance at the Louisiana Day of Percussion held at LaGrange High School. The Westlake High Jazz Band performed at the Loyola Jazz Festival in New Orleans. Outstanding performance certificates were awarded to Logan Josker on trumpet and Kayla Adams on vocals. The Westlake High School Rambler’s Danceline won the Sweepstakes Award, the Gussie Nell Davis Award for Excellence for scoring 90 and above in 3 dance catergories while competing at the Galveston Island Dance Festival. Additionally, the danceline was awarded the Academic Award for having the highest grade point average out of 28 high school teams. The Westlake High School Band attended the national festival - Heritage Music Festival - in San Antonio. The band received numerous awards in the band and percussion divisions. Westlake High School has announced members of the 2006-2007 Westlake High Rambler Dance Line. They are Leslie Bowman, Charlie Buller, Niki Carpenter, Baileigh Deville, Krista Dixon, Erin Fontenot, Kylie Henry, Sarah Hermann, Tabitha Lanthier, Alexa Ortego, Sami Richmond, Addie Thevenet and Rebecca Young. Captains are Tabitha Lanthier and Rebecca Young. Melanie Lanthier is the sponsor. — Kerry A. Onxley The Sulphur High School Winterguard competed at the 2006 LaGrange Winterguard Festival in early April. The girls were adjudicated on solos, small ensembles, and a large show. They are judged on different aspects of their routine/performance, such as equipment, performance, movement, and general effect. The following members received a superior, the highest rating on their solo: Grace Henry, Amber Dougas, Jamie Coleman, Sarah Stegall, and LeAnna Simpson. Freshmen compete in a novice class for solos and the following freshmen received a superior on their solo: Desiree Berry, Chantel Hebert, Lauryn Teer, and Jessica Vincent. Jamie Coleman and Grace Henry received a superior on their duet while Jamie Coleman, LeAnna Simpson, Chelsea Devoltz, Amber Dugas, and Sarah Stegall received a superior on their quintet and placed fi rst in the small ensemble division. The Winterguard also performed a large show to the music of “Phantom of the Opera.” The SHS Winterguard’s large show received a superior and placed 2nd overall in the large show division. In addition to the awards given to the winners of each division (each type of ensemble), a Sweepstakes award is given to the guard with the highest cumulative points for the entire festival’s performances. This year, the Sulphur High Winterguard received the Sweepstakes award. Guard members include: Desiree Berry, Jessica Casey, Ashley Caesar, Captain Jamie Coleman, Chelsea Devoltz, Amber Dougas, Nataleigh Hart, Chantel Hebert, Jane Hebert, Grace Henry, Brianna Jaramillo, Brittany Myers, Captain LeAnna Simpson, Sarah Stegall, and Lauryn Teer, Jessica Vincent, Karrie Vincent. The SHS Winterguard is directed by the SHS Assistant Band Director David Almaguer. The SHS Winterguard toured the Sulphur middle schools in early May to perform for all of the 8th grade girls interested in becoming a member of the SHS Colorguard/Winterguard. — David Roeder Page 8 Westwood was awarded the Platinum Award at the United Way Awards Luncheon. The award recognizes that 75% of Westwood faculty and staff gave one hour’s pay per month for 12 months. Joann Winfrey has been named Westwood’s Teacher of the Year. Winfrey was selected by her peers to represent the school. — Karen Ashworth M.J. Kaufman faculty and staff received a Platinum Award for donating $3,504 to United Way. — Tammy Adair Congratulations go to the Sulphur High School Band and Choral Departments for their excellent performances at the 2006 Louisiana Music Educators Association District Festival. The SHS Symphonic Band performed at the LMEA District Festival held at LaGrange High School. The band was judged on stage by a panel of three judges, who graded the group on several aspects of their performance. After the band played their prepared concert on stage, the group moved to sight-reading, where the group was given a piece of music they have never seen before, given 8 minutes to discuss it without playing on their instruments, and then the group was judged on how well they played the piece. The group was given a rating by each judge on a scale of one to five, one being the best score (a Superior). All three judges gave the SHS Symphonic Band a superior (one) for their stage performance, awarding the SHS Symphonic Band Sweeptakes. The Band also received a Superior in sight-reading. The SHS Symphonic Band is made up of Freshmen through Seniors and is directed by Fred Roeder, Director of Bands, and David Almaguer, Assistant Director of Bands. The Band’s prepared selections included Henry Fillmore’s “Rolling Thunder,” Dimitri Shostakovitch’s “Festive Overture,” and Robert W. Smith’s “Songs of Sailor and Sea.” The SHS Choral Department also competed at the District Festival at Westlake High School. There were five different groups that performed: the A Cappella Choir, the Men’s Choir, the Ladies’ Choir, the Select Choir, and the Mixed Choir. The Choral festival is judged similar to the band festival. All five groups received Sweepstakes (all one’s from every judge). The SHS Choirs are directed by Linda Monta; the Assistant Director is Mr. Berry. The Choir’s selections include the following: A Cappella: “Laetatus Sum,” “My Heart’s in the Highland,” “Rockin’ Jerusalem;” Men’s Choir: “Der Herr Segrive Euch,” “Come to Me, O My Love, Jonah;” Ladies’ Choir: “Sound the Trumpet,” “Meserere Mei,” “Jamaican Marketplace;” Select Choir: “Hallelujah Amen,” “Daemon Irrepit Callidlus,” “Duerme Negrito;” Mixed Choir: “Now is the Month of Maying,” “I Believe in the Sun,” and “Hush, Somebody’s Calling my Name.” A special acknowledgement goes to the students who excel in both musical groups at Sulphur High — the Symphonic Band and the SHS Choir. These students shuffled back and forth between the two festival sites to perform with each ensemble. The following students participate in both the SHS Symphonic Band and one of the SHS Choirs: Brent Goodrich, Chris Gunter, Brittany Riggs, Jason Stark, and Devin Villery. — David Roeder S. J. Welsh Middle School received state reward money for exemplary status above $20 thousand dollars. Thanks to all the hard work of the students, teachers, support staff and awesome parents! — Buzz Sarver, Principal T. S. Cooley received the Overall School Trophy in the Elementary Division at the Region V Social Studies Fair, the “Best of Schools” Trophy in the Elementary Division at the Region V Science Fair, and the Overall Trophy for the Elementary Division at the Literary Extravaganza. Tavius Clark, 4th grader, was the Overall Winner in the Elementary Division at the Region V Science Fair. Avery Thomas, fi fth grader, won the Overall Runner-Up Best Project Award at the Region V Social Studies Fair. College Oaks Elementary’s Tatyana Colston was awarded fi rst place for her entry in the Louisiana School Board State Association Art Contest. Gabrielle Garza received an Honorable Mention Award in the National Sakura Craypas Wonderful Colorful World Competition. Her work was chosen from over 4,500 entries. In the Calcasieu Parish American Spirit Poster competition, Tatyana Colston won fi rst place in the fourth grade division, and Amber Woods won second place in the fi fth grade division. Zachary Haunce,a fi fth grade student, received Honorable Mention for his entry in Engineering at the Region V Science Fair. — Arlene Hobaugh Lake Charles-Boston High School proudly recognizes Coach Greg Gauthier and the girls’ indoor track team for winning the LHSAA Division II state indoor track and field championship on February 18, 2006. Congratulations on a job well done! Congratulations also to Kayla Banks, a junior at Lake Charles-Boston High School. Kayla, a student of art teacher Bruce Hal, recently placed 3rd in a parish wide Louisianathemed art contest. — Alison Reed Fourth-grader Robert Maddox of Westwood Elementary won fi rst place in the 4-H wildlife habitat judging at F.K. White in early March. He had to identify wildlife, different habitats, common wildlife foods and important needs of wildfi fe, and make recommendations that would improve the habitats of wildlife species. — Karen Ashworth The following students have their art work displayed in the Des Bijoux Art Exhibit: Jenna Schuck, Sydnee Hawkins, Tristan Adducci, Cody MIller, Wyatt Stevens, and Breylen Rogers. They are art students of Melinda Harrell at Westwood Elementary. — Karen Ashworth Congratulations to the V.F.W. Post 9933 and Ladies Auxiliary Americanism Contest Winners from Moss Bluff Elementary. Nicholas Dufrene, Morgan Blanchette, Jacob Coker, Madison Duff and Bobby Thrasher each received awards. — Sherina Snead Donna DeBarge, fi fth grade teacher at Moss Bluff Elementary, was selected as the V.F.W. Post 9933 Teacher of the Year. DeBarge was honored because of her dedication and outstanding accomplishments in her years of education. — Sherina Snead Westlake High principal Steve Powers was awarded High School Principal of the Year for Calcasieu Parish. Westlake High secretary Melanie Lanthier was the Rotary Club of Lake Charles’ Excellence Award Finalist for Support Staff. — Kerry A. Onxley Moss Bluff Elementary student, Ashley Six, did an outstanding job representing her school at the parish spelling bee. Ashley was awarded third place. — Sherina Snead Congratulations to Meg Reed, fi rst grade teacher at Moss Bluff Elementary. Her website was chosen as the upcoming Blackboard Site of the Week. It will be showcased on the front page of Blackboard ( . — Sherina Snead Conner Galley, DeQuincy Elementary fouth grade, student in Melanie Streams’ class is 4-H Vice President. Among many accomplishments in 4-H Connor received Honorable Mention Animal in 4-H Photograhy Contest. Connor was awarded 1st place in the Market Swine, Market Steer-Cross bred(LSU State Show) and 9yr. old Showmanship Divisions. Connor place 2nd in many other divisions. The school choir earned Superior in Stage Performance at the District Choir Festival in late March. The choir is directed by William Clement. — Rita Mazilly T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School won the Overall Trophy for the Elementary Division at the Literary Extravaganza held on March 18th at Lake Charles Boston High School. The following students from T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School placed: Third Grade – Ashley Williams - 1st Place English, Emma Meaux – 2nd Place English, Ryan Dumas – 2nd Place Math; 4th Grade – Christian Rossiter – 2nd Place Spelling, Eliza Purdy – 2nd Place Current Events, Mary Jane Vincent – 2nd Place Art; 5th Grade – Shane Baker – 1st Place Spelling, Alexis Wilmore – 2nd Place English, Jordyn Netty – 2nd Place Current Events. T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School won the “Best of Schools” title at the Region V Science Fair. Tavius Clark, 4th grader, was the Overall Winner in the Elementary Division. He also received the Hart Eye Center Award, the Scientific American Award, and 1st Place in Microbiology. Haider Mir received the Science Kit and Boreal Laboratories Award and 1st Place in Engineering. Kayla Semien received the Astonomy Magazine Award and 1st Place in Earth and Space Science. Lauren Salvador received the American Psychological Association Award, the Discovery Young Scientist Challenge Award, and 1st Place in Behavioral/Social Science. Other winners were: Jordan Caldwell - 3rd Place Behavioral/Social Science; Alex Houser - 1st Place Botany; Kristian Griffiths - 1st Place Physics; Riley Arndt - 3rd Place Physics; Sarah Witherspoon - 3rd Place Zoology. T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School won the Overall School Trophy at the Region V Social Studies Fair. Avery Thomas won the Overall Runner-Up Best Project Award and 1st Place in History. Other winners were: Anthropology: Jasmine Jacobs – 1st Place; Sociology: Seth Edwards – 1st Place, Morgan Hawkins – 2nd Place, Blair Henderson – 4th Place; History: Jake Dietz and Laura Bowers – 3rd Place. SHARE The school held their annual Lip Sync Competition at LaGrange High School in mid March. Winners were: Overall Winner – Matthew Phillips, Group Division: 1st Place Laura Bowers, Kaley Guillot, Megan Hebert, Emily Keeley, Grace Sewell, Blair Sweeney; 2nd Place tie Callie Anderson, Morgan Davis, Morgan Hawkins, Siera Seemion, and Bralyn James, Shelby Rodrigue, Elizabeth Trahan, Mary Jane Vincent; 3rd Place Kristian Brown, Dalton Guillory, Micaiah Wells, Alexis Wilmore. Solo Division: 1st Place Mia Brown, 2nd Place Shelby Rodrigue, 3rd Place Carmen Lee. District V Vocal Music Teachers Organization 2006 Elementary Honor Chorus members: Laura Bowers, Kaley Guillot, Emily Keeley, Morgan Hawkins, Jasmine Jacobs, Megan Smith, Jordyn Netty, and Callie Anderson. Henry Heights Chess Tournament Winners: Haider Mir and Jacob Dietz, 3rd place. T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School 4th and 5th grade Chess team placed 3rd at the Southwest Regional Chess Championship held February 11th at Maplewood Middle School. Top four team members were: Iain Louviere, Alex Yu, Damon Zieger, and Jacob Dietz. The following students represented T. S. Cooley at the Southwest Louisiana Regional Spelling Bee on March 4: Zachary Stump - 3rd grade, Christian Rossiter - 4th grade, and Jared Buck - 5th grade. — Mary Lanier The St. John faculty and staff would like to congratulate Carroll Parsons on her recent retirement. School Spelling Bee Winners were Kayln Abshire 3rd grade, Meaghan Mercy 4th grade, and Travis Folse 5th grade. St. John Elementary 2006-2007 Teacher of the Year is 4th grade teacher Julee Spann. Congratulations to Sabrah Kingham on being appointed the new principal at St. John Elementary. 2005-2006 St. John Elementary Student of the Year is Tyler Tate. Moss Bluff Elementary had many students that placed at the 2006 Regional Science Fair. These outstanding students are Joshua Guillory-1st place Botany, Allee DeFelice-1st place in Math, Alex Murray1st place in Medicine & Health, Brayden Wood-1st place in Zoology, Gabriel Hodges-2nd place in Earth Science, Byrce Anderson-2nd place in Math, Hannah Chamblee-2nd place in Medicine & Health, and Morgan Jones-3rd place in Botany. — Sherina Snead P.J. Harris of Vincent Settlement Elementary has earned the Kiwanis Club sponsored Golden Rule Award. The purpose of this award is to educate and encourage elementary aged students in the importance of the daily living of the Golden Rule in all human relationships. P. J. follows this rule from day to day. He is very responsible and will do anything he can to assist another student that needs help. He is the ideal recipient for this award and we are very pleased that he is the one to achieve this character recognition. — Trina Gann and Lori Young Vincent Settlement Elementary has won fi rst place in the Telephone Recycling Contest sponsored by UPOne Publishing, TEAM GREEN, and the City of Lake Charles. The Vincent Settlement Elementary faculty and staff have been awarded the United Way Platinum Award for their contributions for 05-06. — Vernett Miller and Lori Young Moss Bluff Elementary had an exciting showing for their Social Studies Fair. The winners for the 2006 fair are fi rst place-Braydon Wood, Kristen Reed, and Nicole Clark, second place-Lauren Bullard, Victoria Angie, and Madison Duff, and third place-Ebony Nero, Ethan Devillier, and Bonnie Stiles. — Sherina Snead Vincent Settlement Elementary was one of 8 Calcasieu Parish Schools to be included on the Accelerated Reader All Star List. During the 4th six weeks VSE students passed 5,691 AR test with an average correct of 88.7% and had only 19.1 % at risk. — Lori Young Westwood Elementary received a state testing monetary reward in the amount of $9,701.22 and was recognized at the April school board meeting. A flag recognizing the school for Exemplary Academic Growth was also be presented. — Karen Ashworth Congratulations to Roy Moore, an 8th grade student at S. J. Welsh Middle School, for achieving art excellence. Roy’s piece, Building in the French Quarter, was juried by the faculty of S. J. Welsh and submitted as part of CPSB’s exhibit, “Louisiana: Color it Natural.” Roy’s work was on display at the Cultural Arts Center from January 20 to February 24, 2006. Roy continues to sharpen his skills as an artist under the direction of the art teacher, Julie Baham. — Julie Baham, Art Teacher The S. J. Welsh track team is really doing well, boasting honors for 1st and 2nd places. The golf team is strutting their stuff placing fi rst in the last seven tournaments. Several students have won individual honors for their scores: Fritz Bennerscheidt, Kane Arnaud, and Paul White. Congratulations to these students and Coach Brad Durio! — Renee’ LeJeune Volume 31, Number 2 Barbe Elementary received the School of Exemplary Academic Growth award and a check for $5,000. The school has received this award for two consecutive years. — Wynetta Proctor Congratulations to Oak Park Elementary’s teacher of the year, Daphne Brown; Support Person of the Year, Priscilla Bellard; 5th student Morgan Howard, Student of the month February; 1st grade student Brenona Thomas, Student of the month for March; and Pre-K student Erin Woodard, Student of the month for April. — Audrette Metoyer The McNeese Alumni Association and Enrollment Information Center honored 100 outstanding high school Juniors from Calcasieu Parish. Eleven students from Sam Houston were selected by the faculty and staff based on academic excellence, leadership ability and student activities. Congratulations to the following students who were chosen for the “In Honor of Excellence” award: Toni Duff, Lacey George, Azad Hussain, Stephanie Menou, Nikki Cooper, Katie Lambert, Andrew Polk, Rachel Zettlemoyer, Michelle Ammons, Chance Arceneaux, and Lori Sonnier. — Peggi Flowers Art students Devaney Clayton and Alex Linke were chosen to exhibit work in the “Focus On Nature” photography show. Alex Linke won 2nd place in the Middle School (6-8th grade) division. He was awarded a certificate and a $40 cash award. — Julie Laughlin Students of the Year Elementary School Winner William Lormand (5th grader at J.I. Watson Middle) Parents: Lee and Trish Skellham and Kirt Lormand • 4.0 GPA • Scored at the “Advanced” level on LEAP Tests in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies • SPARK Student • Active in 4-H Club, currently 4-H President • Participates in football, soccer and baseball • Participates in Cub Scouts, has earned Tiger, Bobcat, Wolf and Bear Badges • Plays the piano, earned two solo spots for year-end recital • Active in various community service activities such as KPLC Christmas, Tsunami Relief, Angel Tree, and holiday food drives • Active in Church activities such as Kids Camp Middle School Winner Nicholas Caldarera (8th grader at Moss Bluff Middle School) Parents: Charles and Mary Lou Caldarera • 4.0 GPA • Member of National Junior Beta Club • Participated in Quiz Bowl • Member of Moss Bluff Middle School Band • Participated in District V Honor Band • Active in both football and baseball • Has earned both hunter and boater education certificates • Belongs to Boy Scouts of America, has earned Eagle Scout merit, Senior Patrol Leader, Chaplain, and Quartermaster High School Winner Andrew Moss (12th grader at Sam Houston High School) Parents: Mickey and Kim Moss • 4.04 GPA • ACT of 33 • Member of the Student Council, Quiz Bowl Team Co-Captain, Governor’s Program on Abstinence, Safe and Drug Free Schools Advisory Council • Active and track, tennis, soccer, football and cross country. Varsity and Junior Varsity Captain of the Soccer Team • Band Captain (highest ranking officer) of the Sam Houston High School Band. Has been named to the Five Parish Honor Band and the Louisiana All-Star Marching Band. • Member of IDFY, International Drug Free Youth, for 4 years. • Louisiana Boy’s State participant. • Participant at the Presidential Classroom in Washington, D.C. and state, regional, and national Student Council workshops. Two John J. Johnson II Elementary School students were selected as two of the five Golden Rule winners for Calcasieu Parish. Twin sisters Mia and Megan Polk were honored with the other three winners in mid May by the Kiwanis Club. The school is very proud of these students for demonstrating the “golden rule” in their daily life. — Cathy Cook Kathie Istre and Dolby SPARK teachers received $10,000 for implantation of “Untold Stories: Hurricane Rita.” Sharon Fontenot received a $500 PTA grant for books for the library. The Dolby Library received $1,000 from the NEA Read Across America Relief effort. The Dolby chorus won the sweepstakes trophy at the district festival. The following students placed at the Panhellenic Literary Extravaganza: Marshall Alexander, 1st place Math (3rd grade); Sarah Bushnell 1st place Spelling (4th grade); Emilie Lawless 1st place Math (4th grade); Grant Loupe 2nd place Math (4th grade); Joshua Kingham 2nd place Math (5th grade); Wendy Tygrett 2nd place Science (5th grade). Bessie Toussaint, bus driver, received the Support Staff Excellence Award from the Lake Charles Rotary Club. School Representatives Elementary School ........ Student Barbe Elementary ...................... Naomi Beverly Goodley Bell City High School ................. Bradley Leger, Jr. Brentwood Elementary ............... Kevin Johnson J.D. Clifton Elementary .............. JaDasha Joseph College Oaks Elementary ........... Lindsey Allison Rivet Combre/Fondel Elementary........ Kevin Chavis T.S. Cooley Elementary .............. Jared Buck* DeQuincy Elementary ................ Nicholas Devito Dolby Elementary ....................... Wendy Tygrett Fairview Elementary .................. Haleigh Johnson Frasch Elementary ..................... Griffi n Schlamp Gillis Elementary ....................... Chris Milanowski W.T. Henning Elementary ........... Keyes McDonald Henry Heights Elementary ......... Nicholas Ramirez J.J. Johnson Elementary ............ D’Anca Deville Kaufman Elementary ................. Hannah Seago J.F. Kennedy Elementary............ Shaina Davis E.K. Key Elementary .................. Malarie Carroll LeBleu Settlement Elementary ... Logan Shane Terrell Maplewood Middle School........... Casey Fitts Moss Bluff Elementary ............... Blake Caswell Nelson Elementary ..................... Christopher Henry Oak Park Elementary ................. Delisha Semien D.S. Perkins Elementary ............ Bryley Doucet Prien Lake Elementary ............... Amanda Hancock St. John Elementary .................. Tyler Matthew Tate Starks High School .................... David E. Smith III Vincent Settlement Elementary .. Brandon Darby R.W. Vincent Elementary ............ Candice Landry Vinton Elementary ..................... Whitney Adams T.H. Watkins Elementary ........... Courtney Bellard J.I. Watson Elementary .............. William Lormand** Pearl Watson Elementary ........... Breanna Thomas Western Heights Elementary ...... Christopher Fontenot Westwood ................................... Mallory Goodeaux Ralph Wilson Elementary ........... Jamilia Daniel **Winner *Runner-up Middle School ................ Student S.P. Arnett Middle School ........... Rachel Hogan Bell City Middle School .............. Kyla Fster DeQuincy Middle School ............ Kack Lynne Mueller LeBlanc Middle School ............... Lydia Marie Gothrup W.W. Lewis Middle School........... Alexandria Zambrano* Maplewood Middle School........... Kaitlyn Gallegos Molo Middle School..................... Ronald J. Plumber, Jr. Moss Bluff Middle School ........... Nicholas Scott Caldara** Oak Park Middle School ............. Amariha Fort Reynaud Middle School .............. Jerrica Landry Starks High School .................... Nevada Kimball Vinton Middle School ................. Baylea Cree Jones J.I. Watson Middle ...................... Brandon Guillory S.J. Welsh Middle School............ Sanaa Shaikh F.K. White Middle School ............ Shaley Michelle Racca **Winner *Runner-up High School ................... Student Barbe High School...................... Jessie Liang Bell City High School ................. Brittney Dossman DeQuincy High School ............... Meghann Landry Iowa High School ........................ Roland Whatley LaGrange High School ................ Jared Clemons Lake Charles – Boston High School Karlnelieus Duhon Sam Houston High School .......... Andrew Moss** Starks High School .................... Merissa Penn Sulphur High School .................. Sarah Miller Vinton High School .................... Chance Fenetz Washington-Marion High School Nicholas Johnson Westlake High School ................. Lance Hess* **Winner *Runner-up Page 9 In the Schools HeadStart classes at DeQuincy Elementary School participated in a Mardi Gras Parade on February 24 with 3 other PreK classes. Candy, beads and other treats were thrown to the kindergarten audience. Just prior to the parade a program was presnented to HeadStart dads, granddads, uncles and brothers. The program topic was “The Importance of a Male Role Model iln the Life of a Child”. The panel presenters were James Karr, School Board Member; Reverend Clifton David; Tom Threet, DeQuincy Police; Claude LeCompte, DeQuincy Elementary Assistant Principal. Refreshments were served and the guests were invited to the parade. — Rita Mazilly S. J. Welsh Middle School hosted its annual Junior Beta Club Induction in late January, which included 107 new members. In addition to new members, the 2005-2006 officers were inducted into their new posts. Lenzi Hebert and Alexandra Zaunbrecher were sworn in as co-presidents, Sanaa Shaikh was named secretary, Brittni Naylor activity point keeper, and Victoria Bell was inducted as chaplain. This year’s Beta Induction drew such a large crowd of parents and relatives of inductees that it was standing room only. Guest speaker Dan Flavin, an S. J. Welsh Partner in Education, addressed the importance of maintaining good grades and taking responsibility for one’s own education. Also in attendance were Buzz Sarver, Principal, Sandra DeWitt, Teresa Chance, Mary Bass, Assistant Principals of S. J. Welsh Middle School and Keith Leger State Beta Council Member and S. J. Advisor, as well as a host of Junior Beta Club sponsors. As part of a leadership community, Junior Beta members participate in numerous projects which nurture leadership skills, character, and reinforce academic excellence. During the month of December, the Junior Beta Club assisted with the KPLC Community Christmas Toy Drive involving the entire student body. This year S. J. collected over 1,200 toys for needy families. Members recently competed in seven divisions of district tryouts vying for a chance to represent S. J. Welsh at the District Convention. Sponsors and members are currently working very hard to prepare for the state convention being held in Lafayette. S. J. Welsh Junior Beta Club faculty sponsors are Melinda Lemke, Kristy Como, Paulette Campbell, Michelle North, Michelle LeBlanc, Danette Manuel, Lori Caldwell, Michelle Fontenot, Kathleen Leneck, Katie Nichols, Lauren Marston, Todd LeJune, Beverly Bertrand, Stephanie Fuselier, Marci Rome, and Mary Crater. In addition, Beta Club members participated in a recent Bowl For Kids Sake event in which they raised $1,400.00. S.J. Welsh Builder’s Club members donated $200.00 to the Great American Bake Sale: Share Our Strength Program. Upcoming community service events include the Lake Area Trash Bash and Kiwanis International Foundation’s Skip-A-Meal program. Builder’s Club sponsor is Nadine Dickerson. Student Council members hosted an advisor luncheon for Student Council Advisors across the state of Louisiana. The Student Council’s annual state convention was held March 25-27 at Barbe High School. James Guillory is Student Council Sponsor. Students, faculty, and staff are anxiously awaiting the opening of its new sixth grade building and gymnasium, which seats 1,200. Tentative openings are scheduled for the latter part of April, early May. A Banner Series performance is scheduled to commemorate the opening of the new gym, sponsored by Richard Chozen. — Renee’ LeJeune, James Guillory, Sandra DeWitt and Nadine Dickerson Anna Lou Babin, Teresa Powers, and Kristi Blevins will retire from the Calcasieu Parish Public School System after teaching a combined total of 95 years. These teachers have made a great impact on many students in Louisiana, especially in CalcasieuPparish and at T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School. The students and faculty have been blessed by their presence in the school and wish them the best as they retire. Anna Lou Babin’s 40 years of teaching reflect her philosophy of music education “to equip children with a love for music with a strong emphasis in singing.” When she began teaching, she realized that many adults thought they could not sing because of early childhood experiences. “It became my goal to help children develop and become confident of their singing voice. In this process, children also experienced and grew in the basic elements of music through many varied activities.” Her choirs at Cooley have consistently received superior ratings in performance and sight-reading at district and state festivals. Teresa Powers, fourth grade teacher, has spent the last 30 years in the classroom at Pickering and Evans High Schools in Vernon Parish and in Calcasieu Parish at Vinton Elementary School and T. S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School. She is a member of A+PEL. Her retirement plan is to be a “stay home mom Page 10 to her children still in high school and then pursue opportunities at McNeese.” Kristi Blevins, fi rst grade teacher, received her degree from Louisiana Tech University and then began her 25 year teaching career. She has taught in Webster, Iberia, and Calcasieu parishes. She taught at four different schools in Calcasieu Parish – Westwood Elementary, S.P. Arnett Middle, J.I. Watson, and T. S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School. She feels that her philosophy of teaching “touch their heart and the rest will follow” has held true for her during her years of teaching. Reading has always been one of her favorite pastimes and she plans to have more time for this important activity. Kristi believes, “Books are the gateway to a lifetime of adventures.” She has enjoyed teaching and is now looking forward to new challenges. The Sulphur High School Symphonic Band and the SHS Choirs have not only been working on their festival programs, but on several other spring performances. The band is preparing for several more appearances including the annual Spring Concert, “Young Person’s Concert,” graduation, and a new addition to the spring season, “Oldies Under the Oaks.” The annual Spring Concert is the fi nal concert of the year and includes new selections as well as selections from throughout the year. The “Young Persons’ Concert” is a program where all Sulphur fi fth and eighth graders are invited for a pops concert full of recognizable tunes. The new addition to the spring concert season this year is “Oldies Under the Oaks.” This concert will be held at the pavilion next to the Henning House in Sulphur. The music selections range from Broadway to Big Band. Dinner will be available by pre-sold tickets. John Bridges of KPLC will be Master of Ceremonies. The concert will be reminiscent of the old Sunday concerts in the park. In addition to the concert agenda, members of the SHS bands performed at Solo and Ensemble Festival in mid April. The students perform solos groups of students get together to perform ensembles for a judge. The students are judged similar to groups at District Concert Festival on a one to five scale. The SHS Choir also had a busy spring concert agenda. Several students, selected from Superiors at the District Solo and Ensemble Festival, will compete at State Music Rally at LSU. The Choirs performed at the LMEA State Music Festival. Other performances included the Sulphur National Day of Prayer ceremonies and the Sulphur Police Memorial Day. The SHS Choirs’ Spring Concert was held on May 11th. — David Roeder College Oaks Elementary celebrated National Library Week with a Scholastic Book Fair during the week of April 3-7. The Scholastic spring theme was “Camp Read a Book – Let the Book Bugs Bite!” The goal of the fair was to raise money to use for the purchase of books and Accelerated Reader Quizzes. Parents were invited to a Family Reading Night to read with their children in the classrooms and to visit the book fair. The children enjoyed camping treats of Gummy Worms and S’Mores. A special thanks is extended to the wonderful parent volunteers for helping to make the College Oaks’ Book Fair a success. — Arlene Hobaugh The faculty and staff of Barbe Elementary, in conjunction with CPSB Technology department and McNeese State University, presented a Technology Showcase to McNeese State University students. The following faculty members had the opportunity to showcase their teaching through the incorporation of technology within their instruction: Geraldine Hardy, Master Teacher; Debbie Buckley, Master Teacher; Shalonda Guillory, Mentor Teacher; Marjorie Cormier, Mentor Teacher’ Diana Johnson, Mentor Teacher; Mark LeBeau, Mentor Teacher; and Christie Miller, Technology Teacher. McNeese students were on hand to observe and acquire knowledge on how to effectively integrate technology into curriculum and instruction. Students and their families experienced an evening of learning made fun! The annual family night was a big hit! The evening’s activities featured technology using handheld computers, science experiments, and lessons on nutrition along with a food demonstration on “healthy snacks”, information on LEAP 21 testing, and various ways to explore reading and math through fun. The night’s presenters were: Rodney Thoullion of Houton Miffl in Publishing Co., Excel Para-lube/Partners-In-Education, Cynthia Chantlin, Lake Charles Memorial Hospital Nutritionist, and Barbe Elementary staff members Debbie Buckley, Geraldine Hardy, Christine Lee, and Christi Miller. — Wynetta Proctor The Parents and Teachers of Welsh (PTW) sponsored a jambalaya dinner in an effort to raise money for supplies and activities benefiting S. J. Welsh Middle. The ticket drive took place from January 23rd through February 8th. Faculty, staff, and students played an important part in selling tickets. — Sandra DeWitt, Assistant Principal St. John Elementary hosted Family Night in mid April. Students and parents were treated to a fantastic supper followed by educational games thoughout the school. A book swap was held in the library. The PTO hosted a LEAP pep rally for students. The Morris Brothers entertained the students with their character building and self-esteem skits. Each week students participate in Character Education with “Caught Being Good”. Students earn spirit tickets when they have been caught doing something good. These tickets are then placed in a weekly drawing for prizes. The St. John Elementary Choir performed for a Barbe High school basketball game and soccer game. Tiana Lazard, 3rd grade student, will be featured in the ACTS musical “The Red Shoes” in May. St. John Elementary students participated in their annual Olympic Day at Barbe High School. Each class represented a different country or state and competed against one another in different field events. T. S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School held its annual career fair in early April. Students in grades K-5 benefited from having approximately 25 persons from outside the school share their careers with the students. There were many different vocations represented. A few of the careers the students explored were attorney, fi re inspector, newspaper editor, human resources manager, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, and engineer. Many parents offered to share their time and talents with the students and to help them investigate careers. T.S. Cooley’s Partnersin-Education sent a representative to the school. The students enjoyed the fair and learned new things about the careers they will possess in the future. — Mary Lanier Missy Bloomfield, a cheerleader for the Swashbucklers football team, was the guest speaker at the College Oaks’ Accelerated Math Breakfast of Champions. She led the students in a cheer to help them remember the importance of learning math skills. — Arlene Hobaugh David Pullard, Diamond Meche, and Aaron Leger participated in the Des Bijoux Art show at the Imperial Museum. These students worked with the guest artist, Charlene Kaough and created precious metal pieces. A party was held for all honor roll, banner roll, eagles of the six weeks, and perfect attendance students. Oak Park Elementary’s Partners in Education provided the treats while students enjoyed an extra recess for their hard work. The students of Oak Park Elementary’s Test rally were full of fun. The students rocked to the sound of the Washington-Marion Marching Jukebox and the MBK’s Band. Oak Park Elementary faculty and students displayed their affection and appreciation to the support staff during Support Staff Appreciation Week. OPKN is the student-run television at Oak Park Elementary. The staff reports, produces, and broadcast the news daily through the school. — Audrette Metoyer The Banner Series of MSU engaged Simite for a concert in Lake Charles. This Ugandan musician, Simite, was brought to Ralph Wilson Elementary by Partner in Education, Dave McCarty of State Farm Insurance. Ralph Wilson students had a great time with the unusual instruments and some even joined Simite on stage as backup. Later in the concert students danced to Simite’s music and had the opportunity to ask him questions about his native land. Ralph Wilson thanks Dave McCarty for bringing this presentation to our students. Read Across America day was a huge success at the school. Mayor Randy Roach read to the entire school via our school broadcasting. Also joining RW for the afternoon were the Moss Bluff Middle School Beta Club. They read to all of the classes while The Cat in the Hat (RW parent, Mrs. Taylor) roamed the hallways with his goldfish visiting all of the classes as well. — Martha Damian Dolby Elementary teachers are engaged in a book study of “Whatever It Takes” by Rick Dufour. Discussions take place through Blackboard. An idea from the book study that has already been implemented is called Save One Student. Teachers Michael Danos and Tesa Pace combined their students and took three busloads from Sulphur High and Lake Charles-Boston High to the Houston Museum of Fine Arts. Danos served as the group’s personal tour guide, offering rare insights into the art pieces. After touring the museum, the group spent the rest of the afternoon at the Galleria. — Tesa Pace SHARE Noteworthy Westwood Faculty/Staff Bowling Team raised $912 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake. Team members were Karen Simpson, Dorothy Thomason, Susan Prejean, Becky Hodges, and Phyllis Hess. Westwood Elementary hosted five LEAP Super Saturdays. Attendance was excellent, with over 50% of students attending each session. — Karen Ashworth John J. Johnson, II Elementary School received a Gold Award Plaque for its United Way Contributions, which means 50% of employees gave one hour or more of their wages for 12 months. The school received a Gold Flag and $6140.59 from the State Department of Education for its Exemplary Academic Performance for the 2004-2005 school year. The funds will be used for instructional needs. The school report card showed an increase of 10.2 points in the school performance score. The Student council at West Clinton Elementary School in Clinton, Utah collected over 1,000 books and sent them to John J. Johnson, II Elementary School. This special book drive included donations from citizens of their community. Each class at Johnson received 20 or more books to add to their library collection. Students participated in a Miracle Penny Drive in support of Children’s Miracle Network. Mrs. Baldauf’s 5th Grade Class collected the most funds and will represent the school for the KPLC TV telethon weekend. Johnson recently enjoyed a visit from LSU football player Nate Levings. He brought an inspirational message motivating the 5th graders to set high goals and follow their dreams. National D.A.R.E. Day was celebrated in mid April. Classes invited community readers to come and read to the students. — Ethel Thibodeaux M.J. Kaufman students collected $1,150.50 by participating in the St. Jude’s Math-a-thon. — Tammy Adair T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School fi fth grade teacher, Kristen Orndoff, received the I-TEC Model Classroom Grant to purchase three multimedia computers, software, one digital projector, one laser printer, one digital camera, and 15 Palm handheld computers to be used in all areas of the curriculum. T.S. Cooley Elementary Magnet School fi fth grade teacher, Debbie Rasberry, received a Drew Grant, Science Solutions, totaling $5,273.39 to purchase science supplies and equipment for a school science activity room. — Mary Lanier Vincent Settlement Elementary received $6955.31 for Exemplary Academic Growth for the 200405 school year. VSE’s school performance score increased 17.8 points and they now have a Growth SPS of 116.7. — Lori Young Congratulations to three Lake Charles-Boston High School teachers on the awarding of three Drew Grants. Math teacher Dana Arecenaux, science teacher Shawna Britton, and social studies teacher Sharon Ruffin-Hardy each received a grant from the Drew Foundation. These grants will be used to implement innovative vocational curricula in each teacher’s classroom. Thanks to the hard work of these three teachers, Lake Charles-Boston students will be able to become more competitive as they enter today’s workforce following graduation. DeQuincy Elementary School students collected $6,000.00 for Mathathon. The monies went to St. Jude’s Children Hospital. Sandy Dykes, first grade teacher, is the school’s sponser. — Rita Mazilly Debbie Nabours, Kindergarten teacher at Barbe Elementary, in collaboration with Laurie Tate and Stephanie DuRousseau, received a Drew Grant to facilitate a Learning Center Room for the Kindergarten students at Barbe Elementary. — Wynetta Proctor Lela Tizano, of Oak Park Elementary, was awarded a grant from the TAP and Milken Family Foundation for instructional equipment and supplies to be use in her classroom. — Audrette Metoyer Westwood Elementary celebrated Read Across America Day in early March. The following were invited to read to classes: Allstate agent Wayne Dawson; Westlake Police Dept. Officer Chris Wilrye; Westlake Fire Dept. Matt Webb; Westwood Assistant Principal Gerald Treme; Edward Jones Investment Broker Nat Banks; Elementary Consultant Shirley McKee; Steven Louviere, Randy Burleigh, Avery Volume 31, Number 2 Carlton, Gina Bradley, Carla Meyer, Monique Batiste, Darin Allen, Mallory Wall, Marcus Boutte, Dave Brown, Dan Plummer, Steve Baxter, Grenetta Dubrock, Curt Thompson, and Nancy Tower, Sasol employees. The school participated in D.E.A.R. (drop everything and read) in mid April. The entire school enjoyed silent reading for 30 minutes in the afternoon. — Karen Ashworth DeQuincy Elementary School Adminstration, with the assistance of Karer Collett, Jan Barrow and Mary Spikes, prepared a SPA Room for Faculty and Staff the week of testing. Collett, Barrow and Spikes are grandparent volunteers. The Faculty and Staff enjoyed warm neck wraps, cool eye pads, scalp massage and hand scrub/moisture. There was food available each day. — Rita Mazilly Vincent Settlement Elementary students recently participated in the Math-a-thon for St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital. Students raised $3,840.25 — Lori Young Lake Charles-Boston High School has been awarded a gift card in the amount of $5,000 through Best Buy’s TEACH Emergency Response program. Best Buy awarded gift cards to schools that had been affected by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The card was used to purchase classroom supplies and instructional materials. — Alison Reed Vinton Elementary teacher Mona Landry was one of ten teachers from Calcasieu Parish chosen to receive a grant from the Teacher Advancement Program Foundation and the Milken Family Foundation. The grant provided funds to purchase supplies/educational materials for Landry’s 4th grade classroom. — Beverly Koonce Westwood Elementary would like to thank T.H. Watkins Elementary for donating books to the library in memory of third grade teacher Dorothy Thomason’s mother. — Karen Ashworth Congratulations to Angela Kiser, fi fth grade teacher at Moss Bluff Elementary, for proposing and receiving a Drew Estate Grant for $4,761.08. Her project will focus on building classroom libraries for the comprehensive curriculum. — Sherina Snead M.J. Kaufman fi fth grade teachers Tracie Broussard and Carolyn Clayton received Drew Grants totaling nearly $20,000. The money will be used to create Science, Social Studies, and Math Technology Learning Centers. — Tammy Adair The S. J. Welsh French Immersion team has been awarded a grant in the amount of $5,100.00 by the Consulate General of France in New Orleans in conjunction with the Fund for Louisiana/Schools, a program of FACE (French American Cultural Exchange.) Funds procured by the grant will provide teaching materials, books, educational equipment, and pedagogical software. — Nathalie Bouillion, 8th Grade French ITEC Model Classroom teachers, Mitzi Fontenot, 8th grade science, and Renee’ LeJeune, 8th grade social studies, attended the LACUE conference held in mid February in Baton Rouge. This conference consisted of hands-on workshops and lectures which focused on best practices for seamless technology integration in the classroom. Eighteen teachers represented S. J. Welsh Middle at the annual Louisiana Middle School Association’s Conference in late March in Shreveport. Participants attended breakout sessions and workshops which focused on curriculum and effective practices. Twanna Thibodeaux, Danette Manuel, and Mitzi Fontenot visited Caddo Magnet Middle School, where they observed gifted, advanced, and enrichment classes. — Renee’ LeJeune Michelle LeBlanc was awarded an H.C. Drew Grant in the amount of $3,848.24. Grant monies will be used to purchase classroom equipment, technology, and supplies which aid in incorporating hands-on learning projects in the science classroom. — Michelle LeBlanc, 7th Grade Science St. John Elementary received a $2,000.00 Best Buy Hurricane Releif Grant. This grant was used to replace student and classroom supplies damaged during Hurricane Rita. Judith Washington, Speech Language Pathologist, was elected President of SPALS (Speech Pathologist and Audiologist in Louisiana Schools), the largest professional organization of school-based speech pathologists and audiologists in the state of Louisiana. She will preside over the annual conference scheduled for October in Baton Rouge. Kristen Orndoff, T.S. Cooley 5th grade teacher, was awarded an I-TEC Model Classroom Grant for purchase of three multimedia computers, software, one digital projector, one laser printer, one digital camera, and 15 Palm handheld computers to be used in all areas of the curriculum. Mary Lanier, T.S. Cooley Librarian, presented at the TNT Conference, “It’s Your Destiny” and attended the LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Conference in Lafayette. Debbie Rasberry, 5th grade teacher, was awarded a Drew Grant for Science Solutions, totaling $5,273.39. Funds will be used to purchase science supplies and equipment for a school science activity room. — Mary Lanier Barbe Elementary received a $1,500.00 donation for Hurricane relief from the Elementary Principals Association of Washington. — Wynetta Proctor Bobbi Yancey, art teacher at College Oaks Elementary, delivered a presentation at the National Art Education Association Conference in Chicago, Illinois. — Arlene Hobaugh Congratulation to Cindy Henry, 1st grade teacher who received $673 from the TAP Foundation and the Milken Family Foundation to purchase instructional supplies and equipment for her classroom. Vinton Middle library received a $500 from Louisiana PTA Teacher Association. The grant will help replace books lost due to hurricane Katina. Victoria Crawford, the school counselor, was instrumental in procuring the grant. — Peggy Paige Judith Washington, Speech Language Pathologist, was elected President of SPALS (Speech Pathologist and Audiologist in Louisiana Schools), largest professional organization of school based speech pathologists and audiologists in the state of Louisiana. She will preside over the annual conference scheduled for October in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Kristen Orndoff, T.S. Cooley 5th grade teacher, I-TEC Model Classroom Grant for purchase of three multimedia computers, software, one digital projector, one laser printer, one digital camera, and 15 Palm handheld computers to be used in all areas of the curriculum. Mary Lanier, T.S. Cooley Librarian, TNT Conference presentation “It’s Your Destiny”; attendance at the LLA (Louisiana Library Association) Conference in Lafayette. Debbie Rasberry, T.S. Cooley 5th grade teacher, Drew Grant, Science Solutions, totaling $5,273.39 to purchase science supplies and equipment for a school science activity room. — Mary Lanier Marla Baldwin, 4th grade Science teacher at Gillis Elementary School wrote and received funds for the following grants for the 2005-06 school term: Bell South $500 for science centers, National Weather Association $500 for weather equipment, QSM $750 owl pellet dissection, and Drew grant $9,994.60 for technology (projectors, laptops and speaker system. Carolyn Langley, Kindergarten Social Living/Science teacher at Gillis Elementary School sponsored a St. Jude Trike-AThon. The Gillis Kindergarteners learned the cycling safety rules, raised over $600 for the sick children of St. Jude’s Hospital and had fun at the same time! Appreciation is extended to the children, volunteers and supporters of the worthy outreach project. — Carolyn Langley Dolby teachers are participating in lots of technology training. Jackie Shortridge, Sharon Fontenot, Michele McGee, and Trudy Phelps are participating in PalmQuest Training. AmyBeth Hughes, Leslea Mudd, Shawna Dufrene, Marcy Barras, Bonnie Ramsey, and Carol Womack recently completed INTECH training. Gillis Elementary Kindergarten students raised $3,095.20 for St. Jude’s Research Hospital Trike-AThon. Carolyn Langley coordinated the event. Page 11 Quality Corner NCLB – IDEA – QUALITY NCLB mandates that all students, including students with disabilities, be assessed and demonstrate adequate yearly progress. IDEA is premised on the basic belief that students with disabilities must have access to the general curriculum, including the same skills, concepts, contents, and understandings as their non-disabled peers. NCLB focuses on schools making adequate yearly progress, and IDEA focuses on individuals making meaningful progress. One goal of the Quality Mentors is to train teachers across the district in aligning the mandates of both NCLB and IDEA through the use of the Baldrige Criteria. The implementation of Baldrige Criteria helps students with disabilities meet the same standards as non-disabled students. Through the appropriate application of the Quality processes, schools are able to: • • • • • • • determine a student’s performance identify strengths establish opportunities for improvement guide organizational planning and learning set goals assist with developing action plans for continuous improvement ensure meaningful progress within the general curriculum as well as toward Individual Education Plan (IEP) goals Baldrige Quality Processes are student specific and allow students to develop a personal plan of action that will focus on improvement of areas of weaknesses indicated by analyzing personal data. By individualizing goals, raising the academic bar, and encouraging students to better themselves, we ensure improved academic achievement and continuous improvement for all children. Mentors can be reached via phone, or email to request Quality training and support services. Tony McCardle – 437-1296 Tammy Hebert – 437-1217 Janet Daigle – 491-1716 Please visit our website for more information regarding Quality in Education. Washington Marion QLT In early April, the Washington Marion Magnet High School Quality Leadership Team participated in a one day introductory training. The training highlighted Baldrige categories 1.0 Leadership and category 4.0 Strategic Planning. Participants in the training developed a Quality Leadership team mission statement, goals, and action plans. The training will serve as a foundation for their QLT to develop a school wide deployment plan for future implementation. Quality Tool Spotlight Each edition of Share, we will be spotlighting a different Quality Tool or Process that can be easily implemented into your school and classroom. Mission Statement The mission statement ensures that the entire team/school community understands who is involved, what is to be accomplished, and how it will be achieved. LEAP Level Goals Update What does it look like? The schools that are involved in the LEAP/GEE goal level initiative have completed the first phases of the process. Practice tests were scored and labeled according to the Louisiana Department of Education testing labels for LEAP and GEE exams. Using these labels and other sources of data, students were able to conference with teachers in order to set a testing goal. Once the testing results arrive in May, the data will be tabulated, compared and used to determine student rewards and recognition. Once again, thanks to the following schools: • • • • • • • • • • • • Bell City High Combre-Fondel Elementary Dolby Elementary Henry Heights Elementary Iowa High LaGrange High LeBleu Settlement Elementary Maplewood Middle St. John Elementary Vincent Settlement Elementary Vinton Middle F.K. White Middle Need Assistance? The Quality Mentors welcome the opportunity to work with all schools and departments in implementing quality in education along with steps for continuous improvement. They are able to meet with the faculty as a whole, by grade level, or on an individual basis. The Vinton High School is committed to providing a quality education while promoting academic excellence. When is it used? • • • • • • • • • • • • Developed during the first few days of school Reviewed daily to show importance and buy in Supported and confirmed through established ground rules and expectations Ideas to consider A mission statement needs to communicate the essence of your organization to your stakeholders. A mission statement helps everyone focus on the same thing. Effective mission statements are concise and easy to remember. Mission statements should be supported by measurable objectives or goals. A mission statement can be used with any group that needs to work together to accomplish a common goal. Each school and classroom should have a mission statement. It is more important to understand what the mission statement means than to memorize it. Every student should be involved in the creation of classroom missions. NEW FEATURE! Photos taken at board meetings and special events by Carolyn Sensat, Office of Public Information will now be posted on the CPSB server. As a convenience, you may gain access to the photos beginning the day following the event for a period of 2 weeks. You may access the site only from a computer on the CPSB network. • Go to Start • Run • Type in: \\server1a\pio\meetings • Click OK • Click on the Folder for the Event Need Help? Email Carolyn at Page 12 SHARE