Key Buyer slicks:Layout 1
Take a look at what is to come at the International Home + Housewares Show ...exhibitors The more than 2.000 exhibitors at the International Home + Housewares Show offer new products and product lines that are unknown or unavailable in Europe or Asia. Differentiate your offering and gain a competitive advantage! The hi. design exhibitors at dine + design include: DINE: All-Clad Metalcrafters ■ ASD ■ BergHOFF International ■ Berndes Cookware ■ Browne USA Cook Pro ■ Castey Global, SL. ■ Chantal Corp. ■ Cinsa ■ Copco ■ CucinaPro ■ Cuisipro DuPont Teflon Finishes ■ Farberware ■ Fissler ■ Gorham ■ Greenpan ■ Jean Dubost ■ Jokari Kaiser Bakeware ■ Kehe ■ Krups ■ Le Creuset ■ Lodge Mfg. ■ Maspion Group ■ Meyer Corporation Nordic Ware ■ Peugeot ■ Revol ■ Roland ■ Rowenta ■ Schulte-Ufer ■ Sitram ■ Staub Stonewall Kitchen ■ Swissmar ■ T-Fal / WearEver ■ Tramontina ■ USA Pans ■ Viking Range Whitford Corporation ■ Wilton Armetale ■ Wilton ■ WMF Americas, Inc. ■ Woll Cookware Zwilling J. A. Henckels DESIGN: Anchor Hocking Glass ■ ARC International ■ Axa ■ Bernard France ■ Bialetti ■ Blomus ■ Bodum BonJour ■ Bormioli Rocco Glass ■ Boska ■ Brabantia ■ Built NY ■ Caldrea ■ Candle-lite Chicago Metallic ■ Chilewich ■ Corningware ■ Coutellerie Andre Verdier ■ Creative Tops Ltd. Denby ■ DKB ■ Duralex ■ Ekelund ■ Emile Henry ■ Escali ■ Finum by Riensch & Held ■ Frieling Gibson ■ Joseph Joseph ■ Kikkerland Design ■ Kuchenprofi ■ Kuhn Rikon ■ La Cafetiere ■ LEIFHEIT Libbey Lifetime Brands ■ Lynns Concepts ■ Magisso ■ Mastrad ■ Mauviel ■ Microplane Modern-twist ■ MUkitchen ■ Now Designs Outset ■ Nuance ■ OXO ■ Pasabahce ■ Pfaltzgraff Pillivuyt ■ Riedel Crystal ■ Robert Welch ■ Rosle ■ Sagaform ■ Scanwood ■ Sistema ■ Solicut Sogbo ■ Starfrit ■ Stelton ■ Thermos ■ Trudeau ■ Tutto Casa ■ Vasconia ■ Vipp ■ Wabnitz-Royal VKB World Kitchen ■ Wusthof-Trident ■ Zak Designs and over 1.000 more... INTERNATIONAL PAVILIONS: Brazil ■ China ■ Egypt ■ France ■ Hong Kong India ■ Taiwan ■ Turkey ■ Vietnam continued on reverse side In the US, consumers are demanding, always expecting something new. Visit the exhibitors at the International Home + Housewares Show and find constant innovation, new colors and products that will help you meet and exceed your customers’ needs. The hi. organization exhibitors at clean + contain include: American Maid Plastic ■ Better Living Products ■ Bigso Box of Sweden ■ Butler Home Products Casabella ■ Creative Tops Inc. ■ Design Ideas ■ Freudenberg Household Products ■ Harman Home Products International ■ Household Essentials, LLC ■ Interdesign ■ John Ritzenthaler Kornbusch & Starting ■ The Libman Company ■ Magla Products ■ Mrs. Meyers The OneCare Company ■ Quickie Mfg. ■ Rosler ■ Rubbermaid ■ Simple Green ■ simplehuman ■ Sterilite Corporation ■ Umbra and over 250 more... The International Home + Housewares Show is the world's leading trade fair for electrical appliances for the home. Chicago is your best choice to find products for air filtration and cooling, product categories that are now rapidly growing in importance in Europe, Asia and Latin America. The hi. voltage exhibitors at wired + well include: Andis Company ■ Avanti ■ Aquaport Corporation ■ BEEM ■ BISSELL Homecare ■ BOSCH Bunn-O-Matic ■ CHI Home ■ Cloer ■ Conair ■ Coway ■ Crane ■ Cucina Pro ■ Cuisinart ■ DeLonghi Dualit ■ Electrolux ■ Emjoi ■ Epilady ■ Euro-Pro ■ Euroflex ■ Haan ■ Haier America ■ Hamilton Beach Helen Of Troy ■ HoMedics ■ Hoover ■ Jura Capresso ■ Keurig ■ KitchenAid ■ LAURASTAR ■ Ligo Electric ■ Melitta ■ Midea USA ■ Nespresso ■ Oliso ■ Panasonic ■ Proctor-Silex ■ Revlon Royal Sovereign ■ Rug Doctor ■ SAI ■ Saeco ■ Sensio ■ Taylor Precision Products ■ Team Kalorik Valera ■ Vidal Sassoon ■ Wahl Clipper ■ Wahl International ■ West Bend Housewares ■ Winix ■ Zojirushi and over 200 more... New this year, the International Home + Housewares Show will feature exhibitors showcasing luggage and casual bags, backpacks, business cases, computer bags, handbags, travel accessories and umbrellas. The hi. travel exhibitors at travel goods include: Delsey ■ Eagle Creek ■ Hadaki ■ Hartmann ■ Heys ■ Johnston & Murphy ■ LeSportSac ■ Olivet ■ Rimowa Sully ■ Sumdex ■ Thule ■ Travel Table ■ Travelon West Coast Trends ■ Wildkin ■ Winn ■ Zero and over 250 more... ...highlights of the Show’s educational programs Future Color/Design Trends at Pantone Seminars and Display Learn about color and material trends for 2011/2012 from industry experts. Attend color seminars by Pantone and visit the Pantone ColorWatch Forecast Display to view first-hand, detailed forecasts and trend identification. Color Trends: The Catalysts That Create Change Leatrice (Lee) Eiseman, Executive Director, Pantone Institute Monday, 7 March 12 Noon – 1 p.m. Room S100/ Grand Ballroom Level 1, South Building Designers' Choice: What Colors Are They Buying? Leatrice (Lee) Eiseman, Executive Director, Pantone Institute Tuesday, 8 March 12 Noon – 1.p.m. Room S100/Grand Ballroom Level 1, South Building Pantone ColorWatch Forecast Display in the Lakeside Center Lobby, Level 3, McCormick Place. The Show also features numerous other educational sessions on visual merchandising, consumer trends, retailing and design. Review the Show Events Information & Calendar at and choose the topics and themes that fit your needs! Industry Breakfast - pre-registration required! Participate in the annual industry gathering featuring a high-profile keynote speaker. IHA’s Industry Breakfast speakers in previous years have included Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State; Rudy Giuliani, former New York Mayor; Madeleine Albright, former U.S. Secretary of State; and Tony Snow, former White House Press Secretary. Pre-registration required (purchase tickets at Tuesday, 8 March 7:15 am - 8:25 am Room S100/Grand Ballroom Level 1, South Building, McCormick Place continued on reverse side for international buyers International Reception The Housewares Export Council (HECNA) invites all international attendees to the 2011 International Reception; join U.S. housewares exporters for food, drinks, music and international networking... plenty of fun! Monday, 7 March at 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm Vista Ballroom, McCormick Place Housewares Charity Foundation Gala Join us at the 12th Annual Housewares Charity Foundation Dinner during the 2011 Show: Monday, 7 March at 6:00 pm Hilton Chicago Reception & Dinner / Auctions & Awards Program / Musical Entertainment $350 per person—reservations can be made at the Show Store, Level 2.5, South Building at McCormick Place. For more information, call Paul Murphy at +1 508.272.0717, or visit the website at Chicago Retail Tour And U.S. Housewares Industry Overview pre-registration required! Learn what is driving the U.S. retail market and experience firsthand a variety of unique home and housewares retailers in suburban Chicago. Register for the event at Wednesday, March 9 at 8:00 am – ending at approximately 5:00 pm You’ll find the Show’s complete educational program online at starting 17 December, 2010. ...retail concepts Chicago is home to the best in world-class retailing. Bring home ideas, inspiration and tools to grow your business! Leading home and housewares retailers have Chicago flagship stores to showcase their finest displays, featuring products successful in the American marketplace. See map on back for store names and locations. Here are some highlights... Bed, Bath & Beyond ■ Bloomingdale's Home Store ■ Container Store ■ Crate & Barrel CB2 ■ Petco ■ Pottery Barn ■ Sur La Table ■ Williams Sonoma There are also several other specialty retailers that offer exciting benchmarking and learning opportunities for branding and truly unique, extremely well managed concepts. American Girl Place ■ Apple Store ■ Fox & Obel Food Market ■ NikeTown Vosges Haut Chocolat ■ Whole Foods Market continued on reverse side $YH C CHICAG GO SP ECIALTTY RETTAILER RS C TA C H I C AG O S TO P C TA G R A N D S TO P $YH $PHULFDQ*LUO3ODFH² $PHULFDQ*LUO3OD DFH²10LFKLJDQ 10LFKLJDQ$YH $YH 6SHFLDOW\GROOVFKLOGUHQҋVDSSDUHO 6SHFLDOW\GROOVFKLOGUHQ QҋVDSSDUHO ZZZDPHULFDQJLUOFRP ZZZ DPHULFDQJLUOFRP YH $ Armitage Ave $ YH RQ LIW &O 'D\WRQ6W .H )UHPRQW6W 1LNHEUDQGIRRWZHDUDQGDWKOHWLFZHDU 1LNHEUDQGIRRWZHDUDQ QGDWKOHWLFZHDU _KWWSQLNHWRZQQLNHFRP _KWWSQLNHWRZQQLNHFRP H $Y H RU QP %LVVHOO6W H $Y G DX e Av 1LNH7RZQ² 1LNH7 7RZQ² R 10LFKLJDQ$YH 1 0LFKLJDQ $YYH Sheffield Ave 0 rn &RUWODQG6W ou yb 0 6HPLQDU\$YH OLD QR DJ Cl $SSOH6WRUH² $SSOH6WRUH² $SSOH 6WRUH 10LFKLJDQ$YH 1 0LFKLJDQ $YH 10LFKLJDQ $SSOHEUDQGFRPSXWHUVDQGHOHFWURQLFV DQGHOHFWURQLFV $SSOHEUDQGFRPSXWHUV ZZZDSSOHFRPUHWDLOQRUWKPLFKLJDQDYHQXH ZZZ DSSOHFRPUHWDLOQR RUWKPLFKLJDQDYHQXH EX JV .LQ 6W U\ LQ 6W QV R LVF : 9RVJHV+DXW&KRFRODW² 9 9RVJHV+DXW&K R KRFRODW²10LFKLJDQ 10LFKLJDQ$YH $YH W Av O6 n HO 'D\WRQ6W VV r ou %L yb Cl : e 6W U\ EX JV (5 Sheffield Ave Z LOOR .LQ 5,9 Sunday - T Tuesday uesday u • March 6-8 McCormick Place Chicago C h i c a g o • USA USA 6W $*2 3HWVXSSOLHVDQGSURGXFWV 3HWVXSSOLHVDQGSURGXFWV _ZZZSHWFRFRP _ZZZSHWFRFRP &+,& 1&O\ERXUQ$YH 3HWFR²1&O\ERXUQ$YH Y :LOORZ6W 7KURRS6W *RXUPHWFKRFRODWH ZZZYRVJHVFKRFRODWHFRP ZZZ YRVJHVFKRFROD DWHFRP North Ave North Ave C TA N O R T H / C LY BO U R N S TO P $YH $YH $YH C CHICAG GO DOW WNTOW WN RE TAILER RS $YH CTA Rail Lines RED Line GREEN Line BROWN Line PURPLE Line ORANGE Line YELLOW Line BLUE Line PINK Line $OHVVL² $OHVVL² 16WDWH6W 16WDWH6W 6HUYLQJSLHFHVNLWFKHQXWHQVLOVDQGFRRNZDUH 6HUYLQJSLHFHVNLWFKHQXWH HQVLOVDQGFRRNZDUH _ZZZ DOH HVVLFRP _ZZZDOHVVLFRP %HG%DWK%H\RQG² %HG%DWK%H\RQG G²16WDWH6W 7DEOHWRSVPDOOHOHFWULFVFRRNZDUHDQGRWKHUKRXVHZDUHV 7 DEOHWRS DEOHWRSVPDOOHOHFWULFVFR D VPDOO HOHFWULFV FR RRNZDUH DQG RWKHU KRXVHZDUHV RRNZDUHDQGRWKHUKRXVHZDUHV _ZZZ EHG GEDWKDQGEH\RQGFRP _ZZZEHGEDWKDQGEH\RQGFRP %HVW%X\²10LFK 10LFKLJDQ$YH KLJDQ $YH _ZZZEHVWEX\FRP _ZZZ EHVVWEX\FRP %ORRPLQJGDOHҋV+RPH6WRUH² %ORRPLQJGDOHҋV+RP PH6WRUH²1:DEDVK$YH 1:DEDVK $YH +RXVHZDUHVÀQHOLQHQVIXU +RXVHZDUHVÀQHOLQHQVIXUQLWXUHDQGRWKHUKRPHGpFRULWHPV UQLWXUHDQGRWKHUKRPHGpFRULWHPV _ZZZ EORR RPLQJGDOHVFRP _ZZZEORRPLQJGDOHVFRP 7KH&KRSSLQJ%ORFN² 7KH&KRSSLQJ%ORFN N²0HUFKDQGLVH0DUW3OD]D 0HUFKDQGLVH0DUW3OD]D^Ƶŝƚ ^ƵŝƚĞ Ğ ϭϬϳ ϭϬϳ &RRNLQJVFKRRONLWFKHQZDUHEDUZDUHEDNHZDUH &RRNLQJVFKRRONLWFKHQZDUHEDUZDUHEDNHZDUH _ ZZZWKH _ZZZ WKH HFKRSSLQJEORFN QHW HFKRSSLQJEORFNQHW _ZZZWKHFKRSSLQJEORFNQHW &UDWH%DUUHO²10LFKLJDQ$YH 10LFKLJDQ $YH 7DEOHWRSFRRNZDUHKRPHDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH 7 D DEOHWRSFRRNZDUHKRPH HDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH _ZZZFUDWHDQGEDUUHOFRP _ZZZ FUDWHDQGEDUUHOFRP 0DF\ҋV² 0DF\ҋV²10LFKLJDQ 10LFKLJDQ$YH:DWHU7RZHU3ODFH $YH:DWHU 7R RZHU3ODFH )XUQLWXUHDQGKRPHDFFHVVRULHVGLQQHUZDUHOLQHQVJRXUPHWIRRGV )XUQLWXUHDQGKRPHDFFHVVRULHVGLQQHUZDUHOLQHQVJRXUPHWIRRGV _ZZZPDF\VFRP _ZZZPDF\VFR RP 0DWHULDO3RVVHVVLRQV² 0DWHULDO3RVVHVVLRQV² 0DWHULDO 3RVVHVVLRQV 1: 1:DEDVK$YH 1 :DEDVK $YH YH 7DEOHWRSDFFHVVRULHVGLQQHUZDUHVHWV 7 DEOHWRSDFFHVVRULHVGLQQHUZDUH D HVHWV WDEOHOLQHQVÁDWZDUHKRPHDFFHVVRULHV WDEOHOLQHQVÁDWZDUHKRPHDFFHVVVRULHV _ZZZPDWHULDOSRVVHVVLRQVFRP _ZZZ PDWHULDOS SRVVHVVLRQVFRP 1HLPDQ0DUFXV6KRZURRP² 1HLPDQ0DUFXV6KRZUR RRP²10LFKLJDQ 10LFKLJDQ$YH $YH Y 7DEOHWRSOLQHQVNLWFKHQHOHFWULFVFRRNZDUH 7 DEOHWRSOLQHQVNLWFKHQHOHFWULFV D FRRNZDUH KRXVHZDUHVJRXUPHWIRRGV KRXVHZDUHVJRXUPHWIRRGV _ZZZQHLPDQPDUFXVFRP _ZZZ QHLPDQP PDUFXVFRP 326+² 3 326+² 16WDWH6W 7 DEOHWRSDQGKRPHGpFRU D 7DEOHWRSDQGKRPHGpFRU _ZZZ SRVKFKLF FDJRFRP _ZZZSRVKFKLFDJRFRP 5RRPDQG%RDUG²(2KLR6W (2KLR6W )XUQLWXUHOLJKWLQJDQGKRPHGpFRU )XUQLWXUHOLJKWLQJDQGKRPHGpFR RU _ZZURRPDQGERDUGFRP _ZZURRPDQGER RDUGFRP (2QWDUULR6W 7 7UDGHU-RHҋV² UDGHU-RHҋV²(2QWDULR6W )R[2EHO)RRG0DUNHW² )R[2EHO)RRG0 0DUNHW²(,OOLQRLV6W *RXUPHWIRRGPDUNHWNLWFKHQWRROV *RXUPHWIRRGPDUNHWNLWFKHQWRROV _ZZZIR[REHOFRP _ZZZ IR[REHOFRP *ROGHQ7ULDQJOH² *ROGHQ7ULDQJOH²1&ODUN6W 1&ODUN6W $VLDQLQÁXHQFHGDUWDQWLTXHVKRPHIXUQLVKLQJV $VLDQLQÁXHQFHGDUWD DQWLTXHVKRPHIXUQLVKLQJV _ZZZJROGHQWULDQJOHEL] _ZZ ZZJROGHQWULDQJOHEL] /DOLTXH²0HUFKDQGLVH0DUW3OD]D 0 0HUFKDQGLVH0DUW3OD]D 'LQQHUZDUHJODVVEDUZDUHDQGVWHPZDUH 'LQQHUZDUHJODVVE EDUZDUHDQGVWHPZDUH _ZZZFULVWDOODOLTXHIU _ ZZZFULVWDOODOLTXHIU 0DF\ҋV²16WDWH6W 16WDWH6W )XUQLWXUHDQGKRPHDFFHVVRULHV )XUQLWXUHDQGKR RPHDFFHVVRULHV GLQQHUZDUHOLQHQVJRXUPHWIRRGV GLQQHUZDUHOLQH HQVJRXUPHWIRRGV _ZZZPDF\VFRP _ZZZPDF\VFRP Sunday - T Tuesday uesday u • March 6-8 McCormick Place C hicago • U SA Chicago USA _ZZZ WUDGHUMRHVFRP _ZZZWUDGHUMRHVFRP :LOOLDPV6RQRPD² :LOOLDPV6RQRPD² 10LFKLJDQ$YH 10LFKLJDQ$YH &RRNZDUHGLQQHUZDUHVPDOODSSOLDQFHVDQGVSHFLDOW\KRXVHZDUHV &RRNZDUHGLQQHUZDUHVPDOODSS SOLDQFHVDQGVSHFLDOW\KRXVHZDUHV _ZZZZLOOLDPVVRQRPDFRP _ZZZ ZLOOLDPVVVRQRPDFRP :KROH)RRGV0DUNHW²:+XURQ6W 2UJDQLFFHUWLÀHGJURFHU\PDUNHWNLWFKHQWRROV 2UJDQLFFHUWLÀHGJURFHU\PDUNHWNLWFKHQWRROV _ZZZZKROHIRR RGVPDUNHWFRP _ZZZZKROHIRRGVPDUNHWFRP Armitage Ave Q$ YH LIWR e Av &O 2UFKDUG6W %XUOLQJ6W rn Halsted St 'D\WRQ6W ou QP .H )UHPRQW6W yb YH $ H RU %LVVHOO6W H $Y G Cl Sheffield Ave 6HPLQDU\$YH DX 0 &RUWODQG6W DX 0 6W U\ EX JV H $Y G .LQ W 6 VLQ Q FR LV \ FH DU 0 : :LOORZ6W :LOORZ6W 6W North Ave C TA N O R T H / C LY B O U R N S T O P :HHG6W :HHG6W e n Av Elsto 0DJQ ROLD$ YH 2UFKDUG6W North Ave North Ave %XUOLQJ6W e Av W O6 rn &RQFRUG3O 6W U\ EX ,9(5 JV .LQ 25 Halsted St 'D\WRQ6W ou HO VV %L yb &$* : Cl 6W Z LOOR Sheffield Ave &+, 7KURRS6W C CLYBOU URN CO ORRIDO OR RE TAILER RS Armitage Ave :HHG6W %ODFNKDZN6W $SSOH6WRUH² $SSOH6WRUH² :1RUWK$YH :1RUWK $YH $SSOHEUDQGFRPSXWHUV VDQGHOHFWURQLFV $SSOHEUDQGFRPSXWHUVDQGHOHFWURQLFV ZZZ DSSOHFRPUHWDLOOLQ QFROQSDUN ZZZDSSOHFRPUHWDLOOLQFROQSDUN $UKDXV² $UKDXV² 1& 1&O\ERXUQ$YH &O\ERXUQ$YH )XUQLWXUHKRPHGpFRU WWDEOHWRS )XUQLWXUHKRPHGpFRUWDEOHWRS _ZZZ ZDUKDXVFRP _ZZZDUKDXVFRP 7UDGHU-RHҋV² 7 UDGHU-RHҋV²1&O\ERXUQ$YH 1 1&O\ERXUQ$YH _ZZZWUDGHUUMRHVFRP _ZZZWUDGHUMRHVFRP 7KH/DQGRI1RG² 7KH/DQGRI1RG² ²:1RUWK$YH :1RUWK$YH &KLOGUHQҋVIXUQLWXUH _ZZZODQGRIQRGFRP _ZZZODQGRIIQRGFRP 3RWWHU\%DUQ²:1RUWK$YH : :1RUWK $YH %HG%DWK%H\RQG %HG%DWK%H\ \RQG²1&O\ERXUQ$YH 1&O\ERXUQ $YH 7DEOHWRSVPDOOHOHFWULFVFRRNZDUHDQGRWKHUKRXVHZDUHV 7D DEOHWRSVPDOOHOHFWULFV VFRRNZDUHDQGRWKHUKRXVHZDUHV _ZZZEHGEDWKDQGEH\RQGFRP _ZZZ ZEHGEDWKDQGEH\RQGFRP 7DEOHWRSKRPHDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH 7D DEOHWRSKRPHDFFHVVRULHVD DQGIXUQLWXUH _ZZZSRWWHU\EDUQFRP _ZZZSRWWHUU\EDUQFRP 5HVWRUDWLRQ+DUGZDUH² 5HVWRUDWLRQ+DUGZD DUH² ²:1RUWK$YH :1RUWK$YH %HVW%X\² :1RUWK$YH% :1RUWK$YH% _ZZZEHVWEX\FRP _ ZZZ _ZZZ ZEHVWEX\ EHVWEX\FRP FRP &%²:1RUWK$YH &%² :1R RUWK$YH 7DEOHWRSKRPHDFFHVVRULHVIXUQLWXUH 7D DEOHWRSKRPHDFFHVVVRULHVIXUQLWXUH _ZZZFEFRP _ZZ ZZFEFRP &RVW3OXV:RUOG0DUNHW² &RVW3OXV: R RUOG0DUNHW² 16KHIÀHOG$YH 16KHIÀHOG $YH +RPHGpFRU +RPHGpFRUIXUQLWXUHLPSRUWHGIRRGDQGZLQH IXUQLWXUUHLPSRUWHGIRRGDQGZLQH _Z _ZZZZRUOGPDUNHWFRP ZZZZRUOGPDUNHWFRP &UDWH%DUUHO² &UDWH%DUU UHO²:1RUWK :1RUWK$YH $YH 7DEOHWRSFRRNZDUHKRPHDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH 7 DEOHWRSFRRNZDUUHKRPHDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH D _ZZZFUDWHDQGEDUUHOFRP _ZZZFUDWHDQGEDUUHOFRP 7KH&RQWDLQHU6WRUH² 7KH&RQWD DLQHU6WRUH² :1RUWK :1RUWK$YH $YH +RPHRUJDQL]D +RPHRUJDQL]DWLRQFOHDQLQJKRPHGpFRU DWLRQFOHDQLQJKRPHGpFRU _ZZZFRQWDLQHUVWRUHFRP _ZZZFRQWDLQHUVWRUHFRP +RPH'HSRW² +RPH' 'HSRW² :1RUWK :1RUWK$YH $YH _ZZZKRPHGHSRWFRP _ZZZKRPHGHSRWFRP Sunday - T Tuesday u uesday • M a r c h 6 - 8 Chicago McCormick Place C h i c a g o • USA USA /LJKWLQJVPDOOHOHFWULFVDQGJD /LJKWLQJVPDOOHOHFWULFVDQGJDGJHWV DGJHWV IXUQLWXUHDQGRWKHUKRPHDFFH IXUQLWXUHDQGRWKHUKRPHDFFHVVRULHV HVVRULHV _ZZZUHVWRUDWLRQKDUGZDUHFRP _ZZZUHVWRUDWLRQKDUGZDUHFRP 6XU/D7DEOH² 6XU/D7 7D DEOH²: :1RUWK$YH 1RUWK $YH ([WHQVLYHJRXUPHWDQGNLWFKHQ ([WHQVLYHJRXUPHWDQGNLWFKHQDFFHVVRULHV QDFFHVVRULHV _ZZZVXUODWDEOHFRP _ZZZVXUODWD DEOHFRP -D\VRQ+RPHDQG*DUGHQ² -D\VRQ+RPHDQG* *DUGHQ² ²1&O\ERXUQ$YH 1&O\ERXUQ$YH )XUQLWXUHKRPHGpFRUJDUGHQQXUVHU\VSHFLDOW\ÁRZHUV )XUQLWXUHKRPHGpFRUJDUGHQ QQXUVHU\VSHFLDOW\ÁRZHUV _ZZZMD\VRQKRPHDQGJDUGHQFRP _ZZZMD\VRQ QKRPHDQGJDUGHQFRP :KROH)RRGV0DUNHW² :KROH)RRGV0DUNH HW²1.LQJVEXU\6W _ZZZZKROHIRRGVPDUNHWFRP _ZZZZKROH HIRRGVPDUNHWFRP =*DOOHULH²:1R :1RUWK$YH UWK $YH 7 7DEOHWRSKRPHDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH DEOHWRSKRPHDFFHVVRULHVDQGIXUQLWXUH D _ZZZ _ZZZ]JDOOHULHFRP ]JDOOH HULHFRP of Chicago Experience the great city of Chicago! From arts to sports, there is an abundance of world-class destinations from which to choose. World-famous blues and jazz clubs If you’re into music, your Chicago trip should definitely include jazz or blues. Popular with blues fans the world over with live blues music nightly: Blue Chicago 536 N. Clark Street and 736 N. Clark Street 312-661-0100 Buddy Guy’s Legends 754 S. Wabash 312-427-0333 Legendary sports team Fabulous Theater & Comedy Chicago’s Theater District offers fabulous theatrical events. Blue Man Group 3133 N. Halsted St. 773-348-4000 Second City - Comedy Shows 1616 N. Wells St. 312-664-4032 Miscellaneous More things to do and see. Chicago is the home for some of the most famous teams in the world’s leading professional sports leagues. During your Show visit in March, you can attend a Bulls basketball game: Sky Deck Box: The Ledge Stand on a glass balcony 1353' in the air at Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower) 233 S. Wacker Dr. 312-875-9447 Chicago Bulls at the United Center 1901 West Madison Street Monday, 7 March; 7:00 p.m. Chicago Bulls vs. Oklahoma City Lincoln Park Zoo 2001 N. Clark Street 312-742-2000 continued on reverse side Magnificent shopping Chicago’s Magnificent Mile on Michigan Avenue is a world-famous shopping destination, with hundreds of top retailers and four separate shopping centers. Top-choice museums The downtown Museum Campus is home of three great attractions: the Field Museum of Natural History, The Shedd Aquarium and the Adler Planetarium. Other internationally renowned institutions in Chicago include the Museum of Contemporary Art and the Art Institute of Chicago. For more information on these and other Chicago museums, see Great architecture and spectacular attractions The “must” places to see in Chicago include Willis Tower, Navy Pier and Millennium Park. The best way to see these and many other great sights of Chicago is to participate in a guided city tour. Try Chicago Architecture Foundation’s architecture tours— or the popular “Hop on! Hop off!” tours by Chicago Trolley and Double Decker Co.— For more city tour options, please see Exciting neighborhoods Chicago is a city of neighborhoods. Go beyond the Magnificent Mile, and you will find great destinations such as Chinatown, Old Town, Wrigleyville, Little Italy… all full of life and character. All Show hotels are located in downtown Chicago, convenient to exploring the city after the Show day! scene Chicago offers world-class restaurants featuring local specialties and unique tastes from around the globe… See map on back for restaurant names and locations. Here are some highlights... The best steaks Chicago is known for some of the best steak houses in America. Chicago Chop House ■ Gibsons Bar & Steakhouse Weber Grill Restaurant ■ Morton’s the Steakhouse © Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau Original deep-dish pizza Chicago-style deep-dish pizza is famous throughout the world. Gino's East ■ Giordano's ■ Uno Chicago Grill Inspirational and unique Want to try something different? Here are some of the most highly valued restaurants in Chicago, serving experimental dishes that inspire chefs around the world. Charlie Trotter's (Reservations in advance a must) ■ Spiaggia ■ Spring ■ Tru Cocktails with the best city view The John Hancock Center Signature Room is a special Chicago destination for cocktails or dinner. Located on top of the John Hancock Center (95th floor!), this restaurant offers the best possible view over downtown Chicago. Traditionally American, tastefully international – choice is yours For hundreds more restaurants in Chicago, visit or —search by cuisine, location or price group. continued on reverse side Table reservations are highly recommended! Make your reservation at the Chicago Convention and Tourism Bureau information & service desk at the Show or online at 44 50 37 49 30 26 45 36 33 48 43 25 24 35 34 31 Chicago Downtown Restaurants Serving Lunch and Dinner All restaurants are within a 10 minute cab ride. 40 29 38 23 41 46 39 28 27 32 47 2 Atwood Cafe Hotel Burnham 1 W. Washington St. 42 3 Bennigan's Grill & Tavern 150 S. Michigan Ave. 9 11 4 China Grill The Hard Rock Hotel Chicago 230 N. Michigan Ave. 1 4 5 Exchequer Restaurant and Pub 226 S. Wabash Ave. 13 2 10 6 Italian Village Restaurants 71 W. Monroe St. 12 6 1 aria The Fairmont Chicago 200 N. Columbus Dr. 7 Lockwood Restaurant & Bar The Palmer House Hotel 17 E. Monroe St. 7 8 3 8 Miller's Pub 134 S. Wabash Ave. 5 9 The Palm The Swissotel 323 E. Wacker Dr. 10 Park Grill 11 N. Michigan Ave. Lake Michigan 18 11 South Water Kitchen Hotel Monaco 225 N. Wabash Ave. 12 The Gage Chicago 24 S. Michigan Ave. 13 The Walnut Room Macy’s on State Street 111 N. State St., 7th Fl. 14 Pane Caldo 72 E Walton St. 15 Grace O'Malley's Restaurant - Pub 1416 S. Michigan Ave. 19 22 15 17 31 Caliterra Restaurant Wyndham Hotel 633 N. St. Clair 32 Capi's Italian Kitchen Navy Pier 700 E. Grand Ave. 33 C-House Restaurant Affinia Chicago Hotel 166 E. Superior Ave. 34 Coco Pazzo Cafe 636 N. St. Clair St. 35 David Burke's Primehouse James Hotel 616 N. Rush St. 36 Devon Seafood Grill 39 E. Chicago Ave. 37 Ditka's Restaurant Tremont Hotel 100 E. Chestnut St. 38 Grand Lux Cafe 600 N. Michigan Ave., 2nd Fl. 39 Harvest Grill Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile 540 N. Michigan Ave. 40 The Indian Garden Restaurant 247 E. Ontario St. 43 M Avenue Restaurant Allerton Hotel 701 N. Michigan Ave. 44 McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant 41 E. Chestnut St. 21 Weather Mark Tavern 1503 S. Michigan Ave. 45 NoMI Park Hyatt 800 N. Michigan Ave., 7th Fl. 22 Zapatista 1307 S. Wabash Ave. 46 The Restaurant at Conrad Hotel 521 N. Rush St. 23 300 East, An American Cafe Doubletree Chicago Magnificent Mile 300 E. Ohio St. 47 Riva Navy Pier 700 E. Grand Ave. 25 676 Restaurant & Bar Omni Chicago Hotel 676 North Michigan Ave. * All restaurant locations are approximate. 30 The Cafe at the Ritz-Carlton Chicago 160 E Pearson Street 42 LB Bistro & Patisserie Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers 301 E. North Water St., Lvl. 2 24 Farmerie 58 4 Points By Sheraton 58 E. Ontario St. 20 29 Burrito Beach 200 E. Ohio St. 17 La Cantina Grill 1911 S. Michigan Ave. 20 Shor Hyatt McCormick Place 2233 S Martin Luther King Dr. Burnham Harbor 28 Buca Di Beppo 521 N Rush St. 41 Joe's Seafood, Prime Steak and Stone Crab 60 E. Grand Ave. 19 Panozzo's Italian Market 1303 S. Michigan Ave. 16 27 Bubba Gump Shrimp Company Navy Pier 700 E. Grand Ave. 16 Kroll's South Loop 1736 S. Michigan Ave. 18 Mercat A La Planxa 638 S. Michigan Ave. 21 26 Bistro 110 110 East Pearson St. 48 Rosebud on Rush 720 N. Rush 49 The Saloon Steakhouse Senecca Hotel 200 E. Chestnut St. 50 The Signature Room at the 95th 875 N. Michigan Ave. For more dining options, visit ...Show contacts For more information on the 2011 International Home + Housewares Show, use the contacts below. Or see for the detailed Show schedule, exhibitor search and other tools to help you prepare your Show visit. Show Contacts • International Housewares Association Derek Miller, Vice President, International +1.847.692.0161 • IHA International Offices • International Travel Offices Registration Information • General Show Information and International Attendee Show Services • Registration for Show Entrance Badges • United States Visa Requirements www.housewares.og/HousewaresConnect365 • Search for Exhibitors • Show Events Information & Calendar (available online 17 December, 2010) • Plan Your Trip to Chicago Official Hotels e ’Har To O port Air METRA METRA A METR Affinia Chicago Allegro Hotel Chicago Allerton Hotel Amalfi Hotel Chicago Ambassador East Hotel Avenue Crowne Plaza Chicago Blackstone, A Renaissance Hotel Chicago Marriott Downtown Chicago’s Essex Inn Comfort Inn & Suites Courtyard Chicago Downtown River North 12. DoubleTree Hotel Magnificent Mile 13. Drake Hotel 14. Embassy Suites Chicago - Downtown 15. Embassy Suites Chicago - Lakefront 16. Fairfield Inn & Suites 17. Fairmont Chicago 18. Four Points by Sheraton 19. Four Seasons Chicago 20. Hard Rock Chicago 21. Hilton Chicago 22. Hilton Garden Inn 23. Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza 24. Hotel 71 25. Hotel Cass, A Holiday Inn Express 26. Hotel Felix 27. Hotel Indigo 28. Hyatt Regency Chicago 29. Hyatt Regency McCormick Place 30. Inn of Chicago 31. InterContinental Chicago 32. James Chicago 33. Omni Chicago 34. Palmer House Hilton 35. Peninsula Chicago 36. Renaissance Chicago Hotel 37. Ritz-Carlton Chicago 38. Sax Chicago, A Thompson Hotel 39. Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers 40. Sofitel Chicago 41. Sutton Place 42. Swissôtel Chicago 43. Talbott Hotel 44. theWit, A DoubleTree Hotel 45. W Chicago City Center 46. W Chicago Lakeshore 47. Westin Michigan Avenue 48. Westin River North 49. Wyndham Chicago 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. To Midway Airport
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