2015 Issue 4 - Queechy High School


2015 Issue 4 - Queechy High School
1 April 2015
Dear Community,
Term 1, finished! Yes, it was a shorter term than in previous years but still, it felt like a matter of days,
rather than weeks or months. Conversely it feels as if we have managed to achieve more in this time
than ever before. At our first whole school assembly on February 6th, and in our first newsletter, I
described how we were determined that SUCCESS will be the word best summarising 2015. Today’s
assembly, the final for the term, was entitled “Celebrating Success at Queechy” – it did, and we did. In
fact, we had so much to celebrate, that it ran into the lunch hour. Achievements, individual and group,
were recognised; certificates and badges given; whole school awards reported and handed over. This
assembly did not include or acknowledge all that we have accomplished since the year began as readers of
previous newsletters and our Facebook pages (Queechy and Queechy HPE) will know. When I spoke
today I thanked the staff and students for acting on my request to make SUCCESS our focus and
commented that if we continue at this rate for the remaining terms we will have a wonderful year and if
we increase our achievements, we will be setting a new benchmark that will be hard for future years to
match….but we would enjoy the challenge! You can hear just how positive and privileged I have felt to
be leading this excellent school in 2015!
Thank you to our Swimming and Diving Inter-High Teams. What a fantastic group of young people.
I was in the fortunate position to be able to attend both events, albeit for a short time, and see just how
supportive, well-behaved and willing to challenge themselves each team member was; they did everything
asked of them with a smile and a can-do attitude that is fast becoming a hallmark of Queechy. All gave of
their best, our younger students impressed by competing against older age groups as required; senior
students mentored, supported and took on carnival-wide roles and Fraser Sutton didn’t just beat records,
he smashed them! “Congratulations Fraser, not only dominating the pool at school and inter-high level
but competing nationally as well - we are so proud of your efforts - performing at this elite level
demands focus and determination! Thank you to the staff and parents who made sure our students had
an opportunity to train before school at least once and/or who coached our teams. Winning the
Inter-High Diving was an additional highlight this term. It is the first Inter-High shield won by Queechy
since I took up my position over ten years ago, the first Diving shield we’ve won in 20 years AND a
tangible representation of our ability to excel in many diverse ways.
Thank you also to parents who attended our interviews on Tuesday evening. We are available to discuss
concerns at any time throughout the term but these interviews are one way of ensuring we have a strong
partnership with home.
I hope you have a relaxing Easter break and look forward to working with your children again in Term 2.
Kathy Davis
SLB Camp
Last week our SLB students headed off to Camp Banksia for a fun filled camp that focussed on
team building and goal setting for our student leaders.
Well done SLB, your outstanding attitude and hard work made it a fantastic camp.
Inter-High Diving CHAMPIONS!!!
Last Tuesday QHS sent a team of 12 students to the Launceston Aquatic Centre to participate in
(and win!) the Inter-High Diving Carnival. This is the first Inter-High Diving Shield Queechy has won for
20 years and the first Inter-High aggregate shield of any kind in over 10 years so it is a fantastic
achievement. Each event had 10-12 participants and we had 11 top 5 finishes which is amazing
considering most people had very little or no experience diving at all. Juanita Cowling and
Alex Pugh-Harris were our best individual performers with both winning their events. A special thanks
to Janet Pugh and Pip Hedley who gave up their own time to help the team at the practice sessions and
at the carnival. We definitely wouldn’t have won without their help. There will be some photos and
video on the Queechy HPE and Sport Facebook page soon.
Easter Egg Monsters
Inter-High Swimming Carnival
Inter-High Swimming was a huge success. We were lucky enough to have around 50 students
proudly representing the school and every one of them did their best to contribute to the team.
There were so many special and inspirational performances, it would be impossible to share
them all, so here are a few:
Riley Dawe-Ellis stepping up for the 50 Fly
Ryan Phelps (Gr 7) taking on the grade 8’s at the 50 Fly to ensure we had a representative
Eleanor Renton (Gr 7) raced in the grade 9 girls 50 Fly and finished 3rd!
Fraser Sutton broke records like plates at a Greek wedding
Leah Renton dominated… no other word to describe it
Clay Hall-Wharton proved he is the superior Grade 10 swimmer in the NHSSA
Ebony Flood was the team leader and was an inspiration for the team
We won the combined age 50 metre Free relay which was amazing and inspirational
Fraser giving his dad the ‘Show me the money’ sign after another record
We went on to finish 3rd with only 9 points keeping us from second. More importantly though,
we had such a fun time filled full of laughs and support for teammates that was equally as
enthusiastic for 6th place as it was for first.
One of my proudest moments (and there were a lot) was when our Queechy crowd cheered in
support of a student from another school that was struggling to finish his race, and the support
given to him by our timekeepers at the end of the pool. We were certainly the front runners in
compassion and character.
Relay for Life
After in excess of 2000 laps completed as a team, our SLB are proud to announce we raised
$761.25 for the Cancer Council. A big thank you to everyone who helped us out, it was a great
7G’s Favourite Moments at Camp Clayton
The thing that I enjoyed the most about the camp was the time on the beach on the first night.
Sophie Martin
The best thing about camp was having the Peer Support Leaders helping us with our activities.
Diane Ikin
I enjoyed the Flying Fox the most, but it gave me a major wedgie! Harley Langley
I loved the food and the fact that we were allowed to choose who we sat with.
Erin Gilhome-Lockett
Most of the students in 7G loved the Giant Swing!
I loved the moment when I got dropped while I was on the giant Swing. It made me feel like I
was flying! Beau Moran
I believe that I achieved something by going on the Giant Swing, all the way to the top, despite
my fear of heights. Catelyn Harper
My favourite thing on camp was the Giant Swing. It was scary and cool, and I thought I was going
to die but I didn’t! Monique Ioannidis
Opening Hours
Tuesday - 1.00pm to 3.30pm
Polo tops, trackpants, boys shorts (large) and jumpers are now in stock in the Clothing Pool.
Rugby tops should arrive at the start of Term 2.
Fold Up Pram Required
Our Child Studies class need a fold up pram for the virtual baby. If anyone has one they would like to
donate to the school, we would greatly appreciate it!
Important news for parents about the Asthma & Anaphylaxis
Schools Program
Students with asthma – no matter how mild
If your child has asthma – even if it is quite mild – please let us know.
We just completed training with the Asthma Foundation of Tasmania. They told us that
there is no way of predicting if a student may suddenly have a major flare up, even if it has
not happened before.
So please let us know so we can fulfil our duty of care and keep an eye on them.
Students with anaphylaxis
Please make sure that we have your child’s most recent Anaphylaxis Action Plan.
The plan that we are referring to is the one that has the patient’s photo attached and
signed off by a doctor.
According to ASCIA, Australia’s authority on anaphylaxis, the plans should be renewed by
your doctor at least once a year.
Any questions on asthma or anaphylaxis
If you have any queries, talk to the Asthma Foundation of Tasmania, the organisers of the
Schools Program, by visiting www.asthmatas.org.au or calling 1800 278 462.
An Australian, State, Territory and Local Government Initiative
Come and have a free photo taken with friends to help spread the word
about diversity and inclusion in our community. An album will be
created and presented to the Launceston City Council for display at the
Town Hall. A free gift and photo for all who participate!
It’s Up To Us.
Monday 13th April from 11am to 3pm
Civic Square Launceston
For further information please contact Troy O’Konnah on:
Mob: 0409 169 953 Ph: 6334 4966 Email: tokonnah@njl.org.au
This event is supported by
Term Dates 2015
Class Times
First bell 8:45am
Term 1
Wednesday 4th February - Grade 7
Thursday 5th February – Grade 8,9 & 10
Easter Break
Friday 3rd April - Tuesday 7th April
Term 2
Monday 20th April - Friday 3rd July
Term 3
Tuesday 20th July - Friday 25th September
Term 4
Monday 12th October - Thursday 17th December
Student Free Days 2015
Wednesday 25th February (Launceston Cup)
Thursday 2nd April
Tutor Group: 8:45am - 9:00am
Block 1:
9:00am - 10:10am
Recess 1:
10:10am - 10:30am
Block 2:
10:30am - 11:40am
Recess 2:
11:40am - 12:00pm
Block 3:
12:00pm - 1:10pm
1:10pm - 1:50pm
Block 4:
1:50 pm - 3:00pm
Monday 20th July (Now Cancelled)
Friday 23rd October
Wednesday 1st April
Last Day Term 1
Thursday 2nd April
Student Free Day
Friday 3rd April
Monday 20th April
Term 2 Starts
Wednesday 27 May
School Association Meeting - 7pm
Tuesday 9 June
Inter-High Cross Country
Tuesday 30 June - Sunday 19 July
World Challenge
Monday 20 July
Student Free Day Cancelled - Normal School Day
Tuesday 20 July - Friday 31 July
Grade 10 Exams
Queechy High School
Penquite Road, Launceston Tas 7250
PO Box 678, Kings Meadows Tas 7249
Ph: (03) 6341 4455 Fax: (03) 6344 9892
Email: queechy.high@education.tas.gov.au
Web: www.queechy.tased.edu.au