Angels` Nectar p 26 Hielander Whisky Festival 13 + 14.02


Angels` Nectar p 26 Hielander Whisky Festival 13 + 14.02
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
Nieuw in Nederland: Angels’ Nectar p 26
Hielander Whisky Festival 13 + 14.02
Whiskyproeverij De Whisky Proevers 13.03
Schotland Digizine wordt gratis via e-mail verspreid met het ideaal om zoveel mogelijk in Schotland en whisky geïnteresseerden van een diversiteit aan info te voorzien.
Onderwerpen kunnen bijvoorbeeld zijn: Schotland • Schotland buiten Schotland • Schotse winkels • Schotse restaurants • Schotse ruiten (tartans) • Schotse evenementen
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De voorpagina:
Info enzo graag aanleveren vóór 15 maart 2015
Fotografie Edward Mackenzie
5 things about Scotland
Visit Scotland
Foto’s van internet
Tartan & Whisky
History of the kilt
Celtic & Balfolk Night
Year of Food and Drink 2015
Holyrood Park Edinburgh
Scottish Event & Mookerheide Market
Recepten - Atholl Brose + Butterscotch24
Angels’ Nectar Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Hielander Whisky Festival
De whisky Proevers + Schotse Malt Whisky Proeverij
Café De Pompier
Speyside distillery
Whisky tasting
Temple Bar
Mulligan’s Grocer
Whisky in Leiden
Dublin trip
Spey distillery interview
The Balvenie Rare Craft
Glasgow distillery
St Andrews distillery
Perth Whisky Festival
Torabhaig distillery
Nieuw in Nederland: Angels’ Nectar, Blended Malt Scotch Whisky.
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Februari 2015
13 en 14
Maart 2015
Hielander Whisky Festival, Alkmaar
Februari 2015
27 t/m 29
Whisky Festival Noord Nederland, Groningen
Maart 2015
Music Show Scotland, Hannover, Duitsland
Music Show Scotland, Ahoy, Rotterdam
Februari 2015
April 2015
Celtic & Balfolk Night, De Doelen, Rotterdam
Whisky in Leiden, Leiden
Februari 2015
April 2015
27 en 28
Whisky aan de Maas, Maastricht
Music Show Scotland, Antwerpen, België
Maart 2015
April 2015
The Spirit of Amsterdam
25 en 26
The Whisky Fair, Limburg an der Lahn, Duitsland
Maart 2015
13 en 14
April/mei 2015
Whisky Weekend Twente, Almelo
30 april t/m 4 mei
Spirit of Speyside Whisky Festival, Schotland
Maart 2015
14 en 15
Mei 2015
International Malt Whisky Festival Gent, Gent, België
22 t/m 30
The Islay Festival of Music & Malt, Islay, Schotland
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Edward Mackenzie
Bij de voorgaande pagina
IIt’s all about the light...
Fotograferen is schrijven met licht, maar wat als er (bijna) geen licht is? Als de hemel
diep-grauw is en kleuren verdwijnen? Dan kan je natuurlijk een flitser gebruiken,
maar voor landschapsfotografie biedt dat geen soelaas. Het enige dat er op zit is ...
wachten. Of een andere keer terugkomen, natuurlijk.
Lekker, duurzaam en diervriendelijk vlees eten kan!
In dit geval was terugkomen geen optie, want mijn verblijf op Skye, in februari, liep
ten einde. Wachten dus, op wat het licht zou doen. De compositie was bepaald, en
dus stonden we daar, mijn vriend Tim Wilcock (Skye-based photographer) en ik. In
storm en regenvlagen, twee uur lang. Het liep tegen donker (dat wil zeggen - het
Natuurvlees van de
Schotse Hooglander
werd nog donkerder) toen opeens de hemel openbrak en één straal zonlicht stuurdedoor het gat in het dikke wolkendek. Precies op de rots die als golfbreker dienst
deed, met de beroemde Cuillins op de achtergrond.
Hoeveel geluk kan je hebben als fotograaf? Veel meer niet, lijkt me. Zeker niet toen
bij de nabewerking bleek dat er ook nog een stukje regenboog op stond. Geduld,
kou, natte kleren en het eindeloos de regenkap op/afdoen - alles is dan vergeten!
Online bestellen, voor 12 uur besteld is de volgende dag in huis
Voor de liefhebbers: Nikon D600 (FF), f13, ISO 100, 155 mm Nikon 70-300, 1/100
Fam. Kuipers | Kaleweg 13 | Opende |
Meer informatie over mijn werk en mijn workshopprogramma 2015:
Facebook Fotografie Edward Mackenzie of op
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5 things about Scotland
5 Things you didn’t know
about Scotland
Tartan: Scotland’s Famous Patterned Woven Textile
It’s the most recognizable pattern associated with Scotland. Tartan consists of “interwoven vertical and horizontal lines, known as a sett,” according to Scotland’s National Tourism Organisation. The pattern is seen on shirts, kilts and other clothing.
April 6 Commemorates the Signing of Arbroath in 1320
The Declaration of Arbroath, a declaration of Scottish independence, was signed on
April 6, 1320. Scottish barons and earls then sent the declaration, in the form of a
letter, to Pope John XXII to assert Scotland’s status as an independent state. It also
asked the pontiff to recognize “Robert the Bruce as the country’s lawful king,” accord-
ing to the National Records of Scotland. The American Declaration of Independence
was modeled after the Declaration of Arbroath.
In the United States, the Senate passed a resolution in 1998 to designate April 6 as
“National Tartan Day.”
“Whereas this resolution honors the major role that Scottish Americans played in the
founding of this nation, such as the fact that almost half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were of Scottish descent, the governors in nine of the original
13 States were of Scottish ancestry, Scottish Americans successfully helped shape
this country in its formative years and guide this nation through its most troubled
times.” the resolution said.
In 2005, the House passed similar resolution.
Tartan: de Whisky Tartan
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About Scotland vervolg
“Auld Lang Syne” Is a Traditional Scottish Song
It’s the tune that New Year’s Eve revelers love to belt out. Written by poet Robert
Burns in 1788, the song was set to a traditional Scottish folk melody. “Auld Lang
Syne” literally means “old long since,” according to Scotland’s official government
Below is the original Scots version of Auld Lang Syne:
1. Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot,
And days o’ auld lang syne.
Chorus And for auld lang syne, my jo,
For auld lang syne,
We’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne,
2. And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp!
And surely I’ll be mine!
And we’ll tak a cup o’ kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
3. We twa hae run about the braes
And pu’d the gowans fine;
But we’ve wander’d mony a weary foot
Sin auld lang syne.
4. We twa hae paidl’d i’ the burn,
Frae mornin’ sun till dine;
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About Scotland vervolg
But seas between us braid hae roar’d
Sin auld lang syne.
5. And there’s a hand, my trusty fiere!
And gie’s a hand o’ thine!
And we’ll tak a right guid willy waught,
For auld lang syne.
Not all Bagpipes: From Snow Patrol to Idlewild to Susan Boyle
While Scottish music is often associated with bagpipes, there are several artists who
hail from or got their start in Scotland, including “Britain’s Got Talent’s” Susan Boyle,
Scottish/Northern Irish band Snow Patrol, rock band Big Country and indie band
Frightened Rabbit.
Pitlochry & Blair Atholl Pipe Band
Gaelic Still Alive in Scotland
While English is still the main language spoken in Scotland, there more than 150
other languages spoken, including the ancient Celtic language of Gaelic. According
to the “Attitudes Toward the Gaelic Language” study in 2011, 80 percent of the Scot-
tish population was “aware of Gaelic being used in Scotland, with highest awareness
of Gaelic usage in the media (61percent).” Another 39 percent mentioned Gaelic
used in education. Gaelic is also used in transportation signage.
Gaelic road signs
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Visit Scotland
Romantisch februari
Wat te doen in februari?
Februari is een fantastische maand voor de wintersport en het spectaculaire winterlandschap van Schotland. Ontdek wat er allemaal te doen is in februari.
Gastronomie in februari
In februari wordt Valentijnsdag gevierd, de ideale gelegenheid om elkaar te verwen-
nen met heerlijke Schotse gerechten! Proef verse oesters uit Loch Fyne of het Isle
of Skye, of geniet van heerlijke langoustines op hun best. Mosselen komen deze
maand aan het einde van hun seizoen, terwijl de wilde zalmtijd juist begint. Proef het
eens op een bed van knapperige en smakelijke wintersla.
Als u een waarlijk luxe dinerervaring wilt meemaken, kunt u geen betere keuze
doen dan een van de restaurants met Michelinster in Schotland. Er zijn in totaal 15
bekroonde restaurants met de heerlijkste gerechten en een onberispelijke service
overal in het land, van Martin Wishart en Castle Terrace in Edinburgh tot de Peat
Inn in Fife en Kinloch Lodge op het schitterende Isle of Skye. Zoetekauwen zullen
genieten van de bijzondere traktaties van Iain Burnett, die bekend staat als de
Highland Chocolatier. Zijn stijlvolle winkel in Grantully in Perthshire ligt vol heerlijke
truffels, praliné’s en florentines, en in zijn tweede winkel in St Andrews vindt u de
exclusieve Hot Velvet Shot, een decadent cacaodrankje perfect voor koud februariweer.
Evenementen in februari
De St Andrews Food Fayre vindt plaats op 7 en 8 februari 2015, en geeft bezoekers
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Visit Scotland vervolg
aan de historische universiteitsstad te kans om van de heerlijkste Schotse producten
te genieten. Meer dan 50 producenten uit geheel Schotland vullen de Younger Hall
met hun zalige waren, van vlees en zuivelproducten tot cakes en chocolaatjes, terwijl
professionele chef-koks iedereen inspireren met hun kookdemonstraties.
eniet van een uitje naar de film tijdens het Glasgow Film Festival dat op 18 februari voor de 11e keer van start gaat. Dit is momenteel het snelst groeiende
filmfestival in GB en duurt 12 dagen. Zie lange en korte films uit de hele wereld en
geniet van het uitstekende Glasgow Youth Film Festival, dat helemaal door jonge
mensen wordt ingevuld. Maak tussen 11 en 15 februari een romantische wande-
ling door het Cambo Estate in Fife, en bewonder de ‘Snowdrops by Starlight’,
een van de hoogtepunten van het Schotse sneeuwklokjesfestival. Tijden deze
spectaculaire licht- en geluidsshow wordt het terrein omgetoverd in een sprookjesland. Prachtige installaties in het bos, handgemaakte beelden en honderden
witte winterbloemen. Wie een steviger wandeling en excursies in de buitenlucht
zoekt, zal geïnspireerd worden door het Fort William Mountain Festival. Ga tussen 18 en 22 februari naar deze stad in de Highlands en luister naar fascine-
rende lezingen door fantastische bergbeklimmers en mountain bikers, bekijk de
nieuwste documentaires of doe mee met de zware races of de workshops in het
nabijgelegen Nevis-gebergte.
Activiteiten in februari
In de schitterende Schotse bergen staat u het ultieme winteravontuur te wachten:
Geniet van een spannede ski- en snowboardvakantie in het prachtige landschap
van de Highlands. In Schotland vindt u vijf fantastische skigebieden, elk met groene,
blauwe, rode en zwarte pistes: Nevis Range, Glencoe Mountain, CairnGorm Moun-
tain, The Lecht en Glenshee.
Het wintersportseizoen loopt van december t/m april, afhankelijk van de weersom-
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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Foto’s van internet
Visit Scotland vervolg
standigheden en sneeuwval. En dankzij de moderne sneeuwmachines zijn de skigebieden in de meeste gevallen zelfs nog langer open.
De faciliteiten in de Schotse wintersportbestemmingen doen niet onder voor de rest
van Europa. Er zijn bijvoorbeeld speciale skihutten gebouwd met café’s, bars, win-
kels en toiletten. Uitrusting en kleding is ter plekke te huur of bij de onafhankelijke ski
en snowboard verhuurders in de omgeving van de wintersportplaatsen.
Bovendien kunt u in alle wintersportplaatsen ski- of snowboardles nemen of uw techniek bijschaven in een veilige omgeving onder het wakend oog van een professio-
nele skileraar. Er zijn allerlei skischolen met speciale aanbiedingen voor freestyle,
westrijdskiën en off-piste skiën.
De ski- en snowboardcentra van Schotland liggen dichtbij de grote steden, de
meeste liggen binnen drie uur van Edinburgh en Glasgow. Er gaat een groot aantal
budgetvluchten naar Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen en Inverness, dus een ski- en
snowboardvakantie in Schotland is zeer voordelig.
Wildlife in februari
De frisse, heldere dagen in dit seizoen zijn ideaal om de meest indrukwekkende
vogels van Schotland te kunnen zien. Veel voorkomende roofvogels, zoals buizerds,
vindt u overal in het land, terwijl de Schotse Highlands en eilanden het ideale woongebied vormen voor de adembenemende steenarend en zeearend.
De zeearend is de grootste roofvogel in Groot-Brittannië en de op drie na grootste
arend ter wereld, met een fenomenaal gezichtsvermogen. Nadat de zeearend in de
19e eeuw werd uitgeroeid in de jacht, is hij onlangs met succes in het wild vrijgelaten
in bepaalde delen van Schotland. De kracht en schoonheid van deze vogels maakt
niet alleen op fervente vogelkijkers indruk.
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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Tartan & Whisky
Visit Scotland vervolg
It’s what
Legendarisch maart
Bezoek de kastelen en monumenten die als herinnering dienen aan het woelige
verleden van Schotland.
Wat te doen in maart
to the last
Schotland komt in de lente helemaal tot leven met jonge dieren en van de trek terug-
Activiteiten in maart
who called it
a skirt
kerende vogels. Ontdek wat er allemaal te doen is in maart.
Schotland is een wereldbestemming voor liefhebbers van de hengelsport, zowel
zoetwater- als zeevissen. Het hele jaar door kunt u deze sport overal in het land
fantastisch beoefenen.
Een dagje vissen aan de rivier is een heerlijke manier om van het indrukwekkende
landschap te genieten. He zalmvisseizoen van Schotland wisselt per rivier, maar
over het algemeen kunt van 11 januari tot 30 november altijd ergens terecht.
Het officiële forelseizoen loopt van 15 maart t/m 6 oktober, hoewel sommige rivieren
in Aberdeenshire en de Highlands open zijn tot 1 april.
Let tijdens het plannen van uw hengelsportvakantie op het volgende: Op zondag is
het streng verboden op zalm en meerforel te vissen. Andere vormen van vissen zijn
wel toegestaan, zoals vissen in stilstaand water. Zorg dat u een visvergunning heeft
voor u uitwerpt. De rivieren worden meestal beheerd door landeigenaren, hengelsportverengingen en/of commerciële visserijen.
In maart kunt u in de rivier de Tweed vissen met professionele hulp van een “Tweed
Guide”. Of u kunt een gids inhuren voor bijvoorbeeld sportvissen op meerforel, At-
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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Visit Scotland vervolg
lantische zalm en vlagzalm. Van de lieslaarzen tot de hengel, alle uitrusting is inbegrepen, u hoeft alleen maar zelf het geduld op te brengen!
Wildlife in maart
In maart komt het spectaculaire landschap van Schotland helemaal tot leven: De
lentebloemen bloeien in felle kleuren en er zijn vele wilde dieren te zien. Bovendien
is dit een belangrijke datum voor hengelsportliefhebbers, want nu begint het seizoen
voor meerforel. Op de symbolische Bass Rock aan de kust van East Lothian is bijna
de helft van alle Europese zeevogels te vinden, met belangrijke kolonies jan-vangenten, alken en zeekoeten.
Handgemaakte Kilts en
Handgemaakte bagpipes
Van maart tot september wordt bezoekers de fantastische mogelijkheid geboden om
de Bass Rock in een boot te bezoeken vanuit het Scottish Seabird Centre in North
Berwick. Bovendien kunt u de vogels het hele jaar door volgen op de webcams in het
Kilts & bagpipes gemaakt
volgens Schotse traditie.
Nog een hoogtepunt in maart, dat u zeker niet mag missen, zijn de vele velden met
sneeuwklokjes. Aangezien sneeuwklokjes in verschillende omstandigheden bloeien,
zijn de prachtige witte lentebloempjes in geheel Schotland te zien.
Nederlands enige
Kilt– en bagpipemaker!
Voor meer informatie kijk op:
of mail naar:
Cambo Estate in St Andrews, Fife is het middelpunt van het jaarlijkse Scottish Snow-
drop Festival, waarin de populaire lentebloem in het zonnetje wordt gezet door middel van wandelingen en evenementen in het landgoed.
In Dumfries & Galloway vindt elk jaar het ‘Wild Spring Festival’ plaats, met meer
dan 100 evenementen rondom de Schotse natuur en het dierenleven. Workshops
en wandelingen met plaatselijke deskundigen, tochten voor het hele gezin en nog
veel meer; dit festival is een fantastische kans om meer te weten te komen over het
natuurschoon en wildlife in de regio.
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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Visit Scotland vervolg
Gastronomie in maart
In maart begint het korte seizoen voor zeekool, een ongewone groente die populair
begint te worden bij chef-koks zoals de Schotse houder van een Michelinster, Tom
Kitchin. In Schotland vindt u vele bekroonde chef-koks, die met trots de plaatselijke
ingrediënten van het seizoen gebruiken, van beroemdheden zoals Nick Nairn en
Tony Singh tot creatieve plaatselijke restauranteigenaren in eetgelegenheden overal
can use
in het land.
Deze maand sluit de inschrijving voor de Food & Drink Excellence Awards van Schot-
land en de definitieve shortlist wordt snel daarna bekend gemaakt. Deze awards
hebben 22 categorieën en zijn bedoeld voor de allerbeste producten op gebied van
Schotse gerechten en dranken. De winnaars vorig jaar waren onder andere Loch
Fyne Oysters, Iain Burnett Highland Chocolatier en Spencerfield Spirit Co, die de
populaire Edinburgh Gin produceert. Nog een manier om de heerlijkste hapjes en
drankjes in Schotland te ontdekken is door op de Taste Our Best-symbolen te letten in restaurants, café’s, hotels en andere eetgelegenheden overal in het land. Dit
kwaliteitsgarantieprogramma erkent etablissementen die duurzaamheid nastreven
en tenminste 40% Schotse producten op het menu hebben, van plaatselijke fruit en
groenten tot vis, vlees en wild.
Evenementen in maart
In maart worden overal in het land muziekfestivals gehouden. Musici uit Schotland
en daarbuiten spelen prachtige nummers voor het enthousiaste publiek tijdens het
Aberdeen Jazz Festival, en het Ayrshire Music Festival introduceert plaatselijk talent
bij de luisteraars.
Muthill Road :: Crieff :: Perthshire :: PH7 4HQ Scotland
T +44 (0)1764 655444 :: F +44 (0)1764 654242
E :: I
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
Dichters uit alle werelddelen inspireren St Andrews van 4 t/m 8 maart in StAnza, het
International Poetry Festival van Schotland. Laat u inspireren door lezingen en voor-
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Visit Scotland vervolg
drachten door bekroonde dichters en schrijvers, of laat uw eigen creatieve kant de
vrije loop in workshops of lessen die door de beste schrijvers van Schotland worden
gegeven. Het beroemde gevoel voor humor in Glasgow komt helemaal tot zijn recht
op het Glasgow Comedy Festival deze maand. Kom luisteren naar grote sterren
zoals Jimmy Carr, Al Murray en Simon Amstell, die het publiek overal in de stad aan
het lachen krijgen. Kijk klassieke comedy-films nog eens een keer of ontdek nieuw
talent in de borrelende comedy scene van Schotland.
Natuurlijk Mineraal Water
uit de Schotse Hooglanden
Nu ook verkrijgbaar in Nederland
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1 liter met koolzuur
2 liter zonder koolzuur
Distributeur in Nederland
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T 06 38 17 12 19
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
St. Andrews, Fife
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Jouke MacAuckema
History of the kilt
Jouke MacAuckema is al vele jaren actief in de Schotse, Ierse en Keltische
Jouke is zanger, entertainer en multiinstrumentalist. Naast gitaar speelt hij
ook mandoline, luit, bodhran, mandola,
6- en 12-snarige gitaar, banjo, dulcimer
en shruti box.
Jouke is een muzikant die graag akoes-
The kilt the integral part of the world renowned Scottish National Dress, but what
zoekt met zijn publiek.
special occasions.
makes it unique is that even non-Scots have taken to wearing it as formal dress for
tisch optreed en steeds het contact
Hire shops have become very popular Worldwide and reasonable hire charges have
U kunt Jouke MacAuckema solo boe-
made it the only national dress you may see worn in almost any country in the world.
ken maar ook als duo onder de naam
King’s Court, samen met Janny Ireland,
Historically it was not always as popular as it is today. In August 1747, after the de-
of voor de grotere locaties als band onder de naam Loarns Four.
feat of Bonnie Prince Charlie in the 1745 rebellion, the British government banned
Tijdens verschillende gelegenheden
in an attempt at suppressing highland identity.
the wearing of the kilt (and the bagpipes, which were seen as an instrument of war)
heeft Jouke inmiddels zijn passie met
het publiek kunnen delen. Zo treed Jou-
This law remained in force until 1783. During the ban the only people who were
diners, whiskyproeverijen, openingen
mental tartan.
legally allowed to wear the kilt were pipers in the military and then only in their regi-
ke MacAuckema regelmatig op tijdens
van tentoonstellingen, markten, festi-
“... no man or boy within that part of Great Britain called Scotland, other than
vals en Schotse feesten.
such as shall be employed as Officers and soldiers in His Majesty’s Forces,
shall, ... wear or put on the clothes commonly called Highland Clothes ...”
M 06 41 82 27 39
The original kilt was known as the feileadh mhór (philamore) or “big wrap”. After the
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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History of the kilt vervolg
ban and during the 1800s the kilt evolved into something like what we wear today.
This is known in Gaelic as the feileadh beag (philabeg) or little wrap.
The top and bottom parts were separated, the top half (the plaid) being worn over the
shoulder and detachable for comfort. The bottom part was now tailored with sewn in
pleats but no hire companies were on the horizon just yet.
Originally the apron of the garment (the front part) was left unattached but one story,
possibly apocryphal, has it that during a visit by Queen Victoria kilt wearers were subHet Wapen van Schotland is een gezellig Schots restaurant in het centrum van Hooghalen waar
u kunt genieten van al het goeds dat de Schotse en de Drentse Hooglanden u bieden.
U kunt gezellig een aperitiefje nuttigen aan onze typisch Schotse whiskybar met zijn ruime en
nog steeds groeiende collectie whisky. Er is ook speciaalbier en Schots bier op de tap!
Op onze uitgebreide menukaart vindt u naast traditionale Schotse gerechten zoals: Haggis,
stoofschotels, zalm, hert en lamsvlees ook bekende gerechten zoals schnitzel, varkenshaas en
spare ribs.
Tevens zijn er volop visgerechten.
jected to strong winds revealing to her majesty what was worn underneath! Perhaps
that’s why she became so fond of Scotland.
Some say that this event created the demand for the kilt pin, supposedly used to help
keep the garment in place, but actually the pin is only a decoration and should not be
pinned through the two layers or ‘aprons’ of the Kilt.
The original feileadh mhór was a utility, plaid garment worn only by Highlanders. It
was not used in central or southern parts of Scotland. It consisted of about 6 yards of
wool material about two yards wide. The plaid is not to be confused with the American use of the word plaid to describe tartan or checked material.
In Gaelic a plaid is a blanket, not the distinctive checked pattern. Early versions were
Alle dagen geopend
vanaf 10.00 uur.
Keuken vanaf 12.00 uur.
not in tartan because the technology to produce tartan was not yet available. Even
when weaving techniques were improved tartans were generally dull and limited to
* Lunch
* Diner
* Afhaal gerechten
* Terras
* Whiskybar
* Eigen parkeerplaats
* Kinderspeelkamer
the rough browns and greens that could be produced from the natural dyes that were
Hoofdstraat 1 - Hooghalen
Tel. 0593 - 592205
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
available at the time.
The feileadh mór was worn using a complex folding routine. It was first spread on
the ground then the wearer lay on it before folding it round the waist and over the
shoulders. It was held in place at the waist using a broad leather belt.
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
History of the kilt vervolg
The top part of the material that was worn over one shoulder left the other arm free
to use a sword. It could also be used to wrap around oneself to keep out the cold and
to carry things like the day’s food. In battle it was easy to divest. It only required the
belt to be undone for the whole thing to fall away from the body.
The kilt has now become more formal dress wear rather than a practical garment. It
is commonly worn in Scotland at occasions like weddings and formal functions and is
acceptable on all occasions where one would wear a dinner suit or tuxedo.
It is once more gaining in popularity and most Scottish weddings are now conducted
with the groom, best man and lots of the male guests in kilts, whether these are
owned or hired. This is in contrast to many other kinds of traditional wear, even
lounge suits, which are increasingly seen as old-fashioned by today’s trendy young
The kilt outfit of your choice is readily available to buy or hire everywhere and the
kilt has once again started to evolve, this time into a fashion garment worn at every
opportunity by many well known celebrities both Scots and non-Scots.
Many gentlemen can attest to the Kilts ability to make you feel like a million dollars.
As soon as it goes on you feel your chest swell, your spine straightens and you feel
four inches taller.
In the last few years the kilt has also been making an appearance as casual wear,
worn with just a traditional, Ghilllie or Jacobean style shirt, a wool sweater or even a
tee shirt. The young men who now wear it this way also wear big socks and hiking
boots, which may be frowned upon by traditionalists but it does create an appropriate
casual kilt outfit.
Clan Mac Aulay
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Celtic & Balfolk Night
Zaterdag 21 februari 2015 • De Doelen te Rotterdam
Aanvang 16.00 uur • Eind 23.30 uur
Diverse zalen (entree Jurriaanse Zaal)
Westkust & Highlands en Edinburgh | Zelf rijden
aankomst op Edinburgh airport, haal uw van tevoren geboekte huurauto op, rijd
westwaarts via een vastgestelde route (dat zullen wij voor u doen) door een steeds wisselend
landschap naar de westkust, Loch Lomond en Loch Fynne passerend naar Inveraray, waar u
overnacht in een erg prettig in familiebezit zijnd hotel - een van onze favorieten.
De combinatie van diepe melancholie en extreme levensvreugde maakt dat de Kel-
Dag 2 een dag landschap en bezienswaardigheden ontdekken in de omgeving, the Crinan
pubs in de dorpen en steden van Ierland, Schotland en Wales. Wilt u dansen op wal-
Dag 1
Canal. Kintyre, in Inverary zelf bevinden zich een Victoriaanse gevangenis, kasteel (hoofdkwartier van Clan Campbell), wandelingen en kleine winkeltjes. Overnachting in Inveraray.
Dag 3 historische rondreis vandaag, rijdend langs de kust naar Kilmartin Glen, 5000 jaar
oude staande stenen, grafheuvels, oude graven, village Kirk (dorpskerk) en pub. Fantastisch
landschap als u richting Oban rijdt. 13 Kilometer voortijdig linksaf slaan naar Seil Island,
over de “bridge across the Atlantic”, erg pittoresk met een pub naast de brug. Terug naar de
hoofdweg op naar Oban, zeevis hoofdstad van Schotland. Overnachting hier.
Dag 4 opties: rijd oostwaarts naar Glencoe en Fort William, of een veerboot naar het eiland
Mull. Beide opties zullen u goed bevallen, overnachting in Oban.
tische muziek, in al haar diversiteit, eeuwig blijft boeien en inspireren. Ze roept beelden op van groene heuvels en mistige bergmeertjes, maar ook van warme, gezellige
sen, mazurka’s, bourrees en polka’s, of wilt u juist luisterend genieten van een keur
aan muziek met Keltische wortels? Deze uitbundige, feestelijke dag staat compleet
in het teken van die rijke West-Europese tradities.
Met Steeleye Span (GB), Méav (Irl), Sam Lee & Friends (GB), Barrule (Isle of Man),
Georgia Ruth (Wales), Ialma (Galicië/B), Didier Laloy en Bruno Le Tron (B/Fr), Ciac
Dag 5 terugrijden naar Edinburgh via Tyndrum, Killin, Perth, of een meer directe route, kan
vooraf bepaald worden bij uw boeking. Overnachting in Edinburgh.
Boum (Fr), Ballsy Swing (Fr), Gary Sutherland Ceilidh Band (Schotland), EmBrun
Dag 6 we zullen u vele ideeën aanreiken voor uw tijd hier in Edinburgh. Overnachting in
lende dansworkshops: dansen op walsen, mazurka’s, bourrees en polka’s, of luiste-
(B), Naragonia Quartet (B), Celtic Swing (Irl/NL), Red Herring (NL) en vijf verschilrend genieten van een keur aan muziek met Keltische wortels.
Dag 7 helaas, een vlucht huiswaarts!
En natuurlijk de Whisky Proevers
Loch Lomond
Loch Fynne
Inveraray Castle
Bridge across the Atlantic
Oban distillery
Glen Coe
Isle of Mull - Tobermory
Deze reis is inclusief excellente accommodaties, allen en suite, fully cooked Schots ontbijt
elke morgen, huurauto, reisomschrijving en welkomstpakket, afhankelijk van de opties kan
het kaartje(s) voor een overtocht bevatten. KOSTEN zijn afhankelijk van het aantal reisgenoten, jaargetijde en accommodatiekeuze (3, 4, 5 sterren). Indien gewenst, kunnen extra
nachten toegevoegd worden.
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
De Whisky Proevers
De Whisky Proevers
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
T-shirt Scotland
Year of Food and Drink 2015
Year of Food and Drink Scotland 2015 is a Scottish Government initiative led in partnership by EventScotland, VisitScotland and Scotland Food & Drink.
The aim of Year of Food and Drink 2015 is to spotlight, celebrate and promote Scotland’s natural larder and quality produce to our people and our visitors and in doing
so, further develop Scotland’s reputation as a Land of Food and Drink.
Food and drink is an important part of Scottish cultural identity and heritage and is a
key strength in promoting Scotland as a holiday destination.
For example, did you know that 49% of people visiting Scotland want to try local food
and two-thirds of Scotland’s visitors think that quality food is an important factor when
deciding where to go on holiday?
The main objectives for the Food and Drink Year are:
• To increase contribution to the overall value of the sector from tourism and events
• To sustain and build upon the momentum generated by Homecoming Scotland
m L xl XXL
ga naar:
ook verkrijgbaar VIA
Jaargang 9
2014 in further developing Scotland’s reputation as a Land of Food and Drink
Nummer 3
Plus 3,
*binnen nederland
februari 2015
• To increase use and promotion of Scottish produce across the tourism and events
• To increase level of satisfaction with food and drink amongst visitors to Scotland
• To increase level of satisfaction with food and drink amongst event attendees
Year of Food and Drink Partner Activity
•UK and international marketing and PR activity promoting the year and Scotland as
a Land of Food and Drink, will be delivered by VisitScotland.
•A special Year of Food and Drink Growth Fund, aimed at supporting tourism businesses to deliver marketing projects aligned with the objectives of the year, administered by VisitScotland.
•A series of Food and Drink event organisers workshops delivered by EventScotwww . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Food and Drink vervolg
land in partnership with Scottish Enterprise, Experiencing Scotland and Scotland
Highlands, Perthshire & Edinburgh | ZONDER auto
Food & Drink for all EventScotland supported events.
•A programme of events aligned with objectives of the year, supported by a themed
events fund will be administered by EventScotland.
Dag 1 aankomst op Edinburgh airport, neem de bus of taxi naar Edinburgh centraal station
(20 minuten) en neem de trein naar Inverness. Na een fantastische pittoreske reis aankomst
in het centrum van de stad, een taxi naar uw accommodatie, relaxen, bagage afgeven en de
rest van de namiddag/avond gebruiken om te ontdekken en dineren.
Dag 2 een ochtend uitstapje. Van het VVV-kantoor wordt u opgehaald door de toeringcar
die u naar de River Ness Jacobite Loch Ness Cruises brengt (bij de reis inbegrepen). U vaart
door het loch naar Urquhart castle om de ruïnes van dit kasteel, ooit een van de grootste van
de highlands, te bezoeken. Ruimschoots de tijd voor een bezoek, te winkelen en wat te eten.
De bus wacht u op om u terug te brengen naar Inverness. Eenmaal aangekomen, neem een
taxi naar Culloden Battlefield waar Bonnie Prince Charlie in 1746 werd verslagen (zijn enige
nederlaag) door de Engelsen. Hier een bezoek aan het fantastische museum, gevolgd door
een wandeling met een gids over The Battlefield Moor. Terug wanneer u dat wilt naar Inverness per taxi. De rest van de dag vrij te besteden om de vele winkels te ontdekken, pubs,
wandelingen langs de rivier, touristische attracties. Overnachting in Inverness.
Dag 3 opnieuw naar de trein, in zuidelijke richting naar de in de Perthshire highland gelegen stad Pitlochry. Hier zijn twee whisky distilleerderijen (Edradour & Bells), theater, visladder, tuinen, winkels en restaurants. Een Victoriaanse vakantiestad! Als u zin hebt een balletje
golf slaan. Ook het beroemde Heathergems Centre bevindt zich hier: sieranden en snuisterijen gemaakt van heide. Een alleraardigst pension voor uw overnachting.
Dag 4 Opties voor vandaag zijn: per locale bus naar Blair Castle of per touringcar naar
Dewar world of whisky in Aberfeldy, the Crannog (oude boven het water gebouwde huizen),
Killin en de Falls of Dochart, pittoreske stroomversnellingen met plaatselijke dorpspub, erg
pittoresk. Overnachting in Pitlochry.
Dag 5 een laatste treinreis, deze keer naar Edinburgh. De resterende tijd van de dag besteden aan het ontdekken van onze hoofdstad, zoveel te zien en te doen. Hier overnachten.
Dag 6 we zullen u vele ideeën aanreiken voor uw tijd hier in Edinburgh. Overnachting in
Dag 7 helaas, een vlucht huiswaarts!
Inverness Castle
Urquhart Castle
Pitlochry fish ladder
Blair Castle
Killin - Falls of Dochart
Deze reis is inclusief excellente accommodaties, allen en suite, fully cooked Schots ontbijt
elke morgen, alle treinkaartjes, reisomschrijving en welkomstpakket. KOSTEN zijn afhankelijk
van aantal reisgenoten, jaargetijde en accommodatiekeuze (3, 4, 5 sterren). Indien gewenst
kan deze reis geboekt worden met huurauto en extra nachten toevoegen is ook optioneel.
Twitter? Follow @visitscotnews and use #TasteScotland to join in the conversation.
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Scotland & whisky
Holyrood Park Edinburgh
Holyrood Park is a short walk from Edinburgh’s Royal Mile in the heart of the city. It
metalen stok
houten handvat
ø 102 cm
ga naar:
ook verkrijgbaar VIA
Jaargang 9
is a 640 acre Royal Park adjacent to Holyrood Palace.
Nummer 3
Plus 6,
*binnen nederland
februari 2015
The parks highest point is Arthurs Seat, a dormant volcano, and sits 251m above sea
level giving excellent view of the city; it is also the site of a large and well preserved
fort. This is one of four hill forts dating from around 2000 years ago. With its diverse
range of flora and geology it is also site of Special Scientific Interest.
Within the park you can also visit St Anthony’s Chapel - a 15th century medieval
chapel, Salisbury Crags - a series of 150 foot cliff faces dominating Edinburgh’s
skyline as well as Duddingston Loch - a fresh water loch rich in birdlife.
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
circa 20 Pipe Bands uit nederland, België en duitsland strijden
om de eerste plaats voor de titel van the continental Pipe Band
championships, kort gezegd de continentals, een jaarlijks evenement georganiseerd door de novdB op doedelzak-, dans,- en
sologebied. ook voor kinderen zijn er voldoende leuke activiteiten.
€ 5 ng!
zaterdag 30 & zondag 31 mei 2015
uniek in nederland: “scottish event & mookerheide market”
i.s.m. “de continental PiPe Band chamPionshiPs”!
op 30 en 31 mei 2015 zal op het landgoed van Jachtslot de mookerheide in molenhoek voor
alweer de 5e keer het “scottish event & mookerheide market” plaats vinden. dit wederom in
combinatie met, voor alweer de 37ste keer, de “continental Pipe Band championships”.
vul deze bon (ingevuld) in en u krijgt bij de kassa € 5,00 p.p. korting op de entreeprijs
van € 10,- p.p. deze bon is geldig voor maximaal 4 personen.
(deze actie is niet geldig in combinatie met andere aanbiedingen/kortingen)
Jaargang 9
nummer 3
februari 2015
op beide dagen staat het landgoed in molenhoek bij nijmegen van 10:00 tot 18:00 uur, in het
teken van muziek en dans en natuurlijk veel mooie stands met een grote verscheidenheid aan
producten! een gezellig en uniek evenement met veel pipes & drums, kilts, highland dancing en
luxe marktkramen. en dit tegen de achtergrond van een prachtig landgoed met een Jugendstil
Jachtslot dat de gehele dag voor bezichtiging geopend is.
Landgoed,Jachtslot de Mookerheide • Heumensebaan 2 • 6584 CL Molenhoek •
activiteiten voor jong en oud op één locatie. naast een internationale Pipe Band competitie
waar doedelzakbands een muzikale strijd met elkaar aangaan onder het oor van een schotse
jury, is er ook een solo piping- en drumming competitie en zijn er highland dancing wedstrijden.
verder is er een ruime keuze uit diverse stands: u kunt voor zoveel unieke producten shoppen
als u zelf wilt. ook met de culinaire liefhebber is rekening gehouden. geniet van een stuk
ambachtelijke pie, heerlijke broodjes of van een wijn- en whisky proeverij. uiteraard is er ook
aan de kleine bezoeker gedacht met veel activiteiten en lekkernijen. We hopen u dus ook dit jaar
weer te mogen begroeten op het landgoed van Jachtslot de mookerheide!
Atholl Brose
There are a number of variations in making this drink which have been handed
That sweet tooth for which Scots have a reputation means that there are many
of Atholl was attempting to capture Iain MacDonald, Lord of the Isles who was
from butter and sugar should be named “Scotch” is lost in the mists of time.
down over many generations. The brew is first recorded in 1475 when the Earl
leading a rebellion against the king. Hearing that MacDonald drank from a
small well, the Earl ordered it to be filled with honey, whisky and oatmeal. Mac-
traditional confectionary recipes. But quite why a brittle sweet (candy) made
The ingredients below will make about one pound (450g) of butterscotch.
Donald stayed sampling the concoction and was captured!
150ml water
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 cup whipping (heavy) cream
3 cups water
2 cups Scotch whisky
1/4 cup (3 ounces) honey
500g granulated sugar
1.5ml cream of tartar
90g unsalted (sweet) butter
Oil for greasing a baking tin (pan)
5ml lemon juice
1.5ml vanilla essence (extract)
Put the oats in a nylon straining bag (I use a paint strainer bag from the hardware sto-
re), and place the bag in a deep bowl. Add the water and let the oats steep overnight.
The next morning, squeeze the water out of the bag (do not expect to get a return of
3 cups liquid - there will be less), saving the oats for cooking or discard. Put the liquid
in a saucepan, add the honey, and heat gently until the honey dissolves. Remove
pan from heat and let cool slightly.
Stir in the cream, then add the whisky.
Refrigerate until cool before serving. The beverage will keep in the refrigerator for a
couple of months, or in the freezer indefinitely.
If it has a tendency to separate - a vigorous shake will be all it takes to restore it
Well oil an 28cm x 18cm shallow baking tin (pan). Put the water and lemon juice in
a heavy-based saucepan and heat until slightly warm. Stir in the sugar and continue
to heat gently, stirring with awooden spoon, until all the sugar has been thoroughly
dissolved. Don’t allow it to boil.
Stir in the cream of tartar and bring to the boil to 115C on a sugar thermometer (or
until a teaspoon ful of the mixture forms a soft ball when it is dropped into a cup of
cold water.
Remove from the heat and beat in the butter. Return to the heat and boil to 138C or
when a teaspoon of the mixture forms a thin thread when dropped into a cup of cold
water. (The thread will bend and break when pressed between the fingers)
Remove from the heat and beat in the vanilla essence (extract). Pour into the oiled tin
and leave until it is almost set. Then mark into small rectangles with a knife. When it
is competely set, break into pieces and store in an airtight container.
Hebt u zelf ook overheerlijke recepten? Mail deze dan naar
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
www Schots meer op
Hielander, Alkmaar
Het Wapen van Schotland, Hooghalen
Stadsboerderij De Koebrug, Stavoren
School of Highland Dancing
Batavorum Pipes and Drums, Nijmegen
Inter Scaldis pipes and drums, Vlissingen
Pipe’s & Drums The Islanders, Ameland
Piper society Duan Albanach
Saint Andrews Pipe Band
The Clan MacBeth Pipe Band
The First Haarlem Pipeband
The Hague Highland Pipe Band
Kiltshop - Schotsewinkel
Jaargang 9
Schotse Avond Clan MacBeth, Groningen
Nummer 3
McLean Scotland
februari 2015
Schots water
Deeside Natuurlijk Mineraal Water
Vlees van Schotse Hooglanders
Tommes Kilts
Scottish Weekend, Alden Biesen
Zeilen in Schotland
Scottish Pimpernel
Scottish Event
De Schotse Ruit
Music Show Scotland
Reizen in Schotland
The Red Rose of Lochbuie
The Dutch Military Pipes & Drums
Dronten & District Pipe Band, Dronten
Scots Heritage
Royal Scottish Country Dance - Delft Branch
Middeleeuws re-enactment en geschiedenis
Golfen in Nederland
Inner Genius Golf
Whisky Tartan
Whiskey & Bourbon Tartan
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Angels’ Nectar
Angels’ Nectar
Blended Malt Scotch Whisky
Op elk willekeurig moment liggen er in Schotland
rond de twintig miljoen vaten whisky te rijpen en
allemaal worden zij blootgesteld aan de onverzadigbare dorst van de Engelen.
De Engelen nemen wat zij willen, egoïstisch van
het ene vat meer genietend dan van het andere,
terwijl hardwerkende distillers hun inspanningen
zien verdwijnen. Stel je voor dat jij deel kunt uitmaken van de barmhartigheid van de Engelen.
Angels’ Nectar Blended Malt Scotch Whisky is
ons ‘deel’ van de Angels’ Share, gebotteld voor
jouw genot.
De eerste editie van Angels’ Nectar is zorgvuldig
samengesteld uit de fijnste Highland en Speyside
malt whisky’s.
Geschapen uit een selectie van de fijnste HighMeer info: of 06 18 22 06 88 nectar.html
land en Speyside malt whisky’s, gebotteld op
40%, is de Angels’ Nectar Blended Malt Scotch
Whisky natuurlijk licht van kleur, zonder toege-
voegde kleurstoffen, heeft een zoete neus van vaANGELS’ NECTAR IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF HIGHFERN LTD
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
De Bodega,
Capelle a/d IJssel
Angels’ Nectar vervolg
Welkom bij de Bodega, uw speciaalzaak op het gebied van dranken! Naast
het meest gevarieerde aanbod van Capelle en omstreken in whisk[e]y, rum,
cognac, jenever, wijn en bier kunt u bij ons terecht voor een vakkundig
advies en ouderwetse service.
nille, appelcompote en vruchtensiroop, met een smaak van heidehoning en citroen
Uitgebreid advies en zelf proeven!
Bent u op zoek naar een speciaal cadeau of een zeldzame whisky of wijn? Bij
de Bodega kunt u niet alleen kiezen uit honderden whisky’s, rums, wijnen en
andere dranken uit alle windstreken, maar bent u ook welkom voor een uitgebreid advies. Voor wie er echt niet uitkomt is er zelfs de mogelijkheid zelf
te proeven, want wij beschikken over een proeflokaal achter onze winkel.
Proeverijen, feestverzorging en geschenken
In ons proeflokaal organiseren wij geregeld interessante en gezellige proeverijen. Ook kunnen wij u helpen met de complete verzorging van uw feest,
en vindt u bij ons de mooiste kerstpakketten en geschenken.
en een hint van kruiden in de afdronk.
Samengesteld door de Engelen, om te Delen met Vrienden, de Angels’ Nectar Blended Malt Scotch Whisky is energiek en fris, precies zoals de Engelen van hun dram
Angels’ Nectar Blended Malt Scotch Whisky is verkrijgbaar bij:, Leiden
De Bodega Van Wijk, Capelle aan den IJssel
En is te proeven bij de whisky proeverijen van:
De Whisky Proevers, Ridderkerk
WhiskyFlavourites, Zwijndrecht
Kom snel eens langs voor ons assortiment van ruim 450 whisky’s, rums uit
26 landen, circa 500 wijnen van over de hele wereld, onze Capelse producten en talloze andere dranken.
U bent van harte welkom!
Leen en Wilma van Wijk
The strong taste
3 oktober 2015 (onder voorbehoud)
Slijterij-Wijnhandel De Bodega
Meer informatie: of 06 18 22 06 88 nectar.html
Bermweg 296a • 2906 LH Capelle a/d IJssel
T 010 450 69 07 •
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Hielander Whisky Festival
Just to recap...
On the 5th H.W.F on 13,14 and 15 February 2015 the guest speakers for our masterclasses are...
Bronze = Dennis Mulder from the WHISKY WIJZER/ DIAGEO
Silver = Antony McCallum from IAN McLEOD DISTILLERS
Gold = Robin Tucek from BLACKADDER WHISKY
respectively 5.00, 10,00 and 20.00 euro p.p
The Guided tours are FREE , by booking only, via
People... Don’t forget the “Hangover Breakfast “ on Sunday the 15th of February!
A full Scottish Breakfast (bacon, eggs, sausages, Haggis, black pudding, mushrooms, beans etc.) with whisky and live jazz/blues from Victoria Nicol and her band.
30 euro p.p.
Reservations via
vormgeving: www.dieuwke
There are still a few Festival Bottlings Auchroisk cask strength over.
13 I 02 I
14 I 02 I
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
The music will be by...
M a c Mo r l a n d - S c h o t s re s t a u
I n s a m e n w e r k i n g m e t Wu l l i e
85 euro. Orders via
Friday night = ARTHUR EBBELING
va l . n l
w w w. h i e l a n d e rw h i s k y f e s ti H i e l a n d e r
butt no. 13562. distilled 03/12/99-bottled 20/10/14, 134 bottles , 55.9%abv
februari 2015
Saturday Afternoon = ELAND
Saturday Night = VICTORIA NICOL
Hangover Breakfast = VICTORIA NICOL
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Hielander vervolg
Ladies and gentlemen... Dig deep in your wallets and place a bid on this absolutely
stunning 50 year old Strathclyde donated by Kenny and Peter Mackay from Morri-
son-Mackay Whisky Merchants, specially bottled in an artisan crystal carafe from
Glencairn Glass.
Our 2nd charity auction piece is this perfectly presented engraved Crystal Decanter
with 2 engraved glasses! Bids can be placed via
On our last session on Saturday evening the 14th of February we will auction these
beautiful lots, bidding begins with the highest email received. All proceeds are going
to the Alkmaars Praethuys, a local cancer charity. A very, very well deserving cause!
So come on with those bids!
Please share this post to help increase what we can get for charity!
Wullie Macmorland
Schots Restaurant Hielander
Ridderstraat 15 • 1811 EX Alkmaar • 0031 (0)72 512 00 15 •
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
De Whisky Proevers
Scottish Malt Whisky Workshops & Culinary Exclusive
Schotland, het land van de ruige heuvels,
het heldere water, de Schotse Kilts, de
doedelzak spelers en de Highlandgames
maar bovenal het land van de Schotse Malt
Jaarlijks wordt er ruim 330 miljoen liter
levenswater gedistilleerd door meer dan
100 verschillende distilleerderijen. Het
land is voor de whiskywereld ingedeeld
in verschillende regio’s, de Lowlands,
Highlands, Speyside en de Island. Elke
streek heeft zijn eigen kenmerken en
iedere distilleerderij weer zijn eigen
karakter. De veelkleurigheid aan whisky
is zodoende erg groot en zeer gewild bij de
liefhebbers van Malt Whisky.
Schotse Malt Whisky Proeverij
op vrijdag 13 maart 2015
van 19:30 uur tot 22:30 uur
Het rijpen van whisky gebeurt op eikenvaten van verschillende afkomst.
Amerikaanse witeiken, de zogenaamde bourbonvaten, Europese eikenvaten,
Oloroso sherry-en wijnvaten, zo komen allemaal voorbij. Natuurlijk komt ook de
liefhebber van peaty en smoke aan zijn trekken. Een diapresentatie over de smaken,
de soorten en het distilleren maakt het geheel compleet. Dit mag je dus echt niet
Ook u kunt kennis maken met een ruime selectie van whisky’s uit Schotland. Allen
hebben zij het predicaat Schotse Malt Whisky en zijn afkomstig uit de voornoemde
De Whisky Proevers verzorgen uw Whisky Nosing & Tasting bij u thuis of op lokatie.
In de agenda op onze website staat tevens een aantal interessante Nosing & Tastings
vermeld, verdeeld over het jaar.
Meer informatie op onze website:
of mail naar:
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
Met zes verschillende Malt Whisky's
Een dia presentatie
en diverse lekkere hapjes tussendoor
Deelnemen voor 25,00 euro p.persoon
Reservering bij:
Wijk Voorzienings Centrum
Noordstraat 255 a
te Ridderkerk - Bolnes
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Café De Pompier
Nieuw Whiskycafé in Nederland
Per januari 2015 voert Café De Pompier in Woerden een mooie
Eigenaar Pike UIttenbogaard kwam in Edinburgh met de klassieke Schotse whisky
regio-indeling in aanraking en wilde dit concept in zijn eigen café terug laten komen.
Op de kaart worden de klassieke regio’s vertegenwoordigd door 20 ervoor typerende
whisky’s (en één Nederlandse, de Millstone French Oak) en achter elke whisky staat
een cijfer waarbij de klant uitgelegd wordt dat als men meerdere whisky’s proeft dat
gedaan moet worden van het laagste naar het hoogste cijfer. Doeltreffend is er de
mogelijkheid te kiezen voor proefglaasjes van 2 cl. of voor een glas van 3,5 cl. om
lekker van een favoriete whisky te genieten.
Tevens is er een naslagwerk gemaakt waarin meer uitleg over de whisky’s en bijbehorende distilleerderijen gegeven wordt.
Het personeel heeft een gedegen introductie in de karakteristieke kenmerken van
whisky gekregen zodat klanten goed geadviseerd kunnen worden en bij de klanten
is de whiskykaart met een uitegbreide proeverij geïntroduceerd.
Bent u als whiskyliefhebber eens in de buurt van Café De Pompier in de oude binnenstad van Woerden, stap er dan zeker eens binnen!
Groenendaal 17 • 3441 BC Woerden • 0348 422 714
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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SCOTLAND & ANGELS WHISKY CLUB) spent their Christmas
staff outing in Elgin and Kingussie, Scotland. The annual outing this year (2014) saw them driving up to Elgin, leaving Broughty
Ferry at 07.45 on Thursday, via Aberdeen, Huntly and Keith, to arrive at Elgin approx.
11.30. Some local shopping (Liz) and lunch before dropping into Glen Moray distillery
- as previously planned.
Says Paul; A quick nose around the shop (for later), a cup of tea, then a wee chat with
Iain, our friend and whisky man at GM. It was Iain who would take us both on a half
day whisky school - I have to say, this was originally for the benefit of Liz, but I too
learned a lot! Discovering all areas of the distillery, in depth knowledge flooded out
of Iain, didnee know you were also a chemist Iain! It was a really grand time we had,
both of us learning new things and some we hadnee come across before, superb! This was followed by a tasting, Iain did us proud here - as you can see by the photos,
specially the one of Liz very content with a dram! There then followed what can only
be called “a Liz shopping frenzy!” A nice bottle and glasses in a box (4 of these), a
Chardonnay finish and two direct from the cask sherry finish, some wee goodies, all
Informeer vrijblijvend naar de
mogelijkheden voor een proeverij bij u
thuis of vereniging.
: 0168-330555 / 06-40366424
Kijk ook eens op onze facebook pagina
Whisky bij u thuis
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
coming to a couple of hundred pounds lighter in the wallet! Paul’s wallet!!! “I’ll pay
you back at home” says Liz, aye right, along with that other 14 grand you owe me!
Glen Moray Classic Single Speyside Malt - the aroma is fragrant with malty notes,
butterscotch and shortbread.
Glen Moray 12 years Single Malt.
Glen Moray 10 Year Old Chardonnay Cask Single Malt. This is the brand new ex-
pression from Glen Moray. A 10 year old malt matured using Chardonnay Casks.
Glen Moray 16 Year Old Single Speyside Malt - fruit, chocolate and barley sugar, rich
and mature with character.
Glen Moray - The Highland Light Infantry 12 year old Distillery Bottling
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McLeanScotland vervolg
Glen Moray Port Cask Finish This new small batch release uses Port Cask to finish
the whisky in - a lovely richness, full-bodied, vanilla and subtle hints of oak, dried
fruits and leather, dark chocolate and blackberries. A FAVOURITE OF OURS.
Exclusieve rondreis | Perthshire
Dag 1 aankomst op Edinburgh airport, we zullen u daar ontvangen, transfer naar de Deanston distillery voor een rondleiding en iets te proeven. Hier vandaan naar Perth, waar we
inchecken bij het in het centrum gelegen hotel. Overnachting in Perth.
GM use ex bourbon barrels sourced from North America to mature Glen Moray
Dag 2 een halve dag whisky school bij de kleinste distilleerderij in Schotland: Strathearn,
benefits from the milder climate as it is afforded protection from the Cairngorm and
een echte handen-uit-de-mouwen leerzame aanpak over het maken van whisky. Lunchpauze, dan op naar Glenturret distillery, thuis van the Glenturret single malt en Famous Grouse.
Terug naar Perth, overnachting. Het zou kunnen zijn dat we in tegengestelde richting gaan.
Dag 3 rijden naar Aberfeldy, we beginnen de dag bij Dewar’s World of Whisky, een halve
dag whisky school hier. Gevolgd door tijd voor lunch and een uitstapje door het landschap.
Terug naar Perth, overnachting. Whiskyproeverij in uw hotel deze avond.
Dag 4 een laatste dag, vroeg Perth verlatend en op naar Edinburgh, waar alle gasten een
whisky masterclass zullen volgen bij the whisky experience. In tussentijd wordt de bagage
naar het hotel gebracht. Vrije tijd om Edinburgh te ontdekken na een twee uur durende
masterclass. Overnachting in Edinburgh. Chauffeur/gids vertrekt na afzetten bij het hotel.
Dag 5 terug naar het vliegveld (eigen kosten). We kunnen en extra dag toevoegen indien
and these produce a rich and spicy whisky. These casks deliver a superior product
that has a smooth and well-rounded taste. Being in the Laich O’Moray the distillery
Monadhliath Mountains. The distillery’s geographic location and also sitting in a hollow below the water table, means that the warehousing has the perfect conditions
to allow for the Angels to take more of a share of our whisky than they will of others
(and, being Angels whisky club we did take a fair swish of the drams Liz and I). Glen
Moray is available in a range of ages and vintages that will appeal to new malt drinkers as well as connoisseurs looking for something a bit more special. Readers, you
just cannee believe how low cost GM bottles are, for a bloomin grand dram.
I must point out here, we were NOT driving, we left the car (and goodies) overnight at
GM and took a taxi to our hotel. Where, a half hour later we started Christmas - in the
bar. Drinks were followed by dinner, more drinks. To be honest, at 9.15pm I stopped
drinking - new laws came into effect Friday, you could not have even ONE drink on
your breath - so a bottle of non-alcoholic wine came oot - horrible, so bad after one
glass it went down the pan. We laughingly tried to do some work - paperwork on
forthcoming tours, 5 minutes in, we left it alone.
Deanston distillery
Strathearn distillery
Glenturret distillery
Aberfeldy distillery
Whisky Experience
KOSTEN PER RONDREIS: gebaseerd op een groep van 6 reisgenoten, een twin/double room
delend, per persoon £830. Eenpersoonstoeslag £150. Inclusief 4 nachten accommodatie,
4 fully cooked ontbijten, vervoer en gids, toegang en scholen als bovenstaand vermeld.
Exclusief vervoer, eten (anders dan ontbijt), whisky en extras niet bovenstaand vermeld.
We kunnen accommodatie opwaarderen op uw verzoek.
Bovenstaande rondreis gebaseerd op 4 reisgenoten kost £985 per persoon.
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
AFTER GLEN MORAY we called in at SPEY distillery, another story!
Paul’s visit to Crieff - Saturday. 3 days, 3 distilleries. A big haul of whisky!!!
Stopped in at whisky/grocery shop, bought Hepburn’s Choice Daluaine 8 year old,
single cask @ 46%, one of only 393 bottles, 2005 bottling. Before calling in at Glenwww . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
McLeanScotland vervolg
turret distillery, here I seem to come away with Black Grouse Alpha and a bottle of
Black Diamond blend, these can be seen on the “December booty” story.
Every distillery in every region.
Individual and group tours.
One night – 100 nights!
Whisky schools, educational tours,
Tasting tours, whisky & golf tours.
MCLEANSCOTLAND are one of the best whisky tour
companies in Scotland – if not the best!
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015 •
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Speyside distillery
A wee story narrated by Paul. Friday December 5th.
Liz and Paul where invited up to the distillery for a show around and chat with Distillery Manager Sandy Jamieson. Sandy knew we were coming up and was ready
for us at 11am. We arrived relaxed and looking forward to our meeting, driving down
from Elgin where we had stayed the night before. A beautiful December Friday, a
good drive ending up at Kingussie, where we stopped for a wee tea and scone, then
driving past Ruthven Barracks down a winding country road, we found the entrance
The Speyside distillery is located in Drumguish, close to Kingussie. We had mentioned our trip to a few people and they were under the impression the distillery would
be in Dufftown, Elgin or similar location - as the name suggested. However, it is
located near the source of the Spey. It produces the Spey single malt and Drumguish
single malt. The distillery was founded in 1962 by George Christie. It was built by
hand by George Christie over the next decades, and was finished in 1987. It took
another three years until whisky production started in 1990.
Upon arrival we were greeted by Sandy, a quick chat, then a few quick questions for
him, we retired to his office. The two pot stills are some of the smallest in Scotland.
The Glenspey mash tun was the very last one fitted by Newmill engineering before
they closed down. Though small the distillery can produce 600,000 litres of alcohol
per annum. The distillery is the most southern on Speyside and takes its water directly from the River Tromie.
Whilst Paul was talking, Liz tried a dram; an unaged malt called Drumguish - I must
say, it was not here favourite, but, as she said, it would be a good entry level single
malt for a beginner. “SANDY how long have you worked in the whisky industry?” I
have been here since 2013, prior to that I started out in 1979, working for various
companies including Diageo. I am now manager at Spey. “HOW MANY PEOPLE
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Speyside distillery vervolg
WORKING HERE?” Myself, 2 others and a tractor driver, on a two rota shift. “HOW
DO YOU CASK THE WHISKY?” We have a tanker taking 16,000 litres of new spirit
every 8 days to our warehouses in Glasgow.
By now both Liz and Paul were looking round Sandy’s “office”, a delightful loft space,
with drinks cupboard, desk, table and chairs, a row of Highland Dress - kilts, jackets,
shoes etc - begging the question... “do you look after a pipe band?” These are held
here to give some notion of feeling Scottish to special guests - namely a party from
Bij de WhiskyFlavourites whiskyproeverijen komt u niet alleen alles te weten
over het productieproces van whisky, whisky in het algemeen en over
de te proeven whisky’s zelf, maar wordt u tevens ’rondgeleid’
langs de betreffende distilleerderijen door de omgeving
waarin deze gelegen zijn.
De proeverijen kunnen bij u thuis of op locatie verzorgd worden
en zowel voor de beginnende als de gevorderde Schotlandliefhebber
en Whiskyproever wordt een informatieve en/of kennisaanvullende
presentatie geboden. • +31 (0)6 18 22 06 88
Asia recently, who all donned the kilt! (see facebook; SPEY Whisky). Liz was on her
second dram, so Sandy suggested looking over the distillery, so we did! A small set
up with a pair of stills, all equipment housed in one space, a nice old stone building,
reminding Paul of a kirk (church). Sandy took us outside - a really nice, country set-
ting, complete with river and waterwheel, to a bothy where drinks could be found!
Another old stone building with a lime-washed interior, where we could see the range
of the drams made here. It didnee stop here, another wee room located under his
office was the dram room, superb wee room neither Liz nor Paul wanted to leave.
Here, Sandy explained more on the distillery history, drams and plans whilst Liz accepted large drams of - how shall I say this? Many excellent whiskies, more than we
normally have offered, Paul meantime was the driver, looking on enviously - Sandy
did give him a wee sample to take with him, so not all was lost! Time to mention
here; Paul had previously sampled the drams at a private tasting days before. By
Ook voor
now Liz was having a ball, smiling far too much, er... time to go Liz, leave sandy to
his work. BUT - before we left, a wee book each Scotch Missed, autographed by
Sandy, sample drams to take home and a bottle of the Tawny Port finish - superb! etc.
Dragging Liz away, we almost made our escape before waving off Sandy, he gave a
good handshake, and a hug to Liz, who replied with a kiss. Was it a good visit? What
do you think? “Come back anytime” we will to be sure! •
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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T-shirt whisky for me, please
Whisky tasting
At excel wines with Paul Dempsey - a great distillery insight
The private whisky tasting was hosted by Exel Wines of Perth, a really good whisky
shop with many hard to find whiskies lying about on the shelves! It was given by Paul
Dempsey, Commercial Manager, Speyside Distillers Company Ltd. We were taken
through three drams, the TENNE, Latin for Tawny, as it is a Port finish, and - beauti-
ful! I better start from the start... When we say Speyside Distillery there are many
that simply think of the region. This is THE Speyside Distillery, a wee thing down
by Kingussie. This is a distillery that together with it’s owner company Harveys of
Edinburgh had bags of stories to tell whilst we enjoyed a dram of their 12 year Old,
18 Year Old and the Tenne (Tawny style). Along with a selected few (including our
guest Drew, from Phoenix Arizona) we sampled all three. My favourites of the even-
ing were the Tenne and the 18 year old, how do I try and tell you what they were like?
I won’t, I shall let you just try and find them for yourself, but be quick, limited supply at
limited outlets - more on that later. For example, the 18yo; comes dressed in a nice
looking tube, with certificate, a limited batch of only 1500 worldwide! I came away
with number 883. When you see the photos you will see what I mean by dressed, the
bottles are also real “lookers”. To say we had 3 tastings would be a lie, aye there were
m L xl XXL
ga naar:
ook verkrijgbaar VIA
Jaargang 9
3 bottles, but we tasted each more than once! I also came away with sample bottles
Nummer 3
courtesy of Paul. A good evening? Aye, too right!
Plus 3,00
*binnen nederland
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Temple Bar
Tasting session at the Temple Bar, Temple, Dublin.
I was dondering around Dublin’s temple Bar district early one morning (when I say
early, I mean 10.45 ish, which is early opening for pubs) which I said I would not do,
far too touristy for me.
But, I thought at that hour there will be no tourists around, I found the door open at
the pub, so took myself inside and perched at the whiskey bar.
Behind the bar was Roberto, from Argentina; Patagonia, Chubut to be exact. He has
been there 12 years or so now and is in charge of the whiskey bar - and jeeze, he
knows his stuff.
Cannee mind what my first drink was, possibly a Paddy, but here are some of what
I tried or saw; Jameson Cask Mates, the whiskey is a Jameson as you’d expect, the
cask is then sent to the Franciscan Well brewery to steep itself in beer residue for 6
months, it then goes back to Jamesons, this approx. a 5 year old dram, very different from the others in the range, I liked it I have to say. The story begins with a pub
in Cork between Midleton’s Master of Science, David Quinn, and Franciscan Well’s
founder, Shane Long. Shane asked if he might lay his hands on a few spare whis-
key casks to age his beer in. Franciscan Well released its first Jameson cask-aged
stout in time for Christmas 2012. When the most recent batch of twelve casks went
back to Midleton, the distillery figured they might as well try their own experimental
maturation. The casks had only been used once to age pot still spirit before their
stout “seasoning” so there was plenty of oomph left in the wood. They refilled the
casks with blended Jameson (at around the normal cask strength of 60% rather than
bottling strength of 40%). After six months, according to Quinn, they were “shocked”
by the transformation. There was something interesting going on, something they
wanted to share with the rest of us. Hence Jameson Caskmates, 3,500 bottles of it. Next, I was introduced to a dram from Roberto’s homeland, Old Smuggler whisky.
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februari 2015
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Temple Bar vervolg
A blend of Scottish fine malt whisky and Argentinian grain. I have to say, I was no
impressed sorry. There is another he told me about, Alazana Single Malt released
2011/12 – named after a horse would you believe? Other notable drams included; Powers single cask, pot still whiskey. A single pot still
release of Powers whisky. Crafted at the Midleton Distillery near Cork, Powers John
Lane Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey is named after the original Powers Distillery, which
was situated on John’s Lane in Dublin. The whiskey is made exclusively from malted
and unmalted barley, which is triple distilled through pot-stills in the traditional Irish
way, matured in first fill ex-bourbon casks, while the remainder is aged in casks that
were previously used to mature Oloroso sherry. After a twelve-year rest the whiskey
is bottled 92 proof. Jack Ryan 12 year old single malt, this has the name of current proprietor Eunan
Ryan’s late father Jack who managed the establishment until his untimely death 36
years ago. ‘Ryan’s Malt’ had been produced by the family in association with the
Dublin Whiskey Distillery until this famous distillery closed its doors in 1946. Today’s
Jack Ryan ‘Beggars Bush’ Single Malt Irish Whiskey (46% ABV) has been aged for
12 years with no chill filtration. The whiskey has been matured in ex-bourbon bar-
rels hand-picked by the family themselves to deliver the unique taste. Only 1,450
bottles of Jack Ryan ‘Beggars Bush’ Single Malt have been produced. The Beggars
Bush has been at the centre of cultural and literary circles in Dublin since it opened
its doors in 1803. Residing next to the old Beggars Bush British army barracks it has
seen soldiers go to war against Napoleon and the Kaiser, revolution against the Brit-
ish and eventual handover to Michael Collins in 1922 followed by the execution of
Robert Erskine Childers, father of fourth president later that year by the Free State
Government. It was a few drams away from my usual - Black Bush!
Wild Geese, in a long high straight bottle, as opposed to the square bottles normally
found, interesting this one.
Jaargang 9
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februari 2015
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Temple Bar vervolg
The history of the Irish Coffee
Powers is the traditional whiskey used in an Irish Coffee. It was created at
Foynes airbase in Co. Limerick... Foynes was an airbase near Limerick, in fact
it was the main airport for Flying Boats between America and Europe. By 1940,
the airport was handling many passengers, including many American VIP’s
from the world of politics and Hollywood. Weather conditions along the West
coast of Ireland can be notoriously bad, and often what was supposed to be just
a stopover for refuelling turned into an overnight stay. In 1942 a new restaurant
opened, which had the task of catering for the many important passengers
passing through Foynes and present a very positive image of Ireland and its
people to the world.
The story goes that Powers Irish Coffee was invented to appease a group of
tired and upset American tourists who had set off to make a 19 hour trip to New
York - they set off 10 hours before!
After 5 hours out the plane turned back due to a storm.
The head chef at Foynes, a Joe Sheridan, decided to warm them up, rather
than the tradition of adding whiskey to tea, he added it to coffee. He concocted a Powers with sugar and coffee and fresh whipped cream. As
they sipped their drinks, one passenger said “hey buddy, is this Brazillian coffee?” Sheridan replied “it is Irish Coffee”
To make a Powers Irish Coffee:
1.Pour a measure of Powers and two teaspoons of brown sugar into a prewarmed Powers Irish Coffee Glass.
2.Place a metal spoon in the glass.
3.Fill the glass with hot black coffee, allowing space at the top for cream before
stirring well.
4.Gently pour lightly whipped cream over the back of a spoon so that the
cream floats on the coffee.
Temple Bar, own label whiskey. Traditional Irish Whiskey; some spices, fruits, vanilla,
sweetness and wood, maybe plumbs in there! It is of course triple distilled, a blend,
there was a time when most Irish pubs bottled whiskey. This I believe, is selected
by Tom Clearly, bottled 10/2014, for the Temple Bar Whiskey Company. From small
batches, matured in bourbon oak casks and finest Port casks, then blended... I liked
it so much, I bought the bottle to take home!
I spent a deal of time at the bar with Roberto, a good man and knowing his whiskey,
so if you are in Dublin, take a morning visit to the bar, it does get very, very touristy
late afternoon/evening.
Paul McLean, of and was
in Dublin for Christmas week, he did indulge in some research & development on
your behalf... •
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
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Mulligan’s Grocer
December 2014, Mulligan’s Grocer, Dublin.
I ventured out again into the wild world (after my Temple Bar tasting session) and
thought it time for some food, that’s another story, the one that lead me to Mulligan’s
Grocer - next story on my travels.
My meeting had been arranged with owner Michael some time back, time to pay him
a visit. So once there, and a cup of tea in my mits, we chatted away. I had sent a
whiskey tour group here earlier in the year with my mate/driver, Mark fae Belfast (he
does all our driving on the island of Ireland), to sample the grocer delights. By the
way, they later told me it was their tour highlight! Mark told the same story, so I needed to see myself what the fuss was aboot. It was a pre - Christmas day the bar was
no too busy, grand, just what I had wanted. Apart from the drink, Mulligan’s is also fa-
mous for it’s food selection, specially the Scotch Eggs!!! With a grand array of whisky
from everywhere, beers and wines spirits etc as usual it has a grand atmosphere and
great staff - are you warming to it already? I did as soon as I set toes in the place. A
big fella asks can he help, tis Michael I’m lookin fer says myself, there he is hiding
behind the wee partition. We sat down and had a cup of tea! Which I was thankful for
havin had many drams before I came in. We talked about whiskey, food, tour groups,
special tastings and whisky dinners. Get your taste buds around this idea;
Single Pot Still Dinner and Barrel Charring.
Canapes paired with Redbreast 12 with Goats Cheese, Almond Financier, Honey
Carrageen, Fino Spritz. Smoked Bacon & Star Anise Devils on Horseback
Starter paired with Green Spot. Wild Trout Tartare, Whipped Toonsbridge Ricotta,
Ginger Crisp, Brown Butter
Main paired with Powers John’s Lane. Venison Haunch, Roasted Rainbow Beetroot,
Hay Smoked Parsnips, Black Pudding & Golden Raisin Bon Bon, Lovely Gravy
Dessert paired with Barry Crockett Legacy. Honeycomb Shortcake, Roasted White
Chocolate Semifreddo, Sea Salt Toffee Apple, Almond Brittle
I wish I had stayed for this heaven on a plate! But, as we chatted on the history side
of things (I do like my history). Historically in Ireland the local pub also served as the
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februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Mulligan’s Grocer vervolg
Tours of Scotland, whisky tours our speciality
off-license, grocery, tea blender and even undertaker. Every Friday and Saturday
they travel back to grocer roots, stocking the best of locally sourced products-- rang-
ing from craft beer in refillable growler flasks, retro sweets, Arun Bakery sourdough,
Irish farmhouse cheeses, Wall & Keogh teas, Gubbeen meats, coffee beans (they
will even grind them for you), Dublin Kombucha, Ballyhoura Mushroom Powders,
Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oils, Jams, Sauces and jars of tasty bacon jam. So – to
sample an old Irish grocery shop, make a date on a Friday/Saturday, expect to stay
most of the day! Another sample menu, och I don’t want to leave… Whiskey Dinner Menu hosted by the Teeling Master Blender Alex Chasko. Only 55 Euro to include all food and
drams. Welcome Drink; Teeling Small Batch.
Amuse Bouche, Teeling Poitin, Tomato Juice, Cayenne Emulsion, Preserved Lemon,
Smoked Sea Salt Carlingford Oyster
Starter Teeling Grain Irish Whiskey. Sir Jack McCarthy’s Black Pudding, Golden Rai-
sins, Champ Boxty, Sticky Apple Balsamic
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
Mulligan’s Grocer vervolg
500 w Leiden
proeve whisky-event
11 april
1e: 13.00 – 16.30 UUR
2e:19.00 – 22.30 UUR
Kaarten: € 30,00 p.p.
Nieuwe locatie, oud en vertrouwd!!!
Zaterdag 11 april 2015 zal alweer de 4de editie plaatsvinden van
Enige verandering is de locatie, WHISKY IN LEIDEN 2015 zal plaatsvinden
in de Pieterskerk in Leiden. De Pieterskerk was jarenlang de locatie van het
whiskyevenement “het Internationaal Whiskyfestival” tegenwoordig Whisky Live
Holland wat in de Grote Kerk in Den Haag wordt gehouden. Vele van U is daar
als whiskyliefhebber wel eens een keer geweest en weet dan ook wat een geweldige locatie de Pieterskerk is.
Mulligans is only a short walk away, If I can do it, you can. Don’t expect a brand new
pub, full of flashing lights, pugy machines and jukies, this is a traditional hang out
where you only go for the drink/food/craik. In excess of 150 whiskeys from Ireland
and Scotland as well as a small range of Japanese, Welsh, Swedish and Belgian
Single Malts have been personally selected by owner Michael Foggarty. Mulligan’s
also stocks each and every craft beer brewed in Ireland it’s one of the only bars in
Dublin that doesn’t serve the ‘black stuff’. See you again soon Michael.
Paul McLean, owner and Meer info:
Jaargang 9
Dessert Teeling Small Batch. Cheese; Coolea Gouda, Poach Apple, Ginger Crack-
So next time in Dublin and thinking about a visit to the Jameson Distillery museum,
Tijdens ons festival WHISKY IN LEIDEN hebben wij gekozen
voor een nieuw glas, namelijk het Glencairn Copita nosing
whiskyglas. Dit luxe glas zal U bij de entree krijgen nadat U
Uw entree kaart heeft ingeleverd. Het is de bedoeling dat U
dit glas gebruikt tijdens de gehele sessie van WHISKY IN
LEIDEN. Er zal tevens voldoende gelegenheid zijn om U
glas te spoelen tijdens het festival. Dit glas mag U na afloop
van het festival WHISKY IN LEIDEN uiteraard meenemen.
Steak, New Season Baby Golden Beets, Mouselline Potato, Honey & Lavender Jus,
Gorse Flowers
Main Teeling 21 Year Old Silver Reserve. Rosehip and Plum Water. Lamb Leg
Nummer 3
was undertaking research & development on your behalf.
februari 2015
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Dublin trip
Christmas week 2014
Paul’s Christmas sojourn to Ireland. DIARY/BLOG
Taking the flight on the 21st December, I flew into Dublin. Flying always annoys me,
seems to be time wasted, especially in the check in process! Then upon arrival at
Dublin, something like a 9 mile hike just to get out of the airport! Thank goodness I
can browse duty free on the way back, might see someone I know, or pick up a nice
Dublin, day 1; arrived knackered, it was a long day, checked into my hotel on the
river and chilled a wee bit. Then took a stroll to the Confession Box pub, I always do
this, so I can honestly tell my Priest back home in Perth, I went to Confession. The
pub is small to say the least,. the staff are Dubs giving a local feel. The Guinness
is great though I stayed with whiskey - doctors orders! The location is tougher than
tourist streets and means there are more Guards (Gardí ) patrolling - so long as they
leave me alone eh!
The following days can become a blur, talkin of pubs; I know I called in for a few
drams at McDaids Pub on Harry Street - it was once the City Morgue, later converted
into a chapel for the Moravian Brethren, hence the Gothic style windows. It was only
just open when I arrived, so just the three of us in (or should I say the tree of us?),
settled down with a Powers and took in the scenery. There is also a room and bar upstairs, but in my humble view, no as good as street level. Traditional wood panelling
everywhere, lots of old whiskey images, to be sure, not a grand collection of whiskies
behind the bar, but enough for a session and no get bored! Friendly staff too. The
Hairy Lemon: the Craic is fine and the music is fine. An old type of bar with nooks and
crannies, aye, tried most of em! Sorry, too touristy fer me. Bowe’s: NOW WE ARE
TALKIN. on the East side of Fleet Street. The staff are friendly, the Guinness is con-
sistently the best in the city (yes, better than it is at the brewery), they have a range of
craft beers on tap, lovely toasted sandwiches (tried one to be sure) and a selection of
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Dublin trip vervolg
over 100 whiskeys from around the world - really, what more do you want? I partook!
The Palace Bar: This place is grand - it tends to get really crowded, which makes
it difficult to get a seat - so, let’s stand!. They have a wide range of Irish beers and
a superb selection of whiskeys, including their own Palace Bar whiskey which you
can purchase by the shot or, should you wish to, by the bottle. Still a Cooley dram,
though now it arrives from Teelings. A long and narrow bar that opens out at the bot-
tom (like my cousin) into a wider room to sit and enjoy life. It has an upstairs too. I
lingered in here more than once. Just to do research you understand. 37 Dawson St. A party time place, with a decent supply of Irish whiskey. Called in one night at 6pm
as arranged, a seat booked for me. To be sure I was expecting a whiskey tasting or
something. At 6.20 I was thinkin I was in the wrong place! No tasting, no nothing, all
it was, a reserved seat (in a bar!!!). I chatted to Ron behind the bar, the only sense I
got while in there, we chatted about our favourite whiskies and I sampled one or four
(approx. 50 behind the bar). A wee bit strange, my whiskey came in a square tumbler
glass, with water at the side, in a Glencairn glass! Got a bit fed up of the loud music (not live by the way) and left. I knew where I was,
so trotted along Merion Row to O’Donoghue’s MY FAMILY’S FAVOURITE DUBLIN
HAUNT - as I found out later, not any more. It too is getting touristy, what a shame.
The pub that launched the career of the “Dubliners”. Can get crowded especially
when live music is on. ASK FOR A CHEESE BUTTY! I moved on to Toners, by this
time, everywhere was busy, drammed once and left.
I also know I dropped in more than once to O’ Neill’s, traditional Victorian decor,
complete with snugs and cosy corners. O’ Neills’ choice of whiskey is extensive and
is available on two floors, downstairs in both the main bar and the smaller Victorian
bar as well as the dedicated Whiskey corner upstairs. Great food, great staff who
recognize you - nice that - and also do a great breakfast. The Church Café, Bar, Restaurant, St. Mary’s Church, Dublin is a former Church of Ireland building on the cor-
ner of Mary Street and Jervis Street, Dublin. From the 17th century the church was a
place of worship for parishioners on Dublin’s north-side, before it was closed in 1986. 45
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Dublin trip vervolg
Now it’s a trendy bar with whiskey tasting trays and a selection of Premium Irish
Whiskeys. Jameson Premium Reserves Tasting. Jameson Select Reserve. Jameson
12 year old Special Reserve. Jameson Gold Reserve.€14.00. O’Sullivan’s bar near
O’Connel bridge, a tourist trap, but some good Irish drams in there. It never seems to
get overly busy, so can always get served. Some of the lowest priced drams I had! I must say it is starting to look like a pub crawl, honestly it wasnee. After years of
planning and anticipation, the Irish Whiskey Museum is welcoming guests to Dublin’s
newest tourist attraction! Near Trinity College, the museum is the only Irish whiskey
museum in the world. Converting an idle building fallen into disrepair in the heart of
the city centre, it’s an independent project conceived by director Keith McDonnell
who showed me around. The hope is to not only educate the public on Irish whiskey’s
history, but to promote an understanding and appreciation for something that is, unmistakably, Irish. Grand stuff. Remembering the Easter Uprising Top of O’Connel St past Parnel Sq; The Commemoration Garden is dedicated to the memory of “all those who gave their lives in
the cause of Irish Freedom.” The Garden was opened in 1966 by President Eamon
de Valera, on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Easter Rising of 1916. The Gardens feature the work of Irish sculptor Oisin Kelly (1915-1981). “The Children of Lir” appear
in a well-known Irish saga about the offspring of a noble king who are transformed
into swans by a sorceress. Only after 900 years are they “reborn” as children. They
transfiguration here is taken to be a symbolic representation of the rebirth of Irish
freedoms after centuries of subjugation. It was a tearful visit here. I did wander all
over Dublin on my trip, not just to pubs, but, mind, I was undertaking serious research
and development issues.
I asked one old fella “can you tell me the way to the castle please?”, he replied
“where are you comin from?” The whole time in Ireland I never had a Scotch! Amazing but true. My hotel was good, the barman I chatted to was really friendly and help-
ful, Padraig (Patrick) - who else in Dublin has that name? Aye, far too many people
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Dublin trip vervolg
called Patrick, Sean and Michael - my numerous cousins included. Dublin has far
too many taxis, sleep out people, beggars charity boxes. There are more taxis in
good. QUESTION; why not buy a Bushmills 1995? Greenspot 12 Year Old a special
single pot still whiskey released to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Mitchells wine
Dublin than New York city, fact.
merchants. It is now very hard to get hold of and is very scarce. I was given a dram...
I also called into, and purchased from, the Celtic Whiskey Shop, best selection in
partook in a few Yellow Spot also. Shanahans Single Malt An Irish single malt fae
town. To be assured of forgiveness I went to chapel every day, also many times to the
Confessional box (pub), it was nose to nose in there, if you have 30 in the downstairs
bar, you cannee move! Over my time in there I went through a bottle of Single malt
Tullamore it seemed. Och at 5 euro a dram it was grand. Was in here one afternoon
hellish expensive to buy, if you can find it, but if you have the dolly dosh – get it! I
Cooley distillery in County Louth. Shanahans in smooth, soft and light character with
fresh fruity flavours. Created especially for Shanahans Restaurant, possibly the best
steak house in Ireland! Sadly, never made it to dine.
(a long visit) with the two Seans, sharing drams and black stuff.
MY COUSINS TURNED UP calling for me at 08.30 at my hotel, we jumped a taxi
and a half hour later, somewhere(?) we arrived at a wee bar. Black Bush all round,
by 10.30 4 drams later, we had caught up with family issues, had breakfast and wan-
dered back into town, O’Donoghue’s where we had 3 more Bush, chatted to some
of their pals (cousins, not the bush), headed down to Palace bar, it was heavin! We
sort of arranged a table for ourselves (God knows how?) and drammed away chat-
tin of Dundalk, where they live. By now I was relegated to juice, seeing double via
my eyes. Some food around the corner and then Bowes again! Oh no. They left for
home steamin at 6pm, I took a taxi to my hotel, crashed on the bed, watched terrible
tv all night.
There was also a few other drams I tried; KNAPPOGUE 1995 VINTAGE The Knap-
pogue Castle is indeed a real castle, which was built by the Irish clan MacNamara
in the 15th century to stop the invading Normans. 1966, Mr. Andrews, an American
with Irish blood, purchased it and began its restoration, , who stocked-up his cellars
with all kinds of different pot-still Whiskeys. He waited for the Whiskey to reach the
pinnacle of maturation and bottled it under the name of his hallowed Knappogue. The
1995 Vintage is a single malt distilled at Bushmills in 1995. Special Bourbon casks
were used for this particular vintage. Don’t miss out on this Irish knock-out, it’s really
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februari 2015 •
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Spey distillery interview
Paul and Liz of mcleanscotland/angels whisky club paid a visit recently to Spey Distillery near Kingussie, at the start of the River Spey.
After a tour of the distillery with manager Sandy, and many drams (Liz did as Paul
was driving) we enjoyed ourselves so much, we went on to chat to John Harvey McDonough whilst he was in Taiwan. This is the interview and some photos.
Hello John, thank you for your time, I know you are a busy man and a lot of time
spent abroad. After my whisky tasting evening with Paul Dempsey and a visit to the
distillery with Sandy, I can now honestly say, I am a big fan of Speyside distillery! The
brand was more or less previously unobtainable here in Scotland - so I am pleased
now there is a presence. I know I have caught you at a busy period whilst in Taiwan
with Michael Owen, apologies.
Q; In Taiwan and China, is it just the Michael Owen bottles you are marketing, or the
whole range?
A - It is the whole range .. we have been marketing SPEY as a brand for almost 20
years in Taiwan and almost 5 in China but of course we are very excited about the
prospects of the SPEY-Michael Owen partnership for Greater China and indeed the
whole of Asia.
Q; The expressions - The Golden Choice (40.6% abv) and The Michael Owen Lim-
ited Edition (46% abv). Will these be available in Scotland?
A - Yes they will but on a very limited allocation-basis only in 2015.
Q; Michael is obviously an excellent name/brand in that area of the world - as he is the
world over, has he been a good ambassador so far for whisky? And what of the future?
A - He has been a superb brand ambassador for our SPEY brand both professionally
and personally and we have been able to meet with his whole family which allows us
to understand why Michael is so popular and well respected around the world. The
future looks very bright based on our first very successful 6 months co-operation.
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Spey distillery vervolg
Q; Moving back to the distillery and the Company, apart from historical links, what
its annual sales. Do you have plans to move into a worldwide market once the new
A - to realise my grandfather’s (Alec Harvey) dream of having the family return to the
A - yes we do we already have partnerships in place which will develop our duty
was the prime mover in purchasing Speyside Distillery a few years back?
art of distilling and to secure our future supplies of malt whisky and quality bottling
distillery is in production? And indeed, at the moment.
paid and duty free presence in strategic international markets in the very near future.
Q; I was lucky enough to sample the 12 year old, the 18 and the Tenne drams at the
one? I believe you have plans to build a new distillery near the existing site?
was driving), at our distillery visit, apart from these along with the MO range, do you
the second distillery very close to Aviemore itself.
A - yes indeed we do ... 2015 celebrates the 200 year anniversary of Lord Byron’s
Q; How will this affect production and annual quotas?
A - Production will increase from the current 600,000L to 1.2-1.7 million litres in the
selected aged SPEY offerings within the coming 12 months.
Q; I have recently visited the distillery, where will you be looking to build the new
A - The area itself in and around Aviemore is naturally beautiful and we plan to build
medium term.
private tasting with Paul Dempsey recently, then Liz tasted even more (lucky Liz, I
have any plans to release an older age whisky in Scotland?
wedding in 1815 and in conjunction with the Lord Byron Society we will release some
Q; Moving back to the marketing side, can you tell me who designed the bottle and
the labels?
Q; Can you tell me anything about the Drumguish, Glentromie, Củ Dhub malts, and
Q; Where will you be selecting the new equipment from?
A - We have already ordered all our distilling equipment from Forsythes.
Q; Have you considered warehousing on site?
A - Yes we have considered it but believe that the two should still remain separate
and that our artisan distillery skills are not distracted into warehousing.
Q; It will be a long term investment, are you confident the whisky industry will grow in
that time – especially in your market?
A - Yes indeed it is however we believe it is the right decision for us. We have the
rest of the world as our new markets and based on the success of Taiwan we firmly
believe that China and Asia will be very big single malt whisky markets in the near
Q; Spey whisky currently sells 60,000 nine-litre cases in Taiwan, representing 90% of
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A - Myself and our company designer Joanna Miller.
blends Glen Hood and Scottish Prince?
A - They are all our mainstream product with the exception of Củ Dhub which belongs to a third party.
Many thanks for your time John, I look forward to witnessing the growth of the Spey
brand in the near future.
Thank you - our pleasure John Harvey McDonough
Paul’s note; if like me, you cannee wait for the bottles to be available here, let me
know and if we can assist you, we shall!
www . s c hot l a n dd i g i z i n e . n l
The Balvenie Rare Craft
The Balvenie Rare Craft Event in NYC’s Chelsea Market ran from 17 November
2014 through 22 November 2014, and gave place not only to rare and unique hand-
made pieces from artisans from all over the United States, but it also allowed ticket
holders to sample Balvenie whiskys while admiring the crafts. The collection curator
was Indy racer Dario Franchitti, and the event itself was hosted by Balvenie Brand
Ambassador David Laird, from Glasgow. My husband John and I attended on the
final day, 22 November, and wanted to share some highlights with the other angels!
In all there were twenty-one crafts showcased, ranging from cars to clothing, but
by far our favorite was a set of intricately decorated bagpipes made from Balvenie
whisky barrels! These pipes were crafted by Roderick “Roddy” MacLellan, a Scot
who emigrated to the U.S. in 1980 and who now lives in North Carolina. Some other
favorites were: an Indy Car Parts Table by Julian R. Halpern of Steelhead Studio, a
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The Balvenie vervolg
shuffleboard table by Todd McClure of McClure Tables, a guitar by Scott Baxendale
of Baxendale Guitars, and a Sea Board (surfboard) by Mike Lavecchia of Grain Surfboards. The heart of the exhibit was a Morgan +8 Roadster, hand-assembled and
crafted with extensive Balvenie branding. Wish we were allowed to sit in it!
While browsing, guests could sample Balvenie 12 Year Doublewood and 14 Year
Caribbean Cask, but we were lucky enough to get into the Master Tasting later in the
day. David Laird hosted and it was a rare treat. We sampled the 12 and 17 Year Dou-
blewood, the 14 Year Caribbean Cask, 12 Year Single Barrel, and 21 Year Portwood!
Lucky us, we got to take home Rare Craft branded Glencairn glasses and a Balvenie
branded water dropper!
An amazing day, but your angels weren’t done yet. David invited us to the VIP after
party, where we sampled more of the Balvenie range; the details are a little fuzzy
at this point! A heartfelt welcome from David and live music started off the night,
and NYC’s famous Meatball Shop catered the party. Unfortunately, we had to leave
before the 25 Year Single Barrel was opened; we had to catch the last train home.
Maybe next year!
We do suggest other angels do the same, want to become an angel?
It’s free, just email us at
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Glasgow distillery
Paul and Liz of mcleanscotland/angels whisky club paid a pre planned visit to the
Glasgow Distillery during January. Meeting up with Liam and a privileged show round
of the operation, where they met the team, tried a few samples, saw the equipment
and asked the questions. Made all the more difficult after a whole day and night with
the Irish Tourist Board, we did struggle to make breakfast!
Q; Jarmo Halmeenkari from Finland asked us to pose the question; Where can we
get this?
A; precious batch of aged single malt Speyside casks has been acquired by Glasgow Distillery and is to be launched under the brand name Prometheus. Where has
Glasgow Distillery kept hidden this 26 year old? Chatting to Liam (Liam Hughes
CEO) it will be delivered in a nice presentation box - still being designed - a very nice
tall bottle shape with a cork/glass stopper. It will be presented in Hamburgh at the
start of February and sadly, for us, also available in Scotland soon at around £300.
Liz and Paul were lucky enough to sample this and very lucky to be given the chance
to get their hands on a bottle once out there!
It WAS a really good dram, we both agreed (for once!). The coveted liquid was left
to quietly sleep for nearly three decades until it was awoken after a chance meet-
ing between Liam and the original owners. During the summer of 2014, a plan was
hatched to finally release this unique and special whisky.
A question from a friend in Moscow;
club, what can you find out?
Q; we are interested in the cask idea and the
A; The 1770 CLUB This is a chance to own a piece of Glasgow distilling history. The
1770 Club gives you the opportunity to purchase your own cask filled with new make
spirit and have it stored in their bonded warehouse for a minimum of three years and
a day. Membership Includes; a specific cask (size you choose) with a unique refer-
ence number stencilled onto the end plate of the cask. A certificate of ownership
detailing the quantity and strength of spirit that you own. Advice on optimal bottling
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Glasgow distillery vervolg
time. You will be welcome to visit the distillery and inspect your whisky. Protection
by 24 hour security and insurance - Paul’s note, we did check this out, dinnae worry,
tight as Fort Knox, the whole site is bonded and totally secure. Membership also
gets you a bottle of the distillery’s first spirit, Makar™ Glasgow Gin - and can I say
(Paul), I hate gin, do not like it at all! But, we were introduced to a few different gin
samples, mine had an orange twist with loads of ice and tonic, well d’you know, I
drank the lot! I asked, why that much ice? A few ice cubes will start to melt away
in the drink, lots of ice with keel each other company and keep each other iced for
longer, amazing. Club membership starts at only £670 excluding VAT and UK duty,
When asked,”what is annual output?” Liam answered; around 200,000 70cl bottles
per year. They will mash 5 times per week and will run the whisky still and the gin
still simultaneously.
The gin is available now, each day they “play around” making up cocktails, trying new
ideas with this gin; Makar™
In all, we spent a couple of hours at the distillery, by the way, an industrial unit, no
pagoda, no sign even! There will be NO visitors allowed and no visitor centre, but,
depending on the tour and group we (mcleanscotland) may be able to sneak you in,
eh Liam!
When will the first whisky dribble out? The first week of February. But you can buy
a cask anytime.
We both agreed (Liz and Paul), everyone working here is super friendly, they know
what they are doing and, more to the point, enjoy what they are doing! So much so,
the planned Christmas drinks away in Glasgow was cancelled as all volunteered to
stay and help receive still equipment, then set it up, a task in itself they said! Now
what other distillery would do that I ask you? After samples of both whisky and gin,
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Glasgow distillery vervolg
not to mention botanics and herbs Liz also took away, we were then driven back to
Glasgow city by Liam!
“If you don’t belong you may
never taste the delights of a full
strength unfiltered dram. For the
malt whisky lover a subscription
to the Scotch Malt Whisky Society
might be the ultimate gift.”
Derek Cooper
See story on angels at;
Telephone: (31)-(0)165-529905
Fax: (31)-(0)165-540067
Jaargang 9
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• • februari 2015
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St Andrews distillery
Paul Miller; Hi Paul and Liz, I thought it was 12.30? Sorry Paul we were delayed
(by an hour!!! Liz says it was Paul’s fault, usual story), anyhow it was fine. A quick
show round was called for, it had been a good few months since I was there (Paul)
so high time to see the updated story. Things have been happening, not quite fin-
ished but it is a lot bigger/better than last time. During our tour with Paul (M) - this is
getting confusing here with two Pauls, so Paul Mc will become Sean for this story.
During our tour with Paul, there was a group in taking a tour with Kevan (manager)
and a lot of beers were set up for the tasting, gin too (Shona set these up). Paul
talked us through new developments and things to come, eventually getting to the
office for a sit down and a taste - love gin! Aye, a new gin, pink, aimed at Valentines
day I think, but very different. And so to some questions;
Sean; Casks; can anyone buy one? Paul; yes they can, anyone can be a private
owner of their own cask, what happens, they come along, make the spirit with us and
fill their own cask, standard casks are Octave French/USA oak @ 50 litres, approx.
80 bottles. They can finish how they wish and the cask will mature a few miles from
the Old Course in St Andrews. Sean, anyone wanting details email me at paul@
Special new make releases; The team have distilled and will be distilling using 3
very different malted barley types to create 3 unique single malt spirits on 3 very im-
portant Scottish dates. Each of these batches of 396 bottles will be released under
the headings of the Eden.Mill St Andrews Day Single Malt Spirit using pale malt,
Hogmanay Single Malt Spirit using pale malt and chocolate malt, Robert Burns Day
Single Malt Spirit using pale malt, crystal malt and brown malt. Each release of just
320 - 346 bottles will guarantee the purchaser the opportunity to by the same malt
as a 1 year old, and as a 2 year old, and ultimately when it first becomes single malt
scotch Whisky as a 3 years and 1 day old. With bottles released at just £35 per 50cl
bottle at 50 abv strength in unique numbered ceramic bottles, we imagine the first
and second releases will be sold out very quickly. 55
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ANY LEFT TO BUY? Very few!
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whisky tartan producten
zijn ook exclusief verkrijgbaar via:
Although I have one (Sean) of the Burns bottles, a Christmas pressie from Shona.
De Whisky Tartan,
de Schotse ruit
die het verhaal
van whisky vertelt
St Andrews vervolg
Tour the craft distillery and brewery and you´ll see: guys crafting the best beer, gins
and whisky. By the end of your tour, you´ll have had an inside track of why and how
they do what they do. And you’ll see parts of the brewery not normally available to the
public. Want a tour - ask Liz to set it up
Pretty soon they will be up and running with the whisky room, and the gin room. Plus
many more great inspiring ideas yet to be developed. A new website is coming soon,
join the beer club, the spirits club, get a gold card, buy a cask.
(wit=fles, geel=whisky)
Ook verkrijgbaar:
kilt pins
Liz & Paul are the owners of
Paul Miller is a Director of Eden.
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Perth Whisky Festival
Perth Whisky Festival
Saturday 2nd May 2015
Friday 1 May - arrive in Perth, a 3pm check in to The Mercure Hotel, a 3 star city
centre hotel just minutes’ walk from the whisky festival location. This evening we
meet for a meal, then decant to Paul’s local pub; Christies to chat with locals and
have a couple of complimentary drams of whisky. Overnight Perth.
Saturday 2 May - a full cooked Scottish breakfast then time to explore the city
before the whisky festival, normally starting at noon. Based on last year’s whisky
festival, many drams will be available via tokens which are included, more can be
purchased during the day. Maybe try our pubs & restaurants this evening, no shortage of choice for more drams.
Being Paul’s home city, I guess he knows it pretty
well and can guide you around the best pubs. Overnight Perth.
Sunday 3 May - after breakfast we head to Edradour Distillery in the Victorian
town of Pitlochry for a tour and taste of four drams. Est 1825, it is renowned for
being one of the smallest and most picturesque distilleries in Scotland. The distillery
started life named Glenforres, changing to Edradour circa 1835, then briefly chang-
ing to Glenforres-Glenlivet in the 1920s. Andrew Symington’s Signatory Company
purchased Edradour in 2002, with excellent bottles of whisky to purchase, from their
vast cask stocks. Time for an early lunch in Pitlochry at the Old Mill (or elsewhere),
before heading to Aberfeldy for the Dewar’s Connoisseur Tour - enjoy a short video
before exploring the heritage centre, distillery tour, cask tasting in the warehouse and
a choice of four drams to taste in a complimentary glass.
Monday 4 May - the tour ends after breakfast - or add on as many days and nights
as you wish
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Perth Whisky Festival vervolg
COST: 320 pounds per person sharing, 90 pounds single supplement *The whisky
package includes: 3 nights bed and fully cooked Scottish breakfasts in 3 star city
centre hotel, 1 dinner, 2 complimentary whiskies in a local pub, Entry ticket to the
Perth Whisky Festival and a whisky tasting glass, Fully guided day trip to 2 distilleries
including tastings and tours, Complimentary drams en route (you drink, we drive!),
Tour brochure.
Suggested ADD ON TOUR Monday 4th May A fully guided day trip - after breakfast
we go to St Andrew’s Eden Distillery/Brewery, quite unique as they are both at the
same location. Sample small batch real ales, gin and new make spirit before travelling
a few mintues to see the coastal town of St Andrews itself. We then head to the river
town of Broughty Ferry (near Dundee) for a traditional pub lunch (not included) then to
Glencadam Distillery in Brechin for a tour and taste a few drams. Return to Broughty
Ferry where you stay overnight. There is a good whisky pub attached to the hotel
where we meet for drinks this evening. A tour around some of the local pubs maybe
tonight? Tuesday 5th May - the tour ends after a fully cooked Scottish breakfast.
COST: 149 pounds per person sharing, 15 pounds single supplement. Add on tour
includes: 1 night bed and fully cooked Scottish breakfast in 3 star hotel, Fully guided
day trip to 2 distilleries/brewery including tastings and tours, Complimentary drams
en route (you drink, we drive!)
Bookings of both tours by 6 March receive a complimentary bottle of whisky.
* we require a minimum of four guests on tour, we welcome sole travellers
For travellers from around the world, we can offer a fully guided tour service lasting
as many days as you wish, or self drive options, but do be aware not to drink & drive.
See the package on
Jaargang 9
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februari 2015
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Torabhaig distillery
Another day, and another Scotch distillery project appears. No doubt funding will
come from an issue of founders’ bonds or future cask sales, and a diverse group of
private investors, while early income will be predicated on sales of gin and new-make
spirit. You get the picture.
So we look at the case of Mossburn Distillers Ltd. with a slightly seen-it-all-before
eye. We chat with chief executive Neil Mathieson, who outlines two distillery projects,
one on the Isle of Skye and another near Jedburgh, in the Scottish Borders. Talk
turns to likely expenditure; and Mathieson mentions that the Borders plans involve
spending between £35 and £40 million ($60 to $68 million), and that no external
funding will be required.
Did he say £35 to £40 million? More or less what it cost Diageo to build its largest and
most state-of-the-art distillery to date at Roseisle? Yes, he did.
Clearly we need to know more about the man and his plans. Mathieson was born in
Scotland into a family with over 100 years of involvement with Scotch whisky. Moving
to London, he trained as a chef, also getting involved in law, accountancy, and hotel
management. He then opened a restaurant with his chef wife.
For the past 30 years he has been running Eaux de Vie, which he set up in 1984,
growing it into the UK’s leading independent importer of spirits. Eaux de Vie now
in the hands of Marussia Beverages BV, which ultimately belongs to the privately
owned Swedish investment company Haydn Holding AB. Marussia operates vineyards in Europe and a brandy distillery in Eastern Europe, while additionally working
with Caribbean rum producers.
Neil Mathieson points out that, “We started looking at having our own involvement in
whisky distilling in Scotland five years ago, so we’re not jumping on a bandwagon.”
In order to further these distilling ambitions, Mossburn Distillers Ltd. has been set up
to create and operate the two new distilleries.
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februari 2015
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T-shirt whisky PAGODE
Torabhaig distillery vervolg
“At Torabhaig on the southeast coast of Skye, more than £5 million ($8 million) will
be spent building a new malt distillery in a listed farm steading,” notes Mathieson.
“The aim is to produce half a million liters of spirit, using traditional pot stills made
for us by Forsyths. The restoration of the buildings has commenced and the first
distillates will be produced in 2016. We expect that the flavor profile will be confirmed over the next year as we work on the still shape and height, malt sourcing,
and wood program.”
By coincidence, distilling guru and former Diageo production director Alan Rutherford
already had an existing interest in both the Jedburgh and Skye distillery projects.
He was involved with the Torabhaig distillery venture before Mossburn came along,
when all permissions were in place ready for work to commence. At an earlier stage
Rutherford had identified the Jedburgh site as an ideal location for whisky-making
in the Borders. Joining forces with the Mossburn team as technical director, it was
decided that both ventures should go ahead.
“At Mossburn, our aim is to produce up to 2.5 million liters of malt and grain spirit per
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year,” says Neil Mathieson. “The design of the distillery buildings is currently subject
Nummer 3
Plus 3,
*binnen nederland
februari 2015
to gaining planning permission, although work has begun on the other buildings at
the site we own, based around the former Jedforest Hotel. We hope to start on the
production buildings next year with distillation commencing in 2017. As with Torabhaig, we have yet to confirm the flavor profiles for production.
“It’s going to be a unique, statement building, which will incorporate a malt plant, a
grain plant and a ‘hybrid’ plant; three distilleries under one roof, in effect. Ultimately,
there will also be maturation facilities, a bottling hall and 1,000 square meters of hos-
pitality space. We aim to have the largest whisky shop in Scotland and conference
space for a spirits academy. If all goes to plan, we are talking about a 2015 build,
while in 2016 the equipment will be put in place, and during 2017 the distillery and
visitor center will open.”
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Torabhaig distillery vervolg
Given that both distillery ventures are being “internally” funded by a clearly cash-
rich enterprise, there are fewer pressures to obtain short-term returns for Mossburn
Distillers Ltd than in the case of other fledgling whisky distillers. “We are working on
Exclusieve rondreis | Speyside
a 25-year fully-funded business plan, just as we would for our other vineyard and
Dag 1 aankomst op Edinburgh airport, we zullen u daar ontvangen, transfer naar Elgin, met
een korte tussenstop, op tijd voor een rondleiding en iets proeven bij Glen Moray distillery.
Overnight Elgin.
Dag 2 we bezoeken Knockdhu distillery voor een privé-rondleiding & iets proeven. Terug
naar Dufftown voor een rondleiding en iets proeven bij Balvenie distillery. Terug naar het
hotel hotel in Elgin waar de gasten van een whisky diner genieten, 3-gangen diner met 3
whisky’s. Overnachting in Elgin. Afhankelijk van de tijd vandaag, zullen we een bezoekje
brengen aan The Highlander Inn voor “whisky tijd”.
Dag 3 rijden naar The Speyside Cooperage, een leerzaam bezoek waarbij getoond wordt
hoe vaten gerepareerd worden, gemaakt en aangepast (formaat). Dit zal een VIP bezoek
zijn; een ervaren cooper zal de gasten begeleiden gevolgd door een dram van hun eigen
single malt whisky in een Speyside Cooperage tasting glass dat u mag houden samen met
de proefnotities. Tijd ingericht voor lunch, alvorens richting Huntly te gaan, een rondleiding
door de pakhuizen en bijzondere privé proeverij bij een onafhankelijk bottelaar. Overnachting
in Elgin.
Dag 4 een laatste dag, zuidwaarts rijdend, eerste stop in Perth waar we de microdistilleerderij Strathearn aandoen voor een kort leerzaam bezoek, gevolgd door een new make
en gin proeverij. Terug naar Edinburgh voor de overnachting. Chauffeur/gids vertrekt na
afzetten bij het hotel.
Dag 5 terug naar het vliegveld (eigen kosten). We kunnen en extra dag toevoegen indien
distillery enterprises,” explains Mathieson.
“There will be no founders’ casks or sales of new-make spirit. We will market single
malt, single grain, and blends, and the aim will be to build brands and create international sales prospects. The first limited release bottlings will probably be of five year
old whisky before a standard ten or twelve is chosen. This will depend on the flavor
profile the team decides on, and the development over the first five years.”
Some observers of the Scotch whisky scene foresee problems when all of the emer-
gent ‘craft’ distilling operations begin fighting for their slice of the market. After all,
each is likely to be offering consumers pretty much the same product, namely three
of four year old, ‘limited edition’ bottlings from a predictable variety of casks, all with
price tags of $120 and upward.
It appears that Mossburn is in the position to avoid such a situation, but what does
Mathieson suggest for others embarking on their whisky-making dream? “I would
advise them to concentrate on the costs of grain, wood, and cask storage over their
aging plan, rather than the initial outlay on distilling equipment, and not to consider
unrealistic retail prices or expect them to continue increasing,” he says. “Also, forget
Glen Moray distillery
Knockdhu distillery
Balvenie distillery
Speyside Cooperage
Strathearn distillery
KOSTEN PER RONDREIS: gebaseerd op een groep van 6 reisgenoten, een twin/double room
delend, per persoon £830. Eenpersoonstoeslag £150. Inclusief 4 nachten accommodatie,
4 fully cooked ontbijten, vervoer en gids, toegang en scholen als bovenstaand vermeld.
Exclusief vervoer, eten (anders dan ontbijt), whisky en extras niet bovenstaand vermeld.
We kunnen accommodatie opwaarderen op uw verzoek.
Bovenstaande rondreis gebaseerd op 4 reisgenoten kost £985 per persoon.
Jaargang 9
Nummer 3
februari 2015
the U.S., as our distribution and retail models are different. Perhaps if we all took the
initial expected financial requirement, doubled it, and then doubled it again, we would
all be securely funded for the future!”
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Kampen Destillateurs Bruinisse (NL)
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