Stationsweg 140, 2515 BS Den Haag, Nederland (+31) 070 744
Stationsweg 140, 2515 BS Den Haag, Nederland (+31) 070 744
Stationsweg 140, 2515 BS Den Haag, Nederland (+31) 070 744 8172 of (+31) 070 744 8177 Vlees van de grill (Grilled meat) Steak met champignonsaus of pepersaus €12,50 Entrecôte met champignonsaus of pepersaus €12,50 Lam-spies met champignonsaus of pepersaus €12,50 Lamskotelet met gebakken groenten €12,50 Ossenhaas met champignonsaus of pepersaus €18,00 Mix grill Mister Ribs 4 soorten Kipfilet, steak, lamskotelet en kalf spare ribs met champignonsaus of pepersaus. €17,50 (Steak with mushroom sauce or pepper sauce) (Sirloin steak with mushroom sauce or pepper sauce) (Lamb skewer with mushroom sauce or pepper sauce) (Lamb chops with fried vegetables) (Tenderloin with mushroom sauce or pepper sauce) (Mister Ribs mix grill 4 kinds of meat. Chicken, steak, Lamb chops and Veal ribs with mushroom sauce or pepper sauce) Kip van de grill (chicken from the grill) Kippenvleugels 8st. zoet of hot marinade € 8,50 Gegrilde kipfilet met champignonsaus €10,00 Gegrilde kipkarbonade met champignonsaus, salami en kaas €12,50 Kipspies met chilisaus Kipspies €10,00 (Chicken Wings sweet or hot marinade) (Grilled chicken with mushroom sauce) (Grilled chicken cutlet with mushroom sauce, salami and cheese) (Chicken skewer with chilli sauce) Vis van de grill (Grilled fish) Fish and Chips € 8,50 Scampi’s met chilisaus en rijst €14,50 (Prawns with chilli sauce and rice) Specialiteiten (tapas PLATEAU) Gesneden kipfilet met gebakken paprika en ananas. Zoet of hot marinade. (Sliced chicken breast with sauteed peppers and pineapple. Sweet or hot marinade) La Gamba. Gebakken Scampi’s met paprika en prei. Zoet of hot marinade. (Fried prawns with peppers and leeks. Sweet or hot marinade) Spare ribs zoet of hot marinde (sweet or spicy marinade) € 16,50 *Geserveerd met friet of rijst en salade Costillas Spare ribs Mister Ribs met zoete marinade €12,50 Spare ribs Madame Jeanette met Madame Jeanette hot marinade €12,50 Spare ribs Argentijns met maïskolf en hot marinade €14,00 Spare ribs Piña met gegrilde ananas €12,50 Spare ribs Champignons met gegrilde champignons €13,50 Spare ribs La Paprika met gegrilde paprika €13,50 Spare ribs Vleugels met drie stukjes kippenvleugels. Zoet of hot marinade €14,50 Spare ribs Amerikaans met gebakken champignons, gesmolten kaas en gegrilde spek. (American spare ribs with fried mushrooms, melted cheese and grilled bacon) €15,00 Spare ribs van de Chef met gebakken, gesneden kipfilet, paprika en ananas €15,00 Spare ribs La Gamba met gegrilde scampi’s, paprika en prei. Zoet of hot marinade €16,50 (Spare ribs Mister Ribs with sweet marinade) (Spare ribs Madame Jeanette, with Madame Jeanette hot marinade) (Spare ribs with corn on the cob and hot marinade) (Spare ribs with grilled pineapple) (Spare ribs with grilled mushrooms) (Spare ribs with grilled peppers) (Spare ribs with three pieces of chicken wings. Sweet or hot marinade) (Spa (Spare ribs Chef with fried, sliced chicken breast, peppers and pineapple) (Spare ribs with grilled prawns, peppers and leeks. Sweet or hot marinade) Kalf spare ribs Halal met zoet of Madame Jeanette hot marinade (Halal Veal ribs with sweet or Madame Jeanette hot marinade) Vegetarisch Pasta met verse groenten met roomsaus of basilicumsaus Voor Kinderen Kipnuggets of frikandel of spare ribs + een kinderijsje €14,00 €14,00 € 7,50 *Alle gerechten worden geserveerd met frietjes en salade* Steengrill Vanaf 2 personen 6 soorten vlees en vis, 2 warme & 2 koude sausjes. Inclusief salade en frietjes. (Stone Grill from 2 persons, 6 kinds of raw meat and fish, 2 hot and 2 cold sauces. Includes salad and fries. Self grilling on a small grill on the table) €32,50 $Q@MJDM FRISDRANKEN Aperitieven Aperitief van het huis Martini wit / rood Wittte porto Rode porto Sherry €5,00 €3,25 €3,25 €3,25 €3,25 GEDISTILEERD Jonge jenever Bacardi Wodka Red Wodka Ricard Gordon’s Gin Whiskey Black Label Whiskey Red Label Cognac Campari €2,75 €4,25 €4,25 €4,25 €4,25 €3,00 €6,75 €5,25 €6,75 €3,25 LIKEUREN Amaretto Baileys Tia Maria Cointreau Likor 43 Safari Passoa Malibu BIER Jupiler Corona HUISWIJNEN Droog of zoete witte wijn, rode wijn en Rosé Per glas Per karaf Per fles €4,00 €3,75 €3,75 €4,25 €4,25 €3,25 €3,25 €3,25 €2,50 €3,50 Groene Fernandes Cola Cola zero Cola light Fanta Sprite Spa rood Spa Blauw Tonic Ice tea Appelsap Jus d’ Orange Bitter lemon Bi Chocomel Fristi Red Bull €2,00 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,25 €2,50 WARME DRANKEN Koffie / Thee Decafé Cappuccino Latte Machiato Espresso Dubbel espresso esp Warme chocolademelk €2,25 €2,25 €3,00 €3,00 €3,25 €2,00 €3,00 Speciaal Irisch Coffee (whiskey) Italian Coffee (Amaretto) French Coffee (Cognac) Spanish Coffee (Tia Maria) Cream Coffee (Baileys) €6,75 €6,75 €6,75 €6,75 €6,75 Desserts € 3,50 €12,50 €16,50 Dame Blanche Banana Royale Chocolade of aardbeien ijs met slagroom Bezoek ook onze restaurant in Neerpelt, België €6,00 €6,00 €4,00