Day Trip to Burlington and Lunch at Emma`s Diner Thursday


Day Trip to Burlington and Lunch at Emma`s Diner Thursday
January 2014 Newsletter
Heritage Museum
January 7th
10:30 am
Community Centre
Volume 12, Issue 1
Day Trip to
Burlington and
Lunch at Emma’s Diner
Thursday, January 23rd
10:30 am—3 pm
Prayers and
January 11th
9:45 am
Songs and Stories
January 19th
Main Street
Hosanna Singers
Sunday January 13th
Main Street
A Tribute to The King
Winter Wonderland
Friday January 31st
Main Street
Tuesday, January 14
2 pm, Main Street
Pub Night
Sing-a-long with Ray
The Golden
January 22nd
2 pm
Main Street
January 18th
Main Street
Birthday Bash
January 28th
Main Street
Residents Council
January 9th
2 pm
Community Centre
Sunday Social
Lillian Basy
Sunday January 13th
Main Street
To the Village of
Erin Meadows
Rada (Roy)
Maude Hamilton
Salwa Elsharief
A Message from General Manager
Anneliese Krueger
General Manager
Happy New Year! The team at Erin Meadows is feeling joyful and enthusiastic as
we head into a new year full of exciting opportunities. We can sum up our major
objectives under two categories: 1) Building strength within our teams as we continue our journey to change the culture of aging; and 2) Improving the quality of the services we provide for our residents.
This month we get started on our Neighbourhood Team Development journey. Howland and Meadowvale will go through the first 3 modules, with the rest of the neighbourhoods completing them over the remainder of the next 2 months. The goal of
this endeavour is to build stronger, more cohesive teams that are self-directed. This
approach recognizes the wisdom of those working most closely with the residents
and has been shown to benefit residents tremendously. Moving in this direction will
take lots of effort and commitment, and it certainly won’t happen overnight. We feel
confident that it will pay off in the long run and are eager to get started!
Our other broad focus for the year is quality improvement. At the end of 2012 we
rolled out our new quality improvement framework. It has many components including strategies for information and feedback gathering such as the quality of life survey and resident / family satisfaction survey, root cause analyses completed with the
Neighbourhood teams, actions plans, and tracking of indicators. With more than a
year of practicing the new framework under our belt, we feel more focused than ever
on the key areas that need improvement and know that we have a solid plan in place.
All the best for 2014!
Our Mission is to provide holistic heath care in a home environment
located within an internal neighbourhood design that promotes a caring
community, with emphasis on optimal health and life purpose
for each resident.
Wishing you a
Happy Birthday!
Joey Botelho
January 3
Margaret O’Donoghue
January 12
Maria Markicevic
January 13
Tin Yin Li Ngan Sun
January 29
Teresa Fernandes
January 3
Guiseppina Dattolico January 12
Margaret Oggioni
Elizabeth McKeown
January 8
Rosalie Skleryk
January 21
Olive White
January 8
Dora Ciminelli
January 11
Joanne Athanasopoulos
January 15
January 31
Barbara Earl
January 3
Wanda Dirschka
January 1
Dorothy Jamieson
January 21
Jean Hughes
January 1
Day Trip to
and Lunch at
Emma’s Diner
Thursday, January 23rd
10:30 am—3 pm
$25.00 per person
Please sign up in recreation office
Nursing Corner
Denis Zafirovski, Director of Nursing Care
Dear residents, families, and team members,
Happy New 2014! I wish you all the best in the New Year, above all, good health, love, and well-being.
Well, it was a busy month of December here in the village, but to no surprise to anyone. The Christmas
dinner was a great success, and we only heard positive feedback, so that’s always good. Thanks to all the
residents and families who joined us and we are hoping to do even better next year.
Additionally, we started our “Living in my today” training, which focuses on residents living with Dementia
and how to best support them. I had a chance to attend a session in December, and it was an eye-opener.
Nirmala and Jennifer did a great job facilitating the session, thank you for that, and it was a lively and very
engaged group, so I was glad to see that first hand. We’ll continue with this training in the new year as
well until we have everyone in the village trained and on the same page.
Parallel to that, the focus in 2014 will be on Neighborhood Team Development (NTD). This team building
program will take place on each neighborhood on a quarterly basis, and the goal is to work towards selfdirected, high-functioning teams. We are all very excited and looking forward to commence the NTD, and
the first team to go through this will be Howland & Meadowvale on January 14, 2014.
Finally, thanks to all team members for your continued dedication and hard-work towards residentcenteredness throughout 2013. I would like to extend a sincere appreciation to all nursing team members,
and beyond, for living and promoting our organizational mission and values. Please remember to join us
for our staff appreciation dinner/party for a fun evening and partying.
Looking forward to serving you in 2014.
Hands up for Haiti
Alisa Anguine, Assistant Director of Nursing Care
Hello Family and Friends,
On February 27th I will Journey to the Island of Haiti on a Mission Trip with Schlegel Villages. There
I will be working in a community clinic providing services to patients affected by Tuberculosis and
HIV. This will be a most meaningful and life changing experience for me and I am gratefully and eagerly willing to serve in this way.
I am asking for your help and support as I embark on this mission trip. I seeking donations of any
amount towards this cause. My goal is to raise $1800. If you are inclined to support me on this mission please leave your donations in the box at the main office or contact me directly for more information. Additionally be on the look out for events in the month of January and February 2014 in
support of this cause.
I thank you in advance for your support.
Spiritual Care Programs
Pricely Francis, Chaplain
Total Control
Another New Year! A gift without measure!
It matters not the challenges, difficulties, hurts, disappointments, or sorrows we endure,
we love this physical existence, and crave more and more of its comforts, pleasures and delights.
As we anticipate more of the wonders of this life, what will the New Year bring? Fortunately, we do not have to sit passively by and hope for chance to deliver the best life has to offer. We
can be at cause in this physical realm. “What the New Year brings to you,” says Vern McLellan,
“will depend a great deal on what you bring to the New Year.” We are the operant power; what we
give to the New Year, The New Year gives back multiplied.
If we invest, rather than spend, every present moment wisely, we can reap abundantly
more rewarding future moments. Franklin D. Roosevelt put it succinctly: “The only limit to our
realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. Let us move forward with strong and active
faith.” What we do with today matters. The present is our only moment of sowing, and we always
reap what we sow.
May the knowledge that we have the power to determine what happens in the New Year
make us excited and enthusiastic, and eager to engage 2014. At this New Year and always, may
peace and love fill your heart, beauty fill your world, and contentment and joy fill your days.
Alan Bradshaw
Social Services
Sharing Social Work
With You
January has been designated as national Alzheimer Awareness Month and it is important to remember the many ways that this disease can affect an individual and their loved ones. Communication can become a challenge due to some common occurrences with dementia such as difficulty finding words, repeating words or phrases, and reverting to a first language to name a few. As Alzheimer’s progresses these issues get worse to the point that carrying out a regular conversation is no longer possible. Obviously Alzheimer’s disease takes a toll on the loved ones of someone suffering from it and over time it can be very difficult to maintain a relationship especially when difficult behaviors are happening. However, it is very important for people with dementia to have these relationships since a large part of their quality of life depends on connections with others. However, a recent poll by Alzheimer's Disease International, 40 per cent
of people living with dementia reported that they had been avoided or treated differently after diagnosis.
One in four respondents cited stigma as a reason to conceal their diagnosis. This is really unfortunate
when you think about it considering it is nothing to be ashamed of and in fact people would benefit from
having as much support as possible. On a positive note times are changing and slowly the stigma of disease is going away but we must continue to work together to make it happen.
I would like to end by wishing everyone Happy New Year! Hopefully this year will be another great
year at Erin Meadows!
Margaret Sentos
Residents Corner
Nelson Mandela
The South African Activist and former President Nelson Mandela was born on July
18, 1918 into a royal family of the Xhosa-speaking Thembu tribe in the village of Mvezo. His father Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa's served as chief. His mother, Nosekeni
Fanny, was number three of four of Mphakanyiswa's wives who together gave him
nine daughters and four sons. After the death of his father in 1927, 9 year-old Mandela then known by his birth name of Rolihlahla, was adopted by Jongintaba Dalindyebo who was training his young son for a leadership role within the tribe. Mandela helped bring an end to apartheid, and has been a gobal advocate for human
rights ever since.Beginning in the 1940's, he was a member of National Congress he
was a leader of peaceful and armed resistance protests against the white minority's
oppressive regime and racially divided South Africa. His actions landed him in prison for nearly three decades and made him the face of antiapartheid both in his native
country of South Africa and abroad. Mandela was released from prison in 1990 and
Alan Bradshawin the eradication of apartheid and in 1994, became the first black presiSocialofServices
South Africa, forming a multiethnic government to oversee the transition. AfCoordinator
ter retiring from politics in 1999, he remained a devoted champion for peace and social justice in South Africa and internationally until his death on December 5, 2013 at
the age of 95.
Mandela had great ties with Canada even before he became President of South
Africa. Nelson Mandela was released from prison after twenty-seven years behind
bars on Robben Island on February 11, 1990. Prime Minister Brian Mulroney sends
the South African Activist a letter inviting him to Canada offering to help him build a
new non-racial, South African democracy on February 12, 1990. Mandela addresses
a rally of more than 40,000 students at Toronto's Rogers Centre with Prime Minister
Jean Chretien and other dignitaries in attendance on September 25, 1998. I was
there, you could feel the air get warmer as Nelson Mandela entered Rogers Center
along with Prime Minister Jean Chretien, I don't remember what he said, but I do remember getting goose bumps on my arms, and a chill up my spine the moment he
walked in. Mandela visits Canada for three days in November 2001 to have a Toronto
Public School renamed after him as well as; him and his wife Graca Machel to
recieve honoarary degrees from Toronto's Ryerson University. On November 19,
2001. Nelson Mandela becomes the first living person to be made an honorary citizen
of Canada. This is a man who fought for peace, freedom, and justice for citizens of
South Africa and world wide.
Continued on the next
Mandela was a fierce political activist leader, and after attaining his freedom in
1990 he led the ANC in negotiations with the governing National Party and various
other South African political organizations for an end to apartheid and the establishment of multiracal government. These talks earned Mandela and De Klerk a Nobel Peace Prize in December 1993. On April 26, 1994 the fiirst multiracial parliamentary elections were held in the history of South Africa where over 22 million South
Africans came out to vote. An overwhelming majority chose ANC to lead the country, and on May 10 1994 Nelson Mandela was sworn in as the first black president of
South Africa, with De Klerk serving as his first deputy. As president, Mandela established the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate human rights and
political violations commited by both opponents and supporters of apartheid between 1960 and 1994. He also introduced a number of social and economic programs to improve the standards of living for South Africa's black population. In
1996 Mandela presided over a new constitution for South Africa, which established
a strong central government and prohibited discrimination against minorities including whites. Improving race relations, discouraging blacks from retaliating
against white minorities and building a new international image of a united South
Africa were central to President Nelson Mandela's agenda. On his 80th birthday in
1998, he married the politician and humanitarian Graca Machel (1945-) widow of the
former President of Mozambique. His marraige to Winnie had ended in divorce six
years earlier. The following year, he retired from politics at the end of his first term
in office, and was succeeded by his deputy Thabo Mbeki (1942-) of the ANC. After
leaving his position in office Mandela continued to act as an advocate for freedom,
peace, and social justice in his country and internationally. He founded numerous
organizations, including the Nelson Mandela Foundation and The Elders, an independent group of public figures committed to addressing global issues and easing
human suffering. Mandela also became a vocal advocate of AIDS awareness and
treament programs in a culture where the epidemc had been stereotyped in stigma
and ignorance. The disease later took the life off his son Makgatho (1950-2005.)
AIDS is believed to affect more people in Africa than any other country in the world.
Nelson Mandela was a man of great faith and he believed in social justice,
peace and freedom for all. Treated for prostate cancer and other health issues,
Mandela refrained from doing many scheduled public appearances in later years,
due to his failing health. In 2009, United Nations declared July 18 "Neson Mandela
Internatonal Day" in recognition of the South African leaders contributions to democracy, human rights, freedom, and peace around the world. Nelson Mandela died
from a recurring lung infection on Thursday December 5, 2013 in Johanesberg,
South Africa. May he rest in peace.
As Winter Olympic 2014 Games in Russia is fast approaching, Erin Meadows will
join as well in the spirit of the games within our village.
This year, Recreation team members as well as Kinesiology, and PAL team members will
work together to coordinate the winter games that will be suitable for our residents at
Erin Meadows.
Residents will compete in the internal games throughout the month of January to go to
the main competition which will be held at the Village of Taunton Mills, Whitby on Thursday February 20th, 2014.
The winter Olympic games that are chosen for our village are as follows: Hockey,
Curling, Triathlon, Biathlon, Village Feud, and Bocce Ball. Stay tuned and refer to the upcoming January event calendars for when the winter games will be happening.
We are looking forward to coming together for some competition, fun and celebrating the spirit of the mind, body and soul!
For any questions, feel free to contact Helen or Robyn from Recreation team, and Moez
or Emily from the PAL team.
Thanks and we look forward to seeing you at the internal games!
Family Council
On behalf of the family council, I would like to wish all residents and their friends and families
all the best for the Holiday season. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all family
members that have participated in our family council meetings in 2013. This is a great forum to
garner support, to discuss common issues and interests, to meet the Village Management and
Staff and to participate in educational sessions. All family members and friends are more than
welcome to attend.
The family council meetings are held once per month, on Saturday mornings, from 9:30 to 11:30,
in the Council Chamber. The next meeting will held on Saturday January 4th.
If you wish to be included in our distribution emails, please drop us a note at
Happy Holidays,
Your family council executive:
Marie Houde (Florette, Meadowvale)
Joanne Petrouna (Eileen Howland)
Jean Zucherato (Bruno, Howland)
Christmas Dinner
Christmas Carolers
Erin Meadows Choir Concert
Dear Volunteers
Abeer, Rachel, Amjed, Sangita, Sarah, Navid, Lambertina, Julie, Suzanna, Manoj, Mruna, Corazon
(Cora), Vettai, Christine, Ratush, Indira, Maria, Lisa, Rose, Katrina, Giuseppe, Celcia, Freshta, Lorna,
Katrina, Maureen, Courtney, Nancy, John, Neil, Cathy, Heather, Trish, Jason, Kim, Jing Bo, Kimberly,
Nigel, Lizanne, Ana, Marie, Kelvin, Patricia, Mary, Robin, Karmah, Bob, Maha, John, Joseph, Carlos,
Janet, Varun, Naveli, Homai, Priyak, Briana, Cherie, Pummi, Shuyu, Saleha, Rola, Abha, Arshia,
Izaz, Gurleen, Osama, E.Marlene, Brenda, Robert (Rob), Barbara, Karen, Mohammad, Mary, Helen,
Jennifer, Sajish, Savar, Afshan, Naba, Urma, Sara, Janani, Joanna, Jennifer, Mashad, Maria, Nadia,
Holley, Robert, Vadym, Grace, Samia, Dimple, Henna, Tushita, Joanne, Vineeta, Elaha, Sumsore,
Harshil, Piyush, Veena, Nandini, Geetha, Nonya, Ogechi, Jabeen, Hossein, Yolanda, Amita, Peter,
Shivani, Shruti, Valerie,Rohit, Ann, Giselle, Bilal, Linda, Zainub, Angela, Donovan, Tresia, Enrico, Samantha, Linda, Rita, Ridhwan, Salma, Saphia, Aakash, Christine, Sungyi ,Saamia, Anna, Deacon
Gerry, Natalie, Kalyan, Timothy, Zamira, Cerise, Tina, Kirthana, Toms, Carmella, Sowmya, Robert,
Saloni, Robert, Bushra, Rex, Nicole, Daniyal!
As we approach the New Year, I want to take this opportunity to thank you each and every one for
your time, support and your care in making The Village of Erin Meadows the great organization
that it is!
Wishing you and your families a peaceful 2014 filled with kindness, joy and many volunteer opportunities!
Sincerely yours Volunteer Coordinator