Mar/Apr - Ceres and District Diary


Mar/Apr - Ceres and District Diary
Ceres and District Diary
A newsletter for the people of Ceres and District
Spring is the time of plans and projects.
The following is taken from a book published in 1933
called “The Croft House Andersons: with Memories of
Ceres in the Sixties and Seventies of the Last Century”,
by “One of Themselves”. This book details the family
history of the Andersons, including two notable
ministers of Ceres, The Rev. John Anderson, and the
Rev. David Anderson. The author tells many anecdotes
of incidents and interesting characters in and around
the village. In the following extract the author talks
about the holiday traditions in Ceres in the 1860s.
Holiday time in the sixties was largely spent at home in
Ceres, and in short visits to relatives and friends in the
district. Though Largo and St Andrews were near and
familiar enough, such familiarity was largely obtained
from day-visits.
In later years part of the family at least did
occasionally “take a house” at Largo as a seaside
change, but in the sixties neither our parents nor
Ceres people generally ever thought of that kind of a
holiday. Not only of Ceres people but of Scotland
generally at that period it could well be said regarding
holidays:“They ne’er had changed nor wished to change their
“Haunt the Rod”; Harrying Wasps’ Binks; Fishing;
Bathing; Pole-leaping; High-Stilt Walking; Kite or
Draegon Flying; The Bat; Rounders; Fire-making; were
all indulged in by boys, while girls were engaged in the
easier boys’ sports with a number of their own quieter
Holidays among trades and business people were not
the big concern they are now. The local one day
holiday was observed, but to leave one’s business
even for a week was “trifling with your bread and
butter.” Even the professional classes very sparingly
partook of the holiday spirit, and any holiday taken
was usually apologised for.
Village Excursions.
Every few years the community of Ceres united in
having an elaborate “Jaunt” or excursion to Falkland or
St Andrews, Elie or Lundin Links. Much preparation had
to be undertaken both for the conveyance in safety of
grown-ups and children, and in purveying for a large
body of people. Day schools and Sunday schools united
with the villagers in the carrying through of these large
The comfortable corn-cart was the usual conveyance,
the farmers of the district willingly contributing their
“Best Pair”. The glossy horses in shining harness were
decked with gay ribbons and rosettes, while the drivers
themselves were arrayed in dandy plough-boy rig-outs.
The superintendents of each vehicle vied with their
neighbours in decorating each their own special cart.
Evergreens and flowers, mottoes and shields in neverending variety, made an impressive show when on the
morning of the trip they formed into line in the village
streets. Banners, old and new, big and small, fluttered
in the morning air.
One of the largest of these excursions was carried
successfully through in fine weather on Friday, 3rd
August, 1866. The destination was Falkland Palace and
the Lomond Hills. Forty of these large farm vehicles
took part in the procession – all filled with bright, eager
faces, younger and older alike. Ceres Instrumental Band
accompanied the trip; and Freuchie people seeing it
approaching in the distance said it looked like a
triumphant army marching with trumpets and banners.
Remember your Facebook Page.
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village Page
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and Madeleine
the village past and
Ceres & District Diary Editors
Phil and Madeleine
If you have any suggestions onCeres
how &
Diary Editors
your Diary, please contact us at:
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any suggestions on how to improve
YOUR Diary, please contact us at:
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Ceres and District Diary
Accordion Music Class
Music reading ability would be useful but is not essential as Tuition will be given. All levels very welcome.
Contact: Kennoway Primary and Community School 01333 659420 or Stewart Warrender 01333 350145
70th Ceres Beaver Scouts
Ceres Beaver Scouts meet on Thursday nights in the Memorial Hall, Ceres. If your child is now (or will be
soon) between the ages of 6 and 8 then come along for a taster session. Please email our Beaver Scout
Leader to arrange this. Contact: Becky Ballantyne
Ceres Hill Walking Club
The Club meets on the last Wednesday in the month at 8.00pm at the Howe of Fife Rugby Club.
All are welcome please contact: Jill Scott for more information.
Ceres Nursery Trust - Lunch Club
Children at Ceres Nursery have the opportunity to stay over lunchtime and eat a packed lunch under the
supervision of two trained members of staff from 11.40-12.40pm. The Lunch Club is open to children attending
morning/afternoon nursery sessions. The lunch club costs £4.00 a session.
Contact: Fiona 01334 850766 or
Music Tuition
One to one lessons on violin or piano (violins available for hire: all sizes).
Please contact Ronwen Underwood BA LRSM on 01334 828838
Ceres Under 5’s Group
An informal group of parents, carers and children meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in Ceres
Memorial Hall 9.30am -11.00am. £2.50 per family, including tea/coffee and biscuits for you plus a snack for
your child/children. Contact; Nadia on 07867 811776 or via Facebook.
Cupar Choral Society
The Cupar Choral Society holds rehearsals on Monday evenings at 7.30pm in St John’s Church Hall.
Contact: David Hughes Hallett 01334 829 333 for more information.
Diamond Allstar Cheerleaders
Diamond Allstars Cheer and Dance. New members always welcome.
Thursdays evenings at Castlehill Primary School 6-7pm for Primary School age and 7-8pm for Secondary
School age. Wednesday afternoons 3.30-4pm for tots (2-5yrs). First class is free. No need to book, just come
along and join the fun.
Please contact: Maureen Maxwell 01334 828990
Royal British Legion – Ceres and District Branch
The Royal British Legion Ceres Branch has over 35 members and meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every second
month in the Session Hall at 7pm. Anyone interested please get in contact with Pat Robb 01334 828678
St Andrews Chorus
St Andrews Chorus meets at the Physics Lecture Theatre, North Haugh, St Andrews. No auditions
necessary, all are welcome provided you can hold a tune and enjoy singing. For more information visit our
Yoga Classes
Relax and Unwind on Tuesdays 7.30 – 9.00pm with Anne Henderson at Ceres Memorial Hall
For details contact or just come along and join us.
To see your club, group or class listed here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
Cupar and the Howe of Fife Twinning
If you or your group are interested in exchanges or contact with Ste Ménehould, France, please visit our
website: or email:
Yoga Plus
A Yoga-based blend of bodywork practices for men and women. We meet at The Strathkinness Church Hall
on Mondays at 7.30pm. Please contact Anna Caplan on 01334 850060
Zumba class in Memorial Hall on Monday 7.00 – 8.00pm each evening. £4.00 per class.
Instructor Meredith Scanlon, contact no. 07864 863357.
Ceres Lace Group
Meeting every Saturday 2.00 – 4.30pm every Saturday at Craigrothie Hall.
Children and Gentlemen are very welcome. Please contact: Mary Lawrie 01334 828696
Highland Dancing Classes
Open to children of all ages from Nursery upwards. The classes run every Monday evening from 5.15 pm to
6.15 pm and cost £3.00 per class. Come along and try. All welcome. Contact Kirsty Roberts 07791 784928
Whilst Hatter’s is open all
year round the Museum
will have two rooms
available for viewing
during the winter months
Museum opens on Wednesday
1st April 2015
To see your club, group or class listed here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
The Mobile Library will be at
the Main Car Park and other
locations around the village on
alternate Tuesdays. A valuable
resource please make use of it.
70th Fife Scouts
Ceres Scouts meet on Thursday nights in the
Memorial Hall, Ceres at 7.30. If your child is now (or
will be soon) between the ages of 10 and 14 then
come along for a taster session. Please email our
Scout Leader to arrange this.
Contact: Ian Brown on 828581
The Scouts are going Climbing at the Edinburgh
Indoor Climbing Arena soon and also planning nighttime hikes/treasure hunts.
We are working on our Promise and Creative
challenge badges and have started to plan for our
next camp.
In addition we are looking to launch a fundraising
initiative for Children in Need which will involve the
equivalent of exercising around the circumference of
the world. Watch this space !
We are now up to 27 Scouts which is a great number
for such a small village so thank you for your support.
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
70th Ceres Cubs
Taking advantage of the better weather March
starts off with a night hike before the clocks go
forward, we are carrying on the Community
Challenge badge with a trip to the Anstruther
Lifeboat Station and a visit from the community
police officer. We finish the term off with an Easter
Egg Treasure hunt at the Hill Of Tarvit. There will be
no Cubs through the holidays, resuming again on the
23rd April.
Contact: Richard Haacker on 828592
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
The Friends of Craighall Den
Do you enjoy walking in Craighall Den and appreciating what a wonderful asset the Den is to
the village? Would you like to join our industrious band of volunteers to help maintain this
wonderful resource? Everybody welcome and any time that you can spare would be great.
Next Volunteer Day on Saturday 14th March at 10.00am. Contact Phil on 828138 or just turn up.
Ceres Butcher
Located next to the Spar
with home delivery
service available. We
have a 24 hour answering
Please call 01334 828229
Seasons of Ceres Update
Now that the snowdrops are in full flower, with Spring bulbs and blossom to follow soon, the Seasons of Ceres
team is looking forward to new challenges over the coming months. We are delighted to welcome three new
members to our group this year, all coming with fresh ideas and enthusiasm. We are also hoping to attract some
new volunteers to help us at busy times with emptying and planting of our tubs and troughs, as well as watering,
during what we hope will be a warm and sunny summer once again.
In order to get things off to a good start, we have scheduled a village clean-up session on Saturday 21 March. We
would be delighted to have additional help to get Ceres looking its best and also for suggestions of where we
should concentrate our efforts. If you can spare a couple of hours, please join us. We will meet in the car park at
10am and please bring your gloves and handtools with you.
We are planning a number of projects this year and have applied for funding from community grant
schemes. Whilst we await the outcome of our applications, we must continue to raise funds ourselves and, in
addition to our planter sponsorship programme, we plan to do a door-to-door collection around the village on 25
& 26 March in order to enhance any grants which come our way. We would be most grateful for your support, all
of which will be put to good use to further enhance the beauty of our village.
Finally, one of our projects is the installation of an eyecatching feature in the centre of the village which is
expected to be in place by late Spring. Keep your eyes open - you won't miss it!
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
7.00 – 8.00pm
SCOTTISH DANCING 5.30 – 6.15pm
9.15 – 11.00 am
9.15 – 11.00 am
BEAVERS, CUBS and SCOUTS 6.30 – 7.30pm
7.30 – 9.00pm
Please contact Vikki Evans for all information on 01334 828478.
7.30 – 8.30pm
TAEKWON-DO KIDS 6.10 – 7.00pm
10.15 – 11.30am CRAFT CLASS 2.00 – 4.00pm (2nd Tuesday of the month SWRI)
7.00 – 8.10pm
2.00 – 3.00pm
2.00 – 4.30pm
To hire the Hall please contact Irene on 01334 828684
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
Your Salon in Cupar for
relaxing aroma therapy
massages, waxing, facials,
manicures, San Tropez tans
massages, etc.
Contact 01334 844999 or
for special offers.
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
Follow Ceres Kemback and Springfield Church on Facebook
On Saturday 11th April
from 10am to 4pm
and on Sunday 12th April
from 12.30 to 3.30pm
In Ceres Church and also
in Kemback Church Hall, Dura Den
ART and
Friday 10th April 2015
Saturday 11th April 2015
Sunday 12th April 2015
Refreshments will be served in
Kemback Church Hall and in Ceres Church
The festival has two special events - it is kick-started with a concert with folksinger
Alistair Macdonald in Ceres Church, 7.30pm on Friday,
entry at the door £5 adults, £2 children and unemployed.
Also - "Song Among the Stones" a performance by Dunkeld poet and writer
Kenneth Steven with Sheena Sturrock on fiddle on Saturday,
7.30pm in Kemback Church, entry at the door £5 adults, £2 children and
CKS Youth Club
Meets every Friday at
7.00pm in the Session Hall.
P7 and upwards.
CKS Sunday School
We meet in Ceres Church at
11.00am and then go to the
hall about 11.30. All children
aged 5 -12 are welcome.
Contact Sarah Wood on
To advertise your business here,
please contact
The Monday Soup and
In the Session House on
Mondays. Come and have a
blether and warm up
12.00 – 1.30
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Ceres and District Diary
The Ceres Inn provides a selection of
homemade food daily with a wide range of
starters, main courses and desserts available
to tempt your taste buds. Our chef insists on
using locally sourced produce whenever
possible so customers can expect quality,
value for money fare. Food can either be
enjoyed in the warm atmosphere of the
Restaurant with access to the Beer Garden
and Car Park or upstairs in the friendly bar.
All tastes and needs are catered for including
those of children for whom we provide a
separate menu. High chairs can also be
provided for our younger visitors.
The Ceres Inn
The Cross, Ceres, Fife
KY15 5NE
01334 828 305
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
Young people from P7 upwards are welcome – Friday nights, 7pm – 9pm,
in Ceres Session House, next to the Church.
6th March
13th March
20th March
27th March
24th April
– Club night
– Rachel and Aaron Shah to talk about their experience of house building in Eragayam
(film and music) in the Session House
– Club night
– Club night at the Manse – What’s Easter all about? + Hot Cross Buns
– NO CLUB – 3rd, 10th,17th April
– Club night First night back after the holidays
Anstruther Self Catering Cottage
Sleeps 2, weekly let.
Contact: Grant Robertson 01334 828029
To advertise your business here,
please contact
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Ceres and District Diary
Pick up a copy…
The Ceres and District Diary
is available from the
following pick up points:
SPAR Grocery
Griselda Hill Pottery
Ceres Church
Ceres Butcher
Laminated copies are also
available to view at:
Ceres Inn
Ceres Memorial Hall
Craigrothie Hall
Hatters Tea Room
The Villager Tea Room
Ceres and District Community Council (CDCC)
The next meeting will be on
Monday 9th March 2015, commencing at 7.30pm
in Ceres Memorial Hall.
Ceres and District Community Council have arranged for Martin McGroarty, lead
officer Local Development Plan at Fife Council, to come to the meeting on the 9th
March in the Memorial Hall, Ceres at 7.30
The main purpose is to explain to members of the community the process of
preparing a local development plan, where we are in the Fife wide Local
Development Plan process, and answer any questions from members of the public.
If you have an interest in this it would be an opportunity to become better informed
and to take part in a Q & A. If you would like to have your questions answered then
please put them on a postcard with your name and contact number/address and
hand to David Beveridge, Community Council Chair, on the night or bring to the SPAR
beforehand where it will be delivered to David.
The full minutes of all CDCC meetings are posted on the Community
notice Board in the Ceres Car Park and are emailed out to everyone
on the Ceres and District Diary email list, they can also be viewed on
the Ceres and District Diary website and Facebook Page.
Meetings are open to all members of the Community.
Contact: Graham Lang
Christina Georgina Rosetti
1830 - 1894
Another Spring
If I might see another Spring,
I'd not plant summer flowers and wait:
I'd have my crocuses at once,
My leafless pink mezereons,
My chill-veined snow-drops, choicer yet
My white or azure violet,
Leaf-nested primrose; anything
To blow at once, not late.
If I might see another Spring
I'd listen to the daylight birds
That build their nests and pair and sing,
Nor wait for mateless nightingale;
I'd listen to the lusty herds,
The ewes with lambs as white as snow,
I'd find out music in the hail
And all the winds that blow.
If I might see another Spring –
Oh stinging comment on my past
That all my past results in “if” –
If I might see another Spring,
I'd laugh to-day, to-day is brief;
I would not wait for anything:
I'd use to-day that cannot last,
Be glad to-day and sing.
Ceres Primary School
Fri 6th March - whole school assembly with the minister
Wed 11th March - Nursery going to visit St Andrews Botanic Gardens
Fri 13th March - Dress down day and various individual fund raising activities. Red
noses have been on sale too.
Wed 18th March - Nursery to visit Craighall Den
Mon 23rd March - Nursery to visit St Andrews library
Tues 31st March - Nursery to visit the beach
Wed 1st April - whole school participating in the Creative Dance Festival held at
Castlehill Primary School.
Thurs 2nd April - am - whole school to Church Service
- pm - Easter egg decorating competition
- last day of term.
Mon 20th April - first day of term
Thurs 23rd April - P6 start cycling proficiency training
Mon 4th May - Holiday
Want to advertise your club, group or organisation?
Remember this is YOUR Diary so please send us your information and news
with a contact name and number to:
Paper copies of the Diary will still be available at the usual pick up points.
For all enquiries, please contact
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