Maumelle City Code to enable residents to keep a small number of
Maumelle City Code to enable residents to keep a small number of
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MAUMELLE JUNE 1, 2015 6: 00 PM CITY HALL 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The City of Maumelle welcomes people of diverse cultures and beliefs. Any religious viewpoint expressed during invocation, or at any other time during the meeting, reflects only the personal opinion of the speaker. It is not intended to proselytize, advance, or disparage any religious belief. 3. SPECIAL GUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Maumelle Youth Council Awards 1. Peyton Award( 2. MYC- Peyton Outstanding Member of the Maumelle Scholarship— Velimir Petrovic Youth Council)— Aaron Woodall 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES– MAY 18th REGULAR MEETING 5. PUBLIC COMMENT During Public Comment, issues NOT on the agenda may be addressed. Public comments concerning items on the agenda will be allowed when that item is discussed by the Council. Anyone wishing to make a comment must fill out the provided form and present it to the City Clerk. In the interest of time comments will be limited to three ( 3) minutes. This privilege may be revoked by the Mayor in the case of inappropriate language or comments. Any public member shall first state his or her name and address, followed by a concise statement of the person's position or concern. All remarks shall be addressed to the Mayor or the Council as a whole, not to any particular member of the Council. No person other than the Council members and the person having the floor shall be permitted to enter into any discussions without permission of the Mayor. 6. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVIEW( second meeting of each month) 7. PROCEDURAL MOTION 8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Alderman Vaprersan Reading Ordinance 877 Enabling Residents to Keep Chickens With no objections, Mayor Watson may call for the third reading of the ordinance amending the A. Third Maumelle City Code to enable residents to keep a small number of chickens and to provide standards for the keeping of chickens. A MOTION IS IN ORDER. Mayor Reading Ordinance 881 Regarding Flood Damage Prevention With no objections, Mayor Watson may call for the third reading of the ordinance amending the B. Third Watson Maumelle City Code regarding flood damage prevention, adopting the Federal Emergency Management Agency' s Flood Insurance Rate Map for Pulaski County, Arkansas. A MOTION IS IN ORDER. C. Second Reading Ordinance 882 Regarding Community Service Fee Aldermen Mosley, Lewis, Scott, Holt With no objections, Mayor Watson may call for the first reading of the ordinance reducing the Community Service Fee. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. 9. NEW BUSINESS A. First Reading Ordinance 883 Regarding Pulaski County' s PACE Program Mayor Watson With no objections, Mayor Watson may call for the first reading of the ordinance to provide that the City of Maumelle shall join the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. Alderman Anderson Reading Ordinance 884 Repealing Ordinance 271 Regarding Water Rates With no objections, Mayor Watson may call for the first reading of the ordinance repealing Ordinance 271 regarding water rates. NO ACTION IS REQUIRED. B. First 10. MAYOR' S COMMENTS A. Memorial Day Ceremony B. 11. Storms over Memorial Weekend PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT (following each PC meeting) 12. ALDERMEN' S COMMENTS 13. CITY ATTORNEY' S COMMENTS 14. CITY CLERK' S COMMENTS 15. FYI A. Planning Commission B. Sales Tax Report 16. ADJOURNMENT Liaison for June— Alderman Holt MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MAUMELLE MAY 18, 2015 6: 00 PM CITY HALL Mayor Mike Watson called the meeting to order at 6: 00 p. m. with eight members present. City Clerk Clausen gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPECIAL GUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Watson announced the Maumelle Youth Council Awards for Aaron Woodall and Velimir Petrovic. Mayor Watson read a proclamation in honor of Spay and Neuter Awareness Week. Mayor Watson announced the 1St place winner of the BDK Dragon Boat race was the City of Maumelle. He stated that the event was a success. MINUTES— MAY 4th, 2015 Alderman Saunders moved to approve the minutes of the May 4th, 2015 meeting. Alderman Holt seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVIEW Tasha Thompson, Finance Director, gave a presentation on the current financials. Alderman Kelley stated that we were running $52, 000.00 dollars behind in revenue based on the updated financials. Ms. Thompson stated yes, but that she didn' t expect that to continue. Alderman Lewis moved to approve the financials. Alderman Saunders seconds the motion and it passed unanimously. PROCEDURAL MOTION Alderman Lewis moved to have all ordinances and resolutions read by title only. Alderman Anderson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 877 ENABLING RESIDENTS TO KEEP CHICKENS With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the second reading of the ordinance amending the Maumelle City Code to enable residents to keep a small number of chickens and to provide standards for the keeping of chickens. The City Clerk gave the reading. Arland Lyons, of 10 Wabash Cove, spoke against Ordinance 877 stating chickens could carry health concerns such as the bird flu. Mr. Lyons noted concerns of odors, predators, pests, noise and abandonment. 1 Allan Crump, of 11 Wabash Cove, spoke against Ordinance 877 stating his agreement with most of Mr. Lyons comments. He stated that if you want chickens you should move to the country. John Bowman, of 89 Oak Forest Loop, spoke in favor of Ordinance 877 stating that there should only be a maximum of 5 chickens. Mr. Bowman also stated that owning urban chickens would not be like a factory farm with all the noise, odor and other concerns. ORDINANCE 878 AMENDING MAUMELLE LAND USE PLAN With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the third reading of the ordinance amending the current Land use Plan changing 9.459 acres of Tract 2, Part of the NE1/ 4 Section 9 Township 2 North, Range 13 West from SUR to COMM. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Lewis motioned to approve Ordinance 878. Alderman Vaprersan seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 879 AMENDING MAUMELLE ZONING MAP With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the third reading of the ordinance amending the current Zoning Map rezoning 9.459 acres of Tract 2, part of NE1/ 4 Section 9 Township 2 North, Range 13 West from PRD to PCD. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Scott motioned to approve Ordinance 879. Alderman Lewis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 881 REGARDING FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the second reading of the ordinance amending the Maumelle City Code regarding flood damage prevention, adopting the Federal Emergency Management Agency' s Flood Insurance Rate Map for Pulaski County, Arkansas. The City Clerk gave the reading. PUBLIC FACILITIES BOARD APPOINTMENT Alderman Anderson motioned confirm Mayor Watson' s appointment of Tony Wilson to the Public Facilities Board for a term ending in May, 2020. Alderman Scott seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2015- 18 ESTABLISHING A CODE OF CONDUCT FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution establishing a code of conduct for elected officials in the City of Maumelle. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Vaprersan gave a brief statement on having a code of conduct for elected officials to instill confidence with residents. Alderman Kelley stated he totally supported the resolution, but asked if there could be language added about workshops. Alderman Kelley stated two weeks ago there was a workshop scheduled with only 4 alderman present and about 2 days' notice. City Attorney Norris stated the workshop met the notice requirement of our current code. 2 Alderman Kelley stated an ordinance was developed from the workshop and four alderman didn' t have a voice. Alderman Vaprersan stated a letter was sent to the Mayor with the wording " we the Council" attached to it and he was not part of drafting it. Mayor Watson read Section 2 item A from City Code. Alderman Kelley stated he asked to postpone the workshop so he could attend. He also stated that there was no public input. City Attorney Norris stated this could be addressed in a separate ordinance. Alderman Holt stated that he agreed with Alderman Kelley, but he believes he didn' t do anything wrong. Alderman Holt suggested a class be taught on parliamentary procedure. Alderman Scott stated the issue with the letter was her fault. She stated that in the workshop they discussed a list of questions on the status of the bond projects and in her haste to draft the letter, she included the entire Council. Alderman Kelley stated again that the email for the meeting was sent out on a Friday and the meeting was held on a Monday. Alderman Kelley suggested that these meetings should be held after workings hours so the public could attend. Alderman Lewis stated that not all angles may have been considered in organizing the workshop and apologized. He stated an effort was made for transparency and noted there are still three readings of the ordinance. Alderman Saunders states he is strongly in favor of three readings and is in favor of public feedback and in agreement with Alderman Kelley. Alderman Mosley agreed with Alderman Lewis and stated they will try to make better accommodations in the future. Alderman Saunders asked City Attorney Norris how this code of conduct differs from our current code. City Attorney Norris stated Section 2 and Section 3 reaffirm the our code and the code of conduct section of the resolution was additional. Alderman Saunders stated he has a problem with the Principals of Proper Conduct section and gave several examples. Alderman Lewis commended Alderman Saunders and stated that the code of conduct is redundant and that there is value in good debate Alderman Vaprersan stated he would like to see the Council be held to a higher standard. He stated he believes in attacking issues and not people and that is what is happening. Alderman Saunders asked Alderman Vaprersan if he thinks this document will stop that. Alderman Vaprersan stated he did not but that it would help and could be used during election time. He also noted the effect he felt discontent between Council members hindered economic development. 3 Alderman Mosely stated he likes the spirit of the resolution and asked if the signatures were necessary for the resolution. City Attorney Norris stated that was how the Municipal League had drafted it. Alderman Vaprersan stated it would be okay if they didn' t have the signatures. Alderman Lewis stated he believes in free speech and also stated that he felt our founding fathers would view this document as censorship. He stated that disagreements can sometimes get intense. Alderman Vaprersan motioned to approve Resolution 2015- 18. Alderman Scott seconded the motion and it passed with only Alderman Lewis voting no. RESOLUTION 2015- 19 DECLARING THE POLICY OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE With no objection, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution declaring the policy of the City of Maumelle on issued not to be considered in providing services to the public, selecting companies with which the City contracts and in employment matters. The City Clerk gave the reading. Roland Robinson, of 27 Belle River Circle, stated he was in favor of Resolution 2015- 19. Mr. Robinson stated our most valuable employees come from all walks of life and we don' t want to miss opportunities because of fears of unequal employment. He highlighted others passing similar resolutions. Alderman Saunders asked what in the resolution was not currently governed by federal, state and City ordinances. City Attorney Norris stated sexual orientation and gender identity. City Attorney Norris stated this is a resolution designed to affect the City' s internal policy. Alderman Saunders pointed to Act 137 and asked how it applied to this. City Attorney Norris stated that this resolution would not conflict with Act 137. Alderman Mosley asked what the intent of the resolution was. Mayor Watson stated that we don' t discriminate now, but this would give the City a written policy on it. Alderman Mosley asked both the City Attorney Norris and Mayor Watson if they support this resolution and they both agreed. Alderman Vaprersan read from Section 2 and asked what would keep a male claiming to be a female from going into the girl' s locker room. Alderman Scott stated that preventing that wouldn' t be discrimination. City Attorney Norris agreed with Alderman Scott. Sam Williams, Maumelle Chief of Police, stated that if there was an issue of the opposite sex in the wrong dressing area they would be arrested for disorderly conduct and this wouldn' t affect that. Alderman Saunders motioned to approve Resolution 2015- 19. Alderman Kelley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2015- 20 AMENDING THE 2015 GENERAL FUND BUDGET With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution amending the 2015 General Fund Budget for battalion chief positions in the Fire Department. The City Clerk gave the reading. 4 Chief Ezell gave a detailed background on the lack of a command presence and the need for battalion positions within the Fire Department. Burch Johnson, of 38 Fairway Woods Circle, passed out a handout to the Council discussing the reasons he is against Resolutions 2015- 20 and Resolution 2015- 21. He stated the City was ignoring financial issues and the hiring of three firefighters last year. He asked when this would end. Alderman Mosley asked if we were promoting within the fire department and not hiring new fire fighters and Chief Ezell said yes. Alderman Mosley stated he would be voting no on both resolutions simply from a budgetary standpoint. Chief Ezell stated he understood, but he was looking at this from the safety side. Alderman Saunders asked how we are changing the situation by upping the pay grade and not upping the amount of fire fighters. Chief Ezell stated the battalion chief would not be fighting fires, they would be in charge of the fire scene. Alderman Lewis asked if we did this now, would 3 more fire fighters be needed in 2016. Chief Ezell stated yes, but at that point he would apply for a SAFER Grant. Chief Ezell stated a SAFER Grant covers the additional staff for 2 years and then on the third year the City would have to start paying the salaries. Alderman Lewis stated that the promotions could be around a quarter of a million dollar yearly expense when all told. Alderman Kelley stated this was not just about budgeting but it was about ISO ratings as well. Alderman Holt asked to hear from Ms. Thompson on her opinion as to how this would affect the budget. Ms. Thompson stated that in our current financial position she did not see this as a viable option at this time. Alderman Vaprersan stated he struggles with this personally. He stated he sees the need, but not the funds. Alderman Saunders stated this seems to be a staffing problem and not a promotion issue and suggested just assigning the duty to someone on the scene. Mayor Watson stated that could end up causing overtime problems. Alderman Kelley stated the battalion chief position would be exempt and not draw overtime. Alderman Anderson stated we have to trust the Fire Chief. Alderman Scott motioned to approve Resolution 2015- 20. Alderman Kelley seconded the motion and it passed with Aldermen Vaprersan, Lewis, Saunders and Mosley voting no and Aldermen Anderson, Kelley, Holt and Scott voting yes. Mayor Watson voted yes to pass the resolution. RESOLUTION 2015- 21 AMENDING THE 2015 GENERAL FUND BUDGET With nno objection, o sect on, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution amending the t e Budget for a Fire Department citizens academy. The City Clerk gave the reading. 2015 General Fund Alderman Kelley stated it is important that our citizens be educated on how or Fire Department is run and there is a lot of misinformation. Chief Ezell stated he put in for a grant to pay for the academy and $ 3, 000.00 should cover the cost in worst case scenario. Chief Ezell stated he is looking at reaching 80- 100 people per year. 5 Alderman Vaprersan suggested to be mindful we do the same for both fire department and police department. He suggested taking donations for the academy. Chief Ezell stated that the $ 3, 000. 00 dollars is a one- time fee for props. Alderman Saunders stated he would volunteer his time to finding supplies and raising funds for the academy and suggested postponing the resolution. Alderman Scott stated she could help with donations of materials. Alderman Vaprersan stated he would like to hear from state representative Mark Lowery. Mark Lowery, of 229 Summit Valley Circle, stated that in September of 2015 there will be a new allocation of General Improvement Fund Grants. Mr. Lowery stated he would be willing to give a grant of$ 5, 000. 00 to be split evenly between the police department and fire department. Alderman Kelley motioned to postpone Resolution 2015- 21 until the first meeting in August. Alderman Scott seconded the motion and it passes unanimously. RESOLUTION 2015- 22 APPROVING THE DISPOSAL OF CITY SURPLUS PROPERTY With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of resolution approving the disposal of a refuse body for the Public Works Department. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Anderson motioned to approve Resolution 2015- 22. Alderman Kelley seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2015- 23 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution authorizing the Mayor to enter into a lease between the City of Maumelle and Maumelle Water Management for the use of the Maumelle dog park. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Saunders motioned to approve Resolution 2015- 23. Alderman Lewis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 882 REDUCING THE COMMUNITY SERVICE FEE With no objections, Mayor Watson may call for the first reading of the ordinance reducing the Community Service Fee. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Scott stated this ordinance was not intended to reduce spending on police and fire. Alderman Kelley stated we need to identify a revenue replacement stream before this should be considered. Alderman Kelley suggested a vote of the people on a half-cent sales tax increase. Ms. Thompson stated expenses of$ 378, 000 were cut from the budget Fund to make it balance this year. 6 and we added $ 189, 000 from the General Alderman Kelley stated that this is not consequential amount for the people. He stated we need to do a better job of educating the people on what this fee is. He stated it was important that the City keep their ISO rating low to attract businesses. Judy Keller, Director of Community and Economic Development, confirmed that fire protection was a major factor in industries locating in Maumelle. Alderman Lewis stated the revenue has been identified just not realized. Alderman Lewis also stated that low taxes attract businesses as well. He stated this was an attempt to modernize the way we do things. Alderman Mosley stated we need to start sticking to the budget better. Alderman Mosley suggested raising building permit fees as a way to realize more revenue. Alderman Vaprersan stated when the income goes down and the spending goes up you end up in trouble. Alderman Kelley stated he thought the workshop was premature would like to have another one where everyone could attend. Alderman Saunders stated we need definitive income first before we pass this. Alderman Lewis stated he is fine with another workshop and that we should give more consideration to spending. He stated this was reducing the fee slowly and encouraged the Council to commit to it. Alderman Vaprersan suggested waiting until the first of the year to see where our budget is. Mayor Watson stated a sales tax may not be the answer because of internet sales. Mayor Watson stated the Marketplace Fairness Act could be a replacement revenue source but it hasn' t happened yet. MAUMELLE WATER MANAGEMENT RATE ADJUSTMENT DISCUSSION AND RELATED HISTORY Mayor Watson noted a letter asking the Council to repeal Ordinance 271. Alderman Mosley stated that MSID is a monopoly and they should be regulated. He stated that if they needed a rate increase they should come to the Council now. Alderman Anderson motioned to draft an ordinance to repeal Ordinance 271. Alderman Saunders seconded the motion and it passed with only Alderman Mosley voting no. MAYOR' S COMMENTS Mayor Watson gave the Council a report on the bond projects. Mayor Watson also reminded everyone of the Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 a.m. on the 25th ALDERMEN' S COMMENTS Alderman Lewis noted last week' s millage vote failed. He also pointed to a recent school boundary discussion as good news for Maumelle. Alderman Scott stated the White Oak Bayou committee is planning a float trip on the bayou. 7 Alderman Vaprersan stated he would not be able to attend the next Planning Commission meeting and would be willing to switch with another alderman. Alderman Scott stated she was willing to cover for him. Alderman Saunders stated he would like to see a group effort for participation for the citizen' s fire academy. Alderman Anderson stated he will be absent for the June 15th meeting. CITY CLERK' S COMMENTS City Clerk Clausen stated there are three positions on the Tree Board that will be opening in June. ADJOURNMENT Alderman Lewis moved to adjourn the meeting. Alderman Saunders seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by all in attendance. Mayor Watson adjourned the meeting at 9: 36 pm. MAYOR MICHAEL WATSON CITY CLERK JOSHUA CLAUSEN APPROVED June 1, 2015 8 AN ORDINANCE OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, COUNTY OF PULASKI, STATE OF ARKANSAS, AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: ORDINANCE NO. 877 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE TO TO ENABLE RESIDENTS TO KEEP A SMALL NUMBER OF CHICKENS WITHIN THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, TO PROVIDE STANDARDS FOR THE KEEPING OF CHICKENS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, the concept of local sustainability has inspired an interest in backyard food production and some Maumelle residents have come before the City Council requesting that City allow residents to keep a small number of chickens; and WHEREAS, neighboring cities allow residents to keep chickens and have largely done so without complaint; and WHEREAS, raising chickens at home can be a great educational opportunity for children and can provide an affordable, healthy food source for families; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to allow residents to keep a limited number of chickens in a manner that does not adversely impact the surrounding neighborhood. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS, SECTION 1. Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is to provide standards for the keeping of chickens. It is intended to enable residents to keep a small number of female chickens on a noncommercial basis while limiting the potential adverse impacts on the surrounding neighborhood. The City recognizes that adverse neighborhood impacts may result from the keeping of chickens as a result of noise, odor, unsanitary animal living conditions, unsanitary waste storage and removal, the attraction of predators, rodents, insects, or parasites, and non-confined animals leaving the owner' s property. This article is intended to create licensing standards and requirements that ensure that chickens do not adversely impact the neighborhood surrounding the property on which the chickens are kept. SECTION 2. Definitions. As used in this Ordinance, the following definitions shall apply: Chicken means a female chicken( Gallus gallus domesticus). Coop means the covered house, structure, or room that is required in order to provide chickens with shelter from the weather and with a roosting area protected from predators. Enclosure means a fenced ( or wire) area, or pen, enclosed on all sides, including the top, required in association with a coop in order to provide an outside exercise area for the chickens free from predators, and of a size that allows for access to a foraging area, sunlight, etc. Rooster means a male chicken( Gallus gallus domesticus). SECTION 3. Permit Required. a) An annual permit is required for the keeping of any chickens in the City of Maumelle. The permit year shall be from January 1 through December 31. The annual permit to keep chickens is personal to the permittee and may not be assigned. b) In the first permit year, no more than twenty- five permits shall be issued. In each subsequent permit year, more permits may be added at the discretion of animal services, with a maximum of 50 total permits. SECTION 4. Fees. The fee for an annual permit to keep chickens is $ 20.00. SECTION 5. Application for Permit. Every applicant for a permit to keep chickens shall: a) Complete and file an application on a form prescribed by Animal Control; and b) Deposit the prescribed permit fee with Animal Control at the time the application is filed. Any material misstatement or omission shall be grounds for denial, suspension, or revocation of the permit. SECTION 6. Approval of Permit. Animal Control shall issue a permit if the applicant has demonstrated compliance with the criteria and standards in this Ordinance. SECTION 7. Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of Permit. Animal Control shall deny a permit if the applicant has not demonstrated compliance with all provisions of this article. A permit to keep chickens may be suspended or revoked by Animal Control or Code Enforcement where there is a risk to public health or safety or for any violation of or failure to comply with any of the provisions of this article or with the provisions of any other applicable ordinance or law. Any denial, revocation or suspension of a permit shall be in writing and shall include notification of the right to and procedure for appeal. Page 2 of Ordinance 877 SECTION 8. Appeal. A person appealing the issuance, denial, suspension, or revocation of a permit by Animal Control or Code Enforcement may file a notice of appeal with the Maumelle District Court within thirty( 30) days of the decision being appealed. SECTION 9. General. a) Up to six chickens are allowed to reside on an occupied single- family property. Chickens may not be kept on duplex, triplex, or multifamily propertys. b) No ducks, geese, turkeys, peafowl, or male chickens or roosters, or any other poultry or fowl may be kept under the provisions of this Ordinance. c) There is no restriction on chicken species. SECTION 10. Coop and Enclosure. a) The coop and enclosure must be screened from the neighbor' s view, using an opaque fence or landscape screen. Due to variations in topography and the height of residences, a coop and enclosure enclosed behind a six foot tall privacy fence shall be considered screened from the neighbor' s view. b) Chickens must be kept in an enclosure or coop at all times. Chickens shall be secured within the coop during non-daylight hours. c) The coop and enclosure shall be clean, dry, and odor-free, and kept in a neat and sanitary condition at all times, in a manner that will not disturb the use or enjoyment of neighboring lots due to noise, odor, or other adverse impact. d) The coop and enclosure must provide adequate ventilation and adequate sun and shade. Both the coop and the enclosure must be impermeable to rodents, wild birds, and predators, including cats and dogs. e) A coop shall be provided and shall be designed to provide safe and healthy living conditions for the chickens while minimizing adverse impacts to other residents in the neighborhood. 1) The coop shall be enclosed on all sides and shall have a roof and doors. Access doors must be able to be shut and locked at night. 2) The materials used in making the structure shall be uniform for each element of the structure such that the walls are made of the same material, the roof has the same shingles or other covering, and any windows or openings are constructed using the same materials. The use of scrap, waste board, sheet metal, or similar materials is prohibited. The coop shall be well-maintained. Page 3 of Ordinance 877 3) The coop shall provide a minimum of three square feet per chickenandbe of a sufficient size to permit free movement of the chickens. 4) The coop shall not be taller than 6 feet tall, measured from the natural grade, and must be easily accessible for cleaning and maintenance. f) Coops and enclosures shall only be located in rear yards, as defined in Sec. 94- 1. For a corner lot or other property where no rear yard exists, a side yard may be used as long as the setbacks generally applicable in the zoning district are met. In no case may a henhouse be placed in the front yard. g) The coop and enclosure must be a minimum of 10 feet from the rear and side property line and must be a minimum of 20 feet from any neighboring dwellings. h) The enclosure shall be enclosed on all sides, including the top, so that chickens cannot escape and predators cannot enter the enclosure. i) Inspections of the coop and enclosure may be made periodically by Animal Control Officers or Code Enforcement Officers to ensure compliance with this Ordianance. SECTION 11. Odor, Noise, and Other Impacts. a) Odors from chickens, chicken manure, or other chicken-related substances shall not be perceptible at the property boundries. b) Perceptible noise from chickens shall not be loud enough at the property boundaries to disturb persons of reasonable sensitivity. c) Chickens are not a nuisance animal per se, but may be if in violation of Sec. 10131. Coops and enclosures are not a nuisance per se, but may be if in violation of Chapter 38. d) The property owner shall take necessary action to reduce the attraction of predators and rodents and the potential infestation of insects and parasites. Chickens found to be infested with insects and parasites that may result in unhealthy conditions to human habitation shall be removed by the Animal Control Officer. e) Chickens must be provided with access to feed and clean water at all times; such feed and water shall be unavailable to rodents, wild birds and predators. All stored feed must be kept in a rodent and predator- proof container. Page 4 of Ordinance 877 SECTION 12. Amendment. Animals; Article I, In General; The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 10, Section 10- 3( c), Keeping of livestock prohibited; shall be amended as follows: Other animals commonly referred to as farm animals, including, but not limited to, pigs, chickens, goats, sheep and ducks, may only be kept for a period of time not to exceed 90 days in an adequate space which is located as far as possible from neighboring homes and with food and water which is adequate enough for the animal to be maintained in a comfortable, healthy and stress- free manner. 1) No more than one animal may be kept at a residence pursuant to this subsection in each calendar year. 2) Residents keeping an animal pursuant to this subsection should notify the animal control department of the presence of the animal and provide proof of the date the animal was acquired or located at the residence. 3) For purposes of this subsection, female chickens shall not be considered farm animals. SECTION 13. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 10, Animals; Article III, Animal Control; Division 1, Generally; Section 10- 81, Definitions; shall be Amendment. amended as follows: Livestock means any animal commonly referred to as a farm animal, including, but not limited to, bovine, SECTION 14. Amendment. porcine, fowl ( excluding female chicken), or ratite. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 10, Animals; Article III, Animal Control; Division 3, Nuisance, Hazardous or vicious animals; Section 10- 131, Nuisance animals; shall be amended as follows: a) Owners of nuisance animals shall be subject to a fine as provided in section 10- 45. Nuisance animals are any animals which infringe upon the rights of another animal or a person, or: 1) Molest passersby or passing vehicles; 2) Attack other domestic animals; 3) Trespass on schoolgrounds; 4) Are repeatedly at large; Page 5 of Ordinance 877 5) Damage private or public property; 6) Bark, whines of howl, cluck, or otherwise make noise in an excessive, continuous or untimely fashion; 7) Cause fouling of the air by odor and thereby create unreasonable annoyance or discomfort to neighbors or others in close proximity to the premises where the animal is kept or harbored; or 8) b) Interfere with refuse collection or other service personnel. For purposes of this section, each day that a violation occurs shall be considered a separate offense; and if a separate citation is issued for each offense, each such separate offense may be punished separately. SECTION 15. All other provisions of Chapter 10 shall remain the same. SECTION 16. Codification. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Maumelle that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the City Code of the City of Maumelle, Arkansas, and that the Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered, re- lettered and Ordinance" may be changed to " Section," " Article," in order to accomplish such intention. the word " SECTION 17. Repealer. or such other word( s) or phrase( s) All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. SECTION 18. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other portion of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional, invalid, or inoperative by a court of competent jurisdiction, such findings shall not effect the validity of the remainder of these sections, nor shall any proceeding invalidating any portion of any section operate to affect any portion of the remainder of said sections not specifically attacked in said proceeding. APPROVED this day 2015. of Michael Watson, Mayor ATTEST: Page 6 of Ordinance 877 Joshua Clausen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Caleb Norris, City Attorney SPONSORED BY: Alderman John Vaprersan Saunders Anderson Kelley Mosley Lewis Holt Aye: No: Page 7 of Ordinance 877 Scott Vaprersan AN ORDINANCE OF CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, COUNTY OF PULASKI, STATE OF ARKANSAS, AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: ORDINANCE NO. 881 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MAUMELLE CITY CODE FOR FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION, ADOPTING THE FEDERAL AGENCY' S EMERGENCY FLOOD INSURANCE MANAGEMENT RATE MAP FOR PULASKI COUNTY, ARKANSAS, AND INCORPORATED AREAS, EFFECTIVE JULY 6, 2015, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, in October 1994, by Ordinance No. 242, the City of Maumelle adopted an ordinance on flood damage prevention; and WHEREAS, the City desires to update its flood damage prevention code; and WHEREAS, on April 23, 2015, at a public hearing, a majority of the members of the Planning Commission approved a motion to recommend adoption of the amendment to the land use map to the Maumelle City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the recommendations of the Planning Commission, the recommendation of staff, has obtained facts, statements, and other information concerning changes to the Maumelle City Code Section 30( Floods) and FEMA' s Flood Insurance Rate Map ( FIRM) for Pulaski County, Arkansas, and Incorporated Areas, effective July 6, 2013, and has determined that there is a need to amend the City Code and to adopt the new FIRM. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS, SECTION 1. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 31, Definitions; shall be amended as follows: Unless specifically defined below, words or phrases used in this article shall be interpreted to give them the meaning they have in Ordinance have their common usage meaning to give the and4e give this article its most reasonable application to this Ordinance. Additional definitions for floodplain management terms can be found at Part §59. 1 of 44 CFR. 44 CFR ( Emergency Management and Assistance — National Flood Insurance Program Regulations) Parts 59- 75 contain Federal regulations upon which local floodplain managements are based 44 CFR § 65. 12— contains the section of the Federal regulations which involves revision of flood insurance rate maps to reflect base flood elevations caused by proposed encroachments. 100 year flood is any flood with a 1% chance of occurring in any given year. The term is misleading, because of its statistical derivation. A" 100- year flood" may occur many times in any given 100- year period, or it may not occur at all in 100 years. 500- year flood is any flood ear flood this term is also with a 0. 2% misleading chance of occurring in any given year. As with the 100because of its statistical derivation. A " 500- ear flood" may occur many times in any given 500- year period or it may not occur at all in 500 years. Accessory Structures are structures which are on the same parcel of property as the principle structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principle structure ( such as garages and storage sheds). Adverse impact means any negative or harmful effect. AE or A1- 30 Risk Zones are special flood hazard areas where detailed studies have determined base flood elevations. AE has replaced A1- 30 in newer flood maps. AH Risk Zones are special flood hazard areas characterized by shallow flooding with ponding effects ( where floodwaters accumulate in depressions and linger until absorbed or evaporated). AO Risk Zones are special flood hazard areas characterized by shallow flooding with sheet flow where floodwaters flow in a broad, shallow sheet rather than through a narrow channel). A Risk Zones are special flood hazard areas without detailed studies, where base flood elevations have not been determined. Appeal Board means a person or persons specifically designated to render decisions on variance applications and floodplain management complaints. Automatic entry and exit of floodwaters means that the water must be able to enter and exit with no intervening action from a person. stream that formed the fan becomes unpcdictable and alluvial fan flooding can occur. Page 2 of Ordinance 881 ding e sheet flow S- - A- . . - . -. a • A •• • 30, VE or V. Base flood is the flood profile used as the basis for the NFIP regulations. The Federal government has the 1% chance flood as the base flood. means the flood having a one percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. selected Basement means any area of the building having its Beer subgradc ( below ground level) is any enclosed area that is below grade on all sides. BFE is the acronym for Base Flood Elevation. Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by water. Buoyancy can cause underground tanks to float free and can lift structures off foundations. Certificates of Compliance are formal documents issued by floodplain administrators certifying that completed projects comply with the requirements of the local Code. CFR is the acronym for the Code of Federal Regulations. The Code of Federal Regulations is the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. It is divided into 50 titles that represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. The Federal regulations pertaining to the national Flood Insurance Program are found in title 44, Emergency Management and Assistance. Clearing is the act of cutting timber or shrubs from an area Commercial business park is typically an area of offices or light industrial usage, although retail, service, or industrial usage is sometimes included in supporting roles. For example, a commercial business park of office complexes may also include restaurants which service these offices. Concrete deadman anchors” are heavy steel rods embedded in buried sections of concrete, used to secure items in place under tension. Covenant is a clause in a contract that requires one party to do, or refrain from doing, certain things. A covenant frequently appears as a restriction that a lender imposes on a borrower. Crawlspace is a type of structural foundation where the space beneath the lowest floor is typically not deep enough to allow a person to stand and not all four walls are below grade. Page 3 of Ordinance 881 Critical Facilities include: Governmental facilities that are considered essential for the delivery of services and crisis management ( such as data and communication centers and key critical governmental complexes); facilities that are essential for the health and welfare of the whole population ( such as hospitals, prisons, police and fire stations, emergency operations centers, evacuation shelters and schools); mass transportation facilities ( such as airports, bus terminals, train terminals • lifeline stems utilit s electric . ower and communications s plants or or includin• . stems • otable water wastewater oil natural as hi• h . otential loss facilities such as nuclear . ower military installations); hazardous material facilities ( such as industrial facilities housing manufacturing or disposing of explosives, corrosives, flammable materials, radioactive materials and toxins. which the flood protection provided by the-entire system would be compromised. D Zones areas in which the flood hazard has not been determined, but may be possible Deed restriction refers to a clause in a deed that limits the future uses of the property in some res sect. Deed restrictions ma im. ose a vast variet of limitations and conditions for exam Ile they limit the density of buildings dictate the types of structures that can be erected, prevent buildings from being used for specific purposes or even from being used at all. Development means any manmade change in improved and unimproved real estate. It , including includes but is not limited to buildings or othcr structures, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation er drilling operations, or storage of equipment or materials, construction, reconstruction, or placement of a building, or any addition or substantial improvements to a building." Development" also includes the installation of a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home, or installing/parking a travel trailer. The installation of utilities, construction of roads, or erection of bridges, levees, dams, excavating, paving, culverts or similar projects are also " walls, or other alterations developments." Construction fences; drilling, mining, or of the ground surface are " filling, dredging, grading, developments." Storage of including the placement of gas and liquid storage tanks are " developments," as are channel modifications or any other activity that might change the direction, height, or velocity of flood or surface waters. " Development" will normally not include maintenance of existing materials drainage ditches, gardening, plowing, planting harvesting of crops, or similar practices that do not involve filling, grading, or construction of levees. Development Permit refers to the permit required for placing a" development" in the floodplain.•• _ • • .. • 1::• the case of zones Al 39, AE, A, A99, AO, AEI, B, C, X and D, - - • Page 4 of Ordinance 881 - ..• - -: • •- •: • structures. Easements are rights or permissions held by one person to make specific, limited use of land owned by another person. Elevation Certificate refers to FEMA form 81- 31, which for the purposes of this Code must be properly completed by a Professional Engineer, Surveyor or Architect licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. Erosion is the process of soil removal by moving water. Existing Structure means, for floodplain management purposes, a structure which is in place before any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement takes place. Existing manufactured home park or subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed before the effective date of the floodplain management regulations adopted by the city. Expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision means the preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed( including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads). Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is the Federal agency responsible for administering the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA is the acronym for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Fill refers to the placement of natural sand, dirt, soil, rock, concrete, cement, brick or similar material at a specified location to bring the around surface up to a desired elevation. FIRM is the acronym for Flood Insurance Rate Map. Page 5 of Ordinance 881 s accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. Flood Fringe refers to the portion of the 100- year floodplain which is outside the floodway ( See definition of floodway below.) Flooding events are general or temporary conditions of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland or tidal waters, or from the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. Flood Insurance Rate Map (or FIRM) refers to the official flood map of a community on which FEMA has categorized Special Flood Hazard Areas into risk premium zones. means an official Flood Insurance Study ( or " FIS") means is the official report provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The report It contains flood profiles, floodway tables, engineering methods, and other descriptive and technical data. water surface elevation of the base flood, as well as the Flood protection system means these physical structural works f: Floodplain and f'oodHrenc aura mean refers to any land area susceptible to being inundated by water from any source. For the purposes of this Ordinance, floodplain refers to the land area susceptible to being inundated by the base flood. -- . Flood a lain Administrator refers to the communi official desi. nated in the local Flood Dama• e Prevention Code as responsible for the Code' s administration. Floodplain Development Permit is a permit issued by the local Floodplain Administrator and is required before beginning any development in an area designated as a Special Flood Hazard Area on the community' s FIRM. Floodplain management means the operation of an overall program of corrective and preventive measures for reducing flood damage, including but not limited to emergency preparedness plans, flood control works and floodplain management regulations. Page 6 of Ordinance 881 Floodproofing is a combination of structural and nonstructural additions, changes, or adjustments to structures that reduce or eliminate the risk of flood damage. means any combination of structural contents. FloodproofinQ Certificate refers to FEMA form 81- 65, which for the purposes of this Code must be . ro. erl corn. leted b a Professional En. ineer or Architect licensed to • ractice in the State of Arkansas. Floodway ( or regulatory floodway) refers to a stream channel and the land to either side of the stream channel that must remain undeveloped and open in order to allow floodwaters to pass without increasing the base flood elevation more than a designated height. For the purposes of this Ordinance, the height is one foot ( 1 ft.). Severe restrictions or prohibitions are imposed on development within the floodway. - Flow-through openings are openings specifically designed to allow floodwaters to flow into and out of enclosed spaces, minimizing the danger of foundation or wall collapse from lateral hydrostatic pressure. Functionally dependent use means a use which cannot perform its intended purpose unless it is located or carried out in close proximity to water. The term includes only docking facilities, port facilities that are necessary for the loading and unloading of cargo or passengers, and shipbuilding and ship repair facilities, but does not include longterm storage or related manufacturing facilities. Grade means the surface of the ground. Grading means to smooth the surface of the ground, typically with heavy construction equipment. Highest adjacent grade ( HAG) means the highest natural elevation of the ground surface prior to construction next to the proposed walls of a structure. Historic structure means any structure that is: 1) Listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places ( a listing maintained by the department of interior) or preliminarily determined by the secretary of the interior as meeting the requirements for individual listing on the National Register; 2) Certified or preliminarily determined by the secretary of the interior as contributing to the historical significance of a registered historic district or a district preliminarily determined by the secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; Page 7 of Ordinance 881 Individually listed on a state inventory of historic places in states with historic preservation programs which have been approved by the secretary of interior; or 4) Individually listed on a local inventory of historic places in communities with historic 3) preservation programs that have been certified either: a. By an approved state program as determined by the secretary of the interior; or b. Directly by the secretary of the interior in states without approved programs. Hydrodynamic forces are the forces and stresses associated with moving water, including impacts from objects carried in the water. Hydrostatic floodforces are the forces and stresses associated with standing floodwaters. Lacustrine Flooding is flooding associated with a lake. Lateral forces are the horizontal hydrostatic forces associated with standing water. Water exerts an equal force in all directions, and as little as three feet of standing water can generate sufficient lateral force to collapse a foundation or wall. engineering practices. Lowestfloor means the lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area( including basement). For a typical slab- on- grade construction, the lowest floor is the top of the first floor of the structure. For a typical basement foundation construction, the elevation of the lowest floor is the top of the basement floor. For a typical crawlspace foundation construction, the elevation of the lowest floor is the top of the first floor of the structure. For a typical split- level construction, the elevation of the lowest floor is the top of the first living area floor. For a manufactured home installation, the elevation of the lowest floor will be the bottom of the lowest I- Beam. The garage floor and crawlspaces are not the lowest floor as long as there are no living areas in the garage and it is used An unfinished or flood solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement area is not considered a building's lowest floor provided such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable nonelevation design requirement of section 60. 3 of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations. Manufactured home or Structure means a structure transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designed for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. The term " manufactured recreational vehicle. Page 8 of Ordinance 881 home" does not include a Manufactured home park or subdivision means a parcel ( or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale. Mean sea level means, for purposes of the National Flood Insurance Program, the National Geodetic Vertical Datum( NGVD) of 1929 or other datum, to which base flood elevations shown on the city' s flood insurance rate map are referenced. Mixed Use Structures are structures with both a business and a residential component, but where the area used for business is less than 50% of the total floor area of the structure. New construction means, for the purpose of determining insurance ratcs floodplain management S I floodplain management purposes, new construction means structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of floodplain management regulations adopted by the city and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures. New manufactured home park or subdivision means a manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed ( including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) is completed on or after the effective date of floodplain management regulations adopted by the city. No Adverse Impact principle is a principle of restricting or prohibiting land development that does harm or" adversely affects" someone else' s property or land. Nonresidential Structures are structures used only for commercial or public purposes, such as businesses, schools, churches, etc. No-Rise Certificates are formal certifications signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas, demonstrating through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineering practice that a proposed development will not result in any increase in flood levels within the community during the occurrence of a base flood event. Piers are columns of masonry or other structural material ( commonly cement blocks stacked up to su.. ort a manufactured home usuall rectan• ular used to su s s ort other structural members. For the purpose of this ordinance, piers must be permanent in nature. Pilings are steel tubes driven to rock or a suitable soil bearing layer and connected to the foundation of a structure. Ponding is a flooding effect where floodwaters accumulate in shallow depressions and linger until absorbed or evaporated. Page 9 of Ordinance 881 Recreational vehicle means a vehicle which is: 1) Built on a single chassis; 2) No more than 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projections; 3) Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light-duty truck; and 4) Designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. Risk Zones categorize special flood hazard areas into groupings by the specific risk of flooding. Zones A, AE or Al- 30, AO, and AH are Special Flood Hazard Areas. See " X Risk Zones" in this section. Riverine flooding is flooding associated with a river or stream channel. RV is the acronym for recreational vehicle. Screw augers are any type of anchor that twists into the soil, typically to a depth of 4 feet or more. They are not suitable for securing manufactured homes against floodwaters because saturated grounds often soften and fail to hold the anchor in place. Section 404 Wetlands Permit is a permit required under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act for the discharge of dredged and fill material into any surface water of the United States. The US Army Corps of Engineers issues Section 404 permits. SFHA is the acronym for Special Flood Hazard Area. Shallow flooding means a depth of less than 3 feet. Slab anchors are anchors where the hook of the anchor is wrapped around a horizontal rebar in the slab before the concrete is poured. S. ecial ood hazard areas are eo• ra. hical areas identified on FEMA flood ma. s as bein. at- risk for flooding. The maps further categorize these areas into various flood risk zones A, AE or Al30, AH, and AO. Start of construction Coastal Barrier Resources Act( PL 97 318)) includes substantial improvement and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, placement or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/ or walkways; nor does it include Page 10 of Ordinance 881 excavation for basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. For a substantial improvement, the actual start of construction means the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor or other structural part of a building, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the building. State Coordinating Agency is the agency that acts as a liaison between FEMA and a community for the purposes of floodplain management. The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission is the State Coordinating Agency for Arkansas. Stream channels are depressed natural pathways through which water of any quantity routinely flows. Structural development is a development that includes the placement or construction of a structure. Structure means, for floodplain management purposes, a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid storage tank, that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home. Substantial damage means damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its : . original undamaged state would equal or exceed 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. In determining whether substantial damage has occurred, estimators must use standard contractor and materials costs. There are no exceptions for homeowners who make their own repairs or for discounted or free raw materials. Substantial improvement means any reconstruction, rehabilitation remodeling, addition or other improvement of a structure the cost of which equals or exceed) equaling or exceeding 50 percent of the market value of the structure before start of construction of the any improvement. Improvements to correct identified violations of local health, sanitary or safety Codes are not substantial improvements, regardless of the cost, as long as they are the minimum improvement necessary to bring the structure up to Code. Alterations to historical structures are also exempted, as long as the improvement does not affect the structure' s official status of" historical structure." work performed. The term does not, however, include either: official and which are the minimum-necessary conditions; or continued designation as a historic structure. Uses vulnerable to floods are simply any land or structural uses that may be negatively affected by a flood. Variance means a grant of relief to a person from the reemcrnt of this article when specific Page 11 of Ordinance 881 60. 6 of the National Flood Insurance Program regulations.) is a formal, written permission from the Appeals Board to construct or develop in a way that is inconsistent with the requirements of this Code. The variance only deals with this Code— the Appeals Board has no authority to waive any other governmental requirement, and has no say in the cost of flood insurance. Violation means the failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with the city' s floodplain management regulations. A structure or other development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other evidence of compliance required in section 60. 3( b)( 5), this Ordinance is presumed to be in violation until such time as that documentation is provided. Watercourse alteration refers to any change that occurs within the banks of a watercourse. Water surface elevation means the height, in relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum NGVD) of 1929 ( or other datum, where specified), of floods of various magnitudes and frequencies in the floodplains of coastal or riverine areas. X Risk Zones are a special group of insurance risk zones. One type, shown as non- shaded areas on FEMA issued flood maps, indicates a zone where flooding is not expected to occur. The second type, shown as shaded areas of FEMA flood maps, indicates a flood hazard area that is expected to be affected by the 500- year flood, but not by the 100- year base flood. SECTION 2. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 32, Statutory Article authorization; shall be amended as follows: The Legislature of the State of Arkansas has, in Ark. Coder Ann. §§ 14- 268- 101 et seq., x4- 268 102, delegated the responsibility of local governmental units to adopt regulations designed to minimize flood losses. Therefore, the city council does ordain the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 33, Findings of Fact; shall be amended as follows: fa) The Federal Emergency Management Agency ( FEMA) has identified Special Flood Hazard Areas of the City of Maumelle in the current scientific and engineering report entitled The Flood Insurance Study ( FIS) for Pulaski County, Arkansas, and Incorporated Areas, dated July 6, 2015 with an effective Flood Insurance Rate Map ( FIRM) dated July 6, 2015. b)( a) The Special Flood Hazard areas of the city are subject to periodic flooding events that results in loss of life and property, pose health and safety hazards, disruption of commerce and governmental services, and cause extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety, and general welfare. Page 12 of Ordinance 881 c)( b) These periodic flooding events flood losses are crcatcd exacerbated by the floodplain developments which cause an increase cumulative effect of: : in flood heights and velocities, and by the occupancy of flood hazard areas by uses vulnerable to placement of inadequately elevated, inadequately floodproofed or otherwise protected from flood damage unprotected structures or uses vulnerable to floods into Special Flood Hazard Areas. Such structures or uses are inherently hazardous to other lands because of their adverse impact on flooding events. SECTION 4. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 34, Statement of Purpose; shall be amended as follows: It is The purpose of this arti6lc Ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, to prevent adverse impacts from any floodplain development activities, and to minimize public and private losses due to flooding events in specific areas by identified Special Flood Hazard Areas. This Ordinance advances the stated purpose through provisions designed to: 1) Protect human life and health; 2) Protect natural floodplains against unwise development; 3) Eliminate adverse impacts of necessary floodplain development; 2)( 4) Minimize the expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects; 3)( 5) Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public; 4)( 6) Minimize prolonged business interruptions due to flooding events; 5)( 7) Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains, electric, telephone and sewer lines, streets and bridges located in floodplairisSpecial Flood Hazard Areas; 6)( 81 Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of floodprone areas in such a manner as to Minimize future flood blight areas to help maintain a stable tax base; and 7) Ensure that Provide for notice to potential buyers are notified that when property is in a Special Flood Hazard Area. SECTION 5. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 35, Methods of Reducing Flood Losses; shall be amended as follows: Page 13 of Ordinance 881 In order to accomplish its purposes, This articleOrdinance uses the following methods to accomplish the stated purpose: 1) It restricts or prohibits structures or uses in Special Flood Hazard Areas that are dangerous to adversely impact health, safety or property during flooding eventsin times of flood or that cause excessive increases in flood heights or velocities; 2) be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction It requires protection against flood damage for structures or uses vulnerable to floods at the time of initial construction, or after substantial improvement of the structure, or after substantial damage has occurred; 3) It controls the alteration of natural floodplains, stream channels and natural protective barriers which are involved in the accommodation and transport of floodwaters; 4) damage It controls floodplain development ( structural development, placement of manufactured structures, clearing, grading, mining, drilling, dredging, placement of fill, excavating, watercourse alteration, drainage improvements, roadway or bridge construction, individual water or sewer installations and other activities) which may increase flood damage by increasing flood elevations, flood water velocities, or flood discharge patterns; and 5) Prevent or It regulates the construction of flood barriers which will unnaturally divert floodwaters or which may increase flood hazards to adversely impact other lands. SECTION 6. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 36, Lands to which this article applies; shall be amended as follows: This article Ordinance shall apply to all areas of Special Flood Hazard Areas within the jurisdiction of the City of Maumelle. SECTION 7. Repealed. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 37, Basis for establishing the areas of special flood hazard; shall be repealed: y The areas of special flood kaz-ard identified by t c Federal Emergcny Management Agency in a floodway maps (FIPA4 and FBFM) and any reams are adopted by reference in this section and declared to be a part of this article. Page 14 of Ordinance 881 SECTION 8. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 38, Compliance; shall be amended as follows: Constructing, locating, substantially altering or changing_the use of any structure or land after the effective date of this ordinance requires full compliance with therovisions of this ordinance and all other applicable regulations. SECTION 9. Penalty for non- compliance. Flood hazards are reduced by compliance with the provisions of this code. Accordingly, enforcement of this ordinance discourages non- compliance and is a recognized mechanism for flood hazard reduction. The Floodplain Administrator must enforce the provisions of this ordinance and is authorized to A. Issue cease and desist orders on non- compliant floodplain development projects; B. Issue citations for non- compliance; C. Request that FEMA file a 1316 Action ( Denial of Flood Insurance) against non-compliant properties; and D. Take any other lawful action necessary to prevent or remedy any instance of non- compliance with the provisions of this ordinance. 1) It is a misdemeanor to violate or fail to comply with any provision of this ordinance. 2) Any person found, in a court of competent jurisdiction, guilty of violating this ordinance is subject to fines of not more than $ 500 per day for each violation; in addition the defendant is subject to payment of all associated court costs and costs involved in the case. SECTION 10. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 39, Abrogation and greater restrictions; shall be amended as follows: This article Ordinance is does not intended to repeal, abrogates or impair any existing easements, covenants,.or deed restrictions. However, where this article Wherever there is a conflict or overlap between this Ordinance and another ordinance, easement, covenant, or deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the instrument with the more stringent restrictions shall prevail applies. Page 15 of Ordinance 881 SECTION 11. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, Generally; Section 30- 40, Interpretation; shall be amended as follows: In the interpretation and application of this article, all provisions shall be: 1) Considered as minimum requirements; 2) Liberally construed in favor of the city; and 3) Deemed neither to limit nor repeal any other powers granted under State statute. SECTION 12. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Generally; Section 30- 41, Warning and disclaimer of liability; shall be amended as follows: Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 1, The degree of flood protection required by this awe Ordinance is considered reasonable for regulatory purposes and is based on scientific and Documented enginoerin scientific and engineering data form the basis for these requirements. On rare occasions, flooding events greater floods than those considered for this Ordinance will occur. can and will occur and flood heights may be increased by manmade or natural causes. In addition, flood heights may increase over time due to man-made or natural causes. This artiele Ordinance does not imply that land outside the areas of Special Flood Hazards Areas : . - -•••- : • -•- . •- : will be free from flooding or flood damages, nor that strict adherence to this Ordinance protects uses permitted with Special Flood Hazard Areas from all flood damages. This article shall Ordinance specifically does not create liability on the part of the city or any official or employee of the city for any flood damages that result from reliance on while strictly following this agile Ordinance or from any lawful administrative decision lawfully made under this article the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 13. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 2, Administration and Enforcement; Section 30- 61, Establishment of a development permit; shall be amended as follows: A Floodplain Development Permit shall be required to ensure conformance with the provisions of this article. for all structural development, placement of manufactured structures, clearing, grading, mining, drilling, dred ing, placement of fill, excavating watercourse alteration, drainage im. rovements roadwa or brid' e construction individual water or sewer installations or an other development in a Special Flood Hazard Area to ensure conformance with the provisions of this Code. SECTION 14. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 2, Administration and Enforcement; Section 30- 62, Designation of the floodplain administrator; shall be amended as follows: Page 16 of Ordinance 881 The Mayor of the City of Maumelle, or his/ her the Mayor' s designee is hereby appointed the Floodplain Administrator to administer and implement the provisions of this article and other SECTION 15. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 2, Administration and Enforcement; Section 30- 63, Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator; shall be amended as follows: a) Duties and responsibilities of the floodplain administrator shall include but are not limited to the following: 1) Maintain . -: - : : : :- - .. . • •- . :- all records and documents pertaining to the provisions of this articicOrdinance. 2) Review pewit applications for Floodplain Development Permits to de will be reasonably safe from flooding. a) Evaluate proposed projects for reasonable safety from flooding;. b) Evalute proposed projects for conformance with No Adverse Impact principles; Ensure that all other permits necessary ( including Section 404 Wetlands Permits as required by the Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of c) 1972, 33 U. S. C. 1334) for proposed projects are obtained from the appropriate government agency prior to issuing a Floodplain Development Permit; and d) Ensure that proposed projects conform to the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. 3) Review, Approve or deny all applications for Floodplain Development Permits required by adoption of this article. on the basis of: al The proposed development' s compliance or non- compliance with the provisions of this Code; The expected flood elevation, flood water velocity, flood duration, rate of rise and sediment transport of the floodwaters expected at the proposed development site; cl The proposed development' s potential to adversely impact life and property by changing flooding patterns, changing erosion rates, or being swept onto other lands by flood waters; Page 17 of Ordinance 881 The proposed development' s susceptibility to flood damage; el The proposed development' s compatibility with existing and planned community development; The proposed development' s accessibility by ordinary and emergency vehicles during flooding events; g) The anticipated costs of providing governmental services to the proposed development during and after flooding events, including maintenance and repair of streets, bridges, facilities and public utilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems; 1 The proposed development' s functionally dependent use; The availability of alternative locations, not subject to flooding or erosion damage, for the proposed development; and j) The relationship of the proposed use to the comprehensive plan for that area. 4) section 104 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act amendmcnts of 1972, 33 USC 1334) from which prior approval is required. Obtain accreditation each year as required by A.C. A. , 14- 268- 106 through the State Coordinating Agency, which is the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission. 5) Interpret the exact location of the boundaries of Special Flood Hazard Areas whenever a mapped boundary appears to be different from actual field conditions. The sole purpose of this interpretation is to determinate the applicability of the provisions of this Ordinance to the proposed project.) 6) Notify, in riverine situations, adjacent communities and the state coordinating agency, which is the state division of soil and water conservation Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, a minimum of 60 days prior to any alteration or relocation of a watercourse and submit evidence of such notification to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Page 18 of Ordinance 881 7) Assure Ensure that the flood- carrying capacity within the altered or relocated portion of any watercourse is maintained. not diminished, and that the alteration or relocation does not adversely impact any other lands. 8) When base flood elevation data has net been provided in accordance with section 30 37, obtain, asonably utilize any base flood elevation data and review and floodway data available from a federal, state er ether source, in order to administer the provisions of this division. Obtain, review and reasonably utilize, whenever the current Flood Insurance Study or current Flood Insurance Rate Map does not provide base flood elevation data, any base flood elevation data and floodway data available from any Federal, State or other source. The Floodplain Administrator may obtain such data by requiring the applicant to submit it in conjunction with a Floodplain Development Permit application. ( The sole use of this data is the administration of the provisions of this Ordinance.) 9) be permitted within zones Al- 3.0 and AE en the city's FIRM unless it is city. Inspect floodplain developments as necessary to ensure construction is in accordance with the application data that formed the basis for the decision to issue the Floodplain Development Permit. 10) Administer and implement the provisions of this Code and other appropriate sections of 44 CFR ( Emergency Management and Assistance - National Flood Insurance Program Regulations) as they pertain to floodplain management. 11) b) Issue Certificates of Compliance. Under the previsions of 44 CFR 65. 12 of the National - ... regulations, the city nom-approve certain development in zones Al - . ., - ' .. 30, AE, AH, on the 1.' foot, provided the city first applies fer a conditional FIRM revision through FEMA. SECTION 16. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 2, Administration and Enforcement; Section 30- 64, Permit procedures; shall be amended as follows: Page 19 of Ordinance 881 a) Application for a Floodplain Development Permit shall be presented to the floodplain administrator on forms furnished by him or her and may include, but are not limited to, plans in duplicate drawn to scale showing the location, dimensions and elevation of proposed landscape alterations, existing and proposed structures, including the placement of manufactured homes, and the location of the foregoing in relation to areas of special flood hazard. Additionally, the following information is required: be-floedproofed. subsection 30 92( 2). 4) Description of the extent to which - .- altered or relocated as a result of the proposed development. 6407 on all of the visions of this article and the following relevant factors: 5) The safety of access to the property •- •--- ' :.- vehicles. including maintenance and repair of streets and bridges, and public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems. floodwaters and the effects of wave action, if applicable, expected at the site. Page 20 of Ordinance 881 l --- _ for the proposed use. b The documentation re. uired with each A. s lication for a Flood. lain Develo s merit Permit, and the specific provisions of this Ordinance applicable to the proposed development, are dependant upon the type of development proposed and the Risk Zone of the proposed development site. Section 19 of this Ordinance contains standards for all developments in all Risk Zones. Section 20 of this Ordinance contains standards for specific development types in specific Risk Zones. c) The decision of the Floodplain Administrator to approve or deny issuance of a Floodplain Development Permit is subject to appeal to the designated Appeal Board. Within the City of Maumelle, Arkansas, the designated Appeal Board is the Planning Commission. SECTION 17. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 2, Administration and Enforcement; Section 30- 65, Variance procedures; shall be amended as follows: requirements of this article. regard to the procodures set forth in the remainder of this article. constructed below the base Aeed level, providing the relevant factors in subsection 30 64(2) have required for issuing the variance increases. Page 21 of Ordinance 881 appeal board may attach such conditions to- the granting of variances as it deems necessary to further the purpose and objectives of this article( section 30 31). during the base flood discharge would result. historic character and design of the structure. j) Prerequisites for granting variances are as follows: minimum necessary, considering the flood hazard, to afford relief. 2) Variances shall only be issued upon: a. Showing a good and sufficient cause; hardship to the applicant; and flood heights, additional threats to public safety or extraordinary public conflict with existing local laws or ordinances. 3) Any applicant to whom a variance is gri - 5 ... .. _ .. threats to public safety. 1) Applicants must submit petitions for variances directly to the Appeal Board. 2) Variances may only be issued: a) if showing a good and sufficient cause; Page 22 of Ordinance 881 b) granting of the variance will not result in any adverse impact upon other lands; c) if granting of the variance will not result in any additional threats to public safety; d) if granting of the variance will not result in extraordinary public expense; e) if granting of the variance does not create a nuisance, cause fraud on or victimization of the public, or conflict with existing laws or ordinances; 1) if granting of the variance will not result in increased flood heights or an increase in expected flood velocities; g) if the requested variance is the minimum necessary, considering the flood hazards, to afford the necessary relief; and h) upon determination that the requested variance is necessary to avoid an extraordinary hardship to the applicant. 3) Variances may not be issued for developments inside a regulatory floodway unless a) all requirements of 44 CFR §65. 12 are first met; or b) the following requirements are met: 1. a No- Rise Certificate signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas is submitted to document that no increase in the base flood elevation would result from granting a variance for the proposed development; 2. protective measures are employed to minimize damages during flooding events; and 3. the variance does not result in any adverse impact to other lands. 4) Examples of developments for which variance petitions may be appropriate include but are not limited to a) the new construction of, or substantial improvement to, a structure on a lot of 1/ 2 acre or less in size that is surrounded by contiguous lots with existing structures constructed below the base flood elevation; b) for the reconstruction, rehabilitation or restoration of an historical structure, provided that: 1. the proposed repair or rehabilitation will not preclude the structure' s continued designation as a historic structure; and Page 23 of Ordinance 881 2. the variance is the minimum necessary to preserve the historic character and design of the structure. c) the new construction of, substantial improvement to, or other development necessary to conduct a functionally dependent use, provided that: 1. the criteria outlined in Paragraphs ( 3) and ( 4) of Section 17 of this Ordinance and Section 18 of this Ordinance are met, and 2. the structure or other development is protected by methods that minimize flood damages during the base flood and create no additional threats to public safety. SECTION 18. Appeal Board. 1) Within the City of Maumelle, Arkansas, the Planning Commission is the designated Appeal Board. 2) The Appeal Board will consider an appeal only with allegations of an error in any requirement, decision, or determination made by the Floodplain Administrator in the enforcement or administration of this Code. 3) Upon consideration of the factors noted in Sections 18 and 19 of this Ordinance, and the intent of this ordinance, the Appeal Board may attach such conditions to the granting of variances, as it deems necessary to further the purpose and objectives of this ordinance. 4) A. seal Board decisions are bindin. onl u. on the requirements of this Ordinance and have no bearing on the decision of any lending institution to require the purchase of flood insurance or on the rate determination of such insurance. 5) Any time the Appeal Board issues a variance, it must provide the applicant with a formal written warning of an increased risk of flood damage due to removal of restrictions designed to lessen such risks. The notice must also warn of a corresponding increase in the cost of flood insurance, since the cost of such insurance will be commensurate with the increased risk. 6) Aggrieved parties may appeal any decision of the Appeal Board to a court of competent jurisdiction. SECTION 19. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 3, Flood Hazard Reduction; Section 30- 91, General Standards; shall be amended as follows: Page 24 of Ordinance 881 I al areas ef spvial flood hazard, The following provisions apply to all developments in Special Flood Hazard Areas, regardless of the type of proposed development or the Risk Zone of the proposed site. are required for all new construction and substantial improvements: 1) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be designed ( or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads, including the effects of buoyancy. 2) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed by methods and practices that minimize flood damage. 3) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage. 4) All new construction or substantial improvements shall be constructed with service facilities that are designed armor located se as to prevent water from All critical facilities constructed or substantially improved in Special Flood Hazard Areas( SFHA) must be constructed or modified to exceed 500- year flood protection standards or located outside the SFHA. 5) All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system during base flood events. 6) The design of all new and replacement sanitary sewer systems shall-be-designed-to must minimize or eliminate infiltration of floodwaters into the system during flooding events, and must prevent sewage discharge from the systems into floodwaters. 7) The placement of on- site waste disposal systems shall be located to must avoid impairment to, them or contamination from, the disposal system them during flooding. 8) The placement or construction of all new structures must be in full compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 9) For the purposes of this Ordinance, all mixed- use structures are subject to the more stringent requirements of residential structures. 10) A substantial improvement or substantial damage to an existing structure triggers a requirement to bring the entire structure into full compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. The existing structure, as well as any reconstruction, rehabilitation, Page 25 of Ordinance 881 addition, or other improvement, must meet the standards of new construction in this Ordinance. 11) Any improvement to an existing structure that is less than a substantial improvement requires the improvement, but not the existing structure, to be in full compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 12) All manufactured homes to be placed within a Special Flood Hazard Area on a community' s FIRM shall be installed using methods and practices which minimize flood damage. For the purposes of this requirement, manufactured homes must be elevated and anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement. Methods of anchoring may include, but are not limited to, use of over-the-top or frame ties to ground anchors. his requirement is in addition to applicable State and local anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. Screw augers or expanding anchors will not satisfy the requirement of this provision. 13) 14) The design location heating, ventilation, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment for new structures, or for any improvements to an existing structure, must prevent water from entering or accumulating within the components during base flood events. or of electrical, Construction of basement foundations in any Special Flood Hazard Area is prohibited. 15 New construction and substantial improvements with full enclosed areas such as garages and crawlspaces) below the lowest floor that are usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage in an area other than a basement and which are below the base flood elevation shall be designed to automatically equalize hydrostatic flood forces on exterior walls by allowing for the entry and exit of floodwaters. Designs for meeting this requirement must either be certified by a registered professional engineer or architect or meet or exceed the following minimum criteria: a) A minimum of two openings on separate walls having a total net area of not less than 1 square inch for every square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided. b) The bottom of all openings shall be no higher than 1 foot above grade. c) Openings may be equipped with screens, louvers, valves, or other coverings or devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. 16) The placement of recreational vehicles ( RV) in Special Flood Hazard Areas must either Page 26 of Ordinance 881 a) be temporary, as demonstrated by the RV being fully licensed, being on wheels or a jacking system, attached to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and security devices, having no permanently attached additions, and being immobile for no more than 180 consecutive days; or else b) meet all provisions of this Ordinance applicable to manufactured home structures. 17) All proposals for the development of a residential subdivision, commercial business park or manufactured home park/ subdivision must have public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage. 18) All proposals for the development of a residential subdivision, commercial business park or a manufactured home park/ subdivision must include an adequate drainage plan to reduce exposure to flood hazards. 19) All proposals for the development of a commercial business park or a manufactured home park/ subdivision must include an adequate evacuation plan for the escape of citizens from affected nonresidential structures during flooding events. SECTION 20. Amendment. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 3, Flood Hazard Reduction; Section 30- 92, Specific Standards; shall be amended as follows: Risk Zone Specific Standards•- . . . -- ' --- ., . . required: subsection 30 61( a), is satisfied. Page 27 of Ordinance 881 - - .. - . .-- • b .-. - - .. -•-• . devices provided that they permit the automatic entry and exit of floodwaters. C1) Manufactured homcs. shall be installed using methods and practices which minimize flood damage. For the purposes of this requirement, manufactured homes must be elevated and may include but arc net limited to use of ever the top or frame ties to ground anchors. This requirement is in addition to applicable state and local anchoring requirements for resisting wind forces. 30, AH and AE on the city's FIRM on sites outside of a manufactured home park to an existing home manufactured park er subdivision, or in an existing manufactured home park -or subdivision on which a manufactured home has incurred substantial damage as-a result of a flood, shall be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated at least 0 anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse and lateral movement. AE on the city's FIRM that are not subject to the provisions of this subsection be elevated so that either: elevation; or foundation elements of at least equivalent strength that are no less than 36 inches in height above grade and securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist novement. Page 28 of Ordinance 881 flotation, collapse and lateral I • _ AE on the city's FIRM shall be en the site for fewer than 180 consecutive days, shall he fully licensed and ready for highway use, or meet the permit rcquirements of subsection 30 64( a), and to the site only by quick disconnect type utilities and security devices, and has no permanently In addition to the General Standards, the following standards apply to specific development types in specific Risk Zones. Risk Zones listed in this Ordinance that do not appear on the current FIRM are not applicable. al In AE or A1- 30 Risk Zones: Special Flood Hazard Areas with base floods determined For Residential Structures in Zone AE or A1- 30: 1. For all new residential structures, the top surface of the lowest floor must have an elevation 1 or more feet above the published BFE. This elevation must be documented on an Elevation Certificate properly completed by a Professional Engineer, Surveyor or Architect licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. 2. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing residential structures, the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new residential structure. 3. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing residential structure that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new residential structure. For Nonresidential Structures in Zone AE or A1- 30: 1. All new commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structures must either: a. have the lowest floor (including basement) elevated 1 or more feet above the base flood level or b. be floodproofed such that, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be designed so that below the base flood level the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. Page 29 of Ordinance 881 c. A registered professional engineer or architect shall develop and/ or review structural design, specifications, and plans for the construction, and shall certify on a Floodproofing Certificate that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice as outlined in this subsection. A record of such certification which includes the specific elevation ( in relation to mean sea level) to which such structures are floodproofed shall be maintained by the Floodplain Administrator. 2. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structures the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new nonresidential structure. 3. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing nonresidential structure that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new nonresidential structure. c) For Manufactured Homes in Zone AE or A1- 30: L All manufactured homes that are placed or substantially improved on sites: a. outside of a manufactured home park or subdivision, b. in a new manufactured home park or subdivision, c. in an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, or d. in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on which a manufactured home has incurred " substantial damage" as a result of a flood, be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated 1 or more feet above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. 2. Require that manufactured homes beplaced or substantially improved on sites in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on the community' s FIRM that are not subject to the provisions of paragraph( a. 1.) of this section be elevated so that either: the lowest floor of the manufactured home is 1 or more feet above the base flood elevation, or b. the manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at least equivalent strength that are no less than Page 30 of Ordinance 881 36 inches in height above grade and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. 3. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing manufactured home, the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new manufactured home. 4. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing manufactured home that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new manufactured home. d) When a regulatoryfloodway has not been designated, the Floodplain Administrator must require that no new construction, substantial improvements, or other development including fill) shall be permitted within Zones A1- 30 and AE on the community's FIRMS unless it is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of the proposed development, when combined with all other existing and anticipated development, will not increase the water surface elevation of the base flood more than one foot at any point within the community. Floodways: Hiih risk areas of stream channel and adjacent floodplain a) Developments in regulatory floodways are prohibited, unless 1. A No- Rise Certificate, signed and stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas, is submitted to demonstrate through hydrologic and hydraulic analyses performed in accordance with standard engineering practice that the proposed development would not result in any increase in flood levels within the community during the occurrence of a base flood event; or 2. All requirements of 44 CFR §65. 12 are first met. b) No Manufactured Home may be placed in a regulatory floodway, regardless of elevation height, anchoring methods, or No-Rise Certification. al In AH or AO Risk Zones: Special Flood Hazard Areas ofshallow floodinui al For Residential Structures in Zones AH or AO: 1. All new residential structures must be constructed with the top surface of the lowest floor elevated 1 or more feet above the published BFE, or 1 or more feet above the highest adjacent grade in addition to the depth number specified ( at least 2 feet if no depth number is specified) on the community' s FIRM. This elevation must be documented on an Elevation Certificate properly completed Page 31 of Ordinance 881 by a Professional Engineer, Surveyor or Architect licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. 2. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing residential structures the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new residential structure. 3. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing residential structure that is less than a substantial improvement, only improved the area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new residential structure b For Nonresidential Structures in Zones AH or AO: 1. All new commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structure must either: a. have the top surface of the lowest floor elevated 1 or more feet above the published BFE, or 1 or more feet above the highest adjacent grade in addition to the depth number specified ( at least 2 feet if no depth number is specified) on the community' s FIRM, with documentation on an Elevation Certificate properly completed by a Professional Engineer, Surveyor or Architect licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas; or b. be floodproofed such that the structure, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities be designed so that below the base flood level, the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads of effects of buoyancy. 2. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structures the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new nonresidential structure. 3. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing nonresidential structure that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new nonresidential structure. c) For Manufactured Homes in Zones AH or AO: 1. All manufactured homes that are placed or substantially improved on sites: a. outside of a manufactured home park or subdivision, b. in a new manufactured home park or subdivisions Page 32 of Ordinance 881 c. in an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, or d. in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on which a manufactured home has incurred " substantial damage" as a result of a flood, be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated 1 or more feet above the published BFE, or 1 or more feet above the highest adjacent grade in addition to the depth number specified ( at least 2 feet if no depth number is specified) on the community's FIRM, and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. 2. Require that manufactured homes be placed or substantially improved on sites in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on the community's FIRM that are not subject to the provisions of paragraph 1. of this section be elevated so that either: a. the lowest floor of the manufactured home meets the elevation standard of paragraph b. 1., or the manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at least equivalent strength that are no less than 36 inches in height above grade and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. 3. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing manufactured home, the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new manufactured home. 4. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing manufactured home that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new manufactured home. d) Where FEMA has not established a regulatory floodwav in Zone in Zones AH or no Floodplain Development Permit may be issued unless a detailed engineering analysis is submitted along with the application that demonstrates the AO, increase in base floodwater elevation due to the proposed development and all cumulative developments since the publication of the current FIRM will be less than 1 foot. e) Require adequate drainage paths around structures on slopes, to guide flood waters around and away from proposed structures. Page 33 of Ordinance 881 In" A" Risk Zones: Special Flood Hazard Areas with no base flood elevations determined a) In Zone A, the applicant or the applicant' s agent must determine a Base Flood Elevation prior to construction. The BFE will be based on a source or method approved by the local Floodplain Administrator. b) For Residential Structures in Zone A: 1. For all new residential structures, the top surface of the lowest floor must have an elevation 1 or more feet above the BFE. This elevation must be documented on an Elevation Certificate properly completed by a Professional Engineer, Surveyor or Architect licensed to practice in the State of Arkansas. 2. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing residential structures, the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new residential structure. 3. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing residential structure that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new residential structure. c) For Nonresidential Structures in Zone A: 1. All new commercial, industrial or other nonresidential structures must either: a. have the lowest floor including basement) elevated 1 or more feet above the base flood level or b. be floodproofed such that, together with attendant utility and sanitary facilities, be designed so that below the base flood level the structure is watertight with walls substantially impermeable to the passage of water and with structural components having the capability of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and effects of buoyancy. c. A registered professional engineer or architect shall develop and/ or review structural design, specifications, and plans for the construction, and shall certify on a Floodproofing Certificate that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice as outlined in this subsection. A record of such certification which includes the specific elevation ( in relation to mean sea level) to which such structures are floodproofed shall be maintained by the Floodplain Administrator. Page 34 of Ordinance 881 2. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing commercials industrial or other nonresidential structures the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new nonresidential structure. 3. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing nonresidential structure that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new nonresidential structure. d) For Manufactured Homes in Zone A: 1. All manufactured homes that are placed or substantially improved on sites: a. outside of a manufactured home park or subdivision, b. in a new manufactured home park or subdivision, c. in an expansion to an existing manufactured home park or subdivision, or d. in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on which a manufactured home has incurred " substantial damage" as a result of a flood, be elevated on a permanent foundation such that the lowest floor of the manufactured home is elevated 1 or more feet above the base flood elevation and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. 2. Require that manufactured homes be placed or substantially improved on sites in an existing manufactured home park or subdivision on the community's FIRM that are not subject to the provisions of paragraph( 1.) of this section be elevated so that either: a. the lowest floor of the manufactured home is 1 or more feet above the base flood elevation, or b. the manufactured home chassis is supported by reinforced piers or other foundation elements of at least equivalent strength that are no less than 36 inches in height above grade and be securely anchored to an adequately anchored foundation system to resist flotation, collapse, and lateral movement. 3. For all substantial improvements or substantial damage to existing manufactured home, the entire structure becomes subject to the requirements of a new manufactured home. Page 35 of Ordinance 881 4. For any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, or other improvement to an existing manufactured home that is less than a substantial improvement, only the improved area, but not the entire structure, becomes subject to the requirements of a new manufactured home. e Base flood elevation data floodwa and a re. ulator utilizin. acce ted en. ineerin. . ractices shall be generated for subdivision proposals and other proposed development including the placement of manufactured home parks and subdivisions which is greater than 50 lots or 5 acres, whichever is lesser, if not otherwise provided. SECTION 21. Repealed. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 3, Flood Hazard Reduction; Section 30- 93, Standards for subdivision proposals; shall be repealed: subdivisions, shall be consistent with sections 3d 33, 30 34 and 30 35 61, section 30 64, and this division. 30 37 or subsection 30 63( a)( 8). SECTION 22. Repealed. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 3, Flood Hazard Reduction; Section 30- 94, Standards for areas of shallow flooding( AO/AH zones; shall be repealed: I I . - . Page 36 - .- - of Ordinance 881 0 ... _ ., hydrodynamic loads and the effects of buoyancy. e .. . .. s SECTION 23. Repealed. The specified portion of Maumelle City Code, Chapter 30, Floods; Article II, Flood Damage Prevention; Division 3, Flood Hazard Reduction; Section 30- 95, Floodways; shall be repealed: Floodways. 0 --. b ... . - b --. city during the occurrence of the base flood discharge. revision through FEMA. SECTION 24. All other provisions of Chapter 30 shall remain the same. Page 37 of Ordinance 881 SECTION 25. Adoption. The City hereby adopts as its official flood insurance rate map the Federal Emergency Management Agency' s Flood Insurance Rate Map for Pulaski County, Arkansas, and Incorporated Areas, Effective July 6, 2015. SECTION 26. Codification. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Maumelle that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the City Code of the City of Maumelle, Arkansas, and that the Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered, re- lettered and the word" Ordinance" may be changed to " Section," " Article," or such other word( s) or phrase( s) in order to accomplish such intention. SECTION 27. Repealer. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. SECTION 28. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other portion of this ordinance is found to be invalid or inoperative by a court of competent unconstitutional, jurisdiction, such findings shall not effect the validity of the remainder of these sections, nor shall any proceeding invalidating any portion of any section operate to affect any portion of the remainder of said sections not specifically attacked in said proceeding. APPROVED this day 2015. of Michael Watson, Mayor ATTEST: Joshua Clausen, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Caleb Norris, City Attorney Page 38 of Ordinance 881 SPONSORED BY: Mayor Michael Watson Saunders Anderson Kelley Mosley Lewis Holt Scott Vaprersan Aye: No: Page 39 of Ordinance 881 A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MAUMELLE, COUNTY OF PULASKI, STATE OF ARKANSAS, AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: ORDINANCE NO. 882 AN ORDINANCE REDUCING THE MAUMELLE COMMUNITY SERVICE FEE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Maumelle, pursuant to ordinance, is authorized to collect a service charge for police and fire protection, known as the " Community Service Fee"; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered various reductions in the Community Service Fee over the history of the fee; and WHEREAS, the City of Maumelle is committed in growing its retail sales tax revenue in place of conventional residential revenue generating fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that a reduction in the fee is appropriate at this time. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Intent. It is the City Council' s intent that the Community Service Fee be eliminated over time for all residences, regardless of type, within the city of Maumelle, Arkansas. SECTION 2. Fees, Division 1. Effective January 1, 2016, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 3. Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3. Service charges. The service charges established pursuant to this chapter are as follows: a) Houses and other similar dwelling structures: $ 600 5. 00 per month for fire and police security. b) Condominiums SECTION 3. Fees, Division 1. 6, 00 5. 00 per month for fire and police security. Effective January 1, 2017, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 3. Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3. Service and apartments: $ charges. The service charges established pursuant to this chapter are as follows: a) Houses and other similar dwelling structures: $ 600 4. 00 per month for fire and police security. b) Condominiums and apartments: $ 600 4. 00 per month for fire and police security. SECTION 4. Fees, Division 1. Effective January 1, 2018, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 3. Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3. Service charges. The service charges established pursuant to this chapter are as follows: a) Houses and other similar dwelling structures: $ 6: 00 3. 00 per month for fire and police security. b) Condominiums and apartments: $ 6: 00 3. 00 per month for fire and police security. SECTION 5. Fees, Division 1. Effective January 1, 2019, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 3. Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3. Service charges. The service charges established pursuant to this chapter are as follows: a) Houses and other similar dwelling structures: $ 600 2. 00 per month for fire and police security. b) Condominiums and apartments: $ 6:00 2. 00 per month for fire and police security. SECTION 6. Fees, Division 1. Effective January 1, 2020, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 3. Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3. Service charges. The service charges established pursuant to this chapter are as follows: a) Houses and other similar dwelling structures: $ 6: 00 1. 00 per month for fire and police security. b) Condominiums and apartments: $ Page 2 of 6:90 1. 00 per month for fire and police security. Ordinance 882 SECTION 7. Fees, Division 1. Effective January 1, 2021, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 3. Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 3. Service charges. The service charges established pursuant to this chapter are as follows: security. b) Condominis a) Residences shall not be charged a community service fee. c) ( b) and apartments: $ 6. 00 per month for fire and police security. Commercial establishments: Per month charge will be computed. according to the formula as follows. ck) ( Industries: Per month charge will be computed according to the formula c) as follows, plus $2. 00 per month for lighting. SECTION 8. Fees, Division 1. Effective January 1, 2021, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 4. Payment of Service Charges, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 4. Payment of Service Charges. Payment of service charges for new residences, commercial establishments or industries under construction or to be constructed shall commence when the building permit is issued. SECTION 9. Effective January 1, 2021, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Community Service Fees, Sec. 5. Billing period for previously vacant residence, commercial establishment or industry, is hereby amended as follows: Fees, Division Sec. 5. Billing industry. 1. period for previously vacant resklenee, commercial establishment or Any new resident, commercial establishment or industry who or which moves into Maumelle shall be billed a pro- rated service charge for the month which shall be dated from the date the resident or business occupied the residence, commercial establishment or industrial property unless the residence, commercial establishment or industry was covered by section C- 4 for charges for new construction. Page 3 of Ordinance 882 SECTION 10. Effective January 1, 2021, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Fees, Division 1. Community Service Fees, Sec. 6. Unpaid Service Charge, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 6. Unpaid Service Charge. In the event that any service charge is not paid in full within a period of a minimum of three months, or one quarter from the time the fee is billed, then in addition to the service charge there shall be due and owing the City of Maumelle a penalty and late fee as follows: Houses, similar dwelling structures, . . . - a) b) ( Commercial a) establishments and - : • .•. •• - industries: $ 50. 00. b) A separate, new penalty and late fee in the above amounts shall accrue every three months, or one quarter of a year, after the service charge and the initial e) ( penaltyremain unpaid. - . basis d) unless ( the agreement is : ached by not paying as agreed. The City of Maumelle is hereby authorized and directed to impose the late c) fee on the next bill to the resident or business. Should the account remain unpaid for an additional period of three months, or one quarter of a year, following the initial imposition of the late fee, the City of Maumelle is hereby authorized and directed to take appropriate actions for collection. These actions may include, but are not limited to, filing a legal action to collect the fees, utilizing the services of a collection agency, or any other method deemed legal and expedient. The mayor may authorize the director of the department of finance or another duly authorized representative or employee of the City of Maumelle to designate the method( s) of collection in each case. SECTION 11. Effective January 1, 2021, Appendix C. Fees, Article 1. Special Fees, Division 1. Community Service Fees, Sec. 1. Establishment, is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 1. Establishment a) Pursuant to the results of a special election before the voters of Maumelle, held on October 15, 1985, service charges for police and fire protection and street lighting are hereby established for residences, commercial establishments and industries within the city limits of Maumelle, Arkansas. chl Effective January 1, 2021, pursuant to Ordinance No. 882, the service charges for police and fire protection and street lighting shall not be charged to any residences, regardless of whether the residence is a house, condominium, apartment, multi-family dwelling in a commercial structure, or other similar dwelling structure. Page 4 of Ordinance 882 Except for the changes above all the provisions of Appendix C of SECTION 12. the Maumelle City Code remain the same. SECTION 13. All provisions of this ordinance of a general and permanent nature are amendatory to the Maumelle City Code and the same shall be incorporated in the Code. SECTION 14. Repealer. All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. SECTION 15. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other portion of this ordinance is found to be unconstitutional, invalid or inoperative by a court of competent jurisdiction, such findings shall not effect the validity of the remainder of these sections, nor shall any proceeding invalidating any portion of any section operate to affect any portion of the remainder of said sections not specifically attacked in said proceeding. ORDAINED this day 2015. of Michael Watson, Mayor ATTEST: Joshua Clausen, City Clerk/Treasurer APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: Caleb Norris, City Attorney SPONSORED BY: Alderman Steve Mosley Alderman Preston Lewis Alderman Marion Scott, and Alderman Jess Holt Page 5 of Ordinance 882 Saunders Anderson Kelley Mosley Lewis Scott Aye: No: Page 6 of Ordinance 882 Holt Vaprersan A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MAUMELLE, COUNTY OF PULASKI, STATE OF ARKANSAS, AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: ORDINANCE NO. 883 AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE THAT THE CITY OF MAUMELLE SHALL JOIN THE PULASKI COUNTY ENERGY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, by Act 1074 of 2013 ( codified at ARK. CODE seq.), Pulaski County created a Property Assessed Clean Energy ( PACE) District known as the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District by Pulaski County Ordinance pursuant ANN. § 8- 15- 101 to the authority granted et 15- OR- 16; and WHEREAS, the City of Maumelle desires to become a member of the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District pursuant to ARK. CODE ANN. § 8- 15- 106 and to be represented on the board of directors of said district; and WHEREAS, the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District is an independent legal and financial authority, with the authority to issue bonds; and WHEREAS, the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District is authorized to permit the creation and implementation of, among other things, a Property Assessed Clean Energy ( PACE) Program under which a real property owner may finance an energy efficiency improvement, a renewable energy project, or a water conservation improvement for their property on a voluntary basis, with loan repayment tied to collection of real property taxes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Maumelle hereby joins the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District. Section 2. The Mayor City of Maumelle shall serve, or otherwise designate a representative to serve during the Mayor' s term, on the board of directors of the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District. of the Section 3. The City of Maumelle agrees to permit any seats on the board of directors of the Pulaski County Energy Improvement District not filled by the County Judge, or his designee, or any Mayor of a city within Pulaski County, or that Mayor' s designee, to be filled, by the appointment of the County Judge and confirmation by the Quorum Court of Pulaski County. Appointment by the County Judge will follow consultation of all members of the Board of Directors and consideration of candidates' background, experience, following areas: Municipal finance, banking, and/ or commercial lending; Real estate development and commercial construction; and expertise in the Legal services; Architecture and/or professional engineering; The advanced energy industry, including energy efficiency or " green building" contracting and consultation; and Connections to or relations with local utility companies, lending or bonding institutions and relevant trade and economic development groups and associations. Section 4. Severability. In the event that any portion of this ordinance is declared or adjudged to be invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration or adjudication shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect as if the portion so declared or adjudged invalid or unconstitutional were not originally a part of this ordinance. Section 5. Repealer. All ordinances and resolutions, and parts thereof, which are in conflict with any provision of this ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Codification. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Maumelle that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the City Code of the City of Maumelle, Arkansas, and that the Sections of this ordinance may be renumbered, re- lettered and the word" Ordinance" may be changed to " Section," " Article," or such other word( s) or phrase( s) in order to accomplish such intention. Section 7. EMERGENCY CLAUSE. The General Assembly has found and determined that the programs authorized by Act 1074 of 2013 will create jobs, thus stimulating the economy; generate significant economic development through the investment of the proceeds of loans in local communities; protect participating citizens from the financial impact of the rising cost of from fuels; increase the value of real property for participating citizens; improve air quality and conserve natural resources, including water; attract electricity produced nonrenewable manufacturing facilities and related jobs to the state; and promote energy independence and security for the state and the nation. It is hereby found that this ordinance is immediately necessary to support the public peace, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Pulaski County and the City of Maumelle; therefore, it is hereby declared that an emergency exists and that this ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon approval. Approved this day 2015. of Michael Watson, Mayor ATTEST: Joshua Clausen, City Clerk/Treasurer Page 2 of Ordinance 883 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: Caleb Norris, City Attorney SPONSORED BY: Mayor Mike Watson Saunders Anderson Lewis Mosley Kelly Scott Holt Vaprersan Aye: No: Page 3 of Ordinance 883 What is PACE? Property Assessed Clean Energy, or PACE, is a creative funding mechanism that allows property owners to borrow money for energy efficiency, renewable energy or water conservation improvements to their property. Local PACE programs are administered by Energy Improvement District Boards, which are established by, but operate legally and financially independent of, municipal organizations. The Pulaski County Energy Improvement District will encompass the entirety of Pulaski County, Arkansas. According to Arkansas' s PACE enabling legislation the district should be managed by a Board of Directors composed of a minimum of seven( 7) directors and should meet at least quarterly. The District Board will establish procedures by which they will operate and may work with a third-party administrator to create program guidelines, oversee day-to- day operations, recruit participating qualified contractors, and publicize innovative financing opportunities. How does the financing of projects work? Participation by property owners is entirely voluntary. Once a property owner decides to make a qualified improvement to his property, a PACE loan will pay for 100% of the project and a PACE lien item will be added to the property assessment. PACE liens will be paid on an annual basis with property taxes until the PACE loan is satisfied. What is a qualified improvement? The project must increase energy efficiency of a property, produce renewable energy, or conserve water. An evaluation of the property must determine utility cost absent the improvement and utility cost savings once the improvement is implemented. The difference between utility cost before and after the project is the utility cost saving. A licensed and qualified contractor must provide a cost estimate of the materials and labor to complete the project. According the Arkansas' s enabling statute, in order for a project to be approved, it must be " cash flow positive"— meaning the cost of the improvement must be less than the cost of the utility cost saving. Where does the money for project funding come from? That depends on the decisions of the District Board. Energy Improvement Districts are authorized to borrow private funds, public funds or issue bonds. Several districts, including the City of Fayetteville, are third-party administered by turn-key operations that include private funding of PACE projects. A ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY MAUMELLE, COUNTY OF PULASKI, STATE OF ARKANSAS, AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED: ORDINANCE NO. 884 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 271 WHICH WAS TITLED " AN ORDINANCE GRANTING THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE THE AUTHORITY TO APPROVE RATES AND OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR PRODUCTS AND SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE MAUMELLE SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NUMBER 500 WITHIN THE CITY OF MAUMELLE" AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, Maumelle Suburban Improvement District No. 500, which is also known as Maumelle Water Management ( collectively MSID), provides water and sewer services to the majority of property located within the City of Maumelle; and WHEREAS, On December 18, 1995, the Board of Directors of the City of Maumelle passed Ordinance No. 271, which required, among other things, MSID to get approval from the City for rate increases pursuant to ARK. CODE Artie. § 14- 200- 101; and WHEREAS, Some of MSID' s water and sewer treatment, storage, and distribution facilities ( the " System") are in excess of forty-five years old and require regular maintenance and replacements; and WHEREAS, In order to provide adequate services for the growing needs of the City, extensions, betterments and improvements to the System (" Improvements") have been and will continue to be necessary; and WHEREAS, During the course of MSID' s existence, in order to finance the cost of Improvements to the System, MSID has issued long-term debt obligations; and WHEREAS, MSID debt obligations are secured by, among other things, the revenues of the System which can fluctuate from year to year; and WHEREAS, MSID has identified approximately $ 30 improvement needs and, having prioritized the needs, million in necessary capital- identified approximately $ 10 million worth of the most critical needs; and WHEREAS, MSID currently contains approximately $ 12 million in existing debt on capital improvements; and WHEREAS, MSID has been working diligently to take the necessary steps for the transfer of the water and sewer facility assets and operations to the new Maumelle Public Water Authority( PWA); and WHEREAS, PWA pay approximately $ 12 plans million to issue approximately $ 22 million in new bonds in order to to MSID to pay off its existing debt and to raise $ 10 million in new funds for the most critical Improvement needs of the System; and WHEREAS, PWA' s ability to issue $ 22 million in bonds will be based entirely upon MSID' s historical records of operations and finances including its debt service of its bond financings; and WHEREAS, A critical aspect of the new financing will be MSID' s annual audit report for 2014, which is expected to reflect loss a net of approximately $ 900, 000, which includes depreciation expense; and WHEREAS, MSID desires to raise the rates it charges its customers sufficient to finance critical capital improvement needs without the necessity of seeking approval from the City Council; and WHEREAS, There is a dispute between the City and MSID regarding the legal rights and meanings conferred or accepted by Ordinance No. 271 and neither the City of Maumelle nor MWM wishes to spend taxpayer or ratepayer monies in such a legal proceedings; and WHEREAS, In late 2010, the City Council considered Ordinance 757, which was designed to repeal Ordinance 271 and which was ultimately tabled on November 15, 2010; and WHEREAS, On May 18, 2015, the City Council approved a motion to introduce an Ordinance to repeal Ordinance 271. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MAUMELLE, ARKANSAS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Repealer. Ordinance No. 271 and any other Ordinances and Resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. Exception. This Ordinance shall have no effect upon any other City Ordinances which pertain to the imposition of franchise taxes required to be paid by MWM to the City. Approved this day 2015. of Michael Watson, Mayor ATTEST: Joshua Clausen, City Clerk/ Treasurer Page 2 of Ordinance 884 APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM: Caleb Norris, City Attorney SPONSORED BY: Alderman Anderson Saunders Anderson Lewis Mosley Kelly Scott Holt Vaprersan Aye: No: Page 3 of Ordinance 884 RITTER LAW Attorney at Law P. O. Box 13263 (mailing address) 406- B Edgewood Drive, Maumelle, AR 72113 501) 747- 7650 FAX (501) 734- 8372 Ritterlawfirmca* George Pierce Ritter May 28, 2015 Members of the Maumelle City Council Mayor Michael Watson City Attorney Caleb Norris 550 Edgewood, Suite 590 Maumelle, AR 72113 Re: 1) 2) City Ordinance Number 271 Responsibility of the City Council to Maumelle ratepayers Dear Council Members, Mayor Watson& City Attorney Norris: The City of Maumelle appears poised to surrender its sovereign power to regulate water rates to the Maumelle Suburban Improvement District(" MWM") and its successor entity the Maumelle Public Water Authority(" the PWA"). Both are requesting the City repeal Ordinance Number 271 which requires MWM to obtain the approval from the City Council before it can increase water rates. According to MWM, repeal of this Ordinance is necessary in order that it can expeditiously raise water rates in order to support a$ 22 million bond issue. The bonds would be used to pay off MWM' s existing debt and finance capital improvements. The bond issue is an integral part of the asset sale from MWM to the PWA. The parties are hoping to complete the sale transaction and bond issue" by early summer while bond rates remain low." Except for Alderman Mosley, members of the City Council have largely been passive about MWM and the regulation of water. A number are under the impression that the City does not have the authority to approve water rates set by an Improvement District or a Public Water Authority. There is also a noticeable lack of concern about the adverse impact of$22 million in bonds claimed to be necessary to pay off MWM' s long term debt and finance critical capital improvements. The Council' s apparent belief that it lacks the authority to regulate water rates stems from a 2014 legal opinion written by former Maumelle City Attorney JaNan Davis. As the discussion below will demonstrate, this opinion cannot withstand legal analysis. A. The City of Maumelle has the legal authority to regulate and approve rates charged by utilities supplying water within its city limits Arkansas cities have jurisdiction to: D]etermine the terms and conditions upon which the public utility may be permitted to occupy the streets, highways, or other public places within the municipality, including without limitation: a) The rates, quality, and character of each kind of product or service to be furnished or rendered by a public utility. Ark. Code Ann. § 14- 200- 101( b)( 1)( A)(i).) A" public utility" under this statute is defined as: A]ny electric, gas, sewer or telephone company, and any company providing similar services . . . . ( Both MWM and Ark. Code Ann. § 14- 200- 101( a).) the PWA have or will provide" sewer" and" similar services"— i.e. water. Both are" companies" because that term can encompass any number of different organizational forms. See Ops A.G. 2003- 172 at 4 where the Attorney General found MWM was a company that provided" similar services" and was subject to franchise fees which the City of Maumelle had the power to impose.) There are only three exceptions to the meaning of" public utilities" as used in this statute. They are: 1) A public utility supplying cellular telecommunications under § 23- 1- 101( 9)( B)( ii). 2) A Consolidated utility district( 14- 217- 101) 3) Water or light commissions established by cities of the first class ( 14- 201- 101 MWM and the PWA do not fall under any of these three exceptions. They are therefore" public utilities" whose rates are subject to municipal control under Section 14- 200- 101( b). This conclusion also follows from the principle of statutory interpretation known as expressio unius est exclusio alterius or the expression of one thing is the exclusion of the other. Here, the Legislature excepted only three categories of public utilities from municipal control. That means all others were not excepted. The all others not excepted include MWM and the PWA. 2 B. The Arkansas Attorney General Muddies the Waters The former Maumelle City Attorney reached the opposite conclusion. She did this because she looked at the wrong statutes. She also impermissibly interjected her own policy arguments in favor of non-oversight. The first part of her opinion tracked an earlier one issue by Attorney General Dustin McDaniel concerning the City of Cherokee Village. ( See Ops. A.G. 2011- 109.) That opinion focused on the term" company" found in the laws governing the Public Service Commission(" PSC"). These laws are in a different Title of the Arkansas Code and do not govern municipalities. Nonetheless, the Attorney General quoted the following language from Ark. Code Ann. § 23- 1- 101( 9)( A) found in the PSC statutes: Public Utility' includes persons and corporations . . . owning or operating in this state equipment or facilities for: ii) diverting, developing, pumping, impounding, distributing, or furnishing water to or for the public for compensation. However, nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to include water facilities and equipment of cities and towns in the definition He then of public utility. ( concluded that" the provides water PSC Op. Ag. at 4 [ Emphasis added by Attorney General].) appears . . . from the definition to exclude every publicly-owned public utility that of a" public utility." Based on this reasoning, the Attorney General found that the Board that provided water to Cherokee Village was not a" public utility." Ops. A.G. at 4.) This conclusion is wrong for several reasons. 1) The definition the Attorney General relied on only excluded" water facilities and equipment of cities and towns." Water facilities of cities and towns are not the same as water facilities of an outside entity such as MWM. 2) The definitions and terms of Section 23- 1- 101 only applied to the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission. They do not define the powers of municipalities. 3) The Attorney General' s interpretation is counter intuitive. It in essence means that" Every publicly-owned utility is not a public utility." 4) The definition the Attorney General cited is limited to the particular Act governing the PSC. Section 23- 1- 101 of that Act begins with the following language preceding the definitions in question: As used in this act. . . . 3 Those words are words of limitation. The Legislature inserts them to limit the particular definitions to the statute in question. It means the definitions should not be applied to other Titles or Acts in the Arkansas Code. 5) The fact that a particular class of utilities is excluded from the jurisdiction of the PSC has nothing to do with whether municipalities have jurisdiction over them for rate-making purposes. In spite of this, the Attorney General did not reach a definitive conclusion on whether the City of Cherokee Village could regulate an outside utility. He noted that Arkansas Code Annotated Section 14- 200- 101( a) governs the power of municipality to regulate outside utilities. He also noted there were only three specific types of public utilities exempted. He further observed that: T] he fact that the legislature specifically excluded these [ three] kinds of entities suggests that `public utility,' as used in the [ municipal] franchise-fee context, is broader than the term when used in the PSC context. ( Ops. A.G. at 6.) In other words, this" broader" definition would encompass every public utility not specifically excepted from Section 14- 200- 101( a). The Attorney General' s analysis is understated. Not only does it" suggest" a broader definition of" public utility," it compels one. The definition of" public utility" in the municipal franchisefee statute encompasses rather than excludes entities such as MWM and the PWA. Therefore, if the second phase of the Attorney General' s analysis were followed, the only logical conclusion is that MWM and the PWA are subject to rate regulation by the City of Maumelle. Despite all this, the Attorney General could not reach this obvious conclusion: namely, that the utility in question was a covered public utility. Instead, he punted. He wrote: "[ T] he arguments for and against each of these views are fairly evenly matched. Thus, I cannot conclusively opine on your question." C. The City Attorney' s Opinion The City Attorney incorporated this inconclusive Attorney General opinion into hers. She concurred with the first part finding the utility in question was exempt from municipal regulation but disagreed with the second part finding no such exemption. There is no legal basis for her conclusion. It is based on speculation, fabricated legislative intent and a lack of any independent legal analysis. With respect to the Attorney General' s second or alternate conclusion that there could be a of" public utility," the City Attorney peremptorily stated that: broader definition Based on my review, I find no merit in the `exception to the exception' argument [ of the Attorney General]. ( Opinion at 5.) 4 Yet the City Attorney never explains why there was" no merit" in that argument. She went on to conclude that: It is clear that there is no specific statutory authority or case law which directly answers this question. ( Id.) That authority was staring her directly in the face. Ark. Code Ann. § 14- 200- 101 only exempts three specific categories of public utilities from municipal control. That means all others are subject to it. Neither MWM nor the PWA fall under one of these exemptions. Therefore, their ratemaking is subject to municipal oversight and control. The Attorney General even suggested as much. But the City Attorney could find" no specific statutory authority." With respect to the PWA, the City Attorney makes the same analytical mistake as did the Attorney General. She stated that: A PWA is exactly the sort of`publically-owned' public utility which is excluded from PSC statutes. ( Opinion at 5.) That is beside the point. Exclusion from PSC jurisdiction is not a criteria for determining which public utilities are excluded from municipal oversight. PSC statutes do not govern the delegated authority granted to municipalities by the Legislature. Nor do statutes governing the formation of PWAs. Nothing in any of the enabling legislation of PWAs, Suburban Improvement Districts or the Public Service Commission addresses the issue of whether bodies falling under that legislation are subject to municipal control. The one statute that does is found in the Chapter of the Arkansas Code governing municipalities. That statute is Ark. Code Ann. Section 14- 200- 101. It clearly subjects public utilities such as MWM and the PWA to the jurisdiction of municipalities. D. Past History is Not Controlling The City Attorney' s reliance on the history of the City of Maumelle and MWM with respect to water rates likewise misses the mark. Understandings of past City Councils are immaterial. Similar arguments were also rejected by the Arkansas Supreme Court in Delony v. Rucker, 227 Ark. 869, 302 S. W. 2d 287 ( 1957). There, the argument was made that higher water rates being charged by the City of Little Rock constituted an impairment of a contract. The Arkansas Supreme Court rejected this argument. It held that: A]n agreement fixing public utility rates to be charged in the future is subject to the sovereign' s reserve power of rate regulation and must yield to that power. ( 302 S. W. 2d at 290.) The sovereign in this case was the City, not the Water and Light District that challenged its rates. The same result was reached in Skallerup v. City ofHot Springs, 2009 Ark. 276, 309 S. W. 3d 196( 2009). Skallerup contended that the City was estopped from imposing new rates because of 5 a prior agreement and promises it had made. Again, the Supreme Court rejected this argument and held that: A] n agreement fixing public utility rates to be charged . . . is subject to the sovereign' s reserved power of rate regulation and must yield to the exercise of that power.' Citing a previous case, the Court noted that: W]e recognized the city' s plenary duty to exercise its police power in the interest of the public health and safety of its inhabitants. . . . The police power of the state is founded in necessity and this necessity must exist in order to justify its exercise. . . . The State has authorized the municipalities to legislate under the police power in Ark. Code Ann. § 14- 55- 102 ( 1987). That section provides, ` Municipal corporations shall have the public power to make and publish bylaws and ordinances, not inconsistent with the laws of this state, which, as to them, shall seem necessary to provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the prosperity, and improve the morals, order, comfort, and convenience of such corporations and the inhabitants thereof.' It is clear that a city may not contract away its power and obligation to charge reasonable rates for municipal service. ( E. 309 S. W. 3d at 202— 03.[ Emphasis added].) The Obligation of the City Council Ordinance No. 271 did not" grant" the City the power regulate water rates. The City was given that power by the Arkansas Legislature through statutory law. Ordinance 271 simply recognized and implemented the City' s authority to do this. The City of Maumelle not only has the statutory power to regulate the rates charged by outside public utilities such as MWM and the PWA, but it has a legal obligation to do so. Unfortunately, the City Council has historically abandoned its responsibility and defaulted to MWM in these matters. It is no answer to say that MWM' s board now includes two Aldermen from the City of Maumelle. That is nothing more than political window dressing. Those two Aldermen constitute a minority of the MWM board. The original, unelected majority of three water commissioners is still in control. The City Council with the exception of Alderman Mosley now appears ready to further capitulate by repealing Ordinance 271 and giving MWM and the PWA carte blanche authority to set water rates for the City of Maumelle. According to MWM, unless this is done a" legal cloud" could complicate the anticipated rate increases and the" marketability of the bonds." MWM and the PWA also urge that this should be done on an expedited basis so they can take advantage of favorable bond rates. The reason for the new bonds is to" pay approximately$ 12 million to MSID to pay off its existing debt and to generate$ critical capital improvements 10 million in new funds for the PWA to use to pay for the most needs." These statements should raise numerous red flags for every Council Member. For example: 6 1) Why has MWM accumulated approximately$ 12 million in existing debt while at the same time allowing its infrastructure to be in a current state of disrepair? 2) The need to upgrade the MWM infrastructure did not happen overnight. By MWM' s own admission, some of its facilities are over 45 years old. Why has MWM apparently waited until now to address this problem with the City? 3) Are the ratepayers and citizens of Maumelle expected to bear the financial burden to be by MWM? This question is particularly critical because for years MWM has insisted and continues to maintain that it is beyond the control of the people of this City. of what appears years of mismanagement and neglect The last thing the City Council needs to be considering at this juncture is a repeal of Ordinance No. 271. Its legal obligation is not to MWM and the PWA but to the citizens and ratepayers of the City of Maumelle. If the Council intends to simply rubber- stamp the planned transition of these entities and the planned bond issue, then in my opinion it will be derelict in its duties and obligations to the people who elected them- the ratepayers and citizens of Maumelle and also make the City vulnerable to future litigation. Sincerely, RITR LAW E George+' Ritter 7 HANKINS LAW FIRM, P.A. STUART W. HANKINS j A. VAUGHAN HANKINS 1515 EAST KIEH1. AVENUE SI1ERWO) OD, ARKANSAS swhankins@hankmslnwiirm. net rh 72120 nl is ( hankinsla = 1"I ,r.p1 IQNE( 501) 833- 0168 FACSIMILE ( 501) 833- 0253 t Also Licensed in Alabama ww v. han1; ilailan i+. m-..ner, May 14, 2015 Hon. Mike Watson Alderman John Vaprersan Mayor, 26 Vantage Drive City of Maumelle 550 Edgewood Drive, Suite 590 Maumelle, AR 72113 Maumelle, AR 72113 jvaprersan4maurnelle@gmaii. com mayor(& maumelle. org Alderman Steve Alderman Ken Saunders Mosley 16 Riverwood Place 12 Riverwood Place Maumelle, AR. 72113 Maumelle,' AR mosleyaldermanwardl Alderman.Marc i),, aol. com 72113 Ken4wardl. i;msn. com Alderman Rick Anderson Kelley 118 Traveler Lane 233 Summit Valley Circle Maumelle, AR Maumelle, AR 72113 72113 kelley4ward.2@aol. com. ward2an.derson Alderman Preston Lewis Alderman Marion Scott 14 Braeswood Place 12 Spring Drive Maumelle, AR Maumelle, AR 72113 72113 corn Alderman Jess Holt 102 Rolling Oaks Drive Maumelle, AR 72113 j essieh.olt @sbcglobal. net Dear Mayor Watson and Council Members: marion.ella0l Mayor Mike Watson and Council Members May 14, 2015 Page 2 As if most, not all, of you are aware Maumelle Suburban Improvement District No. 500 (" MSID") has been working diligently for the past year or more on the necessary steps for the transfer of the water and sewer facility assets and operations PWA' s to the new Certificate of Maumelle Public Water Existence is enclosed Authority (" PWA"). A copy of the As you are further aware, herewith. former and present Maumelle City Council Members Burch Johnson and. Preston Lewis are members of the PWA Board of Directors and one or the other or both of them have been present at most of the MSID Board of Commissioners meetings during this time period. The Acquisition Agreement by and between MSID and the PWA was approved by Order of the Pulaski County Court on December 2, 2014 a copy of which is enclosed herewith. The Acquisition Agreement envisions the PWA issuing revenue bonds in an amount sufficient to pay MSID a sum of money equal to the amount necessary to pay off all of MSID' s long term debts and Additionally, MSID has identified approximately $ 30 million in capital improvements needs to upgrade its aging water and sewer facilities many of which are over 45 years old. These capital improvements needs have been prioritized with MSID identifying $ 10 million worth of the most critical needs one of which has been completed recently using short teiin bank financing. The plan has been for the PWA to issue approximately any 22 other million interim in new construction bonds in order to its existing debt and to use to pay for the most critical pay loans. off pay approximately $ 12 million to MSID to generate $ capital 10 million in new funds for the PWA to improvements needs. MSID and the PWA are being advised and assisted in this transaction by Jack Truemper of Stephens, Spivey of Wright, Lindsey & Jennings law firm. It had been hoped the bond issue and sale transaction would have been completed by early summer Inc. and Bill while bond rates remain low. MSID and the PWA find themselves in the proverbial the egg" situation. The PWA' s ability to issue $ 22 million in bonds At this chicken or point, will be based entirely upon MSID' s historical record of operations and finances including its debt service of its bond financings since the PWA has no financial history and at this time has no assets or operations. A critical aspect of the new financing will be MSID' s annual audit report for 2014. which will be issued in the next couple of weeks. Unfortunately, MSID has been advised by its auditors that Mayor Mike Watson and Council Members May 14, 2015 Page 3 this report will bulk of reflect which is loss a net due to of approximately $ 900, 000 the overwhelming however, even without the expense; depreciation depreciation deduction, MSID' s net income for 2014 would provide insufficient funds for a debt service ratio to support a $ 22 million bond issue by the PWA. There are several reasons for this shortfall the most significant of which are lower water usage due to a wetter than usual 2014 and the cost of complying with unfunded state and federal govermnental regulatory mandates. Additionally, there have been unanticipated higher maintenance expenses for repairs to the aging water and sewer facilities. All of the foregoing background information leads us to the point of this letter -- MSID has to have a rate increase in order to enable the PWA to issue the 22 million in revenue bonds to complete the asset sale from MSID to the PWA and to generate sufficient funds to finance critical capital improvement needs. As you are aware, the City of Maumelle still has in its Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 271, adopted in 1995,. which granted the City Council the authority to approve rates and other terms and conditions for products and services provided by MSID. By Memorandum dated May 14, 2014,. the Maumelle City Attorney issued a written opinion to Alderman Steve Mosley with copies delivered to the Mayor and the other members of the City Council that the City Council does not have the authority to regulate the water/sewer rates established by the proposed Public Water Authority. Unfortunately, the PWA has no assets or operations on which to base a rate increase and the required rate increase to issue the new bonds must be fully adopted for the sale transaction and the bond issue to close. MSID' s last rate increase was in 2011 and it took well over a year from its request by MSID to obtain the City' s final approval. The purpose of this letter is to request that the City act expeditiously to repeal Ordinance No. 271 so that MSID may adopt the necessary rate increase to support the $ 22 million bond issue by the in place PWA to close the sale transaction with MSID. The plan is for MSID' s General Manager and Engineer to confer and to consider all available financial information to recommend the structure of the rate increase to the MSID Board of Commissioners which will be able to act promptly provided that Ordinance No. 271 has been that this repealed. Without the repeal of Ordinance No. 271, it is anticipated entire process will be extended and could become mired down as has been Mayor Mike Watson and Council Members May 14, 2015 Page 4 the case in the past. MSID' s non- compliance with Ordinance No 271 does not appear to be a viable option since non- compliance with the Ordinance could create a legal cloud on any rate increase which could jeopardize the marketability of the bonds issued by the PWA and thus, jeopardize the sale of assets to the PWA. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. Very truly yours, HANKINS LAW F1' BY: STUART W. HANKINS Enclosures cc: Caleb Norris, City Attorney Dave Kaufman Mary Peyton Ralph Kearney Roy Andrews John Payne Burch Johnson Barry Heller Bill Spivey SWH cjs P. A. 114,,-...-1 1, 7V4. Ai P t-= A<.. I , _. t: ''; V',.;. V .'°- * I 4 . e , I I. P, 11. 1.-.. :.- • ._,, ../, 1._, CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE r,....:-Ard ,,„ • AS A PUBLIC WATER AU` I' HORITY OF THE S' FATE OF ,ARKANSAS 1.';`-:', X V il: To All Whom These Presents Shall Come. Greetings Randy Young Executive Director of the Arkansas C' ommisSi0) 1, do hereby cei tili. that the. 4pplicants, I. J. Natural Resources 1,!-, .';;;.-:=. V;; / 1,„ ; :,, -; ,., ,, Dave Kauffman,. illary Pei:ton, and Ralph Kearney 4 Ilave filed in the office of the Arkansas Natural Re.source.s. Commission, a duly executed and acknowledged Application for P'ormation of a Public Water Authorit in compliance with the provisions of the law uncler the name and style of i; Maumelle Public Water Authority of the State ofArkansas 11 And it is hereby declared that it is a public body politic and governmental entity of the State of Arkansas, by the mine and stl le aforesaid with all the powers, ivileges and innnunities granted in the law' hereunto, including li 4-- ; 4,:- K the authority necessary to accept„ A taumelle Water itfanagement' s approved service areas foi l'il v, - drinking water and sewer service. In Te.stinmy Whereof I have hem ewno Sc! my hand and affixed my official seal. Done at my office in the City of Little Rock 11114 this clay of August, 2014. III; -• , I --; 4e--:st--• . „..., e,, i4-' i 1)- , 1; 1; - .,-;', !,. 4::: 4 ' 1- . . 1 S,-;) J. Randy Youn,g, P. E. 41 •:- I:, . -; ' Executive Director 11-", 4rkanscis Natural Resources Commission 1:.:'".:°. i .,- 6:.-.•.. q..-:.... r--7. 7--''':•'..."....,,•: 77"..-kz.•„-.. L1,:,,,,,;.<%.:• Lz;e7±.. 6' 4";. s.' , . 71 4.• ::::'-' j01. .,,'.2. 5,,, STATE OF c....c--:- a A % A SAS 4,,„ A. 3.. ii, SEC . A ° 1.0.,, C Y1 )(,.... k.,;\"-}4:1: 1ff .,.." 41-- 4,....., z il:. 4 OF STATE 51 0,1: ,. \ 71rjr; ,--''..; r 41A4 v Mark artin ARKANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE t„.:„.„... 1._ 7, D‹. To All to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greetings: 4 4.- 1, Mark Martin, Arkansas Secretary of State of Arkansas, do hereby certify that the following and hereto attached instrument of writing is a true and perfect copy of Articles of Incorporation T:,... C.... i, 5.-: 1,.... of C.-:•' MAUMELLE PUBLIC WATER AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF x ARKANSAS C-:- 7:-..... 9( filed in this office August 11, 2014. 4. 4 1i 3 . 1)....' t....... C-:: 41 In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official Seal. Done at my office in the City of Little Rock, this 11th day of August, 2014. D:,.....--:. D. < 11.:. Arkansas 4.- 77- i Secretaly of State z.". "... IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PULASKI COUNTXi;, I iftANW CrwE IN THE MATTER OF MAUMELLE SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 500 also known as MAUMELLE WATER.MANAGEMENT FIUD 12/ i22/ 14 10 : 511R ORDER On this day comes on to be heard the Petition of Petitioner, Maumelle Suburban Improvement District No. 500 also known as Maumelle Water Management (" MSID No. 500") For Approval of Acquisition Agreement For The Purchase of Assets, Assumption of Liabilities And The Donation of Equity In The Assets, appearing by and through its General Manager, Barry Heller, and its attorney, Stuart W. Hankins. From the Petition filed herein, statements of counsel and other matters, proof and things before the Court, the Court finds as follows: 1. That Notice of Public Hearing has been published in a local. newspaper in the time and manner as prescribed by law. 2. That no interested parties appeared at the hearing of this cause and no objections have been filed. 3. obligations That MSID No. required of it as 500 shall be entitled to fully perform all of the set forth in the Acquisition Agreement For The Purchase of Assets, Assumption of Liabilities And The Donation of Equity In The Assets attached as Exhibit" C" to the Petition filed herein on October 15, 2014. IT IS SO ORDERED. d4,.„ L") COUNTY JU 7: i 212_, 1,r DATE SUBMITTED BY: HANKINS LAW FIRM, P. A. 1515 East Kiehl Avenue Sherwood, AR 72120 501) 833- 0168 Attorneys for Petitioner Maumelle Suburban Improvement District No. 500 also known as Maumelle Water Management 1 ) // 41,,,) ti‘ / , By: , , ' V STUART W. HANKINS ARK. BIN 72050 1/ 11 IL E MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MAUMELLE SEPTEMBER 20, 2010 6: 00 PM CITY HALL Mayor Watson called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. with eight members present. Alderman Witonski gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES— September 7, 2010 Alderman Stell moved to approve the minutes of the September 7, 2010 meeting. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVIEW Alderman Adams thanked Mr. Winningham for providing information regarding budget . . amendments passed this year. Alderman Johnson moved to approve the financials. Alderman Hogue seconded.the motion and it passed unanimously. PROCEDURAL MOTION Alderman Brainerd moved to have all ordinances and resolutions read by title only. Alderman Adams seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 754 CONCERNING DEDICATION OF STREETS AND DRAINAGE With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the third reading ofthe ordinance amending the timing and method of acceptance and ownership of public improvements, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Stell thanked the City Attorney, Planning Commission and others who had worked on this ordinance. Alderman Stell moved to approve the ordinance. Alderman Brainerd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 736 CONCERNING ANNEXATION AND DETACHMENT With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the second reading of the ordinance for the simultaeous detachment and annexation of land, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Page 1 of 5 Alderman Ladner moved to approve the ordinance. Alderman Witonski seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Alderman Witonski moved to approve an emergency clause. Alderman Adams seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2010- 19 AMENDING THE 2010 GENERAL FUND BUDGET With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution amending the 2010 General Fund Budget for the purpose of mold remediation at the fire and courts building, LLC, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Ladner moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Stell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 757 REGARDING WATER RATES With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the first reading of the ordinance repealing Ordinance 271 which grants the City Council the authority to approve water rates, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Mayor Watson stated that this had been requested by Maumelle Water Management.. ' Alderman Brainerd stated that he hoped this would start a conversation about accountability. He stated that if there was no accountability, that he did not want blame for the water rates. Alderman Witonski stated that he would like to have a definite answer on whether or notthe Council had the authority to approve rates, but could not support this ordinance. Mayor Watson stated that could only be determined by a court of law. City Attorney Davis stated that this ordinance would have us rely on state law. She stated there might be a public notice requirement there for the utility to raise rates, but that she was not sure. Alderman Stell stated that the current ordinance was a fail safe for our citizens and that we have an obligation to stand up for them. He stated that he was okay if we had to go to court but would not vote for this ordinance. Alderman Brainerd agreed. He added that he wanted to see a water commission appointed by the City or elected to fix the current situation. Mayor Watson stated that would have to be done by state law. Alderman Adams asked Mr. Heller, MWM General Manager, if$4 million would cover their infrastructure needs. Mr. Heller stated that it would only be a drop in the bucket for their 30 year old infrastructure. He also noted that Maumelle had some of the lowest water rates around. Alderman Adams stated that you could not have a viable city without a viable sewer and water utility. She asked how the water board was elected. Mr. Heller stated that they were selected by the remaining sitting commissioners. Page 3 of 5 Alderman Hogue asked if MWM was a non profit. Mr. Heller stated that it was. Alderman Hogue stated that she could not support this ordinance and that the system now in place was a good one. Alderman Ladner stated that the Council provided an open forum for citizens and has been open and fair when considering water rates. He stated that there needed to be improvement in the area of reasoning and data provided to the City however. Mr. Heller stated that a 5% increase was just not enough to tackle the problems that they face but admitted that they hadn' t presented a very good case. Alderman Stell stated that nothing from their last request had been lost yet and that the Council should review the situation again in November as they said they would. Alderman Johnson stated that MWM needed to have a reserve so they did not always have to rely on debt to address problems. Alderman Stell moved to defer the further consideration of this ordinance to the October 18th City Council meeting. Alderman Witonski seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Mr. Heller noted that all were welcome to speak at MWM meetings. RESOLUTION 2010- 20 REGARDING SURPLUS PROPERTY With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution approving the disposal of surplus police cars from the police department, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Hogue moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Stell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. RESOLUTION 2010-21 SUPPORTING CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the reading of the resolution supporting amendments to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Alderman Stell stated that Alderman Hogue and he had heard about this at the Municipal League and encouraged the Council to support this. Alderman Brainerd moved to approve the resolution. Alderman Hogue seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. MAYOR' S COMMENTS Mayor Watson stated that he would be out of town on a Metroplan trip from September 28- 30. Page 4 of 5 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MAUMELLE OCTOBER 18, 2010 6: 00 PM CITY HALL Mayor Watson called the meeting to order at 6: 00 p.m. with eight members present. Alderman Ladner gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. SPECIAL GUESTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Members of the Maumelle Middle School Band played the National Anthem and invited all to attend the BBQ Band and Boogie fundraiser for their band. MINUTES— October 4, 2010 Alderman Adams moved to approve the minutes of the October 4, 2010 meeting. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PUBLIC COMMENT Jane Grey Todd, of 8217 Easy Street in.Sherwood, introduced herselfto the Council and public as a candidate for Justice of the Peace, District 13. She highlighted several issues that she was campaigning on including watershed and safety issues. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVIEW Alderman Brainerd moved to approve the financials. Alderman Johnson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. PROCEDURAL MOTION Alderman Brainerd moved to have all ordinances and resolutions read by title only. Alderman Rolfe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 755 CONCERNING DEDICATION OF DRAINAGE With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the third reading of the ordinance accepting dedication of certain drainage in Maumelle, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Mayor Watson told the Council of issues Steve Mosley had brought up questioning the ability the POA had to donate this easement to the City. City Attorney Davis stated that the only question was on the general common property and that third party ownership was highly unlikely. Page 1 of 4 Alderman Brainerd asked if we would maintain and upkeep property that is not ours. Ms. Davis said yes and Mayor Watson pointed out that we maintain drainage easements in several other areas. Alderman Stell moved to approve the ordinance. Alderman Ladner seconded the motion. Alderman Ladner received clarification on the area to be maintained and suggested moving forward with a title search on the land in question. Alderman Adams stated that lots of Maumelle water drains through this area and she would be voting for this ordinance. Alderman Witonski asked if we should wait for the title search. Ms. Davis stated that it would not change what will be done because we are only dealing with the launch ramp area. David Bean, of 9 Breezewood Drive, stated that this was not a River Run issue and that this had been started a long time ago. Alderman Brainerd stated that the ditch should be in good repair before being turned over to the City. Alderman Stell stated that he could argue we took over this easement seven years ago and now we were just clarifying that. The ordinance then passed with only Aldermen Hogue and Brainerd voting no. ORDINANCE,757 REGARDING WATER RATES Mayor Watson asked that this ordinance be deferred until after the Council and Maumelle Water Management had a chance to sit down with a facilitator. He stated that this would take place on the 27th. Alderman Brainerd moved to defer the ordinance until the November 15th meeting. Alderman Adams seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ORDINANCE 758 CONCERNING COMPENSATION FOR ELECTED OFFICIALS With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the second reading of the ordinance setting compensation schedules for elected officials in Maumelle, by title only. The City Clerk gave the reading. Mayor Watson, Alderman Stell and Alderman Witonski again thanked the committee for their work on this ordinance. ORDINANCE 759 ACCEPTING AND CONFIRMING STREET DEDICATION With no objections, Mayor Watson called for the first reading of the ordinance accepting and confirming the dedication of certain streets and drainage associated with the Phase I, Ridgeview Subdivision in Maumelle. The City Clerk gave the reading. Page 2 of 4 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CITY OF MAUMELLE NOVEMBER 15, 2010 6: 00 PM CITY HALL Mayor Watson called the meeting to order at 6: 00 p.m. with seven members present. Alderman Adams was absent. Alderman Stell gave the Invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. MINUTES— November 1, 2010 Alderman Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the November 1, 2010 meeting. Alderman Hogue seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by all in attendance. PUBLIC COMMENT Marion Scott, of 12 Spring Drive in Maumelle, gave information about Hometown Thanksgiving and invited everyone to attend. She also asked for volunteers and baked goods for the cake walk. She noted that tickets would be$ 6 at the door. FINANCIAL STATEMENT REVIEW Alderman Johnson moved to approve the financials. Alderman Brainerd seconded the motion and it passed by all in attendance. PROCEDURAL MOTION Alderman Brainerd moved to have all ordinances and resolutions read by title only. Alderman Rolfe seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by all in attendance. ORDINANCE 757 REGARDING WATER RATES Alderman Stell suggested withdrawing or deferring Ordinance 757. Alderman Brainerd moved to table Ordinance 757. Alderman Ladner seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously by all in attendance. ORDINANCE 759 ACCEPTING AND CONFIRMING STREET DEDICATION Mayor Watson stated that Metropolitan Bank suggested that the council defer Ordinance 759 until the December 6th meeting due to issues concerning a certificate of deposit and erosion issues. Alderman Brainerd to defer Ordinance 759 6th meeting. Alderman Hogue seconded this motion and it passed unanimously by all in attendance. moved Page 1 of 3 until the December AR` f. tk f„„ VS tr 1 ilwAlstS0 TREASURER OF STATE Dennis Milligan 500 Woodlane Street, Suite 220 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Treasurer Maumelle City Treasurer 550 Edgewood Drive, Suite 590 Maumelle, AR 72113- 6907 City Sales and Use Tax Funds Distribution From April, 2015 Effective Date: 5/ 26/ 2015 Maumelle Sales and Use Tax 180, 070. 63 Deposits 5, 402. 12 Service Charge 8. 55 Interest Earned 0. 42 Vending Decals 174, 677. 48 Amount Distributed Telephone:( 501) 682- 5888 Fax:( 501) 682- 3820 0 D V, 0^ E A X T wCD n CD i• SU e- O h 01 0) 01 i I I n C U) x C7 o 01 c c N v ( 0 p // x (N 0 0>< x a) su IN i 1O I 1 v sc D v C3)W Efl EA fA ffl , DP ) ( v o0 Ni 4 N C3) 1 Ni 031 CO CO - O I J Co NO 1 W TI rn 7' ciJy 1 sv i n- -- N - N CO co - Co J en I - IP J o0 C)) O CO ffl ffl lA ffl Co C31 6 CO sv W 9) I DKm 0sc v ( P 0 Ni Ni O - CD - -b 01 N v Ni P 0) N 0) ( v CO W 64 E DI DI C N. v 031 -oo 031 CO Efl4A C Jv 4flE1 W 1 c C ci O CO Co -CO 10.CO Efl EA ffl cm 0 Ni C) _, _, - Ni- IP c a) ' c- 0 CO — c 0031 O CO -01 - CD c cc CO CD o0 O - 1 co -- _ O co W -- P031- C31 031 (W, J CD O N Om oD ( ' `< . - 33' a) o D C Cu o CD A < CT CD 31 O _O O COCO 031 Co 0Zcn1> m o- i o-m 3 3 CO'(N CO CO -Co Efl . 0CT O OWO 031 Ni CD -• N Ni 1 CEO W O C3) J CO ffl CD I 1 Co Ni CO ffl O CO P 01 fig Ni C3) W 0.)P C3) 1 1 m C) I CD CD o 3 Cu 3 4fl 6) 4 r. A Oo- _ v 1 00' 31U70- co co W I O CO co CD W a CD a) CD - 31 64 ) j CA A W _C31 - 14f) c- 1 I ICb 3) P N N 6 CA) O00 Ni -O co - 0 OO C3) 0o _ N 0 (O P C31 CO 01 _ Co C3) - 0W 31 C3) . OP ( 1 I Oil! 10 O 0) 1Cr)Nof co CO 0 Ni CS) Ni I - Efl N Ni co 1 j - -• I n y mm c lv rn s va v c Cl)) — c c m O 0c Dc CT o CD ' x 1 c n Efl 0)O CD W 6 ! O EA CO Cb C3) -. CO W O 3) 01 co Ni 31 ( ffl Efl ffl Efl Efl ffl ffl Efl Efl 6 < CCD Ell N 1 v - -• s= Cb v 0 Cb -6 N N Oo-, Co 0 W O) b L 0 010) 6 0-l N co - -0 _,. O -CO ( P. -•- - - - - - - rn ' 0zOcn1> cp u a CD 0-m( rno , 3 .CD 3 zs s ffl fA ffl ffl Efl ffl ffl Efl 67 sv 03 x N0 0 — sv 00 -U1 310 Ni _ 0 CON CO -• 1 CO a _ KDImc- - v O) o m osc 1Aflig 0CA31- C3)0) C31 CO 31 G) -CO 0, A Ni 31 Ni o C 51 - 01 Cr o) - CD( Ni v Ni Ni - Ni mc a) c- — I W CO -•v CEO CO c c- P- 01 co .W - - c cc CO -• D 1 O W1 Ni O— — W_, CO— — Co—CO_ - o 1 CCOO EA N O CD C3) pzcn> mrno o ( 1 1 fig Ni O O W O CO - W PA I 0) C3) QO W . 01 0 -,0 C3) CO a J Na O a D- N 01 O CO Co O n NO C Cat ND -W 6 O-- CO x ffl n) P rN. ( v O - O P. - N— I p cu rn cn Jv W 31 W O 0- - - CD o Eflto1A4) 1 W 31 1O - - (C31 ( W CD I I P P 0- I W P. -• C3) CO . CD ND - 0 W _O( I CO _ l _ CO CD v Ni - v co co 41.-, I 1 00 CA -co W 031 I GJ W O 3) ffl N 1 C31 ( I _-• _ 0,031 1 - Agency Address Name: : City, St Zip: 220 TREASURER STATE LITTLE ROCK Vendor Number: OF AR BLDG 72201 15DDA- 0895568 Warrant Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 Payment Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 0800000607 _ Net Amount Document Text Invoice# 80313299982015 Warrant Numb: 501- 682- 1413) STATE CAPITOL Local Sales and 174, 677. 48 Use Tax TOTALS THIS WARRANT 174, 677. 48 i,, y w. r4KA; ISP9 TREASURER OF STATE Dennis Milligan 500 Woodlane Street, Suite 220 Treasurer Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Maumelle City Treasurer 550 Edgewood Drive, Suite 590 Maumelle, AR 72113- 6907 County Sales and Use Tax Funds Distribution For April, 2015 Effective Date: 5/ 26/2015 Pulaski County Sales and Use Tax Alexander City Treasurer Cammack Village Jacksonville Little Rock Maumelle City Treasurer City Treasurer Amount Distributed Population 1. 000 236 4,464. 05 1. 000 768 14, 527. 09 1. 000 28, 364 536, 518.73 1. 000 193, 524 3,660, 599. 76 1. 000 17, 163 324, 646.42 1. 000 62, 304 1, 178, 510.20 Treasurer 1. 000 48, 752 922, 167. 58 City Treasurer 1. 000 29, 523 558, 441. 78 1. 000 2, 114 39,987.34 County Sherwood Treasurer City Treasurer North Little Rock Pulaski City Percentage Rate Wrightsville City City Treasurer Treasurer Total Telephone:( 501) 682- 5888 Fax:( 501) 682- 3820 7, 239, 862.95 l 0Cz CD 1) I 0 p C ZI Ix - H D X 6 N 07 0 U) Cr 1 I 4 nOC y k N0 0C a 1 k N0j ( k C 0 of t a) Cl)sv s) l rI msv a) K- Z. 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N CO O W- 03 CO CO - p U) x .' 0)) 1 I 1 I Agency Address Name: : City, St Zip: TREASURER 220 STATE LITTLE Vendor Number: OF CAPITOL ROCK AR BLDG 72201 15DQA- 0$ 95571 Warrant Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 Payment Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 0800000607 _ Invoice# 80313316312015 _ Warrant Numb: 501- 682- 1413) STATE Net Amount Document Text Local Sales and Use 324, 646. 42 Tax r TOTALS THIS WARRANT 324, 646. 42 r4 4 t,• r TREASURER OF STATE Dennis Milligan 500 Woodlane Street, Suite 220 Treasurer Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Maumelle City Treasurer 550 Edgewood Drive, Suite 590 Maumelle, AR 72113- 6907 County Sales and Use Tax Funds Distribution For April, 2015 Effective Date: 5/ 26/ 2015 Little Rock National AF Pulaski Co Sales and Use Tax Alexander City Little Rock Maumelle 1. 000 236 9. 72 1. 000 768 31. 63 1. 000 28, 364 1, 168. 09 1. 000 193, 524 7,969. 71 1. 000 17, 163 706. 81 1. 000 62, 304 2, 565. 80 Treasurer 1. 000 48, 752 2,007. 71 Treasurer 1. 000 29, 523 1, 215. 82 1. 000 2, 114 87. 04 Treasurer City Treasurer North Little Rock Pulaski County Sherwood City Treasurer Treasurer City Treasurer City City Wrightsville Amount Distributed Population Cammack Village Jacksonville Percentage Rate City City Treasurer Treasurer Total Telephone:( 501) 682- 5888 Fax:( 501) 682- 3820 15, 762. 33 Agency Address C; ty, St Name: : Zip: TREASURER 22o STATE LITTLE Vendor Number: CiTIF CAPITOL ROCK AR BLDG 72201 15DDA- 0895569 Warrant Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 Payment Date: 5/ 21/ 2 015 0800000607 _ Net Amount Document Text Invoice# 80313313242015 _ Warrant Numb: 501- 682- 1413) STATE Local Sales and Use 706. 81 Tax TOTALS THIS WARRANT 706. 81 ov 1S2 41 y. 7 i 412KCAVSN TREASURER OF STATE Dennis Milligan 500 Woodlane Street, Suite 220 Treasurer Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Maumelle City Treasurer 550 Edgewood Drive, Suite 590 Maumelle, AR 72113- 6907 County Sales and Use Tax Funds Distribution For April, 2015 Effective Date: 5/ 26/ 2015 North Little Rock AF Pulaski Co Sales and Use Tax Alexander City Treasurer Cammack Village Jacksonville Little Rock Maumelle City Treasurer City Treasurer City Treasurer 1. 000 236 8. 08 1. 000 768 26. 28 1. 000 28, 364 970. 64 1. 000 193, 524 6, 622. 56 1. 000 17, 163 587.33 1. 000 62, 304 2, 132. 10 1. 000 48, 752 1, 668. 34 City Treasurer 1. 000 29, 523 1, 010. 30 1. 000 2, 114 72.35 County Sherwood Amount Distributed Population Treasurer North Little Rock Pulaski City Treasurer Percentage Rate Wrightsville City City Treasurer Treasurer Total Telephone:( 501) 682- 5888 Fax:( 501) 682- 3820 13, 097. 98 Agency Address Name: : City, St Zip: TREASURER 220 STATE LITTLE Vendor Number: OF ROCK AR BLDG 72201 15DDA- 0895570 Warrant Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 Payment Date: 5/ 21/ 2015 0800000607 _ Net Amount Document Text Invoice# 80313315172015 _ Warrant Numb: 501- 682- 1413) STATE CAPITOL Local Sales and Use 587. 33 Tax TOTALS THIS WARRANT 587. 33 J O iii O U J] L g co O O0 ZQU N Nc U) M 2 W JW ZQ 0 NLO •o0 N N 0=u) - V >_ Q a) O( Q ° u) Qa. 0 N N ( CO N CO ( O N Cr) wL 0 Eo C0 U O C' N CO CO LOLw Cat a) m La C N CO CO.- CA.- O CO m2L 55 C O Lu a-5 a) L Co N N N E to EA-O O CO to O o O CO co EA- N- O0 EA-CO to- 4 0 0 co M( EA- O r O) — co EA-O O 0 00 EA-CO N o O O EA-O 0 0 EA- 0 0 Uo 69-C)N. 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