Yearbook 2014 - Westlake Boys High School


Yearbook 2014 - Westlake Boys High School
Cody Williams, Caleb Gemmell, Tayne Pryde, Harry Bauer
Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Matthew Bilton, Kalani Partridge-Fruean, Mitchell Dye, Oliver Fetherston, Carl Razon, Mostafa Youssef, Jeman Park, Jacob Siermans, Danial Valikhani
Wesley Healiss, Jayden King, Bradley Leuila, Judd Baker, Ugo Pierantoni, Yanni Wetzell, Sam Sherriff, James Pearce, Olivier Stroomer, Campbell Wang, Cameron Nayler
Rohan Luthra, Ben Partridge, Nathan Regal, Edward Jelley, Matthew Roets, Ray Ong, Omar Hassan, Jono King, Joshua Hansen, Leewaine Scott
Radi Baboe, Benedict Tan, Mac Jordan, Mr D Ferguson (Headmaster), Christopher Hagan (Deputy Head Boy), Michael Lough (Head Boy), Samuel Brotherton (Deputy Head Boy),
Mr J Cachopa (Deputy Headmaster), Joseph Sajjaphanroi, Chad James, Benett Tan
Brett Bakkerus, Michael Coetzer, Callum Blackburn, Matt Southey
Back Row: 4th Row:
3rd Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
Headmaster's Report
Library, Future Problem Solving
Head Boy's Report
Culture Week
Board of Trustees Report
High Achievers
Chinese Night, Korean Evening
Nga Manu Korero,
Positive Thinking
Successes at Westlake
School Production
E.R.O. Visit
Year 13 Ball
Amnesty International, Robotics
Staff 2014
Art History, Careers
International Department
Learner Support, Ways of Seeing
Media Studies
Outdoor Education
Outdoor Pursuits Centre
Peer Mentoring, Peer Tutoring
Physical Education
Social Science
Sports Institute
Te Tari Maori
Adventure Racing, Chess
Cross Country
Dragon Boating, Duke of Edinburgh
Golf, Petanque
Orienteering, Sailing
Road Running
Rugby League
Skiing, Snowboarding
Squash, Surfing
Table Tennis
Rugby Sevens, Ultimate Frisbee
Touch Rugby
Track and Field
NZ Representatives
Sports Teams A-Z
Groups A-Z
Languages Exchange to France
Westlakers Report
Music Tour to Europe
Old Boys Profiles
Hockey Tour to Melbourne
Football Tour to Spain
Language Trip tp China
Cricket Tour to South Africa
Distance Running Tour to Africa
Staff Travel Awards
Long Serving Staff
Editor's Note, Property
Mr Ferguson speaks to Danyon Morgan-Puterangi,
Charlie Crabbe and Vili Tu'ipulotu.
2014 has been another year to remember for our school.
So much happens at Westlake Boys that it is easy to forget some of our
accomplishments, as well as taking them for granted. Our young men
achieve so much on a weekly basis. It has been a pleasure this year to
report on so many of their achievements in the Newsletter every Friday
for their parents and our wider community.
New Zealand Boys’ Schools’ Deputy Headmasters’ Conference, we
had some more exams, Nigel Latta came and spoke at the school, we
won a few national titles, we won a few Auckland titles, we appeared
on another live TV 1st XV game where we beat Rosmini in the 4th
minute of injury time, we had the start of the Westlakers $100 Club,
the start of the new gymnasium, a new astro turf , sports teams from
Here is a quick summary of some notable things from 2014 so far:
Chile and Tonga visited us…. I could go on. And who knows what
Term One included news on our best ever exam results, and we had the
Term Four will bring.
measles, we hosted the New Zealand Cambridge awards for the first
Who wants to work in or attend a school where not much happens?
time, had our first ever lock down emergency rehearsal, three reunions in
I know there is a lot of disruption, I know we ask a lot of our students
Australia, Duncan Garner at our Father Son breakfast, and said goodbye
and I know how hard our fantastic staff work. But it makes our school
to three staff who had contributed a combined 60 years to our school.
a terrific place to be part of, where we try to create opportunities for
In Term Two we welcomed ERO as well as Jerome Kaino. We had our
students that they enjoy, take advantage of and learn from so they
first ever Knight, Sir John Hood who, in Term Three, hosted a dinner
become a better person.
for us in Rhodes House at Oxford University. The drama department
Henry David Thoreau the American philosopher said that “Success
presented “Once On Chunuk Bear”, the 1st XV were live on TV, we
usually comes to those people who are too busy to be looking for it”.
squeezed in some exams, Ray Ong won Westlake’s Got Talent, Jayden
King won the Auckland Maori Speech Contest. We hosted the North
Shore schools’ Kapa Haka Festival and we finished the term wishing 130
of our musicians all the very best for their trip of a lifetime to Europe,
the biggest ever overseas trip we have ever undertaken, along with
Westlake Girls.
We should all take credit this year for the seal of approval we received
from the Education Review Office. They were incredibly impressed
by our staff and students alike and the phrase that stays with me
five months after they have gone, is that we are a kind school and
they hadn’t necessarily expected this is in a large boys’ school. They
talked to me further about this at a debrief meeting and commented
Term Three saw a brand new prospectus translated into four languages,
that they noticed people are nice to each other in all areas of the
a new school promotional video, there was “A Return To The Forbidden
school. Again, this is something that will be taken for granted by
The trophies to be presented at the Sportsman's Dinner.
Planet”, we hosted the New Zealand Schools’ KBB Festival and the
The Headmaster with the Junior Cross Country Team at Auckland Champs.
The Prefects are announced at School Assembly.
most people here. We treat each other well. Occasionally there are
disagreements, there are bound to be with two and a half thousand
of us working here every day, but I like to think that when there are,
we deal with them sensibly and move on.
The Education Review Office described our school as positive,
settled and as being a very high performing school, which was
reflected in them telling us that they wouldn’t be back to see us for
another five years. Our young men showed a sense of belonging,
show pride in their school and perform at a high level in Sport, Arts,
Culture and Leadership. They said a lot more and whilst we like to
think that Westlake is a happy, high achieving institution, it is nice to
have it confirmed by people who go into a lot of schools.
This is my fifth Prizegiving as Headmaster and each year I have been
very proud to be able to report on us achieving our best every exam
results. I’m delighted that this has happened again this year.
The headline combined pass rates of 97% at IGCSE or level 1, 95% at
AS level or level 2 and 93% at A2 or level 3 are something to be really
proud of and the 125 Scholarships our young men achieved at the end
of last year were very much the icing on the cake. This placed us in the
top three schools in New Zealand, closely behind Auckland Grammar
School and Wellington College. How brilliant it is that there are three
boys’ schools sitting at the top of the Scholarship league table. Thank
you to Miss Harland for her leadership of our scholarship programme.
We are looking forward to more successes again next year.
Our top seven scholars at our Scholars’ Assembly this year achieved
38 Scholarships. This has never been done before. Well done to Sam
Walsh, our Dux for 2013, Jesse Medcalf, our Proxime Accessit, and
the other students in the top six: James Rankin, Tom Wang, Kevin
Howe, Max Rogers and Sam Lie. Also for the first time, we had a
Level 3 NCEA student achieve 102 Excellence credits, an incredible
achievement from Joel Zaia.
In our strategic plan five years ago and our subsequent annual plans,
we had set very detailed, carefully thought through goals. Our most
recent five year plan, that we have spent a long time on this year, now
talks of us improving our exam results every year. We know that this
is getting harder, an inevitable consequence of the high pass rates we
Some of the Westlake Student Coaches of 2014.
The boys support the 1st XV in the North Harbour Final against Rosmini College at
North Harbour Stadium.
The challenge I give to all of our senior students is to try and make the
2014 results our best ever. What they need to focus on individually are
their own results. Their job is to do themselves justice and to feel good
about the effort they have put in. It would be easy for them convince
themselves that they have done enough; it’s easy after thirty minutes
study to convince yourself that you deserve a break, will just check
your phone, just get something to eat, just go on Instagram or have a
sleep so you feel better afterwards. And you’re regularly told that it’s
harder for this generation, there are more distractions, there is more
pressure. It is more competitive but the formula is the same as it always
has been. The more work you do, the better results you will get and
as I said to a group of 6th form students recently; the ‘try your best ‘
mantra is one that I’m starting to feel is less likely to bring success than
a mindset which links hours worked to marks achieved. Of course the
relationship will not be directly proportional and there will inevitably be
diminishing marginal returns, but it is hard to argue against its validity
as a strategy compared to a subjective judgement that your inner voice
makes, to enable you to reinforce your decision to stop studying and do
something less taxing or more enjoyable.
The more willing you are to make sacrifices, the better you’ll do.
The more you waste time, get distracted and procrastinate the worse
you will do.
It’s up to you: I wish you all well.
In assembly we acknowledged two of our premier teams who had
finished second in New Zealand, having been New Zealand champions
for the last two years. Both teams were disappointed they didn’t win but
Mr Rea put it into perspective for me later in the day when he pointed out
that there are close to 400 high schools in New Zealand, and second is
pretty good. He was right.
In 2014 our Premier Badminton and Table Tennis Teams were New
Zealand champions. Football, Basketball, Chess and Squash all finished
second in New Zealand, with five more teams finishing in the top five in
the country.
With six premier Auckland titles and eight Auckland runners up spots
at premier grade, we can be proud of our sporting efforts this year.
The 1st XV won the North Harbour title for the third year in a row after
a thrilling final.
Compared to the last few years, this has been a quiet year as far as
sporting achievements have been concerned. None the less we are
right up there at the top of New Zealand secondary school sport in a
vast range of sports and we will continue to work as hard as we can
to improve.
Individually the major sporting achievement of the year must have been
Dan Hoy’s silver medal at the Youth Olympic Games in the triathlon
where he lost on a photo finish in a 50 minute race. The margins of victory
are often fine, sometimes they will go your way, other times they won’t.
Well done to Mr Taylor, Mr Buckingham, Mr McGahan and all of the
other staff who work so hard with school sport and of course thank
you; a word I can never say often enough on behalf of all of our young
sportsmen. Next year we will finally have some first class facilities to go
with the programme.
In the arts we have had another year to remember. Only two weeks
ago we saw the launch of our first ever Westlake art exhibition with
Westlake Girls’ High School. Many of our current and former staff and
students showcased some very impressive work. Hopefully this will be
an initiative we will see more of in the future.
“Return to the Forbidden Planet” was a production to remember in Term
Three, with many memorable performances and costumes. Under the
direction of Ms Walsh and with some excellent music and choreography,
the audiences were treated to a memorable week. I would like to thank
Ms Walsh for her outstanding leadership of the drama department over
the last few years.
Our debaters once again were dominant across North Harbour and
the Auckland Region, winning the Auckland Premier title, the Auckland
Junior title, the Impromptu Cup and the Thorburn Debate against their
female counterparts from down the road. Mr Coetzee has once again
done a tremendous job in leading the most successful schools debating
programme in the city.
The Westlake Archway planned for 2015.
I attended the annual Music Awards dinner on the 14th of October
with Board Chairman, Mr Sclater. I commented in my closing remarks
that the music calendar is so full every year, that the courageous and
another hockey tour to Europe and Mr Reed is taking 20 students to
some of the best universities in the world throughout the United States
and Europe including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford and Berkley
Universities respectively.
ambitious decision to add a three week, one hundred and forty person
We have said, and will say, goodbye to some long serving staff this
tour at a cost of close to a million dollars and then host the biggest
year as they enter retirement, many of whom will see their names
schools’ music festival here at school a few weeks after returning, made
on the long serving staff honours board. At the end of Term One we
this probably the busiest music year ever and it would be fair to say that
farewelled Mrs Gratton, Mrs Kim and our Property Manager Mr Kotze
it has also been probably our most successful year ever.
after 60 combined years at our school (Mrs Gratton alone spending
Platinum for the 5th year in 6 for our combined choir with Westlake
32 years here). At the end of this term, we say good bye to Mr Noble
Girls, Choralation. More regional and national accolades for Voicemale
and Mr Rein who have given so much over their 29 and 20 year
again including the best individual performance at the Auckland Finals.
associations with the school.
Our Barbershop group were Auckland champions again.
Mr Noble, a Northern Irish mathematical genius with a keen interest in
At the KBB festival, New Zealand’s premier schools’ music festival, we
chess and Mr Rein a passionate South African scientist and technologist
(Westlake Girls and ourselves) picked up five of the top eight awards.
And then there was the Summa Cum Laude Festival in Vienna, Austria,
one of the top youth music festivals in the world, held in one of the homes
of classical music. Mr Robinson told me we needed to see how we
compared to other groups from all over the world. The plan was to enjoy
it, do our best and hopefully learn from the other groups that were there.
Instead what happened was that we achieved more than any other
school had ever done, winning three of the five categories and picking up
a third place as well. They have now changed the rules so a school can
never win more than two categories. So in time we may become the only
schools ever to achieve what we did. A trip of a lifetime made possible by
with a heart of gold and a keen interest in sailing (indeed our first South
African teacher at the school). Two absolute gentlemen who love what
they do and who know that being a teacher is far more than just teaching
your classes every day. We hope these two gentlemen have a long and
healthy, happy retirement, they deserve it and we will miss them. They
have both been wonderful colleagues, selfless and positive, will be very
difficult to replace.
We also say goodbye to Mr Bright who has given so much to the
school in his fifteen years here. A Head of two departments, a Deputy
Headmaster at one point, a staff trainer, a football coach, manager
and referee.
the bravery and vision of our music staff and the support of our music
And all the very best to Mrs Walsh, Miss Harland, Mr Glen and Mr Wills
community. Thanks to Mr Robinson, Mr Squire and Miss Barker.
who will also move on to new opportunities at the end of the year. We
Speaking of trips of a lifetime. We were recently doing some work on
wish you all the very best with your futures.
scheduling overseas visits for the various groups that are going away in
At the start of next year we will have two, probably three, prefects from
2014 and 2015 and we worked out that we had 17 groups going away in
2009 coming back to work at the school as well as Mr Latimer, a prefect
a two year period.
from 2006 who joined us earlier this year. I am delighted that we have
Also this year our footballers have been to the United Kingdom
and Spain, visiting the homes of Manchester United, Real Madrid,
young men who stay associated with our school and want to be part of
what we are trying to achieve here.
Manchester City and Barcelona. Our cricketers to South Africa and
With a school of our size, inevitably people here are going to be touched
runners to Kenya. In the next six months our basketballers go to the east
by tragedy, illness, misfortunes and sadness from time to time. When
coast of the USA, a group of biology students head to Africa, we have
this happens we need to pull together, be there for one another and
The Prefects at the ANZAC Day Parade in Takapuna.
remember that nothing is more important to any of us than our health,
our families and our happiness.
Samuel Johnson, the 18th century English poet, said “You can easily
judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing
for him”. This is worth remembering next time you are faced with a
situation where you have the chance to do some good for someone else.
At long last we have begun construction of our new gymnasium almost
simultaneously with the astro turf project. The Board of Trustees and
our Property Committee have had to show patience, persistence and
positivity in order to make these projects a reality as well as some
creative thinking. We are very excited about these plans becoming a
reality in the coming months. Having sports facilities we can be proud of
will be a significant milestone in the life of our school.
Next year we will also be able to fully renovate our Languages block
as well as our Mathematics and ICT block. These renovations are
long overdue and we look forward to their completion. I would like
to acknowledge the work of our property committee at this point, in
particular Tim Dromgool, Jeff Moore and Judith Clough for their work in
creating some real legacy buildings for the school.
Another exciting initiative due for completion in the coming months
is the Westlake Archway which will take pride of place at the front of
our school. The archway, as well as being a symbol of academia and
a stunning piece of art, will also enable us to utilise it as a ceremonial
sculpture. Our new third form students every year at their powhiri will
pass through the archway as boys and will walk through it again as
they leave our school as men at the end of their seventh form year.
We are grateful to Dugald Page, a long standing former member of
our Art Department, Mark Masterton, Vicki Fowler and Jeff Thompson
the sculptor, designer and Westlaker, for their efforts in making this
visionary concept a reality. We are excited about it.
To our 7th form this year, thank you for what you’ve done in your five
years at our school. I will acknowledge you at greater length at our
graduation dinner. You will be missed next year. Go and find what you
love doing and are passionate about. Go and make us all proud.
John Stewart, an American TV show host, once said about University
that “it is something you complete, whereas life is something you
experience. In life you don’t worry about your grades, or the results, or
even success. Success is defined in a myriad of ways and you will find
that people will no longer be grading you. Success will come from your
own internal sense of decency.”
I don’t get many chances to say thank you at a formal ceremony to the
people that make this school great. The success of our school is not
about me, or our New Zealand Champions, it’s not about our buildings
or the money we have or our wonderful music groups. It’s so much
more than this.
Our school does well because day in day out, people (staff and students)
come here and do their best. They go the extra mile, they put their hand
up to volunteer, they know that giving their time is every bit as important
and rewarding as anything else they do. We make each other laugh
and we help each other. The adults here believe in what we are trying
to achieve and they know that New Zealand will be a better place if the
young men at our school continue to show the same attitude to their
lives as they do to their education. If they do, then they will become great
husbands and great fathers. They’ll be leaders in all walks of life and will
know that doing the right thing is always the correct thing to do.
So thank you very much to all the young men at our school for what you
do, and to their parents, thank you for choosing to send your sons to
Westlake Boys’ High School.
Thank you to our Board of Trustees led by James Sclater for your
continued dedication and support of our school. To our Foundation and
Westlakers, Vicki Fowler and Christine O’ Dowd, thank you.
To the people who I work most closely with: Messrs Reed, McCracken,
van den Heuvel, Cachopa, Jackson, Young and Borok, Mrs Mills, Mrs
Clough and my wonderful Executive Assistant Mrs Sandra White – I am
incredibly grateful for what you do, thank you.
Finally to all of our other staff; our Deans, subject leaders, teachers
and non-teaching staff. The Board of Trustees and I are appreciative
of everything you do for our young men and our school. Belonging to a
community that is responsible for social engineering and for ensuring
that our country will be led by great people can only continue to be a
rewarding and enjoyable vocation and profession.
Virtute Experiamur
Mr David Ferguson - Headmaster
Michael Lough with the Year 13 Students
who took part in the Buddy Programme.
How can you summarise so many events, experiences, and
boys for making Westlake what it is. Every day, it was a pride and joy
thoughts into half a page of a school magazine? We’ve had
to simply be at this school and for an out-of-zoner nowadays it’s like I
some stunning results and achievements this year, which Mr
was granted a stairway to heaven for my high school experience.
Ferguson has accurately portrayed. Yet ultimately, while results
are important, what is more telling is what made those results in
the first place.
When it comes down to it, Westlake is where it is today because being
a Westlaker is more than just an ID number, it’s about the people you
meet, and the experiences you have. All of you are more than just
From top scholars, to sports teams and music groups, too often
mere numbers, and that’s what makes Westlake stand strong both
we focus on number one; that singular output compared to the
nationally and internationally.
years of hard work and input. All of you have spent hours of time
For boys still at Westlake in 2015, don’t take this school for granted,
at this school, in the classroom, in assemblies and all of you
should understand that you are all a reflection of its success.
give yourself, your parents and teachers what they deserve by
establishing awesome goals and caring for those boys around you as
While we can’t all be crossing stage and receiving awards,
you would for yourself.
the thing that I’ve realised that makes Westlake stand out is
For the year 13’s, it’s been an honour being with you guys the last five
not how many medals or awards we have, but that we are a
community that acknowledges and recognises these successes
in a powerful and consistent way.
will be with you forever. No doubt I will see you around some time.
All the best for the rest of the year, and I hope you have all have an
My appointment as Head Boy is a reflection of my parents,
teachers, friends, and classmates. I am forever grateful for the
support I have had, and I would like to thank each and every one
of the staff, students, coaches, conductors, bus drivers and oldMichael addressing the school at Senior Prizegiving.
years; remember what you’ve learnt at Westlake, because Westlake
amazing holiday.
Thank you for making Westlake what it is.
Michael Lough – Head Boy
Head Boy Michael Lough.
Michael with his brothers Daniel and Matthew and
their mum Andrea at the Mothers Sons Breakfast.
Westlake Boys High School Board of Trustees 2014
Back Row: Mrs Sandra White (Board Secretary), Mrs Tracy Houzet (Staff Representative), Mrs Suzanne Donovan-Skeens, Mr Gary Rohloff, Mrs Jan Gumbley, Mr Jeff Moore,
Michael Lough (Student Trustee 2014) Front Row: Mr Andrew Nicoll, Mr David Ferguson (Headmaster), Mr James Sclater (Chairman), Ms Donna a’Beckett
In my report last year I talked about the significant improvement
Westlake had made in the last 5 years across all fields of school life
including Academic, Sports, Music, the Arts and in Teacher and
Student Development. The 2014 year was no exception with some of
the significant achievements being:
125 Scholarships
Pass rates of 97/95 and 93% across 5th, 6th and 7th Forms
National Titles in 3 Music Events.
National Titles in 2 Sports.
Auckland and North Harbour Titles in 7 Sports.
The Board of Trustees goal is to be the No 1 Boys School in New
Zealand. Although this is a subjective measurement we believe we
are now well within the top 3 Boys Schools in the country.
There are several groups of people that I would like to thank this
year for their contribution and effort in making Westlake such an
amazing school. There is something very special about Westlake
and a large part of this has to do with the staff at Westlake. They are
incredible with a passion and dedication I have seldom seen in other
professions. They are extremely well led by David Fergusson and his
Senior Management Team. Westlake is extremely fortunate to have
someone as capable as David leading the school. Thank you to David
and all the staff for their work in 2014.
I am very fortunate to have such a remarkable group of people who
represent the School on the Board of Trustees. Throughout the year I
have been constantly impressed by the quality of the decision making,
judgement and work ethic shown by all trustees. They always have the
interest of the school at heart and spend a significant amount of time
and energy on Board matters. On behalf of the School I would like to
thank all the Board trustees for their work this year.
Thank you to the PTA for all the work you do throughout the
school by way of morning teas, running the school uniform shop,
fundraising and other events. Each year the PTA contributes a
education outside the classroom
recruitment and retention of staff and students.
The Board believes these priorities will help the school continue to deliver
the outstanding supportive learning environment for our young men.
There were two other major highlights for the year. In Term Four we
started the construction of our new gym, which will be completed in
August 2015 at a cost of $4.5m. All of this funding has come from the
school and the community. I would like to thank everyone who has
been involved in this project, which was first started in September 2012.
In May The Education Review Office completed its external review of the
school and we received an outstanding report. This report is testament
to the exceptional work being completed by the staff and students at
Westlake. I would encourage all parents to read the report.
Thank you to our students for the part you have played in making
Westlake what it is today. There are an enormous number of
opportunities for you at Westlake and I would encourage you to look for
these opportunities and benefit from them. Seize the moment now – do
not leave it to tomorrow.
Finally I would like to leave you with the 8 thoughts that have helped
me over the years:
Fitness and success are brothers.
Don’t live on the internet. Go out and experience real life.
Read – a lot.
All adventures in life start by just showing up.
Money comes and goes. Time just goes.
Always make new mistakes.
Be like the Boy Scouts – seek to do a good turn every day.
If in doubt ask yourself – what would Mum think?
Virtute Experiamur
Mr James Sclater – Chairman Board of Trustees
significant financial sum to the school and your support is very much
appreciated by the Board.
During the year the Board developed a new 5 year strategic plan. The
plan sets out the following 6 strategic priorities:
student learning and achievement
biculturalism in a multicultural environment
modern and flexible learning environment
the wider community
James Sclater,
BOT Chairman.
Special Award Winners at Senior Prizegiving.
Michael Lough
PTA Award for Head Prefect
Mac JordanThe Ambassador’s Trophy for Chinese Essay
Brendan Patterson Award for Excellence in Acting
AUT Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship
Harley Ofoia Senior Acting Excellence Trophy
(The Wells Family)
Jeffrey ChoyChairman of the Board of Trustees Award for
Joseph KimPursuit of Excellence Award for Cultural
Special Endeavour
Don Johnson Trophy - 1st in Form 7
Oliver FetherstonJohn Gales Award for the Most Promising
Senior Musician
Sam BrothertonArthur Schubert Award for Outstanding and
Selfless Contribution to WBHS
Yang Award for Excellence in Commerce
Benedict Tan
Award for Service to the School Library
Matthew Bilton
Lex Lewis Memorial Trophy for Debating
Mostafa YoussefAward for Service to the School Library
Pasifika Award for Excellence
John Patterson Memorial Award for Effort, Involvement
and Loyalty
Mike TullyArtie McVeigh Award for Excellence in
Andrew Thompson
Bedford Award in Languages
Sam SherriffWestlake Boys’ High School Teaching
James Lee
Language Perfect Scholarship
Christopher Hagan
KPMG Scholarship
Patrick ChambersBenefitz Scholarship Award for 7th Form
Graphics and Design
Carl Razon
Unitec Partner School Scholarship
Thales Farias
Unitec Success Pack Scholarship
Warakorn JetlohasiriDouglas Foote Award for Special Endeavour
in Engineering
Jayden King
AUT Significant Student Scholarship
Michael Lough
AUT Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship
Ian Chen
Haxell Award for Special Endeavour in Form 5
Eugene ParkRotary Club of Milford Award for Service to
School and the Community
Tyler SmithSchool Council 1977 Award for School
Service by a 6th Former
Ross Ter BraakJosef Humphrey Memorial Award for a 6th
Matthew RoetsWayne Reynolds Memorial Scholarship
Mitchell DyeTakapuna RSA Award for Work in the School
and Community
Six Star Hospitality Scholarship
Danial ValikhaniHeadmaster’s Prize for Personal Academic
Jayden KingPeri Award for Academic Excellence and
Leadership in Senior Maori
Juke Jamieson Memorial Award
AUT Significant Student Scholarship
Rohan LuthraOtago University Leaders of Tomorrow
Toby MajorVictoria University of Wellington Excellence
Joshua HansenVictoria University of Wellington Excellence
Zack LindsayVictoria University of Wellington Excellence
Benjamin PartridgeVictoria University of Wellington Excellence
Nico PhillipsVictoria University of Wellington Excellence
Nathan RegalVictoria University of Wellington Excellence
Matthew Bilton
Auckland University Scholarship
Ray Ong
Auckland University Scholarship
Caleb Gemmell
Auckland University Scholarship
Jeffrey Choy
Auckland University Scholarship
Harry Bell
Kelliher Economics Award
Radi Baboe
Kelliher Economics Award
Rohan Luthra
Kelliher Economics Award
Christopher Hagan is awarded a KPMG Scholarship at Senior Prizegiving.
As Head Prefect, Michael has been an outstanding role model,
contributing an exceptional amount to our school during his time with
us, and involving himself in a huge range of activities. Apart from his
dramatic performances, he is one of the top singers in New Zealand’s
top boys’ secondary school choir and participates in a number of sports
and voluntary activities.
He has achieved excellent academic results. He picked up two
Scholarship awards at the end of Year 12, and in his AS Levels last year,
Michael achieved an A grade in all four of his subjects. He has also
managed to complete a huge amount of voluntary work, leading the
Academic Council, the Peer Tutoring programme and also acting as
Board of Trustees representative. He has a great sense of community
and is selfless, perhaps too selfless, with his time.
Michael has also represented the school in four sports during his time
here and continues to be an important member of our school 2nd XI
football team, travelling to the United Kingdom and Spain on a football
tour earlier this year. He has achieved regional success in Debating,
Young Enterprise and as a UN Ambassador.
Michael is an exceptional young man whom we all have enjoyed getting
to know. He is positive, enthusiastic, conscientious, and diligent – and
has been an outstanding Head Boy.
The winner of the Takapuna RSA Award for Work in the School and
Community was Mitchell Dye, who was also awarded the Six Star
Hospitality Scholarship, which is worth around $25,000.
When Mitchell decided on a career in Hotel Management everyone who
knows him well said ‘of course’. He is a natural host with a genuine
desire to make the people around him comfortable and cared for. He is
well organised and writes interminable to do lists, he is dedicated and
works hard in all his subjects. This scholarship will pay his tuition fees
in Queenstown for two years and provide him with an outstanding start
to his career. It can rarely have been awarded to a more suitable or
deserving candidate.
And, as we all know, Mitchell has been one of those presences around
Westlake who makes everyone else feel better about themselves. He’s
always the first to volunteer to help out, and this was exemplified when
I needed prefects at 24 hours’ notice to act as waiters for a conference.
He volunteered without hesitation. He’s an organiser of the Graduation
Ceremony, on the cultural council, has been involved in drama
productions, Imprints… you name it. A student always willing to help
others and a genuinely lovely person.
The PTA Award for Head Prefect and the Brendan Patterson Award for
Excellence in Acting go to Michael Lough.
The Brendan Patterson Award comes as no surprise. Michael has
been in every musical since he has been at school, progressing from
his first role as ‘Big Jule’ in Guys and Dolls to the Artful Dodger in
Oliver and most recently Captain Tempest in Return to the Forbidden
Planet. He is a skilled performer, able to sing, act and dance to a
very high level, but it is his modesty, reliability and his enhancement
of every cast he is in that makes him outstanding. Fortunately for
Westlake, he has two younger brothers!
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees Award for Special Endeavour and
the Don Johnson Trophy for coming first in Year 13 goes to Jeffrey Choy.
Jeffrey is an unusually intelligent, multi-talented and determined young
man. Equipped with a sharp mind, a willingness to work hard, and a quiet,
reflective personality, Jeffrey has given a huge amount to Westlake in his
time at the school. What many people may not realise is that Jeffrey had
a hard time when he started here, and missed much of his first year at
our school. Typically, though, this did not discourage him, and instead he
found his feet and showed the kind of determination that leads to the kind
of exceptional marks that will take a student to top in Year 13.
In his academic work, Jeffrey has consistently performed at a level
well above that of his peers. He achieved A* or A grades in all his
IGCSE subjects in 2012. Last year, he managed 92% in English
Literature, 93% in Physics, 94% in Chemistry and a very impressive
95% in Year 13 A Level Mathematics. Jeffrey has also won a
range of school prizes in his time here, scoring Distinctions and
High Distinctions in Australian Maths Competitions. His teachers
recognise the range of his ability, and his ability to combine astute
communication with precise thinking and calculation.
Beyond the classroom, Jeffrey is one of our most committed choristers.
He is a key part of ‘Voicemale’, he plays tennis, table tennis and football
for the school, and has been a valuable addition to the editorial team of
‘Backspace’, the school’s student magazine.
Jeffrey is an exceptional academic student. And also a reflective,
determined person who is destined to do great things!
This This year’s winner of the Arthur Schubert Award for Outstanding
and Selfless Contribution to Westlake Boys high School is our Deputy
Head Boy, Sam Brotherton.
Sam is an exceptional young man who has achieved across all areas
of school life throughout his time with us. He has been an exceptional
leader in many ways during his time here. He has always understood
that his academic work should be his priority: last year, he achieved
three A grades in his AS Level examinations in English, Biology and
Accounting. And in 2012, Sam achieved both A and A* grades in all of
his Cambridge IGCSE examinations and was top in New Zealand for IGCSE Business
Studies. In Year 10, Sam achieved the award for being the top all round student in
Year 10 at our annual Prizegiving.
In 2014, Sam has been an excellent Deputy Head Boy and Sports Captain. We’re all
familiar with the regular Sports Captain slots Sam delivers in assemblies: he offers
information that the whole school values, alongside words of wisdom on the values
we stand for as a school when we are playing sport. He has also been Captain of the
1st XI Football team this year where the team has consistently been one of the top two
teams in Auckland, and Sam has played a huge part in this success. Last year Sam
was Vice Captain of the New Zealand Secondary School football team who toured the
United Kingdom with some considerable success. He has also represented the school
at water polo, is a peer mentor this year, and has taken an active role as an organiser of
the graduation ceremony to come next month.
Sam is a role model for younger students in our school and has deserved all of his
successes while he has been with us. He has offered the school leadership and
humility, and is a deserving winner of this year’s Arthur Schubert award.
Matthew Bilton was awarded The John Patterson award and the Lex Lewis
Memorial Trophy for Debating.
Michael Lough awarded with Head
Prefect and the Brendan Patterson
Award for Excellence in Acting.
Takapuna RSA Award – Mitchell Dye.
Peri Award for Academic Excellence
& Leadership in Senior Maori and
Juke Jamieson Memorial Award –
Jayden King.
Award for Service to the School Library
and Pasifika Award for Excellence Mostafa Youssef.
The winner of the Lex Lewis Memorial Trophy for Debating and the John Patterson
Memorial Award for Effort, Involvement and Loyalty goes to Matthew Bilton, our
Academic Captain of 2014.
Matthew is an exceptionally talented young man. He is a scholar of the very highest
quality, a gifted public speaker and debater, wholly dedicated to his community, and
one of the most unassuming, modest young men I have ever met.
Matthew’s academic achievements have been remarkable for their range. Matthew
is part of the school’s Academic Institute, taking examinations in English Language
and English Literature a year ahead of his peers. Last year, he passed A Level
[Year 13] English Literature with an A* grade and a percentage pass rate of 92%.
Alongside this accomplishment, he achieved Grade A passes in AS Levels in Biology,
Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, his 92% in Chemistry a particular stand-out.
His teachers are unusually effusive about his talents, describing him as “intelligent
and articulate”, and “tackling literature and debating with the same precision as he
does in his studies in the Sciences.” Matthew is a student with genuinely impressive,
all-round academic abilities. He has won school prizes in Chemistry, Geography,
Accounting, Science and English, and in 2012 won the Haxell Award for the top Year
11 student in the school.
He was also the uncontested winner of the Lew Lewis trophy for Debating. He is one
of the most accomplished young debaters in Auckland: in 2013 and 2014, he was part
of the team that won the Auckland Impromptu Cup for a remarkable second year in
succession, also winning Top Speaker in 2014. He was a key part of the team in 2013
that won the Auckland Advanced Premier title as well as the Seasonal Tournament;
and in 2011, he even led the Junior Premier team to the Auckland title. Matthew also
represented Auckland in the National Championships in both 2013 and 2014.
As Deputy Head Boy and Academic Captain, Matthew has demonstrated an
enormous range of leadership qualities. He runs the school’s Academic Council, and
has this year developed the school’s Study Breakfast programme, which provides
breakfasts and tutoring from Year 12 students to Year 9 students, into a fearsome
machine. He is an active Peer Tutor as well, and has taken full part in the community
activities the school runs: SEED and Travelwise have both benefited from his efforts.
The Chairman of the Board of Trustees’ Award for Special Endeavour
– Jeffrey Choy.
I think, though, that it is the affection Matthew inspires that makes him such a
remarkable student. When he won Top Speaker at the Impromptu Cup a few weeks
ago, it was obvious that he was an immensely popular winner, one of the judges
giving him a huge hug. His teachers all commend his work ethic and his humility, and
they all also point to his integrity and commitment to working for others. It’s rarer
than it should be to hear the words “kind” and “considerate” in speeches like this,
but Matthew is one of those students who really, really deserves those epithets. He’s
also very funny, though I’ve seen many people a little perplexed at times, unsure
whether to take him seriously. I think he likes this.
Matthew is a lovely, deserving student whom I feel honoured to have known well.
He’s destined for a great future, and I’ll miss him.
Mr A Reed – Associate Headmaster
Choralation performs in The Musicverein.
• 125 New Zealand Scholarships
• 15 Outstanding Scholarships
• The third best score in New Zealand
• 96% of Year 11 boys at Westlake passed their NCEA or Cambridge
• Top Scholarship school in the country in English, Media and
• 65% of Year 11 boys passed their NCEA level in New Zealand
• 95% of Year 12 boys at Westlake passed their NCEA or Cambridge
Art History
• 95% of students passed Level 1 [a school record]
• 59% of students were endorsed with Merit or Excellence at Level 1
[a school record]
• 94% of students passed Level 2 [a school record]
• 30% of students were endorsed with Merit or Excellence at Level 2
[a school record]
• 68% of Year 12 boys passed their NCEA level in New Zealand
• 92% of Year 13 boys at Westlake passed their NCEA or Cambridge
• 51% of Year 13 boys passed their NCEA level in New Zealand
• 82% of Year 13 boys at Westlake achieved University Entrance
• 45% of Year 13 boys passed their NCEA level in New Zealand
• 89% of students passed Level 3 [a school record]
• 28% of students were endorsed with Merit or Excellence at Level 3
[a school record]
New Zealand Champions
Auckland Schools’ Champions
• Badminton
• Squash
• 100% of students passed their IGCSE exams in Year 11 [equalling the
school record]
• Table tennis
• Road running
New Zealand Runners Up
• Chess
• 63% of students achieved an A or an A* in their IGCSE exams in Year
11 [a school record]
• Basketball
• Orienteering
• Football
• Badminton
• Chess
• Table tennis
3rd In New Zealand
Auckland Runners Up
• 99% of students passed their A Level exams in Year 13
• Squash
• Tennis
• 66% of students achieved an A or an A* in their A Level exams in Year 13
• Swimming
• Football
4th in New Zealand
• Hockey
• Water polo
• Lacrosse
• 3 man X Country
• Basketball
5th in New Zealand
• Rowing
• Hockey
• Sailing
• 95% of students passed their AS Level exams in Year 12
• 58% of students achieved an A or an A* in their AS Level exams in
Year 12 [a school record]
James Rankin being honoured at
Scholars Assembly.
Sportsman of the Year Dan Hoy with his
Mother at Sportsman's Dinner.
• North Harbour Champions 2014
The 2014 Senior Prefect Scolars with their awards at Scholars Assembly.
Barbershop – Close Harmony.
Big Sing Regionals
• VOICEMALE: Best Recital by a Male Choir, Best Performance of an
Unaccompanied Work, Most Outstanding Performance of a Single
• CHORALATION: Best Recital by a Male Choir
• Big Sing Nationals
• VOICEMALE: Silver Award, Auahi Kore Award for the Best
Performance of a work with a Maori Text
• CHORALATION: Platinum Award – Supreme winner of The Big
Sing 2014
KBB Festival
• CONCERT BAND – Gold + Most Outstanding Concert Band
Sports Captain Sam Brotherton wins the Colin Pascoe Trophy for Sportsmanship
• SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA – Gold + Best Performance of a NZ Work
• CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – Gold + Most Outstand Chamber
Orchestra + Best Performance of a NZ Work
• BIG BAND - Gold + Best Performance of a NZ Work
• CAMERATA - Silver
• STAGE BAND - Bronze
Summa Cum Laude Festival
• CONCERT BAND – 1st Place Overall with Outstanding Success
• SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA – 1st Place Equal with Outstanding
Westlake Concert Band.
• CHAMBER ORCHESTRA – 3rd Place with Outstanding Success
• CHORALATION – 1st Place Equal with Outstanding Success
Other notable achievements
• BARBERSHOP QUARTET – “Close Harmony” Auckland Regional
Barbershop Champions
• RAY ONG – Winner of Westlake’s Got Talent Interschool
"Students demonstrate a sense of
belonging and pride in their school".
In May, the Education Review Office visited our school for their regular
check up on our work. We spent a great deal of time preparing for their
visit, pulling our documentation together and answering their initial
wellbeing is increasingly a key priority for trustees, school leaders and
teachers. School values clearly underpin a positive and settled school
environment. Students are proud of their school and benefit from
teaching that promotes high standards of achievement and increasing
levels of success in qualifications.”
questions: we wanted to make sure that they got an accurate picture
They said a range of other things too, of course! Here are a few of them:
of the successes of our school. And we wanted to make sure that they
“The school’s clearly articulated vision and traditional values underpin
knew all about the hard work of our students and of our staff.
a positive school culture. High expectations for achievement and
The team of four E.R.O. reviewers arrived on a windy day of the
behaviour promote the settled environment.”
second day of the second term, blown in on a fresh wind of energy and
“Students demonstrate a sense of belonging and pride in their school.”
enthusiasm for the kind of boys’ education offered by Westlake. Led by
Jennifer Heath-Shaw, they were keen to see what we were doing that
ensured that our students scored so highly in their NCEA assessments,
in their Cambridge examinations and in Scholarship examinations. They
were also interested in how we helped our students to feel included in
11 to 13. The majority of the top group of Year 9 and 10 students pursue
qualifications through the Cambridge
school life, and in how we made sure that our students’ wellbeing was
International examinations (CIE) pathway. The remainder of the
the most important thing in all that we did. These were good questions!
students, with a few exceptions, enter the National Certificates in
After four days of observing lessons, reading documents, listening to
presentations and asking searching questions of teachers, curriculum
Educational Achievement (NCEA) pathways. In both pathways,
students achieve very well. Most noticeable are the increased levels of
leaders, and students, the team of reviewers were impressed by what
achievement for students in NCEA.”
they saw. Mrs Heath-Shaw was particularly taken with what she saw as
“In NCEA, school information shows increased numbers and levels of
the “kindness” she saw all around her. Perhaps not a quality traditionally
endorsed certificates, highlighting more students are achieving and at
associated with boys’ schools, she saw kindness in the way the school
higher levels. More students are also gaining
worked, in the ways boys talked to each other, and in the ways teachers
University Entrance across both pathways. Scholarship success has
and students worked together.
continued to increase and sustainable programmes are in place to help
They saw other things too, of course. I’ve begun with their conclusion:
students better manage the challenging demands of Scholarship, NCEA
“Westlake Boys’ High School continues to be a high performing
and/or CIE assessments. The very positive results in the
school. It provides young men with a broad range of curriculum
NCEA pathway indicate the learning interests and needs of students are
and co-curricular opportunities. The school is well led and student
well catered for.”
Enjoying lunch - Edward Jelley, Joshua Hansen, SuSeong Kim
and Cale Tu'inukuafe.
“The school continues to operate a dual assessment pathway in Years
Jordan Te Aukura,Jaranpat Thamapibarn, Jeman Park, Ben
Mitchell, Montana Northcroft and Harry Bauer
Conductor Mr David Squire.
“Students with additional and individual learning requirements receive
good support.”
Mr Russell demonstrates a Chemistry experiment of the distillation of copper sulfate solution.
“The school’s curriculum is very effective in promoting and supporting
student learning.”
“Subject options in Year 11-13 have expanded to cater for students’
interests. There is more choice for learners and more opportunity to
pursue a variety of pathways to tertiary and employment. Careers
education and pastoral care have been strengthened. Academic
counselling and additional staffing have been well used to provide more
helpful advice and guidance to students.”
“Students experience wide co-curricular opportunities and
demonstrate high performance in sport, the arts, culture and
leadership. Global experiences and opportunities are part of the
Westlake experience for some students. This wide range of activities
and opportunities engages many students and helps promote positive
outcomes for student wellbeing. The curriculum has a strong focus on
supporting second language learning. This is a well-considered strategy
to prepare young men for global citizenship.”
Sheldon Pretorius, Mr Rein, Anthony Po-Ching, Cameron Bruce and Callum Diprose.
“The school is very effective at promoting educational success
for Maori.”
“The school is well placed to sustain and improve its performance.”
“School leadership is highly effective. The school is well led by the
headmaster who models a high level of care and concern for student
wellbeing and achievement.”
“Governance is well led and understood. Trustees have a positive and
effective working relationship with the headmaster and senior leaders.
Financial and property management decisions are well considered.
Effective strategic planning is evident and the ongoing strategic priority
to maintain effective and positive relationships with the community is
also clearly evident.”
“The school continues to provide good quality pastoral care and
support for international students.”
Nate Virapriya making use of the Library facilities.
The E.R.O. team was, as you can see, quite impressed. So impressed
that their next check on us won’t be until 2019!
Mr A Reed – Associate Headmaster
STAFF 2014
The lovely ladies of the Languages Department.
Mr David Ferguson
B.A.(Hons), PGCE, PG Dip
Mr James Sclater
BCom, CA
Mr M Masterton
Dip.Graphic Design, Dip.
Mr T G Weal
BCom, Dip.Tchg
Ms Donna a’Beckett
Cert Contemporary
Mr A W Berry
BEd, MEd, Dip.Tchg
Mr Jeff Moore
Ms T Kwok
MA(Hons), Dip.Tchg
Mr Andrew Nicoll
B.A,LLB,LLM (Lond)
Mr M R Lee
BSc(Hons), FDE, HDE
Mrs Suzanne Donovan-Skeens
BTchLn, Dip.ICT.Ed, M.Ed
Mr W Robinson
MMus(Hons), ATCL Dip
Mr Gary Rohloff
MBA (Dist)
Mr C Meredith
Physical Education
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Mrs Jan Gumbley
Mr M W Russell
Mr J Foden
Social Sciences
BA(Hons), PGCE
Mr C Clark
BEd(Hons), TEC Dip.Furniture Studies, H.Dip Ed
Mrs Tracy Houzet
Staff Trustee
Michael Lough
Student Trustee
Mrs S White
Board Secretary,
Headmaster’s EA
BA, H.Dip.Ed
Mr P G Rea
BA, Dip.Tchg
Mr J J Hall
Associate Headmaster
MA (Cantab), PGCE,
N.P.Q.H. MLitt
Mrs R Peak
BA, Dip.Tchg
Mr K Jacobs
Mr M P Jackson
Deputy Headmaster
Dip PE, Dip.Tchg
Mr S G Young
Deputy Headmaster
BCom, H.Dip.Ed
Mrs K Russell
Mrs T Houzet
BA, H.Dip.Ed
Deputy Headmaster
BA,(Hons), H.Dip.Ed,
PG Dip
BCom, Dip.
Mr A McBride
BA(Hons), MA.Ed,
Mr B Coetzee
Mr A W Van den Heuvel
Deputy Headmaster
MSc(Hons),BSc, BA, Cert
SMM, PG DipSc, Dip.Tchg
Mr S McCracken
Assistant Headmaster
BSpLS, B.Tchg PG Dip
Mrs J Clough
Business Manager
Mrs P A Mills
Human Resources Manager
Mr G Saul
Director ICT
Mr L Borok
Director of International
M.A.(Hons), Dip.Tchg
Mr R C Taylor
Director of Sport
B.A, PG Dip Guid. In Ed.
Ms V Fowler
Community Relations and
Development Manager
BBS (Marketing)
Mr D R Ferguson
B.A.(Hons), PGCE, PG Dip
Mr A B Reed
Mr J S Cachopa
Mrs Mandy Curry (Chairperson)
Mr S
Mrs H Greenhill
TTC, Dip.Tchg
Ms Ms S Lecourt
BA (Hons), Dip.
Ms A Hamp
BSc, Dip.Tchg
BA, Ed(Hons)
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Ms T Kwok
MA(Hons), Dip.
BA(Hons), Dip.
H.O.D. Guidance
Mr J Kirstein
BA(Hons. Counselling),
Mrs M Cachopa
B Ed; H. Dip. Ed; Counselling
Careers Practitioner
Mrs J Renton-Rooney
Bachelor of Social Services
Dip Career Guidance.
Mrs D Hipkins
MSc, Dip. EP, MNZPI, Dip in
Career Guidance
Star Coordinator
Mrs L Baker
BHSc (Psychology)
Mrs Macy Cheuk (Secretary)
Ms Evelyn Martin (Treasurer)
Mr H Te Wano
Mr D W Wedderburn
BSc, Dip.Tchg
Mr J Webster
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Classical Studies
Miss A Burney
MA(Hons), Dip.Tchg
Ms J Wilkinson
Design Visual Communication Mr P Tisdall
Adv Trade Cert, NZ
Dip.SS(Sec), Dip.Tchg
Mrs C Walsh
BA(Hons), PGCE
Mr A Marshall
BA(Hons), MBA(Dist),
English (CIE – IGCSE)
Ms S Lecourt
BA (Hons), Dip.Tchg
English (CIE – AS and A
Mr G Blanchard
English (NCEA) Level 1
Miss H Booth
BA, Dip.Tchg
English (NCEA) Level 1
Mr K Jorgensen
BA, Dip.Tchg
English (NCEA) Level 2
Mrs C Kelsey
MA(Hons), BA(Hons),
Headmaster’s EA
Mrs S White
Snr Management Team PA
Mrs B Sutherland
Office Manager
Mrs S Dick
Mrs C Murphy
Mrs J Anderson
Mr T Buckingham
Events and Marketing
Ms C O'Dowd
Enrolment Officer
Mrs M Cain
Deans' Secretary
Mrs T Simpson
School Supply Manager
Mrs L Burton-Brown
Student Support Services
Mrs R Bowman
Attendance Officer
Mrs D Pryde
International Department
Mrs J McGahan
English (NCEA) Level 2
Mr H Nola
BA, Dip.Tchg
English (NCEA) Level 3/
Mr D Smale
MA(Hons), Dip.Tchg,
Homestay Manager
Ms H Martin
English (Junior)
Miss J Thew
BA(Hons) PGCE, MEd
International Services
ESOL (Senior)
Mr D Syme
BA, Dip.Tchg
Mr K Ahn
Mrs S Limpapath - MPA, BA(Ed)
Mrs J Tang - BEng, BAcc, Post Grad Dip (Finance)
Food Technology
Mrs B Trotman
Adv Trade Cert, Grad
Dip Bus Mge, Dip.Tchg
Mr A Jones
Mrs C Knight
Mrs G Alex
Mrs S Smith
Mrs G Bennett
Mr S Smith
BA, TTC, Dip.Tchg
Copy Centre
Mrs S Maddren
Languages: Asian
Dr A Ho
EdD, MEd(Honour),
DipTching, BA
Languages: European
Miss M Kopf
Mr M Murphy
Mr S Feast
Mr T Gielen
Learner Support
Mr T Strydom
BAEd, Dip S.E, Dip.
Health Centre
Mrs C Sefont - Reg.Com.Nurse, Lab.Nurse
Mathematics (Junior)
Mr S King
Mr R Feng - BSc
Mr L McClymont
Mathematics (Senior)
Mrs R O’Gram
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Media Studies
Ms A Palmer
BA, Dip.Tchg
Outdoor Education
Mr W Gage-Brown
BRecEd, Dip.Tchg
Learner Support
Mr R Paton
MSc, Dip.Tchg
Physical Education (NCEA)
Level 1
Mr R Scivier
Bsc, Dip.Tchg
Mrs G Crowley - BA,Dip.Tchg
Ms A Ebbett
Mrs S Newby
Mrs R Shepherd - BA
Mrs A Staub
Mrs L Sergant
Mrs L Wiseman - BEd(Hons),PGBus, Dip.Tchg
Physical Education (NCEA)
Level 2/3
Mr M Butler
BSr, Dip Tchg
Mrs J Ottaway - BA,Dip.Tchg,NZLib Cert
Ms K McKee - BA, Dip.Libr
Science (Junior)
Mr N Bithell
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Property/Operations Mgr
Mr G Hodder
Science (Senior)
Mr A Brown
BSc(Hons), Dip.Tchg
Science Technicians
Social Studies
Ms C Nolan
BA, Dip.Tchg
Mrs B Naylan - NZCS
Mrs M Bedwell
Mrs L Metcalf
Scholarship Coordinator
Ms C Harland
BA, Dip.Tchg
Mrs L Williams
Mr Smale was awarded the Staff
Travel Award for 2014.
Mr Masterton assembles the balloon
sculpture in The Street
Mr Feng won the Support Staff
Foundation Award.
Miss Belcher, Mr Smith and Mr van
Rossen at House Athletics Day.
Westlake Boys Support Staff.
Mr King with his son Jono.
Staff Netball Team Mr Blanchard, Mr Russell, Miss Booth,
Mrs Russell and Mr Foden.
The Teachers relaxing at St. Gilgen on the Music Tour.
Miss S Ahn
BA, Grad Dip Tchg
Mr A James
BSc, BA, Dip.Tchg
Mr C Solomons
BCom, F.D.E, Dip.Tchg
Mr P Andrews
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Ms V Jang
BA, Grad Dip Tchg
Mr D Squire
PGDipMus, BMus DipTchg
Ms C Bader
MA, Cert Tchg
Mrs L Keen
BBA (Hons), Dip.Tchg
Mr N Sullivan
BA(Hons), Dip.Tchg
Ms H Barker
BMus(Jazz), DipTchg
Mr N Kennard
Mrs M Thorpe
BCom, Dip.Tchg
Mr M Barry
BEd, Cert Tchg
Ms A Kerbellec
Mrs C Tonei
Miss O Beattie
BSc, Grad Dip.Tchg
Mrs C Labuschagne
BCom, Higher DipED
Mrs S Van den Heuvel
BA, Dip. Tchg, Cert SMM
Ms S Belcher
BRecEd, Dip.Tchg
Mr J Latimer
BMin, BA, Dip Tchg
Mr S Van Rossen
BSc. Grad Dip.Tchg
Ms J Birch
BSc, PGDip Diet, NZRD,
GDip Tchg
Ms P Law
BA, Grad. Dip. Tchg
Mr A Vinicombe
BA, DipEd, Dip.Tchg
Mr R Bright
BA, Dip.Tchg
Ms N Leighton
BA, Grad. Dip. Tchg
Mrs I Wahab
Dr I Burnett
Mr B Mackle
Adv Trade Cert, NZ
DipSS(Sec), Dip.Tchg
Ms P Weakley
BA(Hons), PGCE
Mr M Calver
BSc, Dip.Tchg
Ms N Marriott
BSc, DELF, Grad Dip Tchg
Ms J Wilding
BA(Hons), PGCE
Mrs A Clark
Miss H Manning
BA(Hons), MA, Grad Dip.
Mr J Wills
BSc, GDipTchg
Mr A Clarke
BA, Dip Ed
Mr J McIntyre
BEd(PE), Grad Dip.Tchg
Mr R Yeo
MA, BA(Hons), PGDE
Mrs V Clarke
BEd(Hons), BSc, MA, PGCE
Miss S Yoon
BA, Dip. Tchg
Ms N Chorley
Mrs S Young
Bsc, H.D.E
Mr N Dale
BEd, Dip.Tchg
Mr A Vinicombe
BA, DipEd, Dip.Tchg
Mr P Davies
BSc(Hons), HNC Mech Eng,
Mrs I Wahab
Ms P Weakley
BA, (Hons) PGCE
Mr J Wills
BSc. Grad Dip.Tchg
Mr R Yeo
MA, BA(Hons), PGDE
Ms S Yoon
BA, Dip.Tchg.
Mrs S Young
BSc, H. Dip. Ed
Mrs K McKean
BMin, Dip.Tchg
Mr H McKerrow
BA, Dip Tchg
Ms H Na
BA, Grad Dip.Tchg
Mr A Naranji
BSc, MSc, Grad Dip.Tchg
Ms J El-Labany
BSc(Hons), PGCE
Mr R Noble
Mr S Enefer
BA(Hons), PGCE
Mr S O'Brien
BA(Hons) QTS
Mrs P Pevreal
PG Dip, BSc, Grad Dip Sec
Ms J Park
BFA, MFA(Hons), Dip.Tchg
Mr C Rein
Mrs B Russell
Mr R Ryan
BSc, Dip.Tchg
Mr N Salmon
Beng (Hons) ACSM, PGCE
PhD, BSc(Hons), HTEC,
Mr J Saville
BSc(Hons), MSc, PGCE
Mrs L Hooks
BSc, Dip.Tchg
Ms R Shanley
BSc, Dip.Tchg
Mrs N Jalloul
BEd, Dip.Tchg
Mr C Shong
BSc, Dip.Tchg
Mr B Emslie
Mr J Gibson
BA,BBS,Grad Dip Ed
Mr J Glen
Ms T Groves
BFA, PG. Dip.Tchg
Mrs C Gouws
BSci, BPsy(Hons), PGHE
Mrs H Harrington
BA(Hons), Grad Dip. Tchg
Dr T Holden
Ms V Jang, Mrs C Murphy, Mrs R O'Gram, Mr A Naranji, Mr C T Shong, Mr K Ahn, Miss S Lecourt, Mrs L Hooks, Ms C Labuschagne, Ms N Chorley, Ms H Booth, Mr R Yeo, Mr C Solomons, Mrs M Bedwell,
Ms J Tang, Miss C Kelsey, Mrs L Metcalf
Miss B Shanley, Mrs L Williams, Dr A H Ho, Mr S O'Brien, Miss J Thew, Miss A Hamp, Mr S Zimmermann, Mr G Hodder, Ms V Fowler, Mr T Buckingham, Mrs C O'Dowd, Mr B Mackle, Mr R Bright, Mrs L Baker,
Mrs B Sutherland, Mrs J Wilding, Ms C Harland, Mrs C Walsh, Ms J Ottaway
Mrs D Pryde, Ms B Trotman, Ms N Marriott, Mrs K Russell, Mr R Feng, Mr N Dale, Miss J El-labany, Miss J Birch, Mrs K McKean, Mr B Coetzee, Mr S Enefer, Miss N Leighton, Mr A Marshall, Mr D Wedderburn,
Mr R Noble, Mr J Glen, Mr A McBride, Ms C Nolan, Ms C Bader
Miss A Kerbellec, Mrs R Bowman, Mr P Tisdall, Mr J Webster, Mr R Paton, Mr A Vinicombe, Mr N Kennard, Ms M Thorpe, Mrs S Young, Ms T Houzet, Mr R Bailey, Mrs M Cain, Miss J Park, Mrs C Gouws, Mr P Rea, Mr
P Davies, Dr I Burnett, Mr N Bithell, Mr A Jones, Mr N Sullivan
Mr K Jacobs, Mrs H Cooke, Mr J Gibson, Mr J Wills, Mr P Andrews, Dr T Holden, Mr S King, Mr A James, Mr K Jorgensen, Mr T Warren, Mr C Rein, Mr R Ryan, Mr N Salmon, Mr S McWilliams, Mr A Brown,
Mrs S White, Mr J Hall, Mr B Emslie, Mr H Nola, Mr G Blanchard, Mr J Latimer
Mrs J McGahan, Mrs R Pevreal, Ms S Yoon, Ms H Barker, Mrs J Renton-Rooney, Mrs K McKee, Miss L Beattie, Ms H Manning, Ms S Ahn, Ms I Wahab, Ms P Law, Miss Q Jin, Mrs S Van den Heuvel, Ms H Martin, Mrs M
Cachopa, Mrs N Jalloul, Ms T Simpson, Ms C Tonei, Miss H Na, Ms A Burney, Mrs H Harrington, Mr D Syme, Mrs J Clough
Mr R Taylor, Mr C Meredith, Mr C Clark, Mr J Foden, Mr M Masterton, Mr A Berry, Ms J Wilkinson, Mr G Saul, Mr A Van den Heuvel, Mr S Young, Mr A Reed, Mr D Ferguson, Mr M Jackson, Mr S McCracken,
Mr T Strydom, Mr M Lee, Mr W Robinson, Ms T Kowk, Mr M Russell, Mr T Weal, Mrs P Mills, Mrs H Greenhill
Back Row:
6th Row:
5th Row:
4th Row:
3rd Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
STAFF 2014
The Art History and Classical Studies Departments continue to
churn out capable, cultured, Renaissance Men. These guys can
wax lyrical about the aesthetic attributes of a Greek vase, explain
the impact of Neo-Platonism on the oeuvre of Michelangelo,
engage in Socratic dialogue and explain the ideas and values of
the ancient Greeks as manifested in Sophoclean tragedy.
Westlake's Art Historians and Classicists have an advantage over
the Mathematicians and Scientists- they can take their girlfriends
on dates to art galleries and museums and impress them with
their 'cultured-ness'. So there you have it juniors, if there was
ever a reason to take a subject- there it is. More importantly, I
can assure you will discover a passion for Art and Ancient History
that you never knew you had. You won’t be able to help it, your
teachers will see to it that you’re swept up in the hype of it all.
Miss C Harland – HOD Art History & Classical Studies
Oliver Reeves listening intently
Miss Harland's Year 13 Art History class
The Heron House Careers Department has been as busy as ever with
many boys’ proactively making career counselling appointments
and beginning their career research early. This year we also had the
Education Review Office visited the Careers Department of Westlake
Boys and was very pleased with what they saw and gave us very
positive feedback on our service and our careers council.
Early in the year we hosted the forces in school to run a ‘Officer
Training Day’. This was great fun for the boys to get a taste of military
life and we thank the NZ Army, Navy, and Airforce for providing us
with this day. We had a few potential officers show through.
We have continued to develop our ilearn page – log into this – My Page – ‘Careers’. This page
has the answers to many questions and several links to support
student research. We also have a very successful ‘Westlake Boys
Careers Page’ on Facebook. This is where we post all information
about upcoming events and updates regarding entry requirements
or part time jobs etc.
Mrs Baker has continued to grow in her careers role and assists with
our Year 10 boys for their ‘Dream Catcher’ classes in groups of 6
students. ‘Dream Catcher’ is our internal careers programme. Mrs
Baker has also begun career guidance to our junior students and will
continue to grow in this role.
Mrs J Renton-Rooney – Careers Practitioner
In May we ran our annual Westlake Boys/Westlake Girls Careers
Evening, with over 60 providers present. I would like to give a huge
thank you to my current Careers Council for all their assistance with
this and to Mrs Baker on this evening.
There is always the very busy period in August when students are
selecting subjects for the next year and we often have lengthy wait
times, but we do our absolute best to get to all these students within
the time frame allowed.
I was fortunate to have a really strong Career Council this year with
a few stand-out leaders on board. The role of the Careers Council is
to raise the profile of the Careers Department and careers research.
One of the key tasks I had given the boys was to encourage students
to begin their career research early, join the careers ilearn and
careers Facebook page and to encourage students to be proactive
and get involved in their own career pathway.
Kalani Partridge-Fruean, Mostafa Youssef, Dwight Nicolas, Joe Sajjaphanroj, Chris Hagan
with Mrs Renton-Rooney and Mrs Baker.
The world of Commerce is constantly moving and changing. 2014
has been full of both National and International Commercial intrigue
and drama, the September election being a strong focal point in
class discussions. One class even held its own political debates and
election. This makes our Commerce Department highly relevant
and interesting to students. Skills and understanding in Business,
Economics and Accounting give students a good grounding for their
future. We are pleased, therefore, to share with you some of this
year’s highlights:
New Subjects: 2014 gave students the opportunity to take Year 13
Business Studies for the first time. Business Studies is a relatively
new subject in New Zealand and has been eagerly selected by an
increasing number of students who want to learn practical, real
world business knowledge and skills.
Teachers: We happily welcomed Mrs Keen back to our department
after 12 months on maternity leave. Mrs Keen demonstrates a real
dedication to her students and classroom teaching and students and
staff were very pleased to have her back again. We also congratulate
Miss Wright who was married in October and is now ‘Mrs Russell’.
We will all have to try hard to remember her new surname and wish
her every happiness.
Extra Curricular: The practical aspect of Commerce subjects means
that there are numerous opportunities for students to get involved
outside of the classroom. This year saw the first Massey University
Business Studies Boot Camp, a week long School Holiday live-in
experience where students had an opportunity to learn from some
of New Zealand’s best business leaders and University Lecturers.
Students were able to visit businesses on site and speak personally
with the business leadership. Businesses included Air New Zealand,
Chelsea Sugar and Drake Personnel. Students returned highly
motivated and energized to fulfill their dreams and ambitions.
Young Enterprise students were again supported in starting up and
running their own businesses. In the past students have continued
these businesses post school and have turned them into successful
real-life businesses. For any keen budding businessman out there,
this is a golden opportunity.
Javy Aranas and
Henry Sclater at
Market Day for a
Business Studies
NCEA Internal.
Year 13 Economics at the Waihi Gold Mine.
Year 13 Economics visited the Waihi Gold Mine to learn about
externalities of production. The trip gives students a much larger
understanding of all that is involved in extracting gold, running
a profitable business and ensuring that our environment and
communities are preserved and strengthened at the same time.
Year 13 Accounting visited PricewaterhouseCoopers to get a real
world perspective about Queen Street Accounting. Visiting the
largest accounting firm in New Zealand students gained a complete
feel for what accountants do and were able to ask questions while
meeting on the 23rd floor of PWC Building, overlooking Auckland
Harbour. Westlake Boys High School has a long standing relationship
with PWC as is evidenced by the many scholarships our students
have gained from them over the years.
Mr T Weal – HOF Commerce
Business Case Competition
National champions
Jordan Andreassen, George Han,
Liam Rawlings, Aidan Scott
Business Case Competition
Runners Up
Harry Bell, Chris Hagan, Rohan
Luthra, James Pearce
CETA Accounting
Third Place
Chris Gray, Daniel Lai, Moneil
Masters, Keegan Thedore,
Campbell Wang
CETA Business Studies
Sam Brotherton, Chris Hagan,
Scott Jarrold, Nick Jarrold,
Leewaine Scott
CETA Economics
Radi Baboe , Harry Bell, George
Han, Rohan Luthra, Liam Rawlings
Massey University Economics
Radi Baboe , Harry Bell, Rohan
Chris Hagan
Harry Bell, Liam Rawlings, Radi Baboe, Rohan Luthra, George Han
after winning the CETA Economics Competition.
Year 13 Economics visited the Waihi Gold Mine to learn
about externalities of production.
We started the year with a series of presentations from industry
experts through the ICT Connected Programme including:
Taking advantage of the new NCEA Digital Technologies
• Ray Delany, the CEO of DesignerTech, a software development
company based in Auckland discussed how wide the IT industry
is, what kind of people are in IT roles and the benefits of being
in IT including flexible hours, working from anywhere, travel and
great pay!
students to complex digital concepts such as Video and Audio
• Craig Bayley from Telecom started out as a Scientist who got into
computers. He shared his various IT roles through development,
design, team leadership, management and architecture including
the opportunities it has given him.
Thursday after school. Its prime aim is to bring together like minded
• Neil Elson from Datacom shared his 17 year journey in IT to the role
he has now as a Service Delivery Manager.
support from staff. Some of the programming languages on offer
It was a great insight into the variety of roles in the IT industry and
the skills required for a successful career.
Terms 3 and 4 was creating a ‘Flappy Bird’ game using the Unity
An exciting change to the Year 13 NCEA pathway in 2014 was the
introduction of the University approved 13DTC course.
so it’s definitely a good interest to pursue.
Dan Barrington completing an assessment in Mrs Wilkinson's 10ICT Class.
Neel Patel and Gareth Wallis in their Year 10 Class.
Achievement Standards at Level 3, the course has introduced the
post-production and advanced database production. Introducing
students to industry standard software and practices aims to inspire
them to further develop their interest in tertiary education.
This year we also had the Code Club, which met once a week on a
students that want to learn how to program in a computer language.
The club has a mix of expertise and whilst there is a teacher on hand
to offer guidance, it is generally run by the students themselves with
include C#, Python, HTML & Javascript and one of the themes for
Game Development platform. There is a skills shortage in this area
Mrs J Wilkinson – HOD Computing
Mr Andrews with his 13CPX Class – A Level Applied ICT.
2014 has been another hectic year in the Drama Department.
Colonel Connolly (Harry Davies) has a difference of
opinion with Sergeant Frank (Josh Wyatt).
Chunuk Bair at the Auckland Theatre Company.
Levels 1,2 and 3 each put on a production of ‘Once on Chunuk Bair’
by Maurice Shadbolt detailing the New Zealand forces defeat at
Gallipoli. There were many assured and effective performances
and Excellences grades were awarded at Level 3 for Harry Davies,
Oliver Haywood and Josh Wyatt, who managed an outstanding
performance despite recent surgery and a subsequent infection. We
also went to watch the Auckland Theatre Company production of the
same play at The Maidment.
Other highlights have been acting and studying Brecht’s Epic
Theatre and watching Robyn Malcolm in the title role as ‘The Good
Soul of Szechuan’ in August.
The last performance of the year was the ever popular Monologues
Otaki George (Jamal Tiatia) discusses their chances of survival with Fred (Noah Kemp).
Evening where Sam Sherriff gave an outstanding performance as
Atticus Finch in an excerpt from ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and Jake
Konia, Harley Ofoia and Elliott Dawson all gave Excellence grade
It was also my last performance at Westlake; I’m moving schools and
starting a Youth Theatre Company for boys when they leave school.
Thank you for all the support we have had from the ‘Drama parents’
through the years, nurturing them through their lines and always
being there in the audience. We have had a great time.
Mrs C Walsh – HOD Drama
Dylan Sommerville played Colonel Connolly in the Year 11 performance.
Sergeant Frank (Josh Wyatt) shows Mac (Matthew Connew) and Scruffy (Keagan
Moses) how to fix a machine gun.
2014 was a great and busy year for the ESOL Department. The
beginning of the year saw a school wide focus on priority learners.
This opened up many positive cross curriculum discussions with
implications for ESOL programmes this year and for future planning.
In Term One, we saw the valuable addition of Mr. Emslie to the
ESOL team and in Term Two the addition of Miss Ahn. Both
teachers brought new energy, experience and ideas to the ESOL
department and courses they were part of. Mr. Emslie joined the
Year 9 ESOL programme and Miss Ahn in Term Two the senior ESOL
Year 13 ESOL Student Yuan Zhang.
In Term Two we started with the ERO visit. Though it was a busy start
to the term, it was great having this opportunity to discuss with ERO
the way we structure our courses and affirming to get their positive
Term Three saw pleasing results from the senior ESOL classes in
12ELP and 12ELI classes with Miss Ahn, Mr. Gibson and Ms. Tonei.
This is a testimony to their dedication and effective pedagogy within
their classes. As a result students this year made significant progress
in their writing and comprehension in comparison to previous years.
Other noteworthy moments of 2014 were the excellent results that
Mrs. Jalloul’ s junior Science and Maths programs again produced.
Similarly, Mrs. Cachopa, Ms. Zimmermann and the 9ELP team, Mr.
Gibson and Mr. Emslie, also worked their magic with the junior ESOL
programmes helping students progress in their literacy and language
skills. Mr. Gibson was also pivotal in introducing new exciting ICT
skills into the junior programmes.
This year’s Scholarship class were a very special group of young men
who I have no doubt will go on to better the record 125 Scholarships
the class of 2013 achieved, placing us third in the country. Our 55 top
academic Year 13 students took on the challenge of pursuing NCEA
Scholarship in-timetable (a Westlake first), alongside their Cambridge
and NCEA subjects.
Runze Na, Leming Zhao, Zebin Chen and Tony Yan practising
conversation in their Year 11 ELP Class.
As a department, the ESOL department is looking forward to 2015
and helping ESOL students with the language, curriculum and literacy
demands of their subjects. Many thanks to the hard work of the ESOL
team in 2014, as their dedication worked to help many ESOL students
improve their language skills as well their academic knowledge.
Mr D Syme – HOD ESOL
off the prize, which in their case is passing their Scholarship exams.
I am so proud of these boys who have managed a taxing academic
workload whilst still being inspiring school leaders, prefects, involved
in sports, the arts, culture and service. This is proof that they are
quite simply exceptional and real role models for the rest of the
school- teachers included.
To the boys themselves- I miss you already. Your intelligent banter,
quick wit, youthful optimism and fantastic attitudes have left an
imprint on me that will not be forgotten.
derives from Constantia, an ancient Roman virtue) these boys have
Go well boys, live the lives you dream of, and please- stay in touch.
Virtute Experiamur.
remained utterly constant in terms of focus, never taking their eyes
Miss C Harland – Scholarship Co-ordinator
Living up to their collective name, Constantius (a Latin word that
Constantius Class 2014.
Staff of the English Faculty.
2014 started with exciting news that the WBHS English Faculty
had achieved the best results of any school in New Zealand in
the University Scholarship exam with 34 students achieving
scholarships (the next highest was 18), four of which were
Outstanding Scholarships. Levels of achievement across all year
groups and courses continued to maintain or improve on existing
pleasing results. The Media students also topped the country
with 20 scholarships and Jack Meng was the top Media student
in New Zealand. On the staffing front the faculty welcomed first
year teachers Ms Manning and Mr Latimer as well as Mr Barry (ex
Rosmini), Mr Emslie (ex South Africa) and Ms Wilding (ex UK).
the junior school. The faculty also returned to T Block following
Highlights during the year included the Drama Department’s
production of 'Escape from the Forbidden Planet' directed by Mrs
Walsh and the Year 11 Production of 'Once Upon Chunuk Bair'
directed by Ms Amos. The Media departments annual ‘Oscars
Night’, was a sell-out again as the senior media students showcased
their work to great acclaim. The school newspaper ‘Backspace’
also continued to prove a popular platform for student voice
thanks to co-editors Ian Lim and Jeffrey Choy who had the expert
guidance from Ms Thew and Mrs Wilding. As always, the junior
speech competition produced some outstanding and humorous
performances while the junior reading challenge continued to
be a popular and effective program to encourage reading in
at WBHS. Mr Bright has been an influential figure both within the
Guy Forsyth with his Year 9 Globe Theatre
refurbishments over the summer. As Head of Faculty I would like
congratulate all students on their achievements this year and wish
them a happy and successful 2015. To the English faculty staff,
you are an inspiring and talented group of professionals who work
tirelessly for your students. Well done. Sadly this year we bid farewell to long-serving English teacher Mrs
Christine Gratton. Mrs Gratton has been an integral member of the
English Faculty for over 30 years. She has inspired and challenged
her students to achieve their potential and has been an exemplary
teacher. Mr Richard Bright is also leaving after more than 15 years
faculty and across the school during his time here; we wish him
all the best for his new role as HOD at Blue Mountain College in
Tapanui and thank him for his valuable contribution to the English
Faculty. Finally, Mrs Caroline Walsh, Head of Drama, leaves after
6 years at Westlake. Mrs Walsh has been very popular with both
students and staff alike and her enthusiasm for English, Drama and
the Performing Arts will be missed. The English faculty wishes Mrs
Walsh all the best in her new role at Pinehurst and in her personal
ventures into the world of dramatic productions. Mr A Berry – HOF English
The students in Miss Booth's 10ENX class take
notes from group presentations.
Ollie Banks and Harry Searle partcipating in the
Reading Challenge for Mrs Greenhill's class.
Contemplating life as a TV Presenter
- Jono Houzet and Mitchell Dye
Gateway is proving to be a popular choice amongst our students
and this year was no different. We were presented with a variety
of career pathways with building, plumbing and sports the more
popular choices and TV and radio presenting, as well as event
management and engineering, more challenging options.
As always, we began the year with the important job preparation
skills; CV preparation, dress and appearance, interviewing
techniques and goal setting. Suitable work placements were only
sought after an acceptable CV was completed, a challenge and a
reality check for some of our boys as they learnt first-hand about
the value of marketing themselves to future employers. Several
students were placed early and the remainder during Term Two
and the beginning of Term Three, with a few boys leaving during
the year to take up apprenticeships offered to them as a result of
the fantastic work they did at their gateway placement.
Alex Dee at NZ Blue Light.
Eldrick Snyman did his Gateway placement at Link Market Services
- a share registry company.
Gateway classes focus on work skills and work preparedness
as well as giving students a lesson to use to catch up on work
missed while away on their work placement. It is an exciting and
challenging year in the classroom as our young men mature and
learn how to set goals for their future. Discussion around flatting,
savings, mortgages and credit card use are always enlightening
and fun as students start to realise how much money they need to
live the lifestyle they dream about.
We continue to rely on the goodwill of our employers and are
appreciative of the time and effort they put into our students,
helping them realise their dreams and make decisions about their
future careers. Gateway could not be successful without them;
thank you, your support is much appreciated.
To all the students who completed Gateway this year, we wish
you well in your future careers. We have enjoyed helping you and
watching you mature into fine young men. Congratulations to the
boys who have gained apprenticeships and paid work as a direct
result of their Gateway experience; hard work and effort continue
to reap the rewards!
We look forward to hearing about your successes in the future.
Mrs T Houzet and Mrs D Hipkins
Jay Salvador on placement at
The Warehouse in Milford.
Cameron van der Riet at Albany Hill Auto.
It has been an exciting year for the International Department. We
welcomed over 70 new International Students to our school, all of
Mr Syme, Ms Kwok,
Mrs McGahan, Ms Martin,
Mr Borok, Ms Tang, Mr Ahn.
Henry Ho with his NZALT Certificate for gaining NCEA Level 2
Chinese endorsed with Excellence.
whom bring vibrancy and a global perspective. We are grateful to all our
International Students for making our school community much more
culturally diverse and responsive.
We said goodbye to Ms Gaddis, the Homestay Co-ordinator and Mrs Kim,
the Korean advisor. I wish to once more acknowledge their contribution to
our community over the years. We are very lucky to now have Ms Martin
to work with our Homestay families and Mr Ahn to provide first language
support to our Korean families. Their expertise and enthusiasm make
them a real asset to our school.
We are also thrilled to see our International Students blossom with their
school work. In Term Two, we celebrated a set of outstanding Mid-Year
Exam results: 12 out of 17 Year 9 students were promoted after the MidYear Exams. Dokeun An and Yunjae Kim moved from C5 to A4. Daeyoung
Han received nine A grades for Effort, and was 1st in Japanese, 1st in
Information Technology and 5th in Maths.
Nine out of 12 Year 10 students were also promoted. Conrad Luka stood
out as he moved from C2 to A6. He came 1st in Social Studies; 2nd in the
Rowing Institute; 4th in English and 5th in Maths.
Our Senior Boys have also achieved well. To date, 15 out of 39 Level 1,
17 out of 46 Level 2 and 11 out of 25 Level 3 International Students have
all achieved 100% of their internal credits attempted. We must again
express our sincere gratitude to all the Teachers and Peer Tutors who
have worked hard with our students to produce such wonderful results.
Tianyi Zhang with his art work.
In sport, we have had the highest participation rate in co-curricular
activities. Many International Students represented our school
competitively. Our International Students also enjoyed a number of
excursions to explore Auckland this year.
Westlake is actively looking to diversify further, seeking students from
different parts of the world. This year for the first time we visited South
America, Cambodia, Myanmar and Laos. The more countries represented
in our school community, the greater our understanding of our world.
To conclude, 2014 has been a full on year for the International
Department. We have accomplished a lot and this could not have
happened without the dedication of all the staff in the department. To all
the students and staff of the International Department: Thank you for a
wonderful year and Happy Holidays!
Ms T Kwok – Head of International Department
2014 marks the year of adventure and achievement for the
contributed towards the Cultural Week, ran the Languages Week,
Languages Faculty. Josh Hansen was one of ten students chosen
supported the Kapa Haka Competition and organised numerous
nationally to participate in the Young Ambassadors’ Tour for the
cultural events for our students. We recognise the importance of
Commemoration of WWI in France. Jae Ho Shin represented New
the transferable skills and qualities students gain from participating
Zealand in the International Chinese Bridge Speech Competition.
in these activities. We believe by maximising students’ exposure to
The German Department also had an outstanding year, producing
different cultures and value systems we help our students develop
two national representatives - Andrew Thompson competed
empathy, understanding and respect.
in Deutscholympiade and Arthur Close won a 10-week ILEP
scholarship to Germany. Also congratulations to James Lee who
won the first ever Language Perfect Scholarship, which is worth
$500, and Mac Jordan who won the Ambassador’s Trophy for the
2014 Confucius Institute Essay Competition.
We could not have achieved so much without the commitment
from our students, the support and trust from our parents and the
dedication of our teachers. A special thank you to Language Perfect
who generously offered a $500 Scholarship to our top language
student. Finally, a very special message to our Year 13 students who
This year we continued to offer global experiences to all our
leave us at the end of the year: Maya Angelou once said, “Perhaps
language learners. Our very first trip to France was successful.
travel cannot prevent bigotry, but by demonstrating that all peoples
Students spent five weeks in a total immersion environment, gaining
cry, laugh, eat, worry, and die, it can introduce the idea that if we try
a first-hand experience of French school, home living and a ‘White
and understand each other, we may even become friends.” This, to
Christmas’. In April, the Chinese Department visited two sister
us, is the essence of second language learning. We learn to respect
schools in China and in July we were delighted to reciprocate the
the differences between various cultures, but more importantly, we
hospitality to a group of visitors from one of our sister schools.
learn to appreciate what we have in common. Thank you to all our
The Languages Faculty is committed to developing multicultural
competencies in our students through the learning of a second
language, and through a range of school-wide activities. We
Senior German Students enjoying Schnitzel and Kaesspaetzle.
Year 10 Students Practising Taichi at Foguang Temple
Year 13 students for sharing this journey with us and we wish you all
the best for the future.
Ms T Kwok - HOF Languages
Matthew White and Alan Chen with their Calligraphy.
Learner Support
2014 has been another very busy, successful and rewarding year for the
Learner Support Department.
This year the Department welcomed Mr Strydom, Ms Simpson and Ms
Dimaya and also bid farewell to Mr Gary Francis. Mr Francis has been a great
asset to the department and has ensured the successful introduction and
implementation of a number of programmes, to assist our students to reach
their full potential. His expertise will be truly missed.
Learner Support Staff Ms Dimaya, Ms Simpson, Ms Staub,
Mrs Crowley, Ms Shepherd, Mrs Newby and Mr Strydom.
We have seen an increase in student numbers and we are currently providing
support to a group of over 180 students. With research showing up to ten
percent of students require some kind of learning assistance, the Learner
Support Department is bound to grow even bigger over the next few years.
At the centre of all that we do, are the students and we place a high priority on
their views and feelings about the support they receive. Each learner is unique
and we respect their individual personalities, their strengths and weaknesses.
In responding to this diversity, we are constantly open to learning about new
conditions, alternative teaching methods and strategies and our progress and
interventions are regularly discussed and reviewed.
The Learner Support Team is available to work with students at all levels and
in any area of the curriculum. Through initial testing, groups of students are
identified early in the year. These students will receive help in small groups,
one on one or within the regular classroom.
Alex Peagram works with Mrs Ebbett.
We also have a number of dedicated Seniors tutoring Junior students across
the curriculum. This is a student driven programme and tutoring occurs
before and after school as well as during lunchtimes. The programme has
become extremely successful again this year and the benefits are reaped by
Seniors and Juniors alike.
Many thanks must go to all the Learner Support Staff for their dedication, hard
work, team spirit and good sense of humour. The very positive environment
you create for our students to work and develop in is much appreciated.
Mr T Strydom – HOD Learner Support
Ways Of Seeing
Joel Kibblewhite and Mrs Dimaya.
Richard Zhang and Henry Li listen to Matt Morrisey's passionate plea for progress in science.
The second year of at Westlake saw a slight shift in focus, but remained
an equally challenging course designed to make our young men see
the world in different ways. Treated to enthusiastic lectures on Art
History from Miss Harland, to a huge variety of topics on the subject of
comparative Chinese culture and history from Ms Kwok, to all manner of
discussions on unanswerable philosophical questions with Mrs Kelsey,
and to facts, figures and equally unanswerable political questions from
Mr Reed, fifty young men learned to open their eyes a little wider.
At the start of the course, they wanted to know why the course wasn’t
assessed – what’s the point? they said. By the end of the course, they
were converts to education for education’s sake. It’s not all about the
exam after all!
Tension was running high in the Year 12 Philosphy debate over
stem cell research for the future.
Highlights from the boys included philosophical arguments that could
never be resolved, Chinese films of a kind they’d never seen before, and
discovering that Ms Harland was indeed susceptible to the charms of
modern art, despite her attachment to the Renaissance. All of the teachers
involved enjoyed the course, and all have signed on again for another year of
gently – and not so gently – prising wider open the eyes of our young men.
Mr A Reed – Associate Headmaster
What a successful year we have enjoyed as a Department. We
consistently encourage our students to work smartly and to
respect one another. We also encourage each of our students to
set challenging goals for themselves as they embark on a life-long
journey of learning.
It is with respect and sadness that we bid farewell to Messrs Noble
and Wills. Mr Noble has finally decided to hang up his chalk after
dedicating 29 years to the Westlake’s Mathematics Department.
We wish you the very best as you embark on your next journey. Mr
Wills has matured into a fine teacher during his two years with us and
has done much to develop ICT and Statistics in the department and
across the school. We wish him well.
It was with mixed feelings that we congratulated Mrs Houzet on her
appointment to the Deans team earlier this year. We thank her for
her unwavering support and the touch of class she brought to her
role as 2IC. A well-deserved congratulations to our new 2IC, Ms
O’Gram, we look forward to what she has to offer our department
and our students. We have been very fortunate to welcome Mrs
Cecilia Gouws to the team and have all been astounded by her
positive approach to everything – we congratulate you on your
appointment as acting NCEA-Coordinator. A hearty thanks to Mr
Ellis, Mr Jamieson and Mrs Wiseman for stepping in to help the
department with timetabled classes. Their expertise, experience and
Staff of the Mathematics Department.
We were a little disappointed with the drop in Scholarships from 21
to 18 and have set a goal of 25 Scholarships in Mathematics and
Statistics for 2014. I would like to thank Mrs Van den Heuvel, Mr
Nobel, Mr Wills and Mrs Clarke for the extra work and programs they
have put in place this year to ensure our top students work towards
this goal.
Congratulations to our two junior Mathex teams who both in finished
5th and 11th (out of 100 teams) in the greater Auckland Competition.
A number of our students also had great success nationally and
internationally in the various Olympiads this year: George Han
(Silver Medal) and Peter Huxford represented NZ in the World Maths
Olympiad in South Africa; Robbie Agnew, Francis Thorp, Jun Hong
Lim and Winston Yao finished in the Top 30 across the country in the
Otago Maths Olympiad; and Peter Huxford gained a magnificent 3rd
place in the Eton Maths Olympiad.
A sincere thanks to our wonderful staff who are so dedicated,
committed and determined to provide the best possible
Mathematical experience for our students. It is a pleasure to work
in such a supportive and caring environment. We wish our students
well for their upcoming Finals and look forward to another set of
great results to be proud of.
Mr M Lee and Ms B O’Gram
patience have been a tremendous help to our department during
some very difficult times.
2013 saw another outstanding set of NCEA results – Level 1 provided
our best pass rate to date of 87.5%. It was encouraging to note the
increased number of Merit (38%) and Excellence (10%) grades our
students provided. At Level 2, I am pleased to report that we had a
fine improvement (82%) overall with a 31.4% and a staggering 10.9%
success rate at Merit and Excellence grades respectively. At Level 3
our Level 3 Calculus pass rate jumped to 84% (from 68%) – and our
Statistics pass rate to 77.4% from 74%.
Our Cambridge results continue to be very strong. We are particularly
proud of our 100% pass rate in IGCSE – third year in a row. A goal for
this year has been to identify and support our lower-end AS students. I
am happy to report that we increased our pass rate to 91.5% (up from
89.9%) and we also improved our failure rate from 10% to 8.5% - very
happy about this!! Our A2 students provided an impressive 98.4% pass
rate, up from 97.3% which included no less than a record 23 A* grades;
in fact 44.3% of the cohort scored an A grade or higher - incredible.
David Lee and Tom Donnelly-Chisholm talk Geometry.
The Media Department started off 2014 with a bang! 20
Scholarships! The boy’s hard-work, dedication and passion had
certainly paid off. With three ‘Outstanding’ Scholarship awards
and the news that Jack Meng had been awarded the top Media
Scholar of New Zealand, Miss Palmer couldn’t be more proud. These
achievements were truly exceptional accolades.
Media Studies students from years 10- 13 have been busy learning
about a vast array of interesting topics. Year 10 enjoyed learning
about the history of media, the superhero genre, marketing, New
Zealand representation and, of course, completing the film and
feature article practical assignments! For year 11 the horror genre
was definitely a thriller, along with a study of the Dark Knight and
the creation of some superb CSI films. Year 12 Media boys learnt
about the representation of Italian-Americans in the media, the war
genre and created some scarily good horror films! 13 Media Print and
Visual also worked hard in their senior year of media.
The Media Council continued to grow in 2014. This year the Media
Council consisted of 32 dedicated Media boys. Our Friday meetings
were a great chance to get together and discuss pressing issues
within the Media. But of course, the biggest task for the group was
organising the annual Oscars Night! The first step was to decide
on a theme. This year we thought that the idea of the big, bustling
city – New York - would be appropriate as the metropolitan city
environment is indeed synonymous with the fast paced nature
of the Media. As just like New York – the Media never sleeps! Our
Print Media specialists Miguel Errazo, James Brown and Andrew
Thompson designed the poster, tickets, programme and certificates
in line with this theme and our visual specialist Joe Canham created
a superb trailer advertising the event.
Winners at the Media Oscars.
Taylor Conod, Isaiah Lustre,
Finn Johansson and
Cameron Lloyd.
Sadly, this year we say goodbye to Richard Bright. Mr Bright has
been teaching at Westlake Boys High School for the past 15 years
and has been an integral part of the Media Department. His practical
skills, passion and knowledge have inspired many boys over the
years, and he will be sadly missed.
I look forward to another fantastic year of Media in 2015!
Miss A Palmer – HOD Media
Matt Bruce checks his footage for his
Year 10 Film Trailer Task.
Miss Palmer acknowledges the dedication of Jack Woodgate
and Joe Canham.
The night at the red carpet turned out to be a fantastic evening of
glitz and glamour. Students and parents came dressed to the nines,
and we really enjoyed the music from Westlake old boy Brendon
Thomas and the Vibes. Our celebrity guests Duncan Garner, Johnny
Givins and the Media and Design School made the event extra
special. Congratulations to all of the Oscar winners, your practical
work is high quality and inspiring.
Although the European Mega Tour was certainly the largest event in
Once again 5 of the 8 top awards at the KBB Festival were given to
our music calendar, there were so many other successes and stories
Westlake groups. The Westlake Symphony Orchestra gained a Gold
worth recalling.
award and the award for Best Performance of a New Zealand Work for
Each year the Westlake music departments run a series of annual camps
for our premier groups. This year Voicemale camp was held at Karakariki
Christian Camp, and featured an old-school Saturday night sing-along
around a campfire. To help save money for the European Tour, the 2014
Concert Band camp was held in the WBHS Auditorium; during the camp
weekend the venue was unrecognisable as boys built chair-forts and
pitched tents indoors to sleep in. Though 90% of each camp involves
intensive rehearsals and technique workshops, the remaining 10% is
filled by games, fear factor style challenges and lots and lots of eating.
Douglas Lilburn’s Overture: Aoteroa. The Westlake Big Band gained a
Gold award and the Best Performance of a New Zealand Work for Doug
Caldwell’s Coolin’ Off, made all the more noteworthy as it is the first time
in over 15 years that a Big Band with a female director (Hayley Barker)
has been invited to play in the KBB Gala Concert, and the first time the
Westlake Big Band has won the New Zealand work award. The Westlake
Concert Band also won Gold gaining a near perfect score of 99% and the
Westlake Chamber Orchestra gained a Gold award and the award for
the Most Outstanding Performance by a Chamber Orchestra and Best
Performance of a New Zealand Work and also the award for the Best
The music department is a place where any student at Westlake Boys can
Performance of a New Zealand Work for their rendition of Tiaho Mai by
have music lessons on an instrument of their choice. Group or individual
Westlake old boy Alex Taylor. Our other entries in the festival, Camerata,
lessons, each lasting half an hour, are run on various days throughout
Symphonic Band, Taharoto Orchestra and Stage Band received either
the week. In total there are 13 different part-time music teaching staff
Silver or Bronze awards. Conchordia, our junior string orchestra, also
who work hard each week to raise the standard of instrumental and vocal
participated in the fringe section of the festival.
music at the school. In 2014 we say goodbye to our long standing drum
teacher, Barry Young, who has worked at Westlake Boys for 20 years.
Barry has taught rhythm, fine motor skills, hand eye co-ordination, stick
technique and notation reading to musicians at Westlake Boys since
the 1990’s, and has in recent years played a major role in training the
Westlake Concert Band percussion section.
Our barbershop quartet Close Harmony (Oliver Fetherston, Thomas
Song, Arthur Close and Matthew Bennett) once again won the YSIH
Auckland Championship trophy. Momentum continued to improve
under the direction of former Head Boy Benjamin Tan, and participated
in the Auckland Regional Big Sing and the Westlake Gala Concert.
Voicemale was generously decorated at the Auckland regional Big
Sing competition, winning the “A-Capella” cup, for their performance
of the Korean folk song Arirang, the Best Single Item trophy for their
performance of “He Himene” by Christopher Marshall, and the Best
Recital by a Male Choir trophy for the second year running. They went
on to receive a silver award at the Big Sing National Finale and to win the
coveted Auahi Kore award for their performance of He Himene. To top it
all off, Choralation also won the Best Recital by a Mixed Choir at the Big
Sing regional festival, before going on to become the first choir to win the
platinum award five times at the national finale.
Westlake Concert Band, 2014 Most Outstanding
Concert Band at the KBB Festival
The annual clash of pop talents from Westlake Girls and Boys High
Schools was again in full view at the Westlake’s Got Talent Final.
This event is one of best attended of the year and was made even
more exciting this year with some very impressive lighting and sound
production from the WBHS sound crew. The standard at the WGT Final
was very high and in the end 1st place was awarded to violinist Ray Ong –
violinist in year 13.
Mr W Robinson – HOD Music
Ben Webster busting out a solo with the Westlake Big Band at
the KBB Gala Concert.
Barbershop Close Harmony
Matthew Bennett, Thomas Song, Oliver Fetherston, Arthur Close
Big band
Back Row: Nick Curry, Ben Partridge, Roykhien Wanglert, Benjamin Webster
2nd Row: Julia Wiener, Varun Giridharan, Max Bensley, Ross Ter Braak, Taylor
Sussex, Henry Li, Shunji Takano, Miss H Barker (Teacher)
Front Row: Michelle Wang, Zahira Ali-Champion, Delaney Lush, Esther Simpson,
Sarah Fox, Annie Ma, Caitlin Evans
concert band
Back Row: Henry Close, Bryan Lin, Mohan Cao, Jun Lee, John Yi, Eden Li
2nd Row: Arthur Close, Daniel Lee, George Wang, Roy Yang, Matthew Bennett,
Benedict Tan, Mr W Robinson (Conductor)
Front Row: Joseph Kim, William Hung, Ji Reh Yoo, Oliver Fetherston,
Paul Weichselbaum, Hao Jia Tan, Thomas Song, Kevin Lee
Back Row:
Otto Anukarnsakulchularp, Henry
Close, Ji Chang Hwang, Ben Partridge,
Edward Zhang, Joseph Kim, Varun
Giridharan, Eric Lee, Longee Guo,
Shunji Takano, Sean Yang, Roykhien
3rd Row:
Samuel Yang, Hubert Lao, Anthony
Ji, Max Bensley, Thornton Townsend,
Tony Liu, Ross Ter Braak, Campbell
Wang, Taylor Sussex, Luke Jennings,
Callum Post, Josh Webster, Henry Li,
Andrew Lee, Daniel Yim
2nd Row:
Riley Cahill, Selina Cheng, Cecilia
Lao, Purnna Jin, Centaine Townsend,
Michelle Wang, Zahira Ali-Champion,
Sarah Fox, Julia Wiener, Delaney Lush,
Esther Simpson, Emily Chan, Annie
Ma, Caitlan Evans, Mr W Robinson
Front Row: Amanda Yap, Arthur Close, Su-In
Jeong, Nick Curry, Charis Woon,
Jerry Shen, Veronica Lush, Benett
Tan, Yune-Sang Yune, Gautam
Pathumanithy, Angela Sun, Benjamin
Webster, Louise Hwang, Rafi Baboe,
Clara Lui
momentum choir
Back Row: Andy Kim, Juancho Soriano, Paul Quizo, Joshua Tan
3rd Row:
Dhilesh Vasan, Jonathan Lau, Jimmy Chen, Joseph Sajjaphanroj,
Shaninka Perera
2nd Row: Benett Tan, Pui Lai To, Ben Ko, Carl Liu, Jake Junior Joaquin,
Miss L Beattie
Front Row: Kevin Chen, Tobias Asti, Abram Mathew, Francis Thorpe, Tony Guo
stage band
Back Row: Jordan Kim, Alfred Kim, Nick Curry,
Jesh Sebaratnam
2nd Row: Corbin Cantell, Andrew Clark-Howard,
Cameron Ellett, Jonathan McConchie,
Varun Giridharan, Jin Lim, Miss H
Barker (Teacher)
Front Row: Nic Knowles, Azarish Ali, Daniel
Lough, Shunji Takano, Leon Le,
Byung-Joe Kim, Rafi Baboe
Peter An, John Lee
symphonic band
Back Row: Jordan Kim, Nick Curry, Byung-Joe
Kim, Gautam Pathumanithy, Alex Mei,
Je Huang, Otto Anukarnsakulchularp,
Daniel Paek
4th Row:
Benedict Tan, Daniel Lough, Shunji
Takano, Jerry Shen, Leon Le, Longee
Guo, Joseph Kang, Ian Chen, Sam
Nicholson, Jonathan Lau, Kevin Kim
3rd Row:
Azarish Ali, Arthur Close, Tianren
Shen, Jun Kim, Varun Giridharan,
Samuel Yang, Daniel Yim, Byung Chan
Kim, Edward Zhang, Charlie Im,
Sean Yang
2nd Row:
Riley Cahill, Andrew Clark-Howard,
Jonathan McConchie, Carl Liu, Dom
Park, Taylor Sussex, Jonathan Wang,
Campbell Wang, Luke Jennings,
Anthony Ji, Hubert Lao, Miss H Barker
Front Row: Blake Scanlen, Henry Close, Nic
Knowles, Benett Tan, Earl Nodalo,
Alex Im, Alfred Kim, Warakorn
Jetlohasiri, Benjamin Webster, Jesh
Sebaratnam, Rafi Baboe
voicemale choir
Back Row: Mohan Cao, David Lin, Ian Chen,
Benedict Tan, Matthew Bennett, Jae
Ho Shin, Azarish Ali, Isaiah Lustre,
Jae-Hoon Yoo, Sam Nicholson,
Gautam Pathumanithy, Thomas Nell
5th Row:
Matt Lagos, Edward Zhang, Jun Kim,
Matthew Van Orton, Thomas Song,
Riley Cahill, Joseph Lee, Nicol Lin,
Danny Jeong, Aidan Elliot, Gun Woo
Song, Jeffrey Choy
4th Row:
Benett Tan, Chang Guen Choi, Dylan
Carlyle, Daniel You, Jacob Siermans,
Anthony Ji, Oliver Fetherston, Dom
Park, Blake Nicholson, Hubert Lao,
Ernest Quimba, Samuel Yang,
Chris Min
3rd Row:
Max Bensley, Dylan Somerville, Isaac
Lee, Phillip Fan, Jayden King, Sam
Love, Ross Ter Braak, Callum Post,
Paul Weichselbaum, Carl Razon
2nd Row: Caleb Nell, Blake Scanlen, Matthew
Lough, Matt Bruce, Nic Knowles, Nick
Curry, Henry Close, Jesh Sebaratnam,
Brian Jiang, Mr D Squire
Front Row: Charlie Im, Leon Li, Daniel Lough,
Chris Hong, Jordan Te Aukura,
Michael Lough, Daniel Lee, Michael
Oentardi, Tiger Li, Arthur Close,
Kangseok Lee
Preparing to paddle from Albany to Riverhead
Corey Annandale, Scott Meiklejohn, Thomas
Patrick and Matthew Connew.
Outdoor Education
The 12OEM students started the year off with SCUBA Diving and gained
their PADI open water and underwater naturalist certifications. We had
mentally, emotionally and physically to the limit for 48 hours.
The 13OEM students struck it lucky on their Advanced Diver trip to
the Bay of Islands. They scored 15m visibility on their deep dive on
the HMS Canterbury wreck, which was an outstanding experience.
a busy schedule working with the Dive Centre fitting in the pool sessions
Two boys managed the famous Titanic pose on the bow of the wreck
and the weekend open water dive trips for three classes. The students
26m underwater.
loved the new experience and exploring the underwater realm. Several
The 13OEM students did a great job and stepped up their leadership and
boys went on the hunt for Crayfish but came back with planks of wood,
old masks, golf balls and rusty fishing rods.
organisational skills helping run the 12OEM Sea Kayak trips. Many of
the students worked hard to gain their Boat Master qualification worth
The 12OEM students have also gained their Day Skippers qualification,
a massive 16 credits. The 13OED students were given the same task
learning valuable Seamanship skills if they are to continue Diving and
of organising and help run the Adventure race for the 12OED students;
Boating. The boys put the qualification into practice when they went on
many of them were on a steep learning curve and they got to see first-
their overnight Sea Kayak expedition. With stunning weather on the first
hand how much work goes on behind the scenes to make such an event
trip one class managed to get all the way out to Home Bay on Motutapu
happen and how quickly things can change.
Island, camp the night and with a tail wind on the way home, sailed back
to Mission Bay. Less than ideal weather on the other trips forced us
to stay closer to land and venture around the Mahurangi Harbour and
Wenderholm regional parks.
The 12OED students started the year scaling vertical and beyond
vertical walls at the Birkenhead Leisure Centre, learning the ropes of
Rock Climbing. We ventured down to South Waikato to Wharepapa to
chance our arms at climbing on real rock. This is always a highlight of
the year and provides great challenges for the boys.
tasked to Lead Climbing. This is a big step up from Top Roping in year 12.
The students had to focus on their partners, be very vigilant about safety
and really back their climbing ability. It was pleasing to see them progress
and improve. Both 13OEM and 13OED students also went on the famous
Survival Camp to the Coromandel where the students have to build their
own shelters, ration the food they are given, make animal traps, and light
fires. When the boys had some spare time they were tasked to foraging
for more food. Students made their own fishing lines from their survival
The annual pilgrimage down to Waitomo to head underground for a
couple of days was again a highlight for the boys. We are privileged to
have Kieran McKay, New Zealand’s Cave expert and explorer work with
us for this trip. He is a wealth of knowledge and is truly passionate about
Caving. His enthusiasm and tenacity rubs off on the boys and they
thrived on the challenges the Caves offer.
kits - with limited success, dived for mussels and oysters and chased wild
Turkeys! This year the boys managed to chase down several Turkeys.
However we told them, whatever they catch they must eat. We had
three turkeys on a rotisserie we made over an open fire – this was an
impressive to sight and the students were stoked to eat something they
had caught with their own hands.
This year we also ran the inaugural Westlake Adventure Race. This
was a large undertaking for the staff to organise and in hindsight was
pitched a little too high for the boy’s abilities. The students were pushed
Deep underground in Waitomo, Steven Yan and
Patt Phungsoonthorn.
Many of the 13OED boys were put out of their comfort zone as they were
Onwards and Upwards for 2015.
Mr W Gage-Brown – HOD Outdoor Education
Descending to the Canterbury Wreck, Bay of Islands with Tony Rodokal,
Michael Coetzer, Clayton Floyd, Tom De Jonge and Ollie Gardiner.
Tyler Reidy - "I'll put it back miss!"
Outdoor Pursuits Centre
During the last week of Term Four 2013 students yet again boarded
in pursuits such as Caving and Mountaineering followed by an
the bus to head down to Tongariro National Park for four days of
overnight in the bush. By this stage the rain was pouring down
outdoor activities, at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre.
in typical Central North Island fashion and students were now in
The OPC Leadership Camp takes place at the end of each year. It
gives 6th Form students the chance to develop their leadership skills
A 4am wake up call followed by a tramp back to civilization,
in a challenging environment, while making new friends and stepping
surprisingly accompanied by smiles from the boys, saw the end to a
outside their comfort zone.
great trip. Needless to say it was a very quiet bus ride home.
This time around saw the attendance of 70 students, 40 of which
The positive experiences these students had plus the friendships
had been nominated as prefects for 2014, the other 30 came to push
they have made along the way is now evident in the interactions they
themselves and learn new skills along the way.
The week was kind to the students to begin with. The first two days
were filled with sunshine and team building activities, high ropes
and navigation that enabled the students to become familiar with
each other. Once that hurdle was crossed things became a little
more challenging. The students spent a day pushing themselves
Matthew Roets on the trapeze high ropes.
survival mode.
Miss Marriott
and Jordan
have with each other. They all hold a smile and grin knowing that
they made it; they survived the 2013 OPC Leadership Camp.
Thanks to the fantastic staff team of Mr Glen, Mr Sullivan, Mr GageBrown, Miss Marriott, Miss McLeod and Miss Leighton who helped
make this trip a success once again.
Miss S Belcher – TIC OPC
Miss Leighton’s group about to embark on their team building exercise against the rapids.
Peer Tutors of 2014.
Peer Tutoring
student every Tuesday morning. The scheme, once again, was very
successful and was met with praise from tutors and tutees alike.
2014 was also the first year that the Academic Council organized an
For the past 7 years, the Academic Council has helped improve the
online Silent Auction. Evolving out of Quiz Nights held by the council in
learning environment of all students at Westlake, especially those who are
previous years, the silent auction was created in order to help subsidise
struggling with their studies. 2014 was an excellent year for the council,
the tuition costs of students who attended Term Three revision courses
which saw the continuation of previously run schemes and new initiatives.
and were unable to afford the cost of tuition. The auction was a huge
The council in 2014 was composed of Liam Rawlings, George Han, Caleb
success, running over the course of two weeks and raising over $700.
Gemmell, Dwight Nicholas, Rafi Baboe, Winston Yao, Daniel Lee, Michael
As with any success story, the council would have been completely lost
Lough, Daniel Lough, David Lin, Alex Jeen and Matthew Bilton who, as
without the continual support we received. A huge thanks goes out to
Academic Captain in 2014, led the council.
Mrs Mills who tirelessly worked with the council on the study breakfast
One of the council’s largest initiatives this year was the annual Study
Breakfast. Held over the course of eight weeks, the breakfasts provided
about 40 3rd form students who were identified as needing help with
their studies with a hot breakfast and one-on-one tuition with a senior
and silent auction, to Mr McWilliams who helped the council secure
prizes for the silent auctions and to all the other wonderful assistants
who helped us during the study breakfasts.
Matthew Bilton and Liam Rawlings
Kevan Leadbetter talks with Zae Wallace.
peer mentoring
The Student and Peer Mentoring programmes continue to be an
important part of the school’s pastoral commitment to our students.
Once again we owe a huge debt of thanks to the mentors, including
teachers at the school, Old Boys, and volunteers from the
community, who generously give their time on a voluntary basis to
improvements in effort, attainment, personal and social skills,
confidence and behaviour. Students enjoy and benefit from the
experience, and feedback from mentors is that they too have found
being part of the scheme personally rewarding.
We also have a group of Year 13 Students who are Peer Mentors to
some of our Year 9 and 10 students. Not only do the younger students
gain the same benefits from having a mentor, but the senior students
have the opportunity to develop their interpersonal and leadership
skills during the process, which is invaluable to them in future life.
support our students.
New mentors are always welcome and full training and regular
support is given.
Mentors guide, support and encourage students, leading to
Mrs D Hipkins and Mrs B Sutherland
Mr Butler's Year 10 Class with their
best Usain Bolt impression.
It has been another year of change for the Physical Education
Department. At the start of the year we welcomed Mr Gary Francis
into the department as a part time staff member. Gary’s specialism
was in swimming and in particular coaching Paralympic swimmers.
Unfortunately for Westlake, but excellent for Gary he was offered the
position of NZ High Performance Director of Paralympic Swimmers. It
was a dream job he couldn’t turn down and so we wished Gary all the
best at the start of Term Three. To make matters even more interesting
in the Physical Education Department, Mr Strydom was promoted to
HOD of Learner Support. This left a hole in the PE Department and
thankfully our old friend Mr McKerrow answered an SOS and filled in the
gaps left by Gary and Mr Strydom.
The main area of focus that started last was to achieve Physical
Education Scholarships and under the excellent tutorage of Mr Butler
the boys managed 6 Scholarships. The second area of focus was
to change the assessments. This has been tough on both staff and
pupils but the overall results so far have been positive. We are still
trying to encourage more students to bring in their own devices and
shall continue driving this throughout next year. Our final focus is the
physical wellbeing of many pupils in the senior school. As Physical
Education is no longer compulsory after Year 9 we worry our boys are
not physically active enough but we have plans to change this and hope
we can!
Mr C Meredith - HOF Physical and Health Education
More recently two of our young and energetic staff members decided it
was time for their OE. Mr Dale and Mr Glen are heading overseas. Both
staff members have taught extremely well and have put in many extra
hours for Hockey, Football and Cricket. It’ll be a strange next year but
we look forward to hopefully seeing at Westlake again after their travels.
Luckily for the Department we will have Old Boy and Cricket/Football
Coach Andrew Cowell. Mr Cowell has worked in the Department on and
off since he left school and now he is a fully qualified Teacher. He will be
a great asset to the Department and School.
More good news was announced during the year that the new gym is
going ahead. This started in October and will continue until winter next
year. On top of this, the Headmaster managed to secure funding to turn
our number 2 Football pitch into an artificial Football turf.
Mr Meredith's Year 9 Class protect the 'Tupu' in a game of Ki O Rahi.
Jackson Tu'inukuafe and Winston Yao apply their
sport science knowledge to the shot put.
Andre Jackson completes the Level
2 assault course.
Steven Yoo in his Biology Practical,
measuring with a syringe in an
experiment with yeast.
Congratulations were in order at the beginning of this year as the
of a new course, Level 2 General Science, taught by Mr Simon van
Science Faculty celebrated another set of outstanding results
Rossen, which has proven to be very popular.
obtained by our students in 2013. Over the summer break two
of our talented young science students, Jeffrey Choi and Albert
Chan, attended the 24th annual Rotary National Science and
Technology forum. They spent 14 days with other Year 12 students
from all across New Zealand and the Pacific Islands, working
Joining us from Rangitoto College in Term One was Ms Pevreal, and
in Term Three, Miss Chorley from Aorere College. I am very pleased
to welcome them both into the Science team. Some staff were also
kept busy in 2014 with the arrival of three gorgeous babies, sired by
in laboratories and field stations in Universities and research
Messrs Brown, Burnett and McWilliams.
companies across Auckland.
To conclude I must mention the dedication of our team of
During 2014, a record eleven Year 12 students were accepted
Technicians for another successful year of preparation and
into the New Zealand International Biology Olympiad training
purchasing, issuing and returning, mixing and washing up, without
programme, and six students into the Chemistry Olympiad training
whom the Faculty could not operate. To the Science faculty staff,
programme organised by Dr Tim Holden and Mr Jonathon Webster
thank you for sharing your talents and endless enthusiasm with your
respectively. Our junior students took part in the Education Perfect
students, and for being such great people to work with.
Science Championship, an online Science competition where
students had to answer a range of questions correctly to gain points.
I’m pleased to announce our first effort in this competition saw our
students gain third place in Auckland, and fourth out of 33 schools
in our category across Australasia. 2014 also saw the introduction
Oliver Wu working hard in a Chemistry Practical.
I wish our students all the best for their exams, and the Science
Faculty looks forward to another enjoyable, successful and inquiring
year in 2015.
Mr M Russell - HOF Science
Daniel Psaila during his Biology Practical.
Kaiwei Wu in his Physics Practical, timing a cup falling through water.
It has been a busy 2014 in the Social Sciences Faculty. We started
through Takapuna. This was very successful and allowed for study in
the year with some great results across our NCEA and CIE
the local environment. For AS Geography we had a new trip to visit
courses, especially with IGCSE Geography and History as the
the Waitomo Caves for a study of the limestone environments, plus
top two subjects in the school. Our Scholarship results were also
we couldn’t miss the opportunity for a little black water rafting. Next
exceptional with 23 scholarships, 8 in Art History, 7 in Classics, 6
year we have a trip to Hawaii to look at a wide range of geographical
with History and 2 for Geography, two of which were outstanding.
topics from Tourism to Volcanicity.
We also welcomed Mr Clarke who joined us as part of the Geography
It is with sadness that we bid farewell to Ms Harland as she moves on
Department in January.
to a new chapter in her life after dedicating seven years to teaching
We introduced Senior Social Studies at Level 3 this year, which has
at Westlake. Her passion for Art History and Classics has inspired
run with two classes looking at a variety of really interesting topics
her students to develop a great interest for the subject and has also
such as writing proposals for a new policy/course in the school’s
‘stoked the fire’ for many to continue on with their studies after 7th
curriculum to looking at gun culture in the USA. The new CIE History
Form. As a faculty we will really miss her and wish her all the best for
course at AS level has also been successful and continues into a new
the future.
A2 course next year.
I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of the
As a faculty we have continued to offer great opportunities to the
boys for education outside the classroom, with a range of field trips
across our courses. In Geography we changed the focus of the Level
1 research, which now looks at variations in climate along a transect
Denzel Foley, Louis Simpson, Chris Simpson, Nick Burt, Jason Handley and
Corban Wedlock-Aston with their Trench Model.
Patrick Chambers enjoying
Black Water Rafting on an AS
Geography Trip
faculty for their hard work and dedication to their students. Within
the faculty we have a wide range of gifted teachers who encourage
their students to think critically and achieve their potential.
Mr J Foden – HOF Social Sciences
Miss Leighton's Year 10 Social Studies Class preparing for their Common
Assessment Task.
Year 9 Student Quinn Klijn with his
Carbon Cycle Model.
5x World Hockey player of the year and
Olympic Champion Jamie Dwyer helps the
Hockey Institute.
The Sports Institute programme, led by an exceptional staff, has
skills and most importantly to support each other. This has indeed
continued to challenge our young sportsman to perform. 2014 has
created a most healthy environment to ensure our young men are
again seen our junior Football, Rugby, Basketball, Hockey and Cricket
provided with the opportunities to reach their potential.
teams take on and beat the best across Auckland and NZ. Our junior
Hockey side won the Tanner Cup the top junior Hockey tournament in
NZ, the junior Basketball side triumphed in the North Island, our U15
rugby team were runners up in the Hurricanes Rugby Tournament the
U13 and U14 football sides are Auckland Champions.
In football Callum McCowatt played for the 1st XI and Clarke Foulds
represented Oceania in the Nike Cup in Manchester. In rugby the
North Harbour age group sides had a number of our boys in their
representative teams. It was pleasing to see Leon Thambarin play 1st
XV rugby straight out of our Form 4
te programme. The Hockey
Our strength and conditioning programme has continued to develop
with the ADA staff building on the work set up over the last 3 years. It
is indeed pleasing to see those students, who have worked accurately
in the gym, progress. The individual programmes established for most
of our students will see these boys be fitter, faster and stronger in the
years ahead. I am delighted that Mr Fraser Brown has been appointed
full time next year as fitness centre manager. His work this year has
added to the programme.
It has been another great year working alongside quality staff and
group were given a great opportunity when Jamie Dwyer the world’s
watching our young men develop as sportsmen and also as the future
best hockey player ran a coaching session with our Sports Institute
leaders of the school.
class here at school. It was a great experience with all the group getting
a chance to perform against Australia’s best hockey player.
Within the programme itself our staff coaches have worked hard on the
basic skills and continued to extend our young sportsman to perform
to their highest ability. The “coaches club,” formed last year, has seen
all coaches across the institute meet regularly to share coaching ideas,
“There maybe people that have more talent than you but there’s no
excuse for anyone to work harder than you” NY Yankee Baseball player
Derek Jeter
I look forward to another successful year in 2015.
Mr R Taylor – Director of Sport
Sports Institute Football mix with the Tongan National Teams at the
end of an excellent series of games.
Westlake Sports Institute Football compete
for the ball in the air against Tonga U15.
Sam Cato in the Workshop with his Teacher Mr Rein.
This year marks the end of an era. We are saying goodbye to Mr Rein who has taught Technology and Science here at Westlake for the last twenty
years. He has made an invaluable contribution to the Faculty not only in the classroom but also with his dedication to Vex Robotics and the ever
popular Hobbies Club. He will be sorely missed by both staff and students alike and we all wish him a long and happy retirement.
Mr C Clark – HOF Technology
Food Technology
Year 11 Students Yekang Kwon
and Junlin Qiu making Bagels.
Food Technology is a popular subject amongst the boys at Westlake, and is
recognised as a University Entrance subject. The subject also continues to grow in
popularity. In 2012 we had just over 180 boys choosing to take Food Technology;
we now have an enrolment of just under 300 boys for 2015. In Year 10 the boys
learn basic food skills and become familiar with working in a commercial kitchen.
Continuing on into their senior years they start the development of their own
products and understanding the science behind food. The boys are learning
lifelong skills whilst enjoying a hands-on, very stimulating subject, producing dishes
they can be proud of.
Ms B Trotman – HOD Food Technology
Design and Visual
Bujith Munasinghe and Wency Santos in the Workshop.
This has been a busy year with the Year 13 class designing baches out of two
shipping containers and Year 12 designing tree houses. We have two Year 11
classes designing a coffee shop for their NCEA folders and the Cambridge students
are a talented group who have been designing all sorts of different products. In
the Junior school we have four classes at Year 10. These students had a project
designing a sleep out for a site on the caretakers back lawn and there was a varied
array of designs.
Mr P Tisdall – HOD Design Visual Communication
Luca Te Rito in Year 12 Technology.
Kazaf Tse and SuSeong Kim provided
a wonderful Barista service.
SuSeong Kim, Trent Maxted and
Harry Davies at the NZ Culinary Salon
National Competition.
Jay Salvador and Tanawat
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, rau rangatira mā,
Westlake at the North Shore Schools
Matariki Kapa Haka Festival held at
Westlake Boys.
Senior Te Reo students at work. Isaac Gibbons, Finn Tito
and Mitchell Daniels.
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa
It was another fantastic year for the Māori Students at Westlake 2014.
As has become custom, a pōwhiri (welcome) was held for all new
students and staff. Jayden King spoke on behalf of the school, and
Jackson Birdsall spoke on behalf of the new students and staff.
Jayden King and Danyon Morgan-Puterangi were prefects who gave
outstanding service to the school and for the fourth year running
all Houses were led by Māori boys. Congratulations to Jayden King
and Pupuke House who won this year’s competition.
For the 5th year running; the Senior Māori XV played Hato Petera
College, and again retained the Burley Cup. For the third year
running, a Junior Māori XV played for the Te Wano Cup. For the first
time Westlake won. An addition to this year’s competition was a
basketball cup, played for by a Senior Māori open team. This was
won by Westlake. Overall, a clean sweep by Westlake. Ngā mihi ki te
whānau o Hato Petera!
Students at Omahu Marae in Napier, during the trip to
Nga Manu Korero.
Another highlight of the year was when Jayden King represented
Westlake at the Auckland Ngā Manu Kōrero speech competitions
and placed 1st in the Senior English section. This qualified him to
attend the National competition held in Napier. A strong contingent
accompanied Jayden, who spoke very well, and was well received
by the audience. Congratulations Jayden!
2014 also gave us the inaugural achievement night which was held
to acknowledge the successes of Māori boys in 2014. Families and
friends attended to acknowledge the great achievements of some
of our boys and the evening was a great success.
Mr Te Wano with Year 9 Te Reo Maori Students.
Thanks to all the boys, whānau, and friends of the school for their
support in 2014. Well wishes also to all our Māori boys leaving
Westlake. Mā te Atua koutou e manaaki, e tīaki,
Na Matua H Te Wano - HOD Maori
Stefan Baumgartner, Thomas Taylor,
Harry Davies and Jack Benbow.
Anxious to put the 2013 House Competition behind them, the Junior’s
One of the highlights of the year has been the honouring of Dr
gave Hood the best possible start by putting us in front by one point
John Hood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list as Westlake
after winning the Reading Challenge and the Tug Of War. In February
Boys’ first Knight of the realm. Furthermore, our 2014 House
however, Hood struggled once again in the Haka Competition and
Captain Jacob Seirmans was able to meet and present to Sir
was lucky to come fifth. Those that went to the Swimming Sports
Hood a specially made Hood House tie, while he briefly visited
faired a little better and as a House we came a credible third. With
an even spread of athletes among the Houses the School Athletics
the school.
day promised to be a close contest. With a strong showing in the
After the Term Three exams, the lunchtime sports, Debating
Intermediate grade from Anthony Kouch and Anthony Nobilo, and then
and the General Knowledge Quiz were the last activities in the
enough athletes in the finals, Hood were victorious.
competition. The ‘Boys from the Hood’ attended and participated
The last big event of the Term was the Cross Country, an event that
Hood traditionally struggle in. However, thanks to a strong group of
Senior runners such as Finn Mason and Louis Abplanalp, Hood won
the Cross Country for the first time. These victories, and a reasonable
showing in the Term Two Maths Competition, gave Hood House a
strong lead going into the final lunchtime activities at the end of Term
well enough to hold on and win a 4th House Competition. More
importantly though they will now be able to join those, who have
worn the maroon T-shirt before them, in honouring the name of
Sir John Hood. The new challenge now is for the Hood House of
2015 to start again and maintain the tradition.
Mr J McIntyre – House Leader
Anthony Nobilo, Jack Anderson and Anthony Kouch
sprint for Hood at Athletics Day.
Finn Mason in the Senior Cross Country Race.
Tupe Haku leads Hood House in the Haka.
hood 1
Rear Row: Carl Kirstein, Tymon Porter, Danny Jeong, Josh An, Jacob Urquhart-Waitai, Yilhwan Jung
Row 3: Daniel Randall, Louis Brabant, Dylan Tuddenham, Tom Bradfield, Alexander Peagram, Louis Abplanalp, Jeremy Qu
Row 2: Aden Zhang, Hagen Schickedanz, Dorian Popovich, Tom Newland, Jake Thompson, Scott Telfer, Michael Li, Mr D. Wedderburn (Teacher)
Front Row: Callum Banks, Jerald Guillermo, Shunji Takano, Zane Carbines, Cameron Notton, Jien Lim, Batu Yazici
Absent: Kyle Bond, Bhunyapat Pongpobpaibool, Oliver Moffitt, Aditya Patel
hood 2
Rear Row: Kadon Seidel, Joel Remigio, Aaron Capill, James Keeley
Row 3: Baoji Lu, Logan McDougall, Chris Julian Edwin Quizo, Carl Zhang, Jaydon Maire, Joe Angus, Samar Singh
Row 2: Rae Courtenay, Jack Anderson, Hongming Yan, Declan Barbarich, Jake Welch, Simon Lao, Miss H Na (Teacher)
Front Row: Amir Saranj, Paul Kim, Hayden Bell, Jay Adams, Mitchell Watts, Fine Inisi, Edward Zhang
Absent: Jasper Burchardt, Pierre Harrison, Alexander Iles-Nyberg, Wilson Longhurst, Michael Vete, Roykhien Wanglert, Peter Hu
hood 3
Rear Row: Mark Ventura, Yiwei Song, Jake Junior Joaquin, Peter Xie, Yichi Zhang
Row 3: Ollie Jones, Jack Huang, Jayden Hogg, William Abraham, Jackie Li, Sepeti Funaki, Bujith Munasinghe, Daniel Pushenko
Row 2: Joshua Storm, Matt Peagram, Aidan Scott, Ryan Hiskens, Robbie Blount, Seb Parker, Chris Casey, Miss N Marriott (Teacher)
Front Row: Gene Offwood, Hao Kang, Harry Kim, Kalani Partridge-Fruean, Sam Wallis, Luke Scott, Jake Wise
Absent: Dash An, Riley Miller, Caleb Nell, Jeman Park, Jiaming Chen, Brendan Herbst, Connor Hutchison, Bailey Moffitt, Jacob Wu
hood 4
Rear Row: Taran Young, Luke Ranson, Jack Oh, Ibrahim Khattab Alani, Roy Johansson
Row 3: Olly Watts, Jesse Buskin, Liam Sheils, Chen Zhong, Cameron Hey, Derek Choi, William Meng
Row 2: Blair Duan, Kazaf Tse, Angus Shotter, Riley Martin, Sean Vete, Raymond Kim, Anmol Thapar, Dr. T. Holden (Teacher)
Front Row: Simon Su, Josh Young, Thomas Taylor, Hamish Casey, Eshil Singh, Dominic Porter, Michael Agno
Absent: Jason Handley, Aly Refaat, Thomas Ross, Ma'afu Taungakava, Josh Webster, James Wilson
hood 5
Rear Row: Toma Takahashi, Benjamin Webster, Trent McGregor, Kevin Zhao, Titan Suvannathat, Wilson Su
Row 3: Matthew White, Ben Ross, Thomas Goodin, Jordan Olivier, Sam Hudson, Adam Curlewis, Jimmy Wang
Row 2: Griffin Liang, Thomas Howe, Steve Park, Jordan Laing, James Wisniewski, Leon Thambiran, Mr C Solomons (Teacher)
Front Row: Tiger Li, Mohammed Al-Hilali, Damien Tao, Ollie Clarke, Dominic Sanicas, Oscar Ramsay, Humza Butt
Absent: Carlin Diver, Ji Chang Hwang, Angelo Munoz, Yichao Ruan, Jin Myung Seo, Joseph Taungakava
hood 6
Rear Row: John Lee, Hyunsang Lim, Seamus McCarthy, Cheye Chisholm, Alan Chen, Ji Sang Hwang
Row 3: Thomas Fyfe, Corbin Cantell, Wenjie Wu, Jarrod Wagg, Ethan Amos, Zhaoji Li, Daniel Dorward
Row 2: Chad Ockerse, Sam Parry, Anthony Kouch, Tyler Duffield, Simon Woods, Patt Phungsoonthorn, Eric Huang, Mr R Ryan (Teacher)
Front Row: Kaleb Boyce, Todd Milliken, Jack Benbow, Carl Liu, Finn McAteer, Chris Jeong, James Small
Absent: Brendan Bond, Finn Hansen, Danny Lee, Thomas Nell
hood 7
Rear Row: Jamie McDowell, Ben Kim, Hamish Bond, Max Cantell
Row 3: Andrew Oh, Ho Tung Wong, Donte Whimp, Louis Pablo, Griffin Shields
Row 2: Jimmy Luo, Patrick Morada, Matteo Brown, Hemi McCarthy, Lewis Jang, Asad Parwaiz, Mr P Andrews (Teacher)
Front Row: Ricky Liang, Sid Mahajan, Jayden Whitelaw, Kanui Walker, James Trotman, Jordan Andreassen, Dylan Verdonkschot
Absent: Joe Benbow, Aaron Cordes, Matt Cross, Tupe Haku, Harry Hong, William Hung, Toby Major, Ray Ong, Rene Owen, Benedict Tan, Matt Farmilo, Patrick Movada
hood 8
Rear Row: Kenton Wong, Sean Yang, David Lee, Anthony Nobilo, Campbell Jordan, Bradley Cain, Rafa Yam, Dylan Whale
Row 3: Eric Lee, Ben Steele, Patrick Dyke, Chris Hagan, Finn Mason, Logan Rainey, Eric Park
Row 2: Santiago Munevar Aquite, Ryan Lim, Moses Leo, Quinn Trethewey, Sam Reese, Ben Angus, Samuel Li, Mr H McKerrow (Teacher)
Front Row: Jack Osborne-Tueton, Ilham Harahap, Jay Cho, Thomas Song, Andy Cao, Kent O'Dea, Bill Song
Absent: Samuel Bathan, Benett Tan, Robert Eliezar, Adam Watts, Osuka Weheragoda Arachchige
hood 9
Rear Row: Kevin Tan, Tyler Howarth, Joshua Aschebrock, Sarel Labuschagne, Jayden Brewer, Oliver Boyce, Jordan Kim
Row 3: Thomas Edwards, Kevin Liu, Jun Kim, Scott Prentice, Stephen Li, Daniel Yip, Calvin Feng
Row 2: Cain Nuttall, Andrew Cox, Matthew Randall, Mathew Barry, Thomas Cadell, Jonah Theyers, Cole Pake, Miss A Palmer (Teacher), Izac Han
Front Row: Ginho Choi, Jerry Wang, Gi Hyun Lee, Nathan Regal, Stefan Baumgartner, Harris Butt, Raven Valencia
Absent: Sam Hagan, Ricky Lai, Callum Post
hood 10
Rear Row: Johnny Cheng, Paul Quizo, Daniel Yang, Daniel Kim, Harry Griffin, Matthew Edwards, Kai Clauberg, Pierce Blomfield
Row 3: Jack Collinson, David Lin, Gareth Wallis, Aidan Phillips, Koya Yamada, William Li, Charlie Im
Row 2: Jay Pake, Adam Maxey-Morrison, Zach Newton-Cross, Hwan Yoo, Ben Western, Benxi Zhang, Daniel Russell, Dr. I. Burnett (Teacher)
Front Row: Taylor Sussex, Jadyn Dixon, Jacob Siermans, Alex Im, Mac Jordan, Tom Roberts, Aaron Kurte
Absent: Eugene Blankenbyl, Adyn Kettle, Trent Maxted, Kaleb Rona
hood 11
Rear Row: Ej Briones, Anthony Tan, Whan Jung, Cris Tan
Row 3: Udayan Basu, Saiga Otsubo, Anthony Dennis, Harry Davies, Marco Lammers, Sam Collinson, Vachiravit Sripiromya
Row 2: Trent McCarthy, Alex Yang, Philip Kang, Jack Ma, Vaughn Hamill, Ashraf Al-Tamimi, Henry Mitchell-Hibbert, Ms R Pevreal (Teacher)
Front Row: Enzo Fletcher, Dan Barrett, Max Bensley, Michael Coetzer, Brayden Print, Yousef Rashid, Keejon Sloan
Absent: Benjamin Callister, Alex Moore, Thornton Townsend, Alistair Wright, Jingwen Wu
hood 12
Rear Row: Joshua Briones, Ha Min Jang, Andrew Wickens, Benjamin Wong, Jamie Paul, Aiden Young
Row 3: Taylor Yang, Shaninke W M K Perera, Andrew Kim, Keegan Russell, Max Namkung, James Poole, Andrew Park
Row 2: Jarrod Hunt, Jesse Kim, Lotu Inisi, Boyi Zhao, Arun Strickland, David Xu, Jake Good, Miss J Park (Teacher)
Front Row: Daniel Young, Mitchell Fickling, Jakub Cwik, Paul Weichselbaum, David Scott, Joshua Tan, Jason Martelletti
Absent: J P Aucamp, Ian Blount, Max Lewis, MingYu Sun
2014 was always going to be a strong year for Pupuke. Captain
Brett Bakkerus began his leadership campaign as one of 12 Pupuke
prefects. Including senior prefects Matthew Bilton (Academic
Captain) Oliver Fetherston (Cultural Captain) and Sam Brotherton
(Sports Captain), it is the first time in the history of the House
Competition that a single house has performed a clean sweep of
these roles. Bakkerus’ leadership support grew as Mostafa Youssef
and Sam Sherriff were named prefects later in the year.
The Haka Competition was once again a highlight. Jayden King
choreographed a new formation, and was inspirational in leading
Pupuke to its third win in the event. Jake Konia was strong as deputy
leader, and it is pleasing to know that Pupuke leadership will be in his
safe hands next year.
Disappointing results in both Athletics and Swimming saw a drop to
fourth place by the end of the first term. However, a strong rebound
saw a fight back in the competition’s second half. Following the rebuild
it was rare to see Pupuke finish in the bottom three in any event.
Sports Captain Sam Brotherton at House Athletics.
The prefect team continued to produce strong performances later
in the year. Mathew Bilton once again ensured the House Debating
trophy was ours, while Sam Brotherton assembled an all-star team
for the Senior House Football. They went undefeated through the
round robin stages, but needed Uzoma Unamadu to do his best
‘Mario Gotze’ impression in the Final, smashing home the winning
goal just seconds before the game went to penalty kicks. Carl Razon
helped build for the future by captaining the volleyball team to
victory, using a team featuring many younger players. Pupuke will
miss the leadership of these three boys, who have given much to
their House during their 5 years wearing the mighty blue shirt.
For the third year in a row Pupuke surpassed the 200 point mark in
the House Competition, coming within a sniff of the Championship.
Although we farewell some outstanding leaders, we look forward to
seeing who will step up for Pupuke in 2015.
Mr K Jorgensen - House Leader
Matt Blackmore, Harley Kelly, Michael Booth, Harrison Bolton-Roberts,
Sam Brotherton, Callum Diprose, Keegan Kelly, Tim Hawes and Uzoma
Unamadu win House Football.
Arshia Moradi in the Year 9 Cross Country Race.
pupuke 1
Rear Row: Jin Han, Kenny Jung, Alex Dalum, Schup Cong, Yekang Kwon, Woojin Lee
Row 3: Cam Styles, Matthew Van Orton, Jonathan Ko, William Guntur, Russell Or, Mitchell Murphy, Blake de Nys
Row 2: Tremaine Meshach Ioane Zombos, Joel Curran, Scott Manion, Angus McKenzie, Callum Gilmour, David Waddell, Jonny Cui, Mr S O'Brien (Teacher)
Front Row: Dylan Hollick, Matthew Copeland, Andrew Kim, Zae Wallace, Samuel Brewis, Suchan Lee, Jasim Mohammed Sali
Absent: Sam Babb, Tom De Jonge, Jung Hyun Lee, Ethan Highet, Nathan Leslie, Cullen Beattie, Benet Kumeroa
pupuke 2
Rear Row: Harry Ye, Sean Kim, Jackson Rowe, Aidan Bonneau, Justin Raeburn, Eden Li, Blake Sunde, Darshil Patel
Row 3: Grierson Fox, Nathan Bilton, Brian Lee, Joshua Gower, James Maber, Sean McFadyen, Louis Mackessack
Row 2: David Zhang, Jerry Liu, Jake Konia, Ambrose Bennett-Burkhardt, Zhenxiang Xie, Jack Hall, Mrs C Walsh (Teacher)
Front Row: William O'Donnell, Harrison Bolton-Roberts, Lance Walsh, Bradley Leuila, Tom Chang, Tianyi Yu, Matthew Shepherd
Absent: Jakob Abery, Trey Lassen, Jeongmin Shin, Henry Matuku, Taiwei Zhang
pupuke 3
Rear Row: Quinn Sunde, Damin Lee, Connor Lowther-Smith, Max Broadhurst, Leo Li, Jeff Choi
Row 3: Bryan Lin, Andrew Hsu, Lachlan de Jonge, France'yen Siakisini-Lauaki, Daniel Negus, Cameron Lloyd, Callum Payne, David Xiao
Row 2: Martin Mendez, Aaron Wakely, Carl Bennett, Daniel O'Connor, Trent Ormsby, Liam McStay, Zach Huxford, Mr H Nola (Teacher)
Front Row: Ho Lun Cheung, Kang Hyun Lee, Jowis Lau, Ian Verdadero, Anthony Ji, Glen Hill-Rennie, Anthony Lim, Wang Lin Kim
Absent: Luis Corrales, Jim Quito, Luke Walker, Yiming Li
pupuke 4
Rear Row: Hao Jia, Jack Melville, Alex Divall, Ollie Burnett, Joshua Lloyd, Sipu Liu, Ramith Ediriweera Arachchige
Row 3: Matt Bullock, Tony Xiao, Chris Ho, Ernest Quimba, Connor Langley, WooJin Kim, Jacksyn Siakisini Lauaki, Mitchell Blackburn
Row 2: Ross Hill-Rennie, Daniel You, Mitch Hazelhurst, James Parkes, Wesley Healiss, Harry Collard, Tianrui Guan, Jack Askew,
Miss N Leighton (Teacher)
Front Row: Murray Stoute, Julian Orejana, Henry Morrison-Jones, Kangseok Lee, Dane Hohepa, Joshua Asi, Arnav Nair, Hadleigh Bickle
Absent: Connor Matthews
pupuke 5
Rear Row: Joel Litterick, Josh Bonsay, Harry Kim, Wency Santos, J P Rossouw, Daniel De Ramos, Juan Viana, Devansh Shah
Row 3: Zachary Lim, Tristan Morris, Harrison De Nys, Jackson Hobson, Ollie Banks, Connor O'Leary-Lodge, Callum Diprose
Row 2: Tim Wheeler, Abram Mathew, Michael Linggoputro, James Moors, Nick Francis, Daniel Binnie, Alexander Lochore-Ward, Mr R Paton (Teacher)
Front Row: Andrew Stanaway, Benjamin Cresswell, Stephen Summers, Sam Sherriff, Uzoma Unamadu, Ali O'Gram, Joshua Wyatt
Absent: Albert Chan, Nev Karan, Bronson Kelly, Ben Park, Stefan Wiig
pupuke 6
Rear Row: Minyong Shin, Bradlee Wong, David Qiu, Hao Jia Tan, lo Wa Leong, Chanapol Pattanapongpaibul
Row 3: Jun Hong Lim, Oskar Farwell, Jonathan McConchie, Leo Chen, William Harrison, Byung Chan Kim, Jarrod Leuila
Row 2: River Riini, Peter Huxford, Andy Yang, George Martin, Mostafa Youssef, David Ko, Mr P Davies (Teacher)
Front Row: Ryan Zent, Tom Donnelly-Chisholm, Sheldon Pretorius, Arthur Close, Anthony Chan, Simote Ta'ai, Charl Ulrich
Absent: James Banks, Albin Bengtsson, Kyle O'Brien, James Pearce, Peter Yoon, Oskar Farwell
pupuke 7
Rear Row: Terence Tahumar, Jesper Bengtsson, James Thornton, Raymond Sue
Row 3: Arshia Moradi, Jarod Scott, Sione Ta'ai, Brayden Allen, Chris Min, Aldrein Sepnio, Liam Higgins
Row 2: Shahid Dawad, Bruce Xiao, Jackson Munday, Corban Wedlock-Aston, Keegan Kelly, Jordan Morris, Luke Dewar, Ms T Groves (Teacher)
Front Row: Howard Guan, Jeongwoo Shin, Anaru Molving, Ethan Bartholomew, Jason King, Andy Paek, Jamie Shin
Absent: Ryan Black, Shaun Bowyer, Oliver Fetherston, George Han, Raygjon Hohepa, Mark Kim, Go Limwatthana, Got Limwatthana, Ahmad Mohammadi
pupuke 8
Rear Row: Blake Scanlen, Joshua Orejana, Max Rankine, Byung-Joe Kim, Jesse Kim, Jake Han
Row 3: Stuart Hofmeyr, Yea Kang Chu, Jinjie Wu, Liam Kennedy, Eliot Hayes, Bobbie Ware, Jafar Maash
Row 2: Jae Eon Lim, Cameron Gumbley, Joshua Zhang, Jarvis Jensen, Matt Blackmore, Kieran McCullough, Mr S. McWilliams (Teacher)
Front Row: Jack Wang, Benjamin Edwards, Jordan Wedlock-Aston, Matthew Bilton, Henrik Molving, Timothy Vaughan, Bill Zhao
Absent: Nauman Ahmed, Henry Close, Longee Guo, Josh Schaaf, Alex Xia, Samuel Harkin
pupuke 9
Rear Row: Pawan Deo, Matt Morrissey, Timmy Song, Charlie Ware
Row 3: Nabeel Ahmed, Dylan Boot, Sachin Chhiba, Charles Cruz, Jacob de Jonge, Campbell Henderson, Seth James
Row 2: Zak Noble, Qingshan Wang, Faris Abu-Obeid, Callum Blackburn, Tyler Beaman, Adrian Young, Mr B Emslie (Teacher)
Front Row: Ashton Howard, Jonathan Wang, Eugene Park, Brett Bakkerus, Ji Reh Yoo, Euan Grigor, Liam Wedlock-Aston
Absent: Tashreeq Brown, Cameron Hardy, Bailey Harkin, Timothy Hawes, Connor Kim, Harry Searle, Jack Woodgate, Dan Yoo, Fernando Avalos Oviedo
pupuke 10
Rear Row: Patrick Peou, Annan Chen, Ben Mitchell, Jason Gao, Finn Ramsay, Ben Partridge
Row 3: Felix Wierlemann, Hugo Evans, Khamis Shiblaq, Jack Harris, Michael Booth, Daniel Kim, Hugh Douglas
Row 2: Ethan Martin, Dean Bakkerus, Carl Razon, Benjamin Castle, Max Martin, Jonathan Wilton, Mrs M Thorpe (Teacher)
Front Row: Chris Simpson, Renato Ferrer, Luca Invernizzi, Daniel Lee, Albert Andrew, Adrian Demafilez, Dominic Bigsby
Absent: John David, Daniel Hoy, Pengda Huang, Tamaiti Marino, Steven Yoo
pupuke 11
Rear Row: Ardri McArthur, Lawrence Gao, Sam Murphy, Jack Cummings
Row 3: Harrison Piper, Thomas Applegath, Jake Leith, Bradley Aitchison, Aidan Elliot, Cameron Jones-Moore
Row 2: Kurt Russell, Tyler Housden, Scott Macky, Daniel Redpath, Jack Castle, Trent Butterworth, Dr. A Ho (Teacher)
Front Row: Raphael David, Shreyas Borgaonkar, Max Dalum, Sam Brotherton, Jackson Searle, Shi Xiong Tang, Kieran Tarrant
Absent: Liam Cole, Layne Colson, Joshua Hidalgo, Ju-Yeol Kim, Finn Patterson, Ryan Sleith, Kevin Tang, Jack White, Tyson King
pupuke 12
Rear Row: Mack O'Brien, Lester Quito, Nicoli Demafilez, Marcel Thomatis, Leo Kim, Ishmael Joseph-Palu, Mina El Komos, Tom Castle
Row 3: Tony Jung, Tanmay Patel, Jonathan Brewis, Jamal Tiatia, Hunter Poore, Tianren Shen, Jason Cho
Row 2: Ro Bin Jeong, Miguel Errazo, Tony Liu, David Harris, Flinn Medemblik, Sam Crosby, Josh Copeland, Mrs C Tonei (Teacher), Shane Karan
Front Row: Olivier Stroomer, Riley Collecutt, Jimmy Chen, Harley Kelly, Matthew Bennett, Igor Markovic, James Mackessack
Absent: Junlin Qiu, Nick Solomon, Yuan Zhang, Chris Tarrant
Murchison go hard at the Tug of War.
With the junior events, at the end of 2013 starting off the points for
the 2014 House competition, Murchison made a great start across
the 6 events that counted. We won the Junior Swimming, with
fantastic participation levels and brilliant individual efforts from our
strong swimmers. We also won the Junior Speech Competition for
the first time with Jesse Chen and Nick Curry speaking strongly and
confidently in front of such a large audience. A third in the Tug of War
and second in the Junior House Activities gave us a strong position
to begin 2014.
With the Haka Competition being the first event of the year the boys
worked hard in the lead up to maintain our strong record. Practice in
form class prior to the event underpins the strength of Murchison’s
Haka and the majority of our boys know the Haka well. Unfortunately
we only gained third in the competition, despite great leadership on
the day from Pierce Bryers, Ngawati Edmonds and Levi McBirney. It
was an enjoyable and rousing event filled with enthusiasm from the
boys, regardless of the result.
As the year progressed a disappointing performance in the House
Swimming Sports, in which we usually do well, together with a
similarly disappointing result in the school Athletics Day resulted in
our dropping down some places.
Callan Pryde on the track at House Athletics
Cameron Naylor at the Javelin for Murchison
A highlight for Murchison however, was in the Maths Quiz, where
an outstanding effort from all our Junior, Intermediate and Senior
teams led to our Maths teams winning overall and gaining valuable
points. This certainly shows that Murchison also has some very
strong academic students.
With points still available before the presentation of the House
Trophy for 2014, we look to our seniors to come up with the goods
in the Senior House sports, which will have been decided by the time
this goes to print.
I would like to thank all the boys of Murchison for their contribution
and effort for their House this year, and especially to those who have
gone the extra mile and stepped up to assist when needed. Seniors
who spring to mind for the assistance they have given are Alex Dee,
Edward Jelly and Mitchell Dye. I would also like to thank my House
Captain, Taine Pryde, for all your assistance this year. Having a
House Captain you can rely on to do their best to help is crucial and
is very much appreciated.
Mr N Bithell – House Leader
Levi McBirney leads the Murchison House Haka
murchison 1
Rear Row: Rafi Baboe, Andrew Govinden, Jackson Ephraims, Mark Khuwattanasenee, Kade Scheib, Kevin Tablizo
Row 3: Ben Adkins, Jake Atkinson, Kostya Kechin, Chad James, Callum Jarvis, Joseph An, Hisashi Oda
Row 2: Will Hemmington, Kevin Shin, Joshua Sim, Max Falldorf, Daniel Gao, Reece Thurston, Mr A Naranji (Teacher)
Front Row: Jono King, Scott Jarrold, Finn Pethers-Boak, Sam Whiddett, Dylan Somerville, Thales Farias, Kevin Lee
Absent: Jaylen Gerrand, Shawn Hiew, Eric Lee, Flynn Story, Gabe Yam
murchison 2
Rear Row: Liam Jefferson, Chris Bae, Matt Kelly, Kayden Miles
Row 3: Uros Djuric, Hunter Pethers-Boak, Isaac Alexander, Thomas Kang, Allen Zeng, Connor Dean, Elijah Llanes
Row 2: Denzel Foley, Uwais Hussein, Reuben Barr, Ivan De Guzman, Ethan Thomas, Trent Baker, Keagan Moses, Mr M Barry (Teacher)
Front Row: Callum McIntyre, Xuanzai Du, Eddy Kim, Victor Ma, Lochie Mansfield, Tian Han Wang, Mike Lee
Absent: Campbell Dye, Joshua Mazciritis, Foley Lio, Ashton Philo, James Tulloch, Daniel Wilson, Dominic Soljan, Mingyang Shen, Oliver Ding
murchison 3
Rear Row: Caleb Barr, Akito Hirata, Harrison Caldwell, Max Tu'inukuafe, Dylan Maynard, Cameron Dagger
Row 3: Scott Ma, Benjamin Jury, Colin Chan, Akram Alhilali, Joshua Lee, Nathan Mallard, Dan Barrington
Row 2: Nick Jarrold, Adeesha Seneviratne, Junbin Choi, Leo Kao, Jacob Reeves-Parmenter, Bays Williams, Sebastian Filo, Mr A Brown (Teacher)
Front Row: Jared Dixon, Ryan Walker, Levi McBirney, Ross Ter Braak, Jaiden McIntyre, Ugo Pierantoni, Rikuro Iwasaki
Absent: Matt Lambert, Jack McBride, Anthony Po-Ching, Yanni Wetzell, Yoshiki Okada, Koichi Kurino
murchison 4
Rear Row: Charel Jodinata, William Samonov, Ryan Tan, Tony Zeng, Thomas Fritzen, Thomas Baldwin
Row 3: Bryan Jiang, Victor Wei, Bryn Tutill, Justin Kim, Callan Pryde, Colin Liu, Kevin Lee
Row 2: Jack Gemmell, Connor Stephen, Owen Hu, Bronson Van Zyl, Liam Pugh, Josh Parkinson
Front Row: Ethan Rix, Harry Lim, Tak Shimura, Cameron Nayler, Cameron Gilmore, Radi Baboe, Lloyd Rosenberg
Absent: Yi Biao Ang, Tj Milne, Matthew Newick, Mitchell Ottow, Jordan Raymond
murchison 5
Rear Row: David Lee, Jack Hobden, David Wang, Daniel Kim
Row 3: Riley Milne, Joseph Lee, Cale Tu'inukuafe, Sam Adkins, Nicolo Oporto, Josh Poffley, Taine Goonan
Row 2: Enock Mgendi, Kyle Shears, Zade Al-Ali, Peter Felstead, Ethan McQuaid, Quentin Austin, Marko Mitrovic, Mr J Webster (Teacher)
Front Row: Jordan Ashby, Simon Max, Ryan Berney, Pierce Bryers, Tyson Somerville, Declan Enstrom, Nicol Lin
Absent: Jesse Chen, Jiehao Huang, Hyeon Jin Kang, Tony Lee, Charles Suligan, Aaron Thongmeesuk, Keigo Fujiwara, Kento Uchida
murchison 6
Rear Row: Tiarn Pryde, Bright Wan, Konnor Baker, Sam Fleming, Dan Kanchanakphant, Oscar Guo, Conor Jackson
Row 3: Callum Jefferson, Eamonn Jack, Junseo Park, Josh Shaw, Chris Lee, Daniel Lim, Ben Ko, Jesse Crisp
Row 2: Ivan Muir, Joseph Chua, Matt Lupton, Jake Jones, Josh Reilly, Keshav Manivasakan, Blake Nicholson, Ryan Schierhout, Mr M Butler (Teacher)
Front Row: Sam Van Oosterom, Calvin Stanford, Alex Ogle, Edward Jelley, Joseph Wales-Earl, Robert Nah, Edward Ang, David Axmann
Absent: Brian Lee, Jak Lorimer
murchison 7
Rear Row: Do-Yeong Kim, Zak Chhour, Sam Nicholson, Isaiah Lustre, Dylan Neville, Sigmund Bangcong, Victor Axmann, Jerome Ray Bayutas
Row 3: Bernie Miao, DongJu Seon, Tom Hemmington, Simon Meng, Kieren Muna, Jason Kwon, Jonathon Lee, Mark Zhang
Row 2: Jay Ok, Liam Sheehan, Ben Julian, Michael Stern, Zach Douglas, Ray Cassim, Harry Forgesson, Aldwin Matawaran, Mrs J Wilding (Teacher)
Front Row: Allan Kuo, James Tiffin, Timothy Zouch, Ivan Fan, Ollie Gardiner, Jack Dromgool, Aigo Suzuki, Matt Lagos, Jonathan Lau
murchison 8
Rear Row: Bishoy Mekhaiel, Tanawat Sermpornvivat, Ahmad Duais, Joseph Glover, Sonny Wen, Peter An
Row 3: Leo Kinsley-Smith, Vladislav Babanov, Devin Grenfell, Benjamin Crosland, Luke Barker, Joseph Zhang, Hayden Mallard
Row 2: Colin Zhang, Ha Seong You, Jun Woo Park, Rhemzhen Sese, Drew Scott, Ryan Farrell, Do Hyun Kim, Mrs C Gouws (Teacher)
Front Row: Zech Nabakewa, Tayne Pryde, Ethan McCafferty, Judd Baker, Lateef Zainudin, Wilfred Lan, Dalton Lim
Absent: Conor Burling, Alex Dee, Hamish Forde, Tyler Moon, Pongsathorn Trisuriyasaengchot, Yutong Yang
murchison 9
Rear Row: Jonas Wan, Daniel Gray, Trent Walker, Aidan Cook, Barnaby Hope-Simcock
Row 3: Quintin Lynch, Adam Price, Vincent Fegan, Eric Kim, Simeon Joubert, Alex Kelly, Callum Beech
Row 2: Kevin Li, Joe Jackson, Luca Te Rito, Sam Jones, Ethan Schaumkel, Louis Philo, Shawn Zhang, Ms P Law (Teacher)
Front Row: Jiawei Chen, Chenhao Zhuang, Ben Roberts, Christopher Ronalde, Bryce Taylor, Josh McLaughlan, David Hoggard, Kenneth Li
Absent: Freddie Cleverley, Rory Douglas, Harrison Dye, Caleb Kim, Michael Sinclair, Steven Barrington
murchison 10
Rear Row: Rory O'Keeffe, Eric Lee
Row 3: Oscar England, John Manimtim, Nick Handey, Jae-Hoon Yoo, Luke Han, Je Hwang, Jeremy Valerio
Row 2: Daniel Kim, Junhao Wei, Chenye Zhuang, Vladimir Kvasnicka, Yifan Bai, Gun Woo Song, Jeffery Guan, Miss L Beattie (Teacher)
Front Row: Clayton Floyd, Clark Froude, Jesse Neville, Liam Hobson, Casey Forsyth, Sean Bouwman, Mike Tully
Absent: Bailey Atkinson, Cedric Chavez, Cyrus Chavez, George Harpur, Quinn Klijn, Jacob Mazciritis, Kevin Li, Chris MacFarlane, Alex Wheeler, Leon Joost
murchison 11
Rear Row: Jeremy Hayes, Ziyuan Lin, Baylin Watson
Row 3: Schumann Liu, Finn Jackson, Alex Meng, Maric Kim, Guy Forsyth, Roy Yang, Ryan Hudson, Jae-Hyuk Yoo
Row 2: ZhiZhao Lu, Boseok Jang, Po-Yao Lu, Michel Baudouin, Cameron van der Riet, Charles Li, Joshua Christiaan, Miss N Chorley (Teacher)
Front Row: Tao Liu, Roderick Chan, David Sim, Chris O'Ferrall, Mitchell Dye, Alex Rohloff, Andy Shen, Yihua Lian
Absent: Daniel Frial, Reuben Soares, Jackson Tu'inukuafe, Vincent Yang, Wil Dawkins
murchison 12
Rear Row: Issac An, Ej Manimtim, Hakim Ijas, Park Ratintorn, Alex Taylor, Yash Lal, Dan Liu
Row 3: Shinuk Kang, Luke Forgesson, Patrick Mau'u Filipo, Garrick Rollinson, Kieran Bray, Geoffrey Heck, Chris Nah
Row 2: Benjamin Holmes, Michael Kang, Zach Turner, Murdoch Dagger, Izaak Scheib, Ali Youssef, Jason Bouwman, Mr J Saville (Teacher)
Front Row: Siwon Jun, William Zhang, Joseph Kang, Nick Curry, Yomal Athukorala, Patrick Yam, Hugo Bedford
Absent: Connor Beamish, Tom Hall-Taylor, Changda Zhang
Montana Northcroft leading the
House Haka for Smale.
After the success of the previous competition I was excited and
narrow margin. To date these are our standout performances in a
eager to begin the role of Smale House Leader. The challenge had
completion that continues to be very tight and where the difference
been set by Miss Lecourt through her organisation and enthusiasm
between the top Houses, and those below, are being decided by the
shown during her tenure. The 2014 Competition began in the same
smallest of margins.
fashion as the last one had ended, with the Smale House Juniors
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Smale Staff
taking out the Activities Day at the end of 2013. Come the New
and Students, particularly those Year 13 Students, who have led
Year and the boys again showed their strength as athletes taking
the House this year through effort and the example they have
out the Senior Swimming Competition and finishing Runner-Up at
set for others. From painting faces, participating in the weekly
the Athletics Day in Term One. In the pool Jason Churches, Scott
House Quizzes to competing in the various House Activities there
Fairburn, Matt Martin, Andre Jackson and Logan MacKintosh shone
has been a fantastic feeling of comradery this year. In particular
in a dominant display. Notable mentions on the track go to Ben
to our 2014 House Captain Matt Southey whose positivity and
Williams for winning the Senior 400m and Jake Hurley taking out the
energy helped to motivate those around him to achieve their best.
Senior 200m with Second placings in the 100m and the Long Jump.
Other honourable mentions must go to Montana Northcroft for
This solid start to the year was followed up with a Third placing in the
his leadership in the House Haka Competition, Joe Clark, Callum
Inter-House Maths Competition in Term Two. A strong involvement
McCowatt and Abdul Al-Majmuei for taking out three of the top four
in the Senior Inter-House Sports to close out the year has seen the
spots in the Year 10 Cross Country and to Michael Lough, Head
boys finish Second in the Football, Volleyball, Dodgeball and Quiz
and a Third placing in the Debate. Hugo Verdonk, Kelby Cai and
James Brake put in a huge effort to take out the Rowing by a very
Joe Clark in the Year 10 Cross Country Race.
Boy, for representing all students but particularly those in Smale
House so admirably this year.
Mr A James – House Leader
Kelby Cai gives it heaps at the Long Jump.
Year 13 Student Henry Strawbridge tearing
up during the 200m.
Rear Row: Alfie Heckett, Rory Burnell, Nick Thompson, Bailey Smith, Earl Nodalo, Tristan Shepherd
Row 3: Joshua Chin, Matthew Eccles, James Brown, Jeffrey Putra, Mathew Connew, Joseph Thorns, Nathan Sawell
Row 2: Hsi Iyn Wong, Andy Ma, MingKang Liu, Aaron Isaacson, Andrew Clark-Howard, Sherwin Santos, Diego Soriano, Mr N Kennard (Teacher)
Front Row: Toki Cho, Nigel Vongalay, Alex Cassidy, Elliot Nuttall, Duncan Anderson, Jeremy Reyes, Kevin Sun
Absent: Mark Ma, Scott Robinson, Jamie Stubbs, Herbie Wasson
Rear Row: Jackson Hemmingsen, Graysen Brown, Oscar Watson, Divesh Ragu, Michael Bui, Rhys Leong
Row 3: Aaran Brabant, Greg Haumaha, Jack Lloyd, Cameron Bruce, Charlie Brock, Young Min Kwon, Joshua Adam
Row 2: Adam Moore, Dallas Penlington, James He, Marco Javate, Steven Zhao, Christian Umanzor Osegueda, Mr A Clarke (Teacher)
Front Row: Matthew Seddon, Mohammed Al-Tamimi, Taylor Stancombe, Lucas Hay, Scott Honeyman, Kieran McCahon, Hugo Verdonk
Absent: Jake Hurley, Dennis Kwon, Jigar Patel, Eldrick Snyman, Leon Pollard, Haowen Lu
Rear Row: Vaughn Moller, Kunj Joshi, Yao Ruibin, , Murilo Tordivelli Gonzales, Kevin Zhu
Row 3: Ritchie Li, Jordan Jessup, Matt Cals, Isaac Winter, Mark Seddon, Feng Zheng, Nathan Bulawan
Row 2: Sam Kim, Logan Fuller, Aleksa Sibinovski, Blake Houghton, Benjamin Reidy, James Brake, Matt Mihaljevich, Aaron Song, Miss C Bader (Teacher)
Front Row: Jonathan Hsu, Joon Lee, Rory Johnson, Elliot Le Petit, Sam Cato, Chlinton Frans, Andrew Jacobs
Absent: Joseph Kim, Jacques Pretorius, Jerico Portugal, Jake Sturrock, Johno Yoo, Yijie Zhang
Rear Row: Milahn Ward, Juancho Soriano, Allen Zhu, Alex Reid, Jared Cepeda, Kourosh Maghsoudi, Daniel Tancio, Connor Smith
Row 3: Stefanos Bokos, Daniel Lough, Reagan Hargest, Luke Mihaljevich, Finn Nicholson, Campbell Knowles, Jason Yoo
Row 2: Yoon Ho Song, Scott Fairbairn, Ben Pearce, Matthew Martin, Sione Fonua, William Burt, Mr N Dale (Teacher)
Front Row: Jason Churches, Leewaine Scott, Brad Geary, Henry Strawbridge, Jordan Greenaway, Christopher Lu, Josh Palmer-Gibson
Absent: Jinyang Huang, Ken Liu, Kimsong Lor, Yeon Woo Kwak
Rear Row: Shazaad Surran, Kees Burgess, Nate Virapriya, Waren Soriano, Brian Jung, Zai Baholyodhin
Row 3: Nic Knowles, Sam Pennington, Oliver Kelsey, Saqib Sahib, Shaun Lee, Callum McCowatt, Thomas Rangihuna
Row 2: Nick Burt, Kamen Cowie, Ryan Hilhorst, Griffin Wynyard, Greg Nimmo, James Marsh, Ms C Nolan (Teacher)
Front Row: Edwin Lie, Regan Hill-Male, Denzel Williams, Joel Coffey, Yujin Kim, Jono Ross, Alex Burton
Absent: Max Carter, Bowen Chen, Josh Fairbairn, David Song
Rear Row: Damon Harrison, Yaomin Wang, Patrick Corcoran, Damian Gloor, Andrew Liu, Kaden Sutton, Quinn Williams
Row 3: William Xiang, Bishoy Mekhaiel, Jack Tidswell, Juntong Yang, Calvin Vari, Alex Freeman, Liam McAteer, Max Brown
Row 2: Injae Park, Yuan Wei Qi, Regan Menzies, Trevor Zwetsloot, Thabo Manyere, Vuki Muna, Morgan Cadell, Leo Kim, Ryo Sugiyama, Mrs N Jalloul (Teacher)
Front Row: Oliver Schmid, Henry Whitfield, Brandon Butterworth, Joseph Heo, Robbie Agnew, Jitphanu Taerattanachai, Tyrelle Thompson, Jamie Nimmo
Absent: Scott Meiklejohn, Matt Howe-Smith, Phoenix Smith
Rear Row: Tremaine Wilkinson, Deevan Patel, Ryan Quinn, Arno Mouton, Benjamin Clark, Gautam Pathumanithy
Row 3: Bill Zhou, Asti Tobias, Jarryd Eccles, Joseph Clark, Liam Brown, Tony Brinkman, Kevin Huang
Row 2: Gilhun Park, Luka Cirilovic, Thomas Milne, Jaeden Allott, Sascha Gaudlitz, Tianyi Zhang, Mr R. Noble (Teacher)
Front Row: Anthony Liu, Ken Yang, Mitchell Carlyle, Joshua Young, William Zhu, Iesu Hermanoche, Matthew Lough
Absent: James Byrne, Seung Won Kim, Sung Jun Park, Jay Salvador, Bailey Sutton, Dylan Wright, Chris Chen
Rear Row: Joel Munro, Duncan Tolmie, Zonal Ali, Samuel Liu
Row 3: Justin Mendoza, William Fenton, Soo Hyun Jeon, Andrew Kamel, Randel Vongalay, Benjamin Beecroft, Dwight Nicolas
Row 2: Dylan Penlington, Stephen Su, Jakob Peek, Isaac Levido, Allen Guan, Caleb Macdonald, Cole Mirabito, MrB Mackle (Teacher)
Front Row: Connor McNall, Joshua Dahlberg, Adam Ciochetto, Riley Cahill, Leo Hong, Harry Deare, Jaidyn Hendriks
Absent: Trent Burton, Terawee Kangwannarakul, Jonathan Lawson, Tom Li, Alex Phillips, Neil Von Molendorff, 'Eliesa Vea, Randy Wang
Rear Row: Ezra Pearce, Ho Young Choi
Row 3: Abdul Al-Majmuei, Jay Lee, Benjamin Xie, Josh Hamilton, Leon Li, Ammon Moller
Row 2: Brian Bugay, Lucas Martin, Daniel Jarvis, Jaranpat Thamapibarn, Deelan Prabhu, Ethan Macdonald, Miss S Yoon (Teacher)
Front Row: William Cho, Mohan Cao, Ben Lie, Joshua Tan, Eric Hsieh, Duncan Chang, Nicholas Lin
Absent: Chris Dilks, Michael Fowler, Ben Fraser, Jake Kim, Matthew Park, Liam McCook, James Robson, Ricky Huang, Chitiphat Buranadilok, Ben Williams, Tony Rodokal, Matt Southey
Rear Row: Talon Anderson, Brad Rogers, Rohan Thomas, Johnson Ye, Harry Milne
Row 3: John Bag, Connor Hill, Adam Wiener, Reuben McDonald, Kelby Cai, Matthew Thornton, Joelson Villanueva, Charlie Lee
Row 2: Casey Sturrock, Nick Geaney, Pavly Ibrahim, Kevin Yang, Andre Jackson, Chris Thomas, Aaron Gillespie, Tigerson Cao, Tyrell Snelling, Miss A Kerbellec (Teacher)
Front Row: Matt Robinson, Ki Hun Kim, Sam Jennings, Vincent Mendoza, Chris Lee, Kyle Rawlings, Barrett Han, Myles Ronne
Absent: Hamish Sellar, Ammon Buchan, Runxuan Lin
Rear Row: Levi Rutherford, Neel Patel, Kenneth Parado, Nick Thomas, James Park, Joshua Burger, Ross Ronne
Row 3: Jae Jun Park, Glen Jeffrey, Liam Rawlings, Han Park, Matt Jacobi, Nic Reid, Zion Song, Azarish Ali
Row 2: Ian Chen, Hadley Carter, Malte Engelbracht, Daniel Williams, Shaunak Patel, Jack Ewen, Jaehui Sim, Mrs S Van den Heuvel (Teacher)
Front Row: Edwin Zhang, Logan MacKintosh, Tamati Munroe, Michael Lough, Dylan Carlyle, Alex Qin, Keagan Corns, Tony Chen
Absent: Mat Moore, Young Chan Kim, Barry Zhou
Rear Row: Daniel Mitten, Andy Kim, Sho Sugiyama, John Hollingsworth, Connar Wise, Andy Kei, Jong Sung Chun, Stefan Ivanov
Row 3: James Abercrombie, Daniel Psaila, Daniel Choi, Cam Houston, Omar Ali, Cameron Ward, Arran Wright
Row 2: Ben Sellar, Finn Martin, Dylan Heathcote, Eriq Martin, Max Watson, Sunjae Park, Joshua Song, Mrs B Russell (Teacher), John Lee
Front Row: Jarrod Clinch, Oliver Li, Luke Houghton, Luke Wang, Chris Hong, Josh Brabant, Samuel Lockhart
Absent: Kayden Mildon
Danyon Morgan-Puterangi
leads the House Haka.
At the time of compiling this report the House is in Fourth place
in the overall standing; awaiting the result of the Senior House
activities, prior to Year 13 pupils leaving. This is a little disappointing,
particularly when we got so near to winning the title last year. We
had a slow start to 2014 with the juniors suggesting Swimming and
Junior House activities was not their strongest suits. Since then
however, we have progressed steadily and, in terms of results have
been placed in the top three in six of the ten events; unfortunately
however with no victories.
Outstanding performances were displayed by Sam Love and Jae
Yun Lim in the swimming, both of who broke school records in the
Senior 25m Backstroke and Intermediate Freestyle respectively.
In Athletics Kainoa Moller won both Junior sprint titles, Bradley
Hall won the Intermediate 1500m tiles as did House Captain Troy
Lonergan, who also came home first in the 800m. This was carried
forward to the Cross Country where Bradley and Troy also won their
respective grades. In this event Matt Conroy also won the Year 9
race. Best of all was to see so many different ‘bodies’ participating.
Angus Nicoll competing on House
Athletics Day.
Min Jeon in the Year 10 Cross
Country race.
To be competitive however we need to look to raise our performance
in the team events.
So what is next? There will always be the need to engender the
desire in the boys to take part and represent the House. Whether
they win or not, I hope they will gain enjoyment and satisfaction from
the act of participating. A disappointment this year was the lack of
support given to the ‘In-House’ events; unlike last year. I would like to
think this can be resurrected in 2015.
I cannot end this account without special thanks to the House
Captain Troy Lonergan who has worked to ensure Ururoto was
prominent throughout the year. Also thank you to Alex Owen and
Kellen Farmer who played leading roles in ensuring participants
were at the right place, at the right time in the major sporting events.
Similarly, the sterling work conducted by Form Teachers who have
steered the boys through the year both in the sporting and academic
arenas; my sincere thanks to you all.
Mr A Jones – House Leader
Senior House Cross Country
Champion Troy Lonergan.
Tyler Zaia, Sam Love and Corey Annandale prepare for the House Haka.
ururoto 1
Rear Row: Matt Conroy, Keanu Fisher, Caleb Clayton, James Grieve, Josh Hack, Anton Hine
Row 3: Myron Ganzan, Prajwal Bhagath, Jaepeth Tiakia, Jeong In Kim, Wichayut Vicheansil, Jordan Atkins, Rajan Gupta
Row 2: Jong Ho Kang, Yunqi Shen, Corey Annandale, James Lilley, Rowan Angelo, Ashton Reiser, Yuta McNay, Mr D Smale (Teacher)
Front Row: Dominic Schutt, Caleb Gemmell, Cory Cannings, Patrick Chambers, Rayne Townsend, Simon Tse, Williams Wu
Absent: Thomas Burton, Jb Dar Juan, Zackary Lindsay, Tevita Tonga, Zhaocheng Liang, Raymond Liu
ururoto 2
Rear Row: Finn Drummond, Pierce Olsen, Vili Tu'ipulotu, Alex Kim, Logan Xu, Kale Townsend
Row 3: Min Jeon, Richard Claxton, , Liam Aliimatafitafi, Javy Aranas, Sun Kroongjit, Racso Dela Cruz
Row 2: Sandeep Perera, George Wang, Oliver Baker, Sean Greaney, Ihtishaam Muhammed, Brandon Van Kan, Su Hyun Hwang, Miss H Manning (Teacher)
Front Row: Hamish Watt, Andrew Li, Paul Kim, Ronaldo Gozali, Lochie Chambers, Omar Hassan, Syvert Hansen
Absent: Josh Chapman, Naifan Chen, Myles Stubbs, Kurt Skelton, Ziqi Xie, Jamie Old
ururoto 3
Rear Row: Jak Gibson, Chad Clark, Ben Sutherland, Ahmad Khan, Konradt Marx, Sang Jin Jang, Jack Zhang, Sam Old
Row 3: Finn Croft, Cooper Green, Cammeron Adcock, Luke Lombard, Finlay Harvey, Lance Corcega, Jae Yun Lim, Ryan Thomas-Munns
Row 2: Lukas Haryowiseno, Jacob Fitzgerald, Matt Monkton, Alesh Sukha, Keefe Tan, William Li, James Mitchell, Mitchel Siddins, Mr S Van Rossen (Teacher), Jamie Bowie
Front Row: Desmond Chin, Niccolo Tagle, Jack Huang, Yoon Ho Cho, Matt Goodman, Oliver Reeves, Keison Tang, Leon Le
Absent: Tham Palasmith
ururoto 4
Rear Row: Moses Lee, Flynn Green, Eugene Lee, Justin Dulangon
Row 3: Dylan Acheson, Michael Jang, James Watt, Haru Yasutomi, Ryan Williams, Tahlequah Tiakia, Jackson Greig
Row 2: Darius Shazell, Xavier Fenton, Cameron Ellett, Angus Nicoll, George Blackmore, Christian Ma'anaima, Arian Ahmadi, Mrs P Weakley (Teacher)
Front Row: Cameron Price, Nicolas Tanu, Andre Edmondson, Adam Talma, Qi Jun Wang, Keshwan Hamad, Tommy Tan
Absent: Earl Corcega, Josh Day, Yang Qiu, Luke Sayer, Shaun Summerfield, Zhaorui Ding
ururoto 5
Rear Row: Ephraim Morgan-Irvine, Oliver Lawrence, Caleb Gunther, Pierce Corcega, Abdullah Qaiser
Row 3: George Ghattas, Kishan Ranchhod, Joel Yoon, Greg Scott, Jordan Te Aukura, Stephen Zhao
Row 2: Trent Meehan, Nicholas Wilson, Alec Wise, Luke Day, Bradley Hall, Alex Owen, Ryotaro Ozaki, Mr A Vinicombe (Teacher)
Front Row: Harley Ofoia, James Lee, Troy Mansfield, Rory Harvey, Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Josh Yang, Luke Jennings, Nikolai Kedrinski
Absent: Jayden Costa, Brad Graham, William Laurie, Wei Khung Shong, Roger Wang
ururoto 6
Rear Row: Paul Jin, Jhustin Sagayno, Angelo Francisco, Urban Elwin
Row 3: Simon Mang, Phoenix Corcega, Satid Khajornjitnon, Fredrick Dela Cruz, Andrew Niu, Jack Sutherland, Zac Stevenson, Tim Cahyanto
Row 2: Ryan Dawson, Dion Lee, Grant Shang, Zach Lassen, Campbell Teixeira, Oli Pym, Tyler Zaia
Front Row: Joon Park, James Usher, Nicolas Haryowiseno, Willy Lea'ae Toa, Hamza Qaiser, Tom Burcher, Andrei Popovici, Ford Gooch
Absent: Liam Jury, Marc Malingin, Julian Smyth, Nathan Teasdale, Zibin Ye
ururoto 7
Rear Row: Bailey Dawson, Alex Guo, Jansen Pallesen
Row 3: Samuel Readman, Sean Skeens, Logan Ofoia, William Armstrong, Rishaan Gupta, Don Sansalian, Oscar Andrew
Row 2: Ivan Yang, Oliver Wu, Brayden Morris, Chris Lawrence, Yilin Jia, Tony Guo, Jacob Lassen
Front Row: David Liu, Luke Steyn, Nick Bell, Darren Zhang, Levi Wang, Andrew Thompson, Donghwi Cho, Corey Worthington
Absent: Asher Atiga, Ivan Bagsic, Joe Bell, Nick Bell, Billy Chavanaprayoon, Albert Park, Terrious Park
ururoto 8
Rear Row: Josh Robertson, Charlie Crabbe, Ji Lee
Row 3: Alex Jeen, Zhelin Wang, Huyue Wang, Netesh Sukha, Logan Lee, Nico Sansalian, Finn Buckeridge
Row 2: Jorden Mace, Min-Sang Ju, James Dickison, Robbie MacGregor, Dem Sattayabandit, Jack Anstis, Jordan Zaia, Mr C Shong (Teacher)
Front Row: Kane Lu, James Wang, Tony Shen, Henry Angelo, Danial Valikhani, David Chen, Runze Na, Leon Joost
Absent: Jee Chavanaprayoon, Jordyn Goddard, Oscar Gunderson, Logan Hohaia, Tayler Read, Greg Vukets, Danyon Beaven, Reilly Chalmers, Tianyi Song
ururoto 9
Rear Row: Soo-Myoung Jang, Richard Chen-Yang, Jinwon Kim, Joel Gailer
Row 3: Shawn Tang, Keanen Bhagaloo, Ekin Yilmaz, Conor Gemmell, Tommy Shiferaw, Solomon Yoo
Row 2: Emmanuel Vergel De Dios, Owen Pengelly, Luke Bloxam, James Port, Jack Heighton, Darran Pickering, Miss JThew (Teacher)
Front Row: Kevin Huhn, Samuel Farmer, Max Macready, Henry Li, Cody Williams, Blake Taylor, Troy Lonergan
Absent: Oliver Crews, Felix Garcia, Theo Harbers, Oliver Jones, Joshua Mitchell, Francis Thorpe, Flynn Willemse, Conaugh Jacob, Shengyu Cui
ururoto 10
Rear Row: Brandon Hall, Andrew Chen, Jae-Young Lee, Max Rickards, Darren Wellacott, James Kim, Jason Olis
Row 3: Steven Choi, Sean Crombie, Jackson Port, Jered Aitken, Oliver Ray-Chaudhuri, Emery Ning, Kainoa Moller
Row 2: Changsheng Sun, Jonathan Zou, Xian Xin Huang, Ming Yu Shu, Naveen Shonal Perera, Sam Wright, Chengyang Xia, Mrs C Labuschagne (Teacher)
Front Row: Scott Doran, Yewoon Kim, Kellen Farmer, Alex Ma, Kevin Zhong, Mike Blackmore, Neil Shum
Absent: Jae Won Choi, Daniel Crisp, Taylor Lietz, Jacob Mitchell
ururoto 11
Rear Row: Rafael Paredes, Andy Park, Matei Cristea, Jiwoon Kim, Ellie Siena, Harry Pottinger-Coombes
Row 3: Jin Lim, Mark Wellacott, Mitchell Gemmell, James Thornton, Robin Xie, Jonathan Lay, Luke Mercieca
Row 2: Matthew Pollock, Thomas Patrick, Callum Pirie, Oliver Gibel, Tim Faimoa Magele Filiese, Ian Chen, Edward Sheehan, Mrs I Wahab (Teacher)
Front Row: David Wang, Ryan Wang, Michael Ou Yang, Brian Jiang, Elliot Dawson, Abdallah Abou El Ela, Sam Love
Absent: Sam Baker, Dru Fenton, Keri Hutchinson, Casey Sturrock
ururoto 12
Rear Row: Tom Roycroft, Ethan Usher, Smit Patel, David Broad
Row 3: Sam Kang, Warakorn Jetlohasiri, Aditya Chemburkar, Jun Park, Jackson Trim, Eric Jang, Elliot Brown
Row 2: Jack Chu, Andrew Kim, Jack Pirie, Krishna Mishra, Rex Wang, Luke Jones, Syady Syarief, Ms V Jang (Teacher)
Front Row: Jeru Baxter, David Matthews, Matthew Abe, SuSeong Kim, Hunter Bao, Simon Guy, Liam Edmeades
Absent: Dong An, Harry Bell, George Casement, Clarke Foulds, Linzhou Liu
Boys at the annual Haka Competition.
Overall 2014 has been an up and down year for Stanley House. On several
occasions, the boys were doing well but then fell away when it mattered in
the play offs/finals.
Again Stanley started the House Points Year well in early December 2013,
coming first in the Junior Athletics afternoon. This was a great effort from
the juniors, due to great participation and a solid effort from all.
The first major event of 2014 was the House Haka Competition and
the boys did a superb job this year coming in Second, which was a vast
improvement from that of last year. In the Swimming we again struggled
with our lack of depth, which meant we came in sixth place, but the boys
that turned up gave it a top effort and really got involved. We performed
well on the whole at the Athletics Day at Millennium Stadium, coming in
Third thanks to a fine effort from Hamish Gill. We fought well in the Cross
Country with some good Stanley runners coming in a respectable third
place. Well done to the majority of the boys giving it a good go and getting
some good placings for Stanley.
House Captain
Joshua Hansen in
the senior Cross
Matt Bruce in the Year 10 Cross Country.
House Captain Joshua Hansen has been a pleasure to work
alongside. He has been tirelessly trying to get numbers to
events and pump the lads up, when required, at events.
Thanks again Josh for your effort this year, in which has been
a tough one for the fighting Stanley.
I would like to thank the Staff and Form Class Teachers who
have helped with the House activities this year. This fantastic
support has resulted in the House events running smoothly
and most importantly has allowed boys the chance to
represent the House in a wide variety of contexts.
Stanley next year needs to make sure that they get good
numbers to events and work hard on the day, to turn some
mixed results into more consistent ones.
Mr R Scivier – House Leader
Rahman Bashir on the track at House Athletics.
Tre'Vae Maclean at the Shot Put.
stanley 1
Rear Row: Muqun Ma, Jack Li, Neil Malonzo, Liam Everson, Bronson Cheeseman, Jichun Li
Row 3: Mitchell Armstrong, Ting Shuen Chia, Adam Baard, Michael Ings, Henry Sclater, Cameron Falloon, Paul Kim
Row 2: William Tian, Jason Wahid, Oliver Howard, Scott Lonergan, Aitken Lau, Daniel Yim, Mrs L Keen (Teacher)
Front Row: Takahiro Ishiguro, David Lee, Alex Mei, Thomas Young, Jordan Whitehead, Aaron Shi, Wilf Sergant
Absent: Jono Houzet, Billy Katavich-Barton, Edmond Li, Cam Olsen, Avi Sharma, Joshua Taplin, Aidon Robinson
stanley 2
Rear Row: Corbin Cheeseman, Josh Espejo, Shane Wei, Andrej Serafimovski, Evan Lai, Mervin Umali, William Kim
Row 3: Zi You Du, Ben Whittaker, Michael Oentardi, Kevin Chen, Kim Burgos, Ben Streten, Jarrod Ferguson
Row 2: Joel Kibblewhite, Kieran Bridge, Josh Jenkins, Tyler Lindsay, Callum George, Alex Towers, Jason Tijono, Mr T Strydom (Teacher)
Front Row: Rengen Parlane, Hamish Cooper, Haochen Yu, Seong Jun Kwak, Shaofu Li, Victor Hung, Joe Canham
Absent: Rahman Bashir, Daniel Hor, Anthony Talafou, Kaiwei Wu
stanley 3
Rear Row: Patrick Barton, Sangwoo Lee, Jordan Quinn, Tyler Leggett, Joshua Rosa
Row 3: Kunj Mehta, Tyler Reidy, John Kim, Callum Harfield, Karl Wu, Yaser Rezaee, Varun Giridharan, Graham Legge
Row 2: Do Hyung Lee, Joshua Park, Jack Fuller, Conrad Luka, Daniel Lai, Kip Watson, Callan Smith, Oliver Soons, Mrs C Kelsey (Teacher)
Front Row: Andy Choi, Corey Fenton, Nikhil Luthra, Matthew Lucente, Liam Walker, James Kwon, Topher Sumagaysay, Luca Chang
Absent: Harry Calverley, Minhan Cho, Edi Chen
stanley 4
Rear Row: Jose Lin, Connor Wong, Darrien Devereaux, Ryan McIntyre, Trey Tupu-South, Otto Anukarnsakulchularp, Michael Georgy
Row 3: Liam Stone, Alex West-Hill, Noah Kemp, Paul Taylor, Jordan Shoston-Burnett, Harry Forbes, Baxter Holgate-Simpson, Linhong Ren
Row 2: Ben Feng, James Lee, Jake Smith, Campbell Wang, Oliver Haywood, Sammy Ji, Hasan Ali, Mr J Glen (Teacher)
Front Row: Alfred Kim, Isaac Armstrong, Michael Li, Joshua Marshall, Jake McRae, Jack Winfield-Pitt, Kazu Saito, Jarrad Harford
Absent: Nic Bizaoui, Josh Hughes
stanley 5
Rear Row: Robin Jo, Charlie Potts, Apinun Maholan, Kevin Jo, Torin Lance, Grant Busico
Row 3: Jae Ho Shin, Jean Kim, Oakley Stewart, Taylor Haynes, Ryan Jenkinson, Min Ghi Park, Todd Min
Row 2: Bradley Williams, Josh McIntyre, Stuart Martin, Dan Richards, Hayden Peeperkoorn, Jason Mei, Elijah Lepper, Mr R Yeo (Teacher)
Front Row: Cody Doherty, Liam Wong, Alex Kalachov, Samuel Yang, Liam Pollock, Ken Wu, David Rong
Absent: Mason Fuller, Harris Keenan, E J Labis, Weihao Sun, Zewen Sun, Donglin Tan
stanley 6
Rear Row: Jake Beresford, Yunjae Kim, Jackson Chi, Daniel Paek, Johnson Lin, Nishaan Patel
Row 3: Simon Weng, Logan Burton-Brown, Ting Kai Chia, T Naidoo, Ian Lim, Will Clough, Zebin Chen
Row 2: Kieran Reid, Finn Johansson, Paul Han, Angelo Chong, Cooper Spiller, Keegan Olzen, Taylor Conod, Mrs S Young (Teacher)
Front Row: Oliver Bauer, Joshua Mittendorff, Joshua Lepper, Nafe Helu, Joshua Hansen, Blair Niuelua, Jamie Sun
Absent: Matthew Freeman, David Goncharov, Cameron Krog, Isaac Letoa, Lewis Wyld, Alex Crowe
stanley 7
Rear Row: Thomas Mexted-Bragg, Ayden Robinson, Dhilesh Vasan, Tane Cullen, Lewis Potts, Parmjot Singh Sagu
Row 3: Andy Suh, Jin Lim, Blake Bradshaw, Trent Robertson-Moylan, Antoine Ellis, Jun Paek, Desmond Wong
Row 2: Matthew Wood, Billy Freeman, Mitchell Prouse, Thomas Reid, Tony Tang, Braedan Acarapi, Rueben Johnston, Mr N Salmon (Teacher)
Front Row: Finlay Brewis, Chang Guen Choi, Daweet Kim, Matthew Crankshaw, Matthew Roets, Arlo Grey, Weber Wang
Absent: Billy Armstrong, Logan Hunt, Callum McGaw, Jackson Stent, Riley Johnston
stanley 8
Rear Row: Ronan Mackenzie-Smee, Harrison Roth, Sean Hu, Alex Huh, Tian Zhong, Sung-Guen Choi, Udit Khambholaja
Row 3: Zachary Strawbridge, Antony Shim, John Shin, Bunyuu Hasegawa, Greig Tuaine, Kevin Kim, Logan Maddren
Row 2: Jack Shearer, Michael Remiens, Aidan Search, Jack Skinner, Tommy Ellery, Chris May, Eric Wong, Mrs K McKean (Teacher)
Front Row: Anshul Kumar, Ryan Scott, Tristan Williams, Dom Park, Jack Smith, Yasser Saeed, Joshua Roach
Absent: Harry Bauer, Jack Jiang, Jacob Lepper, Brendon Venter
stanley 9
Rear Row: Alan Zhu, Jake Wightman, Oliver Heal, Richard Zhang
Row 3: Markku Venter, Quin Zhang, Matthew Budd, Jayden Tabani-ivi, Kouki Hasegawa, Brendon Wang, Calvin Cen
Row 2: John Yi, Stanley Liu, Connor Bentin, Tyrone Stretton, Harry Bell, Ethan Clews, Ron Salunga, Mr G Blanchard (Teacher)
Front Row: Matt Bruce, Biho Shin, Tiecheng Wu, Harry Crean, Tony Yan, Laith Saeed, Ollie Charlesworth
Absent: Dan Baard, Josh Down, Moses Dyer, John Jiang, Millan Keshaw, Jack Taylor, Dylan Burns
stanley 10
Rear Row: Liam Morell, Winston Yao, Jeffrey Choy, Moneil Masters, Evan Wong, Xavier Ram
Row 3: Lyle Cueto, James Xu, Brett Phillips, Andre Vachias, Rada Sovljanski, Dion Mittendorff, Hai Hong Yang
Row 2: Finn Tito, Sean King, Brandon James, Drew Bridge, Edward Yoo, Kevin Park, Mr J Gibson (Teacher)
Front Row: Kevin Hajderaj, Sharaf Mohamed Rizwan, Bill Qi, Shivneel Chand, Michael Wong, Jacob Crean, Ethan Gregerson
Absent: Jolo Baculo, Leo Copley, Warren Johnson, Matthew Kitney, Matej Minic, Jared Greenfield
stanley 11
Rear Row: Harrison Sutcliffe, Lucas Williams, Tony Jung, Merlyn Remiens, Moses Ford, Mikey Trifunovich, Troy Gregerson, Luc Vachias
Row 3: Ryan Williams, Samuel Lockhart, Connor Marshall, Josh Handa, Keegan Thedore, Rodney Liu, Jonathan Cen
Row 2: Ryan Reader, Zane Price, Wenxin Zhong, Brad Crankshaw, Jackson Mulholland, Yaoyuan Shen, Neil Mancita, Mr P Tisdall (Teacher), Devanshu Patel
Front Row: Rohan Luthra, Henry Ho, Jerry Shen, Andrew Lee, Joseph Sajjaphanroj, Zac Buchegger, Césaré Saseve-Niuelua
Absent: Joshua Cooke, Hubert Lao, Angus Murphy, Bradley Oh
stanley 12
Rear Row: Jesh Sebaratnam, Louis Simpson, Thomas Chen, Eric Lee, Matthew Kim, Yong Kweon
Row 3: Foo Yuen Chong, Mitch Whitehead, Daniel Lutterman, Hubert Leem, Saint Chong, Stan Hitchcock, Vinit Patel
Row 2: Jun Lee, Andrew Mei, Clinton Lok, Isaac Lee, Isaac Sohn, Kj Spargo, Jason Kwon, Tom Taylor, Mrs L Hooks (Teacher)
Front Row: Sean Reader, Luke Davies, Hamish Gill, Phillip Fan, Liam Alderson, Victor Pollett, Jacob Stutton
Absent: Peter Phaeng, Luke Taplin, Best Niyombundit, Pui Lai To
Rear Row:
3rd Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
Ryu Nightingale, Mackey Davis-Faulkner, Asher Robb, Isaac McQueen, Tre'Vae Maclean, Riley Urlich
Justin Bulkeley, Quinn Harris, Trent Bassett, Tyler Smith, Mitchell Daniels, Lachlan Macintosh, William Collings
Jacob Katipa, Luke Pile, Duaine Parata, Baylee Katipa, Iziah Mahe, Luka Urlich, Cahlyn Houghton, Mr N Sullivan (Teacher)
Casey Smith, Ngahere Ririnui-Ryan, Jayden King, Josh Atkinson-Dagg, Jake Antonio-Rooney, Neihana Watters, Spencer McDowall
Jackson Birdsall, Isaac Gibbons, Ariki Hood-Kaitapu, Montana Northcroft, Nico Phillips, Jarred Yates, Josiah Dawson, Ngawati Edmonds
Whanau Form Class
WW01 Morning Form Period.
Kia Ora,
2014 was the second year of existence for our Westlake Whanau
Form Class. It was great to have all the boys from 3rd through 6th
form in 2013 returning for 2014. They all made the new 3rd formers
and other Maori students welcome in P1 our Whare; helping the new
comers get fully involved in the form class from day 1 by teaching
them our Karakia and the Westlake Haka.
The year started off strong for our Maori boys, who were able to
showcase their leadership and Maori culture with Westlake’s annual
House Haka Competition. All six houses had a member of WW01
in their leadership group; Jayden King leading Pupuke, Jackson
Birdsall taking Stanley, Montana Northcroft lead Smale, Mitchell
Daniels and Baylee Kapita with Ururoto, Isaac Gibbons helping
Hood and Jake Antonio-Rooney, Tyler Smith and Trent Bassett
assisting Murchison. After a hard fought competition, Jayden lead
Pupuke to victory in the final over Stanley.
This was the start of a great final year for our Prefect Jayden who also
took out the Nga Manu Korero (Maori Speech Competition) title for
the Northern Auckland Region in Senior English. Many of the other
WW01 boys were down in South Auckland to support Jayden. They
also accompanied him down to the National Competition in Napier, in
which Jayden did extremely well finishing 10th in the country.
It was great being able to lead this fantastic group of young Maori
men and to get to see them every morning. A huge thank you to
Matua Te Wano and McCracken for their help and support they
offer the class.
Matua N Sullivan – Whanau Form Class Teacher
Isaac McQueen chats with Josh Atkinson-Dagg and Jarred Yates during Form Period.
Ngahere Ririnui-Ryan and Iziah Mahe outside their Form Room.
The French Department organises overseas trips every 2
years. After New Caledonia, the most recent trip was to
to France
In front of the
'Tour Eiffel'.
At the 'Pont du Gard', an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge in the South of France.
France. In December 2013, 6 Westlakers and 22 Mount Albert
Grammar students were given the opportunity to participate
in a stunning five-week exchange with the Lycée Sainte Croix,
a private High School, located right in the heart of Paris.
The first two weeks were dedicated to school. While this may
sound like a lot of hard work, school was an absolute blast for us
English speakers: we taught excited juniors on several occasions
and helped them with their spoken English. Then every day, in
the afternoon, we were treated to historical visits around Paris,
such as Notre Dame Cathedral, the Catacombs, the Arc de
Triomphe or even a cruise on the river Seine for instance.
We then spent the two-week Christmas holidays with our
homestay families. Many students were taken on trips, while
others explored more of the City of Lights. The festive season
was a little hard being away from family, but the hospitality
of our French families was really quite overwhelmingly lovely
and made for very special memories.
To end our time in France, our group embarked on a
Liam Stone, Zeeshan Shaikh and Jacob Siermans at their Farewell Party
at Sainte Croix High School. Au revoir Paris.
Southern Tour, visiting many medieval cities. We saw some of
civilizations most impressive structures, such as the Pont du
Gard near Nimes and prestigious castles like Chambord. But
also, we built life-long friendships with the other students.
Back in New Zealand, my confidence and ability with
languages have improved immensely, as well as my
knowledge of world cultures. I am extremely grateful for this
opportunity, and it just goes to show where languages will
take you!
On top of that, I have been very lucky to be chosen to return
to our sister school for a full year in 2015, except this time,
I will be part of the staff as an English Language assistant. I
can’t wait for my new French adventure to begin!
Jacob Siermans
The Tour Group, outside
the Hofburg Palace in
Vienna, just after their
epic win.
Music Tour to Europe
The 2014 European music tour was the culmination of over 16 months
Checking into the hostel in Munich was the first of many
of planning and organisation undertaken by the music departments
accommodation “experiences”. The hostel was very comfortable,
of both Westlake Boys High School and Westlake Girls High School.
very functional and very German; echoing concrete corridors, endless
After having looked into some touring options for destinations in North
stairs, small lobby and staff with less-than-fluent English. Checking into
America, we settled on the idea of taking all of our premier groups on a
this hostel took nearly two hours. However, as the trip progressed the
tour of central Europe. The main aim of the trip was to participate in the
students (and staff) became much more accustomed to the process
2014 Summa cum Laude International Music Festival, one of Europe’s
of managing 140 hostel guests, and things became progressively
most prestigious youth classical music festivals. Our focus was to give
smoother. On our second night in Munich, after a day of walking tours of
Westlake’s most talented musicians the chance to experience music
the city, we travelled out to the nearby University town of Garching for a
making in the wider world outside Auckland, New Zealand.
combined concert with the Garching Blazorchester (wind band).
Fast forward to the end of July and 140 passengers, including students
From Munich, Germany the tour group travelled by coach to Salzburg
and staff, boarded a Singapore Airlines flight bound for Munich,
Germany, with a two day stopover in Singapore. Prior to Singapore
the Westlake musicians had put in countless hours of rehearsals,
fundraising and preparation for the trip, so they were given the
opportunity to live it up in Singapore for 2 nights, including trips to the
Singapore Night Safari, Sentosa Island and Universal Studios.
weather in Austria was stunning and after spending two full days in the
centre of Salzburg soaking up the art, music and culture, we travelled
by coach to the nearby lakeside town of St Gilgen to deliver an outdoor
concert in the afternoon. The performance venue was a modest looking
wooden sound-shell in front of some bench style seating - not much
to look at (albeit in a picturesque Austrian alpine town) – but what
After a second long haul flight, the group arrived in Munich. Mr Russell
stunning acoustics the groups experienced in that little valley. Far from
and Mr Tan were in charge of managing all of the percussion gear
being lost into the wide outdoors, the sound of every note from the Big
and from this point onwards. Over the next three weeks they, with
Band right through to Choralation was heard perfectly by the holidaying
their team of students, packed and unpacked over 1 ton of orchestral
audience, who swelled to a crowd of several hundred over the course of
percussion gear from the truck around 25 times.
the afternoon.
Sam Yang and Riley Cahill warm up their brass instruments in
St Gilgen, Austria.
in Austria – home of Mozart, the Pretzel and The Sound of Music. The
Concert Band performs at “MuTh”, home of the Vienna Boys Choir.
Big Band performing outdoors in Debrecen.
Logistics Manager; Mr Russell. Packing a truck is a fine art.
From Salzburg the group headed by coach to Vienna – the undisputed
home of classical music. Upon arriving in the city the tour group was
taken to St Stephen’s Cathedral, where suddenly the size, scale and
importance of the Summa cum Laude Music Festival became apparent.
Groups from all over the world were participating – Russia, Australia,
Malaysia, Ireland, Finland, America, Canada and many more
What happened over the next two days was life changing for the
musicians involved in the Tour. The competition took place in
the Golden Hall of the Musikverein. Perhaps it was the months of
preparation, perhaps it was the incomparable acoustics in the venue
but for whatever reason, as each of our four competitive groups
took the stage they delivered performances at standards they have
never before attained. Choralation, Westlake Concert Band, Westlake
Chamber Orchestra and Westlake Symphony Orchestra clearly
impressed the judges. At a festival where Westlake musicians’ stated
intentions were to participate and be inspired by the music making
of other international level youth ensembles, all expectations were
overturned. Choralation Choir placed first equal in their category with
the University of Pretoria Choir. The Westlake Symphony Orchestra
also placed first in their category with the New Jersey Youth Symphony
In front of a famous Gazebo on “The Sound of Music” tour, Salzburg.
It wasn’t until the musicians arrived at the Town Centre in the late
afternoon on the following day that they realised a full scale outdoor
concert stage had been built just for their performance. That evening
the Westlake Musicians gave an outdoor performance that dwarfed all
their previous open air performances. At the end of the 2 hour concert,
the audience began rhythmically clapping for an encore – to which
Westlake responded with all 125 performers delivering orchestral/choral
arrangements of both the Hungarian and New Zealand National anthems.
The cultural epicentre Debrecen and Zolnay-ceramics-famed Pecs were
the next two cities on the Hungarian itinerary - broken up by a day trip to
the Hungarian national park where the musicians bought all manner of
cowboy hats, bull whips, pocket knives and Russian dolls. The outdoor
concerts in Debrecen and Pecs were on an even larger scale than in
The end of the tour was something of a blur for all involved – a 15 hour
coach drive from Pecs back to Munich, a night in an airport hotel, nailbiting moments as the group checked in overweight luggage, and two
ten-hour flights to connect back to New Zealand via Singapore.
Mr W Robinson – HOD Music
from USA. The Westlake Concert Band placed first in their category
outright, and the Westlake Chamber Orchestra placed 3rd in their
Choralation boys perform in St. Gilgen, Austria.
category. To top it all off the Westlake Symphony Orchestra was chosen
as the Festival Orchestra, and played the accompanying music for the
SCL anthems.
But the tour was far from over – there was so much more left to see and
do. The next day we boarded our coaches again and set off for Hungary.
As soon as the musicians crossed the border they began to notice
the fact that they were in a country completely unlike New Zealand.
Bright yellow fields of Sunflowers that stretched beyond the horizon,
magnificent historical buildings set against a background of drab Soviet
era tenements and signs written in a language so foreign that even
good guesses were useless. When the group arrived in Budapest they
were immediately struck by the contrasts of a country rising out of the
ashes of Communism. Beauty and dilapidation seemed to be present
in equal measures – the famed Romantic-era splendour of Hungary set
against the burdens of the 20th Century. Early the next day the group
was driven into the centre of the city, to the lookout across the Danube
river; the view was one of the most spectacular and memorable parts of
the trip.
Hockey Tour
The Westlake Boys High School 1st XI Hockey team travelled to
also outplayed by the Westlake side with the final score being 5-1,
Melbourne the week before Easter to participate in the inaugural
meaning Westlake finished top of their pool and into the Semi-Finals.
Melbourne Grammar School Invitational Hockey Tournament.
Westlake were the only team from New Zealand invited to the twelve
team tournament, that was hosted by Melbourne Grammar School.
Most of the schools participating were from Victoria, but there were
also three from Western Australia.
Playing shortened matches to complete the tournament in the
allocated four days, Westlake first faced hosts Melbourne Grammar
School, who had recently toured Europe for two weeks. Westlake
went ahead by two goals early in the match, but were clawed back
Scotch College from Melbourne were the Westlake opponents in the
Semi-Final, and Westlake proved too strong for them. The game was
delicately poised in the first half with the score being locked at 1 all.
However, superior speed and skill from the Westlake side saw them
pull away to a 3-1 victory and into the Finals.
The Final was between Hale School from Western Australia and
Westlake Boys. Hale were the fancied side by the local supporters,
as they had two National Squad players in their team. Westlake
to be level at half time. In the second half Westlake dominated
started very strongly however, and raced out to an early 2 nil lead.
the hosts and pulled away to a 4-2 win. That afternoon, Westlake
Hale’s key players linked together well to grab a goal back just before
were faced with a tough challenge against Christ Church, another
the half time break and keep them in the match. Hale scored early
Melbourne School. The game concluded in a 1-1 draw and left the
in the second half as well, to lock the scores, but Westlake opened
Westlake team rueing missed opportunities.
the margin up again through two further goals from well taken set
The second day of the tournament Westlake wanted to stamp
their authority on the tournament and they certainly did that.
Brighton Grammar School were outclassed by Westlake with the
game finishing with an 8-0 Westlake win. Eltham College were
Benji Edwards is congratulated by team mates after scoring the 5th goal.
The 1st XI Hockey squad
with the winner’s trophy for
the Melbourne Grammar
School International
Hockey Tournament.
piece plays. Hale weren’t finished though and pulled one back before
Westlake completed the scoring leaving the final score as a 5-3 win
to Westlake.
Mr S McCracken – 1st XI Coach
The winning 1st XI Hockey squad after their 5-3 defeat of Hale school in the Final.
WBHS with the World
Cup and European
Championships Trophies
at the Spanish FA
Museum in Madrid.
Over the Term One holidays, Westlake Football embarked upon
Touch down in the UK – First stop, a guided tour of Old Trafford.
their first ever European football adventure – a trip of a lifetime
that took in visits to Manchester, London, Madrid, Valencia and
Barcelona. On our travels we stopped off at places such as Old
Trafford, Etihad Stadium, Wembley, Santiago Bernabeu and
the Camp Nou. These stadium visits and live matches gave us
a sense of the magnitude of European Football and the huge
public interest and support that forms the heartbeat of some of
the biggest clubs in the world.
Also involved in our tour were games against Academies, Club
Teams and Schools. We had a mixture of results with wins and
narrow losses against the best teams we have ever played.
Regardless of the score line, we represented the school with
pride, dignity and determination. The games were punctuated
with elite level training sessions at some of the best facilities in
the world, namely, Manchester City FC, the English FA HQ –St
George’s Park, Fulham FC, the Spanish FA, Valencia CF and
RCD Espanyol. At these facilities we learnt from top coaches
and put into practice the principles and philosophies of some of
the leading coaches in Europe.
WBHS Football arrive at St. George’s Park, the new National Football Centre.
Away from the Football, we visited the historic sites of London,
Madrid, Valencia and Barcelona city centres, taking in the
European culture and architecture along the way.
Throughout the tour, Westlake received numerous accolades,
not only relating to their Football ability, but their attitude,
manners and friendliness towards all who they met.
Undoubtedly this was the trip of a lifetime we had hoped for
and the memories created by will stay with our young men for
the rest of their lives. The trip was the perfect pre-cursor to our
Football Season.
For more highlights, photographs and reflections from our tour
please visit
Mr A Berry – 1st XI Manager
Sightseeing around Beijing,
at Tiananmen Square
languages trip
What a once-in-a-life-time experience! We visited 4 cities;
First day at Dongguan No.6 High School, meeting homestay families
Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shanghai and Beijing, where students
experienced the school life and visited famous attractions
in China. These experiences gave students insight into the
Chinese culture, lifestyles and customs. Most importantly,
students were able to improve their Chinese proficiency as
they used Chinese every day in a full immersion environment.
Many students mentioned their highlight of the trip was the
4 days at Dongguan No.6 Senior High School, where they
attended mainstream classes and mingled with the local
students. The school also planned many cultural lessons
for us, including Chinese language classes, Calligraphy and
Kung Fu. Students thoroughly enjoyed the lessons and many
discovered their hidden talents. Ms Kwok and Miss Law also
taught English lessons, led the English Corner and presented
a PD session on the New Zealand Curriculum and Teaching
Last day at Dongguan No.6 High School; Boys performing Haka in the farewell
and Learning. Homestay arrangements also provided an
opportunity for students to have a first-hand experience of
the Chinese family life and we were all pleasantly surprised by
how generous and welcoming our Chinese homestays were.
Throughout the trip we visited many popular attractions,
which showed both the historical and modern sides of China.
While students enjoyed these majestic architectures of
ancient China, they also learned about the history behind
each of them. Students were taken up to the Oriental Pearl
Tower and The Bund in Shanghai, where they could see the
modern development of China. The breath-taking view was a
true testament of China’s rapid economic growth.
This school trip not only helped students open up their
horizons, it also provided an opportunity for students
to further develop resilience, adaptability to a different
culture, empathy for others and experience many valuable,
personal experiences. This was definitely an unforgettable
and awesome trip! Thank you to all the people who made
this trip a success and to all the boys for all the fun and fond
Miss P Law – Languages Department
Daniel Wilson enjoying Chinese painting at Jincai High School in Shanghai
SACS and WBHS after the match.
A Cricket squad toured South Africa from 23 September – 10
we played Durban High School, who scored 219/10 after being 160/9.
October 2014. After a long flight via Perth and Johannesburg, the
William O'Donnell again picked up wickets claiming 4 with support
boys spent the first day at Canal Walk Mall and Camps Bay beach
from Angus McKenzie who got 3 himself. Westlake then started the
in Cape Town. The second day consisted of a training practice at
chase well, getting to 100/1. William O'Donnell was 29* and Ross ter
Wynberg Boys, followed by a drive to Hout Bay. The first game
Braak 31*. What was looking like a good chase, ended with bad light
was against SACS, which is located at the base of beautiful Table
and drizzle. The boys were then billeted by the Durban players. The
Mountain. Westlake batted first in a 30 over match and to total 169/7
next morning we went go karting before we drove to Pietermaritzburg
mainly due to Jack Dromgool’s 75 and Ben Beecroft 37. Westlake
and settled into the Maritzburg College hostel.
then restricted SACS to 135/9 with 2 wickets a piece for Keegan
The first day of the Michaelmas Tournament was a tough one. We
Russell, Angus Nicoll and Dhilesh Vasan.
were bowled out for 99 with Ben Beecroft getting 34*. In response
On the fourth day we ferried to Robben Island followed by a dinner
Jeppe High School knocked off the total with 3 down. The second day
at the impressive Waterfront. On Sunday, 28 September, the
was just as tough against Pretoria Boys where we managed to get
team played a double header of Twenty20 at Wynberg Boys High
140, with William O'Donnell and Angus McKenzie both getting late
School. The first game was against their 2nd XI and we restricted
30's in a well-built hard grafted partnership. In reply the aggressive
them to 108/8 with the wickets shared. We then chased the total
Pretoria Boys chased down the score without losing a wicket.
with 4 wickets down in the 18th over, after Adam Baard scored 34
The next game was played at the Richmond Country Club against
and William O'Donnell made 31. The Wynberg 1st XI was a different
Afrikaanse Seuns Hoerskool (Affies). We batted much better to reach
kettle of fish; they are the current Western Cape T20 champions
234/7, losing 4 wickets in the last over. William O'Donnell made a
and were off to Nationals later in the week. They smashed their way
solid 84, with twenties from Ben Beecroft, Ryan Schierhout and
to 168/4. We then struggled our way to 103/9, with Ross ter Braak
Adam Baard. Affies managed to acquire the runs in the 47th over,
(33) and Keegan Russell (25) hitting some big blows along the way.
with 4 down, as one of their players scored a century. It was a much
This made it two wins each in our four games between the schools
improved performance from us in hot weather. The last T20 game
over the years.
against St. David's was played in 38 degrees. We bowled very well on
On Monday we made the drive out to Aquila Game Reserve, which
start losing 4 wickets before the 6th over but this didn't stop Angus
was a superb experience for the boys where they saw some great
wildlife. The next day, the team headed to Paarl, just outside Cape
Town to play a 40 over game in overcast cool conditions. Paarl
Boys made 174/10, after William O'Donnell picked up 3 wickets. In
the chase we managed to acquire 142/9 in our 40 overs with Adam
Baard making 41 runs, falling 32 runs short. On the last day in Cape
Town, we climbed Table Mountain on a very warm day. It was a
tough steep walk up the Platteklip Gorge, but the views from the
top were amazing. We then went to the mall for lunch and a bit of
shopping before we flew to Durban. In drizzly overcast conditions,
The boys at Newlands Cricket Ground, Cape Town.
a fast outfield and restricted them to 138/7. In response we had a bad
McKenzie smashing a solid 68. We unfortunately fell 21 runs short.
Overall, the boys learnt a lot along the way about their own game and
what it takes to become a better cricketer. Although the results didn't
reflect it, it was a successful tour with the boys learning a lot about
themselves and the wide variety of cultures and attractions in South
Africa. They were a wonderful group of boys together. Gratitude must
be extended to Messrs, Kirstein and Cachopa for assisting me and
looking after the boys.
Mr R Scivier – Tour Manager
The tour group at Aquila Game Reserve.
The view from Table Mountain after the tough walk up it.
The boys with double World Marathon
Champion Abel Kirui.
Once again a Distance Running Tour to South Africa took place with an
exciting addition this year of visiting Kenya. After months of hard work,
planning and fundraising, 13 Year 11 runners, two staff and two parents
embarked on a journey of a lifetime. For a tour that was to provide boys
the opportunity to train and compete in new environments, interesting
terrain and most importantly high altitude, it certainly exceeded our
The journey began on the 4th of July when, after a 6 hour stopover in
Perth, the group arrived in Cape Town. We enjoyed four sunny but cold
days there as we crammed as many wonderful things in as possible.
Highlights included curio shopping at the roadside markets, Canal Walk,
Table Mountain, Cape Point, Groot Constantia and of course visiting
Robben Island. On the “business” side of things the boys had their first
race on the second day in the country. It was a cold, rainy morning
as we drove into the Gugulethu Township but as the race started the
rain subsided and the boys really enjoyed participating with the local
runners. They were very welcoming and excited a group from New
Zealand had come to compete in their event. Our time in Cape Town
finished with a group run along Chapman’s Peak Drive at sunset and
fish and chips in Hout Bay.
From here the group flew to Johannesburg and drove onto the
Our last part of the journey took us to Kenya for our third and final
week. After a night “glamping” in Nairobi we drove 6 hours, crossing
the equator and into Iten– the home of champions! The boys spent 7
days learning from and training with some of the best runners in the
world as they were put through their paces on the Kamarin Track.
The high altitude and clay terrain was a notable difference felt by all
and it is no wonder that the High Altitude Training Centre is a popular
training facility for local marathon athletes and visitors from all around
the globe. Other highlights included visiting St. Patrick’s High School,
running with the local primary school children on their way to school,
watching the Kenyan runners in the Fartlek and meeting NZ Runner
Jake Robertson before he left for the Commonwealth Games. We
also met 4 times World Champion Lornah Kiplagat and double World
Marathon Champion Abel Kirui, which was very inspirational for the
boys. We finished the week with a rare treat at the Kerio View Hotel, with
our fantastic local guide 800m Runner Timo Limo, which overlooked
the spectacular Rift Valley. Finally, before flying back to Nairobi the
boys had one final event, competing with the runners from a local
school in either the 800m or the 1500m race. It was time to put all
that hard training to the test and what better way to do it than on the
newly opened Lornah Kiplagat Sports Academy Tartan Track. What a
wonderful finish to an amazing time spent in Iten.
our last day in Pretoria the boys we competed in the Springbok Vasbyt,
A special thanks to all the parents who supported the boys with their
fundraising efforts and for giving this fantastic opportunity. Thank
you to Mr Richard Jackson and Mr Alan Hall for all your support
and assistance on this tour. To Mr Strydom without you, your hard
work, commitment and dedication this tour would not have been
possible. Thank you for all that you do for the runners and the running
programme. It was certainly an experience that we will never forget.
a tough 10.5km course along the road, up cattle paths and around the
Miss H Booth
Mountain Lodge where we would stay the next three nights, just outside
of Pretoria. The boys enjoyed visiting the local attractions of Gold Reef
City, Lesedi Cultural Village and the delicious cuisine of crocodile and
ostrich meat. The boys also enjoyed practising their bartering skills at
the African Market where they ended up purchasing many interesting,
colourful items – whether they wanted them or not. On the morning of
historic Voortrekker Monument.
The next 4 nights were spent in Mpumalanga where we spent 4 fantastic
days “spotting animals” in Marloth Park, a private wildlife sanctuary, and
Kruger National Park. It was such as amazing experience and each van
had a different story to tell, whether it was tracking two lioness for an hour
or getting “rather close” to a bull elephant. The boys all took amazing
photographs and thoroughly enjoyed being able to walk around with
these magnificent animals in Marloth.
Max Rickards and Sam Hagan enjoying the
close encounters.
Mr Smith at ANZAC Cove, Gallipoli.
In 2013 I was awarded the WBHS Staff Travel Award. My plan was to
visit sites from both World Wars which emphasised New Zealand’s
role in events over the last 100 years.
First stop was the Gallipoli Peninsula with my tour guide giving his
Turkish perspective of the campaign. This was an eye opener and I
was lucky to look at both the historical truths and legends that had
developed after the ANZAC landing. My understanding of the history
of the landing and subsequent events such as the battle of Chunuk
Bair gave me a good comprehension of the terrain and problems
faced by our soldiers.
Germany,and Colditz Castle near Leipzig was my next stop. This was
the supreme POW camp of World War Two where the best and most
persistent of Allied escapers ended up…an escape-proof castle. And
indeed for most it was but it was also the home for New Zealand’s
Charles Upham, VC and Bar, who ended up here in 1944 after
becoming a continued problem for the Germans. A night spent in the
France saw a two-pronged attack as it were: the D-Day beaches of
World War Two and the Western Front of World War One. The beaches
of Omaha, Utah, Sword, Gold and Juno witnessed the 1944 Normandy
invasion. The American Museum and cemetery overlooking the beach
at Omaha were a poignant reminder of the waste of war but were
nothing compared to the slaughter that was the Western Front. The
superbly maintained cemeteries there were usually situated where
today are spots of beauty which belie the carnage of 100 years ago.
One grave had the epitaph of “ I fought and died in the Great War to
end all wars. Have I died in vain?”
I was able, due to my trip, to experience the terrain of the battles, see
the depths to which man can plumb, enjoy the solemnity of the resting
place of thousands and be thankful I did not have to do my part in war.
I can now teach with a clearer understanding of the difficulties faced
by some, or the stupidity faced by others.
Mr S Smith – HOD History
youth hostel there was followed by a tour of the castle. All of the tour
party were Antipodeans or British who like me had been brought up
Mr Smith and his wife Sue go for a Hot Air Balloon ride in Cappadocia on the Anatolian plains.
on various books, movies and TV series about Colditz.
Next were the double death camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau. No
interior photography of the collected human hair, or the labelled
suitcases, or the hairbrushes, or the toilet pans or other signs of
individuality of mass humanity was allowed but the sight of them
did serve as a terrible reminder of the horrors of the ex-Polish army
barracks that were to become Auschwitz. In contrast the outdoor
situation of green grass, leafy trees and neatly presented barracks
did not for me represent the terrible elements of human degradation
that occurred here. Simply put it was too neat, too nice and too
clean. Moving through the barracks in a line of tourists gave me
a surreal impression of how the Jews may have felt when given
directions in the 1940s.
The ancient ruins of Ephesus in Turkey.
The Trenches at Gallipoli.
Librarian Antoine Ellis at the issuing desk.
Chlinton Frans, Raymond Sue, Thales
Farias, Cesare Saseve-Niuelua work at the
computers during lunch.
Our Library has been busier than ever this year, with
consistent updates on our displays and the selection for
book boxes on curriculum topics, including top quality fiction
and non-fiction. We would like to thank our Head Librarians,
Benedict Tan and Mostafa Youssef for their industrious and
cheerful support and also our deputies, Kalani PartridgeFruean and Eshil Singh. This year our team of 29 librarians
have worked hard to provide a cheerful, helpful, and efficient
service to the school.
The Library has provided displays on topics including war,
survival, adventure, Matariki, Commonwealth Games, Winter
sports, Gaming Reads, Soccer World Cup and, as always,
the Library is heavily used by students studying, printing and
researching before and after school. Our Library Computer
Room is also well utilised by students, including at lunch time.
Library Staff Mrs McKee and Ms Ottaway.
Once again, this year, the Library was well patronised at Open
Evening and our student librarians were most helpful, showing
prospective students and their families around the library facilities.
What were the three most popular books in 2014? Catching
Fire and Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins and Man vs Beast by
Robert Muchamore. Driven From Within by Michael Jordan,
Faster than Lightning: My autobiography by Usain Bolt and
in third place, True Grit: The epic true stories of survival and
heroism that have shaped my life by Bear Grylls
Ms J Ottaway and Mrs K McKee
future problem solving
It has been another busy year for our Future Problem Solvers and with
four Junior teams and five Senior teams, we have certainly expanded
our problem solving capacity. This year the key topics we worked on
were ‘Social Isolation’, ‘Desertification’, and ‘Surveillance Societies’.
Modern technology plays an integral part into this phenomenon, as we
have become increasingly reliant on communication through social
networking and the like. The boys felt that this topic was very relevant
to them and enjoyed discussing what measures need to be taken to
reverse this trend.
Desertification was also an interesting topic, and something that many
of the boys were not aware of. The topic focused on how desert-like
conditions that exist in regions are becoming more prevalent and is
often as a cause of human interaction with the environment. Indeed,
desertification is one of the most serious ecosystem changed facing
people who live in poverty.
Our final topic for the year was Surveillance societies. This topic also
really struck a chord with the boys and generated some stimulating
discussions. Do CCTV cameras keep people safe? How far is too far in
terms of surveillance? How do you know when and where you are being
watched? Who controls the data that is gathered?
If any of these issues interest you, we would love to see you in 2015 for
another fantastic year of problem solving! Well done to the boys who
completed their first Qualifying Exam – you really raised yourself to the
challenge. Finally, a big thank you to Miss Shanley and Miss Law, your
help and expertise are truly appreciated.
Miss A Palmer – TIC Future Problem Solving
Junior and Senior FPS teams with their coaches
Miss Law, Miss Shanley and Miss Palmer.
Kevin Park and Steven Yoo supported by
James Kim and Toki Cho
Charlie Lee, Cameron Houston, Joe Sajjaphanroj
enjoying the Korean Tea Ceremony.
Westlake Boys High School has a strong sense of collective identity.
How we dress, the way we treat one another, the way we strive to
excel both in the classroom and on the sports field. Every day we see
the fresh potential of what we can achieve as a co-operating unit.
Tim Aspinall – the margarine sculptor, Geshe Jamyang – the Tibetan
Monk, who creates a sand mandala every year, Pasifika carving
and of course a spectacular evolving art installation in the atrium conceived by the Art Department.
But what are we like as individuals? Who are we when we are at
Then of course there was the food. Every lunch time during Culture
Week was a smorgasbord of cuisines from around the world; the
smells and sights proving too tempting to resist. Hundreds of
students funnelled through the quad each day to sample foods from
China, Korea, France, the Pacific, Indonesia and the Middle East.
home with our families, or out in our communities, or taking our
place in the wider cultural landscape of New Zealand? What is our life
like when we are out of school uniform?
Culture Week at Westlake Boys is a five day celebration of all of our
amazing differences: our heritage, our art, our music, our pastimes,
our festivals, our society and of course, our food!
Culture Week 2014 (March 31st – April 4th) was an extravaganza of
entertainment, music, visual art and games. We had performances
from Voicemale Choir, The Tai Kwan Do club, Brendon Thomas and
The Vibes and The Massey High School Polynesian Club. Throughout
the week there were various cultural demonstrations including a
Korean Tea ceremony, an Amnesty International debate, the Staff
vs Student debate, Petanque, Chess, a children’s birthday party,
Juggling Sumo Wrestling, Chinese Calligraphy and portraiture. There
were many displays of the visual arts on offer as well, including Kevin Yang and Sang Jin Jang at the Balloon
Sculpture in The Street.
Culture Week 2014 concluded with our annual Proms Concert –
an evening of extreme cultural sophistication with the Westlake
Symphony Orchestra, Choralation Choir, The Westlake Concert
Band and Soprano soloist Morag Atchison.
Special thanks to all the staff and students who undertook the
running and management of so many events during the week, to
parents and community leaders who participated in and supported
the events, and the students of Westlake Boys for their wholehearted participation in the week’s activities.
Mr W Robinson – Culture Week Coordinator
Khamis Shiblaq, Ibrahim Khattab Alani and Omar Ali at the Middle East Food Stall.
Vili Tu’ipulotu at the Polynesian Club demonstration.
Chinese Night
Westlake Boys Chinese Night is a celebration of culture where
students are given the opportunity to share both the modern
and traditional culture of China. The event brings together the
Chinese community from Westlake Boys and Girls to deliver an
evening of exceptional performances rich in culture and talent.
This evening experienced great success this year, attracting an
audience of one thousand people and boasted a diverse range
of performances with the addition of performers from our sister
school in China, Dongguan Number 6 High School.
As a student run and non-profit organisation sponsorships
are greatly appreciated and help to make the event the best
experience possible. It is captivating to see the support
within the Chinese community as this year local Chinese
establishments enthusiastically contributed to the night by
sponsoring prizes and food for the event. Most notably was
Skykiwi, who generously sponsored a Samsung Tablet with the
acknowledgement of Westlake’s new BYOD policy.
For the Chinese youth living in New Zealand it is easy to
assimilate into kiwi culture, however we should never forget our
roots. Whether it is students who have lived here their whole
Kelby Cai and Yuan Zhang
perform on Chinese Night.
Ryan Lim, William Hung and Matt Lagos.
The Girls perform
a Traditional
Chinese Dance.
lives, or those who have recently moved to New Zealand, we
must take pride in our culture and share it with those around us
and Chinese Night is a perfect platform for this.
Samuel Li
Korean Evening
Jae-Eon Lim and Paul Kim show off their Tae-Kwan-Do skills.
The girls perform a Korean
Traditional Fan Dance.
Jeman Park gets amongst his audience.
Korean Committee
Yewoon Kim with his solo performance.
Just as it had done in previous years, the Westlake Boys’ Auditorium
hosted our annual Westlake Korean Night: an exhibition of culture
and talent from both the Girls and Boys school. Over 1500 people
turned up on Thursday the 10th April to a hotly anticipated evening,
which culminated into another hugely successful event filled with
fun, excitement and amazement. The 16 performances, which
ranged from K-pop singers and dancers, to more traditional
groups such as ‘Tae Kwon Do’ and the ‘Fan Dance’, were met with
a thunderous response from our ever-fervent crowd, which only
helped to enlighten the buzz on stage.
Following on from the success of Korean Night 2013, we once again
made positive strides in both attendance and organisation of the
event. A special thanks to the performers for preparing high quality
performances and an extra special thanks to the committee for
weeks of preparation and hard work, which was ultimately rewarded
by a very satisfying evening. Further praise also goes to the teachers
Ms Park, Miss Na, Miss Jang, Ms Yoon, and Ms Furtado and Miss Lee
from the Girls’ school for their unwavering support and dedication
towards putting on another memorable event.
Not only did the Westlake Korean Night help to promote the Korean
culture among the North Shore community it helped to remind us of
the unique cultural diversity we can appreciate in New Zealand. Now,
having etched itself into the very diverse culture of Westlake, there
is no doubt the Korean Night will continue to play an integral part in
both Westlake Girls and Boys High Schools in the future.
Daniel Kim and Thomas Song
Nga Manu Korero
ability to give impromptu speeches as well.
A lot has changed since Maori were punished at school if they spoke
their own language and it was remarkable to see so many young people
who were fluent speakers of their own language. It is a credit to the self
determination of Maori to revive the language through initiatives such
as Kohanga Reo and Kura kaupapa Maori (full immersion schools),
which have created a new generation of rangatahi with confidence in
their own language and culture.
Jayden, of Te Atiawa decent, was representing the Northern Auckland
Mr J McIntyre and Mr H Te Wano
In late September Jayden King, of Westlake Boys High School, travelled to
Napier to compete in the Nga Manu Korero, Maori Speech Competition.
The competition was established in 1965 to continue to promote the
oratory skills in the Maori language of Secondary School Students, as well
as English speaking by Maori students. The competition is designed to
promote not only the public speaking of prepared speeches, but also the
region in the English section of the competition and was accompanied
by a handful of Maori students and Westlake Boys’ Kaitiaki, Matua Hemi
Te Wano to tautoko him after his speech. For all of the students it was
a fantastic educational experience, not only at the speech competition
every day, but while staying at Omahu Marae and in essence being
immersed in Maori tikanga for the week.
In the speech competition itself, Jayden gave a fine impromptu
speech on the topic ‘social media has destroyed the art of face to
face conversation’. He used his sharp wit and large stage presence to
Jayden King being acknowledged at Senior Prizegiving.
entertain his large audience. At the end of the same day, Jayden was
required to give his prepared speech on the topic of ‘Education is the
most powerful tool-use it’. Though his speech was well prepared and
managed for the occasion, on reflection Jayden felt he could have done
a better job as he struggled without the large audience he had had earlier
that day. Overall, Jayden was placed 4th in the Impromptu Speeches
and a little further back in the prepared speeches. Though it was not the
result that he would have desired, it was a great learning experience for
the Year 13 student who plans to study communications at AUT next
year, with ambitions to go into broadcasting.
Students with Mrs Herena Te Wano at the Ngati Tuwharetoa
Office in Taupo, on the way back from the Competition.
PasifiKa Evening
Taro Patch
On Saturday the 18th of October we held our annual Pasifika
Celebration Night. Despite low attendance the event went incredibly
well. The students and families, that were present, thoroughly
enjoyed themselves and appreciated the acknowledgments
made. A huge thank you also, to Suzanne Donovan-Skeens for her
attendance at this event. The awards received were in three broad
categories, ‘Extra-Curricular’, ‘Special’, and ‘Academic’. Mostafa
Youssef was awarded the Overall Excellence Award for his efforts
throughout his five years at Westlake. His contributions to school
this year were immense and include being a School Prefect, a School
Librarian, on various School Councils and Committees, as well as an
integral participator in the Taro Patch. On top of this, he was one of
the top Pasifika academic performers.
Co-ordinated by the Pasifika Parents Komiti, the Pasifika Community
and Westlake Staff, the Taro Patch is a weekly informal grouping of
Pasifika students for the purpose of working on homework, study
support and of course breakfast!
Mr S McCracken
Bradley Leuila, Cesare Saseve-Niuelua, Mostafa Youssef, Jamal
Tiatia serve up Pasifika food during Culture Week.
The boys cook and serve breakfast, which is often helped by parents,
at 7.30am and then staff and older students help and support
younger students in their studies and encourage them in other areas
of school life.
We also welcome inspirational Pasifika speakers regularly from the
world of Sports, Media and Music, which the boys also really enjoy.
Hip Hop singer King Kapisi and Stan Wolfgramm, the founder of
Pacific theatre, film and event company Drum Productions, were
particularly memorable this year.
The Taro Patch gives students the opportunity to have a hearty
breakfast, as a great start to the school day, and to study in a
supportive and friendly environment.
Mr S McCracken and Mrs D Hipkins.
Mostafa Youssef was awarded the
Overall Excellence Award.
Matthew Fesili, Westlaker, shares advice
and knowledge to Pasifika boys in the
Taro Patch.
The chorus performs in Act One.
After months of preparation, workshops and rehearsals, this year’s
of Michael and Daniel Lough were joined this year by their little
production took place during Week One of Term Three. The show
brother Matthew; how one family can have so much talent is hard
to believe and doesn’t seem fair! I also must mention the amazing
Charlotte Rankin, Charisse Uy, Maddie Bullock and Natalie Groen
from Westlake Girls, they were not only highly talented, but a
delight to work with as well. I must make a special mention also to
Grace Stevenson, who not only played the role of Gloria, but should
probably have had directing and choreographing credits as well. She
is a complete professional. Finally, a special thank you to Mac Jordan
for creating the original production poster you see above. This
whole cast were a joy to work with from start to finish and I will miss
Sunday afternoons with them and their good humoured enthusiasm.
takes the plot of The Tempest, Shakespeare’s language culled from
several plays and the ‘Rock and Roll’ favourites everybody loves.
Combine them all and you get a series of wild and funny nights. Our
Tech boys salivated at the chance to incorporate video, live feed
from a TV studio, Go Pro footage and an impressive light show and
their inventiveness was inspiring. Our band led by Miss Beattie was
very tight and she has definitely earned her Musical Director stripes.
We had a few novices in main roles this year who absolutely
deserved the confidence I had in them. I would like to congratulate
Jacob Siermans, Jayden King, Matt Bruce and the beautifully over
the top Mitchell Hazelhurst. Harley Ofoia had already proved himself
a skilled actor in previous Drama productions, where his ability to
get humour out of almost any line is legendary, but this time we
found out he could sing as well. The tried and tested combination
Michael Lough as Captain Tempest.
Mrs C Walsh - HOD Drama
Mitchell Hazelhurst as Cookie and Daniel Lough as Bosun.
Jacob Siermans and his
interesting chest hair.
Now the show is over and my room is filled with smelly costumes,
interesting props (a hairy chest piece) and forlorn looking people
waiting for the next one.
Mitchell Hazelhurst as Cookie, Matthew Lough as Ariel,
Daniel Lough as Bosun and Harley Ofoia as Dr Prospero.
Grace Stevenson as Gloria with Mitchell Dye and Jake Thompson.
Grace Stevenson and Harley Ofoia.
July 2014
By kind arrangem
ent with Hal Leonard
Inspired by the
Australia PTY
motion picture
Ltd on behalf
‘Forbidden Planet’
courtesy of Turner Joseph Weinberger Ltd
22nd - 26th
Matthew Lough as Ariel and Daniel Lough as Bosun.
Grace Stevenson’s thank you speech.
Harley Ofoia as Dr Prospero, Jacob Siermans as Captain Tempest, Matt Bruce as Ariel
Jayden King as Dr Prospero.
Harley Ofoia’s Prospero discusses his marriage breakdown with Gloria.
l 14
W ll 20
Year 13 Ball
In recent years, the Westlake Ball has gained a reputation for being
one of the highlights of the school calendar. With over a thousand
students in attendance from all over the city, it is little wonder that
our ball has become renowned for both style and excitement. The
Ball Committee is therefore both ecstatic and relieved to say that the
2014 Ball was a huge success. After months of planning and decision
making, the 21st of June arrived and we are delighted to say everyone
made the most of a very special night.
“Midnight in Paris” would not have been possible without the
extraordinary cooperation between the two schools. The amount
of behind the scenes work from Mrs Wright and Mrs Cachopa from
Westlake Girls was truly incredible. Mrs Gratton, too, provided
1st XV team photo
Nicolas Tanu and Susan Kostelijk
21st J
une 20
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some tried and tested experience, before Mr Coetzee took up the
reins in Term Two with classic gusto and enthusiasm. The Lads on
the committee would like to thank our Chairlady Shivani, Montana,
Ashley, Shirley and Millie for adding their individual touches of class
and beauty to committee meetings, as well as their families who really
went above and beyond expectations when it came to decorations.
Thanks to James Pearce, William Hung, Danny Jeong and our Chairman
Chris Hagan for your determination and laughs too. The success of the
2014 Ball came down to the way we all worked together – not just the
organisers, but the guests too. It is a true credit to the 2014 Westlake
7th Form that we all enjoyed our night, as a single cohort.
Jacob Siermans
Mitchell Dye with his date.
Ms Jang, Mr Ahn, Mrs Harrington, Miss Park.
Westlake Boys has again had an extremely successful year in
Debating, building on the enormous success that it enjoyed last year.
With the Premier Advanced, Junior Premier and Senior Open teams
all making their respective finals, this year has definitely been a
notable one for Westlake Boys Debating.
Westlake began the year strongly, winning the Auckland Seasonal
Championship convincingly, in a final where the boys had to argue
that if there was knowledge about an impending apocalypse, it
should be withheld from the public.
2014 was also the third year in a row Westlake has won the
Impromptu Cup – a tournament in which teams are only given
5 minutes to prepare an unseen motion before speaking for 5
minutes. The two-time winners of the Impromptu Cup, Matthew
Bilton and Liam Rawlings, were awarded Best Speaker and a Highly
Commended award respectively.
In the top Premier Advanced grade, Westlake Boys made the final
against Sacred Heart. In a tough debate, Westlake had to affirm
the motion that ‘Kim Dotcom has been good for New Zealand
politics’, Westlake was able to successfully argue that Kim Dotcom’s
involvement in politics had enfranchised youth and had increased
political engagement. This meant that, for the first time in the history
of Advanced Premier Debating, Westlake, with a team consisting
of Liam Rawlings, Jono King and Matthew Bilton, was able to win
back to back titles. This feat was only made more impressive by
David Hoggard, Matthew Bilton, Mac Jordan winners of the Thorburn Debate against WGHS.
Advanced Premier Debating Auckland Champions Ian Lim,
Jono King, Liam Rawlings and Matthew Bilton.
the fact that, also for the first time in Auckland Schools Debating
history, Westlake was able to secure the trophy for best speaker in
the Auckland final for the second year in a row, with Matthew taking
home the prestigious award. Westlake’s Form 7 Team also won the
annual Thorburn Cup against Westlake Girls in what has a highly
entertaining debate on gender issues.
In another Auckland Schools Debating record, Westlake’s Premier
Junior team won their grade for the fourth year, hopefully placing
Westlake in a prime position to complete half a decade of dominance
over the grade next year. This team consisted of Dylan Maynard,
Ford Gooch, Sean Yang and David Lin.
Matthew Bilton also made the Auckland Regional Debating Squad, in
which he won a Highly Commended speaker award at the National
competition in June. Further to this, Liam Rawlings and George Han
also made the Auckland Regional Development Squad, meaning that
both speakers are in a great position to make the Auckland squad
next year.
A special thanks to all the Coaches and Managers who have made
this year such a successful one, especially to Miss Thew for her work
with Senior Open, and Mr Coetzee, who as coach of both the Premier
Junior and Premier Advanced teams dedicated enormous amounts
of time and effort to ensure that both teams were able to be as
successful as they were.
By Matthew Bilton and Liam Rawlings
The Junior Prem Team David Lin, Dylan Maynard, Ford Gooch and Sean Yang are Auckland Champions
Amnesty International
The Amnesty International group is relatively young group and still finding
its way in many areas. However, this has not prevented 2014 from being
an eventful year for the group.
On the educational front, we managed to pursue our goals with some
success. Through assembly presentations, speaking to social studies
classes and holding a variety of promotional debates, we were able to
slowly but surely inform Westlake students about the values and principles
of Amnesty International. Despite this, there is still a lot of work to do in
order to make Amnesty International a well known cause, something that
will need plenty of consideration in the years to come.
Miguel Errazo, Juancho Soriano and Rengen Parlane
serve up a sausage sizzle.
A definite highlight for the year was Freedom Challenge Week in which
we held numerous events in order to promote and fundraise for Amnesty
International. During the week, we held a debate, a gaming event and a
sausage sizzle, all on top of selling badges, stickers and wristbands. Of
particular interest was the debate, centred around the moot of whether
it was acceptable to torture terrorists, which was met with great interest
from a wide variety of students, and, packed with vivacious action,
certainly didn’t disappoint. In total, we managed to raise in excess of
$450 and obtain countless signatures on our petitions, making this year’s
Freedom Challenge Week one of Westlake’s most successful ever.
All members should be very proud of themselves for having contributed to
what was, overall, a very successful year.
Students cheer Tyler Duffield on in a video
game fundraiser.
Rengen Parlane
Vex Robotics
Instead of starting off the year allowing boys to make their own items
everyone was given the same initial project to cover skills in both
woodwork and metalwork. Making a small naval canon, from the
days of sailing ships, meant learning to work carefully with tiny parts,
using machines such as a metal cut-off saw, drill press, scroll saw
and lathe in addition to the usual hand tools. The boys thoroughly
enjoyed the project and learnt various skills enabling them to work
safely and with confidence on their own projects later in the year.
The boys have spent many hours after school and over the holidays
perfecting the operation of their robots for interschool competitions
otherwise known as scrimmages. The teams have attended
scrimmages all over Auckland, had heaps of fun and learnt plenty.
Thank you to the parents for assisting with transport to these
events. The excellent leadership and assistance from the Year 13
Boys will be missed but with the promising Junior lads, who will be
the experienced ones left to run the club from next year, matters
are in good hands. Through their weekly after school meets, they
have learnt RobotC programming language, which had translated
into the programming sequence for their robots. The students have
successfully programmed a variety of movements to allow the
robots to successfully complete some of the tasks set for the 2014
and 2015 National Competitions.
Another activity the boys enjoyed was dismantling broken
equipment, like projectors and printers to find out how they work
and to recover usable parts and materials for recycling. The
activities proved popular, membership grew over the year and
hopefully the skills learnt will stand the boys in good stead for many
years to come.
Mr C Rein – TIC Hobbies Club and Robotics
Ms I Wahab
Duncan Anderson, Cameron Dagger and
Charlie Lee working hard on their robot
Stephen Zhao, Azarish Ali, Kunj Joshi, Daniel Kim (back), Andrew Wickens,
Ricky Liang, Zonal Ali with their models of Old Naval Cannons.
Duncan Anderson and Charlie Lee at an
Interschool Scrimmage.
The winning teams after the Finals.
Westlake’s Premier Badminton Team, consisting of Niccolo Tagle,
Oscar Guo, Callum Harfiel, Jowis Lau and Ben Lie, were the unbeaten
champions at the 2014 National Secondary School Tournament this
year. All players left their hearts out on the court and the team didn’t
drop a set in any of the matches, winning each tie 6-0.
In the final against Auckland Grammar, who were seeded first, it was
the on-site physiotherapist who played an important role strapping
Westlake players’ shoulders and knees, for the team to pull off the
victory and regain the national title.
Matches were played against Auckland Grammar 2, Palmerston
North Boys 2, Macleans College, Palmerston North Boys 1, Verdon
College, Hamilton Boys High and Auckland Grammar School.
Westlake’s Second team with Sascha Gaultz, Ben Feng, Sam
2014 NZSS Champs, Niccolo Tagle, Oscar Guo,
Callum Harfield, Jowis Lau and Ben Lie.
Premier 2 Team Sascha
Gaudlitz, Tigerson Cao,
Sam Farmer, Brendon
Wang and Ben Feng.
Farmer, Brendon Wang and Tigerson Cao participated in the
second section of the Nationals Tournament and won all ties against
Rangitoto College, Tauranga Boys, Western Heights College,
Bethlehem College, Wanganui High, Wahi College and Hutt Valley
High. The team will now be eligible to play in the Championship
Competition next year.
Badminton has continued to be a popular sport at Westlake Boys.
Monday afternoon has seen seventeen Senior teams play during
Term Two at Badminton North Harbour. Westlake Red won the A
Grade Competition by defeating Westlake Yellow in the Final. Then
during Term Three nine Junior teams took part in the after school
competition. This year Westlake had a total of more than 150 players
and we look forward to another successful year next year.
Mrs M Thorpe – TIC Badminton
Relaxing at Mt Maunganui Beach before the Final.
Adventure Racing
2014 has seen Adventure Racing at Westlake Boys High School double
in size. There have been highs and lows over the year with each event
posing its own challenge. This was the first year we entered a Junior
team into the OPC “Get 2 Go” challenge, a 6 hour race consisting of four
stages (Rock Climbing, Kayaking, Orienteering and Mountain Biking).
Taylor Haynes, Oliver Lawrence, Ashton Philo and Campbell Knowles
competed alongside four girls from Westlake Girls High School and
placed in a very close 2nd in Auckland and missing out on a place in the
5 day final at Great Barrier Island.
Next up we entered the Hillary Challenge Qualifier and unfortunately
the day was not to be ours. We entered two teams this year and neither
managed to find a spot in the New Zealand finals. Next year the team is
looking promising and we will try again.
Tristan Williams, Dylan Carlyle and Andrei
Popovici strategise over the next leg of the
OPC Hillary Challenge
Campbell Knowles and Ashton Philo
battle with tyres at the Get 2 Go
Auckland Competition.
Our success has come from a Rogaine series that has been running over
the course of the year. A Rogaine consists of orienteering and collecting
points along with problem solving activities. Westlake Boys High School
has entered each event so far and has placed 1st and 2nd in the secondary
schools section and often 1st or 2nd overall. This is an outstanding result
for the team and we’ll be aiming for the same result next year.
The boys have had to build skills in fitness, orienteering, kayaking,
mountain biking and team building. Each year new challenges arise and
the team trains harder. Thanks to Tristan Williams for his commitment
to the team over the past few years and the leadership role he has
played. Bring on 2015!
Miss Sarah Belcher – TIC Adventure Racing
Oliver Lawrence and Taylor Haynes paddle their hearts out with the
teams support at the Get 2 Go Competition.
The Chess Club opened in February and within a few weeks it
was full of enthusiastic players during lunchtimes. Four teams
completed the preliminary rounds of the Auckland Zonal Secondary
Schools’ Competition. The Junior A and Senior A Teams qualified
for the Auckland Finals. The Junior A Team achieved a creditable
4th placing overall. The Senior A Team came close to winning
the Auckland Championship, finishing second behind Auckland
Grammar School.
Second in New Zealand William Zhang, Hao Jia , William Li and Winston Yao
with their Coach Mr Van den Heuval.
The Senior A Team qualified for the National finals and achieved
second place in New Zealand - an excellent result for Westlake
Boys High School.
The Senior Champion is William Li and the Junior Champion is
Thomas Chen.
I would like to thank Mr Masterton, Miss Ahn, Mr Bithell, Ms Bader
and Mr Noble for their support in the management of the Chess
Teams and Chess Club. Finally, I would like to thank the Chess
Club members for their enthusiasm and participation for making
Chess at Westlake Boys High School a success in 2014. We look
forward to another great year in 2015.
Mr A Van den Heuvel – TIC Chess
Auckland Finals
Auckland Finals
Senior A
Senior B
Junior A
Junior B
W8/L12 4th
Darren Zhang thinks about his next move.
After taking out the National Basketball Title in 2013 and becoming
back-to-back Champions once again, Westlake Boys Premier
Basketball Team was always going to have a tough year to try and
win the elusive three-peat.
Carl Stent (Head Coach), Mr Phil Campbell and I (Assistant
Coaches) were fortunate enough to bring back a number of players
from the title winning 2013 team. Many of our Premier players
were involved in New Zealand age grade teams. Matt Freeman
and Jackson Stent were part of the U18 team, and both Isaac
Letoa and Logan Hunt were also reserves for this team. Matt had
a very successful year and was invited to be part of three major
international age group camps. One of these was the Adidas Nations
Camp in America which Jackson also won an invite too. Matt is also
currently in the final pool of players to make the Junior Tall Blacks
for December. One of your promising younger players, Thabo
Manyere was part of the U16 team. Many of the boys were absent
at various times throughout the season, this along with a number of
injuries, meant we relied heavily on the depth of our program.
The season kicked off with our Premier Team taking out the North
Island Tip-Off Pre-season Tournament in Rotorua. Our regular
Auckland Premier Competition started with a huge win over
Avondale. We started the season well but due to players being away
overseas and some injuries we had a mid-season dip before finishing
strong. Third on the ladder for the playoffs we once again had to face
our North Shore rival Rangitoto in the semi-final. Unfortunately, even
though we hung in there for most of the game, they had our number
once again, getting the win 72-64.
At the Nationals Qualifying Tournament during Winter Tournament
week the boys managed to get into the final after an epic comeback
overtime win against Auckland Grammar in the semi. We faced our
rival Rangitoto again. After a tight first half, Rangi pulled away for the
win 99-89, seeding us second for Nationals.
We were back to Palmerston North in the first week of the October
holidays for Nationals. Our first three pool games were very solid
wins over Onehunga (121-55), Hamilton Boys (96-45) and St
Patricks Silverstream (92-54). Our final two pool games were tough.
New Plymouth Boys were well drilled and played hard all game
but our boys came out firing and played a great structured game
to come out with a 73-53 win. Hasting Boys were undersized but
U15 A2 celebrate their Championship win over
Northcote College with their Coach Mr Jorgensen.
extremely tenacious, they needed to win and they played like it!
Even though WBHS were down all game, we ground away behind
very spirited played by Captain Ugo Pierantoni and a big offensive
spark by all our guards, pulling through for the win 98-87. Through
as the top seed out of pool 2 we faced St Johns, Hamilton, in the
quarter-final, in another back and forth game. Westlake pulled it
out in the final few minutes behind some great free-throw shooting
by Jaylen Gerrand, 80-75. The semi-final matched us up with St
Pats, Wellington. It was another back and forth game for Westlake,
who had to rely on it tough defence throughout the game as the
offence was quite stagnant for both teams. Their star guard Izayah
Mauriohooho Le’afa played well getting 28 points, but the constant
Westlake pressure defence from Logan Hunt, Jackson Stent and
Jaylen Gerrand started to wear him down. In another tough game we
managed to hold a slim lead and went on to win 67-59.
In the final it was a North vs South game as we took on Otago
Boys. The scoring load was carried inside by impressive offensive
performances by Matt Freeman and Yanni Wetzell. Westlake guards,
especially Isaac Letoa, did a good job on the defensive end. The
game remained tight throughout the final quarter but in the final
minutes Otago pulled ahead and took the title away from Westlake,
74-69. Both Jaylen Gerrand and Matt Freeman were named in the
Tournament Team. So close, but unfortunately we could not get the
elusive three-peat. A great effort by the boys and all those involved
in making it through to the final for the third year in a row. We could
not have done this without the big contribution of coaches Carl Stent
and Phil Campbell and our exceptional manager Louise Freeman.
Thank you also to Franco Pierantoni, our statistician, and, Dave
MacKay and Fata Letoa for their coaching expertise.
League 1 enjoyed another successful year. The well drilled Senior A
team finished the year second in Harbour and did well against other
schools’ ‘A’ teams in the Nationals Qualifying Tournament. The
U17A team rolled through the Harbour Competition and took out
the greater Auckland Competition. Our Junior Premier team won
the Pre-Season Tip-Off Tournament for the second year in a row
and after a slow start at the Upper North Island, finished strong. A
huge thank you to all those Coaches and Managers that made all this
success possible.
Mr N Sullivan - TIC of League 1 Basketball
Junior Premiers. Winner of the North Island
Tip-Off Basketball Tournament.
League two Basketball enjoyed a successful year in 2014, with 26 teams
competing across three levels of social competition. One in every six
Westlake student’s now represents their school on the basketball court,
making it one of our most popular co-curricular activities. It was pleasing to
see how competitive Westlake managed to be despite having the majority
of our talent in league 1.
Matt Freeman ready to attack in the National Semi-Final against St Pats, Wellington.
The Under 15 A team went undefeated for the season. They won their final
against Northcote College behind an impressive offensive performance
from Amir Saranj. Riley Milne provided a solid defensive effort, disrupting
Northcote’s passing play and preventing them from scoring from set plays.
Justin Dulangon always looked threatening from the point guard position,
making sure to involve his teammates in the game.
Westlake had potential at Under 17 level. The Under 17 A and Under 17 G
teams went unbeaten in pool play and made the semi-finals. However the
run ended there, as both squads fell to deserving opponents. Anthony Ji
was instrumental in the 17 A team’s successful season. Playing a point
forward role, he set an example as a positive leader and did whatever was
needed to win games. Jim Quito and Kimsong Lor made up one of the most
feared backcourts in the Under 17 league, leading the 17 G team through
productive transition play and fast-break offence.
Matt Freeman dunking at the Nike Asia Camp.
It was a rebuilding year for the seniors. The Under 19 D team was our best
placed team, finishing fifth overall. The young squad of year 12s who won
the Under 17 league in 2013 will have another shot at the senior title in
2015. Josh Dahlberg acted as a player and coach for the team.
A huge thank you goes to all the staff who helped with coaching and
supervising this season, and to the 24 student coaches who volunteered
their time to share their basketball knowledge with social teams. Without
them our Basketball Programme could not be the success that it is.
Mr K Jorgensen – TIC League 2 Basketball
Yanni Wetzell with the Tip-Off
in the 2014 National Final.
Westlake Boys
2014 National
This year we entered ten teams into the Auckland Secondary
School cricket competitions. Six of these teams played in the wider
Auckland area and four teams on the North Shore. Most teams have
had varying degrees of success and as I write this the 4th XI and
Colts 1 and Colts 3 are in with a chance to take out their respective
championships. The Senior Morning team which played in Term One
only lost in a very exciting final.
The 1st XI play in the Premier A competition and the 2nd XI and 3rd
XI in the Premier B Competition, and mainly against other school’s
1st XIs. Competition is always tough and it is pleasing that many of
our younger players have developed well in the 2nds and 3rds and
will push for higher honours in 2015.
The 4th XI under the astute guidance of Mr Meredith are in a strong
position to win their competition. This team has a habit of producing
top results and is made up of students who love their cricket and
play with a real passion on a Saturday.
Colts 1 and Colts 2 play in the Auckland competition and each
Saturday is a real challenge with the best cricket schools playing in it.
This age group is highly competitive and our students are developing
well in their quest to make our Premier teams in the years ahead.
Colts 1, under Coach Mr Dale, made the top section for the play offs
and Colts 2, under the perennial Mr Wedderburn, played in the group
below. Colts 3 played in the North Harbour competition and Mr
Coetzee has done a great job with them making the Final. Mr James
coached our Senior C team. This team played in Term One only.
Because of the pressure of end of year examinations this has proved
to be a very popular competition and the final was an exciting game
and our students did themselves proud by finishing as runners up.
The two Junior Morning teams are made up of students who love
the game and want some fun on a Saturday morning. The Green
team is coached by Mr Cachopa who has been involved with many
championship winning 1st XI teams and he enjoyed being with these
students on a Saturday morning. The Red team was coached by two
past pupils, Antonio Gargiulo and Imesh Ediriwerra. It was great to
see these two young men come back to help in the game they loved
so much when they were here.
Cricket has struggled for numbers in clubs and schools in the past
few years. There are many other attractions for our students but
Wizard Wesley Healiss at the crease.
it is pleasing to see that cricket is still a popular game at Westlake.
Hopefully the 2015 World Cup being played here and in Australia will
be exciting and encourage more into the game.
I would like to thank all of our teacher coaches who give freely of
their time to look after our teams. Many thanks also to professional
coaches who have worked diligently to improve our students playing
ability. Lastly I would like to thank the parents, grandparents,
brothers and sisters and other family members and friends who
support the boys each Saturday. Your attendance and support at the
game is greatly appreciated by school and the boys.
Mr J Kirstein - MIC Cricket
Clayton Floyd on the defence.
Captain Courageous Stefan Baumgartner.
The Westlake first XI’s year can be described as a year of growth. Not
a team of stars but one of contributors. There were most certainly
difficult periods where significant cricketing lessons were learned
and like all such experienced the future will bear the fruit. An example
of such growth can be seen in the comparison between our first
term match against St. Kentigern College. Against St Kentigern a
disciplined bowling performance saw the 1st XI dismiss the opposition
for just 115. This proved a difficult challenge for the batsmen and
Westlake were all out for 80 in 40 overs. The juxtaposition to this
came early in term four against Sacred Heart. Again a disciplined
bowling performance saw Sacred Heart bowled out for 113. This time
the Westlake batsmen showed greater maturity and proof that they
had learned from previous lessons. They chased down the score
comfortably with four wickets in hand and 16 overs remaining. This
is proof of the development the team has experienced under the
tutelage of Messrs Kirstein and Scivier.
The 1st XI kicked off their season with a traditional fixture against
local rivals, Rangitoto College. As the first outing of the season there
were sure to be some uncertainties and the Westlake top order found
it tough going. Wickets fell at regular intervals with Jack Dromgool’s
33 being the sole notable contribution. A defiant 9th wicket stand
between Luke Steyn (34*) and Brett Bakkerus (25) helped Westlake
reach 150 all out. The Westlake attack had to bowl well to rectify the
wobbly batting performance. With just 30 runs needed Rangitoto had
Sam Hudson and Matthew White confer after another good shot for Colts 3.
important toss and chose to put St. Kent’s into bat on a green and
damp pitch. The Westlake bowlers showed greater discipline against
St. Kent’s the following week and struck at regular intervals and were
able to restrict St. Kent’s to just 115 in 46.3 overs. However, from the
outset Westlake fell behind the meagre asking rate as wickets tumbled
at a constant rate and finished with a paltry 80 all out.
The Westlake 1st XI was back to winning ways the next weekend with
a convincing 180 run routing of Avondale College and followed this
up with an 88 run victory over Liston College in tricky conditions.
However, Westlake received a cricketing lesson from MAGS in the last
round of the one day competition losing by eight wickets.
In the first game of the two day competition Westlake found
themselves on the wrong end of a 22 run victory. Auckland Grammar
won the toss and elected to bat and posted 182 all out with Wesley
Healiss picking up 4/50 and Clayton Floyd 3/33. However, the
Westlake openers struggled against the new ball and ended the day on
106/7 and 147 all out after the first innings. Set a target of 181 from 46
overs Westlake began their second innings optimistically. However,
this was momentary as the top order collapsed to 3 wickets with only
3 runs on the board and they were eventually all out for 159.
Westlake went some way to making up for that loss by beating
Sacred Heart in the following game with 16 overs and 4 wickets in
hand. Following this was a 1st innings win against MAGS, with William
O’Donnell top scoring with 89.
resulting in a Westlake victory by 10 runs.
It has been a challenging year for the boys and they have learnt much
about themselves and each other. We look forward to the end of the
season and next year where the team will find the opportunity to
develop and fulfil their potential.
The following week Westlake Captain, Stefan Baumgartner, won an
Mr J Kirstein – 1st XI Co Coach.
four wickets in hand and seemed to have the game all but wrapped
up but a fighting spirit saw the last four wickets fall for just 20 runs
2013 Auckland Aces player James Fuller
gives Keegan Russell some tips.
Jack Dromgool all serious intent.
cross country
Joshua Hansen, Dan Hoy, Finn Mason,
Bradley Hall, Louis Abplanalp, Angus Nicoll.
Venue: St Kentigern College
Date: 5 June 2014
The Westlake Cross Country team, consisting of 72 runners, boasted
a solid season in 2014 with our boys running to seven Top Three
finishes at Regional and National level.
Dan Hoy helped kick-off the season at the Auckland Regional Cross
Country Champs finishing 1st overall to lead the Intermediate Team
to a victory in the three and six person team competition. He was
very well supported by Tommy Shiferaw 7th, Bradley Hall 10th and
Joe Jackson 11th to give Westlake four runners in the top eleven.
Paced by outstanding efforts the junior boys took third place in the
six person competition with Stuart Hofmeyr leading from the front.
Stuart, the Year 9 Captain, crossed the line in 12th place closely
Also having solid efforts for Westlake in the junior grade was Aaron
Capill 18th, Ethan Rix 21st and Troy Gregerson 22nd.
Leading the way in the Senior Grade was Finn Mason. Finn turned in
an outstanding performance taking 8th place. A solid performance
also came in from Troy Lonergan 9th, Josh Hansen 14th, Angus
Nicoll 16th and Louis Abplanalp 21st. The seniors nabbed a welldeserved second place overall.
It was pleasing to see the number of boys competing for the school,
especially in the Year 9 age group. The school congratulates all these
athletes and thanks all parents who have constantly encouraged and
supported the boys.
followed by the talented and ever improving Wilf Sergeant in 15th.
Aaron Capill at the Auckland Champs.
Joe Clark in the Intermediate Race followed closely by Joe Jackson.
Dan Hoy in the Senior Race at the NZ
Champs in Palmerston North.
Venue: Palmerston North
Date: 22 June 2014
Following the Gold medal performance in the Intermediate Grade
In the Year 9 Team Stuart Hofmeyr once again emerged as the top
at the Auckland Regional Cross Country Champs, we travelled to
runner finishing 15th in a field of 162 runners, to lead the Westlake
Nationals with high hopes. The team had to make do without two of
Team to a 5th place finish. We are very proud of this result as most
their top runners – Dan Hoy and Bradley Hall, as they had moved
of our boys are first year runners and still very young. The other
into the Senior Grade.
team members all contributed well with Wilf Sergant 34th, Troy
Joe Clark paced the Westlake effort crossing the line in 5th place - an
impressive performance. Joe finished 4th in the National Road Race
Champs at the end of 2013 and has now established himself as one
of the best in his grade in New Zealand. With continued hard work,
determination and focus an individual medal at National Level is
within his grasp.
Gregerson 39th, Hunter Pethers-Boak 53rd, Jack Winfield-Pitt 63rd
and Matthew Edwards 65th making up the six person team.
The Senior Team closed out their season with a 4th place finish in
the three person team competition. Dan Hoy led by example running
a well-planned race in very muddy and windy conditions to finish
second. Dan was well supported by first year senior Bradley Hall in
37th and Finn Mason 42nd.
Tommy Shiferaw 30th and Joe Jackson 31st had high hopes of
finishing top 10 and will be disappointed with their performances.
Oliver Heal 33th, Aaron Capill 44th and Ryan Williams 47th all had
outstanding performances and contributed well, to help the team to
For his efforts, Dan was named in the New Zealand Secondary
School Cross Country team. A wonderful achievement keeping in
mind that he is a Year 11 student.
Mr T Strydom – TIC Cross Country
a Silver medal.
Charl Ulrich at NZ Champs.
Stuart Hofmeyr in the Year 9 Race at NZ Champs.
Westlake Boys Cycling Club gathered at Castle Rock in southern
Te Awamutu to start make a start to the 2014 season. Joining the
established cyclists of the club were a bunch of lads of all shapes, sizes
and backgrounds that had two things in common: they’ve had nothing to
do with a road bike and were very keen to learn the trade. What followed
was a weekend of hard work on the road with the groups putting in a solid
effort in testing conditions. More importantly, a strong team bond was
fostered through the leadership of Cycling Captain, Scott Jarrold, the
Coaches and the infamous Woolshed.
The teams saw their first taste of racing in the Auckland Team Time
Trial Series, a seven race series throughout the winter. Senior A, was
represented throughout the series by Scott Jarrold, Cory Cannings, Dom
Porter, Josh Reilly, Henry Morrison-Jones and Lachlan Macintosh and
competed consistently against classy competitors from rival schools
to finish 4th in the series. The Junior teams learnt a lot throughout the
series and continued to improve their performance against the more
fancied and experienced Junior teams of other schools.
New to the school Cycling Season, was the Three Race Road Series with
the first race held at Pukekohe Raceway. The Senior race was highlighted
by some smart cycling by Ryan Berney and Dom Porter as well as a lone
break by Mountain Biking convert, Josh Reilly. The whole club competed
strongly in the second event, the North Harbour Tour and, in atrocious
conditions, Dom Porter won the sprint for the third race in Counties
Manukau. The strong performances across the series netted Dom 1st
place in the series, as well as top Senior Team alongside Josh and Ryan.
North Island Champs was the first real test of how our Cyclists stacked
up against our main opposition and for many of our riders, their first
experience of road racing in a top class field. The standout performance
Kip Watson fighting it out in the Nationals Points Race.
Cory Cannings leads the Senior A Team of Josh Reilly, Nick Wilson,
Scott Jarrold and Dominic Porter in the Nationals Team Time Trial.
of the event went to Scott Jarrold who finished 5th in a select
group that had left the rest in tatters over a hilly and tough U20
Road Race.
The culmination of the season was held in Palmerston North,
a current stronghold of Schoolboy Cycling and famous for its
crippling crosswinds and tough courses. The weather didn’t
disappoint as the boys were treated to gales. Thankfully, the
wind eased for the Team Time Trial and the boys produced their
finest performances of the season, with a notable effort from
Nicholas Wilson who stepped up incredibly well for his first race
in senior A. Strong winds and torrential rain saw the cancelation
of the Road Race leaving all schools with only the Points Race
to prove their worth. Again, Westlake competed strongly in
this complex event with members of the Junior team fighting it
out at the front of their field, a testament to their development
across the season.
The significant development of a young and largely
inexperienced team can be accounted for by the guidance
of a great bunch of seniors, led by Scott Jarrold, who always
pushed themselves and set the high standards of training and
performance. The contribution of the coaching team consisting
of Eric de Freitas, Andy McNab, Ryan Davenport, Ayden
Reynolds and Head Coach, Tim Gudsell, has been pivotal in
getting the best out of our cyclists this year. Finally, the support
by Mr Clarke and a dedicated and positive committee has made
the success of this season possible and puts the club in a good
position for future achievement.
Mr S van Rossen – TIC Cycling
Kip Watson leading the Junior A Team of Joshua Rosa, Sam
Jones and Zi You Du in the Nationals Team Time Trial.
The Senior riders logging some miles in South Te Awamutu
during Training Camp.
dragon boating
Dragon Boating is a summer sport we compete in once
a year at Lake Pupuke within the Auckland Regional
Secondary Schools Championships. Dragon Boating is
a variation of rowing that originated in China and is still
associated with the traditional Chinese Dragon Boat
Festival or Tuen Ng Festival in Hong Kong. Here in New
Zealand it is a fun team sport where teams paddle on
water using traditionally decorative boats. The length
of the race is 500 metres and the normal crew number
is 22, including 20 paddlers, 1 Steerer and 1 Drummer.
The timing and pace of each boat is essentially driven by
the beat and rhythm of the drum. Our 19 crew members
trained hard twice a week at Lake Pupuke and have
thoroughly enjoyed working together as a team, alongside
the professional coaches provided by the Dragon Boating
Association- Trevor Esera and Fan’e Vasi.
On Sunday the 23rd of March 2014, our Dragon Boating
team lined up against various mixed teams from around
Auckland. We won all four races whilst continuing to
maintain the fastest time of all races. Congratulations
to the team who took home the Gold medal and were
awarded the Boys Open Grade Final Trophy when placed
1st against Lynfield Saints, Epsom Girls and Lynfield
Ms T Groves – TIC Dragon Boating
Westlake Boys Dragon Boating Team 2014
The Boys Open Grade Final Trophy
George Casement, Lochie Chambers, Harry
Davies, Phillip Fan, Matt Goodman, Jordan
Jessup, Jason King, Hubert Lao, Joshua
Lepper, Kane Lu, Anaru Molving, Henrik
Molving, Cameron Nyler, Elliot Nuttal,
Hamish Sellar, Jacob Seirmans, Nicolas
Tanu, Thomas Taylor, Feng Zheng (Captain)
duke of Edinburgh
Sean King, Oliver Lawrence, Clark Froude, Juancho Soriano, Reagan Hargest, Ashton Reiser
planning their expedition.
This year we have had over 50 boys register for the
award across the three levels. Between them they have
completed hundreds of hours across a whole wealth of
different activities and disciplines. This includes sports
ranging from Rugby to Adventure Racing; services in
the school and the wider community and a variety of
skills including many musical instruments, driving and
debating. In addition to this they have all completed at
least two expeditions the shortest being 18km and the
longest around 40km.
The Bronze group were lucky with the weather and had two excellent
expeditions to Rangitoto and the Pinnacles in the Coromandel. Both
tramps involved two days and one night with a distance of up to 20km. We
were really spoilt on both trips as we were almost the only people staying
on Rangitoto, with a huge campsite to spread across and we pretty much
had the almost luxurious (compared to the campsites) Pinnacles hut to
Oliver Lawrence on his tramp at The Pinnacles.
The Silver group were a little unlucky with the weather and had to
battle the elements a little with a practice expedition in the Waitakere
Ranges and a long final expedition in the Hunua Ranges. The boys did
exceptionally well to keep their morale high and complete the 40km
trip with some great team work and support for each other. They really
showed that they could overcome the challenges in front of them and pull
on their group’s strengths to complete the expedition. We have a group
working towards the skills, service and physical sections of the award.
They hope to complete their expeditions over the summer.
Mr J Foden and Mr M Russell - TICs Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award
Football has had another very busy and successful year in 2014.
First XI. In July 2015 we will also see our Institute Footballers
Twenty-Seven teams have regularly represented the School in
compete in Australia against a host of talented teams as we embark
competitive games that have taken us across Auckland, the whole of
upon an A League football experience at the NSW Football Academy
New Zealand and even as far away as England and Spain.
in Sydney.
In many grades this year, we have been able to secure First or
Looking further ahead in 2015, Westlake will see past and current
Second place finishes in our respective leagues, which is no mean
First XI players represent New Zealand in the U20 World Cup that
feat given the amount of Football that takes place on both the North
is hosted on our shores. This is a huge achievement for all involved
Shore and in Auckland City. Our First XI team achieved a credible
and will be great opportunity for Westlake players to showcase their
‘Second in New Zealand’ at the NZ Secondary Schools Tournament
talent on home soil in a pinnacle FIFA event.
in Napier this year and the 13A1 side were Auckland Champions in
As a school, we would like to thank all of the Teachers, Coaches
their respective league.
and Parents who have given their time to supporting and organising
Our Senior Social League has grown once again this year, with more
training sessions and games. This is a significant aspect of our
teams entered and the title changed hands this season from KFC to
programme and our gratitude to these dedicated people is
Two Goals FC.
something we are exceptionally grateful for. Particular thanks must
Regardless of the team that each student has played in this year, the
values and principles that each player displays is the same, namely,
to represent the school with honesty, integrity and a genuine love
of football. A Westlake Footballer this year has been someone who
plays the game with pride, passion and loyalty, as well as enjoying
playing with their friends and learning from their coaches.
year and has benefitted from having excellent coaches working with
all of our players. We will continue to invest heavily in the Football
Institute programme as we can see the impact it is having on our
Adyn Kettle goes on another mazy dribble.
go to Mr Buckingham for running all of the administrative elements
of such a huge programme – a task he performs excellently, often
without being seen.
Westlake Football has had a great year and we hope that we can
continue to grow and develop further in the future as we unveil a new
artificial pitch, create more avenues for overseas tours and produce
more players that can feature for the First XI, Professional Football
The Football Institute has also gone from strength to strength this
WBHS 13A1 Auckland Champs
with their Coach Mr Dale.
Teams, US Scholarship Colleges and even their respective countries.
Good luck to you all and thank you for all of your hard work.
Mr A McBride – TIC Football
Goalie Alex Cassidy.
Leewaine Scott looks to
make inroads into the
opposition penalty area.
1ST XI Side.
Runners up Auckland Premier League
Runners up Lotto Premier National Tournament
P 25 W 17 D 4 L 4 GF 74 GA 29
Golden Boot: Sam Brotherton: (13 goals)
Greatest Contribution to Senior Football: Sam Brotherton
Coach’s player of the year: Harrison Bolton-Roberts
Most promising Senior Player: Sean Skeens
The Westlake first XI, building on the progress of the previous two
years, established itself as a force to be reckoned with in 2014. The
team can reflect on a season of high quality and dedicated Football and
it was only the finest of margins that denied them the silverware they
The Premier League Campaign quickly developed into a two horse race
between Westlake and Sacred Heart. An unbeaten Westlake led the
league at the half way mark after a gutsy ‘come from behind’ 2-1 home
win over Sacred Heart. Other notable victories over MAGS (3-0) and
AGS (4-2) were the highlights of the first round. A sluggish start to the
second round saw points drop to MAGS and Macleans College and this
was to cost the team the title as, despite an epic 2-2 draw at Sacred
Heart, Westlake finished runners up to the East Auckland School.
Westlake punctuated their fine league form with a long Knock Out
Cup run that saw them beat Pakuranga College (5-0) and TGS (3-0)
before dispatching AGS 7-2 in the quarter final. Unfortunately they
were denied a final show down with Sacred Heart, after a disgraceful
refereeing performance saw them bundled out on penalties in the semifinal by Macleans College.
Sam Brotheron looks to
beat his marker.
The team travelled to Napier for the Lotto Premier National
Tournament, determined to end the season on a high. Napier boys
(5-0) and Cashmere High School (3-0) were brushed aside as
Westlake topped their qualifying group, resting key players in the
final group game – a 2-3 loss to PHBHS. Quarter final opponents
Wellington College were overwhelmed 4-0 in a commanding
performance, which led to a semi-final against Hamilton Boys. In
a dramatic match Westlake took an early 2-0 lead with Crombie
scoring a spectacular second goal. Hamilton pulled one back but
the team showed true Westlake spirit to defend their lead for the
remaining 50 minutes and progress to their first National final
in ten years. As predicted they faced off against old foes Sacred
Heart. Westlake were slow to start and soon found themselves
0-2 behind, talismanic Captain Sam Brotherton scored to put his
team back in the game, which was delicately balanced at half time.
Despite a valiant second half effort Westlake could not find the
equalizer and conceded late in the game to go down 1-3.
In a season that contained many more highs than lows this
team showed tremendous unity and spirit and an unswerving
commitment to playing possession based, attacking football.
Captain, and golden boot winner with 13 goals, Sam Brotherton
led from the front and set a school record with over 80
appearances in first XI colours, a great achievement. Coach Mr
McBride must take a bow for all his efforts in shaping and leading
this team, humbly assisted by Mr Berry and the idiosyncratic Mr
Mr A Berry – 1st XI Manager
Moses Dyer with a left
footed strike at goal.
moves the
ball quickly
to evade a
It has been yet another superb year for Westlake Hockey. We have
won numerous North Harbour titles and have shown great depth
with our hockey program, with both our junior and senior teams.
The season was an enjoyable one with a number of outstanding
Three of our students made New Zealand representative teams,
congratulations go to Benji Edwards, Mitchell Ottow and Chad James
for being selected. A truly fantastic achievement, well done!!
and James Wisniewski Most Improved, the team as a whole were
The 2nd XI has had a very successful season. The season started off
a bit slow and they lost two of their first 6 games. It was great news
that there has been a change in the intercity competition and the 2nd
XI were allowed to go on and play in the 2nd tier of this competition.
They played against some of the very best schools in Auckland
and each week was tough, as they generally came up against other
schools 1st teams. Denzel Williams and Matt Goodman did an
outstanding job as Captain and Vice-Captain respectively. The team
worked hard in preparation for their games. They only narrowly lost
one of their intercity games, which happened to be the semi-finals.
The score in this game was 1-1 at full time, 4-4 after strokes and we
lost 1-0 on sudden death strokes. We drew in 2 others. The team
came out 3rd equal.
developing maturity of all the players in Westlake Green Team.
The 2nd XI went on to play in the Galletly Cup 2nd XI National
Tournament. It was a great tournament and the team did really well
to bounce back from their earlier defeat against Palmerston North
Boys. It was a really tough final as the boys had 3 goals disallowed
and we were 1 – 0 down at half time. They did not drop their heads,
but kept on fighting and came through strong and went on to win.
Well done team!! A huge thank you also goes to Ms Belcher for
helping with the management of the team throughout the season.
Everything ran like clockwork under her watchful eye.
the North Harbour 1A competition. While in this grade they came
The 3rd XI boys had a challenging year. It took a bit of time for the
team to find their rhythm but they finished off the season well,
coming second in the 1A Grade. We would like to thank Reesan
Naidoo and Dr Burnett who coached them this year.
The Westlake Boys’ 4th XI were the winners of the North Harbour
2A Grade, but the team were ultimately frustrated at missing out on
promotion after a tough loss to Kristin’s 2nd XI on penalty strokes.
Sachin Chhiba shave tackles an unaware Takapuna
Grammar defender whilst Thomas Taylor looks on.
results including a 5-1 win over Rangitoto College 2nd XI to wrap
up the grade title. Although Marco Lammers was deemed MVP
fantastic all season.
Mr Enefer has been incredibly proud and impressed with the
Despite losing two players to higher graded teams, and playing with
a revolving goalkeeper, the team recorded an amazing score sheet.
Winning both the 4th grade and progressing on to win the 3A grade
as well. Our Senior Red side also deserves special mention as they
were a solid team who were committed, supportive and striking.
They enjoyed their hockey season together and looked forward to
facing their opponents every week. The team kept things simple by
never giving up and trying their best at all times. They came out 2nd
in the 4A grade, narrowly missing out by one point.
The Junior 1 Hockey team had another great season in the North
Harbour competition. They began the year in Grade 2 and after
Winning 4-0 against Pinehurst in the final, they then moved into
up against some tough competition in the form of Long Bay and
Mahurangi 1st XI and our WBHS 3rd XI.
The boys showed some great heart against these teams who were
bigger, faster and stronger than them. They ended up finishing 4th
in this competition which was a great result for the team. The Junior
NZ Rep Chad James fends off a tackle whilst looking for a pass.
The 2nd XI Champions with their Coach
Mr Jacobs and Manager Miss Belcher.
1 team then travelled down to Hamilton to compete for the Tanner
Cup. They had a great start to the tournament beating Kings High
School and then losing to Lindisfarne in the pool matches. Some
great tenacity was shown during their quarter final win against
AGS. They went on to beat Christ’s College in the semi-finals and
Lindisfarne in the final. A great season for the boys, showing a high
level of ability and being rewarded with a national title. A huge thanks
to Mr Glen and Husmit Uka for coaching the team this season.
Junior 2 had a great start to the season coming in the top 3 of
Grade 3. This meant that Junior 2 was moved up to Grade 2 for the
competition which is a huge achievement. Westlake has never had
a Junior 2 in Grade 2. The boys trained hard and gelled well as a
team. However, they were playing senior 1st and 2nd XI teams which
meant they had a tough season. They finished off 6th in grade 2A. A
big thanks goes to Ms Kelsey and Lee McClymont for coaching and
managing the team.
The Junior 3 team had a very successful season. The team finished
top of grade 5 at the end of round 1, but narrowly missed out to end
2nd in the end. And the Junior 4 Hockey players had a fun filled and
fairly successful season under the guidance of Edward Jelley and
Jono King. The team won the majority of their games against more
senior sides. Considering the fact that some of the boys were playing
Hockey for the first time, this was a great performance. I must thank
the parents for all their support and lollies at half-time. The team
finished off 5th in the 5th grade.
Mr K Jacobs – TIC Hockey
The Westlakers Team and the 1st XI after their annual fixture.
It has been another successful year for the 1st XI Hockey Team.
We started by accepting an invitation to Melbourne to compete
in a pre-season International Tournament. The boys performed
outstandingly well and managed to win the tournament. At the
start of Term Two we were back playing in the North Harbour
Competition, after playing the whole of 2013 in the Super City
Competition. The team dominated the League and won the Final
9-2 over Kristin School. The team then continued their strong
performances in the Intercity League, until coming up against Kings
College where we unfortunately lost with the last hit of the game.
Westlake then beat St Kentigerns in the Semi-Final, but lost again to
Kings in the Final.
The following week we headed to Palmerston North to play for
the National title - Rankin Cup. We again had a tough group but
managed wins over Christs College, Nelson and Palmerston North.
We then played Wellington College in the Quarter Finals and although
we dominated for most of the game only scored one goal. In the final
5 minutes we gave a penalty corner away and we ended up drawing
the game. With no extra time we went to strokes and after 5 we were
level and then lost of sudden death penalties. It was hard to recover
after that but the boys picked themselves up and beat St Andrews
the following day leaving a 5th/6th playoff against arch rivals Kings
College, which was drawn.
On a positive note, three of the team made the New Zealand U18
squad – Chad James, Mitchell Ottow and Benjamin Edwards. Even
better news is that two of these players are back next year!
Thanks must go to the 7th Form boys who have put their heart and
soul into the team for several years and also into Westlake Hockey
for 5 years. Special thanks to Captain Olivier Stroomer and ViceCaptain Chad James for all their effort both on and off the field.
Finally, a big thank you to Master in Charge of Hockey Mr. Jacobs
and Assistant Coach Garrick Frittelli for all their hard work and
commitment to the success of the 1st XI team.
Mr S McCracken and Mr C Meredith - 1st XI Head Coaches
The Senior Golf team, led by Sam Reese, had a mixed season in
2014. In the local North Harbour Competition they finished in Second
place behind Massey High School. This meant in the crossover for
the Greater Auckland Championship, they had to play the top ranked
Auckland Grammar School. Played at the Grange Golf course AGS
proved too strong, winning by 16 shots with the 3 best scores to count.
In the annual exchange with Hamilton Boys High School, Westlake bounced
back with a 9 shot win again with the 3 best scores to count. Captain Sam
Reese led the way with a fine 78 in very challenging conditions.
This was indeed a great result for the North Harbour
Schools filling the top two spots in the Auckland individual
Championships. In the North Harbour Schools Team
Championships Westlake finished in Third place 4 shots behind
the winners. In the NZ U19 Championships Sam Reese finished
in 8th place just 7 shots behind the winner.
Mr R Taylor – TIC Golf
Senior Team 2014
Sam Reese Captain
Louis Pablo
Individual Stroke Play Championships firing an even par 72 at the
Leo Hong
Jesper Bengttson
Manukau Golf Course. This placed Sam as Runner Up just one shot
Ian Blount
Robbie Blount
Sam then followed this up in the Auckland Secondary Schools
behind the winner from Massey High School.
Ray Cassim, Antoine Ellis and John Jiang waiting for their next game.
After practicing every Thursday after school, in the first weeks of
Term One, the following boys were selected to represent our school
in the 2014 Auckland Schools Triples Tournament, organised each
year by the Alliance Française. The team were: James Mackessack,
Jacob Siermans, Sam Sherriff, Antoine Ellis, John Jiang, Ray Cassim,
Matt Robinson, Logan Rainey, Ben Streten , Campbell Jordan,
Juancho Soriano and Michael Li.
We all had a beautiful day at the Herne Bay Pétanque Club on Friday
14th March. The boys competed against 37 teams, displaying
strong skills of precision and strategy in this authentic French game,
invented in 1907 in the south of France, and now played all around
the world in local, regional and even international tournaments. All
the boys arrived bright and early to practice before the tournament
and had excellent energy throughout the day.
Among the schools represented were Rangitoto College, Takapuna
Grammar School, Northcote College and Saint Kentigern School
but in an unprecedented situation for us, two Westlake Boys teams
competed against each other in the semi-finals. After winning 5
games in a row, Antoine, John and Ray came 2nd, while Jacob,
James and Sam made it to 4th place and we were also runner up
in the fourth pool. It was excellent performance from all the teams
leaving us with high expectations of bringing the cup back to our
school in 2015. Well done boys!
Miss A Kerbellec – TIC Pétanque
Runners Up - Antoine Ellis, Juancho Soriano, Campbell Jordan, Ray Cassim, Michael Li and John Jiang.
The Westlake Lacrosse Team with their Coach
Ben Gilmore and his assistant Stefan Vidal.
Following a successful year in 2013, the Lacrosse team began their
A few weeks later, the team made their way across the bridge to take
preparations for this year’s season early, training on Sundays and
on Mt Albert Grammar School in an Auckland Regional Semi-Final.
in the mornings before school right through winter. The 2014 team
MAGS put up the best challenge Westlake had seen so far, but we
was a mixture of experience and new talent, with all of the boys
managed to hold on through some nail-biting minutes at the end to
demonstrating plenty of enthusiasm for the sport and a desire to
come away with another win.
improve their skills.
The Auckland Final was played against old foes and defending
The team’s hard work paid off when the season finally started in
champions Michael Park School. Michael Park had an intimidating list
August. The Friday afternoon games were often played in a chilly
of results – unbeaten with winning margins of twenty goals or more.
southerly wind or a decent dousing of rain, but the boys powered
Westlake put up a good fight, with some outstanding individual displays,
through their early North Harbour pool games with impressive
wins against Pinehurst School and Orewa College, to reach a North
Harbour Final against Rosmini College.
but unfortunately Michael Park were too strong on the day, winning the
final 11-0. We were proud to have held their goal count lower than any
other team and rookie goalkeeper Campbell Wang was accordingly
The Rosmini match was played on their infamous second field,
well-known for its boggy mud. The unfamiliar terrain at first looked
as though it might upset the unbeaten Westlake team, who found
themselves 4-1 down with a little over half of the match left to play.
However, some great play from Team Captain Jung Hyun Lee gave
inspiration when it was needed and the boys made a spectacular
comeback, winning the match 5-4 to take out the Jack Hutton Cup for
named man of the match for his great work in front of the net.
Overall it has been another great year for the Lacrosse team – North
Harbour Champions and Auckland Runners-Up. The Team are ever
thankful to their coach, Ben Gilmore and his assistant, Old Boy Stefan
Vidal who gave up so much of their time throughout the season to help
the boys get these excellent results. Bring on 2015!
Miss N Marriott – TIC Lacrosse
the third year running.
Jung Hyun Lee
and Ben Callister
working hard on
attack against
Orewa College.
Oliver Howard, James Mackessack and Campbell Wang.
Timothy Zouch and Ben Partridge in
action against Rosmini College.
The Orienteering Squad has had a successful run the last few years, and
2014 was no different, with Westlake dominating the Intermediate grade
and many runners progressing past school level events.
The year started with victories, with Andrei Popovici and Ryan Williams
placing first and second respectively in the intermediate grade at the
Auckland Sprint Series and Liam Stone finishing a very respectable
fifth in his first year of orienteering in the junior grade. Andrei proved
to be Westlake’s champion runner throughout the year, continuing
with a string of titles; winning the Auckland Individual Championship,
North Island Championship, both in the Sprint and Long, as well as the
New Zealand Championship Sprint. Competing with teammates Ryan
Williams and Luke Merceica, the Intermediate team also won both the
Auckland and North Island Relay Championships.
The senior team has also garnered some success, with Caleb Gemmell,
Tristan Williams and Michael Lough making up the relay team that took
out second place at the Auckland Relay Championship. The team closed
the year on a high with Caleb Gemmell and Tristan Williams taking out
third in the senior grade, and Andrei Popovici and Ryan Williams winning
the intermediate grade at the Auckland Rogaine Championship.
The Westlake team that competed in the 2014 Auckland Secondary
Schools Rogaine Champs at Shakespere Regional Park.
Caleb Gemmell, Runner Up in the
Senior Age Group.
Matthew Abe taking part in the 2014 Sprint
Series Competition.
Westlake has proven themselves to be one of, if not the, best
Orienteering Schools in Auckland. Not only has the squad managed
to gather a large collection of trophies, but many runners were also
selected to represent Auckland at the Queens Birthday Regional
Championship. 6 runners were chosen, the most out of any school in
Auckland. Thomas Applegath, Luke Merceica, Ryan Williams, Andrei
Popovici, Tristan Williams and Caleb Gemmell all helped Auckland win
the title over the 3 event weekend. Andrei Popovici was also selected for
the New Zealand Secondary Schools team where he represented the
country in Perth, Australia.
Mr J Saville – TIC Orienteering
Michael Stern and Blake Nicholson in 25kts.
The Premier Sailing Season began in late September with the team
heading off to the Interdoms in Australia. The interdoms is an elite
regatta for the top three teams from Australia and New Zealand.
Despite missing a key skipper the team performed well and managed
to earn Third place at the regatta. Beating two Australian teams and
one New Zealand team, this placed them Third in Australasia.
In mid-December the boys travelled to Kerikeri to race the top
teams from the North Island, including the current New Zealand
Champions, Kerikeri High School. Here the team sailed brilliantly and
were placed First going through the event unbeaten.
Before Nationals the team competed in two qualifying events, the
Auckland Regionals and the Upper North Island Regionals. Against
the best teams in the Country they were placed second in both
events, which meant they qualified for the Gold Fleet at Nationals.
Nationals 2014 was a difficult regatta with very little breeze for most
of the days and with only a third of the scheduled races completed
due to light winds, the boys found it difficult to build momentum. In
the end they were unsuccessful in their goal to achieve a top three
placing. An unfortunate end to a successful year however we look
forward to another promising season next year.
Josh Handa
Westlake Sailing Team training hard off Milford Beach.
Road Running
Senior Boys Race. Finn Mason 4th (right) and
Troy Lonergan 5th (left) in the leading pack.
Venue: Bruce Pulman Park, Papakura Date: 24th September 2014
A Strong Westlake team competed at the Auckland Regional Road
Race Champs in very windy conditions this year.
It was a fantastic day out, with some great results as our current
strength in all grades were demonstrated. Winning one Auckland Title
is a great achievement; winning five on the same day is impressive.
The results represent a real achievement for all on the team, reflecting
their determination and consistent hard work over the last few years.
A very encouraging future of this race was the performance of our
Junior Boys, as they competed over a 4km two lap course. The Junior
Three and Six Person team were in a class of their own taking out Gold
in both competitions. Stuart Hofmeyr ran extremely well and was
our best finisher in 3rd position over the flat course. Stuart was very
closely followed by Matt Conroy in 4th place. Another solid run also
from Aaron Capill 6th, who was followed by Ethan Rix in 8th place.
Running well too, were Hunter Pethers-Boak 11th, Charl Ulrich 15th,
Jack Winfield-Pitt 17th, Rhys Leong 22nd , Mitchell Carlyle 24th and
Blake Scanlen 38th.
In the Intermediate Boys 4km event our boys were up against some
tough competition. Led by the dynamic duo of Tommy Shiferaw 5th
and Joe Clark 7th the team placed first in the Three Man Team and Six
Intermediate Race. Joe Clark 7th (left) and Joe Jackson 11th (right)
in the leading pack with Sam Hagan and Max Rickards following.
Man competitions. Quality running were also put in by Joe Jackson
11th, Sam Hagan 15th, Oliver Heal 19th, Max Rickards 20th and Euan
Grigor 21st. Winning six National Titles over the last two years we
look forward in following the progress of this group of boys at the
upcoming National Road Race Champs in December.
A day of strong performances assisted the Senior Team to become
Auckland Champions. Standout performer Finn Mason led the senior
boys with a fourth-place finish in the 6km race. Troy Lonergan was
once again solid as a rock to finish 5th. Other dominant performances
include Josh Hansen 12th and Louis Abplanalp 13th. Noteworthy was
the performance of the two Intermediate runners in the Senior race.
Lawrence Gao 18th and Oliver Ray Chaudhuri 19th contributed well
helping Westlake take out the Auckland title.
Joshua and Troy have served Westlake Distance Running with distinction
over the last few years and must be applauded for their loyalty.
Every team member deserves praise for tenacious effort and
contribution to the overall result. We congratulate all boys on achieving
their personal best through hard work and commitment and thank all
parents who have constantly encouraged and supported the boys.
Mr T Strydom – TIC Distance Running
Junior Boys Race. Charl Ulrich 14th and Jack Winfield-Pitt 17th.
Junior Boys Race. Stuart Hofmeyr, 3rd running
with the leading group.
After a previous season of great achievement for Westlake, there was
a very high benchmark for the rowers to beat. Crews were anxious
to test themselves against a very strong field in all age groups.
The Westlake rowers worked as a team and developed a highly
competitive rowing ability.
The crews started the pre-season with a bang. The U16’s U17’s and
U18’s worked hard on the land four mornings a week with long rows on
the weekend whilst the U15 novices learned all about the basic rowing
technique from Mr Rea’s “Learn-to-row” program on the famous
barge. When it came down to the first regattas, Westlake was going to
be ready to take on the Auckland schools at Lake Pupuke.
Throughout the early Pupuke Regattas the crews were getting their
bearings and getting as much race experience as they could. This
was helped by the fact that each grade had competitive crews in the
Division One races, in all events that we entered. These small regattas
at Pupuke do not count for much but are paramount for practice and
for getting the psychological edge over the competition.
Come summer we were down at Karapiro. Racing over two kilometers
was a true test of a crew’s fitness and technique and again Westlake
was showing strong in all categories, particularly the U16 coxed four,
U18 coxed four and U18 eight were all showing great promise.
U18 Win Gold at North Island Championships. Ben Partridge,
Callum Blackburn, Oliver Howard, Dion Lee.
U16 Maadi Gold 2014. Hugo Verdonk, Matthew Barry, James
Brake, Mitchell Hazelhurst, Coxswain Ben Adkins.
After a brief break over Christmas, the boys were headed to the
infamous Epworth Camp. We had a long week of brutal, painstaking
training ahead of us, but we all knew it would be worth it: Epworth
is where Westlake rowers go from boys to athletes. Long morning
rows, fast afternoons of speed training and plenty of seat racing
put the boys in great stead for future races. James Lassche, a New
Zealand elite lightweight rower, visited us at camp to give an inspiring
speech on what it takes to achieve greatness. The U18 squad also
had the pleasure of James jumping in their boat to offer some tips for
improving their movement.
After Epworth come two of the three big regattas: Head of Harbour
Auckland Championships and North Island Secondary Schools
Championships. The boys had a great performance at Head of
Harbour where the U15 Four received a silver in their race, the U15
Eight got a bronze and the U16 Four and Quad won their races. The
U18s received gold in the Lightweight Four and a painfully close
silver in the coveted Senior Eight. Following this the North Island
Championships presented further success for the Westlake rowers.
The U16 Quad received a silver medal, the U16 Four with a bronze
medal, the U18 Lightweight Four achieved a gold medal and the U18
Eight had a great performance to bring home a silver. With a great
range of success at Head of Harbour and North Islands, the boys were
keen to pack their bags and head to Twizel.
Gold medal winners in the Coxed 4 James Brake, Matthew
Barry, Hugo Verdonk, Mitchell Hazelhurst , Ben Adkins (cox).
Winning Bronze at Maadi Cup Baxter Holgate-Simpson,
Conrad Luka, Sam Jones, Jake Jones, Coxswain Kyle Rawlings
After many hours of travelling not to mention stories about the geography of the South
Island, the boys made their way to the quaint little town of Twizel with a population of
just over one thousand. However, during Maadi Cup week, thousands more people
descend on this place to row and support. The vibe is electric. There are minivans of
rowers everywhere and the town is alive with rowing on everyone’s mind. After making
their mark at the annual Maadi Cup Parade, the boys were ready to race.
Jack Taylor, Conrad Luka, Baxter Holgate-Simpson,
Jake Jones, Harry Collard, Kip Watson, Sam Jones,
Ben Jury (Coxswain Timothy Zouch)
After four days of epic heats, repecharges and time trials, it was time for the Finals.
The boys had A Grade finals with all of their main crews and everyone was itching for
success. The highlights of the regatta were the U15 four getting a well-deserved bronze
and the U16 four taking the title in an excruciatingly close finish.
Unfortunately, the senior squad fell incredibly ill and left the crew depleted meaning the
Senior Eight and Lightweight Four, who were the defending champions and favourites to
win, were not able to give their best performance. This was certainly a lesson in humility
for the boys.
After many months of hard work and dedication, all the boys should be pleased with
their efforts achieved things they never thought they would be able to do. This year’s
season is a testament to the hard work, determination and grit of Westlake rowers; no
matter how little we are compared to the rest in the field, we will never give up because
we are Westlake and competition is second nature.
Ben Partridge – Rowing Captain 2013-2014
Callum Gilmour, Matthew Martin, Finn Pethers-Boak, Campell Teixeira.
Oliver Howard, Ben Partridge, Dion Lee, Callum Blackburn (coxswain Timothy Zouch)
The winning Westlake 1st XV with Captain Brett Bakkerus.
This year’s group were successful in winning the North Harbour 5th
Grade title in 2011, under the coaching of Valie Bakkerus and there
were hopes that this feat would again be achieved this year at 1st
XV level. The squad started their fitness training in early February
and had an opportunity to play a curtain raiser to the Blue’s Super
XV game at Eden Park. A squad of 26 players took on the highly
fancied St Peters College who would go on to have a very successful
season, eventually losing out to Auckland Grammar in the SemiFinal. The team were competitive at times and showed promise but
the outing was an indication of the work that still needed to be done.
Our pre-season was busier than usual this year. The team travelled
to Christchurch to play in the Christchurch Boys High Easter
Festival. It proved to be our most successful run at the Festival.
The team went unbeaten and in the process beat Christ’s College,
Rangiora and St Thomas. Unfortunately the game against the
hosts was cancelled due to poor weather and the fields being
waterlogged. The team continued to train during the holidays and
faced Mount Albert Grammar and St Paul’s Collegiate. We lost both
these matches, another wake up call for the season ahead.
The team responded well. They did not lose another game and went
unbeaten for 16 games before losing to Auckland Grammar in the
Final of the Blues Regional play-off. After a bye in the first round
they trounced Takapuna Grammar 47 – 0. Massey was their next
opponent at North Harbour in a televised game at QBE Stadium.
The rain set in shortly after the start of the game and the first half
was a real battle, with the score locked at 3- 3. A brilliant second
half, including 4 tries and the team had a near record score against
Massey 32 – 3. The next weekend the team had to travel to Orewa
in a Woodhouse Shield Challenge. The team scored 11 tries in a
65 – 9 win to regain the shield, that had been lost to Massey last
year. In our first home game of the season we were firm favourites
to beat perennial rivals Rosmini College. Rosmini defended with
all their might and Westlake crossed the line no fewer than 3 times
and dropped the ball. Eventually the game ended in a draw, despite
Bradley Leuila’s final minute try being unsighted and called held up
by the referee.
The team continued in their winning ways, including wins over Tauranga
and New Plymouth to win the Quad trophy. A heart stopping victory at
Rangitoto in blustery conditions almost brought the unbeaten run to an
end. The last game of the regular season was away against Massey and
the team racked up a record victory 50 – 10 before winning the SemiFinal against Orewa. By winning the Semi-Final the team had defended
the Woodhouse Shield successfully in 5 Home Games and earned the
right to put their name on the shield again.
The Final was against Rosmini for the third year in a row, televised
at QBE stadium. Shortly after half-time we lead 19 – 8 and looked
to remain unbeaten in the last 7 North Harbour 1st XV finals, before
Rosmini’s tactics paid off and in the 68th minute they kicked another
penalty to lead 20 – 19. Then a remarkable passage of play, Westlake
held onto the ball for 25 phases during 5 minutes of nail-biting rugby,
the referee then awarded Westlake a penalty after the final hooter had
sounded, Brett Bakkerus made the decision to tap and go rather than
kicking for posts from the touchline. Another 5 phases of play ensued
and Izaak Scheib broke two tackles to score next to the posts and win
the game for Westlake in dramatic fashion. Heart-breaking for Rosmini
and their supporters, but absolute euphoria for Westlake. The team
could not pick themselves up to that level again for the Whangarei playoff but managed to win 19 – 15. Our final game was a loss to Auckland
Grammar at Eden Park. We managed to hold them to a 21 -14 score
line in the last 50 minutes of the game but the 26 points scored in the
second 10 minutes of the game was enough for the score to blow out.
Coaches Valie Bakkerus and Blair Urlich need to be thanked and
congratulated for the time and effort they put into moulding one of
Westlake’s more successful teams in recent years. The team went
unbeaten for 16 games, retained the Takapuna Cup, won the Quad
trophy, won and retained the Woodhouse Shield and won the North
Harbour title. Thanks also goes to Richard Barlow as physio of the team,
Hugh McGahan for his support as Director of Rugby and everyone else
who supported the team this year. We acknowledge our sponsors Gavin
Roberts from Prestige Realty, Physio Action and SAS clothing.
Mr S Young – 1st XV Manager
Sebastion Filo on the charge against Glenfield.
Jason Churches in aggressive form running against Glenfield College.
Westlake flanker Izaak Scheib bursts through the Rosmini defenders to score the winning try.
Leon Thambiran on his way to assist Garrick Rollinson in a tackle.
The 2014 Rugby season has again been a successful one winning all
five finals it competed in.
and we look forward to his progress as a career beckons in Rugby.
Other representative players this season were:
The 1st XV, 2nd XV and 3rd XV won their respective grades and in
doing so, Westlake Boys has become the first school to win all three
Senior Grades in the same year. An extremely high achievement for all
the coaches involved. Congratulations to Mr Valie Bakkerus, Mr Blair
Urlich (1stXV), Mr Emslie, Mr Brown (2nd XV) and Mr James (3rd XV)
in claiming their respective titles.
Blues 18’s: Willy Lea’ae Toa, Jacques Pretorius and Jake AntonioRooney. Brendan Bond and Levi McBirney were not considered due to
injury at the time.
Our 5A team dominated its grade again with comprehensive wins
throughout the season. Coaches Mr Taylor and Mr Aaron Katipa were
relentless in the drive to keep the boys’ minds focused, only on the
next game. Congratulations to both the coaches and players on a
highly successful season, which included runner up in the prestigious
Hurricanes U15 tournament and defending their North Harbour U15
boys Sevens title this season. Keep an eye on a couple of these boys
as they will be making an impact soon at top level rugby.
Harbour 18’s: Ammon Moller, Bradley Leuila, Brendan Bond, Brett
Bakkerus, Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Harry Calverley, Jake AntonioRooney, Levi McBirney, Willy Lea’ae Toa, Izaak Scheib and Luke Dewar.
Harbour 16’s: Sam Babb, Casey Forsyth, Jack Fuller, Jacob Katipa,
Arno Mouton and Leon Thambarin.
Harbour 14’s: Jackson Tu’inukuafe, Cale Tu’inukuafe, Connor O’Leary
Lodge, Jackson Ephriams and Tom Hemmington.
Congratulations to all boys selected and it was evident that the
Westlake Boys were strong characters and leaders in all teams they
represented; well done.
The 6A Team also won their Final with a standout performance against
a red-hot Rosmini team. Their second half effort into a blustering
wind was a lesson on how to play to the conditions and frustrate the
opposition into mistakes. Coach Mr Barry had these boys peaking at
the right time and his efforts throughout the season forecast success
for this team.
Despite success in playing terms it is hoped we can secure increased
numbers playing rugby in 2015. Our development plan is to increase
the skill base of each and every. We also seek the assistance of
parents for both coaching and managing of teams and if you think
you can help in any way, please contact me at school on hmcgahan@ .
All A Grade teams contested in finals football this year, but it was
unfortunate both 4A and 7A lost their respective semi-final after
having such good seasons.
Finally, the Rugby Fraternity at Westlake cannot let the opportunity
pass by without a special mention to Mr Young who stands down as
TIC of Rugby and 1st XV Manager, a role he has coveted since 2004.
Mr Young has been tireless in his role as Manager and we know a team
is ineffective without good management. He epitomises the words
efficient, meticulous and leader; everyone who has had anything to
do with him in the past 11 seasons would have experienced his control
over his teams, without noticing the work being done. Thank you for all
of your efforts. Westlake Boys have secured its success over this time,
because of your influence.
Thanks to all Coaches and Managers this season as your efforts are
not underestimated and the school appreciates your time and effort.
The same can be said of Ms Simpson who does an outstanding job in
administering the rugby programme internally and liaison with North
Harbour Rugby Union. She is an efficient and effective person in this
role and I thank her greatly for what she has done this year.
Representative Honours were earned by a number of boys this year
highlighted by the selection of Brendan Bond in the NZ Schools
Barbarian Team. Brendan has had an outstanding year again in 2014
Mr H McGahan - Director of Rugby
Rugby League
The 2014 season for Westlake Boys Premier League side saw some
significant changes, only two of the 2013 squad remained and a new
coaching team of Dan Hurley and Annabelle Hohepa were brought
on board. The season always promised to be a rebuilding stage for
the team, with several young players being introduced and for other
boys who had come from non-rugby league backgrounds. The first
game of the season was against New Zealand and eventual CRL
Champions Kelston Boys High School. Westlake went down 30-10
and it was evident immediately the difficult task that the team would
be up against. Comprehensive wins over Massey, Henderson and
the Seventh Day Adventists saw the confidence grow in the team,
unfortunately a loss to Western Springs High School saw the team
finish third in their pool and meant that they would be in the Cup
Pool in the CRL. Good wins over Papakura and Henderson were
highlights in the Cup round and the team only just lost to Aorere and
eventual Champions Southern Cross. Back to back narrow loses saw
the team finish 10th overall in the CRL Competition. One of the real
highlights of the season was at the CRL Prize Giving Breakfast, in
which Nafe Helu was named in the CRL Team of the Year. The team
then attended the NZRL Secondary Schools Nationals Tournament
for its second year in a row. The team struggled initially going down
The Premier League team coming down to the number one field.
Jake Rooney on the burst.
to Tokoroa and Aorere but then nearly caused the upset of the
tournament narrowly losing to St Pauls 22-18. The boys thrashed
Western Springs but narrowly lost to Mt Albert Grammar to finish
10th in New Zealand.
This year Westlake entered an U85Kg side in the North Harbour
Rugby League Competition. The boys started the short five week
competition with a 40-4 victory over Hato Petera and then won a
crunch local rival game 20-12 over Northcote College. The boys then
had to play Orewa College in the Semi-Final and narrowly defeated
Orewa 25-18. The Grand Final of the competition would see Westlake
Boys come up against the also previously undefeated Rangitoto
College, with the game being played at Rangitoto College. Westlake
dominated throughout and ran out 20-8 winners. The victory was
especially pleasing as it was Willy Lea’ae Toa’s final game for the
school after proudly representing the school for the last three years.
Coaches Mr Nola and Jamie Williamson reunited and the future looks
bright indeed for Rugby League at Westlake.
Mr H Nola – TIC Rugby League
The U85kg North Harbour Champions for 2014.
The Westlake Boys High School Ski Team once again brought their talents to
Turoa Skifield on Mount Ruapehu to compete in the North Island National Ski
Competition. 115 teams from around the North Island took to the slopes in a
three day Skiing event. Westlake combined an ideal mix of veteran talent and
youthful flair, with Josh Reilly captaining the squad for the second year in a
row, and Bailey Dawson competing as the team’s lone Year 9 skier.
Weather conditions were not perfect. On the first day of the competition,
the boys managed just a few practice runs before competing in the Slalom.
Near whiteout conditions meant limited visibility on the course, and racers
could only see two gates ahead of them. This made it difficult to plan a course
route in advance, or judge the quality of the snow below them. Despite the
difficulties presented, all boys managed to complete the course, registering
competitive times. Our fastest skier, Josh Reilly, recorded the sixth fastest
time on the Senior boy’s course.
Poor weather conditions again on the second day of the competition saw
the cancellation of the slope style event. This was bitterly disappointing for
Oliver Kelsey, who had put in a large amount of training in the offseason to
transform himself into one of the competition favourites. Hopefully 2015 will
present him with clear skies and the chance of the podium placement he
The final point tally saw the team placed 17th in the North Island. Thank you
to Assistant Coach Mr Cowell for all your help on the slopes and to Teacher in
Charge Miss Lecourt for all the hard work that went into preparing the team
for the competition.
Mr K Jorgensen – Ski Team Coach
James Wisniewski, Ryan Dawson, Bailey Dawson, Oliver Kelsey, Josh Reilly and William Burt.
Adam Price (left) came 3rd place in the Slalom.
On the 21st of September the Westlake snowboarding team left
Auckland for the annual North Island secondary schools snowboarding
competition. Forecasts for the 21st were disheartening and Mother
Nature decided to bless us with a slightly overcast day. The mountain
was open and that was all that mattered. This was a free day as
competition was not due to start until the 22nd and Sam Readman took
the opportunity to throw his first backflip.
The next day the mountain was closed. However, the team took the
opportunity to ‘borrow’ a rail from the community Skate Park and drive
up the mountain until the gates would no longer allow us to pass. From
there we hiked until we found a spot where we setup a rail jam. Dan
Lutterman rode away from a front-side nose-slide 270 out and Hamish
Sellar managed to do some great blunts which the whole team was
impressed by. Nick Burt (Year 9) also impressed by hitting a street entry
rail for the first time.
Sam Readman competing in the Boarder X.
Casey Sturrock Slope Style.
The 23rd was the first day of competing in the Slalom and Slopestyle
events. Hamish and Dan both landed solid first runs qualifying them for
finals. However, the standout performance of the day was Adam Price
who came 3rd in Slalom. This is even more impressive as he did this on a
rental snowboard he had been riding for only that day.
The 24th was our last day and the weather was great. It played host to
the last competitive event; Boarder X. Dan Lutterman advanced through
many rounds just missing out on making in the semi finals while Sam
Readman progressed through 4 rounds. At prizegiving Westlake Boys
was awarded 3rd place overall team, which was the icing on the cake to
an absolutely awesome trip. A big thankyou to Mrs Peak and Mr Smale
for managing the team and making it such a great team to be a part of.
Glen Jeffrey
August 2014 saw the team travelling to Nelson for the 30th NZSSS
championships with the same 3rd seeding as in 2013, and hoping to
emulate or better that year’s result which led to a 2nd placing overall.
Dunstan and Hamilton Boys proved to be no challenge and we
found ourselves in a semi against the 2nd seeds Christchurch Boys
High School. Winning this encounter would have meant 2nd place
guaranteed and the possibility of upsetting the powerful Tauranga
Boys team but, although all the games were close, we lost 1-4.
The last day of the tournament saw us playing Palmerston Boys High
for 3rd and 4th. The first match involved Stuart Martin against an
opponent who was nearly 500 points behind him on the grading list.
That is light years distance in squash grading terms and it should
out and with more determination he won the match. This first win set
us up to gain 3rd place in the tournament.
The team had a successful tournament overall and individual
successes were Matthew Lucente being selected for the Junior
NZSSS team to travel to Australia and Rafa Yam being selected as
non-travelling reserve for the Senior team. More success through
the year was the team winning the Auckland Secondary School’s
tournament and the Auckland championship. The team members all
return next year and a repeat of the committed approach employed
this year should see further individual advancement along with team
Special mention must be made of the many hours and expert
coaching that parent Manu Yam provided. Without this assistance,
the achievements would have been at a lower level.
have been a walk in the park for Stuart. His opponent however
thought different and he had the best of the opening exchanges.
Suddenly, Stu was staring down the barrel at an embarrassing
defeat. But to the rescue came the Westlake girls. Their cheers and
Mr M Calver – TIC Squash
exhortations had a galvanising effect which saw Stu puff his chest
Premier player Rafa Yam.
At Nationals David Matthews, Matthew Lucente, Soo Myoung
Jang, Gabe Yam, Jien Lim, Rafa Yam and Stuart Martin.
David Matthews to serve.
2014 has been a strong year for Westlake surfing, with boys taking
great interest in competing for the School. At the Auckland Regional
Scholastics Tri-Series, which was completed in Auckland West
Coast surf the boys did very well. A summary of our scholastics
placings are below:
Lochie Mansfield 3rd in Event 1
Shaun Bowyer 6th and 4th in Events 1 & 3.
Leo Copley 1st in Event 2.
Joseph Wales-Earl 2nd in Event 2.
The surf conditions for our annual trip down to Raglan to compete in
the New Zealand Schools Surfing Championships were the best we
have had since we have been attending and some great surfing was
demonstrated by all. However, the high level of competition evidently
meant our team was unable to progress beyond the second round of
the competition. Overall it was a great effort by all the boys and we are
very grateful to Mark Scheib who accompanied the team.
Ollie Charlesworth 4th, 6th, 5th in Event 1, 2 & 3.
Many thanks to all the boys for their involvement and to parents for
their continued support.
Kade Scheib 5th and 4th in Event 2 & 3.
Mr N Bithell – TIC Surfing
Ollie Charlesworth heading down the line.
As a consequence of these results Leo was selected for the Auckland
Scholastics Team to travel down to Taranaki in the October holidays.
Well done Leo.
A stoked Izaak Scheib.
Joseph Wales-Earl poised in the lip.
We have had another successful year for Westlake swimming, with students
needing to compete for places to be in the swim team at College Sport level
.With the many talented swimmers available we are hoping we will be able to field
larger teams as the rules of entry are reviewed and amended for future events.
Westlake competed well in all the College sport team and individual events with
our swimmers showcasing their talents and representing the school with pride at
the same time.
House Swimming Sports.
Record breaking 15 and under Relay Team.
The inter house swimming competition continues to be a huge success with
swimmers from all ability levels swimming to gain points for their houses. This
year a number of long standing school records were broken setting the tone for
the big event in September.
The highlight this year has to be the NZ secondary Schools Swimming Champs.
A team of 14 competed in Wellington against 62 boys’ schools and after a
gruelling 3 days of competition finished a respectable 3rd in New Zealand. The
boys were fantastic and a credit to Westlake. We broke 4 meet records, won
17 medals and all swimmers swam personal best times in at least one of their
races. Joshua Lee’s 400m freestyle final was an unbelievable race – he started
the race ranked 10th and swam an 8 second personal best time to finish 3rd
overall. Jason Churches had an outstanding time; 3 individual meet records and
1 relay meet record. JaeYun Lim, Oliver Wu, Scott Fairbairn and Joshua Lee (year
9) all medalled (and broke the relay record) and Scott took out the 50m Breast
Skins event, a huge accomplishment as he had to swim 4 races every 2 minutes;
very exciting. Gary Francis (newly appointed Para Olympic NZ coach) assisted
tremendously throughout the championship coaching and guiding the boys with
each swim, thanks for that valuable input!
Matthew Lough competes for Smale House.
Jason Churches receiving one of 3 individual Gold Medals.
Six swimmers spent the rest of the week competing in NZ short Course Champs
and again some great results were achieved. Three swimmers medalled in a
number of individual events: Jason Churches (gold and silvers in 200m, 50m
and 100m backstroke), Scott Fairbairn (silver and bronze in 100m and 50m
breaststroke and bronze in 100m fly) and Oliver Wu (bronze in 100m Individual
Medley). Jae Yun Lim, Scott and Jason represented the Auckland region in the
400m relay events all swimming for gold.
Thanks to all the parents and support teams who assisted me this year, we
could not have achieved these successes without you. I wish all our Year 13’s
well, thanks for your participation in events over the years, especially in our relay
teams. Sam Love, our departing captain for 2014, I have enjoyed working with
you - our next captain has big shoes to fill!
Oliver Wu in the pool for Ururoto House.
Mrs T Houzet – TIC Swimming
Table Tennis has been a popular and very competitive sport for a
long time now at Westlake Boys High School. We had another record
number of players this year – 230 and still growing. Our Goal for this
year was to win every one of the 3 main tournaments for the best
season on record.
Premier A Team for 2014:
Premier B Team for 2014:
• Victor Pollett (Captain)
• Logan Xu
• Victor Ma • Andrew Mei
• Roger Wang
• Chris Jeong
• Wilfred Lan
• Nicholas Lin
Roger Wang with the serve.
St Kentigern College and International College. This time we reversed
the “tables” on Auckland Grammar, thrashing them 5-2 in the finals.
Two down with the Nationals to come.
NZ National School Table Tennis Championships 2014
We went into the Tournament as favourites and never looked like
losing our title. Our Premier Team convincingly beat all our rivals in the
lead up to the Finals. This left Auckland Grammar as the only obstacle
between us and a third successive National Title. As hoped we outplayed Grammar 5 games to 2 and completed our goal for the season.
Our best season to date.
To show our depth in the sport our Second Team played their hearts
out finishing an incredible 7th in NZ.
North Harbour Championships 2014
We were convincing winners again for the 12th successive year. One
down in our quest
International Success
We congratulate both Victor Ma and Victor Pollett who represented
New Zealand this year; we are awaiting news from Victor Ma’s current
Table Tennis Tour to Singapore – the World Juniors. Roll on 2015!
Mr M Lee – TIC Table Tennis
Auckland Secondary Schools Championships 2014
This is always a great rivalry between WBHS, AGS, Macleans College,
Team Champions Victor Pollett, Wilfred Lan,
Roger Wang, Roger Ma.
Victor Ma represented NZ at the World Juniors.
Victor Pollett in his match against Macleans College.
rugby SEVENS
The Westlake U15 travelled to sunny Mount Maunganui to take on the top U15
Rugby 7 sides in March during NZSS Summer Sports Tournament Week.
On Day One they played 5 games for 5 wins. A great day. Top try scorer with
Lotu Inisi had a good year in 7's.
10 tries was Jack Fuller, while Lotu Inisi 4 and Casey Smith and Ariki Hood
Katipu with 3 also made major contributions. A great team effort from all
concerned, especially on defence.
Overall this was a top effort by the team and Coach Mr Aaran Katipa.
He ensured each of the 12 in the squad contributed. They played a wellstructured game that nearly took them into a final. Jack Fuller again top try
scorer with 11 tries followed by Lotu Inisi with 6. Lotu Inisi was also selected in
the Tournament team.
Mr Taylor speaks to the Year 9 Team at Regionals.
The Westlake U15 team swept away all those before them again on Saturday
October 18 at the North Harbour Stadium in the North Harbour 7’s Regional
They were unbeaten in pool play and defeated Massey in the Semi-Final, then
demolished Rosmini 42 – 0 in the Final. Westlake will now play in the Condor
7’s Tournament on Friday Nov 28 where all the top schools in New Zealand
will compete. The Third Form Team also competed and won the Plate Final
defeating Kaipara College 17 - nil. They were captained by Jarrod Ferguson
who did a grand job leading by example all day. He was ably supported by
Jack Fuller scoring for the U15 A team who swept all
before them at the Nth Harbour 7’s Tournament.
Spencer McDowell and Sione Fonua.
Mr R Taylor – Director of Sport
ultimate frisbee
This has been a fantastic year for our teams. It started off with the
North/West Zone outdoor competition where we entered 6 teams.
Playing at Hato Petera every Wednesday afternoon in Term One was
great fun for the boys, and our 1st team took home the cup for first
place, and our other teams all played well. We also had the inaugural
New Zealand Secondary Schools tournament in Taupo. We had a
great run, undefeated until the finals where we were beating Auckland
Grammar until the extra time buzzer sounded and they narrowly
beat us. The boys hoped to turn this round at the Auckland one-day
tournament and again we were undefeated until the finals against
Auckland Grammar where we again lost in the final points.
Term two brought on the indoor mixed league where we teamed up
with girls from Baradene College and Westlake Girls. The teams all
had fun playing every Tuesday night at Auckland Grammar and the
Harry Crean, deep in concentration.
senior members were great at giving advice and guidance to the
younger players. We also had three team members: Billy Armstrong,
Alex Cassidy, and Harry Crean head to Italy for the Under 19 world
championships where they had a great time competing against
players from all around the world.
Term three saw the indoor league where we had two teams entered,
and Westlake 1 narrowly lost out in the Semi Finals against Auckland
Grammar, but the tournament was enjoyed by all.
Next year we lose all our current national representatives from the
team, but we have a good crew of up-and-coming players who, while
they have big shoes to fill, will do well.
Mr J Wills - TIC Ultimate Frisbee
Just out of reach for Earl Corcega.
The team at the Nationals with Auckland Grammar
Intermediate A2 Team. Dylan Neville, Jake Thompson, Nick
Jarrold, Bailey Sutton, Connor Skeens and Kaden Sutton.
Tennis at Westlake Boys High School continues to be a popular
Summer Sport. This was evidenced by the 17 teams enthusiastically
competing in the ASSATA and North Shore League Competitions
that are held in Terms One and Four. All boys who participated
represented the school with pride and played with focus and
All teams representing the School competed in Saturday Morning
matches at venues across Auckland. Matches across all grades were
characterised by good sportsmanship and the desire to win. Stand
out teams were Mr Kennard’s Intermediate A2 Grade Team and Mr
King’s Junior Team, who came second in their respective leagues.
Both the Senior A1 and Intermediate A2 Teams made it through to
the play- off rounds with Senior A1 finishing third and Intermediate
A2 second in the Auckland region.
These matches were played midweek in Terms One and Four at
various venues on the North Shore, with ten Westlake Boys High
School Teams enthusiastically competing against other schools.
Westlake acquitted themselves exceptionally well with the A Grade
Team leading their grade for the first term. The convenience of
playing during mid-week has proven to be popular, resulting in team
numbers increasing from 2013.
Grateful thanks to Mr Weal, Mr Van den Heuvel, Mr Naranji, Mr
Vinnicombe, Mr Russell, Mr Solomans, Mr Smale, Mr Jorgensen, Miss
Nolan, Miss Harland, Mr King, Mrs Burton-Brown, Mrs Gouws, Mrs
Pevreal and Miss Yoon for supervising and managing teams this year.
Mr N Kennard – TIC Tennis
Bailey Sutton plays for Intermediate A2.
Matej Minic No1, Ben Holmes No2, Yanni Wetzell No3, Ethan
McCafferty No4, Elliot Le Petit No5, Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Luka
Cirilovic No6.
Second in the Auckland Champions Senior A1 Boys
We started the Competition with an easy victory against Rosmini
College and the team started off as expected, which gave us hope
of a good year. However, we were bought back to reality when
Auckland Grammar came to visit. This was expected as Yanni had
injured himself at Basketball and was out for several weeks, making
it difficult for the other team members to step up. An easy victory
against Kings College and a narrow loss at Sacred Heart meant we
had to win well against Mt Albert to ensure finishing third and a place
in the Semi-Finals against Sacred Heart.
Having achieved this, we qualified for the semi-final at Sacred Heart
College. The team easily defeated Sacred Heart 7 – 2, which again
qualified us for the Final against Auckland Grammar at Scarbro
Tennis Centre. This time we were more confident as our team was
back at full strength.
We started badly by losing all the Doubles in close matches and we
unfortunately could not recover. The matches were all very close but
in the end went Auckland Grammar’s way leaving us Second in the
Auckland Champions.
We had Matej and Ben representing us. Ben made it to the QuarterFinals in the Singles and Matej made it into the Semi-Finals. They
were both knocked out in the Semi-Finals in the Doubles.
We were unfortunate to miss out on selection for Nationals this year.
We had to play Saint Kenigern College in the qualifier with Yanni
injured. Ben Holmes played well, but this being the only victory.
We travelled to Christchurch Boys High School without our full
strength side and lost 13 - 9. Tauranga Boys visited us and we had an
easy victory 15 – 7.
Overall it was another enjoyable season and the team thanks all the
parents for their support.
Mr T Weal – Premier Tennis Coach
Touch Rugby
Zae Wallace gains some territory over Orewa College.
The first half of the Westlake Senior touch season started with the North
Harbour Touch Competition in Term One. The premier team looked to dominate,
however Rosmini College finally entered a competitive team and in their first
game the Premiers had to score a final minute touchdown to secure the victory
4-3. Meanwhile the development team ended up third in the competition, their
best performances were frustrating Rosmini in two close defeats. In mid-March
Westlake hosted Tauranga Boys and though they claimed 3 comfortable victories,
it helped the team prepare to face Rosmini again at the Harbour competition,
playing their 5th game in two days to win 4-3.
After securing another North Harbour title the team moved on to the National
qualifying tournament. Their first game against Whangarei Boys was difficult but
they eventually came out on top with a 5-1 victory. Their second game, against
Rodney, was far more convincing; 13-0. Their third game, against Massey, was
closer than it should have been; a fatigued 5-3 win. Kelston Boys were next and
they had a point to prove after last year’s 12-5 demolition and they did just that
going out to a 3-1 lead at half time. Westlake did well to come back in the second
half, but ran out of time and lost 5-4. So to secure a spot at Nationals the Premier
team had to beat Rosmini again. In another intense local derby, Westlake Boys
scored 3 unanswered touchdowns in the second half to dash Rosmini’s chances of
qualification winning 3-1.
Credit must be given to Captain Danyon Morgan-Puterangi for his leadership and
pulling together a very new team after the exodus of so many year 13s last year. He
was well supported by Tupe Haku and they allowed the up and coming Zae Wallace
to shine. We look forward to the second half of the season when the team prepares
for Nationals and will welcome the return of experienced players such as Foley
Lio, Tyler Smith and Moses Leo from injury. Special thanks must be given to Mrs
Labuschagne for all the efforts into managing the team this year.
Mr J McIntyre – TIC Touch Rugby
Captain Danyon Morgan-Puterangi leading by example.
Garrick Rollinson with the try.
Tupe Haku on the charge.
track and field
Dan Hoy competing at
Auckland Champs.
Venue: Millennium Stadium
Date: 6th March 2014
Westlake Boys High School led by their captain Hamish Gill had
an outstanding Track and Field season with multiple records and
personal bests achieved across events both on the track and field.
The North Harbour Track and Field Championships, which were
held at Millennium Stadium on a beautiful summer’s day, attracted
record entrants by many schools. These Championships were the
qualification vehicle for the Auckland Regional and the North Island
The Westlake team enjoyed a productive day with numerous
personal bests from a young team who were full of passion and drive
to represent their school. In total they achieved 15 gold, 13 silver and
15 bronze medals, which was an outstanding medal haul.
There were numerous outstanding performances, but special
mention goes to our multiple gold medal winners of Troy Lonergan,
Jake Hurley, Isaac Letoa, Bradley Hall and Matt Conroy.
Troy Lonergan, who is in his final year at Westlake Boys High School,
dominated the middle distance events securing gold in the 800
metres (2:04.60), 1500 metres (4:10.82) and the 3000 metres
9:13.18. This is a fabulous end to a school career for a hardworking
and talented runner.
Jake Hurley is also in his final year and achieved his best results ever
achieving gold in the Long Jump (5.99m), 100m (11.32) and winning
Dan Hoy (1st ) leading in the Intermediate 1500m race.
gold in the penultimate event, a closely contested 4 x 100m along
with Garrick Rollinson, Hamish Sellar and Ben Callister.
Isaac Letoa had an outstanding day in the Intermediate boys section
securing victory in both the Long Jump (5.62m) and High Jump
(1.75m). Two outstanding performances from a young man who
represents the school in several sporting events.
Bradley Hall who encapsulates the ethos that hard work equals
results, secured a gold in the 3000m (9:35.50) and a silver in the
1500m (4:27.65).
Finally, Matt Conroy in his first year at school has shown he will be a
force to contend with in the coming years, securing gold in the Junior
boys 800m (2:18.05) and 4x100m relay and silver in the 300m
Other Gold’s came from Levi McBirney and Yanni Wetzell (High
Jump), Dan Hoy (1500m), Sean Vete (Shot Put) and the Junior boys
4 x100m relay with Kainoa Moller, Luke Mihaljevich, Adam Weiner
and Matt Conroy.
Added to these outstanding performances were the other 13 silver,
15 bronze medals and a host of personal bests achieved by a team
who were simply “on fire”. These fine young men represented
Westlake Boys High School in a spirit, which made their parents and
staff very proud.
Bradley Hall (2nd) Max Rickards (4th) Joe Clark (3rd ) Dan Hoy (1st) Intermediate Boys 1500m.
Stuart Hofmeyr (2nd) in the Junior Boys 1500m.
Venue: Mt Smart, Auckland
Date: 20th March 2014
The Auckland Regional Championships were held at Mt Smart
Stadium on 20th March with our students providing the bulk of
athletes representing the North Harbour team. Despite the step up
in competition our students achieved some excellent results.
Outstanding performances came from Dan Hoy who secured gold
in both the 1500m (4:07.55) and 3000m (8:51.09) for Intermediate
Boys, Hamish Gill received gold in the Long Jump (6.94m) Senior
Boys, Brandon James with gold in Discus (45.04m) Intermediate
Boys, Anthony Nobilo got a gold in the Hammer (51.54) Open Event
and Matt Conroy with a gold in the 800m (2:09.42) Junior Boys.
Adding to the six impressive Championship titles were other
memorable performances from James Moors achieving silver in the
High Jump (1.60m) Junior Boys, Troy Lonergan silver in the 800m
(2:02.18) and bronze in the 1500m (4:06.32) Senior Boys, Hamish
Gill silver in 200m (22.05) Senior Boys, Bradley Hall bronze in the
3000m (9:26.03) Intermediate Boys and Jake Hurley bronze in the
100m (11.05). Finally, the Senior Boys 4 x100m relay where Jake
Hurley, Garrick Rollinson, Hamish Sellar and Hamish Gill narrowly
missed gold by three thousandths of a second in an event which had
Hamish Gill received gold in the Long Jump (6.94m)
all Westlake Boys students, parents and teachers screaming and
willing the boys across the line. A fantastic Championship event for
our boys.
A special mention must go to Anthony Nobilo who achieved a silver
medal in the Intermediate Boys Hammer at the recent North Island
Championships in Masterton.
Finally, our Captain Hamish Gill competed in the Australian Junior
Track and Field Championships in March this year and achieved a
new National New Zealand Long Jump record of 7.25m. The original
record was set by the legendary Dave Norris in 1956 (7.07m).
Hamish Gill has an outstanding future ahead of him and we look
forward to celebrating his future successes.
Lastly a big thank you to Miss Booth and Mr Strydom who have
helped with the organisation and running of the team with limitless
enthusiasm in a role which requires a huge amount of personal time
and commitment.
Mr M Butler - TIC Track and Field
Corban Wedlock-Aston (3rd) Junior Boys Long Jump.
Troy Lonergan
(1st) and Finn
Mason (3rd)
in the 1500m
Senior Boys.
In March this year the Senior Volleyball Nationals were held in
Palmerston North.
In February Mount Maunganui was host to the 2014 National
Secondary Schools Beach Tournament. With 143 teams and 30
courts, this was the largest schools beach tournament in history.
We lost our first pool game with a close 3-2 loss to the South Island
Champions Tikipunga High School. We followed this with a 3-0 loss to
Otumoetai College, who were eventual finalists. Our final pool game
involved a 3-1 win against Aranui High School placing us third in our pool.
From here we entered Division two. Unfortunately all but 2 of our team
came down with a sickness bug, which meant it was hard to find 6 people
to play the following games. Our first game was a 3-1 loss to Bayfield
High School followed by another close 3-2 loss to One Tree Hill College,
the eventual Division 2 finalists. Westlake came back to close a 3-0
victory against Timaru Boys. Unfortunately the scores were so close
that the positions in that pool were decided on sets ‘for and against’ and
Timaru then went on to be placed top of the pool.
Following this game, although the boys were still sick, we managed a
3-2 loss against Shirley Boys 10-15 in the fifth set and then ended the
tournament on two victories, 3-0 against Taradale High School and a 3-1
win against Palmerston North putting us at 13th place overall. The senior
boys now look to improve upon their 2014 season next year.
We now move onto the junior program where students are regularly
attending 6:30am Friday trainings in preparation for starting in Term
Four. They have combined this with Wednesday 7am weights sessions
with a program geared towards Volleyball. With all this training we look
forward to another successful season and we hope to retain the North
Islands title in 2015.
Coach John Howard takes a team talk.
Greg Vukets goes up for the ball.
Following the 2013 North Islands Beach Volleyball gold medal
success Greg Vukets and Greg Nimmo continued with their
fine form. With solid wins in their pool games they easily came
through to the quarter finals against a strong Tauranga team
and won 2-0. The semi-finals were a close fought contest
between arch rivals Orewa College. With strong blocking from
Greg Nimmo and consistent serving by Greg Vukets they made
the finals with yet another 2-0 victory. With intense heat on
centre court the boys faced the top Tauranga Boys team in the
Finals. Greg Vukets displayed some excellent defensive work
and Greg Nimmo attacked with confidence to hold the first set.
The second set, first to 21, was close with the boys leading at
20 points to 14. Tauranga began to climb back with strong
serving bringing the score to 20-19. With the crowd on the
edge of their seats, a last serve in the net by Tauranga secured
the title of Junior Beach Champions 2014 for Westlake Boys
High School 2-0.
In the Senior Competition Adam Talma and Logan Hunt made
Division 1 and Luka Urlich and Aleksa Sibinovski, who were a new
pair for 2014, secured a silver medal in the Senior Division 2.
Miss A Hamp – TIC Volleyball
Blocking - Ashton Howard and Logan Hunt.
Junior Beach Champions Greg Vukets and Greg Nimmo.
The Water Polo programme at Westlake Boys High School is proving
to be a popular choice, with two Junior teams and two Senior teams.
It is great to see old boys back coaching this year with Jake Bennett
taking the Premier Team again, Owen Chambers and Sam Morgan
the Junior A team, and current premier players Jono Houzet and
Captain Patrick Chambers coaching the Junior B team.
The Premier side had a promising start to the season, which saw the
annual Bennett-Buck Shield Match up for grabs at AUT Millennium
Pool. A large crowd turned out in force to support the boys against
fierce rivals Rangitoto College. Unfortunately, Westlake lost out
by 4 goals to 5 in a tightly contested game. The remainder of the
Auckland League saw Westlake lose some crucial games and
eventually resulted in the team not making the semi-finals. The
boys quickly turned that around with a third place at North Island
Secondary Schools Champs, prevailing over Wellington’s St Pat’s in
the bronze medal game.
The boys were eager to keep improving as they headed to Wellington
for Nationals. A good run of results in pool play saw Westlake make it
to the semifinal against Rangitoto. At the end of a tightly fought four
quarters the scores were locked up at 2 all. Having lost the National
Final on penalty shootouts for the previous two years, the team was
keen to make amends. Unfortunately, third time wasn’t the charm
and Westlake ended up second best after the shoot out and it was
a bronze medal match they had to prepare for. A close affair with
Captain Patrick Chambers.
Andre Jackson fighting it out
against Rangitoto College.
Auckland Grammar eventually saw the final score end 9-8 – but not
in Westlake’s favour and the boys achieved a respectable 4th place
in New Zealand. Top goal scorers at the National Championships
included Andre Jackson (15), Jono Houzet (14) and Captain Patrick
Chambers (12), with the team scoring 72 goals altogether. The
Premier team are now preparing for the Trans-Tasman Cup at the
end of the year, held at AUT Millennium Pool.
Westlake has again had several New Zealand representatives this
year: Andre Jackson and Patrick Chambers – NZU17, Ethan Thomas
and Jarvis Jensen – NZU16 and Wilson Longhurst in the NZ Youth
Development team. Jono Houzet and Patrick Chambers made the
NZ Schoolboys squad with the team being named later in the year.
The Westlake Junior A team had a successful start to the year, taking
out the Challenge Cup in Hamilton over Queen’s Birthday weekend.
After scoring 46 goals during pool play they were part of a nail-biting
semi against Rangitoto, eventually beating them in penalties for a
place in the final. Facing Tauranga’s Aquinas College, the boys took
out the title with a close 5-4 win. The Junior A team have the North
Island Championships to work towards in Term Four.
Thank you to all the Managers and Coaches for giving up your time
this year to help this wonderful programme succeed at Westlake Boys.
Patrick Chambers - Premier Captain 2014
Team talk poolside between quarters of the Rangitoto Game.
Wilson Longhurst in the pool against Rangitoto College.
Hamish Gill, in his club uniform,
representing NZ at the Junior Athletics
Champs in Australia.
NZ Representatives
This year we had 35 boys represent New Zealand in 15 different
Sports at different age group levels. Some of the highlights were
Dan Hoy wining a silver medal in the closest finish possible in the
Senior Boys triathlon at the Nanjing Youth Olympics. The Triathlon
consisted of a 750m Swim, 20km bike ride and 5km run. Dan
finished in an overall time of 53 minutes 43 seconds. After recording
the same time as the GB triathlete on the finish line, the photo
finish determined that Dan was second. Dan has just recently been
selected for the NZ Junior High Performance Triathlon. Also at
Nanjing, Finn Croft finished 6th place in the Techno Board Sailing
Event. Harry Crean, Alex Cassidy and Billy Armstrong travelled
to Italy to compete for New Zealand in the Junior World Ultimate
Frisbee Championships and Victor Ma travelled to Barbados to
compete in the World Cadet Table Tennis Championships. We also
have a number of boys trialling for the NZ U20 Football side including
Sam Brotherton , Moses Dyer and Judd Baker, which will be named
later in the year as they prepare for next year’s U20 World Cup
here in NZ. Jake Hurley went to Japan and won a Gold medal in the
Junior World Surf Life Saving Championships Beach Flags event, as
well as Silver and Bronze in the relay events. From Gymnastics to
Waterpolo, Westlake Boys students continue to excel and fly the flag
of Westlake across the world sports stage as well as representing
their school.
Dan Hoy representing NZ in the U18 Boys Triathlon at the 2014 Youth Olympic Games,
in Nanjing, China.
Congratulations to all and the best of luck for the future.
Mr R Taylor – Director of Sport
Matthew Lucente at the Oceania Junior Age Groups for Squash.
Greg Vukets represented NZ in the USA World Champs in March.
Athletics Junior
Athletics Intermediate
Athletics senior
Rear Row: Conor Burling, Tom
Hemmington, Ben Mitchell,
Max Tu'inukuafe, Saiga
Row 2: Miss H Booth, Mr M Butler,
Brad Graham, Sean Vete,
Corban Wedlock-Aston,
Liam Wedlock-Aston, Aaron
Gillespie, Adam Wiener, Mr T
Front Row: Joe Benbow, Matt Conroy,
Aaron Capill, Stuart Hofmeyr,
Ethan Rix, Kainoa Moller, JaeHyuk Yoo
Rear Row: Ryan Williams, Max Rickards,
Tommy Shiferaw, Nicolo
Oporto, Luke Mercieca
Row 2: Mr M Butler, Hagen
Schickedanz, Daniel Hoy,
Eamonn Jack, Ariki HoodKaitapu, Miss H Booth, Mr T
Front Row: Joseph Clark, Bradley Hall,
Jack Anderson, Brandon
James, Corey Annandale,
Anthony Kouch, Joe Jackson
Rear Row: Ben Williams, Troy Lonergan,
Louis Abplanalp
Row 2: Mr M Butler, Sepeti Funaki,
Joshua Hansen, Finn Mason,
Garrick Rollinson, Miss H
Booth, Mr T Strydom
Front Row: Hamish Sellar, Angus Nicoll,
Brandon James, Hamish
Gill, Bronson Van Zyl, Yanni
Wetzell, Jono Houzet
Badminton Junior A
Back Row: Mrs S Van den Heuvel, Sung-Guen Choi, Mr C Shong
Front Row: Terry Chen, Peter Xie, Jun Paek, Byung-Joe Kim, Jitphanu
Badminton Junior B2
Back Row: Joshua Tan, Bhunyapat Pongpobpaibool, Chenye Zhuang, Kenny Jung,
Kevin Tan
2nd Row: Mr C Shong, Jun Hong Lim, Kostya Kechin, Brian Bugay, Rhemzhen
Sese, Wichayut Vicheansil, Kevin Shin, Mrs S Van den Heuvel
Front Row: Luis Corrales, Jb Dar Juan, Shawn Tang, Kaleb Boyce, Paul Quizo,
Chanapol Pattanapongpaibul, David Broad
Badminton Premier 2
Back Row: Brendon Wang, Mr Ellis (Coach/Manager)
Front Row: Tigerson Cao, Ben Feng (Captain), Samuel Farmer
Sascha Gaudlitz
Badminton Junior B
Back Row: Jesh Sebaratnam, Eric Lee, Alfred Kim, David Xiao, Biho Shin, James
Park, Jose Lin
2nd Row: Mr C Shong, Jun Lee, Edmond Li, Hsi Iyn Wong, Ting Kai Chia, Ting
Shuen Chia, Tianren Shen, Kenneth Li, Mrs S Van den Heuvel
Front Row: Daniel Kim, David Lee, Desmond Wong, Daniel Paek, Paul Jin, Min Jeon,
Siwon Jun
Badminton Premier 1
Back Row: Jowis Lau, Ben Lie, Mrs Thorpe
Front Row: Oscar Guo, Niccolo Tagle (Captain), Callum Harfield
Badminton Senior A
Back Row: William Hung, Ej Briones, Oscar Guo, Mrs Thorpe
Front Row: Jordan Jessup, Niccolo Tagle (Captain), Callum Harfield
Badminton Senior A2
Back Row: Ben Feng, Evan Wong, Warakorn Jetlohasiri
2nd Row: Brendon Wang, Jowis Lau, Ben Lie, Hai Hong Yang, Mrs S Van den
Front Row: Andrew Mei, Eric Park, Tony Liu, Ritchie Li, Carl Liu
Basketball Institiue F3
Back Row: Sam Old, Taylor Yang, Josh Robertson
2nd Row: Mr N Sullivan, Nathan Sawell, Ben Ross, Jae-Hyuk Yoo, John Manimtim,
Mr P Campbell
Front Row: Ryan Reader, Cain Nuttall, Colin Chan, Alex Freeman, Mark Wellacott
Basketball Premier
Badminton Senior B
Back Row: Jack Wu, Zhaoji Li, Duncan Chang
2nd Row: Julian Orejana, Neil Shum, Dalton Lim, Lateef Zainudin, Keison Tang,
Soo Hyun Jeon, Mr C Shong
Front Row: Scott Ma, James Kim, Joseph Sajjaphanroj, Ugo Pierantoni, Radi
Baboe, Andrew Hsu, Jitphanu Taerattanachai
Basketball Institiue F4
Back Row: Vaughn Moller, Quintin Lynch, Joshua Hidalgo
2nd Row: Mr N Sullivan, Aldrein Sepnio, Jack Shearer, Marc Malingin, Matteo
Brown, Mr P Campbell
Front Row: Ethan Martin, James Moors, Luke Bloxam, Dorian Popovich, Kieran
Back Row: Mr P Campbell, Isaac Letoa, Logan Hunt,
Corey Annandale,
Mr N Sullivan
Front Row: Jackson Stent, Matthew Freeman, Ugo
Pierantoni, Yanni Wetzell,
Josh Day
Jaylen Gerrand, Benjamin Castle, Zac
Buchegger, Keejon Sloan,
Mr C Stent
Basketball Junior Premier
Back Row: Quintin Lynch, Colin Chan, Matteo Brown
2nd Row: Mr P Campbell, Jack Shearer, Ethan Martin, Mr N Sullivan
Front Row: Taylor Yang, Aldrein Sepnio, James Moors, Mark Wellacott,
Vaughn Moller
Basketball Senior B League 1
Back Row: Adeesha Seneviratne, Drew Bridge, Adam Talma, Dem Sattayabandit
Front Row: Alex Dalum, Matej Minic, Mitchell Prouse
Zech Nabakewa, Tremaine Meshach Ioane Zombos
Basketball U15 A2
Back Row: Ting Kai Chia, Jeremy Qu, Ting Shuen Chia, Ryan Jenkinson, Mr K
Jorgensen (Coach)
Front Row: Josh Bonsay, Riley Milne, Amir Saranj, Justin Dulangon, Bill Song
Joshua Briones
Basketball Senior A League 1
Back Row: Marc Malingin, Alex Wheeler, Luke Day, Thabo Manyere, Greg Vukets,
Mr M Jackson
Front Row: Alex Yang, Brandon James, Keejon Sloan (Captain), Joel Coffey, Corey
Basketball Senior c League 1
Back Row: Joshua Hidalgo, Tommy Shiferaw, Aldrein Sepnio, Matteo Brown, EJ
Manimtim, Mr A Day
Front Row: Jack Ma, James Moors, Brendon Venter, Jack Castle, Jack Shearer
Luke Bloxam
Basketball U15 B League 2
Back Row: Logan Burton-Brown
2nd Row: Anthony Ji, Han Park, Nico Sansalian, Graham Legge, Raymond Kim,
Lisa Burton-Brown
Front Row: Ji Lee, Joshua Orejana, Mark Ventura, Saint Chong, Aidan Cook
Hao Jia, Jackson Mulholland, Jared Cepeda
Basketball U15 Green League 1
Back Row: Alex Yang, Alan Chen, Nathan Sawell, Rory O'Keeffe, Adeesha
Front Row: Jae-Hyuk Yoo, Colin Chan, Sam Old, Ryan Reader, Ben Ross
Basketball U15 RED League 1
Back Row: Alex Yang, Mark Wellacott, Adeesha Seneviratne
Front Row: Matthew Lucente, Alex Freeman, John Manimtim, Cain Nuttall, Taylor
Josh Robertson, Patrick Morada
Basketball U15 White League 2
Back Row: Harry Lim (Coach), Byung-Joe Kim, Daniel Dorward, Jordan
Whitehead, Ben Ko, Campbell Wang (Coach)
Front Row: Harry Pottinger-Coombes, Daniel Gray, Josh Hughes, Joshua Burger,
Andy Kim
Nabeel Ahmed, Jeremy Valerio, Drew Scott
Basketball U15 Green League 2
Back Row: Henry Whitfield, Alex Reid, Jansen Pallesen, Longee Guo (Coach)
Front Row: James Banks, Jacob Lassen, William Samonov
Eliot Hayes, Jack Melville, Jacob Mitchell, Daniel Valikhani (Coach),
Nauma Ahmed (Coach)
Basketball U15 Red League 2
Back Row: Joshua Dahlberg (Coach), Kellen Farmer (Coach), Michael Li, Henry
Sclater (Coach)
Front Row: Samuel Brewis, Hamish Forde, James Keeley
Andrew Niu, Joel Gailer, Sharaf Mohamed Rizwan, Schumann Liu,
Oliver Boyce, James Xu, Zac Stevenson
Basketball U17 A League 1
Back Row: Alex Dalum, Joshua Hidalgo
2nd Row: Marc Malingin, Jack Ma, Corey Annandale, Brendon Venter, Jack
Castle, Mr A Day
Front Row: James Moors, Brandon James, Keejon Sloan, Thabo Manyere,
Luke Day
Basketball U17 A2
Back Row: Han Park, Tyler Lindsay, Nick Francis, Khamis Shiblaq, Mr K Jorgensen
Front Row: Louis Pablo, Raymond Kim, Anthony Ji, Byung Chan Kim, Charles Cruz
Basketball U17 B League 2
Back Row: Jake McRae, Eugene Park (Coach), Simon Su (Coach), Ivan Yang
Front Row: Zach Lassen, Scott Telfer, Edward Yoo
Caleb Gunther, Jordan Laing, Mitchel Siddins, Luke Pile
Basketball U17 C League 2
Back Row: Nick Handey, Mr J Gibson, Greig Tuaine
Front Row: Max Tu'inukuafe, Shaunak Patel, Aaron Cordes, Cale Tu'inukuafe,
Jackson Tu'inukuafe
Jerome Ray Bayutas, Jack Tidswell, Joel Remigio
Basketball U17 B League 1
Back Row: Corey Annandale, Quintin Lynch, Jack Shearer, Ethan Martin, Logan
Hunt, Josh Day
Front Row: Tommy Shiferaw, Matteo Brown, Ej Manimtim, Aldrein Sepnio, Vaughn
Dorian Popovich, Luke Bloxam
Basketball U17 C League 1
Back Row: Kieran Bridge, Mark Wellacott, Mr N Sullivan
Front Row: Darren Wellacott, James Abercrombie, Alan Chen
Patrick Morada, Daniel Russell, Joshua Song
Basketball U17 D League 1
Back Row: Sam Old, Taylor Yang, John Manimtim
2nd Row: Alex Yang, Jae-Hyuk Yoo, Nathan Sawell, Adeesha Seneviratne,
Mr P Campbell
Front Row: Ben Ross, Ryan Reader, Colin Chan, Alex Freeman, Cain Nuttall
Josh Robertson, Mark Wellacott
Basketball U17 D League 2
Back Row: Jimmy Luo, William Li, Sonny Wen, Steven Choi, Radi Baboe (Coach)
Front Row: Tianrui Guan, Dalton Lim, Tommy Tan, Carl Liu, Min Ghi Park
Isaac Sohn, Zach Lindsay (Coach)
Basketball U17 F League 2
Back Row: Max Martin, Uwais Hussein, Sarel Labuschagne, Scott Telfer (Coach)
Front Row: Jong Sung Chun, Jack Heighton, Min Jeon
Basketball U17 I League 2
Back Row: Greg Vukets (Coach), Shahid Dawad, Thomas Ross, Jarred Yates,
Dylan Tuddenham, Jack Ma (Coach)
Front Row: Ryan Williams, Neil Mancita, Matt Monkton, Ben Whittaker, Alex Kim
Ray Cassim, Isaac McQueen
Basketball U17 E League 2
Back Row: Ivan Fan (Coach), Tj Milne, Casey Sturrock, Jordan Te Aukura, William
Hung (Coach)
Front Row: Josh Young, Patrick Corcoran, David Harris, E J Labis, Ej Briones
Basketball U17 G League 2
Back Row: Ivan Bagsic
2nd Row: Ryotaro Ozaki, Harris Butt (Coach), Tyler Beaman, George Blackmore,
Mostafa Youssef (Coach), Mr Smale (Coach)
Front Row: Arian Ahmadi, Yuta McNay, Jim Quito, David Qiu, Kenneth Parado
Kimsong Lor
Basketball U17 K League 2
Back Row: Aldwin Matawaran (Coach), Haru Yasutomi (Coach), Sipu Liu
Front Row: Daniel You, Angelo Chong, Hwan Yoo
Ha Seong You, Todd Min, Leon Le, Andrew Oh, Finn Hansen, Harry
Basketball U19 A League 2
Back Row: Javy Aranas, Eugene Park, Leo Chen
Front Row: Benxi Zhang, Jingwen Wu
Joshua Asi, Earl Corcega, Minhan Cho
Basketball U19 D League 2
Back Row: Sean Reader, Oscar Gunderson, Daniel Redpath
Front Row: William Xiang, George Harpur, Connor Stephen, Joshua Dahlberg,
Louis Abplanalp
Basketball U19 F League 2
Back Row: Andrew Kim, Gun Woo Song, Simon Su
Front Row: Jae-Hoon Yoo, Philip Kang, Thomas Kang, Yunjae Kim, Eric Lee
Andrew Kim, Hongming Yan
Basketball U19 B League 2
Back Row: Wenjie Wu, Shaofu Li, Yifan Bai, Damien Tao, Junhao Wei (Coach)
Front Row: Haochen Yu, Boyi Zhao, Muqun Ma
Basketball U19 E League 2
Back Row: Danial Valikhani, Jackson Huang
Front Row: William Hung, Harris Butt, Victor Hung
Shawn Hiew, Longee Guo, Nauman Ahmed, Eshil Singh
Basketball U19 H League 2
Back Row: Jonathan Brewis, Jay Adams, Darren Zhang
Front Row: Haru Yasutomi, Nikhil Luthra, Aldwin Matawaran
Mitch Whitehead, Toki Cho, Kevin Li
Basketball U19 I League 2
Back Row: Andrew Kim (Coach), Ron Salunga, Joshua Cooke, Allan Kuo, Philip
Kang (Coach)
Front Row: Jimmy Chen, Leo Kao, Trent Maxted, Duncan Chang, Myron Ganzan
Chess B1 Heuvel
Back Row: Darren Zhang, David Rong, Luke Wang, Mr A Van den Heusel
Front Row: Brendon Wang, Andy Yang, George Wang, Weber Wang, Joshua Zhang
Chess Junior Team
Back Row: Byung-Joe Kim, Shane Wei, Jun Hong Lim, Mr A Van den Heuvel
Front Row: Caleb Barr, Thomas Chen, Sho Sugiyama
Basketball U19 J League 2
Back Row: Radi Baboe, Kane Lu, Dominic Sanicas, Harry Lim
Front Row: Julian Orejana, Ivan Fan, Billy Armstrong (Captain), Campbell Wang,
Joelson Villanueva
Zackary Lindsay
Chess B2
Jordan Jessup, Cameron Nayler, Patrick Chambers, Miss S Ahn (Teacher)
Chess Senior A
Back Row: Kevin Lee, William Li, Winston Yao, Mr A Van den Heuvel
Front Row: Hao Jia, Oliver Li, Campbell Wang, Andrew Li, William Zhang
cricket 1st XI
cricket 3rd XI
Back Row: Liam Brown, Adrian Young
2nd Row: Oliver Baker, Ethan Schaumkel, Ashton Howard, Andrew ClarkHoward, Mr C Meredith
Front Row: Dhilesh Vasan, Max Lewis, Logan McDougall, Scott Prentice, Mitch
Thomas Rangihuna
Cricket Colts 1
Back Row: Jacob Urquhart-Waitai, Matthew Thornton, Luke Ranson
2nd Row: Mr T Buckingham, Nick Thompson, Ryan Quinn, Matthew Wood,
Campbell Knowles, Mr N Dale
Front Row: Jarrad Harford, Alex Divall, Ryan Schierhout, Samuel Brewis, Quinn
Back Row: Keegan Russell, Jono Ross, Benjamin
2nd Row: Mr B Emslie, Mr R Scivier, Clayton Floyd,
Daniel Redpath, Jack Dromgool, Mr J
Front Row: Michael Coetzer, William O'Donnell,
Stefan Baumgartner, Wesley Healiss,
Ross Ter Braak
Brett Bakkerus
Cricket 4th XI
Back Row: Dylan Carlyle, Euan Grigor, Adeesha Seneviratne, Corbin Cantell, Mr C
Front Row: Hamza Qaiser, William Burt, Shreyas Borgaonkar, Arthur Close, Callum
Cricket Colts 2
Back Row: Liam Morell, Ryan Zent
2nd Row: Mrs S Young, Mr J Wickens, Aditya Chemburkar, Neel Patel, Elliot
Brown, Mr D Wedderburn
Front Row: Connor Dean, Daniel Young, Sid Mahajan, Sam Collinson, Andrew
Josh Hamilton, Torin Lance
cricket 2nd XI
Cricket Colts 3
Back Row: Liam Higgins, Nick Burt, Carlin Diver
2nd Row: Sam Hudson, Callan Pryde, Josh McIntyre, Oliver Ray-Chaudhuri,
Uwais Hussein, Mr B Coetzee, Matthew White
Front Row: Henry Close, Sam Baker, Shaunak Patel, Trent Walker, Nic Knowles
Cricket Junior AM Red
Back Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
Jackson Rowe
Yash Lal, Prajwal Bhagath, Humza Butt, Konradt Marx,
Mr T Buckingham
Kaleb Boyce, Rory Burnell, Ramith Ediriweera Arachchige, Shaninke W.
M. K. Perera, Mitchell Carlyle
Mack O'Brien, Parmjot Singh Sagu, Jack Hobden
Back Row: Carl Kirstein, Keegan Russell, Nikhil
2nd Row: Mr S Young, Jono Ross, Oliver Kelsey,
Ryan McIntyre, Jonathan Brewis, Mr S
Front Row: Angus Nicoll, Josh Young, Tayne Pryde,
Cooper Spiller, Angus McKenzie
Harry Bauer
Cricket Junior AM Green
Back Row: Aidan Cook
2nd Row: Samar Singh, Jayden Hogg, Divesh Ragu, Yomal Athukorala, Mr J
Front Row: Jasim Mohammed Sali, Max Cantell, Gautam Pathumanithy, Osuka
Weheragoda Arachchige, Liam Jefferson
Cricket Senior Social
Back Row: Tom Roberts, Nathan Regal, Timothy Hawes, Mr A James
Front Row: Mike Lee, Harris Butt, Joshua Hansen, Toby Major, Ronaldo Gozali
Jarrod Clinch, James Mackessack, Victor Pollett, Tom Burcher, Taylor Lietz
Cricket Institute F3
Back Row: Josh Young, Wesley Healiss, Sam Collinson, Jacob Urquhart-Waitai,
Connor Dean, Samuel Brewis, Mr R Scviver
Front Row: Quinn Sunde, Torin Lance, Liam Morell, Ryan Zent, Jarrad Harford
Crosscountry/Road Running
Cycling Senior
Cricket Institute F4
Back Row: Luke Ranson
2nd Row: Nick Thompson, Daniel Young, Ryan Quinn, Ryan Schierhout, Campbell
Knowles, Mr J Kirsten
Front Row: Alex Divall, Matthew Thornton, Sid Mahajan, Aditya Chemburkar,
Andrew Wickens
Josh Hamilton
Back Row: Charl Ulrich, Rhys Leong, Mitchell Carlyle,
Lawrence Gao, Troy Gregerson, Blake
3rd Row:
Aaron Capill, Rory Johnson, Jack
Winfield-Pitt, Stuart Hofmeyr, Hunter
Pethers-Boak, Oliver Heal, Tommy
Shiferaw, Quinn Williams, Ethan Rix
2nd Row: Miss H Booth, Mr M Butler, Nicolo Oporto,
Luke Mercieca, Sam Hagan, Joshua
Hansen, Louis Abplanalp, Max Rickards,
William Meng, Mr T Strydom
Front Row: Finn Mason, Joe Jackson, Bradley Hall,
Angus Nicoll, Henry Morrison-Jones,
Euan Grigor, Joseph Clark, Harry Forbes,
Andrew Clark-Howard
Back Row: Sam Cato, Dominic Porter,
Blake Sunde
2nd Row: Mr A Clarke, Lachlan Macintosh,
Matthew Martin, Eamonn Jack,
Joshua Aschebrock, Mr S van
Front Row: Jordan Morris, Nicholas Wilson,
Henry Morrison-Jones, Cory
Cannings, Scott Jarrold, Chris
Cycling Junior
Dragon Boating
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Back Row: Dwight Nicolas, James Kim, Laith Saeed
3rd Row:
Ian Chen, Jae-Hoon Yoo, Rajan Gupta, Jae Yun Lim, Ha Seong You,
William Meng, Ford Gooch, Oliver Lawrence
2nd Row: Nicol Lin, Simon Su, James Parkes, Anthony Ji, Eamonn Jack, Alex
Yang, Andrew Kim, Mr J Foden
Front Row: Edward Zhang, George Wang, Tommy Tan, Adeesha Seneviratne, Max
Watson, Carl Liu, Daniel You, Kevin Li
Mr M Russell
Back Row: Joshua Rosa, Finn Buckeridge, Zi You Du,
Ayden Robinson, Aidan Cook
2nd Row: Mr A Clarke, Adam Curlewis, Brayden
Allen, Kip Watson, Hugh Douglas, Finn
Ramsay, Mr S van Rossen
Front Row: Tristan Morris, Seb Parker, Sam Jones,
Jake Jones, Bays Williams, Lucas Martin
Benjamin Clark
Back Row: Jordan Jessup, Nicolas Tanu,
Thomas Taylor, Kane Lu
2nd Row: Joshua Lepper, Matt Goodman,
Jacob Siermans, Hamish Sellar,
George Casement, Ms T Groves
Front Row: Cameron Nayler, Jason King,
Elliot Nuttall, Henrik Molving,
Anaru Molving, Lochie
Feng Zheng, Harry Davies
Duke of Edinburgh Silver-Gold
Back Row: Soo-Myoung Jang, Juancho Soriano, Rengen Parlane, Nikhil Luthra,
Antoine Ellis, Reagan Hargest, Dhilesh Vasan
2nd Row: Thomas Ross, Ashton Reiser, Dylan Carlyle, Sean King, Michael Booth,
Alexander Lochore-Ward, Byung Chan Kim, Mr J Foden
Front Row: Michael Stern, Rowan Angelo, Eugene Park, Jono King, Daniel Lee,
Edward Jelley, Drew Bridge, Alesh Sukha
Mr M Russell
Football 1st XI
Football 2nd XI
Football Institute F3
Back Row: Ethan Usher, Matt Conroy, Ibrahim khattab Alani
2nd Row: Harrison Piper, Matthew White, Tyrone Stretton, Kangseok Lee, Stan
Hitchcock, Mr N Dale
Front Row: Jason Handley, Thomas Baldwin, Daniel Mitten, Joe Benbow, Michael
Back Row: Adyn Kettle, Oscar Ramsay,
Leewaine Scott
2nd Row: Mr A Berry (Assistant Coach),
Mr T Buckingham (Manager),
Harrison Bolton-Roberts,
Judd Baker, Harley Kelly,
Greg Nimmo, Sean Crombie,
Mr A McBride (Coach)
Front Row: Daniel Lough, Jack
Benbow, Alex Cassidy, Sam
Brotherton, Cameron Nayler,
Sean Skeens, Mitchell Watts
Back Row: Max Falldorf, Trent Baker,
Braedan Acarapi, Jack Pirie
2nd Row: Jared Dixon, Jacob ReevesParmenter, Keegan Kelly,
Oliver Gibel, Liam McStay,
Jaidyn Hendriks, Mr R Scivier
Front Row: Hakim Ijas, Chris Hagan,
Cameron Nayler, Michael
Booth, Flinn Medemblik,
Michael Lough, Keanen
Football Institute F4
Back Row: Yea Kang Chu, Tom Taylor, Matthew Wood, Clarke Foulds, Bradley
2nd Row: Trevor Zwetsloot, Jordan Olivier, Isaac Levido, Oskar Farwell, Mr A
Front Row: Callum McCowatt, Jack Cummings, Abdul Al-Majmuei, Bronson Kelly,
Conor Jackson
Jamie Paul
Football Senior O'Gram
Back Row: Ahmad Duais, Charles Li, Akram Alhilali, Jonathan Brewis, Matthew
Van Orton
2nd Row: Arthur Close, Jason King, Ryan Farrell, Jordan Jessup, Patrick
Chambers, Tim Wheeler, Mr S O'Brien
Front Row: Nikhil Luthra, Paul Kim, Wesley Healiss, Riley Cahill, Dhilesh Vasan
Football U13 A1
Back Row: Thomas Baldwin, Matt Conroy, Samuel Brewis, Daniel Mitten
2nd Row: Bradley Cain, Saiga Otsubo, Tyrone Stretton, Kangseok Lee, Matthew
White, Harrison Piper, Mr N Dale
Front Row: Matthew Lough, Ethan Usher, Ibrahim khattab Alani, Ryan Zent, Joe
Benbow, Jason Handley, Quinn Sunde
Football U13 B Green
Back Row: David Lee, Jonathan Hsu, Johnny Cheng
2nd Row: Mrs L Burton-Brown, Jonathan Brewis, Victor Wei, Christian Umanzor
Osegueda, Jun Paek, Barnaby Hope-Simcock, Dhilesh Vasan,
Mr C Solomons
Front Row: Brian Jung, Jake Beresford, Andrew Cox, Logan Burton-Brown, Jack
Sutherland, Jack Hobden, Jamie Bowie
Talon Anderson
Football Senior B O'Brien
Back Row: Ahmad Duais, Charles Li, Akram Alhilali, Jonathan Brewis, Matthew
Van Orton
2nd Row: Mr S O'Brien (Manager), Ryan Farrell, Jordan Jessup, Patrick
Chambers, Tim Wheeler, Mr D Naik (Coach)
Front Row: Nikhil Luthra, Paul Kim, Wesley Healiss, Riley Cahill, Dhilesh Vasan
Football U13 A2
Back Row: Bradley Cain, Darrien Devereaux, Tyrone Stretton, Oliver Moffitt,
Jeongmin Shin
2nd Row: Jiwoon Kim, Sam Murphy, Alfie Heckett, James Keeley, Ms N Leighton
Front Row: Jamie Nimmo, Tom Donnelly-Chisholm, Sam Collinson, Pierce
Blomfield, Jason Handley
Football U13 B Red
Back Row: Taran Young, Ezra Pearce, Joel Munro
2nd Row: Nikhil Luthra (Coach), Mrs J Clough (Manager), Liam Higgins, Zion
Song, Issac An, Sung-Guen Choi, Jakob Abery, Michael Georgy (Coach)
Front Row: Connar Wise, Oliver Pym, Will Clough, Mark Seddon, Tom Hall-Taylor,
Vachiravit Sripiromya
Nabeel Ahmed
Football U14 B White
Back Row: Baxter Holgate-Simpson, Aaron Cordes, Enzo Fletcher
2nd Row: Mark Khuwattanasenee, Zi You Du, Joe Angus, Jackson Greig, Sean
Yang, Ms C Nolan (Manager)
Front Row: Neel Patel, Ha Min Jang, Ben Sutherland, Andy Kei, Eric Jang
Football U15 A2
Back Row: Adam Price, Aidan Search, Reuben Barr, Ben Whittaker, Kenton Wong
2nd Row: Hugo Evans, Ryan Williams, Bobbie Ware, Adrian Young, Vladislav
Babanov, Cameron Jones-Moore, Ms V Fowler (Manager), Darren
Whittaker (Coach)
Front Row: Aly Refaat, Dylan Tuddenham, Matt Mihaljevich, Clark Froude,
Joseph Lee
Football U15 B Red
Back Row: Mr A Reed (Manager), Ben Steele, Tom Newland, Jeru Baxter, Robbie
Blount, Dion Lee (Coach)
Front Row: Jarod Scott, Alexander Peagram, Daniel Negus, Rajan Gupta, Josh
Football U15 A1
Back Row: Kevin Hajderaj, T Naidoo, Yuta McNay, Arran Wright, Abdulrahman
2nd Row: Miss S Lecourt (Manager), Adam Moore, Joe Bell, Alistair Wright, Felix
Wierlemann, Mr M Butler (Coach)
Front Row: Kaden Sutton, Daniel Lim, Callum Diprose, Aaran Brabant, Ardri
Zade Al-Ali
Football U15 B Green
Back Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
Randel Vongalay, Jay Cho, Daniel Yang
Sunjae Park, Tobias Asti, Daniel You, Mr T Buckingham
Rafael Paredes, Naveen Shonal Perera, Jun Kim, Laith Saeed, Jeff Choi
Aidan Phillips, Jake Wise, Malte Englebracht
Back Row: Leo Hong, Ian Blount, Mr R Taylor
Front Row: Jesper Bengtsson, Sam Reese, Louis Pablo
Hockey 1st XI
Hockey 2nd XI
Back Row: Denzel Williams, Dylan Carlyle, Harrison Dye
2nd Row: James Parkes, Warren Johnson, Michael Stern, Alesh Sukha, Chris
May, Mr K Jacobs
Front Row: Netesh Sukha, Matt Goodman, William O'Donnell, Campbell Dye,
Arnav Nair
Jack Dromgool, Aaron Kurte, Jarrod Wagg
Hockey 4th XI
Back Row: Mr S McWilliams (Manager), Ms N Chorley (Manager), Tony Brinkman,
Jake Thompson, Alex West-Hill, Thomas Patrick, Lucas Hay (Coach)
Front Row: Marco Lammers, Cooper Green, Cam Styles (Captain), Rajan Gupta,
Konnor Baker
Max Rankine, Max Macready, James Wisniewski
Back Row: J P Rossouw, Thomas Taylor,
Chris May, Peter Felstead,
Troy Mansfield, Mat Moore,
Josh Down
2nd Row: Mr C Meredith (Coach), Mr
G Frittelli (Assistant Coach),
Olivier Stroomer (Captain),
Maximilian Simon, Lucas Hay,
Benjamin Edwards, Hamish
Sellar, Mr S McCracken
Front Row: Mitchell Ottow, Sachin Chhiba,
Denzel Williams, Harry Deare,
Keegan Russell, Ben Williams,
Chad James
Hockey 3rd XI
Back Row: Luke Mercieca, Jack Smith, Kieran Reid, Dr I Burnett (Manager)
Front Row: Tiarn Pryde, Cameron Jones-Moore, Chris Casey, Konnor Baker,
Blake Sunde
Rory Douglas, William Harrison, Taylor Stancombe, Josh Young, Carl
Kirstein, Oliver Kelsey (Captain), Reesan Naidoo (Coach)
Hockey Institute F4
Back Row: Matthew Kitney, Netesh Sukha, Oliver Lawrence
2nd Row: Ben Sellar, Ryan Quinn, Ashton Philo, Ryan Hiskens, Daniel Young, Mr S
Front Row: Samuel Readman, Mitchell Carlyle, Tayler Read, Dylan Wright, Nishaan
Hockey Institute F3
Back Row: Bailey Dawson, Stefan Wiig, Aaron Gillespie, Oscar Watson, Mr C
Front Row: Charl Ulrich, Andrew Jacobs, Nic Knowles, Flynn Green, Tom Roycroft
Hockey Junior 2
Back Row: Nic Knowles, Tayler Read, Oscar Watson, Mitchell Carlyle, Thomas
2nd Row: Callan Pryde, Nick Thompson, Stefan Wiig, Daniel Young, Grierson Fox,
Mrs C Kelsey
Front Row: Tom Roycroft, Kayden Miles, Oakley Stewart (Captain), Luca Chang,
Andrew Jacobs
Cameron Falloon
Hockey Junior 4
Back Row: Elliot Brown, Alfie Heckett, Renato Ferrer
2nd Row: Mr S Zimmermann, Asad Parwaiz, Baxter Holgate-Simpson (Captain),
Richard Claxton, Sarel Labuschagne, Jono King, Edward Jelley
Front Row: Jeremy Hayes, Connor Smith, Mack O'Brien, Aidan Bonneau, Milahn
Ward, Riley Urlich, Devanshu Patel
Hockey Junior 1
Back Row: Jarrad Harford, Nishaan Patel, Oscar England, Flynn Green, Charl
2nd Row: Oliver Lawrence, Ryan Hiskens, Ryan Quinn (Captain), Samuel
Readman, Mr James Glen (Coach)
Front Row: Ben Sellar, Ashton Philo, Dylan Wright, Aaron Gillespie, Felix
Matthew Kitney, Husmit Uka (Coach)
Hockey Junior 3
Back Row: Thomas Nell, Anton Hine, Connar Wise, Todd Milliken
2nd Row: Troy Mansfield, J P Rossouw, Luke Ranson, Francis Thorpe, Finn
Nicholson, Alesh Sukha
Front Row: Denzel Foley, Caleb Nell, Liam Morell, Nick Thompson, Matthew
Copeland, Millan Keshaw, Flynn Story
Bailey Dawson
Hockey Senior Green
Back Row: Mr S Enefer (Staff Coach), Michael Stern (Student Coach), Robbie
Blount, Euan Grigor, Matthew Randall, Bradley Aitchison, Dylan Carlyle
(Student Coach)
Front Row: Connor Wong, Matthew Budd, Scott Meiklejohn, Kenton Wong, Jake
Hockey Senior Red
Back Row: Josh Fairbairn
2nd Row: Jono King, Regan Menzies, Jonathan Wilton, Mitchell Dye, Rohan
Luthra, Mr J Cachopa
Front Row: Liam Wong, Marko Mitrovic, Alex Ogle, Edward Jelley, Donte Whimp
Sean Greaney, Michael Remiens, Arun Strickland, Cam Olsen
Back Row: James Mackessack, Kelby Cai, Daniel Redpath, Jack Li
2nd Row: Miss N Marriott, Oliver Howard, Campbell Wang, Leon Zoost, Benjamin
Callister, Mr B Gilmore
Front Row: Nick Curry, Dylan Penlington, Dallas Penlington, Jung Hyun Lee
(Captain), Thomas Patrick, Ben Partridge, Timothy Zouch
Rowan Angelo, Mitchell Fickling
NZ Reps
Back Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
Dominic Bigsby, Finn Croft, Daniel Hoy, Jarvis Jensen, Matthew Lucente, Rafa Yam
Ethan Thomas, Kaleb Rona, Jackson Stent, Thabo Manyere, Greg Vukets, Harry Crean
Jung Hyun Lee, Patrick Chambers, Matthew Roets, Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Henry Morrison-Jones, Alex Cassidy
Jake Hurley, Caleb Barr, Billy Armstrong, Mitchell Fickling, Hamish Gill, Benjamin Callister, Greg Nimmo, Victor Ma, Matthew Freeman, Mitchell Ottow, Chad
James, Benjamin Edwards
Learn to Row
Back Row: Matt Robinson, Ben Streten, Juancho Soriano
2nd Row: Antoine Ellis, Ray Cassim, Logan Rainey, Campbell Jordan, Miss A Kerbellec
Front Row: Michael Li, James Mackessack, Jacob Siermans, Sam Sherriff,
John Jiang
Back Row: Xavier Ram, Matt Lambert, Moses
Ford, Louis Simpson, Jack Melville,
Liam Jefferson
3rd Row:
Stephen Zhao, Jayden Tabani-ivi, Max
Brown, Yaoyuan Shen, James Mitchell,
Ollie Jones, Ben Ko
2nd Row: Mr P Rae (Coach), Miss N Marriott
(Coach), Blake Bradshaw, Malke
Engelbracht, Alexander Iles-Nyberg,
Luke Walker, Abram Mathew, Angus
Shotter, Miss J El-Labany (Coach/
Teacher In Charge)
Front Row: Caleb Nell, Thomas Nell, Hayden
Mallard, Hunter Pethers-Boak, Callum
Jarvis, Dylan Maynard, Ethan Rix
Guy Forsyth, Pierre Harrison, Oscar
Back Row: J P Aucamp, Andrei Popovici, Dylan
Carlyle, Alex Yang, Simon Su, Alex
Burton, Owen Pengelly, Krishna
Mishra, Liam Stone
3rd Row:
Adeesha Seneviratne, Sean King, Tony
Liu, Dem Sattayabandit, Matthew
Shepherd, Josh Reilly, Ashton Philo,
Max Watson
2nd Row: Ryan Williams, Dwight Nicolas, Daniel
Lough, Max Rickards, Michael Lough,
Thomas Applegath, Oliver Lawrence,
Lawrence Gao, Mr J Saville, Quinn Klijn
Front Row: Luke Mercieca, William Meng, Jordan
Jessup, Caleb Gemmell, Ian Lim,
Tristan Williams, Taylor Haynes, Cheye
Racing Adventure Senior
Back Row: Max Bensley, Alesh Sukha, Simon Su, Sean King, Caleb Gemmell
Front Row: Andrei Popovici, Dylan Carlyle, Tristan Williams, Ian Lim, William Meng
Chris Lawrence, Miss Belcher, Miss Birch
Racing Adventure Junior
Back Row: Bradlee Wong, Taylor Haynes, Reuben Soares
Front Row: Ashton Philo, Oliver Lawrence, Campbell Knowles
Miss Belcher, Miss Birch
Rowing Novice 8+
Back Row: Jin Lim, Brayden Allen, Liam McAteer, Miss N Marriott
Front Row: Matthew Park, Sam Love, Joe Canham, Aaron Cordes, Jack Taylor
In Front:
Hugo Bedford
Rowing U15 C4+4X+
Back Row: Miss J El-labany, Miss N Marriott
2nd Row: Lucas Martin, Jin Lim, Riley Martin, Jarrod Leuila
Front Row: Hugo Bedford, Gene Offwood
Rock Climbing
Back Row: Jordan Jessup, Ben Partridge, Cameron Nayler, Mr A Nyhoff
Front Row: Oliver Lawrence, Max Bensley, Alexander Lochore-Ward
Nick Curry, Thomas Ross, Blake Scanlen
Rowing U15 8+
Back Row: Miss J El-labany, Baxter Holgate-Simpson, Harry Collard, Benjamin
Jury, Miss N Marriott
Front Row: Conrad Luka, Sam Jones, Jake Jones, Kip Watson, Jack Taylor
In Front:
Hugo Bedford
Mr A Zouch
Rowing U15A 4X
Back Row: Miss J El-labany, Miss N Marriott
Front Row: Baxter Holgate-Simpson, Jake Jones, Sam Jones, Conrad Luka
In Front:
Kyle Rawlings
Rowing U15B 4X
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Miss J El-labany, Miss N Marriott
Harry Collard, Jack Taylor, Kip Watson, Benjamin Jury
Gene Offwood
Mr A Zouch
Rowing U16 8+
Back Row: Matthew Martin, Campbell Teixeira, Mitch Hazelhurst, Miss J El-labany
Front Row: Hugo Verdonk, Callum Gilmour, James Brake, Mathew Barry, Finn
In Front:
Timothy Zouch
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U16A 4X+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Mitch Hazelhurst, Miss J El-labany
Hugo Verdonk, James Brake, Mathew Barry
Dylan Whale
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U16 2X
Liam Pugh, Kelby Cai, Miss J El-Labany
Mr C Cole
Rowing U16A 4+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Hugo Verdonk, Miss J El-Labany
Mathew Barry, James Brake, Mitch Hazelhurst
Ben Adkins
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U16B 4+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Matthew Martin, Miss J El-labany
Campbell Teixeira, Callum Gilmour, Finn Pethers-Boak
Dylan Whale
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U16B 4X+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Kelby Cai, Miss J El-Labany
Matthew Martin, Liam Pugh, Callum Gilmour
Ben Adkins
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U17 4X+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Dion Lee, Miss J El-Labany
Rowan Angelo, Matt Lupton, Robbie MacGregor
Ben Adkins
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U18B 8+
Back Row: Ben Partridge, Dion Lee, Callum Blackburn, Miss J El-labany
Front Row: Robbie MacGregor, Rowan Angelo, Oliver Howard, Brendan Herbst,
Matt Lupton
In Front:
Tamati Munroe
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U16C 4X+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Campbell Teixeira, Miss J El-Labany
Jack Anstis, Finn Pethers-Boak, Jared Greenfield
Greg Scott
Mr C Cole
Rowing U18 4X+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Brendan Herbst, Miss J El-Labany
Rowan Angelo, Matt Lupton, Robbie MacGregor
Tamati Munroe
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rowing U18B Lightweight 4+
Back Row:
Front Row:
In Front:
Ben Partridge, Miss J El-labany
Callum Blackburn, Oliver Howard, Dion Lee
Timothy Zouch
Mr C Cole, Mr M Stanley
Rugby 1st XV
Back Row:
3rd Row:
2nd Row:
Front Row:
Sam Babb, Césaré Saseve-Niuelua, Leon Thambiran
Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Calvin Vari, Levi McBirney, Izaak Scheib, Jackson Searle, Jake Antonio-Rooney, Adam Watts
Blair Urlich (Assistant Coach), Mr S Young (Manager), Pierce Bryers, Benjamin Reidy, Jacques Pretorius, Bradley Leuila, Lochie Chambers, Valie Bakkerus (Coach)
Garrick Rollinson, Luke Dewar, Harry Calverley, Brett Bakkerus (Captain), Connor Hill, Willy Lea'ae Toa, Ammon Moller
Brendan Bond, Ethan Clews, Richard Barlow (Physio)
Rugby 2nd XV
Back Row: Zane Carbines, Jamal Tiatia
3rd Row:
Thomas Reid, Declan Barbarich, Jake Sturrock, James Port, Luke
Jones, Callum Blackburn, Miss N Marriott
2nd Row: Mr A Brown, Henry Strawbridge, Angus McKenzie, Bronson Van Zyl,
Luke Houghton, Jayden King, Ethan Bartholomew, Mr B Emslie
Front Row: Quentin Austin, Connor Stephen, Tayne Pryde, Regan Menzies,
Montana Northcroft, Cameron Gumbley, Joshua Roach
Josh Copeland
Rugby 3rd XV
Back Row: Fine Inisi, Cameron Gumbley, James Tulloch, Cooper Green
3rd Row:
Adam Baard, Rada Sovljanski, Jack Anstis, Ashton Howard, Ryan
McIntyre, Ryotaro Ozaki, Sam Crosby
2nd Row: Kanui Walker, Jake Konia, Angus McKenzie, Drew Bridge, Casey
Forsyth, Angus Nicoll, Mr A James
Front Row: Justin Mendoza, Henry Sclater, Jamal Tiatia, Joshua Dahlberg, Sepeti
Funaki, Trent Bassett, Zae Wallace
Liam Brown, Nafe Helu, Jacob Katipa, James Maber, Arno Mouton,
Blair Niuelua, James Robson
Rugby 4th XV
Back Row: Lochie Mansfield
2nd Row: Thomas Milne, James Trotman, Lochie Chambers, Henrik Molving,
Stephen Summers, Mr D Wedderburn
Front Row: Nathan Regal, Trent Meehan, Yaser Rezaee, Trent Robertson-Moylan,
Jack Dromgool, Ian Blount, Christopher Ronalde
Bryce Taylor, Tamati Munroe, Miguel Errazo, Morgan Cadell, Hubert
Rugby 4A
Back Row: Ms B Trotman (Manager), Luke Lombard, Jarvis Jensen, Brett Phillips,
Finn Tito, Geoffrey Heck, Trey Tupu-South
2nd Row: Mr S McWilliams (Coach), Mitchell Daniels, Thomas Ross,
Trent Butterworth, Zach Lassen, Tyler Duffield, Tommy Ellery,
Mr N Salmon (Coach)
Front Row: Corey Fenton, Ethan Thomas, Reece Thurston, Kellen Farmer,
Campbell Henderson, Patrick Corcoran, James Abercrombie
Josh Shaw, Callan Smith
Rugby 5A
Back Row: Ollie Banks, Jacksyn Siakisini Lauaki, France'yen Siakisini-Lauaki, Jack
Fuller, Jackson Tu'inukuafe, Casey Smith, Simeon Joubert
2nd Row: Mr A Katipa (Coach), Sione Fonua, Harry Collard, Luke Walker, Blake
Houghton, Sean Vete, Finlay Brewis, Lotu Inisi, Mr R Taylor (Coach)
Front Row: Cameron Hey, Ariki Hood-Kaitapu, Ben Mitchell, Baylee Katipa, Jack
Heighton, Nathan Leslie, Matt Jacobi
Rugby 5th XV
Back Row: Cameron Bruce, Fine Inisi, Liam Rawlings
2nd Row: Thomas Cadell, Jake Konia, Kyle Bond, Declan Barbarich, Sam Crosby,
Sean King
Front Row: Sepeti Funaki, Jamal Tiatia, Hadleigh Bickle, James Tulloch, Angus
Nicoll, Dan Baard, Zae Wallace
Conaugh Jacob, James Maber, Nathan Mallard, Liam McCook, Angelo
Munoz, Jerico Portugal, Ryan Walker, Ben Western, William Xiang
Rugby 4B
Back Row: Tj Milne, Jack Gemmell, Casey Sturrock
2nd Row: Mr D O'Neil (Coach), Mr B J Mackie (Manager), Ethan Schaumkel, Jake
Sturrock, James Dickison, Tamaiti Marino, Mr G Hodder, Mr A J Hewns
Front Row: Benjamin Wong, Sam Cato, Isaac Alexander, Mackey Davis-Faulkner,
Mathew Connew, Chad Clark, Waren Soriano
Ben Angus, Jordan Ashby, Connor Bentin, Shaun Bowyer, Joshua
Marshall, Connor McNall, Joshua Mitchell, Trent Ormsby, Jack Skinner,
Jake Welch
Rugby 5B
Back Row: Jackson Port, Jordan Quinn, Vili Tu'ipulotu, Louis Pratt
2nd Row: Mr T Vinicombe (Manager), Tevita Tonga, Sebastion Filo, Vuki Muna,
Harry Forbes, Aaron Isaacson, Logan Ofoia, Mr F. Brown (Coach)
Front Row: Conor Burling, Todd Milliken, Kieran Bridge, Jason Churches, Jack
Askew, Jayden Hogg, Somote Tui
Rugby 6A
Back Row: Graysen Brown, Markku Venter, Tom Hemmington, Flynn Willemse,
Oakley Stewart
2nd Row: Harry Milne, Spencer McDowall, Connor O'Leary-Lodge, Rae
Courtenay, Ashton Philo, Luke Mihaljevich, Neihana Walters,
Mr M Barry
Front Row: Ben Fraser, Oliver Heal, Tristan Shepherd (Vice Captain), Max
Tu'inukuafe (Captain), Jarrod Ferguson (Vice Captain), Olly Watts, Cale
Jackson Ephraims, Mr Dean Nicol (Manager)
Rugby 7A
Back Row: Trevae McClean, Louis Simpson, Cade Shieb, James Small
2nd Row: Charlie Crabbe, Keanu Fisher, Nick Solomon, Ben Ross, William Laurie,
Joshua Burger
Front Row: Kees Burgess, Max Cantell, Griffin Shields, Ollie Charlesworth, Luc
Vachias, Rory O'Keeffe, Jarrad Harford
Kainoa Moller, Mr W Gage-Brown (Coach), Mr R Ryan (Manager), Mr S
Mullholland (Assistant Coach)
Rugby Maori U15 Open Team
Rugby 6B
Back Row: Callum Jefferson, Syvert Hansen, Kale Townsend, Hugo Bedford,
Ronan Mackenzie-Smee
2nd Row: Samuel Lockhart, Zac Stevenson, Murilo Tordivelli Gonzales, Jacob de
Jonge, Bradlee Wong, Reuben Soares, Tyler Smith
Front Row: Thomas Applegath, Callan Pryde, Blake Bradshaw, Josh Hamilton,
Jacob Lassen, Andre Vachias, Oakley Stewart
Jacob Urquhart-Waitai, Jay Pake, Ethan Gregerson, Liam Aliimatafitafi
Rugby 7B
Back Row: Flynn Story, David Broad, Callum Banks, Tom Roycroft, Shazaad
2nd Row: Rhys Leong, Hamish Bond, Chlinton Frans, Troy Gregerson, Jackson
Front Row: Daniel Gray, Callum Jarvis, John Hollingsworth, Nathan Sawell, Riley
Seamus McCarthy, Damon Harrison
Back Row: Jordan Quinn, Trent Bassett
3rd Row:
Trent McCarthy, Finn Tito, Isaac Gibbons, Tamaiti
Marino, Mitchell Daniels, Jamal Tiatia
2nd Row: Trent Robertson-Moylan, Lochie Chambers,
Ethan Schaumkel, Jake Konia, Tupe Haku, Jonah
Theyers, Zane Carbines, Mr N Sullivan
Front Row: Vuki Muna, Kanui Walker, Jackson Birdsall,
Jayden King, Montana Northcroft, Iziah Mahe,
Sione Fonua
Rugby League
Back Row: Anthony Po-Ching, Leon Thambiran, Zane Carbines, Hemi McCarthy, Willy Lea'a Toa, Harry Calverley, Zae Wallace
2nd Row: Mr H Nola (Manager), Montana Northcroft, Raygjon Hohepa, Luke Houghton, Stefan Baumgartner, Bradley Leuila, Bryce Taylor, Annabelle Hohepa (Coach)
Front Row: Christopher Ronalde, Zach Turner, Dane Hohepa, Jake Antonio-Rooney, Pierce Bryers, Joseph Taungakava, Quentin Austin
Rugby League U85Kg
Back Row: Anthony Po-Ching, Caleb Macdonald, Sione Ta'ai
3rd Row:
Sepeti Funaki, Joseph Taungakava, Tamaiti Marino, Trent Bassett,
Jamal Tiatia, Nafe Helu, Fine Inisi
2nd Row:
Zane Carbines, Patrick Mau'u Filipo, Ben Western, Tupe Haku, Daniel
O'Connor, Cameron van der Riet, Isaac Gibbons, Mr H Nola (Coach)
Front Row: Ethan Amos, Dru Fenton, Zae Wallace, Willy Lea'ae Toa, Moses Leo,
Hemi McCarthy, Mitchell Gemmell
Running INStiTUE F4
Back Row: Oscar England, Aaron Capill, Ethan Rix, Mr T Strydom
Front Row: Oliver Heal, Harry Forbes, Joseph Clark, Oliver Ray-Chaudhuri,
Lawrence Gao
Back Row: Harry Milne, Blake Nicholson, James Grieve, Mr P Davies
Front Row: Thomas Fyfe, Michael Stern, Sam Wallis, Josh Handa, Tom De Jonge
Smallbore Shooters
Snow Boarding
Back Row: Mrs R Peak, Casey Sturrock, Mr D Smale
Front Row: Samuel Readman, Adam Price, Daniel Lutterman, Glen Jeffrey, Nick Burt
Hamish Sellar
Ski Team
Back Row: Mrs S Lecourt (Coach), Mr K Jorgensen (Coach), Mr A Cowell (Coach)
Front Row: Bailey Dawson, William Burt, Ryan Dawson, James Wisniewski
Josh Reilly, Oliver Kelsey
Back Row: Darshil Patel, Ethan Gregerson, John Lee,
William Meng, Yi Biao Ang, Bishoy Mekhaiel
3rd Row:
Charlie Im, Conor Gemmell, Ricky Liang, Kieran
McCahon, Nikolai Kedrinski, Joshua Lepper,
Mitchell Gemmell, J P Aucamp, Kunj Joshi
2nd Row: Sammy Ji, Alex Burton, Reuben McDonald,
Ashton Reiser, George Martin, Sam Whiddett,
Ihtishaam Muhammed, Reuben Barr, Connor
Front Row: Dr T Holden, Yuan Wei Qi, Joseph Sajjaphanroj,
Henry Li, Jono King, Hubert Lao, Longee Guo,
David Ko, Mr S King
SPI Rugby F3
Back Row: Tom Hemmington, Luke Mihaljevich, Connor O'Leary-Lodge, Jacksyn
Siakisini Lauaki, Flynn Willemse
2nd Row: Blake Bradshaw, Aaron Isaacson, Sean Vete, Luke Walker, Ben
Mitchell, Kainoa Moller, Mr R Taylor
Front Row: Ollie Charlesworth, Kade Scheib, Markku Venter, Jackson Port,
Graysen Brown
SPI Rugby F4
Back Row: Spencer McDowall
2nd Row: Simeon Joubert, Matt Jacobi, Baylee Katipa, Finlay Brewis, Jackson
Tu'inukuafe, Mr R Taylor
Front Row: Jackson Ephraims, Jarrod Ferguson, Ollie Banks, Casey Smith, Tristan
Squash Premier 1
Back Row: Soo-Myoung Jang, Gabe Yam, Matthew Lucente, Manu Yam (Coach)
Front Row: Stuart Martin (Co-Captain), Rafa Yam (Captain), David Matthews
Squash Senior B1
Back Row: Eric Park, Mr Marshall
Front Row: Daniel Randall, Kieran McCahon, Hamza Qaiser
Sports Institute - Rowing
Back Row: Jin Lim, Jack Taylor, Benjamin Jury
2nd Row: Riley Martin, Baxter Holgate-Simpson, Aaron Cordes, Mr S Van Rossen
Front Row: Harry Collard, Kip Watson, Sam Jones, Jake Jones, Conrad Luka
Squash Premier 2
Back Row: Zonal Ali, Mr Calver
Front Row: Tom Taylor, Cameron Gumbley, Jonathan Ko
Squash Senior B2
Back Row: Oliver Soons, Mr P J Andrews
Front Row: Jonathan Lay, Jordan Jessup, Fredrick Dela Cruz
Squash Junior A
Back Row: Thomas Applegath, Azarish Ali, Tom Hall-Taylor, Mrs R O'Gram
Front Row: Rory Burnell, Matt Peagram, Pawan Deo
Table Tennis Premier A
Back Row: Victor Ma, Mr Lee, Roger Wang
Front Row: Victor Pollett, Wilfred Lan
Squash Junior B
Back Row: Jamie Bowie, Yunjae Kim, Sean Kim, Mrs C Gouws (Manager)
Barnaby Hope-Simcock, Mack O'Brien
Back Row: Hunter Pethers-Boak, Eric Park, Jae Yun Lim,
Sam Nicholson
2nd Row: Wilson Longhurst, Dylan Heathcote, Jason
Churches, Andy Yang, Oliver Wu, Mrs T
Front Row: Zach Newton-Cross, Jono Houzet, Sam Love,
Jae Eon Lim, Kai Clauberg
Patrick Chambers, Scott Fairbairn, Joshua
Lee, Logan MacKintosh, Darran Pickering,
Kyle Shears, Jaepeth Tiakia
Table Tennis Premier B
Back Row: Chris Jeong, Harry Kim, Mr Lee
Front Row: Logan Xu, Andrew Mei, Nicholas Lin
Tennis Intermediate A2
Back Row: Daniel Lough, Jake Thompson, Nick Jarrold, Mr N Kennard
Front Row: Dylan Neville, Kaden Sutton, Bailey Sutton
Sean Skeens
Tennis Intermediate M6
Back Row: Jason Yoo, Mr K Jorgensen
Front Row: Shane Wei, Matt Jacobi, Dwight Nicolas
Tennis Intermediate Social
Back Row: Matthew Van Orton, Tony Brinkman, Connor McNall, Mr C Solomons
Front Row: Peter Yoon, Rengen Parlane, Kevin Liu, Edward Zhang, Lawrence Gao
Tennis Intermediate M5 A
Back Row: Antoine Ellis, Ryan Williams, Mr D Smale
Front Row: Benjamin Crosland, Nick Francis, James Thornton
Tennis Intermediate M8 C
Daniel Yang, Jason Cho, Andrew Oh, Jack Huang
Tennis Junior M1 B
Back Row: Jarrod Ferguson, Mrs L Burton-Brown
Front Row: Thomas Fritzen, Tane Cullen, Logan Burton-Brown
Tennis Junior M2 C
David Goncharov, Tim Cahyanto, Jackson Greig, Mrs C Gouws
Griffin Shields
Tennis Junior M4 C
Back Row: Barrett Han, Jacob Crean, Miss S Yoon
Front Row: Ronan Mackenzie-Smee, Steve Park, Bright Wan
Joel Gailer, Sean Kim
Tennis Premier
Tennis Junior M3 C
Harry Pottinger-Coombes, Jonathon Lee, Robin Jo, Ms R Pevreal
Tennis Junior Social
Back Row: David Goncharov, Mr S King, Matthew Lough
Front Row: Jordan Quinn, Shaun Lee, Oliver Ding, Jacob de Jonge
Back Row: Matej Minic, Mr T Weal, Benjamin Holmes
Front Row: Danyon Morgan-Puterangi, Ethan McCafferty,
Yanni Wetzell, Luka Cirilovic, Elliot Le Petit
Tennis Senior A M7
Back Row: Koya Yamada, Nikhil Luthra
Front Row: Eric Park, Kevin Sun, George Harpur
Mr M Russell
Tennis Senior A2
Back Row: Dylan Boot, Ben Park, Tianyi Yu, Mr A Van den Heuvel
Front Row: Kevin Sun, Rohan Luthra, Ivan De Guzman, Ben Roberts, Dem Sattayabandit
Tennis Senior Social 4
Back Row: Omar Hassan, Mr N Kennard
Front Row: Alec Wise, Eugene Park, Charlie Im
Brad Crankshaw
Tennis Senior A M8
Quinn Sunde, Ivan De Guzman, Stuart Martin, Mr A Vinicombe
Koichi Kurino, Stephen Summers
Tennis Senior Social 3
Back Row: Isaac Sohn, Haru Yasutomi, Mr A Naranji
Front Row: Michael Lough, Joseph Sajjaphanroj, Jordan Jessup
Roderick Chan
Touch Senior A
Back Row: Oliver Heal, James Brown, Ariki Hood-Kaitapu, Mitchell Gemmell, Mr J McIntyre
Front Row: Spencer McDowall, Ethan Amos, Casey Smith, Cameron Hey, Jackson
Touch Rugby Premier Team
Triathlon Squad
Ultimate Frisbee
Back Row: Jack Heighton, Montana Northcroft, Levi
McBirney, Moses Leo, Tyler Smith
2nd Row: Mrs C Labuschagne (Manager), Jake AntonioRooney, Tupe Haku, Thomas Reid, Baylee
Katipa, Mr J McIntyre (Coach)
Front Row: Zae Wallace, Connor Hill, Ethan Amos, Danyon
Morgan-Puterangi, James Brown, Casey Smith,
Tyrelle Thompson
Garrick Rollinson, Sam Adkins, Foley Lio, Mr H
Te Wano (Coach)
Back Row: Scott Jarrold, Troy Lonergan, Joseph Clark,
Jason Churches, Bradley Hall, Herbie Wasson,
Mr J Saville
Front Row: Nicolo Oporto, Daniel Hoy, Matthew Roets,
Tommy Shiferaw, Oscar England
Back Row: Eliot Hayes, Earl Corcega, Humza Butt, Paul
Kim, Jean Kim, Liam Kennedy, Aidan Elliot,
Longee Guo, David Lin
4th Row:
Dominic Sanicas, Sammy Ji, Scott Honeyman,
Harry Crean, Jono King, Billy Armstrong, Julian
Orejana, Rayne Townsend, Jordan Jessup
3rd Row:
Myron Ganzan, Joshua Cooke, Caleb Gemmell,
Simon Su, Hwan Yoo, Ian Lim, Chris Nah,
Campbell Jordan, Mr J Wills
2nd Row: James Thornton, Michael Jang, Ryan Tan, Finn
Buckeridge, Rafa Yam, Hamish Forde, Joshua
Orejana, Kevin Jo, Isaac Armstrong, David Lee
Front Row: Kieran McCahon, Blair Niuelua, Ryan Lim,
Lateef Zainudin, Jack McBride, Alex Cassidy,
Victor Hung, Arlo Grey, James Mackessack
Ryan Sleith, Javy Aranas, Daniel Binnie, Jason
Bouwman, Nick Curry
Waterpolo Premier Team
Back Row: Mrs P Weakley, Joelson Villanueva, Luke Lombard, Carl Razon
Front Row: Corey Fenton, Ryan Hiskens, Luke Jones, Sean Greaney, Jarrod
Jack Gemmell, Callum George, James Maber, Jackson Hobson
Waterpolo Junior A
Back Row: Kyle Shears, Zach Newton-Cross, Stuart Hofmeyr
2nd Row: Spencer McDowall, Corban Wedlock-Aston, Liam Wedlock-Aston, Iziah
Mahe, Campbell Knowles
Front Row: Matthew Edwards, Aidan Elliot, Caleb Barr, Hunter Pethers-Boak,
Hyunsang Lim
Back Row: Logan Fuller, Connor Beamish, Logan Hohaia
2nd Row: Wilson Longhurst, Jordan Wedlock-Aston,
Andre Jackson, Jono Houzet, Jackson Birdsall,
Mrs K Russell (Teacher In Charge/Manager)
Front Row: Jarvis Jensen, Liam Sheehan, Patrick Chambers
(Captain), Thomas Edwards, Ethan Thomas
Waterpolo Senior B
Back Row: Jordan Te Aukura, Brayden Print, Sam Whiddett, Reuben Barr, Shahid Dawad
2nd Row: Mr M Kerr, Zach Newton-Cross, Hamish Casey, Iziah Mahe, Spencer
McDowall, Mrs R Peak
Front Row: Murray Stoute, Antoine Ellis, James Mackessack, Logan Rainey, Kyle Shears
Waterpolo Junior B
Back Row: Udayan Basu
2nd Row: Patrick Chambers, Brian Lee, Jackson Munday, Kieran Bray, Joshua Lee, Mrs P Weakley
Front Row: Tyler Howarth, Alex Taylor, Logan Rainey, Leon Pollard, Jackson Rowe
J Houzet
Back Row: Eric Park, Ihtishaam Muhammed, Liam Rawlings, Kevin Chen
Front Row: George Han, Jeffrey Choy, Jay Adams, Omar Hassan, Ian Lim
Debating Premier Advanced
Back Row: Liam Rawlings, Matthew Bilton, George Han, Mr B Coetzee
Front Row: Mac Jordan, Jono King, Caleb Gemmell, David Hoggard, Ian Lim
Debating Advanced Open
Back Row: Jacob Siermans, Eshil Singh, Ryan Scott, Miss C Harland
Front Row: Omar Hassan, Nathan Regal, Harris Butt, Jayden King, Michael Lough
Careers Council
Back Row: Rengen Parlane, Simon Tse, Eshil Singh, Kane Lu, Dwight Nicolas
2nd Row: Mrs Baker, Chris Hagan, Danny Jeong, Joseph Sajjaphanroj, Leo Hong,
Mrs Renton-Rooney
Front Row: Rohan Luthra, Mostafa Youssef, Cameron Nayler, Kalani PartridgeFruean, Daniel Lee
Debating Premier Junior
Back Row: Winston Yao, Mr B Coetzee, David Lin
Front Row: Sam Baker, Dylan Maynard, Ford Gooch, Sean Yang, Lawrence Gao
Debating Senior Open
Back Row: Chris Tarrant, Andrew Wickens, Laith Saeed
2nd Row: Ian Lim, Darren Zhang, Glen Jeffrey, Kevin Chen, Oliver Lawrence, Miss
Front Row: Eric Lee, Brayden Print, Jake Thompson, Harry Hong, George Wang
Back Row: Bishoy Mekhaiel, Evan Lai, Sam Jennings, Renato
Ferrer, Dwight Nicolas
3rd Row:
Daniel Kim, Tahlequah Tiakia, Steven Choi, Uwais
Hussein, Eric Lee, Tymon Porter, Seth James, John
2nd Row: Ms McKee (Librarian), Tyrell Snelling, Cameron
Falloon, Alexander Iles-Nyberg, Tom Bradfield,
Jonathan McConchie, Francis Thorpe, Antoine Ellis,
Jeremy Hayes, Mrs Ottaway (Librarian)
Front Row: Liam Rawlings, Isaac Lee, Eshil Singh, Mostafa
Youssef, Benedict Tan, Kalani Partridge-Fruean,
Paul Weichselbaum, Michael Oentardi
Production Cast
NZ Young Physicists Team
Back Row: Matthew Bilton, Mr A Brown, Campbell Wang
Front Row: Charlie Lee, George Han, Danial Valikhani, William Hung, John Bag
Back Row: Sam Nicholson, Matthew Van Orton, Oliver
Haywood, Carl Razon, Dylan Carlyle, Rory Burnell
2nd Row: Ms C Harland, Joshua Wyatt, Kelby Cai, Mitchell
Dye, Scott Telfer, Harley Ofoia, Henry MitchellHibbert, Mrs C Walsh
Front Row: Jordan Te Aukura, Daniel Lough, Mitch Hazelhurst,
Michael Lough, Jacob Siermans, Jayden King, Matt
Bruce, Jason Wahid
Cameron Dagger, Duncan Anderson, Charlie Lee, Ms I Wahab
The momentum of the Westlakers community across the globe
continued to grow throughout 2014. Reunions were held in Sydney,
Melbourne, Brisbane, London and San Francisco as well as the local
Recent Leavers event; Westlakers Annual Reunion and rugby and
hockey matches in Auckland. Amongst the many highlights was a
Westlakers dinner held at Rhodes House, Oxford University hosted
by Westlake Boys’ first knight, Sir John Hood. One other outstanding
highlight was the launch of the annual Westlakers $100 Club which
saw almost 70 old boys contribute $100 each into a fund to go
towards Westlake students.
The involvement of Westlake old boys and former staff at Westlake
enhances our school in many ways from the Westlakers who
contribute their time as sports coaches, mentors, tutors and guest
speakers to those who serve on the Westlakers Committee and the
Westlake Foundation Board or help out with school property projects.
It’s also fantastic to see Westlakers reconnecting with the school as
parents and some coming back to school as staff members. In 2015
Westlakers Jordan Stanley, Fraser Brown and Andrew Cowell will
join Peter Rea, Simon Smith, Tony Buckingham, Ryan Scivier, Grant
Hodder and Kevin Ahn as old boys on Westlake Staff.
We continue to work in collaboration with our sister school and
their alumni activities – thanks to the efforts of the Heads of Art
of both schools, Mark Masterton and Kheang Ov, 2014 saw a very
successful art exhibition staged at NorthArt Gallery featuring works
of former and current Westlake Schools staff and students. The
exhibition entitled 3.15 – Westlake Artworks – Past and Present was
a tremendous success. Westlake Boys artworks were exhibited by
Jeff Thomson, Reg Mombassa (of Mambo fame), Dean Buchanan,
Paul Dibble, Tony Ogle, Dugald Page, Mark Masterton, Max Rogers,
Tommy Jiang, Joon-Hee Park and Albert Folasa-sua
With their inspirational stories characterised by typical Westlaker
traits of determination, self-belief, humility, and good humour,
Westlakers always add a certain richness to school life. Read the
profiles on the following pages for a snapshot of Westlakers from the
past 52 years and what they’re up to now.
To all those Westlakers who remain connected to the school,
and to those who have reconnected for the first time during
2014 – and especially to President Richard Stevens, long-serving
committeemen Lester de Vere and Andrew Howson and the
other Westlakers Committeemen - our sincere thanks for your
time, passion and dedication. Westlake is a better school for your
continued involvement.
The images on the next few pages tell the story of a productive,
fun-filled Westlakers year. To all the 2014 school leavers, we look
forward to seeing you at the 2015 Recent Leavers Reunion in the
Uni semester break next July. Until then, don’t forget to ‘Like’ the
Westlakers Facebook page and let us know of any Westlaker news
you’d like us to share. Thank you!
Vicki Fowler and Christine O’Dowd, WBHS Community
Relations Office
The Westlakers section of the 2014 Yearbook wouldn’t be complete
without an official farewell to Mr Ian (BIF) Hall, a popular Westlake
Maths teacher through the late 70’s and early 80’s who went on
to spend 18 years of his retirement tracking down and chatting to
Westlake old boys around the globe and preparing hundreds of
profiles for yearbooks over those years. BIF, as he was affectionately
known (short for Bernard Ian Frederick), passed away on 22nd
October aged 96 years young. Westlakers and Westlake Boys High
School owes a huge debt of gratitude to BIF. He spent thousands
of voluntary hours compiling a card register consisting of 13,000
records and it is BIF’s data that we still refer to on a daily basis. A
mammoth task and an incredible display of loyalty and commitment.
We remember BIF as a true gentleman, a very humble, generous
man who loved Westlake (and especially Westlake rugby and
cricket) and made a difference to the lives of many. Farewell to a
true Westlake Legend. Rest in peace BIF.
A true Westlake legend, former Maths teacher and old boys
researcher, Mr Ian (BIF) Hall pictured at the 50th Jubilee
celebrations in 2012.
Westlakers involved at school
We enjoyed the involvement of many Westlakers in various school
events throughout the year. Amongst others, Westlaker broadcaster
Duncan Garner was guest speaker at our annual Father Son
Breakfast; former school parent and Board member Sian Jaquet
spoke to students and their mothers at the Mother Son Breakfast;
Radio Sports “Sport Vox” Kent Johns gave a memorable speech at
Sports Dinner; Westlakers President Richard Stevens, Foundation
Board member Bill Smale, and 2010 leaver Ben Reynolds presented
to Young Enterprise students ; WBHS Foundation pupil Andrew
Cross returned to Westlake for the first time in 47 years and
attended assembly; 80’s Westlaker Pau Likiliki brought two teams of
Tongan schoolboy footballers on a sports exchange; Mathew Fesili
spoke to the Pasifika students’ ‘Taro Patch’ group and 2008 Deputy
Head Boy Garrick Frittelli spoke to the 2014 Prefect group at their
Annual Breakfast. Our thanks to all!
Angus Nicoll and his Westlaker Dad, Foundation Board and
Board of Trustees member Andrew Nicoll at the Westlakers
Fathers and Sons event
Westlaker Bruce Fowler with son Michael and Westlakers
Committeeman Lester de Vere
Westlaker broadcaster Duncan Garner was a popular guest
speaker at the annual Father Son Breakfast. Pictured here with
Head Boy Michael Lough
1980’s Westlaker Pau Likiliki returned to Westlake in
September with two Tongan national age group football teams
on a trip of a lifetime. It is Pau’s dream that his sons also
receive a Westlake education
Radio Sport’s “Sports Vox” Westlaker Kent Johns donned his
Westlake football colours tie that he earned 19 years ago and
did the honours as guest speaker at the 2014 Sports Dinner
Westlakers Richard Stevens, Ben Reynolds and Bill Smale
(Smale House Patron) addressed 2014 WBHS Young Enterprise
students at a breakfast at the Spencer on Byron Hotel
2014 Westlaker Events
One of the year’s many highlights was a dinner hosted by Westlake’s
first knight and former Vice Chancellor of Auckland University
and Cambridge University, Westlaker Sir John Hood. The dinner,
co-hosted by Headmaster David Ferguson, was held at Rhodes
House at Oxford University in July. As an acknowledgement of
his recent knighthood, Mr Ferguson presented Sir John with a gold
Westlake Leaver’s ring. Pictured above, guests included David Simpson
(1983-87), Stephen Bendall (1980-84), Bryce Clark (1970-74), David
Ferguson (Headmaster), John Hood (1965-69), John Burland (196166), Tom Elton (2004-2008) and Tony Evans (1957-1961).
Team Dataprint with Richard Penberthy, Jeff Knight and
Andrew Mexted-Bragg
Westlakers vs WBHS 1st XI Hockey – the match went
Westlakers way 5-0 on a chilly July evening at Rosedale Park
Team Colliers International winners of the John Patterson
Memorial Trophy with Jimmy O'Brien, Andrew Hiskens, Charlie
Waide and Kevin Sunde
Westlakers Rugby team vs WBHS “Young Swans” at Onewa
Domain 18 July 2014
Westlakers gathered across the globe during 2014 with reunions held in Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, London and San Francisco.
Westlakers London Reunion was held in July at the Samuel
Pepys Bar in Central London.
Westlakers Chuck Buckley, Scott Maud and Josh TasmanJones with Headmaster David Ferguson at the London Reunion
San Francisco based Westlakers gathered at a local Italian
Restaurant in July and enjoyed an evening connecting with
fellow schoolmates
San Francisco based Westlakers Bowen Pan, Arkesh Patel,
Heath Vinicombe, Luke Baxter, Sze Tan, David Hughes and
Stanford University Professor Roland Horne
Associate Headmaster Alex Reed and Westlaker staff member
Tony Buckingham joined 130 Westlakers at the 2014 Recent
Leavers’ Reunion in the July University Semester break
Westlakers President Richard Stevens with Committeemen
Andrew Howson and Dale Gooding on BBQ duties at the
Recent Leavers Reunion
Riley Duff, Andrew Howson, John and Bruce Penberthy all
joined the 2014 Westlakers $100 Club
At the Annual Westlakers Reunion, special guest Peter Rea
delivered an entertaining speech on the highlights of his years as
a Westlake student and staff member
Current staff member Heather Greenhill with Westlake’s
longest serving staff member Joan Farrell and one of her
students, former school parent and Board member,
John McFetridge
Westlakers Jimmy O’Brien, Brendan Smith and Bob Mills enjoy
the 2014 Annual Reunion
Westlaker artists, including Mr Masterton and Miss Park
exhibited worksin conjunction with Westlake Girls artists at
the ’3.15- Westlake Artworks – Past and Present’ Exhibition at
Northart Gallery
Westlaker sculptor Jeff Thomson and former Head of Art
Dugald Page ponder models of the ceremonial archway. Both
artists exhibited at the ‘3.15 – Westlake Artworks Past and
Present’ Exhibition in October
Jubilee Chairman Ant Ford and Westlaker Committeeman
Lester de Vere did a sterling job of drumming up Westlakers
$100 Club memberships
The Westlakers $100 Club was launched with great success
at the 2014 Westlakers Annual Reunion in August. The fund
provides assistance to Westlake students who need financial
support to realise their potential. The 2014 fund will remain
open for donations until the 2015 Westlakers Golf Day.
Westlaker artist Jeff Thomson, former Head of Art Dugald Page,
purchasing a ‘Westlake Word’ that will be forever etched into the
80’s Westlaker Kim Martinengo and current Head of Art Mark
sculpture that Jeff is crafting.
Masterton joined forces this year to work on the exciting Westlake
Archway project which will be funded by donations to the Westlake
For information regarding Westlakers or the Westlake Foundation
Foundation. School parents and old boys have the chance to make
please contact Vicki Fowler or Christine
their mark on this project by helping with the fundraising efforts and
The Westlake Archway and Westlake Sports Centre – both projects due for completion in 2015 are subjects of the inaugural Westlake
Giving campaign launched by the Westlake Foundation in 2014
well as the big school races, the Schools’ Head of the River, and the
National Schools’ Regatta (Maadi Cup equivalent).
From 2007 I started work at the Godolphin and Latymer School in
West London. It is here that I am Head of Rowing, as well as Head of
Information Services. The rowing programme has expanded from
just 6 girls in 2007, to 53 girls this year, with J14, J15, J16 and J18
squads. I also coach rowing for Kings College School Wimbledon,
and it is from their boat house that Cambridge prepares for the Boat
Race, so I have seen both crews prepare. 2014 sees me very busy
with work, and coaching rowing for two schools. Westlake taught me
the importance of hard work and high standards, which hopefully I
can help pass on to a new generation of student rowers.
I attended Westlake from 1988 until 1992, and I enjoyed almost every
minute. I didn’t know much about rowing when I started, but being 6
foot 3 and 77 kgs as a third former (putting on another inch in height
and 10kgs by seventh form), I was soon identified by Mr Mike Stanley as
a potential recruit. Rowing was to be the making of me as a schoolboy
athlete, and I was lucky to start rowing during a renaissance of the sport
at Westlake, under the leadership of Mr Stanley. We respected Mr Stanley
immensely, as he was a WBHS old boy, World Champion and Olympic
Rowing has been a huge part of Westlake for over four decades.
It’s a shame Ed is based so far away because it sounds like he’d
be a great contender for the annual Old Boys race featured at
the Westlake-hosted Head of Harbour Regatta on Lake Pupuke
in February every year. If you’d like to be part of the 2015
Westlakers crew please get in contact with us.
rower. The pain of finishing second in the U15 8s at the 1989 Maadi Cup,
drove us on to train much harder, and the following year we won the
U16 8s by 2-3 lengths, and were National Champions. Many other
races were rowed, and Westlake medalled in almost all Maadi Cup
eights events, at each age level, making us a very successful school
during my time at WBHS. In my final year I was lucky to be selected
to row for the New Zealand Juniors, alongside future Sydney 2000
Olympic Gold medallist, Rob Waddell.
The teachers I remember most at WBHS are Mr Glackin of the
History department, Miss Burney for Classics (in which I was lucky
enough to get a scholarship in), Mr Rea, for his involvement in
rowing, and Mr Pascoe (RIP), the Head master, who travelled around
New Zealand to support us rowers at regattas in both the South and
North Islands.
After school I attended Auckland University, where I did a bit of
rowing, played rugby for Takapuna RFC, and studied for a Bachelor
of Arts in History and Politics. In my final year at uni, in 1995, we won
the U21 North Harbour Rugby Championship for Takapuna against
Massey. I followed my BA with a Masters degree, in which I gained
2.1 honours in History.
Soon after graduating I travelled to London, with the benefit of a
British passport. Working to fund travelling gave me many sightseeing
opportunities around Europe, Northern Africa and the USA. I was
lucky (or unlucky depending how you view the end result) to go to all
the All Blacks games in the 1999 World Cup, as well as a few in 2007. I
started working in schools in 2002, firstly at University College School,
and then at Westminster School, 2003 – 2007. As a Kiwi sightseer, I
enjoyed sitting in Westminster Abbey, next to the Queen’s seat, in my
academic gown, and taking in the views twice a week.
I began in third form feeling overwhelmed, excited and ready to start
the last stage of schooling. From the start my mind was put at ease; it
was a great school with great support and I formed a network of close
friends that I still share today.
During my time at Westlake I was heavily involved with student life, I
played rugby right through school, with a notable highlight being part
of the French tour in 2004 when we toured France and England for
four weeks and played in an U15’s World Cup. At the age of 15 this was
a major stepping stone in my own personal development and it has
created memories that I will remember forever. As well as playing Rugby
I took part in Squash and Debating and was part of the choir in third and
fourth forms until certain bodily changes put a halt to that. I also took
part and benefited greatly from the buddies scheme in my seventh form
year as well as running the 40hr famine programme, being chairperson
It was at the ancient school of Westminster that I had the opportunity
for SADD (Students Against Drunk Driving) on the North Shore and
to coach rowing for WSBC. Rowing training on the fast tidal stream
most proudly being selected to be a Prefect for the school.
of the Thames made for some interesting times, notably when not
Notable teachers during my time at Lake were Mr Ferguson and Mr
being able to start the outboard engine on the coaching launch, and
floating with some pace towards Putney Pier, or dealing with the high
tides that came across the road, making landing boats difficult. For
the Oxford v Cambridge Boat Race, I was lucky to have a view from
the inside, as Oxford trained and raced from WSBC’s boathouse on
Putney Embankment. I also went to the Henley Royal Regatta, as
I started Westlake as a boy in 2002 and left in 2006 feeling like a man.
Markham. Markham or Matty as we called him, took us for A-Level
geography and with a class of only eight in our final years, we became
good friends who all shared many a field trip up and down the country
exploring the geographical landscape our country has to offer.
Upon leaving Westlake in 2006 I set out into the working world as I
didn’t want to rush into studies straight away. I started building the day
after my last exam at the end of 2006 and by the beginning of 2008 had
begun a building apprenticeship through the BCITO which I planned to
complete and then go on to study architecture. During my time on the
tools I came to appreciate a hard day’s work and learnt a lot about my
own will and determination. Throughout a few detours along the way I
completed my apprenticeship in early 2012 with a National Certificate in
Carpentry Level 4 and soon became a Licensed Building Practitioner.
I’ve never been one to be held back by the thoughts of others or become
stagnant with my progress - something that Westlake helped shape out
in my personality. At 23 I started my own building company, JJ Build,
in an aim to stamp my mark on the construction industry. Not to be
taking small steps, I also started a Bachelor of Construction Majoring
in Construction Management and Quantity Surveying at Unitec which I
should be finished within 2 years’ time - all going well.
Since starting my own business I have come to realise how beneficial
not only the teachers who taught me at Westlake were but also the
friends and those in my year as well. It allows me to call upon the
network of Westlakers almost on a daily basis.
I now employ five people and undertake jobs ranging from fences all the
way up to multi-million dollar commercial projects. Running my own
company is fun and stressful all in one; we have a great team a lot of
fun doing our work. The work, although not for the faint hearted, is also
very rewarding and allows you to set your own goals and strive to take
yourself wherever you wish to go - even if that is for a round of golf early
on a Friday afternoon or many an overseas travelling adventure. As they
say (whoever they are) ‘my future is firmly in my hands and I choose to
take and make what I want of it’.
I feel that my time at Westlake was the time I grew from a boy into
a man and those I surrounded myself with and the great teachers
who taught me - though they may say different - really did set me up
to become the person I am today and the person I will endeavour to
become in the future.
James dropped into school this year and kindly offered to
mentor a Gateway student who was interested in becoming a
builder when he leaves school. Westlake’s Gateway programme
enables Westlake students to gain work experience for a day
per week in their last year of school. If, similarly to James, you
have the urge to contribute to Westlake by becoming a Westlake
mentor, we’d be very grateful!
I attended Westlake from 1963-1966 and fondly remember the great
football and cricket games we played at lunchtime and any other
activities that involved a ball. There was a shooting range down
where the bus lane is now ran by fellow student Malcolm Cooper who
went on to become an Olympic Gold medallist and World Champion
shooter. We had military training one afternoon a week which allowed
us the chance to fire a round or two at the range.
In those days Westlake’s roll was about 600 pupils, who could all fit
into the old assembly hall. We used to sing hymns and had to take a
hymnbook to assembly and I remember the time they checked if we
had our hymnbooks, those who didn’t received one stroke of the cane.
My most memorable teachers were Mr Rimmer, the music teacher
who went on to great things musically and Dugald Page, my form and
art teacher and I still love seeing him around at Westlake.
I left after school certificate and served an apprenticeship as a
Stereotyper at the Auckland Star newspaper. Technology was very
quickly entering the printing profession and therefore I had to retrain a
number of times. Many of my work colleagues fell by the wayside but I
was lucky enough to have had over 40 years in the trade before joining
the Westlake staff in 2009 as sports administration and sponsorship
coordinator. In my role I’ve been fortunate to have participated in a
number of memorable overseas sports tours with the football and
cricket teams. We’ve toured England twice and have gone to Holland,
South Africa, Spain and Australia.
Working in sports at my old school is truly a pleasure and I’ve noted
that the biggest impact Westlake has had on me has been in the last
six years. I’m in awe of our students who work so hard to achieve, both
in the classroom and outside of it. They are committed to being the
best they can be and it is a pleasure to watch many of them achieve
their goals and dreams.
I have been happily married to Carol for 37 years and we have a
daughter who teaches and a son who is a Property Manager - who also
went to Westlake and very much enjoyed his time at the school.
Rather than slowing down in the latter part of my working career, I am
being driven along by the enthusiasm of the countless staff members at the
school. Unfortunately this does limit the time for my other great passions;
gardening and fishing. Hopefully I’ll have plenty of time for that later.
Tony is a highly respected member of Westlake staff evidenced
this year by him being awarded BOTH a Westlake Foundation
Staff Award (for commitment and service) and a Westlake
Sport Staff Award (for outstanding contribution to Westlake
Sport). Tony is a mentor to thousands of young footballers and
cricketers and we are proud to have him on our team every day.
COWELL 2005-2009
In my years at Westlake from 2005-2009 I represented the 1st XI
Cricket, 1st XI Football and the 1st XI Hockey, and was part of the
team that won the 2008 National Rankin Cup - the only Westlake
team to ever win hockey nationals. I have great memories of the
2007 Holland and UK cricket Tour, an experience of a lifetime
being able to travel back to the country where the history of cricket
started. Even though the weather (it was the wettest summer in 30
years at the time) meant we didn’t play many games, the chance to
travel the country and experience the English madness was enough
to satisfy us all.
Thinking back to the teachers that were most memorable, it must
be Mr. Murchison. He was a teacher who showed infectious respect
and kindness and he would do anything that allowed me to be
successful throughout my time at Westlake, even co-coaching the
13A1 football team with Mr. Dale. The “No Emo” mufti day was a
moment of pure genius and comedy, one that the students present
at the time, would remember fondly as one of Mr. Murchison’s
funniest moments.
During my last year at Westlake I was awarded the Crosfield School
Gap Year in Reading, England. The experience saw me working as
an assistant PE teacher at the private school for a year and allowing
me the opportunity to play cricket and travel around Europe for
two months. It was such an amazing experience where I met so
many people, formed many life-long friendships and spent every
last pound experiencing the highlights of countries such as Croatia,
Italy, Austria, France and many others.
My life nowadays seems rather straightforward. After finishing
my Bachelor of Sport and Recreation – Coaching and Health and
P.E. (AUT) and Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) I “eat,
sleep, rave, repeat” and am finishing up my Post Graduate Diploma
in Teaching. Thankfully, I’ve secured a job at Westlake in the P.E.
department starting fulltime next year, and I continue to play and
enjoy my sports throughout the year and enjoy life with friends, just
the way it should be.
We look forward to having Andrew on the Westlake team in
2015. He will be the eighth Westlaker on staff joining Messrs
Rea, Smith, Buckingham, Scivier, Stanley, Ahn and Brown.
My first recollection of Westlake was my entry year at, what is
now, the Girls School. As the Boys School was not yet ready for
occupation, my year started down at the Girls School, and as
classrooms became finished, we boys trekked up the hill on the
metal road to have classes in the very new classrooms. If my
memory serves me well, this would have been for at least a year
around 1959-60. One thing I do remember is that the boys would
have to walk up (and down) the hill, while the teachers whizzed past
in their cars - most infuriating!
I never really excelled at sports, although I represented the school
at Hockey and Swimming at a minor level and found academia a
definite challenge. However, Art & Design, under the tutelage of
Mr Dugald Page seemed to hit the spot and this set me up on my
career path into the world of advertising agencies and creativity.
Having completed a few superb, unforgettable years at Westlake
managing to get my School Certificate, I decided that I should set
out for the UK as it was then the centre of excellence for graphics
and advertising. So, as a young lad I set off for London by way of a
six week journey by ship, via Singapore, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Aden,
Port Suez, Naples and then Southampton. In those days, and as a
young lad, this was a real adventure!
My grounding in graphic art at Westlake set me up extremely well
in the UK, and after gaining my degrees at Art College in the South
of England, I started a career in advertising. My dreams of returning
to New Zealand kept being put back and as I got deeper involved
in the European advertising “scene” they became more and more
became distant.
I still live in the UK with my grown-up family - my son having followed
in my footsteps and is now an accomplished creative in his own right.
I have clients in the USA, Hong Kong and many European countries so visits to New Zealand will be limited to holidays, I fear.
In the 47 years of my career, I have been fortunate enough to work
in many of the world’s major cities. I’ve been the Creative Director
of one of the largest advertising agencies in the world and run a
highly successful agency of my own. All of this is thanks to the
career direction given to me by Westlake Boys High School. I try
and devote part of my time to working with charitable organisations
that need marketing help and I am a Freeman of the City of London
and a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Marketors.
In September of 2014, I was visiting Auckland and was fortunate
enough to be invited back to the school and to attend morning
assembly - an honour that I will never forget. A lasting memory
will be the gift of a school scarf from the Headmaster - highly
appropriate for the forthcoming UK winter about to beset me.
I will now ensure that I keep in touch by way of Westlakers and keep
an eye of the progress the school makes.
I have been very fortunate to have been able to attend Westlake
Boys High School. Having just arrived from Samoa to pursue a
better education and a better life, along with my family, it took
some time to get used to the Kiwi life where the pace of things was
a lot faster, than what I was used to. We lived in a Housing New
Zealand and single-parent home, so money was always sparse.
My twin brother Timothy and I even shared the same two sets of
school uniforms right throughout high school, but with the support
of teachers and friends along the way, the experience was made a
lot easier and enjoyable.
My most memorable teacher would be my PE teacher Mr Brendon
Horlock who continually encouraged our Pasifika students to do
well. He always did his best - together with the school - to sponsor
us financially when times were tough. It meant that Timothy and I
could attend school trips and participate in sports. I was privileged
to represent Westlake in volleyball and rugby, and even got to
captain some of the teams.
I left WBHS with a sixth form certificate and did some odd jobs
before landing a job at General Electric (Finance). This is where I
began my journey in the corporate world, where I started out as
a credit controller in 2006 and moved on to different team leader
roles, soon after.
Currently, I work as a portfolio leader managing more than 70
people. The skills I gained while at WBHS have continually helped
me throughout my career. Some of these skills include leadership,
communication and knowing the value of hard work
and perseverance.
This year I was fortunate to be a guest speaker for Westlake’s Taro
Patch Group. It is something that I have always been passionate about;
to be able to play a role in helping and encouraging Pasifika students to
do well in life by sharing my own life experiences with them.
Thinking back now, I feel very blessed to have been given the
opportunity to be part of a school with a very proud history, and
which has had a positive influence in my life.
We were very excited to learn that the accomplished young
man who was talking to our Pacifica students at one of
their Taro Patch Breakfasts this year was once a Westlaker
himself. Mathew’s story was very inspiring and we look
forward to seeing him at Westlake again next year.
I attended Westlake Boys High School from 1984 until 1988.
Turning up to school, I was the archetype tiny third former
tipping the scales at a svelte 39kg. An early highlight of my time
at Westlake came on the rugby field. I played on a historical 7A
Westlake team coached by Westlake legend Peter Rea which was
the last Westlake team to win an Auckland Secondary Schools title
in 1984. We beat Auckland Grammar at Grammar 10-8 in the last
year before the North Harbour Union was formed.
My main memory from my time at Westlake was the impact of
two extremely influential teachers in Mr Weal and Mr Borok. Mr
Weal was always very well prepared and inspired me to never
be happy with what I had achieved. Mr Borok was an exacting
taskmaster who demanded high standards but provided endless
encouragement along the way. I distinctly remember an English
essay was returned with an “Ex” at the end (short for Excellent). As
someone who always taught students to be precise with language,
you knew anything deemed “Excellent” by Mr Borok was something
to be very proud of.
Following school, I attended Auckland University and embarked
on BCom/LLB. After graduating in 1993, I took a slightly different
OE experience and headed to Chicago for a year which was a
great time. I took a career turn in 1998 and started working in the
financial services industry culminating in my recent appointment
as a Private Banker with ANZ and achieving Authorised Financial
Adviser status with the FMA.
Probably one of my major achievements post Westlake was in
2008 when a friend and I cycled the entire 2007 Tour de France
route. It took us six weeks to traverse over 2,500 kilometres but it
was a tremendously satisfying experience. And it taught me that
any goal, no matter how large, can be achieved by continuously
focusing on the next small step in front of you.
Neville has recently joined the Westlakers Committee
– thank you to Neville, that’s a significant display of
commitment to his school! We look forward to Neville’s
involvement over the next few years and will make sure
that we’re on hand with a camera when he reconnects with
both Mr Weal and Mr Borok who are both still on staff!
I attended Westlake from 1966-1970 at the same time as my friend
Bill Smale and I remember the years fondly. I was part of the Rowing
Eight 1969 and 1970 under Mr Eric Craies and I was a prefect in my
last year. I will forever be indebted to my Headmaster at the time, Mr
MacMillan. It was in my last year at Westlake that I was considering
a drafting career due to my passion for Technical Drawing. I was
thinking of obtaining a New Zealand Certificate in Drafting (NZCD)
but Mr Mac suggested that I instead try for a degree. Given that no
one in my family had attended university this was a big ask. However,
I took Mr Mac's advice and went and obtained a Bachelor of Science
I did not stop there. After a successful career in surveying working
on projects such as the Tongariro Hydro Power Development and
Auckland Motorway construction, I went on and obtained a Masters
in Business Administration (Technology Management) from Deakin
University, Victoria, Australia in 1998.
I now reside in Sydney and have my own successful consultancy
practice, Consultz International Pty Ltd a company that provides
strategic advice to large multinational companies and Road
Authorities in Australia and New Zealand. Since moving to Australia
in 2009, I have become one of Australia's leading experts in road
tunnel operations and maintenance and participated in some of
Australia's largest infrastructure projects. More recently I have
added Precognitive Communication seminars to the suite of tools
I offer my clients. I realise there is a need to constantly change and
innovate if you want to be a leader.
Having worked for 40 years in Engineering and Transportation it may
seem incongruous that I’m also a poet and novelist gaining insight
from the timeless words shared through generations by my family.
The way words come together in rhyme have long since fascinated
me and it was my wife Jacqueline, owner of Poeology, who saw
something in my writing that I did not. I am especially proud of our
children's books, The Adventures of Mario and Tilly, two mischievous
and playful cats.Sometimes I wonder what it was that Mr Mac saw in
me that no one else did. I am grateful that he did because he set me
on a successful career path that has exceeded all my expectations.
Westlaker Reunions are held in Sydney every year – we hope
that Colin will be able to join other Sydney-based Westlakers
at the April 2015 event. We love having copies of books by
Westlaker authors in the school library so will track down a
Mario and Tilly book – they sound fantastic!
I started Westlake in third form in 1965 with Mr Black as my form teacher.
My schooling through primary and intermediate had been reasonably
successful, but I have to admit looking back through my Westlake reports,
it doesn’t make particularly pleasant reading. I found it difficult to get
into study mode, which was reflected in my exam results, much to the
disappointment of my teachers, and no doubt Mum and Dad as well. If you
wanted to follow an excellent example of how to do it all correctly, John
Hood, now Sir John Hood, was the one to look up to as he was also in that
third form class. For me it really was a case of poor application, although
geography, in particular New Zealand geography, did light the wick and
it came as a great surprise to Mr Curran when I did get 10/10 for a New
Zealand geography project.
During my time at school the new library was built and I thoroughly enjoyed
my time as a librarian, working with Mrs Potter. Having been blessed with
a neat hand, one of my primary jobs was to receive the books back from
being repaired and then, using the electric stylus, write the title and author
on the re-bound spine.
1969 was a horror year for both teachers and students as it was during
this time that the motorway was extended from Northcote Road to
Tristram Avenue. The playing fields were lowered by some distance so
we had to put up with very heavy machinery working in close proximity
to the classrooms and a greatly reduced area for outdoor activities. This
construction work made it very difficult for teachers to lecture, having to
compete with the noise, and during the warmer months, we were in class
with all of the windows closed because of the dust - the dust, the dust, it got
into everything.
I played cricket for the school, and during that last summer was a team
captain and managed to take 5 for 1 with my off-spinners in one match and
also scored my highest innings of 67 down at Takapuna Grammar. But it
was golf that became the main attraction and, after taking it up in 1968,
I had a handicap of 4 by the end of 1970, including a personal best of a
4-under-par 67 at Peninsula.
University definitely wasn’t a possibility, but at the end of 1969 the time had
come to leave school and I successfully applied for a job with a BMC vehicle
dealership. The work was very interesting and enjoyable, especially in the
parts department. It was during this time in the 1970s that my interest in
MGs manifested itself and I bought my first one in 1974. I’ll be celebrating
40 years membership of the MG Car Club later this year.
In 1979 I was offered the parts manager’s position with one of Sir Colin
Giltrap’s companies, looking after Audi, Porsche, Volkswagen, Suzuki and
a few others, all of which were starting to make their presence felt in New
Zealand. When I took over, the previous twelve months parts sales were
$150,000 and when I stepped aside seven years later we had an annual
turnover of $1.2million. Westlake did teach me you do get the results
when you apply yourself to the task at hand, pity I didn’t realise that while
still at school.
I moved from the motor trade to the relatively new computer industry
specialising in automotive based software for parts and workshop
operations. The company wanted someone with industry knowledge to
train their client’s staff on the new system and over the next twelve years I
did so with around 500 customers throughout the country. The travelling
was great and expanded my knowledge of New Zealand accordingly.
A complete change presented itself in 1998 when I was approached to take
on the newly created Golf Manager’s role at the North Shore Golf Club. In
2007 I moved to the Waitemata Golf Club in Devonport, where I still carry
out that role and work with the team when Westlakers have their Annual
Golf Day. An integral part of the work is a good working knowledge of the
rules of the game and I secured a 100% pass in the National Rules Exam
back in the early 90s and followed that up with a top-of-the class 96% in
the International Rules Exam in 2003. Would my Westlake teachers ever
believe that was possible? I have been a rules official at eleven New Zealand
Open Championships and at a number of international matches and the
match referee for Lydia Ko on a couple of occasions.
I can look back on a 44-year working career in three different industries
with six organisations with a degree of pride, in that I only applied for one
position, the first one, as I was head-hunted for the rest. I have been a
Glenfield resident since 1979, married to Joanna for 36 years with one
daughter, Erin.
The best advice I can give the younger folk today is find what lights your
fire and follow it with a passion. I read a quote from American author and
humorist Mark Twain years ago that has stayed with me since, “The secret
to success is making your vocation your vacation”.
It’s always a treat to discover that our partners are Westlakers
and that was the case when we first started working with Ian 8
years ago. He does a great job of looking after Westlakers when
our Annual Golf Day takes over the Waitemata Golf Course in
March or April every year. If you’re interested in being part of this
event and a great afternoon out, please let us know.
Alec Black dictating notes in Fifth Form Geography who produced lexical
exchanges like ‘a riverhole in the waterbed’ in place of ‘a waterhole in
the riverbed’, before waterbeds had become popular. The University
Scholarship examination was a high point. This tough, ten-paper
examination completed in about ten days was certainly taxing.
After school I attended Victoria University of Wellington graduating
with a Masters in Arts in English, trained as a high school teacher at the
Christchurch Teachers’ College, married and then taught for one year
before going to graduate school at Simon Fraser University in Canada
graduating with a PhD in linguistics. We returned to Christchurch and
in 1975 I joined the English Department of the University of Canterbury.
Since then I have held various positions at the University of Canterbury
including Dean of Arts, Head of the Department of Linguistics, Head of the
School of Classics and Linguistics besides teaching undergraduate and
graduate linguistics and supervising students for their graduate research.
I have held two Fullbright Fellowships in the USA, one in upstate New
York and one in West Virginia, a Fellowship at the Netherlands Institute
for Advanced Studies in Wassenaar near The Hague, and had shorter
periods of research leave at the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie
der Wissenschaften and the Max Planck Institut für Psycholinguistik in
Nijmegen. These are great places to visit if you are interested in research
and the locations are an added bonus. I was able to resurrect my mother
tongue with two longish visits to the Netherlands.
Being an academic you do research as well as teaching and so I have
written or edited 13 academic books and about 75 articles and book
chapters. I received at DSc from my university for my research work
and the university’s teaching medal for my teaching. I retired in 2011
just before the earthquakes destroyed the inner city of Christchurch
and reminded me of the bombed city in the Netherlands from which
my family emigrated 60 years before. I have also published four books
of poetry.
In 2014 my wife and I live in Sydney and I continue with my research and
writing, and spend time with two grandchildren here. My school interest in
music has continued since Sydney has so much wonderful music on offer.
I learned many things at Westlake, some to do with the school
curriculum. I have retained a curiosity in many things, not just my own
personal research. Others were extra curricular. There was the music,
sport and drama. There was also a deal of bullying at school in the 60s.
There was a deal of unjustified and unjustifiable caning. I have retained
a strong sense of injustice from those experiences. As a result I strongly
believe that education should try to elicit the best from human beings
and not the worst.
I attended Westlake High School in its second year and so, when the
school split in 1962, I was a foundation pupil of Westlake Boys High in my
final school year. There were many things to enjoy at Westlake in the early
years. Unlike many other schools, Westlake introduced hockey for boys
and I found myself playing and coaching hockey thereafter for another 20
years. Westlake had great music under Stuart Mannins who founded the
madrigal group so that, in the sixth form, the building up of a solid group
of singers enabled a production of The Pirates of Penzance to take place. I
have been going to concerts ever since.
English was a highlight with wonderful classes from Jack Bremner, Helen
Ryburn, Rowan Kelly and Rod Orange. The addition of Russell Aitken to
the staff in 1962 led to a production of Shakespeare’s Tempest. Very
memorable. I developed an interest in slips of the brain from listening to
I was at Westlake from 1986-1989 and it was during my first month at
school that we went away to Form 4 Outdoor Camp. The long walks,
staying in the mountains and crossing rivers remain a highlight to this day.
We all had great time and it helped me to make a lot of friends; it was a
wonderful way to break the barriers between me and the other students.
I also remember from my first year when we prepared for athletics, the
athletic coach had called me in and we had a chat. It was something like…
“You must be a fast runner ‘cause you’re from the Islands”, to which I just
smiled (this was the 80's and I was one of very few Pacific Island students
at Westlake). He was disappointed with the results and never wanted to
talk to me thereafter…
That first year I played rugby for the third grade B team and my selection
for the 1st XV in 1987 came as a surprise and a bit of a shock to me as I only
went along to the trial because my mate Junior Tupu had encouraged me
to have a go. I ended up proudly representing Westlake's 1st XV from 1987
through to 1989. 1988 was a big year with the rugby tour to Europe, which
was a real buzz. I had never seen snow before and my first experience
of snow was in Germany. That year we also played in the Rainbows End
Easter Tournament, which was special because we came up against
schools from Auckland and Counties Manukau. It was extra special to
compete against strong Auckland Schools in traditional fixtures; those
matches were harder than our local Harbour rugby competition and I got to
play against many other Tongans and Samoans. In those games you would
come out feeling the physical encounter and, as one of the only two Pacific
Islanders in the team, you were paid extra physical hammerings. But we
stood up to it and delivered some back, for which we earned our opponents
respect. That year we also won the North Harbour Secondary School
Championship and by 1989, I was the most experienced player in the team
and lead the School Haka on special occasions. It was the year that we won
the Moascar Cup off Tauranga Boys - still a memorable experience for me and we regained the North Harbour Secondary School Championship.
Besides enjoying my rugby I was a member of the School Orchestra
in 1986 and 1987 and I sang in the School Choir in 1988. It was quite
interesting to be part of such a different group of students when I played
in the school orchestra. The rugby boys were about winning and partying
hard after the games, while my fellow music students were a lot calmer and
of course loved their music. Music offered me a different environment and
time to reflect, and it made me understand why my parents had sent me to
New Zealand. I remember the time that the music department were trying
to put a choir together with Westlake Girls. It meant we had to go to the
girls’ school to practice with them during lunch hours and I remember that
only a few of us enrolled in this programme. For me and my buddies Junior
Tupu and Glen King it was a chance to go to the girls’ school and as you can
imagine, we were a terrible choir … we only wanted to go to the girls’ school.
Passing exams was always a pleasing achievement for me during my time
at Westlake as I had to work harder than anyone else, particularly in 1986
when I spoke very little English. There are a couple of teachers that I still
remember to this day as having a positive impact on me: Mrs Rolls, who
was my Form Teacher at Form 4, my first year. To me she was Westlake’s
Iron lady! She encouraged me every day during that first year and she
made the transition into the New Zealand school system successful for
me. I owe her a lot for my first years’ experience at WBHS. She always
always a good friend. He always had time for me.
After school I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in
Marine Affairs and Marine Biology from the University of the South Pacific
in Fiji. I won a United Nations and Commonwealth scholarship to study
in Iceland where I completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Fisheries Policy
and Management. It’s one of the highlights for me because of the freezing
Rugby was a big part of my life and having played at so many levels, major
injuries occurred and retirement was eminent. Coaching took over and
made quick impact and I had a promising career as a coach in Tonga
reaching National level coaching the Tonga Team at the inauguration of the
Pacific Rugby Cup (PRC) and being part of a team to start the first National
Rugby Academy until life took an unexpected path. I made the move to
I was a Biology tutor at the University of the South Pacific centre in Tonga
before I became working as a civil servant for the Ministry of Fisheries in
Tonga. After 10 years in the public sector, I resigned and moved to the
Tonga Chambers of Commerce for a year. I declined an opportunity with
the Tonga Rugby Union and instead took up a position with the Tonga
Football Association with FIFA and OFC, working for Tonga Football and
managing FIFA programmes. I’ve met some great football people and have
been able to bring the first National Junior tour from Tonga to New Zealand
in September this year which saw our U13 and U15 sides play against the
Westlake’s Football academy teams.
I am now an international civil servant. After going through a strict
interview process, I was appointed as FAO (Food, Agriculture
Organisation) representative for Tonga. FAO is an organisation under
the umbrella of the United Nations. I also am a professional Fellow at the
United Nations University studying for an MBA (not completed yet) at the
University of Tasmania.
Nowadays my life revolves around my family; my wife and I have four
children (two boys and two girls). My family understands that I have this
huge appetite for the holistic development of a player and developing this in
Tonga has been a real eye opener for me. Sports, music and my Christian
belief are crucial for me. My four fundamental keys to happiness are my
family, sport, music and my Christian belief. I’m a born-again Christian.
Looking back, Westlake offered me the opportunity to attend a school that
emphasises the opportunity for academic excellence, to excel in sports
and to experience other opportunities such as travelling and touring. I
had an awesome time and the teachers all encouraged me to work hard.
Westlake never saw me as an outsider or an islander, fresh from the
islands. There were always teachers there that helped me to grow. I have
become what I am because of Westlake. Academically, Westlake instilled
in me the importance of education and the support was always there. I
owe my success so far to the Westlake culture. I knew I had to work hard
to compete in the classroom because of where I came from with very little
English. They supported me and made it easy for me to grow. It is my wish
that one day my two sons will also be able to attend Westlake Boys.
would say something like “Are you staying out of trouble Pau?” My music
teacher Mr Brooke encouraged me to be part of the school orchestra
and choir and gave me a free licence to play any instrument I wanted to
play. My rugby coach Mr Peter Cooke believed in me and was always
honest about my performance. I can still hear him call out to the team
“Tackle, tackle! ... You all must tackle! If you don’t give them the ball, you
won’t have to tackle!” In my last year he wanted me to play in the Harbour
Secondary School side and the Harbour selectors were looking at me. The
only thing was that I was not interested to play. Looking back now I should
have. Mr Pascoe was the Headmaster during my time at Westlake was
Pau’s visit back to Westlake this year with his Tongan football
teams was one of the major highlights of the year for us. Many
Westlake families donated sporting goods for the boys to take
back to Tonga with them and the occasion drew attention from
local media prompting many of Pau’s classmates to recognise
him in the local paper. We hope that the football tours to
Westlake will continue on an annual basis.
sure that what Westlake offered me all those years ago, put me in good
stead for the life I live today.
My memories include Garth “Spit” Wilson and his insatiable need to
whack people; Russ Glackin’s wonderful trips through history; having
the gym for a form class in fourth form - Alan Kerr never knew what hit
him, Brett “the Hitman’ Hart and his passion for PE and Louis Borok man I feel sorry for him trying to feed some knowledge of French into
this head! Volleyball, Athletics, Rugby - sport was pretty much my life at
Westlake; I don’t know how many times I rolled the cricket pitch just to
get out of class – and I didn’t even play cricket!
I still know our Westlake 1st XV haka word for word, action for action
- taught expertly to us by Reg. The losses to Rosmini that year (twice
Having spent three years out of Westlake, studying my Bachelor of
Commerce at the University of Auckland, it’s been very clear how
valuable a Westlake education is.
by just three points) still cut deep. The opportunities that Westlake
At school I took part in healthy number of sports (orienteering, cycling &
mountain biking) as well as Young Enterprise in Years 12 & 13. The rest of
time was spent competing for grades with the likes of Sam Viskovich and
Josh Suyker - both of whom I’ve remained close friends with to date - or
watching on in awe at the successes many others in my year group had.
Another major highlight for me was being named Deputy Head Boy and
Academic Captain in Year 13. I had some amazing teachers at Westlake
- Mr Coetzee and Mr Reed would have to be stand outs and both had a
large part to play in sculpting the way I see the world.
Educationally, I look back and chuckle at my final years at Westlake. I
I am currently in my final semester of a Bachelor of Commerce majoring
in Economics and Innovation. I am also working part-time at Sparkbox
Ventures - an early stage venture capital firm. I will take up a graduate
role with them next year. I’m also kept busy with running the University
of Auckland Cycling Club which I founded and being the Chairperson of
Young Enterprise Alumni.
Highlights since I have left school include winning back-to-back CIMA
National Case Competition and winning trips to South Africa and India
as a result. I also spent several months working in Silicon Valley with Kiwi
technology firm Booktrack.
Westlake has had a drastic (and positive!) impact on me and the direction
of my life. It instilled in me a strong work ethic and a deep-seated desire to
push the boundaries in my actions and thinking. Virtute Experiamur!
provided in those days were endless. I made great friends - many of
whom remain friends to this day. We had a great time.
was fortunate to find myself in the accelerated class in 6th Form. It was
a good year where I worked my backside off and was stoked to achieve
an A Bursary. That was when I should have gapped it and headed off
into the world of tertiary education early, or maybe a year overseas, but
no, the call of 1st XV rugby and the chance to do PE as a Bursary subject
was just too great - brilliant!
I was lucky enough to represent the school as a Prefect – an
achievement I was very proud of and a responsibility I took pretty
seriously. What I can say now is I enjoyed an awesome year in seventh
form. Unfortunately due to all the extra-curricular activities I wheedled
my way into, I lost knowledge that year and only managed a B Bursary
(although, had I not been ‘scaled’ 30-odd % in PE it would have been
a different story!) I laugh about it now but I can remember at the time
feeling pretty devastated.
Today, I think I have done alright. I’m married with three gorgeous
children - one of whom will turn up at Westlake in the next few years ready
to follow in his father’s footsteps. I have carved a successful career as an
Air Traffic Controller, having lived and worked in several cities throughout
New Zealand, I’m currently working in Auckland Tower ‘Pushing the Tin’.
I remain heavily involved in the community - have held the role of
Chairman of the Mairangi Bay Surf Lifesaving Club for the last five years,
and as I write am embarking on my first foray into the management
of a New Zealand representative Surf Lifesaving Team to the World
Championships in Montpellier, France.
Fishing and golf are two passions - of course, there are never enough
hours in the day to do these as often as I’d like to and I have lost the
ability to grow hair on my lid … the mullet I sported in third form … a
thing of the past!!!
The years I spent at Westlake, although years ago now, left an indelible
mark on who I am, what I do, how I do it, and what I have achieved.
Westlake was, and is a fantastic school where boys are afforded
opportunity and given the skills and to grow into young men.
Westlakers seems to have a knack of living full lives, and clearly Steve
1989 – 1993
is no exception! We look forward to welcoming his son to Westlake in a
few years. These days we enjoy meeting the sons, and in some cases
the grandsons, of Westlakers and host a function early every year
for Westlaker Sons, Dads and Grandads – it’s fantastic watching the
Finding my way to Westlake in 1989, I began what would become five
challenging, yet rewarding years of secondary education. To this day
there are many enduring memories from my time at school, and I am
Dad’s sharing a laugh with their sons as they show them their Westlake
school photos and yearbooks. We look forward to welcoming several
generations of Westlakers through the school gates in the years ahead.
Chris Rein began teaching at
Westlake Boys in July 1994 under
the late Headmaster Colin Pascoe.
School then had a role of about
1400, no T or S Block and no large
auditorium. Westlake became the
centre of his teaching life in NZ and
he was able to use the many experiences he had acquired in South
Africa to benefit the Lake Community.
Chris is without doubt a marvellously multi-talented individual,
encapsulated in the shell of a quiet achiever. His strengths are known
to both the Science and Technology Departments where he has used
his engineering skills to repair complicated, expensive and sophisticated equipment. All of this he has done at home giving hundreds of
unpaid hours back to the school he has enjoyed so much. Chris really
enjoys the challenge of having to design, create and repair: the more
difficult the problem the more engaged Chris becomes and the more
determined he is to be successful. His mechanical ability extended
in many directions, helping staff with marine engines, repairing staff
and student bikes, motivating students through Robotic classes and
coaching students. There are many staff and students who have
benefitted from his incredible ‘ Mr Fixit” talents and have been very
thankful for his widespread skills.
The teaching of both Biology and Physics to considerable success has
been his teaching strengths but of late he has worked in the Technology Department, where he has found a home for his widespread
mechanical and technological ability. Chris has also spent some years
as a Year 10 Dean where his firmness, consistent fairness and the
willingness to give each student another chance was accepted warmly
by most students who were marched to his door.
Outside of school Chris has been able to enjoy the delights of
the Hauraki Gulf and the boating pleasures it offers. For years he
organised the annual staff retreat at SchoolHouse Bay, often taking
staff and their families in his own yacht the 30 odd miles to Kawau
in all sorts of weather. Countless hours too were spent here waiting
patiently for staff arriving on the local ferry so he could direct them to
the Westlake House. That time of the year was an incredible opportunity for staff to unwind through fishing, diving, playing cards etc. It was
through the continued efforts of Chris that we managed to have years
of fun, so on behalf of all the staff who attended over the years thank
you very much. Great memories indeed and great times.
Retirement I am thinking will not be a time of relaxation but more of
self –imposed action, sailing, travelling overseas, visiting the local
Sunday market but above all, without doubt, helping others. Generous to a fault, always helpful, very determined and continually kind
hearted I have had the pleasure of his friendship for 21 years. I have
learnt a great deal, shared many wide experiences and discussed
forthcoming adventures. Thank you Chris for all those times.
Westlake wishes you a long and happy “retirement” but I have a
sneaky suspicion Westlake will be benefitting from Chris for a long
time to come.
Mr S Smith
Christine Gratton has left Westlake
after more than 30 years of
exceptional service, leaving behind
a legion of students who fervently
believe that she has made a real
difference to them, inspiring them,
challenging them and making
whatever subject she was teaching,
fun. While her main subject has
been English, she is also a great French teacher realising that even
for non-linguists, French can still be fun and everyone can achieve
As a Dean she has been well organised, which you would expect. Much
more importantly, she made the very difficult transition between
being a school boy to stepping into the adult world where personal
responsibility easier, and the effect of personal decisions were
patiently explained.
As a colleague Christine was always there to lend support, provide
guidance and assistance to beginning teachers, to acknowledge
everyone’s birthdays with a little gift, and an illness with a card. Her
infectious good nature and positivity will be missed.
Mr L Borok
When Ms Harland arrived at
Westlake as a first year teacher in
2008 she was full of enthusiasm
and new aged ideas on teaching in
the 21st century. Seven years later
she still retains that enthusiasm,
although one could argue she has
modified her views on teaching and
learning. Throughout her time at
Westlake she has taught a range of subjects including; Social Studies,
Media, Classics, Art History and Scholarship, and due to this Ms
Harland inspired an array of students from all walks of life. Along with
her students, the Westlake teachers will miss her passion, knowledge
but most of all her sense of humour. Ms Harland is taking some time
out from teaching to pursue other interests and we are sure she will be
Mr C Nolan
Mr Rein on Kawau Island with Mr Wedderburn
and Mr Rupert Atkinson.
Mr Richard Bright is leaving having
made a significant contribution
to Westlake Boys over the last 15
years. Mr Bright joined Westlake
as Assistant HOF English and HOD
Media in 1999. He progressed to
become a dedicated and innovative
HOF English and led the faculty to
great success from 2001 -2007,
overseeing the introduction of all three levels of NCEA. Mr Bright also
held a Deputy Principal position from 2007-8 leading e-learning and
the CIE examination programme before returning to the classroom and
leading the Media Department once again. Service has been at the heart
of Mr Bright’s time at Westlake and he has given his time generously
coaching the 2nd XI Cricket team and the 2nd XI Football team for
several seasons. He has also served as Master in Charge of Football and
Cycling and was a regular and popular referee of a range of Westlake
football teams, who always seemed to win! Mr Bright’s dedication and
loyalty to WBHS was recognised in 2006 when he was the recipient of
the School’s travel award and visited Australia and South Africa.
An entertainer at heart Mr Bright will also be remembered as the
idiosyncratic MC of the School Haka, School Athletics and School
Swimming Competitions. Mr Bright’s sense of joie de vivre extended to
his Westlake colleagues and he established several staff social events
including the annual Staff Tennis Tournament, running the Staff Social
Club and organizing the Staff Christmas Party. However, the classroom
has always been Mr Bright’s preferred stage and many a student will
remember his irrepressible energy and quirky sense of humour as he
would wax lyrical about the director as autuer or the merits of cinema
verite. An inspirational and dedicated professional he will be missed by
all as he exits with a flourish – stage right. We wish him all the best for
the future. Virtute experiamur.
Mr A Berry
Mr Bright and the Staff Football Team of 2003.
Mrs Walsh and Miss Harland.
Rob Noble joined the Mathematics
Department at Westlake in 1985 and he
has served the school for an impressive
30 years. During his time here Rob has
been a very enthusiastic and passionate
Maths Teacher: his knowledge and
application is second to none, especially
in the field of Scholarship Calculus. Rob
has held positions of responsibility on
many occasions including Acting Head of Mathematics and the Teacher in
Charge of the Scholarship Mathematics Programme.
As well as his teaching, for many years Rob has coached a variety of
school Cricket teams to success. He has also been involved as the
Teacher in Charge of Chess at Westlake, organising School Teams to
play in the Auckland Competition as well as running the Chess Club
every lunch time in C2.
Rob has a strong humanitarian side to his personality as well as a wicked
sense of Irish humour. He always thinks of others, is incredibly generous
and extremely reliable and friendly. Always giving to others, Rob has
been involved with many projects helping many disadvantaged people
both in New Zealand and abroad. Rob genuinely cares for his colleagues
and he continues to maintain friendships with many who have left
Westlake. We hope he does the same with those of us still here. We wish
you all the best Rob, for your future retirement.
Mr A. Van Den Heuvel
We bid farewell to our popular Head
of Drama Mrs Walsh who is taking
up a position at Pinehurst College in
215. Mrs Walsh arrived at Westlake
in 2009 from the U.K and set about
rejuvenating the Drama department while also teaching Cambridge
English. She was at the centre of
many memorable school productions, starting auditions for the production of School of Rock just three
weeks after her arrival at Westlake! Audiences were wowed by Guys and
Dolls in 2011 and a spectacular production of Oliver in 2012 was perhaps
Mrs Walsh’s finest hour. Her last major production was this year’s
triumphant Return to the Forbidden Planet. In between senior drama
students impressed with smaller scale productions of Twelve Angry
Men, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Of Mice and Men and Once on
Chunuk Bair. Another special memory was Westlake’s foray into the
world of dance as Mrs Walsh led and choreographed a Hip Hop crew
who came third in NZ in the ‘Bring it On’ dance competition. Her abiding
memories of her time at Westlake are of all the wonderful students she
has taught, working with amazing tech team on school productions,
show camps and the tuck shops lemon cake! A popular member of the
English Faculty, Mrs Walsh will be missed. She is an inspirational and
innovative teacher with a big heart. We wish her all the best.
Mr A Berry
editor's note
The New Year started with fantastic news of Westlake Boys’ record
breaking scholarship haul and another year of pleasing results. I
am extremely proud to be part of such a successful school. One of
my favourite things about compiling the yearbook is reading about
successes from year to year and 2014 is no exception. Once again
Westlake Boys has excelled across the Arts, Sports and Academia
and I myself have particularly enjoyed the Drama production “Once
upon Chunuk Bair’, the Equinox Concert and watching our athletes
compete in Distance Running and Track and Field.
For me 2014 will be the year I had five wonderful classes, the
English Department moved back into the newly refurbished T
block, bid a fond farewell to good friend Miss Amos and I once
again had the opportunity to assist Mr Strydom and Mr Butler with
Distance Running events. My highlight, however, was the Distance
Running Tour to South Africa and Kenya. I was extremely grateful
for this opportunity and shared such an amazing experience with
13 fabulous young men and, of course, the amazing Mr Strydom.
As another year comes to a close I would like to take this
opportunity to thank all the staff who have contributed to the
yearbook in 2014. Thank you to Mr Meredith, Mr McBride, Ms
Kwok, Mr Smith, Mr Jorgensen, Mr Young, Miss El-Labany, Mrs
White, Mrs Hipkins and Mr Reed in particular for your kind support.
2013 statistics
Miss Booth and her Year 13 English Visual Class.
Thank you to Michael Lough, George Harpur, Ambrose Bennett-Burkhardt,
Mostafa Youssef, Oliver Lawrence, Matthew Lucente and Matt Bruce for your
contribution to the yearbook this year. Your assistance was much appreciated.
Thank you also to Mrs Harrington for all your help and willingness to assist me,
whenever I needed extra photographs, to add to the many you have already taken
for the yearbook this year. Thank you to the Year 9 Art Students, whose fabulous
paint work has been compiled to create this year’s cover. Thanks to Mr Masterton
and Miss Park for your efforts here also.
A special thank you to Mr Blanchard for all your support and extra time spent
on proofreading. I am very grateful for your help this year. Finally, I would like
to thank Dan MacKinnon, Karen McKinlay and the team at Benefitz for another
wonderful year. I have enjoyed working with you again and, as always, appreciate
your time and creative ideas.
Miss H Booth
Mr James Sclater
Mr Jeff Moore
Mr Andrew Nicoll
Mr Gary Rohloff
Mrs Tracy Houzet
Mr David Ferguson
(Staff Representative)
Total: 2271
Regular students: 2112
FFP Students:159
Full Time Teachers: 137
Support Staff: 48
Part Time Staff: 6
Ms Donna a’Beckett
Mrs Suzanne Donovan-Skeens
Mrs Jan Gumbley
Mr Michael Lough
(2013 Student Representative)
Mrs Sandra White
Asian: 940
European: 1029
Maori: 139
Other: 3
Pasifika: 91
(Board Secretary)
It was a busy year for property developments at Westlake. The beginning
of Term One saw the English Department start to glow and perspire as
the third occupants of the unlovely “village” of ungainly temporary huts
below T Block. At the start of Term Two, however, they moved into the
handsomely renovated T Block, complete with new carpets, walls and
funky short-throw projectors. They were so happy that they even stopped
complaining for a while.
The “village” then disappeared, a gift we were very happy to send to
Rangitoto College, and work began on a state-of-the-art artificial allweather turf. As I write, the last fixtures and fittings are flying here from
the USA, and it will be ready for action at the start of 2015, a fantastic
addition to our sporting facilities.
The new Gymnasium is expected to be complete by late 2015.
The final property development of the year has been, at last, the
beginning of our biggest new build for a long time: our new Gymnasium.
Our students spent happy hours staring at wrecking balls as they
destroyed some of our most worn-out “temporary” buildings, and then
watched as the ground was levelled, ready for building work to begin. The
new Gym will also contain classrooms and staff facilities, and will adjoin
the current ‘Top Gym’, which will itself be upgraded with a new, sprung,
hardwood floor. We’re expecting the Gym to be complete by Term Four
next year.
Mr A Reed – Associate Headmaster
Construction has started on the Artificial Turf with renovated
T Block in the background.
YEAR 13 2014
30 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill
North Shore City 0620
New Zealand
Phone: +64 9 410 8667
Fax: +64 9 410 7717