vwd max value Media Data 2015 More than 80 publishers Almost 11
vwd max value Media Data 2015 More than 80 publishers Almost 11
More than 80 publishers Almost 11 million copies sold Approx. 28 million readers vwd max value Media Data 2015 2 WE MAKE FINANCIAL DECISIONS TRANSPARENT, SIMPLE AND COMPREHENSIBLE. FACTS AND FIGURES vwd group is one of Europe’s leading suppliers of information and technology solutions. Here, we specialise in individual customer requirements for asset and asset-liability management, retail and private banking, and wealth management. With our experience and competence, our customers get to grips with complex and risky processes securely and efficiently. VWD GROUP Wherever the systematic support for financial decisions is concerned, we provide the right systems and data. Our flexible and highly configurable components set the standard in advising and informing investors. They make the underlying processes secure and costeffective. Advice and information for financial decisions are complex and critical. We have been partners to our customers for over 60 years. From this experience, we know what characterises secure and efficient solutions. With our systems, we create the basis upon which our customers can distinguish themselves effectively in the competition for financial decision makers. With more than 450 employees in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland, vwd group is an international group of companies with strong connections to the local financial markets. Year of foundation of the parent company: 1949 Headquarters: Frankfurt am Main 17 locations in Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland 450 employees KEY FIGURES Revenue 2013: 80 million euros Approx. 4,000 corporate clients More than 12,500 private clients More than 50,000 users 21.8 million page impressions and 3.24 million visits to finanztreff.de (Source: IVW, January 2015) CONTENT Average of 9.6 million financial instruments (2014) More than 250 off-market price sources More than 12 billion price and master data updates per day Dynamic value-at-risk assesment for nearly 1 million securities FORMAT THE STOCK MARKET STRIP – VWD MAX VALUE With more than five decades of experience, the vwd group currently creates and delivers print-ready financial pages for approx. 80 daily newspapers. Specially tailored to their requirements, all the publishers receive their stock market pages at the same time and in „print-ready“ formats. On the basis of this technology, the vwd group has created an exclusive and uniform advertising space in the stock market and financial pages of regional and national daily newspapers. This advertising space can be allocated in a national advertising pool (with 80 publishing partners). THE ADVERTISEMENT FORMAT WITH AN AMAZING (BROAD) IMPACT ON YOUR TARGET GROUP With vwd max value, your advertisement is placed in a prominent position directly beneath the stock market table. The format extends over the whole page width with a height of 30 mm. Thus, vwd max value offers you an exclusive and schedulable advertising space as an integral part of the business and financial section of the daily newspapers. Advertising sample 3 4 THE ALTERNATIVE THE STOCK MARKET STRIP ‘PLUS’ Along the lines of the advertising space of the stock market strip, vwd max value offers another targeted advertisement alternative. An additional reader advertisment or „corresponding advert“, which is placed synchroneously on the same page and in the same issue as the strip format. A regional claim in the corresponding advert can – for example – complement a more generic statement that is issued nationwide in the strip format. As the stock market pages of the daily newspapers are unique, the formats of the respective reader advertisements vary. Placement units Formats for reader advertisements Advertising prices on request Example advertisment PERFORMANCE THAT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF ALMOST 11 MILLION COPIES SOLD(1), WITH APPROX. 28 MILLION READERS EVERYDAY vwd max value has an extraordinarily high reach. Almost 28 million readers are reached everyday by the daily newspapers in partnership with us, generating a total paid circulation of approx. 10.6 million copies. This corresponds to almost 41 % of the population of Germany and just under 73 % of the population that can be reached by subscription-bsaed daily newspapers in Germany. vwd max value even represents 89% of the daily newspapers with a stock market page that concentrate primarily on the readership in the urban centres.(3) UP-TO-DATE MEDIUM The average time spent reading a newspaper is approx. 40 minutes a day. This value has been stable for years. A significant share of newspaper readers (56 %) use the newspaper two or three times per day.(2) 75 % of all Germans share their newspaper. Thus, 2.5 readers can be reached per copy of a newspaper.(1) VWD MAX VALUE – MARKET SHARES IN GERMANY All subscription-based daily newspapers 49.82 million readers 100 % Daily newspapers with stock market page 42.83 million readers 86 % 6.99 million readers 14 % approx. 28 million readers 56,2 % Daily newspapers without stock market page vwd max value LEGENDARY CPM The trend in media planning is towards hard facts and better performance! There´s no similar format that reaches that many people at the same costs of vwd max value: 1,000 viewers for just 2.34 euros! CREDIBLE AND USEFUL 85% of readers value the newspaper for its credibility (trustworthiness), the advertisements included. IMPORTANT SOURCE OF INFORMATION For 53% of German citizens, the newspaper is the primary source of information for all their shopping decisions. VERY SIMPLE HANDLING vwd group is your competent partner and secures a high level of efficiency throughout the whole order and production process. To place your advertisement with more than 80 vwd max value partner publishers with the minimum outlay, you only have: 1 contact 1 consultancy session 1 order 1 document for printing 1 invoice (3) Sources: (1) IVW, 2nd quarter 2013 (2) ZMG Zeitungsqualitäten (3) vwd research 5 6 TITLES & CIRCULATIONS VWD MAX VALUE PARTNERS TOTAL CIRCULATION 10,609 m. Nielsen I 1,073 m. Nielsen II 2,622 m. Nielsen IIIa 1,413 m. Nielsen IIIb 1,554 m. Nielsen IV 1,740 m. Nielsen V 0,393 m. Nielsen VI 0,455 m. Nielsen VII 0,988 m. WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS 0,401 m. WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS NATIONAL 1,007 m. Die Welt/plus Kompakt 0,208 m. Süddeutsche Zeitung 0,397 m. Welt am Sonntag 0,401 m. ISSUE SOLD COPIES NIELSEN I Bremer Tageszeitungen/ Bremer Anzeigenblock GA Göttinger Tageblatt GA 52.323 Hamburger Abendblatt/ Bergedorfer Zeitung GA 198.997 HAZ/NP Hannover plus Ausg. 100* plus 285.665 Kreiszeitung Nordsee Zeitung Zeitungsgruppe Nord DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung GA GA Teil* GA GA 74.511 57.773 153.574 66.234 21.837 162.037 Distribution in the core area National distribution ISSUE Source: IVW, 2nd quarter 2013 TITEL & AUFLAGEN SOLD COPIES VWD VALUE-PARTNER NIELSENMAX II Aachener Nachr./Aachener Zeitung FUNKE-Mediengruppe Neue Westfälische Zeitung mrw Ruhr Nachrichten plus Recklinghäuser Zeitung Rheinische Post Westdeutsche Zeitung Plus Westfälischer Anzeiger Westfalen-Blatt Zeitungsgruppe Köln Zeitungsgruppe Münsterland DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung NIELSEN III a Darmstädter Echo Die Rheinpfalz/Pirmasenser Zeitung Gießener Allgemeine HNA - Kassel Offenbach Post FNP Gesamt/Frankfurter Rundschau/ FAZ Rhein Main Zeitung Rhein-Main-Presse Rhein-Zeitung Saarbrücker Zeitung Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung NIELSEN III b Badisches Tagblatt Badische Zeitung Eßlinger Zeitung Heilbronner Stimme Ludwigsburger Kreiszeitung Mannheimer Morgen plus Fränkische Nachrichten Mittelbadische Presse GA GA GA 501 GA GA GA GA GA GA GA Abo GA GA GA 115,232 607,875 233,450 224,765 55,423 321,056 130,532 135,024 117,824 303,333 232,722 51,185 30,969 GA GA GA HA GA GA 76,491 230,120 51,392 187,477 37,445 213,715 GA GA GA GA GA GA 177,996 190,832 173,399 60,999 24,549 24,616 GA* GA 104 GA GA GA 43,505 142,749 41,272 87,192 37,668 Ausg. B* 140,177 GA 48,543 ISSUE Schwarzwälder Bote Stuttgarter Zeitung / Stuttgarter Nachrichten Stuttgarter Zeitung Anzeigengem. Südkurier SÜDWEST PRESSE DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung NIELSEN IV Abendzeitung München Augsburger Allgemeine mit Allgäuer Zeitung Donaukurier Frankenpost Mittelbayerische Zeitung Münchner Merkur Nürnberger Nachrichten Passauer Neue Presse Straubinger Tagblatt / Landshuter Zeitung Zeitungsring Oberfranken DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung SOLD COPIES GA 118,771 GA 188,889 GA GA GA GA GA 241,320 127,996 290,936 19,140 25,410 GA 48,445 GA GA GA GA GA GA Ausg. 01 321,596 83,448 56,162 115,305 255,326 263,335 157,806 GA 121,113 GA* GA GA 97,613 21,429 246,557 ISSUE SOLD COPIES NIELSEN V Berliner Morgenpost Berliner Zeitung Der Tagesspiegel DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung GA GA GA GA GA 111,147 137,278 122,012 6,160 16,278 NIELSEN VI Lausitzer Rundschau Märkische Allgemeine Mitteldeutsche Zeitung DIE WELT / plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung GA GA GA GA GA 81,790 125,149 191,651 5,825 21,043 NIELSEN VII Freie Presse Leipziger Volkszeitung Mediengruppe Thüringen Sächsische Zeitung DIE WELT/plus Kompakt Süddeutsche Zeitung GA GA GA GA GA GA 253,760 200,696 272,041 237,443 13,523 10,323 *You can find the full list of titles on the following pages. 7 8 STRONG PARTNERS, STRONG POOL AACHENER ZEITUNG / AACHENER NACHRICHTEN Dürener Nachrichten Dürener Zeitung Eifeler Nachrichten Eifeler Zeitung Eschweiler Nachrichten Eschweiler Zeitung Geilenkirchener Zeitung Heinsberger Nachrichten Heinsberger Zeitung Jülicher Nachrichten Jülicher Zeitung Stollberger Nachrichten Stollberger Zeitung AUGSBURGER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG Aichacher Nachrichten Allgäuer Zeitung Allgäuer Anzeigenblatt Buchloher Zeitung Der Westallgäuer Donau-Zeitung Donauwörther Zeitung Friedberger Allgemeine Günzburger Zeitung Illertisser Zeitung Landsberger Tagblatt Memminger Zeitung Mittelschwäbische Nachrichten Mindelheimer Zeitung Neuburger Rundschau Neu-Ulmer Zeitung Rieser Nachrichten SchwabmünchnerAllg. mit Königsbrunner Ztg. Wertinger Zeitung DER TAGESSPIEGEL Neueste Potsdamer Nachrichten BERLINER ZEITUNG DIE RHEINPFALZ Bad Dürkheimer Zeitung Donnersberger Rundschau Frankenthaler Zeitung Ludwigshafener Rundschau Mittelhaardter Rundschau Pfälzer Tageblatt Pfälzische Volkszeitung Speyerer Rundschau Unterhaardter Rundschau Westricher Rundschau Zweibrücker Rundschau BERLINER MORGENPOST DIE WELT BREMER TAGESZEITUNGEN Achimer Kurier/ Verdener Nachrichten Bremer Nachrichten Delmenhorster Kurier Die Norddeutsche Osterholzer Kreisblatt Regionale Rundschau/ Syker Kurier Weser Kurier Wümme Zeitung DONAUKURIER Aichacher Zeitung Eichstätter Kurier Hilpoltsteiner Kurier Pfaffenhofener Kurier Schrobenhausener Zeitung BADISCHE ZEITUNG BADISCHES TAGBLATT Speyerer Tagespost Viernheimer Tageblatt DARMSTÄDTER ECHO Heimatzeitung Rüsselsheim Odenwälder Heimatzeitung Südhessische Post ESSLINGER ZEITUNG Untertürkheimer Zeitung FRANKENPOST Coburger Neue Presse Hofer Anzeiger Marktredwitzer Tageblatt Rehauer Tagblatt Sechsämterbote Sechsämter Neueste Nachrichten Vogtlandanzeiger Selber Tagblatt FREIE PRESSE Annaberger Zeitung Auer Zeitung Auerbacher Zeitung Chemnitzer Zeitung Flöhaer Zeitung Freiberger Zeitung Glauchauer Zeitung Hohenstein-Ernstthal-Ztg. Marienberger Zeitung Mittweidaer Zeitung Oberes Vogtland Plauener Zeitung Reichenbacher Zeitung Rochlitzer Zeitung Schwarzenberger Zeitung Stollberger Zeitung Werdauer Zeitung Zschopauer Zeitung Zwickauer Zeitung FUNKE MEDIEN-GRUPPE Heiligenhauser Zeitung Iserlohner Kreisanzeiger und Zeitung NRZ Neue Rhein-Zeitung NRZ Neue Ruhr-Zeitung Ruhr Anzeiger Velberter Zeitung Wattenscheider Zeitung Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung WP Westfalenpost WR Westfälische Rundschau HNA HESSISCH/ NIEDERSÄCHS. ALLGEMEINE Hersfelder Zeitung Werra – Rundschau GIESSENER ALLGEMEINE Alsfelder Zeitung Herforder Kreisanzeiger Wetterauer Zeitung KREISZEITUNG Achimer Kreisblatt Diepholzer Kreisblatt Verdener Aller-Zeitung GÖTTINGER TAGEBLATT Alfelder Zeitung Eichsfelder Tageblatt Einbecker Morgenpost Gandersheimer Kreisblatt Harz Kurier Seesener Beobachter LAUSITZER RUNDSCHAU HAMBURGER ABENDBLATT Bergedorfer Zeitung HAZ HANNOVERSCHE ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG Aller Zeitung Neue Presse Peiner Allgemeine Schaumburger Nachr. Wolfsburger Zeitung HEILBRONNER STIMME Hohenloher Zeitung Kraichgau Stimme LEIPZIGER VOLKSZEITUNG Döbelner Allgemeine Ztg. Dresdner Neueste Nachr. Oschatzer Allgemeine Torgauer Zeitung LUDWIGSBURGER KREISZTG. MÄRKISCHE ALLGEMEINE Brandenburger Kurier Dahme Kurier Der Havelländer Dosse Kurier Fläming Echo Jüterborger Echo Kyritzer Tageblatt Luckenwalder Rundschau Neue Oranienburger Ztg. Neues Granseer Tageblatt Potsdammer Tageszeitung Prignitz-Kurier Ruppiner Tagesblatt Westhavelländer Zossener Rundschau MAIN ECHO Lohrer Echo Wertheimer Zeitung MANNHEIMER MORGEN Bergsträßer Anzeiger Fränkische Nachrichten Schwetzinger Zeitung Südhessen Morgen Weinheimer Nachrichten MEDIENGRUPPE THÜRINGEN Ostthüringer Zeitung Thüringer Allgemeine Thüringische Landeszeitung MITTELBAYERISCHE ZEITUNG Amberger Nachrichten Bayerwald Echo Kötztinger Umschau Neumarkter Tagblatt Oberpfälzer Nachrichten Wörther Anzeiger MITTELDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG MÜNCHNER MERKUR Chiemgau Zeitung Dachauer Nachrichten Dorfener Anzeiger Ebersberger Zeitung Erdinger Anzeiger Freisinger Tagblatt Fürstenfeldbrucker Tagblatt Garmisch-Partenkirch. Ztg. Geretsrieder Merkur Holzkirchner Merkur Isar-Loisachbote Mangfall Bote Miesbacher Merkur Mühldorfer Anzeiger Murnauer Tagblatt Neumarkter Anzeiger Oberbayerisches Volksblatt Penzberger Merkur Schongauer Nachrichten Starnberger Merkur Tegernseer Zeitung Tölzer Kurier Waldkraiburger Nachrichten Wasserburger Zeitung Weilheimer Tagblatt NORDSEE ZEITUNG Kreiszeitung Wesermarsch Zevener Zeitung NÜRNBERGER NACHRICHTEN Altmühl-Bote Der Bote Erlanger Nachrichten Fränkische Landeszeitung Fränkischer Anzeiger Fürther Nachrichten Hersbrucker Zeitung Hilpoltsteiner Zeitung Neumarkter Nachrichten Nordbayerische Nachrichten Nürnberger Zeitung 9 10 Pegnitz Zeitung Schwabacher Tagblatt Treuchtlinger Kurier Volkszeitung Weißenburger Tagblatt Windsheimer Zeitung OFFENBACH POST Dieburger Anzeiger Hanau-Post Langener Zeitung, Groß-Zimmerner Lokal-Anzeiger PASSAUER NEUE PRESSE Alt-Neuöttinger und Burghauser Anzeiger Bayerwald-Bote Deggendorfer und Plattlinger Zeitung Der Bayerwald-Bote Landauer Neue Presse Osterhofener Zeitung Rottaler Anzeiger Viechtacher Vilshofener Anzeiger PIRMASENSER ZEITUNG RECKLINGHÄUSER ZEITUNG Dattelner Morgenpost Hertener Zeitung Marler Zeitung Stimberg Zeitung Waltroper Zeitung RHEIN MAIN MEDIA Frankfurter Neue Presse Frankfurter Rundschau Höchster Kreisblatt Nassauische Neue Presse Taunus Zeitung RHEIN MAIN PRESSE Aar-Bote Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz Bürstädter Zeitung Idsteiner Zeitung Lampertheimer Zeitung Main Spitze Main-Taunus-Kurier Rhein Main Anzeiger Rheingauer Bürgerfreund Wiesbadener Kurier Wiesbadener Tagblatt Wormser Zeitung RUHR NACHRICHTEN Dorstener Zeitung Halterner Zeitung Hellweger Anzeiger SAARBRÜCKER ZEITUNG Pfälzer Merkur SÄCHSISCHE ZEITUNG Döbelner Anzeiger SCHWARZWÄLDER BOTE Die Oberbadische Lahrer Zeitung Markgräfler Tagblatt RHEINISCHE POST Bergische Morgenpost Bocholter-Borkener Volksbl. Neuß-Grevenbroicher Ztg. Solinger Morgenpost STRAUBINGER TAGBLATT/ LANDSHUTER ZEITUNG Allg. Laber Zeitung Chamer Zeitung Dingolfinger Anzeiger Donau Post Hallertauer Zeitung Kötztinger Zeitung Landauer Zeitung Plattlinger Anzeiger Vilsbiburger Zeitung RHEIN-ZEITUNG Kirner Zeitung Mainzer Rhein-Zeitung Nahe-Zeitung Oeffentlicher Anzeiger Rhein-Lahn-Zeitung Westerwälder Zeitung STUTTGARTER ZEITUNG / STUTTGARTER NACHRICHTEN / ANZEIGENGEMEINSCHAFT Backnanger Kreiszeitung Bietigheimer Zeitung Der Teckbote Eberbacher Zeitung Fellbacher Zeitung Gäubote Herrenberg Kornwestheimer Zeitung Kreiszeitung Böblinger Bote Leonberger Kreisztg. Marbacher Zeitung Mühlacker Tagblatt Murrhardter Zeitung Nürtinger/Wendlinger Ztg. Rems Zeitung Sindelfinger Zeitung/ Böblinger Zeitung Vaihinger Kreiszeitung Waiblinger Kreiszeitung mit Schorndofer Nachrichten Windender u. Welzheimer Zeitung SÜDDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG SÜDKURIER Alb Bote SÜDWEST PRESSE Brenztal-Bote Der Ermstalbote mit Die Neckarquelle Ehinger Tagblatt Geislinger Zeitung Gmünder Tagespost Haller Tagblatt Heidenheimer Neue Presse Heidenheimer Zeitung Hohenloher Tagblatt Hohenzollerische Zeitung Metzinger-Uracher Volksbl. Neckar-Chronik Neue Kreis-Rundschau NWZ Neue Württembg. Ztg. Pfullinger Zeitung Reutlinger Nachrichten Rottenburger Post und Steinlach-Bote Schwäbische Donau Zeitung Schwäbische Post Schwäbisches Tagblatt mit Tauber-Zeitung Zollern-Alb-Kurier WELT AM SONNTAG WESTDEUTSCHE ZEITUNG PLUS Remscheider General Anzeiger Solinger Tagblatt WESTFALEN-BLATT Herforder Kreisblatt Lübbecker Kreiszeitung Vlothoer Zeitung Westfälisches Volksblatt WESTFÄLISCHER ANZEIGER Lüdenscheider Nachrichten Altenaer Kreisblatt Allgemeiner Anzeiger Der Patriot Meinerzhagener Zeitung Soester Anzeiger Süderländer Tageblatt Süderländer Volksfreund ZEITUNGSGRUPPE LAHN / DILL Dill Post Dill Zeitung Gelnhäuser Zeitung Haigerer Kurier Haigerer Zeitung Herbronner Tageblatt Hinterländer Anzeiger Marburger Neue Zeitung Nassauer Tageblatt Solms-Braunfelser Weilburger Tageblatt Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung ZEITUNGSGRUPPE KÖLN Bergische Landeszeitung Bonner Rundschau Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger Kölnische Rundschau Leverkusener Anzeiger Oberbergische Volks-Zeitung Oberbergischer Anzeiger Rhein-Ahr-Rundschau Rhein-Sieg-Anzeiger Rhein-Sieg-Rundschau ZEITUNGSGRUPPE MÜNSTERLAND Ahlener Zeitung Allgemeine Zeitung Brokener Zeitung Dülmener Zeitung Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung Münsterländische Volkszeitung Tageblatt für den Kreis Steinfurt Westfälische Nachrichten 440 TITLES IN TOTAL ZEITUNGSGRUPPE NEUE WESTFÄLISCHE Bad Oeynhausener Kurier Bielefelder Tageblatt Bünder Tageblatt Bürener Nachrichten Gütersloher Zeitung Haller Kreisblatt Höxtersche Kreiszeitung Lippische Landes-Zeitung Loehner Nachrichten Mindener Tageblatt Paderborner Kreiszeitung Warburger Zeitung ZEITUNGSGRUPPE NORD Bramstedter Zeitung Bremervörde Zeitung Cuxhafener Nachrichten Elmshorner Nachrichten Niederelbe Zeitung Pinneberger Tageblatt Stader Tageblatt Uetersener Zeitung Wedel-Schulauer Tageblatt ZEITUNGSRING OBERFRANKEN Bayerische Rundschau Coburger Tagblatt Die Kitzinger Fränkischer Tag Saale Zeitung 11 12 ADVERTISING PRICES & GENERAL INFORMATION STOCK MARKET STRIPS (STRIP ADVERTISEMENT PAGE WIDTH / 30 MM HEIGHT) GERMANY OVERALL Nielsen I-VII West + Berlin Nielsen I-V Ost + Berlin Nielsen V-VII BLACK AND WHITE 67.900 Euro 53.900 Euro 1 ADDITIONAL COLOUR* 79.900 Euro 63.900 Euro 2/3 ADDITIONAL COLOURS* on request on request 14.300 Euro 16.900 Euro on request STOCK MARKET STRIP „PLUS“ (STRIP + READER ADVERTISEMENT) Placement units, reader advertisement formats and prices on request. COPY DEADLINE 5 working days before publication CANCELLATION DATES 7 working days before publication PUBLICATION DATES working days (Tuesday - Saturday) Sunday REGIONAL SPLIT RUNS possible on request BANK DETAILS Dresdner Bank - Frankfurt branch IBAN: DE46500800000400008000 Swift: DRESDEFFXXX CIRCULATION 10,609 million copies sold (IVW, 2nd quarter 2014) TERMS OF PAYMENT Immediately after receipt of the invoice. ADVERTISING COPY DEADLINE** 7 working days before publication DISCOUNT 2 % discount in the event of advance payment or payments made by direct debit, provided that older invoices are not overdue. ADDRESS 60487 Frankfurt am Main AGENCY COMMISSION The agency commission amounts to 15 %. It is calculated on the basis of the net cost and is granted by the advertising agencies acknowledged by the vwd group. Phone: +49 69 50701-404 * The additional colour is agreed directly with the publishers. The price indicated vwd Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH Advertising Services Tilsiter Strasse 1 Fax: +49 69 50701-114 E-mail: maxvalue@vwd.com www.vwd.com/maxvalue represents the maximum price that is incurred if all the booked newspapers can print the desired colours on the desired date. If not all the booked newspapers can print colour, the advertising price is reduced accordingly. ** As only one advertising space is available per day and newspaper title, reservation in advance is recommended, so that specific date requirements can be realised. TECHNICAL INFORMATION ORDER Orders for vwd max value must be placed in writing to the Advertising Services Department. Please append a colour proof of the final version of the advertisement to your order for verification. COPY FORMATS If the copy is to run in all the available newspaper titles (full run), all seven copy formats must be transmitted. TABLE HEIGHT WIDTH 1. Tabloid Format 30 mm 245 mm 2. Berliner Format I 30 mm 266 mm 3. Berliner Format II 30 mm 280 mm 4. Rhenish Format I 30 mm 310 mm 5. Rhenish Format II 30 mm 320 mm 6. Rhensh Format III 30 mm 327 mm 7. Nordisch Format 30 mm 374 mm DIGITAL COPY Please only send us PDF files in which the fonts are vectorised. File name: first publication date, client name, format, b/w or colour Example: 20070228_Mustermann_30x266_bw.pdf ADVERTISEMENT TRANSMISSION Please send the transmission of the advertisement designs to the following e-mail addresses: zeitungs-service@vwd.com wschwarz@vwd.com Our service team is available to help with any technical questions related to your copy at Tel. +49 69 50701-290. GRID WIDTH 30-34 lines per centimetre Resolution of the images at least 300 dpi. COLOUR ADVERTISEMENTS The total application of colour should not exceed the reference value of 245 %. For advertisements with an additional colour, both black and a spot colour from the HKS Euro scale „Z“ can be supplied. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich hierbei Please note that this is a matter of um Zeitungsdruck handelt, und dass newspaper printing and that no keine RGB-Farbinformationen in den RGB colour information may be contained Anzeigenmotiven enthalten sein dürfen. in the advertisement designs. 13 14 TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. vwd group markets selected advertising space on the stock market pages of the newspapers listed in pages 8 to 11. Thereby, the vwd group aims to offer a national advertising pool. 2. The Client shall provide the copy on time at its own expense, adapted to the offered formats. 3. Within the framework of a contract (contract for at least 5 advertisements), the Client shall have the right to release individual advertisements. The entire order must be processed within one year of the order placement. If the Client does not release all the advertisements in the contract within the year, the difference between the initially discounted price and the price that corresponds to the actual acceptance of advertisements must be repaid. 4. The invoice amount shall be due upon receipt of the invoice. In the event of a default of payment or a deferment for more than 14 days, default interest of 3 % above the basic interest rate of the ECB must be paid. A 2 % discount shall be granted in the event of an advance payment or payment by direct debit, provided that no outstanding older invoices exist. 5. The Client shall be provided with tear sheets, provided that it demands them within 14 days of the publication of the advertisement. 6. If the publication does not take place in one or more of the newspapers in the pool, the Client has the right to a prompt replacement publication. If this is no longer possible, a credit note shall be issued, assessed according to the ratio of the missed circulation to the total circulation. 7. The Client shall be liable for the transmitted data being free of computer viruses. vwd may delete files containing viruses, without the Client being able to derive any claims from this. 8. In the event of force majeure or industrial action in the newspapers in the pool, any obligation to execute orders and to pay compensation shall expire. 9. Orders from subsidiaries shall also be accepted in the context of a quantity discount, provided that evidence can be provided of an equity participation in the parent company exceeding 50%. An inclusion in the context of a discount calculation shall not be accepted if the parties are corporations or institutions under public law or independent official organisations. 10. The Client‘s contract data shall be processed electronically and saved beyond the time of the execution of the contract, within the framework of the statutory retention periods. The place of jurisdiction shall be Frankfurt am Main. NOTES Don´t forget: et information financial mark ata at : stock market d ial.de ! www.moneyspec 15 www.vwd.com VWD MONEYSPECIAL With vwd moneyspecial, we offer you the opportunity to increase the appeal of your website with minimum outlay and thus generate additional traffic and revenue. ! vwd money special – Exclusive fo r media cu stomers BENEFITS AT A GLANCE Extension of your website by dynamic pages containing stock market and investment themes Reinforcement of customer loyalty due to the provision of educational contents and a risk/return display Increase in the number of page impressions through more traffic Increase in turnover due to additional marketable pages Increase in the length of time spent on the website due to the use of interactive technologies Simple and fast integration into the look and feel of your existing web presence Thank you very much for your interest in vwd max value. We are pleased to submit a concrete offer to you or explain this advertising chance to you in an one-on-one interview. Our ‘Advertising Services’ team will be available for you at phone +49 69 50701-404 or via e-mail: maxvalue@vwd.com Further information about vwd max value is provided on the internet at: www.vwd.com/maxvalue vwd Vereinigte Wirtschaftsdienste GmbH Avertising Services Tilsiter Strasse 1 60487 Frankfurt am Main