ITS Profile.cdr - Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
ITS Profile.cdr - Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
ITS PROFILE Contact Us : International Office ITS Rectorat Building 2nd Floor Kampus ITS Keputih Sukolilo Surabaya 60111 Indonesia Phone/Fax : +6231 5923411 Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya Indonesia Message from the Rector Most of people now expect that university is not only doing research and disseminating knowledge and technology but also contributing directly to local or national economic development. ITS recognizes and highly appreciates the expectation of society on the role of ITS. Through its education, research and development, and community development programs, ITS always consistently tries its best to fulfill community expectation. To achieve all of the above objectives, ITS has set up the following strategy and corporate culture. Three main strategic themes being implemented are: building ITS image, strengthening intellectual capital, and developing network. For corporate culture, ITS adopts four themes as follow: scientific tradition, hard work, good university governance and socio-cohesiveness. It is believed that using these strategies, corporate culture and mutual involvement of all ITS's stakeholders, ITS can achieve its objectives, mission and vision. This ITS profile is designed to provide a glance of ITS with important and basic information on the educational and social aspects of studying and living in Surabaya. The last, we would like to welcome you at ITS. Prof. Dr. Ir. Tri Yogi Yuwono, DEA Rector of ITS History of ITS Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, commonly abbreviated as ITS, was founded as the yield of the conference of Indonesian Engineering Council in 1954 in Bogor. The idea was further developed when the Council held the first five-year anniversary in Surabaya in 1957. Then, the East Java Branch of the Council decided to establish a Foundation of Technical School or University on the 17th August chaired by dr. Angka Nitisastro. On the 17th August 1957, the Foundation officiated the Technical School of Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya. The school was officially inaugurated by President Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia, and had two departments, i.e. civil and mechanical engineering. The status of the Technical School was later altered to a state technical school in Surabaya under Government Regulation No. 9/1961 dated 23rd March 1961 which stated the birth of the Institute on 10th November 1960. At present ITS manages five faculties, namely, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Faculty of Marine Technology and Faculty of Information Technology. It also manages two states polytechnics, i.e., Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS) and Surabaya State Shipbuilding Polytechnics (PPNS). ITS is currently taking serious steps to become a university with international accreditation. It has the objective of preparing to be in the 100 Asian's best universities or in the 500 World's best universities. The institution is currently adopting a new paradigm by executing sequential acceleration to realize an economic development university (EDU), whilst at the same time, strengthening the foundation of reputable teaching and research university. The Institution has contributed so many community works. In 2005 its creation of houses for Tsunami tidal wave victims in Aceh Province. In cooperation with the East Java Province Government and business community, the Institution has managed to submit 1000 makeshift houses for the victims. It also dedicated prototypes of small boats to fishermen in Aceh and neighboring areas. Introduction to ITS Surabaya, the capital of East Java Province, has held many names. Popularly known as Heroes' city, it also enjoys many reputations, such as the city of industries, commerce, maritime, and education. As a center of industries and commerce, Surabaya owns many modern production and service facilities. As a maritime city, it has abundant activities and means of transporting and shipping of goods, both inter-islands and international. Table 1. General Data Title Data Total Students 15.861 Total Teaching Staffs Total Administration Staffs Total Budget(IDR) ITS, being the most prestigious and biggest higher learning institute in the eastern part of the country, cannot be historically separated from the struggle and fighting spirit of the Surabaya people during the war against the Dutch and the British army which culminated in the 10 November 1945 known as the Heroes' Day. ITS vision is to become a university with international recognition in science, technology, arts and to support industrial and marine development under environmental perspective in the region. Meanwhile, ITS missions, among others, are to conduct efficient higher education to produce international-standard graduates, carry out research and development of sciences, promote and maintain academic morale, ethics and religion for the enhancement of human civilization. ITS campus is situated in the eastern part of Surabaya with total land area of approximately 190 hectares and the total building area of about 150,000 square meters. This wide area provides advantages both for excellent scientific activities and natural complex of life environment. 1168 558,793 Number of Laboratories Surabaya, as a center of education, has 70 (seventy) state and private universities. These excellent education facilities cater for the academic needs of high school graduates from the city and the surrounding areas, especially from the eastern part of the country. As the second largest city in Indonesia after the capital of Jakarta, Surabaya has become the main motivator of trading and education activities for other towns in East Java Province and adjacent provinces. 933 225 Table 2 . Academic Classification of Teaching Staffs in 2010 Professor No 1 2 3 4 5 Faculty M Mathematics and Natural Sciences 14 Industrial Tecnology 39 Civil Engineering and Planning 11 Marine Technology 8 Information Technology 4 Total 76 F 1 2 5 0 1 8 Head Lecturer M F 42 20 81 12 47 22 23 0 8 4 201 58 Lecturer M 50 76 65 27 13 231 F 39 21 14 0 8 82 Senior Assistant Others M 14 52 44 17 11 138 F 20 17 21 3 2 63 Table 3. Educational Background of Teaching Staffs in 2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 Doctor M F Mathematics and Natural Sciences 40 13 Industrial Tecnology 85 11 Civil Engineering and Planning 35 15 Marine Technology 30 0 Information Technology 7 2 Total 197 41 Faculty Master Bachelor Total Total M F M F M F 81 57 8 13 129 83 212 140 39 36 10 261 60 321 114 45 33 13 182 73 255 44 3 6 1 80 4 84 29 14 7 2 43 18 61 408 158 90 39 695 238 933 M 9 13 15 5 7 49 F 3 1 2 1 3 27 Total M 129 261 182 80 43 695 F 83 53 64 4 18 238 Table 4. Ratio of Teaching Staff to Student in 2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Industrial Tecnology Civil Engineering and Planning Marine Technology Information Technology Total Academic Staff 212 321 255 84 61 933 Table 7. Total Students per Faculty in 2010 Student 2162 6254 3910 1605 1594 15525 Ratio 1 : 10 1 :5 1 :7 1 :5 1 :4 1 :6 No 1 2 3 4 5 Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Industrial Tecnology Civil Engineering and Planning Marine Technology Information Technology Total Doctor Master Program Bachelor 37 233 134 72 42 0 285 Total 1666 Diploma (D3 & D4) 226 2162 487 264 4345 2981 1288 593 6254 3910 82 142 1208 1481 1452 11925 2107 1605 1594 15525 Table 5. Applicants, Accepted, and Ratio of New Students Acceptance in 2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Industrial Tecnology Civil Engineering and Planning Marine Technology Information Technology Total ITS Number of Applicants 1111 4138 2854 1135 2804 12048 Accepted Table 8. Grade Point Average (GPA), Average Duration of Study and Productivity in 2010 168 358 348 121 107 1102 Table 6. Total Students According to Gender in 2010 No 1 2 3 4 5 Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences Industrial Tecnology Civil Engineering and Planning Marine Technology Information Technology Total Male Total % 789 36.49 4597 73.50 2426 62.05 1388 86.48 1093 68.57 10293 66.30 Ratio Female Total % 1373 63.51 1657 26.50 1484 37.95 217 13.52 501 31.43 5232 33.70 Total 2162 6254 3910 1605 1594 15525 1 : 15 1:9 1 : 12 1 : 11 1:4 1:9 No 1 2 3 4 Program Doctoral (S3) Master (S2) Bachelor (S1) Diploma (D3) GPA 3,85 3,48 3.16 3,05 Average Duration of Study 9,79 4,45 9,32 6,43 Productivity (%) 5,49 31,84 19,05 21,48 ITS Eco Campus - Think, Green Action, Sustain At the age 51 years in 2011, ITS is taking step of being an Eco Campus. Based on The Surabaya Environmental Agency(BLH Surabaya) statement, Eco-campus is defined as a campus that has been caring and has conducted a systematic and sustainable environtmental managenent. Eco-campus is a reflection of the involvement of the entire academic community in order to always pay attention to aspects of health and the environment around it. ITS Eco Campus first program is G2(Gugur Gunung) which was held at the 51st Anniversary of ITS and involving all new students of 2011. The main purpose is to have campus greening by planting trees in some place within the ITS campus. Beside that, ITS also has many other programs such as Socio Engineering Program, Evaluation and Revitalization of ITS Masterplan of Eco-campus, Safe, Comfort, Healthy, and Humane Internal Movement System, Ecoquote Competition, Eficiency of Electricity and Water Usage and Quality, Integrated Waste Management, and so many other. Faculties and Departments Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) The faculty was founded under Ministry Decree No. 72/1965. In 1983, the structural organization was modified and its name was changed to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences The faculty is expected to produce human resources who are able to develop mathematical logical-thinking and to make scientific conclusions, to explain the behaviour of the earth through scientific research as well as to produce various scientific ideas and findings. FTI was founded as the realization of Government Regulation No. 5/1980 and Government Regulation No. 27/1981 officiated under the Decree of The Minister of Education and Culture No. 0144/0/1983 regarding Organization and ITS. Education in FTI is specifically designed to yield graduates who are able to keep abreast with the development of science and technology, and who are sensitive to the community demands in the areas of industry and technology. Program Studies NO. 1 2 3 4 5 Department Department of Physics Department of Mathematics Department of Statistics Department of Chemistry Department of Biology Program Studies Diploma v Bachelor v v v v v Master v v v v Doctoral v v NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Department Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Chemical Engineering Department of Industrial Engineering Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering Department of Engineering Physics Diploma v v v Bachelor v v v v v Master v v v v v v v Doctoral v v v V Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning (FTSP) Faculty of Marine Technology (FTK) FTK was established under the President's Decree No. 58/1982 as a further development of Faculty of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding Engineering. In 1982 the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning was founded from the affiliation of two faculties, namely, Faculty of Civil Engineering (established in 1957) and Faculty of Architectural Engineering (established in 1965). In its course, the Faculty has formed Department of Design and Industrial Products in order to produce graduates with skills in design and arts for industrial needs. Program Studies NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Department Department of Civil Engineering Department of Architecture Department of Environmental Engineering Department of Industrial Product Design Department of Geomatics Engineering Department of Regional and Urban Planning Diploma v Bachelor v v v v V v Master v v v Doctoral v v Marine technology is basically an engineering science to exploit the sea as transportation means as well as potential resources and space or life environment for human's welfare. Based on an accreditation from RINA (the Royal Institute of Naval Architects) of the UK, on curricula, syllabi, lecturer qualifications, number of students, graduates as well as supporting facilities within the Faculty, the Faculty of Marine Technology has been accredited and its graduates is acknowledged equivalent to B.Sc graduates from UK and other commonwealth countries. Education in FTK aims at providing human resources who master ship planning and construction, management of dock heavy industry and hydrodynamics, management of port and transportation, shipping systems, propulsion systems, piping system and assistive miscellaneous appliances, offshore structure planning, coastal facility planning, port and its facilities, piping system under sea, and many others. Program Studies NO. 1 2 3 4 5 Department Department of Naval Architecture Department Marine Engineering Department of Ocean Engineering Department of Sea Transportation Double Degree ITS-Wismar in Marine Engineering Diploma Bachelor v v v v v Master v v v Doctoral v v v Polytechnics (PENS and PPNS) Faculty of Information Technology (FTIf) ITS also manages two states polytechnics, i.e. Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic (PENS) And Surabaya State Shipbuilding Polytechnics (PPNS). FTIf is the newest faculty, established under the Rector's Decree dated on 14th June 2011. The establishment of the Faculty was made as a response to the demands of increasing quality and distribution of information technology. The foundation of the faculty was officially acknowledged by the Government through the Decree of Ministry of National Education on the 12th July 2002. Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnics(PENS) offers a full-time Three-year study program, including industrial internship (field work) in electronic industries and related fields for 4 weeks. The graduates is called 'middle expert' (Ahli Madya).the foundation of PENS was obtained through a grant from the Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA), for the construction of building and educational equipment in 1998. There are three departments run by the Polytechnics : Department of Electrical Engineering; Department of Electronicd Engineering; Department of Telecommunication. It also conducts further education of a four-year polytechnics diploma and the title for the graduates is BASc (Bachelor of Applied Sciences) or Sarjana Sains Terapan(SST) in Indonesian. In 2003, JICA gave another grant to develop the four-year diploma program. Education of FTIf ITS aims at producing experts having in-depth knowledge of computer technology and masters of troubleshooting techniques. The curriculum was compiled on the basis of equal balance of hardware and software aspects. Program Studies NO. Department 1 Department of Computer Science (Informatics) 2 Department of Information System Diploma Bachelor v Master v v v Doctoral There are six departments run by PENS: a. Department of Industrial Electronics Engineering b. Departement of Electronics Engineering c. Department of Telecommunication d. Department of Informatics e. Department of Computer Engineering f. Department of Multimedia and Broadcasting Surabaya State Shipbuilding Polytechnics (PPNS) was founded in 1987. In its development, from 1989 to 1998, it received grant from the German Government Through GTZ(Deutsche Gesellschaft Technische Zusammenarbeit) in technical expert assistance, staff development and levying of books and journals. PPNS also has a joint work with Technical University of Bremen and Nuernberg, Germany. Those are four departments run in Surabaya State Shipbuilding Polytechnics : Department of Design and Construction Engineering, Department of Shipbuilding Technology, Department Ship Machinery Engineering and Department Ship Electrical Engineering. There are four departments run by PPNS : a. Department of Ship Machinery Engineering b. Department of Design and Construction Engineering c. Department of Ship Electrical Engineering d. Department of Occupational Safety and Health Quality of Education Academic Facilities and Student Services ITS has a strong commitment to provide high-quality graduates with academic background and strong personal grounding which will greatly assist them in their professions. This high standard is achieved through regular assessments to meet the requirements of high quality education. ITS has many facilities which comprise first-class seminar rooms, laboratories at each department, a multipurpose hall (Graha ITS), theatres, polyclinics, banks, post office, dispensary, fibre-optic based local area network, workshops, guest houses, mosque and others. The academic facilities include Central Library, Language Center, Computer Center, Internet Center, ITS Press, Design Center, etc. Service to students and lecturers is carried out by more than 1100 staff. ITS has various bureaus such as Students and Academic Bureau, Financial and General Administration Bureau, and Information System and Planning Bureau. To support the learning process, ITS provides several units such as Central Library, Central Computing Unit, ITS Press or Publication, Sport Facilities, Language Center and General or Public Facilities. ITS also has a Language Center which now plays an important part because all students must go through this unit for intensive training in the English Language. This has to be done, since they must gain fluency in the language to support their professional needs, in which they have to reach a TOEFL score of 450 for undergraduates, 475 for postgraduates and 500 for doctorates. Thus, every ITS graduate is expected to master the respected science and technology and, at the same time, to master English as a means for international communication. Student services include students activity center, dormitory, canteen, student cooperation, sport facilities, and Student Advisory Center (SAC), the last being a service giving consultation to students who seek jobs. Sport facilities are football and indoor football courts (futsal), tennis court, basketball courts, wall climbing, rafting, volleyball courts, jogging track and indoor badminton courts. ITS Language Centre provides training of English, French, German, Arabic, Japanese and Mandarin for the students. Table 9 No 1 2 Type Collect Printed Masters Book Journal Video Cassette Audio Visual Collection Micro Film Microfiche Cassette CD-Room Slide Total Titles 78880 2188 539 Volume 129174 56339 669 154 21 44 1387 10059 12226 1732 2258 100 1902 1005 17247 Networking and Academic Cooperation with Overseas Universities As a center of academic works and research, ITS has strong links with industries, governmental institutions, NGOs, home and overseas universities and organizations. These cooperations involve: Small, Medium, and Large Industries PT Badak NGL Co, PT INKA, PT KAI, PT IPTN, PT PAL, PT BBI, PT Caltex Pasific Indonesia, PT Krakatau Steel, PT Kodja Bahari, PT Pupuk Kaltim, Pertamina, PT Indosat, PT Telkom, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT PLN, PT Petrokimia Gresik, PT Semen Gresik, PT General Electrick, PT Toyota Astra, PT Cargiil, PT Bukaka Teknik, PT Adhikarya, PT Garuda Indonesia, PT Philips Indonesia, PT Ericsson Indonesia, PT Newmont, PT Multipolar, PT Mutidata, etc. Regional Government Provinces of Riau, Papua, East Kalimantan, East Java, etc. Governmental Organisations Ministry of Public Work, Ministry of Industrial and Trade, Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of Environment, Agency for Assessment and Application of Technologies (BPPT), Indonesian Navy, Indonesian Air Force, Indonesian Police, National Academy of Sciences (LIPI), Bank of Indonesia, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, BPS (Indonesian Statistics), PDT (Ministry of Remote Areas), etc. Universities in Indonesia Most universities in; East Java, Hasanutjdin University, Pattimura University, Cenderawasih University,,.Haluoleo University, Tadulako University, Mataram University, Nusa Cendana University, Mula- . v warman University, Lambung Mangkurat University, ITB, UGM, Ul, Andalas University, Syah Kuala University, IPB, etc. Overseas Universities. On-going Collaborations Curtin University of Technology, Australia; University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA; L'Universite Henri Poincare, Nancy !, France; University (TH) Karlsruhe; Infrastructure Development Institute (IDI), Japan; Kobe University of Mercantile of Marine; University of Paderborn, Germany; Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan; MIRCE Academy, UK; Dutch Univ. of Professional Education, Holland; Enitiaa, Nantes, France; TU Delft University of Tech., Holland; IBC, Higher Studies (M) SDN, BHD, Malaysia; National Taiwan Univ. of Science & Technology; Kobe University, Japan; Toyo University, Japan; Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan; Faculty of Engineering-Kumamoto Univ., Japan; Fac. of Science & Eng. - Saga Univ., Japan; Univ. de La Rochelle, Leur Cooperation Ped.; College of Architecture - Hanyang Univ, Korea; University College of Boras (UCB); Infrastructure Development Institute (IDI), Japan; The Institute Geochemistry and Mineralogy Universität (TH) Karlsruhe Germany; University of Qulu Finland, Red Sea University Sudan, Khartoum University Sudan, Gezira University Sudan, Pusan National University Korea, Pukyong University Korea, Pokhara University Nepal, Daeduk University Korea, etc. Previous Collaborations Eindhoven University of Technology, Holland; University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK; University of Strathclyde, UK; Technical University Berlin, Germany; Toyo University, Japan; Murdoch University, Australia; University of Montana, USA; University of Hiroshima, Japan; Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand; University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France; Hochschule Bremen, Gerrhany; Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore; L'lnstitute National Des Science Appliquess (INSA); University of New Orleans (UNO); Georg-Simon-Ohm Fachhochshule, Nuernberg; Freiberg Univ. of Mining & Tech; State of Queensland acting through Moreton TAFE; University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM); Texas A& M Univ. the Edc for community; Postgraduate College Natural Disaster, Germany; Deakin University, Australia; Soka University, Japan. Institute of Research and Public Service To support ITS targets, i.e. Generating relevant and high quality contributions in the development of science, technology, and art for the needs of national and international level, the Institute of Research and Community Services (LPPM)-ITS carries out incessant researches and services whic are of significant benefit to the community. Research and community service are coordinated by LPPM through the center and integrated smaller units. All centers and units will be directed into the pre-eminent unit in the control, development, and application of science and technology to empower the natural resources and existing community. There are nine study centers or reaearch centers in ITS, i.e. energy (conservation, extension of available energy resources, development of new energy resources, alternative and environmentally friendly energy resources, economic efficiency, strong transmission and distribution); appropriate technology (urban technology, resources based technology, technology for small and medium scale industry, tools and equipments for home industry); material (ceramics, composites, high-performance material, smart material); safety engineering research center (fire protection system, industrial safety system, safety management, vehicle safety system); life community and building (passive solar, intelligent, and high performance building, urban and community planning, socio engineering); environment (the monitoring, analysis, and industrial waste treatment, remedies of clean technology and control of pollution, recycle and recovery sewage, noise monitoring and control); transportation (intelligent transportation system, transportation facility in land and sea. Traffic control and safety system, vehicle atomotive technology); marine (industrial maritim, bioactive substance, water and natural resources, marine transportation facilities); information, communication, and microelectronics (information and communication technology, system and hardware, software utilization, GIS, remote sensing, information system, mechatronics, microelectronics). Various factors play important parts in the way of executing collaborations with outside parties such as willingness to become a partner, cohesiveness of the team and top visions. Financial consideration is always a dominant.factor for the-success of multiparty collaborations. Research funding in 2005 is shown In Table 10. As its commitment community service, LPPM-ITS will be more vigorous in disseminating and exploring the results of its researches. Dissemination through various media, especially to people outside ITS will create a mutual benefit between ITS and community. In the future, this institution will create LPPM Information Systems of ITS containing potency and activities as well as some works of LPPM lecturers on research and community service. No 1 2 3 Funding Sources Local National Joint-Ventura Total Total Titles 82 169 94 345 Total Funding (IDR) 2.550.000.000 11.911.000.000 27.767.000.000 Teaching Staff Involved 246 507 45 798 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. GRHA ITS (GRHA ITS) UPT. Bahasa ITS (Center of Language and Culture) Politeknik Elektro Negeri Surabaya (State Electronics Polytechnic of Surabaya) Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya (State Shipping Polytechnic of Surabaya) Jurusan Teknik Industri (Department of Industrial Engineering) Jurusan Sistem Informasi (Department of Information System) Laboratorium D3 Teknik Mesin (D3 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory) Gedung D3 (D3 Building) Jurusan Planologi (Department of Regional and Urban Planning) Jurusan Geomatika (Department of Geomatics) Gedung Robotika Indonesia (Indonesia Robotics Building) Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan (Department of Environmental Engineering) Jurusan Desain Produk Industri (Department of Industrial Product Design) Jurusan Teknik Sipil (Department of Civil Engineering and Planning) Jurusan Arsitektur (Department of Architecture) Jurusan Teknik Informatika (Department of Computer Science) Gedung NASDEC (NASDEC Building) BPPT (Badan Pengkajian & Penerapan Teknologi) (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology) Reseach Center UPMB (UPMB) Gedung Pasca Sarjana (Post Graduate Building) Gedung Rektorat (Rectorate Building) Masjid Manarul 'Ilmi (Manarul 'Ilmi Mosque) Perpustakaan Pusat ITS (ITS Central Library) BAAK (Bureau of Academic and Student Affairs) BAUK (Bureau of Administration and Finance) Soshum (Social and Law) PUSKOM (Communication Center) Jurusan Teknik Kelautan (Department of Ocean Engineering) Jurusan Sistem Perkapalan (Department of Marine Engineering) Jurusan Teknik Perkapalan (Department of Naval Architecture) Jurusan Teknik Kimia (Department of Chemical Engineering) Jurusan Teknik Elektro (Department of Electrical Engineering) Jurusan Teknik Fisika (Department of Engineering Physics) Jurusan Teknik Mesin (Department of Mechanical Engineering) Jurusan Teknik Material (Department of Material and Metallurgical Engineering) SCC (Student Community Center) Gedung M Web (M-Web Buiding) SAC (Student Advisory Center) BNI (Bank of BNI) Jurusan Kimia (Department of Chemistry) Jurusan Matematika (Department of Mathematics) Jurusan Statistik (Department of Statistics) Jurusan Fisika (Department of Physics) Jurusan Biologi (Department of Biology) GOR Indoor (Indoor Sports Arena) GOR Bulutangkis (Badminton Courts) Perumahan Dosen (Lecturer's Housing) Stadion (Stadium) Asrama Mahasiswa (ITS Student Dormitory) Medical Center ITS (Medical Center of ITS) INFORMATION 1. 2. 3.
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