(ITS) SPIE Student Chapter i
(ITS) SPIE Student Chapter i
Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id ANNUAL ACTIVITY REPORT ITS SPIE STUDENT CHAPTER Introduction Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) SPIE Student Chapter is an international organization that is engaged in the optical and photonic in Indonesia under the auspices of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), which is located in Bellingham, WA. This organization was endorsed by SPIE through its annual conference on May 31, 2014, and officially founded on March 3, 2014. At the beginning, ITS SPIE Student Chapter has 12 members with 2 senior supervisor of the SPIE members: Dr.rer.nat. Aulia Nasution, Agus M Hatta, PhD. Currently ITS SPIE Student Chapter is the first and the only one student chapter in Indonesia, where the establishment approved by the Chairman of the Department of Engineering Physics and fully supported by the Student Association of Engineering Physics, i.e. an organization for Engineering Physics students. Meanwhile, all working programs of the ITS SPIE Student Chapter is under the umbrella of the Photonics Engineering Laboratory. All of the running programs are synergistic with the ones of the ITS OSA Student Chapter. They are, for example, the dissemination and promotional activities to introduce the field optics and photonics for students of Engineering Physics and for the high school students in Surabaya and surrounding regions. In general, all program of ITS SPIE Student Chapter is intended to enhance the growing interest in the field of optics-photonic from the community, as well as introduce them with all possible unrecognized underlying principles of optics and photonics in human daily life. Several working programs of the ITS SPIE Student Chapter in 2014-2015 are Open New Member Recruitment, National Guest Lecture Program, Campus Fair, Visit Companies, Publication of Optics and Photonics Field, Visit Campus, and Photo Optical Instrumentation Practicum. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Member of SPIE ITS Student Chapter(2014-2015) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Name Siti Sulikhah Vinda Dwi Dini Fradita Winarno Elok Cahyaningtyas Rinda Nur Hidayati Muhammad lqbal Baikhaqi Putria Widya Budiarti Ika Novitasari Isti Wahyuningsih Artha Bona Rini R Nur Ika Puji Ayu Ibrahim Mas'ud. A Position President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Activity Report of SPIE ITS Student Chapter(2014-2015) 1. Open New Member Recruitment Recruitment program: with aims to keep the suistainability of this chapter management in the future. One of the target is to increase the number of new members of ITS SPIE Student Chapter among students in the University. About 15 until 25 members are hoped to strengthen the activities in the coming year. Attractive promoting and campaigning programs were done by utilizing posters, opening a special boot in the locations where student’s activities centered, and other media such as social media, and mailing list. A simple welcome party are held to innaugurate these new members. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Title of activity Purpose Open New Member Recruitment 1. This program for regeneration’s member of ITS SPIE Student Chapter 2. Promoting ITS SPIE Student Chapter to another departments. Time and Place On September, 21st 2014 at Ruang Sidang, Engineering Physics of Activity Department, ITS Target All students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, specially the students who interested o optics and photonics field. Benchmark of ITS SPIE Student Chapter gets 15 until 25 members from several success departments in ITS Achievement Quantity The total new members are 24 member from Engineering Physics Department. Quality There are some grade on ITS SPIE Student Chapter membership; 2th, 3th, 4th undergraduate student, and Master student. Seven members of them are photonics engineering laboratory who guide some practicums about optics and photonics field. Member Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika Novitasari, involved Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Ibrahim Mas’ud, Elok Cahyaningtyas, Isti Wahyuningsih Real Condition The related activities were held in synergy with the similar program of the and Evaluation ITS OSA Student Chapter. Publications regarding these activities are disseminated to all departments in ITS, which have activities related to photo-optical and instrumentation field. This activity began with sosialization student chapter and benefits of SPIE member. Then, the advisor explained about development of optics and photonics technology. The contributing members in this program were not in full team, since some members are engaged to handle the practicums activities in laboratory. The publication also not effective because only some department can join with this student chapter. For the next similar event, it needs to use more attractive publications, that makes students attracted and have interest to join with this chapter. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Documentation Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id 2. National Guest Lecture Program National guest lecture programs was accomplished by inviting one of prominent lecturers from other national institutions, who is actively engaged in the field of optics and photonics. The target audiences for this program are: • the first are students from various senior high schools nationwide. This program was held in conjuction with the Engineering Physics Week 2015, i.e. one of the annual activity organized by the Engineering Physics Student Association. This program is free for all participants. There were about 7 members of the chapter involved in supporting this program. Number of participants coming from senior high school are 200 participants. Duration of this program is about 2 hours, andwas held in the University's hall. • the second target are the undergraduate and master students in ITS and other Universities, which will be held in the Auditorium of the Department of Engineering Physics. The programs was aimed to provide students with a broader and deeper knowledge about concepts and novel advances in optics and photonics Title of activity National Guest Lecture Program Purpose Purpose of this program are to introduce application of optics and photonics, prospective opportunities in future, providing illustrations on the development in this field, and sharing of expertise and experiences from lecturer. Time and Place 1. February, 6th 2015 at Graha Sepuluh Nopember, ITS of Activity 2. March, 20th 2015 at Ruang Sidang, Engineering Physics Department, ITS Target All students from Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember and all Engineering Physics Week participants from some universities and senior high schools in Indonesia, especially the students who are interested on optics and photonics field. Benchmark of Minimum attendees are: 30 students from ITS, 20 students from another success universities, and 50 senior high school students in Indonesia. Achievement Quantity The total audiences are more than 50 from Engineering Physics Department, other department in ITS, other universities in Surabaya, and senior high school student in Indonesia. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Quality There are many attendees from several campus and senior high school students in Indonesia who have good knowledge in physics and can apply this seminar. It is also followed by students from some department in ITS including all members of ITS SPIE Student Chapter. So, this event can advance the field of optics-based photonics technology through the exchange of information, publications and career. Member Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika involved Novitasari, Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Isti Wahyuningsih Real Condition This program was a paralel session on optics and photonics, and it was and Evaluation the first event in Engineering Physics Week. Most of audience were really interested with topics presented in the the seminar. It was also promoting the commemoration of the International Year of Light (IYL), to introduce to the community about the contribution of the optics and photonics field in real life that not yet known by most of them. The second seminar about development of optic instrumentation and image analize for 3D skin imaging by Dr.Suprijanto,ST,MT from Institut Teknologi Bandung. Discussion section is held after seminar to explain seminar materials that the audience did not understand yet. The evaluation of this activity is about timeline and publication of event need a modification. Then, next event must enclose simulation or demontration in order to improve understanding the audience. Documentation Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id 3. Campus Fair Campus Fair is an activity for intoduce engineering physics study program for high school student, who will continue study in the university in the next year. In Indonesia optics and photonics field is still unpopuler, so this is our effort to make disseminate and stimulate the interest in the students to know about the beauty of this field. This program was held in Engineering Physics Week section and no registration for all participant. We also promoted this event on Chapter's Webpage. Chapter's Webpage is a site that consist of documentation of student chapter activities, organizational structure, and the descriptions of chapter's workplans. This webpage is expected to be a communication and promotional media for our student chapter. This site of our webpage is:http://www.spiesc.its.ac.id. After that, there are some monitoring about this activity. This activity is done through an online or web media to facilitate so no need to go to the senior high school . Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Title of activity Purpose Campus Fair Purpose of this program are to introduce Engineering Physics Department, specially Photonics Engineering Laboratory that shades ITS SPIE Student Chapter to senior high school students. Time and Place February, 6th 2015 at Graha Sepuluh Nopember, ITS of Activity Target All Engineering Physics Week participants from some senior high schools in Indonesia, specially the students who interested on optics and photonics field. Benchmark of Minimum can be followed 20 senior high school students in Indonesia. success Achievement Quantity The total participants are more than 20 from several senior high school student in Indonesia and their teacher. Quality Some participants have initiative to developt new theory from our demonstration. Then, there are many senior high school teachers interest with easy practicum for exam in their school. Besides promoting ITS SPIE Student Chapter, this event can provide forum for discussion each other participant. So, it can develop a greater interest in the field of optics-photonic among all participant. Member Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika Novitasari, involved Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Isti Wahyuningsih Real Condition Campus fair included sosialization of our chapter with ITS OSA Student and Evaluation Chapter and demonstration about some final projects that is made in Photonics Engineering Laboratory. It also explained our activity and study program in Engineering Physics department. Discussion about new optics and technology is implemented during simulation. All participants really enthusiastically followed the simulation in each booth. They are excited to make another practicum from some practicum that is shown by ITS SPIE Student Chapter members. The evaluation from campus fair is not available facilities in each booth and time available for preparation is not enough. Next event, the booth must be placed in best spot in order to all participant can visit each booth easily and happily. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Documentation 4. Publication of Optics and Photonics Field In this activity we promoted optics and photonics field to new Engineering Physics students from all provinces in Indonesia. We presented about the current and future development of optics and photonics. This activity is implemented with Engineering Physics Student Association and all laboratory in Engineering Physics Department. It is “Rally Lab” Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id series which is held every year. There are 12 members of chapter are needed to support this activity. Title activity Purpose Time Place Activity Target of Publication of Optics and Photonics Field The purpose from this activity is will improve the knowledge of the students in the field of optics and photonics. and On October, 13rd 2014 at Photonics Engineering Laboratory, Engineering of Physics Department, ITS All new Engineering Physics Students from several provinces in Indonesia, specially the students who interested on optics and photonics field. Benchmark of Minimum can be followed by 100 new students. success Achievement Quantity The total participants are more than 100 new students Quality All participant followed the program seriously and after that they are made a resume about the materials. Then, each group discussed about their knowledge in optics and photonics field. They also made a poster to explain one of new technology on photo-optical instrumentation. So, it disseminated knowledge in the field of optics-based photonic technology. Member Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika Novitasari, involved Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Isti Wahyuningsih Real Condition Participants are divided into many groups and each group received a different and Evaluation task to discussion with Engineering Physics laboratory assistants. This event also promoted about the research and activity plan in our laboratory including work program of ITS SPIE Student Chapter. Herewith it, we also given more opportunities for study about sensor, photonics device, and image processing. The practicum is implemented by assistant using He-Ne Lasers. The evaluation of this activity is time alocation for presentation for each group. Presentation have done alternately from one laboratory to another laboratory. It required detail division for each presentation. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Documentation 5. Photo-Optical Instrumentation Practicum This activity is part of lecture at Department of Engineering Phyics. There are some object for practicum, such as fiber optic, laser, image processing, hologram, biomedical optics filed, sensor, etc. Practicum directed for students (bachelor and diploma) that held in Photonic Engineering laboratory. After that, monitoring conducted to determine the extent to which the results of practicum. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Title of activity Purpose Photo-Optical Instrumentation Practicum The purpose from this activity is will improve the knowledge of the students in the field of optics and photonics. Time and Place On November, 17th 2014 until December,12nd 2014 at Photonics of Activity Engineering Laboratory, Engineering Physics Department, ITS Target All Engineering Physics Students whom take “Teknik Optik” courses. Benchmark of All participants can pursue all practicums in Photonics Engineering success Laboratory Achievement Quantity The total participants are more than 50 students whom take “Teknik Optik” courses Quality All participant get lab modul for each practicum. There are explaination of materials and how to set-up the component for practicum. Material presented has been discussed with the lecturer. Member Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika involved Novitasari, Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Isti Wahyuningsih Real Condition Participants are divided into many groups and there are schedule of and Evaluation practicum once a week. There are 4 materials in this practicum. All participants really enthusiastically followed the practicum. They are excited to ask and discuss everything about the material in practicum. The evaluation from photo-optical instrumentation practicum is not available new facilities in each practicum. Documentation Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id 6. Visit Campus Title of Activity Purpose SPIE Visits to Telematics Laboratory ITS 1. To discuss optic-photonic-related research, conducted at Telematics Laboratory 2. Introducing OSA/SPIE ITS student chapter to Laboratory members Time and Place Friday, May 8th 2015 8.30 am - 10.00 am Telematics Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department ITS Target Participant Benchmark of Success Achievement Member of OSA/SPIE ITS student chapter Member involved 10 to 15 OSA/SPIE ITS student chapter members were expected to participate in this visitation Quantity The total participants are 15 students of OSA/ SPIE ITS SC and 4 member of Telematics Laboratory Quality All participant get lab modul for each practicum. There are explaination of materials and how to set-up the component for practicum. Material presented has been discussed with the lecturer. Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika Novitasari, Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Isti Wahyuningsih, Ahmad Nur Rizky, Gede Panji Wiryawan, Herryawan Kurnia Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Real Condition Participants and Evaluation Documentation Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id 7. Visit Company Title of Activity Purpose SPIE Visits to PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (PT TELKOM) 1. To know about the application of photonics in company. 2. Introducing OSA/SPIE ITS student chapter to company. Time and Place Friday, May 29th 2015 PT Telkom, Surabaya City Indonesia Target Participant Benchmark of Success Real Condition and Evaluation Member of OSA/SPIE ITS student chapter Documentation 10 to 15 OSA/SPIE ITS student chapter members were expected to participate in this visitation Actually the real condition, PT Telkom was denied our proposal because there is no guide from the PT Telkom. But we anticipated this problem with another visitation to LIPI Serpong Jakarta about introducing of Optics and Photonics Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id OPTICS OUTREACH KIT REPORT In this activity we will explain the current and future development of optics and photonic in some areas to the senior high school students. We will invite several students and teachers from Senior High schools in Surabaya. This activity will improve the knowledge and interests of the student in the field of optics and photonics because the material will be presented the optics and photonics field in a different way as they thought in schools. There will be presentation and demonstration Session. In presentation sessions, there will be lecturers from our department who will deliver their sensations. The presentations will be about the current and future applications of optics and photonics in some areas. In the demonstration Session, we will provide them with a hands-on experiments relating to the basics optical principles that underlying developments of applications given in the lectures. Demonstration by simulation software and several experiment modules will be prepared. Title of activity One Day Workshop about The Future of Optics and Photonics Purpose Purpose of this program are: 1. We hope that the students will have a better insight to the concepts of optics and photonics after attending this workshop. 2. We hope the student interest in our department because we have a organizations that explore the field of optical and photonic Time and Place December, 13th 2015 at Ruang Sidang, Engineering Physics Dept. ITS of Activity Target All Engineering Physics Week participants from some senior high schools in Surabaya City, Indonesia, specially the students who interested on optics and photonics field. Achievement Quantity The total participants are 7 students from several senior high school student in Surabaya City and their teacher. Quality Some participants have initiative to developt new theory from our Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id demonstration. Then, there are many senior high school teachers interest with easy practicum for exam in their school. Besides promoting ITS SPIE Student Chapter, this event can provide forum for discussion each other participant. So, it can develop a greater interest in the field of optics-photonic among all participant. Member Siti Sulikhah, Putria Widya Budiarti, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Ika Novitasari, involved Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Isti Wahyuningsih Real Condition Oneday workshop included sosialization of our chapter with ITS SPIE and Evaluation Student Chapter and demonstration about optical application with some outreach kit from SPIE. All participants really enthusiastically followed the simulation in each booth. They are excited to make another practicum from some practicum that is shown by ITS SPIE Student Chapter members. The evaluation from Oneday Workshop, the participant who joined this event is not appropriate with the amount target. Next event, publication must be more harder. Documentation Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id MEETING REPORT Time and date: February 25 2015, 4.30 – 6.00 PM th Place: Photonics Engineering Laboratory, Engineering Physics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Participants: Siti Sulikhah, Ika Novitasari, Artha Bona Rini Rizki, Muhammad Iqbal Baikhaqi, Ibrahim Mas’ud Abdurrahman, Putria, Elok Cahyaningtyas, Rinda Nur Hidayati, Putri Yeni Aisyah, Vinda, Fradita Aan Winarno, Isti Wahyuningsih, Dame Peto B., Rima F. Adiati, Gde Panji W., Rizky Diwiyastra, M. Syafiq, Diana M Purpose of the meeting: - Preparation for new ITS SPIE Student Chapter structure - Management chapter : Annual activity report Agenda with report: The agenda for the meeting was: - Updating new membership Discussion about Officer Travel Grant Preparation for new ITS SPIE Student Chapter Structure After discussion between all officer and members, we discussed about activity plan that is not implemented. There are Visit Campus and Visit Company. Then, this program will be implemented on may 2015 and will be implemented with new structure. Visit campus is planed to Tecnobiomedic laboratory and Visit companies will be implemented in PT.TELKOM, Surabayawhich is the biggest optical fiber company in East Java. It is formed on april after all senior member graduate. the new member will serve to be officers and head of department that is formed after new officers notified. There are four member who is fresh graduate. The number of ITS SPIE Student Chapter is 32 members (8 old members, 24 new members). Management Chapter The deadline of annual activity report is june 2015. It will be maked by old structure and new structure because the selection of new structure on April 2015 or before deadline of handover all annual report. Then, we discuss about the candidate of member who will Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id register SPIE Officer Travel Grants for Optics+Photonics Conference 2015. The result of candidate will be discussed again with advisor. Documentation : Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Minute/report made by: Fradita Aan Winarno Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id MEETING REPORT Time and date: April 16th 2015, 4.00 – 6.00 PM Place: Photonics Engineering Laboratory, Engineering Physics Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Participants: Siti Sulikhah, Ika Novitasari, Putria, Putri Yeni Aisyah, Vinda Dwi Dini Putri, Dame Peto B., Rima F. Adiati, Gde Panji W., Rizky Diwiyastra, M. Syafiq, Diana M., Elox, Az-Zahro, Ahmad Fanani, Safarani R., Winona A, Alvin Daviza P., Annisa Judya, Febrilia R. Purpose of the meeting: - Selection of new President ITS SPIE Student Chapter Agenda with report: The agenda for the meeting was: - Discussion for new officers Selection of New President ITS SPIE Student Chapter The election process is began by president SPIE Student Chapter for 2014-2015, then we discussed about the candidates who have spirit and willingness to be next president. They are 7 candidates and explain their vision and mission, preference, daily activity, and their innovation for developt our chapter. Other members can ask for all candidates about new activity plan for next stewardship. After a long discussion, the president is notified. She is Putria Budiarti who gets officer travel grant for Photonics West 2015. Other officers will be elected by new president, then the officers will plan the timeline for new activity plan and other department that is support the student chapter. Documentation : Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Minute/report made by: Fradita Aan Winarno Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id FINANCIAL INFORMATION Operating Funds Available as of 13 August 2014 $500 OPERATING EXPENSES : Open Recruitmen New Member National Guest Lecture Program Campus Fair Publication of Optics and Photonics Field Visit Campus Photo-Optical Instrumentation Practicum Total Operating Expenses $400 Operating Funds Balance Available as of 5th June 2015 $100 $62,5 $125 $50 $50 $50 $62,5 Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id LIST OF STUDENT CHAPTER MEMBER SPIE ITS (2015-2016) No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Name Putria Widya Budiarti Rizky Diwyastra Rima F Adiati Diana M Muhammad Syafiq Az-zahro Dame Peto M B Putri Yeni A Syafri F Elox Yakob Christoper Ahmad Fanani Arif Rachmat H M Reza Zulfan Safarani R Nur Hasanah Azka Winona A Alvin Daviza P Position President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Research and Project Student Development Communication and Information Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Justian Pujianto Ryan Rizky P Annisa Judya Fianti Femmilia D Gde Panji W Febrilia R Fitri Rahmah Member Member Member Member Member Member Member NEXT ACTIVITY PLAN SPIE ITS Student Chapter (2015-2016) No 1 Activity Open Recruitment New Member Explanation Date : September, 2015 Description: Roadshow for Socialization about SPIE Student Chapter and Open for Recruitmrnt with Interview Test 2 National Guest Lecture Program Date : May, 2016 Description: Give an industrial lecturer from optical company (not spesific company has to be choosen) 3 International Guest Lecture Program Date : August, 2015 Description: We use VLP facility to arrange international seminar from Prof. Azzedine Boudrioua 4 Visit Companies Date : December, 2015 Description: We want to continue activity before which didn’t carried out 5 Society Gathering Date: Sept, 2015 Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Description: Relax and fun meeting with all of student chapter member and welcome party new member 6 Visit Campus Date : February, 2016 Description: We want to share with other department which related about optics and photonics area and introduce SPIE ITS Student Chapter 7 Photo-Optical Instrumentation Practicum Date : May, 2016 Description: Student Final project Competition from Engineering Physics Dept, ITS, about Photonics System 8 Science Project Date: Sept, 2015-April, 2016 Description: Student Chapter Activity to make fun stuff or research project related to optical design, device, metology optics, image processing, spectroscopy, and network and communication. 9 Workshop for Student Date: January, 2016 Description: We want to use Optics Outreach Kit to give some workshop for high school student to introduce about optics and photonics. Laboratorium Rekayasa Fotonika Jurusan Teknik FisikaFakultas Teknologi Industri Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya Ruang E-102 Kampus Teknik Fisika FTI ITS Surabaya 60111 Email: spie.sc.its@gmail.com Fanpage: SPIE ITS Student Chapter Website: www.spie-sc.its.ac.id Surabaya, 5th June 2015 Submitted by : Verified by : Siti Sulikhah President Dr.rer.nat. Aulia Nasution SPIE ID#: 3294043, Advisor
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