OANHSS Newsletter


OANHSS Newsletter
AUGUST 11, 2015
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July 2015
Upcoming Events
Long Term Care Funding & Reporting
September 22, 2015
Universal EventSpace, Woodbridge
Measuring Up: Cost & Quality in Long
Term Care
October 15, 2015
Pearson Convention Centre, Brampton
2015 Fall Administrator Leadership
October 18-23, 2015
Novotel Hotel, North York
Long Term Care Governance and
November 22-23, 2015
Westin Prince, Toronto
See page 9-10 for more details on events or
visit the Education section of the
OANHSS website.
OANHSS Promotes Sector Expertise in Capacity
Planning Discussion with Associate Deputy Minister
OANHSS recently met with the Associate Deputy Minister, Sharon Lee Smith, to
get a better understanding of where the province is going in the area of
capacity planning and how various players in the system could participate as the
province moves forward.
OANHSS recommended the expertise of the seniors’ services sector in the
Ministry’s work to ensure better planning and to generate a more fulsome
range of potential solutions from a provider perspective. We highlighted several
models of innovation by long term care providers and noted that in some areas,
such as looking outside the traditional bricks and mortar of long term care, we
need the assistance of the government to cross silos and break down barriers.
In reimagining the system, with a greater flow of people in and out of care,
there may be a need to develop new linkages to a variety of housing programs
and services. We encouraged the government to revisit the issue of moving
people though continuums of care as an example.
Though it is early days for Smith and her team as it considers its planning
approaches and considerations of models, there was a strong willingness to
work with our sector, not just in broad capacity planning but looking at how to
accommodate seniors with dementia in the future, from the perspective of
service delivery and also redevelopment.
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Government Relations
OANHSS to Participate on Ontario’s
Dementia and Alzheimer’s Strategy
Advisory Group
Indira Naidoo-Harris, parliamentary assistant to Health
and Long-Term Care Minister, Eric Hoskins, is leading
the development of a framework for Alzheimer’s and
dementia care in Ontario. An advisory group of
stakeholders has been established and OANHSS invited
to participate on the Committee which has its first
meeting the end of July.
One of the primary reasons the government is
developing a dementia strategy is the fact that
individuals and their families living with dementia
struggle to navigate when, how, and where to access
services. Advice on priorities, objectives and processes
for developing the Strategy and its associated
recommendations for action are the main areas for the
group to discuss.
This Strategy is a key deliverable of the Ministry’s
Patients First: Action plan for Health Care.
First Wave of Nurse Practitioners
Being Allocated to LTC Homes
OANHSS was pleased to recently share with members
that Ministry funding for the first 30 attending nurse
practitioners (NPs) will flow late this summer or early
fall. The Ministry will be announcing rounds of funding
to create up to the 75 NPs promised in subsequent
funding years.
The Provincial Chief Nursing Officer, Kaiyan Fu issued a
memorandum to the sector with details regarding the
allocation methodology that will be used by LHIN leads
and the Ministry to place the first 30 NPs.
meant to potentially guide consistent implementation
of the additional NPs in long term care homes.
Members with comments or questions are encouraged
to contact Kathryn Pilkington, Director of Professional
Services and Health Policy (ext. 244).
TSSA to Start Inspections in LTC and
Retirement Homes
The Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA)
will soon begin inspections of fuel-burning equipment
in select long term care homes and retirement homes.
Letters have recently been issued by TSSA to all long
term care homes and retirement homes in the province
highlighting the start of the program.
The inspections will focus on safety risks associated
with fuel-fired equipment such as kitchen appliances,
clothes dryers, HVAC equipment, and stand-by
generators. It is anticipated that 50 LTC homes and
retirement homes will be inspected.
OANHSS will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, August
20 from 1:30 to 2:30 where TSSA will provide an
overview of the inspection process including
scheduling, what they will be looking for during an
inspection, and what organizations can do to ensure
compliance ahead of time.
To register for the webinar, contact Connie Canavan
(ext. 234).
For questions or more information on the TSSA
inspections, contact Jeffrey Graham, Director of Public
Policy (ext. 237).
Last summer, when the NPs were first announced,
OANHSS shared a draft role description that proposed
NPs split their time between direct care (70%) and
research, education and leadership activities (30%).
The template role, which we helped to develop, was
Action Update
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Government Relations
OANHSS Provides Comments on
2016-19 LSAA
things, conduct research and analysis on a
specified innovative research question(s).
Development of the 2016-19 LSAA is now underway.
At a recent LSAA Advisory Committee meeting,
OANHSS presented feedback, comments and proposed
revisions to the 2013-16 Agreement which will be used
as the basis for developing the new Agreement.
Many of OANHSS’ comments focused on the insurance
provisions of the LSAA based on concerns expressed by
members. Specific provisions in this area that were
highlighted as needing revision, or at a minimum a
thorough review, included the limitation of liability
clause and the indemnification provision; the
requirements to provide certificates of insurance; and
the requirement for providers to ensure all its
subcontractors have all the appropriate insurance and
have indemnified certain parties.
2. Evidence for Practice (E4P)
These projects will have a duration of up to 12
months and could receive a maximum of
$60,000 per proposal. Eligible projects under
this stream will develop completed research into
practical applications in the workplace.
The primary focus of the Research Opportunity Program
is prevention of workplace injuries and the priorities for
this particular call are as follows:
The Association’s comments will be considered and
responded to at the next meeting which is scheduled to
take place in September.
MOL Research Opportunities
The Ministry of Labour announced a call for research
proposals under the Ministry’s Research Opportunities
Eligible applicants can include not-for-profit
organizations with the capacity and ability to
conduct research. Applicants can also include a
consortia of eligible institutions which include colleges
and universities, hospitals, not-for-profit research
institutions. See the ROP Guidelines for specific
eligibility details.
Hazards the result in occupational injuries,
diseases or fatalities.
Occupational health and safety improvements in
small businesses.
Occupational health and safety of most
vulnerable workers.
Promoting a culture of health and safety.
Exposure and prevention of occupational
An information session will be held on August 6. To
participate in this conference call, register by emailing
researchgrants@ontario.ca no later than July 29.
Further details about the session will be provided once
you register.
The deadline for applying to both these grant
opportunities is October 9.
The two opportunities for research funding are:
1. Research for the Workplace (R4W)
Eligible projects for this opportunity are 12-24
months in duration and can receive up to
$150,00 annually (or up to $300,000 per
proposal). These projects will, among other
Action Update
July 2015
AUGUST 11, 2015
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Government Relations
LTC Home Renewal Strategy – Member
Community Forum and Other
A new forum for has been established in the OANHSS
Member Community devoted to LTC home
redevelopment. In this forum, members are invited to
share their experiences, compare projects and ask
specific questions related to their own redevelopment
plans with other OANHSS members who might also be
making plans to redevelop their homes or who may
have already undertaken a redevelopment project.
The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC)
has refreshed its LTC Home Redevelopment website.
The website contains the latest updates and
information with respect to the government’s renewal
strategy as well as the relevant policies, manuals and
presentation decks from the recent education sessions.
The Ministry also issued the latest renewal strategy
newsletter. This is a monthly newsletter issued to the
sector that contains relevant information and updates
as the sector moves forward with redevelopment.
Specific questions or comments related to long term
care home redevelopment may be directed to Jeffrey
Graham, Director of Public Policy (ext. 237).
Ministry Memorandum with Messaging
Regarding Anti-Psychotic Medications
At the end of last month, OANHSS directed members to
a memorandum issued by the Associate Minister of
Health and Long-Term Care, Dipika Damerla, regarding
the use of anti-psychotic medications in long term care
homes. Through this memorandum the government is
conveying a strong message to the sector that it views
as a high priority the need to ensure anti-psychotic
medications are appropriately prescribed.
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(QIPs) and the Appropriate Prescribing Demonstration
Project. Damerla specifically asks those long term care
homes (20%) that have not yet done so, to identify in
their QIP that they will target improvement work in this
area and asks homes to re-submit the QIP by August
31. In addition, Damerla has requested that all long
term care physicians voluntarily participate in the
Appropriate Prescribing Demonstration Project so that
they benefit from detailed and confidential practice
OANHSS will continue to support its members in the
area of quality improvement, generally, and with
respect to this important issue. Members with
comments or questions are encouraged to contact
Kathryn Pilkington, Director of Professional Services and
Health Policy.
Sector News
Pilot Project for Sites with
Internationally Educated Nurses
OANHSS has shared with members an opportunity to
partner with CARE Centre to be a potential pilot site for
the implementation of their Workplace Transition
Program (WTP) for internationally educated nurses
(IENs) or some of the WTP components.
OANHSS participates on the WTP Advisory Committee
at CARE Centre to provide advice on the design, pilot
implementation, and evaluation of their WTP. While full
details of the program are found in the CARE flyer, the
program is provided to support the smooth and
effective integration of IENs within Ontario workplaces.
Members who are familiar with the Nursing Career
OrIENtation (NCO) initiative of the Ministry of Health
and Long-term Care may recognize the CARE Centre as
being a partner to that initiative by offering support to
employers’ efforts in the transition of IENs.
Members interested in the program should contact
Hossein Khalili of the Care Centre by email at
In her memo, Associate Minister Damerla references
key strategies underway to support appropriate
prescribing; specifically, Quality Improvement Plans
Action Update
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News from the Centres for Learning, Research
and Innovation in Long-Term Care
In 2011, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care developed the Ontario Centres for Learning,
Research and Innovation (CLRI) in Long-Term Care located at Bruyère, Baycrest and Schlegel. The
Ontario CLRIs will contribute toward enhancing the quality of care in the long-term care sector through
education, research, innovation, evidence-based service delivery and knowledge transfer; and by
facilitating collaboration between researchers, educators, LTC home personnel and other practitioners in
the development, adoption and continuous improvement of evidence-based practices that increase
efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and quality of care. A regular feature of Action Update will be an
update on the initiatives of the three CLRIs.
Longitudinal Examination of Triggers and Prevention of Responsive
Behaviours in LTC
r. Annie Robitaille, a recent
post-doctoral fellow with
the Bruyère CLRI,
completed a two-year longitudinal
study that examined the various
triggers of responsive behaviours
(RBs) using health administration
data and state-of-the art statistical
methods of longitudinal data
analysis to follow individuals from
primary care to LTC. Other studies,
most of which are cross-sectional,
can only offer a “snapshot” of the
between RBs and other variables at
one point in time. These studies do
not examine the trajectory of RBs
over time or the potential interplay
between changes in RBs and
changes in other variables.
Dr. Robitaille’s first study examined
the association between cognitive
functioning and RBs: i) upon entry
to LTC, ii) over time (2.5 years),
and iii) at specific occasions in
cognitive functioning and RBs
using a multivariate latent growth
curve model. The study included
RAI-MDS data at admission and
every three months for a period of
2.5 years (11 time points) for 16,804
older adults in Ontario LTC homes
who ranged from 65 to 109 years of
age and who were diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s or dementia other than
Action Update
Alzheimer’s disease. Using the same
RAI-MDS data, Dr. Robitaille’s
second study examined the longitudinal relationship between responsive behaviours and variables such
as depression, social engagement,
pain and
activities of daily living.
Results from her studies include:
responsive behaviours tend to
increase upon entry to LTC
followed by a deceleration in
later time points;
at entry to LTC, individuals
with higher cognitive
impairment also exhibited more
responsive behaviours; and,
older adults with a greater
number of depressive
symptoms exhibited more
behaviours (compared to
Full results are currently in press.
Other analysis is ongoing. This
research provides novel empirical
evidence that has the potential to:
ease transitions to LTC by
helping families better
understand and manage triggers
of responsive behaviours during
times of transition
July 2015
help health care planners and
service operators to pro-actively
plan for public health programs
and initiatives that manage and
prevent responsive behaviours
during transitions to and in LTC
and potentially delay entry to
help health care planners
identify and monitor trends in
behaviours to inform public
health policy
help LTC homes to develop
programs and targeted
interventions to prevent and
manage behaviours
help LTC staff develop care
strategies for addressing
cognitive decline and managing
responsive behaviours, and
adjust care plans accordingly
As peer reviewed articles are
published they will be posted on
Minimum Data Set (MDS) and
Continuing Care Reporting System
(CCRS) developed by InterRAI.
AUGUST 11, 2015
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OMA CEO Announcement
residents not participating on a council.
The Ontario Medical Association (OMA) has announced
the appointment of Tom Magyarody as the new CEO,
effective August 31. Most recently Tom was CEO of the
Ontario Dental Association. He had previously been
with the OMA as Executive Director, Corporate Affairs
and Administration.
Registration Open for CLRI
Conference - November 9 to 10, 2015
Registration is now open for Building Momentum for
Long-Term Care, a conference by the Ontario Centres
for Learning, Research and Innovation (CLRI). The
conference will be held from November 9 to 10 in
Ottawa and is hosted by the Bruyère CLRI.
The two-day event will include a combination of
keynote and plenary speakers, concurrent sessions,
skill-building workshops and posters.
Additional details on the program and sessions will be
made available over the summer and on the conference
website at www.clri-ltc.ca/conference.
Families participating on a council, and families
not participating on a council.
Council staff (the staff assistant to the Council)
and / or Administrators.
The surveys have overlapping themes and questions
related to characteristics of the long term care home,
staff learning and development, interactions and
relationships, roles, communication, engagement,
available resources, funding, and impact.
OANHSS sits on a steering committee for this project
and has agreed to partner with the Change Foundation
because this initiative provides our members with an
opportunity to contribute in meaningful way to research
that aims to improve the experience and impact of
Ontario’s LTC Councils by way of an actionable and
informative end-product(s).
Members with questions may contact Kathryn
Pilkington, Director of Professional Services and Health
Association News
Research & Resources
LTC Residents’ and Family Councils
Research Project
OANHSS has previously shared with members that we
have partnered with the Change Foundation, along
with other stakeholders, on a research project that aims
to better understand the role, functioning, impact and
leading practices of Ontario long term care (LTC)
Residents’ and Family Councils.
Most recently, we notified member homes that the first
phase of the project, the survey phase, is now
underway and asked homes to encourage participation.
Specifically, the Change Foundation will be administering three broadly distributed online and paper-based
surveys for:
Residents participating on a council, and
11. C.13 - CW INFO
Labour Relations Update Released
The third edition of the Hicks Morley’s Labour Relations
Update, Spring 2015 edition, a special publication
exclusively for OANHSS members, is now available. The
“Update” provides great short articles showing the
outcome of employer decisions, what has worked well
and what has not. We trust that this intelligence will
contribute to successful human resource management
and bargaining for all member homes.
This edition features sections covering notable
arbitration awards, labour relations developments,
legislative developments, government consultation
updates and a summary of collective bargaining
outcome statistics.
The Labour Relations Update is intended to be a
semi-annual publication.
Action Update
AUGUST 11, 2015
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Webinar Proceedings Now Available –
Carter Case and Physician- Assisted
We are advising members that the proceedings from
this week’s OANHSS webinar on the implications of the
Carter v. Canada (Attorney General), 2015 SCC 5
(Carter Case) and physician-assisted dying for the long
term care sector are available for purchase in CD
format through our website (includes slide deck,
presentation and discussion).
The feedback from this timely session was very positive
– it provided valuable insights, information and
engaging discussion from the legal and ethical
perspectives of our two presenters (Mary Jane
Dykeman, partner, Dykeman Dewhirst O’Brien LLP and
Dr. Kerry Bowman, bioethicist, University of Toronto).
Delegates of the OANHSS session will know that the
Supreme Court of Canada declared as invalid the
sections of the Criminal Code that prohibited physicianassisted suicide, but suspended their declaration for 12
months so that Parliament could, if it wishes, introduce
legislation that reflects the Carter Decision.
For this reason, OANHSS will be hosting a follow-up
webinar in February to update members on the current
environment, how to implement the Decision in the
Carter Case and to share intelligence on what, if any,
parliamentary action was taken over the last 12
Note – webinar participants receive a copy of the CD
via mail as part of registration.
Gluten Free Diets - July Issue of
OANHSS Nutrition Article Released
We are pleased to announce the release of the July
issue of our series of nutrition articles. The article titled
Gluten Intolerance, was written by Carol Donovan, RD
and President of Seasons Care Inc. and provides an
overview of hot weather risks and provides tips for
food safety.
Action Update
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Earlier editions in this series focused on hot weather
protocols, improving food and fluid intake, trends in
food service, and healthy eating for caregivers.
Subsequent topics will look at safe feeding techniques,
what the Resident Quality Inspection tells us about
dietary services, aging and obesity in long term care,
fiber and pleasurable dining.
Earlier this spring, OANHSS announced its partnership
with Seasonscare Dietitian Network to provide
members with a series of nutrition articles specific to
long term care. These articles are posted in the
Resource Centre of the OANHSS website.
Follow Us on Twitter
OANHSS is spreading the word
about the good news happening in
member organizations on our
Twitter account. Be sure to follow all the latest updates
on twitter.com/oanhss. You can also send us your
Twitter handle, and we’ll follow you!
You can purchase archived
sessions of OANHSS webinars
in CD format through our website.
 End of Social Housing Operating Agreements
 Physician-Assisted Suicide: Understanding the
Carter v. Canada Decision
 LTC in the Facebook Era: Social
Media, Privacy and Cyber-Liability
 Going on Camera: Video Surveillance in LTC
 Personal Health Information Protection
 Understanding Privacy Laws in Long Term Care
July 2015
To order, visit our publications page or
contact Diana Zampolin at (905) 851-8821
ext. 231 or dzampolin@oanhss.org.
AUGUST 11, 2015
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Member News
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Member Position Announcements
Bernard Bouchard, Executive Director
Maxville Manor
Maxville, ON
New Members
Marie Brady, Director, Information Systems and
Rainycrest Long Term Care
Fort France, ON
Damon Industries Canada (Ltd.)
Nick Sacco
14-225 Bradwick Drive
Concord, ON L4K 1K7
Tel: (905) 660-9989
Email: nsacco@damon-ca.com
Web: www.fruitful-ca.com
100% fruit juices, hydration products, coffee
Brent Kerwin, Administrator
Strathmere Lodge
Strathroy, ON
Fort Solutions Group
Darryl Galusha, CEO
1036 3rd Street East
Fort Frances, ON P9A 1S4
Tel: (807) 271-1222
Email: fortsolutionsgroup@gmail.com
Web: www.fortsolutionsgroup.com
Fort Solutions Group offers a broad range of consulting
services for health service providers, business
organizations, First Nation communities and the
community sector. Providing real solutions, a rethink of
strategies and real results.
Denise Rousseau-Pistilli, Executive Director
Saint-Louis Residence Community Services
Orleans, ON
Sandy Viana-Tavares, Acting Administrator
Peel Manor
Brampton, ON
OANHSS Staff Contacts
Looking for information on a specific topic? Use the following staff list to contact the appropriate person:
Government Relations
LTC Homes Legislation & Policy
Professional Care Team/Resident Care
Financial Policy
Public Policy
Communications/Media Relations
Housing/Supportive Housing
Member Services/Programs
Convention/Administrator Leadership Program
Newsletter Advertising
Website Passwords
Donna Rubin ext. 230
Kathryn Pilkington ext. 244
Kathryn Pilkington ext. 244
Dan Buchanan ext. 229
Jeffrey Graham ext. 237
Dan Buchanan ext. 229
Debbie Humphreys ext. 233
Jeffrey Graham ext. 237
Chris Noone ext. 253
Stuart Sweeney ext. 240
Nina Zivkovic ext. 246
Nina Zivkovic ext. 246
Ellen Maracle-Benton (905) 404-9545
Action Update
AUGUST 11, 2015
Tuesday September 22, 2015
Universal EventSpace
Members: $235
Non Members: $338
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Thursday October 15, 2015
Pearson Convention Centre
on LTC
Members: $235
Non Members: $338
OANHSS is pleased to offer a full-day session on long
term care funding and financial management. This is
the only education of its kind that focuses specifically
on the funding environment in Ontario’s long term care
sector. This annual workshop is designed for those who
are new to long term care financial management or
looking to enhance their knowledge. This introductory
to intermediate level workshop will take an in-depth
look at how long term care funding currently works and
the directions for change.
Complete the online registration form and email to
OANHSS or print the registration form and mail or fax
For more information contact Valerie Villella at
vvillella@oanhss.org or at 905-851-8821, ext. 228.
Action Update
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on LTC
OANHSS is pleased to offer a full-day session on the
relationship between cost and quality in long term care.
This workshop is designed for experienced financial
professionals, administrators and CEOs, who will learn
about some of the more complex challenging topics
around indicators, data quality and budgeting in
different long term care environments. Participants will
also hear from a panel of OANHSS members on
different budgeting processes in large and small
municipal and charitable/not-for-profit long term care
Complete the online registration form and email to
OANHSS or print the registration form and mail or fax
For more information contact Valerie Villella at
vvillella@oanhss.org or at 905-851-8821, ext. 228.
July 2015
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October 18-23, 2015
Novotel Hotel, North York
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Code White Webinar
Fall 2015
Long Term Care Governance
and Leadership
November 22-23, 2015
Westin Prince, Toronto
We are now accepting applications for the fall 2015
Administrator Leadership Program taking place from
October 18-23, 2015. The application form is now
available online and the full brochure will be available
in the coming weeks.
Details coming soon!
The OANHSS Administrator Leadership Program meets
the regulatory requirements for administrators of 100
hours of educational programming in long term care
administration or management.
Full details in the
LTC Careers
area at
We encourage you to share details of this program with
appropriate people in your organization. The program
sells out annually. Don’t delay!
Marketplace is an employment service for
members that offers cost-effective, targeted
advertising of positions in two formats:
For more information, contact Valerie Villella at (905)
851-8821 ext. 228.
1. Broadcast Email - same day distribution
2. Web posting - in LTC careers area of the
OANHSS website
The program is exclusively sponsored by
For more information, contact Olga Jimenez at
(905) 851-8821 x 200 or marketplace@oanhss.org.
Connect. Collaborate. Share
Network with fellow professionals in a secure online
environment. To get started, visit www.oanhss.org, log in to
the member area, and click on the Member Community logo.
Watch Your Inbox for the
Member Community Digest
Sent every Monday, the Member Community Digest provides highlights of activity on the forums and in the library of the
OANHSS Member Community and offers helpful tips on how to use the Community’s many tools to connect,
collaborate and share with peers. For more information, please contact Chris Noone, Manager of Communications
and Member Services, at cnoone@oanhss.org.
Action Update
AUGUST 11, 2015
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OLTCP Long Term Care Medical Director
Other Events
Excellence in Resident Centred Care (ERCC)
Trainer Course
September 3, 2015 – Kitchener, ON
September 11, 2015 – Hamilton, ON
October 16, 2015 – London, ON
October 23, 2015 – Brantford, ON
November 12, 2015 – Mississauga, ON
November 13, 2015 – Toronto, ON
February 16, 2016 – Sarnia, ON
February 17, 2016 – Windsor, ON
This Conestoga College course is 24 hours in length. It
is made up of 16 hours of online instruction and an 8
hour in-class workshop. The ERCC Trainer is a person
from your organization who, once they complete the
course, will become qualified to facilitate onsite ERCC
for PSW training with your PSWs - in the comfort and
convenience of your workplace. For more information,
or to register, visit the RIA website.
2015 CHA Learning Continuing Education
Webinar Series
September 17, 2015 - Webinar 3: Healthy Food
Strategies – Reshaping our institutional food
November 5, 2015 - Webinar 4: The Layered Menu:
Giving Patients a Voice
This four part webinar series was developed in
partnership with the Dietitians of Canada Food Service
Management Network Group. Who should attend: CHA
Learning is offering a series of interactive webinars for
2015 to support Food Service and Nutrition Managers,
Registered Dietitians and other health professionals
with an interest in food service operations and nutrition
care. Leaders in Food and Nutrition Management and
related fields will present on a variety of topics relevant
to food and nutrition professionals. The goal of the
Webinars is to offer enriching continuing education
experiences and provide practical food and nutrition
strategies that can be easily implemented within your
healthcare facility. For more information or to register,
visit the webinar event website.
Action Update
11. C.13 - CW INFO
September 19 & 20, 2015 - 14 Mainpro‐C Credits Block 1: The Regulatory Environment (Ontario specific)
September 18, 2015 & January 29, 2016 - Block 2: LTC
Physicians’ Quality Improvement
January 30 & 31, 2016 - 12 Mainpro‐C Credits - Block
3: Leadership & Risk Management
Doubletree Hilton Downtown, Toronto
This three part curriculum is designed for both
experienced Medical Directors in Long Term Care, and
for Physicians who may take on the Medical Director
role in the future. Block 2, LTC Physicians’ Quality
Improvement, is open to Medical Directors, Attending
Physicians, Pharmacists and Nurse Practitioners
working in Long Term Care. For more information, or to
register, contact Ellen Maracle‐Benton at
(905) 404‐9545 or ellen@eventsinsinsync.com.
Regional Geriatric Program
September 24-25, 2015
Royal Botanical Gardens, Burlington
For health care professionals working with the elderly
and strongly recommended for staff who are new to the
field of geriatric care. Participants will enhance clinical
knowledge of the unique needs of the elderly, including
those with complex health problems, increase clinical
knowledge of common geriatric syndromes and
principles of care, acquire the skills necessary to
perform an in-depth multidimensional geriatric
assessment and improve understanding of who may
benefit from specialized geriatric services. For more
information, or to register, contact Anisha Patel at
(905) 777-3837 x 12436 or patelani@hhsc.ca or visit
the event website.
Music Care Webinar Series
Summer 2015
The Music Care Webinar Series will host special guest
lectures on cutting-edge Music Care topics. The
webinars are 60 minutes, include Q&A, and take place
live, online. Webinars are free of charge and are held
the second Wednesday of the month from 3:30 PM 4:40 PM. For more information, or to register, visit the
Room 217 website or contact Jane Twohey at (905)
852-2499 or jtwohey@room217.ca.
July 2015
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Elder Abuse Ontario Provincial Conference –
Aging Well: Different Perspectives
November 2-4, 2015
International Plaza Hotel, Toronto
This event offers Provincial, National and
International-based individuals, researchers, academics
and service providers from a broad spectrum of sectors
and disciplines, the opportunity to showcase
innovations, project development, research findings,
strategies and best practices, in the context of Aging
Well and Mitigating Elder Abuse. EAO is currently
accepting abstracts for their provincial conference. The
deadline to submit is March 20, 2015. Please email
your submission to admin@elderabuseontario.com or
download the complete call for abstracts here.
CLRI Long Term Care Conference: Building
Momentum for Long Term Care
November 9-10, 2015
Ottawa, ON
An exciting opportunity to discover, learn, connect and
share as we work together to improve the quality of
care provided to long-term care residents and plan for
the future of long-term care. For more information,
contact Katarina Dunham at kdunham@bruyere.org or
by phone at (613) 562-6262 x 2539.
Share Your Good News Stories
We know there are many great things happening in
members’ homes that can get overshadowed by
negative media coverage. OANHSS is working hard
to profile these good news stories. Member
Spotlight articles are featured in Action Update,
which we share with government, consumer groups
and other stakeholders. We also post the articles in
the public area of our website.
Featured members receive additional copies to
share with their local media, boards/councils, and
resident and family councils.
Simply submit your story ideas and OANHSS does all
the work. We will interview key staff involved in the
program/initiative and prepare the article.
To share your idea, contact Chris Noone at
905-851-8821 ext. 253 or cnoone@oanhss.org.
New on the Web
July 8, 2015: OANHSS Website Survey - Reminder
July 7, 2015: OANHSS Management Support and Consulting Service Survey
July 7, 2015: Reminder: Member Webinar July 14 - End of Social Housing Operating Agreements
July 6, 2015: Screening & Other Control Measures for MERS-CoV – Repeat Webinar
June 30, 2015: OANHSS Website Refresh – What Would You Like to See Added/Changed
June 18, 2015: Labour Relations Update for Members
June 10, 2015: CIHI Opens Public Reporting Website to the Public
Action Update
AUGUST 11, 2015
Action Update
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July 2015
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AUGUST 11, 2015
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For advertising opportunities, contact Nina Zivkovic at (905) 851-8821 ext. 246 or email nzivkovic@oanhss.org.
Action Update is distributed for information purposes only. The Ontario Association of Non-Profit Homes and Services for Seniors (OANHSS) is not engaged in rendering legal or other
professional advice. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought.
This document is copyright protected by OANHSS and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written approval of OANHSS.
© Copyright 2015 OANHSS
Action Update