CCAC Update
CCAC Update
NSM LHIN/LTCH Summit NSM CCAC Placement Improvements May 2016 Objectives • Update on work done since last LHIN/LTCH Summit • Highlights of Placement Improvements in 2015/16 • Waitlist information • Initiatives planned for 2016/17 • LTC and Crisis Algorithms LHIN/LTCH Summit Fall 2015 • Feedback from LTCH/LHIN Summit that the behavioural assessments coming from CCAC did not always provide a good picture of the patient • Recognition from LTC that caregivers don’t always disclose behaviours because of fear that they won’t get accepted CCAC/LTC Task Group Objectives: • Improve the quality of information being sent to LTC regarding patients with behaviours • Develop messaging for CCAC staff when having the conversation regarding behaviours to support full disclosure from families regarding behaviours CCAC/LTC Working Group • • • • • • • • • • Stephanie Walpole-Villa Care Centre Debbie Emmerton-Villa Care Centre Amanda Belanger-Creedan Valley Care Centre Pam Weibe-Coleman Care Centre Natalie Kidner-PRC Maureen O-Connell-PRC Zina Thompson-Wendat Ann Gordon-CCAC Cheryl Thurley-CCAC Kathy Wolfer-CCAC Changes to the Tool • Included guidelines on form • Changed language to be less negative and more person centred • Added cues to elicit more information • Added BSS Resources Revised Behavioural Assessment Tool Education Sessions • CCAC Care Coordinators involved in the Placement • Waypoint SW’s who complete the Tool • LTCH’s-Regional LTCH meeting April 2016 PIECES Review PRC’s provided a high level overview of the PIECES Framework to use when completing the Behavioural Assessment Tool Messaging to Caregivers • Provided education to CCAC staff about how to normalize the discussion with caregivers regarding responsive behaviours • LTCH must have accurate information to ensure the safety of the patient and other residents • LTCH’s are trained to provide an environment to support people with responsive behaviours • Behavioural Support Resources provide support to LTCH’s meet these goals • Goal is to support patients to live well in the community and eventually transition successfully to LTC Placement Highlights 2015/16 Short Stay Respite • Implemented the SSR e-Referral • Developed SSR guidelines to guide booking practice following a survey of 17 patients/caregivers • Developed SSR Information Sheet for completion by families regarding specific care needs of patient Smoking Assessment • Revised to include e-cigarettes/marijuana • Seeing an increase in LTC applicants who are using marijuana and the challenges that LTCH’s have in accommodating this (prescribing physician, different forms of marijuana, safety) External Communication Wizard • Sharing of Placement Documentation across CCAC’s using Health Partner Gateway (HPG) • Eliminate faxing-increase document clarity, reduce privacy breaches Standardized Naming of Placement documents • March 2016-all CCAC’s implemented standardized names for common placement forms • Improved clarity in communication provincially Implementation of e-forms for Placement documents April 2016 All Placement documents were converted from paper/manual to electronic Crisis Priority • Implemented the Provincial Crisis Priority Tool which ranks patients within the crisis category • Implemented an Exception Process if a patient has less than 3 choices as a Crisis Priority Updated Financial Counselling Resources • Received feedback from several LTCH’s that patients were arriving and not expecting to have to pay for LTC • Collaborated with the Collingwood Nursing Home to develop a more comprehensive resource for Care Coordinators to share with applicants Wait List Information •2219 patients waiting for LTC placement as of March 31, 2016 •473 in Secondary Placement (314 in region and 159 out of region) •70% basic accommodation •30% preferred Note: This does vary by areas within NSM region 20 Patients Served By Long Term Care Home Placement Services Clients Waiting for Long Term Care There has been an increase in the number of patients waiting for LTC through the year. *Count of Clients waiting taken on first day of the Month Count of Initial Long Term Care Home Placements from NSM Patients placed into long-term care who were in community or hospital in the NSM region. LTCH Placement Services 21 Patients Served By Long Term Care Home Placement Services Number of Crisis Placements from Community Generally, about 40% of crisis placements from community are to Barrie and area LTC homes, ranging from 32% of placements (July 2015) to 53% (May 2015). Long Term Care Home Rejections in NSM Region By Reason In 2015-2016, there were 88 Tier 1 rejections due to lack of physical , and 84 Tier 1 rejections due to lack of nursing expertise. LTCH Placement Services 22 Occupancy • 99.1 % Occupancy in September 2015 (99.3% September, 2014) • Provincial Average 99.2 % • Basic-99.2% (99.5 in Sept 2014) • SP-98.4% (97.9 in Sept 2014) • Private-99.1% (99.4 in Sept 2014 23 Initiatives for 2016/17 1. Health Assessment • • • • Outlier in the province related to the time from “application to eligibility” for LTC Delays in receiving completed Health Assessments Targeting education to Primary Care and enotification to prompt completion Suggest a Primary Care Metric-% completion of Health Assessments within 2 weeks of request Initiatives for 2016/17 2. Consent and Capacity • Two years ago, launched enhanced Consent/Capacity education using the CACE tool • Now building on this knowledge by developing an E-learning module and Quiz for Consent and Capacity for Care Coordinators Initiatives for 2016/17 3. Virtual Tours of LTCH’s • Partnering with Georgian College to have a student work on several projects during the summer • One project is to engage with interested LTCH’s in developing virtual tours to post on the nsmhealthline 26 Long-term Care Algorithms Provincial Assessment Solution Project: • CCAC’s moving to the new Inter-RAI Assessment Tools • Develop new evidence-informed tools to support clinical decision making in care planning • Promote consistent processes and equitable planning for LTC placement across CCAC’s 27 Long-term Care Algorithms 2 Algorithms Developed: 1. Appropriateness for Care • Classifies patients as “Appropriate” or “Not Appropriate” for LTC Placement • Replaces current Eligibility 2. Crisis • measure of a patient risk of imminent crisis placement • Stratifies patients into 5 categories 28 29 30 31 32 33 Key Messages • Technology and research is leading many of the process improvements within the Placement function provincially • CCAC is committed to collaborating with the Behavioural Support Task Group and LTC to further develop strategies to support patients with responsive behaviours • Waitlists for LTC is growing Questions?